Thursday 11 July 2013, Strathblane & Cromdale Halls, 16:30-18:30 Poster session C - Instruments - SANS P.118 The Elastic Scattering Spectrometer (ESS): Technical concept and instrumental details A Benedetto1 and G Kearley2 1 University College Dublin, Ireland, 2Bragg Institute, Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organization, Australia It has been shown that the dynamical relaxation characteristics of soft matter can be conveniently obtained from the integrated apparent elastic scattering at different energy resolutions. Whereas the theory aspects have been recently presented in the Rev. Sci. Instrum. 82, 105115 (2011), here we present a novel instrumental concept.
This consists of an elastic spectrometer that transforms the different resolutions into spatial focussing at the sample without degrading the information of the relaxation dynamics, and accessing a time range greater than the standard ones. Conceptually this achieved using a pulsed white beam incident on a crystal monochromator curved to focus neutrons onto the sample. Neutrons scattered by the sample are reflected by a backscattering crystal-analyser bank into detectors, in the same way as a conventional backscattering spectrometer, and are distinguished at the detector by Time-of-Flight (TOF). This idea gives the possibility of measuring elastic scattering with a large number of energy-resolutions as a single “spectrum”. This spectrometer would have two major advantages. Firstly, it would allow tight focussing of the beam onto the sample permitting much smaller sample sizes than are currently required and then will allow the study of many new interesting samples. Secondly, the instrument could be very compact. This concept is validated by purpose-written software and packages such as McStas, so that the technical details and performance of such a spectrometer are presented in details. Finally, the concept with technical details able to work by using a continuous source is also presented. P.119 Countering the effects of gravity on and small angle neutron scatterng instrument B Cubitt, R Schweins and P Lindner Institut Laue Langevin, France Small angle neutron scattering (SANS) is a powerful technique for determining chemical, biological and hard matter structures of materials over a wide range of length-scales. There is a wide range of research using neutron scattering to probe structures in the micron range. This varies from the fractal nature of rocks to self organized polymer structures [1]. For example the SANS instrument D11 can see the size of polymers or proteins but if they clump together to the size of microns the instrument is unable to resolve the super-structure. The larger the size of the objects the smaller the scattering angles and the longer the collimation and detector distances need to be. D11 is already the longest SANS instrument in the world at nearly 80 m. In addition, in order to determine the structure of materials in the micron range long neutron wavelengths are required. The combination of the slow speed of long wavelength neutrons coupled with the large distances of the instrument result in a significant displacement of the beam with gravity. This can affect the neutron flux available, the resolution, the completeness of the signal on the detector and hence the largest length-scales that can be measured. Previous ideas of canceling the effects of gravity have used prisms [2] but this approach has problems working over the full height associated with typical sample sizes. We describe a different method using simple mirrors that can be exploited using existing components of SANS instruments and results in reducing the minimum momentum transfer by a factor of 5 [3]. ICNS 2013 International Conference on Neutron Scattering P.120 Numerical evaluation of small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) instrument resolution using real-shape kernels C Dewhurst Institut Laue Langevin, France Small-Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS) measurements are used for the investigation of material structures over the sub-micron down to nanometer length scale in a wide range of scientific disciplines. Due to the intensity limitations of neutron sources the instrument resolution is often relaxed and measured data are typically smeared by finite and sometimes rather poor instrument resolution. The instrument resolution, therefore, plays an important role in the correct evaluation and model fitting to SANS data with contributions, for the most part, due to the wavelength spread, Δλ, and beam divergence, Δθ. Additional smearing occurs due to finite detector resolution and software procedures such as averaging or regrouping during data treatment. Instrumental smearing effects not only distort the spatial resolution of the underlying intrinsic scattering function but can also lead to an apparent mismatch in intensity and changes in slope and curvature between overlapping measurements for different instrument configurations. Here, we demonstrate a useful approach to accurately represent the instrument resolution using numerical 'real-shape' kernel weighting functions that can be modeled, convoluted and recombined throughout the data treatment process without approximation or loss of smearing information. The numerical technique demonstrated here is particularly appropriate for the regrouping of time-of-flight (TOF) SANS data where a particular scattering vector, q, is measured using many wavelengths, at different angles, and therefore with different resolutions, while preserving information about the underlying resolution or smearing function of the regrouped data. P.121 SANS in the µm²-range: opportunities and limits J Fenske, V Haramus, R Kampmann, H Eckerlebe and R Willumeit Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, Germany SANS instruments with neutron beam cross sections in the range of mm2 or even down to a few tens of µm2 are strongly requested in biology as well as in soft matter research and material science. The small cross sections enable new SANS measurements which are generally only be performed at synchrotron source (SAXS), e.g. the scanning of domains in microstructured materials or the analysis of smallest sample volumes. A challenge of the small dimensions is the neutron flux. Upcoming new neutron sources like the long pulsed European Spallation Source (ESS) will offer a higher brilliance than before and together with improved neutron optics it will enable such class of SANS measurements. In this work we will discuss the opportunities and limits of a SANS instrument for very small samples. The discussion will base on McStas simulations and a design concept optimized for the pulse structure at the ESS. It includes the question how the neutron flux on the small sample area can be increased by the use of different focusing elements, e.g. parabolic and elliptic guides. Furthermore we will compare different concepts which deal with the unavoidable increased divergence due to the focusing of the neutron beam. P.122 KWS-1 high resolution SANS instrument with polarization analysis A Feoktystov, H Frielinghaus, Z Di, S Staringer, R Hanslik, M Heiderich and H Kleines Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Germany The KWS-1 is dedicated to high resolution measurements due to its 10% wavelength selector. With the chopper the wavelength uncertainty is reduced to 1%. Magnetic samples will be studied with the full polarization analysis. In front of the collimation, a 3-cavity polarizer with V-shaped mirrors is placed. The full bandwidth of 4.5 to 20Å will be ICNS 2013 International Conference on Neutron Scattering covered with min. 90% (95% typical) polarization. A radio frequency spin flipper allows for changing the polarization. The polarization analysis will be realized with 3He-cells. Vertical magnets are used to render the magnetic field at the sample position. Thin films can be well studied in the grazing incidence geometry (GISANS). A hexapod will allow for positioning the sample with 0.01mm and 0.01° precision. Classical soft-matter systems will be investigated on KWS-1 if the resolution is needed. Biological samples can be handled due to the detector distance of ca. 1m, which will allow for maximal scattering angles of Q=0.5Å-1. The MgF2 lenses are used for the high flux mode with large sample areas, while the resolution stays in the classical SANS range. These enhanced intensities allow for real time measurements in the 1/10 second region (typical 1s). The chopper in parallel allows for studying faster dynamics in the ms range. The so-called TISANE mode interlocks the chopper frequency with the excitation field frequency and with the detection binning. The precise consideration of the flight times allows for higher precision compared to classical stroboscopic illuminations. P.123 High intensity SANS instrument for the ESS H Frielinghaus Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH, Germany The high intensity SANS for the ESS is optimized for highest intensities on conventionally large samples of 1x1 cm2. Therefore, the size of the instrument takes the classical 20 + 20m configuration. Additional 7m are used for a bender to avoid fast neutrons and an optional polarizer with cavities in transmission geometry. The collimation is separated in 8 + 12 meter sections being narrow for spatial reasons and wider for allowing focussing elements and/or SESANS or other options inside the collimation. Four choppers are also placed in the collimation region for selecting the desired wavelength band. Two 1x1m2 detectors are placed in the detector tube. The closer one leaves a hole for the remote one. Scintillation technique will allow for count rates of up to 100MHz. Benchmark simulations in comparison to existing instruments will be presented. P.124 SANS instrument with bandpass filter focusing optics J Füzi, Z László and R László 1 Wigner RCP Institute for Solid State Physics and Optics, Hungary The focusing small angle neutron scattering spectrometer (FSANS) developed at the Budapest Neutron Centre is endowed with a flexible optical bench, able to accommodate a larger variety of collimation optics (sample and detector movement to allow variation of incoming beam position and direction). The 4-chopper flight time definition system is used – in regular operation – for energy determination necessary for scattering vector computation. It also allows accurate and extensive testing of two experimental solutions for energy (wavelength) bandpass filtering neutron beam focusing optical systems. In the first option a supermirror on a transparent substrate acts as highpass energy filter setting the lower wavelength limit and the coating of the Kirkpatrick-Baez elliptical focusing mirrors provide the higher wavelength limit. The selection of the wavelength range and resolution can be set by variation of the mean reflecting angles on the various mirror surfaces. The limiting factors (coma aberration for out-of-focus source positions) are evaluated and experimentally verified. The second solution is based on bandpass filter coating on one of the elliptical mirrors. The instrument parameters – scattering vector range and resolution, beam intensity on sample – are determined and neutron beam test results reported for the various configurations. ICNS 2013 International Conference on Neutron Scattering P.125 Recent results from Quokka, the 40 m SANS instrument at OPAL E Gilbert, K Wood and C Garvey Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, Australia Quokka is the 40 m pin-hole small angle neutron scattering (SANS) instrument at the OPAL reactor at ANSTO. The instrument spans a q range from 0.0006 to > 0.7 reciprocal Angstrom where the lowest value is achieved via focusing optics. Quokka is capable of incident beam polarisation studies and will shortly commence commissioning of the polarisation analysis system. Here we describe the instrument design, the results from a broad selection of measurements performed on Quokka as well as highlighting the range of sample environments available, many of which are unique to the instrument and developed in-house. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] E.P. Gilbert, J.C. Schulz and Terry J. Noakes, Physica B, 385-386 (2006) 1180-1182. J. Doutch et al., Carbohydrate Polymers, 88 (2012) 1061–1071. J. Blazek and E.P. Gilbert, Effect of Enzymatic Hydrolysis on Native Starch Granule Structure, Biomacromolecules 11 (2010) 3275-3289. S.A. Pullen et al., Measurement Science and Technology 19 (2008) 65707-65714. S.H. Wang et al, J. Phys. Chem. C 115 (2011) 11941-11950. P.126 The new small-angle neutron scattering instrument SANS-1 at the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz ForschungsNeutronenquelle (FRM II): First results R Gilles1, S Muehlbauer1, A Wilhelm1, Z Karl1, I Defendi1, A Heinemann2, H Eckerlebe2, M Mueller2, A Schreyer2 and W Petry1 1 Technische Universität München, 2Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, Germany The new small-angle scattering instrument SANS-1, a project of the Technische Universität München and the Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht has started operation with friendly users and is opened for users. This contribution describes the first results of gold foil activation analysis measurements, reference samples as AgBE and first user experiments. Results of Monte Carlo simulations lead to a concept with a vertical S-shaped neutron guide incldung extreme suppression of fast background neutrons optimized for complementary wavelength packages, a tower with two eligible selectors, one for medium resolution at high intensity and one for high resolution (optional), followed by two optimised Fe/Si transmission polarisers. After passing the polarizer component a collimation system with four parallel horizontal tracks is installed: One track is occupied with a neutron guide, another one with apertures for an exactly defined collimation length and divergence. A laser system and position sensitive detectors for precise and reproducible alignment are mounted on the third track. The last track is equipped with background apertures. The acentric detector tube of around 2.4 m inner diameter and exceeding 22m length allows the use of an area detector of 1x1 m2 size with lateral movement of more than 0.5 m on all distances. This sidewise detector movement provides, especially for measurements without beam stop, a very large simultaneously Q-range covering with better statistics at larger Q values in comparison to the position of the detector symmetrically around the beam center. The first measurements at SANS-1 confirm the high performance of the new instrument. ICNS 2013 International Conference on Neutron Scattering P.127 What is learnt about SANS instruments and data reduction from round robin measurements? – a polymer latex ‘standard’ M Hellsing1, A Rennie1, K Wood2, E Gilbert2, L Porcar3, R Schweins3, C Dewhurst3, P Lindner3, R Heenan4, S Rogers4, P Butler5, J Krzywon5, R Ghosh6, A Jackson7 and M Malfois8 1 Uppsala University, Sweden, 2Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, Australia, 3Institut Laue Langevin, France, 4ISIS Facility, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK, 5NIST Center for Neutron Research, USA, 6University College London, UK, 7European Spallation Source ESS AB, 8Diamond Light Source Ltd, UK Measurement of a characterised sample allows verification of the performance of an instrument as well as the data reduction and analysis software. This process is valuable to verify both the reproducibility and the reliability of a given instrument and to assess the accuracy of parameters derived from the data. Typically, small-angle neutron scattering instruments are used to investigate a wide range of samples and may often be used in a number of configurations. A corresponding variety of ‘standard’ samples is useful to test different aspects of the performance of both hardware and software. The present work describes results of measurements of polystyrene latex samples with a number of instruments. Scattering from monodisperse, uniform spherical particles is simple to calculate and when measured over a suitable range of momentum transfer displays sharp minima. If salt is added to the dispersion, the effects of interparticle correlations can be reduced to a very low level. Such simple scattering patterns test the calibrations of intensity, wavelength and resolution as well as the detector response. P.128 Small angle scattering at the European Spallation Source A Jackson1, R Willumeit2, H Frielinghaus3, L Arleth4, J Kohlbrecher5, J Jestin6 and W Bouwman7 1 European Spallation Source, 2Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht, Germany, 3Forschungszentrum Juelich, Germany, 4University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 5Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland, 6Laboratoire Léon Brillouin, France, 7Technische Universiteit Delft, Netherlands The European Spallation Source (ESS) will be a long pulse 5MW spallation neutron source built in Lund, Sweden. It is expected that 7 out of a final suite of 22 instruments will enter commissioning in 2019, with the remainder coming online by 2025. The Instrument Design Update project is examining a range of instrument concepts in order to determine their suitability for the long pulse structure and to estimate their expected performance. Since SANS instruments can operate with a somewhat relaxed resolution, there should be a large benefit from the ability to make use of most, if not all, of the long pulse and the significant flux gain over existing sources that this implies. In order to harness the full potential of the ESS, scientists from countries across Europe are providing in-kind support to the project. They are working together with scientists at the ESS to develop an optimised suite of SANS instrumentation to meet the future needs of the scientifically broad SANS user community. In particular, multiple concepts are being developed for instrumentation with different optimisations for small samples, high flux, and broad simultaneous Q range. In addition to conventional SANS instruments, concepts for GISANS, VSANS and spinecho modulated SANS are also being studied. These concepts, the current status of the project and its future outlook will be presented. ICNS 2013 International Conference on Neutron Scattering P.129 Ultra-small-angle polarised neutron scattering on magnetic ribbons E Jericha, C Gösselsberger and G Badurek Vienna University of Technology, Atominstitut, Austria Ultra-small-angle scattering of polarised neutrons (USANSPOL) allows for the study of magnetic microstructure. The technique takes advantage from the narrow angular width of the Bragg reflection by perfect crystals and is employed in a double-crystal configuration of channel-cut perfect silicon crystals. Polarisation of the neutron beam is obtained by placing magnetic prisms between the monochromator and the analyser crystal. Then, samples are placed between the polariser prisms and the analyser crystal. Scattering of spin-up and spin-down neutrons is recorded in a single measurement and identified by an angular shift of their respective scattering curves. We have developed a special sample environment and handling system by which anisotropic samples may be aligned in different orientations and be subjected to varying external magnetic fields and mechanical stresses. Here, we present new experimental results on magnetic ribbons which represent both novel technologically relevant complex materials which are currently developed for use as magnetic sensors and actuators as well as illustrative examples for developing the USANSPOL technique. These measurements allow an assessment of the native sample state which may exhibit form anisotropy due to the specific manufacturing process. Recording of the scattered neutron intensity under different sample orientations is essential for non-isotropic structures. The evolution of the magnetic structure from this starting point is seen from experiments with applied external magnetic field and/or mechanical stress of varying strength and can be followed up to the angular resolution limit of the technique. P.130 SANS multitube helium-3 position sensitive detector system for use in low to medium vacuum systems N Johnson and B Olechnowicz GE Reuter Stokes, USA Many of the small angle neutron scattering (SANS) instruments in operation today are mounted inside vacuum chambers where the pressure varies from <760 Torr to 10-3 Torr. When Helium-3 linear position sensitive detectors (LPSDs) are operated under these vacuum conditions, high voltage breakdown is likely to occur, resulting in equipment damage. Various technologies have been developed to enable operation under these vacuum conditions, including large monolithic aluminum enclosures where the high voltage electronics are mounted inside a pressurized air chamber. Alternatively, the high voltage electronics can be mounted outside of the vacuum chamber; however this results in the need for additional electronic shielding and pressure containment adaptations. This paper proposes a novel design that allows 8 mm diameter LPSD’s to operate in a poor vacuum environment without the concern of high voltage breakdown, while still maintaining a compact modular 8-Pack configuration. The proposed design requires less Helium-3 than many current systems, has lower installation and maintenance costs, and exhibits a higher neutron count rate capability. P.131 A novel SANS detector geometry K Kanaki1, A Jackson1, R Hall-WIlton1, T Kittelmann1, F Piscitelli2, O Kirstein1 and K H Andersen1 1 ESS, Sweden, 2Institut Laue Langevin, France A novel detector geometry for Small Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS) applications is presented and its performance evaluated. Such a novel geometry is ideally suited for a SANS instrument at the European Spallation Source (ESS). Motivated by the low availability and high price of Helium3, the new concept utilizes gaseous detectors with Boron10 as the neutron converter. The shape of the detector is inspired from an optimization process based on the conversion material properties. Advantages over the detector geometry traditionally used on SANS instruments are ICNS 2013 International Conference on Neutron Scattering discussed. Important aspects of the detector characteristics are both analytically calculated and simulated and the progress on the conceptual prototype design is presented. P.132 New 2D detector of SANS instrument V4 at Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin U Keiderling, S Prevost, T Wilpert, S Alimov and C Schulz Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin, Germany The V4 SANS instrument has recently been upgraded with a new large 2D detector, replacing the previous LETI-type multi-wire proportional chamber. The new detector consists of an array of 112 linear position sensitive 3He-filled tubes with 8 mm diameter from company Reuter-Stokes. Three different tube lengths of 1000 mm, 850 mm and 600 mm are utilized to maximize the detection area within the circular cross-section of the existing detector chamber. The detector is equipped with 3 movable beam stops. A built-in elevator allows a detector lift of 150 mm at the front position closest to the sample to increase the detected range of the scattering vector Q, and a detector lift of a few mm at all other positions for fine-adjustment of the tubes relative to the beam axis. The mechanical design has been developed at Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin. The detector electronics and the interface were supplied by company Mesytec. They allow for event recording in time-stamp mode where each detected neutron, chopper pulse or any other event is stored with precise time information (100 ns LSB) in a binary file. Any correlation in time between these events can be made offline; wrong data may be filtered out. This option is inevitable, amongst other applications, for the new time-resolved TISANE technique that was recently set up at the V4 instrument, allowing the investigation of kinetic processes in the microsecond range. The poster presents an overview of the detector design, figures of merit, and first results. P.133 Two dimensional, wide Q range data representation of SANS scattering patterns A Len2 and P Harmat1 1 ANTE Innovative Technologies, 2Wigner Research Center for Physics, Hungary Modern Small Angle Neutron Scattering instruments operate with two dimensional position sensitive detectors. Often the scattering intensities registered by the detector in one single measurement originate from samples containing a mixture of significantly different objects or scattering particles. They can have huge size, random orientation and/or a specific direction inside the sample, and these characteristics result in a very complex scattering intensity distribution. In such cases the scattering intensities has to be measured in a broad Q range by applying several sample to detector distances and wavelengths, and finally difficulties in finding an adequate fitting model arise. A new, two dimensional representation of the small angle scattering data, arising from different SANS experiments covering wide Q range, even from several order of magnitudes, is presented. It allows a better visualization of the two dimensional data providing a tool for finding adequate models for complex systems. P.134 Inelastic incoherent scattering from water in SANS experiments G Nagy1, S Kynde2, K H Klenø2, S Prévost3, N Skar-Gislinge2, L Arleth2 and J Kohlbrecher1 1 Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland, 2University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 3Technischen Universität Berlin, Germany In small-angle neutron scattering experiments biological and soft matter samples are often studied in solution. The solvent is mostly based on a mixture of H2O and D2O with various ratios, providing the possibility for contrast variation. On conventional SANS instruments scattering of neutrons from H2O produces an approximately flat incoherent background. However, when investigating such samples on time-of-flight SANS instruments, special attention has to be taken on the partly inelastic nature of the scattering. The question have been studied earlier [1,2] mostly through time-of-flight SANS experiments. Here we present our theoretical, simulation and experimental ICNS 2013 International Conference on Neutron Scattering results on the problem. We derive from density of states data, available from molecular dynamics simulation [3], the scattering function of water. We show a comparison between our experimental results on water at a chopped setup of SANS I at PSI and the scattering functions implemented in a McStas virtual instrument of SANS I and of the proposed ESS Bio-SANS beamline. We discuss methods for partial suppression of neutrons scattered inelastically from water in order to increase the signal-to-noise ratio, and proposed implementation of these techniques as optional setups for the future SANS instruments at ESS, while considering their limitations. [1] Ghosh RE & Rennie AR 1990 Inst Phys Conf Ser 107:233 [2] Heenan RK & Rennie AR 1993 ICANS XII, RAL Report 94-025 1:241 [3] Corongiu G & Clementi E 1993 J Chem Phys 98:1984 P.135 Development of polarized neutron utilization system at the small and wide angle neutron scattering instrument TAIKAN of J-PARC K Ohishi1, J Suzuki1, S Takata2, T Shinohara2, T Oku2, T Tominaga2, T Nakatani2, Y Inamura2, H Iwase1, T Ito1, H Kira1, K Suzuya2, K Aizawa2, M Arai2, T Otomo2 and M Sugiyama3 1 CROSS, 2J-PARC Center, 3Kyoto University, Japan The small and wide angle neutron scattering instrument TAIKAN is designed for efficient measurement in wide-q range of 5.0x10-4 20Å-1 by using both intense pulsed neutrons in broad wavelength bandwidth of 0.5 8.0Å and detectors covering wide scattering angle. In the upper stream of TAIKAN, optical devices are installed. Those are six slits, two types of collimators for large or small beam size and two polarizers, and are combined to control the size, divergence and polarization of a neutron beam. With unpolarized neutrons we started the beam commissioning in January 2012 and users program in March 2012. We could then install a multi-channel V-shaped magnetic supermirror cavity and produce polarized neutrons with the polarization more than 90% for the neutron wavelength above 4Å and the size of 40 mm x 40 mm in October 2012. At the presentation, we show the characterization of the polarized neutron beam and the results of experiments on the magnetic materials in particular using polarized neutrons. P.136 A multipurpose SANS instrument using Larmor labelling techniques J Plomp1, A van Well1, L van Eijck1, W Bouwman1, S Rogers2, R Dalgliesh2 and C Pappas1 1 Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, 2ISIS, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK The second phase of instruments is under construction at the second target station at ISIS. One of the new instruments, LARMOR, is a Small-Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS) instrument that can accommodate a rich flavour of Larmor labelling techniques. ISIS is designing and constructing the basic Time-Of-Flight (TOF) polarized SANS instrument that will see its first neutrons at the end of 2013. Delft University of Technology is developing and producing the Larmor labelling components and together with the University of Groningen and Eindhoven a scientific program is launched to exploit these Larmor labelling techniques. The foreseen modes of the LARMOR instrument include; SANS, Polarized SANS, Spin Echo SANS (SESANS), basic diffraction, High Resolution Larmor Diffraction (HRLD), Neutron Resonance Spin Echo (NRSE), Modulated Intensity by Zero Effort (MIEZE), Modulated Intensity SANS (MISANS) and Time Of Flight LARmor precession (TOFLAR). These techniques combined on a single beam line will cover a large area in the structure and time domain with the opportunity to combine techniques during one session. This project will also trigger questions on how to design and operate such a complicated instrument that is a collaboration between many parties. These questions will become increasingly important when new spallation sources become active. ICNS 2013 International Conference on Neutron Scattering P.137 KWS-2, the high-intensity / wide q-range small-angle neutron diffractometer with tunable resolution for softmatter and biophysics at FRM II A Radulescu1, N K Szekely1, H Frielinghaus1, A Feoktystov1, A Ioffe1 and D Richter2 1 Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, 2Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Jülich Centre for Neutron Science JCNS and Institute for Complex Systems ICS, Germany The small-angle neutron diffractometer KWS-2 dedicated to investigation of soft condensed matter and biophysical systems was recently subject of a major upgrading aiming for boosting its performance with respect to the intensity on the sample, Q-range covered and instrumental resolution. The instrument was equipped with focusing elements (MgF2 parabolic lenses), a double-disc chopper (5Hz-200Hz) with variable slit opening and a secondary highresolution position-sensitive detector (0.45mm space resolution). The flexibility and versatility of the instrument were enhanced by the commissioning of the new options which, besides the conventional pinhole setup, became operational since 2013: (i) the high-intensity mode – up to 12 times intensity gain compared to the conventional pinhole mode, based on the use of large samples, up to 5cm in diameter, while preserving the resolution; (ii) tunable resolution mode – enables improved characterization of the scattering features within different Q ranges by varying Δλ/λ between 2% and 20%; (iii) the extended Q-range mode (up to 1x10-4Å-1) by means of lenses and high-resolution detector, which, combined with the pinhole mode, allows for the exploration of a continuous length scale from 1nm to one micron. Finally, KWS-2 was very recently equipped with a high-efficiency polarizing super-mirror, which allows for studies of soft-matter systems with magnetic properties. In future, the use of a 3He based wide-angle spin-analyser [1] is planned, which will provide the ability to measure weak coherent signals in the high Q-range and to unambiguously characterize small soft-matter and biological systems. [1] E. Babcock et al., Physics Procedia (in press) P.138 Small-angle neutron scattering at ISIS S Rogers1, R Heenan1, A Terry1, S King1, R Dalgliesh1 and J Plomp2 1 ISIS, STFC, UK, 2Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands Small-Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS) is a powerful technique for determining microstructure in the range of tens to thousands of Angstroms. SANS on a pulsed source has the significant advantage of a wide simultaneous Q range which is ideal when studying systems containing a broad range of lengthscales. At ISIS there are currently two operational SANS beamlines, Loq and Sans2d, with two further, Larmor and Zoom, under construction. Loq is positioned on the first target station and has demonstrated the power of the technique at a pulsed source. Building on the success of this beamline, Sans2d was designed and built on the cold neutron optimized second target station, TS-2. The added flexibility and improved optics of this beamline coupled with the lower rep rate of TS-2 has allowed Sans2d to achieve a uniquely wide simultaneous Q range with increased flux and improved signal to noise when compared to Loq. Both Larmor and Zoom are positioned on TS-2 and will initially be conventional SANS beamlines with the option of a polarized incident beam. Larmor will additionally offer Spin-Echo SANS (SESANS) and Larmor diffraction capabilities as part of an on-going collaboration with TU-Delft, the Netherlands. The second stage of construction for these beamlines will allow Larmor to perform dynamic measurements using Modulated Intensity Experiment with Zero Effect (MIEZE) SANS and Neutron Resonant Spin-Echo (NRSE) spectroscopy, whilst for Zoom the installation of neutron focusing devices will allow access to smaller Q (~0.0003 Å -1). Current science highlights from the existing ISIS SANS beamlines will be displayed here alongside the progress of the future beamlines and a taste of the new science to come. ICNS 2013 International Conference on Neutron Scattering P.139 BILBY: new time-of-flight small angle scattering instrument in Australia A Sokolova Bragg Institute, Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, Australia Number of large facilities provides access to SAS X-rays (SAXS) and neutron (SANS) instruments. Australian Nuclear Science and technology Organization (ANSTO, Sydney, Australia) successfully operates one SANS instrument Quokka and recently commenced construction of the second SANS instrument, Bilby. The Bilby is Time-of-Flight instrument built on reactor neutron source. The commissioning of the instrument is scheduled for February, 2014. The design (in particular, set-up of four choppers which similar to that design for D33 instrument (Dewhurst, 2008) at ILL) opens possibility to vary wavelength resolution in the wide range (from 4% to 30%) satisfying various scientists’ requirements. Two arrays of position sensitive detectors in combination with utilizing of wide wavelength range (from 3Å to 20Å) provide capability to collect scattering data of wide angular range without changing experimental set-up. Capability of white beam' use opens possibility to collect fast kinetics data. Additional hardware add-on will allow to use instrument in slit mode and therefore get data at very low Q ( 2·10-4Å-1). The presentation will be focused on general concept and unique features of the new SANS instrument. Possibilities of "non-standard" experiment which will be available in fields of applied science, in particular in biotechnology and medicine, in metal and in magnetic devices industry will be shown. [1] [2] Sokolova, A. small- angle_neutron_scattering_instrument Dewhurst, C.D. Measurement Science and Technology 19, 2008, 034007-1-034007-8. P.140 Towards 2D spatial resolved SANS M Strobl1, J Plomp2, F Wieder3, C Duif2, N Kardjilov3, A Hilger3, I Manke3, A Tremsin4 and W Bouwman2 1 ESS-AB, Sweden, 2 Delft University of Technology, Netherlands, 3 Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin, Germany 4 University of California, Berkely, USA Inducing spatial beam modulation can be used to detect small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) signals. This has been applied and demonstrated recently, utilizing in one case a grating interferometer and in another case a corresponding spin-echo set-up, respectively. While in the first case the potential of qualitative measurements of SANS, but with 2-dimensional spatial resolution have proven significantly valuable for imaging applications, in the latter case quantitative SANS experiments in the very small angle domain have been performed using spin-echo beam modulation (SEMSANS). Combining both approaches hence allows for realizing 2-dimensional spatial resolved quantitative SANS measurements without requiring e.g. a scan of a pencil beam, but by illuminating an extended sample fully. Grating interferometer measurements have been performed at the CONRAD imaging beamline at Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin (HZB)[1,2], while SEMSANS measurements have been done at a monochromatic (SESANS) and a time-of-flight beamline (WESP) at the Reactor Institute Delft (RID)[3,4]. Both techniques and the achieved results will be introduced and discussed as well as proof of principle measurements towards 2D spatial resolved quantitative SANS and corresponding perspectives and potential limitations. [1] [2] [3] [4] M. Strobl et al. PRL 2008 I. Manke et al. Nature Comm. 2011 M. Strobl et al. JAP 2012 M. Strobl et al. Physica B 2012 ICNS 2013 International Conference on Neutron Scattering