STATE OF FLORIDA FLORIDA ACCOUNTING INFORMATION RESOURCE CONTRACTS AND GRANTS PROCEDURES MANUAL Office of the Chief Financial Officer Department of Financial Services FLAIR Education and Training Fletcher Building 101 E Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 ............................................. 1 OVERVIEW OF THE CONTRACTS AND GRANTS SUBSYSTEM ............... 1 CHAPTER 2 ............................................. 1 CONTRACT INFORMATION FILE .................................... 1 CONTRACT INFORMATION MINI MENU ............................... 1 ADDING CONTRACT INFORMATION RECORDS .......................... 4 INQUIRING INTO THE CONTRACT INFORMATION FILE ................. 7 INQUIRING INTO THE CONTRACT INFORMATION CONTRACTOR SCREEN ... 10 INQUIRING INTO THE CONTRACT STATUS HISTORY SCREEN ........... 12 UPDATING THE CONTRACT INFORMATION FILE ...................... 14 CONTRACT CORRELATION TABLE .................................. 18 ADDING CONTRACT TO ACCOUNT CODE CORRELATION TABLE RECORDS ... 18 INQUIRING INTO THE CONTRACT CORRELATION TABLE ............... 20 UPDATING THE CONTRACT CORRELATION TABLE ..................... 21 CONTRACT AMENDMENT FILE ..................................... 23 ADDING CONTRACT AMENDMENT RECORDS ........................... 23 INQUIRING INTO THE CONTRACT AMENDMENT FILE .................. 25 UPDATING THE CONTRACT AMENDMENT FILE ........................ 27 STATE CATALOG NUMBER – TITLES ............................... 28 CHAPTER 3 ............................................. 1 GRANT INFORMATION FILE ....................................... 1 GRANTS INFORMATION MINI MENU ................................. 1 ADDING GRANT INFORMATION RECORDS ............................. 3 INQUIRING INTO THE GRANT INFORMATION FILE .................... 9 UPDATING THE GRANT INFORMATION FILE ......................... 12 GRANT TO FUND CORRELATION TABLE ............................. 15 ADDING GRANT TO FUND CORRELATION TABLE RECORDS .............. 15 INQUIRY INTO THE GRANT TO FUND CORRELATION TABLE ............ 17 UPDATING THE GRANT TO FUND CORRELATION TABLE ................ 18 GRANT TO CONTRACT CORRELATION TABLE ......................... 20 ADDING GRANT TO CONTRACT CORRELATION TABLE RECORDS .......... 20 INQUIRING INTO THE GRANT TO CONTRACT CORRELATION TABLE ...... 21 UPDATING THE GRANT TO CONTRACT CORRELATION TABLE ............ 23 GRANT AMENDMENT FILE ........................................ 24 ADDING GRANT AMENDMENT RECORDS .............................. 24 INQUIRING INTO THE GRANT AMENDMENT FILES .................... 27 UPDATING THE GRANT AMENDMENT FILE ........................... 29 LETTER OF CREDIT FILE ....................................... 32 ADDING LETTER OF CREDIT RECORDS ............................. 33 INQUIRING INTO THE LETTER OF CREDIT FILE .................... 35 UPDATING THE LETTER OF CREDIT FILE .......................... 38 FEDERAL CATALOG NUMBER TITLE FILE ........................... 41 STATE CATALOG NUMBER TITLE FILE ............................. 42 CHAPTER 4 ............................................. 1 DIRECTOR/MANAGER FILE ........................................ 1 Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Table of Contents Page 1 DIRECTOR/MANAGER FILE MINI MENU .............................. ADDING A RECORD TO THE DIRECTOR/MANAGER FILE ................. INQUIRY INTO EXISTING DIRECTOR/MANAGER FILE RECORDS BY NUMBER INQUIRY INTO EXISTING DIRECTOR/MANAGER FILE RECORDS BY NAME .. UPDATING EXISTING DIRECTOR/MANAGER RECORDS ................... 1 2 5 6 8 CHAPTER 5 ............................................. 1 PROJECT INFORMATION FILE ..................................... 1 PROJECT INFORMATION MINI MENU ................................ 1 ADDING PROJECT INFORMATION RECORDS ........................... 3 INQUIRING INTO THE PROJECT INFORMATION FILE .................. 7 UPDATING THE PROJECT INFORMATION FILE ........................ 8 INQUIRING INTO THE PROJECT INFORMATION CONTRACTOR SCREEN .... 10 PROJECT AMENDMENT FILE ...................................... 12 ADDING PROJECT AMENDMENT RECORDS ............................ 12 INQUIRING INTO THE PROJECT AMENDMENT FILE ................... 14 UPDATING THE PROJECT AMENDMENT FILE ......................... 15 PROJECT TO FUND CORRELATION TABLE ........................... 17 ADDING PROJECT TO FUND CORRELATION TABLE RECORDS ............ 17 INQUIRING INTO THE PROJECT TO FUND CORRELATION TABLE ........ 19 UPDATING THE PROJECT TO FUND CORRELATION TABLE .............. 20 PROJECT TO CONTRACT CORRELATION TABLE ....................... 22 ADDING PROJECT TO CONTRACT CORRELATION TABLE RECORDS ........ 22 INQUIRY INTO THE PROJECT TO CONTRACT CORRELATION TABLE ...... 23 UPDATING THE PROJECT TO CONTRACT CORRELATION TABLE .......... 25 CHAPTER 6 ............................................. 1 GENERAL LEDGER TRANSACTION TYPES FOR CONTRACTS & GRANTS ...... 1 TR11 - MASTER FILE LTD ADJUSTMENTS ........................... 3 ENTERING TR11 TRANSACTIONS ................................... 3 INQUIRING INTO TR 11 TRANSACTIONS ............................ 8 UPDATING TR 11 TRANSACTIONS ................................. 10 THE AVAILABLE BALANCE FILE FOR CONTRACTS, GRANTS & PROJECTS . 12 CHAPTER 7 ............................................. 1 CONTRACTS AND GRANTS ACCOUNTING CYCLE ........................ 1 CHAPTER 8 ............................................. 1 CONTRACTS AND GRANTS - REPORTS ............................... 1 APPENDIX .............................................. 1 CONTRACTS, GRANTS, AND PROJECT INFORMATION FILE DATA CODE DICTIONARY ................................................... 1 Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Table of Contents Page 2 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services CHAPTER 1 OVERVIEW OF THE CONTRACTS AND GRANTS SUBSYSTEM The Contracts and Grants Subsystem is designed to provide agencies with a means of monitoring and reporting on specific Contracts, Grants, and/or Projects. It can be used to record and maintain accounting and non-accounting (informational) data that is unique to Contracts, Grants, and/or Projects. The unique data maintained on this subsystem is: 1) 2) 3) 4) Non-accounting data for contracts, grants, and/or projects that is not carried on the FLAIR History (Detail) and Master Files. A Letter of Credit Subsidiary that maintains letter of credit draws and available balances. Year-to-date accounting and non-accounting data for the fiscal year of individual contracts and/or grants. Life-to-date accounting and non-accounting data for individual contracts, grants, and/or projects that may include more than one fiscal year. There are four Contract and Grant Functions available. They are: the Contract Information Function (CI), the Grants Information Function (GI), the, Director/Manager File (DM), and the Project Information File (PJ). The Contract Information Function (CI) is used to record and maintain non-accounting or informational data that is necessary to manage and report on contracts. Included in this informational data are records of official amendments to specific contracts, beginning and ending dates, contract status codes, date awarded, method of payment, etc. Also, a correlation table is available which may be used to validate Account Codes (funds) to a contract. To access the Contract Information Function, an operator must have inquiry and/or update capability for the “CI” function assigned to her security access. The Grants Information Function (GI) is used to record and maintain non-accounting or informational data that is necessary to manage and report on grants. Included in this informational data are records of official amendments to specific grants, grant type, indirect cost rate, service type, manager’s name, etc. There are also correlation tables that may be used to validate account codes (funds) or contracts to a grant. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 1 Page 1 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services If Letter of Credit information and reimbursements are to be maintained separately on the Letter of Credit Subsidiary, then this informational data must be recorded through the “GI” function prior to entering letter of credit receipt and disbursement transactions. To access the Grants Information Function, an operator must have inquiry and/or update capability for the “GI” function assigned to his security access. The General Accounting (TR10) and Allotments (TR 20) transaction codes are used to record general accounting and allotment data on the Grants Master File, and/or on the FLAIR General Ledger Master File when an appropriate Flow-Through Indicator is used. Master File life-to-date adjustments are recorded using TR11 for contracts and projects on the FLAIR General Ledger Master File. When an agency receives a grant funded by a letter of credit, the letter of credit draws are recorded using TR 30 (Direct Deposit Cash Receipts). TR30 entries update the FLAIR General Ledger Master File, the Grants Master File and the Letter of Credit Subsidiary when the Letter of Credit Indicator field is marked with an “X”, and a grant containing a LOC record on the Grant Information record is entered on the transaction. Those transactions affecting contracts and/or projects will update the FLAIR General Ledger Master File. On the other hand, transactions affecting grants will update the Grants General Ledger Master File, and/or the FLAIR General Ledger Master File; one master file or both will be affected for transactions involving grants depending on factors such as the transaction type used and whether a flow-through-indicator is included with the transaction. The Director/Manager File is used to record and maintain informational data that is necessary to manage the Project Information and Contract Files. These records include names and addresses of the agency project and contract directors. To access the Director/Manager File (DM), the operator must have inquiry and/or update capability for the “DM” function. The Project Information File is used to record and maintain informational data for projects. Included in this informational data are records of official amendments for the project, project type, project status, beginning and ending dates, etc. There are also correlation tables that can be used to validate contracts to a project as well as account codes (funds) to a project. To access the Project Information file, the operator must have inquiry or update capability for the “PJ” function on her security access. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 1 Page 2 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services CHAPTER 2 CONTRACT INFORMATION FILE The Contract Information File is an on-line source of information for those contracts entered into by an agency. A contract must first be set up on the information file before it may be used in a transaction. Any contract added to the information file also creates a record on the Title File. A contract may not, however, be added through the Title File. It can only be added and updated through the Contract Information File. When Contract Information File records are created, they are established at the agency's Operating Level (L1 L2 L3). Information that is recorded on the Contract Information File is static in nature and will not be used in cost distribution or other cost accounting functions unless performed through an agency’s Natural Reporting processes. A semiannual purge in January and July of each year will purge Contract Information File records that have been marked for deletion for longer than 12 months. The General Ledger Master File records related to those purged contracts will also be purged at that time. CONTRACT INFORMATION MINI MENU The Contract Information Mini Menu is used to access appropriate screens to add, inquire, or update records of the Contracts Informational File. This mini menu may be accessed by entering “CI” in the TYPE field at the bottom of any FLAIR screen. The Contracts Information Mini Menu as shown on the next page will display. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 2 Page 1 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services Contract Information Mini Menu Screen 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 CIMU 07/18/2002 08:49:20 CONTRACT INFORMATION MINI MENU REC TYPE A B C D DESCRIPTION SEL OPTIONS CONTRACT INFORMATION FILE CONTRACT AMENDMENT FILE CONTRACT TO ACCOUNT CODE CORRELATION STATE CATALOG NUMBER - TITLES REC TYPE SEL OPTION CONTRACT STATUS HISTORY CONTRACT NUM CSFA NUM AMD A, I, U A, I, U A, I, U M CONTRACTORS PAGE TYPE SEL Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--CONT MAIN RFRSH Procedures for using this screen are described below: 1. On lines 6-18 of the Contract Information Mini Menu, the Contract record types and their corresponding available selection options are listed. The record types and selection options are: REC. TYPE A B C D DESCRIPTION SEL OPTIONS Contract Information Contract Amendments Contract to Account Code Correlation State Catalog Number –Titles (CSFA Listing) A,I,U A,I,U A,I,U M The selection option codes available for input in the SEL OPTION field are: SEL OPTION A I U M Effective Date October 1, 2003 DESCRIPTION Add a record to the file Inquiry into records currently on file Update records currently on file Multiple Inquiry into records on file Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 2 Page 2 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services 2. 3. Lines 20 and 21, the “access lines,” are provided to make a requested selection of Contract screens. To make a request, enter the appropriate data to the right of the following field titles: REC TYPE Record Type; enter the appropriate record type of the Contract record desired. SEL OPTION Selection Code; enter the appropriate selection option of the record type desired. CONTRACT NUM Enter the contract number for which add, inquiry, or update is desired; required for all requests except Contract Information File inquiry (REC TYPE A, SEL I). AMD Amendment Number; not allowed for Amendment File Add requests; optional for Inquiry or Update Amendment File requests. CONTRACTORS Used to inquire on up to five contractors who are servicing any one particular contract. CONTRACT STATUS HISTORY Used to inquire into the history of contract status changes. CSFA NUM Catalog of State Financial Assistance. When inquiring using REC TYPE D, a CSFA # may be entered to retrieve the State Catalog Title record of the CSFA indicated. If no CSFA is entered, the inquiry will display from the numerical beginning of the list of CSFA titles. PAGE Page number for inquiry into or update of a specific contract information record; pg. 1, 2, or 3 may be used; defaults to page 1. On line 22, the following fields are available for use: TYPE Used to enter the transaction type or function type desired when transferring to another accounting function or transaction (see Chapter 8 of the FLAIR Procedures Manual). SEL Used in conjunction with TYPE to identify the selection code desired when transferring to another screen. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 2 Page 3 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services 4. The Program Functions are given on lines 23 and 24. available from this mini menu are: Those PF4 - returns Main Accounting Menu. PF5 - refreshes screen and displays screen as it appeared before any input was made. The access lines are carried on all Contract Information Screens. Use of these lines allows the operator to transfer directly from one screen to another without first returning to the Contract Information Mini Menu. 5. Once the desired screen has been requested, depress the ENTER key and the requested screen will display. ADDING CONTRACT INFORMATION RECORDS To establish a contract on the Contract Information File, the following procedures should be used. 1. If an “A” is entered in the REC TYPE field, an “A” is entered in the SEL OPTION field, and a contract number is entered in the CONTRACT NUM field, the Contract Information Add screen as shown below will display. Contract Information Add Screen 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 CI01 CONTRACT 5678A LONG TITLE CNTRT MGR ID BEGINNING DATE MV REQUIREMENTS CNTRT STATUS CNTRT TYPE DT ADVERTISED CONTRACTORS (1) (3) CONTACT AGENCY USE (1) (2) (3) (8) CONTRACT INFORMATION - ADD - PAGE 1 SHORT TITLE 07/18/2002 09:33:21 ORIGINAL AMT PY CONTRACT ENDING DATE PROCUREMENT APPROVAL STATUS CHANGE DATE SERVICE TYPE DT EXECUTED DATE AWARDED EMER.CERT.DATE METHOD OF PAYMENT METHOD OF PROCUREMENT DT LET (2) (4) (4) (9) (5) CONTACT PHONE NUMBER ( (5) (10) (6) (11) ) - (7) (12) NEXT: REC TYPE A SEL OPTION A CONTRACT NUM 5678A AMD CONTRACTORS CONTRACT STATUS HISTORY CSFA PAGE 1 TYPE SEL Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--CONT MINI MAIN RFRSH CAN Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 2 Page 4 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services 2. Lines 4 - 11 on the Contract Information File Add Screen should be completed as required and/or desired: SHORT TITLE The agency assigned short Contract Title; required. ORIGINAL AMOUNT The original contract amount; optional. LONG TITLE Agency assigned long Contract Title; required. CNTRT MGR ID Identification number of Contract Manager; if input, this field will be edited against the Director/ Manager File; optional. PY CONTRACT For continuing contracts, identifies Prior Year Contract Number; if input, this field will be edited against the Contract Information File with no regard to status; optional. BEGINNING DATE Date Contract becomes available; required. ENDING DATE Contract ending date; required. DATE AWARDED Date contract was given; optional. MV REQUIREMENTS Minority Vendor Requirements; valid input is: Y=Yes, N=No, O=Other; optional. PROCUREMENT APPROVAL Approval number for procurement; optional. EMER.CERT.DATE Emergency Certification Date identifies date retroactive certification signed; optional. CNTRT STATUS Agency assigned field to denote the stage or status in which a contract is currently defined; if input, this field will be edited against the Title File; optional. STATUS CHANGE DATE Date contract status changed; not allowed if Contract Status is blank; if left blank and Contract Status is not blank, then it will default to current date; optional. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 2 Page 5 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services 3. METHOD OF PAYMENT Identifies how funds are received by the contractor; if input, this field will be edited against the Title File; optional. CNTRT TYPE Denotes the type of contract; if input, this field will be edited against the Title File; optional. SERVICE TYPE Type of service to be performed with contract funds; this field will be edited against the Title File; required. METHOD OF PROCUREMENT System of procurement used by the contractor; if input, this field will be edited against the Title File; optional. DATE ADVERTISED Date agency advertised for bids on contract; optional. DATE EXECUTED The date that the contractor starts work on the project; optional. DATE LET Date the agency let bids out (after advertising) released specifications of contract; optional. Lines 13 - 19 contain other Contract information. Procedures for input are described below: CONTRACTORS Up to five contractors (by vendor number) may be input; if input, these fields will edited against the vendor file; optional. CONTACT Agency assigned field identifying contractor’s contact person; optional. CONTACT PHONE NUMBER Telephone number for contractor’s contact person; optional. AGENCY USE These twelve fields may be used at the discretion of the agency for any narrative or comments desired; optional. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 2 Page 6 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services 4. Line 21 may be used to enter the REC TYPE, SEL, and CONTRACT NUM for the next screen desired. Once the data has been as filled in as described in numbers 1-3 above, and line 21 utilized (if desired) depress the ENTER key. The Contract information on the screen will be processed and the requested screen displayed. 5. Lines 23 and 24 indicate the following available Program Functions that may be utilized on the Contract Information Add screen: PF3 - processes current screen and returns Mini Menu. PF4 - processes current screen and returns Main Accounting Menu. PF5 - refreshes screen and displays screen as it appeared before any input was made. PF12- escapes and does not process current screen. The Contract Information File contains two more pages of informational fields which are optional to use. Only the items indicated above as required must be included when adding a contract. Once a contract has been added to the Contract Information File, the user has the option of adding data to the additional informational fields contained on pages 2 and 3 of the record. The procedure for adding (updating) the fields on pages 2 and 3 of the record are described in this chapter in the section dealing with updating contract records. An example of pages 2 and 3 of the contract information record are also shown in the following section. INQUIRING INTO THE CONTRACT INFORMATION FILE Inquiry into the Contract Information File may be made in one of the following three ways: 1. If a REC TYPE of "A" and a SEL OPTION of “I” are entered on the access line of the Contract Information Mini Menu or any Contract screen, the Contract Information File Inquiry screen Page 1 as shown on the next page will display. 2. If a REC TYPE of "A", a SEL OPTION of “I”, and a PAGE of “2” are entered on the access line of the Contract Information Mini Menu or any Contract screen, the Contract Information File Inquiry screen Page 2 as shown on page 9 will display. 3. If a REC TYPE of “A”, a SEL OPTION of “I”, and a PAGE of “3” are entered on the Access Line of the Contract Information Mini Menu or any Contract screen, the Contract Information File Inquiry screen Page 3 as shown on page 9 will display. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 2 Page 7 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services Note: The specific Contract Number for the record desired may also be included in the CONTRACT NUM field so as to retrieve that record directly. Otherwise, the system will retrieve the first record on file and the operator may page forward from that point. Additionally, the PAGE field on a request defaults to Page 1 if left blank. Contract Information Inquiry Screen, Page 1 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 CI04 CONTRACT INFORMATION - INQUIRY - PAGE 1 07/18/2002 10:43:49 SC A ORIGINAL AMT 65500.00 CONTRACT 5678A PY CONTRACT AMENDED AMT 65500.00 SHORT TITLE SYS TRAIN CORRELATED AMT LONG TITLE SYSTEM TRAINING CONTRACT CNTRT MGR DAVID NICHOLS PHONE 555-1234 BEG DATE 10/01/2002 ENDING DATE 06/30/2004 DATE AWARDED MV REQUIREMENTS PROCUREMENT APPROVAL EMER.CERT.DT CNTRT STATUS B1 SERVICE TYPE 907000 METHOD OF PAYMENT CNTRT TYPE Z1 DT EXEC METHOD OF PROCUREMENT DT ADV DT LET CONTRACTOR NAME SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION CONTACT JENNIFER JONES PHONE AGENCY USE (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) NEXT: REC TYPE A SEL OPTION I CONTRACT NUM 5678A AMD CONTRACTORS CONTRACT STATUS HISTORY CSFA PAGE TYPE SEL Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--CONT MINI MAIN RFRSH TOP FWD Status Code (SC) The following Status Codes appear on the Contract Information Inquiry screens. A C I D – – – – Active Record Closed Record Inactive Record Deleted Record When a contract is first added to the Contract Information File, it is in “A” status. The status may be changed through the update screens. See page 15 for information about updating status codes. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 2 Page 8 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services Contract Information Inquiry Screen, Page 2 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 CI05 07/18/2002 10:48:28 CONTRACT INFORMATION - INQUIRY - PAGE 2 SC: A CONTRACT NUMBER BILLING CODE TYPE FUNDING CNTRT EVAL COUNTY 37 5678A I A1 SYSTEM TRAINING CONTRACT CFDA CSFA FEDERAL DOLLARS MATCHING AMT CONTRACTOR FY END OUTCOME MEASURES RECIPIENT TYPE FINAL EXP REPORT MATCHING FUNDS PROTESTED 64022 B SERVICE AREA ORG AU 95100202211 ORG AU 95200000000 ORG AU ORG AU ORG AU NEXT: REC TYPE A SEL OPTION I CONTRACT NUM 5678A AMD CONTRACTORS CONTRACT STATUS HISTORY CSFA PAGE 2 TYPE SEL Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10—PF11--PF12--CONT MINI MAIN RFRSH TOP FWD Contract Information Inquiry Screen, Page 3 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 CI06 07/18/2002 10:49:53 CONTRACT INFORMATION - INQUIRY - PAGE 3 SC: A CONTRACT NUMBER 5678A ADMINISTRATIVE: MONITORING MONITORING MONITORING MONITORING MONITORING PROGRAM: MONITORING MONITORING MONITORING MONITORING MONITORING MONITORING SYSTEM TRAINING CONTRACT EXCLUSION SCHEDULED DATE COMPLETED DATE CORRECTIVE ACTION DUE DATE CORRECTIVE ACTION REC/APP DATE EXCLUSION SCHEDULED DATE COMPLETED DATE CORRECTIVE ACTION CORRECTIVE ACTION DUE DATE CORRECTIVE ACTION ACTUAL DATE COMPL AUDIT DATE BUDGET ENTITY 951000100 COMPL AUDIT IBI 01 5H 01152003 05152004 INVENTORY REQUIRED INVENTORY DATE N NEXT: REC TYPE A SEL OPTION I CONTRACT NUM 5678A AMD CONTRACTORS CONTRACT STATUS HISTORY CSFA PAGE 3 TYPE SEL Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--CONT MINI MAIN RFRSH TOP FWD Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 2 Page 9 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services The Information File Inquiry data retrieved for Contract records is protected and cannot be changed. The AMENDED AMOUNT field is seen on the Page 1 Inquiry Information screen only. It is the total of the original amount plus any monetary amendments entered on the Contract Amendment File. Once a Contract record is retrieved on an Information File Inquiry Screen, the operator may page through the file one record at a time beginning with the requested Contract record. On lines 21 and 22, the NEXT lines, additional screens may be requested within the Contract Information File. Once the NEXT lines are completed, the system will retrieve the requested Contract Information screen. To access a new function, the TYPE and SEL fields may be entered. Lines 23 and 24 on the Contract Inquiry screens indicate the following available Program Functions that may be utilized: PF3 - processes current screen and returns Mini Menu. PF4 - processes current screen and returns Main Accounting Menu. PF5 - refreshes screen and displays screen as it appeared before any input was made. PF6 - returns first record meeting search criteria. PF8 - pages forward one screen. INQUIRING INTO THE CONTRACT INFORMATION CONTRACTOR SCREEN If an “X” is entered in the CONTRACTORS field and a Contract Number is entered in the CONTRACT NUM field on the access line of the Contract Information Mini Menu or on the NEXT line of any Contract Information screen, the Contract Information Contractor Inquiry screen as shown on the next page will display. All fields displayed on this screen are protected. Note: The contractor screen will display if at least one contractor has previously been entered into the contract record. This is done by updating the Contract Information File and including a vendor ID in the appropriate field. See Updating the Contract Information File, page 13. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 2 Page 10 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services Contract Information Contractor Inquiry Screen 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 CI16 CONTRACT CONTRACT INFORMATION CONTRACTOR INQUIRY 5678A SC A 07/18/2002 11:14:16 SYSTEM TRAINING CONTRACT CONTRACTOR NUMBER VF596758453001 33345 EAST MONROE STREET NAME SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT CORP PHONE 555-1234 TALLAHASSEE FL 32349 CONTRACTOR NUMBER NAME PHONE CONTRACTOR NUMBER NAME PHONE CONTRACTOR NUMBER NAME PHONE CONTRACTOR NUMBER NAME PHONE NEXT: REC TYPE A SEL OPTION I CONTRACT NUM 5678A AMD CONTRACTORS X CONTRACT STATUS HISTORY CSFA PAGE TYPE SEL Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10—PF11--PF12--CONT MINI MAIN RFRSH 1. On line 4, the Contract Information Contractor Inquiry screen will display the contract number, status code, and long title for the contract record requested. 2. On lines 6 - 20, the Contract Information Contractor Inquiry screen will display up to five contractor vendor numbers, names, addresses, and telephone numbers for the specific contract identified. The system pulls the vendor numbers from the Contract Information File record and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers from the appropriate vendor file. 3. On lines 21 and 22, the NEXT lines, additional screens may be requested within the Contract Information File. If the Next Request lines are completed, the system will retrieve the requested Contract Information screen. To transfer to another function, TYPE and SEL should be entered. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 2 Page 11 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services 4. Lines 23 and 24 indicate the following available Program Functions may be utilized on the Contract Information Contractor Inquiry screen: PF3 - processes current screen and returns Mini Menu. PF4 - processes current screen and returns Main Accounting Menu. PF5 - refreshes screen and displays screen as it appeared before any input was made. PF6 - returns first record meeting search criteria. PF8 - pages forward one screen. INQUIRING INTO THE CONTRACT STATUS HISTORY SCREEN If an “X” is entered into the CONTRACT STATUS HISTORY field and a Contract Number is entered in the CONTRACT NUM field on the Access line of the Contract Information Mini Menu or on the NEXT line of any Contract Information screen, the Contract Status History Inquiry screen as shown below will display. All fields displayed on this screen are protected. Contract Status History Inquiry Screen 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 CI17 07/18/2002 11:31:20 CONTRACT STATUS HISTORY - INQUIRY CONTRACT NUMBER 5678A CONTRACT STATUS A1 SYSTEM TRAINING CONTRACT DATE CONTRACT STATUS DATE 07/18/2002 NEXT: REC TYPE A SEL OPTION I CONTRACT NUM 5678A AMD CONTRACTORS CONTRACT STATUS HISTORY X CSFA PAGE TYPE SEL Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10—PF11--PF12--CONT MINI MAIN RFRSH Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 2 Page 12 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services 1. On line 5, the Contract Status History screen will display the contract number and long title for the contract record requested. 2. On lines 9 - 18, the Contract Status History screen will display a list of contract status codes and the status change dates for the specific contract identified. 3. On lines 21 and 22, the NEXT lines, additional screens may be requested within the Contract Information File. If the Next Request lines are completed, the system will retrieve the requested Contract Information screen. To transfer to another function, TYPE and SEL should be entered. 4. Lines 23 and 24 indicate the following available Program Functions may be utilized on the Contract Status History Inquiry screen: PF3 - processes current screen and returns Mini Menu. PF4 - processes current screen and returns Main Accounting Menu. PF5 - refreshes screen and displays screen as it appeared before any input was made. PF6 - returns first record meeting search criteria. PF8 - pages forward one screen. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 2 Page 13 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services UPDATING THE CONTRACT INFORMATION FILE Access to the Contract Information File Update screens (Pages 1, 2, & 3) may be achieved by the following methods: 1. If a REC TYPE of "A", a SEL OPTION of "U", and a Contract Number in the CONTRACT NUM field are entered on the access line of the Contract Information Mini Menu or any Contract screen, the Contract Information File Update screen Page 1 as shown on the top of the next page will display. Note: the PAGE field on a request defaults to Page 1 if left blank. Contract Information Update Screen, Page 1 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 CI07 CONTRACT INFORMATION - UPDATE - PAGE 1 07/18/2002 13:26:56 CONTRACT 5678A SC A SHORT TITLE SYS TRAIN ORIGINAL AMT 65500.00 LONG TITLE SYSTEM TRAINING CONTRACT CNTRT MGR ID PY CONTRACT BEGINNING DATE 10012002 ENDING DATE 06302004 DATE AWARDED MV REQUIREMENTS PROCUREMENT APPROVAL EMER.CERT.DATE CNTRT STATUS A1 STATUS CHANGE DATE 07182002 METHOD OF PAYMENT CNTRT TYPE SERVICE TYPE 907000 METHOD OF PROCUREMENT DT ADVERTISED DT EXECUTED DT LET CONTRACTORS (1) VF596758453001 (3) (4) CONTACT AGENCY USE (1) (2) (3) (4) (8) (9) (2) (5) CONTACT PHONE NUMBER ( (5) (10) (6) (11) ) - (7) (12) NEXT: REC TYPE A SEL OPTION U CONTRACT NUM 5678A AMD CONTRACTORS CONTRACT STATUS HISTORY CSFA PAGE TYPE SEL Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--CONT MINI MAIN RFRSH CAN Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 2 Page 14 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services 2. If a REC TYPE of “A”, a SEL OPTION of “U”, a Contract Number in the CONTRACT NUM field, and PAGE “2” are entered on the Access Line of the Contract Information Mini Menu or any Contract screen, the Contract Information File Update Screen Page 2 as shown below will display. Contract Information Update Screen, Page 2 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 CI08 07/18/2002 14:03:36 CONTRACT INFORMATION - UPDATE - PAGE 2 CONTRACT NUMBER BILLING CODE I TYPE FUNDING CNTRT EVAL A1 COUNTY 37 5678A SYSTEM TRAINING CONTRACT CFDA CSFA FEDERAL DOLLARS MATCHING AMT CONTRACTOR FY END 64022 OUTCOME MEASURES RECIPIENT TYPE FINAL EXP REPORT MATCHING FUNDS PROTESTED B SERVICE AREA ORG AU 95100202211 ORG AU 95200000000 ORG AU ORG AU ORG AU NEXT: REC TYPE A SEL OPTION U CONTRACT NUM 5678A AMD CONTRACTORS CONTRACT STATUS HISTORY CSFA PAGE 2 TYPE SEL Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10—PF11--PF12--CONT MINI MAIN RFRSH CAN Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 2 Page 15 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services 3. If a REC TYPE of "A", a SEL OPTION of "U", a Contract Number in the CONTRACT NUM field, and PAGE "3" are entered on the access line of the Contract Information Mini Menu or any Contract screen, the Contract Information File Update Screen Page 3 as shown below will display. Contract Information Update Screen, Page 3 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 CI09 07/18/2002 14:16:51 CONTRACT INFORMATION - UPDATE - PAGE 3 CONTRACT NUMBER 5678A ADMINISTRATIVE: MONITORING MONITORING MONITORING MONITORING MONITORING PROGRAM: MONITORING MONITORING MONITORING MONITORING MONITORING MONITORING SYSTEM TRAINING CONTRACT EXCLUSION SCHEDULED DATE COMPLETED DATE CORRECTIVE ACTION DUE DATE CORRECTIVE ACTION REC/APP DATE EXCLUSION SCHEDULED DATE COMPLETED DATE CORRECTIVE ACTION CORRECTIVE ACTION DUE DATE CORRECTIVE ACTION ACTUAL DATE COMPL.AUDIT DATE BUDGET ENTITY 95100010 COMPL.AUDIT. IBI 01 5H 01152003 05152004 INVENTORY REQUIRED INVENTORY DATE N NEXT: REC TYPE A SEL OPTION U CONTRACT NUM 5678A AMD CONTRACTORS CONTRACT STATUS HISTORY CSFA PAGE 3 TYPE SEL Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--CONT MINI MAIN RFRSH CAN Status Codes A Contract Information record may be deleted by entering a “D” in the status (SC) field of the Page 1 Update screen. This process will also delete the record from the agency’s Title File. A Contract may also be placed in a closed status (SC = C). Once placed in a "C" status, a record may not be updated in any way. When inactivation of a record is desired, the user should change the status code (SC) to an “I”. The operator may tab to the appropriate field(s) of any of the requested Contract Information File Update Screens and update the detailed information displayed as necessary. All fields may be updated (changed) with the exception of the CONTRACT field. On lines 21 and 22, the NEXT lines, additional screens may be requested within the Contract Information File. Once the Next Request lines are completed, the system will retrieve the requested Contract Information Screen. To access a new function, the TYPE and SEL fields may be entered. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 2 Page 16 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services Lines 23 and 24 indicate the following available Program Functions which may be utilized on the Contract Information Update screens: PF3 - processes current screen and returns PF4 - processes current screen and returns Menu. PF5 - refreshes screen and displays screen before any input was made. PF12- escapes and does not process current Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Mini Menu. Main Accounting as it appeared screen. Chapter 2 Page 17 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services CONTRACT CORRELATION TABLE The Contract to Account Code Correlation Table is an optional on-line file for associating contracts and account codes (29-digit FLAIR Account Codes.) This table is used to limit contract-account code relationships, as well as, to prevent incorrect combinations from entering the system. This table should be built, if it is used, after the establishment of the Contract Information File, as system edits require the existence of a contract on the Contract Information File prior to its acceptance in the Correlation Table. ADDING CONTRACT TO ACCOUNT CODE CORRELATION TABLE RECORDS If a REC TYPE of “C”, a SEL OPTION of “A”, and a CONTRACT NUM are entered on the access line on the Contract Information Mini Menu screen or any Contract Information File screen, the Contract to Account Code Correlation Add screen as shown on below will display. Contract To Account Code Correlation Add Screen 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 CI13 07/19/2002 09:33:46 CONTRACT TO ACCOUNT CODE CORRELATION - ADD CONTRACT NUMBER 5678A CORRELATED ACCOUNT CODES 95 SYSTEM TRAINING CONTRACT CY CORRELATED AMOUNT 95 95 95 95 95 NEXT: REC TYPE C SEL OPTION A CONTRACT NUM 5678A AMD CONTRACTORS CONTRACT STATUS HISTORY CSFA PAGE TYPE SEL Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10—PF11--PF12--CONT MINI MAIN RFRSH CAN Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 2 Page 18 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services Procedures for adding a correlation record are described below: 1. On line 5, the Contract Number and Long Title are brought forward protected from the request that was made. 2. Lines 8 - 18 of the Contract to Account Correlation Add screen should be completed as indicated below: CORRELATED ACCOUNT The Account number(s) (29-digit FLAIR Account Code) which should correlate to the Contract, edited against the Account Description File; required. CY The Contract Year; optional. CORRELATED AMOUNT The amount to be correlated to the Contract for that fund; optional. 3. On lines 21 and 22, the NEXT lines, additional screens may be requested within the Contract Information File. If lines 21 and 22 are left blank, the data entered on the screen will be accepted and the Contract Information Mini Menu will be returned. Lines 21 and 22 may be completed to request an additional Input screen or a different screen. If REC TYPE, SEL OPTION, CONTRACT NUM, AMD, CONTRACTORS, CONTRACT STATUS HISTORY, CSFA or PAGE are entered, the system will retrieve the requested Contract Information Screen. To transfer to another function, TYPE and SEL should be input. 4. Lines 23 and 24 indicate the following available Program Functions that may be utilized on the Contract to Account Code Correlation Add screen: PF3 - processes current screen and returns PF4 - processes current screen and returns Menu. PF5 - refreshes screen and displays screen before any input was made. PF12- escapes and does not process current Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Mini Menu. Main Accounting as it appeared screen. Chapter 2 Page 19 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services INQUIRING INTO THE CONTRACT CORRELATION TABLE If a REC TYPE of "C", a SEL OPTION of "I", and a CONTRACT NUM are entered on the Contract Information File Mini Menu or any Contract Information File Screen, the Contract to Account Code Correlation Inquiry Screen as shown below will display. Contract To Account Code Correlation Inquiry Screen 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 CI14 07/19/2002 CONTRACT TO ACCOUNT CODE CORRELATION - INQUIRY CONTRACT NUMBER 5678A 09:39:19 SYSTEM TRAINING CONTRACT CONTRACT TOTAL CORRELATED AMOUNT CORRELATED ACCOUNT CODES 50000.00 CY 95 10 1 000001 95100000 00 040000 00 CORRELATED AMOUNT 50000.00 NEXT: REC TYPE C SEL OPTION I CONTRACT NUM 5678A AMD CONTRACTORS CONTRACT STATUS HISTORY CSFA PAGE TYPE SEL Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10—PF11--PF12--CONT MINI MAIN RFRSH TOP FWD Procedures for the use of this screen are described below. 1. The information shown on the inquiry screen is protected (cannot be changed). 2. On lines 21 and 22, the NEXT lines, additional screens may be requested within the Contract Information File. If REC TYPE, SEL OPTION, CONTRACT NUM, AMD, CONTRACTORS, CONTRACT STATUS HISTORY, CSFA or PAGE are entered the system will retrieve the requested Contract Information Screen. To transfer to another function, TYPE and SEL should be input. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 2 Page 20 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services 3. Lines 23 and 24 indicate the following available Program Functions that may be utilized on the Contract to Account Code Correlation Inquiry screen: PF3 - processes current screen and returns Mini Menu. PF4 - processes current screen and returns Main Accounting Menu. PF5 - refreshes screen and displays screen as it appeared before any input was made. PF6 - returns first record meeting search criteria. PF8 - pages forward one screen. UPDATING THE CONTRACT CORRELATION TABLE IF a REC TYPE of “C” and SEL OPTION of “U” and a CONTRACT NUM are entered on the Contract Information Mini Menu or any Contract Information File screen, the Contract to Account Code Correlation Update screen as shown below will display. Contract To Account Code Correlation Update Screen 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 CI15 07/19/2002 CONTRACT TO ACCOUNT CODE CORRELATION - UPDATE CONTRACT NUMBER 5678A D 09:40:58 SYSTEM TRAINING CONTRACT CORRELATED ACCOUNT CODES 95 10 1 000001 95100000 00 040000 00 CY CORRELATED AMOUNT 50000.00 NEXT: REC TYPE C SEL OPTION U CONTRACT NUM 5678A AMD CONTRACTORS CONTRACT STATUS HISTORY CSFA PAGE TYPE SEL Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10—PF11--PF12--CONT MINI MAIN RFRSH CAN Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 2 Page 21 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services Procedures for the use of the Contract to Correlation Update screen are described below: 1. To update a particular record the user may tab to the appropriate field and type over or add information where desired. If the Correlated Account Code is changed it will be edited against the Account Description File. 2. To delete a record on the Contract to Fund Correlation Table type a "D" in the field under the column labeled “D” (column 2) in front of the appropriate record. After depressing the ENTER key, the record will be deleted. 3. The following fields are protected and may not be changed: CONTRACT NUMBER LONG TITLE 4. On lines 21 and 22, the NEXT lines, additional screens may be requested within the Contract Information File. If REC TYPE, SEL OPTION, CONTRACT NUM, AMD, CONTRACTORS, CONTRACT STATUS HISTORY, CSFA or PAGE are entered, the system will retrieve the requested Contract Information Screen. To transfer to another function, TYPE and SEL should be entered. 5. Lines 23 and 24 indicate the following available Program Functions may be utilized on the Contract to Account Code Correlation Update screen: PF3 - processes current screen and returns PF4 - processes current screen and returns Menu. PF5 - refreshes screen and displays screen before any input was made. PF12- escapes and does not process current Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Mini Menu. Main Accounting as it appeared screen. Chapter 2 Page 22 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services CONTRACT AMENDMENT FILE The Contract Amendment File provides an historical listing of all amendments that affect a particular contract. An agency may record changes in either the amount or operations of a Contract through the Contract Amendment File. Amendments are recorded for each Contract by assigning an amendment number to a particular contract number. A Contract must therefore exist on the Contract Information File prior to entering any amendment information. ADDING CONTRACT AMENDMENT RECORDS To establish a contract amendment record on the Contract Amendment File, the following procedures should be used. 1. If a REC TYPE of "B", a SEL OPTION of "A", and a contract number in the CONTRACT NUM field are entered on the access line of the Contracts Information Mini Menu or any Contract Information screen, the Contract Amendment File Add screen as shown below will display. Contract Amendment Add screen 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 CI10 07/19/2002 09:47:33 CONTRACT AMENDMENT - ADD CONTRACT NUMBER 5678A SYSTEM TRAINING CONTRACT AMD LN TRDT ..........ACCOUNT CODE ............. .....AMOUNT....... CS CY END DT ..................DESCRIPTION................ 95 95 95 95 NEXT: REC TYPE B SEL OPTION A CONTRACT NUM 5678A AMD CONTRACTORS CONTRACT STATUS HISTORY CSFA PAGE TYPE SEL Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10—PF11--PF12--CONT MINI MAIN RFRSH CAN Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 2 Page 23 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services 2. The Contract Number and Long Title for which amendments are to be added will be displayed protected on line 5 of the Amendment File Add screen. The following fields are displayed on the Contract Amendment File Add screen ready for input: 3. AMD Amendment Name or Number assigned to the particular amendment being added to the Amendment File; required. LN The line number of the Amendment that is being added to the file; optional. TRDT Transaction Date; if input, it must be in the format: MMDDYYYY; optional. ACCOUNT CODE 29-digit FLAIR Account Code; optional. END DT Ending Date for the Amendment being added to the file; if input it must be in the format: MMDDYYYY; optional. AMOUNT The amendment amount if a change in the amount of the Contract is being recorded; positive or negative amounts accepted; optional. CS Contract status; if input, it will be edited against the Title File; optional. CY Contract Year; optional. DESCRIPTION Optional. On lines 21 and 22, the NEXT lines may be used to request additional screens within the Contract Information File. The data entered on the screen will be accepted and the Contract Information Mini Menu will be returned unless lines 21 and 22 are completed to request an additional input screen or a different screen. In that case the other screen will be returned. To transfer to another function, TYPE and SEL should be input. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 2 Page 24 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services 4. Lines 23 and 24 indicate the following available Program Functions which may be utilized on the Contract Amendment Add screen: PF3 - processes current screen and returns PF4 - processes current screen and returns Menu. PF5 - refreshes screen and displays screen before any input was made. PF12- escapes and does not process current Mini Menu. Main Accounting as it appeared screen. INQUIRING INTO THE CONTRACT AMENDMENT FILE If a REC TYPE of “B”, a SEL OPTION of “I”, and a CONTRACT NUM are entered on the Access line on the Contract Information Mini Menu or any Contract Information File screen, the Contract Amendment File Inquiry screen as below will display. Contract Amendment Inquiry Screen 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 CI11 07/19/2002 09:58:37 CONTRACT AMENDMENT – INQUIRY CONTRACT NUMBER 5678A SYSTEM TRAINING CONTRACT AMD LINE TRDT ..........ACCOUNT CODE ............ .....AMOUNT...... CS CY END-DT ..................DESCRIPTION................ 001 07/05/2002 09/30/2003 EXTENSION ISSUED FOR CONTRACT 002 07/07/2002 -1500.00 CHANGED REQUIREMENTS REDUCED TOTAL NEXT: REC TYPE B SEL OPTION I CONTRACT NUM 5678A AMD CONTRACTORS CONTRACT STATUS HISTORY CSFA PAGE TYPE SEL Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--CONT MINI MAIN RFRSH TOP FWD Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 2 Page 25 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services Procedures for the use of the Contract Amendment Inquiry screen are described below: 1. To retrieve an amendment inquiry screen, the operator will enter the appropriate Contract Number (and Amendment Number if only one amendment record is desired). If no Amendment Number is entered on the inquiry request, all Amendments for that Contract Number will be displayed beginning with the first record on file. 2. If an inquiry request is made on the access line for a specific Amendment Number, the system will begin reading the Amendment File from the requested point and display the screen as shown on the previous page. 3. The Contract Amendment File Inquiry data retrieved is protected and cannot be changed. 4. On lines 21 and 22, the NEXT lines, additional screens may be requested within the Contract Information File. If the Next Request lines are completed, the system will retrieve the requested Contract Information screen. To transfer to another function, TYPE and SEL should be input. 5. Lines 23 and 24 indicate the following available Program Functions that may be utilized on the Contract Amendment Inquiry screen: PF3 - processes current screen and returns Mini Menu. PF4 - processes current screen and returns Main Accounting Menu. PF5 - refreshes screen and displays screen as it appeared before any input was made. PF6 - returns first record meeting search criteria. PF8 - pages forward one screen. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 2 Page 26 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services UPDATING THE CONTRACT AMENDMENT FILE If a REC TYPE of “B”, a SEL OPTION of “U”, and a CONTRACT NUM are entered on the Access line of the Contract Information Mini Menu or any Contract Information screen, the Contract Amendment Update screen as shown below will display. Contract Amendment Update Screen 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 CI12 07/19/2002 10:04:25 CONTRACT AMENDMENT – UPDATE CONTRACT NUMBER 5678A SYSTEM TRAINING CONTRACT D AMD LN TRDT ..........ACCOUNT CODE.............. .....AMOUNT..... END.DT CS CY ...............DESCRIPTION................... 001 00 07052002 09302003 EXTENSION ISSUED FOR CONTRACT 002 00 07072002 -0000000001500.00 CHANGED REQUIREMENTS REDUCED TOTAL NEXT: REC TYPE B SEL OPTION U CONTRACT NUM 5678A AMD CONTRACTORS CONTRACT STATUS HISTORY CSFA PAGE TYPE SEL Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--CONT MINI MAIN RFRSH CAN Procedures for the use of this screen are described below: 1. If an update request is made on the access line of any Contract Information File screen, the Contract Amendment Update screen will display. 2. A Contract Amendment record may be deleted by entering a "D" in the field under “D” next to the appropriate record. 3. The operator may tab to any of the appropriate fields on the Contract Amendment File and update the record. The following fields are protected and may not be changed: CONTRACT NUMBER LONG TITLE TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT AMD & LN CY Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 2 Page 27 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services 4. On lines 21 and 22, the NEXT lines, additional screens may be requested within the Contract Information File. If the Next Request lines are completed, the system will retrieve the requested Contract Information screen. To transfer to another function, TYPE and SEL should be input. 5. Lines 23 and 24 indicate the following available Program Functions which may be utilized on the Contract Amendment Update screen: PF3 - processes current screen and returns PF4 - processes current screen and returns Menu. PF5 - refreshes screen and displays screen before any input was made. PF12- escapes and does not process current Mini Menu. Main Accounting as it appeared screen. STATE CATALOG NUMBER – TITLES The user may inquire into the State Standard Title File listing of the State Catalog Numbers by entering REC TYPE “D” and SEL OPTION “M” on the “access line” of the Contract Information Mini Menu or any Contract Information screen. A screen like the one on the next page will display. This is an inquiry only function that lists the valid CSFA (Catalog of State Financial Assistance) numbers. The CSFA number is required when adding or updating certain Contracts. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 2 Page 28 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services State Catalog Number Multiple Inquiry Screen 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 SFI1 07/19/2002 13:18:33 STATE CATALOG NUMBER - MULTIPLE INQUIRY STATE CATALOG # SHORT TITLE LONG TITLE SEL SC A SC A CO-OP COLLECTION CENTER GRANT COOPERATIVE COLLECTION CENTER GRANT STATE CATALOG # SHORT TITLE LONG TITLE 37007 37008 EXP LOCAL MGT HAZARDOUS WASTE EXPANDED LOCAL MANAGEMENT HAZARDOUS WASTE PROGRAM DATA CODE TYPE SEL Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10—PF11--PF12--CONT MINI MAIN RFRSH TOP FWD On lines 21 and 22, the NEXT lines, additional screens may be requested within the Contract Information File. Once the Next Request lines are completed, the system will retrieve the requested Contract Information screen. To access a new function, the TYPE and SEL fields may be entered. Lines 23 and 24 on the Contract Inquiry screens indicate the following available Program Functions that may be utilized: PF3 - processes current screen and returns Mini Menu. PF4 - processes current screen and returns Main Accounting Menu. PF5 - refreshes screen and displays screen as it appeared before any input was made. PF6 - returns first record meeting search criteria. PF8 - pages forward one screen. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 2 Page 29 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services CHAPTER 3 GRANT INFORMATION FILE The Grant Information File is an on-line source of information for agencies receiving grants. A grant must first be set up by an agency on the Grant Information File before it is valid for use in an accounting transaction. Any grant added to the Grant Information File also creates a record on the FLAIR Title File. A grant may only be added to the Title File through the Grant Information File. When Grant Information File records are created, they are established at the agency’s Operating Level (L1 L2 L3). Information that is recorded on the Grant Information File is static in nature and will not be used in cost distribution or other cost accounting functions unless performed through an agency’s natural reporting processes. GRANTS INFORMATION MINI MENU The Grants Information Mini Menu is used to access appropriate screens to add, inquire, or update records of the Grants Informational Files. This mini menu may be accessed by entering "GI" in the TYPE field at the bottom of any FLAIR screen. The Grants Information Mini Menu as shown on the next page will display. Procedures for using the Grants Information Mini Menu screen are described below: 1. On lines 6-11 of the Grants Information Mini Menu, the Grant record types and their corresponding available selection options are listed. Only the selection options listed at the right of the screen will be available for that individual record type. At the bottom of the screen, the individual selection options are defined for the operator. 2. Line 21, the “access line,” is provided to make a requested selection of Grants screens. The access line is carried on all Grants Information screens. Use of this line allows the operator to transfer directly from one screen to another without first returning to the Grants Information Mini Menu. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 3 Page 1 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services Grants Information Mini Menu Screen 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 GIMU 07/19/2002 10:16:32 GRANTS INFORMATION MINI MENU REC TYPE A B C D E F G SEL A S M DESCRIPTION SEL OPTIONS GRANT TO CONTRACT CORRELATION GRANT INFORMATION GRANT AMENDMENTS LETTER OF CREDIT INPUT GRANT TO FUND CORRELATION FEDERAL CATALOG NUMBER - TITLES STATE CATALOG NUMBER - TITLES SEL I SINGLE INQUIRY X MULTIPLE UPDATE U SINGLE UPDATE MULTIPLE INPUT SINGLE INPUT MULTIPLE INQUIRY REC TYPE SEL A,M,X S,I,U A,M,U A,I,M,U A,M,X M M DATA CODE TYPE SEL Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10—PF11--PF12--CONT MAIN RFRSH To access a grant information screen, enter the appropriate data to the right of the following field titles: REC TYPE Record Type; enter the appropriate record type of the Grant record desired. SEL Selection Code; enter the appropriate selection as defined on the bottom of the screen for the record type desired. DATA CODE Enter the code for which add, inquiry, or update is desired. Once the desired screen request has been indicated, depress the ENTER key and the requested screen will display. 3. On line 22, the following fields are available for use: TYPE Used to enter the transaction type or function type desired when transferring to another Accounting Function or transaction (see Chapter 8 of the FLAIR Procedures Manual). SEL Used in conjunction with TYPE to identify the selection code desired when transferring to another screen. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 3 Page 2 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services 4. Lines 23 and 24 indicate the following available Program Functions that may be utilized on the Grants Information File Mini Menu: PF4 - returns Main Accounting Menu. PF5 - refreshes screen and displays screen as it appeared before any input was made. ADDING GRANT INFORMATION RECORDS To establish a grant on the Grant Information File, the following procedures should be used. 1. If a "B" is entered in the REC TYPE field and an “S” is entered in the SEL field, the Grant Information File Single Input Request screen as shown below will display. Grant Information File Single Input Request Screen 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 GES1 07/19/2002 GRANT INFORMATION FILE - SINGLE INPUT - REQUEST 10:20:08 GRANT REC TYPE SEL DATA CODE TYPE SEL Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10—PF11--PF12--CONT MINI MAIN RFRSH On this screen, the operator will enter the agency assigned 5 character grant number and depress ENTER. A screen like the one on the next page will display. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 3 Page 3 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services The operator may bypass the Single Input Request screen (see previous page) by entering the Grant Number to be added in the DATA CODE field of the access line on the Grant Information File Mini Menu, and depressing the ENTER key. The Grant Information File Single Input screen as shown below will display. Grant Information File Input Screen 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2. 3. GES2 GRANT INFORMATION FILE - INPUT GRANT: G0210 SHORT TITLE: LONG TITLE: 07/19/2002 10:21:50 ORIGINAL AMOUNT GRANT DOCUMENT NUMBER: GRANTOR'S NAME: DIRECTOR'S NAME: MANAGER'S NAME: GRANT TYPE: FED CAT#: LETTER OF CREDIT: RECIPIENT TYPE: CSFA #: BEGINNING DATE: INDIRECT COST RATE: STATE MATCHING: ENDING DATE: INDIRECT COST TYPE: GRANT MATCHING: REPORT DATE: INDIRECT COST BASE: LOCAL MATCHING: SAI NUMBER: REPORT REQUIREMENT: TYPE LOCAL MATCH: METHOD OF PAYMENT: CURRENT BILLING: CAPPED GRANT: SERVICE TYPE: MAINT EFFORT: MINORITY VENDOR: PAGE 2: REC TYPE SEL DATA CODE TYPE SEL Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10—PF11--PF12--CONT MINI MAIN RFRSH CAN To establish a grant on the Grant Information File, lines 46 of the Grants Information Input screen should be completed as indicated: ORIGINAL AMOUNT The amount of grant funds awarded; required. SHORT TITLE The agency assigned grant short title; required. LONG TITLE The agency assigned grant long title; required. On lines 8-19, the following fields will be displayed ready for input. GRANT DOCUMENT NUMBER Number assigned to the grant by the granting agency; optional. GRANTOR'S NAME Name of the agency issuing the grant; optional. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 3 Page 4 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services DIRECTOR'S NAME Name of the grant director; optional. MANAGER'S NAME Name of the grant manager; optional. GRANT TYPE Type of grant; required. C F O N - Federal Grant (FED CAT # known) Federal Grant (FED CAT # unknown) Other Federal Grant Non-Federal Grant FED CAT # Federal Catalog of Domestic Assistance number (99.999); Required if Grant Type is C, F, or O. If Grant Type = C, FED CAT # must be on the Federal Catalog Number Title File and the last three digits cannot = "000". If Grant Type = F or O, the first two digits of FED CAT # must be the first two digits on the Federal Catalog Number Title File representing the Federal Agency issuing the grant, and the last three digits must = "999". Grant type N may not be used in conjunction with the FED CAT #. LETTER OF CREDIT Letter of credit number assigned by the funding agency. This code must be input on the Information File prior to adding the Letter of Credit to the Letter of Credit Input File; optional. RECIPIENT TYPE Code indicating type of organization receiving grant funds (1A/N); required if either a CSFA or a CFDA code is used. May not be used if CSFA or CFDA = blank. Edited against the Title File. CSFA # Catalog of State Financial Assistance number (99999); optional. If used, Grant Type must = ‘N’, and CSFA number must titled on the State Catalog Number – Title File. BEGINNING DATE Grant Beginning Date. The date on which grant funds become available; required. INDIRECT COST RATE Percentage to be applied to the base for reporting and/or reimbursement of grant expenses; optional. STATE MATCHING Percentage of state participation required as a condition of the funding agency; optional. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 3 Page 5 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services ENDING DATE Grant Ending Date. The date on the grant expires; required. INDIRECT COST TYPE Agency assigned code to identify type of rate specified by grant; optional. Example: 1 - Fixed 2 - Approved 3 - Other GRANT MATCHING Percentage of grant participation by grantee; optional. REPORT DATE Reporting Date. The date which periodic reports are submitted; optional. INDIRECT COST BASE Agency assigned code which identifies type costs which are included in the base; optional. LOCAL MATCHING Percentage of local participation required as a condition of the funding agency; optional. SAI NUMBER State Application Identifier assigned by the State Clearinghouse; optional. REPORT REQUIREMENT Identifies reporting requirements of the grant; optional. The values are: M - Monthly Q - Quarterly Y - Yearly TYPE LOCAL MATCH Agency-assigned code which identifies type of local participation required by grant funding source; optional. Example: 1 - Cash Match 2 - In-Kind Match 3 - Certified Public Exp. METHOD OF PAYMENT Agency-assigned code which identifies how funds are received; optional. Example: 1 - Reimbursement 2 - Fixed Price 3 - Advance Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 3 Page 6 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services CURRENT BILLING Agency-assigned code which specifies federal or nonfederal participation; optional. Example: 1 - Federal Participation 2 - Non-Federal Participation CAPPED GRANT A grant awarded where the awarded funds are stated in terms which cannot exceed a given dollar amount; optional. Y = yes N = no SERVICE TYPE Agency-assigned code which identifies the type of service to be performed with grant proceeds; optional. MAINT EFFORT Maintenance of Effort. The requirement that spending of funds be maintained at the level of a previous funding period, the period being identified by the funding source. If a maintenance of effort requirement is a condition of grant, an "X" is used to designate this condition; optional. MINORITY VENDOR Agency assigned code which identifies the grant minority vendor requirements; optional. Example: 1 - Minority Vendor 2 - No Minority Vendor 3 - Mixed Requirements Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 3 Page 7 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services 4. The second page of the Grant Information File Input screen may be accessed by placing an "X" in the field “PAGE 2” on line 20 (of the Grant Information Input screen) and depressing the ENTER key. An example of the screen retrieved is shown below and includes the following for input: AGENCY USE Fifteen lines (60 characters each) which are available for agency comments or narrative; optional. Grant Information File Input Screen 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 GES3 07/19/2002 10:11:00 GRANT INFORMATION FILE - INPUT GRANT: G0210 AGENCY USE LINE LINE LINE LINE LINE LINE LINE LINE LINE LINE LINE LINE LINE LINE LINE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 REC TYPE SEL DATA CODE TYPE SEL Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10—PF11--PF12--CONT MINI MAIN RFRSH CAN 5. After the grant information screen(s)have been filled out, the operator will depress the ENTER key. If no data has been entered on line 22, a blank Grant Information File Input screen will display after processing of the current screen’s data. If a request was made on line 22, the requested screen will display after processing of the current screen. 6. Lines 23 and 24 indicate the following available Program Functions that may be utilized on the Grant Information screen(s): PF3 - processes current screen and returns Mini Menu. PF4 - processes current screen and returns Main Accounting Menu. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 3 Page 8 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services PF5 - refreshes screen and displays screen as it appeared before any input was made. PF12- escapes and does not process current screen. INQUIRING INTO THE GRANT INFORMATION FILE If a REC TYPE of "B" and a SEL of "I" are entered on the access line of the Grants Information Mini Menu or any Grants screen, the Grant Information File Inquiry Request screen as shown below will display. Grant Information File Inquiry Request Screen 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 GEI1 07/19/2002 10:14:27 GRANT INFORMATION FILE - INQUIRY - REQUEST GRANT REC TYPE SEL DATA CODE TYPE SEL Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10—PF11--PF12--CONT MINI MAIN RFRSH Procedures for use of this screen are described below. 1. The operator may choose to enter the grant number for which inquiry is desired on the Grant Information Inquiry Request screen (see above), which will retrieve only that grant record. If no Grant number is entered on the Inquiry Request screen, all Grant records will be displayed beginning with the first record on file. From this screen, the operator will depress the ENTER key to retrieve the Grant Information File Inquiry screen as shown on the next page. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 3 Page 9 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services 2. Or, if an inquiry request is made on the access line of the Grants Information Mini Menu or any Grants Information Screen, including a specific grant number the requested grant record will display (bypassing the screen on page 9). See below. Grant Information File Inquiry Screen 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 3. GEI2 GRANT INFORMATION FILE - INQUIRY 07/19/2002 SC: A ORIGINAL AMOUNT: GRANT: H25A7 AMENDED AMOUNT: SHORT TITLE: PRINTING LONG TITLE: PRINTING OF BROCHURES 4 YEAR GRANT 10:23:23 525000.00 525000.00 GRANT DOCUMENT NUMBER: GRANTOR'S NAME: DIRECTOR'S NAME: MANAGER'S NAME: GRANT TYPE: C FED CAT #: 10.001 LETTER OF CREDIT: RECIPIENT TYPE A CSFA #: BEGINNING DATE: 10/01/2002 INDIRECT COST RATE: STATE MATCHING: ENDING DATE: 09/30/2006 INDIRECT COST TYPE: GRANT MATCHING: REPORT DATE: INDIRECT COST BASE: LOCAL MATCHING: SAI NUMBER: REPORT REQUIREMENT: TYPE LOCAL MATCH: METHOD OF PAYMENT: CURRENT BILLING: CAPPED GRANT: SERVICE TYPE: MAINT EFFORT: MINORITY VENDOR: PAGE 2: REC TYPE SEL DATA CODE TYPE SEL Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10—PF11--PF12--CONT MINI MAIN RFRSH TOP FWD To inquire into page 2 of a grant record, the operator would place an “X” in the field, “PAGE 2” on line 21 of the Grant Information File Inquiry screen and depress the ENTER key. A screen like the one on the next page will display. The Information File Inquiry data retrieved for Grant records is protected (cannot be changed). Once a Grant record is retrieved on the Information File Inquiry screen, the operator may page through the file one record at a time beginning with the requested Grant record. Status Codes (SC) The Status Code (SC) is shown on page 1, line 4 of the Grant Information File Inquiry screen. This code reflects the status of that particular grant record. Values that may appear in the “SC” field are: A=Added but never used, U=Used, I=Inactive, D=Deleted, C=Closed. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 3 Page 10 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services Grant Information File Inquiry Screen 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 GEI3 07/19/2002 10:25:43 GRANT INFORMATION FILE - INQUIRY GRANT: H25A7 AGENCY LINE USE LINE LINE LINE LINE LINE LINE LINE LINE LINE LINE LINE LINE LINE LINE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 GRANT REQUIRED REPORTING DATES DECEMBER 31 MARCH 3I JUNE 30 SEPTMEMBER 30 REC TYPE SEL DATA CODE TYPE SEL Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--CONT MINI MAIN RFRSH FWD A new request for retrieving Grants information may be accomplished by entering the REC TYPE, SEL, and DATA CODE for the desired request. To access a new function, the TYPE and SEL fields may be entered. Lines 23 and 24 indicate the following available Program Functions that may be utilized on the Grant Information Inquiry screen(s): PF3 - processes current screen and returns Mini Menu. PF4 - processes current screen and returns Main Accounting Menu. PF5 - refreshes screen and displays screen as it appeared before any input was made. PF6 - returns first record meeting search criteria. PF8 - pages forward one screen. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 3 Page 11 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services UPDATING THE GRANT INFORMATION FILE If a REC TYPE of "B" and a SEL of "U" are entered on the access line of the Grants Information Mini Menu or any Grants Information screen, the Grants Information File Update Request screen as shown below will display. Grant Information File Single Input Request Screen 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 GES1 07/19/2002 GRANT INFORMATION FILE - SINGLE INPUT - REQUEST 09:09:41 GRANT REC TYPE SEL DATA CODE TYPE SEL Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10—PF11--PF12--CONT MINI MAIN RFRSH The operator must enter the grant number in the space provided on the screen shown above to retrieve the Grant Information File Update screen. (See the screen on the next page.) Or, the operator may choose to enter a REC TYPE of “B”, a SEL of “U” and the grant number of the record desired in the DATA CODE field of the Grant Information File Mini Menu or any Grant Information Screen, and a screen like the one on the next page display. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 3 Page 12 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services Grant Information File Update Screen 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 GEU2 GRANT INFORMATION FILE - UPDATE 07/19/2002 09:23:38 SC A ORIGINAL AMOUNT: 595678.00 GRANT G2175 AMENDED AMOUNT: 595678.00 SHORT TITLE: INV TRG GT LONG TITLE: INVESTIGATIVE TRAINING GRANT GRANT DOCUMENT NUMBER: 458A94 GRANTOR'S NAME: U S TREASURY DIRECTOR'S NAME: MANAGER'S NAME: STEPHEN ROBERTS GRANT TYPE: C FED CAT#: 27.009 LETTER OF CREDIT: ZA126 RECIPIENT TYPE: C CSFA #: BEGINNING DATE: 10012002 INDIRECT COST RATE: 17.50 STATE MATCHING: ENDING DATE: 09302004 INDIRECT COST TYPE: GRANT MATCHING: REPORT DATE: INDIRECT COST BASE: LOCAL MATCHING: SAI NUMBER: REPORT REQUIREMENT: Q TYPE LOCAL MATCH: METHOD OF PAYMENT: 1 CURRENT BILLING: CAPPED GRANT: SERVICE TYPE: MAINT EFFORT: MINORITY VENDOR: PAGE 2: REC TYPE SEL DATA CODE TYPE SEL Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10—PF11--PF12--CONT MINI MAIN RFRSH CAN Procedures for use of this screen are described below: 1. The grant number will be brought forward from the previous entry screen, and is displayed protected if the grant has previously been used (see further explanation below). 2. The operator may tab to the appropriate field(s) of the Grant Information File Update screen and update the detailed information displayed as necessary. All fields on these screens may be updated (changed) with the exception of the AMENDED AMOUNT field. Once a grant information record has been used (SC=U), GRANT may not be changed. 3. A Grant Information record may be deleted by entering a "D" in the status field (SC) of the update screen. This process will also delete the record from the agency's Title File. A Grant may also be placed in a closed status (SC = C). Once placed in a "C" status, a record may not be updated in any way. When inactivation of a record is desired, the SC should be changed to a value of "I". Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 3 Page 13 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services 4. An operator may place an "X" in the “PAGE 2” field in order to access and change information on the second page of the Grant Information File Update. Shown below, is an example of page 2 of the Grant Information File Update Screen. Grant Information File Update Screen 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 5. GEU3 07/19/2002 09:30:15 GRANT INFORMATION FILE - UPDATE GRANT: G2175 AGENCY LINE USE LINE LINE LINE LINE LINE LINE LINE LINE LINE LINE LINE LINE LINE LINE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 MAIL REPORTS TO DEPT OF THE TREASURY 1500 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE SUITE 1250 WASHINGTON, DC 01159-8878 REC TYPE SEL DATA CODE TYPE SEL Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--CONT MINI MAIN RFRSH CAN Line 22 is available to make the updated record. The REC are available to transfer to and SEL fields are available Effective Date October 1, 2003 a new request after processing TYPE, SEL, and DATA CODE fields a new Grants screen. The TYPE to transfer to a new function. Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 3 Page 14 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services GRANT TO FUND CORRELATION TABLE The Grant to Fund Correlation Table is an optional on-line file for associating grants and funds. This table is used to limit grant/fund relationships, as well as, prevent incorrect combinations from entering the system. This table should be built, if it is used, after the establishment of the Grant Information File, as the system edits require the existence of a grant on the Grant Information File prior to its acceptance in the Correlation Table. ADDING GRANT TO FUND CORRELATION TABLE RECORDS If a REC TYPE of "E" and a SEL of "A" are entered on the access line on the Grant Information Mini Menu screen or any Grant Information File screen, the Grant to Fund Correlation Add Screen as shown below will display. Grant To Fund Correlation Input Screen 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 GIA1 07/19/2002 09:38:08 GRANT TO FUND CORRELATION - INPUT GRANT: CORRELATING FUND NUMBER REC TYPE SEL DATA CODE TYPE SEL Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10—PF11--PF12--CONT MINI MAIN RFRSH CAN Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 3 Page 15 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services Procedures for adding a correlation record are described below: 1. On line 5 the Grant Number to be correlated should be entered. 2. On lines 8 - 20 the Correlated Fund Codes should be entered. There are five (5) Fund Codes per line that may be added to the file, a total of thirty five (35) per screen; at least one Fund Code is required, and all will be edited against the Account Description File. 3. On line 22 the NEXT line, additional screens may be requested within the Grant Information File. If line 22 is left blank, and ENTER is depressed, the data entered on the screen will be accepted, and an additional input screen will be returned. Line 22 may be completed to request a different input screen. If REC TYPE, SEL, or DATA CODE are input, the system will retrieve the requested Grant Information Screen. To transfer to another function, TYPE and SEL should be input. 4. Lines 23 and 24 indicate the following available Program Functions that may be utilized on the Grant to Fund Correlation Input screen: PF3 - processes current screen and returns PF4 - processes current screen and returns Menu. PF5 - refreshes screen and displays screen before any input was made. PF12- escapes and does not process current Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Mini Menu. Main Accounting as it appeared screen. Chapter 3 Page 16 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services INQUIRY INTO THE GRANT TO FUND CORRELATION TABLE If a REC TYPE of "E" and a SEL of "M" are entered on the access line on the Grant Information File Mini Menu or any other Grant Information File Screen, the screen shown below will display. Grant to Fund Correlation Inquiry Screen 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 GIM1 07/19/02 09:58:03 GRANT TO FUND CORRELATION - INQUIRY GRANT: G2175 10 1 000001 CORRELATING FUND NUMBER 50 2 050001 REC TYPE SEL DATA CODE TYPE SEL Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--CONT MINI MAIN RFRSH TOP FWD Procedures for the use of this screen are described below: 1. If a Grant Number is not entered in the DATA CODE field when the inquiry request if made, all records, beginning with the first record on file will be retrieved. The operator may page through one record at a time by depressing the PF8 key. If a Grant Number is entered in the DATA CODE field when the inquiry request is made, the system will begin with the requested record and continue reading the file until the last record on file is reached. 2. The information shown on the inquiry screen is retrieved protected (cannot be changed). Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 3 Page 17 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services 3. On line 22 the NEXT line, additional screens may be requested within the Grant Information File. If REC TYPE, SEL, or DATA CODE is input, the system will retrieve the requested Grant Information screen. To transfer to another function, TYPE and SEL should be input. 4. Lines 23 and 24 indicate the following available Program Functions that may be utilized on the Grant to Fund Correlation Inquiry screen: PF3 - processes current screen and returns Mini Menu. PF4 - processes current screen and returns Main Accounting Menu. PF5 - refreshes screen and displays screen as it appeared before any input was made. PF6 - returns first record meeting search criteria. PF8 - pages forward one screen. UPDATING THE GRANT TO FUND CORRELATION TABLE If REC of "E", and a SEL of "X" are entered on the Grant Information File Mini Menu or any Grant Information File screen, the Grant to Fund Correlation Update screen as shown on the next page will display. Procedures for the use of this screen are described below. 1. If a Grant number is not entered in the DATA CODE field when the update request is made, all records, beginning with the first record on file, will be returned for update. The operator may page through the file one record at a time by depressing the ENTER key. If a Grant was entered in the DATA CODE field on the update request, the system will start reading the file at the requested record and continue through the end of the file. 2. For each record displayed, up to thirty five (35) correlated funds may be shown. To update a particular correlated fund, the operator must tab to the field, and type in the new fund number. After depressing the ENTER key, the update will be processed. 3. To delete a correlated fund, the operator must tab to the desired fund code and delete the code by depressing the ERASE EOF key or by using the space bar. After removing the code and depressing the ENTER key, the data will be deleted. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 3 Page 18 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services Grant To Fund Correlation Update Screen 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 GIX1 07/19/2002 10:04:47 GRANT TO FUND CORRELATION - UPDATE GRANT: G2175 10 1 000001 CORRELATING FUND NUMBER 50 2 050001 REC TYPE SEL DATA CODE TYPE SEL Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10—PF11--PF12--CONT MINI MAIN RFRSH CAN 4. On line 22, the NEXT line, additional screens may be requested within the Grant Information File. If REC TYPE, SEL, or DATA CODE is entered, the system will retrieve the requested Grant Information screen. To transfer to another function, TYPE and SEL should be input. 5. Lines 23 and 24 indicate the following available Program Functions that may be utilized on the Grant to Fund Correlation Update screen: PF3 - processes current screen and returns PF4 - processes current screen and returns Menu. PF5 - refreshes screen and displays screen before any input was made. PF12- escapes and does not process current Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Mini Menu. Main Accounting as it appeared screen. Chapter 3 Page 19 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services GRANT TO CONTRACT CORRELATION TABLE The Grant to Contract Correlation Table is an optional online file for associating grant and contract information. This table will be used to limit grant/contract relationships that will be used in accounting transactions. These files should be built, if they are used, after the establishment of the Grant Information and Contract Information File records, as system edits require the existence of a grant on the Grant Information File and a Contract on the Contract Information File, before they may be correlated in this File. ADDING GRANT TO CONTRACT CORRELATION TABLE RECORDS If a REC TYPE of "A", and a SEL of "A" are entered on the access line on the Grant Information File Mini Menu or on any Grant Information File Screen, the Grants Correlation Table Input Screen shown below will display. Grants Correlation Table Input Screen 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 GBA1 07/19/2002 10:26:21 GRANTS CORRELATION TABLE-INPUT GRANT: REC TYPE CORRELATING CONTRACT NUMBER SEL DATA CODE TYPE SEL Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10—PF11--PF12--CONT MINI MAIN RFRSH CAN Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 3 Page 20 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services Procedures for using this screen are given below: 1. On lines 7 - 19 the Correlated Contracts should be entered. Five (5) Contracts per line may be added to the file, a total of thirty five (35) per screen; at least one contract is required, and all contracts entered are edited against the Contract Information File. 2. On lines 21 and 22, additional screens may be requested within the Grant Information File. If lines 21 and 22 are left blank, the data entered on the screen will be accepted and the input screen will be returned. Lines 21 and 22 may be completed to request an additional input screen or a different screen. If REC TYPE, SEL, or DATA CODE is input the system will retrieve the requested Grant Information screen. To transfer to another function, TYPE and SEL should be input. 3. Lines 23 and 24 indicate the following available Program Functions that may be utilized on the Grant to Contract Correlation screen: PF3 - processes current screen and returns PF4 - processes current screen and returns Menu. PF5 - refreshes screen and displays screen before any input was made. PF12- escapes and does not process current Mini Menu. Main Accounting as it appeared screen. INQUIRING INTO THE GRANT TO CONTRACT CORRELATION TABLE If a REC TYPE of "A" and a SEL of "M" are entered on the Access Line on the Grant Information File Mini Menu or any other Grant Information File screen, the screen shown on the next page will display. Procedures for the use of this screen are described below. 1. If a Grant Number is not entered in the DATA CODE field when the inquiry request is made, all records, beginning with the first record on file, will be retrieved. The operator may page through one record at a time by depressing the PF8 key. If a Grant Number is entered in the DATA CODE field when the inquiry request is made, the system will begin with the requested record and continue reading the file until retrieving the last record on file. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 3 Page 21 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services Grants Correlation Table Inquiry Screen 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 GBM1 07/19/02 10:28:53 GRANTS CORRELATION TABLE - INQUIRY G2175 44444 REC TYPE SEL C9845 DATA CODE TYPE SEL Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10—PF11--PF12--CONT MINI MAIN RFRSH TOP FWD 2. The information shown on the inquiry screen is retrieved protected (cannot be changed). 3. On lines 21 and 22, additional screens may be requested within the Grant Information File. If REC TYPE, SEL, or DATA CODE is input, the system will retrieve the requested Grant Information Screen. To transfer to another function, TYPE and SEL should be input. 4. Lines 23 and 24 indicate the following available Program Functions that may be utilized on the Grant to Contract correlation screen: PF3 - processes current screen and returns Mini Menu. PF4 - processes current screen and returns Main Accounting Menu. PF5 - refreshes screen and displays screen as it appeared before any input was made. PF6 - returns first record meeting search criteria. PF8 - pages forward one screen. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 3 Page 22 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services UPDATING THE GRANT TO CONTRACT CORRELATION TABLE If a REC TYPE of "A", and a SEL of "X" are entered on the Grant Information File Mini Menu or any Grant Information File Screen, the Grants Correlation Table Update screen as shown below will display. Grants Correlation Table Update Screen 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 GBX1 07/19/2002 10:31:17 GRANTS CORRELATION TABLE - UPDATE GRANT: G2175 44444 CORRELATING CONTRACT NUMBER C9845 REC TYPE SEL DATA CODE TYPE SEL Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10—PF11--PF12--CONT MINI MAIN RFRSH CAN Procedures for the use of this screen are described below: 1. If a Grant Number is not entered in the DATA CODE field when the update request is made, all records will be returned for update beginning with the first record on file. The operator may page through the file one record at a time by depressing the ENTER key. If a Grant number is entered in the DATA CODE field on the update request, the system will begin reading the file at the requested record and continue through the end of the file. 2. For each record displayed, up to thirty five (35) correlated contracts may be shown. To update a particular correlated contract, the operator must tab to the appropriate field and type in the new information. After depressing the ENTER key, the update will be processed. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 3 Page 23 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services 3. To delete a correlated contract, the user must tab to the contract and erase the data code by depressing the ERASE EOF key or by using the space bar. After depressing the ENTER key, the data will be deleted. 4. On lines 21 and 22, additional screens may be requested within the Grant Information File. If REC TYPE, SEL, or DATA CODE is input, the system will retrieve the requested Grant Information screen. To transfer to another function, TYPE and SEL should be input. 5. Lines 23 and 24 indicate the following available Program Functions that may be utilized on the Grant to Contract Update screen: PF3 - processes current screen and returns PF4 - processes current screen and returns Menu. PF5 - refreshes screen and displays screen before any input was made. PF12- escapes and does not process current Mini Menu. Main Accounting as it appeared screen. GRANT AMENDMENT FILE The Grant Amendment File provides an historical listing of all amendments that affect a particular grant. Beginning balances for each grant are established when setting up the grant on the Grant Information File. At that time the ORIGINAL AMOUNT is entered. An agency may record changes in either the amount or operations of a Grant on the Amendment File. These amendments are recorded for each Grant record by amendment number. Up to 99 amendments may be recorded for each Grant record. A Grant must exist on the Grant Information File prior to input of any amendment information. ADDING GRANT AMENDMENT RECORDS To establish a grant amendment record on the Grant Amendment File, the following procedures should be used. 1. If a REC TYPE of "C" and a SEL "A" are entered on the access line of the Grants Information Mini Menu or any Grants Information screen, the Grant Amendment File Input Request screen as shown on the next page will display. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 3 Page 24 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services After typing in the grant number, the operator will depress the ENTER key and the Grant Amendment File Input screen will display ready to add amendments to the requested grant. An example of the Input screen is shown on the next page. Grant Amendment File Input Request Screen 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 GFA1 07/19/2002 13:46:12 GRANT AMENDMENT FILE - INPUT - REQUEST GRANT REC TYPE SEL DATA CODE TYPE SEL Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10—PF11--PF12--CONT MINI MAIN RFRSH The operator may bypass the Grant Amendment File Input Request screen by entering the grant number for which an amendment is to be added in the DATA CODE field when making the screen request. In such case, the system will immediately retrieve the Grant Amendment File Input screen as shown on the next page. 2. The Grant number for which amendments are to be added will be displayed protected on line 5 of the Grant Amendment File Input screen. The beginning balance of the requested Grant will be shown on line 8 of the screen. This balance is systematically retrieved from the ORIGINAL AMOUNT field of the Grant Information File record. The last Grant Amendment entered will also be displayed on the Grant Amendment File Input screen. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 3 Page 25 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services Grant Amendment File Input Screen 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 GFA2 07/19/2002 13:50:13 GRANT AMENDMENT FILE - INPUT GRANT: G2175 AMEND AMEND AMOUNT 595678.00 STATUS DATE DESCRIPTION BEGINNING BALANCE REC TYPE SEL DATA CODE TYPE SEL Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10—PF11--PF12--CONT MINI MAIN RFRSH CAN The following fields are displayed on the Grant Amendment File Input screen ready for input: AMEND Amendment Number of the transaction currently being added to the Amendment File; required. AMEND AMOUNT The amendment amount if a change in the amount of the Grant is being recorded; positive or negative amounts accepted; optional. STATUS Amendment Status. The status of the change being made; optional. DATE Amendment Date. made; optional. DESCRIPTION Optional. If the amendment is a non-monetary change, the Amendment File will not update the Grant Information File. In order for the Grant Information File to be properly updated, any non-monetary changes must be made on a Grant Information File Update screen. Effective Date October 1, 2003 The date of the change being Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 3 Page 26 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services 3. After entering amendment data, the operator will depress the ENTER key. After editing the data that was entered on the Amendment Input screen, the system will return a new Grant Amendment Input screen (if no request was made on line 22). The new Amendment Input Request screen will retrieve the last grant number to which an amendment was added. 4. Line 22 is available to make a new request. To request a new Grants screen, the operator should enter the appropriate REC TYPE, SEL, and DATA CODE. To request a new function, the TYPE and SEL fields are available for input. 5. Lines 23 and 24 indicate the following available Program Functions that may be utilized on the Grant Amendment File Input Request screen: PF3 - processes current screen and returns PF4 - processes current screen and returns Menu. PF5 - refreshes screen and displays screen before any input was made. PF12- escapes and does not process current Mini Menu. Main Accounting as it appeared screen. INQUIRING INTO THE GRANT AMENDMENT FILES If a REC TYPE of "C" and a SEL of "M" are entered on the Grants Information Mini Menu or any other Grants Information screen, the Grant Amendment File Inquiry Request Screen as shown on the top of the next page will display. Procedures for use of this screen are described below. 1. If a Grant number is entered on line 9 of the Amendment File Inquiry Request screen, the requested grant information will be returned on the Grant Amendment File Inquiry screen as shown at the bottom of the next page. 2. If a Grant number is entered on line 9 of the Amendment File Inquiry Request screen and an amendment number is entered on line 12, only the requested amendment record will be returned for the Grant entered on request. When requesting a specific amendment, a Grant number must also be entered. 3. If a data code is not entered on the Inquiry Request screen (GRANT nor AMENDMENT) all Grant amendments will be returned by Grant number. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 3 Page 27 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services Grant Amendment File Inquiry Request Screen 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 GFM1 07/19/2002 13:52:07 GRANT AMENDMENT FILE - INQUIRY - REQUEST GRANT AMENDMENT REC TYPE SEL DATA CODE TYPE SEL Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10—PF11--PF12--CONT MINI MAIN RFRSH Grant Amendment File Inquiry Screen 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 GFM2 07/19/2002 13:55:54 GRANT AMENDMENT FILE - INQUIRY GRANT: G2175 AMEND AMEND AMOUNT STATUS 595678.00 001 15000.00 ***** DATE AMENDED GRANT TOTAL: DESCRIPTION BEGINNING BALANCE 610678.00 ***** REC TYPE SEL DATA CODE TYPE SEL Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--CONT MINI MAIN RFRSH TOP FWD Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 3 Page 28 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services 4. After all amendments have been displayed for an inquiry of a specific grant, the AMENDED GRANT TOTAL will be shown on line 20 of the last inquiry screen. 5. Line 22 of screen may be used to request a new Grant Information screen by entering the appropriate data in REC TYPE, SEL, and DATA CODE. The operator may transfer to a new function by entering the appropriate data in the TYPE and SEL fields. 6. Lines 23 and 24 indicate the following available Program Functions that may be utilized on the Grant Amendment File Inquiry screen(s): PF3 - processes current screen and returns Mini Menu. PF4 - processes current screen and returns Main Accounting Menu. PF5 - refreshes screen and displays screen as it appeared before any input was made. PF6 - returns first record meeting search criteria. PF8 - pages forward one screen. UPDATING THE GRANT AMENDMENT FILE If a REC TYPE of "C" and a SEL of "U" are entered on the Grants Information Mini Menu or any Grants Information Screen, the Grant Amendment File Update Request Screen as shown on the next page will display. Procedures for use of this screen are described below: 1. A Grant number is required input on line 9 of the Grant Update Request screen; entering an amendment number on line 11 is optional. If an amendment number is entered, the requested Grant amendment record will be returned for update on the Grant Amendment File Update Screen as shown on the next page. If an amendment number is not entered, the system will return the last amendment record added for the requested Grant, ready for updating. 2. When requesting an update of a Grant amendment, the operator may bypass the Update Request screen by entering the appropriate data in the REC TYPE and SEL fields and entering the desired grant number in the DATA CODE field. After bypassing the Request Screen, the system will return the last amendment record added for the requested grant, ready for updating. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 3 Page 29 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services Grant Amendment File Update Request Screen 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 GFU1 07/19/2002 08:48:59 GRANT AMENDMENT FILE - UPDATE - REQUEST GRANT AMENDMENT REC TYPE SEL DATA CODE TYPE SEL Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10—PF11--PF12--CONT MINI MAIN RFRSH Grant Amendment File Update Screen 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 GFU2 07/19/2002 08:51:14 GRANT AMENDMENT FILE - UPDATE GRANT: G2175 D AMEND AMEND AMOUNT 001 15000.00 002 STATUS Q1 DATE DESCRIPTION 07052002 CONTRACT ACCEPTED REC TYPE SEL DATA CODE TYPE SEL Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--CONT MINI MAIN RFRSH CAN Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 3 Page 30 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services 3. On line 5 of the Grant Amendment File Update screen, the operator will find the following field. GRANT 4. Grant number of the amendment displayed on the update screen. This field is protected. The following fields will be displayed on line 8 of the Grant Amendment File Update screen ready for update. D Delete Field. To delete the amendment record, the operator should enter a "D", and depress the ENTER key. AMEND Amendment Number AMEND AMOUNT Dollar amount of Amendment STATUS Amendment Status DATE Amendment Date DESCRIPTION Description of Amendment 5. After entering data in the desired fields the operator should depress ENTER. If line 22, the access line, is blank, the system will return another Grant Amendment Update Request screen ready for input. Line 22 may be used to request a new Grants Information Screen by entering the appropriate data in the REC TYPE, SEL, and DATA CODE fields. The operator may transfer to a new function by entering the appropriate data in the TYPE and SEL fields. 6. Lines 23 and 24 indicate the following available Program Functions that may be utilized on the Grant Amendment File Update screen: PF3 - processes current screen and returns PF4 - processes current screen and returns Menu. PF5 - refreshes screen and displays screen before any input was made. PF12- escapes and does not process current Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Mini Menu. Main Accounting as it appeared screen. Chapter 3 Page 31 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services LETTER OF CREDIT FILE The Letter of Credit File is an on-line informational file. This file consists of all Letters of Credits recorded in the Contracts and Grants Subsystem and other informational activity recorded against the Letters of Credit File. Once an agency has been awarded funds via a Letter of Credit, that Letter of Credit number must first be recorded in the agency's Grant Information File for the grant of award. The Letter of Credit award must then be recorded in the Contract and Grant - Letter of Credit File. After such data has been entered in the agency's Grant Information File, draw-downs or receipts from the Letter of Credit may now be recorded through TR 30 – Direct Deposit Cash Receipts (see chapter 14 of FLAIR Procedures Manual). The Letter of Credit File maintains available balances, cash balances, total draws, grant/contract balances and other information relevant to letter of credit activities. These balances are maintained by Letter of Credit Number within a particular Fund. Balances on file are current as of the previous day's input. Agency data entered through the Letter of Credit File does not update the Grant Information File or have any effect on the general ledger accounting data, but is a memo type of entry used to record data on a Subsidiary for informational purposes. After the nightly processing of data entries, the Letter of Credit File is updated based on General Ledger Transactions. TR30 (Direct Deposit Cash Receipts) will affect the Total letter of Credit Draws balance on the Letter of Credit File when the LOC indicator field is marked with an “X”, and a grant containing a LOC record on the Grant Information record is entered on the transaction. General Ledger Transaction types 5X and 7X (where a Contract and/or Grant number was entered) will update the Total Disbursements balance of the appropriate Letter of Credit record. Payable transactions entered through transactions 80 or 81 will also update the Letter of Credit File-if a Contract and/or Grant number was included with input. Encumbrances entered through TR 60 or Encumbered Disbursements entered through TR70 both update the Total Outstanding Encumbrances balance. Expense refunds entered via transaction types 3X do not, however, affect the Letter of Credit File; these transactions will not automatically reduce the Disbursements Total on the LOC file. The Letter of Credit Total Disbursements balance must be updated by the agency manually when an expense refund is entered using a transaction type 3X. No systems automation to the Letter of Credit File for expense refunds as described above will occur for affected Contract and/or Grant LOC records. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 3 Page 32 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services ADDING LETTER OF CREDIT RECORDS To establish a Contracts and Grants Letter of Credit record on the Letter of Credit File, the following procedures should be used: 1. If a REC TYPE of "D" and a SEL of "A" are entered on the access line of the Grants Information Mini Menu or any Grants Information screen, the Contract and Grant - Letter of Credit Input Screen as shown below will display. (Note: The DATA CODE field should be left blank when making this request.) Contract And Grant Letter Of Credit Input Screen 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2. GGA1 DOCUMENT NO GF SF FID 07/19/2002 09:00:07 CONTRACT AND GRANT - LETTER OF CREDIT - INPUT LETTER OF CREDIT TOTAL LOC DRAWS BEG GRANT GY CNTRT CY ....AMOUNT.... ....BALANCE... REC TYPE SEL DATA CODE TYPE SEL Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10—PF11--PF12--CONT MINI MAIN RFRSH CAN The following fields will be displayed on the Letter of Credit Input screen. DOCUMENT NO Source document number; required. LETTER OF CREDIT Letter of Credit Number; required. Letter of Credit number entered must reside on the Grant Information File record for the grant of entry. GF SF FID Effective Date October 1, 2003 GAAFR Fund; State Fund; Fund Identifier; required. The data codes used must be valid fund codes residing on the Title File. Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 3 Page 33 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services GRANT Grant Number; required. Grant number must be on the Grant Information File with appropriate Letter of Credit number. GY Grant Year; optional. CNTRT Contract Number; optional. If a contract number used has been correlated to a grant via the Correlation Tables, the contract number must be used in conjunction with its correlated grant number. CY Contract Year; optional. TOTAL LOC AMOUNT Original Letter of Credit Amount; required. DRAWS BEG BALANCE Total amount previously drawn down on Letter of Credit if beginning balance information is being recorded; optional. 3. Up to seven (7) Letters of Credit may be entered on one screen. After filling in the appropriate fields as desired, the operator will depress the ENTER Key. If line 22 (the access line) is left blank, the system will accept the data entered on the Letter of Credit Input screen and return a blank input screen. The operator may transfer to a new Grant Information screen by entering the appropriate data in the REC TYPE, SEL, and DATA CODE fields. The TYPE and SEL fields are available to request a new function. 4. Lines 23 and 24 indicate the following available Program Functions that may be utilized on the Letter of Credit Input screen: PF3 - processes current screen and returns PF4 - processes current screen and returns Menu. PF5 - refreshes screen and displays screen before any input was made. PF12- escapes and does not process current Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Mini Menu. Main Accounting as it appeared screen. Chapter 3 Page 34 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services INQUIRING INTO THE LETTER OF CREDIT FILE If a REC TYPE of "D" and a SEL of "I" are entered on the access line of the Grants Information Mini Menu or any other Grants Information screen, the Letter of Credit Single Inquiry Request screen as shown below will display. Contract And Grant Letter Of Credit Single Inquiry Request Screen 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 GGI1 07/19/02 09:11:15 CONTRACT AND GRANT - LETTER OF CREDIT - SINGLE INQUIRY REQUEST GF SF FID REC TYPE LETTER OF CREDIT SEL GRANT CONTRACT DATA CODE TYPE SEL Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10—PF11--PF12--CONT MINI MAIN RFRSH Procedures for use of these screens are described below. 1. On a single inquiry request, the operator must enter at least the data codes: GF SF FID and LETTER OF CREDIT, to identify the requested Letter of Credit records. Entering the GRANT and CONTRACT data codes is optional. After completing the request screen, the operator will depress the ENTER key. For a single inquiry, the requested record will be returned with its detailed, available balance information as shown on the top of page 37. The information is current as of the previous day's input. The balances are protected and cannot be changed. If a REC TYPE of “D” and a SEL of M are entered on the access line of the Grants Information Mini Menu or any other Grant Information screen, the Letter of Credit multiple inquiry request as shown on the next page will display. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 3 Page 35 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services Contract And Grant Letter Of Credit Multiple Inquiry Screen 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 GGM1 07/19/02 09:24:58 CONTRACT AND GRANT - LETTER OF CREDIT - MULTIPLE INQUIRY REQUEST GF REC TYPE SF FID SEL DATA CODE: TYPE SEL Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10—PF11--PF12--CONT MINI MAIN RFRSH 2. On a multiple inquiry request, entering the GF SF FID codes is optional. The requested records on multiple inquiry, will be returned with summary available balance information as shown on the bottom of page 37. If no data codes are entered on the request screen to limit the inquiry, all Letter of Credit records will display beginning with the first records on file. Up to five records per screen may be displayed on a multiple inquiry. The operator may depress the PF8 key to page through the records on file. 3. On line 22, the access line may be used to retrieve another Letter of Credit within a fund. The operator may transfer to a new Grants Information screen by entering the appropriate data on line 20 in the REC TYPE, SEL, and DATA CODE fields. The TYPE and SEL fields are available to request a new function. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 3 Page 36 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services Contract And Grant Letter Of Credit Single Inquiry Screen 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 GGI2 07/19/02 09:31:23 CONTRACT AND GRANT - LETTER OF CREDIT - SINGLE INQUIRY GF SF FID LETTER OF CREDIT GRANT CONTRACT DOC NO 10 1 000001 ZA126 G2175 R 2589 TOTAL LETTER OF CREDIT AMOUNT 610678.00 LESS TOTAL LETTER OF CREDIT DRAWS 22519.00 AVAILABLE LETTER OF CREDIT BALANCE --------------588159.00 TOTAL LETTER OF CREDIT DRAWS LESS TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS LESS TOTAL PAYABLES AVAILABLE CASH BALANCE 22519.00 21500.00 0.00 --------------- 1019.00 AVAILABLE CASH BALANCE AVAILABLE LETTER OF CREDIT BALANCE LESS TOTAL OUTSTANDING ENCUMBRANCES AVAILABLE GRANT / CONTRACT BALANCE 1019.00 588159.00 7525.00 --------------- 581653.00 REC TYPE SEL GF SF FID DATA CODE LETTER OF CREDIT TYPE GRANT SEL CONTRACT Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10—PF11--PF12--CONT MINI MAIN RFRSH TOP FWD Contract And Grant Letter Of Credit Multiple Inquiry Screen 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 GGM2 GF 10 07/19/02 09:37:44 CONTRACT AND GRANT - LETTER OF CREDIT - MULTIPLE INQUIRY SF FID 1 000001 GRANT CNTRT ..............AVAILABLE BALANCES............. LETTER OF CREDIT CASH GRANT/CNTRT AMOUNT AMOUNT AMOUNT 610678.00 1019.00 581653.00 G2175 LETTER OF CREDIT NUMBER ZA126 BT998 F35897 55775.00 25679 DD7765 375000.00 REC TYPE GF SF FID SEL DATA CODE: 55775.00 156985.00 137625.00 TYPE SEL Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10—PF11--PF12--CONT MINI MAIN RFRSH TOP FWD Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 3 Page 37 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services 4. Lines 23 and 24 indicate the following available Program Functions that may be utilized on the Letter of Credit Inquiry screen(s): PF3 - processes current screen and returns Mini Menu. PF4 - processes current screen and returns Main Accounting Menu. PF5 - refreshes screen and displays screen as it appeared before any input was made. PF6 - returns first record meeting search criteria. PF8 - pages forward one screen. UPDATING THE LETTER OF CREDIT FILE If a REC TYPE of "D" and a SEL of "U" are entered on the access line of the Grants Information Mini Menu or any Grants Information screen, the Letter of Credit File Update Request Screen as shown below will display. Letter Of Credit Update Screen 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 GGU1 07/19/2002 09:49:44 LETTER OF CREDIT FILE - UPDATE - REQUEST GF SF FID REC-TYPE LETTER OF CREDIT GRANT SEL CONTRACT DATA CODE TYPE SEL Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10—PF11--PF12--CONT MINI MAIN RFRSH Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 3 Page 38 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services Procedures for use of the Letter of Credit Update Request screen (page 38) are described below: 1. 2. On line 8, the operator will find the following fields displayed ready for input. GF SF FID GAAFR Fund, State Fund, Fund Identifier; required. LETTER OF CREDIT Letter of Credit Number; optional. GRANT Grant Number; optional. CONTRACT Contract Number; optional. After completing the request screen, the operator will depress the ENTER key, and the Letter of Credit File Update Screen as shown below will display. Letter Of Credit File Update Screen 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 3. GGU2 07/19/2002 LETTER OF CREDIT FILE - UPDATE DELETE: GF SF FID LETTER OF CREDIT GRANT CONTRACT 10 1 000001 ZA126 G2175 TOTAL LETTER OF CREDIT AMOUNT 610678.00 LESS TOTAL LETTER OF CREDIT DRAW 22519.00 AVAILABLE LETTER OF CREDIT BALANCE --------------- 588159.00 TOTAL LETTER OF CREDIT DRAW LESS TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS LESS TOTAL PAYABLES AVAILABLE CASH BALANCE 22519.00 21500.00 0.00 --------------- 1019.00 AVAILABLE CASH BALANCE AVAILABLE LETTER OF CREDIT BALANCE LESS TOTAL OUTSTANDING ENCUMBRANCES AVAILABLE GRANT / CONTRACT BALANCE 1019.00 588159.00 7525.00 --------------- 581653.00 REC-TYPE GF SEL SF FID DATA CODE LETTER OF CREDIT GRANT 09:51:06 TYPE SEL CONTRACT Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10—PF11--PF12--CONT MINI MAIN RFRSH CAN The operator may delete a Letter of Credit File record by entering a "D" in the DELETE field on line 4. Changes may be made in certain fields by using the tab key to move the cursor to the desired field and typing over the existing data. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 3 Page 39 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services Not all data fields are available for update. that may be updated are: The fields Total Letter of Credit Amount Total Letter of Credit Draw Total Disbursements Total Payables Total Outstanding Encumbrances 4. A new Letter of Credit File record may be requested for update by entering the appropriate data on line 21 of the Update screen. Another Grants Information screen may be requested by entering the appropriate data in the REC TYPE, SEL, and DATA CODE fields on line 20 of the Update screen. The operator may transfer to a new function by entering the appropriate information in the TYPE and SEL fields. 5. Lines 23 and 24 indicate the following available Program Functions that may be utilized on the Letter of Credit Update screen: PF3 - processes current screen and returns PF4 - processes current screen and returns Menu. PF5 - refreshes screen and displays screen before any input was made. PF12- escapes and does not process current Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Mini Menu. Main Accounting as it appeared screen. Chapter 3 Page 40 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services FEDERAL CATALOG NUMBER TITLE FILE The Federal Catalog Number Title File may be used to inquire into the listing of Federal Catalog of Domestic Assistance numbers (Federal Catalog numbers). This file is for inquiry only, and its information is protected (cannot be changed). If a REC TYPE of "F" and SEL of "M" are entered on the access line of the Grants Information Mini Menu or Grants Information screen, the Federal Catalog Number Inquiry Screen similar to the one shown below will display. If a Federal Catalog Number is not entered in the DATA CODE field when the inquiry request is made, all Federal Catalog Number Inquiry records will be retrieved beginning with the first record on file. The operator may page through one page at a time by depressing the PF8 key. If a Federal Catalog Number is entered in the DATA CODE field when the inquiry request is made, the inquiry will begin with the requested data code, and the operator may page forward from there. Federal Catalog Number Multiple Inquiry Screen 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 GTM1 FEDERAL CATALOG NUMBER FEDERAL CATALOG # SHORT TITLE LONG TITLE SEL 81.082 10:02:37 SC A MANAGEMENT AND TECHNICAL ASSIST MANAGEMENT AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR MINORITY BUSINESS ENTERPRISES FEDERAL CATALOG # SHORT TITLE LONG TITLE 07/19/2002 - MULTIPLE INQUIRY 81.085 SC A MINORITY ENERGY INFORMATION CLE MINORITY ENERGY INFORMATION CLEARINGHOUSE DATA CODE . TYPE SEL Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10—PF11--PF12--CONT MINI MAIN RFRSH TOP FWD Line 21 of the inquiry screen may be used to access a particular Federal Catalog Number by entering the appropriate data in SEL and DATA CODE. The operator may use line 22 to transfer to a different function by entering the appropriate data in the TYPE and SEL fields. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 3 Page 41 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services Lines 23 and 24 (see page 41) indicate the following available Program Functions that may be utilized on the Federal Catalog Inquiry screen: PF3 - processes current screen and returns Mini Menu. PF4 - processes current screen and returns Main Accounting Menu. PF5 - refreshes screen and displays screen as it appeared before any input was made. PF6 - returns first record meeting search criteria. PF8 - pages forward one screen. STATE CATALOG NUMBER TITLE FILE The user may inquire into the State Standard Title File listing of the State Catalog Numbers by entering REC TYPE “G” and SEL OPTION “M” on the “access line” of the Grants Information Mini Menu or any Grant information screen. A screen like the one on the next page will display. This is an inquiry only function that lists the valid CSFA (Catalog of State Financial Assistance) numbers. The CSFA number is required when adding or updating certain Grants. On lines 21 and 22 of the State Catalog Number Title File, additional screens may be requested within the Grants Information File. Once the NEXT lines are completed, the system will retrieve the requested Grants Information screen. To access a new function, the TYPE and SEL fields may be entered. Lines 23 and 24 on the Grant Inquiry screens indicate the following available Program Functions that may be utilized: PF3 - processes current screen and returns Mini Menu. PF4 - processes current screen and returns Main Accounting Menu. PF5 - refreshes screen and displays screen as it appeared before any input was made. PF6 - returns first record meeting search criteria. PF8 - pages forward one screen. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 3 Page 42 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services State Catalog Number Multiple Inquiry Screen 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 SFI1 07/19/2002 10:10:32 STATE CATALOG NUMBER - MULTIPLE INQUIRY STATE CATALOG # SHORT TITLE LONG TITLE SEL SC U SC U BOLL WEEVIL ERADICATION BOLL WEEVIL ERADICATION STATE CATALOG # SHORT TITLE LONG TITLE 42002 42003 MOSQUITO CONTROL MOSQUITO CONTROL DATA CODE TYPE SEL Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10—PF11--PF12--CONT MINI MAIN RFRSH TOP FWD Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 3 Page 43 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services CHAPTER 4 DIRECTOR/MANAGER FILE The Director/Manager file is an agency unique, agency maintained file of information relative to the managers of agency projects and contracts. The file was developed to provide a easy means of identifying project managers and/or directors, as well as contract managers and/or directors. It provides an on-line source for Director/Manager's names, address’s, phone numbers, SUNSOM numbers, etc. Use of the Director/Manager File is optional. The file also validates the Director/Manager's ID number for the Project Information File that is discussed in Chapter 5 of this manual. In addition, this File validates the Director/Manager's ID number for the Contract Information File that is discussed in Chapter 2 of this manual. DIRECTOR/MANAGER FILE MINI MENU The Director/Manager Mini Menu is used to access appropriate screens to add, inquire, or update records on the Director/Manager File. This mini menu may be accessed by entering "DM" in the TYPE field at the bottom of any FLAIR screen. The Director/Manager Mini Menu as shown on the next page will display. Procedures for using the Director/Manager Mini Menu screen are described below: 1. On line 8, in the SELECT (SEL) field, enter the appropriate selection code for the function to be performed. The selection codes available are: I - inquiry by name or number A - add new Directors/Managers by number only U - update existing Directors/Managers by number only 2. In the ID NUMBER field enter the Director/Manager ID number. The ID number will be entered when adding or updating a record or when inquiring by number. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 4 Page 1 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services Director/Manager File Mini Menu Screen 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 DMMU 07/19/02 11:00:45 DIRECTOR/MANAGER FILE MINI MENU SELECT ID NUMBER NAME SELECTIONS I: INQUIRY ONLY (BY ID NUMBER OR NAME) A: ADD DIRECTOR/MANAGER (BY NUMBER ONLY) U: UPDATE (BY NUMBER ONLY) * * * ENTER : SELECTION AND (NUMBER OR NAME) * * * TYPE: SEL: Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10—PF11--PF12--CONT MAIN RFRSH 3. If inquiring by name, the user will enter the Director/Manager name and Depress the ENTER key and the requested screen will display. 4. Lines 23 and 24 indicate the following available Program Functions that may be utilized on the Director/Manager Mini Menu screen: PF4 - returns Main Accounting Menu. PF5 - refreshes screen and displays screen as it appeared before any input was made. ADDING A RECORD TO THE DIRECTOR/MANAGER FILE Before a Director/Manager record may be used within the Contracts and Grants subsystem, it must first be added to the Director/Manager File. The procedures for adding a new Director/Manager are described below. After signing on and accessing the Director/Manager Mini Menu Screen, the operator will enter an "A" in the SELECT (SEL) field and the Director's or Manager's identification number in the ID NUMBER field. (The NAME field is left blank.) The operator will then depress the ENTER key, and the Director/ Manager Add screen shown on the next page will display. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 4 Page 2 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services Director/Manager File Add Screen 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 DMA1 07/19/02 11:08:24 DIRECTOR/MANAGER FILE: ADD ID NUMBER 277859669 NAME ADDRESS: 1 2 3 CITY: STATE: ELECTRONIC MAIL ID NUMBER PHONE: SEL - ID - ZIP CODE: - ELECTRONIC MAIL ADDRESS SUNCOM: - FAX: - - NAME TYPE: SEL: Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10—PF11--PF12--CONT MINI MAIN RFRSH CAN Procedures for using the Director/Manager File Add screen are described below. 1. On line 6, the Director/Manager ID Number will display as it was entered on the previous screen. This field is protected and cannot be changed. The NAME field will be available for input. (31 alphanumeric; required field.) 2. On lines 8-10, enter the address of the Director/Manager. All three of these lines are optional. However, if anything is entered on lines 8 or 9, then line 10 will be required. 3. On line 12, fields identified as: Electronic Mail ID Number and Electronic Mail Address are available for use. Both fields contain 10 alphanumeric characters and are optional. 4. On line 14, the fields: Phone (10 alphanumeric), Suncom (7 alphanumeric), and Fax (10 alphanumeric) are displayed and available for input. All three of these fields are optional. 5. To continue adding Director/Manager records or to transfer to another screen within the Director/Manager file enter the appropriate codes on line 21, the NEXT line. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 4 Page 3 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services 6. To transfer to another FLAIR function, enter the appropriate function and select codes in the TYPE and SEL fields on line 22. 7. Lines 23 and 24 indicate the following available Program Functions that may be utilized on the Director/Manager Add screen: PF3 - processes current screen and returns PF4 - processes current screen and returns Menu. PF5 - refreshes screen and displays screen before any input was made. PF12- escapes and does not process current Mini Menu. Main Accounting as it appeared screen. A two-digit abbreviation should be entered for each state when adding addresses that include a city and state. The valid state code abbreviations are: AL AZ CA CT DC GA ID IN KS LA MD MI MS MT NV NJ NY ND OK PA SC TN UT VA WV WY – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Alabama Arizona California Connecticut District of Columbia Georgia Idaho Indiana Kansas Louisiana Maryland Michigan Mississippi Montana Nevada New Jersey New York North Dakota Oklahoma Pennsylvania South Carolina Tennessee Utah Virginia West Virginia Wyoming Effective Date October 1, 2003 AK AR CO DE FL HI IL IA KY ME MA MN MO NE NH NM NC OH OR RI SD TX VT WA WI – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Alaska Arkansas Colorado Delaware Florida Hawaii Illinois Iowa Kentucky Maine Massachusetts Minnesota Missouri Nebraska New Hampshire New Mexico North Carolina Ohio Oregon Rhode Island South Dakota Texas Vermont Washington Wisconsin Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 4 Page 4 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services INQUIRY INTO EXISTING DIRECTOR/MANAGER FILE RECORDS BY NUMBER Inquiry into the Director/Manager File may be done either by name or by number. To initiate an inquiry, on the Director/Manager File Mini Menu screen or on the NEXT line of any Director/Manager File screen, the operator will type an "I" in the SELECT (SEL) field and either the Director/Manager number or name in the appropriate field and depress the ENTER key. If the inquiry is made by number, the Director/Manager File Inquiry Screen, as shown below will display. Director/Manager File Inquiry By Number Screen 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 DMI2 07/19/02 DIRECTOR/MANAGER FILE: ID NUMBER 123456789 NAME ROBERT, STEPHEN ADDRESS: 101 E GAINES STREET ROOM 250 TALLAHASSEE FL 32339-0000 ELECTRONIC MAIL ID NUMBER PHONE: SEL 850 - 410 - 5555 ID 14:08:15 INQUIRY BY NUMBER STATUS A ELECTRONIC MAIL ADDRESS SUNCOM: 210 - 5555 FAX: 850 - 410 - 5556 NAME TYPE SEL Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10—PF11--PF12--CONT MINI MAIN RFRSH Descriptions of the Director/Manager Inquiry by Number Screen are given below: 1. Lines 6 - 14 contain ID NUMBER, NAME, STATUS, ADDRESS, ELECTRONIC MAIL ID NUMBER, ELECTRONIC MAIL ADDRESS, PHONE, SUNCOM AND FAX. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 4 Page 5 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services The STATUS indicates what type of action has been taken relative to a Director/Manager record. Existing Codes are: A - Added to the file. I - Has been placed in an inactive status. D - To be deleted from the file. 2. To continue inquiring into Director/Managers or to transfer to another screen, enter the appropriate SEL code and Director/ Manager ID NUMBER or NAME (if inquiring) on the NEXT line. 3. To transfer to a different function or screen, input the appropriate TYPE and SEL codes. 4. Lines 23 and 24 indicate the following available Program Functions that may be utilized on the Director/Manager inquiry by number screen: PF3 - processes current screen and returns PF4 - processes current screen and returns Menu. PF5 - refreshes screen and displays screen before any input was made. PF12- escapes and does not process current Mini Menu. Main Accounting as it appeared screen. INQUIRY INTO EXISTING DIRECTOR/MANAGER FILE RECORDS BY NAME Inquiry into the Director/Manager File may be done either by name or by number. To initiate an inquiry, on the Director/Manager File Mini Menu Screen or on the NEXT line of any Director/Manager File screen, the operator will type an "I" in the SELECT (SEL) field and either the Director/Manager number or name in the appropriate field and depress the ENTER key. If Inquiry into the Director/Manager File was made by name, the Director/Manager File Inquiry Screen shown on the next page will display. 1. If an exact match cannot be made on the file for the name specified, the system will display the next record on file plus all subsequent records. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 4 Page 6 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services Director/Manager File Inquiry By Name Screen 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 DMI1 I/U 07/19/02 DIRECTOR/MANAGER FILE: INQUIRY BY NAME ID NUMBER NAME 987654321 123456789 545454545 SEL ID DATE, JULIAN ROBERT, STEPHEN WASHINGTON, GEORGE 14:10:43 STATUS A A A NAME TYPE SEL Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10—PF11--PF12--CONT MINI MAIN RFRSH TOP FWD The following data will be displayed for each Director/Manager: Director/Manager ID Number Director/Manager Name Status 2. To transfer to the Inquiry by Number or an Update screen, enter either an "I" (for the Inquiry by Number screen) or a "U" (for the Update screen) in the column headed I/U next to the desired record. An example of the Update screen is shown in the next section on page 8. 3. On line 21, the NEXT line, the operator may transfer to another Director/Manager screen by typing in the appropriate SEL code and either an ID number or NAME in the fields provided and then depressing the ENTER key. 4. To transfer to a different function or screen, enter the appropriate TYPE and SEL codes on line 22. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 4 Page 7 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services 5. Lines 23 and 24 indicate the following available Program Functions: PF3 - processes current screen and returns Mini Menu. PF4 - processes current screen and returns Main Accounting Menu. PF5 - refreshes screen and displays screen as it appeared before any input was made. PF6 - returns first record meeting search criteria. PF8 - pages forward one screen. UPDATING EXISTING DIRECTOR/MANAGER RECORDS To update an existing record, the operator may enter a "U" in the Select (SEL) field and the Director/Manager number in the NUMBER field on the Director/Manager File Mini Menu Screen or on the NEXT line of any Director/Manager File Screen. The update screen may also be accessed by placing a “U” in the I/U column on the Director/Manager Inquiry by Name Screen. The screen shown below will display with the cursor positioned on the first available field for update. The only field that may not be updated is the Director/Manager ID number. Director/Manager File Update Screen 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 DMU1 07/19/02 DIRECTOR/MANAGER FILE: ID NUMBER 987654321 NAME DATE, JULIAN ADDRESS: 1 2 3 365 DECEMBER WAY CITY: TALLAHASSEE STATUS A STATE: FL ZIP CODE: 32399 – 0000 ELECTRONIC MAIL ID NUMBER JD ELECTRONIC MAIL ADDRESS SAM PHONE: - SEL 850 - 555 - 2222 ID SUNCOM: 14:14:59 UPDATE FAX: - - NAME TYPE SEL Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10—PF11--PF12--CONT MINI MAIN RFRSH CAN Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 4 Page 8 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services The Status Code values shown on the Director/Manager Update screen are: A = Active I = Inactive D = Deleted To update the status code or any field (other than the ID Number) of the Director/Manager file, the operator will tab to the appropriate field, type in the new data and depress the ENTER key. The following Status Code changes are allowed: A to I or D I to A or D D to A or I Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 4 Page 9 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services CHAPTER 5 PROJECT INFORMATION FILE The Project Information File is an on-line source of information for projects entered into by the agency. Any project added to the Project Information File also creates a record on the Title File. A Project Number may not be added through the Title File. It can only be added through the Project Information File. When Project Information File records are created, they are established at the agency's Operating Level (L1 L2 L3). Information that is recorded on the Project Information File is static in nature and will not be updated when used in accounting transactions. A semiannual purge in January and July of each year will purge Project Information File records that have been marked for deletion for longer than 12 months. The General Ledger Master File records related to those purged Projects will also be purged at that time. PROJECT INFORMATION MINI MENU The Project Information Mini Menu is used to access appropriate screens to add, inquire, or update records on the Project Information File. This mini menu may be accessed by entering "PJ" in the TYPE field at the bottom of any FLAIR screen. The Project Information Mini Menu Screen as shown on the next page will display. Procedures for using the Project Information Mini Menu Screen are described below: 1. On lines 7-10 of the Project Information Mini Menu, the available record types and their corresponding available selection options are listed. The record types and selection options are: REC TYPE A B C D Effective Date October 1, 2003 DESCRIPTION Project Project Project Project Information File Amendment File to Account Code Correlation to Contract Correlation Supersedes: January 7, 2003 SEL OPTIONS A, A, A, A, I, I, I, I, U U U U Chapter 5 Page 1 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services The selection option codes available for use in the SEL OPTION field are: SEL Description A I U Add record(s) to the file Inquiry into a record Update a record Project Information Mini Menu Screen 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2. PJMU 07/19/02 14:19:11 PROJECT INFORMATION MINI MENU REC TYPE A B C D DESCRIPTION PROJECT PROJECT PROJECT PROJECT SEL OPTIONS INFORMATION FILE AMENDMENT FILE TO ACCOUNT CODE CORRELATION TO CONTRACT CORRELATION REC TYPE SEL OPTION OTHER PROJ NUMBER PROJECT NUM A, A, A, A, AMD I, I, I, I, U U U U CONTRACTORS TYPE SEL Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10—PF11--PF12--CONT MAIN RFRSH Line 20, the access line, is provided to make a requested selection of Project Information File screens. To make a request, enter the appropriate data to the right of the following field titles: REC TYPE Record Type; enter the appropriate record type for the Project Information File record that is desired. SEL OPTION Selection Code; enter the appropriate selection as described above for the record type desired. PROJECT NUM Enter the Project Number for which add, inquiry, or update is desired. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 5 Page 2 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services AMD Enter the Amendment number for which inquiry or update is desired on the Project Amendment File. CONTRACTORS Place an "X" in this field to view a list of architects and contractors recorded on the Project Information File. The access line is carried on all Project Information File screens. Use of this line allows the operator to transfer directly from one screen to another without first returning to the Project Information File Mini Menu. 3. Once the desired screen has been indicated, depress the ENTER key and the requested screen will display. ADDING PROJECT INFORMATION RECORDS To establish a record on the Project Information File, the following procedures should be used. 1. If an "A" in the REC TYPE field, an "A" in the SEL OPT field, and a PROJECT NUM are entered on the access line of the Project Information Mini Menu or any Project Information screen, the Project Information File Add screen as shown on the next page will display. 2. Lines 5 - 7 on the Project Information File Add Screen should be completed as indicated: AGENCY PROJECT NUMBER This field will display as it was input from the Project Information Mini Menu; protected. ORIGINAL AMOUNT The original project amount; required. LONG TITLE Agency assigned long project title; required. SHORT TITLE Agency assigned short project title; required. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 5 Page 3 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services Project Information Add Screen 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 3. PJ01 07/19/2002 14:27:47 PROJECT INFORMATION - ADD AGENCY PROJECT NUMBER 2002BLDAA46 LONG TITLE SHORT TITLE COUNTY ACREAGE OTHER PROJ NUM BEGIN DATE TYPE APPROP DGS DELEGATED ARCH/ENG CNTRT LET CONST. CNTRT ORGANIZATION CODES ORIGINAL AMOUNT PROJ TYPE END DATE PROG APPROVED FORCE ACCT PROJ STATUS APD PURCH COMPL OFS CONTRACTOR VENDOR IDS ARCHITECT/ENGINEER VENDOR ID AGENCY USE (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) NEXT: REC TYPE A SEL OPT A PROJECT NUM 2002BLDAA46 AMD CONTRACTORS OTHER PROJ NUMBER TYPE SEL Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10—PF11--PF12--CONT MINI MAIN RFRSH CAN Lines 8 - 20 contain other information related to this particular project. Procedures for using these fields are described below: COUNTY The County in which this project is located, edited against the State Standard County Codes on the title file; required. ACREAGE Number of acres involved in this particular project; optional. PROJ TYPE The type of project, if input, edited against the title file; optional. PROJ STATUS The stage of this particular project, if input, edited against the Title File; optional. OTHER PROJ NUMBER DMS assigned project number for agencies other than universities; optional. BEGIN DATE Project start date; optional. END DATE Project ending date; optional. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 5 Page 4 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services APD Agency Project Director, if input edited against the Director/Manager File; optional. TYPE APPROP The type of appropriation for the project; optional. DGS DELEGATED Identifies if this project is delegated from DMS, valid input: Y=yes, N=no; optional. PROG APPROVED Indicates whether or not the project has program approval, valid input: Y=yes, N=no, optional. PURCH COMPL This field is available as an indicator to identify completed purchases for a project, valid input: Y=yes, N=no; optional. ARCH/ENG CNTRT LET This field is available to indicate if this project involves a bid for services, valid input: Y=yes, N=no; optional. CONST CNTRT Construction Contract is used to identify if a construction contract is being used for this project, valid input: Y=yes, N=no; optional. FORCE ACCT Denotes if an outside labor force is being used to complete this project, valid input: Y=yes, N=no; optional. OFS Original Fund Source denotes the original source of funds, if input it is edited against the title file; optional. ORGANIZATION CODES This field allows the user to enter organization codes that are involved with this project, if input it is edited against the title file; optional. CONTRACTOR VENDOR This field is available to input any vendors that are involved with this project, if input, it is edited against the vendor file; optional. ARCHITECT/ENGINEER Identifies any architects or VENDOR ID engineers that are involved in this project, if input, it is edited against the vendor file; optional. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 5 Page 5 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services AGENCY USE These fields are agency assigned fields, fields 1 and 2 are 60A/N, 3 is 15A/N, 4 and 5 are 10A/N, and 6-10 are 5A/N; optional. 4. On lines 21 and 22, the NEXT lines, additional screens may be requested within the Project Information File. If lines 21 and 22 are left blank, the data entered on the screen will be accepted and the Project Information Mini Menu will be returned. Lines 21 and 22 may be completed to request an additional input screen. If REC TYPE, SEL OPT, PROJECT NUM, AMD, CONTRACTORS, or OTHER PROJ NUMBER are entered, the system will retrieve the requested Project Information Screen. To transfer to another function, TYPE and SEL should be input. 5. Lines 23 and 24 indicate the following available Program Functions that may be utilized on the Project Information File Add screen: PF3 - processes current screen and returns PF4 - processes current screen and returns Menu. PF5 - refreshes screen and displays screen before any input was made. PF12- escapes and does not process current Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Mini Menu. Main Accounting as it appeared screen. Chapter 5 Page 6 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services INQUIRING INTO THE PROJECT INFORMATION FILE If a record type of "A" and a select option of "I" are entered on the access line of the Project Information Mini Menu or any Project Information File Screen, the Project Information File Inquiry screen as shown below will display. Project Information Inquiry Screen 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 PJ02 07/19/2002 14:34:14 PROJECT INFORMATION - INQUIRY AGENCY PROJECT NUMBER 2002BLDAA46 TOTAL PROJECT AMT 775500.00 SHORT TITLE ADMN BLDG AMT CORRELATED ORIGINAL AMOUNT 775500.00 AMT OF AMENDMENTS 5500.00 LONG TITLE NEW ADMINISTRATION BUILDING SC A COUNTY 37 ACREAGE PROJ TYPE PROJ STATUS OTHER PROJ NUM BEGIN DATE 10012002 END DATE 02152004 OFS TYPE APPROP DGS DELEGATED O PROG APPROVED O PURCH COMPL O ARCH/ENG CNTRT LET O CONST. CNTRT O FORCE ACCT O ORGANIZATION CODES 95100202213 CONTRACTOR VENDOR IDS ARCHITECT/ENGINEER VENDOR ID VF592778651001 AGENCY PROJECT DIRECTOR NAME (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) NEXT: REC TYPE A SEL OPT I PROJECT NUM 2002BLDAA46 AMD CONTRACTORS OTHER PROJ NUMBER TYPE SEL Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10—PF11--PF12--CONT MINI MAIN RFRSH TOP FWD APD AGENCY USE Procedures for the use of this screen are described below: 1. If no Project Information number is entered on the Inquiry Request, all Project Information records will be displayed beginning with the first record on file. The operator may use the PF8 key to page to subsequent records on the Project Information Inquiry file. 2. If an inquiry request is made on the access line for a specific Project Information file record, the requested Project Information record will be displayed. The operator may use the PF8 key to page to subsequent records on the Project Information Inquiry file. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 5 Page 7 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services 3. The Project Information File Inquiry data retrieved is protected (cannot be changed). The TOTAL PROJECT AMT is displayed on the Inquiry Screen only. The CORRELATED AMOUNT and the AMENDED AMOUNT fields are seen on the inquiry screen and update screens only. 4. On lines 21 and 22, the NEXT lines, additional screens may be requested within the Project Information file. If REC TYPE, SEL OPT, PROJECT NUM, AMD, CONTRACTORS, or OTHER PROJ NUMBER are entered, the system will retrieve the requested Project Information screen. To transfer to another function, TYPE and SEL should be input. 5. Lines 23 and 24 indicate the following available Program Functions that may be utilized on the Project Information File Inquiry screen: PF3 - processes current screen and returns Mini Menu. PF4 - processes current screen and returns Main Accounting Menu. PF5 - refreshes screen and displays screen as it appeared before any input was made. PF6 - returns first record meeting search criteria. PF8 - pages forward one screen. UPDATING THE PROJECT INFORMATION FILE If a REC TYPE of "A", a SEL OPT of "U", and a PROJECT NUM are entered on the access line of the Project Information Mini Menu or any Project Information screen, the Project Information Update Screen as shown on the next page will display. Procedures for using the Project Information File Update screen are described below: 1. If an update request is made on the access line of any Project Information File Screen, the Project Information File Update Screen will display. 2. A Project Information record may be deleted by entering a "D" in the status field (SC), this process will also delete the Project ID from the title file. A record can also be placed in an inactive status by entering an "I" in the status field. This will also inactivate the Project ID code from the Title File. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 5 Page 8 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services Project Information Update Screen 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 3. PJ03 07/19/2002 14:38:11 PROJECT INFORMATION - UPDATE AGENCY PROJECT NUMBER 2002BLDAA46 ORIGINAL AMOUNT 775500.00 SHORT TITLE ADMN BLDG AMT CORRELATED AMT OF AMENDMENTS 5500.00 LONG TITLE NEW ADMINISTRATION BUILDING SC A COUNTY 37 ACREAGE PROJ TYPE PROJ STATUS OTHER PROJ NUM BEGIN DATE 10012002 END DATE 02152004 APD TYPE APPROP DGS DELEGATED O PROG APPROVED O PURCH COMPL O ARCH/ENG CNTRT LET O CONST. CNTRT O FORCE ACCT O OFS ORGANIZATION CODES 95100202213 CONTRACTOR VENDOR IDS VF592778651001 ARCHITECT/ENGINEER VENDOR ID AGENCY USE (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) NEXT: REC TYPE A SEL OPT U PROJECT NUM 2002BLDAA46 AMD CONTRACTORS OTHER PROJ NUMBER TYPE SEL Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10—PF11--PF12--CONT MINI MAIN RFRSH CAN The operator may tab to any of the appropriate fields on the Project Information File and update the record. The following fields are protected and may not be changed: PROJECT NUMBER CORRELATED AMOUNT AMENDED AMOUNT 4. On lines 21 and 22, the NEXT lines, additional screens may be requested within the Project Information File. If REC TYPE, SEL OPT, PROJECT NUM, AMD, CONTRACTORS, or OTHER PROJ NUMBER are entered, the system will retrieve the requested Project Information Screen. To transfer to another function, TYPE and SEL should be input. 5. Lines 23 and 24 indicate the following available Program Functions that may be utilized on the Project Information Update screen: PF3 - processes current screen and returns PF4 - processes current screen and returns Menu. PF5 - refreshes screen and displays screen before any input was made. PF12- escapes and does not process current Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Mini Menu. Main Accounting as it appeared screen. Chapter 5 Page 9 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services INQUIRING INTO THE PROJECT INFORMATION CONTRACTOR SCREEN To inquire into the Project Information Contractor screen, the operator will type an "X" in the CONTRACTORS field and a project number in the PROJECT NUM field on the access line of the Project Information Mini Menu or on the NEXT line of any Project Information screen, and depress the ENTER key. The screen shown on the next page will display. Descriptions of the Project Information Contractors screen are given below: 1. On lines 3 - 20, the Project Information Contractor Inquiry screen will display the name, address and telephone number for the Architect/Engineer and Contractor ID's that are entered on a specific Project Information File record. The Architect/ Engineer and Contractor's vendor ID's must have been established on the agency's Vendor File first, since those ID's will be edited against the agency's Vendor File. The system will pull the name, address and telephone number that is established on the Vendor File and display them on the screen. This screen will be displayed protected. 2. On lines 21 and 22, the NEXT lines, additional screens may be requested within the Project Information File. If REC TYPE, SEL OPT, PROJECT NUM, AMD, CONTRACTORS, or OTHER PROJ NUMBER are entered, the system will retrieve the requested Project Information screen. To transfer to another function, TYPE and SEL should be input. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 5 Page 10 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services Project Information Screen 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 3. PJ04 2002BLDAA46 SC A NEW ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 07/19/02 14:42:57 ARCH/ENG NUMBER NAME PHONE (000) 000-0000 00000-0000 CONTRACTOR NUMBER VF592778651001 NAME ABC CONSTRUCTION COMPANY P.O. BOX 55998 PHONE (850) 555-1234 HAVANA, FL 33559-6678 CONTRACTOR NUMBER NAME PHONE (000) 000-0000 00000-0000 CONTRACTOR NUMBER NAME PHONE (000) 000-0000 00000-0000 CONTRACTOR NUMBER NAME PHONE (000) 000-0000 00000-0000 CONTRACTOR NUMBER NAME PHONE (000) 000-0000 00000-0000 REC TYPE A SEL OPTION I PROJECT NUM 2002BLDAA46 AMD CONTRACTORS X OTHER PROJ NUMBER TYPE SEL Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10—PF11--PF12--CONT MINI MAIN RFRSH Lines 23 and 24 indicate the following available Program Functions that may be utilized on the Project Information Contractor screen: PF3 - processes current screen and returns Mini Menu. PF4 - processes current screen and returns Main Accounting Menu. PF5 - refreshes screen and displays screen as it appeared before any input was made. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 5 Page 11 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services PROJECT AMENDMENT FILE The Project Amendment File provides an historical listing of amendments that affect a particular project. Beginning balances for each project are established when an ORIGINAL AMOUNT is entered when setting up a project on the Project Information File. An agency may record changes in either the amount or operations of a project on the Amendment File. Amendments are recorded separately by Amendment Number for each project. A record must exist on the Project Information File prior to entering any amendment information. ADDING PROJECT AMENDMENT RECORDS To establish a record on the Project Amendment File, the following procedures should be used: 1. If a "B" is entered in the REC TYPE field, an "A" in the SEL OPTION field, and a project number is entered in the PROJECT NUM field on the Project Information File Mini Menu or any Project Information screen, the Project Amendment File Add screen as shown below will display. Project Amendment Add Screen 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 PJ05 07/19/2002 14:57:32 PROJECT AMENDMENT - ADD AGENCY PROJ NUM 2002BLDAA46 AMD LN ..TRDT.. .END DT. NEW ADMINISTRATION BUILDING ..........ACCOUNT CODE............. ....AMOUNT..... ...................DESCRIPTION......................... 95 95 95 95 NEXT: REC TYPE B SEL OPT A PROJ NUM 2002BLDAA46 AMD CONTRACTORS OTHER PROJ NUMBER TYPE SEL Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10—PF11--PF12--CONT MINI MAIN RFRSH CAN Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 5 Page 12 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services 2. On line 5, the project number will display protected, brought forward from the request screen. 3. Lines 9 - 19 on the Project Amendment Add Screen should be completed as indicated: AMD Agency assigned amendment name or number given to the amendment being added to the file; required. LINE The line number of the Amendment that is being added to the file; optional. TRDT Transaction Date, if entered must be MMDDYYYY; optional. ACCOUNT CODE 29-digit FLAIR Account Code; required if an Amendment Amount is entered, otherwise, optional. END DT Ending Date for the Amendment being added to the file, if entered must be MMDDYYYY; optional. AMOUNT Amendment amount, if account code is entered it is required, otherwise, optional. DESCRIPTION Optional. 4. Lines 21 and 22, the NEXT lines, may be used to request additional screens within the Project Information File. After completing the Project Amendment screen the operator may indicate a REC TYPE, SEL OPT, PROJECT NUM, AMD, CONTRACTORS, or OTHER PROJ NUMBER on lines 21 and 22 and, the system will retrieve the requested Project Information screen. To transfer to another function, TYPE and SEL should be input. 5. Lines 23 and 24 indicate the following available Program Functions which may be utilized on the Project Amendment Add screen: PF3 - processes current screen and returns PF4 - processes current screen and returns Menu. PF5 - refreshes screen and displays screen before any input was made. PF12- escapes and does not process current Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Mini Menu. Main Accounting as it appeared screen. Chapter 5 Page 13 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services INQUIRING INTO THE PROJECT AMENDMENT FILE If a REC TYPE of "B", a SEL OPT of "I", and a PROJECT NUM are entered on the access line of the Project Information Mini Menu or any Project Information File Screen, the Project Amendment File Inquiry Screen as shown below will display. Project Amendment Inquiry Screen 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 PJ06 07/19/2002 15:35:02 PROJECT AMENDMENT - INQUIRY AGENCY PROJ NUM 2002BLDAA46 AMD LN 0001 00 0002 00 ...TRDT... ..END DT.. 07/05/2002 07/08/2002 03/15/2004 NEW ADMINISTRATION BUILDING .......... ACCOUNT CODE ............ .....AMOUNT..... ................... DESCRIPTION ....................... 95 10 1 000001 95100000 00 060000 00 -2293.00 PROJECT EXTENDED NEXT: REC TYPE B SEL OPT I PROJ NUM 2002BLDAA46 AMD CONTRACTORS OTHER PROJ NUMBER TYPE SEL Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10—PF11--PF12--CONT MINI MAIN RFRSH TOP FWD Procedures for the use of this screen are described below: 1. The operator may request a project amendment inquiry by entering both the project number and the amendment number or by entering just the project number when making an inquiry. If no amendment number is entered all amendments for that project will display beginning with the first record on file. 2. If an inquiry request is made on the access line for a specific amendment number, the system will begin reading the amendment file from the requested point and display the screen as shown above. 3. The Project Amendment File Inquiry data retrieved is protected (cannot be changed). Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 5 Page 14 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services 4. On lines 21 and 22, the NEXT lines, additional screens may be requested within the Project Information File. If REC TYPE, SEL OPT, PROJECT NUM, AMD, CONTRACTORS, or OTHER PROJ NUMBER are entered, the system will retrieve the requested Project Information screen. To transfer to another function, TYPE and SEL should be input. 5. Lines 23 and 24 indicate the following available Program Functions that may be utilized on the Project Amendment Inquiry screen: PF3 - processes current screen and returns Mini Menu. PF4 - processes current screen and returns Main Accounting Menu. PF5 - refreshes screen and displays screen as it appeared before any input was made. PF6 - returns first record meeting search criteria. PF8 - pages forward one screen. UPDATING THE PROJECT AMENDMENT FILE If a REC TYPE of "B", a SEL OPT of "U", and a PROJECT NUM are entered on the access line of the Project Information Mini Menu or any Project Information screen, the Project Amendment Update Screen as shown on the next page will display. Procedures for this screen are described below: 1. If an update request is made on the access line of any Project Information File screen, the Project Amendment Update Screen will display. 2. A project amendment record may be deleted by entering a "D" in the delete column (D), next to the desired amendment record. 3. The operator may tab to any of the appropriate fields on the Project Amendment File and update the record. The following fields are protected and may not be changed: PROJECT NUMBER LONG TITLE TOTAL PROJECT AMOUNT L1 IN THE ACCOUNT CODE AMD & LINE Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 5 Page 15 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services Project Amendment Update Screen 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 PJ07 PROJECT AMENDMENT - UPDATE AGENCY PROJ NUM 2002BLDAA46 TOTAL PROJECT AMOUNT 07/19/2002 15:36:51 NEW ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 773207.00 D AMD LN ..TRDT.. ........ACCOUNT CODE................ .....AMOUNT..... .END DT. ....................DESCRIPTION........................ 0001 00 07052002 95 10 1 000001 95100000 00 060000 00 -2293.00 0002 00 07082002 03152004 PROJECT EXTENDED NEXT: REC TYPE B SEL OPT U PROJ NUM 2002BLDAA46 AMD CONTRACTORS OTHER PROJ NUMBER TYPE SEL Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10—PF11--PF12--CONT MINI MAIN RFRSH CAN 4. On lines 21 and 22, the NEXT lines, additional screens may be requested within the Project Information File. If REC TYPE, SEL OPT, PROJECT NUM, AMD, CONTRACTORS, or OTHER PROJ NUMBER are entered, the system will retrieve the requested Project Information Screen. To transfer to another function, TYPE and SEL should be input. 5. Lines 23 and 24 indicate the following available Program Functions that may be utilized on the Project Amendment Update screen: PF3 - processes current screen and returns PF4 - processes current screen and returns Menu. PF5 - refreshes screen and displays screen before any input was made. PF12- escapes and does not process current Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Mini Menu. Main Accounting as it appeared screen. Chapter 5 Page 16 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services PROJECT TO FUND CORRELATION TABLE The Project to Fund Correlation Table is an optional on-line file for associating projects and funds. This table is used to limit project/fund relationships, as well as, prevent incorrect combinations from entering the system. This table should be built, if it is used, after the establishment of the Project Information File, as system edits require the existence of a project on the Project Information File prior to its acceptance in the Correlation Table. ADDING PROJECT TO FUND CORRELATION TABLE RECORDS To establish a Project to fund correlation record on the Project to Fund Correlation Table, the following procedures should be used. 1. If a REC TYPE of "C", a SEL OPT of "A", and a PROJECT NUM are entered on the access line on the Project Information Mini Menu screen or any Project Information File screen, the Project to Fund Correlation Add screen as shown below will display. Project To Fund Correlation Add Screen 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 PJ08 07/19/2002 15:42:03 PROJECT TO FUND CORRELATION - ADD AGENCY PROJ NUM 2002BLDAA46 NEW ADMINISTRATION BUILDING CORRELATED ACCOUNT CODES 95 CORRELATED AMOUNT 95 95 95 95 95 NEXT: REC TYPE C SEL OPT A OTHER PROJ NUMBER PROJECT NUM 2002BLDAA46 AMD CONTRACTORS TYPE SEL Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--CONT MINI MAIN RFRSH CAN Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 5 Page 17 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services Procedures for adding a correlation record to a Project are described below: 2. On line 5, the agency project number and long title are brought forward protected from the request that was made. 3. Lines 8 - 18 of the Project to Fund Correlation Add Screen should be completed as indicated: CORRELATED ACCOUNT CODE The account number(s) (29 digit FLAIR Account Code) to be correlated to the Project, edited against the Account Description File; required. CORRELATED AMOUNT The amount which should be correlated to the Project; optional. 4. On lines 21 and 22, the NEXT lines, additional screens may be requested within the Project Information File. If lines 21 and 22 are left blank, the data entered on the screen will be accepted and the Project Information Mini Menu will be returned. Lines 21 and 22 may be completed to request a new screen. If REC TYPE, SEL OPT, PROJECT NUM, AMD, CONTRACTORS, or OTHER PROJ NUMBER are entered, the system will retrieve the requested Project Information Screen. To transfer to another function, TYPE and SEL should be input. 5. Lines 23 and 24 indicate the following available Program Functions that may be utilized on the Project to Fund Correlation Add screen: PF3 - processes current screen and returns PF4 - processes current screen and returns Menu. PF5 - refreshes screen and displays screen before any input was made. PF12- escapes and does not process current Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Mini Menu. Main Accounting as it appeared screen. Chapter 5 Page 18 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services INQUIRING INTO THE PROJECT TO FUND CORRELATION TABLE If a REC TYPE of "C", a SEL OPT of "I", and a PROJECT NUM are entered on the Project Information File Mini Menu or any Project Information File Screen, the Project to Fund Correlation Inquiry Screen as shown below will display. Project To Fund Correlation Inquiry Screen 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 PJ09 07/19/02 15:44:14 PROJECT TO FUND CORRELATION - INQUIRY AGENCY PROJ NUM 2002BLDAA46 NEW ADMINISTRATION BUILDING PROJECT TOTAL CORRELATED AMOUNT 172000.00 CORRELATED ACCOUNT CODES CORRELATED AMOUNT 95 10 1 000001 95100000 00 080000 00 150000.00 95 50 2 050001 95200000 00 080000 00 22000.00 NEXT: REC TYPE C SEL OPT I PROJECT NUM 2002BLDAA46 AMD CONTRACTORS OTHER PROJ NUMBER TYPE SEL Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--CONT MINI MAIN RFRSH TOP FWD Procedures for the use of this screen are described below. 1. The information shown on the inquiry screen is retrieved protected (cannot be changed). 2. On lines 21 and 22, the NEXT lines, additional screens may be requested within the Project Information File. If REC TYPE, SEL OPT, PROJECT NUM, AMD, CONTRACTORS, or OTHER PROJ NUMBER are entered, the system will retrieve the requested Project Information Screen. To transfer to another function, TYPE and SEL should be input. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 5 Page 19 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services 3. Lines 23 and 24 indicate the following available Program Functions that may be utilized on the Project to Fund Correlation Inquiry screen: PF3 - processes current screen and returns Mini Menu. PF4 - processes current screen and returns Main Accounting Menu. PF5 - refreshes screen and displays screen as it appeared before any input was made. PF6 - returns first record meeting search criteria. PF8 - pages forward one screen. UPDATING THE PROJECT TO FUND CORRELATION TABLE If a REC TYPE of "C", a SEL OPT of "U" and a PROJECT NUM are entered on the Project Information Mini Menu or any Project Information File screen, the Project to Fund Correlation Update Screen as shown on the next page will display. Procedures for the use of this screen are described below. 1. To update a particular record, the operator must tab to the appropriate field and type over the old information with the new information (data code). If the correlated account code is changed it will be edited against the Account Description File. After making changes, depressing the ENTER key will process the request. 2. To delete a correlation record from the Project to Fund Correlation Table type in "D" in the Delete (D) column next to the appropriate record. After depressing the ENTER key, the record will be deleted. 3. The following fields are protected and may not be changed: AGENCY PROJ NUM LONG TITLE 4. On lines 21 and 22, the NEXT lines, additional screens may be requested within the Project Information File. If REC TYPE, SEL OPT, PROJECT NUM, AMD, CONTRACTORS, or OTHER PROJ NUMBER are entered, the system will retrieve the requested Project Information screen. To transfer to another function, TYPE and SEL should be input. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 5 Page 20 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services Project To Fund Correlation Update Screen 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 5. PJ10 07/19/2002 15:46:40 PROJECT TO FUND CORRELATION - UPDATE AGENCY PROJ NUM 2002BLDAA46 NEW ADMINISTRATION BUILDING D CORRELATED ACCOUNT CODES 95 10 1 000001 95100000 00 080000 00 CORRELATED AMOUNT 150000.00 95 50 2 050001 95200000 00 080000 00 22000.00 NEXT: REC TYPE C SEL OPT U OTHER PROJ NUMBER PROJECT NUM 2002BLDAA46 AMD CONTRACTORS TYPE SEL Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--CONT MINI MAIN RFRSH CAN Lines 23 and 24 indicate the following available Program Functions that may be utilized on the Project to Fund Correlation Update screen: PF3 - processes current screen and returns PF4 - processes current screen and returns Menu. PF5 - refreshes screen and displays screen before any input was made. PF12- escapes and does not process current Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Mini Menu. Main Accounting as it appeared screen. Chapter 5 Page 21 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services PROJECT TO CONTRACT CORRELATION TABLE The Project to Contract Correlation Table is an optional on-line file for associating project and contract information. This table will be used to limit project/contract relationships that will be used in accounting transactions. This table should be built, if it is used, after the establishment of Project Information File records, and Contract Information file records, as system edits require the existence of a project on the Project Information File and a Contract on the Contract Information File before a Project/Contract correlation record may be established. ADDING PROJECT TO CONTRACT CORRELATION TABLE RECORDS To Establish a Project to Contract Correlation record on the Project Information File, the following procedures should be used. 1. If a REC TYPE of "D", a SEL OPT of "A" and a PROJECT NUM are entered on the access line of the Project Information File Mini Menu or on any Project Information File screen, the Project to Contract Correlation Add Screen shown below will display. Project To Contract Correlation Add Screen 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 PJ11 07/19/2002 15:48:34 PROJECT TO CONTRACT CORRELATION - ADD AGENCY PROJ NUM 2002BLDAA46 NEW ADMINISTRATION BUILDING CORRELATED CONTRACTS: NEXT: REC TYPE D SEL OPT A PROJECT NUM 2002BLDAA46 AMD CONTRACTORS OTHER PROJ NUMBER TYPE SEL Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--CONT MINI MAIN RFRSH CAN Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 5 Page 22 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services 2. Lines 7 - 15 contain the 5 digit fields where the correlated contracts will be entered. Five Contracts per line may be added to the file, a total of twenty five (25) per screen; at least one contract is required, and is edited against title file. 3. On lines 21 and 22, the NEXT lines, additional screens may be requested within the Project Information File. If lines 21 and 22 are left blank, the data entered on the screen will be accepted and the Project Information Mini Menu will be returned. Lines 21 and 22 may be completed to request an a different screen. If REC TYPE, SEL OPT, PROJECT NUM, AMD, CONTRACTORS, or OTHER PROJ NUMBER are entered, the system will retrieve the requested Project Information Screen. To transfer to another function, TYPE and SEL should be completed. 4. Lines 23 and 24 indicate the following available Program Functions that may be utilized on the Project to Contract Correlation Add screen: PF3 - processes current screen and returns PF4 - processes current screen and returns Menu. PF5 - refreshes screen and displays screen before any input was made. PF12- escapes and does not process current Mini Menu. Main Accounting as it appeared screen. INQUIRY INTO THE PROJECT TO CONTRACT CORRELATION TABLE If a REC TYPE of "D", a SEL OPT of "I" and a PROJECT NUM are entered on the access line on the Project Information File Mini Menu or any other Project Information File screen, the screen shown on the next page will display. Procedures for the using the Project to Contract Correlation Inquiry screen are given below. 1. The information shown on the inquiry screen is retrieved protected (cannot be changed). 2. On lines 21 and 22, the NEXT lines, additional screens may be requested within the Project Information File. If REC TYPE, SEL OPT, PROJECT NUM, AMD, CONTRACTORS, or OTHER PROJ NUMBER are entered, the system will retrieve the requested Project Information screen. To transfer to another function, TYPE and SEL should be input. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 5 Page 23 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services Project To Contract Correlation Inquiry Screen 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 3. PJ12 07/19/02 PROJECT TO CONTRACT CORRELATION - INQUIRY AGENCY PROJ NUM 2002BLDAA46 CORRELATED CONTRACTS: NEW ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 44444 NEXT: REC TYPE D SEL OPT I OTHER PROJ NUMBER 15:52:27 C9934 PROJECT NUM 2002BLDAA46 AMD CONTRACTORS TYPE SEL Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--CONT MINI MAIN RFRSH TOP FWD Lines 23 and 24 indicate the following available Program Functions that may be utilized on the Project to Contract Correlation Inquiry screen: PF3 - processes current screen and returns Mini Menu. PF4 - processes current screen and returns Main Accounting Menu. PF5 - refreshes screen and displays screen as it appeared before any input was made. PF6 - returns first record meeting search criteria. PF8 - pages forward one screen. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 5 Page 24 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services UPDATING THE PROJECT TO CONTRACT CORRELATION TABLE If a REC TYPE of "D", a SEL OPT of "U" and a PROJECT NUM are entered on the Project Information File Mini Menu or any Project Information File Screen, the Project to Contract Update Screen as shown below will display. Project To Contract Correlation Update Screen 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 PJ13 07/19/2002 PROJECT TO CONTRACT CORRELATION - UPDATE AGENCY PROJ NUM 2002BLDAA46 CORRELATED CONTRACTS: NEW ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 44444 NEXT: REC TYPE D SEL OPT U OTHER PROJ NUMBER 15:56:02 C9934 PROJECT NUM 2002BLDAA46 AMD CONTRACTORS TYPE SEL Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--CONT MINI MAIN RFRSH CAN Procedures for the using this screen are described below: 1. For each record displayed, up to twenty five (25) correlated contracts may be shown. To update a particular correlated contract, the operator will tab to the appropriate field and type in the new information. After depressing the ENTER key, the update will be processed. To delete a correlated contract, the operator must tab to the desired contract code and erase the data code by depressing the ERASE EOF key or by using the space bar. After depressing the ENTER key, the contract will be deleted. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 5 Page 25 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services 2. On lines 21 and 22, the NEXT lines, additional screens may be requested within the Project Information File. If REC TYPE, SEL OPT, PROJECT NUM, AMD, CONTRACTORS, or OTHER PROJ NUMBER are entered, the system will retrieve the requested Project Information screen. To transfer to another function, TYPE and SEL should be input. 3. Lines 23 and 24 indicate the following available Program Functions that may be utilized on the Project to Contract Correlation Update screen: PF3 - processes current screen and returns PF4 - processes current screen and returns Menu. PF5 - refreshes screen and displays screen before any input was made. PF12- escapes and does not process current Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Mini Menu. Main Accounting as it appeared screen. Chapter 5 Page 26 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services CHAPTER 6 GENERAL LEDGER TRANSACTION TYPES FOR CONTRACTS & GRANTS The General Ledger Transaction Types outlined in chapters 9 - 17 of the FLAIR Procedures Manual are available for Contracts and Grants input. TR30 - (Direct Deposit Cash Receipt) is used to record Letter of Credit cash receipts. Letter of Credit cash receipts involve monies which are deposited into the State Treasury to a fund which has drawn on a line of credit. The line of credit is established by a grant award. These funds are generally drawn on a local bank where the funding source (usually the Federal Government) has placed grant funds on deposit. Both the FLAIR General Ledger and the Grants General Ledger are updated when entering a TR30 when the LOC indicator field is marked with an “X”, and a grant containing a LOC record on the Grant Information record is entered on the transaction. When TR30 (Direct Deposit Cash Receipts) is used to record Letter of Credit cash receipts, both the FLAIR General Ledger and the Grants Ledger Available Balance update occurs. The Available Balance File is updated as follows: SF=1 Fund Cash Fund Release Revenue Object Code Expend. Object Code Organization Cash Organization Allotment Revenue Object Code Expend. Object Code Grant Fund Cash Contract Fund Cash Project Cash Grant Allotment Revenue Object Code Expend. Object Code Contract Allotment Revenue Object Code Expend. Object Code Project Allotment Revenue Object Code Expend. Object Code SF=2 SF=8 N/A* +/-amount +/-amount N/A* +/-amount N/A* N/A* +/-amount +/-amount N/A* N/A* +/-amount N/A* +/-amount N/A* N/A* N/A* N/A* +/-amount +/-amount +/-amount +/-amount N/A* +/-amount +/-amount +/-amount +/-amount N/A* +/-amount N/A* +/-amount N/A* +/-amount N/A* +/-amount N/A* +/-amount N/A* +/-amount N/A* +/-amount N/A* +/-amount N/A* +/-amount *N/A = Not applicable Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 6 Page 1 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services General Ledger Transaction Types 10, 11, and 20 carry the following special instructions. TR 10 - General Accounting and TR 20 - Allotments are used to record general accounting and allotment data on the Grants master file and/or on the FLAIR General Ledger system when the desired Flow-Through Indicator is used. Valid Flow-Through Indicators are: 0 = Update GL Master only, default if FT is left blank 2 = Update both GL and Grants Masters 3 = Update Grants Master only Once an agency has been granted authorization for Contracts and Grants Subsystem use, agency access and update of the Grants Master and Detail Files are initiated by the use of a General Ledger Transaction Type where Grant and/or Contract information is entered in the GRANT and/or CNTRT (Contract) fields, respectively. For example, if an agency has grant funds as part of its operating budget and desires to make an unencumbered disbursement from the grant proceeds, the following accounting transaction should be recorded: TR Type SF 51 1 2 8 GL 7**** 131** 122** 112** Description DR CR I/A Expenditures X Unexpended General Revenue Release or Released Cash in State Treasury or Cash in Bank X X X I A A A If GRANT and/or CNTRT data codes have been included in the appropriate fields, this entry will update both the General Ledger and the Grants General Ledger. To record other Contracts and Grants activity, other General Ledger Transaction Types may be used. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 6 Page 2 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services TR11 - MASTER FILE LTD ADJUSTMENTS Transaction 11, Master File LTD Adjustments, is provided to record adjustments to life-to-date balances for Contracts, Grants and/or Projects on the FLAIR Master File. With this transaction type, accessing the Expansion Files is optional, and no entries are automated, i.e., both the debit and credit sides of an accounting transaction must be entered by the operator. The only other file updated by TR 11 is the Transaction File. Therefore, entries affecting any other file should not be entered through Transaction 11. ENTERING TR11 TRANSACTIONS Single Transaction Input If a TYPE of "11" and a SEL code of "S" are entered on any FLAIR screen, the Single Input Request screen shown below will display. This screen is used to enter one transaction at a time with or without the Expansion File data displayed. When using TR 11, accessing the Expansion File is optional. TR11S Master File LTD Adjustments Single Input Request Screen 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 11S1 07/19/2002 13:57:15 TR 11 - MASTER FILE LTD ADJUSTMENTS - SINGLE INPUT - REQUEST L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 EO VR OBJECT 95 NOTE: EO (EXPANSION OPTION) WILL NOT DEFAULT TO 00 (STANDARD) ON THIS SCREEN TYPE SEL Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--CONT MINI MAIN RFRSH Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 6 Page 3 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services Procedures for using the TR 11 Master File LTD Adjustments Single Input Request screen are described below. On line 6 of the Single Input Request Screen, the operator will enter the appropriate data under the following field titles. If Organization (L1 L2 L3 L4 L5), EO, VR, and/or OBJECT are entered, the transaction will be expanded via the Expansion Files. If these data codes are not entered, the operator must enter those codes that would have been pulled from the expansion files, manually. L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 Organization; required. EO Expansion Option; optional. VR Expansion Option Version; optional. OBJECT Object Code; optional. If entered, edit against the Title File. After completing the TR11 Request screen as described above, the operator will depress the ENTER key. Depending on whether an Expansion Option record was accessed or not, either the Expanded Single Input screen (top screen) or the Unexpanded Single Input screen (bottom screen) as shown on the next page will display. Procedures for using the TR11 Master File LTD Adjustments Input Screens are described below. 1. On line 7, the operator will find the following fields displayed available for input. DOC-NO Document Number; required. LINE Document Line Number; optional. CF Certified Forward Indicator; optional. TRN-DT Transaction Date; defaults to the current date if left blank. DESCRIPTION Optional. Also on line 7, L1 L2 L3 L4 L5, and OBJECT are displayed from the previous screen and are protected. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 6 Page 4 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services TR11 Master File LTD Adjustments Single Input Screen 2 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 11S2 DOC-NO G 07/19/2002 TR 11 - MASTER FILE LTD ADJUSTMENTS - SINGLE INPUT LINE (1) L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 95 10 02 02 213 .... AMOUNT.... TFO (3) PROJECT ID EO AA (2) OBJECT 511000 VR 02 ADO (4) PID CF TRN-DT ..QUANTITY.. (14) (15) (16) AU GF SF 20 2 (17) -----(18)---- (19) FID BE IBI EF 010001 95100000 00 (20) ECAT DESCRIPTION AI (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) CAT YR GL EGL EOB STATE-PROGRAM EP GRANT 060000 00 72100 1112110000 000000 14:09:51 AB (12) (13) GY CNTRT CY OCA ...UNITS.... ...TIME... NEXT: L1-L5 95 10 02 02 213 EO AA VR OBJECT 511000 TYPE SEL Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--CONT MINI MAIN RFRSH CAN TR11 Master File LTD Adjustments Single Input Screen 3 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 11S3 DOC-NO G 07/19/2002 TR 11 - MASTER FILE LTD ADJUSTMENTS - SINGLE INPUT LINE .... AMOUNT.... (5) CAT (6) YR GL (1) L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 95 10 02 02 213 TFO (2) OBJECT (3) PROJECT ID ADO CF TRN-DT (4) PID (7) (8) (9) EGL EOB STATE-PROGRAM (14) (15) (16) (17) AU GF SF FID ----(18)---BE IBI (19) EF DESCRIPTION ..QUANTITY.. (10) (11) EP GRANT (20) ECAT 14:11:41 AI AB (12) (13) GY CNTRT CY OCA ...UNITS.... ...TIME... NEXT: L1-L5 95 10 02 02 213 EO VR OBJECT TYPE SEL Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--CONT MINI MAIN RFRSH CAN Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 6 Page 5 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services 2. 3. On line 11, the operator will find the following fields displayed available for input. AMOUNT Transaction amount; required; enter a positive amount for a debit and a negative amount for a credit. TFO Title File Override Indicator; optional; if used, "X" is the valid input. Project ID Project Identification number; optional if Contractor Grant is entered. ADO Account Description File Override Indicator; optional; if used, "X" is the valid input. PID Product Identifier; optional. QUANTITY Optional. AI Accrual Indicator; optional; if used, valid input is: "A" for accrual items or blank for cash items. AB Available Balance Override Indicator; optional, valid input is “X”. On line 15, the operator will find the following fields displayed available for input. CAT, GL, EGL, and EOB may be retrieved from the Expansion Set record if the Set File is accessed. These fields may be overridden (changed) or added by the operator if necessary on this screen. CAT Appropriation Category; required when object code is entered unless the general ledger code entered is 683**, 775**, 781**, 791**, 792**, or 793**; otherwise optional. YR Appropriation Year; defaults to "00" if left blank. GL General Ledger Code; required field, must be 6XXXX or greater. (May not = 923xx or 932xx) EGL External General Ledger Code; optional. EOB External Object Code; optional. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 6 Page 6 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services The following fields on line 15 of the TR 11 Single Input screen may be retrieved from the Expansion Option record, but may be overridden (changed) by the operator if necessary on this screen. 4. STATE-PROGRAM State Program number; required if GL = 6xxxx or 7xxxx otherwise, optional. If entered, Budget Entity and State Program must be correlated, unless TFO is = to “X”. EP External Program; optional. GRANT Grant number; optional if Project ID or Contract number are input. GY Grant Year; optional. CNTRT Contract number; optional if Project ID or Grant is input. CY Contract Year; optional. OCA Other Cost Accumulator; optional. On line 19, the operator will find the following fields displayed. GF, SF, FID, and EF may be retrieved from the Expansion Option record and are protected. If they are not retrieved from the Expansion Option record, they must be entered. BE and IBI may be retrieved from the Expansion Option record but are not protected. GF GAAFR Fund Type; required. SF State Fund Type; required. FID Fund Identifier; required. BE Budget Entity; defaults to zeros. IBI Internal Budget Indicator; defaults to zeros. EF External Fund; optional. Also displayed on line 19 of the TR 11 Master File LTD Adjustments Single Input screen, are the following data codes available for input: AU Agency Unique; optional. ECAT External Category; optional. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 6 Page 7 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services UNITS Optional. TIME Optional. 5. The operator may transfer to another FLAIR screen, by entering appropriate codes in the TYPE and SEL fields. (See chapter 8 of the FLAIR Procedures Manual for more information.) 6. After completing the input screen as described above, the operator will depress the ENTER key. The transaction will be processed and the requested screen will return (where applicable). If no request is made on line 22, the transaction will be processed and a Single Input screen will return with the originally requested data from the last screen. 7. Lines 23 and 24 indicate the following available Program Functions which may be utilized on the TR11 Master File LTD Adjustments Single Input Screen: PF3 - processes current screen and returns PF4 - processes current screen and returns Menu. PF5 - refreshes screen and displays screen before any input was made. PF12- escapes and does not process current Mini Menu. Main Accounting as it appeared screen. INQUIRING INTO TR 11 TRANSACTIONS Single Transaction Inquiry The TR11 Single Transaction Inquiry screen is provided to display those TR 11 items entered on the current day. Items entered during the day will be listed on the Daily Input File and available for inquiry through a TR 11 inquiry request. If a TYPE of "11" and a SEL code of "I" are entered on any FLAIR screen, the Single Inquiry by Site Request Screen, as shown on the top of the next page, will display. The operator will find his/her organization security clearance displayed along with the data codes available for search criteria. Data Codes to be entered as search criteria include Organization Code (L1-L5), USER I.D., GF, SF, FID, BE, IBI, DOC-NO, LINE, and GL. Only transactions within the operator's site and meeting the search criteria will be displayed. If a data code is not entered all general accounting transactions within the operator's site will be displayed in L2L5 order. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 6 Page 8 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services TR11 Master File LTD Adjustments Single Inquiry Request Screen 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 11I1 07/19/2002 14:16:30 TR 11 – MASTER FILE LTD ADJUSTMENTS - SINGLE INQUIRY BY SITE - REQUEST L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 95 USER ID GF SF FID BE IBI DOC-NO G LINE GL TYPE SEL Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10—PF11--PF12--CONT MINI MAIN RFRSH After completing the Request screen, the operator will depress the ENTER key. The requested entry will be returned on the Single Inquiry by Site screen, as shown on the next page. The operator will find the requested accounting entries as they appear on the Daily Input File. This data is protected and cannot be changed. On the TR11 Single Inquiry By Site shown on the next page, the NEXT line may be used to transfer to another FLAIR screen or to process a new request. If no request is made, the next entry on file meeting the original search criteria will be displayed. Lines 23 and 24 indicate the following available Program Functions that may be utilized on the TR 11 Master File LTD Adjustments Single Inquiry by Site Screen: PF3 - processes current screen and returns Mini Menu. PF4 - processes current screen and returns Main Accounting Menu. PF5 - refreshes screen and displays screen as it appeared before any input was made. PF6 - returns first record meeting search criteria. PF8 - pages forward one screen. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 6 Page 9 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services TR11 Master File LTD Adjustments Single Inquiry Screen 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 11I2 07/19/2002 14:17:52 TR 11 - MASTER FILE LTD ADJUSTMENTS - SINGLE INQUIRY BY SITE DOC-NO G 99335 LINE ....AMOUNT.... -345.17 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 95 10 02 02 213 TFO EO AA PROJECT ID VR 02 OBJECT CF TRN-DT 511000 07192002 ADO PID ..QUANTITY.. CAT YR GL EGL EOB STATE PROGRAM EP 060000 00 72100 1112110000 000000 AU GF 20 SF 2 FID BE IBI 010001 95100000 00 EF DESCRIPTION ADJ TO GRANT GRANT G1234 ECAT AI AB GY CNTRT CY OCA ...UNITS.... ...TIME... TYPE SEL NEXT: L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 USER ID GF SF FID BE IBI DOC-NO LINE GL 95 G Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--CONT MINI MAIN RFRSH TOP FWD UPDATING TR 11 TRANSACTIONS The Single Update by Site Screen, as shown on the next page, is provided to make changes or corrections to transactions entering the system on the current day. To make corrections to General Accounting transactions entered on a prior day, the operator must reverse the original entry and reenter it correctly. To access the Single Update by Site Screen, the operator must retrieve, in Single Inquiry, the record to be changed; type a "U" in the SEL field at the bottom of the inquiry screen, and depress the ENTER key. A screen like the one on the next page will display. The DELETE field is available to delete an entry from the Daily Input File. To delete the entry entirely, a "D" is typed in the DELETE field and the ENTER key is then depressed. The entry will then be removed from the Daily Input File, thereby removing any accounting entries related to the particular item from the system. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 6 Page 10 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services TR11 Master File LTD Adjustments Single Update Screen 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 11U1 07/19/2002 TR 11 - MASTER FILE LTD ADJUSTMENTS - SINGLE UPDATE BY SITE 14:19:16 DELETE: DOC-NO G 99335 LINE (1) L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 95 10 02 02 213 .... AMOUNT.... TFO -345.17 (3) PROJECT ID EO AA ADO VR 02 (2) OBJECT CF TRN-DT DESCRIPTION 511000 07192002 ADJ TO GRANT (4) PID ..QUANTITY.. (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) CAT YR GL EGL EOB STATE-PROGRAM EP GRANT 060000 00 72100 1112110000 000000 G1234 (14) (15) AU GF 20 (16) (17) ----(18)---SF FID BE IBI 2 010001 95100000 00 (19) EF (20) ECAT AI AB (12) (13) GY CNTRT CY OCA ...UNITS.... ...TIME... TYPE SEL Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10--PF11--PF12--CONT MINI MAIN RFRSH CAN The operator may change existing data codes on the update screen by using the tab key to move the cursor to the desired field and then typing in the new data. After entering the new data, the operator will depress ENTER and the change will be processed. Certain data codes may not be changed. These are: L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 EO VR OBJECT GF, SF, FID The following codes may not be deleted: DOC-NO AMOUNT CAT (if GL Code is 122**, 131**, 134**, 7****, 931**, or 941**) GL BE & IBI (if deleted, BE & IBI become zero filled and edited against the Account Description File) The Single Update by Site Screen may be used to transfer to a different FLAIR function/transaction. If the TYPE and/or SEL fields are left blank, after processing the update, the system will return to the inquiry screen with the updated information displayed. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 6 Page 11 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services There is not a NEXT Line on the Single Update by Site Screen. If another record is to be updated, the operator must first retrieve the record through TR 11 Inquiry and follow the procedures outlined above. Lines 23 and 24 indicate the following available Program Functions which may be utilized on the TR 11 Master File LTD Adjustments Single Update By Site screen: PF3 - processes current screen and returns PF4 - processes current screen and returns Menu. PF5 - refreshes screen and displays screen before any input was made. PF12- escapes and does not process current Mini Menu. Main Accounting as it appeared screen. THE AVAILABLE BALANCE FILE FOR CONTRACTS, GRANTS & PROJECTS The Available Balance File is an auxiliary file that is built and updated by accounting transactions that affect Fund Cash, Fund Releases, Organization Cash, Allotments, Grant Fund Cash, Contract Fund Cash, Project Fund Cash, Grant Allotments, Contract Allotments, and Project Allotments. This is an on-line file that is available for inquiry by each agency. Six balances, in particular, are built solely for Contracts and Grants Subsystem users. The balances and how they are maintained are listed below: Grant Fund Cash Balances (State Fund = 2, 3, 8 only) Operating Level Organization (L1 L2 L3) Fund (GF, SF, FID) Grant Contract Fund Cash Balances (State Fund = 2, 3, 8 only) Operating Level Organization (L1 L2 L3) Fund (GF, SF, FID) Contract Project Fund Cash Balances (State Fund = 2, 3, 8 only) Operating Level Organization (L1 L2 L3) Fund (GF, SF, FID) Project Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 6 Page 12 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services Grant Allotment Balances (State Fund = 1, 2, 3, 8) Operating Level Organization (L1 L2 L3) Allotment Level Organization (as determined by Allotment Level Indicator/Default)* Fund (GF, SF, FID) BE and IBI Category Appropriation Year Grant *See note below. Contract Allotment Balances (State Fund = 1, 2, 3, 8) Operating Level Organization (L1 L2 L3) Allotment Level Organization (as determined by the Allotment Level Indicator/Default)* Fund (GF, SF, FID) BE and IBI Category Appropriation Year Contract Project Allotment Balances (State Fund = 1, 2, 3, 8) Operating Level Organization (L1 L2 L3) Allotment Level Organization (as determined by the Allotment Level Indicator/Default)* Fund (GF, SF, FID) BE and IBI Category Appropriation Year Project *Note: Allotment Level Organization is determined by the Contracts, Grants and Project Allotment Level Default/Indicator from the Expansion records as follows: CGALD/CGALI A B C D E Effective Date October 1, 2003 Allotment Level Organization L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 00 L2 L2 L2 L2 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 00 00 L3 L3 L3 00 00 00 L4 L4 000 000 000 000 L5 Chapter 6 Page 13 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services The Available Balance Function is an inquiry only function that allows users to view cash, release and allotment balances. To access the function, the operator should type "AB" in the TYPE field at the bottom of any FLAIR screen and depress the ENTER key. The Available Balance Inquiry Screen as shown below will display. Available Balance Inquiry Screen 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ABMU AVAILABLE BALANCE INQUIRY L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 95 EO VR GAAFR FUND BUDGET ENTITY APPROP YEAR OBJECT GRANT STATE FUND IBI AU CURRENT YEAR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 07/19/02 CONTRACT 14:22:51 PROJECT FUND IDENTIFIER APPROP CATEGORY CFI PRIOR YEAR FUND CASH FUND RELEASE ORGANIZATION CASH ALLOTMENT GRANT FUND CASH CONTRACT FUND CASH GRANT ALLOTMENT CONTRACT ALLOTMENT PROJECT CASH PROJECT ALLOTMENT TYPE SEL Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10—PF11--PF12--CONT MAIN RFRSH Procedures for using the Available Balance Inquiry screen are described below. 1. On lines 5 - 9, the operator will enter the appropriate data under the following field titles. ORGANIZATION Organization Level at which the requested balances are maintained on the Available Balance File; L1 is always required; L2 - L5 required when inquiring into Organization Cash, Allotments, Grant Allotments, Contract Allotments, and Project Allotments. EO Expansion Option; optional. VR Expansion Option Version; optional. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 6 Page 14 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services *OBJECT Object Code; optional. GRANT Required when inquiring into Grant Fund Cash and/or Grant Allotments; otherwise, optional. GY Grant Year; optional. CONTRACT Required when inquiring into Contract Fund Cash and/or Contract Allotments; otherwise, optional. CY Contract Year; optional. PROJECT ID Required when inquiring into Project Fund Cash and/or Project Allotments; otherwise, optional. GAAFR FUND Optional. STATE FUND Optional. FUND IDENTIFIER Optional; defaults to '000001' if left blank. BUDGET ENTITY Optional. IBI Optional. *APPROPRIATION CATEGORY Optional. YEAR INDICATOR Defaults to '00' if left blank. *Note: Object Code or Category is required when inquiring into Releases, Allotments, Grant Allotments, Contract Allotments and Project Allotments. CFI Certified Forward Indicator; must equal 'C' if used. AGENCY UNIQUE Optional; required if balances for Allotments and Organization Cash are maintained with an AU Code. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 6 Page 15 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services If EO, VR, and OBJECT are entered, GF, SF, FID, BE, and IBI need not be entered since this information will be retrieved from the Expansion Option record. If EO, VR, OBJECT and GF, SF, FID, BE, and IBI are entered, the GF, SF, FID, BE, and IBI on the Expansion Option (EO) record must agree with the GF, SF, FID, BE, and IBI entered on the screen. If GF, SF, FID, BE, and IBI are entered, then Fund information only will be retrieved. Note: If the inquiry is made using EO, VR, and OBJECT, allotment inquiries will be made at the organization level designated by the Allotment Level Default Indicator carried on the Expansion record. 2. On lines 12 - 21, the operator will enter an 'X' (next to the number(s) 1-10) to display the desired balance(s). The balances which may be inquired on are listed below: 1. Fund Cash 6.Contract Fund Cash 2. Fund Release 7. Grant Allotment 3. Organization Cash 8. Contract Allotment 4. Allotment 9. Project Cash 5. Grant Fund Cash 10. Project Allotment 3. On line 22, the operator may enter the appropriate TYPE, and SEL codes, or use the PF keys to transfer to a different screen. Any valid Transaction Type and Selection Code is acceptable. The only valid PF functions for this screen are PF 4, which returns the Main Accounting Menu Screen, and PF 5, which will refresh the screen. 4. After completing the AB Inquiry screen as described above, if no request is made on line 22, the operator will depress the ENTER key and the Available Balance Inquiry Screen as shown on the next page will display with the requested Current Year and Prior Year Balances. 5. To make a new inquiry into other balances, the operator may type over the data in lines 5 - 21 with the new request data and depress the ENTER key. Or, to make a new inquiry, the operator may depress the PF5 key to refresh (clear) the screen and begin the new inquiry as described beginning with procedure #1 above. Available Balance Checking is an optional edit that rejects transactions that would create negative balances on the Available Balance File. Please refer to chapter 7 of the FLAIR Procedures Manual for details about this feature. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 6 Page 16 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services Available Balance Inquiry Screen 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ABMU AVAILABLE BALANCE INQUIRY L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 95 10 22 32 213 GAAFR FUND BUDGET ENTITY APPROP YEAR EO AA VR 02 20 95200000 00 OBJECT 231000 07/19/02 GRANT G2175 STATE FUND IBI AU CONTRACT 44444 2 00 X X X X FUND CASH FUND RELEASE ORGANIZATION CASH ALLOTMENT GRANT FUND CASH CONTRACT FUND CASH GRANT ALLOTMENT CONTRACT ALLOTMENT PROJECT CASH PROJECT ALLOTMENT PROJECT FUND IDENTIFIER APPROP CATEGORY CFI CURRENT YEAR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 14:24:47 020101 040000 PRIOR YEAR 117,654.20 34,368.79 25,725.15 33,755.00 TYPE SEL Enter-PF1---PF2---PF3---PF4---PF5---PF6---PF7---PF8---PF9---PF10—PF11--PF12--CONT MAIN RFRSH Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 6 Page 17 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services CHAPTER 7 CONTRACTS AND GRANTS ACCOUNTING CYCLE The Department of the Treasury is entering its first operating year of funding with a Commemorative Coins Minting Grant. The financial terms for this grant are a 50/50 matching funds agreement where 50% of grant operations are funded from the General Revenue fund and 50% from the Commemorative Coins Minting Trust Fund. The Department of the Treasury has been awarded $300,000 for this grant, $100,000 annually for a period of three years. As of June 30 of the first year of operations, a Trial Balance of Grant Funds is as follows: DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY COMMEMORATIVE COINS MINTING TRUST FUND POST CLOSING TRIAL BALANCE JUNE 30, YYYY Account Dr. 12100 - Unreleased Cash in State Treasury 17500 - Finished Goods 31100 - Accounts Payable 54900 - Fund Balance Unreserved 55900 - Other Fund Balance Reserved Total $18,230 Cr. $ 22,500 2,300 15,930 22,500 $40,730 $40,730 NOTE: The following beginning balance entries must be made in the agency's accounting records and are based on the agency's Post Closing Trial Balance. Any Transaction 10 or 20 entries (beginning balances and other) should include an appropriate Flow-Through Indicator (FT). Flow-Through indicator values are: 0 - update GL Master only 2 - update both GL and Grant Masters 3 - update Grant Master only Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 7 Page 1 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services The accounting entries necessary and the transaction types needed to record the beginning balances for the trial balance example given on page 1 are as follows. TR (1) Type 10 Account Number and Title 12100 17500 54900 55900 Unreleased Cash in Treasury Finished Goods Fund Balance Unreserved Other Fund Balance Reserved DR CR $18,230 22,500 18,230 22,500 To record General Ledger and Grants General Ledger beginning balances. When using a TR10, a Flow-Through Indicator = 2 must be used to create an entry on both general ledgers. TR (2) Type Account Number and Title 80 54900 - Fund Balance Unreserved 31100 - Accounts Payable DR CR $ 2,300 $ 2,300 To record beginning Accounts Payable balance. When entering this transaction, the operator will record the entry on both the General Ledger and Grants General Ledger by using an appropriate grant number in the GRANT field. The following entries represent other fiscal activities occurring during the course of the fiscal year and the accounting entries required to record those activities. (1) The agency is appropriated $100,000 in the trust fund by the Legislature. (These appropriations are based on $100,000 of estimated grant revenue.) TR Type 21 Account Number and Title 81400 99100 Est. Non-State Grants Budgetary Fund Balance DR $100,000 $100,000 To record estimated revenue in General Ledger and Grants General Ledger. When using a TR21, a Flow-Through Indicator = 2 must be used to create an entry on both General Ledgers. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 CR Chapter 7 Page 2 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services TR Type 21 Account Number and Title 99100 91100 Budgetary Fund Balance Appropriations DR CR $100,000 $100,000 To record legislative appropriations in General Ledger and Grants General Ledger. When using a TR21, a Flow-Through Indicator = 2 must be used to create an entry on both general ledgers. (2) The Executive Office of the Governor allocates $100,000. TR Type 21 Account Number and Title 91200 92100 Appropriations, Allocated Approved Budget DR CR $100,000 $100,000 To record E.O.G. approved budget in General Ledger and Grants General Ledger. When using a TR21, a Flow-Through Indicator = 2 must be used to create an entry on both general ledgers. (3) The agency allots for the fiscal year. TR Type 20 Account Number and Title 92300 93200 Budget Allotted, C&G Subsystem Allotments, C&G Subsystem DR CR $100,000 $100,000 To record agency allotments in the Grants General Ledger. To make an entry in the Grants General Ledger only, a FlowThrough Indicator = 3 must be used. (4) The Executive Office of the Governor releases appropriations of $100,000. TR Type 22 Account Number and Title 12200 12100 Released Cash in State Treasury Unreleased Cash in State Treasury DR CR $100,000 $100,000 To record EOG Releases in General Ledger and Grants General Ledger. A Flow-Through Indicator = 2 must be used to make an entry into both General Ledgers. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 7 Page 3 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services (5) A Letter of Credit draw of $100,000 is recorded in the agency's records. TR Type 30 Account Number and Title 12100 61400 Unreleased Cash in State Treasury Non-State Grants DR CR $100,000 $100,000 TR30 entries update the FLAIR General Ledger Master File, the Grants Master File and the Letter of Credit Subsidiary when the LOC indicator field is marked with an “X”, and a grant containing a LOC record on the Grant Information record is entered on the transaction. (6) Cash was disbursed for payment of invoices totaling $ 350 for grant expenses. TR Type 51 Account Number and Title 71100 12200 Expenditures, Current Released Cash in State Treasury DR CR $175 $175 To record 50% of cash disbursements from grant funds. Using an appropriate grant number in the GRANT field will record the item on the General Ledger and Grants General Ledger. TR Type 51 Account Number and Title 71100 12200 Expenditures, Current Released Cash in State Treasury DR CR $175 $175 To record 50% of cash disbursement from funds other than grant funds. No grant number is entered for this disbursement. Will record an entry on the General Ledger only. (7) An expense refund of $50 for employee travel was received for which a receivable was not established. TR Type 30 Account Number and Title 12200 71100 Released Cash in State Treasury Expenditures, Current Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 DR CR $25 $25 Chapter 7 Page 4 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services To record 50% of employee travel expense refund which was originally disbursed from grant funds. A grant number will be entered in the GRANT field when recording this entry to record this refund on the General Ledger and the Grants General Ledger. TR Type 30 Account Number and Title 12200 71100 Released Cash in State Treasury Expenditures, Current DR CR $25 $25 To record 50% of employee travel expense refund which was originally disbursed from funds other that grant funds. A grant number is not used when recording this transaction and the entry will be recorded on the General Ledger only. (8) $10,000 of grant funds should be encumbered which will be distributed to contractors. TR Type 60 Account Number and Title 94100 98100 distribution of grant funds. A General Ledger and the Grants a valid grant number in the this transaction. An encumbered disbursement of $10,000 is made to distribute grant funds to a contractor. TR Type 70 CR Encumbrances $10,000 Bdgt. Fd Balance Reserved for Encum. $10,000 To record encumbrances for record will be made on the General Ledger by entering GRANT field when recording (9) DR Account Number and Title 71100 12200 98100 94100 DR CR Expenditures, Current $10,000 Released Cash in State Treasury $10,000 Bdgt. Fd. Balance Reserved for Encum. $10,000 Encumbrances $10,000 To record an encumbered disbursement for distribution of grant funds. Using a valid grant number in the GRANT field when making this disbursement will record all accounting entries in both the General Ledger and Grants General Ledger. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 7 Page 5 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services After all transactions for the fiscal year have been recorded, a Contracts and Grants Subsystem trial balance of Commemorative Coins Minting Grant Funds is produced. An example of how that trial balance may appear is given below. PRE-CLOSING TRIAL BALANCE COMMEMORATIVE COINS MINTING TRUST FUND JUNE 30, YYYY C&G Subsystem (Grant#=XXXXX) FLAIR Gen. Ledger Dr. Dr. 12100 Unrel. Cash in State Treasury $18,230 12200 Rel. Cash in State Treasury 89,850 17500 Finished Goods 22,500 31100 Accounts Payable 54900 Fund Balance Unreserved 55900 Other Fund Balance Reserved 61400 Non-State Grants 71100 Expenditures, Current 10,150 81400 Estimated Non-State Grants 100,000 91100 Appropriations 91200 Appropriations, Allocated 100,000 92100 Approved Budget 92300 Budg. Allot. C&G Subsystem 100,000 93200 Allotments, C&G Subsystem Total Cr. $ $18,230 Cr. $ 89,700 22,500 2,300 15,930 2,300 15,930 22,500 100,000 22,500 100,000 10,300 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 $440,730 $440,730 $440,730 $440,730 Note: The Contracts and Grants Subsystem is affected by automated closing. The Year-To-Date fields on the Grants Master File and the FLAIR Master file are closed at year-end. The Life -To-Date fields contain amounts for the life of the grant or contract. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 7 Page 6 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services CHAPTER 8 CONTRACTS AND GRANTS - REPORTS The standard reports created for contracts, grants, and projects are scheduled by the agency, as desired, through the Report Request Function (RP). The RP function may be accessed from the FLAIR Main Accounting Menu. The RP Function is used to request other FLAIR reports as well as Contracts and Grants Subsystem reports. The user tells the system in the RP Function how often certain reports should be automatically produced, what reports should be processed by immediate request and what time period these reports should cover. (See Chapter 21 of the FLAIR Procedures Manual for detailed information about the RP function.) Below is a list of Standard Reports (most of which are created specifically for Contracts, Grants or Projects.) These reports are requested from the State Standard Report Library (Logon: N000STD) through the Report Requests (RP) Function: 1. DCGR01 - Daily Detail Journal by Fund Sort: L2, Fund, GL, Cat, CFI, PDN Parameter required to schedule report for prior day. Input date desired (MMDDYY) and 'as of' date (MMDDYYYY). 2. DCGR02 - C & G Master File Listing Sort: Fund, GL 3. DCGR03 - Letter of Credit Receipt and Expenditure Report Sort: LOC No., Grant 4. DCGR04 - Merged C & G Detail Journal by Fund Sort: L2, Fund, GL, Cat, CFI, PDN 5. DCGR06 - Grant Information File Listing Sort: Grant 6. DCGR07G - Trial Balance by Grant within Fund Sort: Fund, Grant, CFI, GL, Cat 7. DCGR08G - Trial Balance by Grant within Fund LTD Sort: L2, Fund, Grant, CFI, GL, Cat 8. DCGR010 - Grant Amendments Listing Sort: Grant Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 8 Page 1 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services 9. DCGR11 - This is a listing of Federal Grants with invalid Federal Catalog Numbers or Grant Type Combinations on the Grant Information File Sort: Grant Number. Parameter will limit Report to Grant Type (A1) Input. 10. DCGR081 - Schedule of Allotment Balance by Grant/Fund Sort: Fund, Grant, CFI, CAT, Object 11. DCGR082 - Schedule of Allotment Balance by Grant/Org Sort: Grant, CFI, CAT, Object 12. DCGR083 - Schedule of Allotment Balance by Grant/Fund LTD Sort: Fund, Grant, CFI, CAT, Object 13. DCGR084 - Schedule of Allotment Balance by Grant/Org LTD Sort: Grant, CFI, CAT, Object 14. DCIR01 - Listing of the Contract Information File Sort: Contract Number Parameter: Positions 1-5 Beginning Contract Number, Positions 6-10 Ending Contract Number. If left blank will print entire Contract Information File. 15. DCIR02 - Listing of the Contract Amendment File Sort: Contract Number, Amendment, Amendment Line Parameter: Positions 1-5 Beginning Contract Number, Positions 6-10 Ending Contract Number. If left blank will print entire Contract Information File. 16. DCTR07 - Trial Balance by Contract within Fund Sort: Fund, CNTRT, CFI, GL, CAT 17. DCTR08 - Trial Balance by Contract within Fund Sort: Fund, CNTRT, CFI, GL, CAT 18. DCTR10 - Listing of Contracts on General Ledger Master that do not have a matching record on the Contract Information File Sort: Contract 19. DCTR071 - Schedule of Allotment Balances by Contract within Fund Sort: Fund, CNTRT, CFI, CAT, OBJ Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 8 Page 2 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services 20. DCTR072 - Schedule of Allotment Balances by Contract within Fund Sort: CNTRT, CFI, CAT, OBJ 21. DCTR073 - Schedule of Allotment Balances by Contract within Fund, LTD Sort: Fund, CNTRT, CFI, CAT, OBJ 22. DCTR074 - Schedule of Allotment Balances by Contract within Org, LTD Sort: CNTRT, CFI, CAT, OBJ 23. DDMR01 - Director/Manager File Listing by Number Sort: Key Parameters: Parameter Date (6 numeric), Beginning Name (9 alpha), Ending ID Number (9 alpha) 24. DDMR02 - Director/Manager File Listing by Name Sort: Name, ID Number Parameters: Parameter Date (6 numeric), Beginning Name (9 alpha), Ending Name (9 alpha) 25. DMAR082 - Schedule of Allotment Balances by Grant within Fund. Sort: L2, Fund(19), Grant, Cat, Object, CFI 26. DMARG01 – Trial Balance by Grant within Fund LTD Sort: Fund, Grant, CFI, GL, Category 27. DPJR01 - Listing of the Project Information File Sort: Project Number Parameter: Positions 1-11 beginning Project Number 28. DPJR02 - Listing of the Project Amendment File Sort: Project Number, Amendment, Amendment Line Parameter: Positions 1-11, Beginning Project Number Positions 12-22 Ending Project Number 29. DPJR07 - Trial Balance by Project within Fund Sort: Fund, Project, CFI, GL, Cat 30. DPJR08 - Trial Balance by Project within Fund LTD Sort: Fund, Project, CFI, GL, Cat Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 8 Page 3 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services 31. DPJR10 32. DPJR071 – Schedule of Allotment Balances by Project within Fund Sort: Fund, Project, CFI, Cat, Object 33. DPJR072 – Schedule of Allotment Balances by Project within ORG Sort: Project, CFI, Cat, Object 34. DPJR073 – Schedule of Allotment Balances by Project within Fund LTD Sort: Fund, Project, CFI, Cat, Object 35. DPJR074 – Schedule of Allotment Balances by Project within ORG, LTD Sort: Project, CFI, Cat, Object 36. DTIR03 - Grant Listing Sort: Grant 37. DTIR07 - Contracts Listing Sort: Contract Effective Date October 1, 2003 - Listing of Project records on the General Ledger Master that do not have a matching Project Information Record Sort: Project Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Chapter 8 Page 4 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services APPENDIX CONTRACTS, GRANTS, AND PROJECT INFORMATION FILE DATA CODE DICTIONARY ACCOUNT CODE - 29 digit FLAIR Account Code that is used in conjunction with contract and project correlation’s; 29 numeric. ACREAGE - Number of Acres involved in a particular project; 5.3 numeric. (99999.999). ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION FILE OVERRIDE INDICATOR (ADO) – Override the failed Account Description File edits on a TR11; “X” is valid input. ADMINISTRATIVE MONITORING COMPLETED DATE - Agency Code; 8 numeric. ADMINISTRATIVE MONITORING CORRECTIVE ACTION DUE DATE - Agency Code; 8 numeric. ADMINISTRATIVE MONITORING CORRECTIVE ACTION REC/APP DATE Agency code; 8 numeric. ADMINISTRATIVE MONITORING EXCLUSION - Agency Code, if input edited against the Title File; 2 alphanumeric. ADMINISTRATIVE MONITORING SCHEDULED DATE – Agency Code; 8 numeric. AGENCY PROJECT DIRECTOR (APD) - The agency assigned code to denote the director of a project; 9 alphanumeric. AGENCY PROJECT NUMBER (PROJECT NUM) – Agency-assigned number which identifies a project; 11 alphanumeric. AGENCY UNIQUE - Assigned by the user agency as an optional data code, can be used to further sub-classify the organization code; carried on Access Control File, Expansion File, and Title File; 2 alphanumeric. AGENCY USE - These consist of fields varying in length on the Contract, Grant, and Project Information Files. To be used for whatever purpose the agency deems necessary. Contracts – fields 1 & 2: 60 A/N, fields 3-12: 6 A/N. Grants – all fields 60 A/N. Projects – fields 1 & 2: 60 A/N, field 3: 15 A/N, fields 4 & 5: 10 A/N, fields 6-10: 5 A/N. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Appendix Page 1 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services AMENDMENT AMOUNT (AMEND AMOUNT, AMENDED AMOUNT) - This is the amount of the change being recorded to a contract, grant, or project. (9999999999.99). AMENDMENT DATE - This is the date of the change being recorded to a contract or grant; 8 numeric. AMENDMENT NUMBER (AMEND, AMD) – Agency-assigned sequential number which identifies a change to a contract, grant, or project; 3 alphanumeric for grants and contracts, 4 alphanumeric for projects. AMENDMENT STATUS – Agency-assigned field denoting the current stage of a contract or grant at the time of a change; 2 alphanumeric. AMOUNT – Amendment amount or transaction amount. ARCHITECT/ENGINEER CONTRACT LET (ARCH/END CNTRT LET) - Indicator to identify if the project involves a bid for services; valid input Y = yes, N = No, if not used defaults to O. ARCHITECT/ENGINEER VENDOR ID (NUMBER) - Identifies the architect/engineer that will receive payment for this project; edited against the Vendor File, 14 alphanumeric. AVAILABLE CASH BALANCE - The total Letter of Credit amount less total Disbursements and total Payables; 10.2 numeric. (-9999999999.99) AVAILABLE GRANT/CONTRACT BALANCE - The total Cash and Available Letter of Credit balance less total outstanding Encumbrances; 10.2 numeric. (-9999999999.99). AVAILABLE LETTER OF CREDIT AMOUNT - The total Letter of Credit amount less the total draws; 10.2 numeric. (-9999999999.99). BEGINNING DATE (BEG DATE, BEGIN DATE) - The beginning date of a contract or grant designated by the funding agency; 8 numeric. BEGINNING PROPERTY ITEM NUMBER (BPIN) - Refers to the sequential number that identifies a property item; 8 alphanumeric; 1st 2 characters alphanumeric; last 6 characters numeric. BILLING CODE - Specifies federal or non-federal participation; edited against the title file, 1 numeric. BUDGET ENTITY - The organization and/or function to which appropriations are made. Any valid Budget Entity on the Title File is acceptable; 8 numeric. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Appendix Page 2 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services CAPPED GRANT - A code to identify whether or not a grant is funded for a maximum amount; 1 alphanumeric. Recommended Codes: Y = Yes N = No CERTIFIED FORWARD INDICATOR - This field is used to indicate items that will be paid from certified funds. (Items paid in the current year with the prior year’s funds.) “C” is the only acceptable value in this field; 1 alphanumeric. CFDA (CATALOG OF FEDERAL DOMESTIC ASSISTANCE, FEDERAL CATALOG # FED CAT #) - Federal catalog of domestic assistance number; 6 alphanumeric. (99.999). CNTRT EVAL - Agency Codes denoting quality of services performed; edited against the Title File; 2 alphanumeric. CNTRT MGR ID - Identifies the Manager of the Contract; edited against the Direct/Manager File; 9 alphanumeric. COMPL. AUDIT - Specifies compliance audit requirements; edited against the Title File; 1 alphanumeric. COMPL. AUDIT DATE - The date the compliance audit was received; 8 numeric. CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT - Identifies if a construction contract is being used for a project; valid input Y = yes, N = no and defaults to O if not used. CONTACT) - The name of the contact person for a specific contract; 29 alphanumeric. CONTACT PHONE NUMBER - The phone number of the contact person; 10 numeric. (999) 999-9999) CONTRACT (NUMBER) - An agency-assigned code to identify specific contracts; 5 alphanumeric. CONTRACTOR VENDOR IDS (NUMBER) - Identifies those vendors that are contractors for a project; edited against the Vendor File, 13 alphanumeric for SPURS Vendor File users, 14 alphanumeric for regular vendor file users. CONTRACT DOCUMENT NUMBER - An identifying code assigned by the contracting agency; 31 alphanumeric. CONTRACT STATUS (CS) – Agency-assigned field to denote the current stage of a contract; edited against the Title File; 2 alphanumeric. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Appendix Page 3 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services CONTRACT TOTAL CORRELATED AMOUNT – Total amount of contract correlated to account codes. CONTRACT TYPE - Agency assigned field which denotes the type of contract; edited against the Title File; 2 alphanumeric. CONTRACT YEAR (CY) - An agency assigned code that corresponds to the ending fiscal year of the contract; 2 numeric. CONTRACTOR FY END - The ending date of the contractor’s fiscal year end; 8 numeric. CONTRACTOR (NUMBER) (VENDOR IDS) - The vendor ID number for the contractor; edited against the appropriate Vendor File; 21 alphanumeric. CONTRACTOR’S NAME - The name of the company/agency receiving the contract; 31 alphanumeric. CORRELATED ACCOUNT CODES - 29 digit FLAIR Account Codes that are used in conjunction with a project; 29 numeric. CORRELATED AMOUNT - An amount to be used for a project from a specific correlated account (fund); 13.2 numeric. (9999999999999.99). CORRELATED CONTRACTS - Identifies those contracts that work together with a particular project; edited against the Title File; 5 alpha-numeric. COUNT - Property Item Counter; the number of property items purchased; 4 numeric. COUNTY- Identifies the county that the project is in; edited against the Title File, 2 numeric. CSFA (CATALOG OF STATE FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE, CSFA#) - State Catalog number; 6 numeric. (999999). CURRENT BILLING (CUR BILLING) - A code which specifies federal or non-federal participation for a contract or grant; 1 alphanumeric. Recommended Codes: 1 = Federal Participation 2 = Non-Federal Participation DATE ADVERTISED (DATE ADV.) - Date agency advertised for bids on contract. 8 numeric. DATE AWARDED - Date contract was given; 8 numeric. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Appendix Page 4 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services DATE EXECUTED - The date that the contractor starts work on the project; 8 numeric. DATE LET - Date the agency let bids out (after advertising); let out specifications of contract; 8 numeric. DEPARTMENT of GENERAL SERVICES APPROVAL NUMBER (DGS NUMBER) The DGS (Dept. of Management Services) assigned approval number that is required for each single source procurement; 6 alphanumeric. DEPOSIT NUMBER (DEP-N0) - The number assigned by an agency when recording a receipt entry (e.g., Letter of Credit Receipts); 6 alphanumeric. DESCRIPTION – Agency use for describing the item being recorded. DGS DELEGATED - Identifies if this project is delegated from Department of General Services (Department of Management Services); valid input Y = yes, N = no and defaults to “O” if not used. DIRECTOR’S NAME - The name of the director of a contract or grant; 31 alphanumeric. DOCUMENT NO. (DOC-NO) – Agency-assigned number. DRAWS BEG BAL - The beginning balance for draws against a Letter of Credit; 10.2 numeric. (- 9999999999.99). ELECTRONIC MAIL ADDRESS – Record the e-mail address of the Director/Manager (10 alphanumeric). ELECTRONIC MAIL ID NUMBER – Record the e-mail identification number of the Director/Manager (10 alphanumeric). EMER. CERT DATE - The date the retroactive certification was signed; 8 numeric. ENDING DATE (END DATE) - The ending date of a contract or grant designated by the funding agency; 8 numeric. FAX – Telephone number of facsimile machine of the Director/Manager (10 alphanumeric). FEDERAL CATALOG # (FED CAT #) - Federal catalog of domestic assistance number; 6 alphanumeric. (99.999). FEDERAL DOLLARS - The amount of money from the federal government for a particular contract; 12.2 numeric. FINAL EXP REPORT - Indicates whether or not the final expenditure report has been received; valid input Y = yes, N = no. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Appendix Page 5 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services FLOW – THROUGH (FT) - A code to indicate to which general ledger(s) grant accounting records are to be recorded. 1 numeric; defaults to 0. Acceptable FT Codes: 0 = Update GL Master only (default) 2 = Update both GL and Grants Masters 3 = Update Grants Master only FORCE ACCOUNT (FORCE ACCT) - Denotes if an outside labor force is being used for the project; valid input Y = yes, N = no and defaults to O if not used. FUND IDENTIFIER (FID) – Identifies a particular fund within a state fund type. Must be titled on the Title File; 6 numeric. GAAFR FUND TYPE (GF) - Indicates fund classification according to Governmental Accounting, Auditing, and Financial Reporting (GAAFR); 2 numeric. GRANT - An agency assigned code to identify a specific grant; 5 alphanumeric. GRANT DOCUMENT NUMBER - An identifying code assigned by the Grantor; 31 alphanumeric. GRANT MATCHING - The percentage of grantor participation designated by the funding agency; 5 numeric. (999.99). GRANT TYPE - A code identifying the kind of grant; 1 alphanumeric. Acceptable Codes: C F O N = = = = Federal Grant (FED CAT # known) Federal Grant (FED CAT # unknown) Other Federal Grant Non-Federal Grant GRANT YEAR (GY) - An agency-assigned code that corresponds to the ending fiscal year of the grant; 2 numeric. GRANTOR’S NAME - Name of the agency issuing the grant; 31 alphanumeric. ID NUMBER – The Director or Manager’s identification number; 9 numeric. INTERNAL BUDGET INDICATOR (IBI) - Used by the State Chief Financial Officer to identify breakdowns of appropriations beyond that of the EOG and the Legislative System. If IBI is left blank it defaults to "00". Any two digit number which the Chief Financial Officer and the organization may assign is acceptable; 2 numeric. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Appendix Page 6 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services INDIRECT COST BASE - The type of cost to which the indirect cost rate will be applied; 2 alphanumeric. Recommended Codes: 1 = Salaries & Benefits 2 = All categories except equipment and renovations 3 = All categories except equipment, renovations, and contracts 4 = Total Federal Expenditures INDIRECT COST RATE - The percentage to be applied to federal participation charging overhead to the grant; 5 numeric. (999.99). INDIRECT COST TYPE - Identifies the type of indirect cost specified by a grant; 2 alphanumeric. Recommended Codes: 1 - Fixed 2 - Approved 3 - Other INVENTORY DATE - The date that the inventory was taken; 8 numeric. INVENTORY REQUIRED - Denotes if an inventory is required for a particular contract; valid input, Y = yes, N = no; 1 alphanumeric. LETTER OF CREDIT (LOC) - A method of funding grants that authorizes the grantee to draw up to a certain sum on the issuing bank or agency. LETTER OF CREDIT NUMBER (LOC#) - The number assigned by the funding agency; 15 alphanumeric. LINE (LN) – The line number of the amendment. LOCAL MATCHING - The percentage of local participation required as a condition of the funding agency; 5 numeric. (999.99). LONG TITLE - The unabbreviated title of a contract, grant or project; up to 48 alphanumeric. MAINTENANCE OF EFFORT (MAINT EFFORT) - A code to indicate that the state must maintain its percentage of participation as a condition of the grant; Acceptable input is an "X"; 1 alphanumeric. MANAGER’S NAME - The name of the manager of a grant; 31 alphanumeric. MATCHING AMT - The amount of money that is given by a federal agency towards a particular contract; 12.2 numeric (999999999999.99). Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Appendix Page 7 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services MATCHING FUNDS - Denotes whether or not funds are being matched from the federal government; valid input: Y = yes, N = no; 1 alphanumeric. METHOD OF PAYMENT (METHOD OF PAY) - A code to identify how funds are received, edited against the Title File; 1 alphanumeric. Recommended Codes: 1 = Reimbursement 2 = Fixed Price 3 = Advance METHOD OF PROCUREMENT - A code required by General Services to identify the type of procurement used in a contract, edited against the Title File; 1 alphanumeric. Recommended Codes: 1 2 3 4 5 = = = = = Single Source Competitive Bid Request for Proposal Emergency Exemption MINORITY VENDOR - A code identifying the minority vendor requirements of a contract or grant; 1 alphanumeric. Recommended Codes: 1 = Minority Vendor 2 = No Minority Vendor 3 = Mixed Requirements MV REQUIREMENTS - Denotes whether or not there are minority vendor requirements for a contract; valid input: Y = yes, N = no and defaults to “O” if not used. NAME – The name of the Director/Manager; 31 alphanumeric. ORIGINAL FUNDING SOURCE (OFS) – denotes the original source of the funds, must be titled on Title File; 1 alphanumeric. ORGANIZATION CODES - These codes signify the department, division, bureau, section and subsection of an agency; edited against the title file, 11 numeric. ORIGINAL AMOUNT - The original amount of a contract, grant, or project; 10.2 numeric (13.2 numeric for a project). ORIGINAL FUND SOURCE (OFS) - Denotes from where the funds were originally derived; edited against the Title File, 1 alphanumeric. OTHER PROJECT NUMBER (OTHER PROJ NUMBER) - Agency assigned to represent another project of the agency; 8 alphanumeric. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Appendix Page 8 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services OUTCOME MEASURES - Denotes if outcome measures were determined during contract negotiations; valid input: Y = yes, N = no. PROCUREMENT APPROVAL - Approval number for procurement; 5 alphanumeric. PROGRAM APPROVED (PROG APPROVED) - Indicates whether or not the program has approval; valid input: Y = yes, N = no and defaults to O if not used. PROGRAM MONITORING COMPLETED DATE - Agency code; 8 numeric. PROGRAM MONITORING CORRECTIVE ACTION - Agency code; valid input Y = yes, N = no. PROGRAM MONITORING CORRECTIVE ACTION ACTUAL DATE - Agency code; 8 numeric. PROGRAM MONITORING CORRECTIVE ACTION DUE DATE - Agency code; 8 numeric. PROGRAM MONITORING EXCLUSION - Agency code, edited against the Title File; 2 alphanumeric. PROGRAM MONITORING SCHEDULED DATE - Agency code; 8 numeric. PROJECT STATUS - The stage of this particular project; edited against the title file, 2 alphanumeric. PROJECT TYPE (PROJ TYPE) - Agency assigned code to designate a type of project; edited against the Title File, 2 alphanumeric. PROTESTED - An indicator that allows for an analysis of the number of bids protested; 1 alphanumeric. PURCHASE COMPLETED (PURCH COMPL) - Indicates whether or not the purchasing for the project is completed; valid input” Y = yes, N = no and defaults to O if not used. PY CONTRACT - Allows for the reference of a prior year contract; edited against the Title File, 5 alphanumeric. RECIPIENT TYPE – Code indicating to whom grant or contract funds are dispensed. Used in conjunction with CFDA or CSFA; 1 alphanumeric. REPORT DATE - The date on which periodic reports are submitted; 8 numeric. (MMDDYYYY). Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Appendix Page 9 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services REPORT REQUIREMENT - A code identifying the reporting requirements of a grant; 1 alphanumeric. Recommended Codes: M = Monthly Q = Quarterly Y = Yearly SAI NUMBER - The number assigned by the state clearinghouse to an application for federal funding; 10 alphanumeric. SERVICE AREA - Indicates geographic groupings, edited against the Title File; 2 alphanumeric. SERVICE TYPE - Identifies the type of service to be performed by a contract or grant; edited against the State Standard Title File, 6 alphanumeric. SHORT TITLE - The abbreviated title of a contract, grant or project; 10 alphanumeric. STATE CATALOG NUMBER – Catalog of State Financial Assistance, CSFA #; 6 numeric. STATE FUND TYPE (SF) – Indicates the fund’s classification according to Florida Statutes, Section 215.32; 1 numeric. STATE MATCHING - The percentage of state participation required as a condition of the funding agency; 5 numeric. (999.99). STATEWIDE DOCUMENT NUMBER (STATE-DOC, STATEWIDE DOC-NO) - Chief Financial Officer’s voucher or receipt number assigned by the system; 11 alphanumeric. STATUS (SC) - Indicates what action is being taken when updating a file; 1 alphanumeric. Acceptable values displayed or entered in SC field: A - added but never used (Grants Information File Only) A - active record (Contract and/or Project Information File) U - used (Grants Information File Only) I - inactive D - deleted C - closed STATUS CHANGE DATE - The date that the status was changed on a particular contract; 8 numeric. STATUS DATE - Date of current contract status; 8 numeric. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Appendix Page 10 FLAIR Contracts and Grants Manual Florida Department of Financial Services SUNCOM – The telephone number assigned by Department of Management Services; 7 alphanumeric. TIME – Any unit of time – days, weeks, months, or years. Used in the state program classification for measurement of program objectives through a product identifier; 9 numeric. TITLE FILE OVERRIDE INDICATOR (TFO) – Used to override the failed Title File edits on a TR11; “X” is valid input. TOTAL LOC AMOUNT - The total amount of a Letter of Credit; 10.2 numeric. (9999999999.99). TOTAL LETTER OF CREDIT DRAWS - The total amount of cash drawn down from a Letter of Credit; 10.2 numeric. (9999999999.99). TOTAL PROJECT AMOUNT (TOTAL PROJ AMT) - The total amount designated for a project, 13.2 numeric. (9999999999999.99). TRANSACTION DATE (TRN-DT) - The date entered for a transaction. If left blank, it defaults to the current date. 8 numeric (MMDDYYYY). TYPE APPROPRIATION (TYPE APPRO) - The specific type of appropriation used to fund a project, 2 alphanumeric. TYPE FUNDING - Identifies the source of funding for a contract; edited against the Title File, 1 alphanumeric. Recommended Codes: 1 = General Revenue 2 = Trust 3 = Combination of General Revenue and Trust 4 = Combination of General Revenue, Trust and Local Funding TYPE LOCAL MATCH - Identifies the type of local participation or matching; 1 alphanumeric. Recommended Codes: 1 = Cash Match 2 = In-Kind Match 3 = Certified Public Expenditure UNITS – quantitatively describes planned program activity in relation to a specified product identifier. Organizations will be able to compare the estimated number of units to accomplish the program objectives to the actual units used; 6 numeric. VENDOR NUMBER - Identifies persons or firms the organization makes payments to or receives payments from. Edited against the vendor file. 21 numeric for JT vendors; 14 alphanumeric for Regular Vendor File users; 13 alphanumeric for SPURS vendor file users; 10 alphanumeric for Employee and Client vendors. Effective Date October 1, 2003 Supersedes: January 7, 2003 Appendix Page 11