Regular Meeting of the Board of Education March 23, 2016, 7:00 pm Lake Zurich High School Library 300 Church Street, Lake Zurich, IL Regular Meeting Agenda I. Call to Order & Roll Call II. Pledge of Allegiance III. President’s Comments & Recognitions a. Students of the Month b. Parent Volunteer of the Month c. Staff Member of the Month d. Future Chef Competition Finalists IV. **Public Comments – Please sign in by 7:00 p.m. V. *Consent Agenda a. Approval of Minutes b. Treasurer’s Report c. Investment Report d. IHSA Membership Renewal VI. Human Resources – Ms. Becich a. *Personnel Report i. Leave of Absence Certified Staff, Termination of Certified Staff, Change of Certified Staff, Employment of Certified Staff, Employment of Non-Certified Staff, Change of Non-Certified Staff, and Termination of Non-Certified Staff. VII. Business and Operations – Ms. Cullinan a. *Check Register b. *Special Education Transportation Contract Extension VIII. Superintendent’s Report – Dr. Egan a. Additional Information b. *Approve 2016-2017 School Calendar c. *Resolutions for Release of Staff i. ii. iii. i. Resolution for Dismissal of Part Time Teachers Resolution for Dismissal of First Year Probationary Teachers Resolution for Reduction of Hours of Probationary Teachers Resolution for Honorable Dismissal of Educational Support Personnel Employees IX. Business of the Board a. Committee Reports b. *Set Dates for 2016-2017 Board of Education and Committee Meetings c. *Policy Second Read 7:290 – Suicide and Depression Awareness and Prevention X. Closed Session - To discuss the placement of individual students in special education programs and other matters relating to individual students. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(10). *Action Items – It is anticipated that the Board will take action on these items **Public Comments will be limited to 5 minutes per individual, 30 minutes total time for any one topic** In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting or any other activity or program and who require certain accommodations so that they can observe and participate, or who have questions regarding the accessibility of the meeting room or the District’s facilities, should contact the Superintendent’s office (847-540-4963) promptly to allow the District to make reasonable accommodations for those persons. CUSD 95 March 2016 Board Awards STUDENTS OF THE MONTH Grade Student's Name School Noah DeJong 11 Lake Zurich High School Ginger Mirabelli 7 Lake Zurich Middle School South Georgina Buckland 7 Lake Zurich Middle School North Taylor Meents 7 Lake Zurich Middle School North Julia Szymanski 1 Isaac Fox Elementary School Melodi Magluyan 4 Sarah Adams Elementary School Caitlin Beery 1 May Whitney Elementary School Angelika Jaworska 2 Seth Paine Elementary School Zane Mochocki K Spencer Loomis Elementary School PARENT VOLUNTEER OF THE MONTH Cindarae Malin - Seth Paine Parent Volunteer STAFF MEMBER OF THE MONTH Sue Shepard and Mary Miller - Sarah Adams Staff Members SPECIAL RECOGNITION – FUTURE CHEFS 1st Place Winner - Zane Parmer, 3rd grade, Spencer Loomis Winning Recipe – A Cutie Smoothie 2nd Place Winner - Casper Kawalec, 5th grade, May Whitney Winning Recipe - Breakfast Banana Pops 3rd Place Winner - Lindsey Neurauter, 5th grade, Spencer Loomis Winning Recipe - Banana Blueberry Blender Muffins MEMORANDUM TO: Board of Education FROM: Dr. Michael Egan, Superintendent DATE: March 23, 2016 SUBJECT: Consent Agenda Background Information: The items included for consideration on the Consent Agenda: A. Approval of Minutes Board of Education, Open Session February 25, 2016 Committee of the Whole, Open Session March 10, 2016 Committee of the Whole, Closed Session March 10, 2016 B. Treasurer’s Report C. Investment Report D. IHSA Membership Renewal Suggested Motion: Move to approve the consent agenda as prepared and presented by the Administration. LAKE ZURICH COMMUNITY UNIT SCHOOL DISTRICT #95 TREASURER'S REPORT FUND BALANCES February 2016 10 EDUCATION TOTAL 2/1/16 FUND BALANCE $ 63,892,424 $ 38,369,332 REVENUE - MTD LOCAL STATE FEDERAL OTHER TOTAL REVENUE - MTD $ 274,932 1,034,067 223,148 0 1,532,147 $ DISBURSEMENTS - MTD SALARY & BENEFITS ALL OTHER DISB. TOTAL DISB.- MTD 4,904,898 1,697,551 6,602,450 $ 4,445,507 850,805 5,296,312 $ 58,822,122 $ 33,994,005 2/29/16 FUND BALANCE $ 20 O. & M. $ 8,520,721 254,784 443,053 223,148 920,985 $ 30 DEBT SERVICE $ 15,060 0 0 15,060 $ 3,263,739 50 IMRF/S.S 60 CAP. IMPR. 70 WKG CASH $ 7,654,422 $ 1,596,131 $ 1,931,955 $ 2,556,127 464 0 0 464 $ 3,784 591,014 0 594,798 $ 194,133 183,193 377,326 91,079 663,104 754,182 $ 450 450 $ 7,781,598 $ 3,263,752 $ 40 TRANS. $ $ 7,871,894 $ 202 0 0 202 $ 174,180 174,180 $ 1,422,153 275 0 0 275 $ 363 0 0 363 - - $ 1,932,229 $ 2,556,490 $ - LAKE ZURICH COMMUNITY UNIT SCHOOL DISTRICT #95 BALANCE SHEET February 29, 2016 ACCOUNT # JP MORGAN CHASE ACCOUNTS: GENERAL OPERATIONS HIGH YIELD SAVINGS CREDIT CARD CLEARING STUDENT FEES - FRONTSTREAM SUMMER SCHOOL FEES - REV TRAK DISTRICT ACTIVITY (High School) DISTRICT ACTIVITY (Middle & Elementary) IMPREST FOOD SERVICE CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT (40) Cash in Bank 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1057 1058 1050 1101 1910 1,570,109 3,268,019 10,000 171,184 57,106 307,916 219,983 52,397 198,378 21,066 5,876,159 PMA FINANCIAL NETWORK, INC. (ISDLAF) INVESTMENTS LIQUID ESCROW (103) HEALTH INSURANCE (102) Investments 1010 1010 1010 1011 51,622,592 333,769 1,794,232 763,108 54,513,701 TOTAL ASSETS ACCOUNTS PAYABLE PREPAID STUDENT LUNCH FEES TCHR PEN PAY MEDICAL INSURANCE PPO FED W/H TAX ST W/H TAX IMRF PAYABLE MEDICAL INS HMO DENTAL INS PPO DENTAL INS HMO DENTAL INS ADM LIFE/AD&D INS LONG TERM DISABILITY MEDICAL INSURANCE HMO BLUE ADV HEALTH INSURANCE CLAIMS LIAB FICA PAYABLE MED PAYABLE GARNISHMENTS FLEX CHILD CARE FLEX MEDICAL FLEX ADM FEE CELL PHONE EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION DEDUCT VOLUNTARY LIFE INSURANCE DEFERRED REVENUE - GOAL FOR FIELD OT CURR LIAB TOTAL LIABILITIES 60,389,860 4020 4021 4510 4520 4530 4540 4560 4561 4562 4563 4564 4565 4566 4568 4569 4570 4580 4592 4594 4595 4596 4598 4599 4658 4740 4990 321 113,191 0 449,365 0 0 0 123,294 19,574 2,249 7,719 4,000 10,342 64,353 762,968 0 0 0 -3,983 -13,827 451 60 1 6,781 20,881 0 1,567,738 FUND BALANCE EDUCATION FUND 10 OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE FUND 20 DEBT SERVICE FUND 30 TRANSPORTATION FUND 40 IMRF/SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE FUND 50 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND 60 WORKING CASH FUND 70 TOTAL FUND BALANCE 33,994,004 7,781,598 3,263,752 7,871,894 1,422,153 1,932,230 2,556,490 58,822,122 TOTAL LIABILITIES & FUND BALANCE 60,389,860 3frbud12.p 63-2 FUND Community Unit School District 95 SUMMARY OF REVENUE ACCOUNTS (Date: 2/2016) 03/16/16 ACCT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION February 2015-16 2015-16 2015-16 UNREALIZED 2015-16 NBR. FUNC MONTHLY RECEIPTS FYTD Activity BUDGET BALANCE FYTD % 10 EDUCATION FUND 1000 LOCAL REVENUES 10 1110 EDUCATION LEVY 0.00 0.00 28,123,329.00 28,123,329.00 0.00 10 1110 EDUCATION LEVY 0.00 27,299,954.74 27,336,000.00 36,045.26 99.87 10 1140 SPECIAL EDUCATION LEVY 0.00 0.00 380,943.00 380,943.00 0.00 10 1140 SPECIAL EDUCATION LEVY 0.00 421,887.46 422,000.00 112.54 99.97 10 1230 CPPRT 0.00 37,517.54 166,000.00 128,482.46 22.60 10 1311 DAY TUITION-PUPILS/PARENTS 0.00 16,312.20 12,000.00 -4,312.20 135.94 10 1315 REGULAR PRE-SCHOOL 8,944.00 83,648.00 67,000.00 -16,648.00 124.85 10 1321 SUM SCH TUITION-PUPILS/PARENTS 0.00 -3,141.40 165,000.00 168,141.40 -1.90 10 1321 SUM SCH TUITION-PUPILS/PARENTS 0.00 -70.00 4,000.00 4,070.00 -1.75 10 1321 SUM SCH TUITION-PUPILS/PARENTS 0.00 0.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 0.00 10 1323 SUMMER ACADEMY/CAMPS/TOURN 0.00 4,554.00 125,000.00 120,446.00 3.64 10 1510 INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 4,884.95 45,685.39 45,000.00 -685.39 101.52 10 1611 SALES TO PUPIL ELEMENTARY 10 1614 SALES TO PUPIL MS/HS 10 1620 10 39,113.35 199,857.35 350,000.00 150,142.65 57.10 135,969.22 770,549.89 1,080,000.00 309,450.11 71.35 ADULT LUNCH SALES 2,810.70 15,539.65 28,000.00 12,460.35 55.50 1690 OTHER FOOD SERVICE REVENUE 3,050.80 7,343.52 5,000.00 -2,343.52 146.87 10 1711 ATHLETIC EVENTS 10 1712 SCH SPON TOURNAMENTS 10 1719 NON-ATHLETIC TOURNAMENTS 10 1720 FEES 10 1721 10 1722 10 1724 BAND/ORCHESTRA/CHORAL FEES 10 1725 PE UNIFORMS 10 1726 PE LOCKS 10 1727 HIGH 10 1728 CHILD DEVELOPMENT TUITION 10 1729 TRANSCRIPTS/STUDENT ID'S 10 1730 10 10 4,801.40 33,594.57 31,000.00 -2,594.57 108.37 11,938.40 13,551.40 4,000.00 -9,551.40 338.79 0.00 -1,310.00 0.00 1,310.00 0.00 7,847.50 156,044.48 485,000.00 328,955.52 32.17 INTERSCHOLASTIC 23,455.00 215,872.75 300,000.00 84,127.25 71.96 INTRAMURAL FEES 656.25 6,037.25 7,900.00 1,862.75 76.42 7,352.50 78,257.51 75,000.00 -3,257.51 104.34 140.00 10,599.25 20,000.00 9,400.75 53.00 27.00 1,602.00 2,500.00 898.00 64.08 165.00 142,187.00 135,000.00 -7,187.00 105.32 -115.00 5,805.00 5,000.00 -805.00 116.10 579.00 3,510.55 0.00 -3,510.55 0.00 YEARBOOK SALES 364.00 32,044.00 95,000.00 62,956.00 33.73 1750 STUDENT TESTING FEES 170.00 16,600.00 20,000.00 3,400.00 83.00 1790 OTHER PUPIL ACTIVITIES 0.00 0.00 68,000.00 68,000.00 0.00 10 1791 HS 0.00 283.00 1,600.00 1,317.00 17.69 10 1821 REGULAR TEXTBOOK SALES 10 1890 OTHER TECHNOLOGY 10 1950 REFUND OF PRIOR YEARS' EXP 0.00 10 1960 PAYMENTS FROM TIF DISTRICTS 0.00 10 1970 DRIVERS ED REGIST. 900.00 44,315.00 SCHOOL PARKING FEE WEIGHT ROOM FEE FEES 90.00 90.00 1,000.00 910.00 9.00 1,370.00 39,141.78 80,000.00 40,858.22 48.93 43,725.32 10,000.00 -33,725.32 437.25 464,992.02 464,000.00 -992.02 100.21 44,000.00 -315.00 100.72 Page:1 12:58 PM 3frbud12.p 63-2 FUND Community Unit School District 95 SUMMARY OF REVENUE ACCOUNTS (Date: 2/2016) 03/16/16 ACCT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION February 2015-16 2015-16 2015-16 UNREALIZED 2015-16 NBR. FUNC MONTHLY RECEIPTS FYTD Activity BUDGET BALANCE FYTD % 10 EDUCATION FUND 1000 LOCAL REVENUES 10 1999 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 10 1--- * 3000 270.00 4,773.77 5,000.00 226.23 95.48 254,784.07 30,211,354.99 60,165,772.00 29,954,417.01 50.21 STATE REVENUE 10 3001 GENERAL STATE AID 194,043.59 1,358,223.34 2,134,635.00 776,411.66 63.63 10 3100 SPECIAL ED PRIVATE TUITION 0.00 279,042.68 580,000.00 300,957.32 48.11 10 3105 SPECIAL ED EXTRAORDINARY 0.00 335,699.50 650,000.00 314,300.50 51.65 10 3110 SPECIAL ED PERSONNEL 248,883.12 742,017.87 969,000.00 226,982.13 76.58 10 3220 SECONDARY PROG IMPROVE -CTEI 0.00 10,981.00 21,579.00 10,598.00 50.89 10 3305 BILINGUAL DOWNSTATE TPI 0.00 35,689.35 36,786.00 1,096.65 97.02 10 3360 STATE FREE LUNCH 126.17 981.09 2,500.00 1,518.91 39.24 10 3370 DRIVER EDUCATION 0.00 16,715.98 32,000.00 15,284.02 52.24 10 3800 State Library Grant 0.00 3,431.30 4,000.00 568.70 85.78 10 3--- *COMMUNITY SERVICES 443,052.88 2,782,782.11 4,430,500.00 1,647,717.89 62.81 4000 FEDERAL REVENUE 10 4210 National Sch Lunch Pro 10 4300 TITLE 1 LOW INC 13,262.36 79,244.91 145,000.00 65,755.09 54.65 117,319.00 228,974.00 287,688.00 58,714.00 10 4600 79.59 Fed SpEd-Prshl FlwThru 0.00 10,148.00 28,000.00 17,852.00 10 36.24 4620 Fed SpEd-Low In Flw Thru 0.00 326,474.00 975,000.00 648,526.00 33.48 10 4745 VE- Perkins 0.00 0.00 16,432.00 16,432.00 0.00 10 4905 TITLE 111 IMMIGRANT EDUCATION 0.00 760.00 9,000.00 8,240.00 8.44 10 4909 TITLE 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ACQ. 0.00 22,038.00 30,000.00 7,962.00 73.46 10 4932 TITLE II TEACHER QUALITY 45,457.00 57,071.00 76,695.00 19,624.00 74.41 10 4991 MEDICAID ADMIN OUTREACH 0.00 24,398.93 53,000.00 28,601.07 46.04 10 4992 MEDICAID FEE FOR SERVICE PROG. 47,109.56 90,016.66 84,000.00 -6,016.66 107.16 10 4993 DHS STEP GRANT 0.00 15,401.89 6,500.00 -8,901.89 236.95 10 4--- * 223,147.92 854,527.39 1,711,315.00 856,787.61 49.93 1- ---- *EDUCATION FUND 920,984.87 33,848,664.49 66,307,587.00 32,458,922.51 51.05 Page:2 12:58 PM 3frbud12.p 63-2 FUND Community Unit School District 95 SUMMARY OF REVENUE ACCOUNTS (Date: 2/2016) 03/16/16 ACCT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION February 2015-16 2015-16 2015-16 UNREALIZED 2015-16 NBR. FUNC MONTHLY RECEIPTS FYTD Activity BUDGET BALANCE FYTD % 20 OPER & MAINT 1000 LOCAL REVENUES 20 1111 OPERATION & MAINTENANCE LEVY 0.00 0.00 4,870,099.00 4,870,099.00 0.00 20 1111 OPERATION & MAINTENANCE LEVY 0.00 5,058,814.32 5,065,000.00 6,185.68 99.88 20 1510 INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 20 1910 RENTALS 20 1950 20 1,129.21 9,354.79 10,000.00 645.21 93.55 13,930.75 148,513.13 290,000.00 141,486.87 51.21 REFUND OF PRIOR YEARS' EXP 0.00 4,628.98 10,000.00 5,371.02 46.29 1981 ENERGY REBATES 0.00 57,730.52 3,200.00 -54,530.52 1,804.08 20 1999 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 20 1--- * 3000 0.00 141,012.88 120,000.00 -21,012.88 117.51 15,059.96 5,420,054.62 10,368,299.00 4,948,244.38 52.28 STATE REVENUE 20 3999 OTHER REVENUE-STATE GRANTS 0.00 0.00 150,000.00 150,000.00 0.00 20 3--- *COMMUNITY SERVICES 0.00 0.00 150,000.00 150,000.00 0.00 7000 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 20 7140 Perm Transfer of Interest 0.00 0.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 0.00 20 7300 SALE/COMP FOR LOSS OF FA 0.00 500.00 0.00 -500.00 0.00 20 7--- * 0.00 500.00 7,000.00 6,500.00 7.14 2- ---- *OPER & MAINT 15,059.96 5,420,554.62 10,525,299.00 5,104,744.38 51.50 30 DEBT SERVICE FUND 1000 LOCAL REVENUES 30 1112 DEBT SERVICE LEVY 0.00 0.00 3,891,597.00 3,891,597.00 0.00 30 1112 DEBT SERVICE LEVY 0.00 3,862,188.03 3,867,000.00 4,811.97 99.88 30 1510 INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 463.93 6,825.58 7,000.00 174.42 97.51 30 1--- * 463.93 3,869,013.61 7,765,597.00 3,896,583.39 49.82 7000 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 30 7440 TRANSFER LEASE PRINCIPAL 0.00 96,541.22 96,541.22 0.00 100.00 30 7540 REV TRANSFER LEASE INTEREST 0.00 9,399.78 9,399.78 0.00 100.00 30 7600 TRANS TO DEBT SERV PRINCIPAL 0.00 213,120.93 213,120.93 0.00 100.00 30 7700 TRANSFER DEBT SERV 0.00 24,976.08 24,176.64 -799.44 103.31 30 7--- * 0.00 344,038.01 343,238.57 -799.44 100.23 INTEREST Page:3 12:58 PM 3frbud12.p 63-2 FUND Community Unit School District 95 SUMMARY OF REVENUE ACCOUNTS (Date: 2/2016) 03/16/16 ACCT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION February 2015-16 2015-16 2015-16 UNREALIZED 2015-16 NBR. FUNC MONTHLY RECEIPTS FYTD Activity BUDGET BALANCE FYTD % 30 DEBT SERVICE FUND 0000 3- ---- *DEBT SERVICE FUND 40 TRANSPORTATION 1000 LOCAL REVENUES 463.93 4,213,051.62 8,108,835.57 3,895,783.95 51.96 40 1113 TRANSPORTATION LEVY 0.00 0.00 619,966.00 619,966.00 0.00 40 1113 TRANSPORTATION LEVY 0.00 652,007.91 652,800.00 792.09 99.88 40 1411 FEES FROM PUPILS AND PARENTS 0.00 25,040.00 23,000.00 -2,040.00 108.87 40 1415 FEES FROM CO-CURRICULAR 2,659.50 44,361.60 85,000.00 40,638.40 52.19 40 1510 INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 1,124.18 7,797.33 13,500.00 5,702.67 57.76 40 1--- * 3,783.68 729,206.84 1,394,266.00 665,059.16 52.30 3000 STATE REVENUE 40 3500 TRANSPORTATION REGULAR 24,631.24 75,563.41 100,900.00 25,336.59 74.89 40 3510 TRANSPORTATION SPL EDUCATION 566,383.02 1,635,660.00 2,181,000.00 545,340.00 75.00 40 3--- *COMMUNITY SERVICES 591,014.26 1,711,223.41 2,281,900.00 570,676.59 74.99 7000 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 40 7300 SALE/COMP FOR LOSS OF FA 0.00 3,930,491.99 3,930,491.00 -0.99 100.00 40 7--- * 0.00 3,930,491.99 3,930,491.00 -0.99 100.00 4- ---- *TRANSPORTATION 594,797.94 6,370,922.24 7,606,657.00 1,235,734.76 83.75 50 IMRF/SOCIAL SECURITY 1000 LOCAL REVENUES 50 1114 MUNICIPAL RETIRE LEVY 0.00 0.00 463,107.00 463,107.00 0.00 50 1114 MUNICIPAL RETIRE LEVY 0.00 437,228.84 437,000.00 -228.84 100.05 50 1150 SS/MEDICARE LEVY 0.00 0.00 597,558.00 597,558.00 0.00 50 1150 SS/MEDICARE LEVY 0.00 548,453.71 549,000.00 546.29 99.90 50 1230 CPPRT 0.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 0.00 100.00 50 1510 INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 202.16 1,788.99 1,500.00 -288.99 119.27 50 1--- * 202.16 1,087,471.54 2,148,165.00 1,060,693.46 50.62 Page:4 12:58 PM 3frbud12.p 63-2 FUND Community Unit School District 95 SUMMARY OF REVENUE ACCOUNTS (Date: 2/2016) 03/16/16 ACCT ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION February 2015-16 2015-16 2015-16 UNREALIZED 2015-16 NBR. FUNC MONTHLY RECEIPTS FYTD Activity BUDGET BALANCE FYTD % 50 IMRF/SOCIAL SECURITY 3000 STATE REVENUE 50 3305 BILINGUAL DOWNSTATE TPI 0.00 1,096.65 0.00 -1,096.65 0.00 50 3--- *COMMUNITY SERVICES 0.00 1,096.65 0.00 -1,096.65 0.00 36.52 4000 FEDERAL REVENUE 50 4300 TITLE 1 LOW INC 0.00 2,447.00 6,700.00 4,253.00 50 4600 Fed SpEd-Prshl FlwThru 0.00 22.00 0.00 -22.00 0.00 50 4620 Fed SpEd-Low In Flw Thru 0.00 25,628.00 90,000.00 64,372.00 28.48 50 4909 TITLE 3 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ACQ. 0.00 206.00 500.00 294.00 41.20 50 4932 TITLE II TEACHER QUALITY 0.00 0.00 75.00 75.00 0.00 50 4--- * 0.00 28,303.00 97,275.00 68,972.00 29.10 5- ---- *IMRF/SOCIAL SECURITY 202.16 1,116,871.19 2,245,440.00 1,128,568.81 49.74 60 CAPITAL PROJECTS 1000 LOCAL REVENUES 60 1510 INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 60 1930 IMPACT FEES 274.66 1,897.13 2,000.00 102.87 94.86 0.00 32,135.85 45,000.00 12,864.15 60 1--- 71.41 * 274.66 34,032.98 47,000.00 12,967.02 6- ---- 72.41 *CAPITAL PROJECTS 274.66 34,032.98 47,000.00 12,967.02 72.41 70 WORKING CASH 1000 LOCAL REVENUES 70 1115 WORKING CASH LEVY 0.00 0.00 67,225.00 67,225.00 0.00 70 1115 WORKING CASH LEVY 0.00 72,871.47 72,900.00 28.53 99.96 70 1510 INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS 363.39 2,520.49 3,800.00 1,279.51 66.33 70 1--- * 363.39 75,391.96 143,925.00 68,533.04 52.38 7- ---- *WORKING CASH 363.39 75,391.96 143,925.00 68,533.04 52.38 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Grand Revenue Totals Number of Accounts: 100 1,532,146.91 51,079,489.10 94,984,743.57 43,905,254.47 53.78 Page:5 12:58 PM 3frbud12.p 63-2 FD FUNC 10 Community Unit School District 95 EXPENSE SUMMARY BY FUND/FUNCTION (Date: 2/2016) FUNC 03/18/16 February 2015-1 2015-16 2015-16 MTD EXPENSE YTD EXPENSE BUDGET AMT UNEXPENDED ENCUMBERED UNENCUMBERED 2015-16 % USED EDUCATION FUND 10 1110 ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS 1,092,180.78 7,879,387.63 12,834,383.56 4,954,995.93 19,664.45 4,935,331.48 61.55 10 1120 MIDDLE SCHOOLS 627,760.37 4,899,360.58 8,242,918.00 3,343,557.42 14,257.88 3,329,299.54 59.61 10 1125 PRE-SCHOOL REG 0.00 0.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 0.00 7,000.00 0.00 10 1130 HIGH SCHOOL 670,191.92 5,080,039.75 8,390,431.00 3,310,391.25 24,247.92 3,286,143.33 60.83 10 1200 SPECIAL EDUCATION 41.27 10 1205 SPECIAL EDUCATION CLASSROOM 10 1207 TRANSITION PROGRAM 10 1213 OCCUPATIONAL/PHYSICAL THERAPY 10 1218 ADAPTED PHYSICAL ED 10 1225 EARLY CHILDHOOD ED 36,637.18 242,053.35 419,150.00 177,096.65 5,578.33 171,518.32 59.08 10 1400 VOCATIONAL PROGRAMS 101,595.31 806,195.54 1,301,328.00 495,132.46 4,327.60 490,804.86 62.28 10 1500 INTERSCHOLASTIC PROGRAMS 145,869.24 997,905.73 1,706,991.02 709,085.29 32,317.31 676,767.98 60.35 10 1600 SUMMER SCHOOL PROGRAMS 134.23 74,842.67 195,327.00 120,484.33 0.00 120,484.33 38.32 10 1610 SUMMER SCHOOL-ATHLETICS 1,166.85 80,034.17 147,325.00 67,290.83 862.00 66,428.83 54.91 10 1620 SUMMER SCHOOL SPECIAL ED 0.00 35,803.99 66,710.00 30,906.01 0.00 30,906.01 53.67 10 1650 GIFTED PROGRAMS 31,501.68 248,279.63 375,025.00 126,745.37 0.00 126,745.37 66.20 10 1700 DRIVERS EDUCATION 27,652.82 223,679.53 349,324.00 125,644.47 0.00 125,644.47 64.03 10 1800 BILINGUAL PROGRAMS 94,351.88 707,297.85 1,119,718.00 412,420.15 0.00 412,420.15 63.17 10 1911 REG ED K-12 PRIVATE TUITION 0.00 0.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 0.00 25,000.00 0.00 10 1912 SPED TUITION K-12 PRIV 183,487.79 1,140,982.51 2,090,100.00 949,117.49 28,349.10 920,768.39 55.95 10 2110 ATTENDANCE AND SOCIAL WORK 103,451.42 783,770.44 1,238,505.00 454,734.56 0.00 454,734.56 63.28 10 2115 DEAN'S OFFICE 0.00 2,090.42 1,000.00 -1,090.42 0.00 -1,090.42 209.04 10 2120 GUIDANCE SERVICES 74,241.31 528,788.39 853,265.00 324,476.61 12.00 324,464.61 61.97 10 2130 HEALTH SERVICES 93,610.89 661,318.57 1,049,075.00 387,756.43 5,638.49 382,117.94 63.58 10 2131 OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY 10 2132 PHYSICAL THERAPY 10 2140 10 5,787.67 78,398.53 193,100.00 114,701.47 1,298.00 113,403.47 462,928.50 3,136,448.16 5,109,876.00 1,973,427.84 4,548.03 1,968,879.81 61.47 0.00 -1,686.86 10,500.00 12,186.86 0.00 12,186.86 -16.07 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 2,000.00 0.00 8,540.66 67,742.46 103,010.00 35,267.54 945.04 34,322.50 66.68 22.50 5,266.46 2,600.00 -2,666.46 701.96 -3,368.42 229.55 615.00 1,675.12 900.00 -775.12 0.00 -775.12 186.12 PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES 57,002.43 410,376.04 619,475.00 209,098.96 390.60 208,708.36 66.31 2150 SPEECH PATHOLOGY SERVICES 78,291.80 539,899.98 810,751.00 270,851.02 859.00 269,992.02 66.70 10 2190 STUDENT SERVICES 79.96 379.96 1,500.00 1,120.04 200.00 920.04 38.66 10 2210 IMPROVEMENT OF INSTRUCTION 26,710.18 319,148.21 483,922.00 164,773.79 46,355.80 118,417.99 75.53 10 2220 EDUCATIONAL MEDIA SERVICES 85,035.23 576,338.29 946,398.00 370,059.71 12,107.84 357,951.87 62.18 10 2230 ASSESSMT & TESTING 314.42 26,215.01 122,913.00 96,697.99 805.79 95,892.20 21.98 10 2300 GRANT ADM 0.00 1,125.00 1,125.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 10 2310 BOARD OF EDUCATION 24,366.77 167,462.49 296,500.00 129,037.51 84.38 128,953.13 56.51 10 2320 EXECUTIVE ADMIN 28,618.00 225,514.51 347,959.00 122,444.49 111.28 122,333.21 64.84 10 2330 SPECIAL AREA ADMIN 51,645.36 389,959.73 586,165.00 196,205.27 5,104.04 191,101.23 67.40 10 2362 WORKER'S COMPENSATION INSRNCE 0.00 298,102.00 305,000.00 6,898.00 0.00 6,898.00 97.74 10 2364 INSURANCE PAYMENTS GENERAL 0.00 398,302.00 398,302.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 Page:1 12:27 PM 3frbud12.p 63-2 FD FUNC 10 Community Unit School District 95 EXPENSE SUMMARY BY FUND/FUNCTION (Date: 2/2016) FUNC 03/18/16 February 2015-1 2015-16 2015-16 MTD EXPENSE YTD EXPENSE BUDGET AMT UNEXPENDED ENCUMBERED UNENCUMBERED 2015-16 % USED 65.18 EDUCATION FUND 10 2410 OFFICE OF PRINCIPAL 365,640.24 2,833,824.88 4,348,221.76 1,514,396.88 518.00 1,513,878.88 10 2510 DIRECTION OF BUSINESS SERV 18,590.54 149,551.44 236,310.00 86,758.56 0.00 86,758.56 63.29 10 2520 FISCAL SERVICES 20,374.98 259,326.61 645,540.00 386,213.39 335.00 385,878.39 40.22 10 2550 PUPIL TRANSPORTATION SERV 10 2560 FOOD SERVICES 10 2570 INTERNAL SERVICES 10 2620 CURRICULUM 10 2630 INFORMATIONAL SERVICES 10 2640 STAFF SERVICES 10 2660 DATA PROCESSING SERV 10 2900 10 0.00 0.00 5,911.00 5,911.00 0.00 5,911.00 0.00 139,592.26 790,387.58 1,626,830.00 836,442.42 3,508.48 832,933.94 48.80 66.00 200.00 1,320.00 2,000.00 680.00 0.00 680.00 115,586.08 848,563.00 1,465,770.00 617,207.00 0.00 617,207.00 57.89 16,345.91 165,253.33 269,959.00 104,705.67 246.21 104,459.46 61.31 43,294.58 379,500.77 611,380.00 231,879.23 3,803.64 228,075.59 62.69 121,410.47 1,661,445.66 3,351,460.76 1,690,015.10 139,949.48 1,550,065.62 53.75 OTHER SUPPORT SERV 467.50 10,497.50 28,515.00 18,017.50 0.00 18,017.50 36.81 3000 COMMUNITY SERVICES 2,360.29 23,732.84 36,548.00 12,815.16 400.00 12,415.16 66.03 10 3700 Non-Public School Pupils Ser. 4,766.96 36,248.97 52,441.76 16,192.79 0.00 16,192.79 69.12 10 4190 PMTS TO OTHER GOVT UNITS 0.00 0.00 5,300.00 5,300.00 0.00 5,300.00 0.00 10 4210 REG ED TUITION PAID TO LEA'S 22,564.96 175,820.10 247,000.00 71,179.90 0.00 71,179.90 71.18 10 4220 SPED PAID TO OTHER LEA 311,324.85 773,237.75 953,000.00 179,762.25 14,961.55 164,800.70 82.71 10 8400 TRANS TO DEBT PRINCIPAL LEASE 0.00 96,541.22 96,541.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 10 8500 TRANS TO DEBT INTEREST LEASE 0.00 9,399.78 9,399.78 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 10 8610 TRANSFERS BETWEEN FUNDS 0.00 213,120.93 213,120.93 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 10 8710 TRANSFERS 0.00 24,976.08 24,176.64 -799.44 0.00 -799.44 103.31 1- ---- EDUCATION FUND 5,296,311.77 39,485,246.28 64,983,997.43 25,498,751.15 372,489.20 25,126,261.95 61.33 20 OPER & MAINT 20 2540 OPERATIONS OF PLANT SERV 754,182.42 7,192,994.80 10,162,135.00 2,969,140.20 179,918.52 2,789,221.68 72.55 2- ---- OPER & MAINT 754,182.42 7,192,994.80 10,162,135.00 2,969,140.20 179,918.52 2,789,221.68 72.55 30 DEBT SERVICE FUND 30 5220 BOND INTEREST 0.00 4,415,267.80 4,577,268.00 162,000.20 0.00 162,000.20 96.46 30 5250 REVENUE BONDS OTH AGENCIES 0.00 799.44 1,598.88 799.44 0.00 799.44 50.00 30 5270 CAPITAL LEASE INTEREST 0.00 9,399.78 9,399.78 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 30 5290 OTHER INT ON LT DEBT 0.00 24,176.64 24,176.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 30 5320 PRINCIPAL 0.00 3,191,732.20 3,191,732.00 -0.20 0.00 -0.20 100.00 30 5350 PRINCIPAL 0.00 0.00 17,152.80 17,152.80 0.00 17,152.80 0.00 30 5370 CAPITAL LEASE PRINCIPAL 0.00 96,541.22 96,541.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 Page:2 12:27 PM 3frbud12.p 63-2 FD FUNC 30 Community Unit School District 95 EXPENSE SUMMARY BY FUND/FUNCTION (Date: 2/2016) FUNC February 2015-1 2015-16 2015-16 MTD EXPENSE YTD EXPENSE BUDGET AMT 03/18/16 2015-16 UNEXPENDED ENCUMBERED UNENCUMBERED % USED DEBT SERVICE FUND 30 5390 OTHER PRINC 30 5400 OTHER DEBT SVCE EXP 30 8140 INTEREST 3- ---- DEBT SERVICE FUND 40 LT DEBT 0.00 213,120.93 213,120.93 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 450.00 875.00 3,000.00 2,125.00 0.00 2,125.00 29.17 0.00 0.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 0.00 7,000.00 0.00 450.00 7,951,913.01 8,140,990.25 189,077.24 0.00 189,077.24 97.68 377,325.95 7,094,506.17 8,885,243.20 1,790,737.03 2,104.50 1,788,632.53 79.87 0.00 8,374.71 11,000.00 2,625.29 0.00 2,625.29 76.13 377,325.95 7,102,880.88 8,896,243.20 1,793,362.32 2,104.50 1,791,257.82 79.87 17,611.03 114,891.93 187,970.00 73,078.07 0.00 73,078.07 61.12 7,630.21 58,351.10 105,820.00 47,468.90 0.00 47,468.90 55.14 13,587.45 90,655.18 153,818.00 63,162.82 0.00 63,162.82 58.94 409.13 1,562.12 4,500.00 2,937.88 0.00 2,937.88 34.71 20,134.48 108,274.64 175,800.00 67,525.36 0.00 67,525.36 61.59 110.54 875.78 1,400.00 524.22 0.00 524.22 62.56 TRANSPORTATION 40 2550 PUPIL TRANSPORTATION SERV 40 2551 SUMMER SCHOOL ENRICHMENT 4- ---- TRANSPORTATION 50 IMRF/SOCIAL SECURITY 50 1110 ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS 50 1120 MIDDLE SCHOOLS 50 1130 HIGH SCHOOL 50 1200 SPECIAL EDUCATION 50 1205 SPECIAL EDUCATION CLASSROOM 50 1218 ADAPTED PHYSICAL ED 50 1225 EARLY CHILDHOOD ED 2,333.72 11,986.32 31,050.00 19,063.68 0.00 19,063.68 38.60 50 1400 VOCATIONAL PROGRAMS 1,097.21 8,733.04 14,800.00 6,066.96 0.00 6,066.96 59.01 50 1500 INTERSCHOLASTIC PROGRAMS 4,924.31 20,796.88 32,601.00 11,804.12 0.00 11,804.12 63.79 50 1600 SUMMER SCHOOL PROGRAMS 23.17 1,625.79 4,175.00 2,549.21 0.00 2,549.21 38.94 50 1610 SUMMER SCHOOL-ATHLETICS 0.00 1,801.08 4,500.00 2,698.92 0.00 2,698.92 40.02 50 1620 SUMMER SCHOOL SPECIAL ED 0.00 2,982.15 5,850.00 2,867.85 0.00 2,867.85 50.98 50 1650 GIFTED PROGRAMS 403.42 3,187.84 4,950.00 1,762.16 0.00 1,762.16 64.40 50 1700 DRIVERS EDUCATION 339.93 2,743.98 4,550.00 1,806.02 0.00 1,806.02 60.31 50 1800 BILINGUAL PROGRAMS 1,104.90 8,421.15 14,750.00 6,328.85 0.00 6,328.85 57.09 50 2110 ATTENDANCE AND SOCIAL WORK 1,305.15 9,906.71 15,300.00 5,393.29 0.00 5,393.29 64.75 50 2120 GUIDANCE SERVICES 2,656.96 15,817.59 19,105.40 3,287.81 0.00 3,287.81 82.79 50 2130 HEALTH SERVICES 11,863.22 74,709.38 116,924.00 42,214.62 0.00 42,214.62 63.90 50 2140 PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES 591.72 4,706.19 7,100.00 2,393.81 0.00 2,393.81 66.28 50 2150 SPEECH PATHOLOGY SERVICES 756.84 5,890.15 9,000.00 3,109.85 0.00 3,109.85 65.45 50 2210 IMPROVEMENT OF INSTRUCTION 0.00 403.56 1,000.00 596.44 0.00 596.44 40.36 50 2220 EDUCATIONAL MEDIA SERVICES 3,844.37 20,601.28 33,716.00 13,114.72 0.00 13,114.72 61.10 50 2230 ASSESSMT & TESTING 0.00 0.00 115.00 115.00 0.00 115.00 0.00 Page:3 12:27 PM 3frbud12.p 63-2 FD FUNC 50 Community Unit School District 95 EXPENSE SUMMARY BY FUND/FUNCTION (Date: 2/2016) FUNC 03/18/16 February 2015-1 2015-16 2015-16 MTD EXPENSE YTD EXPENSE BUDGET AMT UNEXPENDED ENCUMBERED UNENCUMBERED 2015-16 % USED IMRF/SOCIAL SECURITY 50 2320 EXECUTIVE ADMIN 1,268.84 9,313.85 13,700.00 4,386.15 0.00 4,386.15 67.98 50 2330 SPECIAL AREA ADMIN 1,861.29 13,588.61 21,085.00 7,496.39 0.00 7,496.39 64.45 50 2410 OFFICE OF PRINCIPAL 12,813.03 83,246.08 139,471.00 56,224.92 0.00 56,224.92 59.69 50 2510 DIRECTION OF BUSINESS SERV 208.98 1,670.76 2,750.00 1,079.24 0.00 1,079.24 60.75 50 2520 FISCAL SERVICES 2,611.20 18,205.46 31,100.00 12,894.54 0.00 12,894.54 58.54 50 2540 OPERATIONS OF PLANT SERV 13,323.38 100,169.25 166,000.00 65,830.75 0.00 65,830.75 60.34 50 2550 PUPIL TRANSPORTATION SERV 27,565.16 143,446.88 247,950.00 104,503.12 0.00 104,503.12 57.85 50 2551 SUMMER SCHOOL ENRICHMENT 0.00 1,378.31 2,950.00 1,571.69 0.00 1,571.69 46.72 50 2620 CURRICULUM 2,042.48 14,840.16 21,302.00 6,461.84 0.00 6,461.84 69.67 50 2630 INFORMATIONAL SERVICES 2,070.78 15,937.28 24,775.00 8,837.72 0.00 8,837.72 64.33 50 2640 STAFF SERVICES 5,160.58 37,391.58 74,025.00 36,633.42 0.00 36,633.42 50.51 50 2660 DATA PROCESSING SERV 14,330.74 108,264.68 79,950.00 -28,314.68 0.00 -28,314.68 135.42 50 2900 OTHER SUPPORT SERV 35.77 300.86 3,692.00 3,391.14 0.00 3,391.14 8.15 50 3000 COMMUNITY SERVICES 6.03 50.08 836.00 785.92 0.00 785.92 5.99 50 3700 Non-Public School Pupils Ser. 153.48 1,426.68 1,625.00 198.32 0.00 198.32 87.80 5- ---- IMRF/SOCIAL SECURITY 174,179.50 1,118,154.36 1,780,005.40 661,851.04 0.00 661,851.04 62.82 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Grand Expense Totals Number of Accounts: 6,602,449.64 62,851,189.33 1858 ************************ End of report ************************ 93,963,371.28 31,112,181.95 554,512.22 30,557,669.73 67.48 Page:4 12:27 PM 3frbud12.p 63-2 LOC Community Unit School District 95 OPERATIONAL UNIT SUMMARY REPORT BY FUND (Date: 2/2016) LOCATION NAME 10 03/18/16 2015-16 2015-16 2015-16 MTD EXPENSES FYTD EXPENSES BUDGET AMOUNT UNEXPENDED ENCUMBERED UNENCUMBERED 2015-16 FYTD % 239,752.07 1,771,255.94 2,858,625.19 1,087,369.25 804.42 1,086,564.83 61.96 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 997,672.70 4,330.92 993,341.78 62.19 EDUCATION FUND 001 MAY WHITNEY 002 CHARLES QUENTIN 003 SARAH ADAMS 223,586.48 1,641,167.58 2,638,840.28 004 SETH PAINE 204,500.50 1,481,082.45 2,469,925.34 988,842.89 2,236.64 986,606.25 59.96 005 MIDDLE SCHOOL NORTH 398,313.32 3,054,821.58 4,913,290.00 1,858,468.42 11,364.34 1,847,104.08 62.17 006 LAKE ZURICH HIGH SCHOOL 1,136,416.86 8,538,634.37 13,744,890.90 5,206,256.53 58,327.49 5,147,929.04 62.12 008 DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION 2,230,771.17 16,513,526.88 28,013,833.09 11,500,306.21 281,193.14 11,219,113.07 58.95 009 ISAAC FOX 248,003.63 1,817,567.62 2,872,338.75 1,054,771.13 2,633.03 1,052,138.10 63.28 010 MIDDLE SCHOOL SOUTH 397,702.30 3,031,629.46 4,883,275.20 1,851,645.74 9,445.22 1,842,200.52 62.08 011 NEW MIDDLE SCHOOL NORTH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 012 SPENCER LOOMIS 217,265.44 1,635,560.40 2,588,978.68 953,418.28 2,154.00 951,264.28 63.17 --- EDUCATION FUND 5,296,311.77 39,485,246.28 64,983,997.43 25,498,751.15 372,489.20 25,126,261.95 60.76 25,217.39 150,005.83 250,230.00 100,224.17 2,707.09 97,517.08 59.95 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 69,068.62 139,055.00 69,986.38 1,650.85 68,335.53 49.67 20 OPER & MAINT 001 MAY WHITNEY 002 CHARLES QUENTIN 003 SARAH ADAMS 12,643.77 004 SETH PAINE 13,033.31 81,670.33 143,890.00 62,219.67 24,784.24 37,435.43 56.76 005 MIDDLE SCHOOL NORTH 54,206.78 302,311.70 416,325.00 114,013.30 8,509.89 105,503.41 72.61 006 LAKE ZURICH HIGH SCHOOL 196,602.65 3,663,533.89 4,154,910.00 491,376.11 57,235.85 434,140.26 88.17 007 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CTR 4,581.58 23,542.53 65,100.00 41,557.47 1,566.00 39,991.47 36.16 008 DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION 379,763.36 2,463,447.53 4,332,045.00 1,868,597.47 71,777.00 1,796,820.47 56.87 009 ISAAC FOX 14,252.84 91,241.53 155,880.00 64,638.47 1,203.26 63,435.21 58.53 010 MIDDLE SCHOOL SOUTH 33,019.28 189,838.71 298,365.00 108,526.29 3,958.37 104,567.92 63.63 011 NEW MIDDLE SCHOOL NORTH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 012 SPENCER LOOMIS 20,861.46 158,334.13 206,335.00 48,000.87 6,525.97 41,474.90 76.74 --- OPER & MAINT 754,182.42 7,192,994.80 10,162,135.00 2,969,140.20 179,918.52 2,789,221.68 70.78 30 DEBT SERVICE FUND 008 DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION 450.00 7,951,913.01 8,140,990.25 189,077.24 0.00 189,077.24 97.68 --- DEBT SERVICE FUND 450.00 7,951,913.01 8,140,990.25 189,077.24 0.00 189,077.24 97.68 Page:1 12:36 PM 3frbud12.p 63-2 LOC Community Unit School District 95 OPERATIONAL UNIT SUMMARY REPORT BY FUND (Date: 2/2016) LOCATION NAME 40 2015-16 2015-16 2015-16 MTD EXPENSES FYTD EXPENSES BUDGET AMOUNT 03/18/16 2015-16 UNEXPENDED ENCUMBERED UNENCUMBERED FYTD % TRANSPORTATION 001 MAY WHITNEY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 008 DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION 377,325.95 7,102,880.88 8,896,243.20 1,793,362.32 2,104.50 1,791,257.82 79.84 --- TRANSPORTATION 377,325.95 7,102,880.88 8,896,243.20 1,793,362.32 2,104.50 1,791,257.82 79.84 4,622.90 30,602.37 48,813.00 18,210.63 0.00 18,210.63 62.69 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 50 IMRF/SOCIAL SECURITY 001 MAY WHITNEY 002 CHARLES QUENTIN 003 SARAH ADAMS 4,445.09 29,159.34 50,210.00 21,050.66 0.00 21,050.66 58.07 004 SETH PAINE 4,163.84 27,081.48 48,216.00 21,134.52 0.00 21,134.52 56.17 005 MIDDLE SCHOOL NORTH 6,398.82 44,928.80 81,568.00 36,639.20 0.00 36,639.20 55.08 006 LAKE ZURICH HIGH SCHOOL 26,129.71 163,412.20 264,441.40 101,029.20 0.00 101,029.20 61.80 008 DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION 113,679.06 721,129.94 1,119,372.00 398,242.06 0.00 398,242.06 64.42 009 ISAAC FOX 4,620.73 30,827.88 51,630.00 20,802.12 0.00 20,802.12 59.71 010 MIDDLE SCHOOL SOUTH 5,988.21 43,486.66 71,615.00 28,128.34 0.00 28,128.34 60.72 012 SPENCER LOOMIS 4,131.14 27,525.69 44,140.00 16,614.31 0.00 16,614.31 62.36 --- IMRF/SOCIAL SECURITY 174,179.50 1,118,154.36 1,780,005.40 661,851.04 0.00 661,851.04 62.82 60 CAPITAL PROJECTS 001 MAY WHITNEY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 002 CHARLES QUENTIN 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 003 SARAH ADAMS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 004 SETH PAINE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 005 MIDDLE SCHOOL NORTH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 006 LAKE ZURICH HIGH SCHOOL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 007 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CTR 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 008 DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 009 ISAAC FOX 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 010 MIDDLE SCHOOL SOUTH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 011 NEW MIDDLE SCHOOL NORTH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 012 SPENCER LOOMIS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 --- CAPITAL PROJECTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Grand Expense Totals 6,602,449.64 62,851,189.33 93,963,371.28 31,112,181.95 554,512.22 30,557,669.73 66.89 Page:2 12:36 PM 3frbud12.p 63-2 LOC Community Unit School District 95 OPERATIONAL UNIT SUMMARY REPORT BY FUND (Date: 2/2016) LOCATION NAME Number of Accounts: 2015-16 2015-16 2015-16 MTD EXPENSES FYTD EXPENSES BUDGET AMOUNT 3859 ************************ End of report ************************ 03/18/16 2015-16 UNEXPENDED ENCUMBERED UNENCUMBERED FYTD % Page:3 12:36 PM LAKE ZURICH COMMUNITY UNIT SCHOOL DISTRICT 95 SCHEDULE OF CASH/INVESTMENTS February 29, 2016 Description Maturity Date Money Market and Cash JP Morgan Chase JP Morgan Chase (Savings) PMA Financial Network, Inc. (103) PMA Financial Network, Inc. (101) PMA Financial Network, Inc. (SDA) PMA Financial Network, Inc. (101) PMA Financial Network, Inc. (102) PMA Financial Network, Inc. PMA Financial Network, Inc. PMA Financial Network, Inc. Liquid Liquid Liquid LIquid Liquid Liquid Liquid Term Series Term Series Term Series Certificate of Deposit Mizuho Bank (USA) Berkshire Bank East West Bank Bank of the Ozarks State Bank of Newburg Landmark Community Bank Grand Bank State Bank of India Private Bank-MI Community State Bank-OK Western Alliance Bank/Torrey Pines Bank Signature Bank Town and Country Bank East Carolina Bank Platinum Bank First United Bank Saco & Biddeford Savings Institution Discover Bank Certificate of Deposit Financial Federal Bank 3/10/2016 3/11/2016 3/11/2016 3/11/2016 3/11/2016 3/11/2016 3/11/2016 3/28/2016 4/4/2016 4/4/2016 4/4/2016 4/7/2016 4/7/2016 4/7/2016 4/7/2016 4/7/2016 4/7/2016 4/11/2016 4/27/2016 Investment Date 6/10/2015 6/12/2015 6/29/2015 6/4/2015 6/4/2015 6/4/2015 6/4/2015 6/26/2015 4/2/2014 4/2/2014 4/2/2014 4/10/2014 4/10/2014 4/10/2014 4/10/2014 4/10/2014 4/10/2014 4/9/2014 5/14/2015 Gross Amount Invested Market Value 2,608,140 3,268,020 1,794,232 0 3,439,206 189 763,108 4,300,000 6,400,000 5,000,000 27,572,895 2,608,140 3,268,020 1,794,232.47 0 3,439,206 189 763,108 4,300,000 6,400,000 5,000,000 27,572,895 249,342 249,377 4,650,000 249,500 249,400 249,400 249,400 249,345 247,400 248,000 248,000 236,424 236,424 236,424 236,424 51,214 3,089 249,495 249,500 249,342 249,377 4,650,000 249,500 249,400 249,400 249,400 249,345 247,400 248,000 248,000 236,424 236,424 236,424 236,424 51,214 3,089 249,495 249,500 Invest Days - 274 273 256 281 281 281 281 276 733 733 733 728 728 728 728 728 728 733 349 Invest Rate Interest Paid Source Account 0.00% 0.30% 0.02% 0.15% 0.20% 0.09% 0.64% 0.18% 0.21% 0.23% Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly Varies Maturity Maturity Maturity Chase-General Chase-General ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF 0.17% 0.25% 0.18% 0.21% 0.16% 0.16% 0.16% 0.27% 0.51% 0.40% 0.40% 0.45% 0.45% 0.45% 0.45% 0.45% 0.45% 0.40% 0.20% Maturity Annual Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Apr/Oct Maturity ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF LAKE ZURICH COMMUNITY UNIT SCHOOL DISTRICT 95 SCHEDULE OF CASH/INVESTMENTS February 29, 2016 Description Bank 7 Pulaski Bank Bank of Greeleyville Pacific Enterprise Bank Industrial & Commercial Bank of China CFG Community Bank Banco Popular North Amercia Banco Popular North Amercia Banco Popular North Amercia BMW Bank of North America Community Southern Bank Kansas State Bank of Manhattan Access National Bank BCB Community Bank View Point Bank (MHC) First National Bank of Lawrence F & M Community Bank, NA First United Bank Compass Bank Field Point Private Bank & Trust Golden Bank NA Rockford B&TC Patriot Bank - OK BOFI Federal Bank Talmer Bank and Trust Farmers State Bank Waterloo Centrue Bank BOFI Federal Bank IDB Bank Security Bank-OK Bank of The West ABC Bank/Austin In Bank of Chicago Onewest Bank Maturity Date 4/27/2016 4/27/2016 4/27/2016 4/27/2016 4/27/2016 4/27/2016 4/27/2016 4/27/2016 4/27/2016 5/16/2016 5/23/2016 5/23/2016 5/23/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/26/2016 5/31/2016 7/13/2016 7/13/2016 7/13/2016 8/26/2016 8/26/2016 8/26/2016 8/26/2016 8/26/2016 8/26/2016 10/28/2016 10/28/2016 10/28/2016 10/28/2016 10/28/2016 Investment Gross Amount Date Invested 5/14/2015 249,500 5/14/2015 249,500 5/14/2015 249,500 5/14/2015 249,400 5/14/2015 249,400 5/14/2015 249,400 5/15/2015 83,000 5/15/2015 84,000 5/15/2015 82,500 11/15/2013 248,287 5/22/2014 100,000 5/22/2014 247,500 5/22/2014 245,500 5/29/2014 241,215 5/29/2014 241,215 5/29/2014 241,215 5/29/2014 241,215 5/29/2014 35,141 5/28/2014 249,000 6/4/2015 248,800 6/4/2015 249,100 6/4/2015 249,100 2/26/2016 249,500 2/26/2016 249,400 2/26/2016 249,400 2/26/2016 249,000 2/26/2016 249,500 2/26/2016 2,753,200 10/29/2013 244,400 10/29/2013 245,100 10/29/2013 244,700 10/29/2013 245,400 10/29/2013 245,400 Market Value 249,500 249,500 249,500 249,400 249,400 249,400 83,000 84,000 82,500 248,287 100,000 247,500 245,500 241,215 241,215 241,215 241,215 35,141 249,000 248,800 249,100 249,100 249,500 249,400 249,400 249,000 249,500 2,753,200 244,400 245,100 244,700 245,400 245,400 Invest Days 349 349 349 349 349 349 348 348 348 913 732 732 732 728 728 728 728 728 732 405 405 405 182 182 182 182 182 182 1095 1095 1095 1095 1095 Invest Interest Rate Paid 0.21% Maturity 0.21% Maturity 0.20% Maturity 0.22% Maturity 0.25% Maturity 0.24% Maturity 0.20% Maturity 0.20% Maturity 0.20% Maturity 0.85% May/Nov 0.51% Maturity 0.51% Maturity 0.50% Maturity 0.50% Maturity 0.50% Maturity 0.50% Maturity 0.50% Maturity 0.50% Maturity 0.50% May/Nov 0.35% Maturity 0.30% Maturity 0.29% Maturity 0.40% Maturity 0.40% Maturity 0.40% Maturity 0.40% Maturity 0.40% Maturity 0.40% Maturity 0.74% Maturity 0.65% Maturity 0.71% Maturity 0.62% Maturity 0.61% Maturity Source Account ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF LAKE ZURICH COMMUNITY UNIT SCHOOL DISTRICT 95 SCHEDULE OF CASH/INVESTMENTS February 29, 2016 Description Fifth Third Bank Hometown Bank Southside Bank GE Capital Bank American Express Centurion Bank Goldman Sachs Bank USA College Savings Bank Ally Bank Comenity Capital Bnk First National Bank Investors Bank North American Savings Bank Medallion Bank Pacific Western Bank Bremer Bank, NA Premier Bank Post Oak Bank, NA Farmers & Merchants Union Bank Sterns Bank NA TCF National Bank United Bank Rockville First Niagara Bank Preferred Bank Capital One Bank Sallie Mae American Express Bank Crystal Lake Bk & Tr-Wintrust Northbrook Bk & Tr-Wintrust Schaumburg Bk & Tr/Advantage Natl. Beverly Bk & Tr-Wintrust St. Charles Bk & Tr-Wintrust Lake Forest Bk & Tr-Wintrust Wheaton Bk & Tr-Wintrust Maturity Date 10/28/2016 10/31/2016 10/31/2016 11/1/2016 11/7/2016 11/7/2016 11/7/2016 11/7/2016 11/14/2016 5/15/2017 5/19/2017 5/22/2017 5/22/2017 6/5/2017 6/5/2017 6/5/2017 6/5/2017 6/5/2017 6/5/2017 6/12/2017 6/12/2017 6/12/2017 6/26/2017 9/11/2017 9/11/2017 9/11/2017 9/13/2017 9/13/2017 9/13/2017 9/13/2017 9/13/2017 9/13/2017 9/13/2017 Investment Gross Amount Date Invested 10/29/2013 245,400 10/31/2013 245,200 10/31/2013 245,800 11/1/2013 248,710 11/7/2013 248,338 11/6/2013 248,338 11/6/2013 249,349 11/6/2013 248,333 11/12/2013 249,346 5/14/2015 246,700 5/20/2015 248,732 5/20/2015 249,742 5/20/2015 248,736 6/4/2015 247,200 6/4/2015 246,700 6/4/2015 247,200 6/4/2015 247,200 6/4/2015 246,800 6/4/2015 246,300 6/10/2015 249,742 6/12/2015 249,738 6/12/2015 248,733 6/26/2015 249,739 9/10/2014 248,710 9/10/2014 248,702 9/11/2014 248,702 9/14/2015 246,000 9/14/2015 246,000 9/14/2015 246,000 9/14/2015 246,000 9/14/2015 246,000 9/14/2015 246,000 9/14/2015 246,000 Market Value 245,400 245,200 245,800 248,710 248,338 248,338 249,349 248,333 249,346 246,700 248,732 249,742 248,736 247,200 246,700 247,200 247,200 246,800 246,300 249,742 249,738 248,733 249,739 248,710 248,702 248,702 246,000 246,000 246,000 246,000 246,000 246,000 246,000 Invest Days 1095 1096 1096 1096 1096 1097 1097 1097 1098 732 730 733 733 732 732 732 732 732 732 733 731 731 731 1097 1097 1096 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 Invest Rate 0.61% 0.65% 0.56% 0.95% 0.90% 0.95% 0.65% 1.10% 0.95% 0.65% 0.70% 0.70% 0.75% 0.56% 0.65% 0.55% 0.55% 0.64% 0.74% 0.55% 0.70% 0.70% 0.65% 1.00% 1.25% 1.20% 0.80% 0.80% 0.80% 0.80% 0.80% 0.80% 0.80% Interest Paid Maturity Maturity Maturity May/Nov May/Nov May/Nov May/Nov May/Nov Monthly Maturity May/Nov Monthly May/Nov Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Jun/Dec Monthly Jun/Dec Monthly Mar/Sep Mar/Sep Mar/Sep Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Source Account ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF LAKE ZURICH COMMUNITY UNIT SCHOOL DISTRICT 95 SCHEDULE OF CASH/INVESTMENTS February 29, 2016 Description Hinsdale Bk & Tr-Wintrust Wintrust Bk/North Shore Comm. Old Plank Trail Community Bank Ericson State Bank Sonabank First State Bank Fairfield National Bank United Community Bank Monona State Bank Wallis State Bank Bank of Cadiz and Trust Company CornerBank Merrick Bank Citizens Bank State Bank & Trust Company First National Bank and Trust Company of OK Enerbank USA Community Bank of Oelwein Orrstown Bank Wex Bank/Wright Express Financial Services CD Prudential Savings Bank Affiliated Bank Essex Bank Central Bank Middlefield Banking Company Crestmark Bank Wolverine Bank, FSB Valley National Bank Maturity Date 9/13/2017 9/13/2017 9/13/2017 11/6/2017 11/6/2017 11/9/2017 11/9/2017 11/9/2017 11/9/2017 11/9/2017 11/9/2017 11/9/2017 11/9/2017 11/9/2017 11/9/2017 11/9/2017 12/7/2017 12/7/2017 12/7/2017 12/11/2017 12/21/2017 12/21/2017 12/21/2017 12/21/2017 12/21/2017 12/21/2017 12/21/2017 12/21/2017 Investment Gross Amount Date Invested 9/14/2015 246,000 9/14/2015 246,000 9/14/2015 246,000 11/5/2015 244,300 11/5/2015 245,800 11/12/2015 114,466 11/12/2015 50,351 11/12/2015 71,115 11/12/2015 100,702 11/12/2015 241,684 11/12/2015 213,454 11/12/2015 241,684 11/12/2015 241,684 11/12/2015 241,493 11/12/2015 241,684 11/12/2015 241,684 12/8/2015 245,500 12/8/2015 245,600 12/8/2015 245,600 12/8/2015 248,728 12/20/2016 248,300 12/20/2016 248,300 12/20/2016 248,300 12/20/2016 248,200 12/20/2016 248,400 12/20/2016 248,400 12/20/2016 248,300 12/20/2016 248,400 Market Value 246,000 246,000 246,000 244,300 245,800 114,466 50,351 71,115 100,702 241,684 213,454 241,684 241,684 241,493 241,684 241,684 245,500 245,600 245,600 248,728 248,300 248,300 248,300 248,200 248,400 248,400 248,300 248,400 27,572,895 Liquid 32,816,965 Investments 60,389,860 Invest Days 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 730 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 Invest Rate 0.80% 0.80% 0.80% 1.14% 0.85% 0.87% 0.87% 0.87% 0.87% 0.87% 0.87% 0.87% 0.87% 0.87% 0.87% 0.87% 0.90% 0.88% 0.89% 1.05% 0.67% 0.66% 0.68% 0.70% 0.64% 0.64% 0.67% 0.62% Interest Paid Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Maturity Source Account ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF ISDLAF MEMORANDUM Board of Education Dr. Michael Egan, Superintendent FROM: March 23, 2016 DATE: SUBJECT: IHSA Annual Renewal TO: Background: The Illinois High School Association (IHSA) requires member schools to renew its membership annually, confirm that they continue to be recognized by the Illinois State Board of Education and certify that the Board of Education/Governing Board has voted to adopt the membership resolution. The above listed item will be approved within the Consent Agenda MEMORANDUM TO: Board of Education FROM: Julia Becich, Director of Human Resources DATE: March 23, 2016 SUBJECT: Personnel Report Background Information: Mrs. Becich will present the personnel report dated March 23, 2016. Lake Zurich Community Unit School District 95 Report to Board of Education Board Meeting Date: March 23, 2016 From: Vicky Cullinan, Assistant Superintendent for Business and Operations Re: Check Register Policy Reference: 4:50 – Payment Procedures Background: Attached are the check registers for the March 2nd and March23rd check runs for Board approval. An additional check run was done on March 2nd to pay Constellation New Energy to avoid a late charge. Also included for board approval are payments from the imprest fund, District activity accounts and student activity accounts monthly reports. Motion: To approve the check registers, payments from the imprest fund, District activity and student activity accounts monthly reports as presented by the administration. Lake Zurich Community Unit School District 95 Report to Board of Education Board Meeting Date: March 23, 2016 From: Vicky Cullinan, Assistant Superintendent for Business and Operations Re: March 2016 Check Highlights Policy Reference: 4:50 – Payment Procedures Background: The highlights of the March 2nd and March 23rd check register: · · · · · · · Camelot Education Com Ed Constellation New Energy, Inc. FBG Service Corp., Inc. Lakeside Transportation Sodexo, Inc. Tuition Electricity Electricity Custodial Services Microsoft EES Renewal Transportation Food Service (2 months) $ 26,458.83 $ 25,156.28 $ 84,317.08 $ 111,737.12 $ 44,683.52 $ 161,368.19 $ 302,156.43 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 8:01 AM 03/18/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 02/26/16 - 03/02/16) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 237980 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 03/02/2016 0030851389 Electricity 3,898.84 20E001 2540 4660 01 000000 237980 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 03/02/2016 0030851389 Electricity 22,406.54 20E006 2540 4660 01 000000 237980 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 03/02/2016 0030851389 Electricity 1,518.29 20E007 2540 4660 01 000000 237980 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 03/02/2016 0030239360 Electricity 2,153.56 20E001 2540 4660 01 000000 237980 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 03/02/2016 0030239360 Electricity 1,415.03 20E003 2540 4660 01 000000 237980 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 03/02/2016 0030239360 Electricity 1,044.27 20E004 2540 4660 01 000000 237980 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 03/02/2016 0030239360 Electricity 4,117.26 20E005 2540 4660 01 000000 237980 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 03/02/2016 0030239360 Electricity 12,567.63 20E006 2540 4660 01 000000 237980 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 03/02/2016 0030239360 Electricity 735.02 20E007 2540 4660 01 000000 237980 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 03/02/2016 0030239360 Electricity 403.75 20E008 2540 4660 01 000000 237980 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 03/02/2016 0030239360 Electricity 1,307.80 20E009 2540 4660 01 000000 237980 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 03/02/2016 0030239360 Electricity 4,432.78 20E010 2540 4660 01 000000 237980 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 03/02/2016 0030239360 Electricity 1,372.42 20E012 2540 4660 01 000000 237980 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 03/02/2016 0030459597 Electricity 764.90 20E001 2540 4660 01 000000 237980 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 03/02/2016 0030459597 Electricity 502.58 20E003 2540 4660 01 000000 237980 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 03/02/2016 0030459597 Electricity 370.90 20E004 2540 4660 01 000000 237980 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 03/02/2016 0030459597 Electricity 1,462.36 20E005 2540 4660 01 000000 237980 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 03/02/2016 0030459597 Electricity 4,463.73 20E006 2540 4660 01 000000 237980 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 03/02/2016 0030459597 Electricity 261.06 20E007 2540 4660 01 000000 237980 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 03/02/2016 0030459597 Electricity 143.40 20E008 2540 4660 01 000000 237980 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 03/02/2016 0030459597 Electricity 464.50 20E009 2540 4660 01 000000 237980 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 03/02/2016 0030459597 Electricity 1,574.42 20E010 2540 4660 01 000000 237980 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 03/02/2016 0030459597 Electricity 487.45 20E012 2540 4660 01 000000 237980 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 03/02/2016 0030459596 Electricity 145.50 20E001 2540 4660 01 000000 237980 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 03/02/2016 0030459596 Electricity 95.60 20E003 2540 4660 01 000000 237980 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 03/02/2016 0030459596 Electricity 70.55 20E004 2540 4660 01 000000 237980 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 03/02/2016 0030459596 Electricity 278.18 20E005 2540 4660 01 000000 237980 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 03/02/2016 0030459596 Electricity 849.11 20E006 2540 4660 01 000000 237980 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 03/02/2016 0030459596 Electricity 49.66 20E007 2540 4660 01 000000 237980 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 03/02/2016 0030459596 Electricity 27.28 20E008 2540 4660 01 000000 237980 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 03/02/2016 0030459596 Electricity 88.36 20E009 2540 4660 01 000000 237980 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 03/02/2016 0030459596 Electricity 299.49 20E010 2540 4660 01 000000 237980 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 03/02/2016 0030459596 Electricity 92.73 20E012 2540 4660 01 000000 237980 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 03/02/2016 0030459595 Electricity 56.26 20E001 2540 4660 01 000000 237980 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 03/02/2016 0030459595 Electricity 36.96 20E003 2540 4660 01 000000 237980 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 03/02/2016 0030459595 Electricity 27.28 20E004 2540 4660 01 000000 237980 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 03/02/2016 0030459595 Electricity 107.55 20E005 2540 4660 01 000000 237980 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 237980 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 03/02/2016 0030459595 Electricity 03/02/2016 0030459595 Electricity 328.29 20E006 2540 4660 01 000000 19.20 20E007 2540 4660 01 000000 AMOUNT NUMBER 1 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 8:01 AM 03/18/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 02/26/16 - 03/02/16) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 237980 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 03/02/2016 0030459595 Electricity 10.55 20E008 2540 4660 01 000000 237980 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 03/02/2016 0030459595 Electricity 34.16 20E009 2540 4660 01 000000 237980 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 03/02/2016 0030459595 Electricity 115.79 20E010 2540 4660 01 000000 237980 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 03/02/2016 0030459595 Electricity 35.85 20E012 2540 4660 01 000000 237980 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 03/02/2016 0030414613 Electricity 617.63 20E001 2540 4660 01 000000 237980 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 03/02/2016 0030414613 Electricity 405.82 20E003 2540 4660 01 000000 237980 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 03/02/2016 0030414613 Electricity 299.49 20E004 2540 4660 01 000000 237980 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 03/02/2016 0030414613 Electricity 1,180.81 20E005 2540 4660 01 000000 237980 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 03/02/2016 0030414613 Electricity 3,604.34 20E006 2540 4660 01 000000 237980 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 03/02/2016 0030414613 Electricity 210.80 20E007 2540 4660 01 000000 237980 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 03/02/2016 0030414613 Electricity 115.79 20E008 2540 4660 01 000000 237980 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 03/02/2016 0030414613 Electricity 375.07 20E009 2540 4660 01 000000 237980 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 03/02/2016 0030414613 Electricity 1,271.30 20E010 2540 4660 01 000000 237980 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 03/02/2016 0030414613 Electricity 393.63 20E012 2540 4660 01 000000 237980 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 03/02/2016 0030414608 Electricity 182.22 20E001 2540 4660 01 000000 237980 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 03/02/2016 0030414608 Electricity 119.73 20E003 2540 4660 01 000000 237980 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 03/02/2016 0030414608 Electricity 88.36 20E004 2540 4660 01 000000 237980 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 03/02/2016 0030414608 Electricity 348.37 20E005 2540 4660 01 000000 237980 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 03/02/2016 0030414608 Electricity 1,063.39 20E006 2540 4660 01 000000 237980 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 03/02/2016 0030414608 Electricity 62.19 20E007 2540 4660 01 000000 237980 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 03/02/2016 0030414608 Electricity 34.16 20E008 2540 4660 01 000000 237980 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 03/02/2016 0030414608 Electricity 110.66 20E009 2540 4660 01 000000 237980 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 03/02/2016 0030414608 Electricity 375.07 20E010 2540 4660 01 000000 237980 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 03/02/2016 0030414608 Electricity 116.13 20E012 2540 4660 01 000000 237980 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 03/02/2016 0030671007 Electricity 197.16 20E001 2540 4660 01 000000 237980 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 03/02/2016 0030671007 Electricity 129.55 20E003 2540 4660 01 000000 237980 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 03/02/2016 0030671007 Electricity 95.60 20E004 2540 4660 01 000000 237980 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 03/02/2016 0030671007 Electricity 376.94 20E005 2540 4660 01 000000 237980 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 03/02/2016 0030671007 Electricity 1,150.58 20E006 2540 4660 01 000000 237980 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 03/02/2016 0030671007 Electricity 67.29 20E007 2540 4660 01 000000 237980 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 03/02/2016 0030671007 Electricity 36.96 20E008 2540 4660 01 000000 237980 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 03/02/2016 0030671007 Electricity 119.73 20E009 2540 4660 01 000000 237980 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 03/02/2016 0030671007 Electricity 405.82 20E010 2540 4660 01 000000 237980 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 03/02/2016 0030671007 Electricity 125.65 20E012 2540 4660 01 000000 AMOUNT NUMBER Totals for checks 84,317.08 2 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 F U N D FUND DESCRIPTION 20 OPER & MAINT *** Fund Summary Totals *** 8:01 AM BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 02/26/16 - 03/02/16) S U M M A R Y BALANCE SHEET REVENUE EXPENSE TOTAL 0.00 0.00 84,317.08 84,317.08 0.00 0.00 84,317.08 84,317.08 ************************ End of report ************************ 03/18/16 PAGE: 3 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 8:04 AM 03/18/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 02/26/16 - 03/23/16) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 237992 A & M PRODUCTS COMPANY 03/23/2016 030216 Replacement plate for State Dance Trophy 237993 AASA MEMBERSHIP 03/23/2016 606409 Membership Dues 447.00 10E008 2330 6400 01 000000 237994 ACCURATE BIOMETRICS, INC 03/23/2016 106061602 Fingerprinting - February 2016 471.25 10E008 2640 3100 01 000000 AMOUNT NUMBER 12.00 10E006 1500 4100 01 000000 237995 ADVANTAGE MECHANICAL INC/F.D.P 03/23/2016 27281 HVAC Repairs at the HS and SA 987.00 20E006 2540 3100 01 000000 237995 ADVANTAGE MECHANICAL INC/F.D.P 03/23/2016 27320 HVAC Repairs at the HS and SA 3,131.00 20E003 2540 3100 01 000000 237996 ADVENTIST GLEN OAKS HOSPITAL 03/23/2016 TDS-N 7462 Tuition Feb 2016 237997 ADVOCATE OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH 03/23/2016 370 ANNUAL PHYSICALS 3,116.60 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 507.00 40E008 2550 3110 01 000000 237998 AFFOLTER, MONICA 03/23/2016 022616 Young Authors Expenses 130.00 10E008 1110 4100 01 000000 237999 AGUSTIN, BRIAN 03/23/2016 021116 Purchase of Physics materials 15-16 school year 212.28 10E006 1130 4100 07 000000 237999 AGUSTIN, BRIAN 03/23/2016 121115 Purchase of NGSS program 50.00 10E006 1130 3100 07 000000 237999 AGUSTIN, BRIAN 03/23/2016 12215 Purchase of science supplies for AP Bio class. 45.90 10E006 1130 4100 07 000000 237999 AGUSTIN, BRIAN 03/23/2016 120215 Purchase of applied technology materials. 0.00 10E006 1400 4100 18 000000 237999 AGUSTIN, BRIAN 03/23/2016 120215 Purchase of applied technology materials. 13.98 10E006 1130 7001 13 000000 238000 ALARM DETECTION SYSTEMS,INC 03/23/2016 97009 1071 Quarterly Alarm Services 3,520.26 20E008 2540 3255 01 000000 238001 ALEXIAN BROTHERS BEHAVIORAL HE 03/23/2016 H080029172 Home/Hospital Services 775.00 10E008 2330 3105 44 000000 238001 ALEXIAN BROTHERS BEHAVIORAL HE 03/23/2016 H080029486 Home/Hospital Tutoring 100.00 10E008 2330 3106 44 000000 238002 ALKHOVSKY, JEFFREY 03/23/2016 020916 SO BBK 2/9/16 89.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 238004 ALL AMERICAN EXTERIOR SOLUTION 03/23/2016 26010 Repair Roof Leaks at the HS 487.50 20E006 2540 3100 01 000000 238004 ALL AMERICAN EXTERIOR SOLUTION 03/23/2016 26084 Roof & Flashing Repairs at SL/IF/MSS 466.50 20E009 2540 3100 01 000000 238004 ALL AMERICAN EXTERIOR SOLUTION 03/23/2016 26086 Roof & Flashing Repairs at SL/IF/MSS 227.50 20E012 2540 3100 01 000000 238004 ALL AMERICAN EXTERIOR SOLUTION 03/23/2016 26087 Roof & Flashing Repairs at SL/IF/MSS 380.00 20E010 2540 3100 01 000000 238004 ALL AMERICAN EXTERIOR SOLUTION 03/23/2016 26085 Warranty Roof Leak repair at MW 310.00 20E001 2540 3100 01 000000 238004 ALL AMERICAN EXTERIOR SOLUTION 03/23/2016 26085/1 Warranty Roof Leak repair at MW -310.00 20E001 2540 3100 01 000000 238005 ALLIED BENEFIT SYSTEMS INC 03/23/2016 M020160201 Monthly Consulting Fee February 2016 3,667.00 10E008 2640 3110 01 000000 238005 ALLIED BENEFIT SYSTEMS INC 03/23/2016 M020160301 Monthly Consulting Fee - March 2016 3,667.00 10E008 2640 3110 01 000000 238016 AMAZON 03/23/2016 2874979412 February 1 50.50 10E006 2220 4300 01 000000 238016 AMAZON 03/23/2016 2874912201 February 1 100.38 10E006 2220 4300 01 000000 238016 AMAZON 03/23/2016 2874971810 February 1 -0.26 10E006 2220 4300 01 000000 238016 AMAZON 03/23/2016 2874992848 February 1 -0.26 10E006 2220 4300 01 000000 238016 AMAZON 03/23/2016 2874912415 February 1 89.24 10E006 2220 4300 01 000000 238016 AMAZON 03/23/2016 2874988750 February 1 23.55 10E006 2220 4300 01 000000 238016 AMAZON 03/23/2016 2874932764 February 1 58.14 10E006 2220 4300 01 000000 238016 AMAZON 03/23/2016 2874983556 February 1 -0.35 10E006 2220 4300 01 000000 238016 AMAZON 03/23/2016 2874957875 February 1 -0.26 10E006 2220 4300 01 000000 238016 AMAZON 03/23/2016 2874925291 February 1 -0.14 10E006 2220 4300 01 000000 238016 AMAZON 03/23/2016 2874916902 February 1 -0.25 10E006 2220 4300 01 000000 238016 AMAZON 03/23/2016 2874914974 February 1 -0.27 10E006 2220 4300 01 000000 238016 AMAZON 238016 AMAZON 03/23/2016 2661455674 Twilight Zone 03/23/2016 1304999630 Shakespeare 20.68 10E006 2220 4500 11 000000 21.78 10E006 2220 4300 01 000000 1 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 8:04 AM 03/18/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 02/26/16 - 03/23/16) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 238016 AMAZON 03/23/2016 1729380445 PE Department Supplies 60.46 10E005 1120 4100 09 000000 238016 AMAZON 03/23/2016 2687772939 LD Supplies (M. Anderson-HS) 32.64 10E008 1205 4100 01 000000 238016 AMAZON 03/23/2016 2828251934 library books 29.79 10E010 2220 4300 01 000000 238016 AMAZON 03/23/2016 0610879592 Memorial Book - Isaac Fox 12.38 10E008 2310 4100 01 000000 238016 AMAZON 03/23/2016 2061948742 5 copies of "Reading Strategies, Your Everything guide to AMOUNT NUMBER 207.70 10E009 2210 4100 01 000000 Developing Skilled Readers" 238016 AMAZON 03/23/2016 0020221141 library books 238016 AMAZON 03/23/2016 2413628337 Holster for Walkie Talkie 16.98 10E010 2220 4300 01 000000 238016 AMAZON 03/23/2016 2072911488 Track Team Training Equipment 178.50 10E005 1500 4100 33 000000 238016 AMAZON 03/23/2016 2072912491 Track Team Training Equipment 69.73 10E005 1500 4100 33 000000 238016 AMAZON 03/23/2016 0619328537 Replacement copies of Siddhartha for English IV Honors 94.50 10E006 1130 4200 05 000000 238016 AMAZON 03/23/2016 1898041180 DVD for English I team 21.97 10E006 1130 4200 05 000000 238016 AMAZON 03/23/2016 1779902293 Resources on standards-based grading for the math 91.40 10E005 1120 4100 06 000000 26.97 10E005 1120 4100 01 000000 department. 238016 AMAZON 03/23/2016 1779928697 Resources on standards-based grading for the math 56.02 10E005 1120 4100 06 000000 department. 238016 AMAZON 03/23/2016 0141148014 Text for reading classroom 238016 AMAZON 03/23/2016 1729286319 Classroom maps 13.99 10E006 1130 4200 05 000000 238016 AMAZON 03/23/2016 2828226061 library books 366.15 10E010 2220 4300 01 000000 238016 AMAZON 03/23/2016 2828286435 library books 16.75 10E010 2220 4300 01 000000 238016 AMAZON 03/23/2016 0894346229 Preview text for Reading 238016 AMAZON 03/23/2016 0602703165 February 2 40.33 10E006 2220 4300 01 000000 238016 AMAZON 03/23/2016 0602773007 February 2 73.47 10E006 2220 4300 01 000000 238016 AMAZON 03/23/2016 0602791878 February 2 30.00 10E006 2220 4300 01 000000 238016 AMAZON 03/23/2016 0602783329 February 2 59.90 10E006 2220 4300 01 000000 238016 AMAZON 03/23/2016 0602782509 February 2 65.87 10E006 2220 4300 01 000000 238016 AMAZON 03/23/2016 0602785085 February 2 11.52 10E006 2220 4300 01 000000 238016 AMAZON 03/23/2016 0602754158 February 2 -0.22 10E006 2220 4300 01 000000 238016 AMAZON 03/23/2016 0602743065 February 2 -0.68 10E006 2220 4300 01 000000 238016 AMAZON 03/23/2016 0602725650 February 2 -0.25 10E006 2220 4300 01 000000 238016 AMAZON 03/23/2016 0602772931 February 2 -0.25 10E006 2220 4300 01 000000 238016 AMAZON 03/23/2016 0602706464 February 2 -0.27 10E006 2220 4300 01 000000 238016 AMAZON 03/23/2016 0602772154 February 2 93.38 10E006 2220 4300 01 000000 238016 AMAZON 03/23/2016 0602713185 February 2 53.22 10E006 2220 4300 01 000000 238016 AMAZON 03/23/2016 0602741212 February 2 -0.27 10E006 2220 4300 01 000000 238016 AMAZON 03/23/2016 0602788328 February 2 -0.24 10E006 2220 4300 01 000000 238016 AMAZON 03/23/2016 0602703220 February 2 -0.23 10E006 2220 4300 01 000000 238016 AMAZON 238016 AMAZON 03/23/2016 0602708708 February 2 03/23/2016 0602760919 February 2 -0.18 10E006 2220 4300 01 000000 -0.32 10E006 2220 4300 01 000000 19.99 10E006 1130 4100 08 000000 7.99 10E006 1130 4200 05 000000 2 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 8:04 AM 03/18/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 02/26/16 - 03/23/16) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 238016 AMAZON 03/23/2016 0213030903 Book Discussion Materials 163.20 10E003 1110 4100 01 000000 238016 AMAZON 03/23/2016 1952202153 256 count set of markers for FACS courses. -58.68 10E006 1400 4100 17 000000 238016 AMAZON 03/23/2016 1952258852 256 count set of markers for FACS courses. 58.68 10E006 1400 4100 17 000000 238016 AMAZON 03/23/2016 1412703076 March 2 31.74 10E006 2220 4300 01 000000 238016 AMAZON 03/23/2016 1412700195 March 2 94.78 10E006 2220 4300 01 000000 238016 AMAZON 03/23/2016 1412735313 March 2 24.50 10E006 2220 4300 01 000000 238016 AMAZON 03/23/2016 1412733933 March 2 56.74 10E006 2220 4300 01 000000 238016 AMAZON 03/23/2016 1412786332 March 2 12.25 10E006 2220 4300 01 000000 238016 AMAZON 03/23/2016 1412756755 March 2 31.74 10E006 2220 4300 01 000000 238016 AMAZON 03/23/2016 1412707657 March 2 178.71 10E006 2220 4300 01 000000 238016 AMAZON 03/23/2016 1412798442 March 2 294.25 10E006 2220 4300 01 000000 238016 AMAZON 03/23/2016 1412730991 March 2 238016 AMAZON 03/23/2016 0278836618 REPLACEMENT PROJECTOR LAMP - HS ROOM A114; AMOUNT NUMBER 167.54 10E006 2220 4300 01 000000 SECURITY USB 9.55 10E006 1130 4100 01 000000 SECURITY USB 28.73 10E008 2660 4100 11 000000 SECURITY USB 26.93 10E006 1130 4100 01 000000 SECURITY USB 81.01 10E008 2660 4100 11 000000 03/23/2016 1852177000 Bond Registrar & Paying Agent . Annual Administrative Fee 318.78 30E008 5400 3190 01 002004 KEYS - TECHNOLOGY 238016 AMAZON 03/23/2016 0278836618 REPLACEMENT PROJECTOR LAMP - HS ROOM A114; KEYS - TECHNOLOGY 238016 AMAZON 03/23/2016 0278867036 REPLACEMENT PROJECTOR LAMP - HS ROOM A114; KEYS - TECHNOLOGY 238016 AMAZON 03/23/2016 0278867036 REPLACEMENT PROJECTOR LAMP - HS ROOM A114; KEYS - TECHNOLOGY 238017 AMALGAMATED BANK OF CHICAGO for period 3/1/16 thru 11/30/16 238018 AMERICAN HOME HEALTH CORPORATI 03/23/2016 SVCS 1/25- Contractual Nursing Services 1,546.00 10E008 2130 3100 01 462000 238018 AMERICAN HOME HEALTH CORPORATI 03/23/2016 SVCS 2/1-2 Contractual Nursing Services 1,666.00 10E008 2130 3100 01 462000 238018 AMERICAN HOME HEALTH CORPORATI 03/23/2016 SVCS FEB 8 Contractual Nursing Services 1,235.00 10E008 2130 3100 01 462000 238019 ANDY FRAIN SERVICES 03/23/2016 209352 HS Campus Security January 2016 238020 ANZELMO, KEITH 03/23/2016 031416 State Wrestling Tournament: Coach's Hotel Expense 14,094.95 10E006 2520 3100 11 000000 238023 APPLE INC. 03/23/2016 4376013104 11 STUDENT IPAD REPAIRS 49.00 10E008 2660 3230 11 000000 238023 APPLE INC. 03/23/2016 4375781298 11 STUDENT IPAD REPAIRS 49.00 10E008 2660 3230 11 000000 238023 APPLE INC. 03/23/2016 4375781299 11 STUDENT IPAD REPAIRS 49.00 10E008 2660 3230 11 000000 238023 APPLE INC. 03/23/2016 4375781307 11 STUDENT IPAD REPAIRS 49.00 10E008 2660 3230 11 000000 238023 APPLE INC. 03/23/2016 4375781309 11 STUDENT IPAD REPAIRS 49.00 10E008 2660 3230 11 000000 238023 APPLE INC. 03/23/2016 4375781310 11 STUDENT IPAD REPAIRS 49.00 10E008 2660 3230 11 000000 238023 APPLE INC. 03/23/2016 4375781311 11 STUDENT IPAD REPAIRS 49.00 10E008 2660 3230 11 000000 238023 APPLE INC. 03/23/2016 4375781312 11 STUDENT IPAD REPAIRS 49.00 10E008 2660 3230 11 000000 238023 APPLE INC. 03/23/2016 4375781313 11 STUDENT IPAD REPAIRS 49.00 10E008 2660 3230 11 000000 238023 APPLE INC. 03/23/2016 4376013105 5 STUDENT IPAD REPAIRS 49.00 10E008 2660 3230 11 000000 238023 APPLE INC. 238023 APPLE INC. 03/23/2016 4376013106 5 STUDENT IPAD REPAIRS 03/23/2016 4376013107 5 STUDENT IPAD REPAIRS 49.00 10E008 2660 3230 11 000000 49.00 10E008 2660 3230 11 000000 334.05 10E005 1500 4100 35 000000 3 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 8:04 AM 03/18/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 02/26/16 - 03/23/16) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 238023 APPLE INC. 03/23/2016 4376013108 5 STUDENT IPAD REPAIRS 238023 APPLE INC. 03/23/2016 4376013109 5 STUDENT IPAD REPAIRS 49.00 10E008 2660 3230 11 000000 238023 APPLE INC. 03/23/2016 4375401291 TECH IPAD REPAIR 49.00 10E008 2660 3230 11 000000 238023 APPLE INC. 03/23/2016 4376466779 VOLUME VOUCHER CARD FOR APPS - TO PILOT ON SL LMC IPADS 33.00 10E012 1110 4100 11 000000 238023 APPLE INC. 03/23/2016 4377337008 MASTER PO FOR IPAD APPLE CARE REPAIRS - (NOT COVERED UNDER 49.00 10E008 2660 3230 11 000000 AMOUNT NUMBER 49.00 10E008 2660 3230 11 000000 WARRANTY) 238024 AQUA ILLINOIS, INC. 03/23/2016 021516 138 Water Charges for MSN/SL. Acct 001550634 1091384 1,206.88 20E005 2540 3700 01 000000 238024 AQUA ILLINOIS, INC. 03/23/2016 021516 138 Water Charges for MSN/SL. Acct 001550634 1091384 402.29 20E012 2540 3700 01 000000 238025 AQUA SERVICE CO 03/23/2016 290813 238026 ARC IMAGING RESOURCES 03/23/2016 IL35002496 Plotter ink cartridges 238027 ARLYN SCHOOL 03/23/2016 SVCS MAR 2 Tuition March 2016 238028 ASSOCIATED ELECTRICAL CONTRACT 03/23/2016 35001413 Repairs to water softener at the HS Installation of new light fixtures in the Field House 202.52 20E006 2540 3100 01 000000 143.28 10E006 2410 4100 01 000000 9,196.68 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 12,100.00 20E006 2540 3100 01 000000 238029 AT&T 03/23/2016 4241001306 Billing Feb 5,2016 thru Mar 4,2016. Acct 831-000-3525 131 238029 AT&T 03/23/2016 8623460304 Billing Feb 16, 2016 thru Mar 15, 2016 17,476.82 20E008 2540 3401 01 000000 3,432.10 10E008 2660 3402 11 000000 238030 ATLAS BOBCAT, LLC 03/23/2016 Q43923 Utility Vehicle for Grounds Use 22,930.00 20E008 2540 5500 01 000000 238031 ATLAS PEN & PENCIL 03/23/2016 100593001 Pi Day pencils for MSN students 144.09 10E005 1120 4100 06 000000 238032 AVER INFORMATION INC 03/23/2016 200074744 REPAIR COST FOR AVER DOCUMENT CAMERA 110.00 10E008 2660 3230 11 000000 238035 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 03/23/2016 2133430 Cutter Blade for Small Drain Line Rodder 238035 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 03/23/2016 2135251 Seal Kit for Domestic Water Pump at the HS 744.00 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 238035 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 03/23/2016 2133128 Mop sink faucet for MW 289.47 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 238035 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 03/23/2016 2133163 Auto Bleeders for SA Heating System 101.64 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 238035 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 03/23/2016 2135685 Filter Kits for 238035 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 03/23/2016 2133987 Water Fountains / Hydrations Stations for the HS 238035 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 03/23/2016 2135246 Water Fountains / Hydrations Stations for the HS 238035 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 03/23/2016 2137902 Bottle filling station for the HS 1,225.00 20E008 2540 7001 01 000000 238035 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 03/23/2016 2137371 Drinking Fountains installed at the HS 2,251.36 20E006 2540 7001 01 000000 238035 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 03/23/2016 2137178 Filters for MSS Ice Machine 238035 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 03/23/2016 2139447 Actuator Assemblies for faucets at HS/MW/MSS/SP 101.52 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 238035 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 03/23/2016 2139447 Actuator Assemblies for faucets at HS/MW/MSS/SP 101.52 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 238035 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 03/23/2016 2139447 Actuator Assemblies for faucets at HS/MW/MSS/SP 101.52 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 238035 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 03/23/2016 2139447 Actuator Assemblies for faucets at HS/MW/MSS/SP 101.52 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 238035 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 03/23/2016 2139449 Bearing Assembly for SP Pump 361.55 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 238035 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 03/23/2016 2141052 Solenoids for Bradley Sinks at MSN/SL/HS 192.20 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 238035 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 03/23/2016 2141052 Solenoids for Bradley Sinks at MSN/SL/HS 192.20 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 238035 BANNER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO., IN 03/23/2016 2141052 Solenoids for Bradley Sinks at MSN/SL/HS 192.20 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 Fountains at the HS 238036 BARGAR, NATHAN 03/23/2016 SVCS 2/1/1 Speaker for Junior College Night 238037 BARGER, ERIC 03/23/2016 021916 SO BBK 2/19/16 238038 BARRINGTON HIGH SCHOOL 238039 BARRINGTON HIGH SCHOOL 03/23/2016 ENTRY FEE 03/23/2016 ENTRY FEE Girls Track Barrington Invitational Entry Fee 4/15/16 Boys Volleyball Entry Fee JV Tournament 4/16/16 27.50 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 261.00 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 3,068.16 20E008 2540 7001 01 000000 523.28 20E008 2540 7001 01 000000 532.00 10E008 2560 4100 01 000000 100.00 10E006 2190 3100 01 000000 63.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 250.00 10E006 1500 4100 53 000000 200.00 10E006 1500 4100 41 000000 4 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK NUMBER VENDOR 8:04 AM 03/18/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 02/26/16 - 03/23/16) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT 238040 BARRINGTON HIGH SCHOOL 03/23/2016 ENTRY FEE Boys Track Barrington Invite 4/18/16 200.00 10E006 1500 4100 33 000000 238041 BARRINGTON HIGH SCHOOL 03/23/2016 ENTRY FEE Boys Track Barrington Invitational 5/3/16 200.00 10E006 1500 4100 33 000000 238042 BARRINGTON MIDDLE SCHOOL-STATI 03/23/2016 021915 Softballs for Girl's Softball Program 238042 BARRINGTON MIDDLE SCHOOL-STATI 03/23/2016 021916 Softballs 238043 BATTERIES PLUS HOLDING CORPORA 03/23/2016 296-310950 Art/LaJeunesse 84.25 10E005 1500 4100 52 000000 168.50 10E010 1500 4100 52 000000 173.15 10E006 1130 4100 12 000000 238044 BERKLAN, JIM 03/23/2016 021516 SO BBK 2/15/16 238045 BLOCK, ALEXANDRA 03/23/2016 022516 reimbursement for classroom expense 130.00 10E004 1110 4120 01 000000 238046 BLUE JAY PAINT AND BLINDS INC 03/23/2016 B0004427 Paint for a MW Project 194.95 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 238047 BLUM, GERARD 03/23/2016 020516 SO NSC GIRLS 2/5/16 238048 BOSTON, JASON 03/23/2016 020516 SO NSC GIRLS 2/5/16 50.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 238049 BOYAS, EMILY 03/23/2016 021616 professional development - travel 57.00 10E008 2210 3100 01 330500 238050 BR BLEACHERS 03/23/2016 6205 Bleacher Repair in the FH at the HS 238052 BSN SPORTS 03/23/2016 97638705 Baseball Equipment 238052 BSN SPORTS 03/23/2016 97312026 Boys Basketball Shorts 238052 BSN SPORTS 03/23/2016 97673375 Baseball Equipment 238052 BSN SPORTS 03/23/2016 97679578 Adaptive PE Supplies (M. Mowinski-HS) 238052 BSN SPORTS 03/23/2016 97701206 Soccer and Volleyball Supplies 136.76 10E010 1500 4100 41 000000 238052 BSN SPORTS 03/23/2016 97701206 Soccer and Volleyball Supplies 293.14 10E010 1500 4100 72 000000 238052 BSN SPORTS 03/23/2016 97714481 Wilson Basketballs 602.65 10E008 1610 4100 01 000000 238053 BUCK BROS., INC. 03/23/2016 61284 Light Assembly & Switch for walk behind Snowblowers 44.20 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 238053 BUCK BROS., INC. 03/23/2016 61284 Light Assembly & Switch for walk behind Snowblowers 118.58 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 238053 BUCK BROS., INC. 03/23/2016 61254 Bulb for SA Snowblower 238053 BUCK BROS., INC. 03/23/2016 62326 Battery for JD 4520 Tractor 238054 BUFFALO GROVE HIGH SCHOOL 03/23/2016 ENTRY FEE Boys Tennis Bison Invite 4/23/16 238055 BUFFALO GROVE HIGH SCHOOL 03/23/2016 ENTRY FEE Entry Fee Girls Track BG Invitational 4/9/16 238056 BUNTON, CRAIG 03/23/2016 022016 SO BBK 2/20/16 238057 BUSINESS STORAGE INC 03/23/2016 16322 DOCUMENT SHREDDING SERVICE 238058 CAROLINA BIOLOGICAL SUPPLY C 03/23/2016 49412326 R 6th grade cow eyes 238059 CAMBRIDGE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 03/23/2016 212833 ac26-13-10533 ACT Teacher Textbooks, 13th Edition 238059 CAMBRIDGE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 03/23/2016 213508 ac25-13-10534 ACT Premiere Package, 13th Edition 238059 CAMBRIDGE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES 03/23/2016 214120 ac25-13-10534 ACT Premiere Package, 13th Edition 89.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 63.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 125.00 20E006 2540 3100 01 000000 725.05 10E006 1500 4100 38 000000 -999.32 10E006 1500 4100 31 000000 21.06 10E006 1500 4100 38 000000 862.48 10E008 1218 4100 01 000000 24.10 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 147.90 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 65.00 10E006 1500 4100 37 000000 225.00 10E006 1500 4100 53 000000 63.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 39.00 40E008 2550 3230 01 000000 42.79 10E010 1120 4100 07 000000 977.13 10E006 2230 4100 01 000000 8,737.01 10E006 2230 4100 01 000000 256.04 10E006 2230 4100 01 000000 238060 CAMELOT EDUCATION 03/23/2016 TUITION FE Tuition Feb 2016 8,927.34 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 238060 CAMELOT EDUCATION 03/23/2016 TUITION-FE Tuition Feb 2016 17,531.49 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 238061 CANNON, SHANE 03/23/2016 022016 SO BBK 2/20/16 238062 CANON BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 03/23/2016 144680971 1 Pallet of white copy paper 238062 CANON BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 03/23/2016 4018411517 Copier Maintenance 2/26/16 - 3/25/16 238062 CANON BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 03/23/2016 4018411519 Copier Maintenance 2/26/16 - 3/25/16 238062 CANON BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 238063 CAPARELLI, ROSEMARY 03/23/2016 144695981 03/23/2016 3-16-16 COPY PAPER ORDER Reimbursement for FACS supplies. 50.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 1,100.00 10E009 1110 4108 01 000000 4,862.00 10E008 1110 3110 01 000000 600.00 10E008 1110 3110 01 000000 1,100.00 10E012 1110 4108 01 000000 99.25 10E006 1400 4100 17 000000 5 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 8:04 AM 03/18/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 02/26/16 - 03/23/16) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT 238063 CAPARELLI, ROSEMARY 03/23/2016 31616 Reimbursement for Preschool supplies. 608.75 10E006 1400 4100 27 000000 238063 CAPARELLI, ROSEMARY 03/23/2016 031616 Reimbursement for Preschool supplies. 320.43 10E006 1400 4100 27 000000 238064 CAPITAL ONE COMMERCIAL 03/23/2016 076870 Costco payment for FACS supplies. 148.85 10E006 1400 4100 17 000000 238065 CAPITAL DATA INC 03/23/2016 29575 MASTER PURCHASE ORDER FOR MONTHLY MANAGED SERVICES FOR JULY 1,500.00 10E008 2660 3100 11 000000 2015-JUNE 2016 238065 CAPITAL DATA INC 03/23/2016 29547 238066 CAPSTONE PRESS, INC. 03/23/2016 CI10494661 PebbleGo Animales (Spanish) VM LICENSING - UPGRADE 6,180.00 10E008 2660 4701 11 000000 238067 CARLSON, STEVE 03/23/2016 021916 SO BBK 2/19/16 50.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 238068 CARROLL, BERNARD 03/23/2016 022016 BBK BOYS 2/20/16 63.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 238070 CASPER TRUE VALUE HARDWARE 03/23/2016 058841 Screws for Truck 3 Salt Spreader Repair 1.90 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 238070 CASPER TRUE VALUE HARDWARE 03/23/2016 058860 Foam for MSS Freezer Repair 3.99 10E008 2560 4100 01 000000 238070 CASPER TRUE VALUE HARDWARE 03/23/2016 058897 Tool for MSN/SL furniture Repair 9.99 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 238070 CASPER TRUE VALUE HARDWARE 03/23/2016 058897 Tool for MSN/SL furniture Repair 10.00 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 238070 CASPER TRUE VALUE HARDWARE 03/23/2016 058872 Misc. Supplies to Repair HS Laminator 38.98 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 238070 CASPER TRUE VALUE HARDWARE 03/23/2016 058947 Misc. Supplies for District Repairs 31.68 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 238070 CASPER TRUE VALUE HARDWARE 03/23/2016 058948 Misc. Supplies for District Repairs 14.99 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 238070 CASPER TRUE VALUE HARDWARE 03/23/2016 058976 Misc. Supplies for MSN Repairs 238070 CASPER TRUE VALUE HARDWARE 03/23/2016 059006 Sharpened SL paper cutter 238071 CASPER TRUE VALUE, INC. 03/23/2016 058676 MISC BUS SUPPLIES 238074 CDW GOVERNMENT, INC 03/23/2016 BWV7572 Music Department Display Monitor: 238074 CDW GOVERNMENT, INC 03/23/2016 CFM1624 Music Department Display Monitor: 71.28 10E008 1110 3100 01 000000 2.49 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 36.85 20E012 2540 3100 01 000000 64.58 40E008 2550 4120 01 000000 Performance Music 787.94 10E005 1120 7001 11 000000 Performance Music -22.11 10E005 1120 7001 11 000000 Advocates Grant Purchase Advocates Grant Purchase 238074 CDW GOVERNMENT, INC 03/23/2016 CCR1850 EPSON REPLACEMENT LAMP 99.00 10E006 1130 4100 01 000000 238074 CDW GOVERNMENT, INC 03/23/2016 CCT5742 PROJECTOR WIRELESS DISPLAY AND HANDHELD DEVICE FOR USE WITH 16.50 10E008 2660 4100 11 000000 iPAD - BOTH ITEMS FOR TESTING 238074 CDW GOVERNMENT, INC 03/23/2016 CCT5742 PROJECTOR WIRELESS DISPLAY AND HANDHELD DEVICE FOR USE WITH 86.48 10E008 2660 7001 11 000000 iPAD - BOTH ITEMS FOR TESTING 238074 CDW GOVERNMENT, INC 03/23/2016 CCT8564 PROJECTOR WIRELESS DISPLAY AND HANDHELD DEVICE FOR USE WITH 86.48 10E008 2660 4100 11 000000 iPAD - BOTH ITEMS FOR TESTING 238074 CDW GOVERNMENT, INC 03/23/2016 CCT8564 PROJECTOR WIRELESS DISPLAY AND HANDHELD DEVICE FOR USE WITH 453.10 10E008 2660 7001 11 000000 iPAD - BOTH ITEMS FOR TESTING 238074 CDW GOVERNMENT, INC 03/23/2016 CFC2533 30 CHROMEBOOKS AND ACAD WARRANTIES FOR TESTING 780.00 10E008 2660 4701 11 000000 238074 CDW GOVERNMENT, INC 03/23/2016 CHG0119 30 CHROMEBOOKS AND ACAD WARRANTIES FOR TESTING 8,820.00 10E008 2660 4104 11 000000 238074 CDW GOVERNMENT, INC 03/23/2016 CGF1659 EXTERNAL DVD DRIVES FOR HS ENGLISH DEPT 225.81 10E006 1130 4200 05 000000 238074 CDW GOVERNMENT, INC 03/23/2016 CGT8277 REPLACEMENT PROJECTOR LAMPS AT HS - ROOM S102 AND E206; AND 110.00 10E009 1110 4100 11 000000 IF ROOM 207 238074 CDW GOVERNMENT, INC 03/23/2016 CGT8277 REPLACEMENT PROJECTOR LAMPS AT HS - ROOM S102 AND E206; AND IF ROOM 207 247.00 10E006 1130 4100 01 000000 6 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 8:04 AM 03/18/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 02/26/16 - 03/23/16) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 238074 CDW GOVERNMENT, INC 03/23/2016 CDZ8429 REPLACEMENT PROJECTOR/WARRANTY FOR SL ROOM SL108 143.58 10E008 2660 3104 11 000000 238074 CDW GOVERNMENT, INC 03/23/2016 CDZ8429 REPLACEMENT PROJECTOR/WARRANTY FOR SL ROOM SL108 1,255.42 10E008 2660 7001 11 000000 238075 CENGAGE LEARNING 03/23/2016 57624583 spanish clasroom set 1,587.58 10E008 1110 4100 01 330500 238075 CENGAGE LEARNING 03/23/2016 57694621 bilingual resources, TBE/TBI 432.30 10E008 1110 4100 01 330500 238076 CENTRAL MANAGEMENT SERVICES/IC 03/23/2016 T1622678 MASTER PURCHASE ORDER FOR INTERNET BANDWIDTH 900.00 10E008 2660 3100 11 000000 238077 CHERRY, DOUGLAS 03/23/2016 021316 SO NSC GIRLS 2/6 & 2/13/16 100.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 238078 CHICAGO BANDITS LLC 03/23/2016 ENTRY FEE Girls Softball Entry Fee Friday Night Lights 4/22/16 AMOUNT NUMBER 300.00 10E006 1500 4100 52 000000 238079 CLASSROOM CONNECTION DAY SCHOO 03/23/2016 306 Tuition Feb 2016 6,801.24 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 238079 CLASSROOM CONNECTION DAY SCHOO 03/23/2016 309 Tuition Feb 2016 6,801.24 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 238080 CLIC 03/23/2016 AGC-405096 Workers' Compensation Payroll Audit, July 1, 2014 - 2015 3,779.00 10E008 2362 3800 01 000000 238081 CONNECTIONS DAY SCHOOL SOUTH C 03/23/2016 21372 Tuition Feb 2016 3,476.24 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 238081 CONNECTIONS DAY SCHOOL SOUTH C 03/23/2016 21372 Tuition Feb 2016 455.43 10E008 4220 6704 01 000000 238081 CONNECTIONS DAY SCHOOL SOUTH C 03/23/2016 21373 Tuition Feb 2016 3,476.24 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 238081 CONNECTIONS DAY SCHOOL SOUTH C 03/23/2016 21373 Tuition Feb 2016 455.43 10E008 4220 6704 01 000000 238081 CONNECTIONS DAY SCHOOL SOUTH C 03/23/2016 21374 Tuition Feb 2016 3,476.24 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 238081 CONNECTIONS DAY SCHOOL SOUTH C 03/23/2016 21374 Tuition Feb 2016 455.43 10E008 4220 6704 01 000000 238081 CONNECTIONS DAY SCHOOL SOUTH C 03/23/2016 21376 Tuition Feb 2016 3,476.24 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 238081 CONNECTIONS DAY SCHOOL SOUTH C 03/23/2016 21376 Tuition Feb 2016 455.43 10E008 4220 6704 01 000000 238082 COMCAST 03/23/2016 030916 515 Digital Adapter Fee 3/16 - 4/15/16. Acct 8771 10 097 6.34 10E006 1130 3100 01 000000 0005151 238083 COMCAST 03/23/2016 41560224 238086 COMED 03/23/2016 0294728000 Electricity Transportation charges for MW/PDC/HS. Acct COMCAST ENTERPRISE SERVICES FOR LZ95 - 1 YEAR 238086 COMED 03/23/2016 0294728000 Electricity Transportation charges for MW/PDC/HS. Acct 4,463.99 10E008 2660 3402 11 000000 1,639.14 20E001 2540 4660 01 000000 0294728000 9,420.08 20E006 2540 4660 01 000000 0294728000 238086 COMED 03/23/2016 0294728000 Electricity Transportation charges for MW/PDC/HS. Acct 638.31 20E007 2540 4660 01 000000 0294728000 238086 COMED 03/23/2016 2127315004 Electricity Transportation charges for the district. Acct 1,007.83 20E003 2540 4660 01 000000 2127315004 238086 COMED 03/23/2016 2211101005 Electricity Transportation charges for the district. Acct 510.98 20E008 2540 4660 01 000000 2211101005 238086 COMED 03/23/2016 2223757008 Electricity Transportation charges for the district. Acct 1,068.36 20E004 2540 4660 01 000000 2223757008 238086 COMED 03/23/2016 1122536002 Electricity Transportation charges for the district. Acct 1,138.06 20E009 2540 4660 01 000000 1122536002 238086 COMED 03/23/2016 1122537009 Electricity Transportation charges for the district. Acct 3,560.33 20E010 2540 4660 01 000000 1122537009 238086 COMED 238086 COMED 03/23/2016 0051089046 Electricity Use Charges for SL/MSN. Acct 0051089046 03/23/2016 0051089046 Electricity Use Charges for SL/MSN. Acct 0051089046 136.03 20E005 2540 4660 01 000000 45.34 20E012 2540 4660 01 000000 7 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 8:04 AM 03/18/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 02/26/16 - 03/23/16) CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION 238086 COMED 03/23/2016 0899157030 Electricity Transportation charges for MSN/SL. Acct PAGE: ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER 4,493.87 20E005 2540 4660 01 000000 0899157030 238086 COMED 03/23/2016 0899157030 Electricity Transportation charges for MSN/SL. Acct 1,497.95 20E012 2540 4660 01 000000 0899157030 238088 COMFORT SERVICES, INC 03/23/2016 15307 Kitchen Equipment Repairs at all Schools 690.00 10E008 2560 3230 01 000000 238088 COMFORT SERVICES, INC 03/23/2016 15308 Kitchen Equipment Repairs at all Schools 580.00 10E008 2560 3230 01 000000 238088 COMFORT SERVICES, INC 03/23/2016 15309 Kitchen Equipment Repairs at all Schools 642.50 10E008 2560 3230 01 000000 238088 COMFORT SERVICES, INC 03/23/2016 15310 Kitchen Equipment Repairs at all Schools 172.50 10E008 2560 3230 01 000000 238088 COMFORT SERVICES, INC 03/23/2016 15311 Kitchen Equipment Repairs at all Schools 172.50 10E008 2560 3230 01 000000 238088 COMFORT SERVICES, INC 03/23/2016 15312 Kitchen Equipment Repairs at all Schools 250.00 10E008 2560 3230 01 000000 238088 COMFORT SERVICES, INC 03/23/2016 15414 Repair Kitchen Exhaust Hood at MSS 407.50 10E008 2560 3230 01 000000 238088 COMFORT SERVICES, INC 03/23/2016 15464 Repaired RTU at MSN 282.50 20E005 2540 3100 01 000000 238089 COMPUTER DIGITAL IMAGING CORPO 03/23/2016 141174 record boards 238090 CONNECTIONS ACADEMY EAST Tuition Feb 2016 5,136.40 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 03/23/2016 329 578.00 10E006 2410 4100 01 000000 238090 CONNECTIONS ACADEMY EAST 03/23/2016 368 Tuition Feb 2016 330.90 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 238091 CONNOR, MOLLY 03/23/2016 021816 Classroom Supplies - Teacher Stipend Molly Connor 130.00 10E003 1110 4120 01 000000 238093 CONSERV FS, INC 03/23/2016 65006094 Sidewalk Salt and Sidewalk Marker Stakes 617.40 20E008 2540 4901 01 000000 238093 CONSERV FS, INC 03/23/2016 65006106 Sidewalk Salt and Sidewalk Marker Stakes 238093 CONSERV FS, INC 03/23/2016 65006404 Bagged Sidewalk Salt 617.40 20E008 2540 4901 01 000000 238093 CONSERV FS, INC 03/23/2016 65007029 Bagged Sidewalk Salt 617.40 20E008 2540 4901 01 000000 238093 CONSERV FS, INC 03/23/2016 65007070 Bagged Sidewalk Salt 617.40 20E008 2540 4901 01 000000 238093 CONSERV FS, INC 03/23/2016 777000283 UNLEADED GASOLINE DELIVERY 2-25-16 870.05 20E008 2540 4640 01 000000 238093 CONSERV FS, INC 03/23/2016 777000283 UNLEADED GASOLINE DELIVERY 2-25-16 1,178.81 40E008 2550 4130 01 000000 238093 CONSERV FS, INC 03/23/2016 777000283 UNLEADED GASOLINE DELIVERY 2-25-16 238093 CONSERV FS, INC 03/23/2016 65006390 MISC - REPLACEMENT COOLANT 238093 CONSERV FS, INC 03/23/2016 777000284 DIESEL FUEL DELIVERY 2-25-16 48.59 20E008 2540 4640 01 000000 238093 CONSERV FS, INC 03/23/2016 777000284 DIESEL FUEL DELIVERY 2-25-16 7,031.62 40E008 2550 4130 01 000000 238094 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 03/23/2016 0031099908 Electricity Use Charges for MSN/SL/Admin/SP 238094 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 03/23/2016 0031099908 Electricity Use Charges for MSN/SL/Admin/SP 2,980.75 20E012 2540 4660 01 000000 238094 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 03/23/2016 0031072231 Electricity Use Charges for MSN/SL/Admin/SP 2,389.46 20E004 2540 4660 01 000000 238094 CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY INC 03/23/2016 0031072188 Electricity Use Charges for MSN/SL/Admin/SP 950.02 20E008 2540 4660 01 000000 238095 CORDOGAN, THOMAS 03/23/2016 020216 SO BBK 2/2/16 238096 CROSS COUNTRY EDUCATION 03/23/2016 2761852 Conference (A. Vastine-MSN) 238097 CBS AWARDS INC 03/23/2016 3156 sports awards 238098 CULLINAN, VICTORIA 03/23/2016 031716 Reimbursement for hand wipes 238099 D&S MARKETING SYSTEMS, INC 03/23/2016 A86114 Purchase of AP Biology Resources 238100 DAHLQUIST AND LUTZOW ARCHITECT 03/23/2016 160235 238101 DAVIS, EDITH 238102 DEFRANCO PLUMBING INC Professional services from 2/1/16 to 2/29/16 03/23/2016 SVCS JAN-M Choir/Juknelis 03/23/2016 20696 Repair gas pipe at MW/PDC 81.00 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 94.57 10E006 1700 4640 22 337000 169.38 40E008 2550 4130 01 000000 8,942.25 20E005 2540 4660 01 000000 63.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 209.99 10E008 2210 3321 02 462000 40.00 10E010 1500 4100 01 000000 535.80 10E008 2560 4101 01 000000 219.45 10E006 1130 4100 07 000000 7,758.00 20E008 2540 3160 01 000000 825.00 10E006 1130 3100 13 000000 483.50 20E001 2540 3100 01 000000 8 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 8:04 AM 03/18/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 02/26/16 - 03/23/16) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT NUMBER 238102 DEFRANCO PLUMBING INC 03/23/2016 20696 Repair gas pipe at MW/PDC 483.50 20E008 2540 3100 01 000000 238103 DEMCO 03/23/2016 5807124 Library bookmarks 238103 DEMCO 03/23/2016 5804358 Label Protectors and Tape 109.97 10E001 2220 4100 01 000000 238103 DEMCO 03/23/2016 5809204 Supplies for LMC 150.18 10E003 2220 4100 01 000000 238104 DEPUE, WILLIAM 03/23/2016 022016 SO BBK 2/20/16 238105 DICKER, JAMES 03/23/2016 020916 SO BBK 2/9/16 238106 DIDAX INC 03/23/2016 101611 LD Supplies 422.90 10E008 1205 4100 01 000000 238107 DISCOUNT SCHOOL SUPPLY 03/23/2016 D222318701 EC Supplies 465.74 10E008 1225 4100 01 460000 238108 DISTRIBUTED WEBSITE CORPORATIO 03/23/2016 26054 Rschool activity scheduler June 1, 2016 - May 31, 2017 238109 DORR, JAMES SO BBK 2/2/16 03/23/2016 020216 ACCOUNT 73.95 10E005 2220 4300 01 000000 63.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 50.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 499.00 10E006 1500 3110 01 000000 50.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 238110 DREISILKER ELECTRIC MOTORS, IN 03/23/2016 I996900 Motor for IF Exhaust Fan 149.72 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 238110 DREISILKER ELECTRIC MOTORS, IN 03/23/2016 I998852 Motor for SA Exh. Fan 370.03 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 238111 DRINIS, MARIA 03/23/2016 021816 Classroom Supplies - Teacher Stipend M. Drinis 126.82 10E003 1110 4120 01 000000 238112 DUFF, JULIE 03/23/2016 021816 Reimbursement for Supplies 62.99 10E008 2130 4100 01 000000 238113 DUNN II, EUGENE 03/23/2016 020216 SO BBK 2/2/16 50.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 238114 DURHAM SCHOOL SERVICES, LP 03/23/2016 91284457 2-24-16 LZHS FIELD TRIP 238115 EBSCO INFORMATION SERVICES 03/23/2016 1514867 Periodical Renewals, List attached 238116 ED HOY'S INTERNATIONAL 03/23/2016 1307208 Art Club Supplies 99.41 10E005 1500 4100 01 000000 238116 ED HOY'S INTERNATIONAL 03/23/2016 1307246 Art Club Supplies 160.64 10E005 1500 4100 01 000000 238117 EDELHEIT, GARY 03/23/2016 021916 SO BBK 2/19/16 1,633.60 40E008 2550 3340 01 000000 101.95 10E009 2220 4400 01 000000 89.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 238118 EDWARD STAUBER WHOLESALE HARDW 03/23/2016 039332 Door Closures for MSS 663.50 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 238119 ELLISON EDUCATIONAL EQUIPMENT 03/23/2016 3046003 DIE CUTTER SUPPLIES 26.00 10E012 1110 4100 01 000000 238120 ELEGANT EMBROIDERY 03/23/2016 35464 Boys Tennis Apparel 550.50 10E006 1500 4100 37 000000 238121 ELEMENTAL SOLUTIONS LLC 03/23/2016 1623 Chemical Treatment for Boilers at MSN/SL/HS 125.00 20E005 2540 3100 01 000000 238121 ELEMENTAL SOLUTIONS LLC 03/23/2016 1623 Chemical Treatment for Boilers at MSN/SL/HS 466.50 20E006 2540 3100 01 000000 238121 ELEMENTAL SOLUTIONS LLC 03/23/2016 1623 Chemical Treatment for Boilers at MSN/SL/HS 125.00 20E012 2540 3100 01 000000 238122 ENERGY PURCHASING SERVICES, IN 03/23/2016 11849 Monthly Gas Use Analysis 238123 ENERGY SOLUTIONS INTERNATIONAL 03/23/2016 56445 LED Fixtures for Field House Lighting 238124 ENGLER CALLAWAY BAASTEN & SRAG 03/23/2016 21430 Legal Service Feb. 2016 Invoice #21430 & 21431 1,764.00 10E008 2310 3180 01 000000 238124 ENGLER CALLAWAY BAASTEN & SRAG 03/23/2016 21431 Legal Service Feb. 2016 Invoice #21430 & 21431 4,095.00 10E008 2310 3180 01 000000 238125 ENTERPRISE RENT A CAR 03/23/2016 8630587 JAN AND FEB 2016 - VAN RENTALS TO STATE COMPETITIONS 680.53 40E008 2550 3254 01 000000 238126 ERNIE'S WRECKER SERVICE 03/23/2016 E129103 BUS TOWING CHARGE 437.50 40E008 2550 3230 01 000000 238127 ESSCOE, LLC 03/23/2016 21707 District Wide Security Button Annual Inspections 238128 FAMILY GUIDANCE CTRS, INC 03/23/2016 LDS2967 Tuition Feb 2016 - Laureate Day School 238129 FAMILY GUIDANCE CENTERS, INC 03/23/2016 MP8210 Tuition Feb 2016 - Metro Prep 238130 FANKHAUSER, ROB 03/23/2016 RE-ISSUE 3 Replacing outstanding check 236124 dated 11/19/15 238131 FARIAS, CELESTINA 03/23/2016 090215 238132 FARONICS TECHNOLOGIES INC 238133 FASTENAL COMPANY 03/23/2016 INUS015591 DEEP FREEZE RENEWAL FOR 3/9/16 - 3/8/17 03/23/2016 ILLAK32905 Bolts for Ext. Light Repair at the HS Registration fee refund 450.00 20E008 2540 3190 01 000000 17,840.86 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 840.00 20E008 2540 3255 01 000000 4,687.49 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 12,058.92 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 57.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 25.00 10R000 1720 0000 00 000000 2,871.60 10E008 2660 4701 11 000000 5.40 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 9 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 8:04 AM 03/18/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 02/26/16 - 03/23/16) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 238133 FASTENAL COMPANY 03/23/2016 ILLAK32769 Hardware for Vehicle Repairs 238133 FASTENAL COMPANY 03/23/2016 ILLAK32961 Hardware for SL Playground Repair 37.02 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 238134 FBG SERVICE CORPORATION 03/23/2016 765479 Monthly Cleaning February 2016 20.62 20E008 2540 3100 01 000000 238134 FBG SERVICE CORPORATION 03/23/2016 765479 Monthly Cleaning February 2016 6,423.59 20E008 2540 3220 01 000000 238134 FBG SERVICE CORPORATION 03/23/2016 765482 Monthly Cleaning February 2016 336.88 20E008 2540 3100 01 000000 238134 FBG SERVICE CORPORATION 03/23/2016 765482 Monthly Cleaning February 2016 104,956.03 20E008 2540 3220 01 000000 238135 FILTER SERVICES ILLINOIS 03/23/2016 INV132431 Filters for SA 342.86 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 238137 FIRST STUDENT 03/23/2016 9116799 2-24-16 LZHS FIELD TRIP 920.00 40E008 2550 3340 01 000000 238137 FIRST STUDENT 03/23/2016 9110883 12-11-15 LZHS FIELD TRIP 353.75 40E008 2550 3340 01 000000 238137 FIRST STUDENT 03/23/2016 9109943 12-07-16 LZHS FIELD TRIP 617.50 40E008 2550 3340 01 000000 238137 FIRST STUDENT 03/23/2016 9109179 11-24-15 MW FIELD TRIP 185.00 40E008 2550 3340 01 000000 238137 FIRST STUDENT 03/23/2016 9109960 12-4-15 LZHS FIELD TRIP 421.25 40E008 2550 3340 01 000000 785.00 40E008 2550 3340 01 000000 AMOUNT NUMBER 21.04 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 238137 FIRST STUDENT 03/23/2016 9117333 2-26-16 SA FIELD TRIP 238137 FIRST STUDENT 03/23/2016 9116757 2-23-16 LZHS FIELD TRIP 331.25 40E008 2550 3340 01 000000 238137 FIRST STUDENT 03/23/2016 9114537 2-2-16 LZHS FIELD TRIP 897.50 40E008 2550 3340 01 000000 238138 FLAGHOUSE INC 03/23/2016 P069156701 OT Supplies (K. Keirans-SL) 238139 FLEET REPAIR, INC 03/23/2016 030816 MISC BUS REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE 238140 FLINN SCIENTIFIC FOUNDATION 03/23/2016 1954106 6th grade supply 238143 FOLLETT SCHOOL SOLUTIONS INC 03/23/2016 330115F-5 library books - general dist. 238143 FOLLETT SCHOOL SOLUTIONS INC 03/23/2016 336963A-2 Print fiction books and eBooks 212.87 10E005 2220 4300 01 000000 238143 FOLLETT SCHOOL SOLUTIONS INC 03/23/2016 336963-3 Print fiction books and eBooks 970.13 10E005 2220 4300 01 000000 238143 FOLLETT SCHOOL SOLUTIONS INC 03/23/2016 307868-3 ELL/LMC Grant Order, TBE/TPI 244.95 10E008 2220 4100 01 330500 238143 FOLLETT SCHOOL SOLUTIONS INC 03/23/2016 307868A-2 ELL/LMC Grant Order, TBE/TPI 117.72 10E008 2220 4100 01 330500 238143 FOLLETT SCHOOL SOLUTIONS INC 03/23/2016 307868B-1 ELL/LMC Grant Order, TBE/TPI 238143 FOLLETT SCHOOL SOLUTIONS INC 03/23/2016 306476-4 state capita library books 330.54 10E008 2220 4100 91 380000 238143 FOLLETT SCHOOL SOLUTIONS INC 03/23/2016 306476A-3 state capita library books 45.97 10E008 2220 4100 91 380000 238143 FOLLETT SCHOOL SOLUTIONS INC 03/23/2016 306476F-3 state capita library books 18.74 10E008 2220 4100 91 380000 238143 FOLLETT SCHOOL SOLUTIONS INC 03/23/2016 350481-4 Library books 13.98 10E004 2220 4300 01 000000 173.94 10E008 2131 4100 01 000000 2,639.00 40E008 2550 3230 01 000000 563.95 10E010 1120 4100 07 000000 1,176.03 10E008 2220 4300 01 000000 98.39 10E008 2220 4100 01 330500 238143 FOLLETT SCHOOL SOLUTIONS INC 03/23/2016 330120-6 ELL books for LMC, TBE/TBI 238143 FOLLETT SCHOOL SOLUTIONS INC 03/23/2016 757212C-0 per capita books 994.62 10E008 2220 4100 01 330500 238143 FOLLETT SCHOOL SOLUTIONS INC 03/23/2016 334633F-5 book adoption 238144 FORTUNE, ANGELA 03/23/2016 021116 Choir/Fortune/Reimburse 238145 FOX, SAUL 03/23/2016 540 Art/Photo 238146 FRERKING, PAUL 03/23/2016 022016 SO BBK 2/20/16 238147 FRONTLINE TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 03/23/2016 INVUS47632 Applitrack Recruiting Fee 2/16-2/17 238148 FULK, TREVOR 03/23/2016 022016 SO BBK 2/20/16 238149 FUN AND FUNCTION, LLC 03/23/2016 161639 OT Supplies (A. Smith-IF) 117.49 10E008 2131 4100 01 000000 238150 GALE 238151 GARBRECHT, JAMES 03/23/2016 57479839 03/23/2016 106 Novels for Students Vol. 51 - Standing Order Guest Clinician & Conductor for Symphonic Band 143.45 10E006 2220 4300 01 000000 200.00 10E005 1500 3100 01 000000 9.99 10E008 2220 4100 91 380000 109.40 10E008 1120 4200 01 000000 29.95 10E006 1130 4100 13 000000 210.00 10E006 1130 3100 12 000000 63.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 3,145.80 10E008 2640 3100 01 000000 50.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 10 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 8:04 AM 03/18/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 02/26/16 - 03/23/16) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION 238152 GENDE, ROBERT 03/23/2016 022016 SO BBK 2/20/16 238154 GENESIS TECHNOLOGIES 03/23/2016 540661 Assorted printer ink cartridges 238154 GENESIS TECHNOLOGIES 03/23/2016 532953 Toner 238154 GENESIS TECHNOLOGIES 03/23/2016 540981 4 toner GT306 for HP printers 266.68 10E009 1110 4100 11 000000 238154 GENESIS TECHNOLOGIES 03/23/2016 540585 toner 848.36 10E010 1120 4100 01 000000 238154 GENESIS TECHNOLOGIES 03/23/2016 541489 Printer Ink Cartridge Order 238154 GENESIS TECHNOLOGIES 03/23/2016 541546 Spec. Ed. Dept. Supplies 196.65 10E008 2330 4100 01 000000 238154 GENESIS TECHNOLOGIES 03/23/2016 540967 Teacher Printer Cartridges 724.02 10E003 1110 4100 11 000000 238154 GENESIS TECHNOLOGIES 03/23/2016 541876 TONER ORDER 754.97 10E012 1110 4100 11 000000 238154 GENESIS TECHNOLOGIES 03/23/2016 541806 Ink jet cartridges 0.00 10E004 2220 4100 01 000000 238154 GENESIS TECHNOLOGIES 03/23/2016 541806 Ink jet cartridges 556.26 10E004 2220 4400 01 000000 238154 GENESIS TECHNOLOGIES 03/23/2016 542276 LaserJet cartridges 287.77 10E004 2220 4100 01 000000 238154 GENESIS TECHNOLOGIES 03/23/2016 542355 Spec. Ed. Dept. Supplies 262.00 10E008 2330 4100 01 000000 238154 GENESIS TECHNOLOGIES 03/23/2016 542390 TONER ORDER 133.00 10E012 1110 4100 11 000000 238155 GESKE, MIKE 03/23/2016 020916 SO BBK 2/9/16 238157 GEWALT HAMILTON ASSOCIATES, IN 03/23/2016 4264.104-4 Project #4264.104 LZHS Softball Field Project # 4264.001 ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER 50.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 1,888.32 10E006 1130 4100 11 000000 113.00 10E001 1110 4100 01 000000 2,013.35 10E005 1400 4100 11 000000 63.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 1,134.50 20E008 2540 3160 01 000000 LZHS Traffic Study Project # 4264.015 CUSD 95 Site Improvement Design 238157 GEWALT HAMILTON ASSOCIATES, IN 03/23/2016 4264.001-1 Project #4264.104 LZHS Softball Field Project # 4264.001 5,629.00 20E008 2540 3160 01 000000 LZHS Traffic Study Project # 4264.015 CUSD 95 Site Improvement Design 238157 GEWALT HAMILTON ASSOCIATES, IN 03/23/2016 4264.015-3 Project #4264.104 LZHS Softball Field Project # 4264.001 740.00 20E008 2540 3160 01 000000 LZHS Traffic Study Project # 4264.015 CUSD 95 Site Improvement Design 238158 GIANT STEPS ILLINOIS, INC 03/23/2016 095-0316E Tuition March 2016 11,186.28 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 238158 GIANT STEPS ILLINOIS, INC 03/23/2016 095-0316S Tuition March 2016 5,593.14 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 238158 GIANT STEPS ILLINOIS, INC 03/23/2016 TH-2016-10 Tuition March 2016 3,600.00 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 238159 GIBBLE, STEVEN 03/23/2016 020516 SO NSC GIRLS 2/5/16 238160 GLAY, KAREN 03/23/2016 5639 Audiology Services 238160 GLAY, KAREN 03/23/2016 5640 Audiology Services 250.00 10E008 2150 3100 01 000000 238161 GLENBARD WEST HIGH SCHOOL 03/23/2016 ENTRY FEE Entry Fee Girls Track Pariseau Invite 4/23/16 250.00 10E006 1500 4100 53 000000 238162 GLENBARD WEST HIGH SCHOOL 03/23/2016 ENTRY FEE Boys Volleyball Entry Fee Glenbard West Invitational 250.00 10E006 1500 4100 41 000000 238163 GLENBROOK NORTH HIGH SCHOOL 03/23/2016 ENTRY FEE Entry Fee Boys Track Spartan Relays 4/29/16 310.00 10E006 1500 4100 33 000000 63.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 300.00 10E008 2150 3100 01 000000 238164 GLENBROOK NORTH HIGH SCHOOL 03/23/2016 ENTRY FEE Boys Volleyball Entry Fee JV Invitational 4/9/16 238165 GOLDSTAR LEARNING INC 03/23/2016 4287 Mastery Manager training 210.00 10E006 1500 4100 41 000000 238166 GONZALEZ, CHUCK 03/23/2016 022016 SO BBK 2/20/16 238167 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO 03/23/2016 983585773 Light Bulbs fro MSN/SL 192.60 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 238167 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO 238167 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO 03/23/2016 983585773 03/23/2016 983564232 Light Bulbs fro MSN/SL Light Bulbs fro MSN/SL 192.60 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 21.40 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 1,495.00 10E008 2210 3100 01 000000 63.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 11 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 8:04 AM 03/18/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 02/26/16 - 03/23/16) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 238167 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO 03/23/2016 983564232 Light Bulbs fro MSN/SL 238168 GRAF, JOHN 03/23/2016 020616 SO NSC GIRLS 2/6/16 238171 GRAINGER 03/23/2016 9031634489 Motor for MW Exh. Fan 295.56 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 238171 GRAINGER 03/23/2016 9037452456 Coupling Flange and Sleeve for SA Circulating Pump 163.27 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 238171 GRAINGER 03/23/2016 9043567743 Motor for IF Exh. fan and belts 96.95 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 238171 GRAINGER 03/23/2016 9043567750 Motor for IF Exh. fan and belts 122.40 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 238171 GRAINGER 03/23/2016 9042535246 Thermostat Covers for the HS 238171 GRAINGER 03/23/2016 9043567768 Skids for MSS Freezer 1,383.78 10E008 2560 4100 01 000000 238171 GRAINGER 03/23/2016 9042535238 Flame proof cabinet for HVAC supplies 1,680.00 20E008 2540 7001 01 000000 238171 GRAINGER 03/23/2016 9043567735 Thermostat Covers for the HS 93.75 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 238171 GRAINGER 03/23/2016 9042045345 Couplers for Heating System Pumps at MSS/IF/SP 28.28 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 238171 GRAINGER 03/23/2016 9042045345 Couplers for Heating System Pumps at MSS/IF/SP 28.28 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 238171 GRAINGER 03/23/2016 9042045345 Couplers for Heating System Pumps at MSS/IF/SP 28.28 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 238171 GRAINGER 03/23/2016 9046566478 Tape for securing Masonite in the Field House 238171 GRAINGER 03/23/2016 9046566486 Tape for securing Masonite in the Field House 238171 GRAINGER 03/23/2016 9047197919 Return of Equipment/Motor Purchased -177.30 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 238171 GRAINGER 03/23/2016 9047197927 Return of Equipment/Motor Purchased -76.61 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 238172 GRAPHIC EDGE 03/23/2016 964280 Boys Track Apparel 243.87 10E006 1500 4100 33 000000 238173 GRAY, MELISSA 03/23/2016 030216 REIMBURSEMENT FOR TRAIN TICKET TO TECH SEMINAR 238174 GREGG, CHRISTINE 03/23/2016 022216 Classroom Supplies 238175 GREGOIRE, LISA 03/23/2016 REISSUE 3/ Replacing check 236178 238177 GREGORY, TODD 03/23/2016 020316 Reimbursement for FACS supplies. 20.68 10E006 1400 4100 17 000000 238177 GREGORY, TODD 03/23/2016 022316 Reimbursement for purchase of FACS supplies. 28.40 10E006 1400 4100 17 000000 238177 GREGORY, TODD 03/23/2016 030116 Reimbursement for FACS supplies 238177 GREGORY, TODD 03/23/2016 031516 Reimbursement for FACS supplies. 187.77 10E006 1400 4100 17 000000 238177 GREGORY, TODD 03/23/2016 031616 Reimbursement for FACS supplies. 120.91 10E006 1400 4100 17 000000 238178 GRIFFIN, HUGH 03/23/2016 022516 SO GIRLS VOLLEYBALL 2/25/16 238179 GRIM, ROBERT 03/23/2016 020616 SO NSC GIRLS 2/6/16 63.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 238180 GROOT, DOUG 03/23/2016 020516 SO NSC GIRLS 2/5/16 89.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 238182 GUITAR CENTER, INC 03/23/2016 5182601 Band/Thompson 90.00 10E006 1130 4100 13 000000 238182 GUITAR CENTER, INC 03/23/2016 7048374 Band/Thompson 272.00 10E006 1130 4100 13 000000 238182 GUITAR CENTER, INC 03/23/2016 7129651 Band/Thompson 133.00 10E006 1130 4100 13 000000 238182 GUITAR CENTER, INC 03/23/2016 7272014 Band/Thompson 57.60 10E006 1130 4100 13 000000 238182 GUITAR CENTER, INC 03/23/2016 7293291 Band/Thompson 40.00 10E006 1130 4100 13 000000 238182 GUITAR CENTER, INC 03/23/2016 7607018 Band/Thompson 48.00 10E006 1130 4100 13 000000 238182 GUITAR CENTER, INC 03/23/2016 7810487 Band/Thompson 95.00 10E006 1130 4100 13 000000 238182 GUITAR CENTER, INC 03/23/2016 7829471 Band/Thompson 92.00 10E006 1130 4100 13 000000 238182 GUITAR CENTER, INC 238182 GUITAR CENTER, INC 03/23/2016 5218165 03/23/2016 5215029 BAND MUSIC ORDER Thompson/Band 49.60 10E012 1110 4100 14 000000 24.00 10E006 1130 4100 13 000000 AMOUNT NUMBER 21.40 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 89.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 232.10 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 209.00 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 19.00 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 18.00 10E008 2660 4100 11 000000 128.69 10E001 1110 4120 01 000000 268.00 10E009 2410 6400 01 000000 124.94 10E006 1400 4100 17 000000 65.00 10E010 1500 3100 01 000000 12 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 8:04 AM 03/18/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 02/26/16 - 03/23/16) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT NUMBER 238183 GUMOWSKI, ELIZABETH 03/23/2016 030116 gifted science 118.39 10E010 1120 4100 07 000000 238184 HEARTLAND LABEL PRINTERS, INC. 03/23/2016 HBS0052419 BARRACUDA SPAM FIREWALL RENEWAL FOR 1 YEAR FEBRUARY ACCOUNT 819.38 10E008 2660 4701 11 000000 2016-FEBRUARY 2017 238185 HEARTLAND HEALTH OUTREACH 03/23/2016 9813 translation services 96.25 10E008 3000 3100 01 330500 238185 HEARTLAND HEALTH OUTREACH 03/23/2016 9819 translation services 10.50 10E008 3000 3100 01 330500 238185 HEARTLAND HEALTH OUTREACH 03/23/2016 9822 translation services 10.50 10E008 3000 3100 01 330500 238185 HEARTLAND HEALTH OUTREACH 03/23/2016 9828 translation services 66.50 10E008 3000 3100 01 330500 238186 HEINEMANN 03/23/2016 6588739 READING SPECIALISTS ORDER 238186 HEINEMANN 03/23/2016 6591128 HEINEMANN WORKSHOP 229.00 10E012 2210 3100 01 000000 238186 HEINEMANN 03/23/2016 6591130 HEINEMANN WORKSHOPS 229.00 10E012 2210 3100 01 000000 238186 HEINEMANN 03/23/2016 6591169 HEINEMANN WORKSHOP 229.00 10E012 2210 3100 01 000000 238187 HENNING BROS 03/23/2016 0000397703 Key and lock parts for the HS/MW/MSN 238187 HENNING BROS 03/23/2016 0000397703 Key and lock parts for the HS/MW/MSN 91.98 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 238187 HENNING BROS 03/23/2016 0000397703 Key and lock parts for the HS/MW/MSN 52.08 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 238187 HENNING BROS 03/23/2016 0000397521 Rekeyed locks at the HS/MW 130.00 10E008 2560 3230 01 000000 238187 HENNING BROS 03/23/2016 0000397634 Rekeyed locks at the HS/MW 204.75 20E001 2540 3100 01 000000 238187 HENNING BROS 03/23/2016 0000397771 Keys for SP and Supplies for District 7.60 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 238187 HENNING BROS 03/23/2016 0000397771 Keys for SP and Supplies for District 75.80 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 238187 HENNING BROS 03/23/2016 0000397934 Keys for IF and District 93.00 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 238187 HENNING BROS 03/23/2016 0000397934 Keys for IF and District 93.00 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 238188 HERFF JONES INC 03/23/2016 737690 20 blank diplomas for class of 2015 63.58 10E006 2410 4100 01 000000 238188 HERFF JONES INC 03/23/2016 762688 2016 diplomas 238189 HERRERA, OCTAVIO 03/23/2016 022016 SO BBK 2/20/16 238196 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 03/23/2016 4033379 Hardware Supplies for District Repairs 7.68 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 238196 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 03/23/2016 4033379 Hardware Supplies for District Repairs 7.68 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 238196 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 03/23/2016 4033379 Hardware Supplies for District Repairs 7.68 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 238196 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 03/23/2016 4033379 Hardware Supplies for District Repairs 7.68 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 238196 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 03/23/2016 4033379 Hardware Supplies for District Repairs 7.75 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 238196 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 03/23/2016 4033379 Hardware Supplies for District Repairs 7.68 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 238196 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 03/23/2016 4033379 Hardware Supplies for District Repairs 7.68 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 238196 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 03/23/2016 4033379 Hardware Supplies for District Repairs 7.68 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 238196 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 03/23/2016 0112265 Misc. supplies for MW/HS/SP Repairs 238196 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 03/23/2016 4033357 Misc. supplies for MW/HS/SP Repairs 32.85 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 238196 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 03/23/2016 4051246 Misc. supplies for MW/HS/SP Repairs 11.94 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 238196 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 03/23/2016 5033273 Misc. supplies for MW/HS/SP Repairs 13.91 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 238196 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 03/23/2016 4033340 Hardware for Mounting Signs 6.65 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 238196 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 03/23/2016 4033340 Hardware for Mounting Signs 6.65 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 238196 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 238196 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 03/23/2016 4033340 03/23/2016 4033340 Hardware for Mounting Signs Hardware for Mounting Signs 6.65 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 6.65 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 661.10 10E012 1110 4100 01 000000 19.50 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 1,525.06 10E006 2410 4100 01 000000 63.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 40.83 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 13 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK NUMBER VENDOR 8:04 AM 03/18/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 02/26/16 - 03/23/16) CHECK INVOICE INVOICE DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION PAGE: ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER 238196 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 03/23/2016 4033340 Hardware for Mounting Signs 6.70 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 238196 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 03/23/2016 4033340 Hardware for Mounting Signs 6.65 20E009 2540 4900 01 000000 238196 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 03/23/2016 4033340 Hardware for Mounting Signs 6.65 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 238196 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 03/23/2016 4033340 Hardware for Mounting Signs 238196 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 03/23/2016 5033235 Hardware for HS Bleacher Repairs 238196 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 03/23/2016 5033198 Misc. Supplies for District Repairs/Projects 7.56 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 238196 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 03/23/2016 6033119 Misc. Supplies for District Repairs/Projects 12.97 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 238196 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 03/23/2016 6033137 Misc. Supplies for District Repairs/Projects 23.94 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 238196 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 03/23/2016 9032791 Misc. Supplies for District Repairs/Projects 23.40 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 238196 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 03/23/2016 0032608 Misc. Supplies for HS and Grounds Projects 29.94 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 238196 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 03/23/2016 1591981 Misc. Supplies for HS and Grounds Projects 86.17 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 238196 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 03/23/2016 2042032 Misc. Supplies for HS and Grounds Projects 238196 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 03/23/2016 8880859 Trailer for Transporting Grounds field equipment 238196 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 03/23/2016 2033656 Misc. Supplies for HS and District Repairs 238196 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 03/23/2016 2033692 Misc. Supplies for HS and District Repairs 238196 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 03/23/2016 2113070 Misc. Supplies for Repairs at MSS/HS 238196 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 03/23/2016 2113070 Misc. Supplies for Repairs at MSS/HS 7.70 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 238196 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 03/23/2016 7034369 Misc. Supplies for Repairs at MSS/HS 8.14 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 238196 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 03/23/2016 7034369 Misc. Supplies for Repairs at MSS/HS 0.48 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 238196 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 03/23/2016 7571388 Misc. Supplies for Repairs at MSS/HS 7.50 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 238196 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 03/23/2016 7571388 Misc. Supplies for Repairs at MSS/HS 0.44 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 238196 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 03/23/2016 0051518 Misc. Supplies for SP/SL Repairs 13.88 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 238196 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 03/23/2016 1035001 Misc. Supplies for SP/SL Repairs 18.94 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 238196 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 03/23/2016 8042407 Misc. Tools and Supplies for District Projects/Repairs 9.95 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 238196 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 03/23/2016 9035440 Misc. Tools and Supplies for District Projects/Repairs 534.15 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 238196 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 03/23/2016 9593768 Misc. Tools and Supplies for District Projects/Repairs 199.00 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 238196 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 03/23/2016 8035520 Misc. supplies for SP/HS Repairs 238196 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 03/23/2016 9035340 Misc. supplies for SP/HS Repairs 238196 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 03/23/2016 9035339 Misc. Supplies for MSN Repair 238197 HODGES, LOIZZI, EISENHAMMER, R 03/23/2016 33626 Jan. 2016 Invoice # 33626 6.65 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 19.78 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 17.94 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 399.99 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 59.97 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 79.53 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 130.97 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 31.48 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 6.17 20E004 2540 4900 01 000000 14.96 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 11,578.38 10E008 2310 3180 01 000000 238198 HOEFFERLE, MARY 03/23/2016 SVCS 2/12/ professional development 238199 HOMERUN SPORTS AND FITNESS 03/23/2016 8003 Softball Batting Cage Facility Rental 1,367.72 10E008 2210 3100 01 000000 238200 HOUGHTON MIFFLIN CO. 03/23/2016 951922367 RRT books 2,756.42 10E008 1205 4200 01 000000 238200 HOUGHTON MIFFLIN CO. 03/23/2016 951922367 RRT books 5,512.84 10E008 1110 4100 90 430000 238200 HOUGHTON MIFFLIN CO. 03/23/2016 952130097 CCSS Supplemental Books 34.81 10E010 1120 4100 06 000000 238200 HOUGHTON MIFFLIN CO. 03/23/2016 952138411 CCSS Supplemental Books 31.11 10E010 1120 4100 06 000000 238200 HOUGHTON MIFFLIN CO. 03/23/2016 952138412 CCSS Supplemental Books 238201 HUDEC, KATHLEEN 238202 IDLEWOOD ELECTRIC SUPPLY 03/23/2016 030816 03/23/2016 269034 Registration refund Light Ballasts for MSN 240.00 10E005 1500 4100 52 000000 62.21 10E010 1120 4100 06 000000 60.00 10R000 1720 0000 00 000000 727.86 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 14 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 8:04 AM 03/18/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 02/26/16 - 03/23/16) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 238203 ILLINOIS ASBO 03/23/2016 119890 Conference 190.00 10E008 2520 6400 01 000000 238203 ILLINOIS ASBO 03/23/2016 114330 Seminar on Best Practices for Sustainable Schools 190.00 20E008 2540 6400 01 000000 238204 ILLINOIS OFFICE OF THE STATE F 03/23/2016 9551117 MW Boiler Inspection 140.00 20E001 2540 3240 01 000000 238204 ILLINOIS OFFICE OF THE STATE F 03/23/2016 9551011 MW Boiler Inspection 70.00 20E001 2540 3240 01 000000 238205 ILLINOIS PRINCIPALS ASSOCIATIO 03/23/2016 7922120 additional charge to register for workshop 61.00 10E006 2210 3100 01 000000 AMOUNT NUMBER 238206 ILMEA 03/23/2016 2015 ILMEA ILMEA Senior Level Festival 560.00 10E006 1130 4100 46 000000 238208 INTERLINE BRANDS, INC 03/23/2016 360165849 Bath Tissue for District 579.50 20E005 2540 4100 01 000000 238208 INTERLINE BRANDS, INC 03/23/2016 360165856 Bath Tissue for District 463.60 20E010 2540 4100 01 000000 238208 INTERLINE BRANDS, INC 03/23/2016 360165864 Bath Tissue for District 405.65 20E001 2540 4100 01 000000 238208 INTERLINE BRANDS, INC 03/23/2016 360165872 Bath Tissue for District 347.70 20E003 2540 4100 01 000000 238208 INTERLINE BRANDS, INC 03/23/2016 360165880 Bath Tissue for District 347.70 20E004 2540 4100 01 000000 238208 INTERLINE BRANDS, INC 03/23/2016 360165898 Bath Tissue for District 405.65 20E009 2540 4100 01 000000 238208 INTERLINE BRANDS, INC 03/23/2016 360165906 Bath Tissue for District 463.60 20E012 2540 4100 01 000000 238208 INTERLINE BRANDS, INC 03/23/2016 360774566 Return for MW Bath Tissue 238208 INTERLINE BRANDS, INC 03/23/2016 360290894 Bath Tissue for the HS 238209 INTERSTATE BATTERY SYSTEM 03/23/2016 1903901010 ADS System Battery at the PDC 238209 INTERSTATE BATTERY SYSTEM 03/23/2016 1903901010 Batteries for MW Emergency Lights 238209 INTERSTATE BATTERY SYSTEM 03/23/2016 1903901010 Batteries for MW Emergency Lights 136.15 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 238209 INTERSTATE BATTERY SYSTEM 03/23/2016 1903901010 Batteries for MW Emergency Lights -136.15 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 238209 INTERSTATE BATTERY SYSTEM 03/23/2016 1903901010 Batteries for the HS 238210 IPA LAKE REGION 03/23/2016 030316 Student Recognition Breakfast registration 96.00 10E006 2410 4100 01 000000 238211 IXL LEARNING INC 03/23/2016 S285611 LMC Subscription 49.00 10E003 2220 4400 01 000000 -57.95 20E001 2540 4100 01 000000 2,028.25 20E006 2540 4100 01 000000 24.95 20E007 2540 4900 01 000000 359.60 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 25.70 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 238212 J W PEPPER & SON, INC (REMITTA 03/23/2016 11B45596 Chorus Sheet Music 238212 J W PEPPER & SON, INC (REMITTA 03/23/2016 11B61638 Choir/Juknelis 243.14 10E005 1120 4100 13 000000 91.54 10E006 1130 4100 13 000000 238212 J W PEPPER & SON, INC (REMITTA 03/23/2016 11B64915 Choir/Juknelis 191.25 10E006 1130 4100 13 000000 238212 J W PEPPER & SON, INC (REMITTA 03/23/2016 11B65247 Choir/Juknelis 115.20 10E006 1130 4100 13 000000 238213 JACOBS HIGH SCHOOL 03/23/2016 ENTRY FEE Boys Tennis Entry Fee Jacobs invite 4/2/16 238214 JOHNSON CONTROLS, INC 03/23/2016 1-29244834 Repairs to BAS System at MSS 238215 JOHNSTONE SUPPLY #175 03/23/2016 121429GU Coil cleaner for HS HVAC Work 238215 JOHNSTONE SUPPLY #175 03/23/2016 1121713GU JCI Thermostats for the HS 238216 JONES TRAVEL 03/23/2016 102421 2016 LORADO TAFT MW RETURN 1,250.00 10E008 1110 3100 66 000000 238216 JONES TRAVEL 03/23/2016 102352 2-23-16 LZHS FIELD TRIP 1,500.00 40E008 2550 3340 01 000000 238216 JONES TRAVEL 03/23/2016 102420 2016 LORADO TAFT MW 1,250.00 10E008 1110 3100 66 000000 238217 JONES SCHOOL SUPPLY CO., INC. 03/23/2016 1358533 BATTLE OF THE BOOKS SUPPLIES 36.35 10E012 1110 4100 01 000000 238218 JONTRY, MARK 03/23/2016 011616 SO BOYS BASKETBALL 1/16/16 63.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 238219 JOURNEYED.COM INC 03/23/2016 10076758 MICROSOFT EES RENEWAL FOR ONE YEAR - 2/2/16 - 2/2/17 238220 KAPCZYNSKI, JENNIFER 03/23/2016 030916 Reimbursement for purchase of Books - Amazon 238221 KARP, LINDSEY 238222 KAY, VICTORIA 03/23/2016 030116 03/23/2016 030116 TEACHER REIMBURSEMENT TEACHER REIMBURSEMENT 50.00 10E006 1500 4100 37 000000 911.25 20E010 2540 3100 01 000000 89.94 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 325.96 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 44,683.52 10E008 2660 4701 11 000000 19.89 10E001 1110 4100 01 000000 6.98 10E012 1110 4100 01 000000 195.02 10E012 1110 4100 01 000000 15 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 8:04 AM 03/18/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 02/26/16 - 03/23/16) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT 238222 KAY, VICTORIA 03/23/2016 030716 Reimbursement for Professional Development 199.00 10E012 2210 4100 01 000000 238223 KAYE, RONALD 03/23/2016 022016 SO BBK 2/6, 2/19 & 2/20/16 189.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 238224 KAYLOR'S 03/23/2016 11506 Classroom Supplies 263.94 10E003 1110 4100 01 000000 238225 KC PRINTING 03/23/2016 P7046 FORMS - MSN LATE RUN PASSES 104.00 40E008 2550 4100 01 000000 238226 KING, ALEXANDER 03/23/2016 022016 SO BBK 2/20/16 50.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 238227 KING, STEVEN 03/23/2016 2872 Choir/Juknelis 200.00 10E006 1130 3100 13 000000 238228 KINKA, RUSSELL 03/23/2016 020616 SO BBK 2/1 & 2/6/16 178.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 238229 KLEIN, ANDREW 03/23/2016 020616 SO NSC GIRLS 2/6/16 89.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 238229 KLEIN, ANDREW 03/23/2016 020816 SO BBK 2/2 & 2/8/16 178.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 238230 KOCH, WILLIAM 03/23/2016 SVCS 2/12/ professional development 238231 KOMNICK, KRAIG 03/23/2016 011616 SO BOYS BASKETBALL 1/16/16 238232 KOTIW, MIKE 03/23/2016 020616 SO NSC GIRLS 2/6/16 50.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 238232 KOTIW, MIKE 03/23/2016 021916 SO BBK 2/19/16 89.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 238233 KRAMER, DYLAN 03/23/2016 022016 SO BBK 2/20/16 238234 LAJEUNESSE-ROACH, KRISTEN 03/23/2016 CONFERENCE reimbursement to attend an Art Convention 165.00 10E006 2210 3100 01 000000 238234 LAJEUNESSE-ROACH, KRISTEN 03/23/2016 030916 Art/LaJeunesse 147.07 10E006 1130 4100 12 000000 238235 LAKE COOK DISTRIBUTORS 03/23/2016 16160329 Caudill 2017 HC/pbk 238235 LAKE COOK DISTRIBUTORS 03/23/2016 16160458 Replacement Copies of Of Mice and Men for English I and The 238235 LAKE COOK DISTRIBUTORS 03/23/2016 16160459 Replacement Copies of Of Mice and Men for English I and The 1,100.00 10E008 2210 3100 01 000000 63.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 63.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 730.27 10E005 2220 4300 01 000000 1,540.00 10E006 1130 4200 05 000000 Pearl for English II 2,707.25 10E006 1130 4200 05 000000 Pearl for English II 238235 LAKE COOK DISTRIBUTORS 03/23/2016 16160553 Replacement Novels for 7th grade curriculum. 238236 LAKE COUNTY REGIONAL OFFICE OF 03/23/2016 406 Substitute Fingerprinting - January 2016 238236 LAKE COUNTY REGIONAL OFFICE OF 03/23/2016 429 Substitute Fingerprinting 238237 LAKE COUNTY HIGH SCHOOLS TECHN 03/23/2016 TUITION MA Billing for the month of March 2016 238238 LAKE ZURICH TIRE & AUTO INC. 03/23/2016 154663 Repairs to Truck 2 238238 LAKE ZURICH TIRE & AUTO INC. 03/23/2016 154733 Oil Change for Truck 13 238238 LAKE ZURICH TIRE & AUTO INC. 03/23/2016 154857 Repairs to Truck #3 151.65 10E005 1120 4100 05 000000 30.00 10E008 2640 3100 01 000000 10.00 10E008 2640 3100 01 000000 13,896.46 10E008 4210 6700 01 000000 912.70 20E008 2540 3100 01 000000 43.95 20E008 2540 3100 01 000000 1,114.64 20E008 2540 3100 01 000000 238239 LAKELAND ELEVATOR CORPORATION 03/23/2016 68252 Battery Backup for HS Elevator 430.00 20E006 2540 3100 01 000000 238239 LAKELAND ELEVATOR CORPORATION 03/23/2016 68251 Repairs to Elevator at MW 238.26 20E001 2540 3100 01 000000 238240 LAKESIDE TRANSPORTATION 03/23/2016 L037-RTINV FEBRUARY BILLING - SPEC ED 155,900.37 40E008 2550 3330 01 000000 238240 LAKESIDE TRANSPORTATION 03/23/2016 L037-RTINV FEBRUARY BILLING - SPEC ED 5,467.82 40E008 2550 3311 01 000000 238241 LAKESHORE LEARNING MATERIALS 03/23/2016 5014460216 Classroom Supplies - Teacher's Stipend Kiecana 238241 LAKESHORE LEARNING MATERIALS 03/23/2016 5195210216 EC Supplies 239.97 10E008 1225 4100 01 460000 238241 LAKESHORE LEARNING MATERIALS 03/23/2016 5195220216 EC Supplies 4,168.37 10E008 1225 4100 01 460000 238242 LAKE ZURICH DISTRICT 95 03/23/2016 030116 Replenish February Imprest 8,283.64 10A000 1050 0000 00 000000 238242 LAKE ZURICH DISTRICT 95 03/23/2016 030116 Replenish February Imprest 121.88 20A000 1050 0000 00 000000 238243 LEGO EDUCATION 238244 LEIBY, VICKI 03/23/2016 1190169738 engineering design - math manipulitives 03/23/2016 022216 Lunch money refund 149.48 10E003 1110 4120 01 000000 840.00 10E008 1110 4100 01 000000 2.00 10R000 1614 0000 00 000000 16 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK NUMBER VENDOR 8:04 AM 03/18/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 02/26/16 - 03/23/16) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT 200.00 10E006 1500 4100 33 000000 238245 LIBERTYVILLE HIGH SCHOOL 03/23/2016 ENTRY FEE Boys Track Entry Fee Libertyville Invitational 4-13-16 238246 LIVERIS, RANDY 03/23/2016 020616 SO NSC GIRLS 2/6/16 238247 LORENZO, RONALD 03/23/2016 020516 SO NSC GIRLS 2/5/16 238248 LOWERY MCDONNELL COMPANY 03/23/2016 INV048405 Furniture 238249 LRP PUBLICATIONS 03/23/2016 4303339 Special Ed. Dept. Supplies 60.25 10E008 2330 4100 01 000000 238250 QUENCH USA, INC 03/23/2016 200408431 water filter service 65.88 10E004 1110 4100 01 000000 238250 QUENCH USA, INC 03/23/2016 200407681 2 mo. rental for Quench water system 60.90 10E009 1110 3100 01 000000 238250 QUENCH USA, INC 03/23/2016 200408221 Water Cooler Rental for Facilities Office 55.90 20E008 2540 3250 01 000000 238251 MALEK, JEAN 03/23/2016 022316 Reimbursement for Jean Malek for gift cards for Parent Feed 63.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 63.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 3,580.00 20E008 2540 4111 01 000000 120.00 10E008 2630 4100 01 000000 + Project B3 student volunteers 238252 CAVENDISH SQUARE PUBLISHING 03/23/2016 3020559 238253 MARKLUND CHILDREN'S HOME 03/23/2016 TUITION JA Tuition Jan 2016 Cultures of the World - Standing Order 7,969.68 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 193.91 10E006 2220 4300 01 000000 238253 MARKLUND CHILDREN'S HOME 03/23/2016 TUITION FE Tuition Feb 2016 13,946.94 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 238254 MARTINE, SUE 03/23/2016 021616 reimbursement for classroom expense - S. Martine` 238255 MATHEW, JAMES 03/23/2016 022016 SO BBK 2/20/16 238256 MATTHEWS, ANUSCHKA 03/23/2016 030416 FACS Classroom Supplies for Food Lab and Sewing Lab 238257 MAXIM HEALTHCARE SERVICES INC 03/23/2016 3916640366 Maxim - Sub Nurses - 2/11/2016 235.00 10E008 2130 3100 01 000000 238257 MAXIM HEALTHCARE SERVICES INC 03/23/2016 3896010366 Maxim - Sub Nurse Staffing 2/4 - 2/5/16 634.50 10E008 2130 3100 01 000000 238258 MCBRIDE, KEVIN 03/23/2016 020516 SO NSC GIRLS 2/5/16 238258 MCBRIDE, KEVIN 03/23/2016 020816 SO BBK 2/8/16 130.00 10E004 1110 4120 01 000000 50.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 51.09 10E005 1400 4100 17 000000 50.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 89.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 238259 MCHENRY ANALYTICAL WATER LABOA 03/23/2016 390039 Water Testing MW/HS/SP 1,980.00 20E008 2540 3112 01 000000 238259 MCHENRY ANALYTICAL WATER LABOA 03/23/2016 390098 District Wide Water Testing 5,370.00 20E008 2540 3112 01 000000 238260 D'ANGELO FAMILY, INC. 03/23/2016 2016-180 Scholastic Bowl Nameplates 64.00 10E005 1500 4100 01 000000 238261 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO 03/23/2016 44905765 Purchase of applied technology materials for 15-16 school 74.11 10E006 1400 4100 18 000000 year. 238261 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO 03/23/2016 50483833 238262 MCQUAID, BRANDON 03/23/2016 SVCS DEC 2 Payment for Chorus accompanist Prostka order from McMaster-Carr 144.84 10E010 1400 4100 18 000000 238263 MENARDS 03/23/2016 07683 Caster for MSS Warming Cart 15.74 10E008 2560 4100 01 000000 238263 MENARDS 03/23/2016 09472 Tools used to Remove Screws/Bolts 31.13 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 238263 MENARDS 03/23/2016 09722 App. Tech supplies 238263 MENARDS 03/23/2016 09495 MISC BUS SUPPLIES 150.00 10E004 1110 4100 73 000000 54.23 10E005 1400 4100 18 000000 224.55 40E008 2550 4120 01 000000 238264 MIDWEST TRANSIT EQUIPMENT, INC 03/23/2016 X106005238 MISC BUS REPAIR PARTS 504.40 40E008 2550 4140 01 000000 238264 MIDWEST TRANSIT EQUIPMENT, INC 03/23/2016 X101020124 MISC BUS SUPPLIES 118.61 40E008 2550 4120 01 000000 238264 MIDWEST TRANSIT EQUIPMENT, INC 03/23/2016 X101007384 MISC BUS SUPPLIES -19.58 40E008 2550 4120 01 000000 238264 MIDWEST TRANSIT EQUIPMENT, INC 03/23/2016 X106004980 MISC BUS REPAIR PARTS 75.15 40E008 2550 4140 01 000000 238264 MIDWEST TRANSIT EQUIPMENT, INC 03/23/2016 X106004895 MISC BUS REPAIR PARTS 320.33 40E008 2550 4140 01 000000 238265 MIDWEST COMPUTER PRODUCTS INC 03/23/2016 706758 PROJECTORS AND WIRELESS MODULE - TECH SPARES 155.79 10E008 2660 4100 11 000000 238265 MIDWEST COMPUTER PRODUCTS INC 238265 MIDWEST COMPUTER PRODUCTS INC 03/23/2016 706758 03/23/2016 706758 PROJECTORS AND WIRELESS MODULE - TECH SPARES PROJECTORS AND WIRELESS MODULE - TECH SPARES 195.50 10E008 2660 3104 11 000000 1,188.95 10E008 2660 7001 11 000000 17 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 8:04 AM 03/18/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 02/26/16 - 03/23/16) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION 238266 MILAZZO, MATTHEW 03/23/2016 RE-ISSUE 3 Replacing outstanding check 235807 dated 10/22/15 238267 MILLER, MARY JO 03/23/2016 021616 professional development - travel 15.75 10E008 2210 3100 01 000000 238268 MITCHELL, STANLEY 03/23/2016 022016 SO BBK 2/20/16 63.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 238269 MOORE, KEVIN 03/23/2016 022016 SO BBK 2/20/16 238270 MUMBOWER, ELIZABETH 03/23/2016 030816 Summer school class refund 238271 MURNANE PAPER COMPANY 03/23/2016 199652 white and colored copy paper - cardstock 238271 MURNANE PAPER COMPANY 03/23/2016 199633 copy paper 238272 MURPHY, MARK 03/23/2016 022016 SO BBK 2/20/16 ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER 555.00 10E008 2210 3321 02 462000 63.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 185.00 10R000 1321 0000 00 000000 1,175.10 10E004 1110 4108 01 000000 846.00 10E010 1120 4108 01 000000 50.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 238273 MWSTAR WASTE HOLDINGS CORP. AD 03/23/2016 T400018323 District Waste Removal 621.05 20E001 2540 3210 01 000000 238273 MWSTAR WASTE HOLDINGS CORP. AD 03/23/2016 T400018323 District Waste Removal 284.81 20E003 2540 3210 01 000000 238273 MWSTAR WASTE HOLDINGS CORP. AD 03/23/2016 T400018323 District Waste Removal 284.81 20E004 2540 3210 01 000000 238273 MWSTAR WASTE HOLDINGS CORP. AD 03/23/2016 T400018323 District Waste Removal 473.20 20E005 2540 3210 01 000000 238273 MWSTAR WASTE HOLDINGS CORP. AD 03/23/2016 T400018323 District Waste Removal 783.52 20E006 2540 3210 01 000000 238273 MWSTAR WASTE HOLDINGS CORP. AD 03/23/2016 T400018323 District Waste Removal 40.80 20E007 2540 3210 01 000000 238273 MWSTAR WASTE HOLDINGS CORP. AD 03/23/2016 T400018323 District Waste Removal 59.71 20E008 2540 3210 01 000000 238273 MWSTAR WASTE HOLDINGS CORP. AD 03/23/2016 T400018323 District Waste Removal 293.72 20E009 2540 3210 01 000000 238273 MWSTAR WASTE HOLDINGS CORP. AD 03/23/2016 T400018323 District Waste Removal 451.55 20E010 2540 3210 01 000000 238273 MWSTAR WASTE HOLDINGS CORP. AD 03/23/2016 T400018323 District Waste Removal 157.74 20E012 2540 3210 01 000000 238274 NAGEL, JILL 03/23/2016 031116 Reimbursement for Supplies 11.00 10E008 1205 4100 01 000000 238276 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 03/23/2016 038063 MISC BUS SUPPLY 23.57 40E008 2550 4120 01 000000 238276 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 03/23/2016 038287 Fleet Supplies 14.38 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 238276 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 03/23/2016 038416 SA Exh. Fan Belt and truck supplies 59.34 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 238276 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 03/23/2016 038480 SA Exh. Fan Belt and truck supplies 10.58 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 238276 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 03/23/2016 038979 Belt for SA Exh. Fan and Fleet Supplies 62.10 20E003 2540 4900 01 000000 238276 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 03/23/2016 038979 Belt for SA Exh. Fan and Fleet Supplies 14.49 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 238276 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 03/23/2016 039405 Grease for the Shop 29.95 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 238276 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 03/23/2016 038943 MISC BUS SUPPLIES 155.88 40E008 2550 4140 01 000000 238276 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY 03/23/2016 038320 MISC BUS SUPPLIES 130.89 40E008 2550 4140 01 000000 238277 NARDIELLO, RYAN 03/23/2016 031016 REIMBURSEMENT FOR IOS QUALIFICATION EXAM 15.00 10E008 2660 3321 11 000000 238278 NASCO 03/23/2016 826914 Math supplies/supplementary 96.44 10E010 1120 4100 06 000000 238278 NASCO 03/23/2016 850865 Math supplies/supplementary 238279 NEENAN, PATRICIA 03/23/2016 031516 reimbursement for classrooms expense 238280 NELSON, GREGORY 03/23/2016 022016 SO BBK 2/20/16 63.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 238281 NELSON, JULIE 03/23/2016 SVCS 2/1/1 Speaker for College night for Juniors 100.00 10E006 2190 3100 01 000000 238282 NEMMERS, DENIS 03/23/2016 020216 SO BBK 2/2/16 238283 NEW CONNECTIONS ACADEMY 03/23/2016 7686 Tuition Jan/Feb 2016 238283 NEW CONNECTIONS ACADEMY 03/23/2016 7755 Tuition Jan/Feb 2016 238284 NEW HOPE ACADEMY 238284 NEW HOPE ACADEMY 03/23/2016 3201613 03/23/2016 rate34 Tuition March 2016 Tuition Rate Adjustment 7.61 10E010 1120 4100 06 000000 130.00 10E004 1110 4120 01 000000 89.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 5,017.32 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 5,296.06 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 10,067.40 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 1,268.22 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 18 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 8:04 AM 03/18/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 02/26/16 - 03/23/16) CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION 238284 NEW HOPE ACADEMY 03/23/2016 rate35 Tuition Rate Adjustment 238284 NEW HOPE ACADEMY 03/23/2016 rate36 Tuition Rate Adjustment 238285 NEXTEL (REMITTANCE) 03/23/2016 900810122- Billing for January 22 - February 21,2016. Acct # 900810122 238287 NICOR GAS 03/23/2016 5831041000 Natural Gas Transportation Charges for IF. Acct 5831041000 PAGE: ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER 1,268.22 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 1,268.22 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 1,240.16 20E008 2540 3401 01 000000 532.24 20E009 2540 4650 01 000000 4 238287 NICOR GAS 03/23/2016 0903381000 Natural Gas Transportation Charges. Acct 0903381000 4 579.01 20E003 2540 4650 01 000000 238287 NICOR GAS 03/23/2016 2961041000 Natural Gas Transportation Charges. Acct 2961041000 2 1,312.72 20E010 2540 4650 01 000000 238287 NICOR GAS 03/23/2016 3023081000 Natural Gas Transportation Charges. Acct 3023081000 1 185.69 20E008 2540 4650 01 000000 238287 NICOR GAS 03/23/2016 4228281000 Natural Gas Transportation Charges. Acct 4228281000 3 665.54 20E004 2540 4650 01 000000 238287 NICOR GAS 03/23/2016 8854529327 Natural Gas Transportation Charges. Acct 8854529327 1 1,035.49 20E005 2540 4650 01 000000 238287 NICOR GAS 03/23/2016 8854529327 Natural Gas Transportation Charges. Acct 8854529327 1 238287 NICOR GAS 03/23/2016 8913081000 Natural Gas Transportation Charges. Acct 89130810008 238287 NICOR GAS 03/23/2016 8913081000 Natural Gas Transportation Charges. Acct 89130810008 238287 NICOR GAS 03/23/2016 9193081000 Natural Gas Transportation Charges. Acct 9193081000 6 2,461.16 20E006 2540 4650 01 000000 345.17 20E012 2540 4650 01 000000 1,133.34 20E001 2540 4650 01 000000 125.93 20E007 2540 4650 01 000000 238288 COMPASS MINERALS AMERICA INC 03/23/2016 71452202 Salt for 2015 - 2016 3,522.63 20E008 2540 4901 01 000000 238288 COMPASS MINERALS AMERICA INC 03/23/2016 71457414 Salt for 2015 - 2016 1,626.82 20E008 2540 4901 01 000000 238288 COMPASS MINERALS AMERICA INC 03/23/2016 71461920 Salt for 2015 - 2016 1,777.77 20E008 2540 4901 01 000000 238289 NOCCHI, DANA 03/23/2016 031516 Classroom Supplies 238290 NOISEY, STACIE 03/23/2016 021616 professional development travel 61.10 10E001 1110 4120 01 000000 69.00 10E008 2210 3100 01 000000 238291 NORTHERN SUBURBAN SPECIAL EDUC 03/23/2016 161385 Tuition Jan 2016 9,308.86 10E008 4220 6705 01 000000 238291 NORTHERN SUBURBAN SPECIAL EDUC 03/23/2016 161386 Tuition Jan 2016 5,652.69 10E008 4220 6705 01 000000 238292 NOTEABLE HOLDINGS, INC 03/23/2016 19966 Chorus music 238300 OFFICE DEPOT 03/23/2016 8232108580 Special Ed. Dept. Supplies 328.76 10E008 2330 4100 01 000000 238300 OFFICE DEPOT 03/23/2016 8232108590 Special Ed. Dept. Supplies 396.46 10E008 2330 4100 01 000000 238300 OFFICE DEPOT 03/23/2016 8232108590 Special Ed. Dept. Supplies 7.48 10E008 2330 4100 01 000000 238300 OFFICE DEPOT 03/23/2016 8232108610 Special Ed. Dept. Supplies 13.94 10E008 2330 4100 01 000000 90.97 10E004 1110 4100 73 000000 238300 OFFICE DEPOT 03/23/2016 8251233180 Classroom Supplies 238300 OFFICE DEPOT 03/23/2016 8251233190 Classroom Supplies 142.46 10E003 1110 4100 01 000000 238300 OFFICE DEPOT 03/23/2016 8251233360 General Supplies 105.68 10E008 2320 4100 01 000000 238300 OFFICE DEPOT 03/23/2016 8244741290 7th grade supply 160.61 10E010 1120 4100 07 000000 238300 OFFICE DEPOT 03/23/2016 8252742230 Kleenex for department 607.10 10E006 1130 4100 05 000000 238300 OFFICE DEPOT 03/23/2016 8252742080 office supplies 238300 OFFICE DEPOT 03/23/2016 8252742090 office supplies 238300 OFFICE DEPOT 03/23/2016 8270230910 Print Cartridge, Julia's printer 238300 OFFICE DEPOT 03/23/2016 8258430960 office supplies 238300 OFFICE DEPOT 03/23/2016 8258430930 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 95.15 40E008 2550 4100 01 000000 238300 OFFICE DEPOT 03/23/2016 8258430940 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 22.23 40E008 2550 4100 01 000000 238300 OFFICE DEPOT 238300 OFFICE DEPOT 03/23/2016 8261178220 Classroom supplies 03/23/2016 8261178230 Classroom supplies 13.67 10E003 1110 4100 01 000000 93.16 10E004 1110 4100 01 000000 21.99 10E004 1110 4100 01 000000 106.64 10E008 2640 4100 01 000000 55.72 10E010 1120 4100 01 000000 103.33 10E003 1110 4100 01 000000 27.01 10E003 1110 4100 01 000000 19 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 8:04 AM 03/18/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 02/26/16 - 03/23/16) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 238300 OFFICE DEPOT 03/23/2016 8262551100 Math Classroom Supplies 238300 OFFICE DEPOT 03/23/2016 8262551100 Math Classroom Supplies 5.99 10E010 1120 4100 06 000000 238300 OFFICE DEPOT 03/23/2016 8262551110 Math Classroom Supplies 41.84 10E010 1120 4100 06 000000 238300 OFFICE DEPOT 03/23/2016 8262550920 Consumables 238300 OFFICE DEPOT 03/23/2016 8262550940 Consumables 238300 OFFICE DEPOT 03/23/2016 8271873600 A/P office supplies 238300 OFFICE DEPOT 03/23/2016 8271873560 Classroom Supplies 12.05 10E003 1110 4100 01 000000 238300 OFFICE DEPOT 03/23/2016 8274854250 Office Supplies HR (FILING, District Personnel AND Student 45.27 10E008 2640 4100 01 000000 238300 OFFICE DEPOT 03/23/2016 8274854270 Office Supplies HR (FILING, District Personnel AND Student AMOUNT NUMBER 292.48 10E010 1120 4100 06 000000 248.15 10E001 1110 4100 01 000000 5.79 10E001 1110 4100 01 000000 44.23 10E008 2520 4100 01 000000 Transfers) 239.66 10E008 2640 4100 01 000000 Transfers) 238300 OFFICE DEPOT 03/23/2016 8274854260 Office Supplies HR (FILING, District Personnel AND Student 9.89 10E008 2640 4100 01 000000 Transfers) 238300 OFFICE DEPOT 03/23/2016 8279471640 Athletic Office supplies 42.41 10E006 1500 4100 01 000000 238300 OFFICE DEPOT 03/23/2016 8279471650 Athletic Office supplies 18.59 10E006 1500 4100 01 000000 238300 OFFICE DEPOT 03/23/2016 8279471720 Supplies for the office and the teachers 203.14 10E009 1110 4100 01 000000 238300 OFFICE DEPOT 03/23/2016 8279471730 Supplies for the office and the teachers 174.75 10E009 1110 4100 01 000000 238300 OFFICE DEPOT 03/23/2016 8279471660 Athletic Office supplies 238300 OFFICE DEPOT 03/23/2016 8279471530 Office Supplies for Facilities 238300 OFFICE DEPOT 03/23/2016 8279471790 headpphones 57.82 10E004 2210 4100 01 000000 238300 OFFICE DEPOT 03/23/2016 8305879080 A/P Office Supplies 11.49 10E008 2640 4100 01 000000 238300 OFFICE DEPOT 03/23/2016 8305879090 A/P Office Supplies 27.77 10E008 2640 4100 01 000000 238300 OFFICE DEPOT 03/23/2016 8304421420 scotch tape, clips pencils sticky notes 72.43 10E004 1110 4100 01 000000 238300 OFFICE DEPOT 03/23/2016 8304421430 scotch tape, clips pencils sticky notes 238300 OFFICE DEPOT 03/23/2016 8305431910 Consumables 368.95 10E001 1110 4100 01 000000 238300 OFFICE DEPOT 03/23/2016 8305431920 Consumables 98.85 10E001 1110 4100 01 000000 238300 OFFICE DEPOT 03/23/2016 8305431930 Consumables 44.40 10E001 1110 4100 01 000000 238300 OFFICE DEPOT 03/23/2016 8297492120 Construction paper 24.80 10E009 1110 4100 01 000000 238300 OFFICE DEPOT 03/23/2016 8297492130 Construction paper 17.05 10E009 1110 4100 01 000000 238300 OFFICE DEPOT 03/23/2016 8297492140 Construction paper 24.80 10E009 1110 4100 01 000000 238300 OFFICE DEPOT 03/23/2016 8297492150 Construction paper 17.05 10E009 1110 4100 01 000000 238302 ORKIN 03/23/2016 108064495 District Pest Control 238302 ORKIN 03/23/2016 108064498 District Pest Control 84.84 20E003 2540 3100 01 000000 238302 ORKIN 03/23/2016 108064501 District Pest Control 84.06 20E010 2540 3100 01 000000 238302 ORKIN 03/23/2016 108064503 District Pest Control 77.33 20E004 2540 3100 01 000000 238302 ORKIN 03/23/2016 108064506 District Pest Control 76.12 20E001 2540 3100 01 000000 238302 ORKIN 03/23/2016 108064507 District Pest Control 81.67 20E005 2540 3100 01 000000 238302 ORKIN 238302 ORKIN 03/23/2016 108064510 03/23/2016 108064513 District Pest Control District Pest Control 69.56 20E012 2540 3100 01 000000 70.79 20E009 2540 3100 01 000000 7.74 10E006 1500 4100 01 000000 18.99 20E007 2540 4900 01 000000 7.17 10E004 1110 4100 01 000000 166.66 20E006 2540 3100 01 000000 20 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 8:04 AM 03/18/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 02/26/16 - 03/23/16) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION 238302 ORKIN 03/23/2016 108064514 District Pest Control 67.59 20E008 2540 3100 01 000000 238302 ORKIN 03/23/2016 108064517 District Pest Control 39.31 20E007 2540 3100 01 000000 238303 PALATINE HIGH SCHOOL 03/23/2016 ENTRY FEE Boys Volleyball Entry Fee Palatine Invitational 4/2/16 170.00 10E006 1500 4100 41 000000 238304 PALATINE HIGH SCHOOL 03/23/2016 ENTRY FEE Boys Volleyball Entry Fee Pirate-Saxon Invite 280.00 10E006 1500 4100 41 000000 238306 PALOS SPORTS,INC 03/23/2016 223770-00 Athletic Supplies for Softball, Basketball, Volleyball, ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER 83.38 10E010 1500 4100 31 000000 Poms, Track and Cross Country 238306 PALOS SPORTS,INC 03/23/2016 223770-00 Athletic Supplies for Softball, Basketball, Volleyball, 112.10 10E010 1500 4100 51 000000 Poms, Track and Cross Country 238306 PALOS SPORTS,INC 03/23/2016 223770-00 Athletic Supplies for Softball, Basketball, Volleyball, 38.45 10E010 1500 4100 52 000000 Poms, Track and Cross Country 238306 PALOS SPORTS,INC 03/23/2016 223770-00 Athletic Supplies for Softball, Basketball, Volleyball, 150.09 10E010 1500 4100 53 000000 Poms, Track and Cross Country 238306 PALOS SPORTS,INC 03/23/2016 223770-00 Athletic Supplies for Softball, Basketball, Volleyball, 31.71 10E010 1500 4100 72 000000 Poms, Track and Cross Country 238306 PALOS SPORTS,INC 03/23/2016 223770-01 Athletic Supplies for Softball, Basketball, Volleyball, 6.62 10E010 1500 4100 31 000000 Poms, Track and Cross Country 238306 PALOS SPORTS,INC 03/23/2016 223770-01 Athletic Supplies for Softball, Basketball, Volleyball, 8.90 10E010 1500 4100 51 000000 Poms, Track and Cross Country 238306 PALOS SPORTS,INC 03/23/2016 223770-01 Athletic Supplies for Softball, Basketball, Volleyball, 3.05 10E010 1500 4100 52 000000 Poms, Track and Cross Country 238306 PALOS SPORTS,INC 03/23/2016 223770-01 Athletic Supplies for Softball, Basketball, Volleyball, 11.91 10E010 1500 4100 53 000000 Poms, Track and Cross Country 238306 PALOS SPORTS,INC 03/23/2016 223770-01 Athletic Supplies for Softball, Basketball, Volleyball, 2.51 10E010 1500 4100 72 000000 Poms, Track and Cross Country 238307 PALUCH, CAPRI 03/23/2016 021816 Reimbursement 238308 PARKLAND PREPARATORY ACADEMY, 03/23/2016 1384 Tuition Feb 2016 74.66 10E008 1205 4100 01 000000 238309 PASIEWICZ, ALEX 03/23/2016 022016 SO BBK 2/20/16 238310 PATTERSON, WAYNE 03/23/2016 021816 SO BOYS VOLLEYBALL 2/18/16 65.00 10E010 1500 3100 01 000000 238310 PATTERSON, WAYNE 03/23/2016 022216 SO GIRLS VOLLEYBALL 2/22/16 65.00 10E010 1500 3100 01 000000 238311 PAXTON PATTERSON LLC 03/23/2016 322086 Prostka order from Paxton Patterson 238314 PEAPOD COMMERCIAL ACCOUNTS 03/23/2016 a75168899 Peapod payment for FACS supplies. 258.76 10E006 1400 4100 17 000000 238314 PEAPOD COMMERCIAL ACCOUNTS 03/23/2016 a75513338 Peapod payment for FACS supplies. 225.48 10E006 1400 4100 17 000000 238314 PEAPOD COMMERCIAL ACCOUNTS 03/23/2016 a75827405 Peapod payment for FACS supplies. 192.13 10E006 1400 4100 17 000000 238314 PEAPOD COMMERCIAL ACCOUNTS 03/23/2016 a75948992 Peapod payment for FACS supplies. 292.43 10E006 1400 4100 17 000000 7,897.20 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 50.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 100.85 10E010 1400 4100 18 000000 238314 PEAPOD COMMERCIAL ACCOUNTS 03/23/2016 a74062725 Peapod payment for FACS supplies. 97.92 10E006 1400 4100 17 000000 238314 PEAPOD COMMERCIAL ACCOUNTS 03/23/2016 a74932338 Peapod payment for FACS supplies. 198.38 10E006 1400 4100 17 000000 238314 PEAPOD COMMERCIAL ACCOUNTS 03/23/2016 a75662831 FACS Classroom Food Lab Supplies 153.59 10E005 1400 4100 17 000000 238314 PEAPOD COMMERCIAL ACCOUNTS 238314 PEAPOD COMMERCIAL ACCOUNTS 03/23/2016 a76434152 03/23/2016 a76779019 Peapod purchase of FACS supplies. Peapod payments for FACS supplies. 139.24 10E006 1400 4100 17 000000 254.05 10E006 1400 4100 17 000000 21 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 8:04 AM 03/18/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 02/26/16 - 03/23/16) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT 238314 PEAPOD COMMERCIAL ACCOUNTS 03/23/2016 a76892366 Peapod payments for FACS supplies. 252.75 10E006 1400 4100 17 000000 238315 PERIPOLE INC 03/23/2016 151326 Scarf Kits 153.95 10E001 1110 4100 13 000000 238316 PETERSON, LISA 03/23/2016 021916 Classroom Supplies 130.00 10E001 1110 4120 01 000000 238317 POINDEXTER, JEFFREY 03/23/2016 SVCS MAR 2 Choir Accompanist for Concert and NIMCon Contest 238318 POLICH, ROD 03/23/2016 022316 SO BVB 2/23/16 65.00 10E005 1500 3100 01 000000 238319 PRAIRIE RIDGE HIGH SCHOOL 03/23/2016 ENTRY FEE Boys Tennis Entry Fee Prairie Ridge Invite 4/30/16 50.00 10E006 1500 4100 37 000000 238320 PRO-ED, INC 03/23/2016 2521817 Psychologist Protocols (C. Losavio-MW) 262.90 10E008 2140 4101 49 490000 238320 PRO-ED, INC 03/23/2016 2524894 assessment materials 623.70 10E008 2230 4100 01 000000 238321 PROSPECT HIGH SCHOOL 03/23/2016 ENTRY FEE Girls Soccer Entry Fee Prospect Invite 4/22/16 225.00 10E006 1500 4100 58 000000 238323 QUINLAN & FABISH MUSIC 03/23/2016 8854711 Music for orchestra 238323 QUINLAN & FABISH MUSIC 03/23/2016 8812084 Orchestra Supplies -Schmidt) 7.57 10E003 1110 4120 01 000000 238323 QUINLAN & FABISH MUSIC 03/23/2016 8812084 Orchestra Supplies -Schmidt) 37.43 10E003 1110 4100 24 000000 238323 QUINLAN & FABISH MUSIC 03/23/2016 8821401 Orchestra Supplies -Schmidt) 13.63 10E003 1110 4120 01 000000 238323 QUINLAN & FABISH MUSIC 03/23/2016 8821401 Orchestra Supplies -Schmidt) 67.37 10E003 1110 4100 24 000000 238323 QUINLAN & FABISH MUSIC 03/23/2016 8807817 Orchestra Supplies -Schmidt) 7.42 10E003 1110 4120 01 000000 238323 QUINLAN & FABISH MUSIC 03/23/2016 8807817 Orchestra Supplies -Schmidt) 36.68 10E003 1110 4100 24 000000 350.00 10E005 1500 3100 01 000000 72.00 10E009 1110 4100 24 000000 238323 QUINLAN & FABISH MUSIC 03/23/2016 8816961 Orchestra Supplies -Schmidt) 7.27 10E003 1110 4120 01 000000 238323 QUINLAN & FABISH MUSIC 03/23/2016 8816961 Orchestra Supplies -Schmidt) 35.93 10E003 1110 4100 24 000000 238323 QUINLAN & FABISH MUSIC 03/23/2016 8800645 Orchestra Supplies -Schmidt) 7.27 10E003 1110 4120 01 000000 238323 QUINLAN & FABISH MUSIC 03/23/2016 8800645 Orchestra Supplies -Schmidt) 35.93 10E003 1110 4100 24 000000 238323 QUINLAN & FABISH MUSIC 03/23/2016 8821794 Orchestra Supplies -Schmidt) 7.27 10E003 1110 4120 01 000000 238323 QUINLAN & FABISH MUSIC 03/23/2016 8821794 Orchestra Supplies -Schmidt) 35.93 10E003 1110 4100 24 000000 238324 QUESTION GALORE 03/23/2016 10-4759 Scholastic Bowl Question Sets 238325 R A ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC. 03/23/2016 775585 Salt Spreader Motor for Truck 3 60.00 10E005 1500 4100 01 000000 701.69 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 238325 R A ADAMS ENTERPRISES INC. 03/23/2016 775818 Salt Spreader Conveyor Motor 238326 R&G CONSULTANTS 03/23/2016 3917 Service Fees 2,447.00 10E008 2330 3100 01 000000 729.88 20E008 2540 4900 01 000000 238329 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 03/23/2016 758019 Hand Soap and Paper Towels for the District 1,000.25 20E006 2540 4100 01 000000 238329 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 03/23/2016 758020 Hand Soap and Paper Towels for the District 452.40 20E012 2540 4100 01 000000 238329 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 03/23/2016 758021 Hand Soap and Paper Towels for the District 411.47 20E004 2540 4100 01 000000 238329 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 03/23/2016 758022 Hand Soap and Paper Towels for the District 310.60 20E003 2540 4100 01 000000 238329 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 03/23/2016 758023 Hand Soap and Paper Towels for the District 426.10 20E010 2540 4100 01 000000 238329 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 03/23/2016 758024 Hand Soap and Paper Towels for the District 274.50 20E005 2540 4100 01 000000 238329 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 03/23/2016 758025 Hand Soap and Paper Towels for the District 498.06 20E009 2540 4100 01 000000 238329 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 03/23/2016 758026 Hand Soap and Paper Towels for the District 367.13 20E001 2540 4100 01 000000 238329 RAMROD DISTRIBUTORS INC. 03/23/2016 758027 Hand Soap and Paper Towels for the District 238330 RAINBOW BOOK COMPANY 03/23/2016 0119435 ELL/LMC Grant Order, TBE/TPI 1,643.77 10E008 2220 4100 01 330500 238330 RAINBOW BOOK COMPANY 03/23/2016 0118936 library books 1,355.49 10E010 2220 4300 01 000000 238331 RAINBOW RESOURCE CENTER INC 238332 RANDALL INDUSTRIES 03/23/2016 1930896 03/23/2016 157543 LD Supplies (K. Willsie-MSN) Annual Man Lift Safety Inspections at IF/MSS/SL/MSN/HS 222.32 20E008 2540 4100 01 000000 203.50 10E008 1205 4100 01 000000 39.05 20E005 2540 3240 01 000000 22 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 8:04 AM 03/18/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 02/26/16 - 03/23/16) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 238332 RANDALL INDUSTRIES 03/23/2016 157543 Annual Man Lift Safety Inspections at IF/MSS/SL/MSN/HS 68.81 20E006 2540 3240 01 000000 238332 RANDALL INDUSTRIES 03/23/2016 157543 Annual Man Lift Safety Inspections at IF/MSS/SL/MSN/HS 39.05 20E009 2540 3240 01 000000 238332 RANDALL INDUSTRIES 03/23/2016 157543 Annual Man Lift Safety Inspections at IF/MSS/SL/MSN/HS 39.05 20E010 2540 3240 01 000000 238332 RANDALL INDUSTRIES 03/23/2016 157543 Annual Man Lift Safety Inspections at IF/MSS/SL/MSN/HS 39.04 20E012 2540 3240 01 000000 238332 RANDALL INDUSTRIES 03/23/2016 157544 Annual Man Lift Safety Inspections at IF/MSS/SL/MSN/HS 59.96 20E005 2540 3240 01 000000 238332 RANDALL INDUSTRIES 03/23/2016 157544 Annual Man Lift Safety Inspections at IF/MSS/SL/MSN/HS 105.66 20E006 2540 3240 01 000000 AMOUNT NUMBER 238332 RANDALL INDUSTRIES 03/23/2016 157544 Annual Man Lift Safety Inspections at IF/MSS/SL/MSN/HS 59.96 20E009 2540 3240 01 000000 238332 RANDALL INDUSTRIES 03/23/2016 157544 Annual Man Lift Safety Inspections at IF/MSS/SL/MSN/HS 59.96 20E010 2540 3240 01 000000 238332 RANDALL INDUSTRIES 03/23/2016 157544 Annual Man Lift Safety Inspections at IF/MSS/SL/MSN/HS 238333 RAPTOR TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 03/23/2016 63040 raptor tags 100.00 10E004 1110 4100 01 000000 238333 RAPTOR TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 03/23/2016 63404 Office Supplies 400.00 10E010 1120 4100 01 000000 238334 READING READING BOOKS LLC 03/23/2016 18039 Classroom Supplies Teacher Stipend - Brigitte Tognetti 128.81 10E003 1110 4120 01 000000 238334 READING READING BOOKS LLC 03/23/2016 18040 Classroom Supplies - Teacher Stipend B Spector 125.40 10E003 1110 4120 01 000000 238334 READING READING BOOKS LLC 03/23/2016 18255 Reading Recovery Books 3 Sets of each Leveled Set A Leveled 59.96 20E012 2540 3240 01 000000 1,039.50 10E009 1110 4100 01 000000 Set B Leveled Set C 238335 REALLY GOOD STUFF 03/23/2016 5461269 Classroom expense - M Marrello 83.37 10E004 1110 4120 01 000000 238335 REALLY GOOD STUFF 03/23/2016 5467311 Testing Privacy Shields 88.93 10E010 1120 4100 06 000000 238336 REINSTEIN, ROBIN 03/23/2016 030216 reimbursement for classroom expense - R. Reinstein 119.84 10E004 1110 4120 01 000000 238337 RENTAL MAX 03/23/2016 150865-6 Sod Cutter Rental for HS Field Repairs 109.05 20E008 2540 3250 01 000000 238337 RENTAL MAX 03/23/2016 151268-6 Trencher Rental for Electrical Repair at the HS 238338 RESEARCH FOR BETTER TEACHING, 03/23/2016 16255mat Skillful Teacher 238338 RESEARCH FOR BETTER TEACHING, 03/23/2016 41830 professional development supplies 238338 RESEARCH FOR BETTER TEACHING, 03/23/2016 16255-1-3 Skillful Teacher 238339 ROBBINS, TIMOTHY 03/23/2016 020616 SO NSC GIRLS 2/6/16 63.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 238339 ROBBINS, TIMOTHY 03/23/2016 022016 SO BBK 2/20/16 63.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 238340 ROSENQUIST, ANN 03/23/2016 022516 Northern Illinois Registrar's Conference - reimbursement 238341 RUNCO OFFICE SUPPLY 03/23/2016 641484-0 3 rolls of black paper 146.97 10E006 1130 4100 01 000000 238341 RUNCO OFFICE SUPPLY 03/23/2016 641431-0 5 laser pointers 274.75 10E006 1130 4100 01 000000 238342 RUTLEDGE, JEFFREY 03/23/2016 020916 SO BBK 2/9/16 238343 SAMPRAS, KONSTANTINA 03/23/2016 CONFERENCE reimbursement to attend an Art Convention 238344 SCHOOL HEALTH CORPORATION 03/23/2016 3102060-00 Gatorade Refuel/Restore Package for trainer 350.00 10E006 1500 4100 01 000000 238344 SCHOOL HEALTH CORPORATION 03/23/2016 3106192-00 Health Supplies (J. Duff) 233.10 10E008 2130 4100 01 000000 Guided Reading Materials for Literacy - 1st Grade Team 160.00 20E008 2540 3250 01 000000 2,013.08 10E008 2210 3100 01 000000 261.45 10E008 2210 3100 01 000000 4,800.00 10E008 2210 3100 01 000000 12.00 10E006 2120 3100 01 000000 63.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 165.00 10E006 2210 3100 01 000000 238345 SCHOLASTIC INC 03/23/2016 12611060 238346 SCHOOL OUTFITTERS.COM 03/23/2016 INV1193753 Classroom Supply - Speech/Lang. 862.30 10E003 1110 4100 05 000000 238347 SCHOOLWIDE, INC 03/23/2016 351344 professional development 238347 SCHOOLWIDE, INC 03/23/2016 351407 professional development 2,213.38 10E008 2210 3140 81 493200 238347 SCHOOLWIDE, INC 03/23/2016 351461 professional development 2,659.12 10E008 2210 3140 81 493200 238348 SCHOOL SPECIALTY, INC. 238348 SCHOOL SPECIALTY, INC. 03/23/2016 2081158943 ART SUPPLIES 03/23/2016 2081158937 Adaptive PE Supplies (M. Mowinski-HS) 213.43 10E003 1110 4100 01 000000 4,470.06 10E008 2210 3140 81 493200 13.65 10E012 1110 4100 12 000000 82.56 10E008 1218 4100 01 000000 23 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 8:04 AM 03/18/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 02/26/16 - 03/23/16) CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION 238348 SCHOOL SPECIALTY, INC. 03/23/2016 2081159597 CONSTRUCTION PAPER 238349 SECURITY UNLIMITED, INC 03/23/2016 13362 238350 SEQUENT ENERGY MANAGEMENT, LP 238350 SEQUENT ENERGY MANAGEMENT, LP PAGE: ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER 19.90 10E012 1110 4108 01 000000 Replacement Clocks for the HS 3,120.73 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 03/23/2016 98462ES Natural Gas Use Charges in District 2,646.10 20E001 2540 4650 01 000000 03/23/2016 98462ES Natural Gas Use Charges in District 1,356.98 20E003 2540 4650 01 000000 238350 SEQUENT ENERGY MANAGEMENT, LP 03/23/2016 98462ES Natural Gas Use Charges in District 1,356.98 20E004 2540 4650 01 000000 238350 SEQUENT ENERGY MANAGEMENT, LP 03/23/2016 98462ES Natural Gas Use Charges in District 961.19 20E005 2540 4650 01 000000 238350 SEQUENT ENERGY MANAGEMENT, LP 03/23/2016 98462ES Natural Gas Use Charges in District 8,594.17 20E006 2540 4650 01 000000 238350 SEQUENT ENERGY MANAGEMENT, LP 03/23/2016 98462ES Natural Gas Use Charges in District 294.01 20E007 2540 4650 01 000000 238350 SEQUENT ENERGY MANAGEMENT, LP 03/23/2016 98462ES Natural Gas Use Charges in District 226.17 20E008 2540 4650 01 000000 238350 SEQUENT ENERGY MANAGEMENT, LP 03/23/2016 98462ES Natural Gas Use Charges in District 904.66 20E009 2540 4650 01 000000 238350 SEQUENT ENERGY MANAGEMENT, LP 03/23/2016 98462ES Natural Gas Use Charges in District 3,166.27 20E010 2540 4650 01 000000 238350 SEQUENT ENERGY MANAGEMENT, LP 03/23/2016 98462ES Natural Gas Use Charges in District 2,883.56 20E012 2540 4650 01 000000 238351 SETON IDENTIFICATION PRODUCTS 03/23/2016 9330284040 ASSET TAGS FOR TECHNOLOGY EQUIPMENT 4,315.45 10E008 2660 4100 11 000000 238352 SEWING SOURCE INC. 03/23/2016 1-28511 FACS Classroom Sewing Machine Service 238353 SHELDON, JOAN 03/23/2016 022516 SO BOYS VOLLEYBALL 2/25/16 238354 SHEPHERD, GEORGE 03/23/2016 020116 SO BBK 2/1/16 238355 SHIFFLER EQUIPMENT SALES, INC 03/23/2016 1603907400 Locker Parts for MSS 103.68 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 238355 SHIFFLER EQUIPMENT SALES, INC 03/23/2016 1603907401 Locker Parts for MSS 55.10 20E010 2540 4900 01 000000 238356 SITZ, RICK 03/23/2016 020516 238357 SKYWARD 03/23/2016 1811297-89 Conference 238358 SLONSKI, DIANE 03/23/2016 031116 Reimbursement-Nursing Supplies 53.54 10E008 2130 4100 01 000000 238359 SMOK, PETER 03/23/2016 021516 SO BBK 2/15/16 89.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 SO NSC GIRLS 2/5/16 234.75 10E005 1400 4100 17 000000 65.00 10E010 1500 3100 01 000000 89.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 89.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 145.00 10E008 2520 6400 01 000000 238360 SOCCER GROUP INC 03/23/2016 18612 Girls Soccer Equipment 238361 SOCCER SHOWDOWN 03/23/2016 ENTRY FEE Girls Soccer Entry Fee Pepsi Showdown 238362 SODEXO, INC & AFFILIATES 03/23/2016 1000941726 Cost of Operations for Period 05 Per Our Contract Agreement 238362 SODEXO, INC & AFFILIATES 03/23/2016 1000941727 January Fixed Price 238362 SODEXO, INC & AFFILIATES 03/23/2016 1000949770 Cost of Operations for Period 06 per our Contract Agreement 238362 SODEXO, INC & AFFILIATES 03/23/2016 1000949771 February Fixed Price 238362 SODEXO, INC & AFFILIATES 03/23/2016 271355 238363 SOUTH SIDE CONTROL SUPPLY 03/23/2016 S100294704 Boiler Controller at the HS 238363 SOUTH SIDE CONTROL SUPPLY 03/23/2016 S100294067 Thermostats for MSN/SL 238363 SOUTH SIDE CONTROL SUPPLY 03/23/2016 S100294067 Thermostats for MSN/SL 145.25 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 238363 SOUTH SIDE CONTROL SUPPLY 03/23/2016 S100293397 Contactors for MSN/SL IDF HVAC 134.04 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 238363 SOUTH SIDE CONTROL SUPPLY 03/23/2016 S100293397 Contactors for MSN/SL IDF HVAC 134.05 20E012 2540 4900 01 000000 238364 SOUND INCORPORATED 03/23/2016 D1307639 Repair intercom/clock System at MSS 238364 SOUND INCORPORATED 03/23/2016 R141061 MASTER PURCHASE ORDER FOR 12 MONTHS MAINTENANCE CONTRACT 238365 SOUTHEASTERN PERFORMANCE APP. 238366 SPAGNOLO, JOSEPH 03/23/2016 348074 03/23/2016 022016 Orchestra/Penksik SO BBK 2/20/16 Bun Coffee Brewer/Warmer 652.00 10E008 1610 4100 01 000000 400.00 10E006 1500 4100 58 000000 113,629.60 10E008 2560 3100 01 000000 35,871.68 10E008 2560 3101 01 000000 117,112.04 10E008 2560 3100 01 000000 35,264.22 10E008 2560 3101 01 000000 278.89 10E008 2560 4100 01 000000 2,495.59 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 145.27 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 482.00 20E010 2540 3100 01 000000 3,688.00 20E008 2540 3401 01 000000 FOR PHONE EQUIPMENT 505.04 10E006 1130 4100 13 000000 63.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 24 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 8:04 AM 03/18/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 02/26/16 - 03/23/16) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 238367 SPEZIALE, JOHN 03/23/2016 021816 SO WRESTLING 2/18/16 238368 SBHC STREAMWOOD HOSPITAL INC. 03/23/2016 1000 Tuition Feb 2016 238369 STEEN, RANDY 03/23/2016 020916 SO BBK 2/9/16 63.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 238370 STUMPF, JULIE 03/23/2016 022916 Stumpf Reimbursement 77.97 10E010 1400 4100 17 000000 238370 STUMPF, JULIE 03/23/2016 031416 Stumpf reimbursement for food lab supplies 2 walmart AMOUNT NUMBER 65.00 10E005 1500 3100 01 000000 4,656.00 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 121.90 10E010 1400 4100 17 000000 receipts 1 Jewel-Osco receipt 238371 SUMMIT SCHOOL 03/23/2016 067 238372 SUNGARD PUBLIC SECTOR PENTAMAT 03/23/2016 173656 Tuition Feb 2016 ESCHOOL MOBILE CONNECTOR, MOBILE FAMILY MODULE, MOBILE 18,868.14 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 1,361.55 10E008 2660 4701 11 000000 ADMIN MODULE, INSTALLATION SERVICES 238372 SUNGARD PUBLIC SECTOR PENTAMAT 03/23/2016 173656 ESCHOOL MOBILE CONNECTOR, MOBILE FAMILY MODULE, MOBILE 138.45 10E008 2660 3104 11 000000 ADMIN MODULE, INSTALLATION SERVICES 238372 SUNGARD PUBLIC SECTOR PENTAMAT 03/23/2016 174041 ESCHOOL MOBILE CONNECTOR, MOBILE FAMILY MODULE, MOBILE 13,393.11 10E008 2660 4701 11 000000 ADMIN MODULE, INSTALLATION SERVICES 238372 SUNGARD PUBLIC SECTOR PENTAMAT 03/23/2016 174041 ESCHOOL MOBILE CONNECTOR, MOBILE FAMILY MODULE, MOBILE 1,361.89 10E008 2660 3104 11 000000 ADMIN MODULE, INSTALLATION SERVICES 238373 SVANACO DBA AMERICAN EAGLE 03/23/2016 225095 MASTER PURCHASE ORDER FOR WEB HOSTING - 12 MONTHS 238374 TAYLOR, JEFFREY 03/23/2016 177 professional development, Title II (non-public) St. Francis 238375 THE LEARNING PARTNERSHIP 03/23/2016 374 professional development 1,400.00 10E008 2210 3100 01 000000 238375 THE LEARNING PARTNERSHIP 03/23/2016 375 professional development 1,400.00 10E008 2210 3100 01 000000 238376 THE LEARNING HOUSE 03/23/2016 12652 Tuition Feb 2016 & Daily Rate Adjustment 3,050.20 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 238376 THE LEARNING HOUSE 03/23/2016 12661 Tuition Feb 2016 & Daily Rate Adjustment 1,500.00 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 238376 THE LEARNING HOUSE 03/23/2016 12680 Tuition Feb 2016 & Daily Rate Adjustment 3,876.39 10E008 1912 6701 01 000000 238377 THE LIBRARY STORE,INC 03/23/2016 191225 Literary bookmarks 238378 THERAPY SHOPPE, INC 03/23/2016 223548 OT Supplies (A. Smith-IF) 238379 THE STRING PROJECT 03/23/2016 10027446 Orchestra Books 27.87 10E001 1110 4100 24 000000 238380 THOMPSON, JOSHUA 03/23/2016 022216 Gas reimbursement 68.93 40E008 2550 4130 01 000000 238381 THURNAU, MARK 03/23/2016 021916 SO BBK 2/19/16 238382 TONDEVOLD, CHRISTINA 03/23/2016 01/29/2016 LD Supplies (L. Owens-MW) 646.01 10E008 1205 4100 01 000000 238383 TOLEDO PHYSICAL EDUC SUPPLY 03/23/2016 217964-00 134.33 10E010 1500 4100 33 000000 Basketball, Volleyball, Softball, Track and Cross Country 1,100.00 10E008 2660 3100 11 000000 400.00 10E008 3000 3140 81 493200 65.97 10E005 2220 4300 01 000000 410.53 10E008 2131 4100 01 000000 63.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 Supplies 238383 TOLEDO PHYSICAL EDUC SUPPLY 03/23/2016 217964-00 Basketball, Volleyball, Softball, Track and Cross Country 74.56 10E010 1500 4100 41 000000 Supplies 238384 TRANE 03/23/2016 11722426R1 Transformer for Inducer Motor at the HS 238384 TRANE 03/23/2016 11759458R1 Motor for Heating Unit at MW 113.00 20E006 2540 4900 01 000000 322.00 20E001 2540 4900 01 000000 238384 TRANE 03/23/2016 11723613R1 Transformer for HS RTU 748.50 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 238385 TREASURER OF LAKE COUNTY 03/23/2016 430019333 1st Qtr FY2016 Routing Traffic Signal Maintenance 238386 TROYER, ALICE 03/23/2016 022416 reimbursement for library books 238387 TRUSTED TRANSLATIONS, INC 238387 TRUSTED TRANSLATIONS, INC 03/23/2016 238019 03/23/2016 238093 Spanish and Polish translations for EOL Polish translations for Student of the Month letter and 1,182.60 20E008 2540 3230 01 000000 28.12 10E004 2220 4300 01 000000 100.00 10E008 2630 3101 01 000000 100.00 10E008 2630 3101 01 000000 25 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 8:04 AM 03/18/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 02/26/16 - 03/23/16) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 238387 TRUSTED TRANSLATIONS, INC 03/23/2016 238258 translation 238388 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 03/23/2016 00008R8F26 FRT 238389 VAN GALDER BUS COMPANY 03/23/2016 27402 1/29/16 THRU 1/30/16 LZHS - DANCE STATE COMPETITION 1,875.00 40E008 2550 3254 01 000000 238389 VAN GALDER BUS COMPANY 03/23/2016 27505 2-4-16 LZHS GIRLS CHEER - STATE COMPETITION 2,775.00 40E008 2550 3254 01 000000 238390 VAN WETERING, HORTENSIA 03/23/2016 030116 Misc. Books from Kaeden Books 238391 VARITRONICS, LLC 03/23/2016 58116 Item #6082-00 23inch thermal paper for the poster maker 774.37 10E009 1110 4100 01 000000 238392 VASTA, SAL 03/23/2016 021916 SO BBK 2/2 & 2/19/16 126.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 238393 VAZQUEZ, ROLANDO 03/23/2016 21216 Food for Rolly and Kent at State Bowling/Dance Meet 238394 VERNIER SOFTWARE AND TECH 03/23/2016 5203825 Department Vernier Probe supplements 855.64 10E010 1120 4100 07 000000 238394 VERNIER SOFTWARE AND TECH 03/23/2016 5205694 science supplies 855.64 10E005 1120 4100 07 000000 238395 VERNON HILLS HIGH SCHOOL 03/23/2016 ENTRY FEE Entry Fee NSC Boys Swimming Championships 78.19 10E006 1500 6400 01 000000 238396 VEX ROBOTICS, INC 03/23/2016 145613 applied technology instructional supplies 14,540.35 10E008 1110 4100 01 000000 238397 VILLAGE OF HAWTHORN WOODS 03/23/2016 10207 Sewer Charges for MSN/SL 238397 VILLAGE OF HAWTHORN WOODS 03/23/2016 10207 Sewer Charges for MSN/SL 238400 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 03/23/2016 4000004828 Police coverage for Basketball and Cheerleading 238400 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 03/23/2016 4000004828 HS Traffic Control 580.00 10E006 2520 3100 11 000000 238400 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 03/23/2016 4000004864 HS Traffic Control 348.00 10E006 2520 3100 11 000000 AMOUNT NUMBER Strep letter. 383.00 10E008 3000 3100 01 330500 14.47 10E008 2310 3400 01 000000 82.63 10E001 1110 4120 01 000000 29.15 10E006 1500 6400 01 000000 1,493.01 20E005 2540 3700 01 000000 497.67 20E012 2540 3700 01 000000 1,218.00 10E006 1500 3110 01 000000 competitions 1/30/16 and 2/2/16 238400 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 03/23/2016 006040-00 LZ Water / Sewer Charges. Acct 006040-00 1,208.43 20E010 2540 3700 01 000000 238400 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 03/23/2016 006041-00 LZ Water / Sewer Charges. Acct 006041-00 763.95 20E009 2540 3700 01 000000 238400 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 03/23/2016 006106-00 LZ Water / Sewer Charges. Acct 006106-00 55.56 20E008 2540 3700 01 000000 238400 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 03/23/2016 006124-00 LZ Water / Sewer Charges. Acct 006124-00 347.25 20E003 2540 3700 01 000000 238400 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 03/23/2016 006125-00 LZ Water / Sewer Charges. Acct 006125-00 41.67 20E003 2540 3700 01 000000 238400 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 03/23/2016 006177-00 LZ Water / Sewer Charges. Acct 006177-00 2,916.90 20E006 2540 3700 01 000000 238400 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 03/23/2016 006180-00 LZ Water / Sewer Charges. Acct 006180-00 444.48 20E006 2540 3700 01 000000 238400 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 03/23/2016 006185-00 LZ Water / Sewer Charges. Acct 006185-00 25.00 20E001 2540 3700 01 000000 238400 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 03/23/2016 006185-00 LZ Water / Sewer Charges. Acct 006185-00 2.78 20E007 2540 3700 01 000000 238400 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 03/23/2016 006186-00 LZ Water / Sewer Charges. Acct 006186-00 458.37 20E004 2540 3700 01 000000 238400 VILLAGE OF LAKE ZURICH 03/23/2016 4000004930 HS Traffic Control 238401 VISUAL IMAGE PHOTOGRAPHY, INC 03/23/2016 3499 Senior Night for Girls Basketball 754.00 10E006 2520 3100 11 000000 28.50 10E006 1500 3110 01 000000 238401 VISUAL IMAGE PHOTOGRAPHY, INC 03/23/2016 3529 Senior night photos for Boys Basketball, Cheerleading and 96.00 10E006 1500 3110 01 000000 Dance 238402 WAGNER, CAROLYN 03/23/2016 030916 reimbursement for conference registration 238403 WAKEFIELD, PAUL 03/23/2016 030116 REIMBURSEMENT FOR TRAIN TICKET TO TECHNOLOGY SEMINAR 85.00 10E006 2210 3100 01 000000 238404 WAREHOUSE DIRECT 03/23/2016 2979702-0 OFFICE SUPPLIES 161.40 10E012 1110 4100 01 000000 238404 WAREHOUSE DIRECT 03/23/2016 3000183-0 ARTWORK FRAME 181.80 10E012 1110 4100 01 000000 238404 WAREHOUSE DIRECT 238405 WAUCONDA HIGH SCHOOL 03/23/2016 3001588-0 03/23/2016 ENTRY FEE PAPER ORDER NSC Wrestling Tournament Entry Fees 214.00 10E012 1110 4108 01 000000 277.73 10E006 1500 4100 35 000000 12.50 10E008 2660 4100 11 000000 26 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 8:04 AM 03/18/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 02/26/16 - 03/23/16) CHECK PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT 238406 WENGER CORP 03/23/2016 701326 Riser Chair stops and Sound Shell Cart for MSN 250.20 20E005 2540 4900 01 000000 238406 WENGER CORP 03/23/2016 701326 Riser Chair stops and Sound Shell Cart for MSN 984.00 20E008 2540 7001 01 000000 238407 WEST, THEODORE 03/23/2016 021816 SO WRESTLING 2/18/16 238408 WHALEN, TROY 03/23/2016 020216 SO BBK 2/2/16 63.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 238409 WHITEMAN, ELIZABETH 03/23/2016 030216 reimbursement for classroom expense 62.31 10E004 1110 4120 01 000000 238410 WHITE, LOUIS 03/23/2016 021316 SO NSC GIRLS 2/13/16 50.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 238410 WHITE, LOUIS 03/23/2016 020916 SO BBK 2/9/16 238411 WILLIAM BLAIR & COMPANY 03/23/2016 DF01775 Dissemination Agent Services for Fiscal Year ending June 238412 WILLIAMS, DAVID 03/23/2016 021816 SO BVB 2/18/16 238413 WINKELMAN, MATTHEW 03/23/2016 CONFERENCE reimbursement to attend an Art Convention AMOUNT NUMBER 65.00 10E005 1500 3100 01 000000 89.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 2,750.00 10E008 2520 6400 01 000000 30,2015 238414 WISZ, JOEL 238415 ZION-BENTON TWP 03/23/2016 020916 H.S. DIST 12 03/23/2016 ENTRY FEE 65.00 10E005 1500 3100 01 000000 165.00 10E006 2210 3100 01 000000 SO BBK 2/9/16 50.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 Entry Fee for Prairie Lake Wrestling Tournament Totals for checks 121.47 10E006 1500 4100 35 000000 1,413,243.17 27 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 F U N D FUND DESCRIPTION 10 EDUCATION FUND 20 OPER & MAINT 30 40 8:04 AM BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 02/26/16 - 03/23/16) S U M M A R Y BALANCE SHEET REVENUE EXPENSE TOTAL 8,283.64 272.00 848,904.82 857,460.46 121.88 0.00 367,107.48 367,229.36 DEBT SERVICE FUND 0.00 0.00 318.78 318.78 TRANSPORTATION 0.00 0.00 188,234.57 188,234.57 8,405.52 272.00 1,404,565.65 1,413,243.17 *** Fund Summary Totals *** ************************ End of report ************************ 03/18/16 PAGE: 28 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK NUMBER VENDOR 7:11 AM 03/01/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 02/01/16 - 02/29/16) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT 29101 CAPITAL ONE COMMERCIAL 02/05/2016 066081 BPAC supplies, TBE/TPI 100.61 10E008 3000 4100 01 330500 29101 CAPITAL ONE COMMERCIAL 02/05/2016 067606 Costco payment for FACS supplies. 150.02 10E006 1400 4100 17 000000 29102 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORPORATION 02/05/2016 5-300-6647 FRT 57.66 10E008 2310 3400 01 000000 29103 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 02/05/2016 00008R8F26 FRT 14.63 10E008 2310 3400 01 000000 29104 WALMART COMMUNITY 02/05/2016 012216 922 Walmart Credit Card. Acct ending in 9221 29104 WALMART COMMUNITY 02/05/2016 012216 922 Walmart Credit Card. Acct ending in 9221 85.00 10E005 1120 4100 07 000000 29104 WALMART COMMUNITY 02/05/2016 012216 922 Walmart Credit Card. Acct ending in 9221 332.87 10E005 1120 4100 01 000000 29105 CAPITAL ONE COMMERCIAL 02/11/2016 001769 116.19 10E006 1400 4100 17 000000 Costco payment for FACS supplies. 29106 DOWNERS GROVE SOUTH HIGH SCHOO 02/11/2016 SPEECH SEC Speech Team Sectional 29107 ICE 02/11/2016 298LakeZur conference non-public St. Francis, Title II 130.80 10E005 1120 4100 07 000000 10.00 10E006 1130 4100 46 000000 1,155.00 10E008 3000 3140 81 493200 29108 ILLINOIS PRINCIPALS ASSOCIATIO 02/11/2016 7901050 non-public professional development (St. Francis, Title II) 29109 KNOWLES, KATHRYN 02/11/2016 021016 reading recovery expenses 29110 NESTLE WATERS NORTH AMERICA 02/11/2016 16A8106047 Billing 1/1/16 - 1/31/16. Acct 8106047379 118.02 20E008 2540 3700 01 000000 29111 REAGAN, THOMAS 02/11/2016 020316 143.03 10E006 1500 6400 01 000000 Reimbursement for Tom Reagan at Boys State Bowling 189.00 10E008 3000 3140 81 493200 354.20 10E008 2210 3101 01 000000 competition 29112 ROUND LAKE HIGH SCHOOL 02/11/2016 ENTRY FEE Entry Fee for Girls Bowling Regional 2/13/16 150.00 10E006 1500 3100 64 000000 29113 SUTTON, MICHAEL 02/11/2016 020316 Reimbursement for Boys Bowling State Competition 880.78 10E006 1500 6400 01 000000 29114 BUREAU OF EDUCATION & RESEARCH 02/18/2016 4656358 BER Conference Registration for Helen Garel-Frantzen 239.00 10E005 2210 3100 01 000000 29115 CANNON, SHANE 02/18/2016 021816 SO GIRLS BASKETBALL 2/15 & 2/16/16 135.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 29116 EVERSON, JEFF 02/18/2016 021816 SO GIRLS BASKETBALL 2/15/16 29117 FRIEDERICK, DAVID 02/18/2016 021816 SO GIRLS BASKETBALL 2/15 & 2/16/16 135.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 29118 KESSELER, KEN 02/18/2016 021816 SO GIRLS BASKETBALL 2/16 & 2/18/16 135.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 29119 LORENZO, RONALD 02/18/2016 021816 SO GIRLS BASKETBALL 2/16 & 2/18/16 135.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 29120 SELIG, DAVID 02/18/2016 021816 SO GIRLS BASKETBALL 2/16/16 29121 SOBESKI, SCOTT 02/18/2016 021816 SO GIRLS BASKETBALL 2/16 & 2/18/16 135.00 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 29122 JOHLIE, THERESA 02/19/2016 021116 Reimbursement Competitive State Dance Competition 422.98 10E006 1500 6400 01 000000 29123 BEZAK, JACQUELINE 02/24/2016 021216 professional development supplies 38.92 10E008 2210 4100 01 000000 29124 CAPITAL ONE COMMERCIAL 02/24/2016 055351 Costco payment for FACS supplies. 112.69 10E006 1400 4100 17 000000 29125 CRAMER, JONATHAN 02/24/2016 20416 Food for ILMEA 50.98 10E006 1130 4100 46 000000 29126 FYE, JEANETTE 02/24/2016 022316 Lunch money refund 35.60 10R000 1614 0000 00 000000 29127 LINCOLNSHIRE-PRAIRIE VIEW ELEM 02/24/2016 022216 NEIASBO Security Lunch. Jean Malek 29128 MAGAZINES.COM LLC magazines for library 02/24/2016 C89659885 67.50 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 67.50 10E006 1500 3100 01 000000 25.00 10E008 2520 6400 01 000000 475.43 10E004 2220 4400 01 000000 29129 NEXTEL (REMITTANCE) 02/24/2016 900810122- Billing Nov 22 - Dec 21, 2015. Acct 900810122 29130 PURCHASE ADVANTAGE CARD 02/24/2016 021016 694 LD Supplies (J. Cataldi-HS). Acct ending in 6945 2.36 20E008 2540 3401 01 000000 29130 PURCHASE ADVANTAGE CARD 02/24/2016 021016. 69 LD Supplies (J. Cataldi-HS). Acct ending in 6945 29131 ROLLING MEADOWS HIGH SCHOOL 02/24/2016 ENTRY FEE Thompson/Band 29132 LINDA Z'S INC. 02/26/2016 049838 serviced 28 sewing machines purchased 14 needle plates 1,360.00 10E010 1120 3100 01 000000 29132 LINDA Z'S INC. 29133 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 02/26/2016 049838 serviced 28 sewing machines purchased 14 needle plates 02/26/2016 00008R8F26 FRT 560.00 10E010 1120 4100 01 000000 19.10 10E008 2310 3400 01 000000 55.27 10E008 1205 4100 01 000000 10.38 10E008 1205 4100 01 000000 200.00 10E006 1130 3100 13 000000 1 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK NUMBER VENDOR 7:11 AM 03/01/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 02/01/16 - 02/29/16) CHECK INVOICE INVOICE DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION PAGE: ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER Totals for checks 8,405.52 2 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 F U N D FUND DESCRIPTION 10 20 7:11 AM BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 02/01/16 - 02/29/16) S U M M A R Y BALANCE SHEET REVENUE EXPENSE TOTAL EDUCATION FUND 0.00 35.60 8,249.54 8,285.14 OPER & MAINT 0.00 0.00 120.38 120.38 0.00 35.60 8,369.92 8,405.52 *** Fund Summary Totals *** ************************ End of report ************************ 03/01/16 PAGE: 3 District Account Numbers ‐ High School Account Number 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 93 NOTE: L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 006 3000 3002 3004 3005 3006 3007 3008 3010 3011 3012 3013 3014 3015 3016 3017 3018 3019 3020 3021 3022 3023 3024 3025 3026 3027 3028 3029 3030 3031 3032 3033 3034 3035 3036 3037 3038 3040 3042 3043 3044 3048 3049 3050 3051 3052 3053 3054 3055 3058 3059 3063 3064 3065 3066 3067 3068 3070 3071 3100 6002 6007 6010 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 Description 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 243 245 286 241 290 280 281 289 285 247 214 287 200 236 248 213 239 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 229 230 231 232 256 233 257 234 235 209 258 210 211 201 202 262 265 266 228 267 268 269 270 271 274 275 278 242 282 227 284 261 244 291 301 279 289 294 Patron Program ‐ District Activity English Dept ‐ District Activity Library Fees ‐ District Activity PE Dept ‐ District Activity B Tennis ‐ District Activity Envir Aware ‐ District Activity Debate/Speech ‐ District Activity Science Dept‐District Activity Athletic Host‐District Activity Miske Estate‐District Activity Math Dept‐District Activity Guidance‐District Activity Fine Arts Dept‐District Activity Bear Facts ‐ District Activity FACS‐District Activity Yearbook‐District Activity Recycling Club‐District Activity Tech Club ‐ District Activity Choir‐District Activity Poms‐District Activity B Basketball‐District Activity G Golf ‐ District Activity Boys Golf‐District Activity B Volleyball‐District Activity G Volleyball‐District Activity Boys Track‐District Activity Girls Tennis‐District Activity Girls Bowling‐District Activity B Bowling‐District Activity B Cross Country‐District Activity Cheerleader‐District Activity G Cross Country‐District Activity G Basketball‐District Activity Art Club‐District Activity Color Guard‐District Activity Tri‐M ‐ District Activity Drama Prod‐District Activity Orchestra‐District Activity Litrerary Mag‐District Activity Stu Assist‐District Activity Soc Study‐District Activity Trainer‐District Activity G Soccer ‐ District Activity B Soccer‐District Activity Football‐District Activity Softball‐District Activity Wrestling‐District Activity Baseball‐District Activity PAC‐District Activity Business Dept‐District Activity Trees‐District Activity General ‐ District Activity PSAT Test & Training ‐ District Activity Operation Click‐District Activity HS Activity‐District Activity Band‐District Activity World Lang‐District Activity Girls Track‐District Activity Transition‐District Activity Staff Social‐Convenience Science Dept‐Convenience Student Ser‐Convenience Activity February Ending Balance June Closed Recycling Club moved to Envir Club $41.59 June Closed Poms Student Activity moved to Poms District Activity June Closed Astronomy Club Student Activity moved to General District Activity June Closed Fashion Club Student Activity moved to General District Activity Balance FEB 1, 16 Expense Revenue Balance FEB 29, 16 ‐2,038.79 0.00 0.00 ‐2,038.79 ‐209.24 0.00 0.00 ‐209.24 ‐3,109.94 0.00 0.00 ‐3,109.94 ‐6,450.72 0.00 0.00 ‐6,450.72 ‐237.32 0.00 0.00 ‐237.32 ‐1,017.76 275.00 0.00 ‐742.76 ‐83.23 0.00 0.00 ‐83.23 ‐1,301.93 0.00 0.00 ‐1,301.93 ‐21,764.57 3,939.33 ‐6,300.70 ‐24,125.94 ‐6,815.63 0.00 ‐122.09 ‐6,937.72 ‐8,433.80 2,133.15 0.00 ‐6,300.65 ‐333.18 0.00 0.00 ‐333.18 527.69 2,719.60 ‐3,008.00 239.29 ‐4,133.31 0.00 0.00 ‐4,133.31 ‐2,963.68 0.00 ‐448.06 ‐3,411.74 ‐9,421.98 437.68 4,160.00 ‐4,824.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ‐19,465.84 7,178.78 ‐5,000.00 ‐17,287.06 ‐14,391.95 3,130.00 ‐2,385.39 ‐13,647.34 ‐2,269.05 896.00 ‐1,292.80 ‐2,665.85 ‐2,409.84 849.02 ‐75.00 ‐1,635.82 ‐3,872.56 0.00 0.00 ‐3,872.56 ‐5,509.03 0.00 0.00 ‐5,509.03 ‐2,493.82 0.00 0.00 ‐2,493.82 ‐6,406.62 0.00 0.00 ‐6,406.62 ‐3,855.96 803.00 ‐8,647.00 ‐11,699.96 ‐263.65 0.00 0.00 ‐263.65 ‐1,001.17 0.00 0.00 ‐1,001.17 ‐4,133.63 ‐154.81 0.00 ‐4,288.44 ‐4,971.32 0.00 ‐50.00 ‐5,021.32 ‐2,455.71 1,570.00 ‐454.00 ‐1,339.71 ‐2,362.48 0.00 0.00 ‐2,362.48 ‐1,370.58 3,478.70 ‐2,377.00 ‐268.88 ‐1,537.27 0.00 0.00 ‐1,537.27 ‐496.34 1,309.65 ‐1,500.71 ‐687.40 ‐2,747.97 0.00 0.00 ‐2,747.97 ‐1,599.90 5,960.80 ‐11,754.65 ‐7,393.75 ‐1,436.44 244.00 ‐415.00 ‐1,607.44 ‐784.13 0.00 0.00 ‐784.13 ‐951.03 0.00 0.00 ‐951.03 ‐4,824.11 897.50 ‐563.80 ‐4,490.41 ‐453.13 0.00 0.00 ‐453.13 ‐2,187.29 0.00 0.00 ‐2,187.29 ‐751.29 0.00 0.00 ‐751.29 ‐26,978.89 0.00 0.00 ‐26,978.89 ‐7,682.73 0.00 0.00 ‐7,682.73 ‐2,534.94 0.00 ‐720.00 ‐3,254.94 ‐19,044.59 0.00 ‐126.00 ‐19,170.59 ‐189.13 49.95 0.00 ‐139.18 ‐1,007.40 10.17 0.00 ‐997.23 ‐2,013.35 0.00 0.00 ‐2,013.35 ‐16,891.86 379.00 0.00 ‐16,512.86 ‐20,865.14 0.00 ‐15,640.00 ‐36,505.14 ‐4,202.95 562.11 0.00 ‐3,640.84 ‐4,570.08 101.00 0.00 ‐4,469.08 ‐8,042.72 0.00 ‐140.00 ‐8,182.72 ‐2,165.63 0.00 0.00 ‐2,165.63 ‐1,425.91 1,042.19 ‐4,703.00 ‐5,086.72 ‐2,001.97 439.48 0.00 ‐1,562.49 ‐2,058.35 0.00 0.00 ‐2,058.35 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ‐49.73 44.89 ‐134.00 ‐138.84 ‐284,514.87 38,296.19 ‐61,697.20 ‐307,915.88 ‐23,401.01 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK NUMBER VENDOR 52466 BOYAS, EMILY 11:16 AM 03/03/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 02/01/16 - 02/29/16) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT NUMBER reimbursement for payment for shuttle for students for 627.04 92L006 2013 0000 43 000213 02/04/2016 020216 ACCOUNT Journalism conference 3/16 & 3/19 52467 COMMUNITY UNIT SCHOOL DISTRICT 02/04/2016 020216 Transportation for Ski Club to Alpine Ski Resort on 1/22/16 52468 DOUBLE B ENTERTAINMENT INC 02/04/2016 1604 DJ for IHSA Cheerleading Sectional Competition 1/30/16 52469 ELEGANT EMBROIDERY 02/04/2016 35287 Poms Apparel, 1/4 Zip Pullover 52470 FIRST TO THE FINISH 02/04/2016 SI-595366 Girls Track Equipment 475.72 93L006 3071 0000 43 000291 52470 FIRST TO THE FINISH 02/04/2016 SI-595809 Girls Track Equipment 177.99 93L006 3071 0000 43 000291 52471 QUILL CORP 02/04/2016 2796994 Pocket folders for Boys Track 52472 STANTON, LAURA 02/04/2016 020216 reimbursement for dinner for students working on the 52473 SUTTON, MICHAEL 02/04/2016 020216 Boys Bowling Reimbursement for lunches 331.10 92L006 2021 0000 43 000221 1,120.00 93L006 3011 0000 43 000285 896.00 93L006 3022 0000 43 000251 18.88 93L006 3028 0000 43 000230 284.45 93L006 3018 0000 43 000213 yearbook 49.43 93L006 3031 0000 43 000256 52474 UNIVERSITY CENTER OF LAKE COUN 02/04/2016 11857 HS Field Trip 0.00 92L006 2017 0000 43 000217 52474 UNIVERSITY CENTER OF LAKE COUN 02/04/2016 11857 HS Field Trip 600.00 92L006 2082 0000 43 000296 52475 ANDYMARK, INC 02/11/2016 124568 Robot control system and parts 52476 BOYAS, EMILY 02/11/2016 20916 journalism convention registration 52477 D&S MARKETING SYSTEMS, INC 02/11/2016 020216 AP Calculus books 52478 DROLLINGER, KRISTIN 02/11/2016 020416 Snacks for kids workshop-Orchesis 35.28 92L006 2018 0000 43 000218 52478 DROLLINGER, KRISTIN 02/11/2016 020916 Workshop Refund 51.50 92L006 2018 0000 43 000218 52479 ELEGANT EMBROIDERY 02/11/2016 35290 Honk! Jr. t-shirts 52480 FLORES, MADISON 02/11/2016 020516 purchase of candy to pass out at doors 52481 GRAHAM, MARCEL 02/11/2016 020916 MAC PRO CASE REPLACED DAMAGED LIGHT PARTS 52481 GRAHAM, MARCEL 02/11/2016 020916 MAC PRO CASE REPLACED DAMAGED LIGHT PARTS 49.95 93L006 3058 0000 43 000274 52482 HARVARD HIGH SCHOOL 02/11/2016 020416 State Solo and Ensemble Contest entry fees 517.00 92L006 2044 0000 43 000261 52482 HARVARD HIGH SCHOOL 02/11/2016 020416 State Solo and Ensemble Contest entry fees 521.00 93L006 3021 0000 43 000250 52482 HARVARD HIGH SCHOOL 02/11/2016 020416 State Solo and Ensemble Contest entry fees 244.00 93L006 3042 0000 43 000201 52483 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/11/2016 32624 Honk! Jr. set supplies 183.73 93L006 3040 0000 43 000211 52483 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/11/2016 3040915 Honk! Jr. set supplies 98.97 93L006 3040 0000 43 000211 52483 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/11/2016 4034572 Honk! Jr. set supplies 19.28 93L006 3040 0000 43 000211 52483 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 02/11/2016 9114731` Honk! Jr. set supplies 52484 INK'N TEES INC 02/11/2016 4528 Charity Bash t-shirts 283.75 92L006 2023 0000 43 000223 52485 KEYZER, JOHN JR. 02/11/2016 020916 robot encoder sensor and wires 708.87 93L006 3020 0000 43 000249 52487 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO 02/11/2016 47806766 Robot hardware 253.50 93L006 3020 0000 43 000249 52487 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO 02/11/2016 47933913 Robot hardware 55.08 93L006 3020 0000 43 000249 52487 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO 02/11/2016 48370256 Robot hardware 88.26 93L006 3020 0000 43 000249 52487 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO 02/11/2016 48469173 Robot hardware 445.59 93L006 3020 0000 43 000249 52487 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO 02/11/2016 48765618 Robot hardware 46.98 93L006 3020 0000 43 000249 52487 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO 02/11/2016 48673036 Robot hardware 305.74 93L006 3020 0000 43 000249 52487 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO 52487 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO 02/11/2016 48564231 02/11/2016 48565450 Robot hardware Robot hardware 46.02 93L006 3020 0000 43 000249 49.63 93L006 3020 0000 43 000249 1,487.89 93L006 3020 0000 43 000249 872.00 92L006 2013 0000 43 000213 2,133.15 93L006 3013 0000 43 000214 759.00 93L006 3040 0000 43 000211 69.95 92L006 2018 0000 43 000218 314.57 92L006 2036 0000 43 000283 47.91 93L006 3040 0000 43 000211 1 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK NUMBER VENDOR 52488 PAUL, TIMOTHY 11:16 AM 03/03/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 02/01/16 - 02/29/16) CHECK INVOICE INVOICE DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION 02/11/2016 262461 PAGE: ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER Choir festival piano rental 750.00 93L006 3021 0000 43 000250 52489 RB-TPG CHICAGO NORTH SHORE LLC 02/11/2016 PROM DEPOS Down payment on Prom held on 5/20/17 1,000.00 92L006 2081 0000 43 000295 52490 RB-TPG CHICAGO NORTH SHORE LLC 02/11/2016 PROM DEPOS Down payment on Prom held on 5/19/18 1,000.00 92L006 2081 0000 43 000295 52491 RHINE, SAM 02/11/2016 020816 2,880.00 92L006 2082 0000 43 000296 52492 SCHOOL HEALTH CORPORATION 02/11/2016 3087704-00 Gatorade Refuel/Restore Refresher Package for trainer Quote GENETIC UPDATE CONFERENCE 70.00 93L006 3033 0000 43 000257 3086615-00 52493 SID TOOL CO INC 02/11/2016 C40138436 Drill Chuck and Arbor and End Mills 52494 SIGNSCAPES 02/11/2016 RP-8951 Vinyl signs for Cheerleading Sectional 179.62 93L006 3020 0000 43 000249 52495 STANTON, LAURA 02/11/2016 020816 Reimbursement for breakfast for student morning meeting 153.23 93L006 3018 0000 43 000213 52496 SUTTON, MICHAEL 02/11/2016 020416 Reimbursement for food Coaches Hospitality Boys Bowling 204.24 93L006 3011 0000 43 000285 1,164.00 93L006 3011 0000 43 000285 Invite 1/9/2016 52497 TROPHIES BY GEORGE 02/11/2016 8316-16 Boys Bowling Awards 52498 USGTC 02/11/2016 106813 January Gym Rental for Cheerleading 1,500.00 93L006 3033 0000 43 000257 31.50 93L006 3011 0000 43 000285 52499 VEX ROBOTICS, INC 02/11/2016 131334 Robot parts, gear boxes and hardware 1,280.78 93L006 3020 0000 43 000249 52499 VEX ROBOTICS, INC 02/11/2016 134101 Robot parts, gear boxes and hardware 285.83 93L006 3020 0000 43 000249 52499 VEX ROBOTICS, INC 02/11/2016 134102 Robot parts, gear boxes and hardware 635.06 93L006 3020 0000 43 000249 52500 ABLAN, MARIA 02/19/2016 021616 Honk Productions 703.26 93L006 3040 0000 43 000211 52501 ANTCZAK, DAVID 02/19/2016 021616 Reimbursement for snacks for Girls Track event 2/11/16 52502 BATTERIES PLUS HOLDING CORPORA 02/19/2016 296-309464 Microphone batteries for Honk! Jr. 52503 BONNEVIER, PAMELA 02/19/2016 21616 Reinbursement for Judges hospitality 99.65 93L006 3071 0000 43 000291 200.16 93L006 3040 0000 43 000211 Cheerleading 141.11 93L006 3011 0000 43 000285 Sectional 52504 BOYAS, EMILY 02/19/2016 21616 yearbook valentines student breakfast 52505 BSN SPORTS 02/19/2016 97419166 Girls Basketball Shoes 52506 CAPITAL ONE COMMERCIAL 02/19/2016 066992 Hospitality Room snacks and drink for Coaches Meeting Room, 93.79 92L006 2013 0000 43 000213 3,358.70 93L006 3035 0000 43 000235 92.48 93L006 3011 0000 43 000285 Cheer Sectional 1/30/16 52507 CATALDI, JENNA 02/19/2016 021616 orchesis 47.61 92L006 2018 0000 43 000218 52508 DROLLINGER, KRISTIN 02/19/2016 021616 Flowers/candy for orchesis show 21.45 92L006 2018 0000 43 000218 52509 ELEGANT EMBROIDERY 02/19/2016 35355 choir hoodies 52509 ELEGANT EMBROIDERY 02/19/2016 35342 orchesis workshop kid t-shirts 328.00 92L006 2018 0000 43 000218 52510 ENTERPRISE RENT A CAR 02/19/2016 830894 Van rental to Pekin boys basketball tournament 371.92 93L006 3023 0000 43 000252 52511 FLORES, MADISON 02/19/2016 021616 orchesis white dresses 52512 GEORG'S PRINTING 02/19/2016 24286 104 competition t-shirts 52513 GRAPHIC EDGE 02/19/2016 955253 Boys Track T Shirts 784.12 93L006 3028 0000 43 000230 52514 HAT WORLD INC 02/19/2016 934198 Boys Basketball Gatorade G Series 160.00 93L006 3023 0000 43 000252 52514 HAT WORLD INC 02/19/2016 1000323 Boys Basketball Long Sleeve Nike Core T Shirts 281.00 93L006 3023 0000 43 000252 52515 HAWKINS, JENNIFER 02/19/2016 021016 lunch for science field trip 726.05 92L006 2082 0000 43 000296 52516 HEFFERNAN, KELLY 02/19/2016 reiisue 02 replacing outstanding check 52219 52517 ICON VIDEO AND PHOTO BOOTH LLC 02/19/2016 9475-1 52517 ICON VIDEO AND PHOTO BOOTH LLC 02/19/2016 9475-1 deposit for prom photobooth 2016 deposit for prom photobooth 2016 1,859.00 93L006 3021 0000 43 000250 74.95 92L006 2018 0000 43 000218 1,282.00 93L006 3020 0000 43 000249 8.97 92L006 2008 0000 43 000208 101.00 93L006 3067 0000 43 000284 399.00 92L006 2081 0000 43 000295 2 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK NUMBER VENDOR 11:16 AM 03/03/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 02/01/16 - 02/29/16) PAGE: CHECK INVOICE INVOICE DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION AMOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT 439.48 93L006 3100 0000 43 000301 52518 MATTHEW MILAZZO-PETTY CASH 02/19/2016 021516 reimbursement 01-28-16 to 02-05-2016 52519 PITCHER, WILLIAM 02/19/2016 021016 Reimbursement for Boys Basketball Team Breakfast 2/8/16 52520 ROSATI'S PIZZA 02/19/2016 021716 Science Field Trip Lunch 52520 ROSATI'S PIZZA 02/19/2016 021116 Girls Track Pizza Dinner 52521 STANTON, LAURA 02/19/2016 021116 airfare for the yearbook club 52522 STUART, ERICA 02/19/2016 020816 reimbursement to Erica Stuart for fundraising items 275.00 93L006 3007 0000 43 000280 52523 VAZQUEZ, ROLANDO 02/19/2016 021216 Reimbursement for Girls Basketball Outing 1/29/16 120.00 93L006 3035 0000 43 000235 52524 WILLIAMS, JILL 02/19/2016 02162016 Honk jr. costumes 343.49 93L006 3040 0000 43 000211 36.10 93L006 3023 0000 43 000252 767.60 92L006 2082 0000 43 000296 288.83 93L006 3071 0000 43 000291 4,205.23 92L006 2013 0000 43 000213 52525 AMERICAN LOGISTICS CORPORATION 02/25/2016 44626 Student Services Sign 52526 BLICK ART MATERIALS 02/25/2016 181945 Student Art Kits 379.00 93L006 3064 0000 43 000242 52527 BOYAS, EMILY 02/25/2016 022416 9/11 museum admission 264.00 92L006 2013 0000 43 000213 52527 BOYAS, EMILY 02/25/2016 22416 Yearbook 171.00 92L006 2013 0000 43 000213 52528 COMMUNITY UNIT SCHOOL DISTRICT 02/25/2016 022316 FT Chicago History Musuem 897.50 93L006 3048 0000 43 000265 52529 CUSTOMINK.COM 02/25/2016 7053866 Freshman class board shirts 52529 CUSTOMINK.COM 02/26/2016 void check check issued in error 52530 ENG, MIDORI 02/25/2016 svcs022316 last payment for color guard 52531 GRAPHIC EDGE 02/25/2016 964152 26 club 1/4" zip jackets 562.11 93L006 3066 0000 43 000227 52532 HOPKINS, ANNE 02/25/2016 022416 science team reimbursement 164.42 92L006 2017 0000 43 000217 2,719.60 93L006 3015 0000 43 000200 396.24 92L006 2003 0000 43 000203 -396.24 92L006 2003 0000 43 000203 500.00 93L006 3037 0000 43 000258 52533 LAKE ZURICH HIGH SCHOOL BEAR B 02/25/2016 021816 Reimburse Bear Boosters for hospitality 52534 MCCORMICKS ENTERPRISES INC 02/25/2016 00190807 color guard rifle straps 1,078.00 93L006 3011 0000 43 000285 52535 NESTLE WATERS NORTH AMERICA 02/25/2016 06B0120988 water 52536 ROSATI'S PIZZA 02/25/2016 21716 Hospitality for Girls Basketball Regional 2-16-16 52537 ROTHERMEL, DARREN 02/25/2016 022316 reimburse water for consumer ed interview 52538 STANTON, LAURA 02/25/2016 022316 Yearbook Breakfast 52538 STANTON, LAURA 02/25/2016 22316 yearbook dinner 52539 WESOLIK, ANNA 02/25/2016 022316 FRC Robot Supplies 52540 WILES, DAVID 02/25/2016 SVCS022316 last of 3 choreography payments for color guard 52541 ZIARNIK, ANDREW 02/25/2016 022316 GERMAN DAY AT UIC 52542 MTI ENTERPRISES, INC 02/26/2016 9348467 Spring Musical Rights 309.65 93L006 3037 0000 43 000258 44.89 93L006 6010 0000 43 000294 108.00 93L006 3011 0000 43 000285 10.17 93L006 3059 0000 43 000275 75.00 92L006 2013 0000 43 000213 327.89 92L006 2013 0000 43 000213 27.93 93L006 3020 0000 43 000249 500.00 93L006 3037 0000 43 000258 75.00 92L006 2016 0000 43 000216 3,605.00 93L006 3040 0000 43 000211 Totals for checks 54,832.58 3 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 F U N D FUND DESCRIPTION 11:16 AM BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 02/01/16 - 02/29/16) S U M M A R Y BALANCE SHEET REVENUE EXPENSE TOTAL 92 Cash Activity Account - HS 16,332.15 0.00 0.00 16,332.15 93 District Activity - HS 38,500.43 0.00 0.00 38,500.43 54,832.58 0.00 0.00 54,832.58 *** Fund Summary Totals *** ************************ End of report ************************ 03/03/16 PAGE: 4 MIDDLE & ELEMENTARY DISTRICT ACTIVITY ACCOUNTS Beginning 00 001008 Description Drama Production-MW Ending FEB 1,16 Expense Revenue FEB 28,16 -1,575.25 0.00 0.00 ‐1,575.25 ‐9,448.51 0.00 0.00 ‐9,448.51 ‐676.36 0.00 0.00 ‐676.36 ‐7,732.05 258.24 -138.69 ‐7,612.50 0.00 2016.00 -2016.00 0.00 ‐4,489.74 58.07 -18.00 ‐4,449.67 ‐108.35 0.00 0.00 ‐108.35 ‐114.96 0.00 0.00 ‐114.96 Balance Per 94 L ACCOUNT NUMBER 001 3040 0000 School 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 L L L L L L L 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 3064 3072 3074 3075 3082 3083 3084 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 001001 001002 001003 001007 001004 001005 001006 General‐District Activity‐MW Field Trips‐District Act‐MW Student Council‐Dist Act‐MW Taft‐Dist Act‐MW In/Out‐District Activity‐MW Library Fees‐District Act‐MW Birthday Book‐District Act‐MW 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 L L L L L L L L L 003 003 003 003 003 003 003 003 003 3072 3074 3075 3083 3084 3086 3087 3094 6002 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 003004 003008 003009 003001 003002 003006 003007 003005 003003 Field Trips‐District Act‐SA Student Council‐Dist Act‐SA TAFT‐District Activity‐SA Library Fees‐District Act‐SA Birthday Book‐District Act‐SA Book Store‐District Act‐SA Student Activity‐Dist‐M&E Erica Meyer Fund‐Dist Act‐SA Staff Social‐Convenience‐SA ‐8,414.13 ‐1.65 ‐2,307.50 ‐268.92 ‐1,941.62 ‐1,585.95 ‐4,894.71 ‐272.12 ‐2,740.99 1,029.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 426.35 0.00 288.75 ‐600.00 0.00 ‐2,481.79 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ‐228.80 ‐7,984.63 ‐1.65 ‐4,789.29 ‐268.92 ‐1,941.62 ‐1,585.95 ‐4,468.36 ‐272.12 ‐2,681.04 ‐23,993.58 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 L L L L L L L L L 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 3021 3042 3044 3064 3068 3072 3075 3089 6002 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 004005 004005 004006 004001 004004 004003 004005 004004 004002 Choir‐District Activity‐SP Orchestra‐District Activity‐SP Student Assistance‐Dist Act‐SP General‐District Activity‐SP Band‐District Activity‐SP Field Trips‐District Act‐SP TAFT‐District Activity‐SP BOC ‐ District Activity‐SP Staff Social‐Convenience‐SP ‐20.01 ‐750.67 ‐2388.84 ‐6759.75 ‐617.47 ‐392.87 0.00 0.00 ‐528.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 124.99 0.00 ‐22.50 0.00 ‐1239.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ‐161.00 ‐20.01 ‐773.17 ‐2,388.84 ‐7,999.55 ‐617.47 ‐292.87 0.00 0.00 ‐564.45 ‐12,656.36 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 L L L L L L L L L L 005 005 005 005 005 005 005 005 005 005 3021 3040 3042 3044 3064 3068 3073 3074 3076 3077 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 005001 005011 005002 005010 005003 005005 005012 005007 005004 005013 Choir‐District Act‐MSN Drama Prod‐District Act‐MSN Orchestra‐District Act‐MSN Student Asst‐District Act‐MSN General‐District Activity‐MSN Band‐District Activity0MSN 6th Grade‐District Act‐MSN Student Council‐Dist Act‐MSN Book Replacement‐Dist Act‐MSN 7th Grade District Act‐MSN ‐6,892.07 ‐17,911.49 ‐7,520.97 ‐4,083.52 ‐1,515.62 ‐4,610.43 ‐1,134.99 ‐8,172.54 ‐3,051.47 ‐906.72 1,010.34 1,182.78 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 86.80 330.00 1,853.42 60.00 3,333.00 ‐250.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ‐5,313.58 0.00 ‐110.70 0.00 0.00 ‐2,548.73 ‐16,978.71 ‐7,520.97 ‐4,083.52 ‐1,515.62 ‐9,924.01 ‐1,048.19 ‐7,953.24 ‐1,198.05 ‐846.72 ‐23,985.60 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 L L L L L L L 005 005 005 005 005 005 005 3078 3079 3083 3085 3088 3090 6002 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 005014 005008 005009 005015 005016 005017 005006 8th Grade District Act‐MSN Clubs‐District Activity‐MSN Library Fees‐District Act‐MSN Springfield‐District Act‐MSN Home Ec Kit‐Dist Act‐MSN Sports‐District Activity‐MSN Staff Social‐Convenience‐MSN ‐4,450.48 ‐3,604.39 ‐1,483.72 0.00 ‐1,352.44 ‐15,879.47 ‐887.16 0.00 2,916.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,146.50 90.00 1,910.26 ‐1,198.38 ‐27.00 0.00 0.00 1,607.72 0.00 ‐2,540.22 ‐1,886.77 ‐1,510.72 0.00 ‐1,352.44 ‐11,125.25 ‐797.16 JAN 31,16 -236.34 -1,276.42 General‐District Act‐ IF Band ‐ District Activity‐IF Field Trips‐District Act‐IF Student Council‐Dist Act‐IF TAFT‐District Activity‐IF Book Replacement‐Dist Act‐IF Clubs‐District Activity‐IF Fundraiser‐District Act‐IF Homework Club‐Dist Act‐IF Target‐District Activity‐IF Fox Classroom Fund‐Dist Act‐IF Scholarship‐Dist Act‐IF Media Center‐District Act‐IF Staff Social‐District Act‐IF JAN 1,16 Expense Revenue ‐543.24 306.90 0.00 ‐1,276.42 0.00 0.00 ‐6,444.57 418.97 ‐2,418.15 ‐1,836.35 0.00 0.00 ‐94.82 0.00 ‐140.00 ‐680.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ‐3,017.64 0.00 0.00 ‐660.29 0.00 0.00 ‐1,856.95 0.00 ‐23.09 ‐1,231.84 0.00 0.00 ‐317.87 0.00 0.00 559.29 0.00 0.00 ‐4,706.04 0.00 0.00 ‐168.96 0.00 0.00 ‐1.72 0.00 0.00 Choir‐District Activity‐MSS Cheerleading‐DistActivity‐MSS Drama‐District Activity‐MSS Orchestra‐DistActivity‐MSS Student Assistant‐Dist Act‐MSS Wrestling‐District Act‐MSS General‐Dist Activity‐MSS Band‐District Activity‐MSS 6th Grade‐District Act‐MSS Student Council‐Dist Act‐MSS Book Replacement‐Dist Act‐MSS 7th Grade‐District Act‐MSS 8th Grade‐District Act‐MSS 819.21 ‐173.75 ‐25,067.22 ‐2,936.18 ‐3,441.43 ‐626.55 ‐750.87 ‐3,991.71 0.00 ‐3,769.05 ‐104.84 492.67 ‐320.00 ‐6,953.29 ‐75.75 ‐24,754.21 ‐3,034.18 ‐2,941.43 ‐626.55 ‐787.79 ‐4,837.90 0.00 ‐3,769.05 ‐116.84 ‐7.33 0.00 ‐72,830.32 MIDDLE & ELEMENTARY DISTRICT ACTIVITY ACCOUNTS Beginning ACCOUNT NUMBER 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L 009 009 009 009 009 009 009 009 009 009 009 009 009 009 009 009 3021 3042 3064 3068 3072 3074 3075 3076 3079 3080 3081 3095 3097 3098 3099 6002 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 009015 009016 009001 009006 009004 009007 009008 009002 009012 009013 009014 009011 009009 009010 009005 009003 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 L L L L L L L L L L L L L 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 3021 3033 3040 3042 3044 3054 3064 3068 3073 3074 3076 3077 3078 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 010001 010002 010012 010003 010011 010007 010004 010006 010013 010008 010005 010014 010015 Description Choir - District Activity - IF Orchestra - District Activity - IF Ending 50.00 0.00 313.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 184.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ‐7,822.50 98.00 0.00 ‐98.00 0.00 0.00 ‐221.00 ‐1,132.19 0.00 0.00 ‐12.00 0.00 320.00 ‐8,443.75 ‐1,836.35 ‐234.82 ‐680.90 0.00 ‐3,017.64 ‐660.29 ‐1,880.04 ‐1,231.84 ‐317.87 559.29 ‐4,706.04 ‐168.96 ‐1.72 Balance Per School ‐24,133.69 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 L L L L L L L 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 3079 3082 3088 3090 3091 3092 3096 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 010009 010010 010016 010017 010018 010019 010020 Clubs‐District Activity‐MSS In/Out‐District Activity‐MSS Home Ec Kit‐District Act‐MSS Sports‐District Act‐MSS Ski Trip‐District Activity‐MSS Band Resale‐District Act‐MSS 6‐8 Team‐District Act‐MSS ‐3,632.27 ‐1,482.34 ‐102.11 ‐350.68 ‐350.69 ‐2,780.50 ‐20.57 2,166.00 313.00 0.00 80.00 1,933.00 1,420.25 0.00 60.86 ‐354.37 0.00 0.00 ‐2,268.38 ‐2,647.12 0.00 ‐1,405.41 ‐1,523.71 ‐102.11 ‐270.68 ‐686.07 ‐4,293.37 ‐20.57 ‐56,206.24 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 L L L L L L L L 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 012 3064 3072 3074 3075 3082 3084 3089 3093 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 012001 012002 012004 012005 012006 012007 012003 012008 General‐District Activity‐SL Field Trips‐District Act‐SL Student Activity‐District Activity‐SL Taft‐District Activity‐SL In/Out‐District Activity‐SL Birthday Book‐District Act‐SL BOC‐District Activity‐SL Hailey's Fund‐Dist Act‐SL 0 ‐1,881.44 ‐2,124.79 0.00 0.00 ‐341.91 ‐205.85 ‐37.65 ‐978.30 0.00 980.00 0.00 0.00 570.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 ‐56.00 ‐1,476.75 0.00 0.00 ‐625.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ‐1,937.44 ‐2,621.54 0.00 0.00 ‐396.77 ‐205.85 ‐37.65 ‐978.30 ‐6,177.55 Feb. Ending Balance -217,925.48 23,713.09 ‐25,770.95 ‐219,983.34 -219,983.34 ‐2,057.86 ‐2,057.86 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 7:27 AM 03/01/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 02/01/16 - 02/29/16) CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION 701503 BUENNING, ELIZABETH 02/04/2016 020316 reimburse magazine 701504 ELEGANT EMBROIDERY 02/04/2016 35261 Volleyball Team Spiritwear 701505 FOLLETT SCHOOL SOLUTIONS INC 02/04/2016 314619A-4 Library Book Order 701506 HONEGGER, MELANIE 02/04/2016 011916 Adventure Club Wilmot Ski Trip 1/14/2016: PAGE: ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER 16.00 94L010 3082 0000 00 010010 1,516.00 94L005 3090 0000 00 005017 1,853.42 94L005 3076 0000 00 005004 Student Lift 1,818.00 94L005 3079 0000 00 005008 Tickets and Equipment Rental 701508 LAKE ZURICH FLORIST 02/04/2016 1173 Social Committee - Sympathy arrangements 56.95 94L003 6002 0000 00 003003 701508 LAKE ZURICH FLORIST 02/04/2016 1188 Social Committee - Sympathy arrangements 59.95 94L003 6002 0000 00 003003 50.95 94L003 6002 0000 00 003003 701508 LAKE ZURICH FLORIST 02/04/2016 1292 Social Committee - Sympathy arrangements 701508 LAKE ZURICH FLORIST 02/04/2016 1297 Social Committee - Sympathy arrangements 60.95 94L003 6002 0000 00 003003 701508 LAKE ZURICH FLORIST 02/04/2016 1433 Social Committee - Sympathy Arrangement Kathy Perkins 59.95 94L003 6002 0000 00 003003 701509 LAMB, MARGARET 02/04/2016 012716 6th Grade Student of the Month Luncheon 701510 LEISERV INC 02/04/2016 1-Mid Sout bowling club 701511 PLATT, JEFFERY 02/04/2016 012616 Spring Musical Set Construction Materials 701512 RAVE CUSTOM APPAREL 02/04/2016 16-113 Cheer Team Choreography and Team Bows 701513 RAYMOND GEDDES & CO INC 02/04/2016 568833 School Store Supplies 701514 ROSATI'S PIZZA 02/04/2016 012516 Wrestling Meet 1/23/2016: 701515 SPORTDECALS INC 02/04/2016 ARINV-4498 Chorus Student Apparel Order 694.87 94L005 3021 0000 00 005001 701516 WARREN, KIMBERLY 02/04/2016 020316 reimburse Spring Play 186.83 94L010 3040 0000 00 010012 701517 WEST MUSIC COMPANY 02/04/2016 Sl1248359 Soprano Recorders for music class 306.90 94L009 3021 0000 00 009015 701518 ADLER PLANETARIUM & ASTRONOMY 02/11/2016 40856 SA Grade 3 Field Trip 427.00 94L003 3072 0000 00 003004 701519 DRAKE, KATHY 02/11/2016 020216 Intramural Basketball Team Tee Shirts 252.00 94L005 3090 0000 00 005017 701520 HAHN, KIMBERLY 02/11/2016 020216 T-Shirts for Coding Club 701521 MCMAHON, LINDSAY 02/11/2016 20216 Student Council Fundraiser Items 701521 MCMAHON, LINDSAY 02/11/2016 020216 6th Grade Student of the Month Luncheon 701522 SPHERO INC 02/11/2016 3552 Sphero 2.0 robot for Coding club 701523 TRAVIS, LINDA 02/11/2016 020116 Adventure Club Wilmot Ski Trip 1/28/2016: 59.80 94L005 3073 0000 00 005012 2,166.00 94L010 3079 0000 00 010009 845.80 94L005 3040 0000 00 005011 1,220.00 94L005 3090 0000 00 005017 258.24 94L001 3074 0000 00 001003 Pizza Order 158.50 94L005 3090 0000 00 005017 29.00 94L009 3064 0000 00 009001 300.00 94L005 3074 0000 00 005007 27.00 94L005 3073 0000 00 005012 389.97 94L009 3064 0000 00 009001 Student Lift 1,098.00 94L005 3079 0000 00 005008 Tickets and Equipment Rental 701524 CHOPRA, AARON 02/12/2016 021016 reimburse ski trips 701525 DOOLEY-TAYLOR, LAURA 02/12/2016 020416 Student Council Fundraiser Items 1,933.00 94L010 3091 0000 00 010018 30.00 94L005 3074 0000 00 005007 701526 HARTKE, ELIZABETH 02/12/2016 020916 Reimbursement for purchases for May Whitney Musical 58.07 94L001 3082 0000 00 001004 701527 PANYARD INC 02/12/2016 P19576 Instrument 701528 WALGER, JULIE 02/12/2016 020916 Spring Musical Costumes 1,420.25 94L010 3092 0000 00 010019 336.98 94L005 3040 0000 00 005011 701529 BALDA, MARY 02/18/2016 021016 MINECRAFT CLUB TSHIRTS 570.14 94L012 3082 0000 00 012006 701530 BALDI CANDY CO 02/18/2016 FIELD TRIP Grade 1 Field Trip 130.00 94L003 3072 0000 00 003004 701531 LAKE COUNTY FOREST PRESERVES D 02/18/2016 FIELD TRIP For KDG Field trip to Ryerson woods 100.00 94L004 3072 0000 00 004003 701532 MARRIOTT HOTEL SERVICES INC 02/18/2016 FIELD TRIP FIELD TRIP 980.00 94L012 3072 0000 00 012002 701533 NEENAN, PATRICIA 02/18/2016 021016 reimbursement for lounge expense 124.99 94L004 6002 0000 00 004002 701534 CHRISTOPHEREN, LISA 701535 ELEGANT EMBROIDERY 02/25/2016 020316 02/25/2016 35330 refund deposit for Indy Lorado Taft clothing 50.00 94L010 3021 0000 00 010001 2,016.00 94L001 3075 0000 00 001007 1 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 CHECK 7:27 AM 03/01/16 BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 02/01/16 - 02/29/16) CHECK INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER VENDOR DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION 701535 ELEGANT EMBROIDERY 02/25/2016 35403 PAGE: ACCOUNT AMOUNT NUMBER Shirts scholastic bowl 297.00 94L010 3082 0000 00 010010 Grade 4 Field Trip 472.50 94L003 3072 0000 00 003004 701537 GREAT LAKES COCA-COLA DISTRIBU 02/25/2016 772203044 vending machines 184.08 94L010 3064 0000 00 010004 701538 IESA 02/25/2016 289 IESA Bowling Fees 701539 JONES SCHOOL SUPPLY CO., INC. 02/25/2016 1354537 Student Birthday/Award Pencils 216.30 94L003 3087 0000 00 003007 701540 NUZZO, NADINE 02/25/2016 022416 reimburse spring play 126.18 94L010 3040 0000 00 010012 701541 POINDEXTER, JEFFREY 02/25/2016 SVCS 2/11 Accompanist for Choir Students at Solo & Ensemble Contest 250.00 94L005 3021 0000 00 005001 701542 PURE WATER SOLUTIONS OF IL 02/25/2016 6732 Water Purification System 701543 SPORTDECALS INC 02/25/2016 ARINV-4513 Chorus Student Apparel Order 701544 WEST MUSIC COMPANY 02/25/2016 Sl1257537 701536 ELGIN SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA ASSOC 02/25/2016 182995 SA 80.00 94L010 3090 0000 00 010017 90.00 94L005 6002 0000 00 005006 65.47 94L005 3021 0000 00 005001 Music Class Recorders 210.05 94L003 3087 0000 00 003007 701545 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS EXTENSI 02/25/2016 2016 EMBRY Science Supplies 60.00 94L005 3077 0000 00 005013 Totals for checks 23,713.09 2 3frdtl01.p Community Unit School District 95 F U N D FUND DESCRIPTION 94 District Activity M & E *** Fund Summary Totals *** 7:27 AM BOARD RUN REPORT (Dates: 02/01/16 - 02/29/16) S U M M A R Y BALANCE SHEET REVENUE EXPENSE TOTAL 23,713.09 0.00 0.00 23,713.09 23,713.09 0.00 0.00 23,713.09 ************************ End of report ************************ 03/01/16 PAGE: 3 Lake Zurich Community Unit School District 95 Report to Board of Education Board Meeting Date: March 23, 2016 From: Vicky Cullinan, Assistant Superintendent for Business and Operations Re: Special Education Transportation Contract Extension Policy Reference: Background: The District went out to bid in May of 2008 for transportation services to supplement the special education transportation services provided by the district’s transportation department. A threeyear bid for special education bus transportation services was awarded to Lakeside Transportation. For each of the 2011-2016 school years the board renewed the contract for an additional year. Lakeside Transportation has requested a contract extension for the 2016-2017 school year with a 3.0% increase for a daily rate of $296.42. Analysis: The bid price for the 2010-2011 school year was $315.60 and remained frozen for the 2011-2012 school year. The rate was reduced by 13% for the 2012-2013 school year to a daily rate of $274.57. The rate was not increased for the 2013-2014 school year. For the 2014-2015 school year the rate was $280.08 or a 2% increase. For the 2015-2016 school year the rate was increased by 2.75% to $287.78. Last year we also started to use first division vehicles (mini vans) driven by Lakeside’s trained, insured and licensed drivers. This rate is $232.10 which has reduced the special education transportation costs to the District. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the administration to approve a one-year contract extension with Lakeside Transportation for the 2016-2017 school with a rate increase of 3%. Motion: To approve a one-year contract extension with Lakeside Transportation with a 3% rate increase. MEMORANDUM TO: Board of Education FROM: Dr. Michael Egan, Superintendent DATE: March 23, 2016 SUBJECT: Additional Information Recent Freedom of Information Act Requests Jen Robbins, ATI Physical Therapy – 2/2/2016 Granted, Response sent electronically 2/23/2016 Regarding our sports medicine and athletic training services: · Services being offered and provided, the hours allotted for such services, the associated fees, and the term of your current agreement. Denise Burton, Bishop Plumbing – 2-16-2016 · Granted, Response sent electronically 3/9/2016 A list of backflow devices and when they were tested. Recent Donations to the District Target – Take Charge of Education Lake Zurich Middle School South - $1,058.65 Lake Zurich High School - $3,196.63 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Board of Education Dr. Michael Egan, Superintendent March 23, 2016 2016-2017 District Calendar The administration recommends the board adopt the following school calendar for 2016-2017. Highlights include: · · · · · · · · Institute Days - August 22, September 23, November 4, January 20, and February 17 Teacher Work Day – August 23 Teacher In-Service Day – August 24 First Day of School = August 25, 2016 Winter Break = December 22, 2016 through January 4, 2017 (resume January 5) Spring Break = March 27, 2017 through March 31, 2017 (resume April 3) Last Day of School = June 7, 2017 (emergency days June 8 through June 14) Conferences = § High School – November 3, 2016 and November 9, 2016 § Middle School – November 3, 2016 and November 10, 2016 § Elementary School – November 17, 2016 and November 21, 2016 The tentative calendar is posted on the District’s website. Once approved, it will also appear in principal newsletters, student and parent handbooks and the electronic newsletter that is distributed to community members. In addition, all licensed day care centers, parochial and private schools will be informed of the 2016-2017 calendar. Suggested Motion: Move to approve the 2016-2017 school calendar as presented. Dr. Michael J. Egan, Superintendent of Schools District 95 Administration Center - 400 South Old Rand Road - Lake Zurich IL 60047-2459 Phone: (847) 438-2831 Website: Fax: (847) 438-6702 2016-17 TENTATIVE* Calendar Snapshot Event Freshmen Orientation (morning) Middle Schools Walk-Your-Schedule Day Teacher Institute Day Teacher Work Day/Meet the Staff Day (Grades K-5) Teacher In-Service Day st 1 Day of Student Attendance (Full Day) Labor Day Institute Day Early Release (Grades K-12) Homecoming Columbus Day Early Release (Grades K-12) st 1 Quarter Ends Early Release (Grades 6-12) Parent/Teacher Conferences (Middle and High Schools) Institute Day Parent/Teacher Conferences (High School) Parent/Teacher Conferences (Middle Schools) Veterans Day Parent/Teacher Conferences (Elementary Schools) Early Release (Grades K-5) Parent/Teacher Conferences (Elementary Schools) Non Student Attendance Thanksgiving Non Student Attendance Winter Break MLK, Jr. Day nd 2 Quarter Ends Institute Day Early Release (Grades K-12) Institute Day Presidents’ Day Early Release (Grades K-12) rd 3 Quarter Ends Spring Break Non Student Attendance Early Release (Grades K-12) Early Release (Grades K-8) Memorial Day Graduation Last Day of School Date Thursday, August 18, 2016 Thursday, August 18, 2016 Monday, August 22, 2016 Tuesday, August 23, 2016 Wednesday, August 24, 2016 Thursday, August 25, 2016 Monday, September 5, 2016 Friday, September 23, 2016 Wednesday, September 28, 2016 Saturday, October 8, 2016 Monday, October 10, 2016 Thursday, October 20, 2016 Friday, October 28, 2016 Thursday, November 3, 2016 Thursday, November 3, 2016 Friday, November 4, 2016 Wednesday, November 9, 2016 Thursday, November 10, 2016 Friday, November 11, 2016 Thursday, November 17, 2016 Monday, November 21, 2016 Monday, November 21, 2016 Wednesday, November 23, 2016 Thursday, November 24, 2016 Friday, November 25, 2016 Thursday, Dec. 22, 2016-Wednesday, Jan. 4, 2017 (Classes resume on Thursday, January 5th, 2017) Monday, January 16, 2017 Thursday, January 19, 2017 Friday, January 20, 2017 Thursday, February 16, 2017 Friday, February 17, 2017 Monday, February 20, 2017 Wednesday, March 8, 2017 Friday, March 24, 2017 March 27-March 31, 2017 Friday, April 14, 2017 Friday, May 19, 2017 Friday, May 26, 2017 Monday, May 29, 2017 Sunday, June 4, 2017 th Wednesday, June 7, 2017 (June 14 including emergency days) *This is a tentative calendar which has not been approved by the Board of Education. A final calendar will be posted after the complete calendar is presented to the Board for approval. Revised 03.01.2016 District 95 Administration Center - 400 South Old Rand Road - Lake Zurich IL 60047-2459 Phone: (847) 438-2831 FAX: (847) 438-6702 TO: Board of Education FROM: Dr. Michael Egan, Superintendent AGENDA ITEM: Resolutions for Release of Staff DATE: March 18, 2016 Background Information: Pursuant to Section 24-11 of the School Code of Illinois (105 ILCS 5/24-11), the Administration is recommending release and reduction of certified staff members. The Administration has met with building principals to determine staffing needs. The following release recommendations are based on individual staff performance and the availability of positions and sections in the individual buildings for the 2016-17 school term. Resolutions for each action are attached and will be included with the minutes as part of the record. Suggested Motion: The Administration asks for a motion to adopt the following Resolutions: a. Resolution for Dismissal of Part Time Teachers; b. Resolution for Dismissal of First Year Probationary Teachers; c. Resolution for Reduction of Hours of Probationary Teachers; d. Resolution for Employees Honorable Dismissal of Educational Support District 95 Administration Center – Dr. Michael J. Egan, Superintendent of Schools 400 South Old Rand Road - Lake Zurich IL 60047-2459 Phone: (847) 438-2831 website: FAX: (847) 438-6702 Personnel RESOLUTION DISMISSAL OF PART-TIME TEACHERS WHEREAS, the following teachers are employed on (1) a part-time basis during the 2015-2016 school term, having taught or otherwise been present and participating in the District’s educational program for less than 120 days during the 2015-2016 school term or having worked part-time for the entire school term; or (2) was employed as a full-time teacher but who actually taught or was otherwise present and participating in the District’s educational program for less than a school term; and WHEREAS, the Board of Education has determined that these teachers shall not be reemployed for the 2016-2017 school term, pursuant to Section 24-11 of the School Code (105 ILCS 5/24-11); NOW, THEREFORE, Be It Resolved by the Board of Education of Lake Zurich Community Unit School District No. 95, Lake County, Illinois, that: Section 1: The following named part-time teachers shall not be reemployed for the 2016-2017 school term: Jennifer Bauerle Jonathan Cramer Kelly Pinard Konstantina Sampras Section 2: The President and Secretary of the Board are authorized and directed to give the teachers a written Notice of Dismissal by certified mail, return receipt requested, at least forty-five (45) days before the end of the school term. A copy of this Notice is attached as Exhibit A and incorporated by reference. Section 3: The Superintendent or designee shall also deliver a copy of the Notice to the teachers by first class mail and personally with a signature receipt. A copy of the receipt is attached as Exhibit B and incorporated by reference. Section 4: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon its passage. ADOPTED this 23rd day of March, 2016, by the following vote: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: ATTEST Board President Board Secretary EXHIBIT A , 2016 Via Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested, Personal Delivery and First Class Mail ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ RE: NOTICE OF DISMISSAL Dear __________________: At its meeting held on March 23, 2016, the Board of Education of Lake Zurich Community Unit School District No. 95, Lake County, Illinois, resolved not to reemploy you for the 2016-2017 school term. Your last day of employment in the District, subject to the use of emergency days, shall be June 3, 2016. Sincerely, Board of Education Lake Zurich Community Unit School District No. 95 Lake County, Illinois ATTEST Board President Board Secretary EXHIBIT B RECEIPT CONFIRMATION I, , received the attached Notice of Dismissal by (name of employee) personal delivery from , , of (name of person delivering notice) (title) Lake Zurich Community Unit School District No. 95, on , 2016. (date notice was given) _______________________________ (signature of employee) RESOLUTION DISMISSAL OF FIRST YEAR PROBATIONARY TEACHERS WHEREAS, the teachers named in Section 1 are completing their first term of probationary teaching service during the 2015-2016 school term; and WHEREAS, these teachers have taught or otherwise been present and participating in the District’s educational program for at least 120 days of full-time employment during the 2015-2016 school term; and WHEREAS, the Board of Education has determined that these teachers shall not be re-employed for the 2016-2017 school term, pursuant to Section 24-11 of the School Code (105 ILCS 5/24-11); NOW, THEREFORE, Be It Resolved by the Board of Education of Lake Zurich Community Unit School District No. 95, Lake County, Illinois, that: Section 1: The following named first year probationary teachers shall not be re-employed for the 2016-2017 school term: Laura Busse Abigail Peppmeyer Julie Purtell Lisa Rausch Holly Slaters Section 2: The President and Secretary of the Board are authorized and directed to give the teachers a written Notice of Dismissal by certified mail, return receipt requested, at least forty-five (45) days before the end of the school term. A copy of this Notice is attached as Exhibit A and incorporated by reference. Section 3: The Superintendent or designee shall also deliver a copy of the Notice to the teachers by first class mail and personally with a signature receipt. A copy of the receipt is attached as Exhibit B and incorporated by reference. Section 4: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon its passage. ADOPTED this 23rd day of March, 2016, by the following vote: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: ATTEST Board President Board Secretary EXHIBIT A , 2016 Via Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested Personal Delivery and First Class Mail ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ RE: NOTICE OF DISMISSAL Dear __________________: At its meeting held on March 23, 2016, the Board of Education of Lake Zurich Community Unit School District No. 95, Lake County, Illinois, pursuant to Section 24-11 of the School Code, resolved not to re-employ you for the 20162017 school term. Your last day of employment in the District, subject to the use of emergency days, shall be June 3, 2016. Sincerely, Board of Education Lake Zurich Community Unit School District No. 95 Lake County, Illinois ATTEST Board President Board Secretary EXHIBIT B RECEIPT CONFIRMATION I, , received the attached Notice of Dismissal by personal (name of employee) delivery from , , of (name of person delivering notice) (title) Lake Zurich Community Unit School District No. 95, on , 2016. (date notice was given) _______________________________ (signature of employee) RESOLUTION REDUCTION OF HOURS OF PROBATIONARY TEACHERS WHEREAS, the teachers listed in this Resolution are employed by the Board of Education of Lake Zurich Community Unit School District No. 95 during the 2015-2016 school year; and WHEREAS, the Board of Education has determined to decrease the number of teachers employed and/or discontinue some particular type of teaching service(s) in the School District by reducing some teachers to part-time or lesser teaching positions; and WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the teachers named in this resolution shall have their hours reduced for the 2016-2017 school term, pursuant to Section 24-11 of the School Code (105 ILCS 5/24-11); NOW, THEREFORE, Be It Resolved by the Board of Education of Lake Zurich Community Unit School District No. 95, Lake County, Illinois, that: Section 1: The following teacher(s) will be reduced from a full-time teaching position at the end of the 2015-2016 school term to a part-time teaching position for the 2016-2017 school term because of the decision of the Board to decrease the number of teachers employed or to discontinue some particular type of teaching service(s): David Antczak (reduced to .4 FTE) Kristin Drollinger (reduced to .6 FTE) Eva Ittner (reduced to .8 FTE) Robert Foster (reduced to .9 FTE) Mary Pat Robin (reduced to .5 FTE) Section 2: The following teacher(s) will be reduced to a lesser part-time teaching position for the 20162017 school term because of the decision of the Board to decrease the number of teachers employed or to discontinue some particular type of teaching service(s): Michael Paloucek (reduced to .5 FTE) Stephanie Furlong (reduced to .4 FTE) Section 3: The President and Secretary of the Board are authorized and directed to give the teachers a written Notice of Reduction of Hours of Probationary Teachers by first class mail at least forty-five (45) days before the end of the school term. A copy of this Notice is attached as Exhibit A and incorporated by reference. Section 4: The Superintendent or designee shall also deliver a copy of the Notice to the teachers by certified mail, return receipt requested and personally with a signature receipt. A copy of the receipt is attached as Exhibit B and incorporated by reference. Section 5: This Resolution is in full force and effect upon its passage. ADOPTED this 23rd day of March, 2016, by the following vote: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: ATTEST Board President Board Secretary EXHIBIT A , 2016 Via Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested Personal Delivery, and First Class Mail ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ RE: NOTICE OF REDUCTION Dear ________________________: At its meeting held on March 23, 2016, the Board of Education of Lake Zurich Community Unit School District No. 95, Lake County, Illinois, pursuant to Section 24-11 of the School Code, resolved to reduce you to a part-time teaching position effective at the end of the 2015-2016 school term. The reason for your reduction is the decision of the Board to decrease the number of teachers employed in the School District. Your last day of employment in the District, subject to the use of emergency days, shall be June 3, 2016. Your current scheduled full time equivalent (FTE) for the 2016-17 school term is ____. Sincerely, Board of Education Lake Zurich Community Unit School District No. 95 Lake County, Illinois ATTEST Board President Board Secretary EXHIBIT B RECEIPT CONFIRMATION I, , received the attached Notice of Reduction by personal (name of employee) delivery from , , of (name of person delivering notice) (title) Lake Zurich Community Unit School District No. 95, on , 2016. (date notice was given) _______________________________ (signature of employee) RESOLUTION HONORABLE DISMISSAL OF EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT PERSONNEL EMPLOYEES WHEREAS, the Board of Education has determined to discontinue some particular type of educational support service in the School District; and WHEREAS, the educational support personnel employees with the shorter length of continuing service with the School District, within the respective category of position, shall be dismissed first, unless an alternative method of determining the sequence of dismissal is established in a collective bargaining agreement or contract between the Board and any exclusive bargaining representative; and WHEREAS, an alternative method of determining the sequence of dismissal is not established in an applicable collective bargaining agreement or contract; and WHEREAS, the Board has concluded that the educational support personnel employees named herein shall be honorably dismissed and not reemployed for the 2016-2017 school term, pursuant to Section 10-23.5 of the School Code (105 ILCS 5/10-23.5); NOW, THEREFORE, Be It Resolved by the Board of Education of Lake Zurich Community Unit School District No. 95, Lake County, Illinois, that: Section 1: The following named educational support personnel employees shall be honorably dismissed and not reemployed for the 2016-2017 school term because of the decision of the Board to discontinue some particular type of educational support service: Cynthia Blank Courtney Catanzaro Section 2: The President and Secretary of the Board are authorized and directed to give the educational support personnel employees a written Notice of Honorable Dismissal, together with the reasons therefore, by first class mail at least thirty (30) days before the employees are dismissed. A copy of this Notice is attached as Exhibit A and incorporated by reference. Section 3: The Superintendent or designee shall also deliver a copy of the Notice to the educational support personnel employees by certified mail, return receipt requested and personally with a signature receipt. A copy of the receipt is attached as Exhibit B and incorporated by reference. Section 4: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon its passage. [SIGNATURE PAGE TO FOLLOW] ADOPTED this 23rd day of March, 2016, by the following vote: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: ATTEST Board President Board Secretary EXHIBIT A _______, 2016 Via Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested, Personal Delivery and First Class Mail ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ RE: NOTICE OF HONORABLE DISMISSAL Dear _________________: At its meeting held on March 23, 2016, the Board of Education of Lake Zurich Community Unit School District No. 95, Lake County, Illinois, pursuant to Section 10-23.5 of the School Code, resolved to honorably dismiss you from employment. The reason for your dismissal is the decision by the Board to discontinue some particular type of educational support service in the School District. Your last day of employment in the District shall be June 3, 2016. If the Board has any vacancies within the period prescribed by law, you will be tendered any such position becoming available for which you are qualified and to which you are entitled as prescribed by law. Sincerely, Board of Education Lake Zurich Community Unit School District No. 95 Lake County, Illinois ATTEST Board President Board Secretary EXHIBIT B RECEIPT CONFIRMATION I, , received the attached Notice of Honorable (name of employee) Dismissal by personal delivery from , (name of person delivering notice) , of (title) Lake Zurich Community Unit School District No. 95, on , 2016. (date notice was given) _______________________________ (signature of employee) MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Board of Education Dr. Michael Egan, Superintendent March 23, 2016 Agenda Item – Committee Reports: Policy The Board Policy Committee: The Board Policy Committee met on Wednesday, March 16, 2016. Attached are the minutes of the February 17th meeting which were approved at the March meeting. The next scheduled Policy Committee meeting is Wednesday, April 20th. For your information only. Lake Zurich Community Unit School District #95 Board Policy Committee Minutes of the Regular Meeting February 17, 2016 - Administration Center Meeting was called to order at 9:06 a.m. In Attendance Board Members: Staff: Lisa Warren, Tony Schneider Mike Egan, Jean Malek, Julia Becich, Susan Coleman, Crystal Steker, Terry Mootz, Kent Nightlinger, Todd Jakowitsch, Chris Martelli, Rocky Kleinschmidt, Diana Christ and Celia Schneider. 1. Approval of Minutes – Mr. Nightlinger moved, seconded by Dr. Coleman to approve the minutes of the December 16, 2015 meeting. Voice vote – motion approved. 2. Open Items – 4:170 – Safety; Policy was tabled until the State provides more direction regarding CO 2 monitoring requirements. 6:15 – School Accountability; Policy was put on hold for further consideration. 6:50 – School Wellness; Policy was put on hold for further consideration. 6:60 – Curriculum Content; Policy was put on hold for further consideration. 6:310 – High School Credit for Non-District Experiences; Course Substitutions; Re-Entering Students; Policy was put on hold for further consideration. 6:315 – High School Credit for Students in Grade 7 or 8; Policy was put on hold for further consideration. 6:320 – High School Credit for Proficiency; Policy was put on hold for further consideration. 7:290 – Adolescent Suicide and Depression Awareness and Prevention Programs; Policy was approved for first reading with noted change. 7:305 – Student Athlete Concussions and Head Injuries; Policy was put on hold until legal opinion on several questions can be obtained and other references can be reviewed. The next Policy meeting will be held on March 16, 2016 at 9:00 a.m. in the Administration Center conference room. A motion to adjourn was call for at 9:46 a.m. Mr. Mootz motioned and Ms. Steker seconded the motion to adjourn the Board Policy Committee meeting. Voice vote, motion carried. MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Board of Education Dr. Michael Egan, Superintendent March 23, 2016 Agenda Item – Committee Reports: Facilities The Board Facilities Committee: The Board Facilities Committee met on Thursday, March 3rd and Thursday, March 10th. Attached are the minutes of the February 17th meeting which were approved on the March 3rd and the March 3rd minutes approve on March 10th. The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 23, 2016. For your information only. Lake Zurich Community Unit School District #95 Board Facilities Committee Minutes of the Regular Meeting March 3, 2016 – Administration Center – Conference Room Meeting was called to order at 5:05 p.m. In Attendance Board Members: Scott McConnell, Chris Ketcham Committee members: Mike Egan, Vicky Cullinan, Lyle Erstad and Jodi Wirt. Also present: Steve Wright and Carrie Matlock, DLA Architects. 1. Public Comments – There were no comments from the public. 2. Approval of Minutes – February 17, 2016 Lyle motioned, seconded by Chris to approve the minutes of the February 17, 2016 Facilities meeting. Voice vote, motion carried. 3. Final Report Discussion The committee discussed the outcomes/objective/goals for the next 5 years. The committee determined it would present the information via a PowerPoint presentation. The consensus was that the all of the buildings needed to be addressed. Objectives were discussed. Administration will prepare a first draft based on Committee input to review at the next meeting. 4. Space Utilization Carrie Matlock presented an updated Space Utilization Report that now includes the middle schools. The information will be utilized for the administration in planning for programming needs. The next Facilities meeting is scheduled for March 10, 2016 at 4:30 p.m. at the Lake Zurich High School Principal’s conference room. A motion to adjourn was call for at 6:15 p.m. Mike motioned and Chris seconded the motion to adjourn the Board Facilities Committee meeting. Voice vote, motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Celia Schneider, Recording Secretary MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Board of Education Dr. Michael Egan, Superintendent March 23, 2016 Set 2016-2017 Dates for Board and Committee Meetings Currently, the Board of Education utilizes a Committee of the Whole format, where all items are discussed by the entire Board at a separate meeting prior to taking formal action at a business meeting. The Board will generally meet for a Committee of the Whole on the second Thursday of each month, with a Board meeting on the fourth Thursday of each month. November, December and March will be exceptions to the general rule. In November the Committee of the Whole will be held on the first Thursday and the Board meeting will be held on the third Wednesday, in December and March the Committee of the Whole will be held on the first Thursday with the Board meeting on the third Thursday. Suggested Motion: Move to set the dates for 2016-2017 Board of Education and Committee meetings as presented. Dr. Michael J. Egan, Superintendent of Schools District 95 Administration Center - 400 South Old Rand Road - Lake Zurich IL 60047-2459 Phone: (847) 438-2831 Website: Fax: (847) 438-6702 Schedule of Board Meetings 2016 – 2017 2016 July 20 July 28 August 11 August 17 August 25 Sept. 15 Sept. 21 Sept. 29 Oct. 13 Oct. 19 Oct. 27 Nov. 3 Nov. 16 Nov. 16 (WED) Dec. 1 Dec. 14 Dec. 15 Policy Board Committee Policy Board Committee Policy Board Committee Policy Board Committee Policy Board Committee Policy Board Jan. 12 Jan. 18 Jan 26 Feb. 9 Feb. 15 Feb. 23 March 9 March 15 March 23 April 12 (Wed.) April 19 April 27 May 11 May 17 May 25 June 15 June 21 June 29 Committee Policy Board Committee Policy Board Committee Policy Board Committee Policy Board Committee Policy Board Committee Policy Board Admin. Center Admin. Center LZHS Library Admin. Center LZHS Library LZHS Library Admin. Center LZHS Library LZHS Library Admin. Center LZHS Library TBD Admin. Center LZHS Library LZHS Library Admin. Center LZHS Library 9:00 AM 7:00 PM 6:15 PM 9:00 AM 7:00 PM 6:15 PM 9:00 AM 7:00 PM 6:15 PM 9:00 AM 7:00 PM 6:15 PM 9:00 AM 7:00 PM 6:15 PM 9:00 AM 7:00 PM LZHS Library Admin. Center LZHS Library LZHS Library Admin. Center LZHS Library LZHS Library Admin. Center LZHS Library LZHS Library Admin. Center LZHS Library LZHS Library Admin. Center LZHS Library LZHS Library Admin. Center LZHS Library 6:15 PM 9:00 AM 7:00 PM 6:15 PM 9:00 AM 7:00 PM 6:15 PM 9:00 AM 7:00 PM 6:15 PM 9:00 AM 7:00 PM 6:15 PM 9:00 AM 7:00 PM 6:15 PM 9:00 AM 7:00 PM 2017 Draft: 3-18-2016 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Board of Education Dr. Michael Egan, Superintendent March 23, 2016 Policy – 2nd Read The Policy Review Committee and the IASB have proposed the following revisions and additions to current policies: Policies for consideration by the Board at second reading 7:290 Suicide and Depression Awareness and Prevention Attached are copies of the current policy which contain the suggested changes. The markups, shown in red, contain strikethrough which suggests deleting the language, and underlining which suggests adding the language. Suggested Motion: Move to adopt the revisions and additions to the Board of Education Policy Manual as read. Dr. Michael J. Egan, Superintendent of Schools District 95 Administration Center - 400 South Old Rand Road - Lake Zurich IL 60047-2459 Phone: (847) 438-2831 Website: Fax: (847) 438-6702 Community Unit School District 95 7:290 Page 1 of 3 Students Adolescent Suicide and Depression Awareness and Prevention Programs The Superintendent is directed to develop and implement a comprehensive and continuing adolescent suicide awareness and prevention program. The Superintendent will attempt to develop a liaison among the District and the Illinois Suicide Prevention Strategic Planning Committee, the Illinois Suicide Prevention Coalition Alliance, and/or a community mental health agency to implement the goals and objectives of the Illinois Suicide Prevention Strategic Plan. Youth suicide impacts the safety of the school environment. It also affects the school community, diminishing the ability of surviving students to learn and the school’s ability to educate. Suicide and depression awareness and prevention are important Board goals. The Superintendent or designee shall develop, implement, and maintain a suicide and depression awareness and prevention program (Program) that advances the Board’s goals of increasing awareness and prevention of depression and suicide. This program must be consistent with the requirements of Ann Marie’s Law listed below; each listed requirement, 1-6, corresponds with the list of required policy components in the School Code Section 5/2-3.163(c)(2)-(7). The Program shall include: 1. Protocols for administering youth suicide awareness and prevention education to students and staff. a. For students, implementation will incorporate Board policy 6:60, Curriculum Content, which implements 105 ILCS 5.2-3.139 and 105 ILCS 5/27-7 (requiring education for students to develop a sound mind and a healthy body). b. For staff, implementation will incorporate Board policy 5:100, Staff Development, and teacher’s institutes under 105 ILCS 5/3-14.8 (requiring coverage of the warning signs of suicidal behavior). 2. Procedures for methods of suicide prevention with the goal of early identification and referral of students possibly at risk of suicide. a. For students in grades 76 through 12, implementation shall incorporate the training required by 105 ILCS 5/10-22.39 for school guidance counselors, teachers, school social workers, and other school personnel who work with students to identify the warning signs of suicidal behavior in adolescents and teens along with appropriate intervention and referral techniques, including methods of prevention, procedures for early identification, and referral of students at risk of suicide. b. For all students, implementation shall incorporate Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE)-recommended guidelines and educational materials for staff training and professional development, along with ISBE-recommended resources for students containing age-appropriate educational materials on youth suicide and awareness, if available pursuant to Ann Marie’s Law on ISBE’s website. 3. Methods of intervention, including procedures that address an emotional or mental health safety plan for use during the school day and at school-sponsored events for a student identified as being at increased risk of suicide. Implementation will incorporate paragraph number 2, above, along with: Adopted: March 26, 2009March 23, 2016 Community Unit School District 95 7:290 Page 2 of 3 a. Board policy 6:65, Student Social and Emotional Development, implementing the goals and benchmarks of the Ill. Learning Standards and 405 ILCS 49/15(b) (requiring student social and emotional development in the District’s educational program); b. Board policy 6:270, Guidance and Counseling Program, implementing guidance and counseling program(s) for students, and 105 ILCS 5/10-22.24a and 22.24b, which allow a qualified guidance specialist or any licensed staff member to provide school counseling services. c. Board policy 7:250, Student Support Services, implementing the Children’s Mental Health Act of 2003, 405 ILCS 49/ (requiring protocols for responding to students with social, emotional, or mental health issues that impact learning ability); and d. State and/or federal resources that address emotional or mental health safety plans for students who are possibly at an increased risk for suicide, if available on the ISBE’s website pursuant to Ann Marie’s Law. 4. Methods of responding to a student or staff suicide or suicide attempt. Implementation of this requirement shall incorporate building-level Student Support Committee(s) established through Board policy 7:250, Student Support Services. 5. Reporting procedures. Implementation of this requirement shall incorporate Board policy 6:270, Guidance and Counseling Program, and Board policy 7:250, Student Support Services, in addition to other State and/or federal resources that address reporting procedures. 6. A process to incorporate ISBE-recommend resources on youth suicide awareness and prevention programs, including current contact information for such programs in the District’s Suicide and Depression Awareness and Prevention Program. Illinois Suicide Prevention Strategic Planning Committee The Superintendent or designee shall attempt to develop a relationship between the District and the Illinois Suicide Prevention Strategic Planning Committee, the Illinois Suicide Prevention Coalition Alliance, and/or a community mental health agency. The purpose of the relationship is to discuss how to incorporate the goals and objectives of the Illinois Suicide Prevention Strategic Plan into the District’s Suicide Prevention and Depression Awareness Program. Monitoring The Board will review and update this policy pursuant to Ann Marie’s Law and Board policy 2:240, Board Policy Development. Information to Staff, Parents/Guardians, and Students The Superintendent shall inform each school district employee about this policy and ensure its posting on the District’s website. The Superintendent or designee shall provide a copy of this policy to the parent or legal guardian of each student enrolled in the District. Implementation This policy shall be implemented in a manner consistent with State and federal laws, including the Children’s Mental Health Act of 2003, 405 ILCS 49/, Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Confidentiality Act, 740 ILCS 110/, and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, 42 U.S.C. §12101 et seq. The District, Board, and its staff are protected from liability by the Local Governmental and Governmental Employees Tort Immunity Act. Services provided pursuant to this policy: (1) do not replace the care of a physician licensed to practice medicine in all of its branches or a licensed medical practitioner or professional trained in suicide prevention, assessments and counseling Adopted: March 26, 2009March 23, 2016 Community Unit School District 95 7:290 Page 3 of 3 services, (2) are strictly limited to the available resources within the District, (3) do not extend beyond the school day and/or school-sponsored events, and (4) cannot guarantee or ensure the safety of a student or the student body. LEGAL REF.: 105 ILCS 5/2-3.163, 5/14-1.01 et seq., 5/14-7.02, and 5/14-7.02b. 745 ILCS 10/. CROSS REF.: 2:240 (Board Policy Development), 5:100 (Staff Development Program), 6:60 (Curriculum Content), 6:65 (Student Social and Emotional Development), 6:120 (Education of Children with Disabilities), 6:270 (Guidance and Counseling Program), 7:180 (Prevention of and Response to Bullying, Intimidation, and Harassment), 7:250 (Student Support Services) Adopted: March 26, 2009March 23, 2016