Test Mid Term Objectives

Test Mid Term Objectives
Branches of science, scientific method, parts of the earth
Be able to define and relate the various branches of science and their associated terms.
(Handout, and text - 1.1)
Be able to list the steps of the scientific method in logical sequence using examples from
class and of your own.
(Notes, and text 1.2)
Explain the concepts of hypotheses, theories and scientific laws. Explain the Gaia
hypothesis, the Big Bang theory and its relationship to red shift, background radiation,
and the Doppler Effect.
(Notes and text 1.3)
Be familiar with all the terms and concepts from chapter 1.
(Text – all pages and sections)
Be able to label, define, and relate all the parts and layers of the earth.
(Notes and text 2.1)
Be able to describe the terms and processes associated with the earth’s movements.
(Notes and text).
Be familiar with all the terms and concepts from chapter 2 including 2.3 - artificial
(text - all pages and sections)
Population and Intro Ecology
List biotic and abiotic components of various natural environments. (handout).
Identify and link concepts and components through vocabulary (text 1.1, vocabulary pg.
12 of text, concepts map, notes)
List the various unique abiotic characteristics of the seven terrestrial biomes. (note cards,
text 1.1)
Identify and recognize population sampling methods and the types of census used
(population lab handout pgs. 1 - 4.)
List and describe limiting factors using examples, and how they could affect an
organism’s population (notes and text 1.1)
Give examples of how and why an organism’s population has changed. Understand the
concept of carrying capacity and population graphs. Know examples from the notes.
(notes, and text 1.1)
Know the order and properties of the four layers of a mature deciduous forest. (handout)
List various common forest species for the field study (field study notes)
Explain and give examples of various communities and habitats. Be able to describe how
populations of certain species such as grouse, bluebirds, and deer have changed due to
human influence (notes, text 1.1)
State answers to assigned text book questions. (homework from text 1.1)
Page 12, Questions: #7, #10, #11, #13-20, #23-30
Food webs, niche, energy in the ecosystem, cycles and succession
Be able to create a food web using all the possible niches involved and recognize a
feeding niche from a chain. Be able to define all the possible niches that an organism can
fill in a food web. Be able to cite examples for each niche. (notes and 1.2 in text)
Be able to explain all the possible paths of energy and matter in an ecosystem. Diagram
and explain the concept of a biomass and number pyramid. (notes and 1.6 in text)
Be able to draw and define the processes involved in the carbon/oxygen cycle. (notes, lab
activity, and 1.7 in text)
Be able to draw and define the processes involved in the hydrologic (water) cycle. (notes
and 1.7 in text)
Be able to identify all the processes and components of the nitrogen
cycle. Recognize which organisms are responsible for the processes
and the end product of each process. (handouts, diagram, and 1.7 in
Be able to explain the concept of succession with examples. Describe the biotic and
abiotic characteristics of each stage in the succession of a pond and a forest. Give
examples of disturbances that can change the rate of succession (handouts and 1.8 in text)
Be able to answer all the assigned questions regarding the text and the case studies.
(1.2 - #2-9) – pg. 16
(1.3 - #1-6) – pg. 18
(1.4 - #2-4) – pg. 20
(1.5 – #2, 3,4,7,8,10,11,12) – pg .24
(1.9 - #3,7,8,12,14,16) – pg. 42
(1.12 - #1,5,7,8,10) – pg. 6
Forestry -class notes text 44 - 60
List the important facts of PA forest history. (handout – notes) Explain the relationship
of various old growth organisms to the forest. Explain the concept of multiple use
(handout –notes)
Explain how to manage for wildlife and biodiversity. Describe the practices that should
be avoided. (handout – notes)
Explain which factors should be considered in order to determine if it should be logged.
six considerations (handout – notes)
Describe the seven steps of forest management after timber harvesting. (notes and
Describe the various harvesting methods. What tree and forest type are they used for.
(handout – notes)
Know the answers to the “forest wars” questions. (handout)
Introduced species - class notes - text 61 – 71
Give examples of introduced species. (notes)
Discuss the impacts of various invasive species. Explain how it was introduced, why it is
a problem, and what is being done about it. Explain why invasive species are invasive,
and the various types of control methods (handout –notes, homework).
Endangered species - class notes - text 72 - 81
Explain the ESA. Who does it involve, what does it do, and what are its criticisms?
(handout – notes)
Explain the causes of endangerment and support this with examples (handout – notes)
Know answers to questions 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, and 20 of the text
book page 81. (notebook - homework)
Understand all the terminology and concepts from Chapter 8 (Earth Science Book)
Be able to connect concepts for the terminology (Concepts maps and notes)
Understand the basic concepts of atomic theory and how subatomic particles differ from
one another (notes and book)
Be able to write, create, and read compounds from written, chemical, and structural
formulas. (notes)
Be able to read the periodic chart in order to complete the following:
a) Determine the various numbers of subatomic particles in an atom (notes)
b) Draw the electron configuration of an atom (notes)
c) Determine the ion of an atom (notes)
d) Create balanced ionic and covalent bonds (notes)
Be able to determine the difference and give examples of compounds, mixtures, alloys,
and elements. (book and notes)
Be able to explain and read the pH scale as well as all the terms from the handout. (pH
Energy basics
Define and give examples of various forms of energy (potential and kinetic)
Define the laws of energy
(energy notes)
Fossil fuel notes - coal, oil, natural gas, synthetic fuels.
Compare uses, abundance, etc. (notes)
Explain the process of how they are formed as well as the stages of coal(notes)
Discuss the various environmental impacts associated with each. (notes)