Document 14166863

Innova3on & Capacity Internal Processes Stake-­‐
holders ImperaDves: •  Student Opportunity and Success •  Innova3on •  Interna3onaliza3on •  Needs of the Region Vision: To be the intellectual, economic & cultural Heart of the Bayou Region Mission: Nicholls delivers accredited degree programs and comprehensive learning experiences to prepare students for regional and global professions within a spirited campus environment immersed in bayou region culture. Grow a financially viable university Sustain op3mal enrollment Establish posi3ve image/brand in wider marketplace Cul3vate climate for innova3ve teaching Provide quality workforce & ci3zens for the Bayou Region Enhance external rela3onships Provide customer-­‐
focused student services Con3nuously improve core work processes Maintain high student/
alumni sa3sfac3on with Nicholls experience Op3mize (innova3ve) program offerings Provide meaningful student ac3vi3es Provide appropriate facili3es Maintain regional & specialized accredita3ons Recruit, develop & retain high quality faculty Recruit, develop & retain high quality staff 