Solar Energy Notes

Solar Energy Notes (Book pages 453 and 454)
Solar Energy #1: Solar Heating Systems
_________ systems
 Uses an architectural design which enhances the absorption of solar energy without mechanical
_________ systems
 Requires mechanical energy through ________ and ________ to move air or water carrying heat
to areas where heat is stored.
Solar Energy #2: Solar Electric Systems
Photovoltaic Cells
 A device made of _______________ cells which changes sunlight directly to
_______________through the release of electrons.
Solar Thermal Technology
 Uses ____________dishes or panels that rotate with the sun and collect solar energy.
 CSP Systems: stands for _____________ ____________ ______________
 Converts the sun’s energy into ____________ which is then used to generate ____________.
 There are three types of CSP technologies:
Solar Energy #3: Solar Lighting
 __________________ collectors focus sunlit into a ________ ________ system to illuminate
 _________solar lighting combines collected light and is adjusted by sensors
Impacts of solar Energy