Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five - Grants Contents Background ................................................................................................................................................. 4 Functional Requirements ........................................................................................................................... 4 Grant Award Agreement Summary.......................................................................................................... 5 Data Elements for Grant Award Agreements .......................................................................................... 7 Grant Award Main Record ..............................................................................................................7 Grant Award Vendor/Grantor Record ...........................................................................................18 Grant Award CFDA / CSFA Record .................................................................................................21 Grant Award Letter of Credit Record .............................................................................................22 Grant Award Additional Cost Sharing Requirements Record ..........................................................23 Grant Award Amendment Record .................................................................................................25 Grant Award Receipt Record.........................................................................................................29 Linking Grants and Contracts ........................................................................................................33 Grant Award Agreement Functional Requirement Notes and Assumptions ...................................... 35 Existing FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem .................................................................................35 The New FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem ...............................................................................35 FLAIR Conversion of Existing Grant Information Subsystem to the New Grant Information Subsystem ...................................................................................................................................37 FACTS Grant Award Agreements ...................................................................................................38 Security........................................................................................................................................46 Existing Data Cleaning and Conversion ..........................................................................................46 Agency Data Upload .....................................................................................................................47 FLAIR Data Exchanges ...................................................................................................................47 On-line Data Entry, Editing and Display .........................................................................................49 On-Line Data Querying .................................................................................................................49 Grant Award Amount and Receipts ...............................................................................................50 1 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five - Grants State Standard Required Codes.....................................................................................................52 Linking of Grant Award Agreements to Associated Grant Disbursement Agreements, Contracts or Other Grant Awards .....................................................................................................................52 Linking of Grant Award and Grant Award Amendment Document Images......................................52 FLAIR Grant Information File Purge ...............................................................................................52 FACTS Grant Award Data Agency On-lineUpload Functionality ...................................................... 52 Grant Disbursement Agreement Summary ............................................................................................ 53 Data Elements for Grant Disbursement Agreement.............................................................................. 54 Grant Disbursement Main Record .................................................................................................54 Grant Disbursement Budget Record ..............................................................................................70 Grant Disbursement Vendor Record .............................................................................................74 Grant Disbursement Deliverables Record ......................................................................................77 Grant Disbursement Change Record .............................................................................................84 Grant Disbursement CFDA / CSFA Record ......................................................................................88 Grant Disbursement Expenditure Record ......................................................................................90 Grant Disbursement Agreement Functional Requirement Notes and Assumptions .......................... 93 Changes to FACTS Contract Functionality ......................................................................................93 Main Information page ................................................................................................................93 Security........................................................................................................................................93 Agency Data Upload .....................................................................................................................93 FLAIR Data Exchanges ...................................................................................................................94 On-line Data Entry and Display .....................................................................................................94 On-Line Data Querying .................................................................................................................94 Recurring and Non-Recurring Budgetary Amounts ........................................................................94 Contract Payments .......................................................................................................................94 Linking of Contract Document Images ...........................................................................................96 Linking of Grant Disbursement Agreements to Associated Grant Award Agreements ..................... 96 2 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five - Grants State Standard Required Codes.....................................................................................................96 FACTS Code Validation Tables .............................................................................................................. 97 Contract Type Codes, Titles and Definitions...................................................................................97 Contract Status Codes, Titles and Definitions ................................................................................99 Method of Procurement Codes Titles and Definitions ....................................................................99 Recipient Type Codes Titles / Description.................................................................................... 110 Method of Payment Codes Titles and Definitions ........................................................................ 111 Non-Price Justifications Codes Titles and Definitions ................................................................... 113 Minority Vendor Codes and Descriptions .................................................................................... 114 (Budget) Amount Type Codes Description ................................................................................... 115 Change (Amendment) Type Codes Description ............................................................................ 115 Grant Type Codes, Titles and Definitions ..................................................................................... 115 Cost Sharing Source Codes, Titles and Definitions ........................................................................ 115 Grant Status Codes, Titles and Definitions ................................................................................... 116 3 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five - Grants Background The 2011 Legislature amended Section 215.985, F.S., making Department of Financial Services (DFS) responsible for the development and maintenance of a contract reporting system. DFS developed and began operation the Florida Accountability Contract Tracking System (FACTS) in March 2012. For FACTS a contract is written agreement between one or more parties with financial consequences. Contract Types classify contracts in FACTS. Two of the types are: • GA – Grant Award Agreements - The receipt of grant dollars by a reporting entity that are either federal or state financial assistance or grant funding by local governments or another non-governmental entity. • GD – Grant Disbursement Agreements – Contracts for the expenditure of funds associated with either a Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) number; a Catalog of State Financial Assistance (CSFA) number; or a grant from a by local government or nongovernmental entity to a recipient or sub-recipient by the reporting entity. Functional Requirements FACTS functional requirements based on the State’s standard grant and contract information and functionality required by State law, State agencies, and Chief Financial Officers’ (CFO) directions. Project phases are: a) Phase One - Development of the web-based application for submitting, maintaining, editing, querying and presenting of contract information. (Completed) b) Phase Two – Budget and Disbursements that ties contract data to FLAIR Disbursements and General Appropriation. (Completed) c) Phase Three – Compliance Reporting that provides new screens for reporting audit findings related to the contract. (Completed) d) Phase Four – Contract Images that links scanned procurement and contract documents to each contract. e) Phase Five – Grant Agreements that provides new fields for reporting information that is specific to grant agreements. f) Phase Six – Purchase Order Information that that provides new fields for information from the State’s procurement system. This document addresses Phase Five – Providing new fields and functionality in FACTS for recording and reporting information that is specific to grant award and disbursement agreements. Once operational, FACTS processes all grant award and disbursement agreement information with only necessary information transferred to FLAIR for transactional processing. In addition, this document addresses data elements directly entered into FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem by agencies for tracking of grant revenues and non-direct costs (Grant Pools). 4 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five - Grants Document structure consists of summaries, data element listings with names, definitions, formats, and comments followed by functional requirement notes and assumptions for the specific areas of FACTS and FLAIR. Grant Award Agreement Summary State agency representatives and the Department of Financial Services, Division of Accounting and Auditing staff through a series of Grant Policy Workgroup meetings developed the following: • Definition of Grant Award Agreements - The receipt of grant dollars by a reporting entity that are either federal or state financial assistance or grant funding by another nongovernmental entity. • State Standard Grant Award Agreement policies and procedures: 1. All agreements meeting the Grant Award Agreement definition maintained in FACTS, except for those of the Departments of Legal Affairs and Agriculture and Consumer Services. 2. Grantor name and address information will be recorded in the FLAIR Statewide Vendor File. FACTS will display FLAIR Statewide Vendor File Name contained in Lines 1 and 2. Line 2 used to record lower levels of Federal grantors. (i.e. division, bureau, office, etc.) 3. FACTS will allow for multiple Grantors on a Grant Award record. However, only the first Grantor listed sent to FLAIR. 4. Agencies are to record administrative changes in FACTS and give them the same numbering sequence as other amendments, if executed as an amendment. 5. The existing FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem replaced with a new FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem. 6. The new FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem only used to track grant revenues and non-direct costs (Grant Pools). 7. Agency users will not have update access to FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem records created through the transmission from FACTS. 8. FLAIR grant revenue receipt and adjustment transactions sent to and displayed in FACTS. 9. All FLAIR grant revenue receipt and adjustment transactions must carry a Grant Award Identifier (FACTS Grant Identifier) and selected transactions may carry either a Letter of Credit Number or Letter of Credit Sub Account Number. 10. Certain data elements not displayed for public view. 11. Agencies currently using grant numbers to track State grant appropriations will use the Grant Type field to select "Grant Award - Project" for identifying state grants. 12. Grant Award amounts tracked at the Grant Number level in FACTS. 13. Optionally, FACTS Grant Award and Grant Disbursement Agreements can crossreference to other FACTS maintained agreements, (i.e. Grant Award Agreements, 5 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five - Grants Grant Disbursement Agreements, and other Contracts) and can cross State agencies. 6 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five - Grants Data Elements for Grant Award Agreements The following is the FACTS Grant Award Agreement data elements with names, functions, formats and record (table) groupings needed to meet State agency, grantor and State operational and reporting needs. Grant Award Main Record (One record per Grant Award) All fields are editable after the record has been saved and displayed to the public unless otherwise noted in the “Comments” Data Element Agency Identifier Grant Award Identifier (Grant Number) Definition Length Agency OLO - not an entered field but determined when the Agency User logs into FACTS Agency assigns a Grant Award ID Unique within Agency 6 5 Format Alphanumeric Alphanumeric Required / Optional Comments System Generated This data is sent to the FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem Required A unique value within Agency Not editable in FACTS or FLAIR This data is sent to the Departmental FLAIR's Title file This data is sent to the FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem It is unique to a single award and cannot duplicate within an agency for ten years Validated using FLAIR data Not editable in FLAIR Not editable in FACTS once “Finished” and sent to FLAIR This is a linking data field 7 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five - Grants Grant Award Main Record (One record per Grant Award) All fields are editable after the record has been saved and displayed to the public unless otherwise noted in the “Comments” Data Element Length Agencies should use the space to record the short title for the grant name for quick identification. Agencies should use the space to record the long title for the grant name used for FLAIR reports. 10 Grant Reference Number Available to agencies to record any agency unique identifier 5 Alphanumeric Optional This data is sent to the FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem Description Agencies should use the space to record the description / purpose of grant. 2,000 Alphanumeric Required Not sent to the FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem Short Title Long Title Format Required / Optional Definition Alphanumeric Required Comments This data is sent to the FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem This data is sent to the Departmental FLAIR's Title file 60 Alphanumeric Required Not editable in FLAIR This data is sent to the FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem This data is sent to the Departmental FLAIR's Title file Not editable in FLAIR 8 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five - Grants Grant Award Main Record (One record per Grant Award) All fields are editable after the record has been saved and displayed to the public unless otherwise noted in the “Comments” Data Element Definition Length Original Grant Award Amount The amount of grant funds awarded at the date of award. 13.2 Format Numeric Required / Optional Required Comments Can be zero, if grant funds not known at the date of award Maximum value: 9,999,999,999.99 Defaults to Zero Entries in this field will update the Total Grant Award Amount Not sent to the FLAIR Grant Subsystem Total Grant Award Amount System generated amount. 13.2 Numeric System Generated Generated from Original Grant Award Amount and (+/-) Amendment Amounts therefore not editable Maximum value: 9,999,999,999.99 Will be part of the FACTS Grant Award Summary section This data is sent to the FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem Date of Award Original date of notification of the award funding 8 MMDDYYYY Required Not linked to other fields within FLAIR or FACTS Date must be valid FACTS will provide a pop-up calendar to set date, if desired Not sent to the FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem 9 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five - Grants Grant Award Main Record (One record per Grant Award) All fields are editable after the record has been saved and displayed to the public unless otherwise noted in the “Comments” Data Element Original Funding Start Date Definition Start date for obligating or expending the funds from the Grant Award. Length 8 Format MMDDYYYY Required / Optional Required Comments Not linked to other fields within FLAIR or FACTS Date must be valid FACTS will provide a pop-up calendar to set date, if desired Not sent to the FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem Original Funding End Date End date for obligating the funds from the Grant Award. 8 MMDDYYYY Optional Can be blank for open-ended grants Not linked to other fields within FLAIR or FACTS Date must be valid FACTS will provide a pop-up calendar to set date, if desired Not sent to the FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem Grant Type Below are the standard classifications for Grant Awards: 1 Alphanumeric Required State Standard codes for FACTS Valid Codes: F – Block/Formula Grant P – Project Grant E – Entitlement Grant D – Discretionary Grant C – Cooperative Agreement Grant Award – Block/Formula - A sum of money granted by the federal government with FACTS will provided a dropdown pick list of values 10 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five - Grants Grant Award Main Record (One record per Grant Award) All fields are editable after the record has been saved and displayed to the public unless otherwise noted in the “Comments” Data Element Definition Length Format Required / Optional general provisions as to the way it is spent. Comments Not sent to the FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem Grant Award - Project The funding for specific projects. In most cases, the project has a known or fixed period. FACTS maintains the Grant Type codes Grant Award Entitlements - A government program that guarantees and provides benefits to a particular group. Grant Award Discretionary – An Award for which the awarding agency generally may select the recipient from among all eligible recipients, may decide to make or not make an award based on the programmatic, technical, or scientific 11 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five - Grants Grant Award Main Record (One record per Grant Award) All fields are editable after the record has been saved and displayed to the public unless otherwise noted in the “Comments” Data Element Definition Length Format Required / Optional content of an application, and can decide the amount of funding to be awarded. Grant Award Cooperative Agreements - An award of financial assistance that is used to enter into the same kind of relationship as a grant; and is distinguished from a grant in that it provides for substantial involvement between the federal agency and the recipient in carrying out the activity contemplated by the award. 12 of 119 Comments Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five - Grants Grant Award Main Record (One record per Grant Award) All fields are editable after the record has been saved and displayed to the public unless otherwise noted in the “Comments” Data Element Grant Document Number Grant Status Definition Length The number assigned by the issuing entity for reporting purposes. 50 Below are the standard classifications for Grant Award Status: 2 Format Alphanumeric Required / Optional Required Comments Grantor assigned grant identifier for FACTS display and reporting only Not sent to the FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem This is a linking data field Alphanumeric Required Valid values are: A1 – Anticipated Award (Map to FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem Active) A2 – Approved Award (Map to FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem Active) IP – Inactive Pending Property Action (Map to FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem Inactive) IR – Inactive for Ongoing Reporting (Map to FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem Inactive) CL – Closed (Map to FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem Deleted) DL – Delete* (Map to FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem Deleted) Anticipated Award Approved Award Inactive – Pending a Property Action Grant tied to property in the state’s inventory. The grant must remain available until final disposition of the property. FACTS will provide a dropdown pick list of values This data is sent to the FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem Inactive for Ongoing Reporting – Grant information must remain accessible because the agency is FACTS maintains Grant Status codes *Delete is not available the FACTS User. In order to delete a published / finished grant award a FACTS Data Correction Request Form DFS-A0- 13 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five - Grants Grant Award Main Record (One record per Grant Award) All fields are editable after the record has been saved and displayed to the public unless otherwise noted in the “Comments” Data Element Definition Length Format Required / Optional providing reporting or may have a potential audit and resolution that requires refund of funds. Comments 2131 sent to FACTS Administrator at the Closed – The grant is closed and all reporting requirements have been met and no property remains on the state’s inventory Deleted – Record created in error. Agency Grant Manager Name Name of agency employee managing the Grant Award 31 Agency Grant Manager Phone Number Phone number of agency employee managing the Grant Award 10 Alphanumeric Required Not sent to the FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem Not displayed to public Alphanumeric Optional Not sent to the FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem Not displayed to public 14 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five - Grants Grant Award Main Record (One record per Grant Award) All fields are editable after the record has been saved and displayed to the public unless otherwise noted in the “Comments” Data Element Definition Length Agency Grant Manager’s email address E-mail address of agency employee managing the Grant Award 50 Grant Federal Contact Name Name of Federal employee contact for the Grant Award 31 Grant Federal Contact Phone Number Phone number of Federal employee contact for the Grant Award 10 Grant Federal Contact e-mail address E-mail address of Federal employee contact for the Grant Award 50 Agency Grant Fiscal Contact Name Name of Federal employee contact for the Grant Award 31 Agency Grant Fiscal Contact Phone Number Phone number of Federal employee contact for the Grant Award 10 Format Alphanumeric Required / Optional Optional Comments Not sent to the FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem Not displayed to public Alphanumeric Optional Not sent to the FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem Not displayed to public Alphanumeric Optional Not sent to the FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem Not displayed to public Alphanumeric Optional Not sent to the FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem Not displayed to public Alphanumeric Optional Not sent to the FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem Not displayed to public Alphanumeric Optional Not sent to the FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem Not displayed to public 15 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five - Grants Grant Award Main Record (One record per Grant Award) All fields are editable after the record has been saved and displayed to the public unless otherwise noted in the “Comments” Data Element Definition Length Agency Grant Fiscal Contact e-mail address E-mail address of Federal employee contact for the Grant Award 50 Eligible for Indirect Cost Does the Grant Award allow for indirect cost charges? (Yes/No) 1 Format Alphanumeric Required / Optional Optional Comments Not sent to the FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem Not displayed to public Alphanumeric Optional Valid values: “Y” “N” Defaults to “N” Not sent to the FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem 16 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five - Grants Grant Award Main Record (One record per Grant Award) All fields are editable after the record has been saved and displayed to the public unless otherwise noted in the “Comments” Data Element Indirect Cost Sources Definition Identifies costs used to distribute indirect costs. Length 2 Format Alphanumeric Required / Optional Optional / Conditional Comments If Eligible for Indirect Cost equals “Y”, user will have the ability to click one or more radio buttons indicating Indirect Cost Sources for the Grant Award. Can choose one or more of the following: Salary, Wages & Fringe Payment to Sub-Recipient Direct Cost Three radio buttons correspond to the choices above: Yes, No, N/A Defaults to N/A, however if the ‘Eligible for Indirect Cost’ field = “Y” at least one ‘Yes’ radio button must be selected of the three above choices Not sent to the FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem Indirect Cost Comments Free form field to record comments for Indirect Cost 2,000 Alphanumeric Optional 17 of 119 Not sent to the FLAIR Grant information Subsystem Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five - Grants Grant Award Vendor/Grantor Record (Could be Many Records per Grant Award) All fields are editable after the record has been saved and displayed to the public unless otherwise noted in the “Comments” Data Element Grantor Id Definition Valid number on FLAIR's Statewide Vendor File Length 13 Format Alphanumeric Required / Optional Required Comments Valid number on FLAIR’s Statewide Vendor files, including the appropriate prefix and sequence. Will have the ability to search by Vendor Name in order to select the Grantor Id number in FACTS State agency names in the Statewide Vendor File used for Grant Awards between State Agencies. Only the first Grantor listed is sent to the FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem Not displayed to public Validated using FLAIR data Grantor’s Name Grant issuing entity’s name 62 Alphanumeric System Generated Based on the Grantor Id, Name Line 1 and 2 retrieved from FLAIR Statewide Vendor Files therefore not editable. Data displayed in FACTS as Name with Line 1 and 2 together Not sent to the FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem 18 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five - Grants Grant Award Vendor/Grantor Record (Could be Many Records per Grant Award) All fields are editable after the record has been saved and displayed to the public unless otherwise noted in the “Comments” Data Element Grantor’s Street Address Definition Grant issuing entity’s address Length 60 Format Alphanumeric Required / Optional System Generated Comments Based on the Grantor Id, Name Line 1 and 2 retrieved from FLAIR Statewide Vendor Files therefore not editable. Not displayed to public Not sent to the FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem Grantor’s City Grant issuing entity’s city 30 Alphanumeric System Generated Based on the Grantor Id, Name Line 1 and 2 retrieved from FLAIR Statewide Vendor Files therefore not editable. Not sent to the FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem Grantor’s State Grant issuing entity’s State 2 Alphanumeric System Generated Based on the Grantor Id, Name Line 1 and 2 retrieved from FLAIR Statewide Vendor Files therefore not editable. Not sent to the FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem Grantor’s ZIP-Code Grant issuing entity’s ZIP-code 10 Alphanumeric System Generated Based on the Grantor Id, Name Line 1 and 2 retrieved from FLAIR Statewide Vendor Files therefore not editable. Not sent to the FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem 19 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five - Grants Grant Award Vendor/Grantor Record (Could be Many Records per Grant Award) All fields are editable after the record has been saved and displayed to the public unless otherwise noted in the “Comments” Data Element Grantor Type Definition The classification of the entity that is providing funds Length 1 Format Alphanumeric Required / Optional System Generated Comments Based on the Grantor Id (FLAIR Revenue Type)retrieved from FLAIR's Vendor files therefore not editable Valid values are: A - Nonprofit Organization, B - For Profit Organization, includes Sole Proprietor, C - Local Government, D - State Community Colleges, E - District School Boards, F - State Agency*, excluding State Universities, G - State Universities*, J - Federal Agency K - Private Universities*, L - Legislature The nightly FLAIR Vendor File extract will include the Grantor Type (FLAIR - Revenue Type) values. FLAIR maintains the Grantor Type (Recipient Type) codes This data is sent to the FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem *Includes entities in or out of the State of Florida 20 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five - Grants Grant Award CFDA / CSFA Record (Could be many records per Grant Award) All fields are editable after the record has been saved and displayed to the public unless otherwise noted in the “Comments” Data Element CFDA Code, if applicable Definition The Code of Federal Domestic Assistance that is associated with the Grant Award Length 6 Format Alphanumeric Required / Optional Optional / Conditional Comments If Grantor Type equals “J” for Federal Agency, at least one CFDA Code is required User will have the ability to select from a pick list of valid codes. FACTS will allow for multiple entries CFDA Code must be on FLAIR's Tile file CSFA Code, if applicable The Code of State Financial Assistance that is associated with the Grant Award 5 Alphanumeric Optional FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem receives the first occurrence of this record or the CSFA Code for a Grant Award Identifier User will have the ability to select from a pick list of valid codes. FACTS will allow for multiple entries. CSFA Code must be on FLAIR's Tile file FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem receives the first occurrence of this record or the CFDA Code for a Grant Award Identifier 21 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five - Grants Grant Award Letter of Credit Record (Could be Many Record per Grant Award) All fields are editable after the record has been saved and displayed to the public unless otherwise noted in the “Comments” Data Element Letter of Credit Number Definition Length Reference number for the Letter of Credit 15 Format Alphanumeric Required / Optional Optional Comments This field can be left blank One per Grant Award This data is sent to the FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem Sub Account Number Reference number for the Letter of Credit sub account number 15 Alphanumeric Conditional This field cannot be used if Letter of Credit Number is blank This field should be blank if no Sub Account Numbers are needed Sub Account Numbers are linked to the appropriate Letter of Credit Number Not to exceed 15 occurrences pre Letter of Credit This data is sent to the FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem 22 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five - Grants Grant Award Additional Cost Sharing Requirements Record (Could be Many Records per Grant Award) All fields are editable after the record has been saved and displayed to the public unless otherwise noted in the “Comments” User will have the ability to enter multiple Cost Sharing Source rows for a grant award. Within the row is the Cost Sharing Source selection from a dropdown list followed by three fields for the types of cost sharing (Maintenance of Effort, Matching or In-Kind). Clicking the radio button under each type indicates “Yes”. Otherwise, they default to “No”. At the end of the row is a 2,000-character free form Comment field. Data Element Cost Sharing Source Definition Length Some grant awards require additional funds be provided from a nonawarding entity to support costs associated with grant activities. 1 Format Alphanumeric Required / Optional Optional Comments Valid Codes selected from a dropdown list: F - Federal Government L - Local Governments S - State of Florida P - Private (profit and non-profit) O - Other State Government(s) Defaults to Blank FACTS maintains Cost Sharing Source codes Not sent to the FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem Maintenance of Effort For each cost sharing funding sources, the user must select whether or not the funds used for maintenance of effort for the grant. 1 Alphanumeric Optional / Conditional If Cost Sharing Source is not blank, User will have the ability to respond Yes or No after each Maintenance of Effort label. Defaults to “No” Not sent to the FLAIR Grant information Subsystem 23 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five - Grants Grant Award Additional Cost Sharing Requirements Record (Could be Many Records per Grant Award) All fields are editable after the record has been saved and displayed to the public unless otherwise noted in the “Comments” User will have the ability to enter multiple Cost Sharing Source rows for a grant award. Within the row is the Cost Sharing Source selection from a dropdown list followed by three fields for the types of cost sharing (Maintenance of Effort, Matching or In-Kind). Clicking the radio button under each type indicates “Yes”. Otherwise, they default to “No”. At the end of the row is a 2,000-character free form Comment field. Data Element Matching In-Kind Additional Cost Sharing Comments Definition Length For each cost sharing funding sources, the user must select whether or not the funds used for matching funds requirements. 1 For each cost sharing funding sources, the user must select whether or not the contributing entity will provide In-Kind services/donations 1 Provide additional information on the cost sharing requirements for the specified funding contributor. Format Alphanumeric Required / Optional Optional / Conditional Comments If Cost Sharing Source is not blank, User will have the ability to respond Yes or No after each Matching label. Defaults to “No” Not sent to the FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem Alphanumeric Optional / Conditional If Cost Sharing Source is not blank, User will have the ability to respond Yes or No after each In-Kind Label Defaults to “No” Not sent to the FLAIR Grant information Subsystem 2,000 Alphanumeric Optional User will have the ability to provide comments after each cost sharing sources selection for the grant award. Not sent to the FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem 24 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five - Grants Grant Award Amendment Record (Could be Many Records per Grant Award) All fields are editable after the record has been saved and displayed to the public unless otherwise noted in the “Comments” Data Element Definition Length Agency Amendment Reference Agency Assigned Reference Number for the Grant Award Amendment or Federal Modification Number 8 Amendment Effective Date Effective date of the Grant Award (Amendment Can be the date the amendment was approved) 8 Format Alphanumeric Required / Optional Required Comments Agency has ability to assign identifiers for each grant amendment FACTS will allow for multiple entries MMDDYYYY Required Not sent to the FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem FACTS will allow for multiple entries Date must be valid FACTS will provide a pop-up calendar to set date, if desired Not sent to the FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem 25 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five - Grants Grant Award Amendment Record (Could be Many Records per Grant Award) All fields are editable after the record has been saved and displayed to the public unless otherwise noted in the “Comments” Data Element Amendment Amount Definition Length Amount added or deducted from the Grant. FACTS will allow for multiple entries. 13.2 Format Numeric Required / Optional Optional Comments FACTS will allow for multiple entries Can be a zero, positive or negative amount Defaults to zero Entries in this field will update the Total Grant Award Amount Not sent to the FLAIR Grant information Subsystem Revised Funding Start Date New Funding Start Date 8 MMDDYYYY Optional FACTS will allow for multiple entries Defaults to Blank Date must be valid, if entered FACTS will provide a pop-up calendar to set date, if desired Not sent to the FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem 26 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five - Grants Grant Award Amendment Record (Could be Many Records per Grant Award) All fields are editable after the record has been saved and displayed to the public unless otherwise noted in the “Comments” Data Element Revised Funding End Date Definition New Funding Start Date Length 8 Format MMDDYYYY Required / Optional Optional Comments FACTS will allow for multiple entries Defaults to Blank Date must be valid, if entered FACTS will provide a pop-up calendar to set date, if desired Not sent to the FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem Amendment Order Use this field to order the amendments displayed 9 Numeric Optional FACTS will allow for multiple entries Defaults to Blank Not sent to the FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem 27 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five - Grants Grant Award Amendment Record (Could be Many Records per Grant Award) All fields are editable after the record has been saved and displayed to the public unless otherwise noted in the “Comments” Data Element Definition Length Change Description Brief description of the change; i.e. New Funding - Obligation Start / End Date change, additional tasks without dollars, increasing matching, New Reporting Requirements or Dates, Change in Program Eligibility Requirements, Change in Compliance Requirements, New Close Out or Liquidation Date without Dollars 2,000 Format Alphanumeric Required / Optional Optional Comments FACTS will allow for multiple entries. Defaults to Blank Not sent to the FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem 28 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five - Grants Grant Award Receipt Record (Could be Many Records per Grant Award) All fields are editable after the record has been saved and displayed to the public unless otherwise noted in the “Comments” Field values pulled from FLAIR Transactions 30, 33, 96, and 97; excluding CY Refunds, PY Refunds and Warrant Cancellations nightly (not user entered) where General Ledger code equals“6XXX”, “Grant ID” is not null, and “Statewide Document Number” is not null. Transactions 96 and 97 are included to account for Grant Award receipts recorded in FLAIR using Journal Transfers. FACTS will display transactions in groupings by State Fiscal Year. All data can download into Excel format file. Data Element Grant Award Identifier Definition Unique by Agency Grant ID number Length 5 Format Alphanumeric Required / Optional System Generated Comments Generated from Departmental FLAIR receipt transactions therefore not editable Used for FACTS processing only will not display on the Grant Award Receipts Tab Letter of Credit / Sub Account Number Reference number for the Letter of Credit or Sub Account numbers 15 Fiscal Year Will display the Fiscal Year associated with the receipts received during a fiscal year; July 1 through June 30 5 Alphanumeric System Generated Generated from Departmental FLAIR receipt transactions therefore not editable Used for FACTS processing only Grant Award Receipts Tab YY-YY System Generated Generated from Departmental FLAIR receipt transactions fiscal year therefore not editable Will be displayed on the Grant Award will not display on the Grant Award Receipts Tab 29 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five - Grants Grant Award Receipt Record (Could be Many Records per Grant Award) All fields are editable after the record has been saved and displayed to the public unless otherwise noted in the “Comments” Field values pulled from FLAIR Transactions 30, 33, 96, and 97; excluding CY Refunds, PY Refunds and Warrant Cancellations nightly (not user entered) where General Ledger code equals“6XXX”, “Grant ID” is not null, and “Statewide Document Number” is not null. Transactions 96 and 97 are included to account for Grant Award receipts recorded in FLAIR using Journal Transfers. FACTS will display transactions in groupings by State Fiscal Year. All data can download into Excel format file. Data Element Definition Length Fiscal Year Total Amount Calculated from adding all the receipt transaction amounts for a Grant Award (FLAIR Grant ID) within a fiscal year Calculated from adding all the receipt transaction amounts for a Grant Award (FLAIR Grant ID) during its life Statewide Document Number Assigned to the deposit 13.2 Total Grant Receipt Amount Statewide Document Number Agency Document Number Agency assigned Document Number to the deposit Format Numeric Required / Optional System Generated Comments Generated from adding all the receipt transaction amounts for a Grant Award (FLAIR Grant ID) within a fiscal year therefore not editable Will be displayed on the Grant Award Receipts Tab with “Fiscal Year” 13.2 Numeric System Generated Generated from Departmental FLAIR receipt transactions for the life of the Grant Award therefore not editable Will be displayed as part of the Grant Award Summary section 11 Alphanumeric System Generated Generated from Departmental FLAIR receipt transactions therefore not editable 11 Alphanumeric System Generated Generated from Departmental FLAIR receipt transactions therefore not editable 30 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five - Grants Grant Award Receipt Record (Could be Many Records per Grant Award) All fields are editable after the record has been saved and displayed to the public unless otherwise noted in the “Comments” Field values pulled from FLAIR Transactions 30, 33, 96, and 97; excluding CY Refunds, PY Refunds and Warrant Cancellations nightly (not user entered) where General Ledger code equals“6XXX”, “Grant ID” is not null, and “Statewide Document Number” is not null. Transactions 96 and 97 are included to account for Grant Award receipts recorded in FLAIR using Journal Transfers. FACTS will display transactions in groupings by State Fiscal Year. All data can download into Excel format file. Data Element Grantor Name Definition Grantor Name Length 31 Format Alphanumeric Required / Optional System Generated Comments Generated from Departmental FLAIR receipt transactions therefore not editable This field can be Blank, if no vendor ID is included on the FLAIR receipt transaction. Pulled from FLAIR's Statewide Vendor File, Accounts Receivable Customer File or Account Description File for awards between agencies using the vendor id entered on the receipt transaction (deposit). Amount Account Code Receipt Amount This field identifies the FLAIR account code that relates to the amount. 13.2 30 Numeric Alphanumeric System Generated Generated from Departmental FLAIR receipt transactions therefore not editable System Generated The amount can be negative, zero or positive Generated from Departmental FLAIR receipt transactions therefore not editable FLAIR’s 29 digit Account Code to which funds are deposited Displayed in L1, GF, SF, FID, BE, IBI, CAT, YR, CFI format 31 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five - Grants Grant Award Receipt Record (Could be Many Records per Grant Award) All fields are editable after the record has been saved and displayed to the public unless otherwise noted in the “Comments” Field values pulled from FLAIR Transactions 30, 33, 96, and 97; excluding CY Refunds, PY Refunds and Warrant Cancellations nightly (not user entered) where General Ledger code equals“6XXX”, “Grant ID” is not null, and “Statewide Document Number” is not null. Transactions 96 and 97 are included to account for Grant Award receipts recorded in FLAIR using Journal Transfers. FACTS will display transactions in groupings by State Fiscal Year. All data can download into Excel format file. Data Element Date Definition Length Statewide Document Number voucher date 8 Format MMDDYYYY Required / Optional System Generated 32 of 119 Comments Generated from Departmental FLAIR receipt transactions therefore not editable Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five - Grants Linking Grants and Contracts (Could be Many Records per Grant Award) All fields are editable after the record has been saved and displayed to the public unless otherwise noted in the “Comments” Listed below the fields available for selection from the Grant Award side of FACTS to link the award a Grant Award, Grant Disbursement to other Contracts in FACTS. FACTS will allow for multiple linking entries per award. Data Element Definition Length Format Required / Optional Comments Agreement Type Identifies the type of agreement being linked (associated) 1 Alphanumeric Optional Radio buttons for Contract/Grant Disbursement and Grant Award Agency Identifier Agency OLO 6 Alphanumeric Optional Selectable from a drop-down Grant Award Identifier (Grant Number) FACTS Grant Number associated with the Grant Award. 5 Alphanumeric Optional Selectable from a drop-down for the selected Agency Identifier (OLO) Grant Document Number The number assigned by the issuing entity for reporting purposes. 50 Must be a valid Grant ID within agency in FACTS Alphanumeric Optional Selectable from a drop-down for the selected Agency Identifier (OLO) Must be a valid Grant Document Number within agency in FACTS 33 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five - Grants Linking Grants and Contracts (Could be Many Records per Grant Award) All fields are editable after the record has been saved and displayed to the public unless otherwise noted in the “Comments” Listed below the fields available for selection from the Grant Award side of FACTS to link the award a Grant Award, Grant Disbursement to other Contracts in FACTS. FACTS will allow for multiple linking entries per award. Data Element Definition Length FLAIR Contract Identifier (Contract Number) FACTS Contract Number to be associated with the Grant Award 5 Agency Contract ID Agency Assigned Contract Identified to be associated with the Grant Award 50 Format Alphanumeric Required / Optional Optional Comments Selectable from a drop-down for the selected Agency Identifier (OLO) Must be a valid Contract ID within an agency in FACTS and FLAIR Alphanumeric Optional Selectable from a drop-down for the selected Agency Identifier (OLO) Must be a valid Agency Contract ID within an agency in FACTS 34 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants Grant Award Agreement Functional Requirement Notes and Assumptions Existing FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem A. The existing FLAIR Grant Subsystem will no longer accept adds or updates once the new systems are live. Inquiry will be available for approximately 12-18 months. B. Any existing FLAIR Grant Information File data elements, including amendments and correlations, not shown in the Data listing above are not included in the FACTS due to FLAIR minimal agency usage. C. Agency reports written using existing FLAIR Grant Subsystem file and/or FLAIR Information Warehouse table structures will no longer work and must be updated to query the new FLAIR Grant Subsystem File. D. The following components of FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem are being eliminated: i. Grant Amendments ii. Grant to Fund Correlations iii. Grant to Contact Correlations iv. Letter of Credit Balances The New FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem A. Create a new FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem. B. FACTS will send nightly data transmissions for Grant Awards to the new subsystem. C. Agencies will have direct entry of data elements listed in E. below for tracking of grant revenues and non-direct costs not associated with specific grant disbursement contracts (Grant Pools), i.e. employee salaries, rent, utilities, and other administrative costs. D. Following fields will be sent from FACTS to FLAIR nightly: v. OLO vi. FLAIR Grant ID, vii. Short Title, viii. Long Title, ix. Total Grant Award Amount, x. Grantor ID (first occurrence of the FLAIR Statewide Vendor File ID), xi. Grantor Type, xii. Grant Status, xiii. Letter of Credit Number, xiv. Letter of Credit Sub Account Number (maximum of 15) xv. CFDA Code (first occurrence of CFDA), and xvi. CSFA Code (first occurrence of CSFA) xvii. Agency Reference Number E. Agencies will have the ability to enter the following data elements in the new FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem file: i. FLAIR Grant ID [5 Alphanumeric], 35 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. F. G. H. I. J. Grantor Type [1 Alphanumeric] (via FACTS Only), Grant Status [1 Alphanumeric], Grantor ID [21 Alphanumeric] (FLAIR Statewide Vendor File ID), Total Grant Award[13.2 Numeric], Letter of Credit Number [15 Alphanumeric], Letter of Credit Sub Account Number [15 Alphanumeric and a maximum of 15) viii. CFDA Code [6 Alphanumeric] ix. CSFA Code [5 Alphanumeric] x. Short Title [10 Alphanumeric] xi. Long Title [60 Alphanumeric] xii. Agency Reference Number [5 Alphanumeric] FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem records created by FACTS transmissions cannot be modified directly using the FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem records created by agency direct entry cannot be accessed or modified in FACTS. If the same Grant ID is entered in FACTS it will be sent to FLAIR and will override existing FLAIR information. FLAIR transactional functionality remains unchanged except: i. The edit requiring a Grant ID when Category is 0007xx or 001510 will be eliminated ii. Edits on General Ledger when Category is 0007xx or 001510 will be eliminated iii. Selected on-line receipt transactions will allow the user to optionally select either the Letter of Credit or one of the 15 Sub-Accounts associated with the transaction’s Grant Award to be included in the Receipt transaction. iv. Selected batch receipt transactions will allow input of Letter of Credit Number edited against the Letter of Credit and Sub-Accounts on the FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem record. v. All agencies will be considered Grant Users in FLAIR With the implementation of FACTS Grant Award functionality the FLAIR Grant related files, transactions and functionality require modification: 1. New Grant Information File and Format – DGIF01 (No Agency BATCH ADD or UPDATE to the new Grant Information file) 2. Addition of Letter of Credit (A15 in positions 152-166) to Batch Transaction Layouts TR 30 – Direct Deposit Receipts TR 31 – Clearing Fund Receipts TR 33 – Direct Deposit Receivable Receipts TR 90 – Accounts Receivable 3. Removal of Grant to Fund and Grant to Contract Correlation record types from Batch Correlation Add and Update Layout 4. Reformat of the Grant Information On-Line Screen Images Mini Menu 36 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Add Inquiry Update Addition of Letter of Credit to On-Line Single Input, Single Inquiry and Update Screen Images TR 30S, 30I and 30U – Direct Deposit Receipts TR 31S, 31I and 31U – Clearing Fund Receipts TR 33S, 33I and 33U – Direct Deposit Receivable Receipts TR 34S, 34I and 34U – Clearing Fund Receivable Receipts TR 90S, 90I and 90U – Accounts Receivable Addition of Letter of Credit Indicator to On-Line Multiple Input Screen Images TR 30A – Direct Deposit Receipts TR 31A – Clearing Fund Receipts TR33A – Direct Deposit Receivable Receipts TR 34A – Clearing Fund Receivable Receipts TR90A – Accounts Receivable Removal of Grant to Fund and Grant to Contract Correlation Edits All Transactions Expansion Option Add and Update Removal of Category/Grant/GL Edits from Receipt Transactions TR 30 – Direct Deposit Receipts TR 31 – Clearing Fund Receipts TR 33 – Direct Deposit Receivable Receipts TR34 – Clearing Fund Receivable Receipts TR 9SU – Accounts Receivable Subsidiary Ledger TR 90 – Accounts Receivable TR91 – Memo Accounts Receivable TR 94 – Revenue to Revenue TR96 – Journal Transfer Receipts TR97 – Journal Transfer Receivable Receipts Deletion of Grant Information Standard Reports DCGR03 – Letter of Credit Receipt and Expenditure Report DCGR06 – Grant Information Listing DCGR010 – Grant Amendment Listing DCGR11 – Listing of Federal Grants with an Invalid CFDA or Grant Type FLAIR Conversion of Existing Grant Information Subsystem to the New Grant Information Subsystem A. Existing Grants in a Closed Status will be converted to the new file in an Inactive Status. The related Grant Amendment, Letter of Credit and Title records will be updated to reflect the new status. 37 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants B. Grantor ID on the new file will be populated with value in the Vendor field (CG3VNO) only if that id is valid on the appropriate Vendor file. If it is not valid, the Grantor ID will be left blank on the new file. Grantor Type will be left blank on all records, as allowed values have been changed. C. Total Grant Award Amount on the new file will be populated with Amended Amount (CG3AAMT FACTS Grant Award Agreements FACTS will use unique web pages, functionality and reports for Grant Award Agreements. FACTS will include: A. FACTS Dashboards i. Agency Grant Award User Dashboard - selections for: a. Add New Grant Award b. Search or Edit Contract/Grant Disbursement/Grant Award c. Upload Grant Award Info d. View Unfinished Grant Award Entries e. View Active Grant Awards with Inactive Grantors f. View Active Grant Awards with past End Date g. View Grant Award Batch History h. View Document i. View Document Batch History ii. Agency Contracts/Grant Disbursement User Dashboard – selections for: a. Add New Contract b. Add new Grant Disbursement c. Upload Contract/Grant Disbursement Info d. Search or Edit Contract/Grant Disbursement/Grant Award e. View Unfinished Contracts/Grant Disbursement Entries f. View Active Contracts/Grant Disbursement with Inactive Vendors g. View Active Contracts/Grant Disbursement with past End Date h. View Contracts/Grant Disbursement Batch History i. View Confidential or Exempt Contracts/Grant Disbursements j. View Deleted Contract Grant Awards k. View POs with Missing Method of Procurements l. View Document m. View Document Batch History iii. Agency All Agreements User Dashboard– selections for: a. Add New Contract b. Add new Grant Disbursement c. Add New Grant Award d. Upload Grant Award Info e. Upload Contract/Grant Disbursement Info f. Search or Edit Contract/Grant Disbursement/Grant Award g. View Unfinished Grant Award Entries h. View Unfinished Contracts/Grant Disbursement Entries i. View Active Contracts/Grant Disbursement with Inactive Vendors 38 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants j. View Active Grant Awards with Inactive Grantors k. View Active Contracts/Grant Disbursement with past End Date l. View Active Grant Awards with past End Date m. View Contracts/Grant Disbursement Batch History n. View Grant Award Batch History o. View Confidential or Exempt Contracts/Grant Disbursements p. View Deleted Contract Grant Awards q. View POs with Missing Method of Procurements r. View Document s. View Document Batch History iv. Administrator User Dashboard – selections for: a. Manage User b. Mange Agency Contact c. User Count by Agency d. Mange FACTS Code (Additions Grant Type and Grant Status - Refer to FACTS Code Validation Tables below) e. Manage System Wide Messages f. View Unfinished Grant Award Entries g. View Unfinished Contracts/Grant Disbursement Entries h. View Active Contracts/Grant Disbursement with Inactive Vendors i. View Active Grant Awards with Inactive Grantors j. View Active Grant Awards with past End Date k. View Active Contracts/Grant Disbursement with past End Date l. View Confidential or Exempt Contracts/Grant Disbursements m. View Contracts/Grant Disbursement Batch History n. View Grant Awards Batch History o. View POs with Missing Method of Procurements p. View POs with Missing Required Information q. View PO Payments with Missing Required Information r. View POs with Missing Vendor/Commodity s. View MFMP PO Import Errors t. View Document u. View Document Batch History B. Input and Modification Pages: These pages will function similar to FACTS contract pages, i.e. logical sequential input, save, and edits for required fields. i. Detail Page – used to maintain the one to one grant award related information. Refer to “Grant Award Main Record” table above. ii. Add Grantor Page – used to Grantor information. Refer to “Grant Award Vendor/Grantor Record” table above. iii. Letter of Credit (LOC) Page – used to maintain many to one relational LOC and Sub Account information records. Refer to the “Grant Award Letter of Credit Record” table above. 39 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants iv. Cost Sharing Page – used to maintain the many to one relational additional cost sharing information records Refer to the “Grant Award Additional Cost Sharing Requirements Record” table above. v. CFDA / CSFA Page – used to maintain the many to one relational of CFDA and CSFA information records. Refer to the “Grant Award CFDA / CSFA Record” table above. vi. Amendment Page – used to maintain the many to one relational amendment information records. Refer to the “Grant Award Amendment Record” table above. vii. Associated Agreements Page – used to maintain the many to one relational grant to contract information records. Refer to the “Grant Grant to Grant Contract linking Record” table above. viii. Receipts Page – displays the many to one relational receipt information records – refer to the “Grant Award Receipt Record” table above. ix. Documents Page – used to maintain Grant Award and Amendment documents C. Display Pages and Tabs: These pages will function similar to FACTS contract pages i. Grant Award information page – displayed sections and tabs 1. Summary Section: a. Agency Name b. Grant Ward ID c. Long Title d. Date of Award e. Grantor Name f. Total Grant Award Amount g. Total Grant Award Receipts to Date h. Description 2. Details Tab - Main Information Section: a. Grant Award ID b. Short Title c. Long Title d. Grant Reference Number e. Grant Type f. Grant Status g. Date of Award h. Original Funding Start Date i. Original Funding End Date j. Original Grant Award Amount k. Total Grant Award amount l. Grant Document Number 3. Details Tab - Agency Grant Manger Information (viewable only to signed in FACTS users) a. Agency Manager Name b. Phone Number 40 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants c. Email 4. Details Tab - Agency Grant Fiscal Contract Information (viewable only to signed in FACTS users) a. Grant Fiscal Contact Name b. Phone Number c. Email 5. Details Tab - Grant Federal Contact Information (viewable only to signed in FACTS users) a. Grant Federal Contact Name b. Phone Number c. Email 6. Details Tab – Indirect Cost Information a. Eligible for Indirect Cost (Y/N) b. Salary, Wages & Fringe (Y/N/NA) c. Payments to Sub-Recipient (Y/N/NA) d. Direct Cost (Y/N/NA) e. Indirect Cost Comments 7. Details Tab – Amendments a. Amendment Amount b. Agency Amendment Reference c. Change Description d. Amendment Effective Date e. Revised Funding Start Date f. Revised Funding End Date g. Download Amendment hyper-link 8. Details Tab – Grantor a. Grantor ID (viewable only to signed in FACTS users) b. Name Line1 c. Name Line 2 d. Address (viewable only to signed in FACTS users) e. City, State, ZIP f. Grantor Type g. Download Grantor hyper-link 9. Details Tab – CFDA a. CFDA Code b. Description 10. Details Tab – CSFA a. CSFA Code b. Description 11. Receipts Tab a. Fiscal Year Total Amount, expandable and collapsible for details b. Statewide Document # c. Agency Document # d. Grantor Name 41 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants e. Amount f. Letter of Credit/Sub Account # g. 29 digit FLAIR account code in its components h. Date 12. Letter of Credit Tab (viewable only to signed in FACTS users) a. Letter of Credit Number b. Sub Account Numbers 13. Cost Sharing Tab a. Cost Sharing Source b. Maintenance of Effort (Y/N) c. Matching (Y/N) d. In Kind (Y/N) e. Comments f. Download Costing Sharing hyper-link 14. Associated Agreements Tab a. Agreement Type b. Agency Name c. Contract ID (FALIR Contract ID) d. Agency Contract ID (Agency Assigned Contract ID) e. Grant Award ID (FLAIR Grant ID) f. Grant Document Number g. Agency reference Number h. Download Associated Agreements hyper-link 15. Documents Tab a. Document Type b. Document Reference # c. Document Add Date d. Agency Document Link e. Document PDF Icon D. Search / Result pages: These pages will function similar to FACTS contract pages i. Main Search for Grant Awards - Search criteria modifications/additions: a. Vendor Name becomes Vendor/Grantor Name b. Dollar Value rang includes Grand Award Value c. Beginning and/or Ending Dates range includes Original Funding Start Date and Original Funding End Date d. Grant Award ID ii. Main Search Results a. Displayed data modifications/additions: i. Vendor Name become Vendor/Grantor Name ii. Grant Award ID b. All displayed columns must be sort-able, except for Commodity/Service Type and Audit View c. Displayed information must be downloadable to Excel readable format file containing extra information not displayed: 42 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. xiii. xiv. xv. xvi. xvii. xviii. xix. xx. xxi. xxii. xxiii. xxiv. xxv. xxvi. xxvii. xxviii. xxix. xxx. xxxi. xxxii. xxxiii. Vendor/Grantor Name Line 2 Original Contract Amount Commodity/Service Type Code Recurring Budgetary Amount Non Recurring Budgetary Amount PO Budget Amount Long Title/PO Title Short Title Beginning Date Original End Date Contract Execution Date Grant Award Date PO Order Date Agency service Area Manger Name, available only if user is signed into FACTS Manger Phone, available only if user is signed into FACTS Manger Email, available only if user is signed into FACTS Authorized Advance Payment Method of Procurement State Term Contract ID Agency Reference Number Contract Exemption Explanation Statutory Authority Recipient Type Provide Administrative Cost Provide for Periodic Increase Periodic Increase Percentage Business Case Study Done Business Case Date Legal Challenge to Procurement Legal Challenge Description Was the Contractual Functions Previously Done by the Sate Was the Contractual Functions Considered for Insourcing back to the State xxxiv. Did the Vendor Make Capital Improvements on State Property xxxv. Capital Improvement Description xxxvi. Value o Capital Improvements xxxvii. Value of Unamortized Capital Improvements xxxviii. Comments [General Description] xxxix. CFDA Code xl. CFDA Code Description xli. CSFA Code xlii. CSFA Code Description d. The Grant Award Information page must be accessible from Grant Award ID hyperlink. 43 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants iii. Advance Search Criteria for Grant Awards a. Search criteria modifications/additions: i. Vendor Name becomes Vendor/Grantor Name ii. Dollar Value range includes Grand Award Value iii. Fiscal Year includes Grant Award Date iv. Beginning and/or Ending Dates range includes Original Funding Start Date and Original Funding End Date v. Grant Award ID (FLAIR Grant Number) vi. Grant Award Type vii. Grant Award Statuses, with ability to select multiples viii. Award Date range b. Page Layout modifications/additions: i. There are to be four groupings of search criteria 1. Main Area containing the search criteria common across contract, grant disbursement agrees, grant awards and purchase orders a. Agency Name, with ability to select multiples b. Vendor/Grantor Name c. Minority Vendor Designation, with drop down selectable listing d. Dollar Value range e. Fiscal Year, with drop down selectable listing f. Commodity/Service Type g. Beginning and/or Ending Date h. Method of Procurement, with drop down selectable listing i. Radio buttons for: Show All Show Contracts only, with published audit check box Show Grant Award only Show Purchase Orders only 2. Contract Specific Search Parameters that is expandable and collapsible a. Agency Assigned Contract ID b. FLAIR Contract ID c. Contract Status, with ability to select multiples d. Contract Type, with drop down selectable listing e. Administrative Costs radio buttons for: Contains Administrative Cost? “Yes”, “No” & “Either” f. Periodic Increase radio buttons for: Provide for Periodic Increase? “Yes”, “No” & “Either” 44 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants iv. g. Contract Manger Name, available only if user is signed into FACTS 3. Grant Award Specific Search Parameters that is expandable and collapsible a. Grant Award ID b. Grant Award Type, with drop down selectable listing c. Grant Award Status with ability to select multiples d. Award Date range 4. Purchase Order Specific Search Parameters that is expandable and collapsible a. Purchas Order Status, with ability to select multiples b. MFMP PO Number c. Order Date range Advance Search Results for Grant Awards a. Displayed data modifications/additions: i. Vendor/Grantor Name Line 1 ii. Grand Award ID (FLAIR Grant Number) iii. Vendor/Grantor Line 2 iv. Grant Award Date b. Displayed columns Agency Name through Total Amount must be sortable c. Displayed information must be downloadable to Excel readable format file containing extra information not on the display: i. Original Amount ii. Commodity/service Type Code iii. Recurring Budgetary Amount iv. Non Recurring Budgetary Amount v. PO Budget Amount vi. Manger Name, available only if user is signed into FACTS vii. Manger Phone, available only if user is signed into FACTS viii. Manger Email, available only if user is signed into FACTS ix. Contract Exemption Explanation x. Statutory Authority xi. Contract Involves State or Federal Aid xii. Provide for Periodic Increase xiii. Periodic Increase Percentage xiv. Business Case Study Done xv. Business Case Date xvi. Legal Challenge to Procurement xvii. Legal Challenge Description xviii. Was the Contractual Functions Previously Done by the Sate xix. Was the Contractual Functions Considered for Insourcing back to the State xx. Did the Vendor Make Capital Improvements on State Property xxi. Capital Improvement Description 45 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants xxii. Value o Capital Improvements xxiii. Value of Unamortized Capital Improvements xxiv. Comments [General Description] xxv. CFDA Code Description xxvi. CSFA Code Description d. The Grant Award Information page must be accessible from Grant Award ID hyperlink. Security Modify security from that currently provided by FACTS so that only authorized users add or modify data associated with their entity and function. The types of authorized user (Roles) are: 1. FACTS Administrator a. Manages user access to FACTS b. Manages system wide messages displayed in FACTS c. Manages agency contract information in FACTS d. Manages codes used in FACTS e. Manages all information maintained in FACT, including Chapter 119, Florida Statues, exempted information 2. Oversight User – Ability to view only all information maintained in FACT, including Chapter 119, Florida Statues, exempted information 3. Agency All Agreement User – Ability to add and update all information in FACTS for a specified entity, including Chapter 119, Florida Statues information 4. Agency Contract/Grant Disbursement User - Ability to add and update only contract/grant disbursement agreement information in FACTS for a specified entity, including Chapter 119, Florida Statues information 5. Agency Grant User - Ability to add and update only grant award agreement information in FACTS for a specified entity, including Chapter 119, Florida Statues information 6. Help Desk User - DFS individuals in Division of Information Systems authorized to reset FACTS passwords The security must provide a means of identifying the users by entity (i.e. Legislature, DFS, APD, etc) and name. In addition, FACTS must prevent the public viewing the following additional data fields: • Grantor’s ID • Grantor’s Street Address • Agency Grant Manger Name, Phone Number and Email Address • Grant Federal Contact Name, Phone Number and Email Address • Agency Grant Fiscal Contact Name, Phone Number and Email Address Existing Data Cleaning and Conversion 46 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants A. FLAIR must provide a one-time data extract for active grant records for cleansing and conversion from the FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem. There will be separate conversion procedures written. B. Existing data from FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem must undergo data cleansing by the agencies to ensure that all the required data for active grants is present and that previously agency unique data values updated to State Standard before adding them to FACTS. C. Agencies will have the ability to submit a “cleansed” data file in a specific format for one-time conversion to FACTS. Agency Data Upload FACTS will provide a mechanism for State Agencies to upload data electronically, including error handling. There will be separate Upload File Layout and procedures written. FLAIR Data Exchanges A. FACTS will provide appropriate timely data interfaces, including error handling, to and from FLAIR files for the data indicated as being validated using FLAIR data. B. FLAIR Grant Subsystem records created from transmission of FACTS data will not be editable within the FLAIR Grant Subsystem. C. Agencies can create FLAIR Grant IDs directly in the FLAIR Grant Information Subsystem for grant related revenue and cost pools. D. Following FACTS fields will be sent to FLAIR: FACTS to FLAIR Grant Award Add/Update Interface File Format Position Format Field Required Comments 1-1 A1 Add/Update Indicator Yes Valid Values: A or U 2-7 A6 OLO Yes Must be valid OLO 8-12 A5 Grant ID Yes When Add/Update Indicator = U: Must be on FLAIR Grant Information file for OLO with a FACTS Indicator = Y. When Add/Update Indicator = A: Cannot be on FLAIR Grant Information file for OLO with a FACTS Indicator = Y. 47 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants 13-13 A1 Status Yes 14-23 A10 Short Title Yes 24-83 A60 Long Title Yes 84-104 A21 Grantor ID Yes Must be active on Statewide Vendor file or Account Description file 105-105 A1 Grantor Type Yes Valid Values: A - J 106-120 N13.2 Total Grant Award Yes Cannot = zero or be negative 121-126 A6 CFDA No Must be active on CFDA file 127-131 A5 CSFA No Must be active on CSFA file 132-136 A5 Agency Reference Number No 137-151 A15 Letter of Credit No 152-166 A15 Sub-Account 1 No 167-181 A15 Sub-Account 2 No 182-196 A15 Sub-Account 3 No 197-211 A15 Sub-Account 4 No 212-226 A15 Sub-Account 5 No 227-241 A15 Sub-Account 6 No 242-256 A15 Sub-Account 7 No 257-271 A15 Sub-Account 8 No 272-286 A15 Sub-Account 9 No 287-301 A15 Sub-Account 10 No 302-316 A15 Sub-Account 11 No 48 of 119 Valid values: A, I or D Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants 317-331 A15 Sub-Account 12 No 332-346 A15 Sub-Account 13 No 347-361 A15 Sub-Account 14 No 362-376 A15 Sub-Account 15 No On-line Data Entry, Editing and Display A. FACTS will arrange data elements into logical groupings by sections, tabs, or screens for user-friendly entry and access similar to that used for contracts in FACTS, i.e. general grant identification, grant purpose, grantor, grant management and amendments, etc. B. FACTS will provide data entry assistance such as drop down pick lists for State Standard data code values similar to that used for contracts in FACT, i.e. Grant Status, Grant Type, CFDA codes, and CSFA codes, etc. C. FACTS will provide data entry assistance for selecting various dates similar to that available for contracts in FACTS, i.e. pop-up calendars. D. FACTS will provide data entry assistance for selecting Grantor ID values similar to that used for contract vendors in FACTS, i.e. name search. (Grantor IDs with Revenue Type codes will be available on FLAIR’s Statewide Vendor files) E. FACTS will provide data entry assistance for selecting FACTS’ contracts and grants associated with the grants and contracts. F. FACTS will prevent the placing of a published grant records in “Delete” status by Agency Grant Users and Agency Super User. However, Agency Grant Users and Agency Super Users can place unfinished grant records in “Delete” status and thereby prevent them from being publishing. On-Line Data Querying A. FACTS must provide three security levels for on-line data querying similar to that available for contracts in FACTS: a. Public Access must not include Grantor’s Vendor ID, Grantor’s Street Address, Agency Grant Manger information, Grant Federal Contact information and Agency Fiscal Contact information, b. Agencies Access must be restricted to their agency records, and c. Statewide Access to all data for the Legislative and CFO Staff B. FACTS must provide initially ad-hock querying, display, exporting, and printing of data similar to that available for contracts in FACTS, i.e. standard and advance queries, sectionalized data groups, columnar displaying of data with appropriate slide bars, screen printing, Excel associable data downloads. C. FACTS must provide querying assistance such as drop down pick lists for available data values similar to that available for contracts in FACTS. D. FACTS must provide access for querying, displaying and printing grant data for a minimum of ten years (Grant Data History). Data retention, starting with 49 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants initial data loading, will be ten continuous years. Archive data exceeding the ten-year limit but have it readily available for analysis. Grant Award Amount and Receipts A. FACTS must accumulate and display by grant award at the top of the FACTS “Grant Award Information” page a “ Summary” section for both Public and Agency User: a. Total Grant Award Amount- FACTS should use system-recorded data “Grant Award’s Original Amount” plus “Amendment Amounts” by grant award to accumulate these totals. b. Total Grant Award Receipts to Date - FACTS should use Departmental FLAIR provided receipt data by FLAIR Grant ID to accumulate these totals. B. FACTS must have a “Receipts” tab available from the “Grant Award Information” page that when clicked displays: a. “Total Receipts” by Fiscal Year i. FACTS should use Departmental FLAIR provided receipt data by FLAIR Grant ID to accumulate these totals. b. A “More” or “Expand” button must be displayed that when clicked displays in columns Departmental FLAIR provided: i. “Statewide Document Number” ii. “Agency Document Number”, if available iii. “Grantor Name”, if available iv. “Amount” v. FLAIR’s Account Code broken into: 1. LI - L1_CD – 2 digits – Level One Operational Level Code 2. GF - GF_CD – 2 digits - GAFFR Fund Code (Governmental Accounting Fund) 3. SF - SF_CD – 1 digit- State Fund Code 4. FID - FID – 6 digits - Fund ID 5. BE - BE_CD – 8 digits – Budget Entity Code 6. IBI - IBI – 2 digits - Internal Budget Identifier 7. CAT - CAT – 6 digits – Category (Revenue) 8. YR - APPR_YR – 2 digits – Budget Appropriation Year vi. Date vii. Grant Award ID Number viii. Letter of Credit Number or Sub Account values, if available c. The following statement need to be placed on the Receipts Tab: 1. Receipts also referred to as revenue. Receipts include accounting adjustments made on a grant award. Receipts are always positive amounts while accounting adjustments may be positive or negative depending on the type of adjustment. 50 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants 2. If a receipt or adjustment to a contract was made before Month, Date, 2013, the information may not be posted in this system. C. Departmental FLAIR must provide FACTS, nightly, the input side of all daily detail receipt transactions from the Daily Departmental Work file with a General Ledger code of “6XXX”, “Grant ID” is not null (Grant ID is identified as a FACTS Grant), and “Statewide Document Number” is not null, and all Departmental FLAIR Transaction Number 11s with “General Leger” equals 6XXXX and “Grant ID”, is not null, excluding Transaction Numbers 07, 08, 09 and 16 as well as any Master File purge transactions. Also, exclude any Departmental FLAIR transactions with a Prior Period Indicator (PPI) equaling “Y” for the period July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014 only and any transactions with PPI equals “M” in July 2013 only. D. The Departmental FLAIR details transactions must provide: a. Agency OLO, 6 Alphanumeric b. FLAIR Grant ID, 5 Alphanumeric c. Vendor Name, 31 Alphanumeric (Vendor Long Name – line one only) d. Vendor ID, 21 Alphanumeric (To be used as reference key only) e. Statewide Document Number, 11 Alphanumeric f. Agency Document Number, 11 Alphanumeric g. Voucher Date, MM/DD/YYYY Format h. Voucher Amount, 17 Numeric with leading sign (+/-) and decimal 2 i. FLAIR Account Code with Certified Forward Indicator, 30 Alphanumeric: j. Fiscal Year, YY-YY format, (After June 30, 2013, Departmental FLAIR will calculated fiscal year using the Prior Period Indicator and Certified Forward Indicator.) k. Letter of Credit, 15 Alphanumeric E. FACTS must summarize the Departmental FLAIR data by “OLO”, “Grant ID”, “SWDN” and Fiscal Year combinations to minimize the detail transaction lines to be displayed. F. FACTS must allow the user to download grant receipt details. G. Policy Statement: i. Effective July 1, 2015, agency staff must record the appropriate FLAIR Grant identifier (number) on all Departmental FLAIR Receipt Transactions associated with a grant awards recorded in FACTS, including any journal transfers and advises. All Departmental FLAIR transactions used to adjust, distribute or correct grant receipts must have the appropriate FLAIR Grant identifier and original receipts Statewide Document Number. 51 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants State Standard Required Codes State Standard Codes maintained in FACTS for the following data fields; Refer to FACTS Code Validation Tables below. • Grant Type • Grant Status Linking of Grant Award Agreements to Associated Grant Disbursement Agreements, Contracts or Other Grant Awards FACTS must provide functionality for linking of FACTS grant award agreements to associate FACTS grant disbursement agreements (contracts) using the FLAIR Contract Identifier (Numbers), Agency Contract ID and Grant Reference Number. Refer to the Linking Contracts to Grants Record table above. Linking of Grant Award and Grant Award Amendment Document Images FACTS must provide functionality for linking of grant award and grant award amendment document images to the grant award and grant award amendment records contained in the system. FLAIR Grant Information File Purge Current FLAIR Grant Information purge procedures should treat FACTS and FLAIR Grants the same. FACTS Grant Award Data Agency On-line Upload Functionality FACTS will provided an On-line Excel ONE to ONE upload process for grant award data. 52 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants Grant Disbursement Agreement Summary State agency representatives and Department of Financial Services, Division of Accounting and Auditing staff through a series of Grant Policy Workgroup meetings developed the following: • • Definition of Grant Disbursement Agreements – Contracts for the expenditure of funds associated with either a Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) number; a Catalog of State Financial Assistance (CSFA) number; or a grant from a nongovernmental entity to a recipient or sub-recipient by the reporting entity. These contracts are identified using the vendor checklist to classify them as either vendors or sub recipients. Contractors who are identified as vendors, should be classified as Contract Type = SC – Standard Two-Party agreements by statute; and are required to be reported in FACTS. State Standard Grant Disbursement Agreement policies and procedures 1. All agreements meeting the Grant Disbursement Agreement definition will be recorded and maintained in FACTS, except for those of the Depts. Of Legal Affairs and Agriculture and Consumer Services. 2. No new FACTS fields were created or needed to support agencies recording Grant Disbursement Agreements in FACTS. Agencies will utilize the existing Contract fields available in FACTS to record Grant Disbursement Agreements. 3. A few modifications are to be made to the current FACTS contract functionality to support grant disbursement agreements 4. Recipient name and address information are recorded in FLAIR Statewide Vendor File 5. Following information will not be available for public view: Recipient/Vendor ID, Recipient/Vendor’s Street Address, Agency Contract Manger information, and Any contract containing information that is confidential and/or exempt pursuant to Florida law not published to FACTS public website. However, applicable contract information sent to FLAIR. 6. Optionally, FACTS Grant Disbursement Agreements can cross-reference to other FACTS maintained agreements, (i.e. Grant Award Agreement, other contracts, even across State agencies. 53 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants Data Elements for Grant Disbursement Agreement The following are the FACTS Grant Disbursement Agreement data elements with names, functions, formats and record (table) groupings needed to meet State agency, grantor and State operational and reporting needs. Grant Disbursement Main Record (One Record per Grant Disbursement Agreement) All fields are editable after the record has been saved and displayed to the public unless otherwise noted in the “Comments” Data Element Agency Identifier Definition Agency ID (FLAIR OLO) Length 6 Format Alphanumeric Required / Optional System Generated Comments Agency ID - not an entered field but determined when the Agency User logs into FACTS therefore not editable. Not editable in FACTS or FLAIR Agency Contract ID Used to identify agency assigned contract/grant disbursement agreement identifiers that are larger than the FLAIR Contract Identifier 50 Alphanumeric Optional Agency Assigned Identifier is for System display and reporting. Agencies may duplicate the FLAIR Contract ID in this field. Not sent to FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem 54 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants Grant Disbursement Main Record (One Record per Grant Disbursement Agreement) All fields are editable after the record has been saved and displayed to the public unless otherwise noted in the “Comments” Data Element FLAIR Contract ID Definition Identify the individual contract/grant disbursement agreements within the system. Length 5 Format Alphanumeric Required / Optional Required Comments Unique value within OLO on Departmental FLAIR's Title file This data sent to the FLAIR Title File and FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem Not editable once “Finished” and sent to FLAIR It is unique to a single contract and cannot duplicate within an agency for ten years Validated using FLAIR data Used on FLAIR transactions. It is required on all FLAIR disbursement transactions for the related contract, and will be used to retrieve expenditure data by contracts in FACTS This is a linking data field Short Title Text that would assist the Agency in identifying the contract/grant disbursement agreement 10 Alphanumeric Required 55 of 119 This data will be sent to FLAIR to update the FLAIR Title File Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants Grant Disbursement Main Record (One Record per Grant Disbursement Agreement) All fields are editable after the record has been saved and displayed to the public unless otherwise noted in the “Comments” Data Element Long Title Original Contract Amount Definition Length Entry in this field should identify the contract/grant disbursement agreement in a manner that would be meaningful to the public. 60 13.2 Format Required / Optional Comments Alphanumeric Required This data will be sent to FLAIR to update the FLAIR Title File and FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem Numeric Optional Can be Zero for task order type contract/grant disbursement agreements Defaults to zero Not sent to FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem There are no FLAIR or FACTS edits on this field Entries in this field will update the Total Contract Amount Not linked to other fields within FLAIR or FACTS 56 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants Grant Disbursement Main Record (One Record per Grant Disbursement Agreement) All fields are editable after the record has been saved and displayed to the public unless otherwise noted in the “Comments” Data Element Contract Type Definition Length A contract is identified as any written agreement between one or more parties. Contract Types classifies contracts in FACTS. 2 Format Alphanumeric Required / Optional Required Comments Not sent to FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem FACTS maintains Contract Type coeds At the Dashboard, users will choose to enter a “Contract” or “Grant Disbursement Agreements”. Selecting the “Grant Disbursement Agreement” option causes the Contract Type to default t to “Grant Disbursement Agreements” (GD) – Contracts for the expenditure of funds associated with either a Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) number; a Catalog of State Financial Assistance (CSFA) number; or a grant from a non-governmental entity to a recipient or sub-recipient by the reporting entity. The field value cannot change until the “Main Record” is “Saved” and the user returns to record in the edit/update mode. In the edit/update mode, the user can select another Contract Type value from the drop-down list. 57 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants Grant Disbursement Main Record (One Record per Grant Disbursement Agreement) All fields are editable after the record has been saved and displayed to the public unless otherwise noted in the “Comments” Data Element Contract Status Definition Length Status of contract/grant disbursement agreement 2 Format Alphanumeric Required / Optional Required Comments Valid values are: A – Active, (Maps to FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem Active) C – Closed or Expired, (Maps to FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem Inactive) D – Deleted (Used for Error Corrections), (Maps to FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem Delete) E – Active /Extended, (Maps to FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem Active) R – Active/Renewed, (Maps to FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem Active) T – Terminated (Maps to FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem Inactive) FACTS will provide a dropdown pick list of values This data is sent to the FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem FACTS maintains Contract Type codes 58 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants Grant Disbursement Main Record (One Record per Grant Disbursement Agreement) All fields are editable after the record has been saved and displayed to the public unless otherwise noted in the “Comments” Data Element Date of Execution Definition Length Identifies the date the contract/grant disbursement agreement executed by all parties 8 Format MMDDYYYY Required / Optional Required Comments Not linked to other fields within FLAIR or FACTS An editable field, until “Finished” or published to web. Date must be valid FACTS will provide a pop-up calendar to set date, if desired Not sent to FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem Date of Beginning Identifies the date the recipient or sub-recipient may begin the delivery of services. 8 MMDDYYYY Required Not linked to other fields within FLAIR or FACTS Date must be valid FACTS will provide a pop-up calendar to set date, if desired Not sent to FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem 59 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants Grant Disbursement Main Record (One Record per Grant Disbursement Agreement) All fields are editable after the record has been saved and displayed to the public unless otherwise noted in the “Comments” Data Element Definition Length Original Ending Date Identifies the final date that all services must be provided under the original contract/grant disbursement agreement 8 Format MMDDYYYY Required / Optional Optional Comments Can be left blank for open ended contract/grant disbursement agreements Not linked to other fields within FLAIR or FACTS Date must be valid FACTS will provide a pop-up calendar to set date, if desired Not sent to FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem Agency Service Area This field is available to allow agencies to input contracts by their internal districts, regions, or other geographic service area. 5 Alphanumeric Optional Not sent to FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem Statutory Authority A free form field to record the statutory authority of the agency for procuring the specific services in the contract 60 Alphanumeric Required Not sent to FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem 60 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants Grant Disbursement Main Record (One Record per Grant Disbursement Agreement) All fields are editable after the record has been saved and displayed to the public unless otherwise noted in the “Comments” Data Element Contract Involve State or Federal Financial Assistance Definition Length Indicates if the contract involves the use of State or Federal Financial Assistance 1 Format Alphanumeric Required / Optional Required Comments At the Dashboard, users will choose to enter a “Contract” or “Grant Disbursement Agreements”. Selecting the “Grant Disbursement Agreement” option causes the Contract Involve State or Federal Financial Assistance to default t to “Yes”. The field value cannot change until the “Main Record” is “Saved” and the user returns to record in the edit/update mode. In the edit/update mode, the user can select “No”. Input value of “Yes” triggers additional input requirements on the CFDA or CSFA input screens Not sent to FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem 61 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants Grant Disbursement Main Record (One Record per Grant Disbursement Agreement) All fields are editable after the record has been saved and displayed to the public unless otherwise noted in the “Comments” Data Element Recipient Type Definition Indicates the Recipient Type Length 1 Format Alphanumeric Required / Optional Required Comments This field is required if CFDA or CSFA codes are entered for the contract. Valid values, which will be provided through a drop down list, activated by clicking on the down arrow on the right side of the box, are: A - Nonprofit Organization, B - For Profit Organization, includes Sole Proprietor, C - Local Government, D - State Community Colleges, E - District School Boards, F – State Agency*, excluding State Universities, G - State Universities*, J – Federal Agency K – Private Universities* L – Legislature FACTS maintains the Grantor Type codes *Includes entities in or out of the State of Florida FLAIR maintains Receipt Type code Not sent to FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem 62 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants Grant Disbursement Main Record (One Record per Grant Disbursement Agreement) All fields are editable after the record has been saved and displayed to the public unless otherwise noted in the “Comments” Data Element Definition Length Provides for Administrative Cost (Yes or No) This is an indicator of whether the contract/grant disbursement agreement provides for administrative costs. 1 Provides for Periodic Increase (Yes or No) This is an indicator of whether the contract/grant disbursement agreement provides for increases in compensation for the recipient or subrecipient. 1 Periodic Increase Percentage This field provides the percentage of periodic increase to the vendor that allowed under the contract/grant disbursement agreement. 6 Format Alphanumeric Required / Optional Optional Comments Defaults to “N” Not sent to FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem Alphanumeric Optional Defaults to “N” Not sent to FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem Alphanumeric Optional Becomes a required field if the ‘Provides for Periodic Increase’ value = “Yes" Displays to Public only if Administrative Cost value = “Yes” Not sent to FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem 63 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants Grant Disbursement Main Record (One Record per Grant Disbursement Agreement) All fields are editable after the record has been saved and displayed to the public unless otherwise noted in the “Comments” Data Element Format Required / Optional Definition Length Comments General Description This field is use to provide a brief description of agreement for the public. 2,000 Alphanumeric Required Not sent to FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem Authorized Advance Payment (Yes or No) This field indicates if advance payments authorized in the contract/grant disbursement agreement. 1 Alphanumeric Optional Defaults to No Method of Procurement Captures Methods of Procurement or Procurement Exemption codes identifying either the methods of competitive procurement used for the contract or the reason that a competitive procurement was not undertaken. 5 Not sent to FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem Alphanumeric Required Selected from a dropdown of valid codes Not sent to FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem FACTS maintains Method of Procurement codes 64 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants Grant Disbursement Main Record (One Record per Grant Disbursement Agreement) All fields are editable after the record has been saved and displayed to the public unless otherwise noted in the “Comments” Data Element Method of Procurement Full Description Definition Displays the full description of the code Length 100 Format Alphanumeric Required / Optional System Generated Comments Retrieved from FACTS table based on the code selected from the Method of Procurement drop down box therefore not editable Not sent to FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem Contract’s Exemption Explanation State Term Contract ID Free form field to explain any exemptions from competitive procurement utilized for the contract. It is required if a competitive procurement exemption code is used in the Method of Procurement field. 2,000 Provides for recording of the ID of the specific DMS State Term contract goods or services acquired under 50 Alphanumeric Optional If an exemption code was selected in “Method of Procurement” it becomes required Not sent to FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem Alphanumeric Optional Becomes required if Contract’s ‘Method of Procurement’ code equals A, B or D Not sent to FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem 65 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants Grant Disbursement Main Record (One Record per Grant Disbursement Agreement) All fields are editable after the record has been saved and displayed to the public unless otherwise noted in the “Comments” Data Element Format Required / Optional Definition Length Comments Agency Reference Number Provided to capture and report references to competitive procurement documentations issued by and maintained by the agencies. 50 Alphanumeric Optional Not sent to FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem Business Case Study Done (Yes or No) Indicates whether a business case study done for this contract. 1 Alphanumeric Optional Defaults to “N” Business Case Date Date of the business case study. 8 Not sent to FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem (MM/DD/YYYY) Optional Becomes required field if the Business Case Study Done = “Yes” Displays to Public only if Business Case Study Done = “Yes” Not sent to FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem Legal Challenges to Procurement (Yes or No) Indicates whether legal challenge to the procurement of this contract. 1 Alphanumeric Optional Defaults to “N” Not sent to FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem 66 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants Grant Disbursement Main Record (One Record per Grant Disbursement Agreement) All fields are editable after the record has been saved and displayed to the public unless otherwise noted in the “Comments” Data Element Legal Challenge Description Definition Length Free form field for describing legal challenge outcome 2,000 Format Alphanumeric Required / Optional Optional Comments Becomes required field if the Legal Challenges to Procurement = “Yes” Displays to Public only if Legal Challenges to Procurement = “Yes” Not sent to FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem Was the Contracted Functions Previously Done by the State (Yes or No) Indicates whether services acquired under the contract done inhouse immediately prior to the issuance of this contract. 1 Was the Contracted Functions Considered for In-sourcing back to the State (Yes or No) Indicates whether services acquired under the contract considered for in-sourcing to the state agency. 1 Alphanumeric Optional Defaults to “N” Not sent to FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem Alphanumeric Optional Defaults to “N” Not sent to FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem 67 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants Grant Disbursement Main Record (One Record per Grant Disbursement Agreement) All fields are editable after the record has been saved and displayed to the public unless otherwise noted in the “Comments” Data Element Definition Did the Vendor Make Capital Improvements on State Property (Yes or No) Indicates whether contractor made capital improvements Capital Improvement Description General description of the capital improvement Length 1 Format Alphanumeric Required / Optional Optional Comments Defaults to “N” Not sent to FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem 2,000 Alphanumeric Optional Capital improvements defined as improvement with a cost in excess of $1,000 and an estimated useful life in excess of one year. Becomes required field if ‘Did the Vendor Make Capital Improvements on State Property’ = “Yes” Displays to Public only if Did the Vendor Make Capital Improvements on State Property = “Yes”. Not sent to FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem Value of Capital Improvements Amount of the Capital improvement 13.2 Numeric Optional Becomes required field if the ‘Did the Vendor Make Capital Improvements on State Property’ = “Yes” Displays to Public only if Did the ‘Vendor Make Capital Improvements on State Property’ = “Yes”. Not sent to FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem 68 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants Grant Disbursement Main Record (One Record per Grant Disbursement Agreement) All fields are editable after the record has been saved and displayed to the public unless otherwise noted in the “Comments” Data Element Definition Length Value of Unamortized Capital Improvements Amount of Unamortized Capital improvement 13.2 Format Numeric Required / Optional Optional Comments Becomes required field if the ‘Did the Vendor Make Capital Improvements on State Property’ = “Yes” Displays to Public only if Did the Vendor Make Capital Improvements on State Property = “Yes”. Not sent to FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem Agency Contract Manager Name Identifies the agency contract manager 31 Agency Contract Manager Phone Number Agency contract manger's phone number 10 Agency Contract Manager’s e-mail address Agency contract manger's email address 50 Alphanumeric Required Not displayed to public Not sent to FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem Alphanumeric Optional Not displayed to public Not sent to FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem Alphanumeric Optional Not displayed to public Not sent to FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem 69 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants Grant Disbursement Budget Record (Could be Many Records per Grant Disbursement Agreement) All fields are editable after the record has been saved and displayed to the public unless otherwise noted in the “Comments” A grant disbursement agreement can have several funding sources. FACTS will allow for multiple entries. Data Element Amount Definition Budget amount Length 13.2 Format Numeric Required / Optional Optional Comments Can be negative, positive or zero Defaults to zero If zero, account code is not required Not sent to FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem Amount Type Account Code Recurring / Non-recurring radio buttons. This field indicates if the funding source is recurring or not. 2 FLAIR 29-digit control account number for the funding source. Users enter (L1, GF, SF, FID, BE, IBI, CAT, YR). 29 Alphanumeric Optional Defaults to Recurring Not sent to FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem Alphanumeric Optional If Amount = 0, Account is not required FLAIR’s 29 digit Account Code from which payments are to be made. Validated using FLAIR data Not sent to FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem 70 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants Grant Disbursement Budget Record (Could be Many Records per Grant Disbursement Agreement) All fields are editable after the record has been saved and displayed to the public unless otherwise noted in the “Comments” A grant disbursement agreement can have several funding sources. FACTS will allow for multiple entries. Data Element Fiscal Year Effective Date Definition Effective date of the State Appropriation Length 8 Format MMDDYYYY Required / Optional Optional Comments If Amount = 0, Fiscal Year Effective Date is not required. If entered, must be valid date. FACTS will provide a pop-up calendar to set date. Not sent to FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem Cost Accumulator Agency Amendment Reference Optional field used by agencies to provide other accumulator ID, i.e. OCA, Project, etc. 60 Provide for agencies to associate budget records to contract amendment (Change) records 8 Alphanumeric Optional FACTS will allow for multiple entries. Not sent to FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem Alphanumeric Optional Field displayed only if a contract change recorded on the contract. Once a contract has a contract change recorded this field will be displayed requiring the user to select the appropriate reference (“Original” or change reference ID) to track and identify the budget entry. Not sent to FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem 71 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants Grant Disbursement Budget Record (Could be Many Records per Grant Disbursement Agreement) All fields are editable after the record has been saved and displayed to the public unless otherwise noted in the “Comments” A grant disbursement agreement can have several funding sources. FACTS will allow for multiple entries. Data Element Required / Optional Comments Numeric System Generated Not sent to FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem therefore not editable 13.2 Numeric System Generated Not sent to FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem therefore not editable Amount derived from the sum of contract Nonrecurring Budget amounts entered in the system. 13.2 Numeric System Generated Not sent to FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem therefore not editable Amount derived by summarizing the Recurring and Non-Recurring Budgetary amounts entered in the system. 13.2 Numeric System Generated Not sent to FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem therefore not editable Definition Length Total Contract Amount Amount derived from the sum of the Original Contract Amount and Amendment Amounts that entered in the system. 13.2 Total Recurring Budgetary Amount Amount derived from the sum of contract Recurring Budget amounts entered in the system. Total NonRecurring Budgetary Amount Total Budgetary Amount Format 72 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants Grant Disbursement Budget Record (Could be Many Records per Grant Disbursement Agreement) All fields are editable after the record has been saved and displayed to the public unless otherwise noted in the “Comments” A grant disbursement agreement can have several funding sources. FACTS will allow for multiple entries. Data Element Total Unfunded Amount Definition Length Amount calculated by the system to show the difference between the Total Contract Amount and the Total Budgetary Amount. It represents potential contract obligations not yet covered by budgetary entries and could represent unprocessed budget amendments or anticipated appropriations of future periods. 13.2 Format Numeric Required / Optional Comments System Generated Not sent to FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem therefore not editable 73 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants Grant Disbursement Vendor Record (Could be Many Records per Grant Disbursement Agreement) All fields are editable after the record has been saved and displayed to the public unless otherwise noted in the “Comments” There could be many vendors associated with a grant disbursement agreement. FACTS will allow for multiple entries. Data Element Vendor Id Definition Statewide Vendor, A/R Customer or Account Description Number identifier Length Format 21 Alphanumeric Required / Optional Required Comments Number valid on FLAIR's Vendor files, including the appropriate prefix, and must allow for multiple entries for multi-party agreements. For inter-agency agreements, the data element must allow for the FLAIR valid 21-digit account code. Validated using FLAIR data FACTS provides the ability to search by recipient or vendor name Not displayed to the public Name This field identifies the recipient or contractor’s name that will provide services under the contract. 60 Alphanumeric System Generated Not sent to FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem Retrieved from FLAIR's Vendor files using the Vendor Id entered therefore not editable Not sent to FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem 74 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants Grant Disbursement Vendor Record (Could be Many Records per Grant Disbursement Agreement) All fields are editable after the record has been saved and displayed to the public unless otherwise noted in the “Comments” There could be many vendors associated with a grant disbursement agreement. FACTS will allow for multiple entries. Data Element Street Address City State ZIP-Code Definition Length Format This field identifies the recipient or contractor’s street address that will provide services under the contract. 60 Alphanumeric This field identifies the recipient or contractor’s city that will provide services under the contract. 60 This field identifies the recipient or contractor’s State that will provide services under the contract. 2 This field identifies the recipient or contractor’s Zip code that will provide services under the contract. 10 Required / Optional System Generated Comments Retrieved from FLAIR's Vendor files using the Vendor Id entered therefore not editable Not displayed to the public Not sent to FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem Alphanumeric System Generated Retrieved from FLAIR's Vendor files using the Vendor Id entered therefore not editable Not sent to FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem Alphanumeric System Generated Retrieved from FLAIR's Vendor files using the Vendor Id entered therefore not editable Not sent to FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem Alphanumeric System Generated Retrieved from FLAIR's Vendor files using the Vendor Id entered therefore not editable Not sent to FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem 75 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants Grant Disbursement Vendor Record (Could be Many Records per Grant Disbursement Agreement) All fields are editable after the record has been saved and displayed to the public unless otherwise noted in the “Comments” There could be many vendors associated with a grant disbursement agreement. FACTS will allow for multiple entries. Data Element Country Minority Vendor Designation Definition Length Format This field identifies the recipient or contractor’s Country that will provide services under the contract 30 Alphanumeric This field identifies the recipient or contractor’s Minority Designation that will provide services under the contract 60 Required / Optional System Generated Comments Retrieved from FLAIR's Vendor files using the Vendor Id entered therefore not editable Not sent to FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem Alphanumeric System Generated Retrieved from FLAIR's Vendor files using the Vendor Id entered therefore not editable FACTS displays the title (description not the code) of the “Minority Vendor Designation” in the vendor information section and in any other places where vendor information is displayed (both on the agency and public views) FACTS maintains Minority Vendor Code descriptions Not sent to FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem 76 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants Grant Disbursement Deliverables Record (Could be Many Records per Grant Disbursement Agreement) All fields are editable after the record has been saved and displayed to the public unless otherwise noted in the “Comments” There can be many deliverables associated with a grant disbursement agreement. FACTS will allow for multiple entries. Data Element Contract Wide Consequences (Yes or No) Commodity/ Service Type Length Format Required / Optional Identifies if a contract’s deliverables do not have specific and identifiable performance measures and financial consequences 1 Alphanumeric Optional Field used to designate the types of commodity or services acquired under the contract/grant disbursement agreement. 6 Definition Comments Selected through the use of radio buttons Defaults to “No” Not sent to FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem Alphanumeric Conditional If ‘Contract Wide Consequences’ = “No”, its required DMS Commodity / Contractual Services Catalog codes active on FLAIR’s Title file. FACTS provides a search to select the appropriate code Not sent to FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem 77 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants Grant Disbursement Deliverables Record (Could be Many Records per Grant Disbursement Agreement) All fields are editable after the record has been saved and displayed to the public unless otherwise noted in the “Comments” There can be many deliverables associated with a grant disbursement agreement. FACTS will allow for multiple entries. Data Element Major Deliverables Definition Field used to describe the commodity or services acquired under the contract/grant disbursement agreement. Length Format Required / Optional 2,000 Alphanumeric Conditional Comments If Contract Wide Consequences = “No”, its required Each deliverable directly related to the scope of work Each deliverable associated to specific contract performance metric and financial consequences. Not sent to FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem 78 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants Grant Disbursement Deliverables Record (Could be Many Records per Grant Disbursement Agreement) All fields are editable after the record has been saved and displayed to the public unless otherwise noted in the “Comments” There can be many deliverables associated with a grant disbursement agreement. FACTS will allow for multiple entries. Data Element Method of Payment Definition Length Format Required / Optional Field used to identify method of paying for commodity or services acquired under the contract/grant disbursement agreement. 1 Alphanumeric Conditional Comments If Contract Wide Consequences = “No”, its required The following Methods of Payment have been identified for use in the system and are selectable from a dropdown: 1 – Fixed Price – Lump Sum 2 – Fixed Fee – Unit Rate 3 – Advance – 100% Advance 4 – Advance – Fixed Price Unit Cost 5 – Advance with Fixed Fee Schedule 6 – Advance with Cost Reimbursement 7 – Cost Reimbursement 8 – Cost Reimbursement Plus Fixed Fee(s) 9 – Cost Reimbursement Plus Percentage of Cost 10 –Cost Reimbursement Plus Incentive Fee 11 –Cost Reimbursement Plus Award Fee 12 – Revenue Generating Required 13 – No Cost Only the code descriptions displayed FACTS maintains the Method of Payment codes Not sent to FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem 79 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants Grant Disbursement Deliverables Record (Could be Many Records per Grant Disbursement Agreement) All fields are editable after the record has been saved and displayed to the public unless otherwise noted in the “Comments” There can be many deliverables associated with a grant disbursement agreement. FACTS will allow for multiple entries. Data Element Definition Length Major Deliverable Prices Field used to identify total cost / price paid for commodity or services acquired under the contract/grant disbursement agreement. Field used to explain why the value of a contract or deliverable is zero. 13.2 Non-Price Justification Format Numeric Required / Optional Conditional Comments If Contract Wide Consequences = “No”, its required Not sent to FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem 150 Alphanumeric Conditional If Contract Wide Consequences = “No”, its required Selectable values from a dropdown are: (1) Agreement without a financial exchange or impact; (2) Price cannot be determined until the work has been completed; (3) Rate agreement; (4) Revenue generating agreement; (5) Contract Wide Consequences Only the code description displayed FACTS maintains Non-Price Justification coeds Not sent to FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem 80 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants Grant Disbursement Deliverables Record (Could be Many Records per Grant Disbursement Agreement) All fields are editable after the record has been saved and displayed to the public unless otherwise noted in the “Comments” There can be many deliverables associated with a grant disbursement agreement. FACTS will allow for multiple entries. Data Element Performance Metrics Definition Length Format Required / Optional Free form field used to record performance metric descriptions and measurements for the services provided. 2,000 Alphanumeric Conditional Comments If Contract Wide Consequences = “No”, its required Each deliverable associated to specific contract performance metric and financial consequences. Not sent to FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem Multiple performance measures allowed for each contract/grant disbursement agreement or deliverable. 81 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants Grant Disbursement Deliverables Record (Could be Many Records per Grant Disbursement Agreement) All fields are editable after the record has been saved and displayed to the public unless otherwise noted in the “Comments” There can be many deliverables associated with a grant disbursement agreement. FACTS will allow for multiple entries. Data Element Financial Consequences Definition Length Format Required / Optional Free form field used to record the financial consequences to the recipient or contractor for non-performance. 2,000 Alphanumeric Conditional Comments If Contract Wide Consequences = “No”, its required Each deliverable associated to specific contract performance metric and financial consequences. Not sent to FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem Multiple financial consequences allowed for each contract/grant disbursement agreement or deliverable. Source Documentation Page Reference Free form field use by agencies for recording contract documentation references 250 Alphanumeric Optional Page references can be referenced for each contract deliverable 82 of 119 Not sent to FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants Grant Disbursement Deliverables Record (Could be Many Records per Grant Disbursement Agreement) All fields are editable after the record has been saved and displayed to the public unless otherwise noted in the “Comments” There can be many deliverables associated with a grant disbursement agreement. FACTS will allow for multiple entries. Data Element Deliverable Number Definition Free form field used by the agencies to assign a deliverable line value that keeps the entered deliverables in the agencies desired order, even if modified later, both in FACTS and on the Contract Summary Form. Length Format 25 Alphanumeric Required / Optional Optional 83 of 119 Comments Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants Grant Disbursement Change Record (Could be Many Records per Grant Disbursement Agreement) All fields are editable after the record has been saved and displayed to the public unless otherwise noted in the “Comments” There could be many changes associated with a contract. FACTS will allow for multiple entries. Data Element Agency Amendment Reference Definition Field uniquely identifies contract amendment. Length 8 Format Alphanumeric Required / Optional Comments Required Not sent to FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem Once the record is saved the field is not editable nor can it be deleted since is it used to tie budget record to change records. Values are determined by the agency and do not necessarily have to be in numerical order. Change Type (Amendment Type) Field uniquely identifies amendment type. 1 Alphanumeric 84 of 119 Required Valid values selectable from dropdown: A – Amendment – Amendments change the existing terms or conditions of the contract, E – Extension - A contract extension is the continuation of an existing contract for a period of time under the same terms and conditions. Unless authorized by statute, a contract extension must be signed prior to the expiration date of the existing contract. Section 287.057(12), Florida Statutes, authorizes contract extensions once for up to six months. Contracts procured under other Statutes such as Chapters 255 or 337, Florida Statutes, may have different requirements, R – Renewal - Renewals are identified by extensions of the contract dates with additional compensation for additional goods or services. The agency is asking the contractor to provide more of the goods or services that were Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants Grant Disbursement Change Record (Could be Many Records per Grant Disbursement Agreement) All fields are editable after the record has been saved and displayed to the public unless otherwise noted in the “Comments” There could be many changes associated with a contract. FACTS will allow for multiple entries. Data Element Definition Length Format Required / Optional Comments requested in the original contract under the same terms and conditions. Renewals must be executed prior to the expiration date of the agreement, and must have all the same terms and conditions of the original agreement. Renewals are contingent on a satisfactory performance evaluation and may be renewed for a period that may not exceed three years or the term of the original contract, whichever is longer, pursuant to section 287.058(1) (g), Florida Statutes. If the goods or services are purchased as a result of a competitive solicitation, the renewal price must be specified in the bid, proposal or reply. Only code descriptions are displayed Not sent to FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem Amendment Amount Field to record dollar value of amendment, if any 13.2 Numeric Optional The amount can be negative, zero or positive. Defaults to zero These amounts added to the Contract’s Accumulated Amended Amount to calculate Total Contract Amount Not sent to FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem 85 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants Grant Disbursement Change Record (Could be Many Records per Grant Disbursement Agreement) All fields are editable after the record has been saved and displayed to the public unless otherwise noted in the “Comments” There could be many changes associated with a contract. FACTS will allow for multiple entries. Data Element Definition Length Amendment Effective Date Field specifies the effective date of the contract amendment. 8 Format MMDDYYYY Required / Optional Required Comments Must be valid date. FACTS will provide a pop-up calendar to set date, if desired There are no FACTS are FLAIR edits associated with this field Not sent to FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem Amendment Execution Date Field identifies date that changes to the contract executed. 8 MMDDYYYY Required Must be valid date. FACTS will provide a pop-up calendar to set date, if desired There are no FACTS are FLAIR edits associated with this field Not sent to FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem New Ending Date Field identifies the new contract ending date resulting from a contract extension or renewal. 8 MMDDYYYY Optional If Change Type equals E or R, it’s required. If entered, must be valid date. FACTS will provide a pop-up calendar to set date, if desired There are no FACTS are FLAIR edits associated with this field Not sent to FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem 86 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants Grant Disbursement Change Record (Could be Many Records per Grant Disbursement Agreement) All fields are editable after the record has been saved and displayed to the public unless otherwise noted in the “Comments” There could be many changes associated with a contract. FACTS will allow for multiple entries. Data Element Change Description Amendment Order Number Definition Free form field for describing the changes to contract Free form field used by the agencies to assign an amendment line value that keeps the entered amendment in the agencies desired order, even if modified later, both in FACTS and on the Contract Summary Form. Length 2,000 Format Alphanumeric Required / Optional Required Comments FACTS will allow for multiple entries. Not sent to FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem 25 Alphanumeric 87 of 119 Optional Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants Grant Disbursement CFDA / CSFA Record (Could be Many Records per Grant Disbursement Agreement) All fields are editable after the record has been saved and displayed to the public unless otherwise noted in the “Comments” There could be many deliverables associated with a contract. FACTS will allow for multiple entries. Data Element CFDA Code Definition Length Format Required / Optional Field identifies the Code of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) that is associated with this contract. 6 Alphanumeric Conditional Comments If Contract Involves State or Federal Aid equals “Yes” on the Grant Disbursement Main Record, required if a CSFA code is not entered CFDA IDs must be on FLAIR's Tile file before it is used FACTS will provided a dropdown pick list of values Only the code description is displayed FLAIR maintains the CFDA codes This data sent to the FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem CFDA Description Federal Domestic Assistance code description 60 Alphanumeric System Generated Retrieved using the CFDA Code entered in CFDA Code field therefore not editable 88 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants Grant Disbursement CFDA / CSFA Record (Could be Many Records per Grant Disbursement Agreement) All fields are editable after the record has been saved and displayed to the public unless otherwise noted in the “Comments” There could be many deliverables associated with a contract. FACTS will allow for multiple entries. Data Element CSFA Code Definition Length Format Required / Optional Field identifies the Code of State Financial Assistance (CSFA) that is associated with this contract. 5 Alphanumeric Conditional Comments If Contract Involves State or Federal Aid equals “Yes” on the Grant Disbursement Main Record, required if a CFDA code is not entered CSFA IDs must be on FLAIR's Tile file before it is used FACTS will provided a dropdown pick list of values Only the code description is displayed FLAIR maintains the CSFA codes This data sent to the FLAIR Contract Information Subsystem. CSFA Description Cod of State Financial Assistance description 60 Alphanumeric System Generated Retrieved using the CSFA Code entered in CSFA Code field therefore not editable 89 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants Grant Disbursement Expenditure Record (Could be Many Records per Grant Disbursement Agreement) All fields are editable after the record has been saved and displayed to the public unless otherwise noted in the “Comments” Field values pulled from FLAIR (not user entered) based on transactions with General Ledger code of “7XXX”, “Contract ID” not null, and “Statewide Document Number” is not null. FLAIR excludes Transaction Types 01, 02, 03, 07, 08, 09 and 16 as well as any Master File purge transactions. Data Element Agency OLO Definition Length Agency Identifier 6 Contract Identifier 5 Statewide Document Number Statewide voucher identifier 13 Agency Document Number Agency voucher identifier Vendor ID FLAIR Contract ID Vendor Name Format Alphanumeric Required / Optional Comments System Generated Used for system processing only therefore not editable System Generated Used for system processing only therefore not editable Alphanumeric System Generated Provided by Department FLAIR therefore not editable 11 Alphanumeric System Generated Provided by Department FLAIR therefore not editable Vendor Identifier 21 Alphanumeric System Generated Used to obtain the vendor name therefore not editable Recipient or Contractor’s Name 31 System Generated Provided by Department FLAIR Vendor Files therefore not editable Alphanumeric Alphanumeric 90 of 119 Provided by Department FLAIR Provided by Department FLAIR Not displayed to the Public Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants Grant Disbursement Expenditure Record (Could be Many Records per Grant Disbursement Agreement) All fields are editable after the record has been saved and displayed to the public unless otherwise noted in the “Comments” Field values pulled from FLAIR (not user entered) based on transactions with General Ledger code of “7XXX”, “Contract ID” not null, and “Statewide Document Number” is not null. FLAIR excludes Transaction Types 01, 02, 03, 07, 08, 09 and 16 as well as any Master File purge transactions. Data Element Amount Account Code Definition Payment Amount Length 13.2 Format Numeric Comments System Generated Positive / Negative, with leading sign and decimal plus 2) System Generated L1,GF,SF,FID,BE,IBI,CAT,YR,CFI format Provided by Department FLAIR therefore not editable FLAIR Control Account code 30 Date Voucher Date 10 (MM/DD/YYYY) System Generated Provided by Department FLAIR therefore not editable Fiscal Year Payment’s Applicable State Fiscal Year 5 (YY-YY) System Generated Calculated by Departmental FLAIR therefore not editable Fiscal Year Payments to Date Total payment on the contract for State Fiscal Year Numeric System Generated Derived from FLAIR Expenditure data summed on contract’s FLAIR OLO and FLAIR CONTRACT ID therefore not editable 13.2 Alphanumeric Required / Optional Provided by Department FLAIR therefore not editable Displayed in Summary section of Payment Tab 91 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants Grant Disbursement Expenditure Record (Could be Many Records per Grant Disbursement Agreement) All fields are editable after the record has been saved and displayed to the public unless otherwise noted in the “Comments” Field values pulled from FLAIR (not user entered) based on transactions with General Ledger code of “7XXX”, “Contract ID” not null, and “Statewide Document Number” is not null. FLAIR excludes Transaction Types 01, 02, 03, 07, 08, 09 and 16 as well as any Master File purge transactions. Data Element Definition Length Total Payments to Date Total payment on the contract 13.2 Format Numeric Required / Optional System Generated Comments Derived from FLAIR Expenditure data summed on contract’s FLAIR OLO and FLAIR CONTRACT ID therefore not editable Displayed in Summary section of Contract Information page 92 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants Grant Disbursement Agreement Functional Requirement Notes and Assumptions Changes to FACTS Contract Functionality FACTS will primarily use existing contract web pages, functionality and reports for Grant Disbursement Agreements. However, there are a few changes noted in the tables above: a. User selection to enter a “Grant Disbursement Agreement” at the Dashboard defaults the Contract Type to Grant Disbursement Agreement. b. Grant Disbursement Agreement “Contract Type” cannot change in the add mode. However, in the edit/update mode the “Contract Type” can change. c. FACTS will allow the changing of Contract Type between Grant Disbursement Agreement and any other “Contract Type”. d. Date of Execution date will not be editable once the contract is finished or published to the web. e. Recipient Types will be removed from the dropdown list: i. No Subrecipient (Federal Financial Assistance Only) ii. Subrecipient (Federal Financial Assistance Only) f. Recipient Types will be added to the dropdown list: i. Private Universities(In or Out of State) ii. Legislature g. User selection to enter a “Grant Disbursement Agreement” at the Dashboard defaults “Contract Involve State or Federal Financial Assistance” to “Yes” on the Main Contract Information page in add mode. However, in the edit/update mode the “Contract Involve State or Federal Financial Assistance” can change. h. Remove Administrative Cost Percentage field from the Main Contract Information page. i. Agency Contract Manager Phone Number, changes from required to optional on the Contract Main Information page j. Agency Contract Manager’s e-mail address, changes from required to optional on the Contract Main Information page Security FACTS must provide security so that only authorized users add or modify data associated only with their entity. However, provide system wide inquiry access to authorize DFS personnel. In addition, the security must provide a means of identifying the user by entity and name. FACTS will prevent the public from seeing the following data fields: a. Contract’s Vendor ID b. Contract’s Vendor Address c. Agency Contract Manger Name d. Agency Contract Manger’s Phone Number e. Agency Contract Manger’s Email Address f. Recipient/Vendor’s Street Address g. Recipient/Vendor ID, Agency Data Upload FACTS will provide a mechanism for State Agencies to upload data electronically, including error handling. 93 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants FLAIR Data Exchanges a. FACTS will provide appropriate timely data interfaces, including error handling, to and from FLAIR files for the data indicated as being validated using FLAIR data or using FLAIR maintained data for pick lists. b. Following FACTS fields will continue to be sent to FLAIR: FLAIR Contract ID, Short Title, Long Title, Contract Status, CFDA Code (fist occurrence of CFDA or CSFA), and CSFA Code (fist occurrence of CFDA or CSFA) c. Agency users are able to view the Contract Title in FLAIR. d. All FLAIR contract disbursement, expenditure and adjustment transactions carry a Contract Identifier (FLAIR Contract Number). e. FLAIR contract disbursement, expenditure and adjustment transactions are sent to and display in FACTS. On-line Data Entry and Display a. FACTS must arrange data elements into logical groupings by sections, tabs, or screens for user friendly access, i.e. general contract identification, contract purpose and authority, contract vendors / recipients, contract management, contract accounting, contract disbursements / revenue, contract performance metrics, and contract deliverables. b. FACTS must provide data entry assistance such as drop down pick lists for State Standard data code values. On-Line Data Querying a. FACTS must provide ad-hock querying, display, exporting, and printing of data. b. FACTS must provide querying assistance such as drop down pick lists for available data values. c. FACTS must provide access for querying, displaying and printing contract data for a minimum of ten years (Contract Data History). Data retention, starting with initial data loading, will be ten continuous years. Data exceeding the 10 year limit must be archived from production but still available. Recurring and Non-Recurring Budgetary Amounts The Legislature is requiring that FACTS track the recurring and non-recurring funding sources of contracts, including amendments, extensions or renewals. This information is not available in FLAIR. Therefore, the FACTS must provide the ability for the agencies to enter this information based on information from the State’s budgeting system, LAS/PBS. Contract Payments a. FACTS must accumulate and display by contract at the top of the FACTS “View Contracts Details” page for both Public and Agency User: i. Contract’s Amended Contract Amount (Total Contract Value) ii. FACTS should use system-recorded data “Contract’s Original Amount” plus “Contract’s Change Amounts” by contract to accumulate these totals. iii. Contract’s Budgeted Amount 94 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants b. c. d. e. f. g. iv. FACTS should use system-recorded data “Recurring Budgetary Amounts” and “Non-Recurring Budgetary Amounts” by contract to accumulate these totals. v. Contract’s Accumulated Expenditures (Total Contract Expenditures to Date) vi. FACTS should use Departmental FLAIR provided expenditure data by contract to accumulate these totals. vii. Contract’s Accumulated Expenditures by State Fiscal Year (Total Contract Expenditures by Fiscal Year) viii. FACTS should use Departmental FLAIR provided expenditure data by contract to accumulate these totals. Departmental FLAIR must provide FACTS, nightly, the input side of all daily detail expenditure transactions form the Daily Departmental Work file with a General Ledger code of “7XXX”, “Contract ID” is not null, and “Statewide Document Number” is not null, and all Departmental FLAIR Transaction Number 11s with “General Leger” equals 7XXXX and “Contract ID”, is not null. Departmental FLAIR must exclude Transaction Numbers 01, 02, 03, 07, 08, 09 and 16 as well as any Master File purge transactions. Also, exclude any Departmental FLAIR transactions with a Prior Period Indicator (PPI) equaling “Y” or any with Certified Forward Indicator (CFI) equaling “C” for the period July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013 only and any transactions with PPI equals “M” in July 2012 only. The details transactions must provide: ix. Agency OLO, 6 Alphanumeric x. FLAIR Contract ID, 5 Alphanumeric xi. Vendor Name, 31 Alphanumeric (Vendor Long Name – line one only) xii. Vendor ID, 21 Alphanumeric (To be used as reference key only) xiii. Statewide Document Number, 11 Alphanumeric xiv. Voucher Date, MM/DD/YYYY Format xv. Voucher Amount, 17 Numeric with leading sign (+/-) and decimal 2 xvi. FLAIR Account Code with Certified Forward Indicator, 30 Alphanumeric: Fiscal Year, YY-YY format, (After June 30, 2013, Departmental FLAIR will calculated fiscal year using the Prior Period Indicator and Certified Forward Indicator.) FACTS must summarize the Departmental FLAIR data by “OLO”, “Contract ID”, “SWDN” and Fiscal Year combinations to minimize the detail transaction lines to be displayed. FACTS must display on a separate tab page associated with the “View Contract details” page Payment Details. FACTS must use the Departmental FLAIR provided detail transaction data to display, in columnar form: xvii. Fiscal Year and xviii. Total Amount, expandable too: 1. Statewide Document Number 2. Agency Document Number 95 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants 3. Vendor Name 4. Amount 5. FLAIR Account Code fields with Certified Forward Indicator must be displayed using its components: a. L1_CD – 2 digits – Level One Operational Level Code b. GF_CD – 2 digits - GAFFR Fund Code c. SF_CD – 1 digit- State Fund Code d. FID – 6 digits - Fund ID e. BE_CD – 8 digits – Budget Entity Code f. IBI – 2 digits - Internal Budget Identifier g. CAT – 6 digits – Category h. APPR_YR – 2 digits – Budget Appropriation Year i. CFI – 1 character – Certified Forward Indicator j. Voucher Date h. FACTS must allow the user to download Contract Expenditures details. i. Effective July 1, 2012, agency staff must record the appropriate FLAIR Contract identifier (number) on all Departmental FLAIR Transactions associated with a contract recorded in FACTS, including any journal transfers and advises. All Departmental FLAIR transactions used to adjust, distribute or correct contract expenditures must have the appropriate FLAIR Contract identifier and original disbursements Statewide Document Number. Linking of Contract Document Images FACTS must provide functionality for linking of contract and procurement document images to the contract records contained in the system. Linking of Grant Disbursement Agreements to Associated Grant Award Agreements FACTS must provide functionality for linking of FACTS grant disbursement agreements to associated FACTS grant award agreements using the FLAIR Grant Identifier and Contract Identifier (Numbers). Refer to the Linking Contracts to Contracts and Grants Record above. State Standard Required Codes State Standard Codes developed from previously Agency Unique codes maintained in FACTS Values for the following data fields; • Contract Status • Contract Type • Change (Amendment) Type • Amount Type • Method of Payment • Non-Price Justification • Method of Procurement – Completive • Method of Procurement - Exemptions Refer to FACTS Code Validation Tables below. 96 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants FACTS Code Validation Tables Contract Type Codes, Titles and Definitions Code Title Definition GA Grant Award Agreements [ Not available The receipt of grant dollars by a to on-line FACTS users] reporting entity that are either federal or state financial assistance or grant funding by another non-governmental entity GD Grant Disbursement Agreement [ Not available to on-line FACTS users] The expenditure of funds associated with a Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) number, associated with a Catalog of State Financial Assistance (CSFA) number, or associated with a grant from a nongovernmental entity to a recipient or sub-recipient by the reporting entity. IA Memorandum of Agreement/Understanding or Interagency Agreement This is a two party agreement where the terms may not be specified in law. These agreements are typically between governmental entities. MA Master Agreement This is an agreement where the pricing is agreed upon at the point of execution. However, services are not authorized to begin until a separate contractual document is issued (i.e., task work order). MP Multi-Agency Participation Agreement This is an agreement where the pricing is agreed upon at the point of execution. However, multiple agencies are allowed to receive the services being provided by the Vendor. No separate written agreement is needed for the participating agencies. 97 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants Contract Type Codes, Titles and Definitions Code Title Definition NO No Ceiling/Rate Agreement This is an agreement for which the total contract obligation cannot be determined until all the commodities or services are delivered such as utilities agreements and task directed rate agreements. PO Purchase Order[ Not available to on-line FACTS users] This is a document sent to the Vendor that the reporting entity uses to purchase services or commodities at a specific rate and/or terms. The Vendor acknowledges acceptance by delivering the services or commodities. RA Revenue Agreement Revenue received for goods and services provided on behalf of governmental entities. SC Standard Two Party Agreement by Statute This is an agreement where two parties agree on standard terms and conditions pursuant to applicable laws. TP Three or More Party Agreement This is an agreement where more than two parties agree on standard terms and conditions pursuant to applicable laws. 98 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants Contract Status Codes, Titles and Definitions Title Definition An active agreement that has not reached its expiration date Code A Active C Closed or Expired An agreement that has reached its expiration date D Deleted (Error Correction Only) [Not Removal of agreement data from public view due to data entry error available to on-line FACTS users] E Extended Agreement expiration date extended pursuant to applicable Statue or Rule but not renewed. R Renewed Agreement that have been renewed pursuant to applicable statue or rule. T Terminated Agreement that has been ended prior to its stated completion /expiration date. Method of Procurement Codes Titles and Definitions Code Description CCompetitive Procurement Code OR E – Exception / Exemption Code 0 Exempt, Adoption Placement Services Licensed by DCF [Rule 60A-1.002 (4)(j), FAC] E 1 Exempt, Prescriptive assistive devices [s. 287.057 (3) (e), FS ] E 99 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants Method of Procurement Codes Titles and Definitions Code Description CCompetitive Procurement Code OR E – Exception / Exemption Code 2 Exempt, Legal services, including Attorney, paralegal, expert witness, appraisal and mediator services [s. 287.057 (3) (f) 4, FS] E 3 Exempt, Health services, including examination, diagnosis, treatment, prevention, medical consultation or administration [s. 287.057 (3) (f) 5 a, FS & Rule 60A-1002 (4) (k),FAC] E 4 Exempt, Services to persons w/ mental/physical disabilities by non-profit corporations [s. 287.057 (3) (f) 6, FS & Rule 60A-1.002 (4) (k),FAC] E 5 Exempt, Medicaid services [s. 287.057 (3) (f) 7, FS & Rule 60A-1.002 (4) (k), FAC] E 6 Exempt, Family Placement [s. 287.057 (3) (f) 8, FS & Rule 60A-1002 (4)(k), FAC] E 7 Exempt, Prevention services related to mental health, substance and child abuse, shelters/runaways, by non-profits [s. 287.057 (3) (f) 9, FS & Rule 60A-1.002 (4) (k), FAC] E 8 Exempt, Training and education services [s. 287.057 (3) (f) 10, & s440.491 (6), FS] E 10 Exempt, Department of Citrus advertising and promotional items [s. 601.10 (12), FS] E 11 Lottery Procurement [s. 24.105, FS] C 12 Exempt, Specialized equipment, devices and technology, including low-vision aids for Vision Impaired Persons [s. 413.011(3), FS] E 100 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants Method of Procurement Codes Titles and Definitions Description CCompetitive Procurement Code OR E – Exception / Exemption Code 14 Lottery - Single Source Purchase of Single Source Commodities or Services [s. 24.105, FS] E 15 Lottery - Competitive Solicitation [s. 24.105, FS] C 16 Lottery - Competitive Quote [s. 24.105, FS] C 17 Lottery - Emergency Purchase [s. 24.105, FS] E 18 Lottery - Cooperative Agreement [s. 24.105, FS] C 20 Exempt, Division of Blind Services; Rehabilitation Council for the Blind purchase [s. 413.011, FS] E 21 Settlement Agreement [s. 17.03 (1), FS] E 22 Exempt, Special contracts with charitable youth organizations [s. 255.60, FS] E 23 Exempt, Transportation for the Disadvantaged [s. 427.011 (5), FS] E 24 Exempt, Propane Collected Assessments [s. 527 (9)(b) Propane collected assessments deposited into the General Inspection Trust Fund are not subject to the procedures found in s. 287.057 in the expenditure of these funds, FS] E 25 Request for Application, method of competitively awarding State Federal grants to non-profits and other governmental entities. C Code 101 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants Method of Procurement Codes Titles and Definitions Description CCompetitive Procurement Code OR E – Exception / Exemption Code 26 DEP Exempt, Division of Recreation and Parks may grant privileges, leases, concessions and permits for the use of land for the accommodation of visitors in the various parks, monuments and memorials [s. 258.007(3), FS] E 27 DEP Exempt, Preapproved Site Rehabilitation Program [s. 376.30711(2)(a), FS] E 28 DEP Exempt, Preapproved Advanced Cleanup [s. 376.30713, FS] E 29 DEP Exempt, Inland Protection Trust Fund Reimbursementreview Contracts [s. 376.3071(12)(j), FS] E 30 DEP Exempt, Inland Protection Trust Fund Petroleum Cleanup Participation Program [s. 376.3071(13), FS] E 31 DEP Exempt, Inland Protection Trust Fund Early Detection Incentive Program [s. 376.3071(9), FS] E 32 DEP State Restoration Funding Assistance [s. 376.30711(7), FS] C 33 No Cost Procurement E 34 Revenue Generating Procurement E 35 Leases having a term of less than 120 consecutive days [s. 255.249, FS] E 36 State Board of Administration, whether directly or incidentally related to the investment or debt transactions, are exempt from the provisions of chapter 287. [s. 215.44(7), FS] E Code 102 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants Method of Procurement Codes Titles and Definitions Code Description CCompetitive Procurement Code OR E – Exception / Exemption Code 37 Leases less than 5,000 sq ft in a privately owned facility – may be obtained via quotes [s. 255.249, FS and Rule 60H-1.016, FAC] C 38 Leases more than 5,000 sq ft in a privately owned facility – must be obtained through competitive procurement [s. 255.249, FS and Rule 60H-1.015, FAC] C 39 Stay in Place/Replacement Lease – Fair Market Price Negotiations [s. 255.25(3)(3), FS] C 40 Emergency Lease [s. 255.25(10), FS] E 41 State-Owned Office Building Lease through the Department of Management Services [s.255,503, FS] C 42 Leases with Federal Agencies and other State/Local Government entities 43 Request for Application Method of competitively awarding State/Federal Grants to for-profit organizations 44 Non-competitively awarded Grants to Governmental Entities, non-profits or for-profit organizations E C E 45 DOT Exemption, Florida Seaport Transportation and Economic Development Funding [Section 311.07, F.S.] E 46 DOT Exemption, Seaport freight - mobility planning; DOT may contract as provided in s. 334.044, with any port listed in s. 311.09(1) or any such statutorily authorized seaport entity [Section 311.14(2)F.S. E 103 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants Method of Procurement Codes Titles and Definitions Code Description CCompetitive Procurement Code OR E – Exception / Exemption Code 47 DOT Exemption, Additional authorization for funding certain dredging projects [Section 311.22, F.S.] E 48 DOT Exemption, Authority to fund Space Florida in development and improvement of aerospace facilities [Section 311.22, F.S.] E 49 DOT Exemption, Funding grants for Aviation/Airport programs and projects [Section 332.007, F.S.] E 50 DOT Exemption, Authority to acquire property by exercise of eminent domain [Section 334.27, F.S.] E 51 DOT Exemption, 511 Traveler Information System (for highway authorities and public transit districts only) [Section 334.60, F.S.] E 52 DOT Exemption, Contracts with counties and municipalities to perform routine maintenance work on the State Highway System [Section 335.055, F.S.] E 53 DOT Exemption, FDOT emergency purchases [Section 337.02, F.S.] E 54 DOT Exemption, Authority to purchase surplus properties from the Federal Government [Section 337.03, F.S.] E 55 DOT Exemption, Emergency repairs [Section 337.11(6)(a)-(c), F.S.] E 56 DOT Exemption, Construction or maintenance of lighting on poles owned by electric utility [Section 337.11(15), F.S.] E 104 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants Method of Procurement Codes Titles and Definitions Description CCompetitive Procurement Code OR E – Exception / Exemption Code 57 DOT Exemption, Acquisition, lease and disposal of real and personal property for transportation purposes [Section 337.25(4) and (5)(a), F.S.] E 58 DOT Exemption, Acquisition of property and property rights for limited access facility and service roads [Section 338.04, F.S.] E 59 DOT Exemption, Placement of wireless facilities on turnpike property [Section 338.235(3), F.S.] E 60 DOT Exemption, Florida Highway Beautification Council [Section 339.2405, F.S.] E 62 DOT Exemption, Public Transit Services [Section 341.014, F.S.] E 63 DOT Exemption, State-Funded Infrastructure Bank Loans and Credit Enhancements for Constructing and Improving Highway Transportation Facilities [Section 339.55, F.S.] E 64 DOT Exemption, Intermodal Development Program [Section 341.053, F.S.] E 65 DOT Exemption, Rail program [Section 341.302, F.S.] E 66 DOT Exemption, Rail Funding [Section 341.303, F.S] E 67 DOT Exemption, Acquisition of lands in the Big Cypress National Preserve [Section 380.055, F.S.] E 68 DOT Exemption, JPAs/LAP: Aid and contributions by governmental entities for FDOT projects; federal aid [Section 339.12, F.S.] E Code 105 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants Method of Procurement Codes Titles and Definitions Code Description CCompetitive Procurement Code OR E – Exception / Exemption Code 69 DOT Exemption, Small County Road Assistance Program [Section 339.2816, F.S.] E 70 DOT Exemption, County Incentive Grant Program [Section 339.2817, F.S.] E 71 DOT Exemption, Small County Outreach Program [Section 339.2818, F.S.] E 72 DOT Exemption, Transportation Regional Incentive Program [Section 339.2819, F.S.] E 73 DOT Exemption, Ridesharing promotion programs [Section 341.041(11), F.S.] E 74 DOT Exemption, Federal-aid grants for public transit and intercity bus service programs and projects [Section 341.051, F.S.] E 75 DOT Exemption, Public Transit Block Grant Program [Section 341.052, F.S.] E 76 Statewide public service announcement programs provided by a Florida statewide nonprofit corporation under s. 501(c)(6) of the Internal Revenue Code, with a guaranteed documented match of at least $3 to $1, [Section 287.057(3)(f)13, FS] E 77 Exempt, Health services, including, but not limited to, substance abuse and mental health services, involving examination, diagnosis, treatment, prevention, or medical consultation, when such services are offered to eligible individuals participating in a specific program that qualifies E 106 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants Method of Procurement Codes Titles and Definitions Description CCompetitive Procurement Code OR E – Exception / Exemption Code 78 DFS Exemption, Investment Related Services [Section 17.57(2), FS] E 79 DOT Exemption - Relocation of Utility Facilities; Expenses [Section 337.403(1)(a)- (g), F.S.] E 9A Exempt, Federal or state law prescribes with whom the agency must contract [s. 287.057 (10), FS] E 9B Rate of payment is established during the appropriation process [s. 287.057 (10), FS] E A State Term Contract Purchase without Request For Quotes from Qualified Vendors [ss. 287.042(2) & 287.056, FS and Rule 60A-11.044(2), FAC] C B State Term Contract Purchase with Request For Quotes from Qualified Vendors [ss. 287.042(2) & 287.056, FS and Rule 60A1.043 & 60A-1.044(2), FAC] C C Alternate contract source - Purchase made from contracts let by the Fed. Gov., another state, or a political subdivision for commodities and contract services if determined to be costeffective and in the best interest of the state [s.287.042 (16), FS & Rules 60A-1.002 (4) (l), FAC] C D State Purchasing Agreement [Rule 60A-1.025, FAC] C E Purchase under $2,500 [Rule 60A-1.002(2), FAC] E F Informal quoted purchase not exceeding Category Two Request for Quotes [s 287.056 (2), FS & Rule 60A-1.002 (4)(m), FAC] C Code 107 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants Method of Procurement Codes Titles and Definitions Code Description CCompetitive Procurement Code OR E – Exception / Exemption Code F1 Informal quote below the bidding thresholds for Public Property and Publicly Owned Buildings of $200,000 [s. 255.0525, FS] C G Single source $2,500 or greater, not to exceed Category Two [Rule 60A-1.002 (3), FAC)] E H Agency Invitation to Bid [s. 287.057 (1) (a), FS] C H1 Agency Invitation to Bid for Public Property and Publicly Owned Buildings [s. 255.0525, FS] C H3 DOT Invitation to Bid [ch. 337, FS] C I Agency Request for Proposal [s. 287.057 (1) (b), FS] C I1 Agency Request for Proposal for Public Property and Publicly Owned Buildings [s. 255.0525, FS] C I3 DOT Request for Proposal [ch. 334, FS] C J Agency Invitation to Negotiate [s. 287.057 (1) (c), FAC] C J1 Agency Invitation to Negotiate for Public Property and Publicly Owned Buildings [s. 255.0525, FS] C K Agency negotiated after receiving fewer than two responsive offers to a competitive procurement [s. 287.057(5), FS] C L Exempt, Services or Commodities provided by Governmental Agencies, including contract with independent, non-profit college or university within the state [s. 287. 057 (3) (f) 12, & s. 287.057 (22), FS] E 108 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants Method of Procurement Codes Titles and Definitions Code Description CCompetitive Procurement Code OR E – Exception / Exemption Code E M Exempt, Purchase made from RESPECT - Qualified nonprofit agency for the blind or for the other severely handicapped [s. 413.036 (2), FS] E N Exempt, Purchase made from PRIDE - Department of Corrections; prison industry programs [s. 287.095 (3) & s. 946.515, FS] O Emergency procurement [s. 287.057 (3) (a), FS & Rule 60A-1.046, FAC] E O1 Emergency Purchases for Public Property and Publicly Owned Buildings [s. 255.0525 (5), FS] E O2 Emergency Purchases per Governor's Executive Order [s. 14.021, FS] E P Single source approval over Category Two [s. 287.057 (3) (c), FS & Rule 60A-1.045, FAC] E Q Consultants' Competitive Negotiation Act [s. 287.055, FS] C R Exempt, CHD Use of County Procurement Standards [ss. 287.057(3) & 337.11, FS] E S Exempt, Commodities purchased for resale [s. 287.012 (5), FS] E T Exempt, Regulated utilities and government franchised and public communications, except long distance telecommunications services or governmental franchise SVCCS [Rule 60A-1.002(4) (a) & (b), FAC] E U Exempt, Artistic services [s. 287.057 (3) (f) 1, FS & Rule 60A-1002 (4) (c), FAC] 109 of 119 E Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants Method of Procurement Codes Titles and Definitions Description Code CCompetitive Procurement Code OR E – Exception / Exemption Code V Exempt, Academic program review [s. 287.057 (3) (f) 2, FS & Rule 60A-1.002 (4) (d), FAC] E W1 Exempt, Lectures by individuals [s. 287.057 (3) (f) 3, FS & Rule 60A-1.002 (4) (e), FAC] E W2 Exempt, Continuing education and events paid for by collected fees [s. 287.057 (3)(g), FS] E X Exempt, Auditing Services [Rule 60A-1.002 (4) (f), FAC] Prior to July 1, 2010 E Y Exempt, Payment of Membership Dues [s. 216.345 (4), FS & Rule 60A-1.002 (4) (h), FAC] E Z Exempt, Professional Examinations [s. 455.217 (1) (c), FS & Rule 60A-1.002 (4)(i),FAC] E Code A B C D E F G J Recipient Type Codes Titles / Description Description Nonprofit Organization For Profit Organization, includes Sole Proprietor Local Government State Community Colleges District School Boards State Agency*, excluding State Universities State Universities* Federal Agency 110 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants K Private Universities* L Legislature *Means in or out of state Method of Payment Codes Titles and Definitions Codes 1 2 3 4 5 Descriptions Fixed Price - Lump Sum Definitions A contract where the amount of payment does not depend on the amount of resources or time expended. Including, a single amount paid at the completion of the contract, paid on a percent completion basis, at completion of all services or at completion of task and at completion of defined tasks or mileposts. A cost per unit of a commodity or service. Fixed Fee / Unit Rate Advanced – 100% Advance Advanced - Fixed Price Unit Cost Advanced with Fixed Fee Schedule 111 of 119 State funds advanced to vendor based on estimated cost with a reconciliation of cost at the conclusion of the contract. State funds advanced based on estimated unit of service cost (i.e. Unit Bed Cost) with a periodic reconciliation of units provided before the conclusion of the contract. State funds advanced based on estimated service cost (i.e. hourly rates) with a periodic reconciliation of hourly services provided before the conclusion of the contract. Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants Method of Payment Codes Titles and Definitions Codes 6 7 8 9 10 Descriptions Advanced with Cost Reimbursement Definitions State funds advanced based on estimated cost to be incurred (i.e. building rent, hourly wages, etc.) with a periodic reconciliation of incurred cost before the conclusion of the contract. A cost-reimbursement contract is used when an accurate estimate of the final cost cannot be determined. Usually with a not to exceed maximum. Cost Reimbursement Cost Reimbursement Plus Fixed Fee(s), including Fixed Price Components Cost Reimbursement Plus Percentage of Cost Cost Reimbursement Plus Incentive Fee 112 of 119 Contracts having a larger estimated contract cost and an accurate estimate of the final cost cannot be determined but assures the vendor a profit or fixed award for meeting or exceeding performance targets, including any cost savings. Contracts pay a fee that rises as the contractor's costs rise. Because this contract type provides no incentive for the contractor to control costs it is utilized. Contracts having a larger estimated contract cost and an accurate estimate of the final cost cannot be determined but assures the vendor a flexible award for meeting or exceeding performance targets, including any cost savings. Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants Method of Payment Codes Titles and Definitions Codes 11 12 13 Descriptions Cost Reimbursement Plus Award Fee Definitions Contracts having a larger estimated contract cost and an accurate estimate of the final cost cannot be determined but assures the vendor a fixed award for meeting or exceeding performance targets, including any cost savings. Contract results in revenue for the agency. Basis for payment established in the agreement. Revenue Generating Contract results in no cost (no disbursements) to the agency. No Cost Non-Price Justifications Codes Titles and Definitions Code 1 2 3 Acceptable Explanation Text Price cannot be determined until the work has been completed Revenue Generating Agreement Definitions / Example Interstate Agreements for work with other states where a price cannot be determined until the work has been completed. Rate is based on a formula specified in the contract. Vendor for services, but the services are paid for by the public with a percentage of the fee comes to the agency. Utilities agreements or task /order directed services at an agreed to rate per hour or service without a ceiling for the total cost. Rate Agreement 113 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants Non-Price Justifications Codes Titles and Definitions Code 4 5 Code Acceptable Explanation Text Contract Wide Consequences [ Not available to on-line FACTS users] Agreement without a financial exchange or impact. Definitions / Example Deliverable is a contract wide consequences without a deliverable price. Data exchange agreements and other memorandums of understanding or agreements without financial exchanges or impact. Minority Vendor Codes and Descriptions Description H African-American, Certified N J African-American, Non Certified Asian-American, Certified P Asian-American, Non Certified C W Y Federal "8(a)" Designated Business Florida Veteran, Certified Florida Veteran, Non Certified I Hispanic, Certified O D Hispanic, Non Certified Minority Business, Federal K Native American, Certified Q A M Native American, Non Certified Non-Minority Non-Minority (White) Woman, Certified R F S U T G E Non-Minority (White) Woman, Non Certified Non-Profit Organizations Non-Profit, Minority Board Non-Profit, Minority Community Served Non-Profit, Minority Employees Not Selected Not Selected 114 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants Code Z L 9 V B Minority Vendor Codes and Descriptions Description Not Selected Not Selected Not Selected Other Non-Profit State of Florida Small Business Designation Code NR Non-Recurring RE Recurring Code A Amendment E Extension R Renewal (Budget) Amount Type Codes Description Description Change (Amendment) Type Codes Description Description Grant Type Codes, Titles and Definitions Title Definition Code F Formula Grant Formula / Block Grant P Project Grant Project, Federal, State or Other Entity Grant E Entitlement Grant Entitlement / Guarantee Grant C Cooperative Agreement Cooperative Agreements D Discretionary Grant Discretionary, Federal, State or Other Entity Grant Code F Cost Sharing Source Codes, Titles and Definitions Title Federal Government 115 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants Cost Sharing Source Codes, Titles and Definitions Title Code L Local Government S State of Florida P Private (Profit and non-profit) O Other State Government(s) Grant Status Codes, Titles and Definitions Code Title Definition Active – Anticipated Award (Map to FLAIR Added) A1 Anticipated Award A2 IP Approved Award Property Action IR Reporting CD Closed DD Delete [ Not available Active - Approved Award (Map to FLAIR Added) Inactive pending Property Action (Map to FLAIR Inactive) Inactive for ongoing Reporting (Map to FLAIR Inactive) Closed (Map to FLAIR Delete) Delete (Error correction) (Map to FLAIR Delete) to on-line FACTS users] 116 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants Document revision control: Name Bill DuBose Bill DuBose Bill DuBose Bill DuBose Bill DuBose Bill DuBose Bill DuBose Bill DuBose Bill DuBose Bill DuBose Bill DuBose Bill DuBose Bill DuBose Bill DuBose Bill DuBose Bill DuBose Bill DuBose Bill DuBose Action Initial Draft Amended base on 3/25/13 Grants Policy Workgroup Meeting Amended base on 3/27/13 Grants Policy Workgroup Meeting Amended base on 4/1/13 Grants Policy Workgroup Meeting Amended base on 4/4/13 Meeting with CS Amended base on 4/8/13 Grants Policy Workgroup Meeting Amended base on 4/10/13 Grants Policy Workgroup Meeting Amended base on 4/15/13 Grants Policy Workgroup Meeting Amended base on 4/17/13 Grants Policy Workgroup Meeting Amended base on 4/22/13 Grants Policy Workgroup Meeting Amended base on 5/13/13 Grants Policy Workgroup Meeting Amended base on 5/23/13 Grants Policy Workgroup Meeting Amended base on 5/29/13 Grants Policy Workgroup Meeting Amended base on Casey Laurienzo’ document review. Amended to include local governments in the definitions of Grant Award and Grant Disbursement Agreements Updated for new security roles and adding the “Agency Reference Number” field Updated for FLAIR modifications Updated for Tricia Nettles review changes 117 of 119 Date 3/18/13 3/26/13 4/1/13 4/2/13 4/5/13 4/5/13 4/11/13 4/16/13 4/18/13 4/23/13 5/14/13 5/24/13 6/3/13 7/17/13 7/19/13 8/22/13 8/22/13 8/26/13 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants Name Bill DuBose Bill DuBose Bill DuBose Action Date Update to change the locking down of “Short 9/11/13 Title”, “Long Title” and “Original End Date”. Update to clarify that if the user selects to enter a “Grant Disbursement Agreement” at the Dashboard, “Contract Type” defaults to Grant Disbursement Agreement and “Contract Involve State or Federal Financial Assistance” defaults to Yes and cannot be changed. Update to clarify that FACTS will not allow the change of Grant Disbursement Agreement Contract Type to any other Contract Type. 9/17/13 Added clarification that the Depts. Of Legal Affairs and Agriculture and Consumer Services are exempt from using FACTS. 9/23/13 Removed the will be not editable once the contract is finished or published to the web from Original Contract Amount, Date of Beginning and Original Ending Date. Bill DuBose Make Amendment Effective Date and Amendment Execution Date required on the Grant Disbursement Change Record Table 10/22/13 Bill DuBose Add Amendment Order field to the Grant Award Amendment Table, 10/24/13 Bill DuBose Renamed “Agency Reference Number” to “Grant Reference Number”, renamed the “Links” tab to “Associated Agreements” and reidentified the Main and Advance Search and Results data. 11/8/13 Bill DuBose Added FACTS must provide functionality for linking of grant award and grant award amendment document images to the grant award and grant award amendment records contained in the system. 11/18/13 Bill DuBose Modified the commons for Grantor Type field to indicate that FACTS will receive the Grantor Type value in the nightly FLAIR vendor file and that the Grantor Type codes will be maintained in FLAIR instead of FACTS. 11/22/13 118 of 119 Department of Financial Services Functional Requirements for FACTS Phase Five- Grants Name Bill DuBose Bill DuBose Bill DuBose Bill DuBose Bill DuBose Bill DuBose Bill DuBose Bill DuBose Bill DuBose Action Added “If Grantor Type equals “F” for State Agency or “L” for Legislature then at least one CSFA Code is required “ to CSFA file comments Removed “If Grantor Type equals “F” for State Agency or “L” for Legislature then at least one CSFA Code is required “to CSFA file comments at SC request. Added FACTS Grant Award Data Agency Online Upload Functionality FACTS will provided an On-line Excel ONE to ONE upload process for grant award data. Removed “or valid FLAIR 21 digit account code from the Account Description file for inter-agency grant agreements” and added “State agency names in the Statewide Vendor File will be used for Grant Awards between State Agencies.” for Grantor ID. Also changed the Required/Optional to “Derived”. Added “and all Departmental FLAIR Transaction Number 11s with “General Leger” equals 6XXXX and “Grant ID”, is not null,” right after “(Grant ID is identified as a FACTS Grant),” to the FLAIR receipt transactions selection criteria. Removed the none editable requirement from the Short Title and Long Title fields. Change function View Upload History for Grand Awards to View Grant Award Batch History on both User and Administrator Dashboards Change the Grantor ID required to be for only vendor ids from the Statewide Vendor file with Revenue Type codes. Finalize Requirements for Publication 119 of 119 Date 11/22/13 12/3/13 12/3/13 12/4/13 12/4/13 1/6/14 1/13/14 1/13/14 2/5/14