The ROck Off! who will win?

The ROck Off!
who will win?
Part one
Name of mineral property when mineral breaks in
Name of mineral property when mineral glows in UV
Number of minerals that make up 90% of the earth’s
Shape that silicates form chemically
Family of NaCl
part two
3 special properties of calcite
Name of this guy:
Types of rocks that can become igneous rocks
Process that leads to Metamorphic Rocks
2 intermediate stages of the rock cycle
Part Three
Igneous rocks that form from magma
Chemical arrangement of minerals that are the first to
solidify in cooling
Chemical arrangement of minerals that are the last to
solidify in cooling
Igneous family of rocks that are made from quartz
Igneous family of rocks that are made from Iron (hint)
Part four
Mafic intrusive rock
Felsic extrusive rock
Intermediate Intrusive rock
2 rocks formed from the quick hardening of lava
Igneous feature that cuts vertically through layers of
Part 5
Sedimentary features shown here
part six
Order of sediment from large to small
angular sedimentary clastic rock
clastic rock made from smallest sediment
reason clastic rocks have color
clastic rock shown here
Part 7
non clastic chemical precipitate
non clastic chemical evaporate
organic non clastic rock made from seashells
what type of rock is this?
part eight
This is an igneous intrusion (name the type) through
shale rock. What type of metamorphism is occurring
around the intrusion? What metamorphic rock would
is formed?
part nine
what process is being shown here?
Granite becomes...
limestone becomes...
sandstone becomes...
shale becomes...