3/10/2015 The Challenges of Spreading and Sustaining Research-Based Instruction in Undergraduate STEM Charles Henderson Western Michigan University homepages.wmich.edu/~chenders Awards: #0715698, #1022186, #0623009, #0723699 RUME 2015 February 19, 2015 Abstract There have been many calls for the reform of introductory Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) courses. These calls have resulted in a cadre of researchers who study the teaching and learning of undergraduate STEM and have developed instructional methods that improve student learning. There currently exists a substantial gap between research-based knowledge of ‘best practice’ instructional methods and the teaching practices of typical STEM faculty. This talk will connect data about the spread of research-based instructional strategies in college-level STEM to ideas from the change literature. Recommendations will be made for how to decrease the knowledge-practice gap. 1 3/10/2015 Starting Point • Standard Instructional Practices in STEM are not working • We know a lot about: – effective teaching and learning of STEM subjects – how to apply this knowledge in individual classrooms • An Important Question is: – How can we encourage the spread of researchbased teaching to all instructors and classrooms? An important, highly replicable, result from DBER is that active learning instructional strategies increase student performance. Effect sizes by discipline (from a metaanalysis of 225 studies – Freeman et al., 2014). Learning Gains (Hedges’s g) % Decrease in Failure Rates ©2014 by National Academy of Sciences 2 3/10/2015 STEM change agents often think about change in terms of development and dissemination* Desired Situation Initial Situation Development Dissemination • An individual or small group • Develop polished product • Conduct rigorous testing to show efficacy • Talks • Papers • Web site *Henderson, C., Beach, A., & Finkelstein, N. D. (2011). Facilitating change in undergraduate STEM instructional practices: An analytic review of the literature. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 48(8), 952–984. doi:10.1002/tea.20439 An Example from Physics: Peer Instruction Class is a series of ~15 min cycles Brief Lecture (5-10 min) Concept Question (1 min) Students Answer Individually (1-2 min) Students Discuss in Small Groups (2-4min) Students Answer Again Whole Class Discussion (2+ min) Adapted from: http://perusersguide.org/guides/Section.cfm?G=Peer_Instruction&S=What 3 3/10/2015 Dissemination: Talks From: http://mazur-www.harvard.edu/ Mazur has given over 600 talks about Peer Instruction (Mazur, April 2013, Personal communication). Dissemination: Significant Materials Available • 253 page book with detailed implementation recommendations and disk with ready-to-go materials: – In-class questions – Reading quizzes – Exam questions • Publisher has distributed book for free to large numbers of US physics faculty.* – 18,700 copies shipped since 1996 – 12,700 free *From Mazur, 2009 AAPT Winter Meeting 4 3/10/2015 Ideally, this would lead to an ever increasing number of users Development Dissemination time Users (%) Use would grow, slowly at first, then faster and eventually reach a saturation point Time 5 3/10/2015 Users (%) Actual results may vary Time According to development and dissemination, individual instructors must go through the Innovation Decision Process* Knowledge Persuasion Decision Implementation Confirmation Change agents need to support this process Knowledge Persuasion Support 12 *Rogers, Diffusion of Innovations 6 3/10/2015 Important Questions for Change Agents at each Stage of the Innovation Decision Process • Knowledge: How do instructors learn about new instructional practices? • Persuasion: What motivates instructors to try something new? What do instructors perceive as affordances and barriers? • Support: What leads to successful vs. unsuccessful use? Overview of Presentation What do we know about knowledge, persuasion, and support? • The big picture (w/ M. Dancy) – In general, where are the biggest losses on the innovation-decision process? • Specific research-based instructional strategies – Peer Instruction (w/ M. Dancy, C. Turpen) – SCALE-UP (w/ M. Dancy, B. Beichner, K. Foote) 7 3/10/2015 The Big Picture Data Collection: Web Survey – Administered by American Institute of Physics Statistical Research Center, Fall 2008 – Random sample: • 1) two year colleges • 2) four year colleges with a physics B.A. • 3) four year colleges with a physics graduate degree – 722 useable responses (response rate 50.3%) – Questions about knowledge and use of 24 ResearchBased Instructional Strategies (RBIS) • Henderson, C. & Dancy, M. (2009) The Impact of Physics Education Research on the Teaching of Introductory Quantitative Physics in the United States, Physical Review Special Topics: Physics Education Research, 5 (2), 020107. • Dancy, M. & Henderson, C. (2010) Pedagogical Practices and Instructional Change of Physics Faculty, American Journal of Physics, Physics, 78 (10),15 1056-1063. Where are the biggest shortfalls? (Survey data from 722 Physics Instructors) Knowledge Persuasion Decision Implementation Confirmation Knowledge Persuasion Support Know about 1 or more RBIS Have tried 1 or more RBIS Currently use 1 or more RBIS 16 8 3/10/2015 Impact Current Dissemination Strategies on Undergraduate Physics Instruction 32% Discontinuation Lack of Lack of Persuasion Knowledge Lack of Support Correlated Variables† Variable READ (teaching-related journals) NFW (Physics New Faculty Workshop) ATND (talks/workshops) MORE (interest in using more RBIS) GEN (gender) SATF (satisfied with meeting goals) PSTN (full-time, permanent vs. other) RSH2 (research publications) SIZE (class size) INST (type of institution) CRSE (alg- or calc-based course) DGRE (highest degree) ENC (departmental encouragement for teaching) GOAL (instructional goals) JOB (% of job related to teaching) PEER (frequency of talk w/ peers about teaching) RANK (academic rank) RSH1 (research presentations) RSH3 (research grants) YEAR (years of teaching experience) †Controlling for other study variables using a logistic regression model. Have Knowledge * ***** ** Persuaded to Continued Try Use (Support) * *** * * * * * *Strength of effect is based on size of odds ratios (each * ~ odds ratio of 2). 9 3/10/2015 The Physics NFW is effective traditional dissemination 27% Discontinuation 33% Discontinuation Summary – Part 1: Big Picture • Traditional dissemination seems to work – Well for Knowledge – OK for Persuasion – Poorly for Support • Intensive one-time workshops like the Physics New Faculty Workshop appear to be particularly effective forms of traditional dissemination, but still are not effective at support. 10 3/10/2015 Part Two: Specific Strategies Peer Instruction and SCALE-UP Peer Instruction • Moderate change in pedagogy • No change in resources needed SCALE-UP • Large change in pedagogy • Large change in resources needed Knowledge vs. Use (self-report from web survey) Most Known Most Used 1. Peer Instruction (64%) 1. Peer Instruction (29%) 2. Physlets (56%) 2:1 5. Just in Time Teaching (48%) 2. Ranking Tasks (15%) 5. Physlets (13%) 6. Just in Time Teaching (8%) 9. Ranking Tasks (39%) 10. SCALE-UP (34.5%) 10:1 15. SCALE-UP (3.3%) Henderson, C. & Dancy, M. (2009) The Impact of Physics Education Research on the Teaching of Introductory Quantitative Physics in the United States, Physical Review Special Topics: Physics Education Research, 5 (2), 020107. 11 3/10/2015 Interviews with instructors who know about Peer Instruction 722 Instructors Surveyed Knows about Peer Instruction (64%) NonUser Former User User Randomly-Selected Interview Sample N=14 N=6 N=15 Topics Covered in Interviews - How faculty learned about Peer Instruction, - Instructional practices in most recent intro physics course, - How and Why started using Peer Instruction, - How was Peer Instruction implemented, - Institutional & Departmental Context. 12 3/10/2015 Knowledge: Problems Communicating about Innovations • Names of innovations mean very different things to different people • Innovations are commonly modified during implementation – Few instructors (between 6% and 47%) use Peer Instruction as described by the developer. – In many cases instructors are not aware of these differences. 25 From Interviews A significant minority of faculty (9/35 =26%) only demonstrated use of the term peer instruction in a literal way, typically as any in-class or out-of-class activity where students worked with one-another. Texas Tech: Drop in Peer Tutoring is available free to all currently enrolled students. 13 3/10/2015 From Web Survey – Use of ‘Essential Features’ of Peer Instruction Features of Peer Instruction (measured on survey) Traditional Lecture (for nearly every class or multiple times every class) Students discuss ideas in small groups (multiple times every class) Students solve/discuss qualitative/conceptual problem (multiple times every class) Whole class voting (multiple times every class) Conceptual questions (used on all tests) Self-Described Users of Peer Instruction 55% 27% 27% 38% 64% 6% 21% 35% Uses all 5 components Uses 4 or more of the 5 components Uses 3 of more of the 5 components Use of ‘essential features’ was even lower for Cooperative Group Problem Solving. 27 From Telephone Interviews (N=35) Relationship between self-described user status and Use of Peer Instruction Features 10 Users Former Users Non-Users 9 # of interviewees 8 7 4/9 1/9 6 7/15 (47%) selfdescribed users use at least 7 PI features. 6/9 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Number of Peer Instruction features used by self-described 28 users, former users, and knowledgeable non-users. 14 3/10/2015 Communication Difficulties: Self-described user status does not help much in understanding actual instructional behavior. SelfDescribed User Status Knows about Peer Instruction Non-User N=14 9 5 Researcher Described User Status Former User N=6 1 5 User N=15 8 7 Non-User N=10 Mixed User N=18 High User N=7 0 Features 1-6 Features 7-9 Features Inappropriate Assimilation The addition of the concept of Peer Instruction often does not result in qualitatively different thinking about teaching For Piaget, learning occurs via assimilation (quantitative change in mental structure) or accomodation (qualitative change). Figure from by Dan MacIsaac, Wednesday, May 1, 1991 http://physicsed.buffalostate.edu/danowner/kuhnpiaget/KP1.html Submitted to Dr S. Abell as partial requirement for EDCI 591S 15 3/10/2015 Conclusions (so far) • Development and dissemination change strategies in physics have resulted in – Widespread knowledge about RBIS (~9/10 of faculty) – Faculty motivation to try RBIS (~3/4 of faculty) • Of those who try – ~ 1/3 discontinue use – ~ 1/3 engage in inappropriate assimilation – ~ 1/3 continue use Knowledge: Informal discussions are the most common first exposure to Peer Instruction. Other forms of exposure are used later. * 24/35 respondents identified their ‘first exposure’. 16 3/10/2015 Knowledge: Local colleagues are the most common informal discussion partners. * 24/35 respondents identified their ‘first exposure’. Knowledge: Exposure via local colleagues may be related to higher levels of high use Source of any % High Users % Mixed % Non-Users exposure to PI (N=7) Users (N=18) (N=10) Grad school 14.3 16.7 0.0 colleague Local colleague 71.4 44.4 30.0 Non-Local 14.3 38.9 30.0 Colleague Colleague 14.3 16.7 0.0 unclear 17 3/10/2015 Conclusions (so far) • Personal interactions with colleagues: – are a very important source of knowledge about Peer Instruction – are the most common first exposure to Peer Instruction – may lead to higher levels of use Persuasion: Affordances of Peer Instruction (from interviews) % total Dissatisfaction with lecture 57.1 Evidence of effectiveness from personal experience 54.3 Gets students active 48.6 Departmental support or encouragement 45.7 Evidence of effectiveness from data 42.9 Intuitively makes sense to me 37.1 Provides feedback to the instructor 34.3 Gets students working together 31.4 Encourages depth of understanding 25.7 Students learn by hearing a peer’s explanation 25.7 Students learn by giving an explanation to a peer 22.9 Forces more students to participate 20.0 18 3/10/2015 Persuasion: Constraints of Peer Instruction (from interviews) Requires time and energy to change Content coverage concerns, personal belief Difficulty to getting students engaged Students aren’t capable of doing it In personal experience it did NOT work Structural, lack of resources Structural, class size Structural, lack of appropriate classroom Trouble finding good questions Difficulty getting student buy-in Current practices are effective Intuitively don’t think that PI will work Content coverage concerns, external requirements Content coverage concerns, institutional expectations % total 57.1 48.6 48.6 37.1 34.3 34.3 31.4 31.4 31.4 28.6 25.7 25.7 22.9 20.0 Persuasion: Affordances and Constraints of using Peer Instruction Average # of Codes 12.0 10.0 Reasons aligning with Perceivedfor affordances of PI PI Perceivedfor constraints of PI with PI Reasons NOT aligning 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 High Use Mixed Use Non-Use Researcher Assigned Implementation Group 19 3/10/2015 Persuasion: Variations by Implementation Group NON (N=10) MIXED (N=18) HIGH (N=7) Most Prevalent Affordances Most Prevalent Constraints 1. Dissatisfaction with traditional lecture (86%) 2. Evidence of effectiveness, personal experience (71%) 3. Forces more students to participate (71%) 4. Evidence of effectiveness, data (57%) PI makes intuitive sense (57%) Provides feedback to the instructor (57%) 1. Dissatisfaction with traditional lecture (78%) 2. Gets students active in class (67%) 3. Evidence of effectiveness, personal experience (56%) 4. Departmental support or encouragement (50%) 1. Difficulty of getting students engaged (100%) 2. Trouble finding good questions (57%) 1. Evidence of effectiveness personal experience (50%,) 1. Time and energy required to change (90%) 2. Student deficiencies (60%) 3. Personal commitment to content coverage (50%) Structural, Lack of resources (50%) Structural, Class size (50%) Current practice effective (50%) External requirement of content coverage (50%) 1. Time and energy required to change (56%) 2. Personal commitment to content coverage (50%) Conclusions (so far): Persuasion • Most interviewees in all user groups are persuaded that Peer Instruction is effective – Personal experience is more persuasive than data • Lower users are concerned about logistical problems – Time required to change – Lack of time to cover necessary content • Higher users are concerned about improving quality of implementation – Getting students involved – Finding instructional resources 20 3/10/2015 SCALE-UP SCALE-UP Involves redesigning the classroom and pedagogy 21 3/10/2015 SCALE-UP • Developed by Bob Beichner in 1993 for Physics • Influenced teaching practice in a minimum of 314 departments at 189 higher education institutions* *Foote, K. T., Neumeyer, X., Henderson, C., Dancy, M. H., & Beichner, R. J. (2014). Diffusion of researchbased instructional strategies: the case of SCALE-UP. International Journal of STEM Education, 1(1), 10. SCALE-UP is Spreading SCALE-UP Departments in Existence 120 # of SCALE-UP Dpmts in Existence • Survey of 659 SCALE-UP users at 2- and 4-year colleges in the US • 63% of reported departments using SCALE-UP are outside the originating discipline of physics, and 20% are outside of STEM. 100 Physics Chemistry Biology & Health Engineering Math, Stats, Comp. Sci. Non-STEM 80 60 40 20 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 Year 2011 2012 2013 *Foote, Neumeyer, Henderson, Dancy, Beichner (submitted) Diffusion of Research-Based Instructional Strategies: The Case of SCALE-UP 22 3/10/2015 Knowledge: Like Peer Instruction, interactions with colleagues are the most common sources of knowledge about SCALE-UP Sources of Knowledge about SCALE-UP Type of Colleague Exposure Percentage of SCALE-UP users 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Colleague Talk/Workshop Web Literature Other/don't know (How did you receive and share information about SCALE-UP?) Knowledge about SCALE-UP travels most within institutions (same department is more common than different department). Neumeyer, X., Foote, K. T., Beichner, R., Dancy, M. H., & Henderson C. (2014). Examining the Diffusion of Research-Based Instructional Strategies Using Social Network Analysis: A Case Study of SCALE-UP. Proceedings of the 2014 ASEE Annual Conference. 23 3/10/2015 Beichner Cluster The SCALE-UP diffusion network is highly centralized around Bob Beichner. Neumeyer, X., Foote, K. T., Beichner, R., Dancy, M. H., & Henderson C. (2014). Examining the Diffusion of Research-Based Instructional Strategies Using Social Network Analysis: A Case Study of SCALE-UP. Proceedings of the 2014 ASEE Annual Conference. Two Case Studies Interviews with stakeholders at two intuitions reporting successful, ongoing implementation of SCALE-UP in multiple departments Foote, K. T., Neumeyer, X., Henderson C., Dancy, M. H., & Beichner, R. (in press). SCALE-UP Implementation and Intra-Institutional Dissemination: A Case Study of Two Institutions. Proceedings of the 2014 Physics Education Research Conference. 24 3/10/2015 Initiation • U of Iowa (TILE) –Top Down – Video of SCALE-UP reform was circulating around campus, generating interest. – Major flood resulted in need to reconstruct classrooms and federal funding was available. – Provost created team to decide on funding use, they build SU classrooms and implemented training program for faculty. • Clemson – Bottom Up – Math and engineering faculty were collaborating on funded reform efforts and heard about SU through NSF reform initiative and Beichner’s post-doc. – High failure rates in gatekeeper courses were a concern of upper administration who provided funds for SU classrooms at request of faculty champions. Spread U of Iowa (7 TILE classrooms used by 60 departments) • Rooms centrally controlled --> all departments could use • Center for Teaching ran mandatory training program • Some department chairs encouraged their faculty • Faculty and student excitement about successful courses helped motivate faculty Clemson (10 SU classrooms used by 10 departments, all general engineering courses are SU) • In 2006, math department head decided all introductory calculus courses would be SCALE-UP • Spread from math and general engineering to civil and mechanical engineering because of an interdisciplinary grant • Instructors invited visitors to observe classes spread outside STEM 25 3/10/2015 Commonalities • Key figures with existing interest in reform were introduced to SCALE-UP through informal mechanisms and colleague connections. • Financial support for redesigned rooms was available due to supportive administrators. • Administrative support and the visibility of redesigned classrooms contributed to success. Implications • Cross departmental collaboration assists dissemination. • Administration-faculty partnerships facilitate the adoption of SCALE-UP. • Redesigned classrooms add visibility and sustainability. 26 3/10/2015 Summary: Knowledge • Instructors learn about new instructional strategies from colleagues (locally and nationally) • Other sources of information then become important • Inappropriate assimilation hinders communication Summary: Persuasion • Instructors are most persuaded by personal experiences • Data appears to be primarily useful to confirm decisions, not sway opinions • Time to learn and implement is a major barrier • Fears of lower content coverage is a major barrier 27 3/10/2015 Summary: Support • We don’t do support very well • A local community of users, administrative encouragement/resources, and visibility (e.g., a SCALE-UP room) appears to be helpful in supporting sustained use STEM change agents often think about change in terms of development and dissemination* Development Initial Situation Dissemination Desired Situation *Henderson, C., Beach, A., & Finkelstein, N. D. (2011). Facilitating change in undergraduate STEM instructional practices: An analytic review of the literature. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 48(8), 952–984. doi:10.1002/tea.20439 28 3/10/2015 We can build a better model: The Designing for Sustained Adoption Framework http://www.increasetheimpact.com/ We can build a better model: The Designing for Sustained Adoption Framework • Analysis of typical development and dissemination practices – 75 NSF CCLI grant proposals funded in 2009 • Case studies of well-propagated innovations – PhET, PLTL, Peer Instruction • Synthesis of the related literature 29 3/10/2015 We can build a better model (Solitary) Development (Mass Market) Dissemination Developing a strong product requires significant feedback from potential users Interactive Development (Mass Market) Dissemination Lesson: Curriculum developers need to collaborate with and build in opportunities for feedback from target audience from the very beginning. 30 3/10/2015 The most powerful forms of dissemination are interactive Interactive Development Interactive Dissemination Lesson: Curriculum developers need to go beyond papers and talks, develop opportunities for personal interactions Support is required for successful adoption Interactive Development Interactive Dissemination Support Lesson: The rate of “adopt and drop” and inappropriate assimilation is high. Many adopters run into implementation difficulties and need support for successful and sustained use. 31 3/10/2015 The instructional system imposes significant constraints. The more changes that the new instruction requires in the instructional system, the harder it will be to get adoption Interactive Development Interactive Dissemination Initial System Support Desired System Individual instructors and their classroom practices are just one part of the instructional system. Interactive Development Individual Department Institution Extra-Institution Initial System Interactive Dissemination Lesson: It is essential to understand what changes the new instruction requires from the instructional system. Support Individual Department Institution Extra-Institution Desired System 32 3/10/2015 A more complete model to guide development and dissemination activities Interactive Development Interactive Dissemination Support Individual Individual Department Department Institution Institution Extra-Institution Extra-Institution Initial System Desired System Most Important ‘Take-Away’ Message Typical Practice (Solitary) Development (Mass Market) Dissemination Successful Practice Interactive Development Interactive Dissemination Support http://www.increasetheimpact.com 33 3/10/2015 END 34