El Paso Community College Discipline - Fashion Technology (SLO's)

Area Effectiveness Plan Report - Four Column
El Paso Community College
Discipline - Fashion Technology (SLO's)
Discipline Mission The mission of Fashion Technology is to prepare individuals through quality instruction and hands-on experiences for
Statement: successful entry-level employment or advancement in various fields of the fashion industry including apparel design,
apparel manufacture, wholesale, retail, product display, sales promotion, advertising, fashion show production, and
fashion illustration.
Student Learning Outcomes
Discipline - Fashion Technology (SLO's) Fashion Technology - Mathematical
Principles - The student will apply
mathematical principles to address and
solve apparel industry problems. Students
competently use fractions, decimals, and
percentages to determine profitability and
cost analysis.
Outcome Start Date:
Outcome Status:
Means of Assessment & Standard Criteria for Success / Strategie(s)
Means of Assessment:
Scores on exams and critiques of course
projects related to topic with embedded
questions and final collections.
Assessment Tool:
Inclass - Test
Standard - Criteria for Success:
Total student body achieves 85% or higher
on scores and tallies of the Mathematical
Principles forms.
Assessment Date:
Use of Results for Improvement & Follow
03/26/2010 - Scores on exit exams and tally
sheets for semester projects.
Result Type:
Standard Not Met
Recommendation Status:
2 - Recommendation Documented
Evaluation of the Assessment:
Total student body achieves 85% or higher
on scores and tallies
03/26/2010 - Students who do not
meet these standards will be given
to work on supplementary
12/15/2009 - FSHN 2305 final exam scores
38% (5) of students scored between 93-100%
15% (2) of students scored between 83-92%
31% (4) of students scored between 77-82%
15% (2) of students failed the entire course as well
as the embedded math questions.
05/07/2010 - Scores in FSHN 2305
suggest that more math practice will
facilitate greater comprehension and
More practice drills will be added to
courses next semester.
Result Type:
Standard Met
Recommendation Status:
2 - Recommendation Documented
Evaluation of the Assessment:
The data shows that the majority of students
evaluated comprehend the required
Means of Assessment:
Embedded questions on the final exam in
FSHN 2305, and embedded questions in the
semester project for FSHD 2343
Assessment Tool:
Embedded Test Questions
08/31/2012 3:17 PM
12/13/2011 - FSHN 2305 final exam scores
showed: 33% (4) of students scored between
100%; 25% (3) of students scored between 9097%; 8% (1) of students scored between 82%;
33% (4) of students failed the embedded math
Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive.
08/24/2012 - These assessments
aid us in determining what additional
math problems we can give in the
future to aid the students in their
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Student Learning Outcomes
Means of Assessment & Standard Criteria for Success / Strategie(s)
Standard - Criteria for Success:
Total student body achieves 85% or higher
on scores and tallies of the Mathematical
Principles forms.
Assessment Date:
Means of Assessment:
Embedded questions in the semester
project for FSHD 2343
Assessment Tool:
Project/Group Project
Standard - Criteria for Success:
Total student body achieves 85% or higher
on scores and tallies of the Mathematical
Principles forms.
Assessment Date:
Result Type:
Standard Met
Recommendation Status:
2 - Recommendation Documented
Evaluation of the Assessment:
67% of all students received a math grade
of B or better. This information helps us
confirm that addtional math problems are
needed to further develop these math skills.
12/13/2011 - In the Fall 2012
semester, add more math
homework to encourage students to
learn the required mathematics
more in depth.
12/13/2011 - FSHD 2343 - 100% (13) of the
students scored between 96-100%
08/24/2012 - Because we see that
adding more math practice helps the
students to improve math scores
and show a greater understanding
of the use of mathematics in
business, we will continue to give
these additional assignments.
All students were able to successfully develop the
mathematics skills necessary to perform all
necessary costing and mark up.
Result Type:
Standard Met
Recommendation Status:
2 - Recommendation Documented
Evaluation of the Assessment:
The Assessment is an effective method to
aid us in determining how to best teach and
evaluate these lessons. We will continue to
offer multiple practice assignments to
assure that students succeed in
12/15/2009 - FSHD 2343 - 100% (13) of the
students scored between 93-100%
Result Type:
Standard Met
Recommendation Status:
2 - Recommendation Documented
Evaluation of the Assessment:
The data shows that the majority of students
in both classes comprehend the required
08/31/2012 3:17 PM
Use of Results for Improvement & Follow
Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive.
08/24/2012 - Because the addition
of more math practice problems
helped the students achieve higher
math scores and show a more
comprehensive understanding of the
use of mathematics in business, we
will continue to give these addtional
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Student Learning Outcomes
Means of Assessment & Standard Criteria for Success / Strategie(s)
Discipline - Fashion Technology (SLO's) Fashion Technology - Problem Solving The student will access, interpret, evaluate,
and synthesize information using multiple
resources, including current information
technology, to address and solve both
practical and theoretical apparel design and
production problems. The student outlines
and employs various methods of
information gathering needed to make
profitable decisions.
Outcome Start Date:
Outcome Status:
Means of Assessment:
Critiques of the design and costing of the
line plus critiques of the development and
execution of a Final Collection.
Discipline - Fashion Technology (SLO's) Fashion Technology - Fashion Collection The student manages designs and
oversees a fashion collection including the
design and production of a sample line of
clothing including sourcing, costing, and
image development.
Outcome Start Date:
Outcome Status:
Means of Assessment:
Critiques of the design and costing of the
apparel line plus critiques of the lines
production and execution.
Assessment Tool:
Project/Group Project
Standard - Criteria for Success:
Total student body achieves 85% or higher
on scores and tallies of the Product
Development forms.
Assessment Date:
08/31/2012 3:17 PM
Assessment Tool:
Project/Group Project
Standard - Criteria for Success:
Total student body achieves 85% or higher
on scores and tallies of project forms.
Assessment Date:
Use of Results for Improvement & Follow
08/11/2011 - FSHD 2371 semester project scores
showed: 100% (4) of students scored between 93100%. The course sampling is small because the
course is new to the program.
Result Type:
Standard Met
Recommendation Status:
2 - Recommendation Documented
Evaluation of the Assessment:
The course semester project tally form
clearly is suitable for assessment of student
achievement of the set goals.
08/24/2012 - Because we see the
positive outcomes in this area, we
will continue with problem solving
tasks and projects so that the
students will continue to achieve
success in being able to access,
interpret, evaluate, and synthesize
information at a high level for use in
the apparel industry.
03/26/2010 - Critiques, practical exams and
scores on course final exams and projects
Result Type:
Standard Not Met
Recommendation Status:
2 - Recommendation Documented
Evaluation of the Assessment:
Total student body achieves 85% or higher
on scores and tallies
03/26/2010 - Students who do not
meet these standards will be given
to work on supplementary
08/11/2011 - FSHD 2344 and FSHD 2371
semester project scores showed: 100% (5) of
students scored between 93-100%.
Result Type:
Standard Met
Recommendation Status:
2 - Recommendation Documented
Evaluation of the Assessment:
The assessment tools worked well for these
courses and competencies.
08/24/2012 - Assessment results
show us that work assigned aided
the students in their comprehension
of the complex design and
production process required to
create a sample line. We will
continue to assign a number of
tasks that lead to this type of
student success.
03/26/2010 - Critique sheets for project plans,
development and execution show that 82% of
students received a score of 85% or higher.
Result Type:
05/07/2010 - The discipline will be
looking at possible changes to the
assessment tools to achieve more
Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive.
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Student Learning Outcomes
Means of Assessment & Standard Criteria for Success / Strategie(s)
Standard Not Met
Recommendation Status:
2 - Recommendation Documented
Evaluation of the Assessment:
The assessment tool works well but more
reliable data will be reflected with the
changes that are being implemented in the
Discipline - Fashion Technology (SLO's) Fashion Technology - Design and Market
Plan - The student will develop a basic
design and market plan for the apparel
production or retail industry including
competent development of designs based
on both creativity and the current movement
of fashion trends, economic trends and
consumer wants and needs.
Outcome Start Date:
Outcome Status:
Means of Assessment:
Critiques of course projects and tally sheets
related to design and marketing
Assessment Tool:
Project/Group Project
Standard - Criteria for Success:
Total student body achieves 85% or higher
on scores and tallies of the Market Plan
Assessment Date:
Means of Assessment:
Critiques of course projects and tally sheets
related to design and marketing as well as a
Final Collection.
Assessment Tool:
Project/Group Project
08/31/2012 3:17 PM
Use of Results for Improvement & Follow
reliable data.
03/26/2010 - Students who do not
meet these standards will be given
to work on supplementary
12/13/2011 - 92% of students received 90% or
higher on their collection tally scores, with 54%
receiving a score higher than 95%.
Result Type:
Standard Met
Recommendation Status:
2 - Recommendation Documented
Evaluation of the Assessment:
The use of the semester project works well
to evaluate the students' learning outcomes.
08/24/2012 - We can use this
assessment to determine that the
students are learning. For the sake
of continual improvement, we will
continue to add exercises that aid
the students in their development of
excellent design and marketing
03/26/2010 - Scores on exit exams and tally
sheets for semester projects showed that not all
students were able to achieve a grade of 85% or
Result Type:
Standard Not Met
Recommendation Status:
2 - Recommendation Documented
Evaluation of the Assessment:
Evaluation tool shows that the learning for
this SLO is being achieved but the rate of
student success needs to improve.
03/26/2010 - Students who do not
meet these standards will be given
to work on supplementary
12/09/2009 - FSHD 2343 100% (13) of the
students scored between 93-100%
Result Type:
Standard Met
Recommendation Status:
2 - Recommendation Documented
08/24/2012 - Based on the
assessment, we will continue to give
students tasks that help them to
develop the ability to create
competent development plans.
Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive.
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Student Learning Outcomes
Means of Assessment & Standard Criteria for Success / Strategie(s)
Standard - Criteria for Success:
Total student body achieves 85% or higher
on scores and tallies of the Market Plan
Assessment Date:
08/31/2012 3:17 PM
Evaluation of the Assessment:
The discipline will be looking at possible
changes to the assessment tools to achieve
more reliable data.
Generated by TracDat a product of Nuventive.
Use of Results for Improvement & Follow
08/11/2011 - The success of the
Results show that the learning is
being achieved.
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