Dosimetry for IMRT Thomas Rockwell Mackie Department of Medical Physics University y of Wisconsin Madison WI Financial Disclosure I am a founder and Chairman of TomoTherapy Inc. ((Madison,, WI)) which is participating p p g in the commercial development of helical tomotherapy. Outline • Dosimetry Issues Relevant to IMRT • Charged Particle Equilibrium • Temporal Non-Constancy • Partial Volume Effects • Non-Standard Fields • IMRT as a Large Collection of Small Non-Standard Fields • IAEA Calibration Initiative for Non-Standard Non Standard Fields • Patient-Specific Methods To Verify Delivery of IMRT • Independent Calculations • Delivery of Individual Radiation Fields • Delivery of All Fields into a Phantom Patient Specific Dosimetry QA • Metrics for Patient-Specific Dosimetry Issues Relevant to IMRT • Charged particle equilibrium – Different spectrum for collection of small fields – Non-uniform N if dose d • Temporal non-constancy – A very small effect for ion chambers – May not be true for other dosimeters • Partial volume effect – Most important effect especially when measuring p factors for small fields output Non-Uniform Intensity Changes the gy Spectrum p Energy More High gy Energy Electrons Photon Beamlet Photon Beamlet More Low Energy Electrons Change in Stopping Power Ratio Comparison of Spencer-Attix (∆=10 keV) restricted mass collisional stopping powers ratios (water/air) at 5 cm depth in water for various 6 MV beams with stereotactic and MLC beams. 6 MV beams Beam quality, TPR(20,10) Andreo, (1994) SánchezDoblado, (2003) Column4/Column3 0 690 0.690 1 1187 1.1187 1 1188 1.1188 1 000 1.000 1.0 cm diameter stereo field 1.1155 0.997 0.3 cm diameter stereo field 1.1153 0.997 1.1221 1.001 2 x 2 cm2 irregular on-axis beamlet 1.1203 0.999 2 x 2 cm2 irregular 8 cm off-axis 1.1250 1.003 Elekta El kt SL-18 SL 18 10 x 10 cm2 Siemens Primus 10 x 10 cm2 0.677 1.1213 Temporal Delivery of IMRT Delivery of Dose to a Single Voxel IMRT Delivery Signatures Step & Shoot HIART 12000 10000 6000 4000 -2000 Elapsed Time (sec) From Tim Holmes, St. Agnes Baltimore 1239 1194 1149 1105 1060 1015 971 926 881 836 792 747 702 658 613 564 517 470 423 376 329 282 235 188 141 93.7 0 46.9 2000 0.16 Signal (fC) 8000 Temporal Delivery of IMRT D li Delivery off D Dose tto a Single Si l Voxel V l Helical Tomo 5% 90 % 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 04 0.4 0.3 0.2 01 0.1 0 5% Normalized Cumulative Dose Step and Shoot 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Elapsed Time (minutes) From Tim Holmes, St. Agnes Baltimore Partial Volume Effect Dose to Water For Small Fields 0.9 Outpu ut Factorr 0.8 Monte M t C Carlo l Diamond Diode LAC+film Film 0 0.7 0.6 05 0.5 PTW 31014 (Pinpoint) PTW 31010 (Semiflex) PTW 30006 (Farmer) 0.4 03 0.3 0.2 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 Side of Square Field (cm) From Roberto Capote, IAEA 3.0 Partial Volume Effect output factors relative to 4 cm x 4 cm output factor rel to 4x4 o 1.10 1 00 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 standard data photon diode di diamond d pinpoint 0.125 cc chamber electron diode 0.60 0.50 0.40 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 equivalent field lenght (cm) 8 From Karen Rosser, Royal Marsden 9 10 High Uncertainty in Output Factors E Example: l St Statistics ti ti off 45 O Output t t Factors F t for f 6 mm and d 18 mm square fields fi ld (Novalis, SSD = 1000 mm, depth = 50 mm, various detectors) Factor of Two in Beam Calibration! From Wolfgang Ullrich, BrainLab Reasons for Drop in Output with Small Field Size • Backscatter into monitor unit from beam defining jaws • Reduced scatter (phantom and head) • Electronic disequilibrium • Obscuration of the source Problems with Conventional Output Factors • Small field openings p g obscure the source which is difficult to measure and error prone. • Amount of phantom scatter changes as well as lateral disequilibrium. disequilibrium • Partial volume effects can mask machine output factor. Standard Reference Conditions Small Field Conditions Scan Phantom Across a Narrow Beam • If the source were a point source, source the measured primary dose would be directly proportional to the jaw field width and inversely proportional to the scan speed. • Nearly equal phantom scatter conditions for all jaw settings. • No partial volume effects once scanning is complete. Jaw field width (FW) Beam’s eye view Animation of Scanning Path From the Point of View of the Phantom The fan beam field 10 cm long by FW wide b i at one begins side of the field and is scanned across the phantom. FW is defined by the 50% to 50% dose. FW is i the fan f beam be width idth The ffan b Th beam field is always scanned the same distance (10 cm) at the same speed. speed Beam’s eye view Scanning at Velocity v Assume that the source is a point source Jaw field width (FW) (r) D( r ) 10 cm Animation of Scanning Path From the Point of View of the Phantom The fan beam field 10 cm long by FW wide b i at one begins side of the field and is scanned across the phantom. FW is defined by the 50% to 50% dose. FW is i the fan f beam be width idth The ffan b Th beam field is always scanned the same distance (10 cm) at the same speed. speed Beam’s eye view Scanning at Velocity v Jaw field width (FW) (r ) FW D v D( r ) 10 cm Impact of Source Occlusion for Variable Jaw Widths Dashed line is expected t dWater Tank Dose Ratios result for a point source 20 18 16 Dos se Dose Ratio D 14 • 12 10 8 6 4 • 2 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 Measured Field Width, FW (cm) Measured Field Width, FW (cm) Mainly Due to Source Obscuration Only the field width, FW for each measurement was altered. The scan distance (10 cm) and scan velocity were identical. Dose and Dose/FW as a Function of Field Width (FW) Divide by Field Width and Normalize Water Tank Dose Ratios Water Tank Dose/FW Ratios 20 1.2 18 1 Normalized Do ose/FW Dose/FW W Ratio 16 Dose Dose Ratio 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 Basically a measure of the clipping the photon source so rce seen for the smaller field widths. 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 Measured Field Width, FW (cm) Measured Field Width, FW (cm) Plot of dose D(FW) From Brian Hundertmark 1 2 3 Measured Field Width, FW (cm) 4 Measured Field Width, FW (cm) Plot of D/FW 5 No Difference Between Water and Solid Water From Brian Hundertmark Little Difference With Depth From Brian Hundertmark Small Vs. Farmer Chambers A1SL: 0.057 0 057 cc PTW: 0.6 cc From Brian Hundertmark Helical Delivery From Brian Hundertmark The Same Technique Could Be Applied for Other Small Beams Now for a point source, the measured primary dose would be proportional to the area of the beam and inversely proportional to the scan velocity. A circular beam is scanned in a raster pattern to create a broad beam using the same overall irradiation time. Beam’s eye view You would actually scan the phantom instead of scanning the beam. Avoids Problems with Measuring Output Factors for Small Fields • Charged g particle p equilibrium q – Nearly same charged particle spectrum • Temporal non-constancy non constancy – Deliberately uses temporal non-constancy – Mimics how composite small fields become larger irradiated fields • Partial volume effect – No partial volume effects Measurements Would Benchmark Source Model Model the source distribution Calculate a delivery to a large area using a superposition of small beams Measure the dose in the center of the field Repeat for another set of small ll beams b until til a range off beam sizes are done. no Enough? yes no Agreement between calculation and measurement? Done yes IMRT Is Far from Reference Conditions 0.05 0.30 0.55 0.80 0.10 0.35 0.60 0.85 0.15 0.40 0.65 0.90 0.20 0.45 0.70 0.95 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 From Art Boyer, Stanford Relative D Deviatio on (%) Audit for TRS 398 Reference Dosimetry 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 6 -8 -10 Farmer Semiflex PinPoint 1 2 3 4 5 CASE NUMBER From Roberto Capote, IAEA 6 7 IMRT Audit R Relative e devia ation (% %) 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 2 -4 -6 -8 -10 Farmer Semiflex PinPoint Step-and-shoot 1 2 3 4 5 Dynamic 6 7 8 9 CASE NUMBER Sánchez-Doblado F, Hartmann G., Pena J., Capote R. et al IJROBP 68 (2007) 301-310 10 11 12 13 IMRT Is About Using Small Fields Intensity pattern possibly p y unconstrained intensity levels What is delivered Intensity limited to a few discrete intensityy levels Adapted from Michael Sharpe, U. of Toronto Leaf Penumbra is Important Lines Defining One Half Value Layer of Beam Attenuation Lines Defining Light Field Boundary Central Axis • • It is important to have an accurate model of the curved leaf ends. ends More important for summation of small fields. Meeting for the Dosimetry Code of Practice: Small Fields and Novel Beams 3-5/12/07 Outside Participants • • • • • • • Jan Seuntjens j Hugo Palmans Karen Rosser Saiful Huq Wolfgang Ullrich Warren Kilby Rock Mackie • • • • • • • IAEA Pedro Andreo Ken R. Shortt Stanislav Vatnitskiyy Roberto Capote Joanna Joa a Izewska e s a Ahmed Meghzifene Rodolfo Alfonso • My Pictures\IAEA_2008\IAEA_2008 006.jpg jpg Examples of Small and Novel Fields • GammaKnife (1 (1.8 8 cm diameter collimator is the largest collimator – intrinsically composite field – not 100 cm SSD) • Linac SRS beams (extrapolate to small field conditions) • Accuray (6 cm diameter di collimator lli is i the h largest l collimator) • TomoTherapy (5 cm is the largest slice width – no field flattening filter) • IMRT (made up of numerous small fields) Static Field Calibration Uses a machine-specific reference field, fmsr Qmsr w D kQmsr M N Co 60 D ,w Qmsr w Q w (D / M ) (D / M ) kQ kQmsr Qmsr w D fmsr Corrects for the differences between the conditions of field size, ggeometry, y, and beam q quality y of the conventional reference field and the machine-specific reference field. Calculate Using MC Using method of Sempau et al 2004 PMB 49;4427-44 kQmsr ( Dw / Da ) Qmsr ( Dw / Da ) Q Dw is the dose at the reference point in water Da is the average dose in the ion chamber Dw Adapted from Edmond Sterpin Da Composite p Field Calibration Uses a plan-class specific reference field, fpcsr Q pcsr Dw M N Co 60 D ,w Q pcsr kQ pcsr ( D / M )w Q ( D / M )w kQ kQ pcsr fpcsr Corrects for the differences between the conditions of field size, geometry, t and db beam quality lit off the th conventional ti l reference f field fi ld and the plan-class specific reference field. Dose Calibration Correction Factor to G tD Get Dose iin a Cli Clinical i l Field Fi ld Qclin w D kQclin D Qmsr w Qclin Qmsr D Qmsr w M Qclin M Qmsr kQclin Qclin w Qmsr w (D / M ) (D / M ) In principle, the dose calibration correction factor would be different for each clinical measurement. Eventually, Monte Carlo treatment planning systems could compute kQclin for both the patient and a QA phantom. Overview of Static Field Dosimetry REFERENCE DOSIMETRY D wQ m sr M N DC o,w 60 k Q k Q m sr 10 cm x 10 cm Reference Field D wQ clin D wQ m sr QQmclinsr Linac Stereotactic Field k Q m sr N DC o,w 60 k Q BrainLab MiniMLC (10 cm x 10 cm) Hypothetical 10 cm x 10 cm Reference Field QQ m sr CyberKnife (6 cm Diameter) k Q m sr Ion Chamber = clin TomoTherapy (5 cm x 10 cm ) “Effective kQ” for Tomo 1. Determine the %dd(10)x[HT ( ) [ Ref]] for a tomotherapy py unit for a 5 cm x 10 cm field at 85 cm SSD. 2. Using the graph at the right look up the value of %dd(10)x[HT TG-51]. 3. Using the graph on the left and the derived value %dd(10)x[HT TG-51] determine the abscissa and this effective kQ value is then called k k in the IAEA protocol. Q Thomas et al (2005) Qmsr Static and Composite Field C l l ti Calculations for f Tomo T Static Field Calibration (Section III.A.1) Jeraj et al 2005 Composite Field Calibration (Section III.A.2) Duane et al 2006 kQ pcsr kQmsr 5 cm x 10 cm 0.997 Unmodulated Helical Delivery 5 cm Slice Width 1.000 2 cm x 10 cm 0.993 Unmodulated Helical Delivery 2.5 cm Slice Width 1.000 2 cm x 2 cm 0.990 Unmodulated Helical Delivery 1 cm Slice Width 0.997 ICRU Committee on IMRT Sponsors • André Wambersie MD, PhD, Brussels, Belgium • Paul DeLuca PhD, Madison, USA • Reinhard R i h d Gahbaue G hb MD, MD Ph.D, Ph D Cleveland, Cl l d USA • Gordon Whitmore Ph.D, Toronto, Canada Chairmen • Vincent Vi t Grégoire G é i MD PhD, PhD Brussels, B l Belgium B l i • T. Rock Mackie PhD, Madison, USA Members • Wilfried De Neve MD PhD PhD, Gent Gent, Belgium • Mary Gospodarowicz MD, Toronto, Canada • Andrzej Niemierko PhD, Boston, USA • James A. Purdy y PhD, Davis, USA • Marcel van Herk PhD, Amsterdam, The Netherla • Nilendu Gupta PhD, Colombus, USA Consultants • Anders Ahnesjö PhD, Uppsala, Sweden • Michael Goiten PhD, Windisch, Switzerland Supplement to ICRU-50 and ICRU-62 • More emphasis on statistics. • Prescription and reporting with dose-volume specifications. p • No longer use ICRU-Reference Point. • Want median dose D50% reported. • Use model-based dose calculations. • Include the effect of tissue heterogeneities. • Report R td dose to t small ll mass off water, t nott dose d to tissue. QA for IMRT • Appropriate QA Q off TPS S and delivery equipment • Patient-specific QA: • Delivery of individual fields into a dosimeter • Delivery D li off all ll off the th fields fi ld into i t a phantom h t • Independent dose calculation algorithms with similar of better dose calculation accuracy • In-vivo dosimetry not limited to a single point. Gap Error G error Gap Dose D error 20.0 %D Dose errror Range of gap width 15.0 Gap error (mm) 10.0 2.0 1.0 5.0 0.2 0.5 0.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 Nominal g gap p (cm) ( ) From Tom Losasso, Memorial Sloan Kettering Leaf Positioning Errors 1 mm Bands Errors Introduced - 0.5 mm - 0.2 mm + 0.2 mm + 0.5 mm Mechanical Alignment g of Static MLC Approach No offset 0.6 mm offset 1.0 mm offset From Jatinder Palta, University of Florida Radiation Field Edge Offset 0.7mm offset 0.6mm offset 0.5mm offset 0.3mm offset Segmental Multileaf Collimator (SMLC) Delivery D li System S t Tolerance T l Limit Action A ti Level 1 mm 0.2 mm 0 2 mm 0.2 2 mm 0.5 mm 0 5 mm 0.5 0.75 mm radius di 1.00 mm radius di 2% 2% 3% 3% MLC* Leaf position accuracy Leaf position reproducibility Gap width reproducibility * Measured at all four cardinal gantry angles Gantry, MLC, and Table Isocenter Beam Stability Low MU Output (<2MU) Low MU Symmetry (<2MU) Jatinder Palta, AAPM Summer School 2003 Dynamic Multileaf Collimator (DMLC) Delivery System Tolerance Li it Limit Action L Level l 0.5 0 5 mm 0.2 mm 0.2 mm 0.1 mm/s 1 mm 0.5 mm 0.5 mm 0.2 mm/s MLC Leaf position accuracy Leaf position reproducibility Gap width reproducibility Leaf speed Gantry, MLC, and Table Isocenter Beam Stability Low MU Output p ((<2MU)) Low MU Symmetry (<2MU) 0.75 mm radius 1.00 mm radius 3% 2% Jatinder Palta, AAPM Summer School 2003 5% 3% Fail Fail Fail Leaf open time histograms (15 sec gantry) Leaf opening time Leaf # Leaf Usage Pass Higher Avg. Leaf Opening Time TomoTherapy py Leaf Latency y • TomoTherapy py uses linear fit of measured data to model leaf latency latenc • Based on small lead opening times we expect leaf latency as the cause patient 1 original plan PTV 70 PTV 64 PTV 54 PTV 50 larynx brainstem r. parotid replanned pitch = 0.143 pitch = 0.287 pitch = 0.215 pitch = 0.287 pitch = 0.215 pitch = 0.287 patient 2 PTV 54 esophagus p g lungs cord l. ventricle patient 3 PTV 60 PTV 50 esophagus larynx cord r. parotid b i t brainstem End-to-End QA QA Measurements “Cheese” Phantom used d ffor Q QA measurements Film Plane Phantom can be rotated or turned to acquire any orthogonal plane Measure plane and point dose at the same time On and Off-Axis Results Film and Ion Chamber Absolute Dose Delivered Dose: 2 2.5cm 5cm Treatment Beam 2.5 On-Axis Tumor Off-Axis Tumor 2.0 Dose (G Gy) 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 Distance (cm) 5 10 15 20 QA for All of the Fields Tomotherapy py Example Delivery QA Panel Delivery QA Panel Comparison of Phantom Plan and Verification Film Plan Note N t th the High Gradients Film Film Plan From Chet Ramsey, Thompson Cancer Survival Center QA of Individual Fields Q External diode/ion-chamber arrays • MapCheck • PTW Octavius phantom • IBA Matrix Integrated detector systems • EPID p portal dosimetry y Independent Calculation Dose Accuracy and Distance to Agreement Dose Dose accuracy for low gradients ( rm , rc ) D( rm ) D( rc ) / D50% Measured Low gradients < 20%/cm r ( rm , rc ) rm rc Computed Distance to agreement for high gradients Radius Gamma Function ( rm , rc ) {[ ( rm , rc ) / DM ]2 [ r ( rm , r c ) / d M ]2 }1/ 2 Dose accuracy axis DM Pass ( rm , rc ) Distance to agreement axis r ( rm , rc ) d M Gamma Function ( rm , rc ) {[ ( rm , rc ) / DM ]2 [ r ( rm , r c ) / d M ]2 }1/ 2 Dose accuracy axis DM Fail ( rm , rc ) Distance to agreement axis r ( rm , rc ) d M IMRT Evaluation using Anthropomorphic Phantoms Molineu et al IJROBP 2005 Ibott et al Tech in Ca RT 2006 Followill et al Med Phys 2007 For H&N, using a criteria of 5% or 4mm, the passing i rate t drops d f from 75% tto 58% Courtesy Ibott, RPC Gortec IMRT Test Phantom TLDs are placed at seven locations. Point 1: Isocenter P i t2 Point 2: S Spinal i l cord d iisocenter t Point 3: Spinal cord cranial Point 4: PTV T R Point 5: PTV T R cranial Point 6: PTV N L Point 7: PTV N L caudal Courtesy M. Tomsej, Brussels Audit Results Dm/Dc=f(CENTER) per meas. pt 1.2 1.15 1.1 isocenter Dm/Dc 1.05 spinal cord iso spinal i l cord d cranial i l 1 PTV T D PTV T D cranial PTV N G 0.95 PTV N G caudal 0.9 Sample Result 0.85 0.8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 CENTER 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Sample Tomotherapy Results Inter-Institution Dose Accuracy Accuracy Distribution 600 Frequency 500 400 300 200 100 0 0.885 0.905 0.925 0.945 0.965 0.985 1.005 1.025 1.045 1.065 1.085 1.105 1.125 Measured Dose/Computed Dose Number of Measurements = 2679 Mean = 0.995 Standard Deviation = 0 0.025 025 (Updated from Zefkili et al 2004) Intra-Institution Dose Accuracy Accuracy Distribution 350 Frequency 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 Relative Difference Between Measured and Calculated Dose (% ) Number of Measurements = 1591 Mean = 0.45% Standard Deviation = 2.5% (Updated from Dong et al 2003) 10 QA Accuracy y for IMRT • Previous ICRU 5% point-dose accuracy specification ifi ti replaced l db by a volumetric l ti d dose accuracy specification. • Proposed new ICRU volumetric dose accuracy specification: - High gradient (≥ 20%/cm): 85% of points within 5 mm (3.5 mm SD), - Low gradient (< 20%/cm): 85% of points within 5% of predicted dose normalized to the prescribed dose (3.5% SD). Monitor Units Calculations for M d lB Model-Based dD Dose C Calculation l l ti 0 D D 1 ( A, r ) ( A, r ) ( A, r ) (1 b( A)) MU MU 0 Beam Output d A P Computed Directly Correction to Account for Backscatter Into Monitor Chamber Monitor Units Calculations for M d lB Model-Based dD Dose C Calculation l l ti D ( Acal , dcal ) 0 M Measured (1 b( A )) cal MU U D ( Acal , dcal ) 0 Calculated dcal A Ref Not including the effect of backscatter into the monitor it chamber h b will ill result lt in i about b t a 2% error att worst. Backscatter into Monitor Chamber The effect is due to backscattered photons entering the monitor and resulting in feedback to the linac to lower its output Varian 2100 – 10 MV. Results with other jaw completely open Liu et al., Med. Phys 2000;27:737-744 Monitor Backscatter for Square On Axis Fields On-Axis Varian 2100 – 10 MV Liu et al., Med. Phys 2000;27:737-744 Conclusion • • • • • • • • IMRT uses complex field boundaries and many small fields to achieve more conformal dose distributions. Partial volume effects can result in severe error especially when measuring the dose in high gradients. A new method for determining the effect of field obscuring g is p proposed p to eliminate p partial volume effects. IMRT deliveries are far from the measurement conditions of calibration. IAEA has developed a formalism to account for small and novel beams. Independent calculations or measurements for patient patientspecific QA are required for IMRT. IAEA will recommend that 85% of measurement values (dose or distance to agreement) are within 5%. Model-based monitor unit calculations are simple but should include scatter into monitor chamber.