July 8, 2011 CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER MEMORANDUM NO. 01 (2011-2012) SUBJECT: NEW STATE STANDARD REVENUE CATEGORIES FOR NONGRANT FEDERAL REVENUES The following revenue categories are established to report federal revenues that are not related to grant awards and are effective July 1, 2011. • 001270 Fines/Forfeitures from Federal Programs - Revenues received as a result of federal criminal, administrative, or civil forfeiture proceedings and receipts from federal asset-sharing programs, including fines, forfeitures, seizures, and judgments retained by the State for law enforcement or other purposes. • 001970 Sales of Goods/Services to Federal Government - Federal non-grant contract revenue and sales of services provided by state agencies to the federal government. • 001870 Refunds/Reimbursements of Federal Funded Expenditures - Refunds, reimbursements, and recoveries of federally-funded non-grant expenditures, including rebates received from pharmaceutical manufacturers, subrogation, and other third-party liability payments. Revenues deposited into categories 001270 and 001970 are subject to the General Revenue service charge assessment in accordance with Section 215.20, Florida Statutes. Agencies may request an exemption from this assessment, if appropriate, by submitting a request for exemption to the Executive Office of the Governor in accordance with Section 215.24, Florida Statutes. Please contact the Accounts Control Section at newaccountcode@myfloridacfo.com or (850) 413-5511 if you have any questions regarding the content of this memorandum.