CUSD #95 Learner Objectives Science for First Grade

CUSD #95
Learner Objectives
Science for First Grade
Identify structures that help an organism survive within a given habitat
Describe how organisms respond to seasonal change within their habitats
Identify living and non-living components in a habitat
Describe the basic needs of an organism within a habitat
Compare habitats of different animals and/or plants
Identify properties of solids and liquids
Classify and compare solids and liquids by their properties
Describe how heat energy changes solids and liquids
Describe weather characteristics of each season
Describe how shadows change over time
Compare Earth’s relationship to the sun in summer and winter (tilted
toward or away from the sun)
Describe how number of hours of daylight changes throughout the
Always follow appropriate safety procedures
Make, test, and revise predictions based upon observations
Conduct fair tests to investigate properties of solids and liquids
Make and revise predictions based upon observations of events
Describe observations using simple bar graphs, charts and pictures
Make and interpret a graph of hours of daylight throughout seasons