Catching Bad Guys with Graph Mining t

Catching Bad
Guys with
Graph Mining
Suspicious network patterns may be the key to detecting criminals
and fraudsters on e-commerce sites.
By Polo Chau
DOI: 10.1145/1925041.1925044
he Internet opened a new operational channel for many services, like online
auctions, shopping, and banking. Every day, millions of transactions happen over
these services, collectively known as e-commerce, each in the blink of an eye.
Unfortunately, the monetary incentives intrinsic to e-commerce attract the attention
of criminals (the bad guys), leading to some new types of crime. For instance, multiple
online identities are easy to create: a perpetrator could use his many alter-egos to execute
sophisticated schemes, burying his trail deep under false covers, and evading traditional
detection methods that only examine identities individually. Furthermore, e-commerce
generates so much data that discovering the bad guys, or their alter-egos, among the
overwhelming amount of data seems daunting. On the bright side, bad guys leave trails. If
we look closely, sometimes we can identify their suspicious operation patterns. What are the
patterns? How do we detect them?
Perhaps these questions would be
easier to answer if we view the world a
little differently—as a giant graph (or
network) of nodes (people) and edges
(relationships among people). Detecting bad behaviors then becomes
locating some suspicious patterns as
collections of incriminating relationships in the graph. This process of
locating useful information and patterns in graph data is called graph
mining, and it has been successfully
applied to many domains. Here we
look at how it works in e-commerce to
help catch the bad guys.
Detecting Fraud by Aggregating
Incriminating Evidence
Online auctions like eBay are popular
avenues for buying and selling almost
any items imaginable. Most items
will be delivered, but some unfortunately will not, because some sellers
are crooks who never intend to do so.
How do they convince the buyers that
they are legitimate? They game the
reputation systems that most online
auctions set up to help buyers gauge
sellers’ trustworthiness. One type of
fraud scheme works as follows. The
bad guy first creates multiple identities
generates so much
data that discovering
the bad guys, or their
alter-egos, among
the overwhelming
amount of data
seems daunting. On
the bright side, bad
guys leave trails...”
XRDS • Spring 2 01 1 • V ol .17 • No.3
“E-commerce has
redefined crime.
We now see new
breeds of online
crime where
technologically savvy
criminals exploit not
only the weaknesses
of human nature,
but also the systems
originally designed
to protect online
in the online auction, dividing them
into two groups (“fraudsters” and “accomplices”). The fraudsters rarely trade
among themselves, and neither do the
accomplices. Then, the bad guy uses
the accomplices to artificially boost
the reputation of the fraudsters. The
accomplices typically act like normal,
honest users who buy and sell items
(usually cheap, to lower operating
costs), but they sometimes sell expensive items to the fraudsters, leaving
glowing comments about how the buyers ( fraudsters) are good guys (“paid on
time”, “easy to communicate with”,
etc.). After the fraudsters have reached
high reputation, they launch deceptive
auctions to sell expensive items (e.g.,
big-screen TVs), usually at bargain
prices, to the victims (honest people).
Those items will never be delivered.
We call the above interaction pattern a “bipartite core” (Figure 1), where
two types of nodes ( fraudsters and accomplices) only interact with nodes of
different types, but not with their own.
This pattern forms the infrastructure
that criminals set up before they carry
out auction fraud. But to the naked eye,
the associations between the identities
involved in the deceptive bipartite core
pattern might not be apparent.
The NetProbe system [1] was developed to dig out these identities in this
pattern, by automatically scanning
connections between buyers and sellers, several layers deep, to look for arXRDS • Spring 2 01 1 • V ol .17 • No.3
tificial feedback, revealing identities
and their associations that match the
bipartite core. The system ran through
over one million transactions and correctly picked out dozens of previously
identified criminals; it also identified
tens of probable fraudsters and apparent accomplices.
Under the hood, NetProbe uses an
inference algorithm called Belief Propagation to infer which nodes in the auction graph are most likely to be fraudsters and accomplices. The system first
uses heuristics to assign a vector of
three probabilities—called the node’s
belief—to each node: a fraudster probability, an accomplice probability, and
an honest probability. For example,
if an identity has been active for many
years and has not received any negative
comments from other people, then that
identity has a high honest probability;
if an account was recently shut down
right after it received many complaints,
then it has a high fraudster probability.
These three probabilities sum up to 1.
Table 1. Conditional probability table
describing a “bipartite core”; ε is
a small constant close to zero. For
example, entry (F, A), with a value of
1-2ε, describes a very high probability
of a node’s neighbor being an accomplice (A) given the node itself being a
fraudster (F).
Accomplice (A) 0.5
Honest (H) ε
Fraudster (F) ε
NetProbe’s algorithm then uses the
matrix in Table 1 to transform each
node’s belief into a message (also a
probability vector) that the node will
send to each of its neighbors; the message represents what the node thinks
about its neighbors. The transformation is similar to multiplying the node’s
belief with the matrix. For example, if
a node has high fraudster probability,
then applying the transformation on
it will create a message for each neighbor that says the neighbor is likely an
accomplice. All nodes simultaneously
send out messages to their neighbors.
Each node gathers its incoming messages, multiplies them into one vector
(which also resolves competing messages similar to majority voting), then
sets that vector as the node’s new belief. Finally, the node generates new
messages for its neighbors using its
updated belief. This whole process
continues until all node beliefs do not
change anymore. NetProbe then calls
out the likely fraudsters and accomplices, and warn off potential bidders.
The idea of propagating information across a graph and aggregating
it to produce high-level conclusion is
powerful. It inspired the creation of
the generalized Snare system [2] applicable for various kinds of fraud and
anomaly detection tasks. Snare was
used on some general ledger data (a
network of interconnected accounts)
to detect financial fraud, boosting the
detection rates of misstated accounts
by 5.5 times.
User-Centered and Automatic
Pattern Detection
Sometimes, analysts need to experiment with multiple patterns that,
hopefully, would match the actual incriminating patterns. Creating a separate algorithm for each such pattern is
costly and time-consuming, especially
since most patterns will end up not
being useful. Can we provide one tool
that detects a wide range of patterns
quickly and easily?
The Graphite system [3] aims to meet
this challenge. It provides a direct-manipulation user interface for the user to
construct the query pattern by placing
nodes on the screen, assigning types to
them, and connecting the nodes with
edges. For example, the query pattern
in Figure 2 asks for money laundering
rings of alternating businessmen and
bankers. Graphite then locates the pattern’s exact and approximate matches
in a large graph of the user’s choosing.
Graphite advances over existing algorithms that detect only structural patterns without considering the types of
the nodes that compose the patterns;
it enables more specific patterns to be
found. Consider a communication network where each node is a person from
a country (country is the node type).
Our analyst Laura wants to locate four
collaborators who are from Japan, Italy,
Canada, and Greece respectively, and
she believes they likely form a clique
(i.e., every pair has communicated).
With Graphite, Laura sketches a 4-node
clique as the query pattern and assigns
the countries as the node types. But if
she was to use another tool where the
node types cannot be specified, any
4-node cliques will be returned (like a
family of four who all reside in the US),
overwhelmingly Laura with irrelevant
The Holy Grail of anomaly detection
is that the detection happens automatically and human does not need to do
anything at all. While this may seem to
be a distant goal, the Oddball system
[4] is a big step towards such goal. The
main idea behind Oddball is that it extracts a set of features (without human
intervention) that summarize each
node’s neighborhood subgraph, called
the node’s “egonet,” which includes
the node’s immediate neighbors and
all edges in the neighborhood. Then,
Oddball uses unsupervised methods
that automatically correlate pairs of
features and pinpoints nodes whose
features significantly deviate from
those of the rest of the nodes. Oddball
can detect several important patterns,
such as near-cliques and near-stars (by
correlating the total edge weight and
total edge count in the egonet). For example, in a who-called-whom network,
the center of a near star could be a
telemarketer who has called many random people, and a near clique could be
a close-knit group of friends.
E-commerce has redefined crime.
We now see new breeds of online
crime where technologically savvy
criminals exploit not only the weaknesses of the human nature, but also
the systems originally designed to protect online shoppers. Many criminals
have learned to cover their tracks with
the large amount of data generated by
e-commerce, and obfuscate law enforcement with multiple fake virtual
identities. As e-commerce thrives and
the online world becomes even more
connected, tools and methods such as
those from graph mining will play an
increasingly important role in untangling the many layers of sophisticated
organization and schemes crafted by
criminals. Will online crime be elimi18
Figure 1. A “near bipartite core” of fraudsters and accomplices. Honest identities
are not shown. Note that each fraudster has traded with most, but not all, accomplices; hence it is a near, but incomplete, core.
Query Pattern
Near Match
Figure 2. Given a query pattern, such as a money laundering ring (left), the Graphite
system can find both exact and near matches that tolerates a few extra nodes (right).
nated? Perhaps not. But our effort will
force crooks to resort to more complex
schemes that incur more effort and
higher cost, so crime will be increasingly difficult to commit. Then, perhaps, fewer bad guys would attempt to
get on the wrong side of the law.
1. Pandit, S., Chau, D.H., Wang, S. and Faloutsos, C.
NetProbe: A fast and scalable system for fraud
Detection in Online Auction Networks. In Proc. WWW
2007, 201-210.
2. McGlohon, M., Bay, S., Anderle, M., Steier, D. and
Faloutsos, C. SNARE: A link analytic system for graph
labeling and risk detection. In Proc. KDD 2009 , 12651274.
3. Chau, D.H., Faloutsos, C., Tong, H., Hong, J.I. Gallagher,
B. and Eliassi-Rad, T. GRAPHITE: A visual query system
for large graphs. In Proc. ICDM 2008 , 963-966
4. Akoglu, L. McGlohon, M. and Faloutsos, C. OddBall:
Spotting anomalies in weighted graphs. In Proc.
PAKDD 2010 , 410-421.
Polo Chau is a Ph.D. student in the Machine Learning
Department at Carnegie Mellon University. His research
intersects graph mining and human-computer interaction.
He builds interactive systems that help analysts explore
and make sense of large graph data, find patterns, detect
fraud, and spot anomalies. His work on fraud detection in
online auctions appeared in the Wall Street Journal and
many other media outlets. He was a Symantec fellow for
two consecutive years, and is an avid designer, having won
many awards.
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XRDS • Spring 2 01 1 • V ol .17 • No.3