Two Fisted Penny Addition Put 10 pennies in a pile and draw a recording grid (like the one below) onto a scrap piece of paper. Left Hand Right Hand Player 1 grabs a handful of pennies with one hand and the remaining pennies in the other hand. Player 2 records the pair of numbers on the recording grid. Then Player 2 grabs a handful of pennies with one hand and the remaining pennies in the other hand. Player 1 records the pair of numbers on the recording grid. Continue taking turns until the grid is filled in. CHALLENGE: Try the same game using a different number of coins. Please make sure that your child knows all of their math facts that equal 10 first. (1+9, 9+1, 2+8, 8+2, 3+7, 7+3, 4+6, 6+4, 5+5) Memorization of these facts is required for first grade, while knowing math facts for larger numbers is not. Materials -10 pennies -scrap paper and pencil Players 2 Math Skills -memorizing compliments of 10 (math facts that equal 10) 2.3