Park City CSIP 2014-15 (updated June 2015) Park City Elementary School Barren County Anthony Janes, Principal Park City, KY 42160 Document Generated On May 19, 2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS Overview 1 Goals Summary 2 Goal 1: GAP Goal - Increase the average combined reading and math proficiency ratings for all students in the nonduplicated gap group from 32.7% in 2012 to 66.4% in 2017. (Long Term Delivery Target) 3 Goal 2: K-PREP Proficiency Goal - Increase the average combined reading and math K-PREP scores for elementary and middle school students from 38.5% to 69.3% in 2017. (Long Term Delivery Target) 5 Goal 3: Next Generation Professionals - Park City Elementary will implement PGES according to district CEP. The baseline data from the 14-15 school year will be used to set 2015-16 targets. 8 Goal 4: Program Review Goal-increase the Program Review scores to a minimum of proficient by 06/30/2017 as measured by 10% increase annually. 9 Goal 5: Kindergarten Readiness Goal-collaborate to increase the percentage of children ready (ready with enrichments and ready)for kindergarten from 20% in 2012 to 40% by 10/01/2016 as measured by Brigance. 10 Activity Summary by Funding Source 12 Progress Notes 16 Park City CSIP 2014-15 (updated June 2015) Park City Elementary School Overview Plan Name Park City CSIP 2014-15 (updated June 2015) Plan Description Progress Notes June 2015 Park City Elementary School © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 1 Park City CSIP 2014-15 (updated June 2015) Park City Elementary School Goals Summary The following is a summary of the goals encompassed in this plan. The details for each goal are available in the next section. # 1 2 3 4 5 Goal Name GAP Goal - Increase the average combined reading and math proficiency ratings for all students in the non-duplicated gap group from 32.7% in 2012 to 66.4% in 2017. (Long Term Delivery Target) K-PREP Proficiency Goal - Increase the average combined reading and math K-PREP scores for elementary and middle school students from 38.5% to 69.3% in 2017. (Long Term Delivery Target) Next Generation Professionals - Park City Elementary will implement PGES according to district CEP. The baseline data from the 14-15 school year will be used to set 2015-16 targets. Program Review Goal-increase the Program Review scores to a minimum of proficient by 06/30/2017 as measured by 10% increase annually. Kindergarten Readiness Goal-collaborate to increase the percentage of children ready (ready with enrichments and ready)for kindergarten from 20% in 2012 to 40% by 10/01/2016 as measured by Brigance. Goal Details Objectives:1 Strategies:5 Activities:11 Goal Type Organizational Total Funding $3500 Objectives:1 Strategies:4 Activities:8 Organizational $1900 Objectives:2 Strategies:3 Activities:6 Organizational $0 Objectives:1 Strategies:1 Activities:1 Organizational $500 Objectives:1 Strategies:1 Activities:1 Organizational $500 Park City Elementary School © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 2 Park City CSIP 2014-15 (updated June 2015) Park City Elementary School Goal 1: GAP Goal - Increase the average combined reading and math proficiency ratings for all students in the non-duplicated gap group from 32.7% in 2012 to 66.4% in 2017. (Long Term Delivery Target) This plan includes progress notes which are at the very end of this document Measurable Objective 1: collaborate to decrease the overall achievement gap at Park City School by increasing the average combined reading and math proficiency ratings for all students in the non-duplicated gap group from 34.3% to 52.9% by 05/30/2015 as measured by K-PREP scores. Strategy 1: RTI/KSI - Weekly to bi-weekly progress monitoring using aims web. Category: Activity - Monthly Connect Meetings Activity Type Begin Date End Date Monthly review of progress monitoring data for all students in Rti. Academic Support Program 08/01/2014 05/27/2016 Activity - Enrichment/Recovery Time Activity Type Begin Date End Date All teachers will utilize an enrichment/recovery time program for students who lack understanding of key concepts, skill, and relationships. Academic Support Program 08/01/2014 05/27/2016 Activity - RTI Placement Activity Type Begin Date End Date MAP data will be reviewed for RTI placement and progress. Academic Support Program 08/01/2014 05/27/2016 Resource Assigned $0 Source Of Funding No Funding Required Staff Responsible Teachers Rti Interventionist s Rti Data Coordinator Principal Resource Assigned $0 Source Of Funding No Funding Required Staff Responsible Principal, Teachers, RTI staff, Resource Assigned $0 Source Of Funding District Funding Staff Responsible Principal, counselor, teachers, RTI staff Strategy 2: Best Practice - A schoolwide focus on best practice will be put into place to ensure all students are held accountable to high standards. Category: Park City Elementary School © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 3 Park City CSIP 2014-15 (updated June 2015) Park City Elementary School Activity - Clear Expectations Activity Type Begin Date End Date A school wide focus on clear expectations will occur through: Using Walk-Through Process and periodically checking for Do Now's, I Can's, Exit slips and other forms of formative assessments and Higher level activities with a DOK of 3 or 4. Policy and Process 08/01/2014 06/01/2016 Activity - Teacher Reflection on Assessment Activity Type Begin Date End Date Teachers regularly reflect on their classroom practices, assessment analysis, and common core standards tracking. Academic Support Program 08/01/2014 05/27/2016 Resource Assigned $0 Source Of Funding No Funding Required Staff Responsible Principal, all staff Resource Assigned $0 Source Of Funding No Funding Required Staff Responsible Principal, teachers, CRT Resource Assigned $2500 Source Of Funding School Council Funds, District Funding Staff Responsible Principal, teachers, counselor Resource Assigned $0 Source Of Funding Other Staff Responsible Principal, teachers, staff Resource Assigned $0 Source Of Funding District Funding Staff Responsible teachers, principal, counselor, RTI staff Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsible Strategy 3: Technology - The use of technology will decrease barriers to learning and reduce our achievement gap. Category: Activity - Use of Technology Activity Type Begin Date End Date Assistive Technology software (Read, Write, Gold) will be available to accommodate both student with and without disabilities in reading and writing. This accommodation/modification will be documented in teacher lesson plans and utilized on a regular basis throughout the school year. Smart Boards will continue to be utilized on a regular basis. Academic Support Program 08/01/2014 05/27/2016 Activity - Technology Integration Activity Type Begin Date End Date All teachers will utilize various pieces of software to integrate technology into their curriculum. Examples include: Compass Learning, Xtramath, Accelerated Math and Read Write Gold. Technology 08/10/2012 05/29/2015 Strategy 4: Progress Monitoring - Data will be used to identify students in need of remediation and progress will be monitored. Category: Activity - MAP Data Activity Type Begin Date End Date MAP Data will be reviewed for RTI placement and progress as well as weekly (Tier 3 students) or bi weekly (Tier 2 students) being monitored through AIMS Web in grades k-2 and STAR 3-6. All tier 3 students will be monitored with AIMS web weekly. Academic Support Program 05/30/2014 05/27/2016 Activity - Analyze Student Work Activity Type Begin Date End Date Park City Elementary School © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 4 Park City CSIP 2014-15 (updated June 2015) Park City Elementary School Student work will be analyzed individually through monthly content meetings. Academic Support Program 05/30/2014 05/27/2016 $0 No Funding Required Principals, Teachers, CRT Strategy 5: Leader In Me Process - In the first year, our school will engage the entire staff in a shared vision of the greatness and leadership that are inherent in every child and adult. We will study the timeless, universal principles that allow people to realize their potential and we will make specific plans for implementing these principles in our school and classroom cultures. In addition, a universal language will be used based upon these principles of "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People." Category: Research Cited: The Leader in Me process is now being implemented in over 1000 schools worldwide. Schools are consistently reporting: Increases in students’ self-confidence, teamwork, initiative, creativity, leadership, problem-solving, communication, diversity awareness and academic performance Improved school culture Dramatic decreases in disciplinary issues Increased teacher pride and engagement Greater parent satisfaction and involvement Research Studies include, but are not limited to: Johns Hopkins University Case Studies Joseph Welsh Elementary, Alberta, Canada Harry Wong Writes About Staten Island School John C. Fremont Elementary Activity - Leader In Me Instruction Activity Type Begin Date End Date Direct Instruction of The 7 Habits of Happy Kids through student activity books in all grades, K-6. Academic Support Program 08/13/2013 06/01/2016 Activity - Leadership Notebooks Activity Type Begin Date End Date At grade level, students will track their own assessment data in graphical format and set individual learning goals based upon the data. Academic Support Program 09/17/2013 05/27/2016 Park City Elementary School © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned $500 Source Of Funding Grant Funds Staff Responsible Classroom Teachers Resource Assigned $500 Source Of Staff Funding Responsible General Fund Teachers Page 5 Park City CSIP 2014-15 (updated June 2015) Park City Elementary School Goal 2: K-PREP Proficiency Goal - Increase the average combined reading and math K-PREP scores for elementary and middle school students from 38.5% to 69.3% in 2017. (Long Term Delivery Target) This plan includes progress notes which are at the very end of this document Measurable Objective 1: collaborate to increase the average combined reading and math K-PREP scores to 57% at Park City School by 10/30/2015 as measured by 2015 K-PREP scores. Strategy 1: Research-Based Strategies for Under-Resourced Students - 1 Day PD in August for all staff. Category: Activity - PD-Research-Based Strategies Activity Type Begin Date End Date 1 Day PD on Research-Based Strategies Professional Learning 01/01/2014 08/07/2015 Resource Assigned $900 Source Of Funding Title I Part A Staff Responsible All Staff Resource Assigned $0 Source Of Funding No Funding Required Staff Responsible Principal, teachers, district CRTs Resource Assigned Source Of Funding Staff Responsible Strategy 2: Curriculum and Assessment - Park City will implement a rigorous, aligned curriculum. Category: Activity - Vertical and Horizontal Alignment Activity Type Begin Date End Date Vertical team/committee meetings to enhance vertical-horizontal alignment-elementary to middle and middle to high. Program Review implementation will be consistent with each individual program review action plan. See action plan for specifics. PD-Vertical-Horizontal Alignment (1-1.5 days) in addition to alignment that occurs during the school year. Teachers will meet quarterly during common planning times with Principal and CRT to work collaboratively to evaluate the curriculum and instructional practices. Common core Standard and CC tracking sheets will be utilized by all teachers. Academic Support Program 08/01/2013 07/29/2016 Activity - Teacher Best Practice Activity Type Begin Date End Date Park City Elementary School © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 6 Park City CSIP 2014-15 (updated June 2015) Park City Elementary School Teachers will increase their use of various forms of assessment (MC, Academic Projects, Constructed Response, Short Answer, Exit Slips etc) and Support formative assessment strategies. Teachers will post daily objectives in the Program form of I Can statements. Teachers will hold content meetings in order to design authentic common assessments. Disaggragation of data will occur during monthly meetings. Teachers will analyze student work during the monthly meetings using the Assessment Analysis form. 08/10/2012 05/29/2015 $0 No Funding Required Principal, Teachers, CRT Strategy 3: Differentiation - Our goal is to engage all students by using effective, varied and research based practices in all classroom to meet the changing needs of a diverse student population. Category: Activity - Inquiry Based Learning Activity Type Begin Date End Date Teachers will increase their use of inquiry lessons to improve student understanding. Academic Support Program 08/10/2012 05/27/2016 Activity - Learning Style Inventory Activity Type Begin Date End Date All students will receive an age appropriate learning preference inventory Academic (learning styles and multiple intelligence). These inventories will be Support administered during the first month of school. Results of inventories will be Program shared with teachers. 08/01/2013 05/27/2016 Activity - Gifted and Talented Program Begin Date End Date 09/01/2013 06/01/2016 Activity Type A GSSP will be developed by the teachers, along with parents, to identify a Academic specific plan of action for each GT student's academic progress. GSSP Support Progress reports will be sent home to parents in January and May. GSSP Program Parent Conferences will be held in September and May. Enrichment activities and instruction in general classes will occur for GT students with additional strategies and opportunities being provided for identified GT students. Resource Assigned $0 Source Of Funding No Funding Required Staff Responsible Principals, Teachers, CRT Resource Assigned $0 Source Of Funding No Funding Required Staff Responsible Counselor, Principal, Teachers Resource Assigned $0 Source Of Funding No Funding Required Staff Responsible GT coordination, Counselor, District GT CRT Strategy 4: Leader In Me Process - In the first year, our school will engage the entire staff in a shared vision of the greatness and leadership that are inherent in every child and adult. We will study the timeless, universal principles that allow people to realize their potential and we will make specific plans for implementing these principles in our school and classroom cultures. In addition, a universal language will be used based upon these principles of "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People." Category: Research Cited: The Leader in Me process is now being implemented in over 1000 schools worldwide. Schools are consistently reporting: Increases in students’ selfconfidence, teamwork, initiative, creativity, leadership, problem-solving, communication, diversity awareness and academic performance Improved school culture Park City Elementary School © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 7 Park City CSIP 2014-15 (updated June 2015) Park City Elementary School Dramatic decreases in disciplinary issues Increased teacher pride and engagement Greater parent satisfaction and involvement Research Studies include, but are not limited to: Johns Hopkins University Case Studies Joseph Welsh Elementary, Alberta, Canada Harry Wong Writes About Staten Island School John C. Fremont Elementary Activity - Leader In Me Instruction Activity Type Begin Date End Date Direct Instruction of The 7 Habits of Happy Kids through student activity books in all grades, K-6. Academic Support Program 08/13/2013 05/27/2016 Activity - Leadership Notebooks Activity Type Begin Date End Date At grade level, students will track their own assessment data in graphical format and set individual learning goals based upon the data. Academic Support Program 09/17/2013 05/27/2016 Resource Assigned $500 Source Of Funding Grant Funds Staff Responsible Classroom Teachers Resource Assigned $500 Source Of Staff Funding Responsible General Fund Teachers Goal 3: Next Generation Professionals - Park City Elementary will implement PGES according to district CEP. The baseline data from the 14-15 school year will be used to set 2015-16 targets. This plan includes progress notes which are at the very end of this document Measurable Objective 1: collaborate to increase the overall effectiveness of our teachers by 06/30/2017 as measured by progress on baseline established in the 14-15 school year on the new state-wide Professional Growth and Effectiveness System (PGES). Strategy 1: Professional Development - Awareness training for all staff; Specific training for those in the pilot group. Category: Research Cited: Charlotte Danielson's Enhancing Professional Practice: A Framework for Teaching Activity - Professional Development Activity Type Begin Date End Date Additional awareness and training for teachers. Monthly PLC to break down the components of the Danielson Framework. Professional Learning 11/06/2013 05/29/2015 Park City Elementary School © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned $0 Source Of Funding No Funding Required Staff Responsible District CIITS Trainers Building CIITS Lead Teachers Principal Page 8 Park City CSIP 2014-15 (updated June 2015) Park City Elementary School Activity - Common Planning Activity Type Begin Date End Date Common planning meetings held on a regular basis with administration and district crt''s to focus on self-reflection, PGG and SGG. Professional Learning 06/01/2013 06/01/2016 Activity - Peer Observer Training Activity Type Begin Date End Date All certified staff will be trained in the Peer Observer model as required by KDE and District CEP Professional Learning 06/01/2014 05/31/2016 Resource Assigned $0 Source Of Funding No Funding Required Staff Responsible District CRT Teachers Prinicpal Resource Assigned $0 Source Of Funding No Funding Required Staff Responsible teacher Measurable Objective 2: collaborate to increase the overall effectiveness of our principal by 06/30/2017 as measured by new state-wide Professional Growth and Effectiveness System (PGES). Strategy 1: EDS Module - Principals will increase their professional practice by completing the EDS module Category: Activity - EDS Module Activity Type Begin Date End Date Principal and district administration will form a PLC to fully study and implement the EDS modules as part of the new PGES Professional Learning 03/15/2013 01/29/2016 Activity - PPGES Training Activity Type Begin Date End Date Through the Leading to Learn Grant and PPGES growth opportunities offered through GRREC, Visible Learning and ISLN, administrators will have the chance to continue professional learning and share the information at monthly instructional meetings for administrators. Professional Learning 05/01/2014 06/01/2016 Activity - Principal Training Activity Type Begin Date End Date Principal CEP and PPGES training will occur during summer Administrator Professional Retreats and follow up support will be ongoing throughout the year in the Learning form of instructional support meetings with Director of Instruction. 09/01/2013 06/01/2016 Resource Assigned $0 Source Of Funding No Funding Required Staff Responsible Principal Resource Assigned $0 Source Of Funding No Funding Required Staff Responsible Principal Resource Assigned $0 Source Of Funding No Funding Required Staff Responsible Principal Director of Instruction Strategy 2: Professional Learning - Additional professional development Category: Professional Learning & Support Park City Elementary School © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 9 Park City CSIP 2014-15 (updated June 2015) Park City Elementary School Goal 4: Program Review Goal-increase the Program Review scores to a minimum of proficient by 06/30/2017 as measured by 10% increase annually. This plan includes progress notes which are at the very end of this document Measurable Objective 1: collaborate to increase the Program Review scores to a minimum of proficient by 06/30/2017 as measured by 10% increase annually. Strategy 1: Program Review Committee PLC Work - Committee chairs will collaborate with each program review committee, at least quarterly, to develop baseline scoring for the school year, create an action plan for the school year, and track progress toward meeting the goals set forth in the action plan. Category: Research Cited: DuFour, R. and Eaker, R. (1998). Professional Learning Communities at Work. Bloomington, IN: National Education Service Activity - Monitor Implementation of Program Review Curriculum Activity Type Begin Date End Date Monitor the implementation of Program Review Curriculum through quarterly fidelity checks of the program review integrated curriculum document. (if applicable to the review) Academic Support Program 11/20/2013 06/30/2017 Resource Assigned $500 Source Of Staff Funding Responsible General Fund Teachers Counselor Principal Goal 5: Kindergarten Readiness Goal-collaborate to increase the percentage of children ready (ready with enrichments and ready)for kindergarten from 20% in 2012 to 40% by 10/01/2016 as measured by Brigance. This plan includes progress notes which are at the very end of this document Measurable Objective 1: collaborate to increase the percentage of children ready (ready with enrichments and ready)for kindergarten by 10/01/2016 as measured by a 10% annual increase of Brigance readiness scores. Strategy 1: Education of families and community - Education of families/community - We will provide a Kindergarten Jumpstart to increase parent involvement and education. Kindergarten teachers will provide parents of incoming kindergarten students with a readiness packet which communicates the expectations to parents of skills necessary for students to be successful in kindergarten. Category: Research Cited: Brigance Kindergarten Screener Park City Elementary School © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 10 Park City CSIP 2014-15 (updated June 2015) Park City Elementary School Activity - Kindergarten Jumpstart Activity Type Begin Date End Date Kindergarten teachers will provide parents of incoming kindergarten Parent students with a readiness packet which communicates the expectations to Involvement parents of skills necessary for students to be successful in kindergarten. 03/11/2014 07/11/2017 Park City Elementary School © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned $500 Source Of Funding Title I Schoolwide Staff Responsible Kindergarten Teachers Guidance Counselor Page 11 Park City CSIP 2014-15 (updated June 2015) Park City Elementary School Activity Summary by Funding Source Below is a breakdown of your activities by funding source General Fund Activity Name Activity Description Leadership Notebooks At grade level, students will track their own assessment data in graphical format and set individual learning goals based upon the data. Monitor Implementation of Monitor the implementation of Program Review Curriculum Program Review Curriculum through quarterly fidelity checks of the program review integrated curriculum document. (if applicable to the review) Leadership Notebooks At grade level, students will track their own assessment data in graphical format and set individual learning goals based upon the data. Activity Type Begin Date End Date 05/27/2016 Resource Assigned $500 Staff Responsible Teachers Academic Support Program Academic Support Program 09/17/2013 11/20/2013 06/30/2017 $500 Teachers Counselor Principal Academic Support Program 09/17/2013 05/27/2016 $500 Teachers Total $1500 Title I Part A Activity Name Activity Description Activity Type Begin Date End Date PD-Research-Based Strategies 1 Day PD on Research-Based Strategies Professional Learning 01/01/2014 08/07/2015 Resource Assigned $900 Staff Responsible All Staff Total $900 Staff Responsible teachers, principal, counselor, RTI staff Principal, counselor, teachers, RTI staff District Funding Activity Name Activity Description Activity Type Begin Date End Date MAP Data MAP Data will be reviewed for RTI placement and progress as well as weekly (Tier 3 students) or bi weekly (Tier 2 students) being monitored through AIMS Web in grades k-2 and STAR 3-6. All tier 3 students will be monitored with AIMS web weekly. MAP data will be reviewed for RTI placement and progress. Academic Support Program 05/30/2014 05/27/2016 Resource Assigned $0 Academic Support Program 08/01/2014 05/27/2016 $0 RTI Placement Park City Elementary School © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 12 Park City CSIP 2014-15 (updated June 2015) Park City Elementary School Use of Technology Assistive Technology software (Read, Write, Gold) will be Academic available to accommodate both student with and without Support disabilities in reading and writing. This Program accommodation/modification will be documented in teacher lesson plans and utilized on a regular basis throughout the school year. Smart Boards will continue to be utilized on a regular basis. 08/01/2014 05/27/2016 $500 Total $500 Principal, teachers, counselor Title I Schoolwide Activity Name Activity Description Activity Type Begin Date End Date Kindergarten Jumpstart Kindergarten teachers will provide parents of incoming kindergarten students with a readiness packet which communicates the expectations to parents of skills necessary for students to be successful in kindergarten. Parent Involvement 03/11/2014 07/11/2017 Resource Assigned $500 Total $500 Begin Date End Date 08/01/2014 05/27/2016 Resource Assigned $2000 Total $2000 Staff Responsible Kindergarten Teachers Guidance Counselor School Council Funds Activity Name Activity Description Activity Type Use of Technology Assistive Technology software (Read, Write, Gold) will be Academic available to accommodate both student with and without Support disabilities in reading and writing. This Program accommodation/modification will be documented in teacher lesson plans and utilized on a regular basis throughout the school year. Smart Boards will continue to be utilized on a regular basis. Staff Responsible Principal, teachers, counselor Other Activity Name Activity Description Activity Type Begin Date End Date Technology Integration All teachers will utilize various pieces of software to integrate technology into their curriculum. Examples include: Compass Learning, Xtramath, Accelerated Math and Read Write Gold. Technology 08/10/2012 05/29/2015 Resource Assigned $0 Total $0 End Date Resource Assigned Staff Responsible Principal, teachers, staff Grant Funds Activity Name Activity Description Park City Elementary School © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Activity Type Begin Date Staff Responsible Page 13 Park City CSIP 2014-15 (updated June 2015) Park City Elementary School Leader In Me Instruction Direct Instruction of The 7 Habits of Happy Kids through student activity books in all grades, K-6. Leader In Me Instruction Direct Instruction of The 7 Habits of Happy Kids through student activity books in all grades, K-6. Academic Support Program Academic Support Program 08/13/2013 06/01/2016 $500 Classroom Teachers 08/13/2013 05/27/2016 $500 Classroom Teachers Total $1000 Staff Responsible Principal, Teachers, CRT Teachers Rti Interventionist s Rti Data Coordinator Principal Counselor, Principal, Teachers No Funding Required Activity Name Activity Description Activity Type Begin Date End Date Teacher Best Practice Teachers will increase their use of various forms of assessment (MC, Projects, Constructed Response, Short Answer, Exit Slips etc) and formative assessment strategies. Teachers will post daily objectives in the form of I Can statements. Teachers will hold content meetings in order to design authentic common assessments. Disaggragation of data will occur during monthly meetings. Teachers will analyze student work during the monthly meetings using the Assessment Analysis form. Monthly review of progress monitoring data for all students in Rti. Academic Support Program 08/10/2012 05/29/2015 Resource Assigned $0 Academic Support Program 08/01/2014 05/27/2016 $0 All students will receive an age appropriate learning preference inventory (learning styles and multiple intelligence). These inventories will be administered during the first month of school. Results of inventories will be shared with teachers. Teachers regularly reflect on their classroom practices, assessment analysis, and common core standards tracking. Academic Support Program 08/01/2013 05/27/2016 $0 Academic Support Program Professional Learning 08/01/2014 05/27/2016 $0 06/01/2013 06/01/2016 $0 Academic Support Program Professional Learning Professional Learning 08/10/2012 05/27/2016 $0 06/01/2014 05/31/2016 $0 Principal, teachers, CRT District CRT Teachers Prinicpal Principals, Teachers, CRT teacher 03/15/2013 01/29/2016 $0 Principal Monthly Connect Meetings Learning Style Inventory Teacher Reflection on Assessment Common Planning Inquiry Based Learning Peer Observer Training EDS Module Common planning meetings held on a regular basis with administration and district crt''s to focus on self-reflection, PGG and SGG. Teachers will increase their use of inquiry lessons to improve student understanding. All certified staff will be trained in the Peer Observer model as required by KDE and District CEP Principal and district administration will form a PLC to fully study and implement the EDS modules as part of the new PGES Park City Elementary School © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 14 Park City CSIP 2014-15 (updated June 2015) Park City Elementary School PPGES Training Principal Training Enrichment/Recovery Time Clear Expectations Professional Development Vertical and Horizontal Alignment Analyze Student Work Through the Leading to Learn Grant and PPGES growth opportunities offered through GRREC, Visible Learning and ISLN, administrators will have the chance to continue professional learning and share the information at monthly instructional meetings for administrators. Principal CEP and PPGES training will occur during summer Administrator Retreats and follow up support will be ongoing throughout the year in the form of instructional support meetings with Director of Instruction. All teachers will utilize an enrichment/recovery time program for students who lack understanding of key concepts, skill, and relationships. A school wide focus on clear expectations will occur through: Using Walk-Through Process and periodically checking for Do Now's, I Can's, Exit slips and other forms of formative assessments and Higher level activities with a DOK of 3 or 4. Additional awareness and training for teachers. Monthly PLC to break down the components of the Danielson Framework. Professional Learning 05/01/2014 06/01/2016 $0 Principal Professional Learning 09/01/2013 06/01/2016 $0 Principal Director of Instruction Academic Support Program Policy and Process 08/01/2014 05/27/2016 $0 08/01/2014 06/01/2016 $0 Principal, Teachers, RTI staff, Principal, all staff Professional Learning 11/06/2013 05/29/2015 $0 Vertical team/committee meetings to enhance verticalhorizontal alignment-elementary to middle and middle to high. Program Review implementation will be consistent with each individual program review action plan. See action plan for specifics. PD-Vertical-Horizontal Alignment (1-1.5 days) in addition to alignment that occurs during the school year. Teachers will meet quarterly during common planning times with Principal and CRT to work collaboratively to evaluate the curriculum and instructional practices. Common core Standard and CC tracking sheets will be utilized by all teachers. Student work will be analyzed individually through monthly content meetings. Academic Support Program 08/01/2013 07/29/2016 $0 Academic Support Program Academic Support Program 05/30/2014 05/27/2016 $0 09/01/2013 06/01/2016 $0 Total $0 Gifted and Talented Program A GSSP will be developed by the teachers, along with parents, to identify a specific plan of action for each GT student's academic progress. GSSP Progress reports will be sent home to parents in January and May. GSSP Parent Conferences will be held in September and May. Enrichment activities and instruction in general classes will occur for GT students with additional strategies and opportunities being provided for identified GT students. Park City Elementary School © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. District CIITS Trainers Building CIITS Lead Teachers Principal Principal, teachers, district CRTs Principals, Teachers, CRT GT coordination, Counselor, District GT CRT Page 15 Park City CSIP 2014-15 (updated June 2015) Park City Elementary School Progress Notes Type Activity Name RTI Placement Status Completed Activity RTI Placement Completed Activity Leader In Me Instruction In Progress Activity Leader In Me Instruction In Progress Activity MAP Data Completed Activity MAP Data In Progress Activity Analyze Student Work In Progress Activity Analyze Student Work In Progress Activity Technology Integration In Progress Activity Technology Integration In Progress Activity Leadership Notebooks In Progress Comments See RTI placement notes. At each benchmark point, MAP, AimsWeb and STAR data are utilized as the universal screener and progress monitoring tool where applicable. See RTI placement notes. At each benchmark point, MAP data is utilized as the universal screener where applicable. Direct instruction of the Leader In Me process is taking place at each grade level. Resources that are being used include, but not limited too the following: LIM student workbooks, LIM online community, Pinterest. Direct instruction of the Leader In Me process is taking place at each grade level. Resources that are being used include, but not limited too the following: LIM student workbooks, LIM online community, Pinterest. Common Plannings are utilized to discuss student assessment data. In addition, MAP data is individually graphed and goals are set by each student to help foster self efficacy. In addition, STAR data is used on a 6 week basis to monitor student progress. Common Plannings are utilized to discuss student assessment data. In addition, MAP data is individually graphed and goals are set by each student to help foster self efficacy. Teachers keep an assessment binder, where each summative assessment is analyzed. Specific analysis documents are provided by the principal. The use of effect size calculation will be a focus for the upcoming school year. Teachers keep an assessment binder, where each summative assessment is analyzed. Specific analysis documents are provided by the principal. Grades 2-6 are utilizing Xtramath, Compass Learning, and Adapted Mind to individualize student instruction. Various student recognition displays are located throughout the school. Chromebook labs are being purchased for grades 3-6. Grades 2-6 are utilizing Xtramath, Compass Learning, and Adapted Mind to individualize student instruction. Various student recognition displays are located throughout the school. Teachers at each grade level have created data tracking methods for each of their students with the students being required to graph the data. This method of self graphing is designed to build student efficacy. Park City Elementary School © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Created On Created By May 19, 2015 Mr. Anthony Janes March 01, Mr. Anthony Janes 2014 May 19, 2015 Mr. Anthony Janes February 28, 2014 Mr. Anthony Janes May 19, 2015 Mr. Anthony Janes March 01, 2014 Mr. Anthony Janes May 19, 2015 Mr. Anthony Janes February 28, 2014 Mr. Anthony Janes May 19, 2015 Mr. Anthony Janes March 01, 2014 Mr. Anthony Janes May 19, 2015 Mr. Anthony Janes Page 16 Park City CSIP 2014-15 (updated June 2015) Park City Elementary School Activity Leadership Notebooks In Progress Activity Enrichment/Recovery Time In Progress Activity Enrichment/Recovery Time In Progress Activity Clear Expectations In Progress Activity Clear Expectations In Progress Activity Use of Technology In Progress Activity Use of Technology In Progress Activity Teacher Reflection on Assessment In Progress Activity Teacher Reflection on Assessment In Progress Activity Monthly Connect Meetings Completed Activity Monthly Connect Meetings In Progress Activity Leader In Me Instruction In Progress Activity Inquiry Based Learning In Progress Activity Inquiry Based Learning In Progress Activity Gifted and Talented Program Completed Teachers at each grade level have created data tracking methods for each of their students with the students being required to graph the data. This method of self graphing is designed to build student efficacy. Enrichment/Recovery time is independently built into the grade level schedule to ensure student understanding of concepts and advancement of those with mastery of specific content. Greater development of this process will be a focal point in the primary grades for the upcoming year. Enrichment/Recovery time is independently built into the grade level schedule to ensure student understanding of concepts and advancement of those with mastery of specific content. See lesson plans for examples of I can's, Do Now's, and various learning checks. A more comprehensive lesson plan format will be utilized for the upcoming school year. See lesson plans for examples of I can's, Do Now's, and various learning checks. See ECE Teacher lesson plans for documentation of technology use as an accommodation. See ECE Teacher lesson plans for documentation of technology use as an accommodation. Teachers keep an assessment binder, where each summative assessment is analyzed. Specific analysis documents are provided by the principal. Teachers keep an assessment binder, where each summative assessment is analyzed. Specific analysis documents are provided by the principal. Monthly connect meetings take place with members of the intervention team and administration analyzing the progress monitoring data of our students in Rti. A parent contact form has been created to facilitate 2-way communication. Monthly connect meetings take place with members of the intervention team and administration analyzing the progress monitoring data of our students in Rti. A parent contact form has been created to facilitate 2-way communication. Direct instruction of the Leader In Me process is taking place at each grade level. Resources that are being used include, but not limited too the following: LIM student workbooks, LIM online community, Pinterest. See lesson plans for inquiry based learning activities. Further lesson development and review occurs annually. See lesson plans for inquiry based learning activities. Guidance counselor has completed appropriate placement meeting for GSSP students. In addition, a Magnet Program has been developed to foster enrichment activity for the GSSP student at PCE. Park City Elementary School © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. February 28, 2014 Mr. Anthony Janes May 19, 2015 Mr. Anthony Janes March 01, 2014 Mr. Anthony Janes May 19, 2015 Mr. Anthony Janes March 01, Mr. Anthony Janes 2014 May 19, 2015 Mr. Anthony Janes March 01, Mr. Anthony Janes 2014 May 19, 2015 Mr. Anthony Janes March 01, 2014 Mr. Anthony Janes May 19, 2015 Mr. Anthony Janes February 28, 2014 Mr. Anthony Janes March 01, 2014 Mr. Anthony Janes May 19, 2015 Mr. Anthony Janes March 01, Mr. Anthony Janes 2014 May 19, 2015 Mr. Anthony Janes Page 17 Park City CSIP 2014-15 (updated June 2015) Park City Elementary School Activity Gifted and Talented Program In Progress Activity Leadership Notebooks In Progress Activity Learning Style Inventory Completed Activity Teacher Best Practice In Progress Activity Teacher Best Practice In Progress Activity PD-Research-Based Strategies Completed Activity In Progress Activity Activity PD-Research-Based Strategies Vertical and Horizontal Alignment Vertical and Horizontal Alignment PPGES Training EDS Module Activity Professional Development Completed Activity Professional Development In Progress Activity Activity Principal Training Peer Observer Training Completed Completed Activity Monitor Implementation of In Progress Program Review Curriculum Activity Monitor Implementation of In Progress Program Review Curriculum Activity Activity Guidance counselor has completed appropriate placement meeting for GSSP students. In addition, a Magnet Program has been developed to foster enrichment activity for the GSSP student at PCE. Teachers at each grade level have created data tracking methods for each of their students with the students being required to graph the data. This method of self graphing is designed to build student efficacy. March 01, 2014 Mr. Anthony Janes March 01, 2014 Mr. Anthony Janes In Progress March 01, Mr. Anthony Janes 2014 Each teacher utilizes an assessment binder to track student progress, May 19, 2015 Mr. Anthony Janes analyze student work and reflect upon the individual teaching practice. Reflection and analysis documentation are provided by the principal. Each teacher utilizes an assessment binder to track student progress, March 01, Mr. Anthony Janes analyze student work and reflect upon the individual teaching practice. 2014 Reflection and analysis documentation are provided by the principal. Ongoing training is scheduled to occur as embedded PD activities for May 19, 2015 Mr. Anthony Janes staff. PD series of content will take place on an ongoing/as needed basis. Ongoing training is scheduled to occur as embedded PD activities for March 01, Mr. Anthony Janes staff. 2014 PD scheduled this summer for vertical and horizontal alignment. May 19, 2015 Mr. Anthony Janes In Progress PD scheduled this summer for vertical and horizontal alignment. Completed Completed March 01, 2014 All Principal training is completed and up-to-date with passing scores. May 19, 2015 March 01, 2014 All teachers have completed PGES training to become peer May 19, 2015 observers. All teachers on observation cycle for the 2014-2015 school year completed at least one peer observation with documentation in CIITS. Monthly PLCs have occurred to discuss and raise awareness in the March 01, overall process and the first four components. 2014 All Principal training is completed and up-to-date with passing scores. May 19, 2015 All teachers have completed PGES training to become peer May 19, 2015 observers. All teachers on observation cycle for the 2014-2015 school year completed at least one peer observation with documentation in CIITS. Committee Co-chairs have been charged to conduct quarterly May 19, 2015 committee meetings in each review to create an action plan, carry out the action plan and report their findings to the principal. Quarterly meetings will be limited to the focus review for the school year. Committee Co-chairs have been charged to conduct quarterly May 19, 2015 committee meetings in each review to create an action plan, carry out the action plan and report their findings to the principal. Quarterly meetings will be limited to the focus review for the school year. Park City Elementary School © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Mr. Anthony Janes Mr. Anthony Janes Mr. Anthony Janes Mr. Anthony Janes Mr. Anthony Janes Mr. Anthony Janes Mr. Anthony Janes Mr. Anthony Janes Mr. Anthony Janes Page 18 Park City CSIP 2014-15 (updated June 2015) Park City Elementary School Activity Monitor Implementation of In Progress Program Review Curriculum Activity Kindergarten Jumpstart In Progress Activity Kindergarten Jumpstart In Progress Committee Co-chairs have been charged to conduct quarterly committee meetings in each review to create an action plan, carry out the action plan and report their findings to the principal. Summer Bridge program has been purchased for all incoming kindergarten students. Students that signed up at the spring registration received a copy at that time, while all other incoming k students will receive their copy and incentive plan at the beginning of summer. The Kindergarten Jumpstart is scheduled to take place this summer. We are in the initial planning stages at this time. Park City Elementary School © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. March 01, 2014 Mr. Anthony Janes May 19, 2015 Mr. Anthony Janes March 01, 2014 Mr. Anthony Janes Page 19