In IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking Vol 5, Number 6, pages 835-846, December 1997 Self-Similarity in World Wide Web Trac: Evidence and Possible Causes Mark E. Crovella and Azer Bestavros Computer Science Department Boston University 111 Cummington St, Boston, MA 02215 fcrovella, Abstract Recently the notion of self-similarity has been shown to apply to wide-area and local-area network trac. In this paper we show evidence that the subset of network trac that is due to World Wide Web transfers can show characteristics that are consistent with self-similarity, and we present a hypothesized explanation for that self-similarity. Using a set of traces of actual user executions of NCSA Mosaic, we examine the dependence structure of WWW trac. First, we show evidence that WWW trac exhibits behavior that is consistent with self-similar trac models. Then we show that the self-similarity in such trac can be explained based on the underlying distributions of WWW document sizes, the e ects of caching and user preference in le transfer, the e ect of user \think time," and the superimposition of many such transfers in a local area network. To do this we rely on empirically measured distributions both from client traces and from data independently collected at WWW servers. 1 1 Introduction Understanding the nature of network trac is critical in order to properly design and implement computer networks and network services like the World Wide Web. Recent examinations of LAN trac [14] and wide area network trac [20] have challenged the commonly assumed models for network trac, e.g., the Poisson process. Were trac to follow a Poisson or Markovian arrival process, it would have a characteristic burst length which would tend to be smoothed by averaging over a long enough time scale. Rather, measurements of real trac indicate that signi cant trac variance (burstiness) is present on a wide range of time scales. Trac that is bursty on many or all time scales can be described statistically using the notion of self-similarity. Self-similarity is the property we associate with one type of fractal|an object whose appearance is unchanged regardless of the scale at which it is viewed. In the case of stochastic objects like timeseries, self-similarity is used in the distributional sense: when viewed at varying scales, the object's correlational structure remains unchanged. As a result, such a timeseries exhibits bursts|extended periods above the mean|at a wide range of time scales. Since a self-similar process has observable bursts at a wide range of timescales, it can exhibit long-range dependence; values at any instant are typically non-negligibly positively correlated with values at all future instants. Surprisingly (given the counterintuitive aspects of long-range dependence) the self-similarity of Ethernet network trac has been rigorously established [14]. The importance of long-range dependence in network trac is beginning to be observed in studies such as [8, 13, 18], which show that packet loss and delay behavior is radically di erent when simulations use either real trac data or synthetic data that incorporates long-range dependence. However, the reasons behind self-similarity in Internet trac have not been clearly identi ed. In this paper we show that in some cases, self-similarity in network trac can be explained in terms of le system characteristics and user behavior. In the process, we trace the genesis of self-similarity in network trac back from the trac itself, through the actions of le transmission, caching systems, and user choice, to the high-level distributions of le sizes and user event interarrivals. To bridge the gap between studying network trac on one hand and high-level system characteristics on the other, we make use of two essential tools. First, to explain self-similar network trac in terms of individual transmission lengths, we employ the mechanism described in [30] (based on earlier work in [15] and [14]). Those papers point out that self-similar trac can be constructed by multiplexing a large number of ON/OFF sources that have ON and OFF period lengths that are heavy-tailed, as de ned in Section 2.3. Such a mechanism could correspond to a network of workstations, each of which is either silent or transferring data at a constant rate. Our second tool in bridging the gap between transmission times and high-level system characteristics is our use of the World Wide Web (or Web) as an object of study. The Web provides a 2 special opportunity for studying network trac because its trac arises as the result of le transfers from an easily studied set, and user activity is easily monitored. To study the trac patterns of the Web we collected reference data re ecting actual Web use at our site. We instrumented NCSA Mosaic [10] to capture user access patterns to the Web. Since at the time of our data collection, Mosaic was by far the dominant Web browser at our site, we were able to capture a fairly complete picture of Web trac on our local network; our dataset consists of more than half a million user requests for document transfers, and includes detailed timing of requests and transfer lengths. In addition we surveyed a number of Web servers to capture document size information that we used to compare the access patterns of clients with the access patterns seen at servers. The paper takes two parts. First, we consider the possibility of self-similarity of Web trac for the busiest hours we measured. To do so we use analyses very similar to those performed in [14]. These analyses support the notion that Web trac may show self-similar characteristics, at least when demand is high enough. This result in itself has implications for designers of systems that attempt to improve performance characteristics of the Web. Second, using our Web trac, user preference, and le size data, we comment on reasons why the transmission times and quiet times for any particular Web session are heavy-tailed, which is an essential characteristic of the proposed mechanism for self-similarity of trac. In particular, we argue that many characteristics of Web use can be modelled using heavy-tailed distributions, including the distribution of transfer times, the distribution of user requests for documents, and the underlying distribution of documents sizes available in the Web. In addition, using our measurements of user inter-request times, we explore reasons for the heavy-tailed distribution of quiet times. 2 Background 2.1 De nition of Self-Similarity For detailed discussion of self-similarity in time series data and the accompanying statistical tests, see [2, 29]. Our discussion in this subsection and the next closely follows those sources. Given a zero-mean, stationary timeseries X = (Xt ; t = 1; 2; 3; :::), we de ne the m-aggregated series X (m) = (Xk(m) ; k = 1; 2; 3; :::) by summing the original series X over nonoverlapping blocks of size m. Then we say that X is H-self-similar if for all positive m, X (m) has the same distribution as X rescaled by mH . That is: Xt =d m;H Xtm i=(t;1)m+1 3 Xi for all m 2 N If X is H-self-similar, it has the same autocorrelation function r(k) = E [(Xt ; )(Xt+k ; )]=2 as the series X (m) for all m. Note that this means that the series is distributionally self-similar: the distribution of the aggregated series is the same (except for a change in scale) as that of the original. As a result, self-similar processes can show long-range dependence. A process with long-range dependence has an autocorrelation function r(k) k; as k ! 1, where 0 < < 1. Thus the autocorrelation function of such a process follows a power law, as compared to the exponential decay exhibited by traditional trac models. Power-law decay is slower than exponential decay, and since < 1, the sum of the autocorrelation values of such a series approaches in nity. This has a number of implications. First, the variance of the mean of n samples from such a series does not decrease proportionally to 1=n (as predicted by basic statistics for uncorrelated datasets) but rather decreases proportionally to n; . Second, the power spectrum of such a series is hyperbolic, rising to in nity at frequency zero|re ecting the \in nite" in uence of long-range dependence in the data. One of the attractive features of using self-similar models for time series, when appropriate, is that the degree of self-similarity of a series is expressed using only a single parameter. The parameter expresses the speed of decay of the series' autocorrelation function. For historical reasons, the parameter used is the Hurst parameter H = 1 ; =2. Thus, for self-similar series with long-range dependence, 1=2 < H < 1. As H ! 1, the degree of both self-similarity and long-range dependence increases. 2.2 Statistical Tests For Self-Similarity In this paper we use four methods to test for self-similarity. These methods are described fully in [2] and are the same methods described and used in [14]. A summary of the relative accuracy of these methods on synthetic datasets is presented in [27]. The rst method, the variance-time plot, relies on the slowly decaying variance of a self-similar series. The variance of X (m) is plotted against m on a log-log plot; a straight line with slope (; ) greater than -1 is indicative of self-similarity, and the parameter H is given by H = 1 ; =2. The second method, the R=S plot, uses the fact that for a self-similar dataset, the rescaled range or R=S statistic grows according to a power law with exponent H as a function of the number of points included (n). Thus the plot of R=S against n on a log-log plot has slope which is an estimate of H . The third approach, the periodogram method, uses the slope of the power spectrum of the series as frequency approaches zero. On a log-log plot, the periodogram slope is a straight line with slope ; 1 = 1 ; 2H close to the origin. While the preceding three graphical methods are useful for exposing faulty assumptions (such as 4 non-stationarity in the dataset) they do not provide con dence intervals, and as developed in [27], they may be biased for large H . The fourth method, called the Whittle estimator, does provide a con dence interval, but has the drawback that the form of the underlying stochastic process must be supplied. The two forms that are most commonly used are fractional Gaussian noise (FGN) with parameter 1=2 < H < 1, and Fractional ARIMA (p; d; q) with 0 < d < 1=2 (for details see [2, 4]). These two models di er in their assumptions about the short-range dependences in the datasets; FGN assumes no short-range dependence while Fractional ARIMA can assume a xed degree of short-range dependence. Since we are concerned only with the long-range dependence in our datasets, we employ the Whittle estimator as follows. Each hourly dataset is aggregated at increasing levels m, and the Whittle estimator is applied to each m-aggregated dataset using the FGN model. This approach exploits the property that any long-range dependent process approaches FGN when aggregated to a sucient level, and so should be coupled with a test of the marginal distribution of the aggregated observations to ensure that it has converged to the Normal distribution. As m increases short-range dependences are averaged out of the dataset; if the value of H remains relatively constant we can be con dent that it measures a true underlying level of self-similarity. Since aggregating the series shortens it, con dence intervals will tend to grow as the aggregation level increases; however if the estimates of H appear stable as the aggregation level increases, then we consider the con dence intervals for the unaggregated dataset to be representative. 2.3 Heavy-Tailed Distributions The distributions we use in this paper have the property of being heavy-tailed. A distribution is heavy-tailed if P [X > x] x; ; as x ! 1; 0 < < 2: That is, regardless of the behavior of the distribution for small values of the random variable, if the asymptotic shape of the distribution is hyperbolic, it is heavy-tailed. The simplest heavy-tailed distribution is the Pareto distribution. The Pareto distribution is hyperbolic over its entire range; its probability mass function is p(x) = k x; ;1; ; k > 0; x k: and its cumulative distribution function is given by F (x) = P [X x] = 1 ; (k=x) The parameter k represents the smallest possible value of the random variable. 5 Heavy-tailed distributions have a number of properties that are qualitatively di erent from distributions more commonly encountered such as the exponential, normal, or Poisson distributions. If 2, then the distribution has in nite variance; if 1 then the distribution has in nite mean. Thus, as decreases, an arbitrarily large portion of the probability mass may be present in the tail of the distribution. In practical terms a random variable that follows a heavy-tailed distribution can give rise to extremely large values with non-negligible probability (see [20] and [16] for details and examples). To assess the presence of heavy tails in our data, we employ log-log complementary distribution (LLCD) plots. These are plots of the complementary cumulative distribution F (x) = 1 ; F (x) = P [X > x] on log-log axes. Plotted in this way, heavy-tailed distributions have the property that d log F (x) = ; ; x > d log x for some . To check for the presence of heavy tails in practice we form the LLCD plot and look for approximately linear behavior over a signi cant range (3 orders of magnitude or more) in the tail. It is possible to form rough estimates of the shape parameter from the LLCD plot as well. First, we inspect the LLCD plot and choose a value for above which the plot appears to be linear. Then we select equally-spaced points from among the LLCD points larger than and estimate the slope using least-squares regression.1 The proper choice of is made based on inspecting the LLCD plot; in this paper we identify the used in each case, and show the resulting tted line used to estimate . Another approach we used to estimating tail weight is the Hill estimator [12] (described in detail in [30]). The Hill estimator uses the k largest values from a dataset to estimate the value of for the dataset. In practice one plots the Hill estimator for increasing values of k, using only the portion of the tail that appears to exhibit power-law behavior; if the estimator settles to a consistent value, this value provides an estimate of . 3 Related Work The rst step in understanding WWW trac is the collection of trace data. Previous measurement studies of the Web have focused on reference patterns established based on logs of proxies [11, 25], or servers [21]. The authors in [5] captured client traces, but they concentrated on events at the user interface level in order to study browser and page design. In contrast, our goal in data collection was to acquire a complete picture of the reference behavior and timing of user accesses to the Equally-spaced points are used because the point density varies over the range used, and the preponderance of data points at small values would otherwise unduly in uence the least-squares regression. 1 6 WWW. As a result, we collected a large dataset of client-based traces. A full description of our traces (which are available for anonymous FTP) is given in [6]. Previous wide-area trac studies have studied FTP, TELNET, NNTP, and SMTP trac [19, 20]. Our data complements those studies by providing a view of WWW (HTTP) trac at a \stub" network. Since WWW trac accounts for a large fraction of the trac on the Internet,2 understanding the nature of WWW trac is important. The benchmark study of self-similarity in network trac is [14], and our study uses many of the same methods used in that work. However, the goal of that study was to demonstrate the self-similarity of network trac; to do that, many large datasets taken from a multi-year span were used. Our focus is not on establishing self-similarity of network trac (although we do so for the interesting subset of network trac that is Web-related); instead we concentrate on examining the reasons behind self-similarity of network trac. As a result of this di erent focus, we do not analyze trac datasets for low, normal, and busy hours. Instead we focus on the four busiest hours in our logs. While these four hours are well described as self-similar, many less-busy hours in our logs do not show self-similar characteristics. We feel that this is only the result of the trac demand present in our logs, which is much lower than that used in [14]; this belief is supported by the ndings in that study, which showed that the intensity of self-similarity increases as the aggregate trac level increases. Our work is most similar in intent to [30]. That paper looked at network trac at the packet level, identi ed the ows between individual source/destination pairs, and showed that transmission and idle times for those ows were heavy-tailed. In contrast, our paper is based on data collected at the application level rather than the network level. As a result we are able to examine the relationship between transmission times and le sizes, and are able to assess the e ects of caching and user preference on these distributions. These observations allow us to build on the conclusions presented in [30] and con rm observations made in [20] by showing that the heavy-tailed nature of transmission and idle times is not primarily a result of network protocols or user preference, but rather stems from more basic properties of information storage and processing: both le sizes and user \think times" are themselves strongly heavy-tailed. 4 Examining Web Trac Self-Similarity In this section we show evidence that WWW trac can be self-similar. To do so, we rst describe how we measured WWW trac; then we apply the statistical methods described in Section 2 to assess self-similarity. 2 See, for example, data at 7 4.1 Data Collection In order to relate trac patterns to higher-level e ects, we needed to capture aspects of user behavior as well as network demand. The approach we took to capturing both types of data simultaneously was to modify a WWW browser so as to log all user accesses to the Web. The browser we used was Mosaic, since its source was publicly available and permission has been granted for using and modifying the code for research purposes. A complete description of our data collection methods and the format of the log les is given in [6]; here we only give a high-level summary. We modi ed Mosaic to record the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) [3] of each le accessed by the Mosaic user, as well as the time the le was accessed and the time required to transfer the le from its server (if necessary). For completeness, we record all URLs accessed whether they were served from Mosaic's cache or via a le transfer; however the trac timeseries we analyze in this section consist only of actual network transfers. At the time of our study (January and February 1995) Mosaic was the WWW browser preferred by nearly all users at our site. Hence our data consists of nearly all of the WWW trac at our site. Since the time of our study, users have come to prefer commericial browsers which are not available in source form. As a result, capturing an equivalent set of WWW user traces at the current time would be more dicult. The data captured consists of the sequence of WWW le requests performed during each session, where a session is one execution of NCSA Mosaic. Each le request is identi ed by its URL, and session, user, and workstation ID; associated with the request is the time stamp when the request was made, the size of the document (including the overhead of the protocol) and the object retrieval time. Timestamps were accurate to 10 ms. Thus, to provide 3 signi cant digits in our results, we limited our analysis to time intervals greater than or equal to 1 sec. To convert our logs to trac time series, it was necessary to allocate the bytes transferred in each request equally into bins spanning the transfer duration. Although this process smooths out short-term variations in the trac ow of each transfer, our restriction to time series with granularity of 1 second or more| combined with the fact that most le transfers are short [6]|means that such smoothing has little e ect on our results. To collect our data we installed our instrumented version of Mosaic in the general computing environment at Boston University's Computer Science Department. This environment consists principally of 37 SparcStation-2 workstations connected in a local network. Each workstation has its own local disk; logs were written to the local disk and subsequently transferred to a central repository. Although we collected data from 21 November 1994 through 8 May 1995, the data used in this paper is only from the period 17 January 1995 to 28 February 1995. This period was chosen because departmental WWW usage was distinctly lower (and the pool of users less diverse) before 8 Sessions 4,700 Users 591 URLs Requested 575,775 Files Transferred 130,140 Unique Files Requested 46,830 Bytes Requested 2713 MB Bytes Transferred 1849 MB Unique Bytes Requested 1088 MB Table 1: Summary Statistics for Trace Data Used in This Study the start of classes in early January; and because by early March 1995, Mosaic had ceased to be the dominant browser at our site. A statistical summary of the trace data used in this study is shown in Table 1. 4.2 Self-Similarity of WWW Trac Using the WWW trac data we obtained as described in the previous section, we show evidence consistent with the conclusion that WWW trac is self-similar on time scales of one second and above. To do so, we show that for four busy hours from our trac logs, the Hurst parameter H for our datasets is signi cantly di erent from 1/2. We used the four methods for assessing self-similarity described in Section 2: the variancetime plot, the rescaled range (or R/S) plot, the periodogram plot, and the Whittle estimator. We concentrated on individual hours from our trac series, so as to provide as nearly a stationary dataset as possible. To provide an example of these approaches, analysis of a single hour (4pm to 5pm, Thursday 5 Feb 1995) is shown in Figure 1. The gure shows plots for the three graphical methods: variancetime (upper left), rescaled range (upper right), and periodogram (lower center). The variance-time plot is linear and shows a slope that is distinctly di erent from -1 (which is shown for comparison); the slope is estimated using regression as -0.48, yielding an estimate for H of 0.76. The R/S plot shows an asymptotic slope that is di erent from 0.5 and from 1.0 (shown for comparision); it is estimated using regression as 0.75, which is also the corresponding estimate of H . The periodogram plot shows a slope of -0.66 (the regression line is shown), yielding an estimate of H as 0.83. Finally, the Whittle estimator for this dataset (not a graphical method) yields an estimate of As discussed in Section 2.2, the Whittle estimator is the only method that yields con dence intervals on H , but it requires the the form of the underlying timeseries be provided. We used the Fractional Gaussian Noise model, so it is important to verify that the underlying series behaves 9 4 -0.5 3.5 3 -1 log10(r/s) log10(Normalized Variance) 0 -1.5 -2 -2.5 2.5 2 1.5 1 -3 0.5 -3.5 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 log10(m) 2.5 3 3.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 log10(d) 3 3.5 14 log10(periodogram) 13.5 13 12.5 12 11.5 11 10.5 10 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 log10(frequency) -0.5 0 Figure 1: Graphical Analysis of a Single Hour like FGN; namely, that is has a Normal marginal distribution and that additional short-range dependence is not present. We can test whether lack of normality or short-range dependence is biasing the Whittle estimator by m-aggregating the timeseries for successively large values of m, and determining whether the Whittle estimator remains stable, since aggregating the series will disrupt short-range correlations and tend to make the marginal distribution closer to the Normal. The results of this method for four busy hours are shown in Figure 2. Each hour is shown in one plot, from the busiest hour (largest amount of total trac) in the upper left to the least busy hour in the lower right. In these gures the solid line is the value of the Whittle estimate of H as a function of the aggregation level m of the dataset. The upper and lower dotted lines are the limits of the 95% con dence interval on H . The three level lines represent the estimate of H for the unaggregated dataset as given by the variance-time, R-S, and periodogram methods. The gure shows that for each dataset, the estimate of H stays relatively consistent as the aggregation level is increased, and that the estimates given by the three graphical methods fall well 10 4 1.2 Point Estimate of H and 95% CI Point Estimate of H and 95% CI 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Aggregration Level m 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Aggregration Level m 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Aggregration Level m 1.2 Point Estimate of H and 95% CI 1.2 Point Estimate of H and 95% CI 1 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Aggregration Level m Figure 2: Whittle Estimator Applied to Aggregated Datasets within the range of H estimates given by the Whittle estimator. The estimates of H given by these plots are in the range 0.7 to 0.8, consistent with the values for a lightly loaded network measured in [14]. Moving from the busier hours to the less-busy hours, the estimates of H seem to decline somewhat, and the variance in the estimate of H increases, which are also conclusions consistent with previous research. Thus the results in this section show evidence that WWW trac at stub networks might be self-similar, when trac demand is high enough. We expect this to be even more pronounced on backbone links, where trac from a multitude of sources is aggregated. In addition, WWW trac in stub networks is likely to become more self-similar as the demand for, and utilization of, the WWW increase in the future. 11 5 Explaining Web Trac Self-Similarity While the previous section showed evidence that Web trac can show self-similar characteristics, it provides no explanation for this result. This section provides a possible explanation, based on measured characteristics of the Web. 5.1 Superimposing Heavy-Tailed Renewal Processes Our starting point is the method of constructing self-similar processes described in [30] which is a re nement of work done by Mandelbrot [15] and Taqqu and Levy [28]. A self-similar process may be constructed by superimposing many simple renewal reward processes, in which the rewards are restricted to the values 0 and 1, and in which the inter-renewal times are heavy-tailed. As described in Section 2, a heavy-tailed distribution has in nite variance and the weight of its tail is determined by the parameter < 2. This construction can be visualized as follows. Consider a large number of concurrent processes that are each either ON or OFF. The ON and OFF periods for each process strictly alternate, and either the distribution of ON times is heavy tailed with parameter 1 , or the distribution of OFF times is heavy tailed with parameter 2 , or both. At any point in time, the value of the time series is the number of processes in the ON state. Such a model could correspond to a network of workstations, each of which is either silent or transferring data at a constant rate. For this model, it has been shown that the result of aggregating many such sources is a self-similar fractional Gaussian noise process, with H = (3 ; min( 1 ; 2 ))=2 [30]. Adopting this model to explain the self-similarity of Web trac requires an explanation for the heavy-tailed distribution of either ON or OFF times. In our system, ON times correspond to the transmission durations of individual Web les (although this is not an exact t, since the model assumes constant transmission rate during the ON times), and OFF times correspond to the intervals between transmissions. So we need to ask whether Web le transmission times or quiet times are heavy-tailed, and if so, why. Unlike trac studies that concentrate on network-level and transport-level data transfer rates, we have available application-level information such as the names and sizes of les being transferred, as well as their transmission times. Thus to answer these questions we can analyze the characteristics of our client logs. 12 0 3 2.5 -1 -1.5 -2 Estimate of Alpha Log10(P[X>x]) -0.5 -2.5 -3 -3.5 -4 2 1.5 1 0.5 -4.5 -5 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Log10(Transmission Time in Seconds) 0 3.5 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 kth Order Statistic Figure 3: Log-Log Complementary Distribution (left) and Hill Estimator (right) for Transmission Times of Web Files 5.2 Examining Transmission Times 5.2.1 The Distribution of Web Transmission Times Our rst observation is that the distribution of Web le transmission times shows non-negligible probabilities over a wide range of le sizes. Figure 3 (left side) shows the LLCD plot of the durations of all 130,140 transfers that occurred during the measurement period. The shape of the upper tail on this plot, while not strictly linear, shows only a slight downward trend over almost four orders of magnitude. This is evidence of very high variance (though perhaps not in nite) in the underlying distribution. From this plot is not clear whether actual ON times in the Web would show heavy tails, because our assumption equating le transfer durations with actual ON times is an oversimpli cation (e.g., the pattern of packet arrivals during le transfers may show large gaps). However, if we hypothesize that the underlying distribution is heavy tailed, then this property would seem to be present for values greater than about 0.5, which corresponds roughly to largest 10% of all transmissions (log10 (P [X > x]) < ;1). A least squares t to evenly spaced data points greater than ;0:5 (R2 = 0:98) has a slope of ;1:21, which yields ^ = 1:21. The right side of Figure 3 shows the value of the Hill estimator for varying k, again restricted to the upper 10% tail. The Hill plot shows that the estimator seems to settle to a relatively constant estimate, consistent with ^ 1:2. Thus, although this dataset does not show conclusive evidence of in nite variance, it is suggestive of a very high or in nite variance condition in the underlying distribution of ON times. Note that the result of aggregating a large number of ON/OFF processes in which the distribution of ON 13 3 -1 2.5 Estimate of Alpha Log10(P[X>x]) 0 -2 -3 -4 -5 2 1.5 1 0.5 -6 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Log10(File Size in Bytes) 7 8 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 kth Order Statistic Figure 4: LLCD and Hill Estimator For Sizes of Web File Transfers times is heavy-tailed with = 1:2 should yield a self-similar process with H = 0:9, while our data generally shows values of H in the range 0.7 to 0.8. 5.2.2 Why are Web Transmission Times Highly Variable? To understand why transmission times exhibit high variance, we now examine size distributions of Web les themselves. First, we present the distribution of sizes for le transfers in our logs. The results for all 130,140 transfers is shown in Figure 4, which is a plot of the LLCD and the Hill estimator for the set of transfer sizes in bytes. Again, choosing the point at which power-law behavior begins is dicult, but the gure shows that for le sizes greater than about 10,000 bytes, transfer size distribution seems reasonably well modeled by a heavy-tailed distribution. This is the range over which the Hill estimator is shown in the Figure. A linear t to the points for which le size is greater than 10,000 yields ^ = 1:15 (R2 = 0:99). The Hill estimator shows some variability in the interval between 1 and 1.2, but its estimates seem consistent with ^ 1:1. Interestingly, the authors in [20] found that the upper tail of the distribution of data bytes in FTP bursts was well t to a Pareto distribution with 0:9 1:1. Thus our results indicate that with respect to the upper-tail distribution of le sizes, Web transfers do not di er signi cantly from FTP trac; however our data also allow us to comment on the reasons behind the heavy-tailed distribution of transmitted les. An important question then is why le transfers show a heavy-tailed distribution. On one hand, it is clear that the set of les requested constitutes user \input" to the system. It's natural to assume that le requests therefore might be the primary determiner of heavy-tailed le transfers. If this were the case, then perhaps changes in user behavior might a ect the heavy-tailed nature of 14 0 -1 -1 Log10(P[X>x]) Log10(P[X>x]) 0 -2 -3 -4 -5 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Log10(File Size in Bytes) 7 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Log10(File Size in Bytes) 7 Figure 5: LLCD of File Requests (left) and Unique Files (right) le transfers, and by implication, the self-similar properties of network trac. In fact, in this section we argue that the set of le requests made by users is not the primary determiner of the heavy-tailed nature of le transfers. Rather, le transfers seem to be more stongly determined by the set of les available in the Web. To support this conclusion we present characteristics of two more datasets. First, we present the distribution of the set of all requests made by users. This set consists of 575,775 les, and contains both the requests that were satis ed via the network and the requests that were satis ed from Mosaic's cache. Second, we present the distribution of the set of unique les that were transferred. This set consists of 46,830 les, all di erent. These two distributions are shown in Figure 5. The gure shows that both distributions appear to be heavy-tailed. For the set of le requests, we estimated the tail to start at approximately sizes of 10,000 bytes; over this range the slope of the LLCD plot yields a ^ of about 1.22 (R2 = 0:99) while the Hill estimator varies between approximately 1.0 and 1.3. For the set of unique les, we estimated the tail to start at approximately 30,000 bytes. The slope estimate over this range is ^ of about 1.12 (R2 = 0:99) and the Hill estimator over this range varies between 1.0 and 1.15. The relationship between the three sets can be seen more clearly in Figure 6, which plots all three distributions on the same axes. This gure shows that the set of le transfers is intermediate in characteristics between the set of le requests and the set of unique les. For example, the median size of the set of le transfers lies between the median sizes for the sets of le requests and unique les. The reason for this e ect can be seen as the natural result of caching. If caches were in nite in size and shared by all users, the set of le transfers would be identical to the set of unique les, since each le would miss in the cache only once. If nite caches are performing well, we can 15 8 0 Log10(P[X>x]) -1 -2 -3 -4 Unique Files File Transfers File Requests -5 -6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Log10(File Size in Bytes) 7 8 Figure 6: LLCD plots of the Di erent Distributions expect that they are attempting to approximate the e ects of an in nite cache. Thus the e ect of caching (when it is e ective) is to adjust the distributional characteristics of the set of transfers to approximate those of the set of unique les. In the case of our data, it seems that NCSA Mosaic was able to achieve a reasonable approximation of the performance of an in nite cache, despite its nite resources: from Table 1 we can calculate that NCSA Mosaic achieved a 77% hit rate (1 ; 130140=575775), while a cache of in nite size (shared by all users) would achieve a 92% hit rate (1 ; 46830=575775). What, then, determines the distribution of the set of unique les? To help answer this question we surveyed 32 Web servers scattered throughout North America. These servers were chosen because they provided a usage report based on www-stat 1.0 [23]. These usage reports provide information sucient to determine the distribution of le sizes on the server (for les accessed during the reporting period). In each case we obtained the most recent usage reports (as of July 1995), for an entire month if possible. While this method is not a random sample of les available in the Web, it suced for the purpose of comparing distributional characteristics. In fact, the distribution of all the available les present on the 32 Web servers closely matches the distribution of the set of unique les in our client traces. The two distributions are shown on the same axes in Figure 7. Although these two distributions appear very similar, they are based on completely di erent datasets. That is, it appears that the set of unique les can be considered, with respect to sizes, to be a sample from the set of all les available on the Web. This argument is based on the assumption that cache management policies do not speci cally exclude or include les based on their size; and that unique les are sampled without respect 16 0 Log10(P[X>x]) -1 -2 -3 -4 Unique Files Available Files -5 -6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Log10(File Size in Bytes) 7 8 Figure 7: LLCD plots of the Unique Files and Available Files to size from the set of available les. While these assumptions may not hold in other contexts, the data shown in Figures 6 and 7 seems to support them in this case. Thus we conclude that as long as caching is e ective, the set of les available in the Web is likely to be the primary determiner of the heavy-tailed characteristics of les transferred|and that the set of requests made by users is relatively less important. This suggests that available les are of primary importance in determining actual trac composition, and that changes in user request patterns are unlikely to result in signi cant changes to the self-similar nature of Web trac. 5.2.3 Why are Available Files Heavy-Tailed? If available les in the Web are in fact heavy-tailed, one possible explanation might be that the explicit support for multimedia formats may encourage larger le sizes, thereby increasing the tail weight of distribution sizes. While we nd that multimedia does increase tail weight to some degree, in fact it is not the root cause of the heavy tails. This can be seen in Figure 8. Figure 8 was constructed by categorizing all server les into one of seven categories, based on le extension. The categories we used were: images, text, audio, video, archives, preformatted text, and compressed les. This simple categorization was able to encompass 85% of all les. From this set, the categories images, text, audio, and video accounted for 97%. The cumulative distribution of these four categories, expressed as a fraction of the total set of les, is shown in Figure 8. In the gure, the upper line is the distribution of all accessed les, which is the same as the available les line shown in Figure 7. The three intermediate lines are the components of that distribution attributable to images, audio, and video. The lowest line (at the extreme right-hand point) is the 17 0 Log10(P[X>x]) -1 -2 -3 -4 All Files Image Files Audio Files Video Files Text Files -5 -6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Log10(File Size in Bytes) 7 8 Figure 8: LLCD of File Sizes Available on 32 Web Sites, By File Type component attributable to text (HTML) alone. The gure shows that the e ect of adding multimedia les to the set of text les serves to translate the tail to the right. However, it also suggests that the distribution of text les may itself be heavy-tailed. Using least-squares tting for the portions of the distributions in which log10 (x) > 4, we nd that for all les available ^ = 1:27 but that for the text les only, ^ = 1:59. The e ects of the various multimedia types are also evident from the gure. In the approximate range of 1,000 to 30,000 bytes, tail weight is primarily increased by images. In the approximate range of 30,000 to 300,000 bytes, tail weight is increased mainly by audio les. Beyond 300,000 bytes, tail weight is increased mainly by video les. The fact that le size distributions have very long tails has been noted before, particularly in lesystem studies [1, 9, 17, 22, 24, 26], however they have not explicitly examined the tails for power-law behavior and measurements of values have been absent. As an example, we compare the distribution of Web les found in our logs with an overall distribution of les found in a survey of Unix lesystems. While there is no truly \typical" Unix le system, an aggregate picture of le sizes on over 1000 di erent Unix le systems was collected by Irlam in 1993.3 In Figure 9 we compare the distribution of document sizes we found in the Web with that data. The Figure plots the two histograms on the same, log-log scale. Surprisingly, Figure 9 shows that in our Web data, there is a stronger preference for small les than in Unix le systems.4 The Web favors documents in the 256 to 512 byte range, while Unix 3 4 This data is available from However, not shown in the gure is the fact that while there are virtually no Web les smaller than 100 bytes, 18 100 WWW Document Sizes Unix File Sizes Percent of All Files 10 1 0.1 0.01 100 1000 10000 100000 Size in Bytes 1e+06 Figure 9: Comparison of Unix File Sizes with Web File Sizes les are more commonly in the 1KB to 4KB range. More importantly, the tail of the distribution of Web les is not nearly as heavy as the tail of the distribution of Unix les. Thus, despite the emphasis on multimedia in the Web, we conclude that Web le systems are currently more biased toward small les than are typical Unix le systems. In conclusion, these observations seem to show that heavy-tailed size distributions are not uncommon in various data storage systems. It seems that the possibility of very large le sizes may be non-negligible in a wide range of contexts; and that in particular this e ect is of central importance in understanding the genesis of self-similar trac in the Web. 5.3 Examining Quiet Times In subsection 5.1, we attributed the self-similarity of Web trac to the superimposition of heavytailed ON/OFF processes, where the ON times correspond to the transmission durations of individual Web les and OFF times correspond to periods when a workstation is not receiving Web data. While ON times are the result of a positive event (transmission), OFF times are a negative event that could occur for a number of reasons. The workstation may not be receiving data because it has just nished receiving one component of a Web page (say, text containing an inlined image) and is busy interpreting, formatting and displaying it before requesting the next component (say, the inlined image). Or, the workstation may not be receiving data because the user is inspecting the results of the last transfer, or not actively using the Web at all. We will call these two conditions \Active OFF" time and \Inactive OFF" time. The di erence between Active OFF time and there are a signi cant number of Unix les smaller than 100 bytes, including many zero- and one-byte les. 19 0 Log10(P[X>x]) -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 Log10(Quiet Time in Seconds) Active Active/Inactive 3 4 Inactive Figure 10: LLCD Plot of OFF times Showing Active and Inactive Regimes Inactive OFF time is important in understanding the distribution of OFF times considered in this section. To extract OFF times from our traces, we adopt the following de nitions. Within each Mosaic session, let ai be the absolute arrival time of URL request i. Let ci be the absolute completion time of the transmission resulting from URL request i. It follows that (ci ; ai ) is the random variable of ON times (whose distribution was shown in Figure 3) whereas (ai+1 ; ci ) is the random variable of OFF times. Figure 10 shows the LLCD plot of (ai+1 ; ci ). In contrast to the other distributions we study in this paper, Figure 10 shows that the distribution of OFF times is not well modeled by a distribution with constant . Instead, there seem to be two regimes for . The region from 1 ms to 1 sec forms one regime; the region from 30 sec to 3000 sec forms another regime; in between the two regions the curve is in transition. The di erence between the two regimes in Figure 10 can be explained in terms of Active OFF time versus Inactive OFF time. Active OFF times represent the time needed by the client machine to process transmitted les (e.g. interpret, format, and display a document component). It seems reasonable that OFF times in the range of 1 ms to 1 sec are not primarily due to users examining data, but are more likely to be strongly determined by machine processing and display time for data items that are retrieved as part of a multi-part document. This distinction is illustrated in Figure 11. For this reason Figure 10 shows the 1 ms to 1 sec region as Active OFF time. On the other hand, it seems reasonable that very few embedded components would require 30 secs or more to interpret, format, and display. Thus we assume that OFF times greater than 30 secs are primarily user-determined, Inactive OFF times. This delineation between Active and Inactive OFF times explains the two notable slopes in Figure 10; furthermore, it indicates that the heavy-tailed nature of OFF times is primarily due to 20 ON time Active OFF time Active Time User Click Inactive OFF time Time Inactive (Think) Time Service Done User Click Figure 11: Active versus Inactive OFF Time -3 -4 log10(Probability) -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 log10(URL Interarrival Time in Seconds) 3.5 4 Figure 12: Histogram of inter-arrival time of URL requests Inactive OFF times that result from user-induced delays, rather than from machine-induced delays or processing. Another way of characterizing these two regimes is through the examination of the inter-arrival times of URL requests|namely, the distribution of ai+1 ; ai . Figure 12 shows that distribution. The \dip" in the distribution in Figure 12 re ects the presence of two underlying distributions. The rst is the inter-arrival of URL requests generated in response to a single user request (or user click). The second is the inter-arrival of URL requests generated in response to two consecutive user requests. The di erence between these distributions is that the former is a ected by the distribution of ON times and the distribution of Active OFF times, whereas the latter is a ected by the distribution of ON times, Active OFF times, and Inactive OFF times. A recent study [7] con rmed this observation by analyzing and characterizing the distribution of document request arrivals at access links. This study, which was based on two data sets di erent from ours,5 concluded that the two regimes exhibited in Figure 10 could be empirically modeled using a Weibull distribution 5 Namely, the Web trac monitored at a corporate rewall during two 2-hour sessions. 21 for the inter-arrival of URL requests during the active regime, and a Pareto distribution for the Inactive OFF times. For self-similarity via aggregation of heavy-tailed renewal processes, the important part of the distribution of OFF times is its tail. Measuring the value of for the tail of the distribution (OFF times greater than 30 sec) via the slope method yields ^ = 1:50 (R2 = 0:99). Thus we see that the OFF times measured in our traces may be heavy-tailed, but with lighter tails than the distribution of ON times. In addition, we argue that any heavy-tailed nature of OFF times is a result of user think time rather than machine-induced delays. Since we saw in the previous section that ON times were heavy-tailed with 1:0 to 1.3, and we see in this section that OFF times are heavy tailed with 1:5, we conclude that ON times (and, consequently, the distribution of available les in the Web) are more likely responsible for the observed level of trac self-similarity, rather than OFF times. 6 Conclusion In this paper we've shown evidence that trac due to World Wide Web transfers shows characteristics that are consistent with self-similarity. More importantly, we've traced the genesis of Web trac self-similarity along two threads: rst, we've shown that transmission times may be heavytailed, primarily due to the distribution of available le sizes in the Web. Second, we've shown that silent times also may be heavy-tailed, primarily due to the in uence of user \think time." Comparing the distributions of ON and OFF times, we nd that the ON time distribution is heavier tailed than the OFF time distribution. The model presented in [30] indicates that when comparing the ON and OFF times, the distribution with the heavier tail is the determiner of actual trac self-similarity levels. Thus we feel that the distribution of le sizes in the Web (which determine ON times) is likely the primary determiner of Web trac self-similarity. In fact, the work presented in [18] has shown that the transfer of les whose sizes are drawn from a heavy-tailed distribution is sucient to generate self-similarity in network trac. These results seem to trace the causes of Web trac self-similarity back to basic characteristics of information organization and retrieval. The heavy-tailed distribution of le sizes we have observed seems similar in spirit to Pareto distributions noted in the social sciences, such as the distribution of lengths of books on library shelves, and the distribution of word lengths in sample texts (for a discussion of these e ects, see [16] and citations therein). In fact, in other work [6] we show that the rule known as Zipf's Law (degree of popularity is exactly inversely proportional to rank of popularity) applies quite strongly to Web documents. The heavy-tailed distribution of user think times also seems to be a feature of human information processing (e.g., [21]). These results suggest that the self-similarity of Web trac is not a machine-induced artifact; 22 in particular, changes in protocol processing and document display are not likely to fundamentally remove the self-similarity of Web trac (although some designs may reduce or increase the intensity of self-similarity for a given level of trac demand). A number of questions are raised by this study. First, the generalization from Web trac to aggregated wide-area trac is not obvious. While other authors have noted the heavy-tailed distribution of FTP transfers [20], extending our approach to wide-area trac in general is dicult because of the many sources of trac and determiners of trac demand. A second question concerns the amount of demand required to observe self-similarity in a trac series. As the number of sources increases, the statistical con dence in judging self-similarity increases; however it isn't clear whether the important e ects of self-similarity (burstiness at a wide range of scales and the resulting impact on bu ering, for example) remain even at low levels of trac demand. 7 Acknowledgements The authors thank Murad Taqqu and Vadim Teverovsky of the Mathematics Department, Boston University, for many helpful discussions concerning long-range dependence. The authors also thank Vern Paxson and an anonymous referee whose comments substantially improved the paper. 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