Poster session C - Thursday 11 July 2013

Poster session C - Thursday 11 July 2013
Strathblane & Cromdale Halls, 16:30-18:30
Biological dynamics and kinetics
P.001 The interactions of water with biological molecules
S Busch, University of Oxford, UK
P.002 EINS Wavevector and thermal analysis on homologous disaccharides
M T Caccamo, Università of Messina Italy
P.003 Inhebriated: Partitioning of ethanol into lipid membranes
V Garcia Sakai, ISIS Facility, UK
P.004 Hemoglobin diffusion in red blood cells: A physiological application
S Longeville, CEA, France
P.005 An inelastic neutron scattering study of dietary phenolic compounds
M P Marques, University of Coimbra, Portugal
P.006 20,000 leagues under the sea: Molecular adaptation of organisms to high pressure environment
N Martinez, UJF – IBS, France
P.007 Monte Carlo simulation for experimental system of attenuation of gamma radiation in biological
interest materials
R A Medeiros, Universidade Estadual Paulista – UNESP, Brazil
P.008 Anomalous water diffusion in malignant glioma tumor tissue
F Natali, Institut Laue-Langevin, France
P.009 Dynamics of proteins at thermal melting
A Paciaroni, University of Perugia, Italy
P.010 Effects of high pressure on the dynamics of biological systems
J Peters, Institut de Biologie Structurale, France
P.011 From whole cells towards photosynthetic reaction centres: dynamics properties for biotechnological
D Russo, CNR-IOM, Italy
P.012 Combining structure and dynamics: high pressure effect on the protein solution
D Russo, CNR-IOM, Italy
P.013 Nano-confinement tuning of biomolecules for bio-technological interest
D Russo, CNR-IOM, Italy
P.014 The spin-echo spectroscopy suite at the ESS
M Sharp, ESS AB, Sweden
P.015 Structure and dynamics of myelin basic protein as a model system for intrinsically disordered
A Stadler, JCNS-1 & ICS-1, FZ Jülich, Germany
P.016 Influence of blocking agent on the structure and dynamics of ImmunoglobulinG
L-R Stingaciu, Research Center Juelich, Germany
P.017 Dynamics of intrinsically disordered proteins probed with neutron spin-echo spectroscopy
L-R Stingaciu, Research Center Juelich, Germany
P.018 Intrinsic mean square displacements in proteins
D Vural, University of Delaware, USA
Detectors and sample environment
P.019 Progress towards magic PASTIS (wide angle polarization analysis unsing 3He NSF for spectroscopy)
E Babcock, JCNS, Germany
P.020 The next generation humidity chamber for biological samples
M Barrett, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Germany
P.021 A versatile sample stick for high voltage experiments
M Bartkowiak, Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland
P.022 Linear PSD signal processing
R Berliner, Instrumentation Associates, USA
P.023 Enhancing polarized neutron measurement capabilities using 3He spin filters
W Chen, NIST / University of Maryland, USA
P.024 Sample environment for soft matter and bio-materials
A Church, STFC, UK
P.025 Development of BF3 and 10B coating based position sensitive neutron detectors
S Desai, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, India
P.026 Closed cycle refrigerator systems at ISIS
R Down, STFC, UK
P.027 Advanced motion control technologies for neutron scattering instrumentation
T Gahl, European Spallation Source (ESS), Sweden
P.028 High temperature gas and moisture flow system
C Goodway, STFC, UK
P.029 Neutron detector development at the ILL with and without 3He
B Guerard, Institut Laue Langevin, France
P.030 First test of multi-grid B10 detector in a time-of-flight spectrometer
R Hall-Wilton, ESS, Sweden
P.031 Astronomical CCD cameras for neutron diffraction and imaging
A Hewat, NeutronOptics Grenoble, France
P.032 VacBox - a new sample environment equipment to optimize the signal-to-noise ratio in triple-axis
A Hiess, ESS AB, Sweden
P.033 Boron-10-Based thin films for the next generation of neutron detectors
C Höglund, European Spallation Source ESS AB, Sweden
P.034 Study of a time-of-flight neutron image intensifier system under intense pulsed neutron beam at JPARC
T Kamiyama, Hokkaido University, Japan
P.035 Absorption in 1 conversion layer detector (A1-CLD): Status of the development
R Kampmann, Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, Germany
P.036 Energy determination in neutron detector systems for neutron scattering systems by means of
statistical methods
K Kanaki, ESS, Sweden
P.037 The TOSCA duplex cryostat
J Keeping, STFC, UK
P.038 10kbar hydrogen intensifier
P.039 The international society for sample environment
K Kiefer, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Germany
P.040 Top loading cryogen free cryostat for neutron scattering experiments
O Kirichek, STFC, UK
P.041 Adaptive polarizer device for pulsed neutron beams
Z László, Wigner RCP Institute for Solid State Physics and Optics, Hungary
P.042 Recent developments of soft matter sample environment for SANS at ILL
P Lindner, Institut Laue-Langevin, France
P.043 Influence of scattering and air attenuation correction factors for A 241Am-Be source in the IRD low
scattering room
D Maria Leticia, CNEN, Brazil
P.044 An oxide MBE system as a user instrument for quasi in-situ neutron reflectometry studies
S Mattauch, Jülich Centre for Neutron Science JCNS, Outstation at FRM II, Germany
P.045 Boron-10/Helium-3 hybrid detectors for neutron scattering
K McKinny, GE Reuter-Stokes, USA
P.046 A trigger-less acquisition system for the EXILL large Ge detector’s arrays
P Mutti, Institut Laue-Langevin, France
P.047 Recent developments in the fabrication and performance of magnetron-sputtered 10B4C layers onto
Si substrates and Al detector plates
G Nowak, Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht, Germany
P.048 Spurious peaks arising from multiple scattering events involving cryostat walls in inelastic neutron
L Pintschovius, KIT, Germany
P.049 Diffraction-resistance measurements: Simultaneous investigation of structure, magnetism and
transport properties
A Powell, University of Reading, UK
P.050 Design study of magnetic environments for XYZ polarization analysis using 3HeNSF
Z Salhi, JCNS, Germany
P.051 Test measurements with 157Gd/CsI-MSGC neutron detector with Readout based on MSGCROC ASIC
C Schulz, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Germany
P.052 A new pressure cell for SANS at the ILL
R Schweins, ILL, France
P.053 Detector development for the fast neutron imaging
Y Seki, RIKEN, Japan
P.054 An information-theoretical approach to image resolution applied to neutron imaging detectors based
upon individual discriminator signals
P Van Esch, Institut Laue Langevin, France
P.055 A precision time protocol (PTP) based timing system for neutron time-of-flight (TOF) instruments
D Yen, GE, USA
Frustrated magnetic systems
P.056 Ice rule correlations in stuffed spin ice
R Aldus, ANSTO, Australia
P.057 Studies of spin liquid candidate Nd2Sn2O7
R Aldus, ANSTO, Australia
P.058 Spin waves in honeycomb iridates and relevance of Kitaev physics
S Choi, University of Oxford, UK
P.059 Spin-lattice coupling and tetragonal-to-orthorhombic distortion in ferrimagnetic spinel Mn3O4
J-H Chung, Korea University, Korea
P.060 Magnetic frustration in the Lu2Mo2O7 and Lu2Mo2O5N2 pyrochlores
L Clark, University of Edinburgh, UK
P.061 Unearthing the true phase diagram of the frustrated hyperkagome Gd3Ga5O12
P Deen, European Spallation Source, Sweden
P.062 Spin correlations and excitations in the quasi-2D triangular bilayer spin glass LuCoGaO4
K Fritsch, McMaster University, Canada
P.063 Ho2Ge2O7 and Pr2Zr2O7: A tale of two spin ices
A Hallas, University of Manitoba, Canada
P.064 The "ice-rule" and magnetization in the inverse opal-like structure
A Mistonov, Saint Petersburg State University, Russia
P.065 Domain growth kinetics in field-induced threefold-degenerate ferrimagnetic phase of the isosceles
triangular Ising antiferromagnet CoNb2O6
S Mitsuda, Tokyo University of Science, Japan
P.066 Real-time observation of magnetic structural change in frustrated magnets
K Motoya, Tokyo University of Science, Japan
P.067 Impurity effects on long-time variation of magnetic structure in frustrated magnet Ca3Co2O6
T Moyoshi, Comprehensive Research Organization for Science and Society, Japan
P.068 Excitations under fields of the pinwheel valence bond solid state in the Kagomé antiferromagnet
Y Nambu, Tohoku University, Japan
P.069 Spin correlations in frustrated magnets from powder neutron scattering
J Paddison, University of Oxford / ISIS Facility, UK
P.070 Spin dynamics in the highly frustrated kagomé system CaBaCo2Fe2O7
J Reim, JCNS-2, PGI-4, FZ-Jülich, Germany
P.071 Effect on magnetic and structural properties of doping layerd Iridates A 2IrO3
K Rolfs, Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland
P.072 Excitation spectrum of Tb2Ti2O7 investigated by neutron scattering
M Ruminy, Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland
P.073 The effect of impurities on the structure and magnetism in spin ice crystals
G Sala, Royal Holloway University of London, UK
P.074 Field-induced magnetic structure of Tb2Ti2O7 spin liquid for H || [111] at very low temperatures
A Sazonov, RWTH Aachen, JCNS Outstation at FRM II, Germany
P.075 Novel liquid-like excitations in single crystalline Y2Mo2O7: An unconventional spin glass
H Silverstein, University of Manitoba, Canada
P.076 Interplay of lattice, spin and orbital effects in the Mott insulator LuVO 3
M Skoulatos, Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland
P.077 Antiferromagnetic Heisenberg spins on a pyrochlore lattice. Should be simple - right?
R Stewart, ISIS, STFC, UK
P.078 Pressure-dependent spin fluctuations and magnetic structure in the topologically frustrated spin glass
alloy Y(Mn0.95Al0.05)2
M Telling, STFC, UK
P.079 Rare-earth substitution in Ca3Co2O6 : Stabilization of the spin density wave structure
S M Yusuf, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, India
Fundamental physics
P.080 Analysis of the critical casimir effect in binary liquid mixtures by V-SANS
G Goerigk, Helmholtz-Zentrum-Berlin, Germany
P.081 Design of beam extraction systems for the European Spallation Source
D Martin Rodriguez, European Spallation Source AB, Sweden
P.082 Search for the neutron electric dipole moment at the Paul Scherrer Institute
F Piegsa, ETH Zürich / IPP, Switzerland
P.083 Development of non-depolarising neutron guide for PERC
N Rebrova, Physikalisches Institut Heidelberg, Germany
P.084 Error-disturbance uncertainty relation in spin measurements
S Sponar, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
P.085 Fundamental Physics @ ESS
C Theroine, European Spallation Source, Sweden / Institut Laue-Langevin, France
P.086 Observation of anomalous absorption of neutrons undergoing Laue diffraction at Bragg angles close
to pi/2
E Vezhlev, Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Russia
Geosciences and extreme conditions II: Magnetism
P.087 Neutron focusing within sample environment
M Bartkowiak, Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland
P.088 Neutron and X-ray tomography of inclusions in the chondrite meteorite Allende
H H Carlsen, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
P.089 Novel and extreme sample environment at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin - an overview
K Kiefer, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Germany
P.090 Addressing potential complications to neutron PDF studies of intact rocks
J Peterson, New Mexico State University, USA
P.091 The synthesis, crystal and magnetic structure of the iron selenide BaFe2Se3
E Pomjakushina, Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland
P.092 Extreme environment diffractometer now and in future
O Prokhnenko, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Germany
P.093 Magnetism in UNiGa under uniaxial pressure
J Prokleska, Charles University, DCMP, Czech Republic
P.094 Design of a variable-pressure cell for neutron studies at cryogenic temperatures
C Ridley, University of Edinburgh, UK
P.095 Extreme conditions instrument concept for the European Spallation Source
W-D Stein, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Germany
P.096 The extreme enviroment diffractometer as a tool for diffraction experiments
W-D Stein, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Germany
P.097 Neutron diffraction investigation of the quantitative texture analysis of metagabro milonite
S Vratislav, CTU in Prague, Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, Czech Republic
Instruments – Reflectomerters and NSE
P.098 Dynamical theory sets the limits of validity of DWBA on periodic structures
P.099 Profile retrieval of periodic structures using SERGIS and Dynamical Theory
P.100 Virtual polarized neutron scattering simulations using McStas
E Bergbäck Knudsen, DTU Physics, Denmark
P.101 Complementarity of neutron reflectometry and ellipsometry measurements to solve complex soft
matter problems on FIGARO and in the PSCM
R Campbell, Institut Laue-Langevin, France
P.102 New approaches to fluid interfaces: Recent developments on FIGARO
R Campbell, Institut Laue Langevin, France
P.103 Refractive analysis of interfaces with neutron beams optimized for a white spectrum (RAINBOWS)
B Cubitt, Institut Laue-Langevin, France
P.104 Progress on wide angle neutron spin echo spectroscopy at ILL: IN11 and WASP
P Fouquet, Institut Laue Langevin, France
P.105 Optimisation of a planned MIEZE spin echo instrument for magnetic samples at the ESS
R Georgii, FRM II, TU München, Germany
P.106 Selene-type reflectometer for extended samples and liquid surfaces
U B Hansen, Niels Bohr Institute, Denmark
P.107 High-resolution spin-echo-spectrometer: A conceptual design for ESS
S Pasini, JCNS, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany
P.108 Prospects of polarized neutron reflectometry in PNPI
N Pleshanov, Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Russia
P.109 SESANS with a 3-He Polarization Analyzer
R Pynn, Indiana University Bloomington, USA
P.110 Neutron reflectivity at ISIS
S Rogers, ISIS, STFC, UK
P.111 Spin echo modulated small angle neutron scattering (SEMSANS) in time of flight mode
M Sales, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Germany / Niels Bohr Institute, Denmark
P.112 Wide-aperture fan neutron supermirror analyzer of polarization for SNS magnetism reflectometer
V Syromyatnikov, Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Russia
P.113 BioRef 2.0 – Upgrading the capabilities of HZB’s ToF reflectometer
M Trapp, University of Heidelberg, Germany
P.114 Application of crystallographic methods to neutron reflectometry
Z Tun, Canadian Neutron Beam Centre, Canada
P.115 TOFLAR, quasi-elastic neutron scattering combining time of flight and Larmor modulation
A van Well, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
P.116 The ESS reflectometry project
H Wacklin, ESS AB, Sweden
P.117 Inelastic scattering on a neutron reflectometer: is it worth it?
A Wildes, Institut Laue-Langevin, France
Instruments - SANS
P.118 The elastic scattering spectrometer (ESS): Technical concept and instrumental details
A Benedetto, University College Dublin, Ireland
P.119 Countering the effects of gravity on and small angle neutron scatterng instrument
B Cubitt, ILL, France
P.120 Numerical evaluation of small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) instrument resolution using realshape kernels
C Dewhurst, Institut Laue Langevin, France
P.121 SANS in the µm²-range: Opportunities and limits
J Fenske, Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht. Germany
P.122 KWS-1 high resolution SANS instrument with polarization analysis
A Feoktystov, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Jülich Centre for Neutron Science, Outstation at FRM II,
P.123 High intensity SANS instrument for the ESS
H Frielinghaus, Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH, Germany
P.124 SANS instrument with bandpass filter focusing optics
J Füzi, Wigner RCP Institute for Solid State Physics and Optics, Germany
P.125 Recent results from Quokka, the 40 m SANS instrument at OPAL
E Gilbert, ANSTO, Australia
P.126 The new Small-Angle Neutron Scattering instrument SANS-1 at the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz ForschungsNeutronenquelle (FRM II): First results
R Gilles, TU München, Germany
P.127 What is learnt about sans instruments and data reduction from round robin measurements? – A
polymer latex ‘standard’
M Hellsing, Uppsala University, Sweden
P.128 Small angle scattering at the European Spallation Source
A Jackson, European Spallation Source, Sweden
P.129 Ultra-small-angle polarised neutron scattering on magnetic ribbons
E Jericha, Vienna University of Technology, Atominstitut, Austria
P.130 SANS Multitube Helium-3 position sensitive detector system for use in low to medium vacuum
N Johnson, GE Reuter Stokes, USA
P.131 A novel SANS detector geometry
K Kanaki, ESS, Sweden
P.132 New 2D detector of SANS instrument V4 at Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin
U Keiderling, Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin, Germany
P.133 Two dimensional, wide Q range data representation of SANS scattering patterns
A Len, Wigner Research Center for Physics, Hungary
P.134 Inelastic incoherent scattering from water in SANS experiments
G Nagy, Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland
P.135 Development of polarized neutron utilization system at the small and wide angle neutron scattering
instrument TAIKAN of J-PARC
K Ohishi, CROSS , Japan
P.136 A multipurpose SANS instrument using Larmor labelling techniques
J Plomp, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
P.137 KWS-2, the high-intensity / wide Q-range small-angle neutron diffractometer with tunable resolution
for soft-matter and biophysics at FRM II
A Radulescu, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Jülich Centre for Neutron Science JCNS, Germany
P.138 Small-angle neutron scattering at ISIS
S Rogers, ISIS, STFC, UK
P.139 BILBY: New time-of-flight small angle scattering instrument in Australia
A Sokolova, Bragg Institute, ANSTO, Australia
P.140 Towards 2D spatial resolved SANS
M Strobl, ESS-AB, Sweden
Intermetallics, skyrmion systems and conventional magnets
P.141 Temperature evolution of the magnetic structure in Mn1−xFexGe compounds
E Altynbaev, Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Russia
P.142 Crystal and magnetic structure of Mn3Ni20P6 and Mn3(Pd1-xNix)20P6
Y Andersson, Uppsala University, Sweden
P.143 Magnetic structures in TmTX (T – transition metal, X – p-electron element) intermetallics
S Baran, Jagiellonian University, Poland
P.144 Magnetic components in the skyrmion lattice in MnSi
E Blackburn, University of Birmingham, UK
P.145 High-resolution investigation of the magnetic excitations in Mn 3Si
G Brandl, Forschungsneutronenquelle Heinz Maier-Leibnitz, Technische Universität München, Germany
P.146 Flip of the spin chiralitiy in the mixed compounds Mn1-x FexGe
S Grigoriev, Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Russia
P.147 Understanding the magnetic phases in Cu1-x NixMnSb series: A neutron diffraction study
M Halder, Indian Institute Of Technology Bombay, India
P.148 Valence transitions and negative thermal expansion in YbMn2Ge2
M Hofmann, TU München, FRM II, Germany
P.149 Magnetically induced phase gap in pseudoternary RMn2X2 compounds
S Kennedy, ANSTO, Australia
P.150 Fluctuation induced first-order transition in chiral helimagnets
J Kindervater, Technische Universität München, Germany
P.151 Signature of gap closure in the phonon spectra of FeSi
S Krannich, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
P.152 Approaching quantum criticality in Mn[1-x]Fe[x]Si: SANS Pol study
E Moskvin, Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Russia
P.153 Spin dynamic in INVAR
G B Pasquino, Royal Holloway University of London, UK
P.154 Modeling of the magnetism in ScFe4Al8 compound using MCMag and MCPhase programs
K Recko, University of Bialystok, Poland
P.155 Neutron dark field imaging of domain structures in superconductors
T Reimann, Forschungs-Neutronenquelle Heinz Maier-Leibnitz/ Physik Department E21, TU München,
P.156 Field evolution of the magnetic structure in Mn1-x FexGe
S-A Siegfried, Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, Germany
P.157 Nonreciprocal reflection of unpolarized thermal neutrons by pair of magnetic mirrors in external
magnetic field
D Tatarskiy, IPM RAS, Russia
P.158 The Bragg glass phase diagram in low-kappa vanadium
R Toft-Petersen, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Germany
P.159 Study of flux pinning in large superconductors by polarized neutron radiography
W Treimer, University of Applied Sciences Berlin - Beuth Hochschule fuer Technik, Germany
P.160 "Skew" scattering of cold unpolarized neutrons in ferromagnetic crystal
O Udalov, Institute for physics of microstructures RAS, Russia
P.161 Electric field control of skyrmions in the chiral-cubic insulator Cu2OSeO3
J S White, Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland
P.162 Research on coercivity of Nd-Fe-B permanent magnet by microstructure and magnetic domain
M Yano, Toyota Motor Corporation, Japan
P.163 Neutron powder diffraction study of magnetic structure of Mn1-x CuxWO4 (x=0.025-0.2)
N K Chogondahalli Muniraju, Forschungszentrum Jülich, JCNS-SNS-ORNL, Germany
P.164 The role of doped La for anomalous 2D-ferromagnetic cluster phase of Ho0.8La0.2Mn2O5 multiferroic
H Chou, National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan
P.165 On the magnetic structure of multiferroics EuMn2O5, Tb1-x CexMn2O5: XYZ-polarization analysis
E Dimakova, PNPI, Russia
P.166 Competing magnetic orders and ferroelectric phases in multiferroic Mn1-x CoxWO4
J L Garcia-Muñoz, Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona, Spain
P.167 Magnetic and ferroelectric transitions in Mn0.8Co0.2WO4: Transverse conical antiferromagnetic order
and polarization
J L Garcia-Muñoz, Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona, Spain
P.168 Phonons in multiferroics YMnO3 and GaFeO3: Inelastic neutron scattering and first principles
M Gupta, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, India
P.169 A magnetic and crystal structure studies on BaXO 3 (X = Mn, Ti) mixed BiFeO3 multiferroic
S J Kim, KAERI, Korea
P.170 Magnetism and ferroelectricity in multiferroic Tm1-xYbxMn2O5 single crystals
H Kimura, Tohoku University, Japan
P.171 A neutron diffraction study of the magnetic structure of NdMn2O5
A Kuncevich, Petersburg State Polytechnical University / PNPI, Russia
P.172 Structural anomalies at the commensurate-incommensurate transition of multiferroic YBaCuFeO5
M Medarde, Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland
P.173 Low temperature magnetic structure of multiferroic YBaCuFeO5
M Morin, Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland
P.174 Magnon contribution to the specific heat of (Y/Lu)MnO3 estimated from inelastic neutron scattering
J Oh, IBS Research Center for Functional Interfaces and Correlated Electron Systems, Seoul National
University, Korea
P.175 Experimental study of the possible Multiferroic magnetoelectric NaLnMM’O6 family
B Orayech, Dpt. Física de la Materia Condensada, Facultad de Ciencia y Tecnología, Universidad Del País
Vasco (UPV/EHU), Spain
P.176 Magneto-orbital helices: A novel route to coupling magnetism and ferroelectricity in multiferroic
N Perks, University of Oxford, UK
P.177 Spin reorientation effect in Fe doped YMnO3
N Sharma, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, India
P.178 Long- and short-ranged structure of multiferroic Pb(Fe0.5Nb0.5)O3
H Sim, Seoul National University, Korea
P.179 Study of direct relations between the spiral spin ordering and ferroelectric polarization in multiferroic
Y-S Song, Korea University, Korea
P.180 Magnetically induced texture in CaMn7O12 studied with neutron powder diffraction
M Stekiel, University of Warsaw, Poland
P.181 Multiferroicity in the generic easy-plane triangular lattice antiferromagnet RbFe(MoO4)2
J S White, Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland
P.182 Direct-coupling of ferromagnetism and ferroelectricity by multi-component magnetism Mn2GeO4
J S White, Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland
P.183 Enhancement on magnetic ordering by divalent ions doping of (Bi0.9M0.1)FeO3 (M=Pb, Ca)
C-P Wu, National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan
Structural materials
P.184 Effect of ultrasound on the structure of amorphous zirconia gels
L Almasy, Wigner RCP, Hungary
P.185 High fidelity physics based constitutive model for metals and alloys at high temperature and
D Bansal, SUNY at Buffalo, USA
P.186 Neutron diffraction in a validation of in-situ vibratory stress relief applied to welded steel plates
V Davydov, Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland
P.187 Anisortropic properties of the newly developed Mg-RE alloys by neutron diffraction
W Gan, Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, Germany
P.188 Atomic structure and elastic properties of amorphous steels: Neutrons + quantum chemistry
V Kazimirov, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Russia
P.189 Investigating the sintering stress of heavy element materials by means of SANS
J Lechelle, CEA/DEN/Cad/DEC/SPUA/LMPC, France
P.190 Quantitative analysis of Martensite phase in stainless steel by using neutron diffraction
A Maneewong, KAERI, Korea / UST, Hong Kong
P.191 Structural analysis of steel rust using compact small-angle neutron scattering instrument
Y Oba, Kyoto University Research Reactor Institute, Japan
P.192 Evolution of the arrested austenite in metamagnetic shape memory alloys by powder neutron
J I Pérez-Landazábal, Public University of Navarra, Spain
P.193 Residual stresses in continuously cast steel slabs
M Schöbel, TU München, Germany
P.194 Misfit in Inconel type superalloy
P Strunz, Nuclear Physics Institute, Czech Republic
P.195 Investigation of residual stress in straightened steel pipes and plates
K Theis-Bröhl, University of Applied Sciences Bremerhaven, Germany
Surfactant phases
P.196 Clouding and micellar growth in aqueous anionic surfactants: A SANS study
A Bhadouria, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, India
P.197 SANS and SAXS investigation of hierarchical self assembly of functionalized single-walled carbon
nanotubes in surfactant system
S-H Lim, Department of Nuclear and Quantum Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and
Technology, Korea
P.198 Structure of confined microemulsions in AAO nanopores
F Lipfert, Jülich Centre for Neutron Science, Germany
P.199 The self-assembly of same-charge inorganic macroions: COSAN
S Prevost, TU Berlin, Germany
P.200 Structure of mixed micellar solutions study by small angle neutron scattering method
A Rajewska, National Center for Nuclear Research, Poland
P.201 Dynamics of ionic micelles: Effect of hydrotropic salt
V K Sharma, Solid State Physics Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, India
Targets, moderators and beam components
P.202 Optimization of a beamline neutronic background
S Ansell, Rutherford Appleton Laboratories, UK
P.203 Neutron moderator development research at the low energy neutron source
D Baxter, Indiana University, USA
P.204 New thermal neutron scattering kernels for light and heavy based on molecular dynamics simulations
J J Blostein, Centro Atómico Bariloche – CONICET, Argentina
P.205 Lujan center; a national user facility for neutron scattering – overview and opportunities
M Bourke, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA
P.206 High energy particle background shielding concept for spallation neutron sources
N Cherkashyna, European Spallation Source ESS AB, Sweden
P.207 A first measurement result of a polarizing neutron supermirror fabricated by KAERI
S J Cho, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Korea
P.208 The restart of the user program at the IBR-2 reactor: results of the first year of operation after the
reactor modernization
O A Culicov, JINR, Dubna and INCDIE ICPE-CA, Romania
P.209 Design and commissioning of new spin manipulation devices for RESEDA
W Häußler, Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum, Germany
P.210 Form invariant volume transformation in phase space by focusing neutron guides
T Hofmann, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Germany
P.211 Designing and utilizing elliptical guide split set-ups for ESS
S Holm, Niels Bohr Institute, Denmark
P.212 Neutron beam fundamentals development in Japan - Utilization of steady state and pulsed neutrons
K Kakurai, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), Japan
P.213 Supermirror coating optimisation for long neutron guides
K H Klenø, Niels Bohr Institute, Denmark
P.214 Applications of the MCNPX-McStas interface for shielding and background calculations at ESS
E Klinkby, DTU Nutech, Denmark
P.215 The neutron beam expansion program at the Bragg Institute
F Klose, ANSTO, Australia
P.216 The neutron guide upgrade project at HZB
T Krist, Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin, Germany
P.217 Neutron beam polarization and focusing by means of periodic magnetic fields
C Mondelli, CNR-IOM, ILL, France
P.218 Performance evaluation test of radial collimators for chopper spectrometer at J-PARC/MLF
M Nakamura, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan
P.219 Monte Carlo simulation of accelerator-based epithermal neutron beams for neutron capture therapy
I Porras, Departamento de Física Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de
Granada, Spain
P.220 High-Tc YBCO films as neutron spin manipulation devices
R Pynn, Indiana University Bloomington, USA
P.221 Optimization of cold neutron beam extraction at ESS
T Schönfeldt, DTU – NuTech, Denmark / ESS, Sweden
P.222 Status of China spallation neutron source and perspectives of neutron research
F Wang, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China