William Zachary Smith

William Zachary Smith
1731 South 41st Street Apt B
Wilmington, NC 28405
May, 2015
University of North Carolina Wilmington
Statistics (Major)
Mathematics (Minor)
Honor’s Thesis: Questionnaire Refinement in
Neuropsychological Assessments
[Supervisor: Dr. Cuixian Chen, Dr. Yishi Wang]
Overall GPA: 3.49
Major GPA: 3.75
Core Strengths
 Strong interpersonal communication, organizational and problem-solving skills with
strong leadership qualities and experience.
 Appreciation and motivation for applied learning and research.
 Experience with statistical programming by means of courses taken in the undergraduate
program along with applications in research.
 Excellent written and verbal communication skills obtained through means of research,
grant proposals, reflections and leadership positions.
 Expertise in the statistical software R, with basic competence in Excel, SAS, and Python.
 Passionate for, and experienced in, statistical learning, data mining and pattern
Academic Research (“^” indicates completed; “+” marks ongoing)
^ Smith, W.Z. (2014, May) Can Computer Algorithms Guess Your Age and Gender?
An independent study under the supervision of Dr. Cuixian Chen that evaluated
the accuracy of two well-known classification algorithms in facial recognition:
Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) and Mixture Discriminant Analysis (MDA).
These classifiers were applied to an archive of Active Appearance Models
(AAM(s)) – obtained from the 1002 images of the FG-NET database. In using
both 5- fold and leave-one-person-out cross-validation to obtain each algorithm,
an accuracy rating for each algorithm for each respective cross-validation
technique, in respect to their ability to estimate a person’s age and gender, was
obtained and evaluated. Recognized by University of North Carolina’s Board of
Trustees for quality of work and creativity.
^ Smith, W.Z. (2015, May) Questionnaire Refinement in Neuropsychological
Assessments. Honors Thesis conducted under the supervision of Dr. Cuixian
Chen and Dr.Yishi Wang that analyzes Neuropsychological Assessments given
William Smith
to veterans such as the Trauma Symptom Inventory (TSI) and the Minnesota
Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2). By utilizing the Item Response
Theory (IRT) model on these tests, multiple statistical analyses provided insight
into the underlying characteristics of the TSI and MMPI: item difficulty, item
discrimination, and local dependency. The TSI and MMPI are time consuming,
therefore a shorter test with tailored assessments are needed. From the IRT
model, the selected subset of items will provide equally as informative tests as
the longer version, while still maximizing precision along all segments.
Research Grants and Assistantships
Chen, C., Yishi, W., Smith, W.Z., Sekely, A. (May 8th, 2014 – August 21st, 2014).
Interdisciplinary Statistical Learning on Military Traumatic Brain Injury and
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Assessment: Summer Undergraduate Research
and Creativity Awards (SURCA). Selected by faculty members among the
mathematics and statistics department, Dr. Cuixian Chen and Dr. Yishi Wang,
to be a research assistant and stipend recipient of the summer research grant
proposed to SURCA program. Stipend was received for 120 hours of research
work in the Interdisciplinary Data Enrichment and Analytics Lab (IDEAL).
Proposed: $3,000; Received: $3,000.
Smith, W.Z. (October 10th, 2014– May 5th, 2015). Importance of Testing Manuals for
Questionnaire Refinement in Neuropsychological Assessments: Honors College
Research Supplies Grant. During the conduction of an honors thesis, a research
supplies grant was written to, and received, from the University of North Carolina
Wilmington’s Honor’s College. Grant proposal focused on the need for
neuropsychological assessment test manuals in order to properly refine and
eliminate unnecessary questions. Proposed: $300; Received: $300.
Honors and Awards
Board of Trustees Recognition
April 2014: Recognized by the University of North Carolina Wilmington’s Honors
College and Board of Trustees for creativity and quality of work conducted in “Can
Computer Algorithms Guess Your Age and Gender?,” an independent study completed
spring of 2014. One of ten undergraduate projects to be recognized that semester.
Excellence through Cultural Engagement and Leadership Certificate
May 2012: Recipient of “Community Engagement and Leadership Award” for
successfully completing and graduating from the Excellence through Cultural
Engagement and Leadership (EXCEL) program at the UNCW. Program focused on
building leadership qualities and community engagement, where a community service
project was required in order to graduate from the program. Project focused on writing a
William Smith
lesson plan and educating kids at a local charter school on the importance of recycling
and environmental awareness.
Outer Banks Community Foundation Honorary Scholar
Awarded to a recipient of a renewable scholarship from the Outer Banks Community
Foundation for all four years of undergraduate career. Scholarship received was titled
Jerry and Arlene Davis Renewable Scholarship, and is awarded to students with a strong
standing in work ethic both in and out of school.
Seahawk Saturday Statistics Undergraduate Representative
Chosen by the Department of Statistics as a successful student to give information and
relay success story to students applying at the University of North Carolina Wilmington
who are interested in statistics and mathematics. Occurred on September 20th, 2014.
Received thank you letter on behalf of the department.
Undergraduate Research Scholar
Award given to a student at the University of North Carolina Wilmington who
participated in an honors thesis or independent study and presented their research beyond
the UNCW campus.
Presentations at Meetings and Professional Conferences (“^” indicates on campus; “+”
indicates off campus)
Interdisciplinary Data Enrichment and Analytic (IDEA) Lab Presentations
^Smith, W.Z., Sekely, A. (May 19th, 2014) Introduction to TBI/PTSD and Generalized
Linear Model. Presentation given to IDEA Lab that gave initial introduction to
Traumatic Brain Injury and its relation to PTSD, along with introduction to the
Generalized Linear Model.
^Smith, W.Z., Sekely, A. (May 27th, 2014) Introduction to TSI and Generalized Linear
Model. Presentation given to IDEA Lab that gave introduction to the Trauma
Symptom Inventory (TSI) and continued on the Generalized Linear Model.
^Smith, W.Z., Sekely, A., Chen, C., Yishi, W., (June 2nd, 2014) Comparison of TSI and
MMPI-II, and Mathematical connection between GLM and IRT, and Normal
Ogive Model. Presentation given to the IDEA Lab that compared the Trauma
Symptom Inventory to the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory. Made
connection between the Generalized Linear Model, Logistic Regression and Item
Response Theory Model.
^Smith, W.Z., (June 16th, 2014) Item Response Theory in R, Part I. Presentation given to
the IDEA Lab that gave introduction to R package titled “mirt.”
William Smith
^Smith, W.Z., Yishi, W., (June 23rd, 2014) Item Response Theory in R, Part II.
Presentation given to the IDEA Lab that continued to inform lab on the mechanics
of the “mirt” package in R.
^Smith, W.Z., Chen, C., (July 28th, 2014) Item Response Theory in R, Part III.
Presentation given to the IDEA Lab that introduced Factor Analysis in the “mirt”
package in R.
^Smith, W.Z., (August 18th, 2014) Item Response Theory in R, Part IV. Presentation
given to the IDEA Lab that finalized the tutorial of the “mirt” package in R.
^Smith, W.Z., (September 5th, 2014) Tutorial on the Introduction of IRT Model. Lecture
given to new members of the IDEA lab that introduced the Item Response Theory
^Smith, W.Z., Chen, C., (September 19th, 2014) Applying IRT Questionnaire and IIF/TIF
for TSI data, Part I. Presentation given to the IDEA lab that gave introduction to
the Item Information Function.
^Smith, W.Z., Chen, C., Sekely, A., (September 26th, 2014) Applying IRT Questionnaire
and IFF/TIF for TSI data, Part II. Presentation given to the IDEA lab that
continued to focus on the Item Information Function and how it can be applied to
the TSI.
^Smith, W.Z., Sekely, A., (October 3rd, 2014) Reliability and Validity of TSI. Presentation
given to the IDEA lab that summarized a paper focused on previous statistical
analysis of the TSI such as exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis.
^Smith, W.Z., (November 14th, 2014) Questionnaire Refinement in Neuropsychological
Exams. Presentation given to the IDEA lab that provided a synopsis of preliminary
results of honors thesis to newer members of the lab.
^Smith, W.Z, (November 21st, 2014) Questionnaire Refinement in Neuropsychological
Exams, Part II. Presentation given to the IDEA lab that continued on preliminary
results of honors thesis.
Center for the Support of Undergraduate Research and Fellowships (CSURF) Presentations
^Smith, W.Z (April, 2014) Can Computer Algorithms Guess Your Age and Gender?
Poster presented at the CSURF showcase that highlighted results and accuracy
ratings of age and gender estimation algorithms.
^Smith, W.Z (October, 2015) Preliminary Results on Questionnaire Refinement in
Neuropsychological Exams. Poster presented at the CSURF showcase that
William Smith
provided preliminary results of honors thesis. Results included the local
dependency statistics and item information functions of all clinical scales of the
Trauma Symptom Inventory.
Board of Trustees Showcase: April 3rd, 2014
^Smith, W.Z., (April, 2014) Can Computer Algorithms Guess your Age and Gender?
Poster presented at the Honors College and Board of Trustees showcase. Onsite
human perception project was done during showcase in order to engage and
educate the board on the possibility of human error in estimating age and gender.
Regional Mathematics and Statistics Conference: November 1st, 2014
+Smith, W.Z., (November, 2014) Questionnaire Refinement in Neuropsychological
Exams. Presentation given that highlighted preliminary results of honors thesis.
Presented orally at the Regional Mathematics and Statistics Conference (RMSC) at
the University of North Carolina Greensboro (UNCG). Abstract was submitted and
accepted for attendance. Travel funds also rewarded.
State of North Carolina Undergraduate Research and Creativity Symposium: November 22nd,
+Smith, W.Z., (November, 2014) Questionnaire Refinement in Neuropsychological
Exams. Poster that highlighted preliminary results of honors thesis. Presented at
the State of North Carolina Undergraduate Research and Creativity Symposium
(SNCURCS) at the North Carolina State University (NCSU). Abstract was
submitted and accepted for attendance.
Attendance at Meetings and Professional Conferences
Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute (SAMSI) Workshop: Social Network
Data: Collection and Analysis: Oct 24th -25th, 2013
Application for attendance was accepted among an international pool of students to
attend the SAMSI undergraduate workshop. Talks and presentations were given on
research results obtained from the analysis of social networks, and rising data collection
techniques that help preserve confidentiality. Learning experience in regards to both
subject matter of the workshop, and the mechanics of a professional presentation.
Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute (SAMSI) Workshop: Beyond
Bioinformatics: Oct 23rd – Oct 25th, 2014
William Smith
Application for attendance was accepted among an international pool of students to
attend the SAMSI undergraduate workshop. Talks and presentations were given on the
applications of bioinformatics, focusing on the statistical methods used in genetics and
DNA analysis. Provided insight into the opportunities for a biostatistician. Additionally, a
tour of the GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) was given, and accompanied by a presentation given
by their staff on the importance of statistics in the pharmaceutical industry.
Leadership Experiences
Interdisciplinary Data Enrichment and Analytics (IDEA) Lab Coordinator
Titled lab coordinator of the IDEA lab for the 2014-2015 academic year after finishing
out the summer of 2014 as one of the lab’s research assistants. Duties entailed setting up
and coordinating outside meeting times and hosting lectures and presentations for other
lab members and research assistants. Often given the responsibility of interacting with the
Department of Psychology in order to brief them on the statistical processes we are
conducting. Provides both disciplinary and interdisciplinary leadership and teaching
Up Til’ Dawn Personal Relations Director
Acting board member and Public Relations Director of Up ‘Til Dawn, a collegiate level
fundraising program for the St. Jude Children’s Hospital. Helped raise approximately
$10,000 dollars for the kids of St. Jude between two years of activity within the club.
Duties entailed hosting and coordinating awareness rallies and providing instructions for
other club members on how to further raise awareness for St. Jude’s.
CITI and IRB Certification
Completed online courses and training to become CITI and IRB certified as of June, 2014
in order to work with sensitive medical data collected from a Neuropsychological Clinic
located in Jacksonville, North Carolina.
Data Collection Experiences
On-Site Camp Lejeune Data Collection: June 20-21 2014
Traveled with other members of the IDEA Lab and Dr. Yishi Wang to a clinic in
Jacksonville, NC to scan in medical files that contained test results from the
neuropsychological questionnaires of interest administered to the marines at Camp
Lejeune. Spent 24 hours on-site. IRB and CITI certification was required.
William Smith
Membership in Professional Societies
American Statistical Association (ASA)
William Smith