Conference Africa Brazil France to combat desertification in Africa


Under the High Patronage of His Excellency

Mister Issoufou MAHAMADOU

President of the Republic of Niger, Chef de l’État

Africa Brazil France

Tripartite Conference

to combat desertification in Africa

Palais des congrès,

Niamey, Republic of Niger

24-25 October 2011

Organized by

Institut de recherche pour le développement (IRD)

Panafrican Agency of the Great Green Wall (PAGGW)

Centro de Gestão e Estudos Estratégicos (CGEE)

With the support of

The Government of the Republic of Niger

Centro de Gestão e Estudos Estratégicos

Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação





Background and Objectives

In spite of political progress made in favour of sustainable development, effor ts devoted to combating global warming (to slow down its effects) and to developing adaptations (to lessen the consequences) are still insufficient. In the light of this, the Rio+20 Conference (UNCDS) and the

6 th  World Water Forum in 2012 together represent the best opportunity to catch and strengthen the international community’s interest in this question and, more particularly, concerning this conference, in the development of arid regions.

The Conference of Niamey is the result borne of cooperation between a continent, Africa, and two countries, Brazil and France. This tripartite venture was initiated during the international conference

Climate, Sustainability and Development in Semiarid Regions (ICID+18) at Fortaleza (Brazil) and then at the ICID+19 in Mendoza (Argentina). It is supported by three institutions which share the same concern for development in drylands:

PAGGW in Africa, the CGEE in Brazil and the IRD in

France. Science and Technology Cooperation agreements were also signed in 2011 between the

PAGGW and IRD on the one hand, and the CGEE and the IRD on the other.

The objective of the Niamey Conference is to propose and uphold recommendations to promote tangible, just and equitable sustainable development of arid and semi-arid regions of the African continent.

Contributors, scientists, institutional representatives and decision-makers will be asked to define ways and means for achieving that and to put forward recommendations that will provide input for a declaration entitled the “Declaration of Niamey”. This statement will reflect a collective determination for an appeal embracing social, economic, environmental, technical and political considerations to foster improvements in the well-being and livelihoods of the populations concerned.

The immediate aim of this declaration is to bring influence to bear on the agenda for Rio+20 by providing the United Nations Preparation Committee, by 1 st November 2011, with information to guide the course of creation of global, national and local scale instruments to support these regions’ efforts towards development. The long-term objective is to steer, by way of the institutions, Agencies and States, the ongoing and emerging policy-making processes aimed at devising proposals for the development of these regions. The three parties to the conference initiative will mark their commitment to this declaration by signing a resolution.

The international committee for the 6 th World Water

Forum, which will take place in Marseille in March

2012, has recognized the per tinence of this conference by including desertification as a theme to be covered in the ministerial round tables-of the 6 th

Forum. Our participation in this event in Marseille will mark another high point in our overall initiative.

Organization of Round Tables

The Niamey Conference is organized around four Round Tables each focusing on a theme connected with desertification: “Climate change, social policies and food security polic”, “Water and soil, resource management”, “Plants and soil microbial communities dynamics in contest of desertification” and “The regional dimension of drylands”.

A session Chair (Moderator), contributing speakers and a rapporteur will be selected within each round table. At the end of the session, a note compiling concise policy recommendations will be produced. It will take account of ongoing or planned national policies and programmes that include the objective of improving local people’s daily lives. This note will be passed on to the Declaration Drafting Committee which will elaborate a summary to provide input for the Declaration.

The Declaration of Niamey is intended to be a consensus document approved in plenary session on the final day of the Symposium.

All the documents resulting from this conference will be made available on a special site which can be reached from the AIRD web site (

Organization Committee (OC)


Michel Laurent

President, IRD (OC Chairman)

Abdoulaye Dia

PAGGW Executive Secretary (co-chairman)

Antonio Carlos Galvão

Director, CGEE, Brazil (co-chairman)


Abou Amani

Hydrologist, UNESCO Regional Bureau for Africa,


Gilles Bezançon

IRD Representative in Niger

Michel Bouvet

Executive Director - Agency, IRD, France

Georges De Noni

Regional coordinator of IRD for West and Central

Africa, Senegal

Bernard Dreyfus

Executive Director - Science, IRD, France

Richard Escadafal

Chairman of French Scientific Committee on Desertification (CSFD), IRD, France

Betina Ferraz Barbosa

Technical Adviser, CGEE, Brazil

Local Organization Comittee: created by department order on 21 June 2011.

Jean-Loup Guyot

IRD Representative in Brazil

Jean-Marc Hougard

Director, Strategy and Partnership Department (M2GP),

IRD, France

Alioune Kane

Director, EDEQUE, UCAD, Senegal

José Roberto de Lima

Technical Adviser, CGEE, Brazil

Amadou Hama Maïga

Deputy Director, International Institute for Water and

Environmental Engineering (2iE), Burkina Faso

Abdou Maisharou

Niger Focal Point for PAGGW, Niger

Mamadou Mamane

SG of Ministry for Hydraulic and Environment (MHE),


Amadou Moctar Niang

Executive Secretary Adviser, PAGGW, Senegal

Neya Oblé

Director, Research and Planning, MRSI, Burkina Faso

Antonio Rocha Magalhães

Director, ICID+18, CGEE, Brazil

Abakar Mahamat Zougoulou

Expert Assistant SE PAGGV, Tchad

Declaration Drafting Committee (DC)

Antonio Rocha Magalhães

(DC Chairman)

Director, ICID+18, CGEE, Brazil

Elena Maria Abraham

Director, IADIZA, Argentina

Betina Ferraz Barboza

Technical Adviser, CGEE, Brazil

Jean-Loup Guyot

IRD Representative in Brazil

Mamoudou Hamadou

ED for environment, Water and Forests. MHE, Niger

Amadou Moctar Niang

SG Adviser of PAGGW, Senegal

Serge Svizzero

Deputy Director, Strategy and Partnership Department

(M2GP), IRD,

Abakar Mahamat Zougoulou

Expert Assistant SE PAGGW, Tchad

Preliminary Programme

Monday 24 October

08.30 – 09.00

: Venue and registration of participants

09.00 – 09.30

: Opening Ceremony

• welcome speech by Madame the Governor of Niamey region

• welcome speech by Africa, Brazil and France representatives

• opening speech by His Excellency Monsieur Issoufou MAHAMADOU,

President of the Republic of Niger, Chef de l’État

09.30 – 10.30

: visit of the exposition “Sustainable development in drylands”

10.30 – 11.00

: opening lecture “UNCCD and Rio+20 process : towards sustainable development in drylands”

(M. N’Diaye)

11.00 – 11.30

: presentation of Fortaleza (A.R. Magalhães) and Mendoza (E.M. Abraham) declarations

11.30 – 12.00

: objectives of the conference by the international organization Comittee (M. Laurent, A. Dia, A.C. Galvão)

12.00 – 13.30

: lunch

13.30 – 15.00

: round table 1 “Climate change, social policies and food security policy”

(Moderator: A. C. Galvão - Discussants: I. Issaka & M. Ginawi)

15.00 – 16.30

: round table 2 “Water and soil, resource management”

(Moderator: A. Guéro - Discussants: P. Lavigne Delville & T. F. Dalvino)

16.30 – 17.00

: coffee break

17.00 – 18.30

: round table 3 “Plants and soil microbial communities dynamics in context of desertification”

(Moderator: G. I. Konate - Discussants: B. Dreyfus & E. Servat)

18.30 – 19.00

: report of round tables 1 and 2


: Gala dinner hosted by the Government of Niger

Tuesday 25 October

08.30 – 10.00

: round table 4 “The regional dimension of drylands”

(Moderator: T. Lebel - Discussants: E. Abraham & A. R. Magalhães)

10.00 - 10.30: coffee break

10.30 – 11.00

: report of round tables 3 et 4

12.00 – 13.30

: lunch

13.30 – 14.30

: adoption of the declaration

14.30 – 15.00

: adoption of the resolution by PAGGW, CGEE and IRD

Closing Ceremony

15.00 – 15.30

: closing session by the Minister for Hydraulic and Environment of Niger


: press conference


: cocktail hosted by French Embassy in Niger
