©2007 Google – Imagery ©2007 NASA Hadron dosimetry Hugo Palmans Acoustics and Ionising g Radiation Team, National Physical y Laboratory, Teddington, UK hugo.palmans@npl.co.uk Hadron Dosimetry – 2009 AAPM Summer School 20-25 Jun 2009 O e e Overview • Dosimetry: similarities and differences with photon and electron beams • Absolute dosimetry: –C Calorimetry, l i t flfluence b based d measurements, t iion chambers • Relative dosimetry: – Ionization chambers, solid state detectors, film, alanine Hadron Dosimetry – 2009 AAPM Summer School 20-25 Jun 2009 Protons oo sa and d ions o s – the e ad advantages a ages Hadron Dosimetry – 2009 AAPM Summer School 20-25 Jun 2009 Protons oo sa and d ions o s – the e ad advantages a ages Hadron Dosimetry – 2009 AAPM Summer School 20-25 Jun 2009 Stopping S opp g po powers es–p protons o o s versus e sus e electrons ec o s ICRU 49 ICRU 37 1.30 1 20 1.20 102 1.10 proton water protons air electrons water electrons air sw air protons sw,air sw,air electrons 101 1.00 100 0.90 10-6 10-4 10-2 = Ek/Erest Hadron Dosimetry – 2009 AAPM Summer School 20-25 Jun 2009 100 102 s w,air Scoll/ (M MeV cm 2 g-11) 103 Stopping S opp g po powers es–p protons o o s versus e sus e electrons ec o s r o,p = 1mm r o,e = 1mm ICRU 49 ICRU 37 1.30 1 20 1.20 102 1.10 proton water protons air electrons water electrons air sw air protons sw,air sw,air electrons 101 1.00 100 0.90 10-6 10-4 10-2 = Ek/Erest Hadron Dosimetry – 2009 AAPM Summer School 20-25 Jun 2009 100 102 s w,air Scoll/ (M MeV cm 2 g-11) 103 energy lo oss per unit dep pth / MeV cm 2 g-1 High-LET g component: co po e p protons oo s 20.0 total 1H > 2 eV/nm 15.0 < 2 eV/nm 10.0 1 primary H > 6 eV/nm 5.0 1 secondary H > 10 eV/nm > 20 eV/nm 1 secondary H <10 eV/nm 00 0.0 0 5 10 15 20 25 depth in water / g cm -2 K Kempe ett al.l (2007) Med. M d Ph Phys. 34:183-92 34 183 92 Hadron Dosimetry – 2009 AAPM Summer School 20-25 Jun 2009 30 High-LET g component: co po e ca carbon bo ions o s energy lo oss per unit dep pth / MeV cm 2 g-1 300 250 total 12C 200 12 primary C 150 > 60 eV/nm > 40 eV/nm 100 > 20 eV/nm 50 1 H 4 10+11 He C 10+11 B 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 depth in water / g cm -2 K Kempe ett al.l (2007) Med. M d Ph Phys. 34:183-92 34 183 92 Hadron Dosimetry – 2009 AAPM Summer School 20-25 Jun 2009 35 40 Attenuation e ua o – Nonelastic o e as c nuclear uc ea interactions 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 1.0 1.0 08 0.8 08 0.8 0.6 0.6 100 MeV protons 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 Depth p (cm) ( ) Hadron Dosimetry – 2009 AAPM Summer School 20-25 Jun 2009 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 Number of protons PDD 0.0 Definition e o o of range a ge pa parameters a ees 1.0 PDD D80 0.8 06 0.6 06 0.6 N"50" 0.4 0.4 z80 rcsda 0.2 0.2 Rp D10 00 0.0 00 0.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 depth / cm Hadron Dosimetry – 2009 AAPM Summer School 20-25 Jun 2009 8.0 8.5 numberr of protons s 0.8 1.0 Residual es dua range a ge – bea beam qua quality y for o p protons oo s SOBP 235 MeV 100 z ref relative do ose 80 R res 60 40 Rp 20 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 depth in water / cm Hadron Dosimetry – 2009 AAPM Summer School 20-25 Jun 2009 30 35 40 Practical ac ca range a ge for o ca carbon bo ions o s 2 energy lloss per unit dep pth / MeV cm g -1 1 300 250 200 150 100 50 Rp 0 25 0 25.0 25 5 25.5 26 0 26.0 26 5 26.5 27 0 27.0 27 5 27.5 depth in water / g cm-2 Kempe and Brahme (2008) Med. Phys. 35:159-70 R p C E p R k Hadron Dosimetry – 2009 AAPM Summer School 20-25 Jun 2009 28 0 28.0 Practical-range ac ca a ge sca scaling g -1 RpZ /Eo (g cm MeV ) 1.0E-01 2 --2 1.0E-03 electrons 1.0E-05 clinical carbon ions carbon ions protons 1.0E-07 1.0E 07 1.0E-04 1.0E-03 clinical protons 1.0E-02 = Ek/Eo Hadron Dosimetry – 2009 AAPM Summer School 20-25 Jun 2009 1.0E-01 1.0E+00 Scattering Sca e g–p protons o o s versus e sus p photons oo s (Palmans 2006 2006, Scope 15:5 15:5-12) 12) Hadron Dosimetry – 2009 AAPM Summer School 20-25 Jun 2009 Scattering Sca e g – ca carbon bo ions o s versus e sus p protons oo s broadening of the beam m / mm 4.0 photons 21 MeV C-12 ions 270 MeV/u protons 148 MeV 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 0 50 100 depth in water / mm Hadron Dosimetry – 2009 AAPM Summer School 20-25 Jun 2009 150 Electron ec o sslowing o g do down spec spectrum u 1.E+01 -1 particle fluence e per incident proton / MeV cm -2 200 MeV proton beam, z = 20 cm electrons 1.E+00 proton 1 E 01 1.E-01 1.E-02 1.E-03 1 E 04 1.E-04 1.E-02 1.E-01 1.E+00 1.E+01 1.E+02 energy / MeV (Medin and Andreo 1997, Phys Med Biol 42:89-105) Hadron Dosimetry – 2009 AAPM Summer School 20-25 Jun 2009 1.E+03 Absolute bso u e dos dosimetry e y • Absorbed dose calorimetry – Water W t calorimetry l i t – Graphite calorimetry • Fluence based methods – Faraday cups – Activation measurement • Calibrated ion chambers • Alanine Hadron Dosimetry – 2009 AAPM Summer School 20-25 Jun 2009 Absolute dosimetry – Calorimetry • Remember: D c.T.kh C (j kg-1.kk-1) (j.kg (m2.ss-1) T/D (mk Gy-1) (mk.Gy kh water 4182 1.44x10-7 0.24 0.96-1.02 graphite 704 0.80x10-4 1.42 1.000 (?) • Main problem in water: chemical heat defect • Main problem in graphite: thermal diffusivity + dose conversion graphite to water Hadron Dosimetry – 2009 AAPM Summer School 20-25 Jun 2009 Water calorimetry / chemical heat defect protons Experiment Simulations 60Co (100 MeV) protons (1MeV) G (100 eV-1) 3,0 H+ OH• 2,0 e¯aq OH¯ H2 H2O2 10 1,0 H• 0,0 10-1 HO2 102 100 101 LET (keV.m-1) (-) H2O Hadron Dosimetry – 2009 AAPM Summer School 20-25 Jun 2009 3,00 H+ OH• e-aq 2 00 2,00 G • H20/Ar • H20/H2 • H20+NaCOOH/O2 ((100eV-1) 4,00 OH-H O 2 2 H2 H• 1,00 0,00 0,0 0,2 0,4 t (s) 0,6 0,8 1,0 Water a e ca calorimetry o e y / cchemical e ca heat ea de defect ec p protons oo s Steady state dose points 1.08 H2O/H2 Dcal/Dcal,sss H2O/Ar H2O/H2 1.06 NaCOOH/O2 1.04 60 Co 1.02 85 MeV protons 1.00 H2O/Ar 0.98 0 200 400 600 0 200 Dacc / Gy Palmans et al (1996) Med. Phys. 23:643-50 Hadron Dosimetry – 2009 AAPM Summer School 20-25 Jun 2009 400 Water a e ca calorimetry o e y / cchemical e ca heat ea de defect ec p protons oo s 1.08 H2O/H2 Dcal/Dcal,sss H2O/Ar H2O/H2 1.06 NaCOOH/O2 1.04 60 Co 1.02 85 MeV protons 1.00 H2O/Ar 0.98 0 200 400 600 0 200 Dacc / Gy Palmans et al (1996) Med. Phys. 23:643-50 Hadron Dosimetry – 2009 AAPM Summer School 20-25 Jun 2009 400 Water a e ca calorimetry o e y / cchemical e ca heat ea de defect ec ions o s 7 che emical heat defect / % 6 5 4 3 2 1 p d 0 He C -1 0 20 40 60 80 LET / keV m 100 -1 Brede et al. 2006 Phys. Med. Biol. 51:3667-82 Hadron Dosimetry – 2009 AAPM Summer School 20-25 Jun 2009 120 140 Water a e ca calorimetry o e y in spo spot-scanned sca ed p protons oo s 0.35 temperature incrrease / mK heat source / arbitrary units temperature increase 0.30 0.25 0 20 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 00 0.0 05 0.5 10 1.0 15 1.5 20 2.0 25 2.5 30 3.0 35 3.5 40 4.0 45 4.5 50 5.0 time / s Sassowsky and Pedroni (2005) Phys Med Biol. 50:5381-400 Hadron Dosimetry – 2009 AAPM Summer School 20-25 Jun 2009 Graphite G ap e ca calorimetry o e y NPL primary standard level proton calorimeter under development: Core Inner jacket Outer jacket Annular PCB Graphite vacuum body Hadron Dosimetry – 2009 AAPM Summer School 20-25 Jun 2009 Graphite calorimetry: water equivalence interaction cross sections (ICRU49 & ICRU63) w L Dw ( zw ) Dg ( zg ) g ? 1.20 (L/)w,g or (<E>/A)w,g 1 10 1.10 Stopping power ratio 1.00 Emitted protons 0.90 Total non-elastic absorption 0.80 0.70 Emitted deuterons Emitted alpha particles 0.60 0 50 100 150 proton energy / MeV Hadron Dosimetry – 2009 AAPM Summer School 20-25 Jun 2009 200 250 Graphite G ap e ca calorimetry: o e y water a e equ equivalence a e ce interaction cross sections (ICRU49 & ICRU63) 1 .0 8 1 .0 8 [[D g-EM 200 MeV 60 M eV w,g +D D 1 .0 0 1 .0 0 0 .9 6 200 MeV w,g w 0 .9 6 x(<E>s/A) 60 MeV g-NN Dg x (L/ )w,gg / Dw 1 .0 4 x(L/) 1 .0 4 w ]/D w L 0 .2 0 Dw ( zw ) Dg ( zg ) fl g 0 .9 2 0 .0 00 0 .4 0 0 .6 60 0 .8 80 0 .9 2 1 .0 00 z /r 0 w w L Dw ( zw ) Dg EM ( zg ) Dg NN ( zg ) E fl A g g Hadron Dosimetry – 2009 AAPM Summer School 20-25 Jun 2009 Graphite calorimetry: water equivalence Roos Roos Markus Proton beam Plates 1.04 1.040 QGSP QGSP BERT QGSP BIC precompund 1.030 1.020 fluence correctio on factor fluence correctio on factor Markus Proton beam 1.010 1.000 0.990 r0 @ 50% distal r0 @ 80% distal r0 from ICRU49 1.03 1.02 1.01 1.00 0.99 0.98 0.980 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 0.0 Hadron Dosimetry – 2009 AAPM Summer School 20-25 Jun 2009 1.0 1.5 2.0 -2 depth (g cm ) water equivalent depth (g cm-2) simulation 0.5 measurement 2.5 3.0 Absolute bso u e dos dosimetry e y – Fluence ue ce based methods N protons A Dmed Hadron Dosimetry – 2009 AAPM Summer School 20-25 Jun 2009 N S × A med Absolute bso u e dos dosimetry e y – Faraday a aday cup housing g entrance window collecting electrode N protons B guard winding (e.g. Pedroni et al 2005, Phys Med Biol 50:541-61, y Med Biol 40:1831-40)) Grusell et al 1995,, Phys Hadron Dosimetry – 2009 AAPM Summer School 20-25 Jun 2009 Absolute bso u e dos dosimetry e y – Activation c a o measurement • 12C(p,pn) C(p pn)11C reaction • 4 -coincidence counting (Nichoporov 2003, Med Phys 30:972-8) Hadron Dosimetry – 2009 AAPM Summer School 20-25 Jun 2009 Absolute bso u e dos dosimetry e y – Ion o chambers c a be s Dw,Q = Mcorr,Q ND,w kQ • TRS-398 TRS 398 • ICRU report 78 w L w air Pwall Pcel Prepl air p kQ w L Wair Pwall Pcel Prepl 60 air Co • (wair)p = 34.2 J/C based mainly on calorimetry data • L w from Medin and Andreo 1997, Phys Med Biol 42:89 air p • [PwallPcelPrepl]p = 1 Hadron Dosimetry – 2009 AAPM Summer School 20-25 Jun 2009 Ion chambers : wair values from calorimetry y kQ ND,w ,p ND,w ,c ( air ) p (w w air Dw ,cal , p Mp ND,w ,c Wair Dw ,cal ,p Mp Wair L Pwall Pcel Prepl air p w L Pwall Pcel Prepl 60 air Co w L Pwall Pcel Prepl air 60Co w L w ND,w ,60 Co Pwall Pcel Prepl airi p Hadron Dosimetry – 2009 AAPM Summer School 20-25 Jun 2009 Ion chambers : wair values from calorimetry y 37,0 et al. (1995) New ICRU/IAEA – Jones Siebers 2006 (Rad Phys Chem 75:541-50) Palmans et al. (1996) Delacroix et al. (1997) Brede et al. (1999) Hashemian et al. (2003) Palmans et al. (2004) wair (J/C) 36,0 ECHED 35,0 ICRU 59 AAPM-16 IAEA TRS398 ICRU Report 78 34,0 Medin et al 2006 (Phys Med Biol 51:1503-21) 33,0 0 100 200 E (MeV) Hadron Dosimetry – 2009 AAPM Summer School 20-25 Jun 2009 300 400 Ion o chambers c a be s : water to air stopping pp g p power ratio 1.160 1.155 w (S/)air 1 150 1.150 Janni (1982) 1.145 1.140 Medin and Andreo ((1997)) 1.135 1.130 ICRU report 49 (1993) 1.125 0 50 100 150 Eeff (MeV) Hadron Dosimetry – 2009 AAPM Summer School 20-25 Jun 2009 200 250 Ion o chambers c a be s – pperturbation correction factors • Gradient correction factors • Secondary electron correction factors Hadron Dosimetry – 2009 AAPM Summer School 20-25 Jun 2009 Ion chambers – analytical Integrating the depth dose curve x Rsleeve water sleeve wall i air c.e. Rwa llRca v Rc el Proton z0 (Palmans 2006, Phys Med Biol. 51:3483-501 51:3483 501 & Palmans 2006 NPL report DQL-RD-002) Hadron Dosimetry – 2009 AAPM Summer School 20-25 Jun 2009 z Ion o chambers c a be s – Co Comparison pa so with experiment PDD’s Mobit et al. al 2000 Med. Med Phys. Phys 27:2780-2787 27:2780 2787 Jäkel et al al. 2000 Phys. Phys Med. Med Biol. Biol 45:599-607 45:599 607 78 MeV protons 3 GeV 12C 2.5 4.5 2.0 3.5 relative do ose normalised do ose (a.u.) 4.0 15 1.5 1.0 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 10 1.0 Attix 0.5 Capintec PR06 0.5 Reconstructed 0.0 0.0 20.0 40.0 depth (mm) Hadron Dosimetry – 2009 AAPM Summer School 20-25 Jun 2009 60.0 0.0 115.0 Reference PTW 30006 PTW-30006 Markus Reconstructed 120.0 125.0 depth (mm) 130.0 Ion chambers – cavity theory for pcav protons -electrons SA med Dmed Dair Dair · · S S SA med S pcav,e Hadron Dosimetry – 2009 AAPM Summer School 20-25 Jun 2009 air air med · p cav,e cav e air S med air Calculation Ca cu a o o of (S/) from o ICRU49 C U 9 coll S cst · Z · 1 2mc Wmax 2 2 SDBB ln 2 · 2 A 2 (1 ) I 2· 2· · cst = 0.307075 0 307075 MeV.cm MeV cm2.g g-1 col S Scol cst . Z . Wmax 1 ln 2 2 A Hadron Dosimetry – 2009 AAPM Summer School 20-25 Jun 2009 Scol Compared Co pa ed with Medin ed a and d Andreo d eo ((1997) 99 ) 1.008 cavity model monoE M di and Medin dA Andreo d (1997) pccav or s w w,air 1.006 1.004 1.002 plateau 1.000 0 97 0 0.97.z 0.998 0.5 1.0 1.5 log(Eeff) Hadron Dosimetry – 2009 AAPM Summer School 20-25 Jun 2009 2.0 2.5 Ion chambers – cavity theory for pwall (cfr Nahum (cfr. Nahum, in Dosimetry in Radiotherapy Radiotherapy. Vienna: IAEA IAEA, 1988: for electron beams beams.)) protons electrons -electrons wall dll SA med S Dmed Dair · air med d S · wall SA med S Dair · S pwall,e Hadron Dosimetry – 2009 AAPM Summer School 20-25 Jun 2009 med SA wall · wall S air · p wall,e air SA med S air Ion chambers – cavity theory monoenergetic protons 1.010 FWT IC18 FWT-IC18 pcav,e.pwall,e 1.008 1 006 1.006 1.004 1.002 PCAV*PWALL_P_TEP_E_TEE 50 MeV 150 MeV 250 MeV 1.000 0.998 0.01 0.10 Hadron Dosimetry – 2009 AAPM Summer School 20-25 Jun 2009 1.00 Rres 10.00 100.00 Ion chambers – cavity theory modulated protons 1.010 FWT IC18 FWT-IC18 pcav,e.pwall,e 1.008 1 006 1.006 1.004 1.002 PCAV*PWALL_P_TEP_E_TEE 50 MeV 150 MeV 250 MeV 1.000 0.998 0.01 0.10 Hadron Dosimetry – 2009 AAPM Summer School 20-25 Jun 2009 1.00 Rres 10.00 100.00 Comparison with experiment perturbations 1 020 1.020 Nylon66-Al D w,NE25711 /D w,Ch 1.015 A150-Al &NE2581 1.010 1.005 ExrT2 PMMA-Al &PTW30001 IC18 C-C &PTW30002 1.000 0.995 0 5 10 Chamber # Hadron Dosimetry – 2009 AAPM Summer School 20-25 Jun 2009 15 Alanine a e dos dosimetry e y 1.10 NPL1 (range scaled) ab bsorbed dose sensitivity 1.00 0.90 0 80 0.80 Bradshaw et al. (1962) Ebert et al. (1965) 0.70 Hansen and Olsen (1985) Onori et al. (1997) 0.60 Cuttone et al. (1999) Bartolotta et al. (1999) 0.50 Fattibene et al. (2002) 0.40 0.00 0.50 1.00 log(E 1.50 eff ) (Palmans 2003, Technol Cancer Res Treat. 2:579-86) Hadron Dosimetry – 2009 AAPM Summer School 20-25 Jun 2009 2.00 Relative e a e dos dosimetry e y • Lateral profiles in general not problematic (except for volume averaging in small fields) • Depth dose profiles: LET dependence! Resulting in an under response in the Bragg peak – Single hit theory (saturation of the sensitive site with one ionisation), e.g. alanine, film – Inter-radical recombination recombination, e e.g g gel dosimeters – More complex models including charge transport, e.g. TLD Hadron Dosimetry – 2009 AAPM Summer School 20-25 Jun 2009 Relative e a e dos dosimetry e y – ion o cchambers a be s 0 50 100 150 200 1.155 34.8 34.6 34 4 34.4 1.145 34.2 1.140 34.0 1.135 33.8 0 50 100 depth / mm Hadron Dosimetry – 2009 AAPM Summer School 20-25 Jun 2009 150 200 wair (eV) (L/)w,air 1.150 Relative e a e dos dosimetry e y – So Solid d sstate a e de detectors ec o s : diamond (Fidanzio et al 2002, Med Phys 29:669-675) Hadron Dosimetry – 2009 AAPM Summer School 20-25 Jun 2009 Relative e a e dos dosimetry e y – So Solid d sstate a e de detectors ec o s : alanine/ESR 4.0 0.60 0.80 0.70 0.60 3.0 response 1 dose per m.u u. (Gy) 1.00 0.90 0.70 ion chamber measmnt dose per m.u u. (Gy) absorbed dose a e sensitivity 1 10 1.10 0.50 Dose < alanine signal 2.0 1.0 0.40 0.30 Bradshaw et al. (1962) Ebert et al. (1965) Hansen and Olsen (1985) 0.20 ion chamber measmnt Onori et al. (1997) Cuttone et response al al. (1999) 0.10 0.50 1 Bartolotta et al. (1999) Dose < alanine signal Fattibene et al. (2002) 0.40 0.00 0.0 0.500.0 0.5 1.00 0.00 1.0 0.01.50 log(E eff ) 1.5 0.5 2.5 3.0 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.002.0 depth in alanine (cm) depth in alanine (cm) (Palmans (Palmans 2003, Technol et al 2009, Cancer unpublished Res Treat. data) 2:579-86) Hadron Dosimetry – 2009 AAPM Summer School 20-25 Jun 2009 2.5 3.0 Alanine – stack in PMMA (Palmans 2003 Technol Cancer Res Treat. 2:579) experimental data from Onori et al 1997 Med. Phys. 24:447 10.0 Experiment McPTRAN RZ McPTRAN.RZ D (M MeV-1g) 8.0 6.0 4.0 20 2.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 depth (cm) Hadron Dosimetry – 2009 AAPM Summer School 20-25 Jun 2009 2.5 3.0 Alanine a e in a anti-protons poo s N. Bassler, et al, Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 266 929-936, 2008 Hadron Dosimetry – 2009 AAPM Summer School 20-25 Jun 2009 Relative e a e dos dosimetry e y – So Solid d sstate a e de detectors ec o s : mosfet (Kohno et al 2006, Phys Med Biol 51:6077-86) 51:6077 86) Hadron Dosimetry – 2009 AAPM Summer School 20-25 Jun 2009 Relative e a e dos dosimetry e y – Radiochromic ad oc o c film (Piermattei et al 2000,Med Phys 27:1655-60) Hadron Dosimetry – 2009 AAPM Summer School 20-25 Jun 2009 Relative e a e dos dosimetry e y – Ge Gel dos dosimetry e y (Gustavsson et al. 2004 Phys. Med. Biol. 49:3847-55) Hadron Dosimetry – 2009 AAPM Summer School 20-25 Jun 2009 Relative e a e dos dosimetry e y – TLD ab bsorbed-dos se sensitivity y 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 02 0.2 0.0 0.1 1 10 100 energy / MeV (Besserer et al 2001 Phys. Med. Biol. 46:473-85) Hadron Dosimetry – 2009 AAPM Summer School 20-25 Jun 2009 1000 Relative e a e dos dosimetry e y – So Solid d sstate a e de detectors ec o s : diode (Grusell and Medin 2000 Phys. Med. Biol. 45:2573-82) Hadron Dosimetry – 2009 AAPM Summer School 20-25 Jun 2009 Relative dosimetry – Plastic scintillator (Safai et al. 2004 Phys. Med. Biol. 49:4637-55) Hadron Dosimetry – 2009 AAPM Summer School 20-25 Jun 2009 Co c us o Conclusion • Absolute dosimetry –C Calorimeters l i t d developed l d as primary i iinstruments t t – Faraday cups, activation – Ion chambers for clinical reference dosimetry • Relative dosimetry – Ion chambers for PDD as well as other detectors (but LET dependence!!) Hadron Dosimetry – 2009 AAPM Summer School 20-25 Jun 2009 Thank you Hadron Dosimetry – 2009 AAPM Summer School 20-25 Jun 2009