OR: Accelerator Fundamentals: Role and Impact on IMRT Functional Requirements for IMRT z Short Review of Basic Concepts » Accelerating Structures » Electron Injection » Energy Control » Dose Rate/Beam Control Timothy J. Waldron, M.S. z Accelerating Structures: Traveling-Wave Implementation of First Generation IMRT Systems » Elekta » Siemens » Varian z z Implementation of Second Generation IMRT » Tomotherapy z z Circular transmission waveguide “Tube and Washer” slow wave structure decreases phase velocity of the RF to a useful level (< c). Washer spacing greater at proximal end, constant at distal end -electron transit time decreases, then is essentially constant as energy approaches c. Accelerating Structures: Traveling-Wave Accelerating Structures: Traveling-Wave e- z z z Packets of RF energy are injected at proximal end and extracted at distal end. Instantaneously, half of structure electric field is zero, no acceleration occurs. Electric field amplitude decreases along length of accelerator due to resistive losses. z z z e- e- Electrons are captured and accelerated by the differential electric field components of RF waves. Electrons accelerated downstream travel with RF wave groups. Output electron energy spectrum is primarily dependent upon RF frequency. 1 Accelerating Structures: Standing-Wave z z z Accelerating Structures: Standing-Wave Series of coupled circular resonant cavities. Alternating “zero field” cavities propagate RF only, and so may be on or off of beam axis. Most proximal cavity (buncher) may be larger, but generally all accelerating cavities same size. z z z RF is injected at any point, not extracted per se. SW structure is a highly resonant “shorted” transmission line, RF propagates/reflects. After “fill time”, electric fields in structure establish standing wave pattern of apparently stationary nodes and modes of uniform amplitude. Accelerating Structures: Standing-Wave e- z z z e- Accelerating Structures: Energy Control e- z Electron transit time approximately 1/2 RF wave time constant. Electrons “see” constant repelling electric field upstream and attracting electric field downstream. Resonant structure operates over narrow frequency range. Energy Control: Acceleration Per Cavity TW Accelerators » Accelerator length (power limited) » RF Frequency z SW Accelerators » RF Power/cavity. » Number of cavities (length). » Several techniques in use. Energy Control: Length of Accelerator/# of Cavities (1) E1 A1 E1 E2 < E1 A2 = A1/2 E2 < E1 2 Energy Control: Length of Accelerator/# of Cavities (2) Electron Injection z Energy Switch “out” E1 Energy Switch “in” E2 < E1 » Controllable source of electrons to be accelerated (Thermionic emission). » Provide initial velocity to electrons for capture by oscillating electric fields. z Diode Electron Gun ACCELERATING STRUCTURE FOCUSING (V0 - HV) Gun/Injector Functions Both Diode and Triode designs are currently in use. Triode Electron Gun (gridded) GRID (+ inj. on/ - inj. off) FOCUSING ( - HV) e- cloud FILAMENT ACCELERATING STRUCTURE FILAMENT CATHODE (-HV) CATHODE (- V0 - HV) Triode Electron Gun (gridded) GRID (+ inj. on) GRID (- inj. off) FOCUSING ( - HV) FILAMENT CATHODE (- V0 - HV) Triode Electron Gun (gridded) ACCELERATING STRUCTURE e- FOCUSING ( - HV) FILAMENT ACCELERATING STRUCTURE e- CATHODE (- V0 - HV) 3 Basic Beam Parameters z Basic Beam Parameters z Amplitudes -RF » Governs fluence or “dose” per pulse. » Increasing gun/injector current “loads” RF, result is decrease in average energy as available work is exceeded. » Increased cathode/filament temperature increases emission (potential gun current). » Increasing cathode voltage increases gun current. Backheating occurs as cathodedriven current further increases temperature. » RF Power level determines available work to accelerate electrons. » RF Work in accelerator is shared between accelerating electrons and resistive heating of structure. » Resistive heating/cooling of accelerator impacts frequency characteristics. » Initial beam-on may incorporate a run-up period for RF system to stabilize frequency. Dose Rate, Beam Control z Dose Rate, Beam Control Beam Pulse = Coincident RF + Injection z » Options depend upon gun/accelerator type. z » Coincidence/anti-coincidence of gun + RF to control single beam pulse production. » Control repetition frequency of coincident RF + gun to control pulse rate » Control fluence per pulse via gun current to control “dose” rate. Calibration may be affected (recombination). z Intra-segment time Time required for beam production to restabilize after beam suppression between IMRT segments. Linac and control system each contribute some component. First-Generation IMRT Implementations Elekta SL-25/Precise z z » Elekta SL-25/Precise » Siemens Primus/Oncor » Varian 21EX/Millenium Run-up time At initial beam on, the time necessary for RF in accelerator to stabilize, and re-stabilize as beam is loaded with electrons. Depends strongly upon gun and accelerator design. Control Options via: Existing Radiotherapy delivery systems adapted/modified for IMRT. z System Overview, Overall Control Architecture, Beam Control, IMRTspecific parameters for: Amplitudes -Gun Current z z z Travelling-Wave accelerator Diode (nongridded) Injector/Gun Energy Control via RF frequency and beam loading 80-leaf MLC replaces upper jaws 4 Elekta Control Architecture I/O Elekta/Precise Control System Architecture -Overall Control Area -Redundant, 1/2 shown CONTROL AREA 16 -HT & RF Treatment Display (NT) Processor MULTIBUS 2 Remote BACKPLANE Terminal Unit (RTU) x2 Eurocard Cardrack/Backplane High Voltage Microwav eHardwar e/Circuits Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) 1 of 2 -“A” or “B” Terminal Debug Terminal CONTROL AREA 12 -Radiation Head Control Mode Remote Selection Terminal BeamUnit Modifier Controls/ (RTU) x2 Circuits Control Processor (RMX) FULL-DUPLEX 1/2 Serial Link to Control System DAISY-CHAIN Remote CONFIGURATION Terminal Unit (RTU) x2 Interface & Motor Controls Hardware/ Circuits Elekta Control System: MLC Control Processor (RMX) MLC Head Electronics Head Control RTU (Area 12) Video Digitizer Card FULL-DUPLEX z z z SERIAL BUS IN DAISY-CHAIN CONFIGURATION Elekta/Precise Beam Control (IMRT) z z Signal Conditioning Card (SCC) DIE #2 (ICCA B only) Intra-segment state is achieved by setting gun filament to standby value and suppressing triggers to modulator and injection. Magnetron uses a solenoid linear actuator to drive the magnetron tuning plunger instead of a rotary gear/chain arrangement. Faster tuning reduces intra-segment time to 2-4 seconds. Reduced dose rates are selected by varying frequency of filament voltage (cathode temperature) at the nominal system PRF. Analog Output 8 bit DA 8 channels Control Area Specific Circuit Boards (Dosimetry in RHCA, HV Supply Control in HTCA) Other Machine Hardware Analog Output 12 bit DA 8 channels Diode gun and TW accelerator: Each microwave pulse synchronized with an injection pulse and intended to produce beam. Run-up 8-10 seconds, as cathode temp stabilizes and RF system tunes to proper frequency. Dose rate is controlled by adjusting the machine Pulse Repetition Frequency (PRF). For a nominal dose rate of 700 MU/minute, the SL-25 is pulsed at 400 PPS. Nominal output is approximately 0.03 MU/pulse. Siemens Primus/Oncor z z Digital Input Encoder (DIE) 32 Inputs 8 Outputs via FPLAs Aux PSU PCB DC Power Supply Elekta Beam Control z MULTIBUS 2 BACKPLANE Relay Output Card (ROC) Analog Input PCB (12 Bit 10V AD) CONTROL AREA 72 -Interface Cabinet SERIAL BUS IN CCD Camera Multiplexer Terminal Unit (MTU) z z z Standing-Wave Accelerator Triode (gridded) Gun Injector Energy control via RF-power-per cavity/beam loading. 58 or 82-leaf double-focussed MLC replaces lower jaws. 5 Siemens Control System Architecture -Overall Siemens Control System: MLC Function Function Function Function Controller Controller Controller Controller 0 1 2 3 MOTORS DOSE 1 DOSE 2 BEAM “High Speed” Serial Comm Console PC w/ Serial Interface Processor FULL-DUPLEX SERIAL BUS DAISY-CHAIN CONFIGURATION Function Function Function Function Controller Controller Controller Controller 7 6 5 4 I/O INTER LIGHTS HAND -LOCKS BMSHLD CONTROL Leaf Bank B Drives + Feedback X 29 z z z z Triode gun, SW accelerator. An injection pulse is produced in coincidence with each RF pulse. Dose rate is controlled by adjusting PRF of system. Dose rate servo takes input from Dose Channel 2, adjusts PRF to maintain specified rate. Run up 3-6 seconds, gun pulse is dephased/non-coincident with RF. Varian 21-EX z z z z Standing-Wave Accelerator Triode Gun Injector Energy control via RFpower-per cavity/beam loading, energy switch for low-X. 120 leaf Tertiary MLC with rounded leaf ends. Console PC w/ Serial Interface Processor Leaf Bank A Drives + Feedback X 29 Multiplexer I/O Hardware Lines to Motors and I/L Controllers Siemens Beam Control (IMRT) Siemens Beam Control z Function Controller Comm Chain z z z z Machine enters a PAUSE state while beam shaping components are moved. PAUSE is achieved by “de-phasing” injection and RF so they are non-coincident. RF power may be reduced during PAUSE to suppress dark current by adjusting PFN to “IPFN” (80% of nominal) value. Intrasegment time is <1 second for linac, additional time for control system. Varian Control Architecture Overall STD BUS BACKPLANE Comm Console PC Clinical Keyboard Processor Control Processor Control Linear Accelerator Hardware and Inroom circuits Timer Input / Output Signal Conditioning Backplane Signal processing / scaling and distribution Varian Cardrack Machine parameter control and interlock circuits Common RAM 6 Varian Control System: MLC Varian Beam Control z Console Electronics MLC Workstation PC Carriage A Carriage B Leaf Drive/ Feedback I/O Leaf Drive/ Feedback I/O X 60 X 60 Control Timer Hardware Interface Lines: Beam Holdoff MLC I/L RS232 Serial Comm Comm Processor Signal Conditioning I/O z z MLC Controller Full-Duplex Optic Fiber Link X 2 RS-422 Serial Comm z Injection pulse is coincident with RF to produce a beam pulse, or delayed to not produce. Gun is pulsed continuously for constant temp/emission. Dark current is suppressed by ionic vacuum pumping in gun region, and a solenoid that encloses the accelerator. Microwave system and injector are pulsed at constant 360 PPS in lowX and 180 PPS in highX. Nominal max dose rate is 600 MU/min, the dose per pulse is approximately 0.03 and 0.06 MU/pulse for lowX and highX, respectively. Run-up is approximately 500 mSec. Varian Beam Control (IMRT) Varian Beam Control (2) z z Dose rate is controlled by selecting injector pulses to be coincident or not out of a 6pulse train. In the highest dose rate all 6 pulses are coincident. Dose rate servo delays pulses as needed to achieve specified rate over a 50 mSec sampling cycle (control window). Resolution of the dosimetry subsystem is 0.01 MU, but the overall resolution is 1 beam pulse (0.03 MU in lowX or 0.06 MU in highX mode). z z z Second-Generation IMRT Implementation Tomotherapy Hi-Art z Radiotherapy delivery system designed specifically for IMRT delivery. z System Overview, Overall Control Architecture, Beam Control, IMRTspecific parameters. In IMRT, the Dynamic Beam Delivery servo auguments the dose rate servo: Injection pulses are delayed/coincident to produce beam or not based on a control window. The control window and beam holdoff are now a function of the status of the modulating/beam-shaping device (MLC position, gantry angle, jaw position or gating). Intrasegment time is 50-60 mSec. 50 mSec. from control system, 0-10 mSec. for linac. z z z z z Helical Tomotherapy Standing-Wave Accelerator (Single photon) Triode (gridded) Gun Injector 64 Leaf Interlaced Binary MLC MVCT Detector Array 7 The Geometry of TomoTherapy Hi-Art Control Architecture Overall 6 MV Linac Binary MLC 85 cm Gantry Aperture Approximately 85 cm LINAC GANTRY ANGLE 40 cm MVCT FOV HARDWARE SYNC 5 mm X 6.1 mm X 6.1 mm Minimum Voxel size at Isocenter STC MLC/JAWS Approximately 50 cm 5 - 40 mm Selectable Slice Thickness 64 MLC Beamlets - 6.25 mm average width at isocenter COUCH DETECTOR ARRAY Operator Workstation/ Console OBC SLIP RINGS MVCT Detector System DRS Continuous Rotation To External Data Server Courtesy of Tomotherapy, Inc. Hi-Art Interlock Sub-system Hi-Art Beam Control (IMRT) LINAC z “HARDWARE” I/L STC HIGH VOLTAGE ENABLE GANTRY DOOR I/L z S.W. SAFETY TASK z OBC z Operator Workstation /Status Console COMMUNICATIONS Triode gun, SW accelerator. An injection pulse is produced in coincidence with each RF pulse. Dose rate is controlled by adjusting PRF of system. Run up 3-6 seconds, gun pulse is dephased/non-coincident with RF. COUCH Hi-Art Beam Control (IMRT) z z z Beam delivery is hardware-synchronized pulseby-pulse to gantry rotation (rather than MU delivery). Ionometric dosimetry system functions to maintain constant dose rate of 1000 cGy/min at a nominal PRF of 300 PPS, or approximately 3.33 cGy/pulse. “Traditional” flattening filter unnecessary, resulting in factor of 1-3 increase in dose rate. Heartfelt Thanks z z z z z Frank Spitz of Thomas Jefferson University Hospital for education on Elekta systems. George Aleman of MD Anderson Cancer Center for review and details on Siemens digital control system. Jim Bilich of Siemens Medical Systems Calvin J. Huntzinger of Varian Medical Systems David C.Murray of Tomotherapy Inc. 8 Thank you! 9