Area Effectiveness Plan Report - Four Column El Paso Community College Discipline - Speech (SLO's) Discipline Mission The mission of the Speech Communication Discipline is for students to learn, develop and apply communication Statement: competencies in public interpersonal and group contexts, with ethical and multicultural sensitivity. Student Learning Outcomes Discipline - Speech (SLO's) - Speech Demonstrate Confidence with Communicating with Others - With the goal of achieving shared meaning, a student will, when engaged in interpersonal, small group, and/or public contexts, document and demonstrate increased confidence in communicating with others. Outcome Types: Student Learning Outcome Start Date: 08/01/2008 Outcome Status: Active Means of Assessment & Standard Criteria for Success / Strategie(s) Means of Assessment: Standardized pre and post Personal Report of Communication Apprehension (PRCA) evaluation Assessment Tool: Presentation/Performance Standard - Criteria for Success: Students exhibit a quantitative decrease in Communication Anxiety and an increase in communication Confidence of 10 or more percentage points on the PRCA. Results/Analysis 02/03/2010 - 1. Present a talk to strangers Pre: 54.02 Post: 80.06 +26.04 2. Present a talk to friends Pre: 80.03 Post: 91.20 +11.17 3. Present a talk to acquaintances Pre: 65.72 Post: 83.91 +18.19 Cum Average +18.46 Result Type: Standard Met Recommendation Status: 2 - Recommendation Documented Evaluation of the Assessment: Instructors are doing a good job guiding students in overcoming their anxiety of communicating in public. 09/01/2009 - 1. Present a talk to strangers Pre: 54.02 Post: 80.06 +26.04 2. Present a talk to friends Pre: 80.03 Post: 91.20 +11.17 3. Present a talk to acquaintances Pre: 65.72 Post: 83.91 08/30/2012 11:17 AM Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive. Use of Results for Improvement & Follow -Up 03/29/2010 - The PRCA is a nationally used standardized tool that is utilized to evaluate Communication Anxiety. Using it as a pre and post exam allows us to see the change in the anxiety quantitatively. Will make adjustments to use the instrument with Scantron bubble sheets next time to simplify the statistical process. Follow-Up: 04/08/2011 - We tried a scantron, but this particular one was not useful for this assessment. We are going to try another type of scantron. 02/03/2010 - The PRCA is a nationally used standardized tool that is utilized to evaluate Communication Anxiety. Using it as a pre and post exam allows us to see the change in the anxiety quantitatively. Will make adjustments to use the instrument with Scantron bubble sheets next time to simplify the statistical Page 1 of 4 Student Learning Outcomes Means of Assessment & Standard Criteria for Success / Strategie(s) Results/Analysis +18.19 Cum Average +18.46 Use of Results for Improvement & Follow -Up process. Result Type: Standard Not Met Recommendation Status: 2 - Recommendation Documented Evaluation of the Assessment: Instructors are doing a good job guiding students in overcoming their anxiety of communicating in public. Discipline - Speech (SLO's) - Speech Identify Obstacles as a Listener to Effective Verbal & Nonverbal Communication - With the goal of achieving shared meaning, as a listener, identify speaking and listening obstacles to effective verbal and nonverbal communication, and apply strategies to overcome those obstacles. Outcome Start Date: 08/01/2008 Outcome Status: Active Means of Assessment: Objective Questions Assessment Tool: Inclass - Test Standard - Criteria for Success: of the randomly selected classes, the group average will be 70% or higher. Assessment Date: 05/05/2010 10/21/2010 - 76.07% met the standard Result Type: Standard Met Recommendation Status: 2 - Recommendation Documented Evaluation of the Assessment: This objective assessment is valid for testing this SLO and will continue to use it. 08/30/2012 - This previous result was based on one data point. It therefore does not reflect a pre- and post-semester measure of any changes. We recommend a statistical test that can indicate any changes from the beginning of the semester, to the end of the semester, in measuring this student learning outcome. We will reassess this SLO in the fall semester of 2012, using the recommendation just noted. Discipline - Speech (SLO's) - Speech Identify Obstacles as a Speaker in Speaking & Listening & Ways to Overcome Obstacles - With the goal of achieving shared meaning, as a speaker, identify speaking and listening obstacles to effective Means of Assessment: Objective questions. Assessment Tool: Inclass - Test Standard - Criteria for Success: 70% 05/05/2010 - 75.09% Result Type: Standard Met Recommendation Status: 2 - Recommendation Documented Evaluation of the Assessment: 08/30/2012 - This previous result was based on one data point. It therefore does not reflect a pre- and post-semester measure of any changes. We recommend a statistical test that can indicate any 08/30/2012 11:17 AM Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive. Page 2 of 4 Student Learning Outcomes verbal and nonverbal communication, and apply strategies to overcome those obstacles. Outcome Start Date: 08/01/2008 Outcome Status: Active Discipline - Speech (SLO's) - Speech Demonstrate Proficiency In Incorporating Research to support Informative & Persuasive messages. - With the goal of achieving shared meaning, a student will, when engaged in interpersonal, small group, and/or public contexts display proficiency in incorporating research and/or documentation to support informative and persuasive messages. Outcome Types: Student Learning Outcome Start Date: 08/01/2008 Outcome Status: Active Means of Assessment & Standard Criteria for Success / Strategie(s) Results/Analysis Use of Results for Improvement & Follow -Up changes from the beginning of the semester, to the end of the semester, in measuring this student learning outcome. We will reassess this SLO in the fall semester of 2012, using the recommendation just noted. Assessment Date: 05/05/2010 Assessment is satisfactory. Means of Assessment: Standardized Research Critique Rubric was used on Persuasive Speech evaluating: 1. Quality and Quantity of research 2. Outlining formatting and style. 3. Source citation 4. MLA or APA writing style 10/21/2010 - 78.34% Result Type: Standard Met Recommendation Status: 2 - Recommendation Documented Evaluation of the Assessment: Assessment is satisfactory. 08/30/2012 - This previous result was based on one data point. It therefore does not reflect a pre- and post-semester measure of any changes. We recommend a statistical test that can indicate any changes from the beginning of the semester, to the end of the semester, in measuring this student learning outcome. We will reassess this SLO in the fall semester of 2012, using the recommendation just noted. 09/01/2009 - 1. Quality and quantity of research average: 21.44/25 pts 2. Outlining formatting and style average: 20.54/25 pts 3. Source citation average 19.31/25 pts 4. MLA/APA writing style average: 18.28/25 pts 03/29/2010 - The Research Critique Rubric worked fine and can be used in all of the courses where research writing and speaking is being taught. Ongoing monitoring of research methods and follow-up needs to be addressed each semester with faculty. Will make adjustments to use the instrument with Scantron bubble sheets next time to simplify the statistical process. Assessment Tool: Inclass - Test Standard - Criteria for Success: Using the standard college grading scale, 70 -79% = average competence of the outcome 80-89% = good mastery of the outcome 90-100% = exemplary mastery of the outcome Total Group Research Average: 79.57/100 Result Type: 08/30/2012 11:17 AM Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive. Page 3 of 4 Student Learning Outcomes Means of Assessment & Standard Criteria for Success / Strategie(s) Results/Analysis Use of Results for Improvement & Follow -Up Standard Met Recommendation Status: 2 - Recommendation Documented Evaluation of the Assessment: While the instructional staff is meeting the requirements, more attention needs to be given in the areas of source citation and MLA/APA writing style Discipline - Speech (SLO's) - Speech Demonstrate Teambuilding and Application of Problem-solving skills - With the goal of achieving shared meaning, the student will demonstrate teambuilding and the application of problem-solving skills. Outcome Start Date: 08/01/2008 Outcome Status: Active 08/30/2012 11:17 AM Means of Assessment: Objective questions Assessment Tool: Inclass - Test Standard - Criteria for Success: 70% Assessment Date: 05/05/2010 05/05/2010 - 68.84 Result Type: Standard Not Met Recommendation Status: 2 - Recommendation Documented Evaluation of the Assessment: Assessment is satisfactory. Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive. Page 4 of 4