Guide for Volume Algorithm Table of Contents Contents Ben Cousins

Guide for Volume Algorithm
Ben Cousins∗
Santosh Vempala†
June 13, 2015
Table of Contents
1 Introduction
1.1 Running the Test Bodies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.2 Running your own Convex Body . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2 Flags
2.1 Rounding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.2 List of Flags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3 Sampling
3.1 Obtaining a random sample point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 Convergence Tests
5 Other Comments
5.1 Integrate/sample general log-concave functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.2 Contact . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The main function is Volume.m, which can be called as volume = Volume(P, E, ε, flags),
• P is a structure defining a polyhedron, with the properties P.A, P.b, P.A eq, P.b eq, P.p
such that
n o
– the polyhedron is xP.A · x ≤ P.b and P.A eq · x = P.b eq .
– P.p is a point inside the polyhedron (preferably far away from the boundary)
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• E is a structure defining an ellipsoid, with the properties E.E, E.v such that the ellipsoid is
{x|(x − E.v)T E.E(x − E.v) ≤ 1}.
• ε is the target relative error parameter. Our goal is to estimate the volume of P ∩ E within
an ε-fraction.
• flags is a string encoding the flags that modify the behavior of Volume (Section 2).
• volume is the estimated volume of P ∩ E.
The arguments P and E are optional, but one of them must be provided. For instance, if you are
computing the volume of a cube, then only P should be provided, and set E = [ ].
Running the Test Bodies
Provided with the code are a set of test bodies. It may be helpful to try these out before computing
the volume of your own convex body. The wrapper functions Cube.m and Simplex.m are provided
to demonstrate the algorithm on simple examples. The first argument is the dimension of the body.
The second argument is the target error. The third argument is the type of the body. For example,
• Cube(10,0.2,1) will compute the volume of a 10-dimensional [−1, 1]n cube with error parameter 0.2.
• Cube(5,0.2,2) will compute the volume of a 5-dimensional randomly transformed [−1, 1]n
cube with error parameter 0.2. Rounding will occur here.
• Simplex(10,0.2,1) will compute the volume of a 10-dimensional isotropic simplex with error
parameter 0.2.
• Simplex(15,0.2,2) will compute the volume of a 15-dimensional standard simplex with error
parameter 0.2. Rounding will occur here.
There are more example bodies provided by the function makeBody.m. Here is a complete
• Polytopes:
– Cube: a standard [−1, 1]n cube, which has volume 2n .
– Isotropic Simplex: a regular n-simplex, which has volume
n + 1/(n! 2n ).
– Standard Simplex: a standard n-simplex, which has volume 1/n!.
– Long box: the cube, with one axis stretched out: a [−1, 1]n−1 × [−100, 100] box, with
volume 100 · 2n .
– Birkhoff: the Birkhoff polytope, which is an (n−1)2 dimensional polytope of all perfect
matchings on the complete bipartite graph Kn,n . There is no known closed form for its
volume, but exact values have been computed for n ≤ 10.
– Triply Stochastic: A convex body of all triply stochastic matrices, i.e. k × k × k
matrices where all 1-dimensional slices sum to 1.
• Ellipsoids
– Ball: An n-dimensional unit ball, with volume π n/2 /Γ(n/2 + 1).
– Ellipsoid: An axis-aligned ellipsoid with radius 1 along n − 1 axes and radius 100 along
1 axis. The volume of the shape is then 100π n/2 /Γ(n/2 + 1).
To create a polytope P as a 10-dimensional cube, you can run:
[P, actual vol] = makeBody(‘cube’,10);
The definition of P is given in Section 1. You can then run the volume algorithm with ε = 0.2 on
this body by typing:
[volume] = Volume(P, [ ], 0.2,);
To create an ellipsoid E as a 10-dimensional ellipsoid, you can run:
[E, actual vol] = makeBody(‘ellipsoid’,10);
The definition of E is given in Section 1. To compute the volume of this ellipsoid, you can run:
[volume] = Volume([ ], E, 0.2);
Then, if you wanted to compute the volume of P ∩ E, you can provided both arguments to the
function: (note that in this case, you want P.p to be a point inside P ∩ E, and preferably far away
from the boundary)
[volume] = Volume(P, E, 0.2);
Running your own Convex Body
You can run any convex bodies that you can describe as P ∩ E = {x|Ax ≤ b} ∩ {x|(x − v)T Q−1 (x −
v) ≤ 1}. The structure of P and E is given in Section 1. You then need to provide a point p ∈ P∩E.
Rounding is turned off by default, but your body may require it; please refer to Section 2.1.
It is important that the convex body you provide be full-dimensional. That is, if the polytope
is in Rn , then the polytope needs to have an n-dimensional volume. If this is not true, then the
Volume algorithm will fail. However, we can restrict to a lower dimensional subspace and compute
the volume there. The function preprocess will do this for polytopes. It will take in a structure
P, and return a equivalent, full-dimensional version of this polytope. For equality constraints
P.A eq · x = P.b eq, we can simply restrict to this space. We then determine degeneracies in
the system of constraints P.A · x ≤ P.b, and further restrict as necessary until we are left with a
full-dimensional system of linear constraints.
If you do not know a point inside your convex body and your body is a polytope, the function
preprocess will attempt to find one. Once you have a point inside the polytope, you can call the
Volume function.
In the call to Volume.m, there is an optional last argument “flags” which is a string with encoded
arguments, which are extracted in parseFlags.m. For instance,
flags=‘-round 1000 -num t 3 -verb 0’
will turn rounding on with parameter 1000, set the number of threads at 3, and set the verbosity
level to 0.
Rounding is turned off by default!
Rounding is the most expensive part of the volume algorithm. It is turned off by default because
if your body is already sufficiently round, you do not need this step. However, if your body is quite
“skew”, for instance a very long, thin cylinder, our volume algorithm has no hope to accurately
compute this volume. Therefore, you need a rounding preprocessing step. Rounding is currently
implemented by taking a large amount of sample points from our body K, determine the linear
transformation that rounds the points, and then apply that transformation to the body K. Multiple
rounding iterations may be required to accurately round K.
When you turn on rounding, there is an optional argument R which is an upper bound on the
ratio of the smallest enclosing ball the largest inscribed ball in K. That is, if r1 Bn ⊆ K ⊆ r2 Bn ,
then R ≥ r2 /r1 . This quantity lets us bound the number of rounding iterations which may be
required. If the argument is not provided, we assume an upper bound.
Note that if you only need to round your convex body and do not need to compute volume,
you can call round externally. The function is located in the object file ConvexBody.m. You
first need to create a ConvexBody object, which can be created using the same arguments as
Volume. Then,
[T] = round(K,5);
will approximately round K with a linear transformation T. Note that K will be modified inside
round by the transformation T. The number 5 is the number of independent hit-and-run threads
that are run to obtain samples to compute the rounding matrix T.
List of Flags
Here we give a list of all flags which can be provided, with a brief description of each:
• -round X: turn on rounding with parameter X (see Section 2.1).
• -a 0 X: set the starting function to be a spherical Gaussian with variance 1/(2X).
• -verb X: set the verbosity level to be X. Possible values of X are 0, 1, 2. Default level is 1.
• -ratio X: set the cooling ratio to be a fixed quantity X (i.e. ai = ai−1 · X). By default, the
cooling is done adaptively.
• -C X: bound the quantity E(Y 2 )/E(Y )2 ≤ X that is used in the adaptive cooling. Default
value of X is 2. A higher value will allow for faster cooling, but at the price of how long each
phase takes.
• -num t X: Set the number of independent threads of hit-and-run to be X. Default is 5.
• -a stop X: Set the cooling to stop at a spherical Gaussian with variance 1/(2X). This will
integrate a spherical Gaussian over the convex body. Default value is 0.
• -c test X: Change the convergence test used for deciding when a phase is mixed. You can
refer to the bottom of Volume.m or Sample.m for possible types of convergence tests.
• -walk X: Change the random walk that the algorithm uses for generating samples. Possible
walks are coordinate hit-and-run, hit-and-run, and ball walk. The default walk is coordinate
• -plot: Turn on plotting of the distribution of points taken in each phase. The points are
n-dimensional, but a 2-dimensional projection of the sample points will be shown.
• -plot c: Turn on plotting of the convergence test, i.e. plot the value that the convergence
tests monitors to determine convergence.
Obtaining a random sample point
The function Sample.m is provided, and using it is very similar to using Volume.m. It can be
called as x = Sample(P, E, ε, flags, y), where x is the returned sample point and y is the
starting point for the walk. All other arguments are analogous to Volume. The discussion below
is for obtaining a uniform random point from a convex body K, but you can extend them to obtain
a point from any spherical Gaussian by setting the -a stop parameter in flags. To obtain a single
approximately uniformly random point x from a convex body K = P ∩ E with error parameter
ε = 0.20, type the following:
[x] = Sample(P, E, 0.2);.
The error parameter ε does not have a strict meaning, but smaller values of ε will give a point x
closer to the target distribution. Further discussion is given in Section 4.
If you wish to compute multiple random points, it could be more efficient to use each point as
the starting point for the next walk, e.g.
• x = Sample(P,E,.2);
• y = Sample(P,E,.2,”,x);
Note that calling Sample multiple times will give approximately independent points. For some
applications, it may be preferable to use a large number of dependent points, which is what we do
to estimate the volume. If you find you need this, you can directly call the function getNextPt
in the object file ConvexBody.m to take one step of the Markov chain (by default, coordinate
hit-and-run). Note you need to first create a ConvexBody object K. The next point obtained is
highly dependent on the current point. For instance,
[x] = getNextPt(K, y, a);
will return the point x ∈ K after taking one step of hit-and-run from y ∈ K with respect to the
distribution f (z) = e−akzk .
Convergence Tests
A big question for both computing volume and generating sample is when to stop. At the core of
each of these algorithms is a Markov chain, so by nature they are iterative. But, say for volume
computation, we want a target relative error ε. When is the current estimate within the target
error ε?
To attempt to determine when we have reached our target error, we use statistical tests. The
current approach utilizes a sliding window, which keeps track of the last W estimates, for some value
of W . When all of the last values are within ε of each other, we declare convergence. The parameters
were optimized to give a 75% success rate for bodies of dimension at most 100 and ε ∈ [0.10, 0.20].
If you are noticing that this error is off, first trying turning on rounding (Section 2.1). If that does
not help, you could try changing the size W of the sliding window in Volume.m. Increasing the
size of the sliding window will decrease the error.
You can also add your own convergence tests. At the bottom of Volume.m, there are functions
newVCT and updateVCT where you create and update, respectively, your convergence test. You
can then select this convergence test to be used by the argument ’-c test’ (see Section 2). There is
analagous functionality in Sample.m.
Other Comments
Integrate/sample general log-concave functions
Currently, there is only functionality to compute the volume of, or sample from, of a convex body
with respect to a spherical Gaussian or the uniform distribution. However, similar approaches can
be used to sample from a convex body according to a logconcave distribution f (i.e. the logarithm
of the function is concave), or to integrate a logconcave function f over a convex body. We hope to
add this functionality in the near future (please contact us and let us know if you would like this
If you find anything that could be a bug, or just something doesn’t seem quite right, please email us
at and There are likely some cases that won’t
work well that we did not discover in our testing. Also, contact us if you have any questions,
suggestions, praise, or ridicule. We would love to hear about any applications you use this code
for, and any way that we could improve the program to make it better for your application.