Welcome! Gwynedd Square Elementary [2012-2013] School Year Ms. Sarah Tanen M.Ed.

[2012-2013] School Year
Gwynedd Square Elementary
Ms. Sarah Tanen M.Ed.
Autistic Support (3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th)
Agenda/Topics to Be Covered
Who’s Who
Classroom Policies
Snack, special diets and allergies
Specials, Lunch & Recess Information
Parent Conferences
Questions and Answers
Introduction: Who Am I?
 Name: Sarah Tanen
 Education:
 Undergraduate Degree: Elementary
Education/Psychology; Kutztown University
 Graduate Degree: Masters, Special Education; Lehigh
 Graduate Certifications: Autism Endorsement Program,
Gwynedd Mercy College; ABA Certification Program,
 Teaching Experience: This is my third year at Gwynedd
Square in the Autistic Support program. Previously I
spent two years working at the Centennial School of
Lehigh University with students diagnosed with
Emotional and Behavioral Disorders and Autism in the
Elementary Program.
Who’s Who
 Classroom Teacher
 Ms. Sarah Tanen M.Ed
 Educational Assistants (EA)
 Ms. Freyer
 Mrs. Lashkari
 Mrs. Kriebel
 Reading
Reading, Math and Writing Programs
 Trophies:
 A combination of phonemics awareness, explicit and
systematic phonics, comprehension, vocabulary, and fluency
instruction to enable students to become better readers.
 Programming includes instruction in background
knowledge, focus skills (e.g., narrative elements, making
inferences), and decoding/phonics practice.
 Corrective Reading
 Used as a supplemental intervention to help improve
decoding and/or comprehension skills
 Student can be placed in decoding if continues to
demonstrate difficulty with vocabulary, sentence structure,
text organization etc
 Students can be placed in Comprehension if continue to
have difficulty writing, do not think/speak with clarity etc.
 Supplemental materials as needed/appropriate:
 Examples: Teacher-Made or hands on materials, Edmark
Programs, Fry list etc.
Reading, Writing, Math Programs
 Trophies:
 Integrated language arts, including:
Writer’s Craft (e.g., Voice, Descriptive
Paragraphs), grammar, spelling, word
study, speaking, and listening skills
 Supplemental materials as needed
 Cursive without tears, teacher-made or
hands on materials, Language for
Learning etc
 Math:
 Every day Math
 Connecting Math
Classroom Policies
 School Day
 8:55-3:35
 Absences
 Parents must call the office to report your child’s absence due
to illness
 Parents must call the office to inform them when your child
will be arriving late and /or getting picked up early.
 Students must provide us with a note upon the return to school
after an absence.
 Homework
 Homework will be sent home as a packet on Friday afternoons.
Your child’s homework will be due the following Friday. They
may complete their homework as it fits into their schedule
throughout the week.
 Please let me know if your child is having difficulty with any
area of homework so that I can address it during the school day.
 Please sign the front cover of the homework packet as your
child completes their work.
Classroom Policies
 Take Five, Take Control
Be there, be ready
Be responsible
Be respectful
Safe hands and feet
Follow directions
Classroom Policy
 Classroom Management:
 Positive Behavior Support
 Teaching strategies
 Reinforcement
 Communication Log (May not be used for all students)
 Students will receive a 0, 1, or 2 in each of the five expectations for
each class period. 0= 4 or more prompts from a teacher, 1= 2-3
prompts, and 2= 1 or less prompts.
 Students will receive 2 Take 5 tickets for earning an 80% (at least 80
pts) for the day
 Take 5’s will be given when teachers see students following classroom
 At the end of the week, students may use their Take 5’s to buy prizes
from “Ms. Tanen’s Grab Box”
 Email is another great source of communication. Please feel free to
email me as well: tanense@npenn.org
Specials, Lunch and Recess Information
3rd Grade Specials (10:55-11:40)
3rd Grade Lunch/Recess
Day 1: Library
Day 2: Art
Day 3: Music
Day 4: Gym
4th Grade Lunch/Recess
Lunch (12:45-1:15)
Recess (1:15-1:30)
4th Grade Specials (1:05-1:50)
Day 1: Art
Day 2: Music
Day 3: Gym
Day 4: Library
Lunch (10:50-11:20)
Recess (11:20-11:35)
Specials, Lunch and Recess Information
5th Grade Specials (10:05-10:50)
Day 1: Music
Day 2: Art
Day 3: Library
Day 4: PE
6th Grade Lunch/Recess
Lunch (12:25-12:55)
Recess (12:55-1:10)
6th Grade Specials (9:15-10:00)
5th Grade Lunch/Recess
Day 1:
Day 2:
Day 3:
Day 4:
Lunch (12:00-12:30)
Recess (12:30-12:45
Specials, Lunch and Recess Information Cont…
 Physical Education (5th and 6th grade only)
 All students must bring in deodorant and a shirt to change into
after PE class is finished
 Students must come in to school with the shirt they will
wear to PE. Student will not be allowed to change before
their PE class.
 Students will change into the extra/clean shirt after PE
 Students will reapply their deodorant after PE
 Physical Education ( All Grades)
 Students must wear sneakers on their PE days for safety
 Students will Not be allowed to participate in PE class unless
they are wearing sneakers.
 Lunches
 Students do not have access to a microwave during the school
 Students can buy their lunch in the cafeteria or bring their lunch
from home with all necessary items they may need.
 School can provide spoons, forks, extra napkins, ketchup and
mustard packets if needed.
Parent Conferences
 Conference schedule
 Wednesday10.31.2012 (PM hours ONLY)
 Monday 11.5.2012 (AM and PM Hours)
 Please see sign up sheet and select a day/time that is
convenient for you. If you would like to do a general
education/special education combined conference, please let
me know and I will do my best to schedule with your child’s
homeroom teacher.
 During conference time
 It is a time to discuss your child’s progress with
his/her IEP goals/objectives
 Questions
 Concerns