User Experience Task Force operational data

User Experience Task Force
Section 2.0 – Reducing number of websites and Section 3.0 - Linking financial and
operational data
The User Experience Task Force (UETF) Work Plan includes the directive to provide a recommendation of opportunities
to reduce the number of websites found to be in-scope and to provide a recommendation of opportunities and
determination of relevancy of providing links to existing data found in other in-scope websites in order to accomplish
the objectives of the task force.
Step 1 - In order to provide a recommendation for site consolidation the UETF had to first look at the information
available on each site to identify any potential duplication of information. A detailed inventory of the information
available is provided in Exhibit A (page 4). From the detailed site inventory the UETF made a determination of primary
and secondary sites from which budget information can be found. The primary sites contain the bulk of basic budget
information. The secondary sites provide more specialized information such as contract and salary data. The list of
primary and secondary sites is provided in Exhibit B (page 18). Using the information provided in the detailed site
inventory the UETF then made a recommendation to consolidate the multiple sites into one portal that allows easier
access to all budget information. See Exhibit C (page 19).
Step 2 - In order to procure the most information available for the in-scope websites, the UETF sent a list of questions to
the subject matter expert (SME) and technical manager for each in-scope website and invited them to present the
response at a meeting of the UETF. On December 6, 2013, the UETF heard these presentations and also reviewed the
responses from the SMEs who were not in attendance. All of the responses are included in Appendix A. The UETF
reviewed the inventory of 11 in-scope websites for duplication of expenditure, invoice and contract data. They also
evaluated the usability of each website by evaluating the websites against the criteria listed on the spreadsheet
Appendix B.
Step 3 - The UETF reviewed the State Constitution and Florida Statutes for designated responsibilities. The following is a
synopsis of this review:
1. Both Article IV, Section 4, of the State Constitution and Chapter 17, F.S. states that the chief financial officer shall
serve as the chief fiscal officer of the state, and shall settle and approve accounts against the state, and shall keep all
state funds and securities. In addition, Section 216.0111 states that the Department of Financial Services is the
repository of all state agency contract information.
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Therefore, all expenditure data as managed in the state accounting system and all contract data can be summarized as
“financial matters” are managed by the the Chief Financial Officer and the Department of Financial Services. .
2. Article III, Section 17 of the State Constitution places the development of the annual budget within the responsibility
of the Legislature. Chapter 216, F.S. outlines the planning and budgeting responsibilities, and again places the
responsibility in the Legislature, and to some extent, the Executive Office of the Governor (EOG).
Therefore, state “budget and planning” information is managed by the Legislative Appropriations System/Planning and
Budgeting Subsystem (LAS/PBS), a system that includes members of both the EOG and the Legislature.
3. Chapter 110, F.S. states that authority to establish rules over Public Officers, Employees, and Records is the
responsibility of the Department of Management Services. These records include salary information for individual state
Therefore, “personnel data” is managed by the Department of Management Services, under the direction of the EOG.
4. Finally, the Office of the Auditor General, a legislative office established in Ch. 11, F.S., has the authority and
responsibility to audit any agency’s fiscal and operational information. The audit findings are posted on the Auditor
General’s office website. These findings contain information related to State of Florida fiscal and operational data, but
not the data itself.
Therefore, “Auditor General Data” is managed by the Auditor General’s Office.
In analyzing the 11 websites identified by the task force as “in scope,” the need for a centralized portal is clear. Keeping
information accurate and in as much detail as possible is a concern when considering consolidating any websites. The
intended audience should also be considered. Two of them can be considered core websites, with somewhat
duplicative budget information presented for two different audiences. For example, the CFO’s website showcases
information from an “accountant” angle, while the Governor’s website presents in term of “budget”. For those
unfamiliar with the complex budget process in Florida, this distinction could become quite confusing. A way to use the
same information for both audiences is needed. The remaining nine are more specialized. The UETF considered
whether a federated or single source style is more beneficial, but questioned whether single source is an option, given
time and budget constraints.
Considering the division of management responsibilities described above, the varying information on each site, as well
as the different audiences intended, the UETF recommends that all websites be linked to a central portal where all
budget information can be accessed at once.
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This would include the creation of one navigation portal with information leading to websites focusing on the 4
identified budget divisions: revenue estimate, budget, spend, and audit. The purpose of the portal is to provide a
jumping off point that guides and educates users to the information they seek. The page should point the users where
they need to go to find the data. The page should also educate the users about transparency using consistent
information such as a glossary of terms and disclaimers, and should provide contact information.
Since the UETF does not recommend consolidating any actual websites, the current state agency managers of each site
should remain the same.
In addition to state managed websites providing information on financial matters, budget and planning, and personnel
data, there may be state operational and fiscal information available on existing state and non state managed websites
that may, at the discretion of the task force, be relevant to the mission of the task force but does not necessarily fall
within the four major categories of responsibility (i.e. University-managed websites). The Task Force recommends
providing links to these websites on each relevant page.
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Exhibit A
Lists audits of the following entities from FY 1995-1996 to present:
o State Agencies
o District School Boards
o Colleges
o Universities
o Charter Schools
o Local Governments/Non profit
o State Courts System and Judicial-related entities
o State Financial Reporting and Federal Awards
The audits are sorted by Fiscal Year, Entity Audited, and Audit Type
Audit Types:
o Financial/Federal Awards
o Florida Education Finance Program
o Information Technology
o Operational
o Quality Assessment Reviews
Reports are in printable PDF format
Contains contract information for the Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services
Contract data available from July 1, 2003 to present
Basic search features:
o Vendor Name
o Agency Assigned Contract ID
o Contract Dollar Value
o Beginning or Ending Dates of Contract
o Commodity Service Type
Advanced Search features also available
Results display on screen but do not have an easy way to print
The “Download” button does not seem to work properly as of 12.11.13
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Serves as “Florida’s Checkbook”
State Budget
o Reports are available by Appropriation category and Special Category
o Reports are issued as your choice of a web view, excel, or PDF
o Budget information is extracted from the state’s accounting system
State Contracts
o Contracts are available for the following state agencies/entities:
 DACS – the information for DACS is not enabled as they are exempt
 Citrus
 Lottery
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 Parole
 Fl School for the Deaf and Blind
 Justice Administration
 Legislature
 Northwood Shared Resource Center
 Public Service Commission
 Southwood Shared Resource Center
 State Board of Administration
 State Courts System
o Contract Basic Search features:
 Vendor Name
 Agency Assigned Contract ID
 Contract Dollar Value
 Beginning or Ending Dates of Contract
 Commodity Service Type
o Contract data is available for web view or export to excel
Vendor Payments
o Searchable by Vendor Name and provide the statewide grand total per fiscal year
o One can then click on individual payments to get more information
o Information is viewable onscreen but is not easily downloadable or printable
State Contract Audits
o Audits are performed on contracts worth $1 million or more
o Audits are available for fiscal years 2010-2011, 2011-2012, and 2012-2013
o A summary of the audited contracts each fiscal year is available in printable PDF format
o Audits of state agency contract management are also available. The audit report and state agency
response is available in printable PDF format
State Spending
o Spending reports
 Spending reports show spending in numerical representation
 Spending is shown by fiscal year for the past 5 years plus the current fiscal year
 Ordered by disbursements/transfers by category
 Reports are issued as your choice of a web view, excel, or PDF
o Spending graphs
 Spending Graphs are shown for the General Revenue fund
 Available graphs are General Revenue Spending, Total State Spend Fiscal Year 2011, and Total
State Spend Fiscal Year 2012
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 They are viewable onscreen but not easily printable
o An Economic Development Incentives Portal links to the Department of Economic Opportunity’s website
to provide information on incentives designed to promote job creation, job retention, and capital
investment in Florida.
State Cash Balances
o Cash reports show cash in numerical representation
 Cash is shown by fiscal year for the past 5 years and the current fiscal year
 Receipts and transfers are shown for the past 5 years
 Report options are Receipts/Transfers by Category and Cash Balances by Fund Type
 Reports are issued as your choice of a web view, excel, or PDF.
o Cash Graphs show cash in a graphical representation
 Graph options are Cash Balances by Fund Type, General Revenue Ending Cash (FY), General
Revenue Ending Cash (QTR), and General Revenue Ending Cash (MTH)
 Graphs are viewable onscreen but not easily printable.
State Financial Reports
o Florida Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports – available beginning June 30, 1994. Opens in a
printable PDF.
o Treasury Annual Reports – available beginning 2006-2007. Opens in a printable PDF.
o Risk Management Annual Reports –links to the Division of Risk Management with buttons for Property,
Liability, Worker’s Compensation, and Administration. Actual reports not easily located.
o Tax Revenue Reports – links to the Office of Economic & Demographic Research site where a variety of
reports are offered.
o Florida Tax Handbook - links to the Office of Economic & Demographic Research site which contains the
Florida Tax Handbook from 2000-present.
o Links to the Florida Fiscal Portal
o Links to the DFS Long Range Program Plan, which opens in the Florida Fiscal portal
o Component Units – Public/Private Partnerships – provides reports of Assets, Liabilities, Revenues, and
Expenses from 2009-2012. Reports open in a printable PDF format.
o State and Federal Grant Expenditures – provides reports of State of Florida Catalog of State Financial
Assistance (CSFA) disbursements for fiscal years 2008-2009 to 2011-2012. Reports open in a printable
PDF format.
o Links to Florida Has a Right to Know
o Links to Certifications Required by the ARRA of 2009 on
o Links to Florida Legislature’s Operating Budget and Reports on
Provides links to State Government information including the Florida Cabinet, House, Senate, Florida Statutes,
Laws of Florida, etc.
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Local Budget Information
o Report search features include Fiscal Year (1993-2012), County, City, Special District, and account
o Reports open in a printable PDF format
State employment data links to
Payroll information for State of Florida People First personnel
o Links to DMS for the data
o Includes salary information for all Executive Branch agencies, the Lottery, the Justice Administration
Commission, and the State Courts System
o Updated the first business day of each week, typically Monday before 10am
o Information can be exported to excel
Payroll information for the State University System
o The information is provided by Florida’s 12 State Universities
o It is updated twice annually
o Information opens in excel
Payroll information of employees of the State Board of Administration
o Information is provided by the State Board of Administration
o Updated at the end of September, December, March, and June of each fiscal year
o Information opens in excel
State pension information
o Only includes retirees with Annual Benefits of $100,000 or more
o Names of retirees are not included
o The report includes
 the name of the agency from which the member retired
 the effective date of retirement
 total years of service credit
 the initial annualized retirement benefit is the benefit received when the person retired
 the current annualized retirement benefit is the benefit the retiree currently receives, as of July
31, 2013
o Information is provided by DMS
o Information opens in excel
o The Pension Reform Study is available in printable PDF format
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Links to for the Governor’s Policy and Budget recommendations
Links to www.myfloridacfo/transparency for Florida’s Checkbook
Contains a collection of documents detailing the fiscal status of the State of Florida
Information is ordered by fiscal years and includes FYs 2000-2001 through FYs 2014-2015
Available information varies by fiscal year
FY 2014-2015
o Agency Capital Improvements Plans for Fiscal Years 2014-15 through 2018-19
o Agency Legislative Budget requests for FY 2014-2015
o Agency Long Range Program Plan for Fiscal Year 2014-2015
o Long-Range Financial Outlook 3 year Plan
o Planning and Budgeting Instructions
FY 2013-2014
o 2013 Fiscal Analysis in Brief
o Agency Amended Legislative Budget Request Fiscal Year 2013-14
o Agency Capital Improvements Plans for Fiscal Years 2013-14 through 2017-18
o Agency Legislative Budget Request for Fiscal Year 2013-2014
o Agency Long Range Program Plan for Fiscal Year 2013-2014
o Appropriations Bills Fiscal Year 2013-2014
o Long-Range Financial Outlook 3 Year Plan
o Planning and Budgeting Instructions
o The State of Florida's Budget for Fiscal Year 2013-2014
FY 2012-2013
o 2012 Fiscal Analysis in Brief
o Additional Agency Legislative Budget Request for Fiscal Year 2012-2013 (Chapter 2011-142, LOF)
o Additional Agency Long Range Program Plan for Fiscal Year 2012-2013 (Chapter 2011-142, LOF)
o Additional Capital Improvement Plans for Fiscal Year 2012-2013 through 2016-17 (Chapter 2011-142,
o Agency Amended Legislative Budget Request Fiscal Year 2012-13
o Agency Capital Improvements Plans for Fiscal Years 2012-13 through 2016-17
o Agency Legislative Budget Request for Fiscal Year 2012-2013
o Agency Long Range Program Plan for Fiscal Year 2012-2013
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o Appropriations Bills Fiscal Year 2012-2013
o Final Budget Report 2012
o Long-Range Financial Outlook 3 Year Plan
o Planning and Budgeting Instructions
o Schedule of Trust Fund Revenues and Unreserved Fund Balances 2012
o The State of Florida's Budget for Fiscal Year 2012-2013
FY 2011-2012
o 2011 Fiscal Analysis in Brief
o Agency Amended Legislative Budget Request Fiscal Year 2011-12
o Agency Capital Improvements Plans for Fiscal Years 2011-12 through 2015-16
o Agency Legislative Budget Request for Fiscal Year 2011-2012
o Agency Long Range Program Plan for Fiscal Year 2011-2012
o Appropriations Bills Fiscal Year 2011-2012
o Final Budget Report 2011
o Long-Range Financial Outlook 3 Year Plan
o Planning and Budgeting Forms
o Planning and Budgeting Instructions
o Schedule of Trust Fund Revenues and Unreserved Fund Balances 2011
o The State of Florida's Budget for Fiscal Year 2011-2012
o Water Management Districts' Tentative Budgets Fiscal Year 2011-12
FY 2010-2011
o 2010 Fiscal Analysis in Brief
o Agency Amended Legislative Budget Request Fiscal Year 2010-11
o Agency Capital Improvements Plans for Fiscal Years 2010-11 through 2014-15
o Agency Legislative Budget Request for Fiscal Year 2010-2011
o Agency Long Range Program Plan for Fiscal Year 2010-2011
o Appropriations Bills 2010-2011 Fiscal Year
o Final Budget Report 2010
o Florida Governor Charlie Crist's Policy and Budget Recommendations Fiscal Year 2010-11
o Long-Range Financial Outlook 3 Year Plan
o Planning and Budgeting Instructions
o Schedule IV-C: Recurring Information Technology Budget Planning
o Schedule of Trust Fund Revenues and Unreserved Fund Balances 2010
o The State of Florida's Budget for Fiscal Year 2010-2011
FY 2009-2010
o 2009 Fiscal Analysis in Brief
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o Agency Amended Legislative Budget Request Fiscal Year 2009-10
o Agency Legislative Budget Request for Fiscal Year 2009 - 2010
o Appropriations Bills 2009-2010 Fiscal Year
o Final Budget Report 2009
o Florida Governor Charlie Crist’s Policy and Budget Recommendations Fiscal Year 2009-10
o Florida's Ten Year Summary of Appropriations Data - 2000-2001 through 2009-2010
o Long-Range Financial Outlook 3 Year Plan
o Schedule of Trust Fund Revenues and Unreserved Fund Balances 2009
o The State of Florida's Budget for Fiscal Year 2009-2010
FY 2008-2009
o Final Budget Report 2008
o Florida's Ten Year Summary of Appropriations Data - 1999-2000 through 2008-2009
o Schedule of Trust Fund Revenues and Unreserved Fund Balances 2008
o Special Session 2009A - Special Appropriations 2008-2009 Fiscal Year
o The State of Florida's Budget for Fiscal Year 2008-2009
FY 2007-2008
o Final Budget Report 2007
o Schedule of Trust Fund Revenues and Unreserved Fund Balances 2007
o The State of Florida's Budget for Fiscal Year 2007-2008
FY 2006-2007
o Final Budget Report 2006
o Schedule of Trust Fund Revenues and Unreserved Fund Balances 2006
o The State of Florida's Budget for Fiscal Year 2006-07
FY 2005-2006
o Final Budget Report 2005
o Schedule of Trust Fund Revenues and Unreserved Fund Balances 2005
o The State of Florida's Budget for Fiscal Year 2005-06
FY 2004-2005
o Final Budget Report 2004
o Schedule of Trust Fund Revenues and Unreserved Fund Balances 2004
o The State of Florida's Budget for Fiscal Year 2004-05
FY 2003-2004
o Final Budget Report 2003
o Schedule of Trust Fund Revenues and Unreserved Fund Balances 2003
o The State of Florida's Budget for Fiscal Year 2003-04
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FY 2002-2003
o Final Budget Report 2002
o Schedule of Trust Fund Revenues and Unreserved Fund Balances 2002
o The State of Florida's Budget for Fiscal Year 2002-03
FY 2001-2002
o Final Budget Report 2001
o Schedule of Trust Fund Revenues and Unreserved Fund Balances 2001
o The State of Florida's Budget for Fiscal Year 2001-02
FY 2000-2001
o Final Budget Report 2000
o Schedule of Trust Fund Revenues and Unreserved Fund Balances 2000
o The State of Florida's Budget for Fiscal Year 2000-01
Contains salaries of employees of the Florida House of Representatives
Search features:
o Employee Last Name
o Employee First Name
o Committee/Office
o “All Employees”
Information is viewable on screen as well as exportable to excel
Contains contract information for the Florida House of Representatives
Search features:
o Contractor
o “All Contracts”
Information is viewable on screen as well as exportable to excel
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Contains records of Florida’s operating budget and associated expenditures
The numbers are updated nightly as funds are released to agencies, transferred between budget categories, and
payments are made for goods and services
Provides an operating budget overview statewide and by individual agencies
o Also includes Administered Funds, Justice Administration, Legislative Branch, Lottery, Public Service
Commission, and the State Court System
o Information includes a graphical representation of Operational Appropriations & Disbursements and
Filled and Total Positions
o Agency/entity information can be broken into programs
Operating Budget –
o Agency/Ledger
 Provides detailed operating budgets by agency/entity
 Information is viewable on screen in agency or ledger format, by chart or table, and can also be
exported to excel
 Agency/entity information can be broken into programs
o Provides Operating Budget in Bill Format
o Provides detailed Position data
 Data is sorted by agency/entity name
 It is viewable on screen in table or chart form and can be exported to excel
 Position Data includes:
 Fixed
 Excess
 Total
 Reserve
 Authorized
 Established
 Filled
 Vacant
 Agency/entity information can be broken into programs
Reports - Provides detailed reports which are viewable onscreen or exportable to excel
o Operating Budget Reports
 Operating Budget by Expenditure Type
 Operating Budget by Fund Source
 Operating Budget by Program Area
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Appropriation/Disbursement Reports
 Compare Appropriations report
 Compare Appropriations to Disbursements report
 Compare Disbursements report
 Disbursements by Line Item report
 Fixed Capital Outlay report
 Schedule of Allotment Balances
o Reversion Reports
 Annual Reversions report
 Compare Reversions report
 Fixed Capital Outlay Activity report
 Reversions History report
o Fund Balances Reports
 General Revenue – Cash Balance
 Trust Fund Detail – Cash/Investment Balance
Quick Facts
o Budget Amendments
 Can be searched statewide or by agency
 Choice of All Funds, General Revenue, or Trust Funds
 Viewable on screen with ability to export to excel
 Individual budget amendments open to a printable PDF
o Back of Bill
 Can be searched statewide or by agency
 Choice of All Funds, General Revenue, or Trust Funds
 Viewable on screen with ability to export to excel
o Budget Issues
 Information can be searched by agency, then issue, then fund type
 Viewable on screen with ability to export to excel
o Supplementals
 Can be searched statewide or by agency
 Choice of All Funds, General Revenue, or Trust Funds
 Viewable on screen with ability to export to excel
o Vetoes
 Can be searched statewide or by agency
 Choice of All Funds, General Revenue, or Trust Funds
 Viewable on screen with ability to export to excel
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Budget Issues
Contains salary information for the employees of the Florida Senate
No search feature necessary. All salaries are on the immediate screen.
Information is viewable on screen as well as exportable to excel
Contains contract information for the Florida Senate
No search feature necessary. All contracts are on the immediate screen.
Information is viewable on screen as well as exportable to excel
Contains revenue information and estimates presented at the following Consensus Estimating Conferences
o Criminal Justice
 Criminal Justice Estimating
 Criminal Justice Impact
o Demographic
o Early Learning
 School Readiness
 Voluntary PreK Education Program
o Economic
 Florida Economic
 Interest Rates for Use in Appropriations
 National Economic
o Education
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 Public Schools Enrollment
 Public Schools Impact
 Public Schools Capital Outlay Full-Time Equivalent Enrollment (COFTE)
 Florida College System Enrollment
 Universities Enrollment
 Post-secondary Financial Aid
FRS Actuarial Assumption
 Florida Retirement System
 Retiree Health Insurance Subsidy Benefits
 Ad Valorem
 Article V Fees & Transfers
 Documentary Stamp Tax
 General Revenue
 Gross Receipts/Communications Services Tax
 Highway Safety Fees
 Impact
 Indian Gaming
 Long Term Revenue Analysis
 Lottery
 Monthly Revenue Estimates
 Slot Machines
 Tobacco Settlement
 Tobacco Tax & Surcharge
 Transportation Revenue
 Unclaimed Property/State School Trust Fund
 Risk Management Trust Fund
 State Employees’ Health Insurance
Social Services
 Kidcare
 Kidcare Impact
 Medicaid Caseload and Expenditures
 Medicaid Impact
 TANF/Wages
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o Workforce
Contains estimates relating to General Revenue and the following trust funds
o Educational Enhancement TF
o Tobacco Settlement TF
o Risk Management TF
o Unclaimed Property/State School Trust Fund
Contains various other information helpful in developing budgets , such as
o Affordable Care Act Impact on Insurance Premium Tax
o Demographic Overview and Population Trends
o Financial impact of the Use of Marijuana for Certain Medical Conditions
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Exhibit B
Primary Budget Sites
 - Florida’s checkbook; includes contracts – detailed budget/appropriation information
Secondary Budget Sites
 - Auditor General reports - DACS contracts - State personnel data (excludes H/S) - budget building documents and static reports - House salary - House contracts - Senate salary - Senate contracts - Economic & Demographic Research
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Exhibit C
User Experience Task Force
Florida’s Budget Cycle in the Sunshine
Estimating the
State’s Budget
Revenue estimates
presented at a
multitude of
Link to EDR site
Developing the State’s Budget
1. State Agencies’ Budget
* Capital Improvement Plans
* Legislative Budget Requests
* Long Range Program Plans
2. Governor’s Recommended Budget
(currently only 09-10 and 10-11)
3. Appropriations Bills
4. Long Range Financial Outlook 3 Year Plan
5. Planning & Budgeting Instructions
6. The State of Florida’s Budget
7. Fiscal Analysis in Brief
8. Final Budget Reports
9. Schedule of Trust Fund Revenues &
Unreserved Fund Balances
Link to floridafiscalportal
User Experience Task Force
Spending the State’s Budget
Auditing the State’s Budget
1. Operating Budget
PATH 1 – Budget Analyst Focus
(link to transparencyfl?)
PATH 2 – General Public Focus
(link to
2. Budget Amendments
3. Reversions
4. Fund Balances
5. Supplementals
6. Back of Bill
7. Vetoes
Link to transparencyflorida
Link to transparencyflorida
8. Spending Reports/Graphs
9. Cash Balances/Graphs
Link to
10. Personnel
Link to floridahasarighttoknow
Link to House
Link to Senate
11. Contracts
Link to
Link to House
Link to Senate
Link to DACS
12. Vendor Payments
Link to
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