Closing the Achievement Gap Hiseville Elementary School Barren County Jeffrey Richey, Principal Hiseville, KY 42152 Document Generated On November 23, 2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction 1 KDE Closing the Achievement Gap Introduction 3 Achievement Gap Groups Identification 4 Achievement Gap Summary 5 Achievement Gap Diagnostic 7 Stakeholder Engagement and Collaboration 13 2015 Goals and Plans Overview 15 Goals Summary 16 Goal 1: K-Prep Proficiency: Increase the averaged combined reading and math K-Prep scores for elementary students to 63% by 2017. 17 Goal 2: GAP Goal 2014-2017: Increase the average combined reading and math proficiency ratings for all students in the non-duplicated GAP group to 57.4% in 2017. 19 Goal 3: Next Generation Professionals: Hiseville Elementary will implement PGES according to district CEP. The baseline data from the 14-15 school year will be used to set 2015-16 targets. Activity Summary by Funding Source 22 26 Closing the Achievement Gap Hiseville Elementary School Introduction Addressing achievement gap in schools and districts is a communicative and collaborative effort between district and school leaders, teachers, parents, community members and leaders, students and the Kentucky Department of Education. The use of data from various resources available to schools and districts allows districts and schools to review, monitor and track student performance in each of the achievement gap areas. Not only shall the focus be on the performance of students, but the contributing factors of ensuring that teachers are provided with the professional learning resources and opportunities that foster student success. District and school leaders are aware of working conditions to ensure climate and culture are a positive contribution to fostering student and teacher success. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 1 Closing the Achievement Gap Hiseville Elementary School KDE Closing the Achievement Gap SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 2 Closing the Achievement Gap Hiseville Elementary School Introduction Pursuant to KRS 158.649 reporting requirements for achievement gap shall be October 1 of each year. The principal shall convene a public meeting to present and discuss the plan for closing the achievement gap prior to the submission to the superintendent and local board for review. The local board of education shall review, in a public meeting, the portion of each school’s Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP) addressing the activities and schedule to reduce achievement gaps if a district has more than 20 schools. This can be a consolidated district report in accordance to KRS 160.340 (3)(b). Achievement gap means a substantive performance difference in each of the tested areas by grade level of the state testing system between the various groups of students including male and female students, students with and without disabilities, students with and without English proficiency, minority and non-minority students, and students who are eligible for free and reduced-price meals and those who are not eligible for free or reduced-price meals. Addressing achievement gap in schools and districts is a communicative and collaborative effort between district and school leaders, teachers, parents, community members and leaders, students and the Kentucky Department of Education. The use of data from various resources available to schools and districts allows districts and schools to review, monitor and track student performance in each of the achievement gap areas. Not only shall the focus be on the performance of students, but the contributing factors of ensuring that teachers are provided with the professional learning resources and opportunities that foster student success. District and school leaders are aware of working conditions to ensure climate and culture are a positive contribution to fostering student and teacher success. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 3 Closing the Achievement Gap Hiseville Elementary School Achievement Gap Groups Identification Statement or Question:Use the School Report Card to identify your school's gaps groups. Select all that apply. Response: •With Disability •Free/Reduced Price Meals SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 4 Closing the Achievement Gap Hiseville Elementary School Achievement Gap Summary Describe the school's climate and culture. Hiseville Elementary School has long been a pillar for the surrounding community and county and our survey results over the past few years indicate the importance of our school to the area. According to the combined average of the 2013 and 2015 TELL survey results, approximately 95% of teachers feel that the school does a good job of encouraging parent/guardian involvement and maintains clear, twoway communication with the community. Teachers believe they are in need of up-to-date technology equipment and faster Internet connectivity. Teachers feel their work environment is well maintained and clean with sufficient classroom space. 85% of the staff believe that the school environment is strongly supported by the surrounding community. Describe the strategies that were implemented that helped to close the achievement gap. Gap groups were identified from our KPREP data as well as MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) data. As a district, we implemented the RTI (Response to Intervention) process approximately nine years ago and have continued to refine since that time. Through this process, each grade level administers a universal screener, then identifies the lowest performing students at or below the 20th percentile. Those students are then given benchmark assessments through STAR and/or AIMS Web to determine current performance levels. Intervention strategies are designed to meet students' identified gaps. Progress monitoring is also built into our RTI plan and students who fall into Tier 2 receive progress monitoring bi-weekly and those who fall into Tier 3 receive progress monitoring weekly. Grade level teams meet prior to the school level S-team (Support team) meeting where student progress is evaluated and performance is determined for further interventions or change in RTI placement. Differentiation practices are further utilized in the collaborative classroom to ensure student progress. Describe the barriers that prevented the school from closing the achievement gap. An increase in the number of students receiving free or reduced lunch has continued to impact our ability to completely close the achievement gap. While our progress monitoring data indicates growth in gap areas is occurring, we also see the need for additional time and resources to meet the large number of students qualifying for our gap groups. Furthermore, a change in economic status for many families in our community due to less employment opportunities has created a larger population of students falling into the free and reduced lunch category and also created additional barriers regarding available resources for our schools. With less economic growth, our district doesn't receive the same amount of funding as once available; therefore, our schools are desperately working to meet the needs of a larger population of gap students with less available resources. Provide specific examples from the CSIP as to how the district and school collaborated to ensure that the achievement gap was addressed. Vertical and horizontal curriculum alignment occurs during summer Power Sessions throughout our district. During these trainings, elementary teachers from each grade level come together to review, discuss and make any necessary curricular changes as well as update SY 2015-2016 Page 5 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Closing the Achievement Gap Hiseville Elementary School district curriculum pacing maps. Our district, through the help of at least one teacher from each elementary school, developed a District Writing Plan which is incorporated into each school's individual writing plan and outlines the expectations for the implementation and mastery of common core writing standards. Our school also focused a portion of our PD time to writing instruction based on examination of all available data on our students' writing achievement. We also have a District RTI plan that is followed by each school as a means to eliminate gaps in student learning and our district developed a new Strategic Plan in 2013 which outlines our proposal for improving in all areas through 2018. Describe the process to involve teachers, leaders, and other stakeholders to review the CSIP and its progress to close the achievement gap. KPREP, STAR and MAP summative data disaggregation occur at the school and district level with teachers working both vertically and horizontally to determine areas of strengths and weakness in curriculum and pedagogy. Individual student progress in RTI is monitored closely through grade level PLCs. Once these areas of weakness are identified, the school CSIP committee works to design a plan for improvement. At the same time this is occurring at the school level, a similar process is ongoing throughout the district with district level personnel disaggregating data to gather patterns per school as well as district level concerns. Administrators come together to discuss findings from serving at both the school and district level and share ideas for improvement. The CSIP plan is also developed with the help and support of SBDM council members and other committees within the school. Progress toward meeting CSIP goals are reviewed each semester by SBDM council members. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 6 Closing the Achievement Gap Hiseville Elementary School Achievement Gap Diagnostic Describe how data are used to inform your school's improvement plan to address the achievement gap. Goal 1: K-Prep Proficiency: Increase the averaged combined reading and math K-Prep scores for elementary students to 63% by 2017. Measurable Objective 1: collaborate to increase the averaged combined reading and math K-Prep scores to 57.7% at Hiseville Elementary by 05/13/2016 as measured by K-Prep scores. Strategy1: Monitoring Data - We will track our students achievement through analyzing their individual student levels in STAR Math and Reading. Category: Research Cited: Activity Type During our PLC meetings we will be analyzing Academic student's individual achievement levels in STAR Support Math and Reading and Early Literacy. Program Activity - PLC Monitoring Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible 08/07/2014 $0 - Other Principal Professional Learning Communities 06/01/2016 Strategy2: Curriculum Assessment and Alignment - Our curriculum is aligned with district, state and national standards. We will continually assess our students to look at ways to meet proficiency. Category: Research Cited: Activity Type Academic We have given a direct 30 minutes a day to focus on our Writing and Language Mechanics. Support Program Activity - Language and Writing Mechanics Activity - Schedule Alignment Activity Type There will be additional time allotted for reading, math and writing. Students will be identified for Academic extra time, based on classroom and Support standardized assessments. Any student showing areas of weakness will be remediated Program either through RTI or classroom intervention. Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible 08/07/2013 $0 - No Funding Required Principle and All Certified Staff Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible 08/07/2013 $0 - Other Principal and all Certified Staff 05/13/2016 05/13/2016 SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 7 Closing the Achievement Gap Hiseville Elementary School Strategy3: School Readiness and Early Learning - Our rigor and relevance framework for our younger populations have been addressed. We finding ways to differentiate, accelerate, and remediate our young primary children so that they may obtain proficiency at a young age. Category: Research Cited: Activity - Local Business Partnerships Activity Type Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible $11000 - Other Principle and Administrative Assistant Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible 07/15/2014 $0 - State Funds Principal, counselor, kindergarten teachers Begin Date End Date Our school has gained partnerships with local businesses to help in a reciprocal process. We Community 08/07/2013 will work to maintain these sponsorships for the Engagement coming school year as well. Activity - Kindergarten Screening All students entering kindergarten will be screened using the Brigance screener. Activity Type Academic Support Program 06/01/2016 10/15/2017 Strategy4: Incentives - We will be offering our students incentives in our Accelerated Reading Program as a way to improve our comprehension achievement scores. Category: Research Cited: Activity - Incentives for AR We will offer incentives for our students in our AR program every nine weeks. Activity Type Academic Support Program Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible 08/07/2014 $1000 - General Fund Principal Librarian 06/01/2016 Goal 2: GAP Goal 2014-2017: Increase the average combined reading and math proficiency ratings for all students in the non-duplicated GAP group to 57.4% in 2017. Measurable Objective 1: collaborate to decrease the overall achievement Gap at Hiseville Elementary School by increasing the average combined reading and math proficiency ratings for all students in the non-duplicated Gap group to 51.3% by 06/30/2016 as measured by KPrep scores. Strategy1: Progress Monitoring - Progress Monitoring will be used to track student progress throughout the year. We will use the data from our monitoring to help with student placement in the RTI process. Category: SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 8 Closing the Achievement Gap Hiseville Elementary School Research Cited: Activity Type Academic Support Program Begin Date End Date Activity - STAR Enterprise Reading and Math All students K-6 will be monitored with STAR Reading and Math regularly (K with STAR Early Literacy) and information will be used to create instruction designed to address individual student needs. Students in Tier 2 RTI will be monitored bi-weekly. Activity Type Academic Support Program Activity - MAP Testing Activity Type Academic Support Program Activity - AIMS Web Students in Tier III will be progress monitored using AIMS Web benchmarks and probes. Students will be assessed three times a year using MAP testing. The areas of Math, Reading, and Language will be assessed. Funding Amount & Source $700 - Title I School Improvement (ISI) Staff Responsible Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible 08/07/2013 $7000 - Other All teachers, RTI staff, Guidance Counselors, Paraprofessionals Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible 08/08/2012 $0 - District Funding Guidance Counselor and Classroom Teachers 08/07/2013 06/01/2016 06/01/2016 06/01/2017 Guidance Counselor and RTI Manager Strategy2: Professional Development - Our teachers will attend professional development opportunities that will address our GAP areas as identified in the K-Prep results. Category: Research Cited: Activity - PD Grade Level Power Sessions Activity Type Begin Date End Date Our faculty members will attend a PD academy hosted by our district's CRTs. There will be Professional 06/01/2013 various opportunities for professional growth Learning and job-embedded PD. 08/01/2016 Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible $0 - District Funding All Staff Strategy3: Best Practice - Our school will work closely with district administrative staff to utilize research based best practice strategies and techniques. Category: Research Cited: Activity Type We have worked at the school level and within Academic the district framework to seemlessly align our Support curriculum and eliminate gaps in the curriculum. Program Activity - Curriculum Alignment Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible 08/07/2013 $0 - No Funding Required Principal and Certified Teachers 06/01/2016 SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 9 Closing the Achievement Gap Hiseville Elementary School Activity - Rubrics/Assessment Strategies Activity Type Rubrics will be designed by students and teachers so that all stakeholders have buy-in in this process. Teachers will also begin with the Academic end in mind and identify learning targets for Support each class and share with the students. We utilize various assessment strategies to address Program the different learning styles at our school to ensure mastery of the learning targets. Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible 08/07/2013 $0 - No Funding Required Principal and Certified Staff 06/30/2017 Activity - ECE Collaboration Activity Type Begin Date End Date Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible Our ECE teachers will serve our school collaboratively and in the resource setting. They will have an active role in student learning. Academic Support Program 08/07/2013 $0 - No Funding Required ECE Staff and Certified Teachers 06/01/2016 Describe how the plan will be monitored to ensure that the strategies/activities that address the achievement gap are fully implemented. The CSIP is shared with the SBDM council and progress toward implementation of strategies/activities are reviewed each semester. This same information is shared with the district CDIP team for updates to the overall district plan as needed. School level committees working through PLC teams meet monthly to analyze and review performance toward CSIP goals, strategies and activities. Cite the goals/objectives/strategies in the plan that specifically addresses how the teaching and learning conditions will be positive and foster success for teachers and students. Goal 1: Next Generation Professionals: Hiseville Elementary will implement PGES according to district CEP. The baseline data from the 14-15 school year will be used to set 2015-16 targets. Measurable Objective 1: collaborate to increase the overall effectiveness of our teachers by 06/30/2017 as measured by baseline established on new state-wide Professional Growth and Evaluation System for 2017 target. Strategy1: Common Planning - Common Planning Category: Professional Learning & Support Research Cited: SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 10 Closing the Achievement Gap Hiseville Elementary School Activity - Common Planning Activity Type Common planning meetings held on a regular basis with administration and district crt's to focus on self-reflection, PGG and SGG. Professional 06/30/2014 Learning Begin Date End Date 05/31/2016 Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible $0 - No Funding Required District CRT Principal Teachers Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible $0 - No Funding Required Certified Teachers Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible $0 - Other District CRTs, Principal Strategy2: Peer Observer Training - Professional learning Category: Teacher PGES Research Cited: Activity - Peer Observation EDS Module Activity Type All certified staff will be trained in the Peer Observer module as required by KDE and District CEP. Professional 05/01/2014 Learning Begin Date End Date 05/31/2016 Strategy3: Professional Development for PGES - Continued training for all staff in the PGES process. Category: Teacher PGES Research Cited: Activity - Professional Development Activity Type District In Service and/or professional development resources will be used to provide support with the components of PGES to teachers. Professional 05/01/2014 Learning Begin Date End Date 05/13/2016 Measurable Objective 2: collaborate to increase the overall effectiveness of our principal by 06/30/2017 as measured by baseline established on new state-wide Professional Growth and Evaluation System for 2017 target. Strategy1: Professional Learning - Additional support for principal through professional learning opportunities Category: Professional Learning & Support Research Cited: Activity - Additional Professional Support Activity Type Begin Date End Date Through the Leading to Learn Grant and PPGP growth opportunities offered through GRREC, Visible Learning, KASA and ISLN, administrators will have the chance to continues Professional 01/02/2014 professional learning and share the information Learning at monthly instructional meetings for administrators. 05/31/2016 Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible $0 - No Funding Required Principal SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 11 Closing the Achievement Gap Hiseville Elementary School Strategy2: EDS module - Principal will increase professional practice by reviewing the information from the EDS module. Category: Principal PGES Research Cited: Activity - Professional Development Activity Type Principal will participate in a continuing selfstudy to fully implement the EDS modules as part of the new PGES. Professional 06/01/2013 Learning Begin Date End Date 06/30/2016 Funding Amount & Source Staff Responsible $400 - Perkins Principal, District Trainers Describe the actions that will be taken to remove the barriers that prevented the school from closing the achievement gap. Teachers have been given list of student names who currently receive free or reduced lunch. Teachers are asked to identify students on this list who are currently performing below the proficiency level and then cross reference this list to the current RTI list. Students who may not be performing low enough to receive RTI services but are falling below proficiency are identified and classroom progress is monitored to determine if additional support is necessary in order for academic progress to occur. Additional needs and resources for students falling into one of our gap groups is provided through our Family Resource Center. Business partners our school works closely with are Mammoth Cave National Park and Phillips IGA. Through our 21st Century Grants we have been able to expand our school day into an after-school program which includes child care as well as homework help, academic activities and other club and extra-curriculum organizations. A similar 21st Century Program is offered during the summer months to all students and especially targets those needing additional academic support during the summer break. Furthermore, Hiseville was selected as a participant in the CEP (Community Eligibility Program) which provides free meals for all students daily. We feel this opportunity provides us with another outlet to help overcome academic gap barriers that exist. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 12 Closing the Achievement Gap Hiseville Elementary School Stakeholder Engagement and Collaboration Statement or Question:Select all of the ways in which the school will engage and collaborate with stakeholders to develop the strategies that address the achievement gap. Response: •Home Visits •Parent information resources (PTA/PTO/SBDM, other) •Partnership with community groups and businesses •Communication (local newspapers, parent newsletters, school website, school activities, surveys) •Parent engagement with students in the classroom or during school activities Monthly PTO meetings Family Reading and Math Nights each semester Monthly SBDM meetings Community Global Festival Parent Volunteer Program Community Book Fairs Local field trips to learn more about our community and business partners Facebook page where students are recognized and daily happenings within the building are poster Home visits are conducted in PreK in order to increase parent understanding of the expectations for kindergarten Read Across America Day--includes parents and community members sharing their favorite book with students Grandparents Day Celebration Awards and recognition during morning meetings District and school level web pages Teacher web pages District curriculum page Barren County Access cable channel Community flyers SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 13 Closing the Achievement Gap Hiseville Elementary School 2015 Goals and Plans SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 14 Closing the Achievement Gap Hiseville Elementary School Overview Plan Name 2015 Goals and Plans Plan Description Updated Goals and Plans for 2015-2016 SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 15 Closing the Achievement Gap Hiseville Elementary School Goals Summary The following is a summary of the goals encompassed in this plan. The details for each goal are available in the next section. # 1 2 3 Goal Name K-Prep Proficiency: Increase the averaged combined reading and math K-Prep scores for elementary students to 63% by 2017. GAP Goal 2014-2017: Increase the average combined reading and math proficiency ratings for all students in the non-duplicated GAP group to 57.4% in 2017. Next Generation Professionals: Hiseville Elementary will implement PGES according to district CEP. The baseline data from the 14-15 school year will be used to set 2015-16 targets. Goal Details Objectives:1 Strategies:4 Activities:5 Objectives:1 Strategies:3 Activities:7 Goal Type Organizational Total Funding $1000 Organizational $7700 Objectives:2 Strategies:5 Activities:5 Organizational $400 SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 16 Closing the Achievement Gap Hiseville Elementary School Goal 1: K-Prep Proficiency: Increase the averaged combined reading and math K-Prep scores for elementary students to 63% by 2017. Measurable Objective 1: collaborate to increase the averaged combined reading and math K-Prep scores to 57.7% at Hiseville Elementary by 05/13/2016 as measured by K-Prep scores. Strategy 1: Curriculum Assessment and Alignment - Our curriculum is aligned with district, state and national standards. We will continually assess our students to look at ways to meet proficiency. Category: Activity - Schedule Alignment Activity Type Begin Date End Date There will be additional time allotted for reading, math and writing. Students will be identified for extra time, based on classroom and standardized assessments. Any student showing areas of weakness will be remediated either through RTI or classroom intervention. Academic Support Program 08/07/2013 05/13/2016 Status In Progress In Progress Progress Notes RTI time is in place and additional times allotted. We utilized Early Birds and 21st Century to add additional time before, during and after school in these areas. Created On May 15, 2015 May 15, 2014 Activity - Language and Writing Mechanics Activity Type Begin Date End Date We have given a direct 30 minutes a day to focus on our Writing and Language Mechanics. Academic Support Program 08/07/2013 05/13/2016 SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned $0 Resource Assigned $0 Source Of Funding Other Staff Responsible Principal and all Certified Staff Created By Mrs. Shari Alexander Mr. Jeff Richey Source Of Funding No Funding Required Staff Responsible Principle and All Certified Staff Page 17 Closing the Achievement Gap Hiseville Elementary School Status In Progress In Progress Progress Notes Created On All grade levels first 30 minutes with the exception of one grade level that is at the end of the literacy May 15, 2015 block. We have a dedicated 30 minute time slot for language mechanics 7:30-8:00 am. May 15, 2014 Created By Mrs. Shari Alexander Mr. Jeff Richey Strategy 2: School Readiness and Early Learning - Our rigor and relevance framework for our younger populations have been addressed. We finding ways to differentiate, accelerate, and remediate our young primary children so that they may obtain proficiency at a young age. Category: Activity - Kindergarten Screening Activity Type Begin Date End Date All students entering kindergarten will be screened using the Brigance screener. Academic Support Program 07/15/2014 10/15/2017 Resource Assigned $0 Source Of Funding State Funds Staff Responsible Principal, counselor, kindergarten teachers Source Of Funding Other Staff Responsible Principal Professional Learning Communities Strategy 3: Monitoring Data - We will track our students achievement through analyzing their individual student levels in STAR Math and Reading. Category: Activity - PLC Monitoring Activity Type Begin Date End Date During our PLC meetings we will be analyzing student's individual achievement levels in STAR Math and Reading and Early Literacy. Academic Support Program 08/07/2014 06/01/2016 Resource Assigned $0 Strategy 4: SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 18 Closing the Achievement Gap Hiseville Elementary School Incentives - We will be offering our students incentives in our Accelerated Reading Program as a way to improve our comprehension achievement scores. Category: Activity - Incentives for AR Activity Type Begin Date End Date We will offer incentives for our students in our AR program every nine weeks. Academic Support Program 08/07/2014 06/01/2016 Resource Assigned $1000 Source Of Staff Funding Responsible General Fund Principal Librarian Goal 2: GAP Goal 2014-2017: Increase the average combined reading and math proficiency ratings for all students in the non-duplicated GAP group to 57.4% in 2017. Measurable Objective 1: collaborate to decrease the overall achievement Gap at Hiseville Elementary School by increasing the average combined reading and math proficiency ratings for all students in the non-duplicated Gap group to 51.3% by 06/30/2016 as measured by KPrep scores. Strategy 1: Progress Monitoring - Progress Monitoring will be used to track student progress throughout the year. We will use the data from our monitoring to help with student placement in the RTI process. Category: Activity - MAP Testing Activity Type Begin Date End Date Students will be assessed three times a year using MAP testing. The areas of Math, Reading, and Language will be assessed. Academic Support Program 08/08/2012 06/01/2017 SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned $0 Source Of Funding District Funding Staff Responsible Guidance Counselor and Classroom Teachers Page 19 Closing the Achievement Gap Hiseville Elementary School Status Completed Progress Notes This has been completed for the 2013-14 school year. We will continue this process. Created On May 15, 2014 Activity - AIMS Web Activity Type Begin Date End Date Students in Tier III will be progress monitored using AIMS Web benchmarks and probes. Academic Support Program 08/07/2013 06/01/2016 Status In Progress Completed Progress Notes K-3 AIMS web, 4-6 STAR except for Tier 3. This process was completed during the 2013-14 school year. We will continue to implement this process. Activity Type Begin Date End Date All students K-6 will be monitored with STAR Reading and Math regularly (K with STAR Early Literacy) and information will be used to create instruction designed to address individual student needs. Students in Tier 2 RTI will be monitored bi-weekly. Academic Support Program 08/07/2013 06/01/2016 Progress Notes STAR Early Literacy in Kindergarten This process was completed for the 2013-14 school year. We will continue to monitor. Source Of Funding Title I School Improvement (ISI) Created On May 15, 2015 May 15, 2014 Activity - STAR Enterprise Reading and Math Status In Progress Completed Resource Assigned $700 Created By Mr. Jeff Richey Resource Assigned $7000 Staff Responsible Guidance Counselor and RTI Manager Created By Mrs. Shari Alexander Mr. Jeff Richey Source Of Funding Other Created On May 15, 2015 May 15, 2014 Staff Responsible All teachers, RTI staff, Guidance Counselors, Paraprofessio nals Created By Mrs. Shari Alexander Mr. Jeff Richey Strategy 2: Best Practice - Our school will work closely with district administrative staff to utilize research based best practice strategies and techniques. Category: SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 20 Closing the Achievement Gap Hiseville Elementary School Activity - ECE Collaboration Activity Type Our ECE teachers will serve our school collaboratively and in the resource Academic setting. They will have an active role in student learning. Support Program Status Completed Begin Date End Date 08/07/2013 06/01/2016 Progress Notes Collaboration was integrated this school year. It is also in the master schedule for next year. Created On May 15, 2014 Activity - Curriculum Alignment Activity Type Begin Date End Date We have worked at the school level and within the district framework to seemlessly align our curriculum and eliminate gaps in the curriculum. Academic Support Program 08/07/2013 06/01/2016 Status In Progress Progress Notes This is a yearly work in progress through district power sessions and team leader, PLC meetings. Activity - Rubrics/Assessment Strategies Activity Type Rubrics will be designed by students and teachers so that all stakeholders Academic have buy-in in this process. Teachers will also begin with the end in mind Support and identify learning targets for each class and share with the students. Program We utilize various assessment strategies to address the different learning styles at our school to ensure mastery of the learning targets. Status In Progress Completed SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned $0 Created On May 15, 2014 Begin Date End Date 08/07/2013 06/30/2017 Progress Notes Rubrics are still more teacher led, need to give students more ownership. Evidence of completion in this area among all grade levels. We will continue to polish this process next year. Resource Assigned $0 Resource Assigned $0 Created On May 15, 2015 May 15, 2014 Source Of Funding No Funding Required Staff Responsible ECE Staff and Certified Teachers Created By Mr. Jeff Richey Source Of Funding No Funding Required Staff Responsible Principal and Certified Teachers Created By Mr. Jeff Richey Source Of Funding No Funding Required Staff Responsible Principal and Certified Staff Created By Mrs. Shari Alexander Mr. Jeff Richey Page 21 Closing the Achievement Gap Hiseville Elementary School Strategy 3: Professional Development - Our teachers will attend professional development opportunities that will address our GAP areas as identified in the K-Prep results. Category: Activity - PD Grade Level Power Sessions Activity Type Begin Date End Date Our faculty members will attend a PD academy hosted by our district's Professional CRTs. There will be various opportunities for professional growth and job- Learning embedded PD. 06/01/2013 08/01/2016 Status Completed Progress Notes Completed for the 2013-14 school year. We will continue this process next year. Resource Assigned $0 Created On May 15, 2014 Source Of Funding District Funding Staff Responsible All Staff Created By Mr. Jeff Richey Goal 3: Next Generation Professionals: Hiseville Elementary will implement PGES according to district CEP. The baseline data from the 14-15 school year will be used to set 2015-16 targets. Measurable Objective 1: collaborate to increase the overall effectiveness of our teachers by 06/30/2017 as measured by baseline established on new state-wide Professional Growth and Evaluation System for 2017 target. Strategy 1: Professional Development for PGES - Continued training for all staff in the PGES process. Category: Teacher PGES SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 22 Closing the Achievement Gap Hiseville Elementary School Activity - Professional Development Activity Type Begin Date End Date District In Service and/or professional development resources will be used Professional to provide support with the components of PGES to teachers. Learning 05/01/2014 05/13/2016 Status Completed Progress Notes TPGES Pilot was completed for this school year. We will fully implement this evaluation process next year for our entire school. Resource Assigned $0 Created On May 15, 2014 Source Of Funding Other Staff Responsible District CRTs, Principal Created By Mr. Jeff Richey Strategy 2: Common Planning - Common Planning Category: Professional Learning & Support Activity - Common Planning Activity Type Begin Date End Date Common planning meetings held on a regular basis with administration and district crt's to focus on self-reflection, PGG and SGG. Professional Learning 06/30/2014 05/31/2016 Activity Type Begin Date End Date All certified staff will be trained in the Peer Observer module as required by Professional KDE and District CEP. Learning 05/01/2014 05/31/2016 Resource Assigned $0 Source Of Funding No Funding Required Staff Responsible District CRT Principal Teachers Resource Assigned $0 Source Of Funding No Funding Required Staff Responsible Certified Teachers Strategy 3: Peer Observer Training - Professional learning Category: Teacher PGES Activity - Peer Observation EDS Module SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 23 Closing the Achievement Gap Hiseville Elementary School Measurable Objective 2: collaborate to increase the overall effectiveness of our principal by 06/30/2017 as measured by baseline established on new state-wide Professional Growth and Evaluation System for 2017 target. Strategy 1: EDS module - Principal will increase professional practice by reviewing the information from the EDS module. Category: Principal PGES Activity - Professional Development Activity Type Begin Date End Date Principal will participate in a continuing self-study to fully implement the EDS modules as part of the new PGES. Professional Learning 06/01/2013 06/30/2016 Status Completed Progress Notes 40 hrs of training and the pilot program process were completed by the principal. Full implementation for the 2014-15 school year. Resource Assigned $400 Created On May 15, 2014 Source Of Funding Perkins Staff Responsible Principal, District Trainers Created By Mr. Jeff Richey Strategy 2: Professional Learning - Additional support for principal through professional learning opportunities Category: Professional Learning & Support Activity - Additional Professional Support Activity Type Begin Date End Date Through the Leading to Learn Grant and PPGP growth opportunities Professional offered through GRREC, Visible Learning, KASA and ISLN, administrators Learning will have the chance to continues professional learning and share the information at monthly instructional meetings for administrators. 01/02/2014 05/31/2016 Status In Progress Progress Notes Mr. Richey has participated in the L2L activities. SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Resource Assigned $0 Created On May 15, 2015 Source Of Funding No Funding Required Staff Responsible Principal Created By Mrs. Shari Alexander Page 24 Closing the Achievement Gap Hiseville Elementary School SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Page 25 Closing the Achievement Gap Hiseville Elementary School Activity Summary by Funding Source Below is a breakdown of your activities by funding source No Funding Required Activity Name Activity Description Peer Observation EDS Module Language and Writing Mechanics All certified staff will be trained in the Peer Observer module as required by KDE and District CEP. We have given a direct 30 minutes a day to focus on our Writing and Language Mechanics. Curriculum Alignment Rubrics/Assessment Strategies Additional Professional Support ECE Collaboration Common Planning Activity Type Begin Date End Date Professional Learning Academic Support Program We have worked at the school level and within the district Academic framework to seemlessly align our curriculum and eliminate Support gaps in the curriculum. Program Rubrics will be designed by students and teachers so that Academic all stakeholders have buy-in in this process. Teachers will Support also begin with the end in mind and identify learning targets Program for each class and share with the students. We utilize various assessment strategies to address the different learning styles at our school to ensure mastery of the learning targets. Through the Leading to Learn Grant and PPGP growth Professional opportunities offered through GRREC, Visible Learning, Learning KASA and ISLN, administrators will have the chance to continues professional learning and share the information at monthly instructional meetings for administrators. Our ECE teachers will serve our school collaboratively and Academic in the resource setting. They will have an active role in Support student learning. Program Common planning meetings held on a regular basis with Professional administration and district crt's to focus on self-reflection, Learning PGG and SGG. 05/01/2014 05/31/2016 Resource Assigned $0 Staff Responsible Certified Teachers Principle and All Certified Staff Principal and Certified Teachers Principal and Certified Staff 08/07/2013 05/13/2016 $0 08/07/2013 06/01/2016 $0 08/07/2013 06/30/2017 $0 01/02/2014 05/31/2016 $0 Principal 08/07/2013 06/01/2016 $0 06/30/2014 05/31/2016 $0 ECE Staff and Certified Teachers District CRT Principal Teachers Total $0 Resource Assigned $400 Perkins Activity Name Activity Description Activity Type Begin Date End Date Professional Development Principal will participate in a continuing self-study to fully implement the EDS modules as part of the new PGES. Professional Learning 06/01/2013 06/30/2016 SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Staff Responsible Principal, District Trainers Page 26 Closing the Achievement Gap Hiseville Elementary School Total $400 State Funds Activity Name Activity Description Activity Type Begin Date End Date Kindergarten Screening All students entering kindergarten will be screened using the Brigance screener. Academic Support Program 07/15/2014 10/15/2017 Resource Assigned $0 Total $0 Staff Responsible Principal, counselor, kindergarten teachers Title I School Improvement (ISI) Activity Name Activity Description Activity Type Begin Date End Date AIMS Web Students in Tier III will be progress monitored using AIMS Web benchmarks and probes. Academic Support Program 08/07/2013 06/01/2016 Resource Assigned $700 Total $700 Begin Date End Date Staff Responsible Guidance Counselor and RTI Manager Other Activity Name Activity Description STAR Enterprise Reading and Math All students K-6 will be monitored with STAR Reading and Academic Math regularly (K with STAR Early Literacy) and information Support will be used to create instruction designed to address Program individual student needs. Students in Tier 2 RTI will be monitored bi-weekly. 08/07/2013 06/01/2016 Resource Assigned $7000 Professional Development District In Service and/or professional development resources will be used to provide support with the components of PGES to teachers. There will be additional time allotted for reading, math and writing. Students will be identified for extra time, based on classroom and standardized assessments. Any student showing areas of weakness will be remediated either through RTI or classroom intervention. During our PLC meetings we will be analyzing student's individual achievement levels in STAR Math and Reading and Early Literacy. Professional Learning 05/01/2014 05/13/2016 $0 Academic Support Program 08/07/2013 05/13/2016 $0 Principal and all Certified Staff Academic Support Program 08/07/2014 06/01/2016 $0 Principal Professional Learning Communities Total $7000 Schedule Alignment PLC Monitoring SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Activity Type Staff Responsible All teachers, RTI staff, Guidance Counselors, Paraprofessio nals District CRTs, Principal Page 27 Closing the Achievement Gap Hiseville Elementary School District Funding Activity Name Activity Description MAP Testing PD Grade Level Power Sessions Activity Type Begin Date End Date Students will be assessed three times a year using MAP Academic testing. The areas of Math, Reading, and Language will be Support assessed. Program 08/08/2012 06/01/2017 Resource Assigned $0 Our faculty members will attend a PD academy hosted by our district's CRTs. There will be various opportunities for professional growth and job-embedded PD. 06/01/2013 08/01/2016 $0 Total $0 Professional Learning Staff Responsible Guidance Counselor and Classroom Teachers All Staff General Fund Activity Name Activity Description Activity Type Begin Date End Date Incentives for AR We will offer incentives for our students in our AR program every nine weeks. Academic Support Program 08/07/2014 06/01/2016 Resource Assigned $1000 Total $1000 SY 2015-2016 © 2015 Advance Education, Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise granted by written agreement. Staff Responsible Principal Librarian Page 28