1 Another Look at Wealth and Marital Relationships: The Effects of House Prices on Divorce Rates Abobaker Mused Hunter College1 Spring 2009 Abstract The divorce rate in the United States has increased dramatically since the 1960’s. Much research has attempted to explain this epidemic. This paper analyzed the effects of house price changes on divorce rates. The study is based on Gary Becker’s theory (1977) that a drastic change in wealth increases the probability of marital dissolution. Data from the Current Population Survey and from the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight were used. Based on the MSA level, a fixed effects model was used to estimate the effects over a period of one year, three year, and five year changes in the house price index. The results supported Becker’s theory, in which positive and negative changes in house prices significantly affected the divorce rate for homeowners. As house values increased, we observed increased rates of separation. Moreover, if house prices decreased, divorce rates decreased. It is predicted that as house prices decrease, married couples are more financially dependent of each other, and they cannot afford to separate because it is more difficult for them to access equity from their house. 1 I would like to thank Professor Purvi Sevak for her outstanding effort and help. I am in debt to her for the valuable time she spent with me and for her availability. I would also like to thank Professor Jennifer Tennant for her readiness and enthusiasm. Her comments and support are greatly appreciated. 2 I. Introduction Many aspects in life can affect a couple’s marital union and can lead to a divorce. In the United States, the divorce rate has increased in the past three decades. The divorce rate rose from 2.2 per thousand people in 1960 to 3.6 in 2005 (Wolfers, 2006). Schoen and Standish (2001) found that approximately 44% of marriages in the U.S. end in a formal divorce, but does not provide details as to why. This study takes a closer look at some factors that could have caused the divorce rates to increase between 1985 and 2008. The largest asset that an average American has is their house. Any change in the value of their house has major and critical affects on their wealth and financial wellbeing. Research has shown that one of the major reasons people get divorced is because of financial problems (Poortman, 2005). Therefore it is important to study the changes in house prices to observe any correlation there might be with the divorce rates. House prices have been continuously changing throughout the past two decades. Graph 1 shows that average house prices in the U.S. began to grow at an increasing rate from the beginning of the 1990’s up until 2006, when the housing bubble burst. Major financial institutions faltered over sub-prime mortgages that were defaulting in drastic numbers. Now, many houses are foreclosed and the economy is in the greatest recession since the Great Depression. This study looks at the effects of house price changes and other macroeconomic factors such as the unemployment rate on the divorce rate. Data were used from the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight and from the Current Population Survey. The analysis estimates a fixed effects model of divorce rates, by sex and age, at the 3 Metropolitan Statistical Area level to get an overview of the general economy and sample population. Results indicated that positive changes in housing prices significantly increased the divorce rate for people who owned a home. Furthermore, the results indicated a significant decrease in divorce rates when there was a negative change in house prices for homeowners. II. Literature Review & Theoretical Framework Becker, Landes, and Michael (1977) proposed a basic framework from which they derived their theoretical analysis on marital dissolution. A married couple would separate when their utility expected from remaining married falls below their utility expected from getting divorced. The utility function is based on their wealth and the bundle of traits they desire from their mate. A couple may get married based on what their wealth is at the time and what they expect their wealth to be in the future. But what happens if their wealth increases unexpectedly? Becker believed that the couple would be less financially dependent and the bundle of traits each mate desired would change, and so therefore they will seek to divorce in order to maximize their utility. If the two mates had known that their wealth would have increased drastically, they might have chosen different spouses at the time. Some individuals might remarry after the dissolution to a new mate that has the new bundle of characteristics they desire based on their increased wealth. This will only occur if their expected wealth of remarrying will be greater than if they remained single. (1) W mf –W m 4 Equation 1depicts Becker’s theory, where W better match and W than W m, m mf is the expected wealth from a is the expected wealth of remaining single. If W then the individual will get remarried. However, if W mf mf is greater is less than W m, then the individual will remain separate. For instance, person A marries a woman with a bundle of characteristics based on the wealth he has at the time and the wealth he expects to have. If his wealth increases unexpectedly (by more than what he had anticipated), he will reevaluate his desired set of traits in a woman and get divorced in order to remarry so that he may maximize his utility. But this will only happen if his expected wealth will be greater when he remarries. Becker proposed a theory in 1974 concerning why people get married. In his article, A Theory of Marriage, he stated that single people marry only if their combined married-wealth exceeds that of their combined-single wealth. In 1976, Becker further extended his theory to include that a couple dissolves their marriage if and only if their combined-single wealth exceeds their combined-married wealth. In 1977, Becker along with Landes and Michael, described that “full wealth” is not only money wealth as many consider it, but it also accounts for “the productivity of nonmarket time.” People constantly try to maximize their full wealth, whether it is through the means of getting married or getting separated. They also acknowledged that a person might find it in their best interest to get married knowing that they will divorce, and then remarry2. The authors went into further detail to explain the many possibilities that will lead to a marital dissolution. They incorporated search costs, and further categorized it as 2 Such cases that are common today are those who do not have a legal status in the U.S.; therefore they seek to get married to a spouse that can provide them with paperwork to become residents, then they divorce them and remarry a spouse of the optimal traits they desire. 5 extensive and intensive searches. As search costs increased, the less time a person will spend searching, therefore increasing the probability of marrying a mate that does not have the optimal bundle of traits they desire. This increases the probability of dissolution. The bundle of traits included income, physical attractiveness, age, intelligence, social background, religion, race, and others3. The greater the discrepancy between the traits of the two mates, the higher is the probability of dissolution. Other factors that affected the probability of dissolution were “specific capital” or “marital capital” (an example is children). Depending on whether they choose to invest in that capital or not, the probability of dissolution would either increase or decrease. Furthermore, the older a person is when he/she gets married, the lower the probability of a dissolution4. Similarly, as the duration of the marriage is longer, the lower the probability there will be a dissolution of that marriage. Others, such as Lehrer, argued that the majority of divorces are because of uncertain and unfavorable outcomes. Her article, The Economics of Divorce (2003), expanded on Becker’s theory. She concluded that people who divorce after there was a change in their wealth most likely had a weak marriage from the beginning. Lehrer believed that the change in wealth is not the cause of the divorce, but it is just the catalyst. In the New York Times, Kenneth Mueller, a psychotherapist, stated that some of his clients were real estate executives whose wealth increased dramatically because of the industry and now sought to divorce and remarry because their first wives were “not what 3 Education level had an ambiguous effect on divorce because as women entered the labor force, less time was spent on specializing in the married life (such as childbearing), thus reducing gains from marriage. 4 Becker noted that the probability of dissolution begins to rise with age at marriage for relatively older people 6 [they] really wanted” (Aug., 2007). The article reported that at least 50% of those who visited the psychologists they interviewed “brought up real estate as a relationship issue.” Nancy Chemtob, a Manhattan divorce lawyer, mentioned in the article that “the equity that there is in real estate is one of the impetuses why there are so many divorces.” She also said that since real estate went up drastically, men are willing to give up parts of their estate to get divorced because “half of a lot is still a lot.” Stephanie Coontz mentioned in her book, Marriage, a History: From Obedience to Intimacy, or How Love Conquered Marriage, that during the 1920’s, wealth was being rapidly created and divorce rates spiked (2006). She compared the past decade, where divorce rates were soaring as the economy was expanding, like the 1920’s. She concluded that people who accumulate wealth rapidly believe that they do not have to abide by society’s conventional rules. This research paper tries to test Becker’s theoretical framework by observing increases and decreases in the values of houses. The hypothesis is that if house prices increase (or decrease), then so does the wealth of the individuals who own the houses. This would lead to a change in their preference of the bundle of traits they desire from their spouse. Even though data is not available to see whether an individual remarries, we can observe if the divorce rate among an age-sex group in a given MSA increases due to changes in the house prices. III. Data A. Explanation of the HPI data: 7 For the analysis, this paper uses data from the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight (OFHEO). Every quarter, it publishes a house price index (HPI) for each Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) in the United States. The OFHEO bases its estimate of the house prices by using a modified version of the weighted-repeat sales (WRS) methodology proposed by Case and Shiller (1989). The HPI for each MSA is calculated using repeated observations of housing values for individual single-family residential properties on which at least two mortgages were originated and subsequently purchased by either Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac) or the Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) since January 1975 (Calhoun, 1996). Since the repeat sales methodology is used on the same physical property, it helps to control for quality differences in the sample used for statistical estimation. Therefore, the HPI is also known as a “constant quality” house price index. B. Explanation of IPUMS-CPS data: Data from the Current Population Survey (CPS) was also used for the analysis. IPUMS-CPS is an integrated microdata set, in which it provides information about individual persons and households. The CPS, along with the U.S. Census Bureau and the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), jointly conduct surveys of U.S. households every month. It was established during the wake of the Great Depression to measure unemployment, therefore labor force and demographic questions are asked. The advantage of this data set is that it has the unemployment rates used by the BLS, which are the rates that are most commonly referred to. C. Merged HPI-Household Data 8 While the CPS has data on divorce and unemployment for every household in the sample, it does not have data on house prices. Therefore, the two data sets were merged using the variables MSA and year as the unique identifiers. Twenty four years of data are in the file, from 1985 to 2008. The sample was limited to those who were above the age of 20, since divorce is the subject of the analysis. The sample observation size was 95,762 people throughout the U.S., for which summary statistics are reported in Table 1. Because the CPS is not a panel data set, it is not possible to observe when a household gets divorced. As a result, the data was aggregated and the unit of analysis was the divorce rate among an age-sex group in an MSA (e.g. women ages 40-44 in New York). Control variables are also calculated among the age-sex group in the MSA. These include the unemployment rate, immigrant status, and education level. Family Income was also controlled for since it is a crucial aspect of a married couple’s life as mentioned before, and can have serious effects on their marital status. Another control variable used in the analysis was the average number of children in households, since it can significantly affect their decision to continue or dissolve their marital relationship. Finally, when testing to see the effects of house price changes on divorce rates, it is critical that we control for the percent of households that are homeowners and observe whether the effect on divorce rates is greater in areas with higher home ownership. D. Variable definition The percentage ‘change’ in the house price index (HPI) from year to year was used to measure increases or decreases in house prices. Table 2 gives a detailed summary statistics for one year, three year, and five year changes in HPI. Those who responded to the CPS survey as married, whether or not the spouse was present, were categorized as 9 “married” in the analysis. Those who responded as divorced or separated were categorized as “divorced.” Race was categorized as Black, Hispanic, Asian, or White; White was used as the reference group. Sex was classified as male or female; male was used as the reference group. Age was separated into nine groups. The first five age groups were in five year age bands; 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44. The rest were in 10-year age bands except for the last group, which included all those who were 75 and above; 45-54, 55-64, 65-74, and 75 or greater. As stated in the last section, the analysis was done at the MSA level since it not a panel data set that is following particular individuals. For instance, it is not known if an individual had gotten a divorce and remarried. Although by calculating the average amounts of the other variables for each age and sex group at every MSA, we can observe the data in a macro level which is more manageable and feasible, such as the divorce rate. Furthermore, a category variable was generated to group each age band to a corresponding sex, which constituted 18 categories (two genders by nine age groups). This enabled us to get a better analysis of the specific characteristics to a subsequent divorce rate in any given MSA. Such an example would be: the divorce rate for men between the ages of 45 to 54 (category 6) in Akron, Ohio during the year 1995 was 29.16%. Individuals were coded as first generation, second generation, or non-immigrants First generation immigrants are individuals who were foreign born. Second generation immigrants are individuals who were born in the U.S. but at least one of their parents were foreign born. Non-immigrants were individuals whose parents were both U.S. born, and they were used as the reference group. The education variable was also categorized 10 to classify those who did not complete high school, high school graduates, attended some college, and college graduates. IV. Methodology A fixed effects model was used to estimate the coefficients on the dependant variables. This model requires a panel data set and it is useful because it allows us to control for unobserved time-invariant effects. This greatly reduces any omitted variable bias. As stated before, the CPS is not a panel data set, but the dataset I created from the CPS (of age-sex-MSA divorce rates over time) is a panel data set. Below, Equation 2 shows a basic fixed effects model. yit = xitβ + αi + uit (2) In equation 2, yit is the dependent variable observed for category i at time t, xit is a vector of regressors, β is the vector of coefficients, αi is the individual category effect (note that it is does not contain the subscript t because it is time constant) which contains all MSA-age-sex characteristics – observed and unobserved, that are fixed across time (like some cultural norms for example), and uit is the error term which is also known as the idiosyncratic error term because it is time-varying. For the analysis, age, sex, and MSA were controlled for as fixed effects. The following regression was estimated to examine the effects of changes in house prices on divorce rates. 13 (3) Yijt = β0 + β1ΔHPI ijt + β2Homeownijt + β3Unempijt + ∑ βnXijt + n=4 2008 ∑ γt Yeart + αij +uijt t=1985 11 Equation 3 is the basic model where i represents the category (age and sex group), j is the MSA, and t is time in years. ‘Y’ is denoted for the divorce rate. ‘ΔHPI’ is the change in HPI. The model is separately estimated for changes in HPI over one year, three year, and five year spans. ‘Homeown’ denotes the percentage of individuals who own a home. ‘Unemp’ is the unemployment rate among an age-sex group i, in MSA j. ‘X’ is denoted for the rest of the control variables mentioned before. ‘Year’ is a series of dummy variables that captures time fixed effects, 1985 being the reference year. ‘αij’ represents all factors affecting the divorce rate that do not change over time, which includes unobserved effects. This model estimates the effects of house price changes on divorce rates. Equation 4 represents the second type of model. 14 (4) Yijt = β0 + β1ΔHPI ijt + β2Homeownijt + β3ΔHPIijtHomeownijt + ∑ βnXijt + n=4 2008 ∑ γtYeart + αij + uijt t=1985 This model differs from the previous one (equation 2) in that it incorporates an interacted variable noted as ‘HPI Homeown’. This allows for a better analysis of divorce rates because it identifies whether there are greater effects of ‘change in house prices’ in groups that have higher home ownership rates. 14 (5) Yijt = β0 + β1ΔPosHPI ijt + β2ΔNegHPI ijt + β3Homeownijt + ∑ βnXijt + n=4 2008 ∑ γtYeart + αij +uijt t=1985 Equation 5 is the third type of model used for the analysis. This equation differs from the original model (equation 2) in that ‘change in house prices’ is further broken down into two parts. ‘ΔPosHPI5Year’ represents any positive changes in house prices 12 over five years. ‘ΔNegHPI5Year’ represents any negative changes in house prices over 5 years. This allowed us to observe if there were any differences between increases or decreases in house prices on divorce rates. (6) Yijt = β0 + β1ΔPosHPI ijt + β2ΔNegHPI ijt + β3Homeownijt + β4ΔPosHPIHomeownijt + 16 2008 β5ΔNegHPIHomeownijt + ∑ βnXijt + ∑ γtYeart + αij +uijt n=6 t=1985 Equation 6 is a version that combines the models in equations 4 and 5. It observes whether there are differential effects of positive and negative changes in HPI and whether those effects are greater among groups with higher home ownership. This is the most precise and detailed model in the analysis. V. Results A. Equation 2 This model measured the effects for one year changes in house prices, three year changes in house prices, and five year changes in house prices. The number of observations decreased as the calculation for the year span of change in HPI increased since observations in the lag years cannot be accounted for. Results for this model can be found in Table 3. The results from Column 1 indicated that as the average HPI increased by 10 percentage points from one year to the other, the divorce rate increased by 0.2 percentage points5. This means that the average divorce rate would increase from 15.03 % to 15.23%. The results also indicated that the divorce rate decreases by 0.9 percentage 5 This was estimated at a 10% significance level (weak significance). All other estimates that are mentioned are to be considered very significant (at the 1% level), unless otherwise noted. 13 points from one year to another as the average amount of home ownership increases by 10 percentage points. At the mean, this results in a 14.13% divorce rate, approximately one percentage point decrease from the average divorce rate. Moreover, the analysis showed that a one percentage point increase in the unemployment rate from one year to another would increase the divorce rate by 0.034 percentage points to an average divorce rate of 15.06%6. Interestingly, the coefficient on unemployment correlates lower income to higher divorce, while the coefficient on HPI correlates higher wealth to higher divorce. In addition, all education levels (relative to individuals who did not complete H.S.) showed very significant positive effects with the divorce rate. As the average family income increased, the divorce rate significantly decreased. Also, among groups with higher average number of children, the divorce rate was significantly lower. Moreover, the divorce rate was significantly lower in groups with a higher percent of first generation immigrants (relative to U.S. natives, non-immigrants). However, the analysis indicated that as the average amount of second generation immigrants increased, the divorce rate increased7. Hispanics and Asians showed no significant effect as their percentage amounts increased in the U.S. relative to the White population. Although, as the Black population increased (relevant to White), the divorce rates significantly increased. All of the variables mentioned in the previous paragraph, including the unemployment rate, have the same effects and very similar magnitudes in all models. One exception which is worthy to note is second generation immigrants. The significance level increased to the 5% level in the third and fourth models, as opposing to no 6 A one percentage point increase was used as opposed to using a 10 percentage point increase because it is a more realistic figure. 7 Estimated at 10% significance level. 14 significance at all in the previous models. The magnitude of the effect also increased from 0.0114 in Model 1 (five year lag) to 0.0172 in Model 4. This could indicate that as immigrants settle in the U.S., they accustom to the societies norms and loose some of their background heritage, in which divorce is frowned upon in most foreign cultures. Comparing 3 year changes and 5 year changes in HPI While the change in HPI was significant for one year, three year, and five year changes, the magnitude decreases as the time span lengthens. One might expect the magnitude to increase with the time span because couples may require some time to divorce. However, the results suggest the opposite, signifying that households respond quickly to changes in house prices. B. Model 2 As mentioned before, the second model is a modification of the first model in that it incorporates an interacted variable between the change in HPI and average rate of homeownership. Table 4 reports the results for this model. No significant effect on divorce rates was found for the change in HPI for either of the three years spans, except for a weak significance in the one year change (at the 10% level). It showed a 0.47 percentage point increase in the divorce rate when the change in HPI increased by 10 percentage points from one year to another. The magnitude of homeownership was approximately the same for all three years spans, and the effects were very significant. There was a 0.9 percentage point decrease in the divorce rate when there was a 10 percentage point increase in the average amount of homeownership. 15 The interacted variable showed no significant effect in the first two estimations (one and three year changes). In the five year estimation, it showed a significant effect. The interpretation of the interaction term in the 5-year model is as follows: the effects of increases in HPI are greater in groups with higher home ownership. The estimated magnitude implies that for every 10% increase in the rate of homeownership in an area, a given 10% increase in HPI further increased the divorce rate by 0.27 percentage points. This is evidence that increases in house prices increase divorce rates among home owners. C. Model 3 In this model, the variable ‘change in HPI’ was further broken down to specify whether the change in HPI was a positive or negative change. Results for the five year estimation are available in Table 5. No significant effect was found for a positive change in HPI over a five year span. A significant effect was observed for a negative change in HPI. A 10 percentage point decrease in the average HPI decreased the divorce rate by 0.71 percentage point. D. Model 4 The fourth model extended the previous model by incorporating two interaction variables. The interaction variables have the same application as the second model, except that homeownership is interacted with the two newly specified variables mentioned in model three, positive and negative changes in HPI. Table 6 presents the estimations for the five year estimation of this model. 16 A 10 percentage point positive change in the average HPI over five years decreased the divorce rate by 0.17 percentage points on average. No significant effect for a negative change in HPI was observed. The key coefficient to test the hypothesis is the interaction terms. In areas with 10% greater homeownership, a 10 percentage point positive change in the HPI increased the divorce rate by 0.32 percentage points. Furthermore, a negative change in the average HPI decreased the divorce rate by 2.42 percentage points. This is a large amount which would decrease the divorce rate to a total of 12.61% from the average divorce rate (15.03%). VI. Conclusion This study used houses as a measure of wealth for individuals, since it is the largest asset an average American owns. Any change in a house’s value significantly affects a person’s total wealth. Based on Becker’s theory (1977), a drastic change in wealth may lead to a higher probability of a marital dissolution. The results in this study supported his theory. Divorce rates significantly increased as house prices changed in the U.S. between 1985 and 2008. The analysis further showed that the implications of house price changes were more pertaining to areas where homeownership also increased. Both increases and decreases in house prices affected the divorce rate. As the price of a married couple’s house increases drastically, so does their wealth. While the underlying bond of many marriages is based on love and commitment, it is true that an increase in wealth can cause marital instability. For instance, a spouse would have probably chosen a different mate than the one they are married to, had they 17 known that their wealth will increase drastically. Therefore the spouse might want to divorce in order to remarry another mate that has a better bundle of traits that they desire. They might also feel less financially dependent from each other, and might want to divorce so that they may cash in on the newly generated wealth. The effect of house price changes on the divorce rate was more noticeable when there were negative changes in house prices. This was due to the fact that negative changes were prevalent between 2006 and 2008, which is during the time the financial crisis unfolded. Many homes were foreclosed and the unemployment rate increased drastically. While prior research indicated that financial distress for married couples can lead to a higher probability of dissolution, the evidence in this paper suggests the opposite. It could be the case that there might be many married couples who own a home that would like to divorce, but they might not be able to afford it. They would either have to sell their home and divide the money from the sale, or one spouse keeps the home and pays out the other spouse. When the housing market is booming, it is easier to sell ones home and split the money (inclusive of the generated profit from the increase of the house value). In times like now, some couples might remain together until their house values appreciate. The results also indicated in all models that as more people buy homes, the divorce rate decreases. Often times, people buy houses when they get married so that they may house their spouse and family. Because buying a house might be the result of getting married, it only makes sense that the divorce rate will decrease as more people buy houses. 18 One can conclude from the results that the divorce rate is affected by macroeconomic factors. As the economy is in an expansion, when the real estate industry is booming and house prices are at their peak, divorce rates increase. Similarly, when there is a recession and house prices drop significantly, divorce rates decrease. Other variables, such as the inflation rate, could be incorporated to the models to further examine the effects of the economy on divorce rates. Moreover, this study can be further expanded to include a model that estimates the effects of unexpected changes in house prices on the divorce rates. This will give more insight to the topic, and allow for a better analysis of Becker’s theory. 19 References Becker, Gary S. “A Theory of Marriage.” In Economics of the Family, edited by T.W. Schultz. Chicago: Univ. Chicago Press, 1974 Becker, Gary S.; Elizabeth Landes, and Robert Michael. “Economics of Marital Instability.” NBER Working Paper no. 153, October 1976 Becker, Gary S.; Elizabeth Landes, and Robert Michael. 1977. “An Economic Analysis of Marital Instability.” Journal of Political Economy 85(6): 1141-1187. Calhoun, Charles A.; “OFHEO House Price Indexes: HPI Technical Description.” Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight. Washington D.C. March, 2006 Case, Karl E.; and Robert J. Shiller. “The Efficiency of the Market for SingleFamily Homes.” The American Economic Review, Vol. 79, No. 1 (Mar., 1989), pp. 125-137 Coontz, Stephanie. Marriage, a History: From Obedience to Intimacy, or How Love Conquered Marriage. New York, NY: Penguin Group (USA) Inc., 2006. Haughney, Christine. “Buy Low, Divorce High.” (2007, 08, 12). The New York Times. Lehrer, Evelyn. 2003. “The Economics of Divorce.” Pp. 55-74 in Shoshana Grossbard-Shechtman (ed.) Marriage and the Economy: Theory and Evidence from Industrialized Societies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Poortman, Anne-Rigt. “How Work Affects Divorce.” Journal of Family Issues, Vol. 26, No. 2, (2005) pp.168-195 Schoen , Robert; and Nicola Standish. "The Retrenchment of Marriage: Results from Marital Status Life Tables for the United States, 1995." Population and Development Review. Vol. 27, No. 3 (Sep., 2001), pp. 553-563 Wolfers, Justin. “Did Unilateral Divorce Laws Raise Divorce Rates? A Reconciliation and New Results.” The American Economic Review. Vol. 96, No. 5 (Dec., 2006), pp.1802-1820 20 Table 1 Summary Statistics Variable Age 20-24 Mean 0.1104509 Std. Dev. 0.3134526 Min 0 Max 1 Age 25-29 0.1110253 0.314165 0 1 Age 30-34 0.1118084 0.3151323 0 1 Age 35-39 0.1116518 0.3149392 0 1 Age 40-44 0.1117667 0.3150808 0 1 Age 45-54 0.1126125 0.3161202 0 1 Age 55-64 0.1120277 0.3154022 0 1 Age 65-74 0.1109939 0.3141263 0 1 Age ≥ 75 0.1076627 0.3099556 0 1 Divorce rate 0.1503065 0.1846513 0 1 Unemployment (%) 0.0343542 0.082142 0 1 Less than H.S. Educ 0.1780526 0.2067658 0 1 H.S. Graduate 0.3543063 0.2198753 0 1 Some College Educ 0.2520935 0.2046151 0 1 College Graduate 0.2155476 0.1953619 0 1 Homeowner 0.7091417 0.2447502 0 1 Average # of Children 0.8090493 0.696713 0 7 st 0.433567 0.4385979 0 1 nd 2 Gen Immigrant 0.0285606 0.0847418 0 1 White (%) 0.7521295 0.2499628 0 1 Black (%) 0.0935364 0.1505646 0 1 Asian (%) 0.0148796 0.059953 0 1 Hispanic (%) 0.1237395 0.2065745 0 1 Family Income 47667.72 24690.25 0 575284 Family Income (ln) 10.3938 0.5451473 0 13.26262 ∆ HPI 1 year 0.0467318 0.0618812 -0.4230315 0.4352548 ∆ HPI 3 year 0.1632118 0.1648394 -0.474343 0.9405308 ∆ HPI 5 year 0.2879731 0.2543976 -0.3407872 1.511004 Pos ∆ in HPI (5 yr) 0.2707405 0.2498736 0 1.511004 Neg ∆ in HPI (5 yr) -0.00484 .0238565 -0.3407872 0 1 Gen Immigrant N=95762 21 22 Table 2 Detailed Summary Statistics- For the change in HPI over 1 year, 3 year, and 5 year lags. Δ HPI 25th Percentile 50th Percentile 75th Percentile Mean 1 year .0190047 .0409507 .0648222 .0467318 3 year .0769863 .1312852 .203329 .1632118 5 year .1461466 .2339843 .3573709 .2879731 23 Graph 1 24 Table 3 – Estimates for Equation 3 Fixed Effects Regression- Estimation of Change in HPI on Divorce rates VARIABLES ΔHPI Homeowner Unemployment (%) H.S. Graduate (%) Some College Educ (%) College Graduate (%) Family Income (ln) Average # of Children 1st Gen Immigrant (%) 2nd Gen Immigrant (%) Hispanic (%) Asian (%) Black (%) Constant (1 year ΔHPI ) Divorce rate (3 year ΔHPI) Divorce rate (5 year ΔHPI) Divorce rate 0.0201* (0.0106) -0.0898*** (0.00327) 0.0341*** (0.00740) 0.0340*** (0.00398) 0.0486*** (0.00443) 0.0181*** (0.00475) -0.0785*** (0.00162) -0.0511*** (0.00145) -0.0642*** (0.00528) 0.0134* (0.00777) 0.00440 (0.00526) -0.0136 (0.0117) 0.0420*** (0.00495) 1.056*** (0.0173) 0.0124*** (0.00400) -0.0873*** (0.00331) 0.0319*** (0.00753) 0.0354*** (0.00405) 0.0506*** (0.00449) 0.0200*** (0.00482) -0.0793*** (0.00164) -0.0513*** (0.00147) -0.0641*** (0.00529) 0.0116 (0.00779) 0.00356 (0.00532) -0.0107 (0.0118) 0.0450*** (0.00501) 1.059*** (0.0175) 0.00865*** (0.00268) -0.0863*** (0.00337) 0.0322*** (0.00771) 0.0370*** (0.00415) 0.0523*** (0.00458) 0.0214*** (0.00492) -0.0788*** (0.00167) -0.0508*** (0.00150) -0.0634*** (0.00533) 0.0114 (0.00780) 0.00586 (0.00540) -0.00772 (0.0118) 0.0480*** (0.00511) 1.052*** (0.0178) 93386 0.076 5086 91302 0.076 5069 88393 0.075 5068 Observations R-squared Number of fe_category Note for all tables: Standard errors in parentheses *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1 Regressions also include year dummies Mean Percent Divorced: 15.03% 25 Table 4 - Estimates for Equation 4 Fixed Effects Regression- Estimations of Change in HPI for Homeowners on Divorce rates VARIABLES ΔHPI Homeowner ∆HPI*Homeowner Unemployment (%) H.S. Graduate (%) Some College Educ (%) College Graduate (%) Family Income (ln) Average # of Children 1st Gen Immigrant (%) 2nd Gen Immigrant (%) Hispanic (%) Asian (%) Black (%) Constant Observations R-squared Number of fe_category (1 year ΔHPI) Divorce rate (3 year ΔHPI) (5 year ΔHPI) Divorce rate Divorce rate 0.0471* (0.0274) -0.0880*** (0.00370) -0.0399 (0.0374) 0.0342*** (0.00740) 0.0340*** (0.00398) 0.0485*** (0.00443) 0.0181*** (0.00475) -0.0785*** (0.00162) -0.0512*** (0.00145) -0.0642*** (0.00528) 0.0134* (0.00777) 0.00437 (0.00526) -0.0135 (0.0117) 0.0420*** (0.00495) 1.054*** (0.0174) 0.00838 (0.0105) -0.0882*** (0.00401) 0.00593 (0.0144) 0.0319*** (0.00753) 0.0354*** (0.00405) 0.0506*** (0.00449) 0.0199*** (0.00482) -0.0793*** (0.00164) -0.0513*** (0.00147) -0.0641*** (0.00529) 0.0116 (0.00779) 0.00360 (0.00532) -0.0108 (0.0118) 0.0450*** (0.00501) 1.060*** (0.0176) -0.00935 (0.00704) -0.0937*** (0.00431) 0.0267*** (0.00966) 0.0320*** (0.00771) 0.0369*** (0.00415) 0.0521*** (0.00458) 0.0212*** (0.00492) -0.0788*** (0.00167) -0.0508*** (0.00150) -0.0635*** (0.00533) 0.0117 (0.00780) 0.00624 (0.00540) -0.00845 (0.0118) 0.0478*** (0.00511) 1.057*** (0.0179) 93386 0.076 5086 91302 0.076 5069 88393 0.075 5068 26 Table 5 - Estimates for Equation 5 Fixed Effects Regression- Estimations of Positive and Negative Changes in HPI on Divorce rates VARIABLES Pos Δ in HPI Neg ∆ in HPI Homeowner Unemployment (%) H.S. Graduate (%) Some College Educ (%) College Graduate (%) Family Income (ln) Average # of Children 1st Gen Immigrant (%) 2nd Gen Immigrant (%) Hispanic (%) Asian (%) Black (%) Constant Observations Number of fe_category R-squared (5 year ΔHPI) Divorce rate 0.00463 (0.00287) -0.0712*** (0.0262) -0.0881*** (0.00322) 0.0365*** (0.00725) 0.0320*** (0.00390) 0.0456*** (0.00436) 0.0159*** (0.00469) -0.0787*** (0.00160) -0.0514*** (0.00143) -0.0628*** (0.00529) 0.0165** (0.00780) 0.00357 (0.00521) -0.0120 (0.0117) 0.0427*** (0.00489) 1.058*** (0.0172) 95728 5105 0.076 27 Table 6 - Estimates for Equation 6 Fixed Effects Regression- Estimations of Positive and Negative Changes in HPI for Homeowners on Divorce rates VARIABLES Pos Δ in HPI Neg ∆ in HPI Homeowner Pos ∆HPI* Homeowner Neg ∆HPI*Homeowner Unemployment (%) H.S. Graduate (%) Some College Educ (%) College Graduate (%) Family Income (ln) Average # of Children 1st Gen Immigrant (%) 2nd Gen Immigrant (%) Hispanic (%) Asian (%) Black (%) Constant Observations Number of fe_category R-squared (5 year ΔHPI) Divorce rate -0.0172** (0.00734) 0.0890 (0.0739) -0.0951*** (0.00417) 0.0322*** (0.00993) -0.242** (0.103) 0.0360*** (0.00725) 0.0319*** (0.00390) 0.0454*** (0.00436) 0.0157*** (0.00469) -0.0787*** (0.00160) -0.0514*** (0.00143) -0.0627*** (0.00528) 0.0172** (0.00780) 0.00404 (0.00521) -0.0129 (0.0117) 0.0426*** (0.00489) 1.062*** (0.0173) 95728 5105 0.076 28