Regular Meeting of the Board of Education February 25, 2016, 7:00 pm Lake Zurich High School Library 300 Church Street, Lake Zurich, IL Regular Meeting Agenda I. Call to Order & Roll Call II. Pledge of Allegiance III. President’s Comments & Recognitions a. Students of the Month b. Parent Volunteer of the Month c. Staff Member of the Month IV. **Public Comments – Please sign in by 7:00 p.m. V. K – 5 Update – Demonstration Classrooms VI. Data Sharing Agreement Discussion – Linda Yaple VII. *Consent Agenda a. Approval of Minutes b. Treasurer’s Report c. Investment Report d. LZHS Girls Softball Field Trip – Bloomington, IL; March 29 - April 1, 2016 VIII. Human Resources – Ms. Becich a. *Personnel Report i. Termination of Administrative Staff, Leave of Absence of Certified Staff, Termination of Certified Staff, Change of Non-Certified Staff, Employment of Non-Certified Staff, Termination of Non-Certified Staff. IX. Business and Operations – Ms. Cullinan a. *Check Register b. *FBG Contract Renewal c. *Food Service Point of Service Contract d. *Non-Resident Tuition Rate e. *2016 – 2017 Facilities Usage Fees X. Superintendent’s Report – Dr. Egan a. *Data Sharing Agreement b. Additional Information XI. Business of the Board a. Committee Report(s) b. *Destruction of Closed Session Audio Recordings c. *Review of Closed Session Minutes XII. Closed Session – To discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1). *Action Items – It is anticipated that the Board will take action on these items **Public Comments will be limited to 5 minutes per individual, 30 minutes total time for any one topic** In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting or any other activity or program and who require certain accommodations so that they can observe and participate, or who have questions regarding the accessibility of the meeting room or the District’s facilities, should contact the Superintendent’s office (847-540-4963) promptly to allow the District to make reasonable accommodations for those persons. CUSD 95 February 2016 Board Awards STUDENTS OF THE MONTH Grade Student's Name School Karla Ramirez 9 Lake Zurich High School Patrick Thornton 8 Lake Zurich Middle School South Alexandra Selof 8 Lake Zurich Middle School North Joseph Abbate 2 Isaac Fox Elementary School Anastasia Shtogryn 1 Sarah Adams Elementary School Laila Shaf 2 May Whitney Elementary School Ryan Brens 1 Seth Paine Elementary School Camryn Powers 1 Spencer Loomis Elementary School PARENT VOLUNTEER OF THE MONTH Melissa Hull and Jessica Morton - Spencer Loomis Parent Volunteers STAFF MEMBER OF THE MONTH Suzanne Weider - Seth Paine Staff Member FROM THE OFFICE OF Jodi Wirt ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT FOR CURRICULUM & INSTRUCTION K-12 Stacie Noisey DIRECTOR OF CURRICULUM Dr. Terry Mootz DIRECTOR OF DATA & ASSESSMENT INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Dr. Mike Egan FROM: Jodi Wirt DATE: February 19, 2016 SUBJECT: Investing in our staff- Elementary Demonstration Classroom update PURPOSE OF REPORT: Informational BACKGROUND: Continuous learning drives an educational system. During previous meetings, the Curriculum Office has shared information regarding the work of curriculum committees in fostering continuous improvement in the learning experiences provided students, the district’s institute day plan outlined the opportunities teachers are provided to develop instructional expertise, and the secondary technology integration coaches presented on the embedded job support they provide to teachers in the use of technology during the learning process. At the February 25th meeting, the Elementary Demonstration Classroom teachers will share what they have learned with their students about impactful learning experiences and how they are supporting their peers. CURRENT STATUS: With any innovation, there are expected “bumps.” This is true of our Elementary Demonstration Classrooms. We have experienced partnerships changing or interrupted due to a role change within the district and maternity leaves. In addition, after the first year, the administration decided to change one of the demonstration classrooms at the intermediate level, to the primary level. However, our purpose has remained the same. The demonstration classroom teachers are helping the district answer the question, “How do we provide students with opportunities to collaborate, curate, think critically, communicate, and create in order to positively impact student achievement? In the September 30, 2013 edition of Education Week, Katie Ash in “Building a District Culture to Foster Innovation” reported that there were similarities in systems that encouraged and supported innovation. The article suggested that there were ways that districts could create a culture of innovation. • Develop strong leaders who encourage informed risk-taking and experimentation rather than protection of the status quo. • Establish an expectation of continuous learning and improvement from every person at every level of the organization. • Craft a clearly defined and articulated vision for the district, and make sure everyone understands it and adheres to it. • Foster an environment in which people have the power to change course quickly if a project or initiative isn't working. • Empower everyone in the district, from students to teachers and administrators, to take on leadership roles. • Ensure a seamless infusion of technology throughout every sector of the district to produce efficiencies and collect meaningful data. As our Elementary Demonstration Team- Suzanne Weider, Kim Tomczyk, Christine Hosteland, Dana Ladenburger, and Billy Spicer share what they have learned, I hope you see some of these traits in our district. You will hear about a principal who helped develop an inquiry unit, but you won’t hear about the administrators who meet behind the scenes to ask questions such as: “Are students clear about what they are learning or do they simply believe they are using technology? “How does the way you are using technology help student collaborate, give them feedback, or learn to evaluate sources?” Most importantly, I believe you will hear the team share their stories about how they are continuously trying to improve the learning experiences provided to students. Suzanne Weider and Kim Tomczyk will share how the iPad can be part of the learning process at 1 st grade. Dana Ladenburger and Billy Spicer will focus on how devices assist students in becoming meaningful collaborators and producers (communication). Finally, Christine Hosteland will share how technology allowed her to bring a problem based inquiry unit to life because students actively sought information, collaborated and communicated for a purpose. In the January 27, 2014 Huffingtonpost Blog, Courtney O’Connell identified 5 Habits of Innovative Educators. They are idea blenders They ask their biggest critics for feedback. They fail fast and fail forward They are passionately curious. They believe in their students. I trust that you will see these characteristics during the presentation this evening. We began with a vision- How do we provide students with opportunities to collaborate, curate, think critically, communicate, and create? Through the work of Suzanne Weider, Kim Tomczyk, Christine Hosteland, Maggie Moeller, Dana Ladenburger and Billy Spicer, the district is learning how to positively impact the learning environment and student’s ability to acquire those important 21st century skills identified in our mission. We are also learning what is needed to support teachers so that they too can innovate. MEMORANDUM TO: Board of Education FROM: Dr. Michael Egan, Superintendent DATE: February 25, 2016 SUBJECT: Consent Agenda Background Information: The items included for consideration on the Consent Agenda: A. Approval of Minutes Board of Education, Open Session January 28, 2016 Board of Education, Closed Session January 28, 2016 Committee of the Whole, Open Session February 11, 2016 Special Board of Education, Open Session February 11, 2016 Special Board of Education, Closed Session February 11, 2016 B. Treasurer’s Report C. Investment Report D. LZHS Girls Softball Field Trip – March 29 – April 1, 2016, Bloomington, IL Suggested Motion: Move to approve the consent agenda as prepared and presented by the Administration. LAKE ZURICH COMMUNITY UNIT SCHOOL DISTRICT #95 BALANCE SHEET January 31, 2016 ASSETS ACCOUNT # CASH IN BANK 6,368,878 JP MORGAN CHASE ACCOUNTS: GENERAL OPERATIONS HIGH YIELD SAVINGS ATHLETICS DEBIT CARD CREDIT CARD CLEARING STUDENT FEES - FRONTSTREAM SUMMER SCHOOL FEES - REV TRAK DISTRICT ACTIVITY (High School) DISTRICT ACTIVITY (Middle & Elementary) IMPREST FOOD SERVICE CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT (40) PMA FINANCIAL NETWORK, INC. (ISDLAF) INVESTMENTS LIQUID ESCROW (103) HEALTH INSURANCE (102) US BANK ACCOUNTS: ILLINOIS FUNDS E-PAY ILLINOIS FUNDS CLEARING 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1057 1058 1050 1101 1910 2,155,614 3,267,241 0 10,000 135,055 57,103 284,515 217,925 46,760 173,620 21,045 1010 1010 1010 1011 56,186,713 333,769 1,794,228 556,668 1010 1010 0 0 65,240,255 0 TOTAL CASH IN BANK 65,240,255 TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIEACCOUNTS PAYABLE PREPAID STUDENT LUNCH FEES TCHR PEN PAY MEDICAL INSURANCE PPO FED W/H TAX ST W/H TAX IMRF PAYABLE MEDICAL INS HMO DENTAL INS PPO DENTAL INS HMO DENTAL INS ADM LIFE/AD&D INS LONG TERM DISABILITY MEDICAL INSURANCE HMO BLUE ADV HEALTH INSURANCE CLAIMS LIAB FICA PAYABLE MED PAYABLE GARNISHMENTS FLEX CHILD CARE FLEX MEDICAL FLEX ADM FEE CELL PHONE EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION DEDUCT VOLUNTARY LIFE INSURANCE DEFERRED REVENUE - GOAL FOR FIELD OT CURR LIAB TOTAL LIABILITIES 4020 4021 4510 4520 4530 4540 4560 4561 4562 4563 4564 4565 4566 4568 4569 4570 4580 4592 4594 4595 4596 4598 4599 4658 4740 4990 321 114,816 0 446,538 0 0 0 118,546 19,362 2,069 7,541 3,949 10,156 57,921 556,581 0 0 0 -3,983 -13,827 442 30 1 6,486 20,881 0 1,347,831 FUND BALANCE EDUCATION FUND 10 OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE FUND 20 DEBT SERVICE FUND 30 TRANSPORTATION FUND 40 IMRF/SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE FUND 50 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND 60 WORKING CASH FUND 70 TOTAL FUND BALANCE 38,369,331 8,520,721 3,263,738 7,654,422 1,596,131 1,931,955 2,556,126 63,892,424 TOTAL LIABILITIES & FUND BALANCE 65,240,255 0 LAKE ZURICH COMMUNITY UNIT SCHOOL DISTRICT #95 TREASURER'S REPORT FUND BALANCES January 31, 2016 1/1/16 FUND BALANCE TOTAL 10 EDUCATION 20 O. & M. $ 69,248,619 $ 42,822,089 $ 8,894,646 REVENUE - MTD LOCAL STATE FEDERAL OTHER TOTAL REVENUE - MTD $ 1/31/16 263,671 205,985 21,044 0 490,700 $ DISBURSEMENTS - MTD SALARY & BENEFITS ALL OTHER DISB. TOTAL DISB.- MTD $ FUND BALANCE $ 63,892,423 4,495,519 1,351,377 5,846,896 63,892,423 $ 244,762 205,985 21,044 471,792 $ 4,164,716 759,833 4,924,549 $ 38,369,331 30 DEBT SERVICE $ 12,264 0 0 12,264 $ 3,263,311 50 IMRF/S.S 60 CAP. IMPR. 70 WKG CASH $ 8,058,199 $ 1,722,488 $ 1,931,873 $ 2,556,013 428 0 0 428 $ 81,515 304,674 386,190 $ - $ 8,520,721 $ 3,263,739 $ 40 TRANS. $ 5,880 0 0 5,880 $ 122,788 286,870 409,657 $ 7,654,422 $ 141 0 0 141 $ 126,499 126,499 $ 1,596,130 81 0 0 81 $ 113 0 0 113 - - $ 1,931,954 $ 2,556,126 $ - 3frbud12.p 63-2 FUND Community Unit School District 95 SUMMARY OF REVENUE ACCOUNTS (Date: 1/2016) ACCT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION NBR. FUNC 10 EDUCATION FUND 1000 LOCAL REVENUES 02/19/16 January 2015-16 2015-16 2015-16 UNREALIZED 2015-16 MONTHLY RECEIPTS FYTD Activity BUDGET BALANCE FYTD % 10 1110 EDUCATION LEVY 0.00 0.00 28,123,329.00 28,123,329.00 0.00 10 1110 EDUCATION LEVY 2,050.47 27,299,954.74 27,336,000.00 36,045.26 99.87 10 1140 SPECIAL EDUCATION LEVY 0.00 0.00 380,943.00 380,943.00 0.00 10 1140 SPECIAL EDUCATION LEVY 31.69 421,887.46 422,000.00 112.54 99.97 10 1230 CPPRT 34,513.55 37,517.54 166,000.00 128,482.46 22.60 10 1311 DAY TUITION-PUPILS/PARENTS 0.00 16,312.20 12,000.00 -4,312.20 135.94 10 1315 REGULAR PRE-SCHOOL 13,212.00 74,704.00 67,000.00 -7,704.00 111.50 10 1321 SUM SCH TUITION-PUPILS/PARENTS 0.00 -3,141.40 165,000.00 168,141.40 -1.90 10 1321 SUM SCH TUITION-PUPILS/PARENTS 0.00 -70.00 4,000.00 4,070.00 -1.75 10 1321 SUM SCH TUITION-PUPILS/PARENTS 0.00 0.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 0.00 10 1323 SUMMER ACADEMY/CAMPS/TOURN 0.00 4,554.00 125,000.00 120,446.00 3.64 90.67 10 1510 INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 10 1611 SALES TO PUPIL ELEMENTARY 1,652.66 40,800.44 45,000.00 4,199.56 30,156.80 160,744.00 350,000.00 189,256.00 10 1614 SALES TO PUPIL MS/HS 45.93 105,848.69 634,580.67 1,080,000.00 445,419.33 58.76 10 1620 ADULT LUNCH SALES 10 1690 OTHER FOOD SERVICE REVENUE 2,375.90 12,728.95 28,000.00 15,271.05 45.46 0.00 4,292.72 5,000.00 707.28 85.85 10 1711 ATHLETIC EVENTS 10 1712 SCH SPON TOURNAMENTS 6,929.00 28,793.17 31,000.00 2,206.83 92.88 0.00 1,613.00 4,000.00 2,387.00 40.33 10 1719 NON-ATHLETIC TOURNAMENTS 10 1720 FEES 10 1721 10 1722 10 1724 BAND/ORCHESTRA/CHORAL FEES 3,855.00 70,905.01 75,000.00 4,094.99 94.54 10 1725 PE UNIFORMS 190.75 10,459.25 20,000.00 9,540.75 52.30 0.00 -1,310.00 0.00 1,310.00 0.00 2,018.50 148,196.98 485,000.00 336,803.02 30.56 INTERSCHOLASTIC 8,628.75 192,417.75 300,000.00 107,582.25 64.14 INTRAMURAL FEES 2,006.25 5,381.00 7,900.00 2,519.00 68.11 10 1726 PE LOCKS 10 1727 HIGH 10 1728 CHILD DEVELOPMENT TUITION 10 1729 TRANSCRIPTS/STUDENT ID'S 10 1730 YEARBOOK SALES 10 1750 STUDENT TESTING FEES 10 1790 OTHER PUPIL ACTIVITIES 10 1791 HS SCHOOL PARKING FEE WEIGHT ROOM FEE 10 1821 REGULAR TEXTBOOK SALES 10 1890 OTHER TECHNOLOGY 10 1950 REFUND OF PRIOR YEARS' EXP 10 1960 PAYMENTS FROM TIF DISTRICTS 10 1970 DRIVERS ED REGIST. FEES 42.00 1,575.00 2,500.00 925.00 63.00 1,155.00 142,022.00 135,000.00 -7,022.00 105.20 1,760.00 5,920.00 5,000.00 -920.00 118.40 532.00 2,931.55 0.00 -2,931.55 0.00 676.00 31,680.00 95,000.00 63,320.00 33.35 16,430.00 16,430.00 20,000.00 3,570.00 82.15 0.00 0.00 68,000.00 68,000.00 0.00 0.00 283.00 1,600.00 1,317.00 17.69 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 1,600.00 37,771.78 80,000.00 42,228.22 47.21 16.82 43,725.32 10,000.00 -33,725.32 437.25 0.00 464,992.02 464,000.00 -992.02 100.21 9,000.00 43,415.00 44,000.00 585.00 98.67 Page:1 10:36 AM 3frbud12.p 63-2 FUND Community Unit School District 95 SUMMARY OF REVENUE ACCOUNTS (Date: 1/2016) ACCT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION NBR. FUNC 10 EDUCATION FUND 1000 LOCAL REVENUES 10 1999 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 10 1--- * 3000 02/19/16 January 2015-16 2015-16 2015-16 UNREALIZED 2015-16 MONTHLY RECEIPTS FYTD Activity BUDGET BALANCE FYTD % 80.55 4,503.77 5,000.00 496.23 90.08 244,762.38 29,956,570.92 60,165,772.00 30,209,201.08 49.79 54.54 STATE REVENUE 10 3001 GENERAL STATE AID 194,019.50 1,164,179.75 2,134,635.00 970,455.25 10 3100 SPECIAL ED PRIVATE TUITION 0.00 279,042.68 580,000.00 300,957.32 48.11 10 3105 SPECIAL ED EXTRAORDINARY 0.00 335,699.50 650,000.00 314,300.50 51.65 10 3110 SPECIAL ED PERSONNEL 0.00 493,134.75 969,000.00 475,865.25 50.89 10 3220 SECONDARY PROG IMPROVE -CTEI 0.00 10,981.00 21,579.00 10,598.00 50.89 10 3305 BILINGUAL DOWNSTATE TPI 0.00 35,689.35 36,786.00 1,096.65 97.02 10 3360 STATE FREE LUNCH 176.12 854.92 2,500.00 1,645.08 34.20 10 3370 DRIVER EDUCATION 8,357.99 16,715.98 32,000.00 15,284.02 52.24 10 3800 State Library Grant 3,431.30 3,431.30 4,000.00 568.70 85.78 10 3--- *COMMUNITY SERVICES 205,984.91 2,339,729.23 4,430,500.00 2,090,770.77 52.81 4000 FEDERAL REVENUE 10 4210 National Sch Lunch Pro 10,422.41 65,982.55 145,000.00 79,017.45 45.51 10 4300 TITLE 1 LOW INC 0.00 111,655.00 287,688.00 176,033.00 38.81 10 4600 Fed SpEd-Prshl FlwThru 0.00 10,148.00 28,000.00 17,852.00 36.24 10 4620 Fed SpEd-Low In Flw Thru 0.00 326,474.00 975,000.00 648,526.00 33.48 10 4745 VE- Perkins 0.00 0.00 16,432.00 16,432.00 0.00 10 4905 TITLE 111 IMMIGRANT EDUCATION 0.00 760.00 9,000.00 8,240.00 8.44 10 4909 TITLE 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ACQ. 0.00 22,038.00 30,000.00 7,962.00 73.46 10 4932 TITLE II TEACHER QUALITY 0.00 11,614.00 76,695.00 65,081.00 15.14 10 4991 MEDICAID ADMIN OUTREACH 0.00 24,398.93 53,000.00 28,601.07 46.04 10 4992 MEDICAID FEE FOR SERVICE PROG. 0.00 42,907.10 84,000.00 41,092.90 51.08 10 4993 DHS STEP GRANT 10,622.00 15,401.89 6,500.00 -8,901.89 236.95 10 4--- * 1- ---- *EDUCATION FUND 21,044.41 631,379.47 1,711,315.00 1,079,935.53 36.89 471,791.70 32,927,679.62 66,307,587.00 33,379,907.38 49.66 Page:2 10:36 AM 3frbud12.p 63-2 FUND Community Unit School District 95 SUMMARY OF REVENUE ACCOUNTS (Date: 1/2016) ACCT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION NBR. FUNC 20 OPER & MAINT 1000 LOCAL REVENUES 02/19/16 January 2015-16 2015-16 2015-16 UNREALIZED 2015-16 MONTHLY RECEIPTS FYTD Activity BUDGET BALANCE FYTD % 20 1111 OPERATION & MAINTENANCE LEVY 0.00 0.00 4,870,099.00 4,870,099.00 0.00 20 1111 OPERATION & MAINTENANCE LEVY 379.96 5,058,814.32 5,065,000.00 6,185.68 99.88 20 1510 INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 20 1910 RENTALS 20 1950 REFUND OF PRIOR YEARS' EXP 20 1981 ENERGY REBATES 20 1999 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 20 1--- * 3000 360.03 8,225.58 10,000.00 1,774.42 82.26 11,524.50 134,582.38 290,000.00 155,417.62 46.41 0.00 4,628.98 10,000.00 5,371.02 46.29 0.00 57,730.52 3,200.00 -54,530.52 1,804.08 0.00 141,012.88 120,000.00 -21,012.88 117.51 12,264.49 5,404,994.66 10,368,299.00 4,963,304.34 52.13 STATE REVENUE 20 3999 OTHER REVENUE-STATE GRANTS 0.00 0.00 150,000.00 150,000.00 0.00 20 3--- *COMMUNITY SERVICES 0.00 0.00 150,000.00 150,000.00 0.00 7000 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 20 7140 Perm Transfer of Interest 0.00 0.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 0.00 20 7300 SALE/COMP FOR LOSS OF FA 0.00 500.00 0.00 -500.00 0.00 20 7--- * 2- ---- *OPER & MAINT 30 DEBT SERVICE FUND 1000 LOCAL REVENUES 0.00 500.00 7,000.00 6,500.00 7.14 12,264.49 5,405,494.66 10,525,299.00 5,119,804.34 51.36 30 1112 DEBT SERVICE LEVY 0.00 0.00 3,891,597.00 3,891,597.00 0.00 30 1112 DEBT SERVICE LEVY 290.08 3,862,188.03 3,867,000.00 4,811.97 99.88 30 1510 INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 137.68 6,361.65 7,000.00 638.35 90.88 30 1--- * 427.76 3,868,549.68 7,765,597.00 3,897,047.32 49.82 7000 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 30 7440 TRANSFER LEASE PRINCIPAL 0.00 96,541.22 96,541.22 0.00 100.00 30 7540 REV TRANSFER LEASE INTEREST 0.00 9,399.78 9,399.78 0.00 100.00 100.00 30 7600 TRANS TO DEBT SERV PRINCIPAL 0.00 213,120.93 213,120.93 0.00 30 7700 TRANSFER DEBT SERV 0.00 24,976.08 24,176.64 -799.44 103.31 30 7--- * 0.00 344,038.01 343,238.57 -799.44 100.23 INTEREST Page:3 10:36 AM 3frbud12.p 63-2 FUND Community Unit School District 95 SUMMARY OF REVENUE ACCOUNTS (Date: 1/2016) ACCT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION NBR. FUNC 30 02/19/16 January 2015-16 2015-16 2015-16 UNREALIZED 2015-16 MONTHLY RECEIPTS FYTD Activity BUDGET BALANCE FYTD % DEBT SERVICE FUND 0000 3- ---- *DEBT SERVICE FUND 40 TRANSPORTATION 1000 LOCAL REVENUES 427.76 4,212,587.69 8,108,835.57 3,896,247.88 51.95 40 1113 TRANSPORTATION LEVY 0.00 0.00 619,966.00 619,966.00 0.00 40 1113 TRANSPORTATION LEVY 48.97 652,007.91 652,800.00 792.09 99.88 108.87 40 1411 FEES FROM PUPILS AND PARENTS 180.00 25,040.00 23,000.00 -2,040.00 40 1415 FEES FROM CO-CURRICULAR 5,327.17 41,702.10 85,000.00 43,297.90 49.06 40 1510 INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 324.16 6,673.15 13,500.00 6,826.85 49.43 40 1--- * 5,880.30 725,423.16 1,394,266.00 668,842.84 52.03 3000 STATE REVENUE 40 3500 TRANSPORTATION REGULAR 0.00 50,932.17 100,900.00 49,967.83 50.48 40 3510 TRANSPORTATION SPL EDUCATION 0.00 1,069,276.98 2,181,000.00 1,111,723.02 49.03 40 3--- *COMMUNITY SERVICES 0.00 1,120,209.15 2,281,900.00 1,161,690.85 49.09 7000 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 40 7300 SALE/COMP FOR LOSS OF FA 0.00 3,930,491.99 3,930,491.00 -0.99 100.00 40 7--- * 0.00 3,930,491.99 3,930,491.00 -0.99 100.00 4- ---- *TRANSPORTATION 5,880.30 5,776,124.30 7,606,657.00 1,830,532.70 75.94 50 IMRF/SOCIAL SECURITY 1000 LOCAL REVENUES 50 1114 MUNICIPAL RETIRE LEVY 0.00 0.00 463,107.00 463,107.00 0.00 50 1114 MUNICIPAL RETIRE LEVY 32.84 437,228.84 437,000.00 -228.84 100.05 50 1150 SS/MEDICARE LEVY 0.00 0.00 597,558.00 597,558.00 0.00 50 1150 SS/MEDICARE LEVY 41.19 548,453.71 549,000.00 546.29 99.90 50 1230 CPPRT 50 1510 INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 50 1--- * 0.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 0.00 100.00 67.33 1,586.83 1,500.00 -86.83 105.79 141.36 1,087,269.38 2,148,165.00 1,060,895.62 50.61 Page:4 10:36 AM 3frbud12.p 63-2 FUND Community Unit School District 95 SUMMARY OF REVENUE ACCOUNTS (Date: 1/2016) ACCT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION NBR. FUNC 50 IMRF/SOCIAL SECURITY 3000 STATE REVENUE 02/19/16 January 2015-16 2015-16 2015-16 UNREALIZED 2015-16 MONTHLY RECEIPTS FYTD Activity BUDGET BALANCE FYTD % 50 3305 BILINGUAL DOWNSTATE TPI 0.00 1,096.65 0.00 -1,096.65 0.00 50 3--- *COMMUNITY SERVICES 0.00 1,096.65 0.00 -1,096.65 0.00 36.52 4000 FEDERAL REVENUE 50 4300 TITLE 1 LOW INC 0.00 2,447.00 6,700.00 4,253.00 50 4600 Fed SpEd-Prshl FlwThru 0.00 22.00 0.00 -22.00 0.00 50 4620 Fed SpEd-Low In Flw Thru 0.00 25,628.00 90,000.00 64,372.00 28.48 50 4909 TITLE 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ACQ. 0.00 206.00 500.00 294.00 41.20 50 4932 TITLE II TEACHER QUALITY 0.00 0.00 75.00 75.00 0.00 50 4--- * 0.00 28,303.00 97,275.00 68,972.00 29.10 5- ---- *IMRF/SOCIAL SECURITY 141.36 1,116,669.03 2,245,440.00 1,128,770.97 49.73 60 CAPITAL PROJECTS 1000 LOCAL REVENUES 60 1510 INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 60 1930 IMPACT FEES 81.49 1,622.47 2,000.00 377.53 81.12 0.00 32,135.85 45,000.00 12,864.15 71.41 60 1--- 6- ---- * 81.49 33,758.32 47,000.00 13,241.68 71.83 *CAPITAL PROJECTS 81.49 33,758.32 47,000.00 13,241.68 71.83 70 WORKING CASH 1000 LOCAL REVENUES 70 1115 WORKING CASH LEVY 0.00 0.00 67,225.00 67,225.00 0.00 70 1115 WORKING CASH LEVY 5.47 72,871.47 72,900.00 28.53 99.96 70 1510 INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 107.82 2,157.10 3,800.00 1,642.90 56.77 70 1--- * 113.29 75,028.57 143,925.00 68,896.43 52.13 7- ---- *WORKING CASH 113.29 75,028.57 143,925.00 68,896.43 52.13 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Grand Revenue Totals Number of Accounts: 100 490,700.39 49,547,342.19 94,984,743.57 45,437,401.38 52.16 Page:5 10:36 AM 3frbud12.p 63-2 FD FUNC 10 Community Unit School District 95 EXPENSE SUMMARY BY FUND/FUNCTION (Date: 1/2016) FUNC January 2015-16 2015-16 2015-16 MTD EXPENSE YTD EXPENSE BUDGET AMT 1,036,130.44 6,787,206.85 625,774.36 4,271,600.21 02/19/16 2015-16 UNEXPENDED ENCUMBERED UNENCUMBERED % USED 12,834,383.56 6,047,176.71 33,459.87 6,013,716.84 53.14 8,242,918.00 3,971,317.79 7,064.11 3,964,253.68 51.91 EDUCATION FUND 10 1110 ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS 10 1120 MIDDLE SCHOOLS 10 1125 PRE-SCHOOL REG 10 1130 HIGH SCHOOL 10 1200 SPECIAL EDUCATION 10 1205 SPECIAL EDUCATION CLASSROOM 10 1207 TRANSITION PROGRAM 10 1213 OCCUPATIONAL/PHYSICAL THERAPY 10 1218 ADAPTED PHYSICAL ED 10 1225 EARLY CHILDHOOD ED 10 1400 VOCATIONAL PROGRAMS 10 1500 INTERSCHOLASTIC PROGRAMS 10 1600 SUMMER SCHOOL PROGRAMS 0.00 0.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 0.00 7,000.00 0.00 674,963.38 4,409,847.83 8,390,431.00 3,980,583.17 16,343.68 3,964,239.49 52.75 15,398.90 72,610.86 193,100.00 120,489.14 876.25 119,612.89 38.06 403,416.88 2,673,519.66 5,109,876.00 2,436,356.34 8,399.74 2,427,956.60 52.49 -1,823.00 -1,686.86 10,500.00 12,186.86 0.00 12,186.86 -16.07 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 2,000.00 0.00 8,540.66 59,201.80 103,010.00 43,808.20 0.00 43,808.20 57.47 32,985.28 205,416.17 419,150.00 213,733.83 3,385.25 210,348.58 49.82 104,210.76 704,600.23 1,301,328.00 596,727.77 1,379.85 595,347.92 54.25 111,205.75 852,036.49 1,706,991.02 854,954.53 18,228.33 836,726.20 50.98 0.00 74,708.44 195,327.00 120,618.56 0.00 120,618.56 38.25 1,263.02 78,867.32 147,325.00 68,457.68 1,129.70 67,327.98 54.30 0.00 35,803.99 66,710.00 30,906.01 0.00 30,906.01 53.67 57.80 10 1610 SUMMER SCHOOL-ATHLETICS 10 1620 SUMMER SCHOOL SPECIAL ED 10 1650 GIFTED PROGRAMS 31,501.68 216,777.95 375,025.00 158,247.05 0.00 158,247.05 10 1700 DRIVERS EDUCATION 27,683.02 196,026.71 349,324.00 153,297.29 73.96 153,223.33 56.14 10 1800 BILINGUAL PROGRAMS 94,351.88 612,945.97 1,119,718.00 506,772.03 0.00 506,772.03 54.74 10 1911 REG ED K-12 PRIVATE TUITION 0.00 0.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 0.00 25,000.00 0.00 10 1912 SPED TUITION K-12 PRIV 196,493.75 957,494.72 2,090,100.00 1,132,605.28 28,579.00 1,104,026.28 47.18 10 2110 ATTENDANCE AND SOCIAL WORK 102,843.72 680,319.02 1,238,505.00 558,185.98 222.07 557,963.91 54.95 10 2115 DEAN'S OFFICE 578.00 2,090.42 1,000.00 -1,090.42 0.00 -1,090.42 209.04 10 2120 GUIDANCE SERVICES 70,739.03 454,547.08 853,265.00 398,717.92 70.33 398,647.59 53.28 10 2130 HEALTH SERVICES 71,630.64 567,707.68 1,049,075.00 481,367.32 1,923.85 479,443.47 54.30 10 2131 OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY 171.12 5,243.96 2,600.00 -2,643.96 22.50 -2,666.46 202.56 10 2132 PHYSICAL THERAPY 418.26 1,060.12 900.00 -160.12 0.00 -160.12 117.79 10 2140 PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES 55,971.94 353,373.61 619,475.00 266,101.39 7,851.20 258,250.19 58.31 10 2150 SPEECH PATHOLOGY SERVICES 71,287.29 461,608.18 810,751.00 349,142.82 6,989.00 342,153.82 57.80 10 2190 STUDENT SERVICES 0.00 300.00 1,500.00 1,200.00 85.88 1,114.12 25.73 10 2210 IMPROVEMENT OF INSTRUCTION 25,367.18 292,438.03 483,922.00 191,483.97 49,927.34 141,556.63 70.75 10 2220 EDUCATIONAL MEDIA SERVICES 66,618.22 491,303.06 946,398.00 455,094.94 10,501.69 444,593.25 53.02 10 2230 ASSESSMT & TESTING 4,623.65 25,900.59 122,913.00 97,012.41 456.71 96,555.70 21.44 10 2300 GRANT ADM 0.00 1,125.00 1,125.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 10 2310 BOARD OF EDUCATION 26,863.62 143,095.72 296,500.00 153,404.28 85.00 153,319.28 48.29 10 2320 EXECUTIVE ADMIN 27,350.32 196,896.51 347,959.00 151,062.49 170.00 150,892.49 56.63 10 2330 SPECIAL AREA ADMIN 45,478.42 338,314.37 586,165.00 247,850.63 773.95 247,076.68 57.85 10 2362 WORKER'S COMPENSATION INSRNCE 0.00 298,102.00 305,000.00 6,898.00 0.00 6,898.00 97.74 10 2364 INSURANCE PAYMENTS GENERAL 0.00 398,302.00 398,302.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 Page:1 10:39 AM 3frbud12.p 63-2 FD FUNC 10 Community Unit School District 95 EXPENSE SUMMARY BY FUND/FUNCTION (Date: 1/2016) FUNC 02/19/16 January 2015-16 2015-16 2015-16 MTD EXPENSE YTD EXPENSE BUDGET AMT UNEXPENDED ENCUMBERED UNENCUMBERED 2015-16 % USED EDUCATION FUND 10 2410 OFFICE OF PRINCIPAL 336,918.05 2,468,184.64 4,348,221.76 1,880,037.12 75.96 1,879,961.16 56.76 10 2510 DIRECTION OF BUSINESS SERV 18,544.98 130,960.90 236,310.00 105,349.10 0.00 105,349.10 55.42 67,009.30 238,951.63 645,540.00 406,588.37 217.50 406,370.87 37.05 0.00 0.00 5,911.00 5,911.00 0.00 5,911.00 0.00 117,148.81 650,795.32 1,626,830.00 976,034.68 1,149.39 974,885.29 40.07 56.00 10 2520 FISCAL SERVICES 10 2550 PUPIL TRANSPORTATION SERV 10 2560 FOOD SERVICES 10 2570 INTERNAL SERVICES 10 2620 CURRICULUM 10 2630 INFORMATIONAL SERVICES 10 2640 STAFF SERVICES 10 2660 DATA PROCESSING SERV 10 2900 10 3000 10 200.00 1,120.00 2,000.00 880.00 0.00 880.00 119,525.66 732,976.92 1,465,770.00 732,793.08 0.00 732,793.08 50.01 20,378.06 148,907.42 269,959.00 121,051.58 1,045.16 120,006.42 55.55 44,311.57 336,206.19 611,380.00 275,173.81 339.97 274,833.84 55.05 157,268.34 1,540,035.19 3,351,460.76 1,811,425.57 137,984.90 1,673,440.67 50.07 OTHER SUPPORT SERV 1,993.75 10,030.00 28,515.00 18,485.00 0.00 18,485.00 35.17 COMMUNITY SERVICES 4,832.10 21,372.55 36,548.00 15,175.45 1,449.61 13,725.84 62.44 3700 Non-Public School Pupils Ser. 4,766.96 31,482.01 52,441.76 20,959.75 0.00 20,959.75 60.03 10 4190 PMTS TO OTHER GOVT UNITS 0.00 0.00 5,300.00 5,300.00 0.00 5,300.00 0.00 10 4210 REG ED TUITION PAID TO LEA'S 20,016.46 153,255.14 247,000.00 93,744.86 0.00 93,744.86 62.05 79,597.23 461,912.90 953,000.00 491,087.10 0.00 491,087.10 48.47 0.00 96,541.22 96,541.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 10 4220 SPED PAID TO OTHER LEA 10 8400 TRANS TO DEBT PRINCIPAL LEASE 10 8500 TRANS TO DEBT INTEREST LEASE 0.00 9,399.78 9,399.78 0.00 0.00 0.00 10 8610 TRANSFERS BETWEEN FUNDS 0.00 213,120.93 213,120.93 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 10 8710 TRANSFERS 0.00 24,976.08 24,176.64 -799.44 0.00 -799.44 103.31 1- ---- EDUCATION FUND 4,924,549.44 34,188,934.51 64,983,997.43 30,795,062.92 340,261.75 30,454,801.17 53.13 20 OPER & MAINT 20 2540 OPERATIONS OF PLANT SERV 386,189.88 6,438,812.38 10,162,135.00 3,723,322.62 165,651.94 3,557,670.68 64.99 2- ---- OPER & MAINT 386,189.88 6,438,812.38 10,162,135.00 3,723,322.62 165,651.94 3,557,670.68 64.99 30 DEBT SERVICE FUND 30 5220 BOND INTEREST 0.00 4,415,267.80 4,577,268.00 162,000.20 0.00 162,000.20 96.46 30 5250 REVENUE BONDS OTH AGENCIES 0.00 799.44 1,598.88 799.44 0.00 799.44 50.00 30 5270 CAPITAL LEASE INTEREST 0.00 9,399.78 9,399.78 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 30 5290 OTHER INT ON LT DEBT 0.00 24,176.64 24,176.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 30 5320 PRINCIPAL 0.00 3,191,732.20 3,191,732.00 -0.20 0.00 -0.20 30 5350 PRINCIPAL 0.00 0.00 17,152.80 17,152.80 0.00 17,152.80 0.00 30 5370 CAPITAL LEASE PRINCIPAL 0.00 96,541.22 96,541.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 Page:2 10:39 AM 3frbud12.p 63-2 FD FUNC 30 Community Unit School District 95 EXPENSE SUMMARY BY FUND/FUNCTION (Date: 1/2016) FUNC January 2015-16 2015-16 2015-16 MTD EXPENSE YTD EXPENSE BUDGET AMT 02/19/16 2015-16 UNEXPENDED ENCUMBERED UNENCUMBERED % USED DEBT SERVICE FUND 30 5390 OTHER PRINC 0.00 213,120.93 213,120.93 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 30 5400 OTHER DEBT SVCE EXP 0.00 425.00 3,000.00 2,575.00 0.00 2,575.00 14.17 30 8140 INTEREST 0.00 0.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 0.00 7,000.00 0.00 3- ---- DEBT SERVICE FUND 0.00 7,951,463.01 8,140,990.25 189,527.24 0.00 189,527.24 97.67 409,657.47 6,717,180.22 8,885,243.20 2,168,062.98 874.46 2,167,188.52 75.61 0.00 8,374.71 11,000.00 2,625.29 0.00 2,625.29 76.13 409,657.47 6,725,554.93 8,896,243.20 2,170,688.27 874.46 2,169,813.81 75.61 51.75 40 LT DEBT TRANSPORTATION 40 2550 PUPIL TRANSPORTATION SERV 40 2551 SUMMER SCHOOL ENRICHMENT 4- ---- TRANSPORTATION 50 IMRF/SOCIAL SECURITY 50 1110 ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS 50 1120 MIDDLE SCHOOLS 14,150.19 97,280.90 187,970.00 90,689.10 0.00 90,689.10 7,594.10 50,720.89 105,820.00 55,099.11 0.00 55,099.11 50 1130 HIGH SCHOOL 47.93 10,942.50 77,067.73 153,818.00 76,750.27 0.00 76,750.27 50.10 50 1200 SPECIAL EDUCATION 50 1205 SPECIAL EDUCATION CLASSROOM 50 1218 ADAPTED PHYSICAL ED 110.52 765.24 1,400.00 634.76 0.00 634.76 54.66 50 1225 EARLY CHILDHOOD ED 1,077.11 9,652.60 31,050.00 21,397.40 0.00 21,397.40 31.09 50 1400 VOCATIONAL PROGRAMS 1,097.08 7,635.83 14,800.00 7,164.17 0.00 7,164.17 51.59 50 1500 INTERSCHOLASTIC PROGRAMS 2,751.29 15,872.57 32,601.00 16,728.43 0.00 16,728.43 48.69 38.39 189.38 1,152.99 4,500.00 3,347.01 0.00 3,347.01 25.62 10,159.40 88,140.16 175,800.00 87,659.84 0.00 87,659.84 50.14 50 1600 SUMMER SCHOOL PROGRAMS 0.00 1,602.62 4,175.00 2,572.38 0.00 2,572.38 50 1610 SUMMER SCHOOL-ATHLETICS 0.00 1,801.08 4,500.00 2,698.92 0.00 2,698.92 40.02 50 1620 SUMMER SCHOOL SPECIAL ED 0.00 2,982.15 5,850.00 2,867.85 0.00 2,867.85 50.98 50 1650 GIFTED PROGRAMS 403.42 2,784.42 4,950.00 2,165.58 0.00 2,165.58 56.25 50 1700 DRIVERS EDUCATION 337.45 2,404.05 4,550.00 2,145.95 0.00 2,145.95 52.84 50 1800 BILINGUAL PROGRAMS 1,104.19 7,316.25 14,750.00 7,433.75 0.00 7,433.75 49.60 50 2110 ATTENDANCE AND SOCIAL WORK 1,305.08 8,601.56 15,300.00 6,698.44 0.00 6,698.44 56.22 50 2120 GUIDANCE SERVICES 1,995.44 13,160.63 19,105.40 5,944.77 0.00 5,944.77 68.88 50 2130 HEALTH SERVICES 8,021.39 62,846.16 116,924.00 54,077.84 0.00 54,077.84 53.75 50 2140 PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES 591.26 4,114.47 7,100.00 2,985.53 0.00 2,985.53 57.95 50 2150 SPEECH PATHOLOGY SERVICES 756.60 5,133.31 9,000.00 3,866.69 0.00 3,866.69 57.04 50 2210 IMPROVEMENT OF INSTRUCTION 0.00 403.56 1,000.00 596.44 0.00 596.44 40.36 50 2220 EDUCATIONAL MEDIA SERVICES 1,848.64 16,756.91 33,716.00 16,959.09 0.00 16,959.09 49.70 50 2230 ASSESSMT & TESTING 0.00 0.00 115.00 115.00 0.00 115.00 0.00 Page:3 10:39 AM 3frbud12.p 63-2 FD FUNC 50 Community Unit School District 95 EXPENSE SUMMARY BY FUND/FUNCTION (Date: 1/2016) FUNC 02/19/16 January 2015-16 2015-16 2015-16 MTD EXPENSE YTD EXPENSE BUDGET AMT UNEXPENDED ENCUMBERED UNENCUMBERED 2015-16 % USED 58.72 IMRF/SOCIAL SECURITY 50 2320 EXECUTIVE ADMIN 1,060.41 8,045.01 13,700.00 5,654.99 0.00 5,654.99 50 2330 SPECIAL AREA ADMIN 1,544.24 11,727.32 21,085.00 9,357.68 0.00 9,357.68 55.62 50 2410 OFFICE OF PRINCIPAL 7,700.37 70,433.05 139,471.00 69,037.95 0.00 69,037.95 50.50 50 2510 DIRECTION OF BUSINESS SERV 53.16 50 2520 FISCAL SERVICES 50 2540 50 50 208.98 1,461.78 2,750.00 1,288.22 0.00 1,288.22 2,343.28 15,594.26 31,100.00 15,505.74 0.00 15,505.74 50.14 OPERATIONS OF PLANT SERV 11,715.51 86,845.87 166,000.00 79,154.13 0.00 79,154.13 52.32 2550 PUPIL TRANSPORTATION SERV 15,454.89 115,881.72 247,950.00 132,068.28 0.00 132,068.28 46.74 2551 SUMMER SCHOOL ENRICHMENT 0.00 1,378.31 2,950.00 1,571.69 0.00 1,571.69 46.72 50 2620 CURRICULUM 1,965.18 12,797.68 21,302.00 8,504.32 0.00 8,504.32 60.08 50 2630 INFORMATIONAL SERVICES 1,947.68 13,866.50 24,775.00 10,908.50 0.00 10,908.50 55.97 50 2640 STAFF SERVICES 50 2660 DATA PROCESSING SERV 4,533.96 32,231.00 74,025.00 41,794.00 0.00 41,794.00 43.54 13,277.86 93,933.94 79,950.00 -13,983.94 0.00 -13,983.94 117.49 50 2900 OTHER SUPPORT SERV 152.53 265.09 3,692.00 3,426.91 0.00 3,426.91 7.18 50 3000 COMMUNITY SERVICES 5.74 44.05 836.00 791.95 0.00 791.95 5.27 50 3700 Non-Public School Pupils Ser. 5- ---- IMRF/SOCIAL SECURITY 153.48 1,273.20 1,625.00 351.80 0.00 351.80 78.35 126,499.15 943,974.86 1,780,005.40 836,030.54 0.00 836,030.54 53.03 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Grand Expense Totals Number of Accounts: 5,846,895.94 56,248,739.69 1848 ************************ End of report ************************ 93,963,371.28 37,714,631.59 506,788.15 37,207,843.44 60.40 Page:4 10:39 AM 3frbud12.p 63-2 LOC Community Unit School District 95 OPERATIONAL UNIT SUMMARY REPORT BY FUND (Date: 1/2016) LOCATION NAME 10 02/19/16 2015-16 2015-16 2015-16 MTD EXPENSES FYTD EXPENSES BUDGET AMOUNT UNEXPENDED ENCUMBERED UNENCUMBERED 2015-16 FYTD % 232,375.25 1,531,503.87 2,858,625.19 1,327,121.32 6,082.32 1,321,039.00 53.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 53.72 EDUCATION FUND 001 MAY WHITNEY 002 CHARLES QUENTIN 003 SARAH ADAMS 217,024.12 1,417,581.10 2,638,840.28 1,221,259.18 1,743.30 1,219,515.88 004 SETH PAINE 196,944.58 1,276,581.95 2,469,925.34 1,193,343.39 1,424.04 1,191,919.35 51.69 005 MIDDLE SCHOOL NORTH 395,094.51 2,656,508.26 4,913,290.00 2,256,781.74 5,176.86 2,251,604.88 54.07 006 LAKE ZURICH HIGH SCHOOL 1,088,823.79 7,402,217.51 13,744,890.90 6,342,673.39 34,199.98 6,308,473.41 53.85 008 DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION 1,947,287.11 14,282,755.71 28,013,833.09 13,731,077.38 277,402.95 13,453,674.43 50.98 009 ISAAC FOX 238,005.42 1,569,563.99 2,872,338.75 1,302,774.76 5,401.65 1,297,373.11 54.64 010 MIDDLE SCHOOL SOUTH 395,348.93 2,633,927.16 4,883,275.20 2,249,348.04 6,364.40 2,242,983.64 53.94 011 NEW MIDDLE SCHOOL NORTH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 012 SPENCER LOOMIS 213,645.73 1,418,294.96 2,588,978.68 1,170,683.72 2,466.25 1,168,217.47 54.78 --- EDUCATION FUND 4,924,549.44 34,188,934.51 64,983,997.43 30,795,062.92 340,261.75 30,454,801.17 52.61 6,912.05 124,788.44 250,230.00 125,441.56 6,450.08 118,991.48 49.87 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,592.06 56,424.85 139,055.00 82,630.15 3,348.73 79,281.42 40.58 47.70 20 OPER & MAINT 001 MAY WHITNEY 002 CHARLES QUENTIN 003 SARAH ADAMS 004 SETH PAINE 5,831.59 68,637.02 143,890.00 75,252.98 25,357.24 49,895.74 005 MIDDLE SCHOOL NORTH 14,504.66 248,104.92 416,325.00 168,220.08 8,568.17 159,651.91 59.59 006 LAKE ZURICH HIGH SCHOOL 64,558.55 3,466,931.24 4,154,910.00 687,978.76 37,919.57 650,059.19 83.44 29.13 007 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CTR 008 DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION 009 ISAAC FOX 010 MIDDLE SCHOOL SOUTH 011 NEW MIDDLE SCHOOL NORTH 012 SPENCER LOOMIS --- OPER & MAINT 30 1,151.89 18,960.95 65,100.00 46,139.05 276.05 45,863.00 262,153.43 2,083,684.17 4,332,045.00 2,248,360.83 68,507.33 2,179,853.50 48.10 6,204.23 76,988.69 155,880.00 78,891.31 2,832.28 76,059.03 49.39 13,379.39 156,819.43 298,365.00 141,545.57 5,280.09 136,265.48 52.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,902.03 137,472.67 206,335.00 68,862.33 7,112.40 61,749.93 66.63 386,189.88 6,438,812.38 10,162,135.00 3,723,322.62 165,651.94 3,557,670.68 63.36 DEBT SERVICE FUND 008 DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION 0.00 7,951,463.01 8,140,990.25 189,527.24 0.00 189,527.24 97.67 --- DEBT SERVICE FUND 0.00 7,951,463.01 8,140,990.25 189,527.24 0.00 189,527.24 97.67 Page:1 10:38 AM 3frbud12.p 63-2 LOC Community Unit School District 95 OPERATIONAL UNIT SUMMARY REPORT BY FUND (Date: 1/2016) LOCATION NAME 40 2015-16 2015-16 2015-16 MTD EXPENSES FYTD EXPENSES BUDGET AMOUNT 02/19/16 2015-16 UNEXPENDED ENCUMBERED UNENCUMBERED FYTD % TRANSPORTATION 001 MAY WHITNEY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 008 DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION 409,657.47 6,725,554.93 8,896,243.20 2,170,688.27 874.46 2,169,813.81 75.60 --- TRANSPORTATION 409,657.47 6,725,554.93 8,896,243.20 2,170,688.27 874.46 2,169,813.81 75.60 3,499.60 25,979.47 48,813.00 22,833.53 0.00 22,833.53 53.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 25,495.75 49.22 50 IMRF/SOCIAL SECURITY 001 MAY WHITNEY 002 CHARLES QUENTIN 003 SARAH ADAMS 3,326.22 24,714.25 50,210.00 25,495.75 0.00 004 SETH PAINE 3,052.18 22,917.64 48,216.00 25,298.36 0.00 25,298.36 47.53 005 MIDDLE SCHOOL NORTH 5,436.83 38,529.98 81,568.00 43,038.02 0.00 43,038.02 47.24 006 LAKE ZURICH HIGH SCHOOL 18,950.11 137,282.49 264,441.40 127,158.91 0.00 127,158.91 51.91 008 DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION 79,961.16 607,450.88 1,119,372.00 511,921.12 0.00 511,921.12 54.27 009 ISAAC FOX 3,528.94 26,207.15 51,630.00 25,422.85 0.00 25,422.85 50.76 010 MIDDLE SCHOOL SOUTH 5,654.49 37,498.45 71,615.00 34,116.55 0.00 34,116.55 52.36 012 SPENCER LOOMIS 3,089.62 23,394.55 44,140.00 20,745.45 0.00 20,745.45 53.00 --- IMRF/SOCIAL SECURITY 126,499.15 943,974.86 1,780,005.40 836,030.54 0.00 836,030.54 53.03 60 CAPITAL PROJECTS 001 MAY WHITNEY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 002 CHARLES QUENTIN 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 003 SARAH ADAMS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 004 SETH PAINE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 005 MIDDLE SCHOOL NORTH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 006 LAKE ZURICH HIGH SCHOOL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 007 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CTR 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 008 DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 009 ISAAC FOX 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 010 MIDDLE SCHOOL SOUTH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 011 NEW MIDDLE SCHOOL NORTH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 012 SPENCER LOOMIS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 --- CAPITAL PROJECTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Grand Expense Totals 5,846,895.94 56,248,739.69 93,963,371.28 37,714,631.59 506,788.15 37,207,843.44 59.86 Page:2 10:38 AM 3frbud12.p 63-2 LOC Community Unit School District 95 OPERATIONAL UNIT SUMMARY REPORT BY FUND (Date: 1/2016) LOCATION NAME Number of Accounts: 2015-16 2015-16 2015-16 MTD EXPENSES FYTD EXPENSES BUDGET AMOUNT 3857 ************************ End of report ************************ 02/19/16 2015-16 UNEXPENDED ENCUMBERED UNENCUMBERED FYTD % Page:3 10:38 AM LAKE ZURICH COMMUNITY UNIT SCHOOL DISTRICT 95 SCHEDULE OF CASH/INVESTMENTS January 31, 2016 Description Maturity Date Money Market and Cash JP Morgan Chase JP Morgan Chase (Savings) PMA Financial Network, Inc. (103) PMA Financial Network, Inc. (101) PMA Financial Network, Inc. (SDA) PMA Financial Network, Inc. (101) PMA Financial Network, Inc. (102) PMA Financial Network, Inc. PMA Financial Network, Inc. PMA Financial Network, Inc. US Bank Liquid Liquid Liquid LIquid Liquid Liquid Liquid Term Series Term Series Term Series Liquid Certificate of Deposit Home Federal Bank Adams County Bank First Natl. Bank of Weatherford The First, NA Texas Capital Bank Farmers State Bank Waterloo East West Bank Mizuho Bank (USA) Berkshire Bank East West Bank Bank of the Ozarks State Bank of Newburg Landmark Community Bank Grand Bank 2/10/2016 2/10/2016 2/10/2016 2/10/2016 2/10/2016 2/10/2016 2/25/2016 3/10/2016 3/11/2016 3/11/2016 3/11/2016 3/11/2016 3/11/2016 3/11/2016 Investment Gross Amount Date Invested Market Value 3,101,637 3,101,637 3,267,241 3,267,241 1,794,228 1,794,228.00 2,881 2,881 6,401,676 6,401,676 360 360 556,668 556,668 4,300,000 4,300,000 6,400,000 6,400,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 0 0 30,824,691 30,824,691 9/14/2015 9/14/2015 9/14/2015 9/14/2015 9/14/2015 9/14/2015 6/29/2015 6/10/2015 6/12/2015 6/29/2015 6/4/2015 6/4/2015 6/4/2015 6/4/2015 249,700 249,800 249,800 249,800 249,800 249,700 4,100,000 249,342 249,377 4,650,000 249,500 249,400 249,400 249,400 249,700 249,800 249,800 249,800 249,800 249,700 4,100,000 249,342 249,377 4,650,000 249,500 249,400 249,400 249,400 Invest Days ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Invest Rate Interest Paid Source Account 0.00% Chase‐Gener 0.05% Monthly Chase‐Gener 0.02% Monthly ISDLAF 0.02% Monthly ISDLAF 0.15% Monthly ISDLAF 0.02% Monthly ISDLAF 0.02% Monthly ISDLAF 0.18% Maturity ISDLAF 0.21% Maturity ISDLAF 0.23% Maturity ISDLAF 0.05% Monthly nois Funds‐Ge 149 149 149 149 149 149 241 274 273 256 281 281 281 281 0.23% 0.18% 0.17% 0.17% 0.17% 0.17% 0.18% 0.17% 0.25% 0.18% 0.21% 0.16% 0.16% 0.16% Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Annual Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF State Bank of India Private Bank‐MI Community State Bank‐OK Western Alliance Bank/Torrey Pines Bank Signature Bank Town and Country Bank East Carolina Bank Platinum Bank First United Bank Saco & Biddeford Savings Institution Discover Bank Certificate of Deposit Financial Federal Bank Bank 7 Pulaski Bank Bank of Greeleyville Pacific Enterprise Bank Industrial & Commercial Bank of China CFG Community Bank Banco Popular North Amercia Banco Popular North Amercia Banco Popular North Amercia BMW Bank of North America Community Southern Bank Kansas State Bank of Manhattan Access National Bank BCB Community Bank View Point Bank (MHC) First National Bank of Lawrence F & M Community Bank, NA First United Bank Compass Bank Field Point Private Bank & Trust Golden Bank NA Rockford B&TC IDB Bank Security Bank‐OK 3/28/2016 4/4/2016 4/4/2016 4/4/2016 4/7/2016 4/7/2016 4/7/2016 4/7/2016 4/7/2016 4/7/2016 4/11/2016 4/27/2016 4/27/2016 4/27/2016 4/27/2016 4/27/2016 4/27/2016 4/27/2016 4/27/2016 4/27/2016 4/27/2016 5/16/2016 5/23/2016 5/23/2016 5/23/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/31/2016 7/13/2016 7/13/2016 7/13/2016 10/28/2016 10/28/2016 6/26/2015 4/2/2014 4/2/2014 4/2/2014 4/10/2014 4/10/2014 4/10/2014 4/10/2014 4/10/2014 4/10/2014 4/9/2014 5/14/2015 5/14/2015 5/14/2015 5/14/2015 5/14/2015 5/14/2015 5/14/2015 5/15/2015 5/15/2015 5/15/2015 11/15/2013 5/22/2014 5/22/2014 5/22/2014 5/29/2014 5/29/2014 5/29/2014 5/29/2014 5/29/2014 5/28/2014 6/4/2015 6/4/2015 6/4/2015 10/29/2013 10/29/2013 249,345 247,400 248,000 248,000 236,424 236,424 236,424 236,424 51,214 3,089 249,495 249,500 249,500 249,500 249,500 249,400 249,400 249,400 83,000 84,000 82,500 248,287 100,000 247,500 245,500 241,215 241,215 241,215 241,215 35,141 249,000 248,800 249,100 249,100 244,400 245,100 249,345 247,400 248,000 248,000 236,424 236,424 236,424 236,424 51,214 3,089 249,495 249,500 249,500 249,500 249,500 249,400 249,400 249,400 83,000 84,000 82,500 248,287 100,000 247,500 245,500 241,215 241,215 241,215 241,215 35,141 249,000 248,800 249,100 249,100 244,400 245,100 276 733 733 733 728 728 728 728 728 728 733 349 349 349 349 349 349 349 348 348 348 913 732 732 732 728 728 728 728 728 732 405 405 405 1095 1095 0.27% 0.51% 0.40% 0.40% 0.45% 0.45% 0.45% 0.45% 0.45% 0.45% 0.40% 0.20% 0.21% 0.21% 0.20% 0.22% 0.25% 0.24% 0.20% 0.20% 0.20% 0.85% 0.51% 0.51% 0.50% 0.50% 0.50% 0.50% 0.50% 0.50% 0.50% 0.35% 0.30% 0.29% 0.74% 0.65% Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Apr/Oct Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity May/Nov Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity May/Nov Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF Bank of The West ABC Bank/Austin In Bank of Chicago Onewest Bank Fifth Third Bank Hometown Bank Southside Bank GE Capital Bank American Express Centurion Bank Goldman Sachs Bank USA College Savings Bank Ally Bank Comenity Capital Bnk First National Bank Investors Bank North American Savings Bank Medallion Bank Pacific Western Bank Bremer Bank, NA Premier Bank Post Oak Bank, NA Farmers & Merchants Union Bank Sterns Bank NA 10/28/2016 10/28/2016 10/28/2016 10/28/2016 10/31/2016 10/31/2016 11/1/2016 11/7/2016 11/7/2016 11/7/2016 11/7/2016 11/14/2016 5/15/2017 5/19/2017 5/22/2017 5/22/2017 6/5/2017 6/5/2017 6/5/2017 6/5/2017 6/5/2017 6/5/2017 10/29/2013 10/29/2013 10/29/2013 10/29/2013 10/31/2013 10/31/2013 11/1/2013 11/7/2013 11/6/2013 11/6/2013 11/6/2013 11/12/2013 5/14/2015 5/20/2015 5/20/2015 5/20/2015 6/4/2015 6/4/2015 6/4/2015 6/4/2015 6/4/2015 6/4/2015 244,700 245,400 245,400 245,400 245,200 245,800 248,710 248,338 248,338 249,349 248,333 249,346 246,700 248,732 249,742 248,736 247,200 246,700 247,200 247,200 246,800 246,300 244,700 245,400 245,400 245,400 245,200 245,800 248,710 248,338 248,338 249,349 248,333 249,346 246,700 248,732 249,742 248,736 247,200 246,700 247,200 247,200 246,800 246,300 1095 1095 1095 1095 1096 1096 1096 1096 1097 1097 1097 1098 732 730 733 733 732 732 732 732 732 732 0.71% 0.62% 0.61% 0.61% 0.65% 0.56% 0.95% 0.90% 0.95% 0.65% 1.10% 0.95% 0.65% 0.70% 0.70% 0.75% 0.56% 0.65% 0.55% 0.55% 0.64% 0.74% Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity May/Nov May/Nov May/Nov May/Nov May/Nov Monthly Maturity May/Nov Monthly May/Nov Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF TCF National Bank United Bank Rockville First Niagara Bank Preferred Bank Capital One Bank Sallie Mae American Express Bank Crystal Lake Bk & Tr‐Wintrust Northbrook Bk & Tr‐Wintrust Schaumburg Bk & Tr/Advantage Natl. Beverly Bk & Tr‐Wintrust St. Charles Bk & Tr‐Wintrust Lake Forest Bk & Tr‐Wintrust Wheaton Bk & Tr‐Wintrust Hinsdale Bk & Tr‐Wintrust Wintrust Bk/North Shore Comm. Old Plank Trail Community Bank Ericson State Bank Sonabank First State Bank Fairfield National Bank United Community Bank Monona State Bank Wallis State Bank Bank of Cadiz and Trust Company CornerBank Merrick Bank Citizens Bank State Bank & Trust Company First National Bank and Trust Company of OK Enerbank USA Community Bank of Oelwein Orrstown Bank Wex Bank/Wright Express Financial Services CD Prudential Savings Bank Affiliated Bank 6/12/2017 6/12/2017 6/12/2017 6/26/2017 9/11/2017 9/11/2017 9/11/2017 9/13/2017 9/13/2017 9/13/2017 9/13/2017 9/13/2017 9/13/2017 9/13/2017 9/13/2017 9/13/2017 9/13/2017 11/6/2017 11/6/2017 11/9/2017 11/9/2017 11/9/2017 11/9/2017 11/9/2017 11/9/2017 11/9/2017 11/9/2017 11/9/2017 11/9/2017 11/9/2017 12/7/2017 12/7/2017 12/7/2017 12/11/2017 12/21/2017 12/21/2017 6/10/2015 6/12/2015 6/12/2015 6/26/2015 9/10/2014 9/10/2014 9/11/2014 9/14/2015 9/14/2015 9/14/2015 9/14/2015 9/14/2015 9/14/2015 9/14/2015 9/14/2015 9/14/2015 9/14/2015 11/5/2015 11/5/2015 11/12/2015 11/12/2015 11/12/2015 11/12/2015 11/12/2015 11/12/2015 11/12/2015 11/12/2015 11/12/2015 11/12/2015 11/12/2015 12/8/2015 12/8/2015 12/8/2015 12/8/2015 12/20/2016 12/20/2016 249,742 249,738 248,733 249,739 248,710 248,702 248,702 246,000 246,000 246,000 246,000 246,000 246,000 246,000 246,000 246,000 246,000 244,300 245,800 114,466 50,351 71,115 100,702 241,684 213,454 241,684 241,684 241,493 241,684 241,684 245,500 245,600 245,600 248,728 248,300 248,300 249,742 249,738 248,733 249,739 248,710 248,702 248,702 246,000 246,000 246,000 246,000 246,000 246,000 246,000 246,000 246,000 246,000 244,300 245,800 114,466 50,351 71,115 100,702 241,684 213,454 241,684 241,684 241,493 241,684 241,684 245,500 245,600 245,600 248,728 248,300 248,300 733 731 731 731 1097 1097 1096 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 365 365 0.55% 0.70% 0.70% 0.65% 1.00% 1.25% 1.20% 0.80% 0.80% 0.80% 0.80% 0.80% 0.80% 0.80% 0.80% 0.80% 0.80% 1.14% 0.85% 0.87% 0.87% 0.87% 0.87% 0.87% 0.87% 0.87% 0.87% 0.87% 0.87% 0.87% 0.90% 0.88% 0.89% 1.05% 0.67% 0.66% Jun/Dec Monthly Jun/Dec Monthly Mar/Sep Mar/Sep Mar/Sep Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF Essex Bank Central Bank Middlefield Banking Company Crestmark Bank Wolverine Bank, FSB Valley National Bank 12/21/2017 12/21/2017 12/21/2017 12/21/2017 12/21/2017 12/21/2017 Total Investments Total Market Value 12/20/2016 12/20/2016 12/20/2016 12/20/2016 12/20/2016 12/20/2016 248,300 248,200 248,400 248,400 248,300 248,400 34,415,565 248,300 248,200 248,400 248,400 248,300 248,400 365 365 365 365 365 365 28,707,437 30,824,691 34,415,565 65,240,256 Liquid Investments 0.68% 0.70% 0.64% 0.64% 0.67% 0.62% Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF TO: Board of Education FROM: Dr. Michael Egan, Superintendent AGENDA ITEM: Field Trip Approvals DATE: February 25, 2016 Background: Board Policy 6:240 requires prior approval of the Board for any field trip in which students will travel beyond a 200-mile radius of the school or which extends overnight. The following proposed trips fall under these guidelines (details/itineraries follow): 1. Lake Zurich High School Girls Softball Team – Bloomington/Normal IL; March 29 – April 1, 2016. District 95 Administration Center – Dr. Michael J. Egan, Superintendent of Schools 400 South Old Rand Road - Lake Zurich IL 60047-2459 Phone: (847) 438-2831 website: FAX: (847) 438-6702 MEMORANDUM TO: Board of Education FROM: Julia Becich, Director of Human Resources DATE: February 25, 2016 SUBJECT: Personnel Report Background Information: Mrs. Becich will present the personnel report dated February 25, 2016. Lake Zurich Community Unit School District 95 Report to Board of Education Board Meeting Date: February 25, 2016 From: Vicky Cullinan, Assistant Superintendent for Business and Operations Re: Check Register Policy Reference: 4:50 – Payment Procedures Background: Attached is the check registers for the February 25th check runs for Board approval. Also included for board approval are payments from the imprest fund, District activity accounts and student activity accounts monthly reports. Motion: To approve the check register, payments from the imprest fund, District activity and student activity accounts monthly reports as presented by the administration. Lake Zurich Community Unit School District 95 Report to Board of Education Board Meeting Date: February 25, 2016 From: Vicky Cullinan, Assistant Superintendent for Business and Operations Re: February, 2016 Check Highlights Policy Reference: 4:50 – Payment Procedures Background: The highlights of the February check register: Boller Construction Camelot Education Cashman Stahler Group ComEd Direct Energy Marketing FBG Service Corporation Lakeside Transportation Northwest Suburban Special Ed. SEDOL Sodexo Athletic Field Tuition Athletic Field Electricity Electricity Custodial Services Special Ed Transportation Tuition Tuition Food Service $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 100,000.00 26,458.83 115,348.05 24,997.99 111,491.28 113,679.01 151,569.56 176,679.85 134,645.00 139,011.13 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 7:21 AM 02/19/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 01/29/16 - 02/25/16) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 237507 ACCESS INFORMATION MANAGEMENT 02/25/2016 0040453 student files storage 2/1/16 through 2/29/16 144.42 10E006 2120 3100 01 000000 237508 ACCURATE BIOMETRICS, INC 02/25/2016 106061601 Fingerprint/Background Check January 2016 615.00 10E008 2640 3100 01 000000 237513 ADVANTAGE MECHANICAL INC/F.D.P 02/25/2016 26133 HVAC Repairs throughout the District 402.00 20E006 2540 3100 01 000000 237513 ADVANTAGE MECHANICAL INC/F.D.P 02/25/2016 27318 Thermostats for MSN/SL IDF Rooms 993.50 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 237513 ADVANTAGE MECHANICAL INC/F.D.P 02/25/2016 27318 Thermostats for MSN/SL IDF Rooms 993.50 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 237513 ADVANTAGE MECHANICAL INC/F.D.P 02/25/2016 26138 HVAC Repairs throughout the District 480.00 20E006 2540 3100 01 000000 237513 ADVANTAGE MECHANICAL INC/F.D.P 02/25/2016 26782 HVAC Repairs throughout the District 240.00 20E005 2540 3100 01 000000 237513 ADVANTAGE MECHANICAL INC/F.D.P 02/25/2016 26782 HVAC Repairs throughout the District 480.00 20E007 2540 3100 01 000000 237513 ADVANTAGE MECHANICAL INC/F.D.P 02/25/2016 26782 HVAC Repairs throughout the District 240.00 20E012 2540 3100 01 000000 237513 ADVANTAGE MECHANICAL INC/F.D.P 02/25/2016 26784 HVAC Repairs throughout the District 337.00 20E006 2540 3100 01 000000 237513 ADVANTAGE MECHANICAL INC/F.D.P 02/25/2016 26784 HVAC Repairs throughout the District 120.00 20E007 2540 3100 01 000000 237513 ADVANTAGE MECHANICAL INC/F.D.P 02/25/2016 26784 HVAC Repairs throughout the District 360.00 20E010 2540 3100 01 000000 237513 ADVANTAGE MECHANICAL INC/F.D.P 02/25/2016 26785 HVAC Repairs throughout the District 120.00 20E005 2540 3100 01 000000 237513 ADVANTAGE MECHANICAL INC/F.D.P 02/25/2016 26785 HVAC Repairs throughout the District 360.00 20E006 2540 3100 01 000000 237513 ADVANTAGE MECHANICAL INC/F.D.P 02/25/2016 26791 HVAC Repairs throughout the District 240.00 20E006 2540 3100 01 000000 237513 ADVANTAGE MECHANICAL INC/F.D.P 02/25/2016 26788 Annual Boiler Analysis for District 680.00 20E001 2540 3100 01 000000 237513 ADVANTAGE MECHANICAL INC/F.D.P 02/25/2016 26788 Annual Boiler Analysis for District 340.00 20E003 2540 3100 01 000000 237513 ADVANTAGE MECHANICAL INC/F.D.P 02/25/2016 26788 Annual Boiler Analysis for District 680.00 20E004 2540 3100 01 000000 237513 ADVANTAGE MECHANICAL INC/F.D.P 02/25/2016 26788 Annual Boiler Analysis for District 510.00 20E005 2540 3100 01 000000 237513 ADVANTAGE MECHANICAL INC/F.D.P 02/25/2016 26788 Annual Boiler Analysis for District 850.00 20E006 2540 3100 01 000000 237513 ADVANTAGE MECHANICAL INC/F.D.P 02/25/2016 26788 Annual Boiler Analysis for District 170.00 20E008 2540 3100 01 000000 237513 ADVANTAGE MECHANICAL INC/F.D.P 02/25/2016 26788 Annual Boiler Analysis for District 510.00 20E009 2540 3100 01 000000 237513 ADVANTAGE MECHANICAL INC/F.D.P 02/25/2016 26788 Annual Boiler Analysis for District 850.00 20E010 2540 3100 01 000000 237513 ADVANTAGE MECHANICAL INC/F.D.P 02/25/2016 26788 Annual Boiler Analysis for District 510.00 20E012 2540 3100 01 000000 237513 ADVANTAGE MECHANICAL INC/F.D.P 02/25/2016 26787 HVAC Repairs In the District 237513 ADVANTAGE MECHANICAL INC/F.D.P 02/25/2016 26787 HVAC Repairs In the District 38.40 20E003 2540 3100 01 000000 237513 ADVANTAGE MECHANICAL INC/F.D.P 02/25/2016 26787 HVAC Repairs In the District 144.00 20E005 2540 3100 01 000000 237513 ADVANTAGE MECHANICAL INC/F.D.P 02/25/2016 26787 HVAC Repairs In the District 19.20 20E007 2540 3100 01 000000 237513 ADVANTAGE MECHANICAL INC/F.D.P 02/25/2016 26787 HVAC Repairs In the District 38.40 20E009 2540 3100 01 000000 237513 ADVANTAGE MECHANICAL INC/F.D.P 02/25/2016 26787 HVAC Repairs In the District 144.00 20E012 2540 3100 01 000000 237513 ADVANTAGE MECHANICAL INC/F.D.P 02/25/2016 26789 HVAC Repairs In the District 48.00 20E001 2540 3100 01 000000 237513 ADVANTAGE MECHANICAL INC/F.D.P 02/25/2016 26789 HVAC Repairs In the District 19.20 20E003 2540 3100 01 000000 237513 ADVANTAGE MECHANICAL INC/F.D.P 02/25/2016 26789 HVAC Repairs In the District 72.00 20E005 2540 3100 01 000000 237513 ADVANTAGE MECHANICAL INC/F.D.P 02/25/2016 26789 HVAC Repairs In the District 9.60 20E007 2540 3100 01 000000 237513 ADVANTAGE MECHANICAL INC/F.D.P 02/25/2016 26789 HVAC Repairs In the District 19.20 20E009 2540 3100 01 000000 237513 ADVANTAGE MECHANICAL INC/F.D.P 02/25/2016 26789 HVAC Repairs In the District 72.00 20E012 2540 3100 01 000000 237513 ADVANTAGE MECHANICAL INC/F.D.P 02/25/2016 26790 HVAC Repairs In the District 48.00 20E001 2540 3100 01 000000 237513 ADVANTAGE MECHANICAL INC/F.D.P 02/25/2016 26790 237513 ADVANTAGE MECHANICAL INC/F.D.P 02/25/2016 26790 HVAC Repairs In the District HVAC Repairs In the District 19.20 20E003 2540 3100 01 000000 72.00 20E005 2540 3100 01 000000 AMOUNT NUMBER 96.00 20E001 2540 3100 01 000000 1 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK NUMBER VENDOR 7:21 AM 02/19/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 01/29/16 - 02/25/16) CHECK INVOICE INVOICE DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION PAGE: ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER 237513 ADVANTAGE MECHANICAL INC/F.D.P 02/25/2016 26790 HVAC Repairs In the District 9.60 20E007 2540 3100 01 000000 237513 ADVANTAGE MECHANICAL INC/F.D.P 02/25/2016 26790 HVAC Repairs In the District 19.20 20E009 2540 3100 01 000000 237513 ADVANTAGE MECHANICAL INC/F.D.P 02/25/2016 26790 HVAC Repairs In the District 72.00 20E012 2540 3100 01 000000 237513 ADVANTAGE MECHANICAL INC/F.D.P 02/25/2016 26792 HVAC Repairs In the District 48.00 20E001 2540 3100 01 000000 237513 ADVANTAGE MECHANICAL INC/F.D.P 02/25/2016 26792 HVAC Repairs In the District 19.20 20E003 2540 3100 01 000000 237513 ADVANTAGE MECHANICAL INC/F.D.P 02/25/2016 26792 HVAC Repairs In the District 72.00 20E005 2540 3100 01 000000 237513 ADVANTAGE MECHANICAL INC/F.D.P 02/25/2016 26792 HVAC Repairs In the District 9.60 20E007 2540 3100 01 000000 237513 ADVANTAGE MECHANICAL INC/F.D.P 02/25/2016 26792 HVAC Repairs In the District 19.20 20E009 2540 3100 01 000000 237513 ADVANTAGE MECHANICAL INC/F.D.P 02/25/2016 26792 HVAC Repairs In the District 72.00 20E012 2540 3100 01 000000 237513 ADVANTAGE MECHANICAL INC/F.D.P 02/25/2016 26793 HVAC Repairs In the District 360.00 20E001 2540 3100 01 000000 237513 ADVANTAGE MECHANICAL INC/F.D.P 02/25/2016 26793 HVAC Repairs In the District 144.00 20E003 2540 3100 01 000000 237513 ADVANTAGE MECHANICAL INC/F.D.P 02/25/2016 26793 HVAC Repairs In the District 540.00 20E005 2540 3100 01 000000 237513 ADVANTAGE MECHANICAL INC/F.D.P 02/25/2016 26793 HVAC Repairs In the District 72.00 20E007 2540 3100 01 000000 237513 ADVANTAGE MECHANICAL INC/F.D.P 02/25/2016 26793 HVAC Repairs In the District 144.00 20E009 2540 3100 01 000000 237513 ADVANTAGE MECHANICAL INC/F.D.P 02/25/2016 26793 HVAC Repairs In the District 540.00 20E012 2540 3100 01 000000 237513 ADVANTAGE MECHANICAL INC/F.D.P 02/25/2016 25232 HVAC Repairs at MSN/SL 766.81 20E005 2540 3100 01 000000 237513 ADVANTAGE MECHANICAL INC/F.D.P 02/25/2016 25232 HVAC Repairs at MSN/SL 332.19 20E012 2540 3100 01 000000 237513 ADVANTAGE MECHANICAL INC/F.D.P 02/25/2016 26132 HVAC Repairs at MSN/SL 1,172.19 20E005 2540 3100 01 000000 237513 ADVANTAGE MECHANICAL INC/F.D.P 02/25/2016 26132 HVAC Repairs at MSN/SL 507.81 20E012 2540 3100 01 000000 237513 ADVANTAGE MECHANICAL INC/F.D.P 02/25/2016 27586 Motor for HS Univent 237514 ADVENTIST GLEN OAKS HOSPITAL 02/25/2016 TDS-N 7414 Tuition Jan 2016 237515 ADVOCATE OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH 02/25/2016 596262 ANNUAL PHYSICALS 237515 ADVOCATE OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH 02/25/2016 599348 DRUG AND ALCOHOL SCREENING 340.25 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 2,960.77 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 770.00 40E008 2550 3110 01 000000 789.00 40E008 2550 3110 01 000000 237517 ALEXIAN BROTHERS BEHAVIORAL HE 02/25/2016 H080028827 Home/Hospital Tutoring 475.00 10E008 2330 3105 44 000000 237517 ALEXIAN BROTHERS BEHAVIORAL HE 02/25/2016 H080028512 Home/Hospital Tutoring 250.00 10E008 2330 3105 44 000000 237517 ALEXIAN BROTHERS BEHAVIORAL HE 02/25/2016 H080028930 Home/Hospital Tutoring 275.00 10E008 2330 3105 44 000000 237517 ALEXIAN BROTHERS BEHAVIORAL HE 02/25/2016 H080028483 Home/Hospital Tutoring 325.00 10E008 2330 3105 44 000000 237517 ALEXIAN BROTHERS BEHAVIORAL HE 02/25/2016 H080029094 Home/Hospital Tutoring 25.00 10E008 2330 3105 44 000000 237517 ALEXIAN BROTHERS BEHAVIORAL HE 02/25/2016 H080028645 Home/Hospital Tutoring 450.00 10E008 2330 3106 44 000000 237517 ALEXIAN BROTHERS BEHAVIORAL HE 02/25/2016 H080029030 Home/Hospital Tutoring 275.00 10E008 2330 3106 44 000000 237517 ALEXIAN BROTHERS BEHAVIORAL HE 02/25/2016 H080028491 Home/Hospital Tutoring 75.00 10E008 2330 3105 44 000000 237517 ALEXIAN BROTHERS BEHAVIORAL HE 02/25/2016 H080028669 Home/Hospital Tutoring 425.00 10E008 2330 3106 44 000000 237517 ALEXIAN BROTHERS BEHAVIORAL HE 02/25/2016 H080029204 Home/Hospital Tutoring 375.00 10E008 2330 3106 44 000000 237518 ALL AMERICAN EXTERIOR SOLUTION 02/25/2016 25911 Roof repairs at the HS 712.50 20E006 2540 3100 01 000000 237518 ALL AMERICAN EXTERIOR SOLUTION 02/25/2016 25985 Roof Leak at MSN Identified as Plumbing Issue 163.50 20E005 2540 3100 01 000000 237519 ALLMAN, FRED 02/25/2016 011816 SO BBK 1/18/16 126.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 237528 AMAZON 02/25/2016 2469726386 December 2015 237528 AMAZON 237528 AMAZON 02/25/2016 1522379961 Amazon nonfiction books. 02/25/2016 1522326092 Amazon nonfiction books. 7.99 10E006 2220 4300 01 000000 7.95 10E005 2220 4300 01 000000 47.93 10E005 2220 4300 01 000000 2 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 7:21 AM 02/19/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 01/29/16 - 02/25/16) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 237528 AMAZON 02/25/2016 0339655418 ENRICHMENT GRANT PER SANDY ALLEN TO 1ST GRADE-GAMES 89.04 10E012 1110 4100 01 000000 237528 AMAZON 02/25/2016 0454414141 Office Supplies 44.06 10E005 1120 4100 01 000000 237528 AMAZON 02/25/2016 1852383276 January 2, 2016 9.99 10E006 2220 4300 01 000000 237528 AMAZON 02/25/2016 1852320520 January 2, 2016 47.83 10E006 2220 4300 01 000000 237528 AMAZON 02/25/2016 1852329696 January 2, 2016 142.25 10E006 2220 4300 01 000000 237528 AMAZON 02/25/2016 1852377039 January 2, 2016 90.16 10E006 2220 4300 01 000000 237528 AMAZON 02/25/2016 0885466081 Series Fill-In 9.99 10E006 2220 4300 01 000000 237528 AMAZON 02/25/2016 0885436921 Series Fill-In 74.92 10E006 2220 4300 01 000000 237528 AMAZON 02/25/2016 0885460006 Series Fill-In 41.83 10E006 2220 4300 01 000000 237528 AMAZON 02/25/2016 0885428863 Series Fill-In 55.58 10E006 2220 4300 01 000000 237528 AMAZON 02/25/2016 0885433481 Series Fill-In 9.99 10E006 2220 4300 01 000000 237528 AMAZON 02/25/2016 0885474820 Series Fill-In 72.57 10E006 2220 4300 01 000000 237528 AMAZON 02/25/2016 1852396121 January 2, 2016 -0.25 10E006 2220 4300 01 000000 237528 AMAZON 02/25/2016 1852315320 January 2, 2016 -0.26 10E006 2220 4300 01 000000 237528 AMAZON 02/25/2016 2331016307 January DVDs 69.53 10E006 2220 4500 11 000000 237528 AMAZON 02/25/2016 1302958522 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 49.56 10E012 2210 4100 01 000000 237528 AMAZON 02/25/2016 1302904495 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 31.95 10E012 2210 4100 01 000000 237528 AMAZON 02/25/2016 1852332497 January 2, 2016 -0.26 10E006 2220 4300 01 000000 237528 AMAZON 02/25/2016 1852394782 January 2, 2016 -0.29 10E006 2220 4300 01 000000 237528 AMAZON 02/25/2016 1852304890 January 2, 2016 -0.27 10E006 2220 4300 01 000000 237528 AMAZON 02/25/2016 1852365815 January 2, 2016 -0.26 10E006 2220 4300 01 000000 237528 AMAZON 02/25/2016 1852364038 January 2, 2016 -0.23 10E006 2220 4300 01 000000 237528 AMAZON 02/25/2016 1302968407 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 60.02 10E012 2210 4100 01 000000 237528 AMAZON 02/25/2016 1535578890 Memorial Books SA/MSS 237528 AMAZON 02/25/2016 2699180747 Harper Amazon Order General music supplies Headphones, 237528 AMAZON 02/25/2016 2699166962 Harper Amazon Order General music supplies Headphones, AMOUNT NUMBER 23.74 10E008 2310 4100 01 000000 159.99 10E010 1120 4100 13 000000 guitars, etc. 169.80 10E010 1120 4100 13 000000 guitars, etc. 237528 AMAZON 02/25/2016 2699192544 Harper Amazon Order General music supplies Headphones, 159.99 10E010 1120 4100 13 000000 guitars, etc. 237528 AMAZON 02/25/2016 2699148513 Harper Amazon Order General music supplies Headphones, 159.99 10E010 1120 4100 13 000000 guitars, etc. 237528 AMAZON 02/25/2016 2699157020 Harper Amazon Order General music supplies Headphones, 159.99 10E010 1120 4100 13 000000 guitars, etc. 237528 AMAZON 02/25/2016 2425881482 EC Supplies 237528 AMAZON 02/25/2016 2874925819 February 1 38.40 10E008 1225 4100 01 460000 237528 AMAZON 02/25/2016 1511716991 DVDs 14.98 10E006 2220 4500 11 000000 237528 AMAZON 237528 AMAZON 02/25/2016 2075356109 DVDs 02/25/2016 2452454701 supplies 26.77 10E006 2220 4500 11 000000 29.99 10E008 2510 4100 01 000000 9.47 10E006 2220 4300 01 000000 3 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 7:21 AM 02/19/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 01/29/16 - 02/25/16) CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION 237528 AMAZON 02/25/2016 0738224614 Ready-to-Use Resources for Mindsets in the Classroom: PAGE: ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER 101.76 10E009 1110 4100 01 000000 Everything Educators Need for School Success and Zones of Regulation book 237528 AMAZON 02/25/2016 1879042272 Ready-to-Use Resources for Mindsets in the Classroom: 95.98 10E009 1110 4100 01 000000 Everything Educators Need for School Success and Zones of Regulation book 237528 AMAZON 02/25/2016 1204819608 microphones 1,170.36 10E008 1110 4100 01 000000 237528 AMAZON 02/25/2016 1204884496 microphones 390.12 10E008 1110 4100 01 000000 237528 AMAZON 02/25/2016 2699110640 Harper Amazon Order General music supplies Headphones, 42.30 10E010 1120 4100 13 000000 guitars, etc. 237528 AMAZON 02/25/2016 2699164799 Harper Amazon Order General music supplies Headphones, 42.30 10E010 1120 4100 13 000000 guitars, etc. 237529 AMERICAN HOME HEALTH CORPORATI 02/25/2016 SVCS JAN 2 Contractual Nursing Services 1,666.00 10E008 2130 3100 01 462000 237529 AMERICAN HOME HEALTH CORPORATI 02/25/2016 SVCS JAN 1 Contractual Nursing Services 1,342.00 10E008 2130 3100 01 462000 237530 ANTIOCH COMMUNITY HIGH SCHOOL 02/25/2016 ENTRY FEE Fees for NSC/Prairie Lake Invite 237534 APPLE INC. 02/25/2016 4372856023 7 STUDENT IPAD REPAIRS 49.00 10E008 2660 3230 11 000000 74.92 10E006 1500 3100 64 000000 237534 APPLE INC. 02/25/2016 4372862314 7 STUDENT IPAD REPAIRS 49.00 10E008 2660 3230 11 000000 237534 APPLE INC. 02/25/2016 4372862316 7 STUDENT IPAD REPAIRS 49.00 10E008 2660 3230 11 000000 237534 APPLE INC. 02/25/2016 4372886587 7 STUDENT IPAD REPAIRS 49.00 10E008 2660 3230 11 000000 237534 APPLE INC. 02/25/2016 4372886592 7 STUDENT IPAD REPAIRS 49.00 10E008 2660 3230 11 000000 237534 APPLE INC. 02/25/2016 4372867154 7 STUDENT IPAD REPAIRS 49.00 10E008 2660 3230 11 000000 237534 APPLE INC. 02/25/2016 4372862313 6 STUDENT IPAD REPAIRS; 1 TECH REPAIR 49.00 10E008 2660 3230 11 000000 237534 APPLE INC. 02/25/2016 4372862315 6 STUDENT IPAD REPAIRS; 1 TECH REPAIR 49.00 10E008 2660 3230 11 000000 237534 APPLE INC. 02/25/2016 4372867153 6 STUDENT IPAD REPAIRS; 1 TECH REPAIR 49.00 10E008 2660 3230 11 000000 237534 APPLE INC. 02/25/2016 4372886590 6 STUDENT IPAD REPAIRS; 1 TECH REPAIR 49.00 10E008 2660 3230 11 000000 237534 APPLE INC. 02/25/2016 4372886591 6 STUDENT IPAD REPAIRS; 1 TECH REPAIR 49.00 10E008 2660 3230 11 000000 237534 APPLE INC. 02/25/2016 4372342998 MASTER PO FOR IPAD APPLE CARE REPAIRS - (NOT COVERED UNDER 49.00 10E008 2660 3230 11 000000 WARRANTY) 237534 APPLE INC. 02/25/2016 4372324503 MASTER PO FOR IPAD APPLE CARE REPAIRS - (NOT COVERED UNDER 49.00 10E008 2660 3230 11 000000 WARRANTY) 237534 APPLE INC. 02/25/2016 4374001412 MACBOOK PRO FOR A NEW VIDEO SWITCHING SYSTEM FOR RECORDING 2,049.00 10E006 1130 7001 67 000000 EVENTS AND VIDEO EDITING FOR PAC 237535 AQUA ILLINOIS, INC. 02/25/2016 011316 138 Water Use Charges for SL/MSN. Acct ending in 1384 957.59 20E005 2540 3700 01 000000 237535 AQUA ILLINOIS, INC. 02/25/2016 011316 138 Water Use Charges for SL/MSN. Acct ending in 1384 319.20 20E012 2540 3700 01 000000 237536 AQUA SERVICE CO 02/25/2016 290790 Repairs to the HS Water Softener 249.25 20E006 2540 3100 01 000000 237537 ARAMARK REFRESHMENT SERVICES 02/25/2016 483576 COFFEE AND SUPPLIES 61.98 40E008 2550 4103 01 000000 237537 ARAMARK REFRESHMENT SERVICES 02/25/2016 473991 COFFEE AND SUPPLIES 82.97 40E008 2550 4103 01 000000 237538 ARLINGTON POWER EQUIPMENT INC 237538 ARLINGTON POWER EQUIPMENT INC 02/25/2016 667940 02/25/2016 667940 Tire Tubes for Tractors at MSS/MSN/MW/HS Tire Tubes for Tractors at MSS/MSN/MW/HS 13.37 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 13.37 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 4 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK NUMBER VENDOR 7:21 AM 02/19/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 01/29/16 - 02/25/16) CHECK INVOICE INVOICE DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION 237538 ARLINGTON POWER EQUIPMENT INC 02/25/2016 667940 Tire Tubes for Tractors at MSS/MSN/MW/HS 237538 ARLINGTON POWER EQUIPMENT INC 02/25/2016 667940 Tire Tubes for Tractors at MSS/MSN/MW/HS 237539 ARLYN SCHOOL 02/25/2016 SVCS FEB 2 Tuition Feb 2016 Cables for Language Lab Headsets PAGE: ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER 26.74 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 13.37 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 9,702.44 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 237540 ASC DIRECT, INC 02/25/2016 012916-1 237541 AT&T 02/25/2016 5878270306 Billing Jan 16, 2016 thru Feb 15, 2016. Acct 831-000-3612 510.00 10E006 1130 4100 15 000000 237541 AT&T 02/25/2016 2752570307 Billing Jan 5, 2016 thru Feb 4, 2016. Acct 831-000-3525 131 3,432.10 10E008 2660 3402 11 000000 237542 ATHLETICO 02/25/2016 809599 Athletic Trainer Coverage November 2015 3,162.50 10E006 1500 3110 01 000000 237542 ATHLETICO 02/25/2016 810008 Athletic Trainer Coverage December 2015 2,909.50 10E006 1500 3110 01 000000 237543 ATKINSON, ELIZABETH 02/25/2016 012516 Reimbursememt 237544 ATRIUM GARDEN CENTER INC 02/25/2016 122162522 Evergreens for IF 237545 BAKER, ROBERT 02/25/2016 011616 SO BBK 1/16/16 237546 BALDONIERI, COLLIN 02/25/2016 012716 SO GBK 1/27/16 50.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 237547 BALTRUSAITIS, HEATHER 02/25/2016 020716 Classroom Supplies - Teacher's Stipend 11.48 10E003 1110 4120 01 000000 17,396.15 20E008 2540 3401 01 000000 648 30.00 10E008 1200 4100 02 462000 2,556.00 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 89.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 237551 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 02/25/2016 2126882 Motor and bearing assembly for MSN/SL HVAC Pumps 382.50 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 237551 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 02/25/2016 2126882 Motor and bearing assembly for MSN/SL HVAC Pumps 382.50 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 237551 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 02/25/2016 2122417 Plumbing / HVAC Supplies for District Repairs 2.56 10E008 2560 4100 01 000000 237551 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 02/25/2016 2122417 Plumbing / HVAC Supplies for District Repairs 15.13 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 237551 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 02/25/2016 2122417 Plumbing / HVAC Supplies for District Repairs 13.33 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 237551 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 02/25/2016 2122417 Plumbing / HVAC Supplies for District Repairs 15.14 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 237551 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 02/25/2016 2124775 Plumbing / HVAC Supplies for District Repairs 4.35 10E008 2560 4100 01 000000 237551 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 02/25/2016 2124775 Plumbing / HVAC Supplies for District Repairs 25.70 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 237551 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 02/25/2016 2124775 Plumbing / HVAC Supplies for District Repairs 22.64 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 237551 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 02/25/2016 2124775 Plumbing / HVAC Supplies for District Repairs 25.70 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 237551 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 02/25/2016 2125847 Plumbing / HVAC Supplies for District Repairs 51.40 10E008 2560 4100 01 000000 237551 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 02/25/2016 2125847 Plumbing / HVAC Supplies for District Repairs 303.50 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 237551 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 02/25/2016 2125847 Plumbing / HVAC Supplies for District Repairs 267.34 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 237551 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 02/25/2016 2125847 Plumbing / HVAC Supplies for District Repairs 303.51 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 237551 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 02/25/2016 2125848 Plumbing / HVAC Supplies for District Repairs 20.07 10E008 2560 4100 01 000000 237551 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 02/25/2016 2125848 Plumbing / HVAC Supplies for District Repairs 118.53 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 237551 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 02/25/2016 2125848 Plumbing / HVAC Supplies for District Repairs 104.41 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 237551 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 02/25/2016 2125848 Plumbing / HVAC Supplies for District Repairs 118.54 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 237551 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 02/25/2016 2128844 Impeller and seal for MSS Heating Pump 237551 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 02/25/2016 2127286 Bearing assembly and motor for the HS AHU 237551 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 02/25/2016 2129798 Filters for drinking fountains/ice makers in district 172.54 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 237551 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 02/25/2016 2129798 Filters for drinking fountains/ice makers in district 172.54 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 237551 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 02/25/2016 2129798 Filters for drinking fountains/ice makers in district 172.54 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 237551 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 02/25/2016 2129798 237551 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 02/25/2016 2129798 Filters for drinking fountains/ice makers in district Filters for drinking fountains/ice makers in district 172.54 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 172.54 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 517.25 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 1,006.86 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 5 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 7:21 AM 02/19/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 01/29/16 - 02/25/16) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT NUMBER 237551 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 02/25/2016 2129798 Filters for drinking fountains/ice makers in district 172.55 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 237551 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 02/25/2016 2129798 Filters for drinking fountains/ice makers in district 951.36 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 237551 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 02/25/2016 2129798 Filters for drinking fountains/ice makers in district 172.55 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 237551 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 02/25/2016 2129799 Bearing Housing for HS AHU 361.55 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 237551 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 02/25/2016 2130617 Filters for Kitchen Steamers at SL/MSN 880.00 10E008 2560 4100 01 000000 237551 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 02/25/2016 2127175 Plumbing and HVAC Parts 6.56 20E007 2540 4900 01 000000 237551 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 02/25/2016 2127175 Plumbing and HVAC Parts 311.37 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 237551 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 02/25/2016 2129800 Plumbing and HVAC Parts 514.30 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 237552 BARNES & NOBLE 02/25/2016 3147851 book adoption 190.80 10E008 1120 4200 01 000000 237552 BARNES & NOBLE 02/25/2016 3186376 gifted books 237552 BARNES & NOBLE 02/25/2016 3115664 RRT books 4,493.02 10E008 1205 4200 01 000000 237552 BARNES & NOBLE 02/25/2016 3115664 RRT books 8,986.06 10E008 1110 4100 90 430000 237552 BARNES & NOBLE 02/25/2016 3119345 RRT books -789.58 10E008 1205 4200 01 000000 237552 BARNES & NOBLE 02/25/2016 3119345 RRT books -1,579.15 10E008 1110 4100 90 430000 237552 BARNES & NOBLE 02/25/2016 3189456 RRT books -2,892.46 10E008 1205 4200 01 000000 237552 BARNES & NOBLE 02/25/2016 3189456 RRT books -5,784.92 10E008 1110 4100 90 430000 237552 BARNES & NOBLE 02/25/2016 3192031 gifted books, TBE/TBI 237553 BARGER, ERIC 02/25/2016 012316 SO GBK 1/23/16 237553 BARGER, ERIC 02/25/2016 010816 SO BBK 1/8/16 237554 BARRINGTON HIGH SCHOOL 02/25/2016 ENTRY FEE Softball Entry Fee Spring Fling 3/14/16 237555 BAUERLE, JENNIFER 02/25/2016 012516 reimbursement for classroom supplies 237555 BAUERLE, JENNIFER 02/25/2016 012616 reimbursement for classroom supplies 16.58 10E009 1110 4120 01 000000 237556 BEESLEY, DAVID 02/25/2016 011616 SO BBK 1/16/16 63.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 237557 BELKE, BARBARA 02/25/2016 012516 misc. supplies for Bulletin Board and Red Ribbon Week 79.96 10E006 2190 4100 01 000000 237558 BELL, ROBERT 02/25/2016 011516 SO DUAL 1/15/16 237559 BERNARDI, JIM 02/25/2016 011816 SO BBK 1/16 & 1/18/16 237560 BIETERMAN, RICK 02/25/2016 011816 SO BBK 1/18/16 237561 BIONDO, VICKI 02/25/2016 020816 Lunch money refund 237562 BLICK ART MATERIALS 02/25/2016 5487037 Art/LaJeunesse 237563 BODEN, KRISTEN 02/25/2016 012516 Reimbursement for classroom supplies 237564 BOLLER CONSTRUCTION 02/25/2016 15159 #7 Project #15159 Softball Field Improvements 237565 BRUCKMAN, PHIL 02/25/2016 010816 SO BBK 1/8/16 237566 BSN SPORTS 02/25/2016 97567461 US Games order for PE supplies. 237567 BUCK BROS., INC. 02/25/2016 60314 Bulb for Snow blower at SP 237567 BUCK BROS., INC. 02/25/2016 60621 Supplies for Snow blower and spreader Repairs 207.52 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 250.00 10E006 1500 4100 33 000000 NUMBER VENDOR 237568 BUFFALO GROVE HIGH SCHOOL 02/25/2016 ENTRY FEE Boys Track Entry Fee Scarpino Invite 3/5/16 237569 BUNTON, CRAIG 02/25/2016 011616 SO BBK 1/16/16 237570 BUREAU OF EDUCATION & RESEARCH 02/25/2016 4654386 237570 BUREAU OF EDUCATION & RESEARCH 02/25/2016 4654385 Conference registration Conference registration ACCOUNT 477.60 10E008 1120 4200 01 000000 716.40 10E008 3000 4100 01 330500 63.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 63.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 215.00 10E006 1500 4100 52 000000 48.42 10E009 1110 4120 01 000000 98.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 189.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 63.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 116.05 10R000 1614 0000 00 000000 2,450.88 10E006 1130 4100 12 000000 130.00 10E009 1110 4120 01 000000 100,000.00 20E006 2540 5400 01 000000 63.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 854.79 10E006 1130 4100 09 000000 8.95 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 63.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 239.00 10E006 1130 4100 05 000000 239.00 10E006 1130 4100 05 000000 6 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 7:21 AM 02/19/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 01/29/16 - 02/25/16) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION 237571 BURZA, DONALD 02/25/2016 020416 237572 CAMELOT EDUCATION 02/25/2016 TUITION JA Tuition Jan 2016 8,927.34 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 237572 CAMELOT EDUCATION 02/25/2016 TUITION JA Tuition Jan 2016 17,531.49 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 237573 CANON BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 02/25/2016 144638387 237573 CANON BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 02/25/2016 4018143238 Copier Maintenance 1/26/15 - 2/25/16 600.00 10E008 1110 3110 01 000000 237573 CANON BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 02/25/2016 4018143236 Copier Maintenance 1/26/16 - 2/25/16 4,862.00 10E008 1110 3110 01 000000 237574 CAPITAL DATA INC 02/25/2016 29449 1,500.00 10E008 2660 3100 11 000000 SO BVB 2/4/16 White copy paper MASTER PURCHASE ORDER FOR MONTHLY MANAGED SERVICES FOR JULY ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER 65.00 10E005 1500 3100 01 000000 1,100.00 10E001 1110 4108 01 000000 2015-JUNE 2016 237575 CARD IMAGING 02/25/2016 99935 Replacement ribbons for ID machine in main office at high 167.00 10E006 1130 4100 01 000000 school 237576 CASANOVA, ADRIENNE 02/25/2016 012516 Reimbursement 237578 CASHMAN STAHLER GROUP 02/25/2016 1626 Project #CSG600 - Stadium Renovations Project # CSG599 - 237578 CASHMAN STAHLER GROUP 02/25/2016 1627 Project #CSG600 - Stadium Renovations Project # CSG599 - 62.99 10E008 2130 4100 01 000000 3,990.00 20E008 2540 3160 01 000000 Concession Building Assessment 6,507.05 20E008 2540 3160 01 000000 Concession Building Assessment 237578 CASHMAN STAHLER GROUP 02/25/2016 1629 Project #CSG600 - Stadium Renovations Project # CSG599 - 104,851.00 20E008 2540 3160 01 000000 Concession Building Assessment 237581 CASPER TRUE VALUE HARDWARE 02/25/2016 058454 Misc. Supplies for MSN Repairs 4.49 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 237581 CASPER TRUE VALUE HARDWARE 02/25/2016 058458 Misc. Supplies for MSN Repairs 8.99 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 237581 CASPER TRUE VALUE HARDWARE 02/25/2016 058502 Misc. Supplies for MW/MSN/HS Repairs 5.32 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 237581 CASPER TRUE VALUE HARDWARE 02/25/2016 058502 Misc. Supplies for MW/MSN/HS Repairs 2.66 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 237581 CASPER TRUE VALUE HARDWARE 02/25/2016 058502 Misc. Supplies for MW/MSN/HS Repairs 5.01 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 237581 CASPER TRUE VALUE HARDWARE 02/25/2016 058552 Misc. Supplies for MW/MSN/HS Repairs 2.73 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 237581 CASPER TRUE VALUE HARDWARE 02/25/2016 058552 Misc. Supplies for MW/MSN/HS Repairs 1.37 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 237581 CASPER TRUE VALUE HARDWARE 02/25/2016 058552 Misc. Supplies for MW/MSN/HS Repairs 2.58 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 237581 CASPER TRUE VALUE HARDWARE 02/25/2016 058559 Misc. Supplies for MW/MSN/HS Repairs 2.66 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 237581 CASPER TRUE VALUE HARDWARE 02/25/2016 058559 Misc. Supplies for MW/MSN/HS Repairs 1.33 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 237581 CASPER TRUE VALUE HARDWARE 02/25/2016 058559 Misc. Supplies for MW/MSN/HS Repairs 2.50 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 237581 CASPER TRUE VALUE HARDWARE 02/25/2016 058574 Misc. Supplies for MW/MSN/HS Repairs 2.28 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 237581 CASPER TRUE VALUE HARDWARE 02/25/2016 058574 Misc. Supplies for MW/MSN/HS Repairs 1.14 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 237581 CASPER TRUE VALUE HARDWARE 02/25/2016 058574 Misc. Supplies for MW/MSN/HS Repairs 2.16 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 237581 CASPER TRUE VALUE HARDWARE 02/25/2016 058624 Silicone Sealant for IF Boiler Pump 8.99 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 237581 CASPER TRUE VALUE HARDWARE 02/25/2016 058677 Hose Fitting for MW Facuet 237582 CASPER TRUE VALUE, INC. 02/25/2016 058406 MISC BUS SUPPLIES 237582 CASPER TRUE VALUE, INC. 02/25/2016 058557 MISC BUS SUPPLIES 237583 CDW GOVERNMENT, INC 02/25/2016 BXS0288 HP DESKTOP MONITORS 237583 CDW GOVERNMENT, INC 02/25/2016 BWV9441 REPLACEMENT PROJECTOR LAMP FOR HS ROOM S116 299.00 10E006 1130 4100 01 000000 VGA MONITOR AUDIO CABLE MASTER PURCHASE ORDER FOR INTERNET BANDWIDTH 48.32 10E008 2660 4100 11 000000 900.00 10E008 2660 3100 11 000000 237583 CDW GOVERNMENT, INC 02/25/2016 BXW1801 237584 CENTRAL MANAGEMENT SERVICES/IC 02/25/2016 T1619000 8.99 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 130.84 40E008 2550 4120 01 000000 13.98 40E008 2550 4120 01 000000 1,134.12 10E008 2660 4100 11 000000 7 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 7:21 AM 02/19/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 01/29/16 - 02/25/16) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 237585 CHALEKIAN, JOHN 02/25/2016 021616 SO WRESTLING 2/16/16 65.00 10E005 1500 3100 01 000000 237586 CHERRY, DOUGLAS 02/25/2016 011616 SO GBK 1/16/16 50.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 237587 CHOPRA, AMY 02/25/2016 020116 Reimbursement for Classroom supplies: AMOUNT NUMBER Books for Reading 130.00 10E009 1110 4120 01 000000 Recovery program 237588 CLARE WOODS ACADEMY 02/25/2016 TUITION FE Tuition Feb 2016 6,335.20 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 237588 CLARE WOODS ACADEMY 02/25/2016 TUITION MA Tuition March 2016 5,384.92 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 237589 SCHOOL SPECIALTY/CLASSROOM DIR 02/25/2016 3081024001 EC Supplies (J. Garrow-MW) 237589 SCHOOL SPECIALTY/CLASSROOM DIR 02/25/2016 2081158009 Classroom Supplies 269.92 10E008 1225 4100 01 460000 97.67 10E010 1120 4100 06 000000 237590 CLASSROOM CONNECTION DAY SCHOO 02/25/2016 205 Tuition March 2016 6,801.24 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 237590 CLASSROOM CONNECTION DAY SCHOO 02/25/2016 207 Tuition March 2016 6,801.24 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 237590 CLASSROOM CONNECTION DAY SCHOO 02/25/2016 208 Tuition March 2016 6,801.24 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 237591 CLEARBROOK 02/25/2016 SVCS DEC 2 Homebound Tutoring 240.00 10E008 2330 3106 44 000000 237591 CLEARBROOK 02/25/2016 SVCS JAN 2 Homebound Tutoring 240.00 10E008 2330 3106 44 000000 237592 CLEMENS, JERRY 02/25/2016 012716 science supplies 39.90 10E005 1120 4100 07 000000 237592 CLEMENS, JERRY 02/25/2016 12716 science supplies 59.85 10E005 1120 4100 07 000000 237592 CLEMENS, JERRY 02/25/2016 012816 science supplies 104.85 10E005 1120 4100 07 000000 237592 CLEMENS, JERRY 02/25/2016 021616 science supplies 237593 COATY, MATTHEW 02/25/2016 021016 ICE CONFERENCE REIMBURSEMENT 64.44 10E005 1120 4100 07 000000 125.00 10E012 2210 3100 01 000000 237594 CONNECTIONS DAY SCHOOL SOUTH C 02/25/2016 21273 Tuition Jan 2016 3,724.74 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 237594 CONNECTIONS DAY SCHOOL SOUTH C 02/25/2016 21274 Tuition Jan 2016 3,724.74 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 237594 CONNECTIONS DAY SCHOOL SOUTH C 02/25/2016 21275 Tuition Jan 2016 3,724.74 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 237594 CONNECTIONS DAY SCHOOL SOUTH C 02/25/2016 21276 Tuition Jan 2016 4,635.90 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 237594 CONNECTIONS DAY SCHOOL SOUTH C 02/25/2016 21277 Tuition Jan 2016 3,724.74 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 237595 COMCAST 02/25/2016 020916 515 Digital Adapter Fee 2/16/16 - 3/15/16. Acct 8771 10 097 6.34 10E006 1130 3100 01 000000 0005151 237596 COMCAST 02/25/2016 40918401 237599 COMED 02/25/2016 0294728000 Electricity Transportation Charges for PDC/HS/MW. Acct COMCAST ENTERPRISE SERVICES FOR LZ95 - 1 YEAR 237599 COMED 02/25/2016 0294728000 Electricity Transportation Charges for PDC/HS/MW. Acct 4,463.99 10E008 2660 3402 11 000000 1,662.48 20E001 2540 4660 01 000000 0294728000 9,701.79 20E006 2540 4660 01 000000 0294728000 237599 COMED 02/25/2016 0294728000 Electricity Transportation Charges for PDC/HS/MW. Acct 567.41 20E007 2540 4660 01 000000 0294728000 237599 COMED 02/25/2016 0899157030 Electricity Use For MSN/SL and Transportation Charges. Acct 4,295.56 20E005 2540 4660 01 000000 0899157030 237599 COMED 02/25/2016 0899157030 Electricity Use For MSN/SL and Transportation Charges. Acct 1,431.86 20E012 2540 4660 01 000000 0899157030 237599 COMED 02/25/2016 2211101005 Electricity Use For MSN/SL and Transportation Charges. Acct 400.99 20E008 2540 4660 01 000000 237599 COMED 2211101005 02/25/2016 2223757008 Electricity Use For MSN/SL and Transportation Charges. Acct 996.15 20E004 2540 4660 01 000000 8 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 7:21 AM 02/19/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 01/29/16 - 02/25/16) CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION 237599 COMED 02/25/2016 0051089046 Electricity Transportation Charges for MSS/MSN/SL/IF. Acct PAGE: ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER 2223757008 135.67 20E005 2540 4660 01 000000 0051089046 237599 COMED 02/25/2016 0051089046 Electricity Transportation Charges for MSS/MSN/SL/IF. Acct 45.22 20E012 2540 4660 01 000000 0051089046 237599 COMED 02/25/2016 1122536002 Electricity Transportation Charges for MSS/MSN/SL/IF.Acct 1,106.66 20E009 2540 4660 01 000000 1122536002 237599 COMED 02/25/2016 1122537009 Electricity Transportation Charges for MSS/MSN/SL/IF. Acct 3,519.14 20E010 2540 4660 01 000000 1122537009 237599 COMED 02/25/2016 2127315004 Electricity Delivery charges for SA. Acct 2127315004 237600 COMPREHENSIVE PSYCHOLOGICAL SE 02/25/2016 SVCS SEPT- Psychological Evaluation 237601 COMPUTER POWER SYSTEMS, INC 02/25/2016 41498 LABOR AND MATERIAL TO INTSTALL DATA CABLES TO PDC AND 1,135.06 20E003 2540 4660 01 000000 5,750.00 10E008 2140 3100 01 000000 650.00 10E008 2660 4100 11 000000 TRANSPORTATION OFFICES 237601 COMPUTER POWER SYSTEMS, INC 02/25/2016 41498 LABOR AND MATERIAL TO INTSTALL DATA CABLES TO PDC AND 1,050.00 10E008 2660 3104 11 000000 TRANSPORTATION OFFICES 237603 CONSERV FS, INC 02/25/2016 65004889 Bagged Sidewalk Salt for District Use 237603 CONSERV FS, INC 02/25/2016 777000230 DIESEL AND UNLEADED FUEL DELIVERY 617.40 20E008 2540 4901 01 000000 773.53 20E008 2540 4640 01 000000 237603 CONSERV FS, INC 02/25/2016 777000230 DIESEL AND UNLEADED FUEL DELIVERY 9,040.82 40E008 2550 4130 01 000000 237603 CONSERV FS, INC 02/25/2016 65005227 Bagged Sidewalk Salt 237603 CONSERV FS, INC 02/25/2016 65005867 Bagged Sidewalk Salt 617.40 20E008 2540 4901 01 000000 237603 CONSERV FS, INC 02/25/2016 45001276 MISC - DIESEL EXHAUST FLUID 484.80 40E008 2550 4130 01 000000 237603 CONSERV FS, INC 02/25/2016 777000258 UNLEADED GASOLINE DELIVERY 2-05-16 616.18 20E008 2540 4640 01 000000 237603 CONSERV FS, INC 02/25/2016 777000258 UNLEADED GASOLINE DELIVERY 2-05-16 1,012.45 40E008 2550 4130 01 000000 617.40 20E008 2540 4901 01 000000 237603 CONSERV FS, INC 02/25/2016 777000258 UNLEADED GASOLINE DELIVERY 2-05-16 48.02 10E006 1700 4640 22 337000 237603 CONSERV FS, INC 02/25/2016 777000257 DIESEL FUEL DELIVERY 2-05-16 81.83 20E008 2540 4640 01 000000 237603 CONSERV FS, INC 02/25/2016 777000257 DIESEL FUEL DELIVERY 2-05-16 8,401.86 40E008 2550 4130 01 000000 237604 CORDOGAN, THOMAS 02/25/2016 011616 SO BBK 1/16/16 237605 CORTEZ, ELLICE 02/25/2016 012216 Art Supplies (canvases) from Michaels 237606 CRAMER, JONATHAN 02/25/2016 012116 ILMEA Registration 237606 CRAMER, JONATHAN 02/25/2016 020416 Food for ILMEA 237607 CBS AWARDS INC 02/25/2016 2716 sports plaque 237608 CUBBERLEY, RONALD 02/25/2016 012816 SO VOLLEYBALL 1/28/16 65.00 10E010 1500 3100 01 000000 237608 CUBBERLEY, RONALD 02/25/2016 020216 SO GVB 2/2/16 65.00 10E005 1500 3100 01 000000 237609 CULLINAN, VICTORIA 02/25/2016 012516 Wipes and Admin Supplies 24.42 10E008 2520 4100 01 000000 237609 CULLINAN, VICTORIA 02/25/2016 012516 Wipes and Admin Supplies 53.58 10E008 2560 4101 01 000000 237610 CUMMINS-ALLISON CORP 02/25/2016 4913786 Service for Money Machine 237611 DAHLKE, KYLE 02/25/2016 041315 SO BASEBALL 4/13/15 237612 DAHLQUIST AND LUTZOW ARCHITECT 02/25/2016 160151 Professional Services from Jan 1, 2016 to Jan 31, 2016. Project 2015.61.000 63.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 120.71 10E010 1120 4100 12 000000 85.00 10E006 1130 4100 46 000000 50.98 10E006 1130 4100 46 000000 167.00 10E010 1500 4100 01 000000 125.00 10E006 2410 3100 01 000000 59.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 15,120.00 10E008 2310 3160 01 000000 9 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 7:21 AM 02/19/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 01/29/16 - 02/25/16) CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION 237613 DAVELIS, CRAIG 02/25/2016 011616 SO BBK 1/16/16 PAGE: ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER 63.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 237614 DELUXE BUSINESS FORMS AND SUPP 02/25/2016 759111029 Student Activity Checks 71.07 10E001 1110 4100 01 000000 237614 DELUXE BUSINESS FORMS AND SUPP 02/25/2016 759111029 Student Activity Checks 71.07 10E003 1110 4100 01 000000 237614 DELUXE BUSINESS FORMS AND SUPP 02/25/2016 759111029 Student Activity Checks 71.07 10E004 1110 4100 01 000000 237614 DELUXE BUSINESS FORMS AND SUPP 02/25/2016 759111029 Student Activity Checks 71.08 10E009 1110 4100 01 000000 237614 DELUXE BUSINESS FORMS AND SUPP 02/25/2016 759111029 Student Activity Checks 71.07 10E005 1120 4100 01 000000 237614 DELUXE BUSINESS FORMS AND SUPP 02/25/2016 759111029 Student Activity Checks 71.08 10E010 1120 4100 01 000000 237614 DELUXE BUSINESS FORMS AND SUPP 02/25/2016 759111029 Student Activity Checks 71.07 10E012 1110 4100 01 000000 237615 DELEONARDIS, ROBERT 02/25/2016 011816 SO BBK 1/18/16 237616 DEMCO 02/25/2016 5772841 Apprentice Little Free Library - Quote # G5236222 237616 DEMCO 02/25/2016 5794185 Library clocks. 237616 DEMCO 02/25/2016 5788850 Book cover Film 237617 DENLEY, ROBERTA 02/25/2016 021116 Reimbursement for ICE conference on February 26,2016 237618 DEPUE, WILLIAM 02/25/2016 011816 SO BBK 1/18/16 237619 DESORMEY, KEITH 02/25/2016 011816 SO BBK 1/18/16 237620 ACCUTRAIN CORPORATION 02/25/2016 8401600380 Conference (S. Coleman-Admin) 237621 DINKHELLER, JAMES 02/25/2016 011816 SO BBK 1/18/16 237622 DIRECT FITNESS SOLUTIONS 02/25/2016 506929 Maintenance on Bikes 10/12/2015 237626 DIRECT ENERGY MARKETING INC 02/25/2016 1601900264 Electricity Use Charges in District 875.84 20E001 2540 4660 01 000000 237626 DIRECT ENERGY MARKETING INC 02/25/2016 1601900264 Electricity Use Charges in District 556.34 20E003 2540 4660 01 000000 237626 DIRECT ENERGY MARKETING INC 02/25/2016 1601900264 Electricity Use Charges in District 776.76 20E004 2540 4660 01 000000 237626 DIRECT ENERGY MARKETING INC 02/25/2016 1601900264 Electricity Use Charges in District 3,105.91 20E005 2540 4660 01 000000 237626 DIRECT ENERGY MARKETING INC 02/25/2016 1601900264 Electricity Use Charges in District 4,825.52 20E006 2540 4660 01 000000 237626 DIRECT ENERGY MARKETING INC 02/25/2016 1601900264 Electricity Use Charges in District 244.58 20E007 2540 4660 01 000000 237626 DIRECT ENERGY MARKETING INC 02/25/2016 1601900264 Electricity Use Charges in District 329.71 20E008 2540 4660 01 000000 237626 DIRECT ENERGY MARKETING INC 02/25/2016 1601900264 Electricity Use Charges in District 478.24 20E009 2540 4660 01 000000 237626 DIRECT ENERGY MARKETING INC 02/25/2016 1601900264 Electricity Use Charges in District 1,658.29 20E010 2540 4660 01 000000 237626 DIRECT ENERGY MARKETING INC 02/25/2016 1601900264 Electricity Use Charges in District 1,035.30 20E012 2540 4660 01 000000 237626 DIRECT ENERGY MARKETING INC 02/25/2016 1601200263 Electricity Use Charges in District 143.86 20E001 2540 4660 01 000000 237626 DIRECT ENERGY MARKETING INC 02/25/2016 1601200263 Electricity Use Charges in District 91.38 20E003 2540 4660 01 000000 237626 DIRECT ENERGY MARKETING INC 02/25/2016 1601200263 Electricity Use Charges in District 127.58 20E004 2540 4660 01 000000 237626 DIRECT ENERGY MARKETING INC 02/25/2016 1601200263 Electricity Use Charges in District 510.15 20E005 2540 4660 01 000000 237626 DIRECT ENERGY MARKETING INC 02/25/2016 1601200263 Electricity Use Charges in District 792.60 20E006 2540 4660 01 000000 237626 DIRECT ENERGY MARKETING INC 02/25/2016 1601200263 Electricity Use Charges in District 40.17 20E007 2540 4660 01 000000 237626 DIRECT ENERGY MARKETING INC 02/25/2016 1601200263 Electricity Use Charges in District 54.16 20E008 2540 4660 01 000000 237626 DIRECT ENERGY MARKETING INC 02/25/2016 1601200263 Electricity Use Charges in District 78.55 20E009 2540 4660 01 000000 237626 DIRECT ENERGY MARKETING INC 02/25/2016 1601200263 Electricity Use Charges in District 272.38 20E010 2540 4660 01 000000 237626 DIRECT ENERGY MARKETING INC 237626 DIRECT ENERGY MARKETING INC 02/25/2016 1601200263 Electricity Use Charges in District 02/25/2016 1600700263 Electricity Use Charges in District 170.04 20E012 2540 4660 01 000000 655.95 20E001 2540 4660 01 000000 89.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 603.00 10E006 2220 7001 01 000000 45.59 10E005 2220 4100 01 000000 33.62 10E009 2220 4100 01 000000 125.00 10E009 2210 3100 01 000000 63.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 89.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 285.00 10E008 2210 3321 02 462000 63.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 546.15 10E005 1120 4100 09 000000 10 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 7:21 AM 02/19/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 01/29/16 - 02/25/16) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 237626 DIRECT ENERGY MARKETING INC 02/25/2016 1600700263 Electricity Use Charges in District 416.67 20E003 2540 4660 01 000000 237626 DIRECT ENERGY MARKETING INC 02/25/2016 1600700263 Electricity Use Charges in District 581.75 20E004 2540 4660 01 000000 237626 DIRECT ENERGY MARKETING INC 02/25/2016 1600700263 Electricity Use Charges in District 2,326.14 20E005 2540 4660 01 000000 237626 DIRECT ENERGY MARKETING INC 02/25/2016 1600700263 Electricity Use Charges in District 3,614.03 20E006 2540 4660 01 000000 237626 DIRECT ENERGY MARKETING INC 02/25/2016 1600700263 Electricity Use Charges in District 183.17 20E007 2540 4660 01 000000 237626 DIRECT ENERGY MARKETING INC 02/25/2016 1600700263 Electricity Use Charges in District 246.93 20E008 2540 4660 01 000000 237626 DIRECT ENERGY MARKETING INC 02/25/2016 1600700263 Electricity Use Charges in District 358.17 20E009 2540 4660 01 000000 237626 DIRECT ENERGY MARKETING INC 02/25/2016 1600700263 Electricity Use Charges in District 1,241.96 20E010 2540 4660 01 000000 237626 DIRECT ENERGY MARKETING INC 02/25/2016 1600700263 Electricity Use Charges in District 775.39 20E012 2540 4660 01 000000 237626 DIRECT ENERGY MARKETING INC 02/25/2016 1535600262 Electricity Use Charges in District 1,612.70 20E001 2540 4660 01 000000 237626 DIRECT ENERGY MARKETING INC 02/25/2016 1535600262 Electricity Use Charges in District 1,024.40 20E003 2540 4660 01 000000 237626 DIRECT ENERGY MARKETING INC 02/25/2016 1535600262 Electricity Use Charges in District 1,430.26 20E004 2540 4660 01 000000 237626 DIRECT ENERGY MARKETING INC 02/25/2016 1535600262 Electricity Use Charges in District 5,718.97 20E005 2540 4660 01 000000 237626 DIRECT ENERGY MARKETING INC 02/25/2016 1535600262 Electricity Use Charges in District 8,885.32 20E006 2540 4660 01 000000 237626 DIRECT ENERGY MARKETING INC 02/25/2016 1535600262 Electricity Use Charges in District 450.34 20E007 2540 4660 01 000000 237626 DIRECT ENERGY MARKETING INC 02/25/2016 1535600262 Electricity Use Charges in District 607.10 20E008 2540 4660 01 000000 237626 DIRECT ENERGY MARKETING INC 02/25/2016 1535600262 Electricity Use Charges in District 880.59 20E009 2540 4660 01 000000 237626 DIRECT ENERGY MARKETING INC 02/25/2016 1535600262 Electricity Use Charges in District 3,053.43 20E010 2540 4660 01 000000 237626 DIRECT ENERGY MARKETING INC 02/25/2016 1535600262 Electricity Use Charges in District 1,906.33 20E012 2540 4660 01 000000 237626 DIRECT ENERGY MARKETING INC 02/25/2016 1534300261 Electricity Use Charges in District 1,404.18 20E001 2540 4660 01 000000 237626 DIRECT ENERGY MARKETING INC 02/25/2016 1534300261 Electricity Use Charges in District 891.94 20E003 2540 4660 01 000000 237626 DIRECT ENERGY MARKETING INC 02/25/2016 1534300261 Electricity Use Charges in District 1,245.32 20E004 2540 4660 01 000000 237626 DIRECT ENERGY MARKETING INC 02/25/2016 1534300261 Electricity Use Charges in District 4,979.49 20E005 2540 4660 01 000000 237626 DIRECT ENERGY MARKETING INC 02/25/2016 1534300261 Electricity Use Charges in District 7,736.43 20E006 2540 4660 01 000000 237626 DIRECT ENERGY MARKETING INC 02/25/2016 1534300261 Electricity Use Charges in District 392.11 20E007 2540 4660 01 000000 237626 DIRECT ENERGY MARKETING INC 02/25/2016 1534300261 Electricity Use Charges in District 528.60 20E008 2540 4660 01 000000 237626 DIRECT ENERGY MARKETING INC 02/25/2016 1534300261 Electricity Use Charges in District 766.73 20E009 2540 4660 01 000000 237626 DIRECT ENERGY MARKETING INC 02/25/2016 1534300261 Electricity Use Charges in District 2,658.62 20E010 2540 4660 01 000000 237626 DIRECT ENERGY MARKETING INC 02/25/2016 1534300261 Electricity Use Charges in District 1,659.84 20E012 2540 4660 01 000000 237626 DIRECT ENERGY MARKETING INC 02/25/2016 1532200259 Electricity Use Charges in District 2,339.39 20E001 2540 4660 01 000000 237626 DIRECT ENERGY MARKETING INC 02/25/2016 1532200259 Electricity Use Charges in District 1,485.99 20E003 2540 4660 01 000000 237626 DIRECT ENERGY MARKETING INC 02/25/2016 1532200259 Electricity Use Charges in District 2,074.73 20E004 2540 4660 01 000000 237626 DIRECT ENERGY MARKETING INC 02/25/2016 1532200259 Electricity Use Charges in District 8,295.94 20E005 2540 4660 01 000000 237626 DIRECT ENERGY MARKETING INC 02/25/2016 1532200259 Electricity Use Charges in District 12,889.05 20E006 2540 4660 01 000000 237626 DIRECT ENERGY MARKETING INC 02/25/2016 1532200259 Electricity Use Charges in District 653.27 20E007 2540 4660 01 000000 237626 DIRECT ENERGY MARKETING INC 02/25/2016 1532200259 Electricity Use Charges in District 880.66 20E008 2540 4660 01 000000 237626 DIRECT ENERGY MARKETING INC 02/25/2016 1532200259 Electricity Use Charges in District 1,277.39 20E009 2540 4660 01 000000 237626 DIRECT ENERGY MARKETING INC 237626 DIRECT ENERGY MARKETING INC 02/25/2016 1532200259 Electricity Use Charges in District 02/25/2016 1532200259 Electricity Use Charges in District 4,429.32 20E010 2540 4660 01 000000 2,765.32 20E012 2540 4660 01 000000 AMOUNT NUMBER 11 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 7:21 AM 02/19/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 01/29/16 - 02/25/16) CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION 237627 DRAKE, ROMELL 02/25/2016 012316 237628 DREISILKER ELECTRIC MOTORS, IN 02/25/2016 I994241 SO GBK 1/23/16 PAGE: ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER 89.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 Motor for MSN Exhaust Fan 220.21 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 237628 DREISILKER ELECTRIC MOTORS, IN 02/25/2016 I993753 Motor and Capacitor for MW Univent 259.28 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 237628 DREISILKER ELECTRIC MOTORS, IN 02/25/2016 I995458 Motor for HS Univent 285.07 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 237628 DREISILKER ELECTRIC MOTORS, IN 02/25/2016 I995459 Motor for SP Univent 260.82 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 237628 DREISILKER ELECTRIC MOTORS, IN 02/25/2016 I994823 Motor for MW Univent 305.22 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 237628 DREISILKER ELECTRIC MOTORS, IN 02/25/2016 I995839 Blower Motor for SA Boiler 350.20 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 237629 DUNN II, EUGENE 02/25/2016 011816 SO BBK 1/18/16 237630 DURHAM SCHOOL SERVICES, LP 02/25/2016 91276851 01-29-16 MSN FIELD TRIP 237630 DURHAM SCHOOL SERVICES, LP 02/25/2016 91276843 01-29-16 LZHS FIELD TRIP 516.79 40E008 2550 3340 01 000000 237630 DURHAM SCHOOL SERVICES, LP 02/25/2016 91281343 02-10-16 LZHS FIELD TRIP 1,198.44 40E008 2550 3340 01 000000 237631 EBS HEALTHCARE 02/25/2016 000040406 Contractual Speech Therapy Services 4,930.00 10E008 2150 3104 01 462000 237631 EBS HEALTHCARE 02/25/2016 000041137 Contractual Speech Therapy Services 4,930.00 10E008 2150 3104 01 462000 237631 EBS HEALTHCARE 02/25/2016 000041546 Contractual Speech Therapy Services 4,437.00 10E008 2150 3104 01 462000 237632 EDELHEIT, GARY 02/25/2016 012916 SO GBK 1/29/16 237633 EDUCATIONAL INNOVATIONS, INC 02/25/2016 705176-1 7th grade supply 227.43 10E010 1120 4100 07 000000 237634 EHC INDUSTRIES, INC 02/25/2016 33948 Precautionary Encapsulation 600.00 20E001 2540 3100 01 000000 237635 EHLERT, JON 02/25/2016 012916 SO GBK 1/29/16 89.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 237636 EL-COR INDUSTRIES, INC 02/25/2016 92472 MISC BUS PARTS 20.34 40E008 2550 4120 01 000000 237637 ELEMENTAL SOLUTIONS LLC 02/25/2016 1580 Disposal of unused paints/chemicals in District 1,232.37 20E001 2540 3100 01 000000 237637 ELEMENTAL SOLUTIONS LLC 02/25/2016 1580 Disposal of unused paints/chemicals in District 4,960.27 20E008 2540 3100 01 000000 237637 ELEMENTAL SOLUTIONS LLC 02/25/2016 1580 Disposal of unused paints/chemicals in District 1,232.36 20E010 2540 3100 01 000000 50.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 685.26 40E008 2550 3340 01 000000 50.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 237638 ENERGY PURCHASING SERVICES, IN 02/25/2016 11833 Monthly Gas Analysis 237639 ENGLER CALLAWAY BAASTEN & SRAG 02/25/2016 21296 Legal Service, Jan. 2016 Invoice #21296 & #21297 6,510.00 10E008 2310 3180 01 000000 450.00 20E008 2540 3190 01 000000 237639 ENGLER CALLAWAY BAASTEN & SRAG 02/25/2016 21297 Legal Service, Jan. 2016 Invoice #21296 & #21297 1,050.00 10E008 2310 3180 01 000000 237640 ESCO 02/25/2016 802002.7-2 Replacement Coverage 139.00 10E008 1200 3103 01 000000 237640 ESCO 02/25/2016 830909.4-2 Replacement Coverage 139.00 10E008 1200 3103 01 000000 237641 ESSCOE, LLC 02/25/2016 21179 Camera Repair, schedule adjustment for HS and MW 460.00 20E001 2540 3100 01 000000 237641 ESSCOE, LLC 02/25/2016 21269 Camera Repair, schedule adjustment for HS and MW 493.75 20E006 2540 3100 01 000000 237642 FAMILY GUIDANCE CTRS, INC 02/25/2016 LDS2911 Tuition Dec 2015/Jan 2016 - Laureate Day School 4,199.76 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 237642 FAMILY GUIDANCE CTRS, INC 02/25/2016 LDS2941 Tuition Dec 2015/Jan 2016 - Laureate Day School 4,433.08 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 237643 FAMILY GUIDANCE CENTERS, INC 02/25/2016 MP8092 Tuition Dec 2015/Jan 2016 - Metro Prep 11,000.88 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 237643 FAMILY GUIDANCE CENTERS, INC 02/25/2016 MP8181 Tuition Dec 2015/Jan 2016 - Metro Prep 11,612.04 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 237644 FASTENAL COMPANY 02/25/2016 ILLAK32285 Hardware for District Repairs 237644 FASTENAL COMPANY 02/25/2016 ILLAK32285 Hardware for District Repairs 19.49 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 237644 FASTENAL COMPANY 02/25/2016 ILLAK32285 Hardware for District Repairs 19.49 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 237644 FASTENAL COMPANY 02/25/2016 ILLAK32285 Hardware for District Repairs 19.49 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 237644 FASTENAL COMPANY 237644 FASTENAL COMPANY 02/25/2016 ILLAK32285 Hardware for District Repairs 02/25/2016 ILLAK32285 Hardware for District Repairs 19.49 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 19.49 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 19.49 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 12 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 7:21 AM 02/19/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 01/29/16 - 02/25/16) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 237644 FASTENAL COMPANY 02/25/2016 ILLAK32285 Hardware for District Repairs 19.49 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 237644 FASTENAL COMPANY 02/25/2016 ILLAK32285 Hardware for District Repairs 19.49 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 237644 FASTENAL COMPANY 02/25/2016 ILLAK32619 Hardware to Repair Playground Equipment 6.00 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 237644 FASTENAL COMPANY 02/25/2016 ILLAK32619 Hardware to Repair Playground Equipment 6.00 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 237644 FASTENAL COMPANY 02/25/2016 ILLAK32619 Hardware to Repair Playground Equipment 6.00 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 237644 FASTENAL COMPANY 02/25/2016 ILLAK32619 Hardware to Repair Playground Equipment 237645 FBG SERVICE CORPORATION 02/25/2016 763891 January 2016 Contract Cleaning 357.50 20E008 2540 3100 01 000000 237645 FBG SERVICE CORPORATION 02/25/2016 763891 January 2016 Contract Cleaning 103,238.05 20E008 2540 3220 01 000000 237645 FBG SERVICE CORPORATION 02/25/2016 764738 Custodial Overtime January 2016 237646 FEDERAL SUPPLY USA 02/25/2016 154708 Kitchen Equipment Stand for the HS 237646 FEDERAL SUPPLY USA 02/25/2016 154920 Seal for MSS Freezer 237647 FEHR, MICHAEL 02/25/2016 012016 SO BBK 1/18 & 1/20/16 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129551 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 6.55 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129551 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 3.75 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129551 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 1.59 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129551 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 4.65 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129551 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 14.94 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129551 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 0.49 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129551 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 7.46 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129551 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 7.46 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129551 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 4.64 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129554 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 182.56 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129554 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 104.44 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129554 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 44.18 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129554 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 129.55 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129554 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 416.22 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129554 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 13.70 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129554 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 207.87 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129554 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 207.87 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129554 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 129.55 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129548 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 229.53 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129548 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 131.31 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129548 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 55.55 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129548 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 162.88 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129548 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 523.32 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129548 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 17.23 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129548 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 261.36 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129548 02/25/2016 INV129548 Filters for HVAC Systems in District Filters for HVAC Systems in District 261.36 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 162.88 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 AMOUNT NUMBER 6.00 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 10,083.46 20E008 2540 3220 01 000000 550.40 10E008 2560 4100 01 000000 71.76 10E008 2560 4100 01 000000 178.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 13 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK NUMBER VENDOR 7:21 AM 02/19/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 01/29/16 - 02/25/16) CHECK INVOICE INVOICE DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION PAGE: ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129549 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 69.93 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129549 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 40.00 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129549 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 16.92 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129549 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 49.62 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129549 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 159.43 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129549 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 5.25 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129549 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 79.62 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129549 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 79.62 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129549 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 49.63 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129550 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 12.31 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129550 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 7.04 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129550 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 2.98 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129550 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 8.74 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129550 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 28.08 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129550 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 0.92 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129550 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 14.02 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129550 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 14.02 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129550 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 8.75 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129552 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 33.47 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129552 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 19.15 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129552 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 8.10 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129552 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 23.75 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129552 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 76.32 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129552 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 2.51 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129552 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 38.11 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129552 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 38.11 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129552 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 23.77 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129553 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 10.86 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129553 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 6.21 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129553 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 2.63 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129553 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 7.71 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129553 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 24.76 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129553 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 0.82 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129553 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 12.37 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129553 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 12.37 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129553 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 7.69 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129734 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 57.46 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129734 02/25/2016 INV129734 Filters for HVAC Systems in District Filters for HVAC Systems in District 32.87 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 13.91 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 14 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 7:21 AM 02/19/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 01/29/16 - 02/25/16) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129734 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 40.77 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129734 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 131.01 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129734 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 4.31 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129734 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 65.43 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 AMOUNT NUMBER 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129734 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 65.43 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129734 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 40.77 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129735 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 20.50 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129735 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 11.73 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129735 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 4.96 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129735 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 14.55 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129735 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 46.75 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129735 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 1.54 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129735 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 23.35 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129735 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 23.35 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129735 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 14.55 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129736 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 64.87 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129736 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 37.11 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129736 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 15.70 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129736 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 46.04 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129736 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 147.91 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129736 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 4.87 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129736 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 73.87 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129736 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 73.87 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV129736 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 46.04 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV130009 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 11.61 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV130009 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 6.64 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV130009 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 2.81 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV130009 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 8.24 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV130009 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 26.46 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV130009 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 0.87 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV130009 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 13.22 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV130009 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 13.22 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV130009 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 8.23 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV130010 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 224.78 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 128.60 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV130010 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV130010 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 54.40 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV130010 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 159.51 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV130010 02/25/2016 INV130010 Filters for HVAC Systems in District Filters for HVAC Systems in District 512.49 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 16.87 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 15 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 7:21 AM 02/19/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 01/29/16 - 02/25/16) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV130010 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 255.95 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV130010 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 255.95 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV130010 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 159.51 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV130413 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 95.53 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV130413 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 54.65 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV130413 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 23.12 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV130413 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 67.79 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV130413 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 217.81 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV130413 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 7.17 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV130413 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 108.78 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV130413 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 108.78 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV130413 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 67.79 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV132160 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 19.98 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV132160 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 11.43 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV132160 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 4.84 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV132160 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 14.18 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV132160 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 45.56 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV132160 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 1.50 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV132160 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 22.75 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV132160 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 22.75 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 237655 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 02/25/2016 INV132160 Filters for HVAC Systems in District 14.19 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 237656 FINK, MARTIN 02/25/2016 011516 SO GBK 1/15/16 237657 FLEET REPAIR, INC 02/25/2016 021016 MISC BUS REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE 237658 FLINN SCIENTIFIC INC 02/25/2016 1942161 7th grade supply 237659 FLORES, ERNEST 02/25/2016 011816 SO BBK 1/18/16 63.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 237661 FOLLETT SCHOOL SOLUTIONS INC 02/25/2016 754888-3 Books, e books & A/V titles 33.90 10E001 2220 4300 01 000000 237661 FOLLETT SCHOOL SOLUTIONS INC 02/25/2016 754888A-2 Books, e books & A/V titles 1,191.04 10E001 2220 4300 01 000000 237661 FOLLETT SCHOOL SOLUTIONS INC 02/25/2016 754888F-2 Books, e books & A/V titles 838.45 10E001 2220 4300 01 000000 237661 FOLLETT SCHOOL SOLUTIONS INC 02/25/2016 754888V-2 Books, e books & A/V titles 238.80 10E001 2220 4300 01 000000 237661 FOLLETT SCHOOL SOLUTIONS INC 02/25/2016 313044A-6 ELL/LMC Grant Order, TBE/TPI 275.73 10E008 2220 4100 01 330500 237661 FOLLETT SCHOOL SOLUTIONS INC 02/25/2016 313044-0 ELL/LMC Grant Order, TBE/TPI 338.55 10E008 2220 4100 01 330500 237661 FOLLETT SCHOOL SOLUTIONS INC 02/25/2016 303970-4 Follett nonfiction/digital 163.24 10E005 2220 4300 01 000000 237661 FOLLETT SCHOOL SOLUTIONS INC 02/25/2016 303970F-3 Follett nonfiction/digital 235.25 10E005 2220 4300 01 000000 237661 FOLLETT SCHOOL SOLUTIONS INC 02/25/2016 313044F-6 ELL/LMC Grant Order, TBE/TPI 132.03 10E008 2220 4100 01 330500 237661 FOLLETT SCHOOL SOLUTIONS INC 02/25/2016 319393F-0 To Kill a Mockingbird - Audio Book 237662 FOREMAN, JENNIFER 02/25/2016 012616 6th grade supplement books 41.98 10E010 1120 4100 07 000000 237662 FOREMAN, JENNIFER 02/25/2016 012816 6th grade supplement books 175.11 10E010 1120 4100 07 000000 237663 FOX, MARY 237664 FRANK COONEY COMPANY 02/25/2016 012516 02/25/2016 61579 reimbursement for classroom supplies: Furniture 130.00 10E009 1110 4120 01 000000 800.00 20E008 2540 4111 01 000000 50.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 2,158.00 40E008 2550 3230 01 000000 421.51 10E010 1120 4100 07 000000 57.99 10E006 2220 4500 11 000000 16 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 7:21 AM 02/19/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 01/29/16 - 02/25/16) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT NUMBER 237665 G&C GLASS, MIRROR & CONSTRUCTI 02/25/2016 33725 Window Replacement at the HS 836.40 20E006 2540 3100 01 000000 237665 G&C GLASS, MIRROR & CONSTRUCTI 02/25/2016 33770 Replace Cracked Glass in Door #3 237666 G&O THERMAL SUPPLY COMPANY 02/25/2016 995608 Actuators for HS Heating System 237667 GALE GROUP 02/25/2016 57112018 Beacham's Guide to Literature for Young Adults Vol. 11 - NUMBER VENDOR ACCOUNT 727.26 20E006 2540 3100 01 000000 1,117.43 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 183.78 10E006 2220 4300 01 000000 replacement copy 237668 GARCIA, MARK 02/25/2016 011616 237669 GAWRONSKI, PATRYCJA 02/25/2016 SVCS 1/29/ TRANSLATION SERVICES SO BBK 1/8 & 1/16/16 139.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 237672 GENESIS TECHNOLOGIES 02/25/2016 535807 Cyan and magenta Cartridge for color printer 394.74 10E009 1110 4100 11 000000 237672 GENESIS TECHNOLOGIES 02/25/2016 536038 Toner for HP 1012/20 printers 266.68 10E009 1110 4100 11 000000 237672 GENESIS TECHNOLOGIES 02/25/2016 14005 toner -91.59 10E010 1120 4100 01 000000 237672 GENESIS TECHNOLOGIES 02/25/2016 535932 Toner Collection Unit - Payroll Printer 36.37 10E008 2640 4100 01 000000 237672 GENESIS TECHNOLOGIES 02/25/2016 537135 Toner Collection Unit for the main office color printer 29.08 10E006 1130 4100 11 000000 237672 GENESIS TECHNOLOGIES 02/25/2016 536270 Toner cartridges 237672 GENESIS TECHNOLOGIES 02/25/2016 532837 toner 104.59 10E010 1120 4100 01 000000 237672 GENESIS TECHNOLOGIES 02/25/2016 13953 toner -104.59 10E010 1120 4100 01 000000 237672 GENESIS TECHNOLOGIES 02/25/2016 535240 Assorted printer ink cartridges per the attached form 237672 GENESIS TECHNOLOGIES 02/25/2016 538128 Toners 237672 GENESIS TECHNOLOGIES 02/25/2016 538787 Ink cartridges and fuser kit for Payroll color printer, 237672 GENESIS TECHNOLOGIES 02/25/2016 538436 Laser jet cartridges 237673 GESKE, JONATHAN 02/25/2016 011616 SO BBK 1/16/16 9.50 10E012 1110 3100 01 000000 716.80 10E001 1110 4100 01 000000 2,427.86 10E006 1130 4100 11 000000 277.00 10E001 1110 4100 01 000000 1,228.92 10E008 2640 4100 01 000000 #233113 237674 GEWALT HAMILTON ASSOCIATES, IN 02/25/2016 4264.104-3 Project #4264.104 2015 HS Softball Field 11/23/15 - 325.56 10E004 2220 4100 01 000000 89.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 1,927.00 20E008 2540 3160 01 000000 12/20/15 237675 GIANT STEPS ILLINOIS, INC 02/25/2016 095-0216E Tuition Dec 2015 12,429.20 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 237675 GIANT STEPS ILLINOIS, INC 02/25/2016 095-0216S Tuition Dec 2015 6,214.60 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 237675 GIANT STEPS ILLINOIS, INC 02/25/2016 MA-2016-27 Tuition Dec 2015 3,600.00 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 237676 GIBSON, BECKY 02/25/2016 012616 reimbursement for classroom supplies 237677 GIGLIO, RICHARD 02/25/2016 010816 SO BBK 1/8/16 237678 GLASER, TOM 02/25/2016 010616 SO GBK 1/6/16 237679 GLAY, KAREN 02/25/2016 5482 Audiology Services 130.00 10E009 1110 4120 01 000000 89.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 63.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 215.00 10E008 2150 3100 01 000000 237679 GLAY, KAREN 02/25/2016 5521 Audiology Services 440.00 10E008 2150 3100 01 000000 237679 GLAY, KAREN 02/25/2016 5544 Audiology Services 1,095.00 10E008 2150 3100 01 000000 237680 GOLDBERG, DOUG 02/25/2016 021216 Dinner w/ K. Osburn 237681 GOLDSTAR LEARNING INC 02/25/2016 4278 Mastery Manager training 237682 GRABER, CHARLES 02/25/2016 011616 SO BBK 1/16/16 63.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 237683 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO 02/25/2016 983132329 CABLE MANAGERS 1,286.10 10E008 2660 4100 11 000000 237683 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO 02/25/2016 982977452 Light Bulbs for MSS/IF 237683 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO 237683 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO 02/25/2016 982977452 02/25/2016 983294449 Light Bulbs for MSS/IF Extension for LED Light Bulbs for the HS 75.77 10E008 2310 3100 01 000000 1,495.00 10E008 2210 3100 01 000000 76.32 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 76.32 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 607.52 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 17 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 7:21 AM 02/19/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 01/29/16 - 02/25/16) CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION 237683 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO 02/25/2016 983330848 Lighting Ballasts for IF/MSS 237683 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO 02/25/2016 983330848 Lighting Ballasts for IF/MSS 237686 GRAINGER 02/25/2016 9932522387 Grainger order for replacement shelving parts. 237686 GRAINGER 02/25/2016 9939329786 Wet Weather Gear for Grounds 237686 GRAINGER 02/25/2016 9002871508 Drain Sanitizer/Deodorizer for MW/MSN/SL/HS PAGE: ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER 57.48 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 57.48 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 143.24 10E006 1130 4100 09 000000 56.62 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 173.86 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 237686 GRAINGER 02/25/2016 9002871508 Drain Sanitizer/Deodorizer for MW/MSN/SL/HS 13.84 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 237686 GRAINGER 02/25/2016 9002871508 Drain Sanitizer/Deodorizer for MW/MSN/SL/HS 202.69 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 237686 GRAINGER 02/25/2016 9002871508 Drain Sanitizer/Deodorizer for MW/MSN/SL/HS 13.84 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 237686 GRAINGER 02/25/2016 9010355155 Socket Extenders for HS Light Fixtures 237686 GRAINGER 02/25/2016 9013950069 Fuses for MSN IDF Rooms 155.88 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 237686 GRAINGER 02/25/2016 9018422825 Socket Extension Return from the HS -62.24 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 237686 GRAINGER 02/25/2016 9017654782 Four Megaphones 237686 GRAINGER 02/25/2016 9015311377 Light Bulbs for the HS 237686 GRAINGER 02/25/2016 9015311385 Light Bulbs for the HS 237686 GRAINGER 02/25/2016 9020108933 Wall Safe for Facilities 237686 GRAINGER 02/25/2016 9018195702 Filter Material for PDC MDF Room 237687 GRAPHIC EDGE 02/25/2016 953844 Boys Cross Country Under Armour Bags 1,166.85 10E008 1610 4100 01 000000 237688 GRAPHIC 14, INC 02/25/2016 2827 120 boxes of 8 1/2" x 11" Premium High Bright copy paper 3,479.00 10E006 1130 4108 01 000000 237689 GRAY, SHELLEY 02/25/2016 012616 SO BVB 1/26/16 65.00 10E005 1500 3100 01 000000 237689 GRAY, SHELLEY 02/25/2016 021116 SO BVB 2/11/16 65.00 10E005 1500 3100 01 000000 237690 GRAYSLAKE CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL 02/25/2016 ENTRY FEE Track Invitational: 237691 GREGORY, TODD 02/25/2016 12616 Reimbursement for FACS supplies. 90.12 10E006 1400 4100 17 000000 237691 GREGORY, TODD 02/25/2016 012616 Reimbursement for oil changes on Driver's Ed cars. 73.96 10E006 1700 3100 22 337000 237692 GROOT, DOUG 02/25/2016 012716 SO BBK 1/27/16 237694 GUITAR CENTER, INC 02/25/2016 7005061 MIDI/Fortune 237694 GUITAR CENTER, INC 02/25/2016 4933700 Band Instrument Repair Parts 237694 GUITAR CENTER, INC 02/25/2016 7334184 MIDI/Fortune 237694 GUITAR CENTER, INC 02/25/2016 7443450 MIDI/Fortune 287.68 10E006 1130 4100 13 000000 237694 GUITAR CENTER, INC 02/25/2016 7657927 MIDI/Fortune -191.78 10E006 1130 4100 13 000000 237694 GUITAR CENTER, INC 02/25/2016 5150436 Band/Thompson 40.00 10E006 1130 4100 13 000000 237694 GUITAR CENTER, INC 02/25/2016 6252815 Band/Thompson 144.29 10E006 1130 4100 13 000000 237694 GUITAR CENTER, INC 02/25/2016 6254699 Band/Thompson 96.77 10E006 1130 4100 13 000000 237694 GUITAR CENTER, INC 02/25/2016 7633769 Band/Thompson 180.00 10E006 1130 4100 13 000000 237695 GUNHUS, GREGORY 02/25/2016 010616 SO GBK 1/6/16 63.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 237695 GUNHUS, GREGORY 02/25/2016 011616 SO BBK 1/16/16 237696 H.R. STEWART, INC 02/25/2016 90025 Pumped out acid basin at MSN 2,230.00 20E005 2540 3100 01 000000 237696 H.R. STEWART, INC 02/25/2016 90291 Acid Pit Maintenance at MSN 2,550.00 20E005 2540 3100 01 000000 237697 HALLETT, JAMES 237698 HANDWRITING WITHOUT TEARS 02/25/2016 2462 02/25/2016 1006306-1 Plaque for February Staff Member of the Month OT Supplies (K. Keirans-SL) 62.24 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 263.96 10E006 2410 4100 01 000000 Grayslake High School 1,893.05 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 26.43 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 131.99 20E007 2540 4900 01 000000 26.70 20E007 2540 4900 01 000000 225.00 10E005 1500 4100 33 000000 89.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 399.80 10E006 1130 4100 13 000000 35.99 10E005 1120 4100 14 000000 191.78 10E006 1130 4100 13 000000 63.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 14.60 10E008 2630 4120 01 000000 22.50 10E008 2131 4100 01 000000 18 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 7:21 AM 02/19/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 01/29/16 - 02/25/16) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION 237699 HARMON, DAVID 02/25/2016 REISSUE 2/ Replacing outstanding check 222036 237700 HARTZHEIM, GREGORY 02/25/2016 011616 237702 HENNING BROS 02/25/2016 0000397412 Keys for HS and Lock Cylinder for SA 129.00 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 237702 HENNING BROS 02/25/2016 0000397446 Keys for HS and Lock Cylinder for SA 26.50 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 237702 HENNING BROS 02/25/2016 0000397351 Lock repairs/Rekeying at the HS/PDC/MW 87.78 20E001 2540 3100 01 000000 237702 HENNING BROS 02/25/2016 0000397351 Lock repairs/Rekeying at the HS/PDC/MW 139.72 20E006 2540 3100 01 000000 SO BBK 1/16/16 ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER 19.95 10E006 1130 4100 77 000000 63.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 237702 HENNING BROS 02/25/2016 0000397351 Lock repairs/Rekeying at the HS/PDC/MW 6.20 20E007 2540 3100 01 000000 237702 HENNING BROS 02/25/2016 0000397354 Lock repairs/Rekeying at the HS/PDC/MW 117.76 20E001 2540 3100 01 000000 237702 HENNING BROS 02/25/2016 0000397354 Lock repairs/Rekeying at the HS/PDC/MW 187.44 20E006 2540 3100 01 000000 237702 HENNING BROS 02/25/2016 0000397354 Lock repairs/Rekeying at the HS/PDC/MW 8.30 20E007 2540 3100 01 000000 237702 HENNING BROS 02/25/2016 0000397357 Lock repairs/Rekeying at the HS/PDC/MW 167.71 20E001 2540 3100 01 000000 237702 HENNING BROS 02/25/2016 0000397357 Lock repairs/Rekeying at the HS/PDC/MW 266.95 20E006 2540 3100 01 000000 237702 HENNING BROS 02/25/2016 0000397357 Lock repairs/Rekeying at the HS/PDC/MW 11.84 20E007 2540 3100 01 000000 237702 HENNING BROS 02/25/2016 0000397476 Lock repairs/Rekeying at the HS/PDC/MW 73.25 20E001 2540 3100 01 000000 237702 HENNING BROS 02/25/2016 0000397476 Lock repairs/Rekeying at the HS/PDC/MW 116.59 20E006 2540 3100 01 000000 237702 HENNING BROS 02/25/2016 0000397476 Lock repairs/Rekeying at the HS/PDC/MW 237702 HENNING BROS 02/25/2016 0000397566 Locks for S104 at the HS 49.80 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 237702 HENNING BROS 02/25/2016 0000397609 Replacement Key for truck #3 32.00 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 237703 HERLIHY, TERRENCE 02/25/2016 012916 SO GBK 1/29/16 63.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 237704 HERZ, CHRIS 02/25/2016 012116 SO WRESTLING 1/21/16 65.00 10E010 1500 3100 01 000000 237704 HERZ, CHRIS 02/25/2016 012316 SO WRESTLING 1/23/16 130.00 10E005 1500 3100 01 000000 237704 HERZ, CHRIS 02/25/2016 012816 SO WRESTLING 1/28/16 65.00 10E005 1500 3100 01 000000 237704 HERZ, CHRIS 02/25/2016 020216 SO WRESTLING 2/2/16 65.00 10E005 1500 3100 01 000000 237704 HERZ, CHRIS 02/25/2016 020416 SO WRESTLING 2/4/16 65.00 10E010 1500 3100 01 000000 237705 HIGGINS, MARGARET 02/25/2016 020416 Reimbursement for classroom supplies 59.65 10E009 1110 4120 01 000000 237706 HILLEBRAND, TIMOTHY 02/25/2016 011816 SO BBK 1/18/16 63.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 237707 HJERPE, ADAM 02/25/2016 012516 Music Supplies 39.98 10E003 1110 4100 13 000000 237707 HJERPE, ADAM 02/25/2016 12516 Classroom Supplies - Teacher Stipend 20.97 10E003 1110 4100 13 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 0041188 Supplies for Repairs at MW/SP/HS 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 0041188 Supplies for Repairs at MW/SP/HS 2.85 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 0041188 Supplies for Repairs at MW/SP/HS 2.85 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 0041188 Supplies for Repairs at MW/SP/HS 0.97 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 4041111 Supplies for Repairs at MW/SP/HS 47.88 10E008 2560 4100 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 4041111 Supplies for Repairs at MW/SP/HS 16.66 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 4041111 Supplies for Repairs at MW/SP/HS 16.66 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 4041111 Supplies for Repairs at MW/SP/HS 5.70 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 5034496 Supplies for Repairs at MW/SP/HS 49.57 10E008 2560 4100 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 5034496 02/25/2016 5034496 Supplies for Repairs at MW/SP/HS Supplies for Repairs at MW/SP/HS 17.25 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 17.25 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 5.16 20E007 2540 3100 01 000000 8.18 10E008 2560 4100 01 000000 19 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 7:21 AM 02/19/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 01/29/16 - 02/25/16) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 5034496 Supplies for Repairs at MW/SP/HS 5.88 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 5572750 Supplies for Repairs at MW/SP/HS 12.65 10E008 2560 4100 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 5572750 Supplies for Repairs at MW/SP/HS 4.40 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 5572750 Supplies for Repairs at MW/SP/HS 4.40 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 5572750 Supplies for Repairs at MW/SP/HS 1.51 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 5572760 Supplies for Repairs at MW/SP/HS 6.60 10E008 2560 4100 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 5572760 Supplies for Repairs at MW/SP/HS 2.29 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 5572760 Supplies for Repairs at MW/SP/HS 2.29 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 5572760 Supplies for Repairs at MW/SP/HS 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 3031101 Misc. Supplies for MSN/SL Repairs 232.46 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 3031101 Misc. Supplies for MSN/SL Repairs 202.04 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 7041386 Misc. Supplies for MSN/SL Repairs 17.50 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 7041386 Misc. Supplies for MSN/SL Repairs 15.21 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 3061073 Misc. Supplies for MW/SA/District Repairs 1.21 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 3061073 Misc. Supplies for MW/SA/District Repairs 25.27 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 3061073 Misc. Supplies for MW/SA/District Repairs 11.65 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 4035605 Misc. Supplies for MW/SA/District Repairs 1.90 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 4035605 Misc. Supplies for MW/SA/District Repairs 39.76 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 4035605 Misc. Supplies for MW/SA/District Repairs 18.32 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 4562853 Misc. Supplies for MW/SA/District Repairs 0.13 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 4562853 Misc. Supplies for MW/SA/District Repairs 2.62 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 4562853 Misc. Supplies for MW/SA/District Repairs 1.21 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 8041324 Misc. Supplies for MW/SA/District Repairs 0.72 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 8041324 Misc. Supplies for MW/SA/District Repairs 15.09 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 8041324 Misc. Supplies for MW/SA/District Repairs 6.95 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 1030201 Misc. Supplies for IF/MSS/HS Repairs 5.43 10E008 2560 4100 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 1030201 Misc. Supplies for IF/MSS/HS Repairs 8.22 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 1030201 Misc. Supplies for IF/MSS/HS Repairs 0.13 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 1030201 Misc. Supplies for IF/MSS/HS Repairs 0.13 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 1030291 Misc. Supplies for IF/MSS/HS Repairs 8.77 10E008 2560 4100 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 1030291 Misc. Supplies for IF/MSS/HS Repairs 13.27 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 1030291 Misc. Supplies for IF/MSS/HS Repairs 0.21 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 1030291 Misc. Supplies for IF/MSS/HS Repairs 0.21 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 2030026 Misc. Supplies for IF/MSS/HS Repairs 16.97 10E008 2560 4100 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 2030026 Misc. Supplies for IF/MSS/HS Repairs 25.67 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 2030026 Misc. Supplies for IF/MSS/HS Repairs 0.41 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 2030026 Misc. Supplies for IF/MSS/HS Repairs 0.40 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 3050792 02/25/2016 3050792 Misc. Supplies for IF/MSS/HS Repairs Misc. Supplies for IF/MSS/HS Repairs 5.85 10E008 2560 4100 01 000000 8.84 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 AMOUNT NUMBER 0.79 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 20 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 7:21 AM 02/19/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 01/29/16 - 02/25/16) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 3050792 Misc. Supplies for IF/MSS/HS Repairs 0.14 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 3050792 Misc. Supplies for IF/MSS/HS Repairs 0.14 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 9562529 Misc. Supplies for IF/MSS/HS Repairs 14.81 10E008 2560 4100 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 9562529 Misc. Supplies for IF/MSS/HS Repairs 22.40 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 9562529 Misc. Supplies for IF/MSS/HS Repairs 0.35 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 9562529 Misc. Supplies for IF/MSS/HS Repairs 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 5030959 Misc. Supplies for District Repairs/Projects 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 5030959 Misc. Supplies for District Repairs/Projects 7.53 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 5030959 Misc. Supplies for District Repairs/Projects 47.65 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 5030959 Misc. Supplies for District Repairs/Projects 43.98 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 5030959 Misc. Supplies for District Repairs/Projects 43.98 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 5030959 Misc. Supplies for District Repairs/Projects 12.54 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 5041619 Misc. Supplies for District Repairs/Projects 2.58 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 5041619 Misc. Supplies for District Repairs/Projects 0.31 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 5041619 Misc. Supplies for District Repairs/Projects 1.96 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 5041619 Misc. Supplies for District Repairs/Projects 1.81 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 5041619 Misc. Supplies for District Repairs/Projects 1.81 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 5041619 Misc. Supplies for District Repairs/Projects 0.50 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 5041635 Misc. Supplies for District Repairs/Projects 5.14 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 5041635 Misc. Supplies for District Repairs/Projects 0.62 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 5041635 Misc. Supplies for District Repairs/Projects 3.91 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 5041635 Misc. Supplies for District Repairs/Projects 3.61 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 5041635 Misc. Supplies for District Repairs/Projects 3.61 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 5041635 Misc. Supplies for District Repairs/Projects 1.02 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 6030826 Misc. Supplies for District Repairs/Projects 4.29 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 6030826 Misc. Supplies for District Repairs/Projects 0.52 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 6030826 Misc. Supplies for District Repairs/Projects 3.26 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 6030826 Misc. Supplies for District Repairs/Projects 3.01 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 6030826 Misc. Supplies for District Repairs/Projects 3.01 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 6030826 Misc. Supplies for District Repairs/Projects 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 0030414 Misc. Supplies for HS Repairs/Projects 19.97 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 7563262 Misc. Supplies for HS Repairs/Projects 25.61 10E008 2560 4100 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 4031072 Flooring Supplies for PAC Floor Repair 51.74 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 3041707 Misc. Supplies for District Repairs 7.84 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 3041707 Misc. Supplies for District Repairs 1.74 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 3041707 Misc. Supplies for District Repairs 8.59 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 3041707 Misc. Supplies for District Repairs 0.74 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 4563478 02/25/2016 4563478 Misc. Supplies for District Repairs Misc. Supplies for District Repairs 37.30 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 8.28 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 AMOUNT NUMBER 0.36 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 62.68 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 0.85 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 21 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 7:21 AM 02/19/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 01/29/16 - 02/25/16) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 4563478 Misc. Supplies for District Repairs 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 4563478 Misc. Supplies for District Repairs 3.52 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 5041659 Misc. Supplies for District Repairs 33.03 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 5041659 Misc. Supplies for District Repairs 7.34 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 5041659 Misc. Supplies for District Repairs 36.20 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 5041659 Misc. Supplies for District Repairs 3.11 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 6030902 Misc. Supplies for District Repairs 8.28 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 6030902 Misc. Supplies for District Repairs 1.84 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 6030902 Misc. Supplies for District Repairs 9.08 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 6030902 Misc. Supplies for District Repairs 0.78 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 6041587 Misc. Supplies for District Repairs 3.52 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 6041587 Misc. Supplies for District Repairs 0.78 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 6041587 Misc. Supplies for District Repairs 3.85 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 6041587 Misc. Supplies for District Repairs 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 0111283 Misc. Supplies/Equipment for District Use 17.91 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 0563746 Misc. Supplies/Equipment for District Use 18.65 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 0591235 Misc. Supplies/Equipment for District Use 58.49 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 8041858 Misc. Supplies/Equipment for District Use 302.38 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 7041968 Supplies used in the Shop at the PDC 12.84 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 2032441 Misc. Supplies Used Throughout the District 23.32 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 2032441 Misc. Supplies Used Throughout the District 9.66 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 2032441 Misc. Supplies Used Throughout the District 9.66 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 2032441 Misc. Supplies Used Throughout the District 18.44 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 2032441 Misc. Supplies Used Throughout the District 12.21 20E007 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 2032441 Misc. Supplies Used Throughout the District 37.69 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 2042020 Misc. Supplies Used Throughout the District 30.41 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 2042020 Misc. Supplies Used Throughout the District 12.59 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 2042020 Misc. Supplies Used Throughout the District 12.60 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 2042020 Misc. Supplies Used Throughout the District 24.05 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 2042020 Misc. Supplies Used Throughout the District 15.92 20E007 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 2042020 Misc. Supplies Used Throughout the District 49.16 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 6031986 Misc. Supplies Used Throughout the District 0.56 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 6031986 Misc. Supplies Used Throughout the District 0.23 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 6031986 Misc. Supplies Used Throughout the District 0.23 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 6031986 Misc. Supplies Used Throughout the District 0.44 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 6031986 Misc. Supplies Used Throughout the District 0.29 20E007 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 6031986 Misc. Supplies Used Throughout the District 0.90 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 6041974 02/25/2016 6041974 Misc. Supplies Used Throughout the District Misc. Supplies Used Throughout the District 7.69 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 3.19 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 AMOUNT NUMBER 40.87 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 0.33 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 22 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 7:21 AM 02/19/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 01/29/16 - 02/25/16) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 6041974 Misc. Supplies Used Throughout the District 3.19 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 6041974 Misc. Supplies Used Throughout the District 6.08 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 6041974 Misc. Supplies Used Throughout the District 4.03 20E007 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 6041974 Misc. Supplies Used Throughout the District 12.44 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 7041934 Misc. Supplies Used Throughout the District 1.67 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 7041934 Misc. Supplies Used Throughout the District 0.69 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 7041934 Misc. Supplies Used Throughout the District 0.69 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 7041934 Misc. Supplies Used Throughout the District 1.32 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 7041934 Misc. Supplies Used Throughout the District 0.87 20E007 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 7041934 Misc. Supplies Used Throughout the District 2.70 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 9031711 Misc. Supplies Used Throughout the District 6.29 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 9031711 Misc. Supplies Used Throughout the District 2.60 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 9031711 Misc. Supplies Used Throughout the District 2.61 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 9031711 Misc. Supplies Used Throughout the District 4.98 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 9031711 Misc. Supplies Used Throughout the District 3.29 20E007 2540 4900 01 000000 237719 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/25/2016 9031711 Misc. Supplies Used Throughout the District 10.17 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 237720 HODEL, JOHN 02/25/2016 011816 AMOUNT NUMBER SO BBK 1/18/16 63.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 237721 HODGES, LOIZZI, EISENHAMMER, R 02/25/2016 33354 Legal Services - Dec. 2015 Invoice #33354 237722 HOFFMANN STRINGS LTD 02/25/2016 012216 Bass Bag and 4 rock stops for orchestra class 237723 HONEGGER, ELIAS 02/25/2016 SVCS 1/16/ Clock Operator for Wrestling Meet on 1/16/2016 116.60 10E005 1500 3100 01 000000 237724 HONEGGER, ETHAN 02/25/2016 SVCS 1/16/ Clock Operator for Wrestling Meet on 1/16/2016 116.60 10E005 1500 3100 01 000000 237725 HONEGGER, JOEL 02/25/2016 SVCS 1/16/ Scorekeeper for Wrestling Meet on 1/16/2016 116.60 10E005 1500 3100 01 000000 237726 HOPE, REGINA 02/25/2016 012916 Reimbursement 117.18 10E008 2330 4100 01 000000 237727 HORTON, MARK 02/25/2016 011816 SO BBK 1/18/16 63.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 237728 HOUGHTON MIFFLIN CO. 02/25/2016 952042205 CoGAT Materials 314.42 10E008 2230 4100 01 000000 237729 HOWARD LEE & SONS, INC 02/25/2016 53341 QUARTERLY FUEL TANK INSPECTION 237730 IASBO 02/25/2016 115950 16/ IASBO Membership. 237730 IASBO 02/25/2016 124720 16/ IASBO Membership. Lyle Erstad 237731 IDLEWOOD ELECTRIC SUPPLY 02/25/2016 258275 Ballasts for MSN/SL Lights 223.75 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 237731 IDLEWOOD ELECTRIC SUPPLY 02/25/2016 258275 Ballasts for MSN/SL Lights 223.75 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 237731 IDLEWOOD ELECTRIC SUPPLY 02/25/2016 259817 Ballast for HS Lights 175.40 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 237731 IDLEWOOD ELECTRIC SUPPLY 02/25/2016 263419 Electrical Supplies for HS Project 237732 IHSA 02/25/2016 2015-16 CH IHSA Revenue. Cheerleading Sectional date 1/30/16 237733 ILLINOIS OFFICE OF THE STATE F 02/25/2016 9549467 1,525.87 10E008 2310 3180 01 000000 65.00 10E009 1110 4100 24 000000 250.00 40E008 2550 3230 01 000000 Greg Fleming 190.00 20E008 2540 6400 01 000000 325.00 20E008 2540 6400 01 000000 20.40 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 12,955.60 10R000 1712 0000 00 000000 Boiler Inspection at MW 70.00 20E001 2540 3240 01 000000 237734 ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD COMP 02/25/2016 9500156810 Water / Sanitary / Storm sewer rental 312.41 20E001 2540 3700 01 000000 237734 ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD COMP 02/25/2016 9500156810 Water / Sanitary / Storm sewer rental 237735 ILLINOIS COMMUNICATIONS SALES 02/25/2016 100990 237736 ILLINOIS PRINCIPALS ASSOCIATIO 02/25/2016 7901970 34.71 20E007 2540 3700 01 000000 Early Childhood Equipment Professional Development- Safe and Secure Schools: Balanced Approach held on 1/12/16 2,735.00 10E008 1225 7001 01 460000 A 189.00 10E006 2210 3100 01 000000 23 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK NUMBER VENDOR 7:21 AM 02/19/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 01/29/16 - 02/25/16) CHECK INVOICE INVOICE DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION 237736 ILLINOIS PRINCIPALS ASSOCIATIO 02/25/2016 WORKSHOP 5 Legal Rights of Students and Parents on-line workshop held PAGE: ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER 189.00 10E006 2210 3100 01 000000 on 5/5/16 237738 INTERLINE BRANDS, INC 02/25/2016 358057255 Bath Tissue for District 2,028.25 20E006 2540 4100 01 000000 237738 INTERLINE BRANDS, INC 02/25/2016 358057263 Bath Tissue for District 579.50 20E005 2540 4100 01 000000 237738 INTERLINE BRANDS, INC 02/25/2016 358057271 Bath Tissue for District 405.65 20E010 2540 4100 01 000000 237738 INTERLINE BRANDS, INC 02/25/2016 358057289 Bath Tissue for District 289.75 20E001 2540 4100 01 000000 237738 INTERLINE BRANDS, INC 02/25/2016 358057297 Bath Tissue for District 289.75 20E003 2540 4100 01 000000 237738 INTERLINE BRANDS, INC 02/25/2016 358057305 Bath Tissue for District 289.75 20E004 2540 4100 01 000000 237738 INTERLINE BRANDS, INC 02/25/2016 358057313 Bath Tissue for District 405.65 20E009 2540 4100 01 000000 237738 INTERLINE BRANDS, INC 02/25/2016 358057321 Bath Tissue for District 463.60 20E012 2540 4100 01 000000 237740 INTERNATIONAL FIRE EQUIPMENT C 02/25/2016 98995 Semi-Annual Kitchen Hood Maintenance 39.80 10E008 2560 3230 01 000000 237740 INTERNATIONAL FIRE EQUIPMENT C 02/25/2016 98996 Semi-Annual Kitchen Hood Maintenance 39.80 10E008 2560 3230 01 000000 237740 INTERNATIONAL FIRE EQUIPMENT C 02/25/2016 98997 Semi-Annual Kitchen Hood Maintenance 39.80 10E008 2560 3230 01 000000 237740 INTERNATIONAL FIRE EQUIPMENT C 02/25/2016 98998 Semi-Annual Kitchen Hood Maintenance 39.80 10E008 2560 3230 01 000000 237740 INTERNATIONAL FIRE EQUIPMENT C 02/25/2016 98994 Repair of Fire Alarm Systems Identified During Annual 24.74 20E003 2540 3100 01 000000 Inspections 237740 INTERNATIONAL FIRE EQUIPMENT C 02/25/2016 98994 Repair of Fire Alarm Systems Identified During Annual 29.40 20E004 2540 3100 01 000000 Inspections 237740 INTERNATIONAL FIRE EQUIPMENT C 02/25/2016 98994 Repair of Fire Alarm Systems Identified During Annual 45.26 20E006 2540 3100 01 000000 Inspections 237740 INTERNATIONAL FIRE EQUIPMENT C 02/25/2016 98994 Repair of Fire Alarm Systems Identified During Annual 2.06 20E007 2540 3100 01 000000 Inspections 237740 INTERNATIONAL FIRE EQUIPMENT C 02/25/2016 98994 Repair of Fire Alarm Systems Identified During Annual 1.20 20E009 2540 3100 01 000000 Inspections 237740 INTERNATIONAL FIRE EQUIPMENT C 02/25/2016 98994 Repair of Fire Alarm Systems Identified During Annual 22.66 20E010 2540 3100 01 000000 Inspections 237740 INTERNATIONAL FIRE EQUIPMENT C 02/25/2016 98994 Repair of Fire Alarm Systems Identified During Annual 33.59 20E012 2540 3100 01 000000 Inspections 237740 INTERNATIONAL FIRE EQUIPMENT C 02/25/2016 98994 Repair of Fire Alarm Systems Identified During Annual 24.09 10E008 2560 3230 01 000000 Inspections 237740 INTERNATIONAL FIRE EQUIPMENT C 02/25/2016 99019 Replaced Heat Detector at the HS 237740 INTERNATIONAL FIRE EQUIPMENT C 02/25/2016 99060 Fire Extinguisher Cabinet Cover for MSS 237741 INTERSTATE BATTERY SYSTEM 02/25/2016 1903901010 Batteries for SA Emergency Lights 237741 INTERSTATE BATTERY SYSTEM 02/25/2016 1903901010 Batteries for HS Clocks 237744 J W PEPPER & SON, INC (REMITTA 02/25/2016 11B45429 Choir/Cramer 160.00 20E006 2540 3100 01 000000 160.00 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 179.80 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 38.55 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 156.74 10E006 1130 4100 13 000000 237744 J W PEPPER & SON, INC (REMITTA 02/25/2016 11B08924 Chorus Sheet Music 1.90 10E005 1500 4100 73 000000 237744 J W PEPPER & SON, INC (REMITTA 02/25/2016 11B13789 Chorus Sheet Music 2.25 10E005 1500 4100 73 000000 237744 J W PEPPER & SON, INC (REMITTA 02/25/2016 11B14308 237744 J W PEPPER & SON, INC (REMITTA 02/25/2016 11B14309 Chorus Sheet Music Chorus Sheet Music 1.85 10E005 1500 4100 73 000000 1.95 10E005 1500 4100 73 000000 24 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK NUMBER VENDOR 7:21 AM 02/19/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 01/29/16 - 02/25/16) CHECK INVOICE INVOICE DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION PAGE: ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER 237744 J W PEPPER & SON, INC (REMITTA 02/25/2016 11B26323 Chorus Sheet Music 13.94 10E005 1500 4100 73 000000 237744 J W PEPPER & SON, INC (REMITTA 02/25/2016 11B29049 Chorus Sheet Music 3.50 10E005 1500 4100 73 000000 237744 J W PEPPER & SON, INC (REMITTA 02/25/2016 11B31699 Chorus Sheet Music 237744 J W PEPPER & SON, INC (REMITTA 02/25/2016 11B43828 Harper 237744 J W PEPPER & SON, INC (REMITTA 02/25/2016 11B46627 Choir/Fortune 285.56 10E006 1130 4100 13 000000 237744 J W PEPPER & SON, INC (REMITTA 02/25/2016 11B49077 Choir/Fortune 26.99 10E006 1130 4100 13 000000 237744 J W PEPPER & SON, INC (REMITTA 02/25/2016 11B50624 Choir/Fortune 26.99 10E006 1130 4100 13 000000 237744 J W PEPPER & SON, INC (REMITTA 02/25/2016 11B49073 Harper 27.99 10E010 1500 4100 73 000000 JW Pepper Order (january) *see attached PDF for 1.65 10E005 1500 4100 73 000000 828.93 10E010 1500 4100 73 000000 specific items JW Pepper Order (january) *see attached PDF for specific items 237745 JAMES DRIVE SAFETY LANE, LLC. 02/25/2016 1108 BUS SAFETY INSPECTIONS 237746 JAWORSKI, THOMAS 02/25/2016 010616 SO GBK 1/6/16 237747 JOHN W GASPARINI INC 02/25/2016 INV0014863 Urinal for MW Restroom 1,008.00 40E008 2550 3100 01 000000 50.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 413.83 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 237748 JONES TRAVEL 02/25/2016 102537 1-28-30-16 BOYS BOWLING STATE FINALS 237749 JONES, TIMOTHY 02/25/2016 012316 SO WRESTLING 1/23/16 2,875.00 40E008 2550 3254 01 000000 237750 JUKNELIS, NICK 02/25/2016 020916 Gas and Tolls (ILMEA) 237751 KAPCZYNSKI, JENNIFER 02/25/2016 012016 Books 237752 KATZ, RON 02/25/2016 011516 SO GBK 1/15/16 237753 KC PRINTING 02/25/2016 P6879 Emergency posters for classrooms 966.00 10E008 2630 3600 01 000000 237753 KC PRINTING 02/25/2016 P6935 envelopes 217.50 10E008 2520 4100 01 000000 237754 KEHR, DEAN 02/25/2016 011616 SO BBK 1/16/16 237755 KEMPA 02/25/2016 REGIS FEE Registration fee for Emily Boyas to attend a yearbook 237756 KING, ALEXANDER 02/25/2016 011616 SO BBK 1/16/16 89.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 237757 KING, DAVID 02/25/2016 011616 SO BBK 1/16/16 63.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 237758 KING, ROBERT 02/25/2016 012916 SO GBK 1/23 & 1/29/16 237759 KING, STEVEN 02/25/2016 3878 Choir/Juknelis 40.00 10E006 1130 3100 13 000000 237760 KLEIN, ANDREW 02/25/2016 011616 SO BBK 1/16/16 50.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 237761 KMIECIAK, ZACHARY 02/25/2016 011816 SO BBK 1/16 & 1/18/16 189.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 237762 KNEZZ, DAVID 02/25/2016 010616 Drama/Skobel 439.50 10E006 1130 4100 77 000000 237763 KORDA, DONNA 02/25/2016 011916 SO BVB 1/19/16 65.00 10E005 1500 3100 01 000000 237763 KORDA, DONNA 02/25/2016 020316 SO BVB 2/3/16 65.00 10E005 1500 3100 01 000000 237763 KORDA, DONNA 02/25/2016 021116 SO VOLLEYBALL 2/11/16 65.00 10E010 1500 3100 01 000000 237764 KRAMER, DYLAN 02/25/2016 011816 SO BBK 1/18/16 63.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 237765 KRUSWICKI, JOHN 02/25/2016 011616 SO BBK 1/16/16 63.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 237766 KUEHR, KATHLEEN 02/25/2016 020316 Lunch money refund 237767 LAKE COOK DISTRIBUTORS 02/25/2016 16160307 Rebecca Caudill nominated library books 130.00 10E005 1500 3100 01 000000 30.37 10E006 1130 4100 46 000000 130.00 10E001 1110 4120 01 000000 50.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 89.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 125.00 10E006 2210 3100 01 000000 advisor conference 237768 LAKE COUNTY EDUCATIONAL SERVIC 02/25/2016 W0039784 SEMINAR-JASON JEZUIT 237769 LAKE COUNTY HIGH SCHOOLS TECHN 02/25/2016 TUITION FE Tuition for the month of February 2016 178.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 37.30 10R000 1614 0000 00 000000 330.44 10E010 2220 4300 01 000000 220.00 10E012 2210 4100 01 000000 13,896.46 10E008 4210 6700 01 000000 25 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 7:21 AM 02/19/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 01/29/16 - 02/25/16) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION 237770 LAKE ZURICH TIRE & AUTO INC. 02/25/2016 153836 Truck 10 Repairs 3,044.48 20E008 2540 3100 01 000000 237770 LAKE ZURICH TIRE & AUTO INC. 02/25/2016 153903 Van 8 Repairs 1,223.25 20E008 2540 3100 01 000000 237771 LAKELAND ELEVATOR CORPORATION 02/25/2016 67811 Quarterly Elevator Service Agreement 266.50 20E001 2540 3100 01 000000 237771 LAKELAND ELEVATOR CORPORATION 02/25/2016 67811 Quarterly Elevator Service Agreement 266.50 20E005 2540 3100 01 000000 237771 LAKELAND ELEVATOR CORPORATION 02/25/2016 67811 Quarterly Elevator Service Agreement 800.25 20E006 2540 3100 01 000000 237771 LAKELAND ELEVATOR CORPORATION 02/25/2016 67811 Quarterly Elevator Service Agreement 266.75 20E012 2540 3100 01 000000 237771 LAKELAND ELEVATOR CORPORATION 02/25/2016 67866 Elevator repair at the HS 635.16 20E006 2540 3100 01 000000 237771 LAKELAND ELEVATOR CORPORATION 02/25/2016 68034 Elevator Door Repair at MW 237772 LAKESIDE TRANSPORTATION 02/25/2016 L037-RTINV JANUARY BILLING - SPEC ED 147,540.64 40E008 2550 3330 01 000000 237772 LAKESIDE TRANSPORTATION 02/25/2016 L037-RTINV JANUARY BILLING - SPEC ED 4,028.92 40E008 2550 3311 01 000000 237773 LAKESHORE LEARNING MATERIALS 02/25/2016 4499750116 Classroom Supplies - Teacher Stipend Aimee Soderling 178.24 10E003 1110 4120 01 000000 237773 LAKESHORE LEARNING MATERIALS 02/25/2016 4494700116 EC Supplies (J. Helman-MW) 318.50 10E008 1225 4100 01 460000 237773 LAKESHORE LEARNING MATERIALS 02/25/2016 4902720216 EC Supplies (J. Garrow-MW) 237774 LAKE ZURICH DISTRICT 95 02/25/2016 020216 Replenish January Imprest ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER 505.40 20E001 2540 3100 01 000000 287.39 10E008 1225 4100 01 460000 14,020.71 10A000 1050 0000 00 000000 237774 LAKE ZURICH DISTRICT 95 02/25/2016 020216 Replenish January Imprest 237775 LEARNING A-Z 02/25/2016 1589702 SCIENCE A-2 FOR TWO SA TEACHERS 169.90 10E003 1110 4100 05 000000 21.98 20A000 1050 0000 00 000000 237776 LEFFLER, MARK 02/25/2016 011816 SO BBK 1/16 & 1/18/16 126.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 237777 LIBRARY JOURNALS LLC 02/25/2016 2016-26991 School Library Journal Day of Dialog Conference 54.95 10E005 2210 3100 01 000000 237778 LOBONO, JEFFREY 02/25/2016 012116 SO WRESTLING 1/21/16 65.00 10E010 1500 3100 01 000000 237778 LOBONO, JEFFREY 02/25/2016 020416 SO WRESTLING 2/4/16 237779 LOESCH, BRIDGOT 02/25/2016 012216 Reimbursement for classroom supplies: 237780 LOGUE, NANCY 02/25/2016 012816 SO GVB 1/28/16 237780 LOGUE, NANCY 02/25/2016 020216 SO BOYS VOLLEYBALL 2/2/16 65.00 10E010 1500 3100 01 000000 237780 LOGUE, NANCY 02/25/2016 020316 SO GIRLS VOLLEYBALL 2/3/16 65.00 10E010 1500 3100 01 000000 237781 LUCK'S MUSIC LIBRARY 02/25/2016 111770 Polomchak Lucks Music order (January) contest and spring 65.00 10E010 1500 3100 01 000000 130.00 10E009 1110 4120 01 000000 65.00 10E005 1500 3100 01 000000 336.60 10E010 1500 4100 24 000000 music 237781 LUCK'S MUSIC LIBRARY 02/25/2016 112243 Orchestra/Penksik 222.85 10E006 1130 4100 13 000000 237782 LUTHERAN GENERAL HOSPITAL 02/25/2016 SVCS SEPT Home/Hospital Tutoring 125.00 10E008 2330 3105 44 000000 237783 LYDON, DANIEL 02/25/2016 012916 SO GBK 1/29/16 63.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 237784 QUENCH USA, INC 02/25/2016 200389650 WATER FILTRATION SERVICE 71.90 10E012 1110 4100 01 000000 237784 QUENCH USA, INC 02/25/2016 200345095 Water Filter Machine 69.90 10E003 1110 4100 01 000000 237784 QUENCH USA, INC 02/25/2016 200387043 Water Filter Machine 69.90 10E003 1110 4100 01 000000 237785 MAGDALENO, JULIAN 02/25/2016 011816 SO BBK 1/18/16 89.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 237786 MANKERT, CARL 02/25/2016 5415 Repairs for the Kiln in the art room 237787 MARINO, JOHN 02/25/2016 011616 SO BBK 1/16/16 237788 MATHEW, JAMES 02/25/2016 011616 SO BBK 1/16/16 89.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 237789 MCBRIDE, KEVIN 02/25/2016 012716 SO GBK 1/27/16 50.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 237789 MCBRIDE, KEVIN 237790 MCGOWAN, THOMAS 02/25/2016 011616 02/25/2016 011816 SO BBK 1/16/16 SO BBK 1/16 & 1/18/16 285.00 10E009 1110 3100 01 000000 63.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 50.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 126.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 26 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 7:21 AM 02/19/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 01/29/16 - 02/25/16) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 237792 MENARDS 02/25/2016 06823 Misc. Supplies for MW and the District 19.11 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 237792 MENARDS 02/25/2016 06823 Misc. Supplies for MW and the District 14.26 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 237792 MENARDS 02/25/2016 06823 Misc. Supplies for MW and the District 14.26 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 237792 MENARDS 02/25/2016 06823 Misc. Supplies for MW and the District 14.26 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 237792 MENARDS 02/25/2016 06823 Misc. Supplies for MW and the District 14.28 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 237792 MENARDS 02/25/2016 06823 Misc. Supplies for MW and the District 73.01 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 237792 MENARDS 02/25/2016 06823 Misc. Supplies for MW and the District 14.26 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 237792 MENARDS 02/25/2016 06823 Misc. Supplies for MW and the District 14.26 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 237792 MENARDS 02/25/2016 06823 Misc. Supplies for MW and the District 14.26 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 237792 MENARDS 02/25/2016 07207 Misc. Supplies for MW and the District 0.50 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 237792 MENARDS 02/25/2016 07207 Misc. Supplies for MW and the District 0.37 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 237792 MENARDS 02/25/2016 07207 Misc. Supplies for MW and the District 0.37 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 237792 MENARDS 02/25/2016 07207 Misc. Supplies for MW and the District 0.37 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 237792 MENARDS 02/25/2016 07207 Misc. Supplies for MW and the District 0.37 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 237792 MENARDS 02/25/2016 07207 Misc. Supplies for MW and the District 1.89 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 237792 MENARDS 02/25/2016 07207 Misc. Supplies for MW and the District 0.37 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 237792 MENARDS 02/25/2016 07207 Misc. Supplies for MW and the District 0.37 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 237792 MENARDS 02/25/2016 07207 Misc. Supplies for MW and the District 0.37 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 237792 MENARDS 02/25/2016 07104 Supplies to Repair HS Scorer's Table 237792 MENARDS 02/25/2016 07877 Safety Supplies for Facilities AMOUNT NUMBER 25.81 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 113.32 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 237793 MEREDITH, WARREN 02/25/2016 010816 SO BBK 1/8/16 237794 MESSAGLIA, JOHN 02/25/2016 011816 SO BBK 1/16 & 1/18/16 126.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 50.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 237796 MIDWEST TRANSIT EQUIPMENT, INC 02/25/2016 X106004577 MISC BUS REPAIR PARTS 48.17 40E008 2550 4140 01 000000 237796 MIDWEST TRANSIT EQUIPMENT, INC 02/25/2016 X106004577 MISC BUS REPAIR PARTS 82.83 40E008 2550 4140 01 000000 237796 MIDWEST TRANSIT EQUIPMENT, INC 02/25/2016 X106004772 MISC BUS REPAIR PARTS 104.33 40E008 2550 4140 01 000000 237796 MIDWEST TRANSIT EQUIPMENT, INC 02/25/2016 X101019684 MISC BUS SUPPLIES 41.93 40E008 2550 4120 01 000000 237796 MIDWEST TRANSIT EQUIPMENT, INC 02/25/2016 X101019570 MISC BUS SUPPLIES 41.93 40E008 2550 4120 01 000000 237796 MIDWEST TRANSIT EQUIPMENT, INC 02/25/2016 X101019384 MISC BUS REPAIR PARTS 10.17 40E008 2550 4140 01 000000 237796 MIDWEST TRANSIT EQUIPMENT, INC 02/25/2016 X106004398 MISC BUS REPAIR PARTS 10.17 40E008 2550 4140 01 000000 237796 MIDWEST TRANSIT EQUIPMENT, INC 02/25/2016 X106004865 MISC BUS REPAIR PARTS 13.08 40E008 2550 4140 01 000000 237796 MIDWEST TRANSIT EQUIPMENT, INC 02/25/2016 X106004577 MISC BUS REPAIR PARTS 37.32 40E008 2550 4140 01 000000 237796 MIDWEST TRANSIT EQUIPMENT, INC 02/25/2016 X106004895 MISC BUS REPAIR PARTS 142.85 40E008 2550 4140 01 000000 237797 MIDWEST COMPUTER PRODUCTS INC 02/25/2016 706543 WALLPLATES FOR TECH CABLES 405.00 10E008 2660 4100 11 000000 237798 MILAZZO, MATTHEW 02/25/2016 012516 Reimbursement for Lodging/Travel Expenses 952.72 10E008 2210 3321 02 462000 396.20 10E008 2210 3321 02 462000 237798 MILAZZO, MATTHEW 02/25/2016 012916 Reimbursement for Conference Travel 237799 MILLER, ROBERT 02/25/2016 011616 SO BBK 1/16/16 237800 MILLER, TOM 02/25/2016 011816 SO BBK 1/18/16 237801 MILLER, YOLANDA 237801 MILLER, YOLANDA 02/25/2016 SVCS 1/8/1 Interpreting Services 02/25/2016 SVCS 1/12/ Interpreting Services 89.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 63.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 23.75 10E008 2330 3107 44 000000 19.00 10E008 2330 3107 44 000000 27 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 7:21 AM 02/19/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 01/29/16 - 02/25/16) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 237801 MILLER, YOLANDA 02/25/2016 SVCS 1/23/ Interpreting Services 237802 MING, JERRY 02/25/2016 020816 SO BVB 2/8/16 65.00 10E005 1500 3100 01 000000 237803 MITCHELL, STANLEY 02/25/2016 011616 SO BBK 1/16/16 63.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 237804 MOLINARI, KEN 02/25/2016 011616 SO BBK 1/16/16 63.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 237805 MOORE, KEVIN 02/25/2016 011816 SO BBK 1/18/16 63.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 237806 MT LIBRARY SERVICES 02/25/2016 307330 Caudill Library books 237807 MULTI MEDIA MARKETING 02/25/2016 020116SD95 business cards 10 sets 191.20 10E006 2410 4100 01 000000 237807 MULTI MEDIA MARKETING 02/25/2016 020116SD95 business cards 10 sets 23.90 10E012 1110 4100 01 000000 237807 MULTI MEDIA MARKETING 02/25/2016 020116SD95 business cards 10 sets 237808 MURNANE PAPER COMPANY 02/25/2016 199308 Copy Paper 237808 MURNANE PAPER COMPANY 02/25/2016 199307 Colored Copy Paper Order 539.00 10E005 1120 4108 01 000000 237809 MURRAY, AMY 02/25/2016 012616 reimbursement for classroom supplies 130.00 10E009 1110 4120 01 000000 AMOUNT NUMBER 14.25 10E008 2330 3107 44 000000 84.00 10E010 2220 4300 01 000000 23.90 10E008 3000 4100 01 330500 846.00 10E005 1120 4108 01 000000 237810 MWSTAR WASTE HOLDINGS CORP. AD 02/25/2016 T400018258 Waste Removal in the District 301.05 20E001 2540 3210 01 000000 237810 MWSTAR WASTE HOLDINGS CORP. AD 02/25/2016 T400018258 Waste Removal in the District 284.81 20E003 2540 3210 01 000000 237810 MWSTAR WASTE HOLDINGS CORP. AD 02/25/2016 T400018258 Waste Removal in the District 284.81 20E004 2540 3210 01 000000 237810 MWSTAR WASTE HOLDINGS CORP. AD 02/25/2016 T400018258 Waste Removal in the District 473.20 20E005 2540 3210 01 000000 237810 MWSTAR WASTE HOLDINGS CORP. AD 02/25/2016 T400018258 Waste Removal in the District 1,432.97 20E006 2540 3210 01 000000 237810 MWSTAR WASTE HOLDINGS CORP. AD 02/25/2016 T400018258 Waste Removal in the District 40.80 20E007 2540 3210 01 000000 237810 MWSTAR WASTE HOLDINGS CORP. AD 02/25/2016 T400018258 Waste Removal in the District 59.71 20E008 2540 3210 01 000000 237810 MWSTAR WASTE HOLDINGS CORP. AD 02/25/2016 T400018258 Waste Removal in the District 293.72 20E009 2540 3210 01 000000 237810 MWSTAR WASTE HOLDINGS CORP. AD 02/25/2016 T400018258 Waste Removal in the District 451.55 20E010 2540 3210 01 000000 237810 MWSTAR WASTE HOLDINGS CORP. AD 02/25/2016 T400018258 Waste Removal in the District 157.74 20E012 2540 3210 01 000000 237810 MWSTAR WASTE HOLDINGS CORP. AD 02/25/2016 T400018295 District Waste Removal 621.05 20E001 2540 3210 01 000000 237810 MWSTAR WASTE HOLDINGS CORP. AD 02/25/2016 T400018295 District Waste Removal 284.81 20E003 2540 3210 01 000000 237810 MWSTAR WASTE HOLDINGS CORP. AD 02/25/2016 T400018295 District Waste Removal 284.81 20E004 2540 3210 01 000000 237810 MWSTAR WASTE HOLDINGS CORP. AD 02/25/2016 T400018295 District Waste Removal 473.20 20E005 2540 3210 01 000000 237810 MWSTAR WASTE HOLDINGS CORP. AD 02/25/2016 T400018295 District Waste Removal 1,340.27 20E006 2540 3210 01 000000 237810 MWSTAR WASTE HOLDINGS CORP. AD 02/25/2016 T400018295 District Waste Removal 40.80 20E007 2540 3210 01 000000 237810 MWSTAR WASTE HOLDINGS CORP. AD 02/25/2016 T400018295 District Waste Removal 59.71 20E008 2540 3210 01 000000 237810 MWSTAR WASTE HOLDINGS CORP. AD 02/25/2016 T400018295 District Waste Removal 293.72 20E009 2540 3210 01 000000 237810 MWSTAR WASTE HOLDINGS CORP. AD 02/25/2016 T400018295 District Waste Removal 451.55 20E010 2540 3210 01 000000 237810 MWSTAR WASTE HOLDINGS CORP. AD 02/25/2016 T400018295 District Waste Removal 157.74 20E012 2540 3210 01 000000 237812 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 02/25/2016 036241 Fuses for Fleet Repairs 13.98 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 237812 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 02/25/2016 036580 Fleet supplies 22.32 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 237812 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 02/25/2016 036636 Fleet supplies 23.14 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 237812 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 02/25/2016 03179 Fleet supplies 60.16 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 237812 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 02/25/2016 034005 Wiper Blades for Fleet Vehicles 23.97 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 237812 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 237812 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 02/25/2016 037612 02/25/2016 037936 Vehicle Repair supplies Supplies for Truck 6 48.57 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 17.69 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 28 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK NUMBER VENDOR 7:21 AM 02/19/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 01/29/16 - 02/25/16) CHECK INVOICE INVOICE DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION PAGE: ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER 237813 NAPERVILLE CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL 02/25/2016 ENTRY FEE Entry Fee Boys Track Naperville Central 2/6/16 65.00 10E006 1500 4100 33 000000 237813 NAPERVILLE CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL 02/25/2016 012216 Entry Fee Girls Track 2/6/16 65.00 10E006 1500 4100 53 000000 237814 NCS PEARSON, INC. 02/25/2016 10540326 Psychologist Supplies (C. Losavio-MW) 237814 NCS PEARSON, INC. 02/25/2016 10496647 Psychologist Supplies (C. Losavio-MW) 645.00 10E008 2140 4101 49 490000 237814 NCS PEARSON, INC. 02/25/2016 10553324 Psychologist Protocols 129.00 10E008 2140 4100 01 000000 237814 NCS PEARSON, INC. 02/25/2016 287565 institute days speakers 237815 NEFF COMPANY 02/25/2016 002400928 Chenille Letter Z 237816 NELCO 02/25/2016 5002018 RI W-2 Envelopes 237817 NESSA CORP 02/25/2016 21293 LD Supplies (LZHS) 237818 NEW HOPE ACADEMY 02/25/2016 02201613 Tuition Feb 2016 237819 NEXTEL (REMITTANCE) 02/25/2016 900810122- Billing Dec 2 - Jan 21, 2016. Acct 900810122 237821 NICOR GAS 02/25/2016 0903381000 Natural Gas Delivery Charges. Acct 0903381000 4 630.59 20E003 2540 4650 01 000000 237821 NICOR GAS 02/25/2016 2961041000 Natural Gas Delivery Charges. Acct 2961041000 2 1,449.95 20E010 2540 4650 01 000000 237821 NICOR GAS 02/25/2016 3023081000 Natural Gas Delivery Charges. Acct 3023081000 1 196.45 20E008 2540 4650 01 000000 237821 NICOR GAS 02/25/2016 4228281000 Natural Gas Delivery Charges. Acct 4228281000 3 730.33 20E004 2540 4650 01 000000 237821 NICOR GAS 02/25/2016 5831041000 Natural Gas Delivery Charges. Acct 5831041000 4 630.68 20E009 2540 4650 01 000000 237821 NICOR GAS 02/25/2016 8854529327 Natural Gas Delivery Charges. Acct 8854529327 1 1,118.59 20E005 2540 4650 01 000000 434.07 10E008 2140 4101 49 490000 1,000.00 10E008 2210 3140 81 493200 547.18 10E006 1500 4100 01 000000 316.60 10E008 2640 4100 01 000000 73.61 10E008 1205 4100 01 000000 11,844.00 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 1,223.33 20E008 2540 3401 01 000000 237821 NICOR GAS 02/25/2016 8854529327 Natural Gas Delivery Charges. Acct 8854529327 1 372.86 20E012 2540 4650 01 000000 237821 NICOR GAS 02/25/2016 8913081000 Natural Gas Delivery Charges. Acct 8913081000 8 1,260.76 20E001 2540 4650 01 000000 237821 NICOR GAS 02/25/2016 8913081000 Natural Gas Delivery Charges. Acct 8913081000 8 140.09 20E007 2540 4650 01 000000 237821 NICOR GAS 02/25/2016 9193081000 Natural Gas Delivery Charges. Acct 9193081000 6 2,931.14 20E006 2540 4650 01 000000 237822 NIELSEN, GLEN 02/25/2016 011616 SO BBK 1/16/16 237823 COMPASS MINERALS AMERICA INC 02/25/2016 71435800 Salt for 2015 - 2016 5,334.73 20E008 2540 4901 01 000000 237823 COMPASS MINERALS AMERICA INC 02/25/2016 71141969 Salt for 2015 - 2016 3,327.33 20E008 2540 4901 01 000000 237823 COMPASS MINERALS AMERICA INC 02/25/2016 71445325 Salt for 2015 - 2016 237824 NOBLE, FREDA 02/25/2016 020116 Classroom supplies: 237825 NORTHWEST COMMUNITY HOSPITAL 02/25/2016 N-95-7 Home/Hospital Tutoring 150.00 10E008 2330 3105 44 000000 237825 NORTHWEST COMMUNITY HOSPITAL 02/25/2016 N-95-6 Home/Hospital Tutoring 100.00 10E008 2330 3105 44 000000 237825 NORTHWEST COMMUNITY HOSPITAL 02/25/2016 N-95-8 Home/Hospital Tutoring 237826 NORTHWESTERN IL ASSOC./THERAPY 02/25/2016 011746 89.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 1,443.68 20E008 2540 4901 01 000000 Books for the reading recovery program 2015-16 Contractual Service Fees 3rd Qtr. 117.00 10E009 1110 4120 01 000000 75.00 10E008 2330 3105 44 000000 7,820.73 10E008 2210 3321 02 462000 237827 NORTHWEST SUBURBAN SPECIAL EDU 02/25/2016 8386 Second Semester Billing 2015-16 - Miner School 237827 NORTHWEST SUBURBAN SPECIAL EDU 02/25/2016 8328 Second Semester Billing 2015-16 - Timber Ridge School 42,093.05 10E008 4220 6705 01 000000 28,123.64 10E008 4220 6705 01 000000 237827 NORTHWEST SUBURBAN SPECIAL EDU 02/25/2016 8349 Second Semester Billing 2015-16 - Kirk School 52,737.02 10E008 4220 6705 01 000000 237827 NORTHWEST SUBURBAN SPECIAL EDU 02/25/2016 8350 Second Semester Billing 2015-16 - Kirk School 53,726.14 10E008 4220 6705 01 000000 237834 OFFICE DEPOT 02/25/2016 8201013900 office supplies 57.27 10E006 1500 4100 01 000000 237834 OFFICE DEPOT 02/25/2016 8201013910 office supplies 112.05 10E006 1500 4100 01 000000 237834 OFFICE DEPOT 02/25/2016 8201013920 office supplies 237834 OFFICE DEPOT 237834 OFFICE DEPOT 02/25/2016 8196597880 Classroom Supplies 02/25/2016 8196597890 Classroom Supplies 25.18 10E006 1500 4100 01 000000 106.65 10E003 1110 4100 01 000000 29.80 10E003 1110 4100 01 000000 29 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 7:21 AM 02/19/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 01/29/16 - 02/25/16) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION 237834 OFFICE DEPOT 02/25/2016 8188312740 CABLE/WIRE TAPE and CLEANING WIPES 237834 OFFICE DEPOT 02/25/2016 8188312750 CABLE/WIRE TAPE and CLEANING WIPES 237834 OFFICE DEPOT 02/25/2016 8196597940 office supply 365.90 10E010 1120 4100 01 000000 237834 OFFICE DEPOT 02/25/2016 8188312810 Office Supplies 125.86 10E005 1120 4100 01 000000 237834 OFFICE DEPOT 02/25/2016 8191919510 OFFICE SUPPLIES 64.50 40E008 2550 4100 01 000000 237834 OFFICE DEPOT 02/25/2016 8188312660 Supplies for the office and teachers from office depot 69.89 10E009 1110 4100 01 000000 237834 OFFICE DEPOT 02/25/2016 8188312670 Supplies for the office and teachers from office depot 74.09 10E009 1110 4100 01 000000 237834 OFFICE DEPOT 02/25/2016 8188312680 Supplies for the office and teachers from office depot 237834 OFFICE DEPOT 02/25/2016 8196598050 library supplies 237834 OFFICE DEPOT 02/25/2016 8196598060 library supplies 237834 OFFICE DEPOT 02/25/2016 8164501150 Office Supplies for Facilities 273.99 20E007 2540 4900 01 000000 237834 OFFICE DEPOT 02/25/2016 8201013960 Consummables 757.56 10E001 1110 4100 01 000000 237834 OFFICE DEPOT 02/25/2016 8201013970 Consummables 39.80 10E001 1110 4100 01 000000 237834 OFFICE DEPOT 02/25/2016 8201013980 Consummables 45.80 10E001 1110 4100 01 000000 237834 OFFICE DEPOT 02/25/2016 8218426540 EC Supplies 85.00 10E008 1225 4100 01 460000 237834 OFFICE DEPOT 02/25/2016 8219643660 A/P Office Supplies 58.84 10E008 2520 4100 01 000000 237834 OFFICE DEPOT 02/25/2016 8219643670 A/P Office Supplies 16.78 10E008 2520 4100 01 000000 237834 OFFICE DEPOT 02/25/2016 8218426490 OFFICE SUPPLIES 60.64 40E008 2550 4100 01 000000 237834 OFFICE DEPOT 02/25/2016 8221083790 Office supplies HR 18.70 10E008 2640 4100 01 000000 237834 OFFICE DEPOT 02/25/2016 8218575410 Classroom Supplies 215.13 10E010 1120 4100 06 000000 237834 OFFICE DEPOT 02/25/2016 8218575410 Classroom Supplies 14.98 10E010 1120 4100 06 000000 237834 OFFICE DEPOT 02/25/2016 8218575410 Classroom Supplies 237834 OFFICE DEPOT 02/25/2016 8218575100 Classroom/Office Supplies 101.77 10E003 1110 4100 05 000000 237834 OFFICE DEPOT 02/25/2016 8218575110 Classroom/Office Supplies 37.25 10E003 1110 4100 05 000000 237834 OFFICE DEPOT 02/25/2016 8221083880 Departmental Supplies 9.99 10E006 1130 4100 15 000000 237834 OFFICE DEPOT 02/25/2016 8221083890 Departmental Supplies 354.88 10E006 1130 4100 15 000000 237834 OFFICE DEPOT 02/25/2016 8232108520 Office Supplies HR 27.25 10E008 2640 4100 01 000000 237834 OFFICE DEPOT 02/25/2016 8218574960 Facilities Office Supplies 43.96 20E007 2540 4900 01 000000 237834 OFFICE DEPOT 02/25/2016 8218574970 Facilities Office Supplies 13.65 20E007 2540 4900 01 000000 237834 OFFICE DEPOT 02/25/2016 8218575210 Facilities Office Supplies 237834 OFFICE DEPOT 02/25/2016 8236065720 Office supplies for Comm. Dept. and frames for Board Awards 237834 OFFICE DEPOT 02/25/2016 8236065730 Office supplies for Comm. Dept. and frames for Board Awards 44.80 10E008 2630 4100 01 000000 237834 OFFICE DEPOT 02/25/2016 8232108510 Office Supplies HR 14.99 10E008 2640 4100 01 000000 237835 OLESIAK, RONALD 02/25/2016 011816 SO BBK 1/18/16 63.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 237836 OLSON, ALICIA 02/25/2016 020816 Lunch money refund 237837 OMBUDSMAN EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 02/25/2016 IVC0000000 4th Contract Tuition Billing for the 2015-16 School Year ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER 52.18 10E008 2660 4100 11 000000 5.49 10E008 2660 4100 11 000000 6.49 10E009 1110 4100 01 000000 48.21 10E010 2220 4100 01 000000 17.39 10E010 2220 4100 01 000000 14.98 10E010 1120 4100 06 000000 7.86 20E007 2540 4900 01 000000 11.06 10E008 2630 4100 01 000000 39.00 10R000 1614 0000 00 000000 8,668.50 10E008 4210 6708 01 000000 237838 ORIGO EDUCATION, INC 02/25/2016 00152401 instruction online services 287.00 20E001 2540 3100 01 000000 237840 ORKIN 237840 ORKIN 02/25/2016 107618948 02/25/2016 107618949 District Pest Control District Pest Control 166.66 20E006 2540 3100 01 000000 84.84 20E003 2540 3100 01 000000 30 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 7:21 AM 02/19/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 01/29/16 - 02/25/16) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 237840 ORKIN 02/25/2016 107618950 District Pest Control 84.06 20E010 2540 3100 01 000000 237840 ORKIN 02/25/2016 107618951 District Pest Control 77.33 20E004 2540 3100 01 000000 237840 ORKIN 02/25/2016 107618952 District Pest Control 76.12 20E001 2540 3100 01 000000 237840 ORKIN 02/25/2016 107618953 District Pest Control 81.67 20E005 2540 3100 01 000000 237840 ORKIN 02/25/2016 107618954 District Pest Control 69.56 20E012 2540 3100 01 000000 237840 ORKIN 02/25/2016 107618955 District Pest Control 70.79 20E009 2540 3100 01 000000 237840 ORKIN 02/25/2016 107618956 District Pest Control 67.59 20E008 2540 3100 01 000000 237840 ORKIN 02/25/2016 107618957 District Pest Control 39.31 20E007 2540 3100 01 000000 237841 ORRIS, WILLIAM 02/25/2016 011616 SO BBK 1/16/16 63.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 237842 OWENS, LYNN 02/25/2016 012516 Reimbursement 237843 PARKLAND PREPARATORY ACADEMY, 02/25/2016 1357 Tuition Jan 2016 237844 PARSONS, RICHARD 02/25/2016 012315 SO BOYS BB 1/23/15 60.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 237845 PASIEWICZ, ALEX 02/25/2016 012916 SO GBK 1/29/16 50.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 237846 PASIEWICZ, STANLEY JR. 02/25/2016 012816 SO WRESTLING 1/28/16 65.00 10E005 1500 3100 01 000000 237847 PATTERSON, WAYNE 02/25/2016 020916 SO BOYS VOLLEYBALL 2/9/16 65.00 10E010 1500 3100 01 000000 237847 PATTERSON, WAYNE 02/25/2016 021616 SO BOYS VOLLEYBALL 2/16/16 237848 PEAPOD COMMERCIAL ACCOUNTS 02/25/2016 a74349859 FACS Classroom Food Lab Supplies 237849 PEARSON, JEFF 02/25/2016 011616 SO BBK 1/16/16 237850 PEARSON EDUCATION 02/25/2016 BK 8023081 Words Their Way books 237851 PELLEGRINI, ILONA 02/25/2016 020316 Lunch money refund 237852 PENTEGRA SYSTEMS 02/25/2016 53181 Intercom Repairs for SL 237853 PESI 02/25/2016 CONFERENCE Conference (M. Flack-HS) 237854 PETROVA, SVETLANA 02/25/2016 SVCS JAN 2 Bilingual Psychological Evaluation 237855 PIETRUCHA, COURTNEY 02/25/2016 020116 Soda, Water for PERA Training 237856 PIGGOTT, STEPHANIE 02/25/2016 021016 Reimbursement 237857 PIONEER PRESS 02/25/2016 167688998 Library newspapers 237858 PLATT, JEFFERY 02/25/2016 090815 Posters 237859 POLAR ELECTRO INC 02/25/2016 331443530 Polar Site License 237860 POWELL, MICHAEL 02/25/2016 010616 SO GBK 1/6/16 237860 POWELL, MICHAEL 02/25/2016 011816 SO BBK 1/8 & 1/18/16 178.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 237861 PRAIRIE RIDGE HIGH SCHOOL 02/25/2016 2015-0001 Cost of STEM registration 250.00 10E006 1130 3100 07 000000 237862 PRESLEY, DARRYL 02/25/2016 010616 SO GBK 1/6/16 237863 PRODROMOS, JOHN 02/25/2016 012716 SO BBK 1/18 & 1/27/16 237864 PROSTKA, ERIC 02/25/2016 012216 Prostka reimbursement purchase from Home Depot January 20 AMOUNT NUMBER 30.02 10E008 2330 4100 01 000000 4,738.32 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 65.00 10E005 1500 3100 01 000000 113.19 10E005 1400 4100 17 000000 63.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 671.96 10E008 1120 4200 01 000000 12.50 10R000 1614 0000 00 000000 547.00 20E012 2540 3100 01 000000 99.00 10E008 2210 3321 02 462000 1,400.00 10E008 2140 3100 01 000000 24.98 10E008 2640 3100 01 000000 150.00 10E008 2210 3321 02 462000 32.24 10E010 2220 4400 01 000000 75.96 10E005 2410 4100 11 000000 150.00 10E005 1120 4100 09 000000 89.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 89.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 178.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 92.16 10E010 1400 4100 18 000000 Lumber and supplies 237864 PROSTKA, ERIC 02/25/2016 012916 Prostka Reimbursement 3 receipts Walgreens Amazon Walmart 237865 QUILTY, EMMETT 02/25/2016 011616 SO BBK 1/16/16 237866 QUINTAVALLI, JOSEPHINE 237868 R A ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC. 02/25/2016 020816 02/25/2016 773541 Insurance refund Bearings for Truck 5 Salt Spreader 33.38 10E010 1400 4100 18 000000 50.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 268.25 40L000 4568 0000 00 000000 76.90 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 31 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 7:21 AM 02/19/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 01/29/16 - 02/25/16) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 237868 R A ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC. 02/25/2016 773623 Truck and Snowplow Supplies 1,236.33 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 237868 R A ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC. 02/25/2016 773736 Truck and Snowplow Supplies 512.47 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 237868 R A ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC. 02/25/2016 773791 Truck and Snowplow Supplies 534.14 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 237868 R A ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC. 02/25/2016 774044 Truck and Snowplow Supplies 251.04 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 237868 R A ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC. 02/25/2016 774463 Salt spreader repairs and parts 670.91 20E008 2540 3100 01 000000 237868 R A ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC. 02/25/2016 774469 Salt spreader repairs and parts 539.76 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 237868 R A ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC. 02/25/2016 775069 Motor for Truck 7 Salt Spreader 701.69 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 237870 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 02/25/2016 757439 Paper Towels/Hand Soap Used in the District 963.77 20E006 2540 4100 01 000000 237870 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 02/25/2016 757440 Paper Towels/Hand Soap Used in the District 346.18 20E001 2540 4100 01 000000 237870 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 02/25/2016 757441 Paper Towels/Hand Soap Used in the District 253.28 20E009 2540 4100 01 000000 237870 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 02/25/2016 757442 Paper Towels/Hand Soap Used in the District 269.65 20E005 2540 4100 01 000000 237870 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 02/25/2016 757443 Paper Towels/Hand Soap Used in the District 206.80 20E012 2540 4100 01 000000 237871 RAINBOW BOOK COMPANY 02/25/2016 0117639 Books for the library, List attached 237872 REALLY GOOD STUFF 02/25/2016 5446743 Consumables 237873 RECZEK, ROBERT 02/25/2016 010616 SO GBK 1/6 & 1/23/16 237874 REGISTER OF COPYRIGHTS 02/25/2016 020216 Copyright register 237875 RESEARCH FOR BETTER TEACHING, 02/25/2016 15285-6-6 analyzing teacher 3,214.00 10E008 2210 3100 01 000000 237875 RESEARCH FOR BETTER TEACHING, 02/25/2016 16133-4-4 Skillful Teacher 1,445.78 10E008 2210 3100 01 000000 237875 RESEARCH FOR BETTER TEACHING, 02/25/2016 16133-4-4 Skillful Teacher 237875 RESEARCH FOR BETTER TEACHING, 02/25/2016 16132-4-4 professional development 237876 RITTNER, TARA 02/25/2016 021016 ICE CONFERENCE REIMBURSEMENT 125.00 10E012 2210 3100 01 000000 237877 RIVERA, KELLY 02/25/2016 53 Bilingual Psychological Evaluation 880.50 10E008 2140 3100 01 000000 237878 ROBBINS, TIMOTHY 02/25/2016 011616 SO BBK 1/16/16 237879 RODRIGUEZ, RENE 02/25/2016 012316 SO GBK 1/23/16 50.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 237880 RUNCO OFFICE SUPPLY 02/25/2016 634776-0 Special Ed. Dept. Supplies 46.95 10E008 2330 4100 01 000000 237880 RUNCO OFFICE SUPPLY 02/25/2016 638854-0 1 box of Avery laser labels 26.99 10E006 1130 4100 01 000000 237880 RUNCO OFFICE SUPPLY 02/25/2016 639066-0 new sealer for registrar and misc. supplies 21.33 10E006 2120 4100 01 000000 237880 RUNCO OFFICE SUPPLY 02/25/2016 639313-0 new sealer for registrar and misc. supplies 237880 RUNCO OFFICE SUPPLY 02/25/2016 639803-0 Office supply order AMOUNT NUMBER 3,588.97 10E009 2220 4300 01 000000 40.80 10E001 1110 4100 01 000000 126.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 140.00 10E008 2520 6400 01 000000 554.22 10E008 2210 4100 01 000000 3,000.00 10E008 2210 3100 01 000000 63.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 49.00 10E006 2120 4100 01 000000 305.24 10E006 1130 4100 01 000000 237881 SANFORD, LEONARD 02/25/2016 011616 SO BBK 1/16/16 237882 SAWCHUK, DANIEL 02/25/2016 011616 SO BBK 1/16/16 63.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 237884 SCHOOL HEALTH CORPORATION 02/25/2016 3091035-00 Practice tape for Sports Medicine class. 274.50 10E006 1130 4100 09 000000 237884 SCHOOL HEALTH CORPORATION 02/25/2016 3096164-00 Tech Supplies (L. Atkinson) 140.04 10E008 1200 4100 02 462000 237884 SCHOOL HEALTH CORPORATION 02/25/2016 3094828-00 Curtains and walls for private changing station 347.40 10E006 1130 4100 01 000000 237884 SCHOOL HEALTH CORPORATION 02/25/2016 3094828-01 Curtains and walls for private changing station 1,022.20 10E006 1130 4100 01 000000 237884 SCHOOL HEALTH CORPORATION 02/25/2016 3094828-02 Curtains and walls for private changing station 339.81 10E006 1130 4100 01 000000 237885 SCHMERER, JACK 02/25/2016 011816 SO BBK 1/18/16 237886 SCHMIDT, CATHERINE 02/25/2016 020116 Reimbursement for classroom supplies: boarders, paw prints... 50.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 50.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 classroom stool, 93.71 10E009 1110 4120 01 000000 32 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 7:21 AM 02/19/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 01/29/16 - 02/25/16) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION 237887 SCHMIDT, PHILIP 02/25/2016 011616 SO BBK 1/16/16 63.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 237888 SCHOESSLING, PAUL 02/25/2016 011816 SO BBK 1/18/16 126.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 237889 SCHOLASTIC INC 02/25/2016 8545014 15 Instructor magazine 237890 SCHOOLWIDE, INC 02/25/2016 351056 237890 SCHOOLWIDE, INC 02/25/2016 350894 Writing Fundamentals 157.50 10E008 1110 4200 01 000000 237890 SCHOOLWIDE, INC 02/25/2016 350624 Writing Fundamentals 2,362.50 10E008 1110 4200 01 000000 237892 SCHOOL SPECIALTY, INC. 02/25/2016 2081157393 CONSTRUCTION PAPER ORDER 55.95 10E012 1110 4108 01 000000 237892 SCHOOL SPECIALTY, INC. 02/25/2016 2081157207 ART ORDER 72.77 10E012 1110 4100 12 000000 237892 SCHOOL SPECIALTY, INC. 02/25/2016 2081157770 3RD-5TH GRADE EASELS 237892 SCHOOL SPECIALTY, INC. 02/25/2016 3081024002 Tech Supplies (L. Atkinson) 237892 SCHOOL SPECIALTY, INC. 02/25/2016 3081024017 P.E. equipment 237892 SCHOOL SPECIALTY, INC. 02/25/2016 3081023907 art supplies for school year - paints, markers, professional development ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER 14.95 10E004 2220 4400 01 000000 3,600.00 10E008 2210 3140 81 493200 1,469.70 10E012 1110 4100 01 000000 94.88 10E008 1200 4100 02 462000 440.15 10E001 1110 4100 09 000000 1,285.54 10E004 1110 4100 12 000000 construction paper, printing materials 237892 SCHOOL SPECIALTY, INC. 02/25/2016 2081157975 ART SUPPLIES 237893 SCIENTIFIC SPECTRUM MIDWEST IN 02/25/2016 112105 Purchase of replacement filters for applied technology 237894 SECURITY UNLIMITED, INC 02/25/2016 13196 Clocks for the HS 237894 SECURITY UNLIMITED, INC 02/25/2016 13197 Install new converter box on the HS Clock System 237894 SECURITY UNLIMITED, INC 02/25/2016 13198 Clock Repairs at the HS 237895 SEDOL 02/25/2016 2016-01-26 Itinerant Services Dec 2015 30.71 10E012 1110 4100 12 000000 787.00 10E006 1400 4100 18 000000 laser printer. 237895 SEDOL 02/25/2016 2015-16 TU Tuition Billing (2nd Semester) 237896 SELIG, DAVID 02/25/2016 012316 SO GBK 1/23/16 237897 SEQUENT ENERGY MANAGEMENT, LP 02/25/2016 96765ES Natural Gas Use Charges 1,965.00 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 752.00 20E006 2540 3100 01 000000 480.00 20E006 2540 3100 01 000000 143.50 10E008 4220 6706 01 000000 134,501.50 10E008 4220 6701 01 000000 63.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 4,114.41 20E001 2540 4650 01 000000 237897 SEQUENT ENERGY MANAGEMENT, LP 02/25/2016 96765ES Natural Gas Use Charges 2,109.96 20E003 2540 4650 01 000000 237897 SEQUENT ENERGY MANAGEMENT, LP 02/25/2016 96765ES Natural Gas Use Charges 2,109.96 20E004 2540 4650 01 000000 237897 SEQUENT ENERGY MANAGEMENT, LP 02/25/2016 96765ES Natural Gas Use Charges 4,483.65 20E005 2540 4650 01 000000 237897 SEQUENT ENERGY MANAGEMENT, LP 02/25/2016 96765ES Natural Gas Use Charges 13,363.06 20E006 2540 4650 01 000000 237897 SEQUENT ENERGY MANAGEMENT, LP 02/25/2016 96765ES Natural Gas Use Charges 457.16 20E007 2540 4650 01 000000 237897 SEQUENT ENERGY MANAGEMENT, LP 02/25/2016 96765ES Natural Gas Use Charges 351.66 20E008 2540 4650 01 000000 237897 SEQUENT ENERGY MANAGEMENT, LP 02/25/2016 96765ES Natural Gas Use Charges 1,406.64 20E009 2540 4650 01 000000 237897 SEQUENT ENERGY MANAGEMENT, LP 02/25/2016 96765ES Natural Gas Use Charges 4,923.23 20E010 2540 4650 01 000000 237897 SEQUENT ENERGY MANAGEMENT, LP 02/25/2016 96765ES Natural Gas Use Charges 1,494.55 20E012 2540 4650 01 000000 237898 SHAR PRODUCTS COMPANY 02/25/2016 P154992401 Polomchak Shar Music order general orchestra supplies 237899 SHELDON, JOAN 02/25/2016 011916 SO GIRLS VOLLEYBALL 1/19/16 65.00 10E010 1500 3100 01 000000 237900 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS 02/25/2016 7423-0 Paint for HS Snack Shop 56.90 10E008 2560 4100 01 000000 420.47 10E010 1500 4100 24 000000 237900 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS 02/25/2016 8107-8 Paint for MW Project 237901 SHOULTS, MARK 02/25/2016 011816 SO BBK 1/18/16 137.25 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 63.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 237902 SKROCKI, TONY 237903 SMIGIEL, ALLAN 02/25/2016 012616 02/25/2016 011816 SO BOYS VOLLEYBALL 1/26/16 SO BBK 1/18/16 65.00 10E010 1500 3100 01 000000 89.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 33 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 7:21 AM 02/19/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 01/29/16 - 02/25/16) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION 237904 SMITH, LORI 02/25/2016 012516 Keys for Office Safe 237904 SMITH, LORI 02/25/2016 021616 Batteries for Cordless Microphones 12.89 10E005 1120 4100 01 000000 237905 SNODGRASS, MICHAEL 02/25/2016 011816 SO BBK 1/18/16 63.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 237906 SNYDER, MAIA 02/25/2016 020916 Misc. Classroom Supplies 237907 SOBESKI, SCOTT 02/25/2016 012916 SO GBK 1/29/16 237908 SODEXO, INC & AFFILIATES 02/25/2016 1000922012 November Fixed Price 237908 SODEXO, INC & AFFILIATES 02/25/2016 1000922011 Cost of Operations for Period 03 Per Our Contract Agreement 237909 SOCIETY FOR HUMAN RESOURCE MAN 02/25/2016 00795996 1 Professional Membership 4/1/2016 - 3/31/2017 ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER 15.00 10E005 1120 4100 01 000000 130.00 10E001 1110 4120 01 000000 63.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 35,979.62 10E008 2560 3101 01 000000 103,031.51 10E008 2560 3100 01 000000 190.00 10E008 2640 6400 01 000000 237910 SOUTH SIDE CONTROL SUPPLY 02/25/2016 S100287525 Valve Actuator for HS Univent 221.11 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 237910 SOUTH SIDE CONTROL SUPPLY 02/25/2016 S100291486 Valve Assembly for HS Heating System 648.93 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 237911 SOUND INCORPORATED 02/25/2016 R140496 MASTER PURCHASE ORDER FOR 12 MONTHS MAINTENANCE CONTRACT 3,688.00 20E008 2540 3401 01 000000 FOR PHONE EQUIPMENT 237912 SOWIZROL, BONNIE 02/25/2016 011416 ANDERSON'S BOOKSHOP CHILDREN'S LITERATURE WORKSHOP 59.00 10E012 2210 4100 01 000000 2/20/2016 237913 SPAGNOLO, JOSEPH 02/25/2016 011616 237914 SPEECHPATH LLC 02/25/2016 SVCS 1/6/1 Bilingual Speech Evaluations SO BBK 1/16/16 550.00 10E008 2150 3100 01 000000 63.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 237914 SPEECHPATH LLC 02/25/2016 SVCS 1/30/ Bilingual Speech Evaluations 550.00 10E008 2150 3100 01 000000 237915 SPEZIALE, JOHN 02/25/2016 012316 SO WRESTLING 1/23/16 130.00 10E005 1500 3100 01 000000 237915 SPEZIALE, JOHN 02/25/2016 020216 SO WRESTLING 2/2/16 65.00 10E005 1500 3100 01 000000 237915 SPEZIALE, JOHN 02/25/2016 021616 SO WRESTLING 2/16/16 65.00 10E005 1500 3100 01 000000 237916 SRICHARMORN, EMILY 02/25/2016 020916 Reimbursement for supplies for coffee with the Supt. and 28.57 10E008 2630 4100 01 000000 snacks for HS leaders (Parent Feed) 237917 STANKIEWICZ, ROZALIA 02/25/2016 021016 Registration refund 115.00 10R000 1728 0000 00 000000 237918 SBHC STREAMWOOD HOSPITAL INC. 02/25/2016 2283 Home/Hospital Tutoring 175.00 10E008 2330 3105 44 000000 237918 SBHC STREAMWOOD HOSPITAL INC. 02/25/2016 2568 Home/Hospital Tutoring 237918 SBHC STREAMWOOD HOSPITAL INC. 02/25/2016 934 Tuition Jan 2016 237919 STEEN, RANDY 02/25/2016 011816 SO BBK 1/16 & 1/18/16 126.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 237920 STEVENSON HIGH SCHOOL 02/25/2016 ENTRY FEE Girls Track Entry Fee Stevenson Meet 3/5/16 150.00 10E006 1500 4100 53 000000 237921 STUMPF, JULIE 02/25/2016 012216 Stumpf reimbursement Walmart 1/11 *see attached PDF of 175.00 10E008 2330 3105 44 000000 1,862.40 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 72.75 10E010 1400 4100 17 000000 original receipt 237922 SUMMIT SCHOOL 02/25/2016 025 Tuition Jan 2016 237923 SVANACO DBA AMERICAN EAGLE 02/25/2016 222802 FINAL WORK ON STAFF DIRECTORY 237923 SVANACO DBA AMERICAN EAGLE 02/25/2016 222860 WEBSITE SERVICE HOURS - 10 HOURS - CUSTOM PROGRAMMING TO 17,875.08 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 500.00 10E008 2660 3104 11 000000 2,000.00 10E008 2660 3104 11 000000 PROVIDE A UTILITY TO MASS DELETE UNUSED TEACHER PAGES AND ASSETS 237923 SVANACO DBA AMERICAN EAGLE 02/25/2016 223302 MASTER PURCHASE ORDER FOR WEB HOSTING - 12 MONTHS 237924 SWANSON, BARB 02/25/2016 012516 Classroom Supplies - Teacher Stipend 237925 SWANSON, DON 237926 TELESOLUTIONS CONSULTANTS LLC 02/25/2016 010816 SO BBK 1/8/16 02/25/2016 lakzur95-0 MASTER PURCHASE ORDER FOR ERATE CONSULTING - 12 MONTHS 1,100.00 10E008 2660 3100 11 000000 130.00 10E003 1110 4120 01 000000 63.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 500.00 10E008 2660 3104 11 000000 34 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK NUMBER VENDOR 7:21 AM 02/19/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 01/29/16 - 02/25/16) CHECK INVOICE INVOICE DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION PAGE: ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER 237926 TELESOLUTIONS CONSULTANTS LLC 02/25/2016 lakzur95-0 MASTER PURCHASE ORDER FOR ERATE CONSULTING - 12 MONTHS 237927 THE LEARNING HOUSE 02/25/2016 12622 Tuition Jan 2016 2,897.69 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 500.00 10E008 2660 3104 11 000000 237927 THE LEARNING HOUSE 02/25/2016 12630 Tuition Jan 2016 1,425.00 40E008 2550 3330 01 000000 237928 THERMOSYSTEMS, INC. 02/25/2016 0048966 Motor and Couplings for MSS Univent 237928 THERMOSYSTEMS, INC. 02/25/2016 0049129 Univent Heating Coil for MW 427.77 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 237929 THINK SOCIAL PUBLISHING INC 02/25/2016 INV001822 Social Work Supplies (M. Zabel-MSN) 222.07 10E008 2110 4100 01 000000 237929 THINK SOCIAL PUBLISHING INC 02/25/2016 21154 Staff Supplies (M. Drinis, J. Greene, S. Krebill-SA) 385.63 10E008 1205 4100 01 000000 237929 THINK SOCIAL PUBLISHING INC 02/25/2016 21154 Staff Supplies (M. Drinis, J. Greene, S. Krebill-SA) 385.63 10E008 2110 4100 01 000000 237929 THINK SOCIAL PUBLISHING INC 02/25/2016 21154 Staff Supplies (M. Drinis, J. Greene, S. Krebill-SA) 385.61 10E008 2150 4100 01 000000 237930 THURNAU, MARK 02/25/2016 011816 SO BBK 1/18/16 237931 TOLEDO PHYSICAL EDUC SUPPLY 02/25/2016 215842-00 Volleyballs for Girls and Boys Volleyball Teams 356.29 10E005 1500 4100 41 000000 237932 TRANE 02/25/2016 36136681 Repairs to SA HVAC System 860.00 20E003 2540 3100 01 000000 237932 TRANE 02/25/2016 11674567R1 Pulley for RTU at MSN 237932 TRANE 02/25/2016 11715218R1 Motor for MW Suspended Cabinet Heater 322.00 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 237932 TRANE 02/25/2016 11709057R1 Motor for MW Cabinet Heater 321.00 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 237933 TREEHOUSE PEDIATRIC THERAPY 02/25/2016 19 Contractual Physical Therapy Evaluation/Services 615.00 10E008 2132 3100 01 000000 237934 TROYER, ALICE 02/25/2016 020216 reimbursement for library books 237935 TRUSTED TRANSLATIONS, INC 02/25/2016 237246 Polish translation for registration documents 237937 TYCO INTEGRATED SECURITY LLC 02/25/2016 25921476 District Alarm Services Charges 237937 TYCO INTEGRATED SECURITY LLC 02/25/2016 25921477 District Alarm Services Charges 87.00 20E008 2540 3255 01 000000 237937 TYCO INTEGRATED SECURITY LLC 02/25/2016 25921478 District Alarm Services Charges 90.00 20E008 2540 3255 01 000000 237937 TYCO INTEGRATED SECURITY LLC 02/25/2016 25921479 District Alarm Services Charges 87.00 20E008 2540 3255 01 000000 237937 TYCO INTEGRATED SECURITY LLC 02/25/2016 25921480 District Alarm Services Charges 90.00 20E008 2540 3255 01 000000 237937 TYCO INTEGRATED SECURITY LLC 02/25/2016 25921481 District Alarm Services Charges 87.00 20E008 2540 3255 01 000000 237937 TYCO INTEGRATED SECURITY LLC 02/25/2016 25921482 District Alarm Services Charges 90.00 20E008 2540 3255 01 000000 662.28 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 63.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 35.00 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 62.96 10E004 2220 4300 01 000000 330.40 10E008 2630 3101 01 000000 87.00 20E008 2540 3255 01 000000 237938 TYMPANI LLC 02/25/2016 93515 NETWORK EQUIPMENT - CABLES AND MODULE 1,617.20 10E008 2660 4100 11 000000 237938 TYMPANI LLC 02/25/2016 93515 NETWORK EQUIPMENT - CABLES AND MODULE 4,160.00 10E008 2660 7001 11 000000 237939 U.S. BANK 02/25/2016 4196300 Paying Agent/Regist/Trsfr Agnt from 1/1/16 - 12/31/16 237940 UGEL, BOB 02/25/2016 011616 SO BBK 1/16/16 237941 ULINE INC 02/25/2016 7377530 Rubber Mat for MW Art Room 237942 URBANA HIGH SCHOOL 02/25/2016 ENTRY FEE Girls Track Entry Fee Gene Armer Invitational 3/19/16 237943 VERNON HILLS HIGH SCHOOL 02/25/2016 ENTRY FEE Girls Bowling Regional Entry Fee 2-6-16 150.00 10E006 1500 3100 64 000000 237944 VERNON HILLS HIGH SCHOOL 02/25/2016 ENTRY FEE Boys Volleyball Entry Fee VH Tournament 325.00 10E006 1500 4100 41 000000 450.00 30E008 5400 3190 01 002004 63.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 91.67 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 185.00 10E006 1500 4100 53 000000 237945 VILLAGE OF HAWTHORN WOODS 02/25/2016 10201 Dec/Jan Sewer Charges for MSN/SL 237945 VILLAGE OF HAWTHORN WOODS 02/25/2016 10201 Dec/Jan Sewer Charges for MSN/SL 1,394.42 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 464.80 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 237945 VILLAGE OF HAWTHORN WOODS 02/25/2016 10202 Dec/Jan Sewer Charges for MSN/SL 2,324.03 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 237945 VILLAGE OF HAWTHORN WOODS 02/25/2016 10202 Dec/Jan Sewer Charges for MSN/SL 237948 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 237948 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 02/25/2016 006040-00 02/25/2016 006041-00 Water / Sewer Charges for the District. Acct 006040-00 Water / Sewer Charges for the District. Acct 006041-00 774.67 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 1,722.36 20E010 2540 3700 01 000000 722.28 20E009 2540 3700 01 000000 35 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 7:21 AM 02/19/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 01/29/16 - 02/25/16) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 237948 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 02/25/2016 006106-00 Water / Sewer Charges for the District. Acct 006106-00 55.56 20E008 2540 3700 01 000000 237948 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 02/25/2016 006124-00 Water / Sewer Charges for the District. Acct 006124-00 375.03 20E003 2540 3700 01 000000 237948 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 02/25/2016 006125-00 Water / Sewer Charges for the District. Acct 006125-00 41.67 20E003 2540 3700 01 000000 237948 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 02/25/2016 006177-00 Water / Sewer Charges for the District. Acct 006177-00 3,680.85 20E006 2540 3700 01 000000 237948 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 02/25/2016 006180-00 Water / Sewer Charges for the District. Acct 006180-00 430.59 20E006 2540 3700 01 000000 237948 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 02/25/2016 006185-00 Water / Sewer Charges for the District. Acct 006185-00 25.00 20E001 2540 3700 01 000000 237948 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 02/25/2016 006185-00 Water / Sewer Charges for the District. Acct 006185-00 2.78 20E007 2540 3700 01 000000 237948 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 02/25/2016 006186-00 Water / Sewer Charges for the District. Acct 006186-00 527.82 20E004 2540 3700 01 000000 237948 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 02/25/2016 4000004757 HS Traffic Control 237948 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 02/25/2016 4000004714 Cheerleading/Basketball Tournament traffic control 237948 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 02/25/2016 4000004714 HS Traffic Control 237949 VISUAL IMAGE PHOTOGRAPHY, INC 02/25/2016 3490 Wrestling Senior Night Photos 19.50 10E006 1500 3110 01 000000 237950 WADDELOW, DOUG 02/25/2016 011616 SO GBK 1/16/16 50.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 237951 WAREHOUSE DIRECT 02/25/2016 2946141-0 PAPER ORDER 237951 WAREHOUSE DIRECT 02/25/2016 2946173-0 BOOKCASE FOR JENN MCADAMS ROOM 237951 WAREHOUSE DIRECT 02/25/2016 2946142-0 OFFICE SUPPLIES 237951 WAREHOUSE DIRECT 02/25/2016 2962062-0 ART SUPPLIES 15.93 10E012 1110 4100 12 000000 237952 WARREN HIGH SCHOOL 02/25/2016 ENTRY FEE Speech Team Regional (2/6/16) 70.00 10E006 1130 4100 46 000000 237953 WASHO, JOHN 02/25/2016 011816 SO BBK 1/18/16 63.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 237954 WASSER, BRUCE 02/25/2016 012116 SO VOLLEYBALL 1/21/16 237955 WAUCONDA HIGH SCHOOL 02/25/2016 ENTRY FEE Girls Bowling Entry Fee Wauconda Invite 150.00 10E006 1500 3100 64 000000 237956 WEST MUSIC COMPANY 02/25/2016 Sl1253872 Supplies for music: 129.29 10E009 1110 4100 13 000000 AMOUNT NUMBER 406.00 10E006 2520 3100 11 000000 1,160.00 10E006 1500 3110 01 000000 290.00 10E006 2520 3100 11 000000 36.50 10E012 1110 4108 01 000000 187.65 10E012 1110 4100 01 000000 81.24 10E012 1110 4100 01 000000 65.00 10E010 1500 3100 01 000000 Mallets, metallophone, drum fun book, sight-sing a song book... 237956 WEST MUSIC COMPANY 02/25/2016 Sl1253873 Supplies for Chorus/music 183.87 10E009 1110 4100 73 000000 237957 WHEELING HIGH SCHOOL 02/25/2016 ENTRY FEE Boys Track Entry Fee for Wildcat Relays 2/27/16 240.00 10E006 1500 4100 33 000000 237958 WHITE, LOUIS 02/25/2016 012316 SO GBK 1/23/16 237959 WIEDEMANN, THOMAS 02/25/2016 012016 SO BBK 1/18 & 1/20/16 178.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 237960 WIESNETH, JACK 02/25/2016 011516 SO DUAL 1/15/16 105.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 237961 WILLIAMS, DAVID 02/25/2016 020916 SO GIRLS VOLLEYBALL 2/9/16 237962 WILLIAMS, DONALD 02/25/2016 011816 SO BBK 1/18/16 237963 WILLIAM V MACGILL & CO 02/25/2016 IN0546643 Nursing Supplies (B. Benrus-HS) 237964 WOELKE, LUBA 02/25/2016 012516 Reimbursement 9.98 10E008 2330 4100 01 000000 237965 WOOD, CHARLES 02/25/2016 010616 SO GBK 1/6/16 50.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 237966 WOOD, REBECCA 02/25/2016 012716 Cheerleading Expense: 237967 G-SPORTS WRESTLING 02/25/2016 59031 Wrestling Supplies 50.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 65.00 10E010 1500 3100 01 000000 63.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 185.50 10E008 2130 4100 01 000000 State Tournament 161.85 10E005 1500 4100 72 000000 333.00 10E005 1500 4100 35 000000 Totals for checks 1,738,852.33 36 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 F U N D FUND DESCRIPTION 10 EDUCATION FUND 20 OPER & MAINT 30 DEBT SERVICE FUND 40 TRANSPORTATION *** Fund Summary Totals *** 7:21 AM BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 01/29/16 - 02/25/16) S U M M A R Y BALANCE SHEET REVENUE EXPENSE TOTAL 14,020.71 13,275.45 865,129.54 892,425.70 21.98 0.00 662,533.39 662,555.37 0.00 0.00 450.00 450.00 268.25 0.00 183,153.01 183,421.26 14,310.94 13,275.45 1,711,265.94 1,738,852.33 ************************ End of report ************************ 02/19/16 PAGE: 37 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 10:10 AM 02/02/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 01/08/16 - 01/31/16) CHECK NUMBER VENDOR CHECK INVOICE INVOICE DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION PAGE: ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER 29069 CAPITAL ONE COMMERCIAL 01/08/2016 073522 Costco purchases for FACS supplies. 164.92 10E006 1400 4100 17 000000 29069 CAPITAL ONE COMMERCIAL 01/08/2016 045716 Beverages and paper products for the holiday breakfast held 148.90 10E006 1130 4100 01 000000 29070 FOX, SAUL 01/08/2016 REISSUE 1/ Replacing outstanding check 236665 29071 HARRIGAN, ANNE 01/08/2016 122915 29072 PURCHASE ADVANTAGE CARD 01/08/2016 121715 106 Stumpf PAC purchases from Jewel 11/04. Acct ending in 1067 27.93 10E010 1400 4100 17 000000 29072 PURCHASE ADVANTAGE CARD 01/08/2016 121715-106 Stumpf Jewel/Albertsons PAC purchases. Acct ending in 1067 386.51 10E010 1400 4100 17 000000 on 12/11/15 and various items for the main office. Yearbook refund 350.00 10E006 1130 3100 12 000000 54.00 10R000 1730 0000 00 000000 29073 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 01/08/2016 00008R8F26 FRT 29074 WALMART COMMUNITY 01/08/2016 122215 922 Walmart Credit Card. Acct ending in 9221 350.26 10E005 1400 4100 17 000000 14.80 10E008 2310 3400 01 000000 29074 WALMART COMMUNITY 01/08/2016 122215 922 Walmart Credit Card. Acct ending in 9221 46.68 10E005 1120 4100 01 000000 29074 WALMART COMMUNITY 01/08/2016 122215 922 Walmart Credit Card. Acct ending in 9221 29075 CAPITAL ONE COMMERCIAL 01/14/2016 048341 Stumpf Costco purchase Dec. 11 2015 *Cindy May has already 68.64 10E005 1120 4100 01 000000 181.90 10E010 1400 4100 17 000000 been given original receipt for this purchase itemized copy is attached 29075 CAPITAL ONE COMMERCIAL 01/14/2016 1888518574 Stumpf Costco purchase Dec. 11 2015 *Cindy May has already -11.57 10E010 1400 4100 17 000000 been given original receipt for this purchase itemized copy is attached 29076 DRISSELL, BROGAN 01/14/2016 011216 Band/Thompson - Tuba Purchase 29077 INSPRA 01/14/2016 CONFERENCE Registration for Foundation Conference for Jean Malek and 6,000.00 10E006 1130 5500 13 000000 210.00 10E008 2630 3321 01 000000 Nancy Coleman 29078 NESTLE WATERS NORTH AMERICA 01/14/2016 15L8106047 Billing period 12/1/15 - 12/31/15 29079 ALVAREZ, TINA 01/22/2016 012116 Driver's Ed refund 21.98 20E008 2540 3700 01 000000 29080 CAPITAL ONE COMMERCIAL 01/22/2016 065870 Supplies for coffee with the superintendent 29081 NASW 01/22/2016 CONFERENCE Conference (N. Grobarek-SP) 29082 PURCHASE ADVANTAGE CARD 01/22/2016 011216 694 LD Supplies (J. Cataldi-HS). Acct ending in 6945 29082 PURCHASE ADVANTAGE CARD 01/22/2016 011216. 69 LD Supplies (J. Cataldi-HS). Acct ending in 6945 29083 ROSEMONT HOCKEY PARTNERS L.P. 01/22/2016 FIELD TRIP Transition Classroom Supplies (M. Milazzo-HS) 29084 RUBENSTEIN, RYAN 01/22/2016 2016 ILMEA Food money for ILMEA (16 people) 29085 SCHMITT, RACHELLE 01/22/2016 012016 Registration, yearbook, IPad and lunch money refund 34.55 10R000 1614 0000 00 000000 29085 SCHMITT, RACHELLE 01/22/2016 012016 Registration, yearbook, IPad and lunch money refund 140.00 10R000 1720 0000 00 000000 54.00 10R000 1730 0000 00 000000 300.00 10R000 1970 0000 00 000000 58.31 10E008 2630 4100 01 000000 420.00 10E008 2210 3321 02 462000 11.80 10E008 1205 4100 01 000000 17.85 10E008 1205 4100 01 000000 240.00 10E008 1207 4100 01 000000 1,280.00 10E006 1130 4100 46 000000 29085 SCHMITT, RACHELLE 01/22/2016 012016 Registration, yearbook, IPad and lunch money refund 29085 SCHMITT, RACHELLE 01/22/2016 012016 Registration, yearbook, IPad and lunch money refund 29086 JOHLIE, THERESA 01/27/2016 012716 Meals for Poms Team, 29087 PURCHASE ADVANTAGE CARD 01/27/2016 011916 106 Stumpf Jewel/Albertsons PAC purchases. Acct ending in 1067 215.34 10E010 1400 4100 17 000000 29087 PURCHASE ADVANTAGE CARD 01/27/2016 011916-106 Stumpf PAC Jewel/Albertson receipt January 11. Acct ending 229.63 10E010 1400 4100 17 000000 29088 RICHARDSON 01/27/2016 FIELD TRIP Field Trip Fees (M. Milazzo-HS Transition). 10/23/15 128.00 10E008 1207 3100 01 000000 01/27/2016 CONFERENCE Conference (C. Green-MW) 01/29/2016 IHSA 1/30/ SO Cheerleading Official 1/30/16 219.99 10E008 2210 3321 02 462000 267.50 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 State at the Coliseum 40.00 10R000 1890 0000 00 000000 350.00 10E006 1500 6400 01 000000 in 1067 FARM LLC 29089 SUMMIT PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION 29090 BEAUVOIR, NADEGE 1 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK NUMBER VENDOR 29091 BESBEKOS-LAPAGE, DEANNA 10:10 AM 02/02/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 01/08/16 - 01/31/16) CHECK INVOICE INVOICE DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION PAGE: ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER 01/29/2016 IHSA 1/30/ SO Cheerleading Official 1/30/16 267.50 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 29092 ILLINOIS PUBLIC HEALTH ASSOCIA 01/29/2016 CONFERENCE Conference (A. Casanova; Julie Duff; Jody Lucchesi) 29093 INSTITUTE FOR NATURAL RESOURCE 01/29/2016 CONFERENCE Conference (M. Harrington-MSS) 255.00 10E008 2210 3321 02 462000 81.00 10E008 2210 3321 02 462000 29094 MAHY, APRIL 01/29/2016 IHSA 1/30/ SO Cheerleading Official 1/30/16 267.50 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 29095 MALLON, VALERIE 01/29/2016 IHSA 1/30/ SO Cheerleading Official 1/30/16 267.50 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 29096 PEABODY, TRICIA 01/29/2016 IHSA 1/30/ SO Cheerleading Official 1/30/16 267.50 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 29097 PURCHASE ADVANTAGE CARD 01/29/2016 011916 105 Science Classroom Supplies. Acct ending in 1059 29098 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 01/29/2016 00008R8F26 FRT 29099 WESLOW, BECKY 01/29/2016 IHSA 1/30/ SO Cheerleading Official 1/30/16 305.50 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 29100 WILLIAMS, KIMBERLY 01/29/2016 IHSA 1/30/ SO Cheerleading Official 1/30/16 267.50 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 28.32 10E005 1120 4100 07 000000 13.45 10E008 2310 3400 01 000000 Totals for checks 14,042.69 2 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 F U N D FUND DESCRIPTION 10 20 10:10 AM BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 01/08/16 - 01/31/16) S U M M A R Y BALANCE SHEET REVENUE EXPENSE TOTAL EDUCATION FUND 0.00 622.55 13,398.16 14,020.71 OPER & MAINT 0.00 0.00 21.98 21.98 0.00 622.55 13,420.14 14,042.69 *** Fund Summary Totals *** ************************ End of report ************************ 02/02/16 PAGE: 3 District Account Numbers ‐ High School Account Number 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 NOTE: L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 3000 3002 3004 3005 3006 3007 3008 3010 3011 3012 3013 3014 3015 3016 3017 3018 3019 3020 3021 3022 3023 3024 3025 3026 3027 3028 3029 3030 3031 3032 3033 3034 3035 3036 3037 3038 3040 3042 3043 3044 3048 3049 3050 3051 3052 3053 3054 3055 3058 3059 3063 3064 3065 3066 3067 3068 3070 3071 3100 6002 6007 6010 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 Description 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 243 245 286 241 290 280 281 289 285 247 214 287 200 236 248 213 239 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 229 230 231 232 256 233 257 234 235 209 258 210 211 201 202 262 265 266 228 267 268 269 270 271 274 275 278 242 282 227 284 261 244 291 301 279 289 294 Patron Program ‐ District Activity English Dept ‐ District Activity Library Fees ‐ District Activity PE Dept ‐ District Activity B Tennis ‐ District Activity Envir Aware ‐ District Activity Debate/Speech ‐ District Activity Science Dept‐District Activity Athletic Host‐District Activity Miske Estate‐District Activity Math Dept‐District Activity Guidance‐District Activity Fine Arts Dept‐District Activity Bear Facts ‐ District Activity FACS‐District Activity Yearbook‐District Activity Recycling Club‐District Activity Tech Club ‐ District Activity Choir‐District Activity Poms‐District Activity B Basketball‐District Activity G Golf ‐ District Activity Boys Golf‐District Activity B Volleyball‐District Activity G Volleyball‐District Activity Boys Track‐District Activity Girls Tennis‐District Activity Girls Bowling‐District Activity B Bowling‐District Activity B Cross Country‐District Activity Cheerleader‐District Activity G Cross Country‐District Activity G Basketball‐District Activity Art Club‐District Activity Color Guard‐District Activity Tri‐M ‐ District Activity Drama Prod‐District Activity Orchestra‐District Activity Litrerary Mag‐District Activity Stu Assist‐District Activity Soc Study‐District Activity Trainer‐District Activity G Soccer ‐ District Activity B Soccer‐District Activity Football‐District Activity Softball‐District Activity Wrestling‐District Activity Baseball‐District Activity PAC‐District Activity Business Dept‐District Activity Trees‐District Activity General ‐ District Activity PSAT Test & Training ‐ District Activity Operation Click‐District Activity HS Activity‐District Activity Band‐District Activity World Lang‐District Activity Girls Track‐District Activity Transition‐District Activity Staff Social‐Convenience Science Dept‐Convenience Student Ser‐Convenience Activity January Ending Balance June Closed Recycling Club moved to Envir Club $41.59 June Closed Poms Student Activity moved to Poms District Activity June Closed Astronomy Club Student Activity moved to General District Activity June Closed Fashion Club Student Activity moved to General District Activity Balance JAN 1, 16 Expense Revenue Balance JAN 31, 16 ‐2,367.79 329.00 0.00 ‐2,038.79 ‐249.24 0.00 40.00 ‐209.24 ‐3,109.94 0.00 0.00 ‐3,109.94 ‐6,450.72 0.00 0.00 ‐6,450.72 ‐237.32 0.00 0.00 ‐237.32 ‐1,017.76 0.00 0.00 ‐1,017.76 ‐83.23 0.00 0.00 ‐83.23 ‐1,301.93 0.00 0.00 ‐1,301.93 ‐22,856.87 1,835.55 ‐743.25 ‐21,764.57 0.00 0.00 ‐6,815.63 ‐6,815.63 ‐6,926.00 0.00 ‐1,507.80 ‐8,433.80 ‐333.18 0.00 0.00 ‐333.18 ‐1,621.90 2,149.59 0.00 527.69 ‐3,593.04 133.53 ‐673.80 ‐4,133.31 ‐2,963.68 0.00 0.00 ‐2,963.68 ‐9,881.71 459.73 0.00 ‐9,421.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ‐18,701.55 3,930.71 ‐4,695.00 ‐19,465.84 ‐11,128.96 0.00 ‐3,262.99 ‐14,391.95 ‐3,520.84 4,595.53 ‐3,343.74 ‐2,269.05 ‐4,841.17 4,231.33 ‐1,800.00 ‐2,409.84 ‐8,283.56 0.00 0.00 ‐8,283.56 ‐1,098.03 0.00 0.00 ‐1,098.03 ‐2,493.82 0.00 0.00 ‐2,493.82 ‐6,406.62 0.00 0.00 ‐6,406.62 ‐3,855.96 0.00 0.00 ‐3,855.96 ‐263.65 0.00 0.00 ‐263.65 ‐1,001.17 0.00 0.00 ‐1,001.17 ‐1,912.78 1,539.15 ‐3,760.00 ‐4,133.63 ‐4,971.32 0.00 0.00 ‐4,971.32 ‐810.71 900.00 ‐2,545.00 ‐2,455.71 ‐2,362.48 0.00 0.00 ‐2,362.48 ‐1,980.58 610.00 0.00 ‐1,370.58 ‐1,537.27 0.00 0.00 ‐1,537.27 ‐1,379.34 1,000.00 ‐117.00 ‐496.34 ‐2,766.94 18.97 0.00 ‐2,747.97 ‐8,192.95 6,593.05 0.00 ‐1,599.90 ‐1,586.44 150.00 0.00 ‐1,436.44 ‐784.13 0.00 0.00 ‐784.13 ‐951.03 0.00 0.00 ‐951.03 ‐4,824.11 0.00 0.00 ‐4,824.11 ‐453.13 0.00 0.00 ‐453.13 ‐2,187.29 0.00 0.00 ‐2,187.29 ‐751.29 0.00 0.00 ‐751.29 ‐26,968.89 0.00 ‐10.00 ‐26,978.89 ‐7,682.73 0.00 0.00 ‐7,682.73 ‐1,764.59 244.65 ‐1,015.00 ‐2,534.94 ‐19,044.59 0.00 0.00 ‐19,044.59 ‐189.13 0.00 0.00 ‐189.13 ‐1,007.40 0.00 0.00 ‐1,007.40 ‐2,003.35 0.00 ‐10.00 ‐2,013.35 ‐19,110.13 2,218.27 0.00 ‐16,891.86 ‐20,865.14 0.00 0.00 ‐20,865.14 ‐4,202.95 0.00 0.00 ‐4,202.95 ‐4,154.49 159.50 ‐575.09 ‐4,570.08 ‐8,042.72 0.00 0.00 ‐8,042.72 ‐2,165.63 0.00 0.00 ‐2,165.63 ‐1,425.91 0.00 0.00 ‐1,425.91 ‐2,472.50 470.53 0.00 ‐2,001.97 ‐1,657.21 0.00 ‐401.14 ‐2,058.35 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ‐126.94 121.21 ‐44.00 ‐49.73 ‐284,925.73 31,690.30 ‐31,279.44 ‐284,514.87 410.86 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK NUMBER VENDOR 12:29 PM 02/02/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 01/01/16 - 01/31/16) CHECK INVOICE INVOICE DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION PAGE: ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER 52401 ENG, MIDORI 01/05/2016 010516 Reissue Lost Check #52375 500.00 93L006 3037 0000 43 000258 52402 ABBOTT LABS 01/07/2016 103115 Explorers Fee for Lego Robotics 504.00 93L006 3020 0000 43 000249 52403 ABLAN, MARIA 01/07/2016 010416 Drama/Tech Supplies Reimbursement 136.15 93L006 3040 0000 43 000211 52404 ARIZMENDI, JOSHUA 01/07/2016 121515 Orchestra Concert Recording 12/11/15 150.00 93L006 3042 0000 43 000201 52405 CONFERENCE AND BANQUET SERVICE 01/07/2016 010516 Banquet Balance 603.03 92L006 2045 0000 43 000288 52406 CONOVER, SHERI 01/07/2016 010516 Tri-M Meeting Breakfast Reimbursement 52407 CUSTOMINK.COM 01/07/2016 6784715 Student Council T-shirts 775.50 92L006 2020 0000 43 000220 18.97 93L006 3038 0000 43 000210 52408 ELEGANT EMBROIDERY 01/07/2016 35113 FBLA T-Shirts 182.00 92L006 2012 0000 43 000212 52409 FBLA-PBL 01/07/2016 010416 National FBLA Membership Dues 715.00 92L006 2012 0000 43 000212 52410 FIRST 01/07/2016 010416 Robotics Competition Fees 500.00 93L006 3020 0000 43 000249 52411 FOGLIA YMCA 01/07/2016 121415 PE Leadership Event 12/14/15 460.00 92L006 2037 0000 43 000237 52412 FULL COMPASS SYSTEMS, LTD 01/07/2016 INC0007225 Microphone 52413 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 01/07/2016 122115-687 Set Supplies for Argonauticka Production 52414 ILLINOIS THEATRE ASSOCIATION 01/07/2016 2866 52415 MUSEUM OF SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY 01/07/2016 846610 Illinois Theatre Association Membership Science Field Trip 2/10/16 52416 NESTLE WATERS NORTH AMERICA 01/07/2016 05L0120988 Student Services Water 52417 RUBENSTEIN, RYAN 01/07/2016 010516 Fame Breakfast/Supplies Breakfast Reimbursement 52418 TNK SHIPPING INC 01/07/2016 120115 Playbills for Argonautika Production 52419 WILLIAMS, JILL 01/07/2016 010516 Children's Theatre & Fall Play Costume Reimbursement 52420 WINIARSKI, CAROLINE 01/07/2016 010516 Presents for NHS "Gift of Love" Tree 329.00 93L006 3000 0000 43 000243 2,074.79 93L006 3040 0000 43 000211 90.00 92L006 2045 0000 43 000288 375.00 92L006 2082 0000 43 000296 58.85 93L006 6010 0000 43 000294 44.23 93L006 3067 0000 43 000284 212.50 93L006 3040 0000 43 000211 4,047.77 93L006 3040 0000 43 000211 170.15 92L006 2066 0000 43 000277 52421 ALEXANDER LEIGH CENTER FOR AUT 01/08/2016 010616 Charity Bash 2015 52422 BOYAS, EMILY 01/08/2016 010616 Yearbook Student Staff Food Reimbursement 52423 BSN SPORTS 01/08/2016 97278574 Boys Basketball Apparell 52423 BSN SPORTS 01/08/2016 97494889 Mens Game Day Polos 283.55 93L006 3023 0000 43 000252 52423 BSN SPORTS 01/08/2016 97523192 Wrestling Grey Club Fleece Hoody 244.65 93L006 3054 0000 43 000270 52424 CAPITAL ONE COMMERCIAL 01/08/2016 066630 Food for hospitality room for JV Wrestling Tournament 52424 CAPITAL ONE COMMERCIAL 01/08/2016 075174 Athletic Hospitality Room 123.05 93L006 3011 0000 43 000285 52425 ELEGANT EMBROIDERY 01/08/2016 35151 Poms Royal Blue T Shirts with Bear Crew Design 110.50 93L006 3022 0000 43 000251 52426 FULL COMPASS SYSTEMS, LTD 01/08/2016 INC0007392 Cable Replacement 121.84 93L006 3040 0000 43 000211 52427 LITTLE JOEY'S PIZZA 01/08/2016 121915 285.40 93L006 3011 0000 43 000285 Hospitality Room lunch for JV Wrestling Tournament 29,322.00 92L006 2023 0000 43 000223 308.84 93L006 3018 0000 43 000213 1,079.51 93L006 3023 0000 43 000252 77.19 93L006 3011 0000 43 000285 12/19/2015 52428 PITCHER, WILLIAM 01/08/2016 010616 Reimbursement for Boys Basketball Pekin trip, gas, hotels, 2,796.39 93L006 3023 0000 43 000252 food 52429 ROSATI'S PIZZA 01/08/2016 010716 Lunch for Fame Students 115.27 93L006 3067 0000 43 000284 52430 STEWART, BENJAMIN 01/08/2016 555 Set up schedule and score Poms Competition 200.00 93L006 3022 0000 43 000251 52431 SUTTON, MICHAEL 01/08/2016 010616 Lunch for Boys Bowling Team 52432 GENAMERICA UNITED CORP. 01/15/2016 395359 Photo Paper for 2nd Semester 1,403.95 93L006 3015 0000 43 000200 52433 JOHLIE, THERESA 52433 JOHLIE, THERESA 01/15/2016 011116 01/15/2016 011116.1 Reimbursement for team breakfast 12/18/2015 Reimbursement for Poms Apparel 53.97 93L006 3022 0000 43 000251 4,231.06 93L006 3022 0000 43 000251 119.00 93L006 3031 0000 43 000256 1 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK NUMBER VENDOR 12:29 PM 02/02/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 01/01/16 - 01/31/16) CHECK INVOICE INVOICE DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION PAGE: ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER 52434 ROSATI'S PIZZA 01/15/2016 011116 Hospitality for Boys Bowling Bear Invite Coaches Room 204.24 93L006 3031 0000 43 000256 52435 XGRAIN SPORTSWEAR 01/15/2016 294287 Girls Basketball Apparel 610.00 93L006 3035 0000 43 000235 52436 BOYAS, EMILY 01/15/2016 011116 Yearbook Student Breakfast Reimbursement 52437 DAME, AARON 01/15/2016 011316 Astronomy Field Trip Reimburserment 133.00 92L006 2082 0000 43 000296 52438 ELEGANT EMBROIDERY 01/15/2016 35167 Math Team T-shirts 271.00 92L006 2070 0000 43 000293 52438 ELEGANT EMBROIDERY 01/15/2016 35183 Habitat for Humanity T-shirts 250.00 92L006 2025 0000 43 000225 52439 ENG, MIDORI 01/15/2016 011516 Color Guard Choreographer 500.00 93L006 3037 0000 43 000258 52440 GRAHAM, MARCEL 01/15/2016 011316 Theatre Fest Reimbursements 52441 SIGNSCAPES 01/15/2016 RP-8938 Signs for Freshman Day 52442 SUTTON, MICHAEL 01/15/2016 011116 Reimbursement for 2016 Boys Bowling Bear Invite 1-9-2016 591.49 93L006 3031 0000 43 000256 52443 WILES, DAVID 01/15/2016 011315 Color Guard Choreographer 500.00 93L006 3037 0000 43 000258 52444 BOB ROGERS TRAVEL 01/20/2016 010416 Choir Tour Final Balance 52445 COMMUNITY UNIT SCHOOL DISTRICT 01/20/2016 3464 Transportation to ISU 52445 COMMUNITY UNIT SCHOOL DISTRICT 01/20/2016 3332 Transportation to Foglia YMCA 52446 D'AVELLO, DIANNA Robotics Parts Reimbursement 01/20/2016 011516 64.04 93L006 3018 0000 43 000213 110.66 92L006 2045 0000 43 000288 2,156.00 93L006 3064 0000 43 000242 50,688.00 92L006 2047 0000 43 000250 1,526.25 92L006 2045 0000 43 000288 68.18 92L006 2037 0000 43 000237 151.72 93L006 3020 0000 43 000249 52447 FREESTYLE PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIE 01/20/2016 1156936 Film for Second Semester 745.64 93L006 3015 0000 43 000200 52448 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO 01/20/2016 44904778 Robot Hardware 264.81 93L006 3020 0000 43 000249 52448 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO 01/20/2016 46936835 Robot Hardware 323.82 93L006 3020 0000 43 000249 52448 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO 01/20/2016 45594722 Robot Hardware 64.74 93L006 3020 0000 43 000249 52448 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO 01/20/2016 45595435 Robot Hardware 155.43 93L006 3020 0000 43 000249 52449 BOYAS, EMILY 01/28/2016 012016 Reimbursement for snacks for yearbook student staff. 52450 ELEGANT EMBROIDERY 01/28/2016 35231 Orchesis tank tops and jerzees 320.00 92L006 2018 0000 43 000218 52451 GREAT LAKES COCA-COLA DISTRIBU 01/28/2016 767204045 Replenish Beverage Order 485.76 93L006 3011 0000 43 000285 52452 LAKE ZURICH HIGH SCHOOL BEAR B 01/28/2016 012116 Officials/Coaches Hospitality Girls Basketball Tournament 361.00 93L006 3011 0000 43 000285 86.85 93L006 3018 0000 43 000213 12/29, 12/30 52453 NESTLE WATERS NORTH AMERICA 01/28/2016 06A0120988 water for Student Services. Billing period 12/15/15 - 62.36 93L006 6010 0000 43 000294 1/14/16 52454 ROSATI'S PIZZA 01/28/2016 012116 Pizza for Student Leadership Team 52455 ROWLEY, DONALD 01/28/2016 012516 Boys Basketball Office Supplies 62.27 93L006 3064 0000 43 000242 52456 SUTTON, MICHAEL 01/28/2016 012616 Reimbursement for Boys Bowling Team State shirts 317.35 93L006 3011 0000 43 000285 52456 SUTTON, MICHAEL 01/28/2016 12116 Reimbursement for Lane fees, food, boys bowling 603.51 93L006 3031 0000 43 000256 52456 SUTTON, MICHAEL 01/28/2016 012116 Reimbursement for tape for boys bowling team 52457 TROPHIES BY GEORGE 01/28/2016 7734C Boys Basketball MLK Tournament 52457 TROPHIES BY GEORGE 01/28/2016 7735C Boys Basketball MLK Tournament 52458 TROXELL COMMUNICATIONS, INC 01/28/2016 874109 Senior Class Gift-Project & Screen for Field House 52459 USGTC 01/28/2016 106541 December Bill 900.00 93L006 3033 0000 43 000257 52460 WAGNER, CAROLYN 01/28/2016 012216 Snacks & items for students on Bear Facts 133.53 93L006 3016 0000 43 000236 52461 ANDYMARK, INC 52462 DANCE PARTY DJS INC. 01/29/2016 121796-122 Robot parts and hardware 01/29/2016 2016 PROM Down payment for DJ for Prom 2016 71.88 93L006 3023 0000 43 000252 20.91 93L006 3031 0000 43 000256 121.50 93L006 3011 0000 43 000285 64.30 93L006 3011 0000 43 000285 6,185.00 92L006 2007 0000 43 000207 944.07 93L006 3020 0000 43 000249 100.00 92L006 2081 0000 43 000295 2 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK NUMBER VENDOR 12:29 PM 02/02/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 01/01/16 - 01/31/16) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT 470.53 93L006 3100 0000 43 000301 52463 MATTHEW MILAZZO-PETTY CASH 01/29/2016 011316 Reimburse Petty Cash 1/5/16 - 1/13/16 52464 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO 01/29/2016 47173639 Robot hardware and materials 365.91 93L006 3020 0000 43 000249 52464 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO 01/29/2016 47390175 Robot hardware and materials 452.18 93L006 3020 0000 43 000249 52464 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO 01/29/2016 47694268 Robot hardware and materials 27.66 93L006 3020 0000 43 000249 52464 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO 01/29/2016 47696298 Robot hardware and materials 100.41 93L006 3020 0000 43 000249 52465 SID TOOL CO INC 01/29/2016 C32668596 Name tag printer labels 75.96 93L006 3020 0000 43 000249 Totals for checks 124,535.07 3 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 12:29 PM BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 01/01/16 - 01/31/16) F U N D S U M M A R Y FUND DESCRIPTION 92 Cash Activity Account - HS 92,344.77 0.00 0.00 92,344.77 93 District Activity - HS 32,190.30 0.00 0.00 32,190.30 124,535.07 0.00 0.00 124,535.07 *** Fund Summary Totals *** BALANCE SHEET ************************ End of report ************************ REVENUE EXPENSE TOTAL 02/02/16 PAGE: 4 MIDDLE & ELEMENTARY DISTRICT ACTIVITY ACCOUNTS Beginning 00 001008 Description Drama Production-MW Ending JAN 1,16 Expense Revenue JAN 31,16 -1,575.25 0.00 0.00 ‐1,575.25 0.00 -2017.33 ‐9,448.51 ‐7,431.18 384.00 26.74 ‐676.36 ‐1,087.10 0.00 -1217.53 ‐7,732.05 ‐6,514.52 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 550.39 -1282.00 ‐4,489.74 ‐3,758.13 0.00 0.00 ‐108.35 ‐108.35 0.00 ‐114.96 ‐114.96 0.00 Balance Per 94 L ACCOUNT NUMBER 001 3040 0000 School 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 L L L L L L L 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 3064 3072 3074 3075 3082 3083 3084 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 001001 001002 001003 001007 001004 001005 001006 General‐District Activity‐MW Field Trips‐District Act‐MW Student Council‐Dist Act‐MW Taft‐Dist Act‐MW In/Out‐District Activity‐MW Library Fees‐District Act‐MW Birthday Book‐District Act‐MW 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 L L L L L L L L L 003 003 003 003 003 003 003 003 003 3072 3074 3075 3083 3084 3086 3087 3094 6002 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 003004 003008 003009 003001 003002 003006 003007 003005 003003 Field Trips‐District Act‐SA Student Council‐Dist Act‐SA TAFT‐District Activity‐SA Library Fees‐District Act‐SA Birthday Book‐District Act‐SA Book Store‐District Act‐SA Student Activity‐Dist‐M&E Erica Meyer Fund‐Dist Act‐SA Staff Social‐Convenience‐SA ‐8,627.63 ‐1.65 ‐2,307.50 ‐255.92 ‐740.72 ‐1,585.95 ‐3,473.48 ‐272.12 ‐2,903.55 472.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 142.65 0.00 225.56 ‐259.00 0.00 0.00 ‐13.00 0.00 0.00 ‐1,563.88 0.00 ‐63.00 ‐8,414.13 ‐1.65 ‐2,307.50 ‐268.92 ‐740.72 ‐1,585.95 ‐4,894.71 ‐272.12 ‐2,740.99 ‐21,226.69 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 L L L L L L L L L 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 3021 3042 3044 3064 3068 3072 3075 3089 6002 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 004005 004005 004006 004001 004004 004003 004005 004004 004002 Choir‐District Activity‐SP Orchestra‐District Activity‐SP Student Assistance‐Dist Act‐SP General‐District Activity‐SP Band‐District Activity‐SP Field Trips‐District Act‐SP TAFT‐District Activity‐SP BOC ‐ District Activity‐SP Staff Social‐Convenience‐SP ‐20.01 ‐700.67 ‐2388.84 ‐6958.85 ‐615.71 ‐392.87 0.00 0.00 ‐528.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 199.10 340.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ‐50.00 0.00 0.00 ‐342.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ‐20.01 ‐750.67 ‐2,388.84 ‐6,759.75 ‐617.47 ‐392.87 0.00 0.00 ‐528.44 ‐11,458.05 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 L L L L L L L L L L L 005 005 005 005 005 005 005 005 005 005 005 3021 3040 3042 3044 3064 3068 3073 3074 3076 3077 3078 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 005001 005011 005002 005010 005003 005005 005012 005007 005004 005013 005014 Choir‐District Act‐MSN Drama Prod‐District Act‐MSN Orchestra‐District Act‐MSN Student Asst‐District Act‐MSN General‐District Activity‐MSN Band‐District Activity0MSN 6th Grade‐District Act‐MSN Student Council‐Dist Act‐MSN Book Replacement‐Dist Act‐MSN 7th Grade District Act‐MSN 8th Grade District Act‐MSN ‐2,337.90 ‐17,035.90 ‐7,396.10 ‐3,124.52 ‐1,515.62 ‐5,800.79 ‐1,134.99 ‐8,644.03 ‐3,051.47 ‐906.72 ‐4,323.78 275.74 202.73 785.97 0.00 0.00 1,909.36 0.00 471.49 0.00 0.00 720.00 ‐4,829.91 ‐1,078.32 ‐910.84 ‐959.00 0.00 ‐719.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ‐846.70 ‐6,892.07 ‐17,911.49 ‐7,520.97 ‐4,083.52 ‐1,515.62 ‐4,610.43 ‐1,134.99 ‐8,172.54 ‐3,051.47 ‐906.72 ‐4,450.48 ‐24,145.22 94 94 94 94 94 94 L L L L L L 005 005 005 005 005 005 3079 3083 3085 3088 3090 6002 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 005008 005009 005015 005016 005017 005006 Clubs‐District Activity‐MSN Library Fees‐District Act‐MSN Springfield‐District Act‐MSN Home Ec Kit‐Dist Act‐MSN Sports‐District Activity‐MSN Staff Social‐Convenience‐MSN ‐1,545.01 0.00 ‐1,350.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 ‐1,292.44 0.00 ‐23,403.77 12,295.00 ‐1,017.06 139.90 ‐2,059.38 ‐133.19 0.00 ‐60.00 ‐4,770.70 ‐10.00 ‐3,604.39 ‐1,483.72 0.00 ‐1,352.44 ‐15,879.47 ‐887.16 JAN 31,16 -543.24 -1,276.42 General‐District Act‐ IF Band ‐ District Activity‐IF Field Trips‐District Act‐IF Student Council‐Dist Act‐IF TAFT‐District Activity‐IF Book Replacement‐Dist Act‐IF Clubs‐District Activity‐IF Fundraiser‐District Act‐IF Homework Club‐Dist Act‐IF Target‐District Activity‐IF Fox Classroom Fund‐Dist Act‐IF Scholarship‐Dist Act‐IF Media Center‐District Act‐IF Staff Social‐District Act‐IF JAN 1,16 Expense Revenue ‐190.24 0.00 ‐353.00 ‐1,226.42 0.00 ‐50.00 ‐4,184.62 435.00 ‐2,805.57 ‐1,722.51 1,212.18 ‐1,376.02 ‐94.82 0.00 0.00 ‐1,425.53 0.00 744.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 ‐1,380.64 0.00 0.00 ‐660.29 0.00 0.00 ‐801.73 0.00 ‐55.22 ‐1,231.84 0.00 0.00 ‐317.87 0.00 0.00 ‐100.71 660.00 0.00 ‐4,706.04 0.00 0.00 ‐168.96 0.00 0.00 ‐1.72 0.00 0.00 Choir‐District Activity‐MSS Cheerleading‐DistActivity‐MSS Drama‐District Activity‐MSS Orchestra‐DistActivity‐MSS Student Assistant‐Dist Act‐MSS Wrestling‐District Act‐MSS General‐Dist Activity‐MSS Band‐District Activity‐MSS 6th Grade‐District Act‐MSS Student Council‐Dist Act‐MSS Book Replacement‐Dist Act‐MSS 7th Grade‐District Act‐MSS 8th Grade‐District Act‐MSS Clubs‐District Activity‐MSS In/Out‐District Activity‐MSS ‐664.40 ‐173.75 ‐25,141.51 ‐3,834.07 ‐3,441.43 ‐1,904.53 ‐1,558.27 ‐3,991.71 0.00 ‐3,769.05 ‐104.84 492.67 ‐320.00 ‐1,669.68 ‐8,729.36 819.21 ‐173.75 ‐25,141.51 ‐2,936.18 ‐3,441.43 ‐626.55 ‐1,015.27 ‐3,991.71 0.00 ‐3,769.05 ‐104.84 492.67 ‐320.00 ‐3,632.27 ‐6,506.76 ‐83,457.48 MIDDLE & ELEMENTARY DISTRICT ACTIVITY ACCOUNTS Beginning ACCOUNT NUMBER 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L 009 009 009 009 009 009 009 009 009 009 009 009 009 009 009 009 3021 3042 3064 3068 3072 3074 3075 3076 3079 3080 3081 3095 3097 3098 3099 6002 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 009015 009016 009001 009006 009004 009007 009008 009002 009012 009013 009014 009011 009009 009010 009005 009003 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 3021 3033 3040 3042 3044 3054 3064 3068 3073 3074 3076 3077 3078 3079 3082 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 010001 010002 010012 010003 010011 010007 010004 010006 010013 010008 010005 010014 010015 010009 010010 Description Choir - District Activity - IF Orchestra - District Activity - IF Ending 1,675.61 0.00 0.00 1,027.89 0.00 1,316.98 543.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 247.41 2,427.60 ‐192.00 0.00 0.00 ‐130.00 0.00 ‐39.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ‐2,210.00 ‐205.00 ‐6,555.19 ‐1,886.35 ‐94.82 ‐680.90 0.00 ‐1,380.64 ‐660.29 ‐856.95 ‐1,231.84 ‐317.87 559.29 ‐4,706.04 ‐168.96 ‐1.72 Balance Per School ‐19,801.94 94 94 94 94 94 L L L L L 010 010 010 010 010 3088 3090 3091 3092 3096 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 00 00 00 00 00 010016 010017 010018 010019 010020 Home Ec Kit‐District Act‐MSS Sports‐District Act‐MSS Ski Trip‐District Activity‐MSS Band Resale‐District Act‐MSS 6‐8 Team‐District Act‐MSS ‐102.11 ‐350.68 ‐203.69 ‐2,587.70 ‐20.57 0.00 0.00 2,501.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ‐2,648.00 ‐110.00 0.00 ‐102.11 ‐350.68 ‐350.69 ‐2,697.70 ‐20.57 ‐53,869.19 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 L L L L L L L L 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 3064 3072 3074 3075 3082 3084 3089 3093 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 012001 012002 012004 012005 012006 012007 012003 012008 General‐District Activity‐SL Field Trips‐District Act‐SL Student Activity‐District Activity‐SL Taft‐District Activity‐SL In/Out‐District Activity‐SL Birthday Book‐District Act‐SL BOC‐District Activity‐SL Hailey's Fund‐Dist Act‐SL 0 ‐7,265.44 ‐2,440.21 ‐196.25 0.00 ‐341.91 ‐189.85 ‐37.65 ‐978.30 0.00 1,431.18 385.83 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ‐28.00 ‐1,115.76 ‐189.58 0.00 0.00 ‐16.00 0.00 0.00 ‐7,293.44 ‐2,124.79 0.00 0.00 ‐341.91 ‐205.85 ‐37.65 ‐978.30 ‐10,981.94 Jan. Ending Balance -223,982.26 32,978.57 ‐33,936.82 ‐223,365.26 -224,940.51 ‐958.25 ‐958.25 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 12:19 PM 02/02/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 01/01/16 - 01/31/16) CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION 701452 HARWOOD, KAREN 01/07/2016 121715 PAGE: ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER Reimbursements for supplies purchased for art club: wood, 660.00 94L009 3097 0000 00 009009 clay, feathers, pastels, containers, how to books 701453 LAKE COUNTY FOREST PRESERVES D 01/07/2016 FIELD TRIP 5TH GRADE ASSEMBLY 180.00 94L012 3072 0000 00 012002 701454 LEISERV INC 01/07/2016 FIELD TRIP Payment for bowling field trip for our band students 701455 LEISERV INC 01/07/2016 FIELD TRIP BAND FIELD TRIP TO BRUNSWICK ZONE BOWLING ALLEY 1/12/2016 1,212.18 94L009 3068 0000 00 009006 531.18 94L012 3072 0000 00 012002 AGREEMENT #840-393544-1 701456 LEISERV INC 01/07/2016 FIELD TRIP band bowling trip 340.50 94L004 3068 0000 00 004004 701457 NORTHERN ILLINOIS MUSIC CONFER 01/07/2016 2016 CONTE BOC Student Solo & Ensemble Fees 658.02 94L005 3042 0000 00 005002 701457 NORTHERN ILLINOIS MUSIC CONFER 01/07/2016 2016 CONTE BOC Student Solo & Ensemble Fees 827.24 94L005 3068 0000 00 005005 701457 NORTHERN ILLINOIS MUSIC CONFER 01/07/2016 2016 CONTE BOC Student Solo & Ensemble Fees 275.74 94L005 3021 0000 00 005001 701458 SKATETIME SCHOOL PROGRAMS INC 01/07/2016 7279 MSN PE Class Roller Skating Rental 448.00 94L005 3090 0000 00 005017 701458 SKATETIME SCHOOL PROGRAMS INC 01/07/2016 7280 MSN PE Class Roller Skating Rental 5,634.00 94L005 3090 0000 00 005017 701459 WILLSIE, KAREN 01/07/2016 121815 Bright Spots Gifts for Staff Members 701460 DOHENY, LAURIE 01/14/2016 01-10-16 Box collection for Serviceman Strony 95.40 94L003 3087 0000 00 003007 701460 DOHENY, LAURIE 01/14/2016 011016 Barnes and Noble Coloring Contest Prize 20.00 94L003 3087 0000 00 003007 701461 E-LINE VENTURES, LLC 01/14/2016 GSM-1584 701462 GREAT LAKES COCA-COLA DISTRIBU 01/14/2016 011116 139.90 94L005 6002 0000 00 005006 Coding Club fee 60.00 94L010 3082 0000 00 010010 Refill Staff Lounge Pop Machine 137.28 94L003 6002 0000 00 003003 701463 HAHN, KIMBERLY 01/14/2016 010516 T-shirts for the coding club students 701464 HARTMAN, JOANNA OR DONN 01/14/2016 010516 Student Activity Night 12/11/2015: 701465 LAKE COOK DISTRIBUTORS 01/14/2016 20153336 books for 7th grade 701466 LAKE ZURICH HIGH SCHOOL 01/14/2016 CHARITY BA CHARITY BASH STUDENT COUNCIL DONATION 701467 MALL, CLAUDIA 01/14/2016 120115 Staff Meeting Supplies 701468 ROALKVAM, TRUDY 01/14/2016 010516 Student Activity Night 12/11/2015: Snacks 101.94 94L005 3074 0000 00 005007 701469 TROUTMAN, RUTA 01/14/2016 010516 Student Activity Night 12/11/2015: Snacks 261.81 94L005 3074 0000 00 005007 701470 WELLS, SHEILA 01/14/2016 011016 Social Committee Expense 18.95 94L003 6002 0000 00 003003 701471 WEST MUSIC COMPANY 01/14/2016 Sl1241460 Recorder for music class 199.10 94L004 3064 0000 00 004001 701472 WILLIAMS, TERRI 01/14/2016 011016 Social Committee Expenses - Holiday Breakfast 701473 ANDERSONS BOOKS, INC 01/21/2016 5091 book fair 701474 ANNE M ZAHN, LLC 01/21/2016 3440 4th Grade in-house field trip HTHT 701475 CHICAGOLAND PAVING 01/21/2016 158301-F Construct Long jump Runway at MSN 6,000.00 94L005 3090 0000 00 005017 Decorations 435.00 94L009 3064 0000 00 009001 70.73 94L005 3074 0000 00 005007 953.55 94L010 3082 0000 00 010010 385.83 94L012 3074 0000 00 012004 6.99 94L003 6002 0000 00 003003 33.57 94L003 6002 0000 00 003003 1,414.05 94L010 3082 0000 00 010010 472.50 94L003 3072 0000 00 003004 701476 CHOPRA, AARON 01/21/2016 011316 reimburse ski club 1,307.00 94L010 3091 0000 00 010018 701476 CHOPRA, AARON 01/21/2016 012016 ski trip 1/14/16 1,194.00 94L010 3091 0000 00 010018 701477 CBS AWARDS INC 01/21/2016 3393 Trophies for Spelling Bee 701478 GRAPHIC EDGE 01/21/2016 941279 wrestling spiritwear 1,003.84 94L010 3054 0000 00 010007 701478 GRAPHIC EDGE 01/21/2016 941280 wrestling spiritwear 164.06 94L010 3054 0000 00 010007 701478 GRAPHIC EDGE 01/21/2016 941282 wrestling spiritwear 701479 GREAT AMERICAN OPPORTUNITIES I 01/21/2016 912443412 Orchestra Cookie Dough Fundraiser: 701480 GROTH, STAN 701481 HARPER, KELLY refund Indy trip deposit reimburse Il Music Ed Conference 01/21/2016 011316 01/21/2016 011316 27.25 94L003 3087 0000 00 003007 149.08 94L010 3054 0000 00 010007 Payment to Vendor 127.95 94L005 3042 0000 00 005002 50.00 94L010 3042 0000 00 010003 250.00 94L010 3021 0000 00 010001 1 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 12:19 PM 02/02/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 01/01/16 - 01/31/16) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 701482 HERLOCKER, DAVID 01/21/2016 011516 Breakfast Treats for Staff 701483 HURT, KENDRA 01/21/2016 011116 Reimbursement for payment of 4th Grade Field Trip to Lake 701484 JAFFE, KAREN 01/21/2016 010716 Costumes for Spring Musical 701485 KEYBRAND ENTERTAINMENT INC 01/21/2016 44562041 # Tickets for FT 1,325.61 94L010 3021 0000 00 010001 701485 KEYBRAND ENTERTAINMENT INC 01/21/2016 44562041 # Tickets for FT 877.89 94L010 3042 0000 00 010003 701486 MAULEON, NOREEN 01/21/2016 011316 reimburse Orchestra trip deposit 100.00 94L010 3042 0000 00 010003 701487 ROBINS, ALYCE 01/21/2016 011316 refund Indy trip deposit 701488 SPOTLIGHT YOUTH THEATER, INC 01/21/2016 FIELD TRIP 1ST, 4TH AND SCHASER FIELD TRIP TO SEUSSICAL JR AT COLLEGE 701489 STUMPF, JULIE 01/21/2016 011316 Club CSI 701490 VOJACK, BARBARA 01/21/2016 011316 refund trip deposit 701491 CBS AWARDS INC 01/28/2016 3083 plaques world language 543.00 94L010 3064 0000 00 010004 701492 CUPPLES, MARTIN 01/28/2016 012016 Reimbursement for purchases for May Whitney Musical 178.29 94L001 3082 0000 00 001004 701493 DUPEE, MINDY 01/28/2016 012016 Reimbursement for purchases for May Whitney Musical 97.85 94L001 3082 0000 00 001004 701494 ECKLAND, JILL 01/28/2016 012016 Reimbursement for purchases for May Whitney Musical 701496 GUITAR CENTER, INC 01/28/2016 4584991 Band Student Books and Supplies 701496 GUITAR CENTER, INC 01/28/2016 4749980 Band Student Books and Supplies 183.22 94L005 3068 0000 00 005005 701496 GUITAR CENTER, INC 01/28/2016 4889478 Band Student Books and Supplies 121.80 94L005 3068 0000 00 005005 701496 GUITAR CENTER, INC 01/28/2016 4964537 Band Student Books and Supplies 79.60 94L005 3068 0000 00 005005 701496 GUITAR CENTER, INC 01/28/2016 5099101 Band Student Books and Supplies 59.70 94L005 3068 0000 00 005005 701496 GUITAR CENTER, INC 01/28/2016 5149914 Band Student Books and Supplies 59.10 94L005 3068 0000 00 005005 701496 GUITAR CENTER, INC 01/28/2016 5555300 Band Student Books and Supplies 23.88 94L005 3068 0000 00 005005 701497 POLLAK, ALBA 01/28/2016 012216 Student Council Meeting Snacks 37.01 94L005 3074 0000 00 005007 701498 SAFE-DI AWARDS COMPANY 01/28/2016 25421 Wrestling Team Spiritwear 701499 SCHROEDER, SARA 01/28/2016 012016 Reimbursement for purchases for May Whitney Musical 259.30 94L001 3082 0000 00 001004 701500 STUMPF, JULIE 01/28/2016 012716 reimburse club CSI 118.43 94L010 3079 0000 00 010009 701501 SUNBURST WINTER SPORTS PARK 01/28/2016 4403065000 "Science of Tubing" Snowtubing Field Trip 720.00 94L005 3078 0000 00 005014 701502 THE NORTHSHORE CONCERT BAND 01/28/2016 ENTRY FEE 400.00 94L005 3068 0000 00 005005 AMOUNT NUMBER 28.77 94L003 6002 0000 00 003003 384.00 94L001 3072 0000 00 001002 County Forest Preserve 202.73 94L005 3040 0000 00 005011 50.00 94A000 1058 0000 00 000000 720.00 94L012 3072 0000 00 012002 OF LAKE COUNTY 2/5/2016 Northshore Concert Band: 128.98 94L010 3079 0000 00 010009 50.00 94L010 3021 0000 00 010001 14.95 94L001 3082 0000 00 001004 154.82 94L005 3068 0000 00 005005 213.00 94L005 3090 0000 00 005017 Middle School Band Clinic Totals for checks 32,978.57 2 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 F U N D FUND DESCRIPTION 94 District Activity M & E *** Fund Summary Totals *** 12:19 PM BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 01/01/16 - 01/31/16) S U M M A R Y BALANCE SHEET REVENUE EXPENSE TOTAL 32,978.57 0.00 0.00 32,978.57 32,978.57 0.00 0.00 32,978.57 ************************ End of report ************************ 02/02/16 PAGE: 3 Lake Zurich Community Unit School District 95 Report to Board of Education Board Meeting Date: February 25, 2016 From: Vicky Cullinan, Asst. Superintendent of Business and Operations Re: FBG Contract Extension Policy Reference: 4:60 – Contracts and Purchases Background: Three years ago in February of 2013 the District received proposals to provide custodial services to the District. FBG Service Corporation was selected to provide custodial services to the District. The original contract was for three year and will be expiring on June 30, 2016. Analysis: The current base contract is $1,213,396.20. With the Affordable Care Act they have been required to provide insurance to their full-time employees. This was a cost that was not included when the contract was bid. FBG has requested that we increase the contract based on the current cost of the benefit to create a new base number. Then for subsequent years they would be eligible for an increase on the new bases. Currently there are 10 employees at $424.34 x 12 months = $50,920.80. The proposed new contract amount would be $1,213,396.20 x .7% (CPI) = $1,221,889.97 + $50,920.80 = $1,272,810.77 Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the administration to approve a one year contract with FBG. Motion: To approve a one year contract extension with FBG Service Corporation in a base contract amount of $1,272,811. CUSTODIAL CLEANING SERVICES CONTRACT ADDENDUM #1 This ADDENDUM entered into on the 25th day of February, 2016 is to the original AGREEMENT entered into on the 25th day of April, 2013, by and between the Board of Education of Lake Zurich Community Unit School District 95, Lake County, Illinois ("District"), and FBG Service Corporation ("Contractor") (collectively referred hereto as "the parties"). WITNESSETH WHEREAS, District has requested public bids for the provision of Custodial Cleaning Services including all materials, supplies and labor ("Services"); and WHEREAS, Contractor has submitted a bid for provision of the Services; and WHEREAS, District has awarded this Contract to Contractor to provide custodial cleaning services including materials, equipment, supplies and labor in accordance with the bid specifications. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the terms and conditions herein, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: 1. Duration of Contract. Contract will begin July 1, 2016 and shall be completed no later than June 30, 2017. 2. Contract Documents. The documents comprising the entirety of this Contract are the bid specifications and their Attachments A through H as issued by District, the bid sheet(s) submitted by Contractor, and this Contract. 3. Document Supremacy. In the event any term or provision of one Contract Document conflicts with a term or provision of another, the term or provision of the Contract shall prevail over all other documents. The terms and provisions of the bid specifications shall prevail over the bid sheet. 4. Compensation. Contractor shall provide all services as awarded by District and shall be compensated according to the terms of the bid specifications and their Attachments A through H in the amount of $1,272,811.00. 5. Complete Understanding. This Agreement sets forth all of the promises, agreements, conditions, and understandings between the parties relative to the subject matter hereof, and no other promises, agreements, or understandings, whether oral or written, expressed or implied, exist between the parties. 6. Amendments. No subsequent alteration, amendment, change, addition, deletion, or modification to this Agreement shall be binding upon the parties hereto unless reduced to writing and duly authorized and signed by each of them. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have signed this Agreement on the 25th day of February, 2016. Contractor: FBG Service Corporation 1339 W. 7th Street Davenport, IA 52802 Board of Education of Lake Zurich Community Unit School District #95 Lake County, Illinois ___________________________ Contractor ___________________________ President Its:_________________________ ___________________________ Secretary Dated:_______________________ Dated:______________________ Lake Zurich Community Unit School District 95 Report to Board of Education Board Meeting Date: February 25, 2016 From: Vicky Cullinan, Assistant Superintendent for Business and Operations Re: Point of Service Contract – PushCoin Policy Reference: Policy 4:60 – Contracts and Purchases Background: The administration presented information regarding a new point of service for the food service program at the February Committee of the Whole. After reviewing three different products the review team selected PushCoin. A draft contract, reviewed by the Board’s attorney, was presented to the Board. PushCoin has agreed to the contract without any changes. Analysis: PushCoin is a relatively new company that has designed a Point of Sale and accountability system with the parents in mind. It meets the need of the school district with ease of implementation and customization options but it really sets itself apart in the parent interface. Some of the parent features are: 1) Add money quickly and transfer money real time between students accounts via their website that is mobile friendly; 2) Add funds to all students in a family at once; 3) Parents can select the desired level of communication including the option for notification of daily purchases; and 4) Lower credit card fees. There is no initial hardware or software cost for the system to District 95. PushCoin is compensated per transaction. The fee per transaction is $.10 or 1.5% whichever is less. For free and reduced lunches the cost per transaction is $.00675. This fee can be absorbed in our current lunch program pricing structure. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the administration to approve the contract with PushCoin, Inc. Motion: To approve the contract with PushCoin, Inc. SERVICE AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN PUSHCOIN, INC. AND THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF LAKE ZURICH COMMUNITY UNIT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 95 This Agreement, dated the 25th of February, 2016, (“Agreement”) is entered into by and between PushCoin, Inc., an Illinois Corporation (“PushCoin”), and the Board of Education of Lake Zurich Community Unit School District No. 95, Lake County, Illinois (“Board” or “School District”), (collectively, the “Parties”). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Board wishes to utilize the point of sale services (“Services”) of PushCoin; and WHEREAS, the Parties wish to memorialize the terms and conditions of their agreement as set forth below. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises herein set forth and other good and valuable consideration which is hereby acknowledged by the Parties, it is agreed as follows: 1. INCORPORATION OF RECITALS. The recitals set forth above are true and correct and are incorporated in this Section by reference. 2. TERM. This agreement shall have an initial term of one (1) year from and after the Effective Date and shall automatically renew for successive one year terms. This Agreement may be terminated by the School District for convenience, upon thirty (30) days written notice. PushCoin may only terminate the agreement due to a breach in terms, conditions, covenants or warranty of the Agreement and fails to cure such breach within ninety (90) days of receipt of written notice. The Effective Date of this Agreement shall be the date of the last party to sign this Agreement. 3. SERVICES. PushCoin shall provide point of sale equipment to the School District at the rate set forth in Exhibit A. 4. INDEMNIFICATION. To the fullest extent permitted by law, PushCoin agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Board, its board members, officers, employees, students, volunteers, and agents (“Indemnitees”) against all loss, liability, claims or expenses (including reasonable attorney’s fees) arising out of, related to or connected with PushCoin’s acts or omissions under the Agreement, or any breach of the Agreement. 5. INSURANCE. PushCoin shall obtain and maintain in effect during the term of this Agreement, at its own expense, commercial general liability insurance in the amount of no less than $1,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 in the aggregate. PushCoin shall name the Page 1 of 5 Indemnitees as an additional insureds on such policies. Such policies will be primary and noncontributory and will specifically cover PushCoin’s indemnification obligations under this Agreement. To the extent that PushCoin is required by law to maintain worker’s compensation insurance, PushCoin shall maintain worker’s compensation insurance in the amounts required by law. PushCoin shall provide the Board with certificates of insurance verifying such coverage. PushCoin may utilize umbrella or excess insurance to meet the requirements of this Paragraph. Such excess or umbrella policies shall be subject to the same requirements of the commercial general liability insurance and such policies shall follow the commercial general liability insurance policy. 6. RETURN AND USE OF DATA. Within ten (10) days of termination of this Agreement, PushCoin shall return to the Board all information and data that the Board provided to PushCoin. Such information will be provided to the Board in the same format that it was provided to PushCoin. Thereafter, PushCoin shall remove all student information from its systems. PushCoin will not collect any user data from the Board for purposes that are not directly related to the use of the Services hereunder. PushCoin will not sell any user data from the Board’s licenses and will not host any of the Board’s data outside of the United States of America. The obligations of this Paragraph shall survive the termination of this Agreement. 7. USE, RECEIPT, DISCLOSURE, AND DESTRUCTION OF STUDENT DATA. PushCoin and the Board recognize that in the course of working together, PushCoin may be provided with access to individually identifiable student information, including personally identifiable information. PushCoin shall only allow its employees and the Board to access such information as may be necessary to provide the Services under this Agreement. PushCoin shall not use or allow access to personally identifiable information, except in accordance with the requirements of the Board, law, and regulations. PushCoin will comply with all applicable laws and/or regulations in providing its Services under this Agreement and the Documents, including the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, 20 U.S.C. § 1232g, Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Confidentiality Act, 740 ILCS 110/1 et seq. and the Illinois School Student Records Act, 105 ILCS 10/1 et seq., with respect to privacy, data security, and destruction relative to information and data about students and their parents. PushCoin shall not transfer personally identifiable information out of the United States. The obligations of this Paragraph shall survive the termination of this Agreement. 8. SECURITY AND BREACH NOTIFICATION. PushCoin shall implement and maintain appropriate security protocols to prevent third-party access to information and data provided by the Board. In the event that the security of information or data provided by the Board is breached, PushCoin must notify the Board of the breach immediately and inform the Board of the information that was compromised. The obligations of this Paragraph shall survive the termination of this Agreement. 9. REQUESTS FOR DISTRICT INFORMATION OR DATA. In the event that PushCoin receives a request from a third party, including a subpoena, for information or data provided by the Board, it shall promptly notify the Board of said request and allow the Board to intervene on PushCoin’s behalf. The obligations of this Paragraph shall survive the termination of this Agreement. Page 2 of 5 10. CONFIDENTIALITY. PushCoin shall cause each officer, director, employee and other representative who shall have access to any personally identifiable student record information of School District students (hereinafter “Confidential Student Records”) during the term of the Agreement (collectively, the “Authorized Representatives”) to maintain in strict confidence and trust all Confidential Student Records. The Company shall take all reasonable steps to insure that no Confidential Student Records are disclosed to any person or entity except those who (i) are Authorized Representatives of the Company performing functions for the Board under the Agreement and have agreed to be bound by the terms of this Agreement; (ii) are authorized representatives of the Board, or (iii) are entitled to such Confidential Student Records from PushCoin pursuant to federal and/or Illinois law. PushCoin shall use Confidential Student Records, and shall take all reasonable steps necessary to ensure that its Authorized Representatives shall use such records, solely for purposes related to and in fulfillment of the performance by the Company of its obligations pursuant to the Agreement. The identity of Authorized Representatives having access to the Confidential Student Records will be documented and access will be logged. 11. SCHOOL OFFICIAL EXCEPTION. Upon expiration of the term of the Agreement, or upon the earlier termination of the Agreement for any reason, PushCoin covenants and agrees that it promptly shall deliver to the Board, and shall take all reasonable steps necessary to cause each of its Authorized Representatives promptly to deliver to the Board, all Confidential Student Records of District students. PushCoin hereby acknowledges and agrees that, solely for purposes of receiving access to Confidential Student Records and of fulfilling its obligations pursuant to this provision and for no other purpose (including without limitation, entitlement to compensation and other employee benefits), PushCoin and its Authorized Representatives shall be deemed to be school officials of the School Board, and shall maintain the Confidential Student Records in accordance with all federal state and local laws, rules and regulations regarding the confidentiality of such records. The non-disclosure obligations of the Company and its Authorized Representatives regarding the information contained in the Confidential Student Records shall survive termination of the Agreement. The Company shall indemnify and hold harmless the School Board from and against any loss, claim, cost (including attorneys' fees) or damage of any nature arising from or in connection with a breach by the Company or any of its officers, directors, employees, agents or representatives of the obligations of the Company or its Authorized Representatives. 12. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS, AUTHORITY TO EXECUTE AND THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARIES. PushCoin shall comply with all applicable laws, ordinances rules, regulations and codes, including but not limited to the requirements of the Illinois Human Rights Act, 775 ILCS 5/1-101 et seq. and the provision of sexual harassment policies and procedures pursuant to Section 2-105 of that Act as well as Section 750.10 and Appendix A of the regulations of the Illinois Department of Human Rights, 44 Ill. Admin. Code 750.10, 750.Appendix A in providing the Services under this Agreement. PushCoin also agrees to comply with all federal Equal Employment Opportunity Laws, including, but not limited to, the Americans with Disabilities Act, 42 U.S.C. Section 12101 et seq., and rules and regulations promulgated thereunder. Additionally, PushCoin represents and warrants that it is not barred from entering into this Agreement as a result of a conviction of bid rigging or bid rotating or the Page 3 of 5 violation of any other State or Federal law. Each signatory hereto represents and warrants that he/she has the corporate authority to execution this Agreement and bind his/her respective entity to the terms hereof. Nothing in this Agreement is intended to or shall be construed to grant any third party any rights or benefits. 13. GENERAL PROVISIONS. This Agreement between the parties hereto shall be binding on the parties only upon execution by an authorized representative of both parties. No waiver by either party of any default shall be deemed as a waiver of prior or subsequent default of the same or other provisions of the Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding of the parties, and revokes and supersedes all prior agreements between the parties and is intended as a final expression of their agreement. The Agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original and all of which together shall constitute one instrument. This Agreement and the Documents shall be governed by the laws of the State of Illinois. Any litigation concerning this Agreement shall be prosecuted in Lake County, Illinois or the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly designated officials as of the dates set forth below. PUSHCOIN, INC. BOARD OF EDUCATION LAKE ZURICH COMMUNITY UNIT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 95, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS By: __________________________________ By: _______________________________ Its: __________________________________ Its: _______________________________ Date: _________________________________ Date: _____________________________ 301916_1 Page 4 of 5 EXHIBIT A FEE SCHEDULE Merchant Services Price Setup Fee $0.00 Service Transaction Fee $0.10 or 1.5%, whichever is less Minimum Service Transaction Fee $0.00675 Monthly Point-of-Sale Hardware Lease Free unit per every 300 students $19.95 per additional terminal Monthly School Web Store Fee $0.00 ACH Services Price ACH Monthly Fee $0.00 ACH Transaction Fee $0.00 Based on 4 day bank clearing time. ACH Reject or Return Item Fee $0.00 Credit Card Processing fees are subject to Credit Card Processor's Fee Schedule. Signed: ______________________________ Page 5 of 5 Lake Zurich Community Unit School District 95 Report to Board of Education Board Meeting Date: February 25, 2016 From: Vicky Cullinan, Assistant Superintendent for Business and Operations Re: 2016-2017 Tuition Rate Policy Reference: Policy 7:60 - Residence Background: Illinois School Code states that only those students who are residents of the District may attend a district’s schools tuition free. In some approved cases students are accepted for enrollment on a tuition paying basis, and the School Code allows for collection of those payments calculated as follows: “tuition in an amount exceeding 110% of the per capita cost of maintaining the schools of the district for the preceding year.” The Annual Financial Report shows that 110% of the per capita tuition cost is $13,996.94. Analysis: N/A Recommendation: The administration recommends the adoption of the out of district tuition rate of $13,996.94 for the 2016-2017 school year. Motion: To set the District’s out-of-district tuition rate at $13,996.94 for the 2016-2017 school year. Lake Zurich Community Unit School District 95 Report to Board of Education Board Meeting Date: February 25, 2016 From: Vicky Cullinan, Assistant Superintendent for Business and Operations Re: Performing Arts Center Facility Usage Fees Policy Reference: 8:20 – Community Use of Facilities Background: Annually the board approves the fees that the district will charge for the use of district facilities. The PAC fee structure and classifications were discussed at the February Committee of the Whole meetings. No increase in PAC facility usage fees is proposed. The proposed 2016-2017 fees are attached. Analysis: None Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the administration to approve the PAC facility usage fees as presented. Motion: To approve the PAC facility usage fees for the 2016-2017 school year as presented. Performing Arts Center Rates Fine Arts Facility Band/Orchestra Room Choral Room Dressing Room, per day Performing Arts Center ** - 679 Seat Fixed – 4 hour min. With Theatrical Lighting Rehearsal Rate for Performing Arts Center Black Box (50 seats moveable) – 4 hour min. With Theatrical Lighting Theatrical Lighting Set Up – One-time fee (Rep plot adding up to 6 specials) Theatrical Lighting Set up Fee (Rep plot PLUS special added design) Practice Rooms Personnel – Hour Rate / Person Audio-visual (plus 1 hour before and after) Custodial (non-attendance days or after hours) Student Technical Crew, per crew member (plus 1 hour before and after) Technical Director/Designer Equipment and Services AV Machines (not installed in theater) Lectern Microphone / Sound System Piano, Grand Piano, Spinet Platform Risers Choral / Band Shell (one time set-up fee) Weekend Heat / Air Conditioning Unless indicated otherwise, fees are listed per hour. Class I N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Class II $45.00 $45.00 $35.00 $150.00 Included $105.00 $55.00 $60.00 $20.00 Class III $45.00 $90.00 $70.00 $300.00 Included $210.00 $110.00 $120.00 $40.00 N/A REIMB REIMB N/A $15.00 $15.00 N/A N/A N/A $15.00 $35.00 $15.00 $25.00 $35.00 $15.00 N/A $45.00 $45.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $40.00 $20.00 $40.00 $70.00 $50.00 $30.00 $55.00 $150/day $45.00 $20.00 $40.00 $70.00 $50.00 $30.00 $85.00 $150/day REIM - Reimbursement of direct expenses to the district (personnel, equipment, security and support personnel for each hour of rental. ** Must include technical staff personnel/hour A rehearsal rate is available for renter who commits to a minimum of a 16 hour block per show/production Class II and III are charged the rental fees shown plus reimbursement of direct expenses to the district. Weekly Rates: To qualify for a discounted weekly rate you must commit to 40 hours over a consecutive seven day period. Any rental that exceeds 40 hours in one seven day period will be billed at the DISCOUNTED rate for each additional hour. See PAC Manager for details. All items that are brought into the PAC for a production MUST be removed on the last day of the contract. Any abandoned items will be disposed of and the cost will be billed to the renter. The disposal will include a minimum $25.00 per man hour disassembly fee and a $250.00 disposal fee for items larger than 4ft x 4ft. A $50.00 per day storage fee may be applied for items that need to be picked up at a later date. TO: FROM: AGENDA ITEM: DATE: Board of Education Dr. Terry Mootz, Director of Assessment and Data Shared Data for Educational Research with College of Lake County February 25, 2016 Background Information: In accordance with Board policy 8:40 Educational Research and 7:340 Student Records, Lake Zurich Community Unit School District 95 will enter into an intergovernmental shared data agreement with the College of Lake County. This agreement meets the stringent requirements set forth by Institutional Review Boards (IRB) for educational research and will abide by both the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the Illinois School Student Records Act (ISSRA) to protect the privacy of students’ education records. The College of Lake County will analyze and correlate student Grade Point Average (GPA), course placement, and course success for students shared by participating institutions. A report will be developed and shared with participating institutions comparing high school course sequence and subsequent CLC course success in attempts to better develop a student profile for students who are placed into development and/or college level courses at CLC. Data shared will be solely for the limited purpose to explore the course sequence/college placement question. District 95 will share with CLC (1) Student name, (2) birth date, (3) year of graduation, (4) placement in district courses while attending CLC, (5) method of student placement, (6) date of enrollment in the district, (7) student grades in district courses, (8) extracurricular activities student was involved in. In return, CLC will share with District 95 (1) the students’ college placements in reading, composition and mathematics test scores, (2) method of placement, (3) student’s first term at CLC, and (4) the student’s term and grade in CLC’s mathematics, natural science, and language arts courses. Upon completion of the study, CLC will destroy/delete datasets shared from District 95. Both the College of Lake County and Lake Zurich Community Unit School District 95 will sign a Shared Data Agreement for Educational Study and Affidavit of Nondisclosure as is best practice in the field of educational research. Suggested Motion: Move to approve the Data Sharing Agreement as presented by the Administration. District 95 Administration Center – Dr. Michael J. Egan, Superintendent of Schools 400 South Old Rand Road - Lake Zurich IL 60047-2459 Phone: (847) 438-2831 website: FAX: (847) 438-6702 Shared Data Agreement for Educational Study Between Community College District No. 532, Lake County, Illinois And Lake Zurich High School District 95, Lake County, Illinois This Shared Data Agreement for Educational Study (“Agreement”) is made and entered by and between Community College District No. 532, Lake County, Illinois, a body politic and corporate organized and operating under the Illinois Public Community College Act (the “College”); and Lake Zurich High School District 95, Lake County, Illinois, a body politic and corporate organized and operating pursuant to the Illinois School Code (the “District”) (together, the “Parties”). WHEREAS, the Parties are authorized to enter into intergovernmental agreements for cooperative projects and use agreements in any manner not prohibited by law or by ordinance, pursuant to Article VII, §10 of the Illinois Constitution of 1970, the Intergovernmental Cooperation Act (5 ILCS 220/1 et seq.), the Public Community College Act (110 ILCS 805/1 et seq.) and the School Code (105 ILCS 5/1-1 et seq.); and WHEREAS, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (“FERPA”) and its implementing regulations (20 U.S.C. §1232g; 34 C.F.R. Part 99) protect the privacy of primary, secondary, and postsecondary students’ education records, and afford to parents or to students who are 18 years of age or older or who attend an educational institution (“eligible students”) certain rights including the right to condition certain disclosures of personally identifiable information from the student’s education records (“PII”) upon the parent’s or student’s prior written consent; and WHEREAS, the Illinois School Student Records Act (“ISSRA”) and its implementing regulations (105 ILCS 10/1 et seq.; 23 Ill. Admin Code Part 375) protect the privacy of primary and secondary students’ school student records and afford to parents or to students who are 18 years of age or older who attend an educational institution (“eligible students”) certain rights including the right to condition certain disclosures of a student’s school student records or information therefrom upon the parent’s or student’s prior written consent; and WHEREAS, FERPA contains an exception allowing the release of PII without parental or student consent to organizations conducting studies for, or on behalf of, schools, school districts, or postsecondary institutions for, among other purposes, improving instruction (see 20 U.S.C. §1232g(b)(1)(F); 34 C.F.R. §99.31(a)(6)); and WHEREAS, ISSRA contains an exception allowing release of school student records and information without parental or student consent to any person for the purpose of research, statistical reporting, or planning, provided that such research, statistical reporting, or planning is permissible under and undertaken in accordance with FERPA (see 105 ILCS 10/6(a)(4)); and WHEREAS, the Parties have determined that shared data results in improved instruction to the benefit of their constituencies and their students, and enhances educational opportunities for the communities they serve; and 1 WHEREAS, the Parties desire to collaborate to jointly conduct educational study (“Study”), the purpose of which is to better understand the District’s students’ preparedness for College; to understand the effect of high school course taking habits on later college success; to quantify and respond to obstacles to learning outcomes; improve alignment of course content between the District and College; and WHEREAS, the scope of the Study includes the collection, exchange and analysis of studentspecific data related to courses taken and course grades; grade-point averages; class rank; placement and aptitude test scores (i.e. ACT or SAT scores, other assessments); retention and graduation; utilization of learning-support services; and WHEREAS, the Parties have determined that it is in their respective best interests and that of their constituencies to enter into this Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED between the Parties, in consideration of their mutual promises and undertakings set forth herein and for other good valuable consideration, as follows: Section 1 Incorporation of Preamble Recitals The foregoing recitals are hereby found to be true and correct and are incorporated herein by reference. Section 2 PII and/or School Student Records or Information to be Disclosed (“Data”) The items or categories of PII and/or school student records or information which will be disclosed by the Parties to one another pursuant to this Agreement (“Data”) are as follows: A. The College Will Disclose to the District: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. B. Student name (first, middle, last) Student birth date Student high school and year of graduation Student placements in the College’s reading, composition and mathematics test scores Method of student placements Date of student’s first term at the College Student enrollment, term and grade in the College’s mathematics, natural science, and language arts courses The District Will Disclose to the College: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Student name (first, middle, last) Student birth date Student high school and year of graduation Student placements in District courses while in attendance, including placement in the District’s reading, composition, natural sciences and mathematics courses Method of student placements 2 Date of student’s enrollment in the District Student enrollment, term and grade in the District’s reading, composition, natural sciences and mathematics courses The student’s involvement in extracurricular activities and programs 8. 6. 7. The Parties agree to share said Data solely for the limited purpose and scope as set forth the preamble recitals above. Disclosure of Data for any other purpose is strictly prohibited, and any such disclosure will be considered a violation of this Agreement. Section 3 Policies and Procedures Protecting Data All Data shared by the Parties under this Agreement are confidential and shall be protected from unauthorized use and disclosure under this Agreement, regardless of whether any data element might be considered “directory” information under FERPA. The Parties agree to comply with all applicable laws and regulations with respect to privacy and data security relative to Data, including but not limited to: FERPA, ISSRA, the Illinois Data Processing Confidentiality Act (30 ILCS 585/et seq.), and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (Pub. L. 104-191), and the Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999 (Pub. L. 106-102). The Parties shall limit access to Data to those employees who reasonably need access to these Data in order to perform their responsibilities under this Agreement. The Parties shall require those employees who have access to Data under this Agreement to execute affidavits of nondisclosure confirming their individual agreement to handle the Data properly. The Parties shall take steps to maintain the confidentiality of Data at all stages of the Study, including within the final report, by using appropriate disclosure avoidance techniques. The Parties shall employ written procedures prohibiting the transfer or storage of unencrypted Data on a mobile device, removable storage media, or through electronic mail. These procedures shall be made available to each employee authorized to access Data and shall be strictly enforced. The Parties agree to report any breach of these confidentiality provisions, including the information that was compromised, to the other’s Data Custodian within one business day of becoming aware of the confidentiality breach. In addition, the liable party will notify affected parents or students of the breach by certified mail, return receipt requested, within five business days after becoming aware of the breach. Notice will be written in layperson’s terms; will address the nature, type and date of the breach; and will provide the name, address and phone number of the Data Custodian of the party liable for the breach. The Parties shall hold each other harmless and indemnify each other from any all claims brought against one another related to, connected with, or resulting from a security breach. Section 4 Points of Contact/Data Custodians The Parties designate the following individuals as their respective contact persons and primary Data 3 Custodians responsible for managing data relative to this Agreement: For the College Sean O. Hogan, Ph.D. For the District Name Executive Director, Institutional Effectiveness, Planning & Research Title College of Lake County 19351 W. Washington St. Grayslake, IL 60030 Address 847-543-2096 Telephone number Email address Data transmissions between the Parties shall occur exclusively through the respective Data Custodians. Section 5 Data Analysis and Reporting Data disclosed by the Parties to one another shall only be used for the Study undertaken pursuant to this Agreement. The Parties understand and agree that: A. Data shall only be used to carry out research, analysis and evaluation activities of the Study for the specific purpose described in preamble recitals, above; B. In publishing any results of research, analysis and evaluation which includes Data, such Data may be reported only in a way that does not permit the personal identification of an individual parent or student, either directly (through use of PII), or through inference (combined use of several characteristics that would allow an unauthorized person to identify an individual), by anyone other than representatives of the Parties with legitimate educational interests; C. The Parties will not knowingly re-disclose Data to any persons or entities other that the Parties; and D. The Parties will have in place reasonable policies and procedures, which the other party may monitor or may audit upon request, to prevent such re-disclosure. Section 6 Data Destruction The Parties shall periodically confer with each other and review whether Data received pursuant to this Agreement continues to be needed for the Study. At each such review, the Parties shall prepare a memorandum (“data destruction schedule”) identifying Data the retention of which is no longer required for purposes of the Study and scheduling the destruction of such Data. Thereafter, the Parties shall destroy such Data in accordance with the agreed schedule, by deleting all electronic datasets related to 4 the Study from their servers, and shall record the fact and date of destruction of the Data by noting it on the appropriate data destruction schedule. The Parties will notify each other’s Data Custodian upon data destruction. The Parties agree that all Data received pursuant to this Agreement shall be destroyed in the manner described above, no later than December 31 2020, provided, however, that the final date for destruction may be extended, if necessary, to a later date by written amendment to this Agreement as provided in Section 7(D), below. Section 7 Miscellaneous Provisions A. Effective Date. This Agreement becomes effective upon the date as of which it has been approved by both the College and the District. B. Term of Agreement; Non-Assignability. The initial term of this Agreement shall run from the Effective Date through December 31, 2020, unless terminated on 30 days’ advance written notice by either Party. This Agreement is not transferable or assignable by the Parties. C. Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties respecting the subject matter hereof, and any prior understanding or representation of any kind preceding the date of this Agreement shall not be binding on either party except to the extent incorporated in this Agreement. D. Amendments. No change, modification or amendment to this Agreement shall be valid unless reduced to writing and approved by the Parties’ authorized representatives. E. Indemnification. It is understood and agreed that neither party to this Agreement shall be legally liable for any negligent or wrongful acts either of commission or omission, chargeable to the other, unless such liability is imposed by law and this Agreement shall not be construed as seeking to enlarge or diminish any obligation or duty owed by one Party against the other Party or against third parties. In addition to the foregoing, the Parties will hold each other harmless for any error or omission in analysis, interpretation or judgment based upon shared Data. The Parties reserve the right to alter any student record at any time without notice. F. Business Relationship. In the performance of this Agreement, the Parties are at all times acting as independent contractors and neither of them nor their respective employees shall claim to be employees, partners, joint venturers, or agents of the other. G. Non-Exclusivity. This Agreement is intended to be non-exclusive. It shall not prevent either Party from entering into similar agreements with other institutions or organizations. H. Good Faith and Dispute Resolution. The Parties agree to use their best, good faith efforts to promote mutually beneficial program participation. In the event of a dispute arising under this 5 Agreement which cannot be resolved informally by the Parties’ respective representatives, the Parties agree to first engage in mediation to resolve the conflict. If mediation is unsuccessful, the Parties shall then engage in binding arbitration pursuant to the procedures of the American Arbitration Association, in lieu of litigation. I. Severability. If for any reason, any provision of this Agreement is determined by an arbitrator, or court of law, to be invalid or unenforceable, that provision shall be deemed severed and the balance of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. The failure of a Party to this Agreement to insist upon strict and prompt performance of the terms and conditions shall not constitute or be construed as a waiver or relinquishment of that Party’s right thereafter to enforce any such term or condition, but the same shall continue in full force and effect. J. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted according to the laws of the State of Illinois. K. Signature in Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be an original, but all of which shall constitute one and the same instrument. WHEREFORE, the Parties by their respective officers have executed this Agreement on the dates set forth below. By signing this Agreement, the signatories affirm that they are authorized to commit their respective Party to the terms of this Agreement. Community College District No. 532, Lake Zurich High School District 95 __________________________ Sean O. Hogan, Ph.D. Executive Director Institutional Effectiveness, Planning & Research College of Lake County ______________________________ [Insert Name, Insert Title] __________________________ Date ______________________________ Date 6 MEMORANDUM TO: Board of Education FROM: Dr. Michael Egan, Superintendent DATE: February 25, 2016 SUBJECT: Additional Information Recent Freedom of Information Act Requests Bob Susnjara, Daily Herold – 2/12/2016 · · · Granted, Response sent electronically 2/12/2016 Separation Agreement for District 95 employee Sarah Danielewicz approved by the school board Feb. 11, 2016 Any document submitted as part of resignation by District 95 employee Sarah Danielewicz approved by the school board Feb. 11, 2016 Resume of District 95 employee Sarah Danielewicz Jen Robbins, ATI Physical Therapy – 2/2/2016 Pending Regarding our sports medicine and athletic training services: · Services being offered and provided, the hours allotted for such services, the associated fees, and the term of your current agreement. Denise Burton, Bishop Plumbing – 2-16-2016 · Pending A list of backflow devices and when they were tested. Recent Donations to the District C2 Education - $500.00 donation to Lake Zurich High School College and Career Center. MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Board of Education Dr. Michael Egan, Superintendent February 25, 2016 Agenda Item – Committee Reports: Policy The Board Policy Committee: The Board Policy Committee met on Wednesday, February 17, 2016. Attached are the minutes of the December 16th meeting which were approved at the February meeting. The next scheduled Policy Committee meeting is Wednesday, March 16th. For your information only. Lake Zurich Community Unit School District #95 Board Policy Committee Minutes of the Regular Meeting December 16, 2015 - Administration Center Meeting was called to order at 9:08 a.m. In Attendance Board Members: Staff: Lisa Warren Mike Egan, Jean Malek, Julia Becich, Susan Coleman, Crystal Steker, Kent Nightlinger, Todd Jakowitsch, Chris Martelli, Rocky Kleinschmidt, Diana Christ and Celia Schneider. 1. Approval of Minutes – Dr. Coleman moved, seconded by Mr. Nightlinger to approve the minutes of the November 18, 2015 meeting. Voice vote – motion approved. 2. Open Items – 2:100 – Board Member Conflict of Interest; Policy is approved for first reading. 2:150 – Committees; administration will seek legal advice as to OMA requirements for the Parent/Teacher Advisory Committee and the need for Board representation on the committee. Policy is approved for first reading. 2:200 – Types of School Board Meetings; Policy is approved for first reading. 4:170 – Safety; Policy was put on hold for further consideration. 5:90 – Abused and Neglected Child; the committee agreed that the suggested optional sentence regarding the district coordinating parental notifications should be left out of the policy. Policy is approved for first reading with the noted exception. 5:100 – Staff Development Program; the committee decided that training to identify the warning signs of mental illness and suicidal behavior should be extended to all school personnel. GCA requirements can include administrators as identified by the Procedures Committee. Policy is approved for first reading with the noted change. 6:15 – School Accountability; Policy was put on hold for further consideration. 6:50 – School Wellness; Policy was put on hold for further consideration. 6:60 – Curriculum Content; Policy was put on hold for further consideration. 6:160 – English Language Learners; Policy is approved for first reading. 6:270 – Guidance and Counseling Program; Policy is approved for first reading. 6:280 – Grading and Promotion; Policy is approved for first reading. 6:310 – High School Credit for Non-District Experiences; Course Substitutions; Re-Entering Students; Policy was put on hold for further consideration. 6:315 – High School Credit for Students in Grade 7 or 8; Policy was put on hold for further consideration. 6:320 – High School Credit for Proficiency; Policy was put on hold for further consideration. 6:340 – Student Testing and Assessment; Policy is approved for first reading. 7:50 – School Admissions and Student Transfers To and From Non-District Schools; Policy is approved for first reading. 7:100 – Health, Eye, and Dental Examinations; Immunizations; and Exclusion of Students; Policy is approved for first reading. 7:130 – Student Rights and Responsibilities; Policy is approved for first reading. 7:140 – Search and Seizure; Policy is approved for first reading. 7:290 – Adolescent Suicide and Depression Awareness and Prevention Programs; Policy was put on hold for further consideration. 7:300 – Extracurricular Athletics; Policy is approved for first reading. 7:305 – Student Athlete Concussions and Head Injuries; Policy was put on hold until procedures are developed. 7:340 – Student Records; Policy is approved for first reading. 8:30 – Visitors to and Conduct on School Property; the committee agreed to keep the District’s current policy language with the addition of the suggested PRESS changes. Policy is approved for first reading as noted. 3. Suggested Policy Review – Policy 4:180 – Pandemic Preparedness – pandemic preparedness is currently covered by Procedure 4:170-AP7 – Pandemic Flu Plan; Emergency Preparations, Response, Recovery. Recent suggested PRESS procedure changes make references to PRESS Policy 4:180. Therefore, the Policy has been brought forward for review to see if it should be adopted at this time. The committee approved Policy 4:180 - Pandemic Preparedness for first reading. Associated procedures will be addressed by the Procedures Committee at their next meeting. The next Policy meeting will be held on Jan. 20, 2016 at 9:00 a.m. in the Administration Center conference room. A motion to adjourn was call for at 10:30 a.m. Ms. Becich motioned and Dr. Coleman seconded the motion to adjourn the Board Policy Committee meeting. Voice vote, motion carried. _________________________________ Chair, Policy Committee _________________________________ Secretary, Policy Committee MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Board of Education Dr. Michael Egan, Superintendent February 25, 2016 Agenda Item – Committee Reports: Facilities The Board Facilities Committee: The Board Facilities Committee met on Thursday, January 28th and February 17th. Attached are the minutes of the January 28th meeting which were approved at the February 17th meeting. The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 3, 2016. For your information only. Lake Zurich Community Unit School District #95 Board Facilities Committee Minutes of the Regular Meeting January 28, 2016 – Lake Zurich High School – Room A-104 Meeting was called to order at 5:02 p.m. In Attendance Board Members: Scott McConnell, Chris Ketcham Committee members: Mike Egan, Vicky Cullinan, Lyle Erstad. Also present: Steve Wright, DLA Architect and Jeff Chamberlin, 20/10 Engineering. 1. Public Comments – There were no comments from the public. 2. Approval of Minutes – January 14, 2016 Lyle motioned, seconded by Chris to approve the minutes of the January 14, 2016 Facilities meeting. Voice vote, motion carried. 3. Review of Air Conditioning Study with 20/10 Engineering Jeff Chamberlin provided a review to the committee of the Air Conditioning Study completed in December of 2013. Since this was prepared 20/10 Engineering worked on the facility report which offered an opportunity for a more in-depth review of our facilities. The approach of the study was to provide a solution to the District that would allow for 20 to 25 years of future use. Mr. Chamberlin reviewed with the Committee the type of units that could be utilized in our facilities. The pro/cons and payback periods of different solutions were discussed. 4. High School Small Auditorium Design. The committee reviewed the updated design drawings based on the input of faculty and students. It will be presented to the full board on February 11, 2016. Mike left the meeting at 6:30 p.m. Jeff Chamberlin left the meeting at 6:35 p.m. The next Facilities meeting is scheduled for February 17, 2016 at 4:00 p.m. at the Administration Center. A motion to adjourn was call for at 6:55 p.m. Vicky motioned and Lyle seconded the motion to adjourn the Board Facilities Committee meeting. Voice vote, motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Celia Schneider, Recording Secretary MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Board of Education Dr. Michael Egan, Superintendent February 25, 2016 Destruction of Closed Session Audio Recordings Board Policy 2:220, Board of Education Meeting Procedure – Verbatim Record of Closed Meetings requires that all closed session meetings be audio recorded. After 18 months have passed from the date of the meeting, the audio recording of a closed session is destroyed provided the Board approved the written minutes of that closed session and also approved the destruction of the audio recording. At this time there are eleven recordings of closed minutes that are eligible to be destroyed: March 6, 2014 March 20, 2014 April 10, 2014 - Special Board Meeting April 10, 2015 - Committee of the Whole Meeting April 24, 2014 May 22, 2014 June 12, 2014 June 26, 2014 July 24, 2014 Special Board Meeting July 24, 2014 August 14, 2014 The Administration recommends that the Board approve the destruction of eligible audio tapes of closed session meetings as listed. Motion: Move to approve the destruction of eligible audio tapes of closed session meetings as listed. MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Board of Education Dr. Michael Egan, Superintendent February 25, 2016 Review of Closed Session Minutes Board Policy 2:220, Board of Education Meeting Procedure – E3 Closed Meeting Minutes and The Open Meetings Act requires public bodies to periodically, but no less than semi-annually, review minutes of all closed sessions. The purpose of this review is to determine whether: 1. The need for confidentiality still exists as to all or parts of those minutes, or 2. The minutes or portions thereof no longer require confidential treatment and are available for public inspection. The Administration recommends the following minutes held as “closed” be released and made available for public inspection: April 30, 2015 July 23, 2015 August 27, 2015 Sept. 17, 2015 Nov. 2, 2015 Nov. 5, 2015 Nov. 10, 2015 Personnel Personnel Personnel Personnel Personnel Student Discipline Personnel Motion: Move to release the listed set of written closed session minutes for public inspection