MEETING MINUTES FLORIDA ASSOCIATION OF STATE AGENCY ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTORS DATE TIME LOCATION Agencies Represented January 29, 2016 8:30 – 10:15 a.m. Highway Safety & Motor Vehicles, Auditorium DMS, DACS, Lottery, DJJ, FSDB, FDLE, Citrus, DOH, Legal Services, AHCA, DOC, DVA, DEP, EOG, State Courts, Auditor General, DOT, DOS, AST, DOR, DHSMV, DMA, DFS Opening Remarks – Christina Smith, Chair • The meeting began with the introduction of attendees both on the phone and present at the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (HSMV). Update: Department of Management Services (DMS) • New Director, Division of State Group Insurance – Darren Brooks o Deputy Secretary Darren Brooks introduced Tami Fillyaw as the new DMS Director of Division of State Group Insurance. • My Healthy Turnaround Program Pilot – Tami Fillyaw o DMS is working with Florida Blue, Capital Health Plan, and Solera Health to pilot the My Healthy Turnaround program, a diabetes wellness program focused on exercise, wellness, and nutrition. The project is anticipated to launch in February. It is a free 12-month program open to 200 pre-diabetic state employee volunteers and their dependents age 18 and older. A communications kit with more details will be sent to agencies in the next month. • Office of Supplier Diversity Updates – Hue Reynolds o The Office of Supplier Diversity is hosting several regional Supplier Diversity Exchange events (formerly known as The Matchmakers) with vendors to provide a networking and educational opportunity for business owners and procurement professionals in the public sector. The events are free and Florida-based woman, veteran, and minority small business owners are encouraged to attend. The first 2016 event will be held February 11 at the University of West Florida Conference Center in Pensacola. March 22, the Exchange will be at the University of North Florida in Jacksonville. A Tallahassee date is currently in the works. Additional information and registration is available online at d/events. Update: Department of Financial Services (DFS) • Florida PALM – Angie Robertson (see handout for more information) o The Project recently published the Level 2 Workgroup and Workshop Summary Reports as well as Survey Summary Reports to the Project website. The Project accepted BPS18 – Requirements Traceability Matrix Tools, and processed Decision 87 which includes requirements for current FLAIR payroll functionality in the ITN solicitation. For more information regarding the project, please see the Florida PALM handout. Page 1 of 4 MEETING MINUTES FLORIDA ASSOCIATION OF STATE AGENCY ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTORS o Question: What is the next big resource need from the agencies? Answer: For now, there is minimal resource need from the agencies. However, if a need does arise the Project will give agencies ample advanced notice. • Bureau of Financial Reporting – Christina Smith (see handout for more information) o The Bureau of Financial Reporting (BFR) released a Request for Proposals for a new debt collection contract; the current contract expires in May 2016. Agencies will be able to choose from multiple collection agencies for services and will not be required to select a second placement of accounts. BFR will host a vendor fair to introduce agencies with the new, approved collection agencies. A recurring Debt Collection Forum is also planned and will include training for agency personnel. Agencies are asked to begin taking steps to prepare for the transition, including a monthly review and reconciliation of account inventory and a review of accounts that exceed applicable statutes of limitations requiring write-offs. • Bureau of State Payrolls – Christina Smith (see handout for more information) o Agencies were reminded that their completed State Agency Payroll Compliance Checklists (Form # DFS-A3-2166) were due to the Bureau of State Payrolls by the end of the day. o Enrollment in electronic delivery of W-2s is up from 36% in 2011 to over 62% in 2015. See the 2015 W2 Totals by Agency handout for a breakdown by agency. Enrollment for electronic delivery of employee’s 2016 W-2s is now available through the State of Florida Employees’ Information Center at • Bureau of Vendor Relations – Christina Smith o DFS reissued 1,064 Form 1099s, which required correction due to a programming error, to reflect the omission of payments made for medical services and attorney’s fees/gross proceeds. • Legislative Tracking – Christina Smith o In House Bill (HB) 651/Senate Bill (SB) 992, DFS has included an increase to the audit threshold in the Florida Single Audit Act, bringing the audit threshold to $750,000 – the same amount as the Federal Single Audit Act. The threshold change is also included in a “Government Accountability” bill, HB593/SB686. o HB707/SB582, Public Corruption, looks to expand the applicability of offences in Chapter 838, Florida Statutes, to officers and employees of a public entity created or authorized by law. Additionally, the bill would hold public contractors eligible for prosecution of official misconduct and expands the application of bid tampering laws to public contractors who have contracted with a governmental entity to assist in a competitive procurement. Page 2 of 4 MEETING MINUTES FLORIDA ASSOCIATION OF STATE AGENCY ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTORS Open Floor • Question: The Department of Transportation (DOT) is looking to replace their PCard audit system but is waiting to see what happens with the new PCard contract before moving forward. When will details about the new system, PCard data, and the communication of this data be available? o Answer: Information on that level of detail may take up to a year to become available. • Question: Are there any updates available about transitioning the state’s PCard to the new chip card? Answer: [Credit and debit] card providers are moving away from the magnetic strips currently found on the back of cards to a chip on the front of the card. DFS and Bank of America (BoA) decided on changing new and renewal cards to the new chip cards rather than re-issuing all current magnetic strip cards at this time. DFS is working with BoA on a plan that will allow a transition of all cards more quickly, ideally by the end of calendar year 2016. • Question: DOT is experiencing difficulties in finding suitable applicants for their finance positions. Have any other agencies experienced this problem and, if so, are there any suggestions for solutions or workarounds? o Answer: Treasury has experienced similar problems with their Portfolio Manager positions. Suggestions include expanding the advertising to services such as Career Builder and Monster rather than just People First. Industry Associations, University, and Alumni job boards are also a viable possibility. • Question: The Department of State suggested a contact list of all Directors of Administration be included on the FASAASD website for easy reference. What are the group’s thoughts? Are there any objections or concerns? o Answer: No objections. Administrative Directors may see a request to confirm the contact list in the near future. • Question: Is DFS going to be holding any Property training classes in the near future? o Answer: DFS is aware that there is a need for Property training; however, at the time of the meeting it is unknown where the need falls on the list of importance. Currently, Enterprise Education is working on initiatives to move content to the internet, create new trainings, and hopefully re-vamp this coming fall. Christina will see if Enterprise Education can accommodate property training over the summer. • Question: There is a concern with FLAIR requiring sub-vendor social security numbers and possible compromised security when employees use the screen print option. Is this information still necessary? Can we use all 9s instead? o Answer: DFS is aware that there are concerns with what is being input in the sub-vendor field, including not just security but also issues with names and numbers not matching when the information is saved and sent to Central FLAIR. However, because of tax requirements, social security numbers must be captured in FLAIR not just for PCard but for other payment transactions to an employee. It is up to the agencies to be vigilant to Page 3 of 4 MEETING MINUTES FLORIDA ASSOCIATION OF STATE AGENCY ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTORS redact information appearing on printed screens or any other documents that may be in their office. Adjourn – 10:50 a.m. Page 4 of 4