SPEED TOPIC Facilities Master Plan Process for Creating a Request for Proposal

April 24 – 26, 2013
Facilities Master Plan
Process for Creating a Request for Proposal
Purpose of Master Plan: The Board of Trustees Policy 6.4 requires a Facilities Master
Plan for all colleges and universities to assure successful long-range planning of college
and universities facilities.
Such a Plan, including periodic updates, is designed to create a long-range (25-50
year) vision for the campus that responds to academic mission, development of
sustainable campuses and regions, recognizes current conditions and usage, and
offers a clear incremental approach for capital, and other budgeting concerns
over a 2-6 year capital budget cycle with analysis for future budgets.
A five year updating cycle has been established to maintain and create a short
and long term vision for campuses. The ultimate goal of proposed improvements
address both current and future academic needs while preserving the physical
assets of the campus.
A renewed emphasis in this effort is the integration of regional planning concepts
to create sustainable investment choices in our facilities.
Campus establishes the funding to hire a consultant to work on the Master Plan.
Range of funding will vary depending on College or University.
Request for Proposal (RFP) is required to hire a master plan consultant
o The solicitation of four or five proposals is highly recommended to ensure proper
consultant qualifications (based on analysis), to compare methodologies,
generate new ideas and approaches, and to confirm that adequate cost, scope
and schedule issues are addressed.
o Depending on the expected value of the contract, you may use the Master
Contract List to solicit consultants to submit a proposal and follow the
requirements under the terms of the contract process OR solicit consultants of
your own choosing following established contracting guidelines and
requirements and, if chosen, use the standard approved Professional/Technical
Contract template.
• Write a Request for Proposal (RFP) which includes:
a. Executive Summary
b. Project Scope
c. Consultant Qualifications
d. Required Proposal Information
April 24 – 26, 2013
e. Selection Process
f. Proposed Schedule
g. Fees
• Create a leadership taskforce, or committee, to review submitted proposals.
o Recommended members: campus administrative staff, including
academic leadership and information technology, student support,
faculty, students, municipal staff members, and representatives from
nearby MnSCU campuses that have a direct or expected programmatic
ties to the campus.
o Prioritization. Prioritization and projected work by project, by funding
mechanism, and by year.
o Underlying Assumptions:
 No Net New Square Footage. The underlying assumption moving
ahead in system master facilities planning is to exhaust all options
before new square footage is considered. New square footage will
be looked upon as the exception in facilities master planning.
 Regionalization. Master facilities planning efforts going forward
should identify and explore regional or partnering approaches in
their overall plan. The campuses should be prepared to explain
and show tangible programmatic, facilities and technology
opportunities that can be achieved on a regional or program
basis, regardless of campus jurisdictional boundaries.
• Send out the RFP: Review what consultants have shown interest in your campus or
performed similar type projects or call System Office - Capital Development for
recommendations. Allow a minimum of two - three weeks for the proposals.
• Review submitted RFP with the Taskforce or Committee Group (allow 1-2 weeks)
• Interview most qualified candidates. This is optional but may benefit the committee
to discuss with the consultant their skills and methodology as to how the Master Plan
information will be gathered/displayed and finally presented. Note that it is
important to have one interview date in the RFP that proposers need to agree to
attend as part of the proposal.
April 24 – 26, 2013
• Sign the contract. Either it will be a Purchase Order or Professional/Technical
Contract. Notify selected consultant and the System Office - Facilities Capital
• Contact Capital Development staff. Set up a Preliminary meeting with Capital
Development staff, campus’s core team, and the consultants to discuss expectations
(especially if it’s first time for consultants to work on MnSCU master plan), access
sharepoint site, review forms, line of communication, and timeline of the document.
• Utilizing Sharepoint. A Sharepoint site has been established to track and ultimately
host the campus facilities master plans process. Campus staff will have access to post
and receive feedback on their master plan process.
• Start the Master Plan (kick-off). Assist the consultant with all pertinent data; copy of
the last master plan, academic and program information, CAD drawings, data on
facilities condition; backlog, index and renewal information, space utilization, and any
other unique data that will assist the consultant (i.e. workforce or regional partners).
Don’t just provide raw data and expect the consultant to figure out priorities, get the
appropriate information, and assist in directing the discussion that examines
alternatives and options for consideration.
Greg Ewig (651-201-1775) gregory.ewig@so.mnscu.edu or
Lisa Jansen (651-201-1788) lisa.jansen@so.mnscu.edu