Rose Tree Media School District Glenwood Elementary School September 2, 2014

Rose Tree Media School District
Glenwood Elementary School
September 2, 2014
Dear Fifth Grade Parents,
On Tuesday, September 23, we will be starting Art Club. This after school club is for
fifth grade only. It will run from September 23 through December 16 and will meet every
Tuesday between 3:30 and 4:30 p.m. To join, students must have a desire to participate and
transportation home. We will be working on a variety of projects, including working with artist
and illustrator, Will Kirkpatrick, to create murals for the library. Please fill out the permission
slip below and have your son or daughter return it to me as soon as possible.
Mr. Sharp
I hereby give my son or daughter, _______________________________, permission to
join the art club from September 23 - December 16, 2013. I understand that it will end each
Tuesday afternoon at 4:30 p.m. I will pick up my son or daughter at that time.
Name of Person Designated to Pick Up Student
Phone Number