Is Found in:

Is Found in:
Tobacco Use:
Is the use of any nicotine-
containing tobacco products,
such as
Smokeless tobacco
Is a colorless, odorless drug in
tobacco that stimulates the
nervous system and is highly
Effects of
Dulls taste buds.
Is addicting.
Stimulates the nervous system.
Constricts blood vessels.
Increases heart rate and blood pressure.
Other Substances in Tobacco
Carbon Monoxide
 Is a odorless, tasteless,
colorless poisonous
gas found in tobacco.
Replaces oxygen in
red blood cells &
cause strain on the
 A thick, sticky
fluid that is
produced when
tobacco burns.
Effects of smoking on your body systems
 Circulatory System –
Increase in heart rate causing wear and
tear on the heart.
Increase Risk of:
1- stroke
2- heart disease
Respiratory System
 Smoking prevents the lungs from working
effectively as they can.
 Tobacco smokes harms the cilia in the nose,
throat, and bronchial tubes that are to trap dust
and other particles and remove them.
Smoking-Related Conditions & Diseases
 Affects the senses of taste & smell
 Narrow air passages in the lungs causing
 Increase risk of CANCER in mouth,
throat, lungs, & breast.
Smoking-Related Conditions & Diseases
 Emphysema air sacs in lungs lose most of their
function – difficult for oxygen to be absorbed
into bloodstream. Shortness of breath. Does not
go away!
 Chronic bronchitis – disease where there is too
much mucus lining the bronchial tubes.
Smoking and Your
clothes &
hair smell
-Your teeth turn yellow
- Your skin becomes wrinkly &
Second Hand Smoke
Is a combination of smoke from the
smokers lungs & the smoke from a
burning cigarette, cigar or pipe.
Sidestream Smoke
Smoke directly
from a burning
cigarette, pipe,
or cigar.
Secondhand Smoke
Sidestream Smoke
 Increases
the risk lung
cancer, respiratory
infection, heart disease,
ear infections,
bronchitis, pneumonia
Smokeless Tobacco
Two forms:
1 - Chewing tobacco
2 - Snuff
Chewing Tobacco
a tobacco product
made from chopped
tobacco leaves that is
placed between the cheek
and gums.
is a tobacco product
made from powdered
tobacco leaves and
stems that is placed
between the cheek &
Effects of Smokeless Tobacco
a safe alternative to
 Increased risk of cancer of the
mouth & throat
 Causes tooth & gum decay
 Bad Breath & yellow teeth
 Develop sores in your stomach
from swallowing some of it.
Tobacco Cessation Programs
Programs to help someone quit
smoking to improve their health…
Can decrease risk of:
Lung cancer, heart disease,
stroke, respiratory infections,
ulcers, bad breath, yellow teeth.
Smoking and Money $$$
The price of cigarettes continues to
pack of
cigarettes is $3.50