ONCOLOGY "_ IN CANCER MANAGEMENT RzPd_rorTHE INT_R-SOCmr_ COUNCIL ';5'2!FORRADIATION ONCOLOGY Spo_ore_ bythe: American Association of Physicists in Medicine American College of Medical Physics American College of Radiology AmericanRadium Society AmericanSociety forTherapeutic Radiologyand Oncology ,:. North American Hyperthermia Group ,, Radiation Research Society Radiological Society of North America - Society of Chairmen of Academic Radiation Oncology Programs DECEMBER 1991 TABLE OF CONTENTS Subcommittee m Write "Radiation Ontology in Integrated Cancer Management" .......................................................... iii Inter-Society Council for Radiation Oncology (ISCRO) ...... iii Letter from Robert Parker, M.D ............................................ iv Letter from Gerald E. Hanks, M.D ........................................ v Letter from Eli Glatstein, M.D .............................................. vi Letter from James D. Cox, M.D ............................................ vii I. Introduction ................................................................. 1 II. Objectives of This Report ........................................... 3 Ill. Goals of Cancer Management ..................................... 4 IV. The Clinical Role of Radiation Therapy ..................... 5 V. The Process of Radiation Therapy .............................. VI. Quality Assurance of Radiation Therapy .................... 13 VII. Criteria for Utilization of Equipment and Facilities....24 VIII. Characteristics IX Economic Issues .......................................................... 44 X. Conclusions ................................................................. 45 XI. Glossary 46 of Clinical Programs ........................... ...................................................................... 8 33 ................... . .... _ .... ••_.. TABLES SuecoM-r :_ _._t- • TOWRrrE "RADIATION ONCOLOGY 1N INTEGRATED CANc,.;lf4¢MANAGEMENt' V-IA ..Process of Radiation Therapy (External Beam) ........... 9 V-1B ..Process of Radiation Therapy (Brachytherapy).............. 10 VI-1 ..Quality Assurance: Treatment Machines and Simulators ............................................................... 20 VI-2 .. Quality Assurance: Treatment Planning ...................... 21 VI-3 ..Quality Assurance: Dosimetry ..................................... 22 VI-.4 ..Quality Assurance: Radiation Safety ........................... 23 VIII-1 ..Minimum Personnel Requirements for Clinical Radiation Therapy .................................................. 41 VIII-2 .. Key Staff Functions in Clinical Radiation Therapy ..... 42 VIII-3 ..Radiation Therapy Units .............................................. PRIOR _'i;BLUEBOOKS_ 1968 - A Prospect for Radiation Therapy 1972 - A Proposal for Integrated Cancer in the United States Management in the United States: The Role of Radiation Therapy 1981 - Criteria for Radiation Oncology in Multidisciplinary Cancer 43 Robert G. Parker, M.D. (Chair) C. Robert Bogardus, M,D. Gerald E. Hanks, M.D. _ Colin G. Orlon, Ph.D. Marvin Rotman, M.D. INTER-SOcI_-r_ COUNCIL FOR RADIATION ONCOLOGY Gerald E. Hanks, M.D. Chairman, ISCRO Peter R. Almond, Ph.D. Vice Chairman, ISCRO American Association of Physicists in Medicine Bengt E. Bjarngard E., Ph.D. American Association of Physicists in Medicine Luther W. Brady, M.D. American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Ontology C. Norman Coleman, M.D. American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Ontology Mark W. Dewhirst, Ph.D. North American Hyperthermia Sarah S. Donaldson, M.D. American College of Radiology John D. Earle, M.D. Radiologlcal Society of North America Mortimer M. Elkind, Ph.D. Radiation Research Society George M. Hahn, Ph.D. North American Hyperthermia Group Rodney R. Million, M.D. Society of Chairmen of Academic Radiation Ontology Programs James B. Mitchell, Ph.D. Radiation Research Society Colin G. Orton, Ph.D. Robert G. Parker, M.D. American College of Medical Physics Radiological Society of North America Lester J. Peters, M.D. American College of Radiology Leonard R. Pmsnitz, M.D. American Radium Society Marvin Rotman, M.D. Society of Chairmen of Academic Radiation Alfred R. Smith, Ph.D, Oneo]ogy Programs American College of Medical Physics J. Frank Wilson, M.D. American Radium Society Management 1986 - Radiation Ontology in Integrated Cancer Management (ISCRO) Group August 5, 1991 August 5, 1991 Gerald Hanks, M.D. Eli Glatstein, M.D. NCI, Departmentof RadiationOncology Building 10, Room B3-B69 9000 Rockville Pike Bethesda, MD 20892 Chairman, Inter-Society Council for Radiation Oncology Department of Radiation Oncology Fox Chase Cancer Center Central and Shelmire Avenues Philadelphia, PA 19111 Dear Eli: Dear Gerry: The Inter-Society Council for Radiation Oncology is a group of radiation oncologists, biologists,and physicists who areorganized to foster The fifth "Blue Book," Radiation Oncology in Integrated Cancer • Management, has been completed. This document continues an thedevelopment of research,education, and the clinical sciences in the field of radiation oncology. We actively reviewresearchproposals and undertake projects with the purposeof improving cancer treatment. evolution from,A ProspectforRadiation Therapyin the UnitedStates (1968), A Proposal for Integrated Cancer Management in the United States: The Role of Radiation Oncology (1972), Criteria for Radia- I am pleased to presentyou with a copy of the final draft of the fifth edition of "Radiation Ontology in Multidisciplinary Cancer Management," commonly known as the "Blue Book." tion Oneology in Multidisciplinary Cancer Management (1981) and Radiation Oncology in Integrated Cancer Management (1986). The sections on Quality Assurance and Criteria for Utilization of Equipment and Facilities have been extensively revised and a section on Economic Issues has been added, Traditionally, the Blue Book has received the endorsement of the National Cancer Institute and ISCRO now would welcome your endorsement of the 1991 edition. As you are aware, the Blue Book is extremely important in the planning and staffing of radiation therapy facilities. Perhaps, most importantly, it has become the back bone of quality assurance programs. Members representing the professional societies which comprise the Inter-Society Council for Radiation Oncology support this document, Sincerely, This 1991 edition of the Blue Book has two objectives. Reasonable standards for radiation therapy, inclusive of those for personnel, equipment, facilities and operations, are defined, and guidelines for the optimal use of radiation therapy in the integrated management of patients with cancer are suggested. Thank you for you consideration of our request and I look forward to hearing from you. Robert G. Parker, M.D., Chair ISCRO Subcommittee for Revision of the "Blue Book" Sincerely, Gerald E. Hanks, M.D. Chairman /._ August 27, 1991 August 12, 1991 Dr. C__rtld E.'Hanks Gerald Hanks, M.D. Chairman Chairman, Inter-Sooiety Council for Radiation Ontology I101 Market Street 14th Floor Department Inter-Society of Radiation Council for Radiation Oncology Oncology Fox Chase Cancer Center Philadelphia, PA 19107 ' Central and Shelmire Avenues Philadelphia, PA 19111 Dear Dr. Hanks: I commend you and ISCRO subcommittee members for the 1991 "Blue Book" revision entitled, "Radiation Ontology in Multidiciplinary Dear Dr. Hanks: On behalf of the Commission CancerManagement."Thisreport, theflftheditionpreparedbytheradiation oncology community, succinctly presg,nts the standards for clinical practice and the objectives for radiation oncology during the remainder of the 1990s. Your evaluation of the criteria for standard radiotherapy practice is particularly important at this time because multi-modality cancer treatment has an ima'casing number of cancer patients. Your continued effort to provide standards for radiation oncologists as well as guidelines for health care le.adcrs is an excellent example for other oncologic disciplines, TI_ National Cancer Institute established the Radiation Research American Program in 1982, and this program continues to provide a visible and strong focus within the NCI for support of research and related activities in to-date elements of the structure and process for providing the most effective radiation therapy. Personnel and equipment requirements, radiation oncology, diagnosis, biology, and physics, Your activities represent an important complement to the research initiators sponsored by the NCI program, I am pleased to endorse the 1991 report and once again encourage you your colleagues in the radiation ontology community to continue your efforts in the conquest of cancer, programs for monitoring the quality of patient care, and descriptions of the key interactions with the patients, are well described. It will serve well the needs of cancer patients and those committed to Sincerely, College of Radiology, on Radiation Oncology I wish to commend of the you and your colleagues for the work you have done in revising the "Blue Book." This fifth edition, "Radiation Oncology in Integrated Cancer Management," builds effectively on the strong foundation established by the previous four versions which, since 1968, have placed radiation oncology in a unique position within cancer management by having established criteria for the proper delivery of radiation therapy. This document will serve, as its predecessors have, to provide the most up- providing the best care for those patients, throughout of the 20th Century. the last decade Sincerely, Eli Glatstein, M.D., Acting Director Radiation Research Program James D. Cox, M.D., Chairman National Cancer Institute Commission American on Radiation College Oncology of Radiology ( J. INTRODUCTION Every patient with cancer should have access to the best possible care regardless of constraints such as geographic separation from adequate facilities and professional competence, economic restrictions, cultural barriers or methods of health care delivery. Suboptimal care is likely to result in an unfavorable outcome for the patient, at greater expense for the patient and for society. The major components of treatment continue to be surgery, radiation therapy and systemic chemotherapy. Optimal use of these therapeutic modalities requires proper initial management decisions. These decisions must be made by health care professionals, who have an understanding of the biology of cancer in the human and the treatment options. Potential contributions and liabilities of each treatment method must be presented by surgeons, medical oncologists and radiation oncologists as equal members of the patient management team. Essential pretreatment interaction amongst surgeons, medical oncologists and radiation oncologists should continue throughout the course of treatment and the long-term follow-up for every patient. Patients with cancer, and/or their selected advisors or relatives, must have the opportunity to become fully informed about their medical status, all of the reasonable treatment options and the likely consequences of each management program and even of no treatment. This right of patients to participate in decisions related to their care must be respected at all times. There are many different approaches to providing optimal care. These are tailored to local needs and resources. However, in every circumstance, the integration of highly trained personnel and expensive facilities is required. High quality radiation therapy can be provided most efficiently when the number of patients is large enough to fully utilize the necessary expertise and expensive facilities. megavoltage radiation treatment unit, and approximately 25% are staffed by a single physician either full-time or part-timeL It is essential that these limited facilities, whether located in a hospital or free-standing, have the capability for the same high quality patient care available in larger centers. Treatment planning skills, a cornpurer-based treatment planning system, simulation, direct medical radiation physicist involvement, high energy photon and electron beams, skilled brachytherapy and the capability to fabricate treatment aids must be available to the patients in small facilities, either on-site or througharrangementswithnearbycenters, Although good radiation therapy programs always have included procedures specifically designed to minimize error and risk and to promote consistent high quality patient care, these activities have become formalized Quality Assurance Programs. Multiple groups within and outside medical centers now require extensive documentation of compliance with defined standards as a requisite of continued approval of the program and the affiliated medical center. The costs of health care in general, and for patients with cancer specifically, have come under increased scrutiny. Although the support of radiation therapy in the United States consumes less than 0.5% of health care expenses (Powers, W.E., personal communication, 1989), the expensive facilities and extensively trained personnel are likely targets for cost containment. Consequently, expanded and updated sections on Quality Assurance and Utilization of Facilities and Equipment are included in this publication. 'Facility Master List Survey, Patterns of Care Study, American College of Radiology !1. OBJECTIVES OF THIS REPORT In thisreport: 1) reasonable standards for radiation therapy, inclusive of those for personnel, equipment, facilities and operations, will be defined; and 2) guidelines for the optimal use of radiation therapy in the integrated management of patients with cancer will be suggested. ........ III. GOALS OF CANCER MANAGEMENT . __ ........ _, _ _ IV. *_ ................ . ......... TNE CLINICAL z____.._._.,l_,_ - _ _._._..,_lull_ ¸ . ROLE OF RADIATION THERAPY The primary goal of health care personnel and their supporting organizations, and of society generally, is to provide the best possible care to every patient with cancer. The objectives of cure, palliation or long-term tumor control must be clearly defined. Each patient, whether part of an organized study or not, must become a source of information available for continual improvement of therapautic performance. Concurrently, better methods, equipment and facilities must be developed, and educational programs must be providedfor personnel, _urgary, radiation therapy and systemic chemotherapy remain the bases ofthemanagement ofpatientswithcancer. Hopefully, other methods, such as those modulating the host's immune system, will soon prove useful, at least as adjuvants. The usual objective of surgery or radiation therapy is local/ regional control of tumor. In addition, ionizing radiations may be used as a systemic agent. Chemotherapy usually is used systemically, althoughit may, on occasion,be used regionally.Surgery,radiation therapy and chemotherapy can be used individually or in various combinations and sequences. Currently, radiation therapy is used in the management of 5060% of all patients with cancer. Its use, as for surgery and chemotherapy, must be decided and controlled by specifically trained, competent personnel. [ Radiation therapy may be used alone or with other treatments to cure humans with cancers arising in nearly every anatomic site. The inherent advantage of the method is the preservation of anatomic structures and their function. Today, cure should be the objective for approximately 50% of all patients treated. For these patients, cost, inconvenience and iatrogenic morbidity may be of less concern than they are for those unfortunate patients, who are not curable by currently available methods. Properly used, radiation therapy is a superb palliative agent with a high likelihood of success and easily controlled or avoided morbidity. Examples are: relief of pain from bony metastases; preservation of skeletal integrity; reduction of intracranial pressure with resultant relief of headaches and neurological dysfunction; restoration of the patency of tumor-compromised Iumina (esophageal, bronchial, vascular); and control of tumor-induced bleeding. 8 Conventional, external beam radiation therapy (teletherapy) usually is delivered in single daily increments for several weeks, Currently, there are ongoing trials of the use of multiple increments daily over the same period (hyperfractionation) or over shorter times (accelerated fractionation). The prolonged period of treatment prorides an opportunity for all members of the radiation oncology team to provide support to patients. Intraoperative radiation therapy, using single increments of X-rays or electron beams directed to targets exposed at surgery, is being investigated. The potential advantage is the physical displacement or protection of normal structures from the radiation beam. Inasmuch as a fractionated high total dose is not possible with this approach, it is used to deliver a large "boost" dose. Brachytherapy, exploiting a variety of radionuclide sources, is used primarily for cancers arising in the head and neck, breast and pelvis. The advantage of this method is delivery of a dose to a tumor, which is relatively higher than that delivered to adjacent normal tissues. In most instances, such interstitial and intracavitary placement of radioactive sources is an operative procedure requiring an anesthetic for the patient. Particles, both charged (protons, helium ions, heavy ions) and unchanged (neutrons) are being investigated, both as teletherapy beams and brachytherapy agents. Such particles produce more dense ionization in tissues and so theoretically reduce the adverse influence of cellular hypoxia and the effect of position in the cell cycle at the time of irradiation. Augmentation of the therapeutic effectiveness of ionizing radiations, through the use of adjuvants, is being investigated. Heat applied regionally may be cytotoxic at 42-.45"C, and it may augment cell killing by ionizing radiations or chemotherapeutic agents. Selecfive effectiveness of heat against cancer cells is based on the diminished blood flow in tumors relative to normal tissue with consequent decreased ability to dissipate heat and maintain normal homeostasis, Several systemically administered drugs may increase the sensitivity of cells to ionizing radiations. Some of these, such as doxyrubicin and dactinomycin, unfortunately, mayincreasetheradiationsensitivityof both tumor and normal cells and, consequently, a therapeutic advanrage does not result. Electron-affinic compounds may lessen the adverse effects of tumor cell hypoxia on radiosensitivity. Total body irradiation, long used in multiple small doses as a therapeutic agent in hematopoietic and lymphomatous disorders, is used in larger doses to destroy abnormal (and normal) bone marrow prior to the transplantation of healthy marrow. Total body irradiation, or total nodal irradiation, is used to suppress the immune system in a variety of diseases. V. THE PROCESS OF RADIATION THERAPY TAB_ V-IA PROCESSOFRADIATION THrgnPV (EXTEgSnLBE_O_) 1. CLINICAL EVALUATION The clinical use of ionizing radiations is a complex process involving highly trained personnel in a variety of interrelated activi- Initialmultidiseiplinary evaluation of patient Decisionforradiation therapy Assessment of pathobiology of tumor ties (Tables V-1A and V-1B). A critical step is the initial evaluation of the patient and an assessment of the tumor. This requires a pertinent history, complete physical examination, a review of all diagnostic studies and reports and discussion with the referring physician. Staging z. THERAPEUTIC DECISION-MAKING Selection of treatment goals---.cure/palliation Choiceofmodalities oftreatment 3. TARGET VOLUME LOCALIZATION The radiation oncologist must be aware of the biologic characteristics of the patient's cancer as a basis for estimating its clinical behavior and planning treatment. The documented extent of each cancer must be recorded as a basis for staging. This will support an estinaate of the prognosis for each patient and will enable comparison of treatment performances between different medical centers. 4. TREATMENT Initial decisions about therapy include: an estimate of whether treatment is likely to help the patient; selection of cure or palliation as s. SIMULATION OFTREATMENT Selectionofimmobilization devices the objective; and identification of alternative therapies with consideration of their relative merits. If ionizing radiations are to be used, the beam characteristics and/or radionuclide sources, the method and pattern of delivery, doses and sequencing with other treatments must be known. It is important to discuss these initial tentative decisions with the patient's other physicians, the patient and responsible family members or designees. Treatment planning requires determination of the tumor site and extent in relation to normal tissues. This assessment is based on physical examination, endoscopy, diagnostic imaging and findings at surgery. The relative contributions of external radiation beams, brachytherapy, intraoperative irradiation and adjuvants need to be considered. The radiation oncologist specifies the doses desired throughout the tumor and sets limits of doses to critical structures. The physician, medical radiation physicist and dosimetrist then Definitionoftumorextentandpotential routes of spread Identification ofsensitiveorgansandtissues PLANNING Selectionoftreatmenttechnique Computation ofdosedistribution andverification ofaccuracy Determination ofdose/time/volume relationship Radiographic documentation of treatment ports Measurement of patient Construction ofpatientcontours Shapingoffields 6. FABRICATION OFTREATMENT AIDS Construction of custom blocks, compensating filters 7. TREATMENT lnitialverificationoftreatmemset-up Verification of accuracy of repeated treatments Continual assessment of equipment performance Periodicchecksofdosimetry, record keeping s. PATIENT EVALUATION TREATMENT Evaluation of tumor response DURING Assessment oftolerancetotreatment 9. FOLI.,OW-UP EVALUATION Evaluation of tumor control Assessment of complications oftreatment [0 TASTEV-IB Paocr.ss o_ RAD_ON TnEIo,ev (BRAcnVTHEnAeV) I. CLINI_ALEVALUAT/ON Initial multidi_eiplinary evaluation of patient Decision fornufiatlon therapy Assessmentof patimbiology of tumor Staging THERAPEU'IlC DECISION-MAKING Selectima oftreatmentgoals- cure/palllation, _,oicc ofmodaliti_oftreatment 3. TARGET VOLUME LOCALIZATION Definition of tumor extent and potential routes of spread Identification of_nsitivcorgansandtissues 4. TRF.ATMENTPLANNING Selection of volume tobe treated design potential treatment deliveries which satisfy these requiremeats. The calculation of doses at multiple sites and the mapping of isodose patterns, based on accurately measured doses and other physical characteristics, usually require the use of special computer programs. The physician, upon the advice of the medical radiation physicist and dosimetrist, then selects the best treatment plan for the individual patient. After the therapeutic approach is selected, the target volume is confirmed and recorded radiographically at simulation. Simulators are specialized units which can reproduce all of the motions of the specific treatment unit to be used. Orthogonal radiographic units are being supplemented by units which display cross-section anatomy. The use of cross-section anatomy (CT scans) supports three-dimensional definition of the target volume. Such use allows immediate Selectionofgeometry forapplication Computation ofdosesanddosedistributions Estimation oftoleran_ toprocedure treatment planning with later simulation for field marking, identification of treatment unit parameters and radiographic verification of the treatment set-up. The availability of fluoroscopy aids and hastens the Arrangement forsurgical suiteandanesthesia process. Simulation, which may be a two-step process, is carried out by a specially trained radiation therapy technologist under the supervision of the radiation oncologist. Check off of equipment 5. TREATMENT Examination of anesthetized patient Reviewof irlitialtreatment plan Implantation 6. VERIFICATION OFIMPLANTATION Devices to aid in positioning and immobilizing the patient, normal tissue shields, compensating filters and other aids need to be Orthogonal or stereo radiographs designed and fabricated. This requires access to a specialized preparation room and a machine shop. 7. I[)OSIM/_-IRY Calculation fromactualimplantation Establishment oftimeforremoval Prior to initiation of treatment, radiographs produced by the treatment beam of the teletherapy unit are compared to the simulator films to verify that the beams and targets are identical. Dosimeters g. PATIENTEVALUATION DUllINGTREATMENT may be used, in vivo, to measure and record actual doses at specific anatomic sites. Assessment of tolerance _k ofi_hion ofimplant Daily treatments are carried out by radiation therapy technolo- 9. REMOVAL OFIMPLANT gists who are under the direct supervision of the radiation oncologist and the medical physicist. It is essential that all treatment applications be described in detail (orders) and signed by the responsible physi- In. FOLJ._W-UPEVALUATION ._sesmgnt ofearly and late _quelae Evaluation oftumorcontrol clan. Likewise, any changes in the planned treatment by the physician VI. may require adjustment in immobilization, new calculations and even a newtreatment plan. Thus, the technologist, physicist and dosimetrist need to be notified. QUALITY ASSURANCE OF RADIATION THERAPY Although the daily treatment is set up on the teletherapy unit by technologists, a responsible physician must be available in the department or nearby for confirmation of the _reatment, if necessary, and for unscheduled decisions and supervision of personnel. A variety of specific checks to insure conformity to the planned treatmeat should be in place. Therefore, a physician does not need to visually check each treatment set-up. The responsible physician monitors the patient's progress by checking the daily entries in the treatment chart and discussing the patient with the technologists, nurses, relatives or friends, and other involved physicians and by periodic examinations. Re-evaluation examinations usually are scheduled at least weekly. Portal verification films, pertinent laboratory and visual imaging studies are periodically ordered and reviewed. The patient, referring physician and responsible friends and/or relatives should be informed of the progress oftreatment. Periodic post-treatment assessment of the accomplishments and possible sequelae of treatment is essential. The radiation oncologist, as the most qualified observer to detect and initiate management of post-irradiation tumor activity or sequelae in normal tissues, must be involved in the post-treatment follow-up program. Early detection of post-treatment tumor activity may permit additional treatment, which may be curative. Early detection and treatment of radiation-induced sequelae may avoid serious problems later. The purpose of a Quality Assurance Program is the objectire, systematic monitoring of the quality and appropriateness of patient care. Such a program is essential for all activities in Radiation Ontology. The Quality Assurance Program should be related to structure, process and outcome, all of which can be measured. Structure includes the staff, equipment and facility. Process covers the pre- and post-treatment evaluations and the actual treatment application. Outcome is documented by the frequency of accomplishing stated objectives, usually tumor control, and by the frequency and seriousness of treatment induced sequelae. The Director of Radiation Oncology is responsible for the organization and supervision of the departmental Quality Assurance Program. Periodic (at least monthly) audits of recently completed charts by designated reviewers using appropriate screens (check lists) should be reported to the departmental Quality Assurance Committee. All identified problems should be discussed and recorded and a remedial action plan instituted. Requirements of the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) should be fulfilled. Components of a Quality Assurance Program for Radiation Oncology are summarized in the following: 6.1 Equipment Minimal requirements for equipment include: 1) at least one supervoltage/megavoltage teletherapy unit, with an energy exceeding 1 MV. The distance from the source to the isocenter must be at least 80 cm; 2) access to an electron beam source or a low energy X- lg- ray unit; 3) appropriate brachytherapy equipment and sources for intracavitary and interstitial treatment; 4) adequate equipment to calibrate and measure dosimetric characteristics of all treatment units in the department; 5) capability to provide appropriate dose distribution information for external beam treatment and brachytherapy; 6) equipment for accurate simulation of the treatment units in the depa_i_nent; 7) field-shaping capability; and 8) access to CTscanning capability (advisable). 6.2 _ 6.4 Patient Evaluation and Treatment All components of the evaluation of the patient and his/her cancer must be documented in the patient's Radiation Oncology Record. The format, which should facilitate care of the patient in the department, usually includes: a general information sheet listing the names of pertinent relatives, follow-up contacts, referring and family physicians and persons to notify in an emergency; initial history and findings on physical examination; reports of the pathology examinations, laboratory tests, diagnostic imaging studies and pertinent operations; photographs and anatomic drawings; medications currently Minimal programs include: 1) calibration of equipment and measurement of radiation beam characteristics to assure accurate and used; correspondence with physicians and reimbursement organizations; treatment set-up instructions; daily treatment logs; physics, reliable delivery of the ionizing radiations; 2) charting systems for recording treatment doses; 3) accurate calculation of doses and dose distributions, checks of dose calculations and ongoing reviews of accumulating doses; 4) devices for prevention of mechanical injury of the patients or personnel by the treatment units or accessory equipment; 5) surveillance of the wearing, reading and recording of information from individual film badges; 6) systematic inspection of interlocks; 7) routine leak testing of sealed radioactive sources; 8) availability of safety equipment and use of personnel and patient safety procedures when fluoroscopy and sealed radioactive sources are used; 9) instruction in safe work habits and pertinent new developments; and 10) regular maintenance and repair of equipment, treatment planning and dosimetry data; progress notes during treatmerit; summaries of treatment; and reports of follow-up examinations. 6.3 Facilities It is necessary that ramps, doorways, halls and lavatories accommodate wheel chairs, walkers and litters (except for lavatories), There should be holding areas for patients on litters or in beds. The internal environment should provide adequate lighting, ventilation and temperature control. Emergency procedures for fires and other catastrophes should be in place and understood by personnel, It is essential that these radiation oncology records be maintainedandsecuredinthedepartmentseparatefromhospitalandclinic records to insure ready access at any time for a variety of purposes. Lack of immediate access to patient data can disrupt daily activities in the radiation oncology department. For example, all current and previous treatment data and the treatment plan, with any recent changes, must be available to the radiation therapy technologists each day when the patient is set up for treatment, before the beam is activated. Inasmuch as patients may be treated every 10-15 minutes throughout the day on each megavoltage unit, lack of immediate availability of data on a specific patient would result in chaos. In addition, radiation oncologists, who are on-site and thus "available", frequently receive unscheduled inquiries aboutpatientsbeingtreated or those whom have been treated. Copies of pertinent data generated in the department, such as the initial consultation report, the summary of treatment and reports of follow-up visits must be included in each patient's hospital chart to be available to others throughout the medical center. 6.5 Informed Patient Consent Priorto the initiation of any patient management program, the patient must give valid consent for the actual treatment and related activities such as photography of the face or treatment portals. If the patient is not mentally competent, consent must be obtained from a legally qualified representative. Each radiation oncology center should have a methodology to explain to the patient, or proper representatives, the patient's status, treatment alternatives with their reasonable objectives and possible sequelae and the consequences of no treatment. Informational materials, such as brochures, tape recordings, video presentations and identification of available support services, may help the patient to understand and consequently to comply. If possible, explanations should be in the language preferred and best understood by the patient, tire number of the treatment, overall time since initiation of treatment and actual date, usually accompany the dose entries. In addition, there should be positive identification of the equipment used, any treatment aids, the responsible radiation oneologist and referring physician. A written prescription, signed by the responsible radiation oncologist, should include daily and total doses to a specific site (stated depth or isodose contour) in a definite overall time, number of fields to be treated daily and the pattern of application (numberoftreatments per week). Photographic recording of the position of the patient during treatment, each treatment field and the patient's face help recall. Treatment Planning Data All data used in planning the specific treatment for a patient shouldbeimmediatelyavailableforreview. Theseinclude: anatomic drawings, copies of appropriate visual imaging examinations, radiographs from simulation of treatment, computation of beams and dose patterns, reasons for the choice of a specific management program, treatment beam verification films, calculation of doses and dose distributions and records of special physical measurements, Assessment of Treatment The results of treatment, with documentation of the status of the tumor and sequelae, must be assessed for every patient. Periodic evaluation of patients, in concert with other physicians including oncologists and the primary care provider, is an essential part of management. This is a responsibility shared by the patients and their physicians. A record of outcome by anatomic site, stage and histology should include all patients treated. Other information such as the presence of intercurrent diseases and other treatments is useful. Documenting and keeping these records current is necessary to insure high quality performance. This ever increasing burden of monitoring results should be simplified through the use of an automated data retrieval system. 6.7 6.9 6.6 Treatment Data 6.8 Patient-Related Data The centerpiece of the patient's radiation therapy record is the charting of each treatment. These entries, which must be made at the time of each application of ionizing radiations, usually include the daily and cumulative doses through each field to the target and sites The following data should be maintained and kept current at every treatment facility: number of new and former patients seen in consultation; number of new and former patients treated; number of tumors treated at each anatomic site; number of simulations; number of special interest, such as the spinal cord, kidney or eye. For irregular-shaped fields, doses should be calculated at several anatornic sites. Supporting data, such as the actual identifying number and dimensions of each field, maximum dose to each field, consecu- of treatment plans; number of treatment portals; whether the treatments were simple, complex or intermediate; number and types of brachytherapy procedures (interstitial implantations, intracavitary ii_ insertions, surface and special applications); and number of posttreatment follow-up examinations, Annual summaries of these data should be analyzed, 6.10 Assessment of Operations Each facility should have ongoing programs to monitor operations. Patient flow parameters, such as access to parking, promptness of patient scheduling, intervals from referral to consultation and initiation of treatment, patient treatment throughput per unit time, must be assessed so that deficiencies can be corrected. 6.11 Medical Radiation Physics The ultimate objective of Medical Radiation Physics activities is to assure the deIivery of high quality radiation therapy. These activities include active participation in: treatment planning; consultation and educational activities aiding the radiation oncologists and other staff; decisions on the purchase of equipment; and activities that assure that all radiation equipment and sources are operated and handled safely in order to provide adequate protection of staff, patients and the general public. The Quality Assurance Program in Medical Radiation Physics must be developed and monitored by a qualified medical radiation physicist. Necessary quality control of the physical components of radiation therapy includes: 1) assurance of proper, accurate and safe function of all treatment units and simulators; 2) procurement and storage of radioactive sources, and monitoring the proper function of brachytherapy applicators; 3) treatment planning with computer support; 4) monitoring of dosimetry, calibration and beam characteristics; and 5) surveillance safety of patients and personnel. These activities are outlined in Tables VI-I to VI--4. The success of radiation therapy is dependent on the accuracy of delivery of specified doses to selected targets, both in tumors and ,... _ ,; • _........ • _,j. . normal tissues. The margin for prevention of serious error may be slight. Therefore, the Medical Radiation Physicist must be provided with adequate personnel and equipment to accomplish these important tasks. TAm£ Vl-I Quality A__sttranoe: Treatment Machines and Simulators TABLE Vl-2 QUALITY ASSURANCE: TREATMENT PLANNING 1. RADIATION Z (_ualityAssuranceActicn SURVEY MECHANICAL SPECS. AND ALIGNMENT a. mechanical isocenter DIAGNOSTIC PATIENT DATA ACQUISITION b. light field (5x5 cm, 10xlO cm, 30x30 cm) c. collimator d. patient DiagnosticX-fay Nuclear Medicine. Uttrasound Image quatltyassurance proceduresare established in DiagnosticDepartments. CT. MRI Spociat proceduresrelatingto rotational and cross hairs alignment support assembly -- therapy. ]/rotational 2/vertical Simulator [mege quality and mechanical integrity. . TREATMENT DECISION. TUMOR Data synthesis. Contours Datmeetionof Clinical qualityassurance. Accuracyof contouringeduipmettt. SimuLatorquality assurance LOCALIZATION targetvolume and sensitiveorgans COMPUTATION TAR and/or other Data verificatk3nfor irldividual OF DOSE AND DOSE DISTRIBUTION doseconcepts, Algorithms Computer Fieldshaplng independentchecksof Catculeticns machines. Accuracyof calculationalmethods. Input..outputdevlces ofcomputer. Documentatlonof dose distrJ]3ution data and caldulational procedures. a. field flatness IMMOBILIZATION BLOCKS AND Immobilization De',ces. Frequentalignment and stability checks. b. field symmetry WEDGES Mould Materials Personnelsafety in regardto material and BlockCutters toxicity(read,cadmium,tin, etc.) and shopprocedures. Patient_.afety. 3/horizontal 4/lateral e. gantry rotation range and speed f. gantry rotation alignment g. laser IDealizer a]ignm¢nt 3. RADIATION a. alignment ISOCENTER of collimator rotational axis b. radiation beam and axis of gantry rotation c. light fieldandradiationfieldcoincidence d. distance indicator 4. X-RAY BEAM PERFORMANCE C. photon beam symmetry vs. gantry angle d. photonbeamenergy e. dosimetryreproducibility and]incarity f. arc therapy 5. ELECTRON a. electron BEAM PERFORMANCE Fielddelineationand adequacy of Verification tumor coverage(physiciansshould signfilms). lmege quality. Path|hiCharts - c. eloctron field symmetry vs. gantry angle d. depth ionization e. X-ray contamination dosimctry Pod film VERIFICATION beam t]amess b. electron beam symmetry f. TREATMENT reproducibility and ]inearity Routine cheeks Dose summationsand treatment prescriptions. EquipmentLog 8ooks Adequate calibrationrecords. Machine problemsandperformatqce. Patient Dosimatry Dosimatryand equipmentverfficatldn. Dosimeter placement. Analysisand reportingof results. , tsHiito tlOIIUOg/'lOJnpOOOJ d } eoJncslo St;O; { eOe_Ol8 eolnos so_oue_uow 3 _oqlO '$mun N 's'O- _ :lOUUO_Jed io 8u!u!e_J. 6u!Jo_uowiouuosJed $:kuewnJlsu! _u!lpu_q (sluetuo;nmlhl O_.A _) 'Ouf;unoo oomos '_runs ;ue!md :l_^O'.UeU sJezew!soc] uodsu=J!-- e0lJots peple!4S :uo_uesul pJ_ 'uodsum_t'lue_oe_l :=Luom*uo!md :eGesn it-soc_!Q _lSepfeo'l 'uo_z_l!JelS '6u!ueel0 U_Op J_JJIBO '_U!pt_q S :eouuue|u!elq _ :_JO_$UeJJ. :,<m_-_ UO!|eZI.UO_ aAu.ovomw UOl_eOO I "SA ele_ oJnsodx_ 6t_ pue'_ 0 L stJOde_d_ON skein S uo+i_pe_J i Joloe I osn see_= 1 P_°PP°M I I I i |O UOI_SO_ suetu_nb 3 su_l_q_lwO _ S!xv Itl_J_lO l luetu_nb 3 suo_lnqpls{a eso(:] SS4_RJ_I..Ji)10!-I _1 I :JO S_Oe40 II p_lo,=lu¢_ rt •_ pello_zu_o tt,# XlleO_po_Jed uodeEIdEION u_t+_!r_eo eoJnos _°eqO _°pelUl SJ!Edet:[ JC_W Je]JV lueuJd!nb:l 6u!u_ss!wwoo ueqM _ e3_(:] uJee9 Jo u_eJoue_ " s_e!qo 5u!lenue|l= lueu_tuJedo eat _leJ U_ eql Io Ilnsuoo ' =u_ln@_sUl uee_teq leOO'l _ 1¢o(3 SEN _ s_,lewt.so(] u_l_¢l!l_ seBpe_ lo esR pue uc_n_J s_Q u_eJq![eo T uo_l_Jql_o eo_noS weuJnJ;SUl J_r) _1 s_oeqo uo_mJq_o _ uQle_l!leO _ln°S l luewmlsul uo_lex_reo sJo!ldd_s_1 sJolew[¢.£__ouo_ll_lq!lll 0 AL3=iVg NOL_VK]Y'd :30NYUrIssv _lA 3"ISWL =uo=!jedwooJelUl SX_As4ns NOU VlGVU +ut_Jode u pue 0utdee_ p+ooeu ................................. XOUCSUOO _Po_Jed 0_# uode_ N_O, u_ _Jqq_ uewnJSgI UO1|1_U!I_ JO JO+ uS_sepf_l!o_l d I l ueJet_Q _o_s]_nseu I eso(:] lu_lt [ Wl{:l ,seolAe G 6U!UU_O_ suc_,puo0 5u! eied 0 JO:O_|_oul_ u_JeA 41 s_eqweqo oNnONVH :lO_lf)OS x_o_°,,^,..,! '_+moms :*_,ms 3 l s_JeuJnJ|s__l!lpUl_ '_!ptetq S :eeJe_OM seJnseew e_!_eJ_O O Je4_o JO C]q.L ! e ;uot_nb A_J::II_IISOO A_LL_I_O_ "I:INNO_4:Id AJ.I'tVND :+_ . __IL ..... :NONV_SSY C'JA _ IEVJL JUJ'IVNO _P(_. ed VII. CRITERIA FOR UTILIZATION OF EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES An analysis ofutilization ofradiation therapy istheusual basisfordocumentingthenccd foradditional, new or upgraded facilities andequipmentandadditional ordifferent personnel. Thisis a complexprocess whichmay bc influenced bydepartmental, institutional, regional, economical and political considerations, Thiscanbecalculated asfollows: 4 standard treatments/hr x 7 hr/day x 5 days/wk x 51 wks/year............................................... = 7,140 lessdoubletimeforinitial treatment of5 patients/week ............................................ = 260 lessoneday permonthdown timeforequipment maintenance and repair (28 patients x 12 days) = 336 patient treatments per year per unit ................... 7.1 = 6,544 General Guidelines Appropriate numerical guidelines relate the numbers and types of patients managed, the complexity of treatments, personnel, equipment and facilities. These guidelines may be modified by affiliations between radiation oncologists and between treatment The 7-hour-daily patient treatment schedule allows for equipmerit quality assurance procedures, warm-up time for a linear accelerator, room preparation and clean-up, and other support activities, which in total with actual treatment comprise an 8-hour work day. centers, accessibility of radiation therapy facilities to patients, limitations of existing equipment, transferability of patients between treatment facilities and financial agreements between medical centers, Such guidelines may change in time as technology and practice evolve, As the proportion of patients requiring multiple treatments per day (hyperfractionation) or complicated treatment techniques, such as total body irradiation, total nodal irradiation or irradiation while bedfast or anesthetized increases, the number of patients treated per unit time and the total number of treatments on each apparatus will decrease. Thus, at many major referral and university medical 7.2 centers, the number of treatments per megavoltage unit may be closer to 5,000 per year. Guidelines for Equipment Utilization a. A realistic load for a megavoltage unit is about 6,500 standard treatments (equivalent simple treatment visits or ESTVs)* per year. This approximation is based upon an average of four patients treated hourly for 7 hours daily, 5 days per week, 51 weeks per year with allowances for double time for initial set-ups of five patients starting treatment perweek, for verification films and other checks treated for cure (30-40 increments) and 50% for palliation (10-20 increments), then about 250 patients can be treated on each megavoltage unit annually. Patients treated for cure: 125 patients x 35 Rx (average) .............. = 4,375 once weekly on 50% of patients being treated and for equipment maintenance or repair one day per month. Patients treated for palliation: 125 patients x 15 Rx (average) .............. • F.,quivalenl SimpleTrraltmen!Visit (_Thc timerequired,usutllyabout15minutes,for thc uncomplicatedSel-upand treatmentof • patiem on • modern megavolttge unit. b. If it is assumed that approximately 50% of patients will be Total = 1.875 6.250 [ _'_ However, if the ratio changed to 60% of patients treated for cure and 40% treated for palliation, only 200 patients could be treated Simpl¢- single treatment site, single treatment field or parallel opposed fields with no more than simple blocks; per megavoltage unit annually. Therefore, the percentage of patients treated for cure at a given institution is a major determinant in the capacity of each treatment unit. Intermediate - two separate treatment sites, three or more fields to a single treatment site, use of special blocking; A treated patient refers to a single course of treatment for a specificdisease. Ifa patient returns for additional courses of treatment for new problems related to the initial cancer or to a different cancer, this isconsidered an additional work unit (number of patients treated). Inasmuch as the effort per patient varies widely, it may be of value to subclassify the patients by the complexity of treatment. (See Section 7.2d.) c. One megavoltage radiation therapy unit should serve a population of approximately 120,000 people. This is based on the assumption that 4.1 newly diagnosed cancers will be detected per year per 1,000 people. This frequency should be adjusted for regional factors. For example, in one state the reported frequency of newly diagnosed cancers has been 4.9 per 1,000, while in another it has been 1.9 per 1,000. If50% of all patients with cancer receive radiation therapy, then a population of 120,000, which will produce about 492 newly diagnosed cancers at 4.1 per 1,000, will provide about 245-250 patients with cancers who will receive radiation therapy. d. Adjustments to the above criteria must be made for: 1) dedicated special- purpose treatment units, such as for particle radiation therapy; 2) specialized procedures of limited but important application, such as total body irradiation (TBI), stereotaxic radiosurgery and intraoperative radiation therapy; and 3) patients who are difficult to handle such as infants and those in beds. Allowances for the complexity of treatment can be based on current CPT--4 data. Simple, intermediate and complex radiation treatments are defined as follows: Comvlex - three ormore treatment sites, tangential fields with wedges, rotational or arc techniques or other special arrangements, complex blocking (i.e., mantle and inverted Y fields). The basic unit, one Equivalent Simple Treatment Visit (1 ESTV), requires up to 15minutes on a modem megavoltage teletherapy unit. This includes time for portal filming. An Intermediate Treatment Visit can equal 1.1 ESTVs and most Complex Treatment Visits canequal 1.25ESTVs. Special consideration is required for patients needing more time than usual and for use of highly specialized treatment techniques. Thus, for children under 5 years of age, the ESTV can be multiplied by 2, and for most patients in beds the ESTV can be multiplied by 1.2. Fortheincreasedtimerequiredforspecialtechniques, supplemental ESTVs can be added for each visit: Total body irradiation (photons or electrons) .... Add 4.0 ESTVs Hemi-body irradiation ....................................... Add 2.0 ESTVs Intraoperative radiation therapy ........................ Add 10.0 ESTVs Particle radiation therapy .................................. Add 2.0 ESTVs Dynamic conformational radiation therapy with moving gantry, collimators and couch ...... Add 1.5 ESTVs Limb salvage irradiation at lengthened SSD ..... Add 1.0 ESTV Additional field check radiographs ................... Add 0.5 ESTV Stereotaxic radiosurgery .................................... Add 3.0 ESTVs tq e. Types of Eouioment Reouired .... Patients treated in facilities, which are utilized for curative trzatment, should have access to atleast two megavoltage units, either on-site or through working agreements. One of these megavoltage units should provide photons of low energy (6°Coor 1-6 MV X-rays) and the other, photons, of at least 10 MV and electron energies to at least 12 MeV. Alternatively, a dual-modality, dual-energy accelerator might be sufficient if the lower X-ray energy is 4-6 MV and the highest electron energy is at least 12 MeV. In larger facilities, there should be at least one high energy (10 MV or above) unit to every 2 or 3 lower energy (Co-60 teletherapy, 4-6 MV linear accelerator) unitsdependingonworkload, typesofpatientsandtumorstreatedand availability of expertise and supporting resources. The increasing use of high energy electron beams as a component of treatment, such as for"boosting" the excision site in the intact breast, reducing the close to the heart when treating the internal mammary nodes, irradiating the chest wall following mastectomy, treatingposteriorcervicalnodesoverthespinalcordor"boosting"the dose to intraoral and pharyngeal tumor sites, requires access to this capability in each facility where curative treatment is attempted. It is unreasonable, and possibly dangerous, to transfer patients between unrelated facilities in order to provide access to electron beam therapy because the necessary coordination of the several components of radiation therapy of a specific patient becomes unlikely. It is unrealistic to assume that all patients needing electron beam therapy will be specifically referred to an "outside" facility for that purpose. For the same reason, brachytherapy must be available so that all components of a patient's treatment can be integrated by the responsible radiation oncologist. Transfer of a patient from one facility to another during a course of radiation therapy is ill-considered because the chances for purchase of a dual-energy, dual-modality treatment unit should be considered. Despite the above concerns, in rare cases it may still be necessary to provide part of a patient's treatment at a remote facility, where expensive special-purpose treatment equipment is available. Dislocation of a patient from an organized continuum of care for other reasons, such as an arbitrary geographical or institutional distribution of equipment, should be resisted by both patient and physician. In the past, the use of ill-conceived formulas to geographically distribute facilities and radiation treatment units fostered mediocrity at the expense of programs successful because of high quality performance. Referral of patients to facilities demonstrating high quality service should be supported. Administrative allocation of patients to facilities because they are under utilized promotes neither good care nor cost effectiveness. f. Efficient Use of Resources The high cost of an adequate radiation oncology facility generates interest in efficient use. One possibility is operation for more than a single standard work shift. Such an extension of the current conventional period of operation can be supported only if the quality of patient care is uniform throughout the entire work period. This implies comparable availability to all patients of personnel, including physicians, medical radiation physicists, nurses, technologists, receptionists and other support staff and of all services throughout the medical center, including patient billing, laboratories and administrative support. It must be realized, however, that any cost savings are likely to be less than apparent, since the equipment will wear out more rapidly and need to be replaced sooner. errorandmismanagementareincreased. Also, suchdisruptionofcare increases the cost to the patient because of duplication of effort, such as resimulation, additional reviews of records and creation of new 7.3 records. become technologically obsolete or worn out. The average life of a In order to reduce the need to transfer patients or the temptation to treat patients with a less-than-optimal modality, the Criteria for Equipment Replacement Radiation treatment units require replacement modemmegavoltageunit(tinearaccelerator, when they Co teletherapy unit) has been 8-12 years if: the equipment has been properly maintained; 7.5 rep.lacement pans have been readily and economically available; and the operational characteristics and mechanical integrity have met performance and safety standards, Beyond its useful working life, a megavoltage therapy unit a. Allmodemradiationtherapyfacilitiesshouldhaveaccess to at least one simulator, regardless of the number of patients being treated. The need for more than one simulator inn facility can be estimated from the following: needs to bewithdrawnfromclinical service unless it can be upgraded If a simulation, which requires about 60 minutes for an to warranty status and is not technologically obsolete. This periodic replacement and renovation of equipment is necessary not only for quality care, but for patient and personnel safety and efficient economical operation. Equipment replacement must be justified on depa, ianental and institutional, not geographical or political, needs. ambulatory, cooperative patient, is designated as an Equivalent Simple Simulation Visit (1 ESSV), the relative values of other simulation procedures can be allocated as follows: 7.4 Criteria for Additional Equipment Add 0.5 ESSV Limb salvage techniques ................................... Add 0.5 ESSV Intact breast techniques with 3 fields ................ Add 0.5 ESSV The need for additional radiation therapy equipment in a specific facility should be based upon an increasing number of patients requiring treatment, the changing complexity of treatment or additionof a newspecializedservice, Additional megavoltage Mantle field ....................................................... Extended fields at increased SSD ...................... Add 0.5 ESSV Conformal techniques for each set-up in excess of 3 fields .............. Add 0.3 ESSV fordynamicmotion equipment needs to be considered (collimator, gantry, couch) ............................ Add 1.0 ESSV when: I. utilization consistently exceeds the level ofpatient service defined in Section 7.2 (250 new patients treated or 6,500 In general, one simulator can service 2-3 megavoltage treat. ment units. equivalent simple treatment visits (ESTVs) annually per b. Simulators, like megavoltage treatment units, need to be megavoltage unit); 2. the patient characteristics or tumor types require an increased complexity of treatment, i.e., electron beam "boosts" in breast conservation programs; 3. new techniques requiring more time per patient, i.e., total nodal or whole body irradiation, intraoperative irradiation and multifractionation of the usual daily dose increments, replaced or renovated when they become technologically obsolete, worn out, unsafe or inaccurate. Currently, simulators based on cross-section anatomy, rather than conventional orthogonal projections, are proving very useful and may become an important component of simu_ lation. are introduced; and 4. there is an increased commitment to clinical research and teaching, 7.6 Dedicated Special-Purpose Units Recent development of sophisticated treatment delivery and planning systems have required the availability of special-purpose equipment. For example, three-dimensionaltreatment planning and CT simulation require direct access to CT units. VIII. Characteristics of Clinical Programs Certain treatment capabilities are not needed in every radiation therapy facility but should be available to all patients. Such units, which can be considered regional and sometimes national resources, should be considered separately when assessing equipment and To enable the best possible management, patients must have convenient access to radiation oncologists and facilities where there are an adequate complement of qualified personnel and state-of-theart equipment. Decisions about the care of patients should be based personnel requirements, on clinical need and not compromised by the lack of immediately Examples are heavy particle accelerators, intraoperative radiation therapy units, stereotaxic radiation devices and special hyperthermiaequipment, available resources. To provide adequate management of patients, radiation ontology programsmay includemore than a single facility, several Inasmuch as the proper clinical use of these technologies is uncertain, equipment and personnel needs have not been determined, physicians and physicists and a range of skilled personnel. Necessary cooperation between personnel at separate facilities may be based on formal or informal relationships. 8.1 Program Structure The structure of any radiation oncology program is based on a complex interaction of factors such as: needs of the patient population; demographic characteristics of the regional population; geographic relationships; scientific, educational and service needs; and community and special interests. A single type of organization will not function optimally in all situations; therefore, alternatives are necessary. Possible structures include: 8.2 1) independent, self-contained centers; 2) conjoint centers with affiliated units of varying autonomy contributing to the overall function; and 3) regional networks of units organized for special purposes such as clinical research and education. Personnel The most important component of any program is the personnel. Requirements for various skills will vary with requirements for 22- I- patient service, education programs, research and community inter¢sts. (See definitions in Glossary XI). 8.2.1 block/mold room technologist; a data manager; a dedicated social worker; and a dietitian. Personnel capable of maintaining complex radiation therapy units, such as linear accelerators and simulators, and physics equipment, must have skills usually not found in general biomedical electronics groups. Therefore, these people need to be _uidelines for Patient Service • ' Guidelines forminimum personnel necessary for good patient care are listed in Tables VIII-1 and VIII-2. Personnel requirements may vary somewhat related to specific needs of the treatment program. specifically recruited and assigned to the radiation oncology facility. Programs with 2 or more megavoltage accelerators may require dedicated maintenance personnel. 8.3 8.2.2 ¢;,uidelines for Academic Programs In addition to personnel for patient management, academic 8.3.1. programs have additional needs commensurate with requirements for teaching, research and development of advanced technology. For example, a full-time academic radiation oncologist may have less than a 50% time commitment to patient management. Therefore, the A variety of equipment produces beams of ionizing radiations for therapy. These sources are in electronic and radioisotopic. characteristics are summarized Table VIII-3. ratio of physicians to patients treated would become one for 125 patients irradiated annually. Similaracademiccommitmentsincrease the number of physicists required. For teaching, research, technology development and ever increasing quality assurance responsibilities, the compliment of physicists could easily be at least double the numbers listed in Table VIII-1. Research and education activities need to be financially supported by means others than direct patient revenues. However, many of the administrative activities relate to patient care, particularly as supervisors; a maintenance engineer and/or electronics technician; Their Superficial and orthovoltage X-ray therapy units are used to treat primary and secondary tumors on or near the body surface. These include cancers of the skin, eyelid, oral mucosa (per oral application through a cone) and uterine cervix (transvaginal application through a cone). The desired characteristic is maximal dose distribution on the surface with rapid fall off of dose with increasing depth in underlying tissue. For these reasons (lack of skin sparing and rapid fall off of dose), these X-rays are not suitable for treating deep seated tumors. In addition, administrative requirements further reduce the ratio of physicians and physicists to patients treated. outside regulatory and reimbursement agencies become involved. Personnel, other thanphysicians, physicists, radiationtherapy technologists, nurses and dosimetrists, required for the effective operation of a radiation oncology clinic include: an administrator; specially trained secretaries; medically trained transcriptionists; a receptionist; special duty clerks; an orderly; financial and personnel _xtemal Beam Treatment Units _ Accelerators (linear accelerators and microtrons) of varying energies and configurations have different clinical uses. All modem accelerators should be functionally reliable with an X-ray source that is isocentrieally movable about a patient and should have an output adequate for treatment with the source at a distance of 80-100 cm from the patient. Low energy accelerators produce 4--6 MV photons, but usually do not have electron beam treatment capability. They have uses similar to those of 6°Co teletherapy units. High energy accelerators produce photons above 10 MV and usually have the 2...,g capacity to produce a range of therapeutically useful electron beams. Some of these high energy accelerators also have a second photon beam of lower energy (dual-energy unit), thus increasing the versatility of the equipment. This is particularly useful in small facilities with 1-2 megavoltage units. As noted previously, large clinics may have one high energy accelerator for every 2-3 low energy units. This distribution may be more cost effective than using only dual-energy It is important that Cesium-137 teletherapy units, Cobalt--60 teletherapy units designed for use at less than 80 cm SAD, old betatrons and other electronic units, i.e., van de Graaf generators, unsuitable for modem clinical use, nor be counted in any regional clinical radiation therapy equipment survey. accelerators. 8.3.2 However, if electron beams are frequently used, it is Simulatoi_ advisable to have access to at least two sources in case of equipment breakdown, Medical betatrons provide high energy photon and electron beams. Although these generators are reliable, low dose output, limited field size and cumbersome motions of the treatment head limit Any program in which curative radiation therapy is offered must have access to a modem simulator capable of precisely reproducing the geometric relationships of the treatment equipment to a patient. This simulator must produce high quality diagnostic radiographs. The availability of fluoroscopy increases the usefulness and the number of patients treated daily. manufactured, These units are no longer the patient throughput. Useoffluoroscopyrequiresspecialpersonnel training and careful use because of the radiation hazards. Photon Microtronsare electricgeneratorssimilarin principle to linear accelerators but with magnetic bending of the electron paths into circular orbits. The microwave power source is either a klystron or a beams of megavoltage therapy units are unsuitable for good quality imaging ofanatomicstructures within the treatment volume and so do not adequately substitute for a simulator. If there are additional magnetron. The beam transport system is relatively simple. A single microtron may supply beams to several treatment rooms. Although simulators in a department, these may be adequate with only the radiographic, and not the fluoroscopic, capability. the first clinical microtron was described in 1972, few have been used. Cobalt-60 teletherapy units generate photons from the decay of a radioactive isotope. A modem isotope source, with a diameter of 2.0 cm or less, can produce an output of more than 150 cGy per minute Computerized tomography and magnetic resonance imaging are being used increasingly in radiation treatment planning. If there are no dedicated scanners in the radiation oncology department, it is essential that there be a definite time allotment on the CT and MR at a source to axis distance (SAD) of 80 cm, the minimum acceptable distance for clinical teletherapy. The artificially activated _°Co source, which has a half-life of 5.3 years, requires periodic (usually about every 4 years) replacement in a busy clinic. scanners in the medical center or clinic to facilitate treatment planning. In a large department, such time requirements become the equivalent of a dedicated imaging unit. Teletherapy has been attempted with Cesium-137 sources. 8.3.3 Treatment Planning/Dose Computation Equipment Because of the low specific activity of this isotope, the sources often have been Iargcr than 2.0 cm in diameter, leading to an unacceptable The calculation of doses at points within the irradiated volume of the patient is an integral part oftbe delivery of radiation treatments. beam penumbra. The source.to-patient distance often has been reduced to less than 80 cm in order to increase the radiation output at Curative treatments require careful planning, including an evaluation of several alternate treatment approaches. Thus, it is essential that all the site of interest. For these reasons, Cesium-137 teletherapy is not acceptable for modem clinical radiation therapy, radiation therapy facilities have access to modern computerized treatment planning systems. While for small facilities (i.e., < 300 patients/year) it might be adequate to subscribe to a time-sharing system located in a large medical center, having a dedicated system within the deparhuent has proven very valuable for providing high quality care. A computerized treatment planning system should, as a minimum, provide the capability of simulation of multiple external beams, display isodose distributions in more than one plane and perform dose calculations for brachytherapy implants. It is highly desirable that the system has the capability of performing CT based treaUnent planning, 8.4 _ Radiation oncology is a clinical service which, to be effective, must be a full participant in cancer activities in the medical center or the private office complex. 8.4.2 The radiation oncologist must have access to the operating room for a range of brachytherapy procedures. The radioactive materials for interstitial orintracavitary applications need robe placed in appropriate applicators either by or under the direct supervision of radiation oncologists and medical radiation physicists. Inasmuch as this preparation usually is done in a special room in the radiation oncology depa,h_lent, safe transport of the radioactive materials to and from the operating room or patient's room also is their responsibility. Inasmuch as radiation oncologists are responsible for patient selection, applicator selection and preparation and results and sequelae of brachytherapy, it is essential that they participate in each procedure. 8.4.3 8.4.1 Access to Operatin_ Room Hospitalization of Patients Hospitalization of Patients During Brachvtherapy During hospitalization for brachytherapy, patients must be Although about 85-90% of patients treated daily in a radiation oncology facility are outpatients, more than 10-15% require hospitalization at some time for a variety of reasons. Many must be in the under the control of the responsible radiation oncologist. Procedures, which might alter the position of the applicators, and medications and diet, which may influence the patient's tolerance to the procedure, hospital while implanted radioactive material is in place, because of both public safety concerns and the need for close medical observation and provision of relief of symptoms. Others are hospitalized because of the adverse effects of treatment or the tumor itself, must be closely controlled and monitored. Patient and personnel radiation safety measures must be firmly established, controlled and monitored by the responsible radiation oncologist, the medical radiationphysicistandtheradiationprot¢ctionorganizationofthemedical Occasionally, a concurrent illness forces hospitalization. When hospitalization becomes necessary during or after radiation therapy, the radiation oncologist may be the admitting and attending physi- center. 8.4.4 cian, supervising the medical aspects of inpatient care and involving consultants as necessary. In this capacity, the radiation oncologist serves in the same role, and should meet the same standards, as any The clinical facility must be designed to accommodate a large number of outpatients and a limited number of inpatients, many of whom areinhospitalbodsorwheelchairs. Inasmuch as 85-90% ofthe other admitting/attending physician. This requires admitting privileges and hospital staff membership, patients arc outpatients, who may have appointments 5 daysperweek for several weeks during treatment, it is important that the clinical radiation oneology facility be close to a parking area. Clinical Facilities 2( TABLE Reception and waiting areas may be designed to separately accommodate the patients being treatedand the patients scheduled for oonsultation and follow-up examination. An adequate number of examination rooms must be equipped for complete physical examinations, to include the head and neck and female pelvis, It is useful to have a comfortable room where the physician may discuss the findings and the proposed management program with ' the patient and relatives. A physician's work room, adjacent to the clinic examination rooms, allows review of charts and visual aids, discussion, dictation and phone use outside the immediate range of the patients. A securable medication room forsmall quantities of narcotics may be useful. A procedure room forthe biopsy of a surfacelesion, endoscopy, thoracentesis, and even intracavitary placement of applicators or interstitial sources of radioactive isotopes, extends the range of VIII-1 MINIMUM* PERSONNEL REQUIREMENTS CLINICAL RADIATION THERAPY Category FOR Staffin_ Radiation Oncologist-in-Chief stuff Radiation ............................... Oncologist ..................................... One per program One additional for each 200-250 patients treated annually. No more than 25-30 patients under treatment by a single physician. Radiation Physicist ................................................. One per center for up to 400 patients annually. Additional inratioof I per 400 patients treated annually Treatment Planning Staff Dosimetrist or Physics Assistant ....................... Physics Technologist One per 300 patients treated annually (Mold Room) ................. One per 600 patients treated annually Radiation Therapy Technologist Supervisor ......................................................... Onepercenter Staff(Treatment) 2 per megavoltage unit up to 25 patients treated daily per unit 4 per ............................................... megavoltage unit up to 50 patients treateddaily perunit Staff(Simulation) ............................................. 2 forevery500 patients simulated annually activities in the depa[iment. The treatment planning area should be near the treatment rooms to promote necessary interchange between the physicians, physicists, technologists and dosimetrists. A physics laboratory to support dosimetry and equipment calibration needs to be near the treatment units. Access to a machine shop, for fabrication of unique items of Staff (Brachytherapy) Treatment ........................................ Aid ........................................................ As needed As needed, usually one per 300--400 patients treated annually Q* Nurse .................................................................. One per cener for up to 300 patients treated one per annually 300 patients and treated an additional annually Social Worker Dietitian ........................................................ ................................................................. As needed to provide service As needed to provide service equipment, and to an electronics shop, for maintenance of electronic equipment, saves time and money. A room for fabrication of treatment aids and immobilization Physical Therapist .................................................. devices is necessary. "Additionalpersonnelwill be requiredfor research,educationand administration.For example, if 800 patientsare treatedannuallywith 3 accelerators,one _2o teletberapyunit, • superr)cislx-ray machine, o_ treatment planning computer, the clinical allotment forphysicists would be 2-3. A Wainingprogram with 8 residents, 2 technology students and s graduste student would _:quirc another1-1,5 FTEs. Administrationof thisgroup would require 0.5 FTE, If the faculty had20% lime for research, a total of 5-6 physicists would be requited. Facilities for the secure storage of radioactive brachytherapy sources are essential. Maintenance Engineer/Electronics Asneededto provide service Technician ...... One per 2 megavoltage or l if megavoltage unit and a units simulator equipment serviced "in-house" "*For direct petieot care, Olher activities supportedby LVNs and nun;elsides. TABLE VIII-3 RADIATION THERAPY UNITS TABLE VIII-2 KEY STAFF FUNCTIONS IN CLINICAL RADIATION THERAPY Type of Equipment [ I. CLINICAL EVALUATION 2. THERAPEUTIC KEY STAFF J SUPPORTIVE ROLE X or Gamma Rays Characteristics Electrons ........................... Radiation Oncologist Supe_icial X-ray Units 0. ] -- High dose at surface Shallow penetration of X-rays OrthovoltageX-ray Units 0.3 -- High dose atsurface Moderato penetration ofX-rays DECISION .......................... Radiation Oncologist 3. TARCETVOLUME LOCALIZATION Tumor Volume ............................................ Pad. Oncologist & Physicist ... Sire. Tcch / Dosirnct rist Sensitive Critical Organs ............................ RadiationOncologist............... Sire. Tech/Doslrnetnst PatsentContour .......................................... Physicist ...................................... Sire, Tech/Doslmetrist 4. TREATMENT Maximum Beam Energy MeV PLANNING Beam Data-Computerization.................... Physicist Computation of Beams ............................. Physicist ...................................... Dosimetrist ShieldingBlocks, Dosimetrist/ RadiationOncologist/ Treatment Aids,ctc................................. Mold Room Tcch................... Physicist LinearAcceleratoe._ Low Energy 4_ Largefieldsizes > 10 High dose rates, skin sparing Sharp beam margins Good depth dose Analysis of Alternate Radiation Or_ologist / Plans.......................................................... Physicist .................................. Dosimetrist High Energy _n ofTreatment RadiationOncologist/ Plan ........................................................... Physicist / Dosirnet rist DoscCalculation........................................ Dosimetrist ................................ Physicist to25 characteristics Betatron 25-45 to45 5, St M ULATION/VERI FIGATION Radiation Oncotogist / Dosimetrist / OF TREATMENT PLAN ............................... Sire. Tech ................................ Physicist 6. TREATMENT FirstDay Set-Up ......................................... RadiationOncologist/ Dosimetrist / Dosimetfist .............................. Physicist Therapy Techs Lcx:alizatton Films....................................... RadiationOncologist/ Dosimetfist / Therapy Techs ....................... Physicist Daily Treatment .......................................... Radiation Therapy Tech 7. EVALUATION 8. FOLLOW-UP DURING EXAMS TREATMENT,,. RadiationOncologist RadiationTherapy Tech Nurse ..................................... SocialWorker Dietician Small field sizes Low dose rates Good depth dose characteristics Microtron 5-50 to 50 Similar to rinse of linear accelerator RadioactiveIsotope Unit CohallJo0 1.2 Acceptable sizes, dosefield rates and depth dose characteristics ifSSD > 80 c_m Large penumbra .................................... RadiationOncologist Data Manager Nurse ..................................... SocialWorker Dietician 27-- - ...... _.._ ....... _. _ .._ IX. ECONOMICISSUES _ __.. .... . ....... X. ___,__....4 _ .._ _ CONCLUSIONS Until recently, the environment for reimbursement for radiation oncology was acceptance of "usual and customary" charges based on patterns developed over many years. This resulted in wide variations locally and nationally, The primary goal of cancer management is to provide every patientwith the best possible management regardless of constraints. Secondarygoalsincludecontinuingimprovementoftreatmentthrough the development of better methods and the training of personnel. Major changes have recently occurred. In July, 1985, it became mandatory that Medicare billing utilize Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) for reporting medical services performed by Radiation therapy is an integral component of the management of 50-60% of patients with cancer in the United States. To ensure maximum effectiveness and minimal treatment induced mor- physicians. Soon thereafter, the Health Care Finance Administration (HCFA) issued Transmittal 1200 redefining the concept of daily and bidity, the modaiity must be used as well as current knowledge and technology permit. weekly patient Relative Value Public Health, been extended Inthisreport, guidelinesareproposedforoptimalusebasedon standards for personnel, equipment, facilities and operations. management. Shortly afterwards, a Resource Based Scale (RBRVS), designed in the Harvard School of was introduced for Diagnostic Radiology. This has to Radiation Oncology. A consequence of the use of RBRVS is that reimbursement levels for radiation oncology units will be similar whether hospitalbased or free-standing. Likewise geographic variations will be reduced and eventually eliminated. These changes are not designed to reduce high quality patient care, but they will require documented justification for new equipment, programs and personnel. Innovation and research necessary to improve the radiation treatment of patients with cancer may become more difficult to support. In the immediate future, billing and reimbursement must be updated to current practices, and CPT and RVS codes must be properly related (a users guide has been issued by the American College of Radiology). , ,_ Xl. GLOSSARY GammaRays Electromagnetic(photon)radiationswhichareemit- ted from an unstable atomic nucleus; for example, gamma rays are emitted from Cesium-|37, Cobalt---60and Radium-226. Accelerated Fractionation--The use of multiple daily increments, each equal to or less than astandard daily increment (i.e., 180-200 cGy), for an overalltimewhichis shorter thanstandard, Betgtron----An accelerator first used for radiotherapy in the 1950s Hyperfr_,ctionation_The use of multiple daily increments, each considerably smaller than a standard daily increment, over a conventional period. Hyperthermia--Elevation of the body temperature regionally (i.e., prior to the introduction of linear accelerators. Although X-ray and electron beams can be provided over awide range of energies, the low dose rates and limited field sizes result in an unfavorable comparison with modem linear accelerators, 42--.45"C)or systemically (i.e., 41.8"C) resulting in direct cell killing and augmentation of the effects of other cytotoxic agents. IntersUtlal Radiation Therapy--Sealed radioactive sources within special applicators placed in tissue in a preconceived pattern. Braehytherapy--A method of treatment using sealed radioactive sources to deliver radiations at short distances by interstitial, intracavitary Intracavitary Radiation Therapy--Radioactive containers placed in body cavities, i.e., uterus, vagina. or surface applications. Cancer--A term inclusive of a variety of malignant Ionizing Radiations--Radiant energy which is absorbed by aprocess of imparting its energy to atoms through the removal of orbital electrons. neoplasms; derived from the Latin word for crab. Ceslum-137--A radioactive isotope with ahalf-life of 30 years; emits gamma radiations with an energy of 660 keV most commonly used in intracavitary sources; found early use as teletherapy sources and in interstitial needle sources; sometimes used in remote afterloading brachytberapy, Cobalt-60--A radioactive isotope with a half-life of 5.3 years; emits gamma radiations (1.17 and 1.33 MeV); used as a teletherapy source; found early use in interstitial and intracavitary needle sources; sometimes used in remote afterloading brachytherapy, Cure--Actually implies complete restitution to predisease status; may be used for that situation when, after a disease-free, post-treatment interval, the survivors have a progressive death rate from all causes similar to that of a normal population of the same age and sex. Dosimetrist--A member of the radiation therapy planning team who must be familiar with the physical characteristics of the radiation generators and radioactive sources used to treat patients; training and expertise necessary to generate and calculate radiation dose distributions, under the direction of the medical physicist and radiation oncologist, are necessary, Electron--An atomic particle with a negative electric charge which sources in closed Iridium-192--A radioactive isotope with ahalf-life of 74 days; emits gamma (300-600 keV) radiations; used in interstitial therapy; sometimes used in remote afterloading brachytherapy. Linear Aeeelerator--A device in which particles (i.e., electrons, protons) can be accelerated to high energies along a straight path using microwave technology. Energy (L.E.T.)--A measure of the as average of energyLinear loss along the Transfer track of a charged particle, expressed energyrate units per unit track length. Radiation with at and leastexperience a master's degreeMedical and usually a Ph.D. Physicist--Aprofessional in physics plus additional training in diagnostic and/or therapeutic radiologic physics; most are certified by the American Board of Radiology or its equivalent. Megavoltage Radiations An ill-defined, frequently used term for ionizing radiations with energies equal to or greater than 1 MV. Microtron--An electronic generator similar in principle to a linear accelerator but with magnetic bending of the electron paths into circular orbits; a single generator may supply beams to several treatment rooms. may be accelerated to strike atarget and produce X-rays or used collectively Oncology--The study of tumors; no specific relationship to a medical discipline; applies to surgery, radiology, interaal medicine, pediatrics and as a beam for treatment, gynecology. _'_ Orthovoltage X-raysiA termwhich applies to X-rays of insufficient energy to be "skin-sparing" or to may avoid in bone; usually generated at 150-400 kVp; be preferential divided into absorption superficial and deep X-rays, although often used interchangeably with deep X-ray, " Simulatlon--Meaning to pretend in radiation therapy, the precise mock-up of a patient treatment with radiographic documentation of the : treatment portals. Palliation---Relief disease. i ' Stereotactle Radiation Therapy--A method using three-dimensional target localization, which enables precise irradiation of small intracranial lesions. or prevention of symptoms or signs caused by Those radiations just outside adjacent and to the full beam Penumbra including components from incomplete beamand collimation scatter from the primary beam. Radiation Dose--Energy imparted per unit mass of absorber at a specific site under certain conditions dabsorbed d., threshold d., tumor d., depth d., permissible d.). Superficial X-rays Minimally penetrating X-rays of low peak energy, generated by voltages in the range of 85-140 kV; used to treat lesions on the body surface. Radiation Oncologist--A physician with a special interest and competence in managing patients with cancer; minimal requirements include an M.D. degree, a year of general clinical training, three to four years of specialized training and certification by the American Board of Radiology or its equivalent. Radiation Oncology--A clinical medical specialty with a specific involvement with tumors, particularly as they relate to treatment with ionizing radiations. Radiation Oncology Nurse---A registered professional nurse who, as part of the radiation oncology team, provides appropriate direct intervention to aid the patient and family with problems related to the disease, treatment and follow-up evaluation; recommended minimal qualifications include a baccalaureate degree in nursing, two years experience in medical-surgical nursing and at least one year's experience in oncology nursing. Radiation Therapy--Treatment of tumors and a few specific nonneoplastic diseases with ionizing radiations. Radiation Therapy Technologist--A highly skilled professional who is qualified by training and experience to provide treatment with ionizing radiations under the supervision of a radiation oncologist. Radioactivity--Emission of radiations from the breakdown of unstable nuclei which occurs naturally or is artificially produced. Radionuclidc A radioactive form of a nuclide, which is any nuclear species of a chemical element capable of existing for a measurable time; often an isotope, with the same number of protons but a different number of neutrons, is referred to as a nuclide. _n