Shaker Addition TOP-IT Place 20 pennies or counters in a pile. For each round, players take turns shaking and rolling 2 dice, adding numbers using any method except a calculator to figure out the sum. --Each player MUST state the whole Math Fact (ie. 6 + 2 = 8, 3 + 4 = 7, 2 + 1 = 3, etc.) --Saying the wrong sum disqualifies a player for that round. This encourages children to check every sum, not just their own. A disqualified player may still check others’ responses. The player with the highest sum for each round takes a penny or a counter from a pile. If there are ties, each winning player takes a penny or a counter. The player with the most pennies or counters at the end of a given time wins! Materials Players -2 Dice -20 or more Pennies 2-4 Math Skills -Memorizing Math Facts 4.12