Spencer Loomis PTO General Meeting Minutes January 14, 2016 6:45pm Meeting was called to order at 6:45pm Parents Present: Nicole Wits, Amoret Gries, LizGorham, Emmy Conway, Kim Berman, Chrissie Looper, Shanon Strahl, Anna Goldenstein, Kelly Curin, Jessica Morton, Melissa Hull, and Megan McDowell Staff Present: Sandy Allen, Sarah Petraglia, Kathryn Flemming, Alyssa Ball, Carrie Werner President's Report – Melissa Hull: Shout outs and high fives go to the following volunteers: Sondra Leonard and Megan Mc Dowell- Science Assembly Kim Berman- Bulletin Boards Melody Mueller- Joanie’s Closet and bday board Melody Mueller, Jen Quesinberry, Maggie Mc Manus and Anna Goldenstein- Bday board Sandy Hull and Krissy Guidici- PADS/ St. Francis Food Bank Collection Nicole Wits and Jessica Groncki- Bingo Night Chrissie Looper- Box Tops Liz Gorham- Movie night idea and planning Spencer Loomis Events One School, One Book- Touchcasts, bulletin board GOTR- Informational meeting Mon. 1/25 at 7pm Lacrosse Event- afterschool Tues. 1/26 Movie Night- Friday, March 4th Spencer Loomis PTO General Meeting Minutes January 14, 2016 6:45pm District Events Finally got our money from the no stress fundraiser ($1400) D95 Film Festival Tues 2/9 @7pm HS performing arts center Kindergarten Registration Thurs. 2/4 6:30-8 at all elementary schools, parents only Joanie’s Closet Dance Fri. 2/5 at May Whitney Parent Feed- digital citizenship program MSN 2/3 7-8:30; MSS 2/18 7-8:30 Our next meeting will be Wednesday, Feb. 10 at 9:30am in the multi-purpose room (MPR). Vice President's Report – Kelly Curin Valentine's Day parties — classroom volunteer names are needed by 2/1 Volunteer needs: Spring Sports Spectacular Chair Variety show co-Chair Mustang Pride Picnic Chairs PTO Executive Board: Vice-President (to finish the term), Secretary, and Treasurer Secretary's Report – Tina Stoval Hearing no corrections, the December 10, 2015 general meeting minutes were approved. Treasurer's Report – Megan McDowell The December 2015 financial report was discussed and will be filed for audit. Box Tops brought in over $1,200 from last spring and fall. 5th grade picnic— propose increased budget from $1,000 to $1,500 per request of the chairs. All were in favor. Liz Gorman approved, Kim Berman seconded. We are projecting a surplus at the end of the year-any additional funds will go to our year-end gift to the school: iPads. Additional fundraising this year will be used to Spencer Loomis PTO General Meeting Minutes January 14, 2016 6:45pm increase our year-end gift. The iPads cost $600 each. The teachers present said they will write up something as to how iPads are used in the classroom. Principal's Report – Sandy Allen We are currently reviewing winter MAP test scores and the data will be available soon. Sandy thanked the PTO for bringing the Science Alliance to our school. She received wonderful feedback from the teachers and the district will be highlighting the program in their newsletter. 2nd grade Cogat tests are coming soon. Information will be sent home to the parents the week of 1/20. Teacher Liaison Report – Carrie Werner Teachers are excited about bingo night-almost all volunteer opportunities for teachers at Bingo night have been filled. Carrie said the teachers are grateful for all we do. :) New Business: Girls on the Run (GOTR) — Melissa Hull for Tracy Meyer and Amy Karstens We need more coaches. The program is starting soon. Bingo Night – Nicole Wits Lots of local businesses have donated some sizable prizes. The team is considering doing a raffle/silent auction for the bigger prizes. They will have concessions/popcorn to sell at the event. Numbers will be projected on a big screen this year. Box Tops – Chrissie Looper Winning classrooms will be awarded a hat day. (Just not a crazy hat day per Sandy's request.) Pepperidge Farm Goldfish crackers participate in the Campbell’s Labels for Education program. So be sure to clip those proof of purchase UPC codes from the bottoms of (all sizes) Goldfish cracker containers. Joanie's Closet – Anna Goldenstein for Melody Mueller We don't need any more shoes or coats-just school supplies for all grade levels-similar to what is on the school supply lists at the beginning of each year. The dance is on 2/5-please purchase tickets online. 80 sold so far. Spencer Loomis PTO General Meeting Minutes January 14, 2016 6:45pm Spirit Wear – Melissa Hull for Amy Marino Winter Spirit Wear Sale = $73 profit Social Committee/Movie Night — Liz Gorham Beginning to plan, time tentatively 6-7:30pm; Friday, March 4. Pajama theme for adults and kids. We are asking teachers to have their students vote on their favorite of five movies. Will announce winning movie on morning announcements. All movies will be rated G or PG. Executive Committee Elections — Melissa Hull Call for nominations in February and March Election held at April PTO meeting Old Business: Science Alliance Assembly — Megan McDowell Eight teachers responded in the surveys-all positive feedback. Looking at providing an extra show next year-4 instead of 3? Barnes & Noble Book Fair – Megan McDowell for Hilary Winiarz B&N Bookfair(Me) $822 profit. Mrs. Delzell very excited to use the funds for the library. Meeting was adjourned at 7:05pm. Grit, Motivation, & Mindset: Developing the Keys to Academic Performance Seminar by Jim Grant Summary by Melissa Hull Spencer Loomis PTO General Meeting Minutes January 14, 2016 6:45pm Children will only spend 11% of their time from birth through high school graduation with their teachers Developing a growth mindset means seeing mistakes (good failures) as an opportunity- “What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger,” developing a role of self-responsibility, believing you can control your own future, optimism, being a lifelong learner, trying things many different ways. He believes that the focus of testing will shift to focus on grit, motivation and mindset. How you can help your kids develop a growth mindset: -audit mindset traits (google Carol Dweck Mindset Scale) -help children understand grit and mindset terminology -help children evaluate how emotional state affects mindset (environment, social media, physical activity, threats…) -encourage students to surround themselves with role models who have a growth mindset. “You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.” Jim Rohn, Entrepreneur Magazine 11/13. -have kids emulate traits of famous people who have a growth-mindset -display inspirational posters -read books that contain stories that foster growth mindset -encourage self-talk, “ I think I can, I am not a quitter” -teach kids to set rules for themselves to strengthen willpower/ self-control (ex: finish homework before going out to play) Never use the word “try” in relationship to a commitment. Be RELIABLE. Grit is character traits that develop from a growth mindset. -Traditional traits (honesty, citizenship, kindness, responsibility) -Grit traits (self-control, persistence, tenacity, resilience, work ethic, delayed gratification, social intelligence, courage, perseverance) Jim Grant suggests that resilience, self-control and persistence may matter more than intelligence. Spencer Loomis PTO General Meeting Minutes January 14, 2016 6:45pm “Helicopter” Parents -overprotecting kids from experiencing setbacks (doing HW, taking child’s word against teacher, fight their child’s battles) - inadvertently creates entitlement mindset -traits of entitlement: expect to be handed everything, not connecting dots between working and receiving something, ungrateful, not able to comprehend the impact of unintended consequences -kids need to learn to roam within boundaries -chores should be assigned and done not for money, but because they need doing Children will only spend 11% of their time from birth through high school graduation with their teachers We are really lucky, because many of these strategies are already in place here at SL. Monthly growth mindset vocabulary alone creates many good discussions at home. -Talk about other students they admire for going through challenging circumstances -Seek out adult mentors who are gritty or trace grit genealogy -Look for articles online or in magazines about someone who overcomes setbacks -Read inspirational quotes -Set both short and long term goals, and talk about grit traits needed