Torrey Botanical Society Plant Community Patterns of Low-Gradient Forested Floodplains in a New Jersey Urban Landscape Author(s): Myla F. J. Aronson, Colleen A. Hatfield, Jean Marie Hartman Source: Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society, Vol. 131, No. 3 (Jul. - Sep., 2004), pp. 232-242 Published by: Torrey Botanical Society Stable URL: Accessed: 01/03/2010 15:41 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use, available at JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use provides, in part, that unless you have obtained prior permission, you may not download an entire issue of a journal or multiple copies of articles, and you may use content in the JSTOR archive only for your personal, non-commercial use. Please contact the publisher regarding any further use of this work. Publisher contact information may be obtained at Each copy of any part of a JSTOR transmission must contain the same copyright notice that appears on the screen or printed page of such transmission. JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact Torrey Botanical Society is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 131(3), 2004, pp. 232-242 Plant community patterns of low-gradient forested floodplains in a New Jersey urban landscape1 Myla F. J. Aronson2,3, Colleen A. Hatfield, and Jean Marie Hartman GraduateProgramin Ecology and Evolution,RutgersUniversity,New Brunswick,NJ 08901-1582 AND J. M. HARTMAN. (Graduate Program in Ecology and Evolution, ARONSON,M. E J., C. A. HATFIELD, RutgersUniversity,New Brunswick,NJ 08901-1582). Plantcommunitypatternsof low-gradientforestedfloodplains in a New Jerseyurbanlandscape.J. TorreyBot. Soc. 131: 232-242. 2004.-This study characterizedthe vegetationof floodplainforests along a 66 km stretchof the upperPassaic River in northernNew Jersey,USA. Althoughthe study wetlandslie in a highly disturbedregion of New Jersey,they are intact and well-buffered floodplains.A characterizationof wetlandsin this region is imperativeto properlyassess and restorenatural lands in this ever increasinglydeveloped landscape.As in similar floodplainsystems, there was a change in canopy compositionalong the 66 km stretch.Specifically,Quercuspalustris dominatedforests shifted to Acer saccharinumdominatedforests near the midpointof the sampledriver section. Sub-canopy,shruband ground vegetation were sampledbut clear patternswere not detectedwith respect to position along the sampledriver section. Species richness was lower than any other publisheddescriptionsfor this type of floodplainsystem. The low species richness in all stratamay be attributedto urbaninfluences althoughthis requiresadditional study. Exotic flora representedup to 20% of the total flora,but did not appearto correlatewith river position or canopy composition.Ourdataprovidequantitativevegetationdescriptionsof referencewetlandstandardsfor a hydrogeomorphicmodel for this river system. Key words: floodplain forests, Passaic River, New Jersey, river gradient,urban landscapes,exotic species, hydrogeomorphicmodels. Studies of riparian vegetation patterns provide a valuable way of quantifying the increasingly changing landscapes of urbanizing regions. As natural lands and farmlands are converted to urban/suburban development, riparian forests are often the only areas left undeveloped. Even if riparian systems remain relatively intact, urbanization in the surrounding landscape can change the long-existing conditions of the aquatic and terrestrial margins by increasing surface runoff, nutrient and sediment loads, and decreasing biotic diversity (Karr and Schlosser 1978, Nagasaka and Nakamura 1999). New Jersey provides an especially strong opportunity to study riparian communities in a changing environment since much of the state is experiencing some degree of development pressure (Hasse and Lathrop 2003). Riparian zones contain a unique array of plants adapted to the environmental characteristics and dynamics related to the flood regime I Fundingfor this projectwas providedby the New Jersey Departmentof EnvironmentalProtectionand the United States EnvironmentalProtectionAgency. 2 The authorswould like to thankPatrickRyan,Jennifer Mokos, JenniferMomsen and various graduate andundergraduate studentsin the Hartmanlab for their assistance in field work; ZacharyLong and Dr. Peter Morin for statisticaladvice; and Dr. Steven Handel. 3 Author for correspondence.E-mail: mfjohnso@ Received for publicationJanuary13, 2003, and in revised form January24, 2004. (Naiman et al. 1993). Compositional shifts in species, life forms and functional groups along a river gradient from upstream to downstream reflect changes in the extent and magnitude of interactions among the river, the riparian zone and the adjacent upland (Poole 2002, Ward et al. 2002). Longitudinal trends of plant species richness and composition along rivers tend to show the greatest species richness occurring at the midreaches of a river system (Nilsson et al. 1989, Nilsson et al. 1994, Planty-Tabacchi et al. 1996) and this pattern has been linked to the intermediate disturbance hypothesis (Connell 1978, Sousa 1979). Other studies have found compositional shifts in plant species with greater proportions of ruderal and invasive species in the downriver direction, possibly reflecting greater disturbance rates downriver (Nilsson et al. 1994, Planty-Tabacchi et al. 1996, Tabacchi et al. 1996). In New Jersey, most characterizations of riparian plant communities have focused on floodplains of the Raritan River (Buell and Wistendahl 1955, Wistendahl 1958, Frye and Quinn 1979) or the Millstone River (Van Vechten and Buell 1959) in the central portion of the state. As with many floodplain studies, these have focused on plant and environment relationships within relatively small sections of the river (Buell and Wistendahl 1955, Wistendahl 1958, Van Vechten and Buell 1959) or an individual floodplain site (Frye and Quinn 1979). These studies 232 2004] ARONSONET AL: NEW JERSEYFLOODPLAINFORESTS also pre-dated the recent intense and rapid urban and suburban development throughout the state. As urbanization has become a prevalent factor in ecological systems in New Jersey, more research has examined the urban influences on riparian plant communities (Ehrenfeld and Schneider 1991, 1993) and wetland soil and water quality (Ehrenfeld and Schneider 1991, 1993; Vedagiri and Ehrenfeld 1992). None of this work has explicitly described vegetation characteristics along a river gradient from upstream to downstream. The objective of this study was to characterize the vegetation of forested floodplain wetlands along a 66 km stretch of river within the upper Passaic River watershed. Concomitant with the river gradient is an urbanization gradient; the upper portion of the watershed is relatively less urbanized than the lower portions of the watershed (Johnson 2002). The upper Passaic River system is unique in that most of the floodplains in this system are buffered by large annually flooded forest and marsh complexes while much of the surrounding uplands have been converted to urban and suburban land cover. This study provides a baseline of information that will allow future ecologists to evaluate whether there are clear interactions between plant community structure, urbanization patterns in the surrounding landscape and river gradient position. The sites described in this study represent the reference standard, or the best ecological functioning of sites, that provides the basis by which to compare other wetlands of the same wetland type (Smith 1997). This study was part of a larger hydrogeomorphic (HGM) model study designed to evaluate the wetlands as reference wetlands for low-gradient floodplain forested wetlands (Hatfield et al. 2002). The principle idea behind establishing reference standards is to identify and characterize the most undisturbed sites in the region (Smith 1997). The proximity of the Passaic River watershed to major urban centers has led to rapid urban and suburban expansion in this region that creates increased potential for these wetlands to be further degraded. Therefore, it becomes even more critical to identify and characterize what reference conditions currently exist. Development of reference sites such as these are useful for describing restoration targets as well as invasive and exotic species management and reserve management. Materials and Methods. STUDY AREA. Study sites were located in floodplains of the 233 Bay sPark NiSol East 4 0 4 8 12 km FIG.1. Study site locations within the upper Passaic River basin, also the boundaryof the glacial Lake Passaic. Inset:Locationof the upperPassaicRiverbasin within New Jersey,USA. upper Passaic River basin (Fig. 1) in the Piedmont physiographic region of New Jersey (Wolfe 1977). Most of the upper basin was the site of the glacial Lake Passaic, which was formed during the Wisconsin glaciation (Wolfe 1977). This area has very little relief, allowing large floodplains and marsh and swamp complexes to develop. The Passaic and its tributaries in this region are low-gradient rivers. Most of the floodplains studied are within large forested wetland and marsh complexes surrounded by upland suburban or urban development. Mean annual peak flow for the upper basin has been estimated at the confluence with the Pompton River as 32.5 m3/s for water years 1989-93 (Buxton et al. 1998). The Passaic River (Fig. 1) extends approximately 161 km from Morristown to Newark Bay, New Jersey (Bartlett 1984). The drainage basin encompasses approximately 2,398 km2 in north-central New Jersey. As of 1993, land use in the lower half of the basin, extending from the confluence with the Pompton River to Newark Bay, is almost entirely developed land, including high-density residential, industrial and commercial areas. The upper Passaic River ba- JOURNALOF THE TORREYBOTANICALSOCIETY 234 [VOL.131 Table 1. Site and vegetationcharacterization of forestedfloodplainwetlandsin the upperPassaicRiverBasin, New Jersey,USA. The inner floodplainwidth was measuredin the field. Floodplainarea includesthe entire2year floodplainand was measuredusing NJ State 1995/97 Land use/Landcover GIS coverage. The structural characteristicsof the canopy and sub-canopywere sampledin five 100 m2plots at each site. Sub-canopydata includes shrub species. Sites are arrangedfrom most upstreamto most downstream.Structuralcharacteristics are reportedas averages standarderror. _? Density Ratio Canopy Ave. Sub-canopy Sub-canopy Diameter Density Canopy Stem Site Great Swamp Dead River Passaic River South Main Roosevelt East Orange Sommers Park Hatfield Swamp Horseneck Two Bridges Width(m) Area(ha) 32.8 146 153.2 67.1 49.1 89.4 70.3 106.4 117.8 65.9 9.1 38.8 64.8 19.4 59.3 79.7 19.4 275.1 622.4 348.3 Density (#stems/ha) 500 420 620 340 400 100 625 400 340 380 ? 141 ? 124 + 188 + 93 89 +_ 55 390 _ 148 +_ 117 + 128 sin, from the source of the river near Morristown to the confluence with the Pompton River, is approximately 50 percent undeveloped, including agriculture and natural lands, and 50 percent urban, including residential and commercial lands (Buxton et al. 1998). As the Passaic River basin lies within the New York metropolitan region, there is high development pressure for residential and corporate complexes on the remaining undeveloped open space. VEGETATIONSAMPLING.Ten sites were sam- pled for vegetation in the upper Passaic River basin (Fig. 1). Site selection criteria included: annual flooding, forest cover, and relatively undisturbed and intact floodplains. Eight sites were located on floodplains adjacent to the Passaic River. Two sites were located adjacent to tributaries of the Passaic, one at Great Brook near the confluence with the Passaic River, and the other at Dead River. At eight sites, a 125 m baseline was established parallel to the river at the transition from the inner to the outer floodplain. At Sommers Park, the baseline was only 100 m long because the length of the floodplain was less than 125 m. At Two Bridges, the baseline was established perpendicular to the river in an old ox-bow connected to the river by over bank flow. At all sites, the baseline was established parallel with the direction of flow of floodwaters. The location of the baseline was selected using visual observations of changes in vegetation, such as Basal area (m2/ha) 41.3 15.7 26.2 33.8 44.6 6.8 16.6 28.4 6.0 26.1 8 ?_ 6 + 6 + 15 + 4 + 4 + 12 10 +_ 1 + 10 (cm) 33 22 23 36 38 29 13 15 15 30 (#stems/ha) 360 480 360 220 360 20 50 3700 320 580 + + + +_ + + + + + 187 156 287 128 186 20 50 1409 168 22 stems/# stems 0.7 1.1 0.6 0.6 0.9 0.2 0.1 9.3 0.9 1.5 increased shrub cover, and quite discernible evidence of changes of flood frequency and depth, and elevation. The distance from the river to the baseline varied among sites due to variations in the width of the inner floodplain at each site (Table 1). Five transects were established, 25 m apart, from the baseline to the river except at Sommers Park, where only four transects were established. Vegetation sampling was conducted in 10 x 10 m plots established at a random point on each transect. In each 100 m2 plot, canopy, sub-canopy and shrub species were measured. Canopy trees, defined as greater than 5 cm dbh (diameter at breast height), were identified to species and measured for dbh only. Sub-canopy and shrub species were defined as less than 5 cm dbh and greater than 50 cm in height and were identified and measured for height, dbh or number of stems (for shrubs with more than one stem), and length and width of cover. Canopy cover was estimated by placing a spherical densiometer above the soil surface at 1 m height at the midpoint and at each corner of the 100 m2 plot. Ground vegetation was sampled in two 1 X 1 m quadrats randomly established within each 100 m2 plot. Percent cover was measured for ground vegetation using modified Braun-Blanquet cover classes (Mueller-Dombois and Ellenberg 1974, Barbour et al. 1987). When specimens were impossible to identify, due to physical damage such as deer browse, they were identified to genus or family or categorized as unknown. 2004] ARONSONET AL: NEW JERSEYFLOODPLAINFORESTS Canopy, sub-canopy and shrub species were measured once during 1999 or 2000. Ground vegetation was recorded in both the spring and summer in order to examine seasonal variation. The spring sampling for all sites occurred in May or June of 2000. The summer sampling occurred in August of 1999 or 2000. Authority for all species identification is from Gleason and Cronquist (1991). DATAANALYSIS.For ground, sub-canopy and shrub vegetation, importance values were calculated using relative cover, relative frequency and relative density. Sub-canopy and shrub data were combined for calculating importance values as well as multivariate analyses. Relative basal area, relative frequency and relative density were used to calculate tree canopy importance values (Barbour et al. 1987). To evaluate plant community patterns, several approaches were utilized including cluster analysis, which was performed on importance values for canopy and sub-canopy vegetation and on presence/absence data for summer and spring ground vegetation. We used a modified Morisita's similarity coefficient with the unweighted pair-group method using arithmetic averages (UPGMA) to cluster importance value data (Krebs 1999). To cluster presence/absence data, we used the Baroni-Urbani and Burser similarity coefficient with UPGMA. These analyses were performed with the Multi-Variate Statistical Package (Kovach 2000). The non-parametric ordination technique, nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMDS), was also used to examine seasonal patterns in the ground vegetation as well as variation in canopy composition. In both cases, NMDS was preformed on arcsin transformed importance values using PC-ORD (McCune and Medford 1997). The multi-response permutation procedure (MRPP) in PC-ORD (Ver 4.10) was used to further examine the strength of the groupings indicated by the canopy cluster analysis and the NMDS (McCune and Medford 1997). To evaluate replacement potential of the canopy, Pearson correlation coefficients between canopy and sub-canopy species importance values were calculated (SAS Institute 2001). Pearson correlation coefficients were also used to determine relationships between canopy species (SAS Institute 2001). Exotic species representation was measured as the percentage of exotic species within the total floral richness. Total floral richness was 235 measured as a combined total of canopy, subcanopy, and ground species richness. Due to human disturbances to permanent plots and spring flooding events, Sommers Park and Hatfield Swamp were not included in this analysis. Total and exotic species richness were calculated using only those specimens identified to species. Results. CANOPY, SUB-CANOPY AND SHRUB PATTERNS. Forest structural characteristics varied greatly across the river gradient with no consistent patterns (Table 1). Canopy cover ranged from 83% at Two Bridges to 92% at Sommers Park. Basal area ranged from 6.0 m/ha at Horseneck to 44.6 m/ha at Roosevelt. Tree density was greatest at Sommers Park (650 stems/ha) and this site had one of the lowest shrub/sub-canopy densities (25 stems/ha). In contrast, Hatfield Swamp had the highest shrub/sub-canopy density (3700 stems/ha), due to dense shrubby clumps of Toxicodendron radicans, with intermediate canopy tree density (400 stems/ha). Density for both the canopy (100 stems/ha) and shrub/sub-canopy (20 stems/ha) was lowest at East Orange. Plant species richness was low in the canopy, sub-canopy and shrub layers across all sites. Species richness for the forest canopy in the study area was a total of eight species, with a maximum richness of five species at any individual site (Table 2). Sub-canopy species richness reached a total of five species across all sites. The maximum sub-canopy richness at any individual site was four species. Four canopy species were not represented in the sub-canopy, Acer rubrum, Betula nigra, Quercus bicolor and Crataegus sp. One species in the sub-canopy, Liquidambar styraciflua, was not represented in the canopy. Fraxinus pennsylvanica was by far the most dominant sub-canopy species and occurred in eight sites. There were five shrub species observed across all sites, but six of the ten sites had no shrubs. With correlation between canopy and subcanopy vegetation as a measure of replacement potential of the canopy species, the dominant canopy trees, Acer saccharinum and Quercus palustris, appeared to have a moderate replacement potential. Acer saccharinum in the canopy was significantly correlated with A. saccharinum in the shrub/sub-canopy (r = 0.66, P = 0.039), and canopy Q. palustris was also significantly correlated with sub-canopy Q. palustris (r = 0.63, P = 0.05). In addition, Ulmus americana, a common sub-dominant canopy species, was JOURNALOF THE TORREYBOTANICALSOCIETY 236 [VOL.131 Table 2. Species importancevalues of tree canopy, sub-canopyand shrubstrataof forestedfloodplainwetlands in the upperPassaicRiver basin, New Jersey.Study sites are abbreviatedas follows: GS = GreatSwamp, DR = Dead River,PR = PassaicRiver,SM = SouthMain,RO = Roosevelt,EO = East Orange,SP = Sommers Park, HA = Hatfield Swamp, HO = Horseneck, TB = Two Bridges. Site Stratum Species Acer rubrum canopy Acer saccharinum Betula nigra Crataegussp Fraxinuspennsylvanica canopy canopy canopy canopy GS DR PR SM 0 22.8 16.1 0 RO 0 0 9.4 12.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 9.5 0 0 15.1 11.7 15.6 19.6 44.7 0 0 9.6 EO SP 0 0 34.8 100 26.7 0 0 0 38.8 0 HA 0 HO TB 0 36.2 79.2 0 5.4 0 0 0 43.6 0 44.5 0 0 20.5 Quercus bicolor Quercus palustris Ulmus americana canopy canopy canopy 10.6 14.0 44.6 43.5 20.2 8 0 32.4 26.5 0 61.1 6.6 0 37.7 8.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10.2 4.7 0 20.8 0 0 35.0 0 Acer saccharinum Fraxinus pennsylvanica Liquidambar styraciflua Quercus palustris Ulmus americana sub-canopy sub-canopy sub-canopy sub-canopy sub-canopy shrub shrub shrub shrub shrub 0 0 82.8 41.6 0 0 0 14.7 17.2 22.0 0 67.7 0 0 32.3 19.9 43.9 0 36.2 0 0 100.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 14.7 36.4 0 4.4 0 0 100.0 0 0 0 19.7 45.6 23.6 4.6 0 Cornus racemosa Lindera benzoin Rosa multifloraa Rubus sp. Toxicodendron radicans Species Richness a 0 0 0 0 0 6.5 0 4.6 10.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 44.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 6.5 0 0 0 canopy sub-canopy shrub 5 2 0 5 4 2 5 2 0 4 3 0 4 1 0 3 0 1 1 1 0 5 3 1 2 1 0 3 4 1 Total 5 8 5 4 4 4 1 6 3 5 Non-native species (Gleason and Cronquist 1991, Anderson 1979, D. Snyder, unpublished manuscript). significantly correlated with U. americana in the sub-canopy (r = 0.85, P = 0.002). Fraxinus americana, the most common sub-canopy species, was not significantly correlated with F. americana in the canopy. HA EO HO HO SP saccharinum TB RO PR DR SM Q.palustris GS 0.28 0.4 052 0.64 0.76 0.88 1 ModifiedMorisita'sSimilarity FIG. 2. UPGMA cluster analysis of canopy vegetation of forested floodplain wetlands in the upper Passaic River basin, New Jersey, USA. Sample sites are divided by a change along the sampled river gradient from Q. palustris dominated forests to A. saccharinum dominated forests, as indicated by the division between the two groups. Sites are abbreviated as follows: GS = Great Swamp, DR = Dead River, PR = Passaic River, SM = South Main, RO = Roosevelt, EO = East Orange, SP = Sommers Park, HA = Hatfield Swamp, HO = Horseneck, TB = Two Bridges. Canopy species importance values revealed a subtle pattern in canopy dominance across the sampled river gradient. Quercus palustris dominated the tree canopy from Great Swamp through South Main; Roosevelt represented the transition from Q. palustris to A. saccharinum, which dominated or co-dominated the lower portion of the sampling gradient (Table 2). Roosevelt and Two Bridges were co-dominated by Q. palustris and A. saccharinum. Acer saccharinum co-dominated with F. pennsylvanica at East Orange and Hatfield Swamp while it strongly dominated Sommers Park and Horseneck. Ulmus americana tended to co-occur with Q. palustris while F. pennsylvanica was a member of the canopy in a majority of the sites (Table 2). The importance value of A. saccharinum was negatively correlated with Q. palustris (r = -0.65, P = 0.041) and U. americana (r = -0.66, P = 0.038). Cluster analysis, based on canopy importance values, divided sites into two groups that corresponded to a compositional shift of the dominant canopy species from upstream to downstream (Fig. 2). The first cluster, referred to as the Acer saccharinum community, was charac- ARONSONET AL: NEW JERSEYFLOODPLAINFORESTS 2004] 237 A. rubrnum Q palustris Q palustris SDR SKA.saccharinum + PR 0.5 + GS Q bicolor Q palustrs0 U. americana -15 xHO x ROI -1,,I -0. SM A. saccharinum 00.5 1 1.5 X EO a 1.5 B ngra NMDS A NMDS Axis 2 FIG.3. NMDS ordinationplot of canopy vegetationin forestedfloodplainsof the upperPassaicRiver Basin, New Jersey.Symbols denote canopy classes classifiedby clusteranalysisof tree canopy importancevalues (see Fig. 2). Sites are abbreviatedas follows: GS = GreatSwamp, DR = Dead River, PR = Passaic River, SM = South Main, RO = Roosevelt, EO = East Orange, SP = Sommers Park, HA = Hatfield Swamp, HO = Horseneck,TB - Two Bridges. terized by relatively high importance values (34.48 to 100%) of A. saccharinum. This cluster included the sites located at Roosevelt, East Orange, Sommers Park, Hatfield Swamp, Horseneck and Two Bridges (Fig. 1). The second cluster, referred to as the Quercus palustris community, was characterized by low importance values (zero to 12.71 %) of A. saccharinum and by relatively high importance values (32.4% to 61.1%) of Q. palustris. This cluster included the sites located at Great Swamp, Dead River, Passaic River, and South Main. MRPP analysis also divided the sites based on the same groupings as the cluster analysis (A = 0.247, P = 0.002). An NMDS ordination of the data agreed with the above community divisions and more clearly defined the species responsible for this division (Fig. 3). Acer saccharinum was positively correlated with NMDS axis two (r = 0.9866, P < 0.0001), while Q. palustris (r = -0.7348, P = 0.0155), Q. bicolor (r = -0.6982, P = 0.0247), and U. americana (r = -0.73484, P = 0.0155) were negatively correlated with axis two. Quercus palustris (r = 0.68403, P = 0.0292) and A. rubrum (r = 0.67871, P = 0.0309) were both positively correlated with axis one. Betula nigra (r = -0.79376, P = 0.0061) was negatively correlated with axis one. Axes one and two accounted for 62.3% of the variation in the data, with axis one accounting for 42.7% and axis two accounting for 19.6%. GROUND VEGETATION.Ground species rich- ness ranged from 9 species at Sommers Park to 34 species at East Orange. Lack of seasonal data at Sommers Park and Hatfield Swamp clearly contributed to low species richness at these sites. These sites were not used in statistical analysis. There was no difference in compositional trends in the ground vegetation between sites according to the NMDS and MRPP analyses. Subtle compositional differences appeared between spring and summer vegetation, but there was no statistically defined pattern. According ground species percent frequency, Leersia oryzoides and Toxicodendron radicans were present at all sites and were most common at the majority of sites (Table 3). Other species that were present at the majority of sites and common in many included: Boehmeria cylindrica, Cinna arundinacea, Geum canadense, Lysimachia nummularia, Pilea pumila, and various Carex, Polygonum, and Viola species. Seedlings of Acer saccharinum, Fraxinus pennsylvanica, and Quercus palustris were also common in the ground vegetation of most sampled floodplains. EXOTIC SPECIES. Exotic species represented between 5% and 20% of the total floral richness of each site (Fig. 4). The greatest representation of exotic species occurred in the most upriver sites, Great Swamp (16.7%) and Dead River (15.4%), and at the mid-portion of the river gra- JOURNAL OF THE TORREY BOTANICAL SOCIETY 238 [VOL. 131 Table 3. Percent frequency of ground species in each study site in the upper Passaic River basin, New Jersey, USA. Percent frequency was calculated as the number of quadrats a species occurred in divided by the total number of quadrats sampled at a site times 100. GS = Great Swamp, DR = Dead River, PR = Passaic River, SM = South Main, RO = Roosevelt, EO = East Orange, SP = Sommers Park, HA = Hatfield Swamp, HO = Horseneck, TB = Two Bridges. Site Species Acer rubrum Acer saccharinum Allium vinealea Artemisia vulgarisa Aster spp. Aster racemosus Bidens frondosa Blephilia hirsuta Boehmeria cylindrica Cardamine pratensis Carex crinita Carex grayi Carex lupulina Carex lurida Carex scoparia Carex spp. Carex vulpinoidea Cinna arundinacea Claytonia virginica Cuscuta gronovii Elymus sp. Elymus virginicus Fraxinus pennsylvanica Galium palustre Geum canadense Gratiola neglecta Impatiens capensis Leersia oryzoides Lysimachia ciliata Lysimachia nummulariaa Lycopus uniflorus Lycopus virginicus Microstegium vimineuma Oxalis stricta Oxalis spp. Panicum clandestinum Parthenocissus quinquefolia Peltandra virginia Phalaris arundinacea Pilea pumila Poa palustris Polygonum arifolium Polygonum caespitosuma Polygonum erectum Polygonum hydropipera Polygonum hydropiperoides Polygonum pensylvanicum Polygonum persicariaa Polygonum spp. Potentilla sp. Quercus palustris Ranunculus abortivus Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticuma Rosa multifloraa Rubus spp. Saururus cernuus Solidago caesia GS DR PR 30.0 15.0 SM RO EO SPb 5.0 15.0 25.0 12.5 HAb HO TB 62.5 50.0 5.0 22.2 15.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 35.0 50.0 10.0 11.1 11.1 11.1 22.2 22.2 5.6 5.0 10.0 5.0 25.0 5.0 20.0 12.5 38.9 5.0 5.0 40.0 5.0 75.0 15.0 5.0 12.5 55.6 11.1 10.0 5.0 40.0 15.0 5.0 40.0 5.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 30.0 15.0 65.0 25.0 5.0 20.0 50.0 6.3 20.0 10.0 18.8 25.0 10.0 5.6 5.6 16.7 20.0 33.3 31.3 40.0 33.3 10.0 66.7 12.5 75.0 11.1 81.3 10.0 11.1 27.8 16.7 16.7 16.7 5.6 100.0 5.6 83.3 25.0 20.0 10.0 30.0 50.0 15.0 5.0 30.0 20.0 25.0 5.0 5.0 25.0 30.0 5.0 15.0 5.0 70.0 5.0 25.0 20.0 60.0 10.0 70.0 5.0 10.0 5.0 5.0 80.0 5.0 35.0 25.0 45.0 10.0 10.0 30.0 10.0 75.0 11.1 27.8 16.7 22.2 10.0 5.0 10.0 10.0 11.1 10.0 15.0 55.6 11.1 11.1 20.0 5.0 15.0 15.0 10.0 30.0 20.0 30.0 5.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 25.0 20.0 5.0 20.0 35.0 5.0 5.0 10.0 25.0 5.0 16.7 25.0 50.0 5.0 5.6 38.9 27.8 10.0 50.0 40.0 35.0 10.0 12.5 6.3 12.5 12.5 31.3 5.6 18.8 11.1 5.6 11.1 6.3 10.0 25.0 10.0 20.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 6.3 20.0 16.7 12.5 5.6 5.6 16.7 5.0 5.0 5.0 12.5 35.0 ARONSONET AL: NEW JERSEYFLOODPLAINFORESTS 2004] 239 Table3. Continued. Species Solidago spp. Toxicodendronradicans Ulmusamericana Viola spp. Total Richness GS DR 77.8 45.0 PR SM Site RO EO 5.0 50.0 20.0 70.0 10.0 45.0 10.0 45.0 90.0 5.0 55.0 33 30 34 38.9 15.0 5.0 20.0 10.0 20.0 28 23 22 SPb HAb HO TB 62.5 62.5 100.0 77.8 37.5 12.5 20.0 16.7 9 15 24 19 aNon-nativespecies (Gleasonand Cronquist1991, Anderson1979, D. Snyder,unpublishedmanuscript). b Only sampled during one season. Sommers Park sampled only in spring due to human disturbancesto permanentplots. HatfieldSwamp sampledonly in summerdue to springflooding events. dient, Roosevelt (20%) and East Orange (16.7%). Interestingly, the two sites with the lowest exotic species richness, Passaic River (5.6%) and South Main (9.7%), were bounded upriver and downriver by sites that tended to have the highest percentage of exotic species. Lysimachia nummularia was the most common exotic species across the study area and was present at all sites analyzed for exotic species richness. Other exotic species included: Allium vineale, Artemisia vulgaris, Microstegium vimineum, Polygonum caespitosum, Polygonum hydropiper, Polygonum persicaria, Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum, and Rosa multiflora. Many of these species are considered invasive in the state of New Jersey (D. Snyder, unpublished manuscript). there are some important differences. Canopy species richness (eight species) in the Passaic River floodplain sites is very low compared to other northern floodplains on low-gradient rivers. For example, along the Raritan River, within the same physiographic region of New Jersey as the Passaic River, tree species richness was reported as 15 species at one site (Frye and Quinn 1979) and as high as 20 species along a stretch of the river (Buell and Wistendahl 1955). In low-gradient floodplains in southern Illinois, tree species richness ranged from 19 to 24 species (Bell and del Moral 1977). Overall woody species richness, including tree and shrub species, in low-gradient floodplains ranged from 48 in Texas (Nixon et al. 1977) to 29 in Illinois (Bell 1974) to 32 (Buell and Wistendahl 1955) and 24 (Frye and Quinn 1979) in New Jersey. This conDiscussion. The floodplains of the Passaic trasts with the Passaic River, where the total River are somewhat similar in vegetation comrichness is woody species only 14. position and structure to floodplains in New JerThe species composition of the tree canopy in sey as well as other northern floodplains, but this study is similar to those in other northeastern floodplains. In their study of a floodplain 250 along the Raritan River, Frye and Quinn (1979) found Acer negundo, Fraxinus spp. and Quercus 20 0 palustris as dominant species. Acer saccharinum and Ulmus americana were also common. Quercus palustris and A. saccharinum dominated 15a floodplains along the Millstone River (Van 100 Vechten and Buell 1959). In northern Illinois, floodplains are dominated by A. saccharinum, 50 Populus deltoides, Salix spp. or Q. palustris (Hosner and Minckler 1963). Yin (1998) docu00 mented the dominance of A. saccharinum and DR PR GS SM RO EO HO TB Site Q. palustris along the upper Mississippi River. The compositional change of dominant canFIG.4. Percentof exotic species to total floralrichness across study sites in the upperPassaic River ba- opy species at the Roosevelt site suggests that sin, New Jersey,USA. Sites are orderedfromupstream there may be a change in environmental condito downstreamandabbreviatedas follows: GS = Great tions along the river gradient. Those sites in the Swamp, DR = Dead River, PR = Passaic River, SM = South Main, RO = Roosevelt, EO East Orange, upriver portion of the gradient, which were dom= HO = Horseneck, TB = Two Bridges. inated by Q. palustris, tended to have less mac- 240 JOURNALOF THE TORREYBOTANICALSOCIETY ro-topographic complexity and more poorly drained soils (M. Aronson, pers. observation). Sites in the downriver portion of the gradient, which were dominated by A. saccharinum, tended to have more macro-topographic complexity (M. Aronson, pers. observation) and sandier soils than those upriver (Johnson 2002). While species composition of the understory, sub-canopy and shrub strata, in this study is similar to those in other northeastern floodplains, we found that the floodplains of the upper Passaic River are characterized by a depapurate understory with only an average of 6.6 + 2.0 individuals per plot. Floodplains have a tendency for severe flood scouring and damage to the understory, which likely has contributed to the lack of development of the shrub/sub-canopy in these sites (Frye and Quinn 1979, Ehrenfeld 1986). The shrub/sub-canopy species richness of Passaic River floodplains, 10 species, is comparable to other New Jersey floodplains where between 9 and 12 species were found in the understory (Frye and Quinn 1979, Buell and Wistendahl 1955). A further limitation to understory development of floodplains along the Passaic River is herbivory by deer. At all sites, there was obvious damage on most saplings, seedlings, shrub and herbaceous vegetation from deer browse. Deer sightings were also common during field sampling; the average minimum density of deer in the upper Passaic River basin ranged from 11 to 15 deer/square km in 1999 (Anon 1999). This population estimate is based on hunt check stations and is most likely an underestimation of the actual deer population in this region (D. Drake, pers. comm.). New Jersey has an overabundant deer population (Anon. 1999) and it is well known that overabundant deer populations have negative effects on forest regeneration (e.g. Tilghman 1989, Waller and Alverson 1997). The species composition of the herbaceous layer does not appear to vary widely across northern floodplains. The Passaic River sites contain similar herbaceous species as floodplain forests along the Raritan (Wistendahl 1958) and Millstone Rivers (Van Vechten and Buell 1959) in New Jersey. Herbaceous species composition in these sites is also similar to northern floodplains outside of New Jersey. In oak-hickory forests of northern Mississippi River floodplains, Shelford (1954) found herbs to be few in both species richness and density, but two species of Polygonum dominated. Herbaceous species composition of Wisconsin floodplains included [VOL.131 several similar species to those found along the Passaic River, including Carex lupulina, C. grayi, Cinna arundinacea, Leersia oryzoides, Phalaris arundinacea, Polygonum pensylvanicum and Impatiens spp. (Menges and Waller 1983). These similarities across all northern floodplains may explain the failure of cluster analysis, MRPP and NMDS to successfully divide Passaic floodplain sites by composition. In addition, the distribution of herbaceous species may be better explained by smaller scale processes such as moisture gradients, microtopographic variation, occasional anoxic conditions, and scouring by floodwaters and ice flow. Exotic plant species were present across the entire sampled river gradient. In contrast to Planty-Tabacchi et al. (1996), which found an increase in exotic vegetation with downriver position, there was no clear pattern of exotic richness across our sites. The fact that we did not find this pattern may be a function of our relatively short river gradient; Planty-Tabacchi et al. (1996) examined river reaches from 150 to 350 km long while our river reach was only 66 km long. It is more likely that the factors influencing exotic vegetation at the sites studied here were local factors such as interior disturbances, for example, recreational use and ditching, or adjacent disturbances, such as roads and bridges. Although the floodplains studied here are considered relatively well buffered, interior and adjacent disturbances were common. It is important to note that most of the exotic species are considered invasive in this region and that further study of the importance of exotic invasive species may show that they dominate cover of the herbaceous and shrub layers. The floodplains of the upper Passaic River basin are unusual in that they are well buffered by large swamp and marsh complexes surrounded by suburban and urban developed uplands. The majority of these floodplains are unlikely to be developed because of the magnitude of the annual overbank flood events and lengthy periods of inundation. These floodplains offer important ecological, hydrological and recreational functions and values (Ehrenfeld 2000). Of the many functions they provide, the most important economic and social functions may be storing floodwaters and therefore ameliorating the effects of flooding on downriver communities and improving water quality. In addition, the wetlands function as biodiversity sources for urban landscapes (Naiman and Decamps 1997) and frequently provide the only natural habitat for both biodi- 2004] ARONSONET AL: NEW JERSEYFLOODPLAINFORESTS versity conservation and recreational uses in urban areas (Ehrenfeld 2000). These results provide interesting possibilities for future research. 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