Age distribution of SC Nurses (2008) 16,000 13,465 14,000 12,000 9,864 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,810 2,000 791 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 All Nurses 55-64 APRN 65-74 LPN 75-84 85+ Unknown RN Data is derived from the Office of Healthcare Workforce Analysis and Planning (OHW) Cube Project sponsored by a grant from The Duke Endowment. Age Distribution Across SC Nursing Groups (2008)* APRN 4 RN 1,294 LPN 246 368 6,981 35-44 466 9,864 2,292 20% 25-34 791 8,745 1,623 0% 15-24 564 5,736 2,810 40% 45-54 1,718 60% 55-64 65-74 80% 75-84 85+ 55 962 357 100% Unknown Data is derived from the Office of Healthcare Workforce Analysis and Planning (OHW) Cube Project sponsored by a grant from The Duke Endowment. Gender Distribution Across SC Nursing Groups (2008) RN 31,761 1,924 LPN 8,730 349 APRN 1,855 0% 20% 40% Female 397 60% 80% 100% Male Data is derived from the Office of Healthcare Workforce Analysis and Planning (OHW) Cube Project sponsored by a grant from The Duke Endowment. SC RNs: Highest Nursing Degree (2008) 20,000 18,000 18,546 51.6% 16,000 14,000 12,000 10,534 10,000 29.3% 8,000 9.8% 6,000 4,000 3,326 2,000 9.3% ADN BSN 2,847 571 108 Diploma Doctorate MSN 8 NP Cert. Unknown Program Data is derived from the Office of Healthcare Workforce Analysis and Planning (OHW) Cube Project sponsored by a grant from The Duke Endowment. Practice Areas by Nursing Groups (2008) 7,000 APRN 5,940 6,000 LPN RN 5,000 4,000 3,765 3,659 3,000 2,500 2,175 2,052 2,000 1,966 1,959 1,589 1,000 902 695 24 163 1,132 1,125 984 1,115 878 353 528 182 Data is derived from the Office of Healthcare Workforce Analysis and Planning (OHW) Cube Project sponsored by a grant from The Duke Endowment. SC NURSE CLASSIFICATION BY RACE (2008) 50,000 82.1% White 14.6% AA 45,000 40,000 85.1% White 11.1% AA 6,573 35,000 3,753 30,000 Unknown 25,000 Other Minority Groups African American 20,000 36,962 White 68.3% White 29.8% AA 15,000 28,685 10,000 91.9% White 5.2% AA 5,000 ALL NURSES 2,702 118 2,071 6,206 APRN LPN RN Data is derived from the Office of Healthcare Workforce Analysis and Planning (OHW) Cube Project sponsored by a grant from The Duke Endowment. Race Distribution Across SC Nursing Groups (2008) APRN 41 118 2,071 RN 1,157 3,753 28,685 LPN 6,206 0% 20% White 40% African American 2,702 60% Other Minority Groups 80% 161 100% Unknown Data is derived from the Office of Healthcare Workforce Analysis and Planning (OHW) Cube Project sponsored by a grant from The Duke Endowment. RN Nursing Positions HeldRN by RNs & APRNs (2008) Data is derived from the Office of Healthcare Workforce Analysis and Planning (OHW) Cube Project sponsored by a grant from The Duke Endowment. RN APRN Clinical Nurse Specialist (ma medical acts) Clinical Nurse Specialist (ma no medical ac Clinical Nurse Specialist (no masters) CNM (APRN) CRNA (APRN) Clinical Nurse Specialist (masters-medical acts) Clinical Nurse Specialist (masters-no medical acts) Clinical Nurse Specialist (no masters) CNM (APRN) CRNA (APRN) Head Nurse or Assisstant NP (APRN) Nursing Administrator Nursing Consultant Nursing Instructor Other Staff/General Duty/Office Supervisor or Assistant Unknown Head Nurse o Assisstant SC RNs by Employment Status (2008) 6 0% 8,263 23% 27,674 77% Full Time Part Time Unknown Data is derived from the Office of Healthcare Workforce Analysis and Planning (OHW) Cube Project sponsored by a grant from The Duke Endowment. APRN Practice Type (2008) 1 45 21 16 5 26 3 55 16 156 55 110 75 3 841 743 Adult NP CNS CRNA-Nurse Anesthetist Family Nurse Specialist Family Planning NP Geriatric NP Midwife Neonatal NP OB/GYN NP Occupational Health NP Other/Not Specified NP Pediatric NP Psychiatric NP School Nurse NP Womens Health NP Unknown Data is derived from the Office of Healthcare Workforce Analysis and Planning (OHW) Cube Project sponsored by a grant from The Duke Endowment. SC Nurses by AHEC Area Distribution (2008) LPN = 2,431 RN = 10,153 APN = 678 LPN = 2,656 RN = 9,418 APN = 642 LPN = 2,101 RN = 5,965 APN = 377 LPN = 1,891 RN = 8,151 APN = 556 Data is derived from the Office of Healthcare Workforce Analysis and Planning (OHW) Cube Project sponsored by a grant from The Duke Endowment. RN = 7,042 ( ) indicates number of Advanced Practice Nurses per 100,000 people APN = 433 (47) RN = 7,771 APN = 502 (50) RN = 3,891 APN = 232 (44) RN = 2,809 APN = 157 (32) RN = 2,018 RN = 1,427 South Carolina RNs & APNs by DHEC Areas Data Sources: SC Office of Research and Statistics U.S. Census Bureau 2008 Estimates APN = 97 (32) RN = 1,286 APN = 76 (33) RN = 5,631 APN = 126 (36) APN = 347 (54) Nursing data is derived from the Office of Healthcare Workforce Analysis and Planning (OHW) Cube Project sponsored by a grant from The Duke Endowment. SC Nurses Health Service Areas (2008) LPN = 2,122 RN = 9,166 APN = 614 LPN = 2,101 RN = 5,965 APN = 377 LPN = 2,965 RN = 10,405 APN = 706 LPN = 1,891 RN = 8,151 APN = 556 Data is derived from the Office of Healthcare Workforce Analysis and Planning (OHW) Cube Project sponsored by a grant from The Duke Endowment. APRNs, LPNs and RNs by County of Employment Abbeville – Colleton (2008) Colleton 13 93 209 Clarendon 15 72 177 Chesterfield 7 Chester 3 60 Cherokee 3 Charleston 381 Calhoun 2 Berkeley 13 Beaufort 64 Barnwell 5 Bamberg 71 Allendale 3 Aiken 43 81 122 151 5,465 25 22 86 LPN 960 48 RN 72 41 86 359 1,193 17 36 287 682 44 10% APRN 158 211 Abbeville 2 0% 60 925 11 Anderson 137 114 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Data is derived from the Office of Healthcare Workforce Analysis and Planning (OHW) Cube Project sponsored by a grant from The Duke Endowment. APRNs, LPNs and RNs by County of Employment Darlington – Lexington (2008) Lexington 116 405 1,545 Lee 5 Laurens 15 Lancaster 18 Kershaw 20 156 286 Jasper 6 58 111 Horry 105 Hampton Greenwood 45 158 270 143 305 494 3 42 33 1,492 28 59 195 LPN Greenville 309 Georgetown 41 140 601 Florence 111 Fairfield 3 594 2,114 Edgefield 6 Dorchester 20 Dillon 9 Darlington 27 APRN 767 767 4,588 RN 39 61 32 69 170 390 84 232 105 336 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Data is derived from the Office of Healthcare Workforce Analysis and Planning (OHW) Cube Project sponsored by a grant from The Duke Endowment. APRNs, LPNs and RNs by County of Employment Marion – York (2008) York Williamsburg Union Sumter 70 236 1,026 5 4 43 83 53 148 37 171 632 Spartanburg 141 540 2,217 Saluda 5 Richland 355 Pickens 46 Orangeburg 35 Oconee 40 Newberry 7 Mccormick 1 Marlboro 4 Marion 11 29 1,065 43 APRN 4,984 162 LPN 438 189 583 119 431 90 RN 149 26 61 105 23 82 173 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Data is derived from the Office of Healthcare Workforce Analysis and Planning (OHW) Cube Project sponsored by a grant from The Duke Endowment. Comparison of Rural/Urban Employment Across Nursing Groups (2008) RN LPN APRN 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Rural 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Urban Data is derived from the Office of Healthcare Workforce Analysis and Planning (OHW) Cube Project sponsored by a grant from The Duke Endowment.