Quality Enhancement Plan Timeline

Quality Enhancement Plan Timeline
Spring 2010—Get the idea of the QEP out to the EPCC community.
Summer 2010—Continue researching other colleges’ QEPs and data associated with their reaffirmation.
Research EPCC’s data and locate areas that might benefit from the QEP.
Fall 2010—Develop a list of ten very broad topics / areas to be considered for the QEP. Narrow list.
Spring 2011—Have the EPCC community vote and make a final decision on the QEP topic.
Summer 2011—Begin drafting QEP.
Fall 2011—Continue drafting and revising QEP as data directs.
Spring 2012—Finalize the QEP.
Summer 2012—Publish QEP and send it to SACS in preparation for the On-site Team visit.
Fall 2012—SACS on-site visit.