AAPM REPORT NO. 40 RADIOLABELED ANTIBODY TUMOR DOSIMETRY REPORT OF TASK GROUP NO. 2 AAPM NUCLEAR MEDICINE COMMITTEE Members Barry W. Wessels, Chairman A. Bertrand Brill Donald J. Buchsbaum Laurence P. Clarke Darrell R. Fisher John L. Humm Timothy K. Johnson Jerry L. Klein Kenneth F. Koral Cheuk S. Kwok Virginia Langmuir Peter K. Leichner Daniel J. Macey George Sgouros Jeffry A. Siegel Edward A. Silverstein Mike Stabin Sven-Erik Strand Evelyn E. Watson Lawrence E. Williams Latresla A. Wilson Ellen D. Yorke Pat Zanzonico April 1993 Published for the American Association of Physicists in Medicine by the American Institute of Physics DISCLAIMER: This publication is based on sources and information believed to be reliable, but the AAPM and the editors disclaim any warranty or liability based on or relating to the contents of this publication. The AAPM does not endorse any products, manufacturers, or suppliers. Nothing in this publication should be interpreted as implying such endorsement. Further copies of this report ($10 prepaid) may be obtained from: American Institute of Physics c/o AIDC 64 Depot Road Colchester, Vermont 05446 (l-800-488-2665) International Standard Book Number: 1-56396-233-0 International Standard Serial Number: 0271-7344 ©1993 by the American Association of Physicists in Medicine All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the publisher. Published by the American Institute of Physics, Inc. 336 East 45th Street, New York, NY 10017-3463 Printed in the United States of America CONTENTS Journal Editor’s Preface JohnS.Laughlin...................................................................................... 497 Co-Editors’ Preface David A. Weber and Amin I. Kassis........................................................................................................................................ 497 Introduction: Radiolabeled antibody tumor dosimetry Donald J. Buchsbaum and Barry W. Wessels.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 499 Selection of radionuclides for radioimmunotherapy Leonard F. Mausner and Suresh C. Srivastava.................................................................................................................. 503 MIRD formulation Evelyn E. Watson, Michael G. Stabin, and Jeffry A. Siegel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 511 Pharmacokinetic modeling Sven-Erik Strand, Pat Zanzonico, and Timothy K. Johnson.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 515 Tumor dosimetry in radioimmunotherapy: Methods of calculation for beta particles Peter K. Leichnerand Cheuk S. Kwok................................................................................................................................. 529 Microdosimetric concepts in radioimmunotherapy J. L. Humm, J. C. Roeske, D. R. Fisher, and G. T. Y. Chen.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 535 Multicellular dosimetry for beta-emitting radionuclides: Autoradiography, thermoluminescent dosimetry and three-dimensional dose calculations E. D. Yorke, L. E. Williams, A. J. Demidecki, D. B. Heidorn, P. L. Roberson, and B. W. Wessels.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 543 Experimental radioimmunotherapy Donald J. Buchsbaum, Virginia K. Langmuir, and Barry W. Wessels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 551 An overview of imaging techniques and physical aspects of treatment planning in radioimmunotherapy Peter K. Leichner, Kenneth F. Koral, Ronald J. Jaszczak, Alan J. Green, George T. Y. Chen, and JohnC.Roeske......................................................................................, 569 Radioimmunotherapy dose estimation in patients with B-cell lymphoma J. A. Siegel, D. M. Goldenberg, and C. C. Badger.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 579 Dosimetry of solid tumors Ruby F. Meredith, Timothy K. Johnson, Gene Plott, Daniel J. Macey, Robert L. Vessella, Latresia A. Wilson, Hazel B. Breitz, and Lawrence E. Williams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 583 Dosimetry of intraperitoneally administered radiolabeled antibodies John C. Roeske, George T. Y. Chen, and A. Bertrand Brill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 593 Radiobiology of radiolabeled antibody therapy as applied to tumor dosimetry V. K. Langmuir, J. F. Fowler, S. J. Knox, B. W. Wessels, R. M. Sutherland, and J. Y. C. Wong . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 601 Journal Editor’s Preface The AAPM, through its Science Council, asked Medical Physics to accept the responsibility for the scientific review of all of the manuscripts proposed for this report and to consider the final manuscripts for publication in Medical Physics. This responsibility was accepted by the Editor and Editorial Board. The Editor then asked Dr. David A. Weber, Associate Editor and Head of Nuclear Medicine Research at the Brookhaven National Laboratory, and one of his scientific colleagues, Dr. Amin I. Kassis, Director of Radiation Biology, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, to accept the responsibility for scientific reviews of the material to be provided for the report and to serve as the Co-Editors of a special issue of the journal. This arrangement was approved by the Science Council of the AAPM and by the Editorial Board. This review, a major task, has been carried out in a comprehensive and scientifically rigorous manner by the Editors for this special issue with the vital assistance of the expert referees, authors and Task Group members. Medical Physics appreciates the decision of the Task Group to offer this important collection of articles written by authorities in the field of radiolabeled antibody tumor dosimetry for publication in the AAPM journal. John S. Laughlin Co-Editors’ Preface Monoclonal antibodies have been considered particularly appealing as selective carriers of diagnostic and therapeutic radionuclides in vivo. Their target specificity continues to attract investigators to identify and produce new agents for clinical use. In spite of the limited number of clinical applications at present, it is extremely important that factors influencing the localization and clearance properties of radioimmunoconjugates, especially tumor-associated, antigen-specific antibodies, be considered and understood by those administering them to patients so as to assess those variables that influence the absorbed radiation dose from internal emitters. The absorbed radiation dose has been, and will continue to be, a pivotal factor in assessing the risks and therapeutic utilities of radiopharmaceuticals. The AAPM Nuclear Medicine Task Group, under the leadership of Dr. Barry Wessels, sought qualified experts in various specialties concerned with the dosimetry of radiolabeled antibodies to develop a well-balanced review of the multiple concerns and factors that influence the clinical use of radiolabeled anti-tumor antibodies. Dr. Donald J. Buchsbaum, a member of the Task Group, chaired a subcommittee responsible for coordinating and overseeing the preparation of all manuscripts. In the 13 manuscripts produced, many of the approaches employed to estimate absorbed radiation dose in radioimmunotherapy have been evaluated, and the physical, physiologic, chemical, and biologic parameters affecting tumor dosimetry presented. In addition, the decay properties of various radionuclides and their radiobiologic effects have been discussed, and dose calculations at the organ, tissue, cellular, and subcellular levels compared. The manuscripts, containing extensive, up-to-date reference lists, will be very useful to those interested in the use of radiolabeled antibodies in the diagnosis and treatment of disease. We are pleased to have had the opportunity to explore with the authors the multifaceted topic of radiolabeled-antibody tumor dosimetry. Since many of the experts in this field are contributors to this supplement, it required some extra attention to find equally qualified referees. Having accomplished this, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to those who have volunteered their time to review and comment on the manuscripts. David A. Weber and Amin I. Kassis Introduction: Radiolabeled antibody tumor dosimetry Donald J. Buchsbauma) Department of Radiation Oncology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, Alabama 35233-6832 Barry W. Wessels Department of Radiology, George Washington University Medical Center, Washington, DC 20037 (Received 18 March 1992; accepted for publication 8 January 1993) I. INTRODUCTION Through the sponsorship of the Nuclear Medicine Committee of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM), a Nuclear Medicine Task Group 2, “Dosimetry of Radiolabeled Antibodies” was established in July 1987 under the Chairmanship of Dr. Barry Wessels to produce reports on radiolabeled antibody dosimetry, which would include an extensive literature search and an analysis of how to approach the dosimetry to normal tissues and tumor of radiolabeled antibody therapy (radioimmunotherapy). The first report published in 1990 1 summarized a “Bone Marrow Dosimetry and Toxicity for Radiolabeled Antibodies” symposium held in conjunction with the 1988 American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology (ASTRO) annual meeting. In 1989, the Steering Committee on the Nuclear Medicine Task Group 2 decided at the Society of Nuclear Medicine (SNM) Annual Meeting that the new focus area for the Task Group would be tumor dosimetry for radiolabeled antibody therapy. The Task Group members and invited guests active in radiolabeled antibody research from the physics, radiation biology, nuclear medicine, and oncology communities had been invited to attend meetings to plan and prepare this report on “Radiolabeled Antibody Tumor Dosimetry.” These meetings were held in conjunction with the annual meetings of the ASTRO, the AAPM, the SNM, the “International Conference on Monoclonal Antibody Immunoconjugates for Cancer” and the “Third Conference on RaRadioimmunotherapy of and dioimmunodetection Cancer.” The purpose of this report is to provide an extensive literature search and review the various approaches that are being pursued in preclinical and clinical studies to estimate tumor dosimetry associated with radioimmunotherapy (RIT), and to suggest future directions for dosimetry research in this field. Included in this report is a discussion of the radiobiological aspects of tumor dosimetry of radiolabeled antibody therapy. Radiolabeled monoclonal antibodies (MoAbs) offer the potential of highly localized, targeted radiation treatment of cancer. The effectiveness of radiation treatment of malignant disease is correlated with the total dose delivered, with increasing dose producing increasing cell kill. Similarly, normal tissue damage is also directly related to the total dose deposited. The ability to quantify the dose delivered to tumor and normal tissues when using radiolabeled MoAbs has been a perplexing problem. As noted in the review of a National Cancer Institute workshop, 2 techniques for evaluating the dosimetry of ra499 Med. Phys. 20 (2), Pt. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 diolabeled antibody therapy are essential to support the development of RIT in the treatment of neoplastic diseases. Radiation dosimetry is important for treatment planning and the assessment of results. It is necessary to determine the quantity of radiolabeled antibody to administer to maximize the radiation dose to the tumor while not exceeding tolerance levels of critical normal tissues, In contrast to external beam radiation therapy dosimetry, the tumor dosimetry for radiolabeled antibody therapy is dependent on a number of variables including: ( 1) kinetics of biodistribution, tumor uptake and retention of the radiolabeled antibody, (2) the uniformity of distribution of the radiolabeled antibody within tumor, (3) the radionuclide attached to the antibody, and (4) the radiobiological response of tumor cells to continuously decreasing low-doserate radiation. The 12 papers in this special issue of Medical Physics summarize the problems, various techniques that are being used to estimate the tumor dosimetry associated with radiolabeled antibody therapy, and future directions as highlighted below. II. TOPICS DISCUSSED IN THIS REPORT A. Selection of radionuclides for RIT The contribution by Mausner and Srivastava 3 to this special issue reviews the factors that influence the choice of a radionuclide for RIT. A potential advantage of some of the radionuclides would be a higher tumor/whole-body dose, resulting in less toxicity to normal tissue, particularly bone marrow. It is essential to carefully consider the choice of radionuclide in conjunction with the in vivo pharmacokinetic (localization and clearance in tumor and normal tissues) properties of the radiolabeled MoAb, the physical half-life of the radionuclide, the chemistry of conjugation to MoAbs, and the toxicity of free radionuclide. The choice of radionuclide also depends on the microdistribution of the radiolabeled MoAb relative to the radiosensitive target sites, involving uniform versus nonuniform deposition in tumors or localization on cell surfaces versus internalization of radionuclides to the cell cytoplasm or nuclei. To optimize the efficacy of RIT, it will be necessary to develop combinations of MoAbs or antibody fragments and radionuclides whose pharmacokinetics, physical halflives and emissions are matched to give the largest possible tumor dose and the least normal tissue toxicity, i.e., the largest possible therapeutic ratio. 0094-2405/93/020499-04$01.20 © 1993 Am. Assoc. Phys. Med. 499 500 D. J. Buchsbaum and B. W. Wessels: Introduction: Radiolabeled antibody tumor dosimetry B. MIRD formulation The approach developed by the Medical Internal Radiation Dose (MIRD) Committee of the Society of Nuclear Medicine for the estimation of average absorbed dose from internally deposited radionuclides has been applied to radiolabeled MoAb therapy in animals and humans, as described in the paper by Watson et al. 4 in this report. The classic MIRD formulation widely used for macroscopic dosimetry problems assumes a uniform distribution of cumulated activities of radiolabeled MoAbs within each source region and a uniform deposition of energy within each target region. The experimental animal and clinical patient studies clearly demonstrate that radiolabeled MoAbs are not uniformly distributed within solid tumors. There are point-source calculations available within the MIRD pamphlets to deal with the problem of dose heterogeneity encountered in RIT. In addition to the problem of nonuniform uptake of radiolabeled MoAbs in solid tumors, the macroscopic MIRD approach does not distinguish between a uniform distribution of radiolabeled MoAb that binds to the cell surface and a uniform distribution of nonspecific radiolabeled MoAb. Conventional MIRD type calculations for radiolabeled MoAbs give approximate average dose estimates which may not be sufficiently accurate, especially for alpha and Auger emitters. With these types of radionuclides, a microdosimetric approach will be required, as described below. C. Pharmacokinetics modeling Pharmacokinetics modeling involves an attempt to estimate the biokinetics of tumor and normal organ uptake of radiolabeled MoAbs on both a macroscopic and microscopic level, and then to perform the dosimetric calculations. It is an essential component for estimation of cumulated activities in the various source regions of the body. Research is still required to find accurate and predictive models of both macroscopic and microscopic pharmacokinetics. This subject is reviewed by Strand et al. 5 D. Calculation techniques for RIT Leichner and Kwok6 in this report provide a critical analysis of the calculational approaches that have been used for beta particle tumor dosimetry in RIT. In modeling of absorbed dose distributions, analytical, numerical, and Monte Carlo methods have been used to investigate the effects of uniform and nonuniform activity distributions associated with RIT. E. Microdosimetry Alpha emitters and internalized Auger electron emitters may be useful in RIT because of their high LET and RBE. However, the methodology to calculate dosimetry for short range alpha emitters and internalized Auger emitters must consider energy deposition at the cellular and subcellular level. Such a microdosimetric approach which analyzes the Medical Physics, Vol. 20, No. 2. Pt. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 500 effect of source microdistribution on individual cells has been taken by a number of investigators, because of the limitations of the macroscopic MIRD formulation and the nonuniformity of the radiolabeled antibody in tumor. Humm et al.7 in this report summarize approaches that are being used to estimate the microdosimetry of RIT. It should be noted, however, that microdosimetry estimates are based on modeling and are difficult to substantiate experimentally. F. Autoradiography, thermoluminescent dosimetry, and three-dimensional dose calculations Radionuclide activity variations within tumors can be measured by quantitative autoradiography. However, quantitative autoradiography alone cannot provide total dose measurements, because of the temporal change in radiolabeled antibody uptake, penetration, and clearance.’ Yorke et al.8 note that autoradiography and thermoluminescent dosimetry are complementary techniques. Autoradiography shows the activity distribution at a particular point in time, whereas TLDs are integrating dosimeters performing spatial and temporal integrations within the volume they occupy, and can be used to calibrate the autoradiographs. Griffith et al9 and Roberson et al.10 c o n v e r t e d d a t a from serial autoradiographs to derive three-dimensional activity matrices in animal tumor xenografts. Using point source function calculation techniques, two-dimensional isodose curves’ or three-dimensional dose-rate curves 1 0 were generated showing marked dose heterogeneity in most tumor systems examined. Further studies remain to be performed to be able to relate the dose-rate distributions to time averaged dose distributions, cell kill, and eventually to therapeutic efficacy. G. Experimental RIT Radiolabeled MoAbs have been used for RIT of spheroids and a variety of murine syngeneic tumors and human tumor xenografts. The results are summarized in the paper by Buchsbaum et al. in this report.” The approaches taken to estimate tumor dosimetry in the experimental animal studies include the MIRD approach, thermoluminescent dosimetry, autoradiography, and comparison to external beam irradiation. The uniform geometry of the spheroid has facilitated the estimation of radiation dose. The two most important factors for therapeutic efficacy in the spheroid model are good penetration of the radiolabeled MoAb and an adequate half-life of the radionuclide to exceed the time of penetration. The results in animal studies indicate that MoAbs radiolabeled with a variety of radionuclides have been effective in inhibiting tumor growth or producing cures against a variety of tumor types. The majority of investigators have estimated the dose to tumor using the MIRD formalism. A few investigators have estimated the dose to tumor using TLDs and autoradiography. The effectiveness of RIT depends on a variety of factors including antibody specificity, affinity and immunoreactivity, tumor vascularity, and differential radiation sensitivity 501 D. J. Buchsbaum and B. W. Wessels: Introduction: Radiolabeled antibody tumor dosimetry of the various tumor types. It must be kept in mind that there are limitations of spheroid and animal models in modeling what occurs in the clinical situation. 11,12 501 is a potential advantage in therapeutic ratio predicted for alpha particle radiation when bone marrow (high linearquadratic alpha/beta ratio) is considered as the critical organ. 17 H. Imaging techniques and treatment planning Leichner et al. 13 in another section of this report have reviewed the various imaging techniques that have been used for RIT treatment planning. They discuss tumor and normal organ volume computations from CT and MRI data, correlative image analysis, and treatment planning for RIT. I. Clinical studies with dosimetry There have been a large number of clinical RIT studies that have included tumor dosimetry estimates. The approaches that have been taken in lymphoma, solid tumors, and intraperitoneal therapy are described in three manuscripts in this report. 14-16 Radiation dosimetry in B-cell lymphoma patients has been done using the MIRD approach. Organ and tumor radionuclide activity measurements have usually been done with conjugate view planar scintillation camera imaging. 14 Organ and tumor volumes have been obtained by CT, SPECT, or the published values of the MIRD committee. The range of tumor absorbed dose estimates in five clinical lymphoma studies is reported.1 4 For solid tumors, the MIRD approach, planar imaging and tumor volumetrics have been performed in a similar manner as in lymphoma studies. 15 There have been wide variations in estimated tumor doses in different studies, and no definite dose-response relationship has been observed. The spatial resolution limits of planar or SPECT imaging devices prevents detection of the nonuniformity of radiolabeled MoAb deposition, and thus permits only the estimation of average dose to tumor. Regional administration of radiolabeled MoAbs has been used in the peritoneum, the cerebral spinal fluid, the pleural/pericardial cavity, and within cystic brain tumors. Roeske et al.16 have reviewed the methods and results that have been used for intraperitoneal dosimetry. J. Radiobiology of RIT Langmuir et al.17 elsewhere in this report reviewed the information available on the radiobiology of low-dose- rate external beam irradiation and RIT as applied to tumor dosimetry, and have discussed comparisons between the two. Langmuir et al. 17 have concluded that tumors most likely to respond to RIT would be those types that are inherently radiosensitive, those with a poor capacity to repair radiation damage or with long repair half-times, those tumors that are susceptible to blockade in sensitive phases of the cell cycle, and tumors that reoxygenate rapidly. A comparison of alpha and beta emitters for RIT indicates an advantage for beta emitters if the linear-quadratic alpha/beta ratio for tumors is greater than that of the critical organ of toxicity, as is the usual case. However, there Medical Physics, Vol. 20, No. 2, Pt. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank Donell Berry for typing the manuscript. Supported by NIH Grant CA44173 and the Elaine Snyder Cancer Research Award. “Correspondence should be sent to: Donald J. Buchsbaum, Ph.D., Department of Radiation Oncology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, 619 South 19th Street. Birmingham, AL 35233-6832. 1 J. A. Siegel, B. W. Wessels, E. E. Watson, M. G. Stabin. H. M. Vriesendorp, E. W. Bradley, C. C. Badger, A. B. Brill, C. S. Kwok, D. R. Stickney, K. F. Eckerman. D. R. Fisher, D. J. Buchsbaum, and S. E. Order, “Bone marrow dosimetry and toxicity for radioimmunotherapy,” Antib. Immunoconj. Radiopharm. 3, 213-233 (1990). 2 S. A. Leibel, S. E. Order, D. R. Fisher, J. R. Williams, and R. J. Morton, “Physics and biology of radiolabeled antibodies workshop, sponsored by the Radiation Research Branch, National Cancer Institute, Division of Cancer Treatment, February 12-13, 1987, Bethesda, Maryland,” Antib. Immunoconj. Radiopharm. 1, 271-282 (1988). ‘L. F. Mausner and S. C. Srivastava, “Selection of radionuclides for radioimmunotherapy,” Med. Phys. 20, 503-509 (1993). 4 E. E. Watson, M. G. Stabin, and J. A. Siegel, “MIRD formulation,” Med. Phys. 20, 511-514 (1993). 5 S.-E. Strand, P. Zanzonico, and T. K. Johnson, “Pharmacokinetic modeling,” Med. Phys. 20, 515-527 (1993). 6 P. K. Leichner and C. S. Kwok, “Tumor dosimetry in radioimmunotherapy: Methods of calculation for beta particles,” Med. Phys. 20, 529-534 (1993). 7 J. L. Humm, J. C. Roeske, D. R. Fisher, and G. T. Y. Chen, “Microdosimetric concepts in radioimmunotherapy,” Med. Phys. 20, 535-541 (1993). 8 E. D. Yorke, L. E. Williams, A. J. Demidecki, D. B. Heidorn, P. L. Roberson, and B. W. Wessels, “Multicellular dosimetry for betaemitting radionuclides: Autoradiography, thermoluminescent dosimetry and three-dimensional dose calculations,” Med. Phys. 20, 543-550 (1993). 9 M. H. Griffith, E. D. Yorke, B. W. Wessels, G. L. DeNardo, and W. P. Neacy, “Direct dose confirmation of quantitative autoradiography with micro-TLD measurements for radioimmunotherapy,” J. Nucl. Med. 29, 1795-1809 (1988). 10 P. L. Roberson, D. J. Buchsbaum, D. B. Heidom, and R. K. Ten Haken, “Three-dimensional tumor dosimetry for radioimmunotherapy using serial autoradiography,” Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 24, 329-334 (1992). 11 D. J. Buchsbaum, V. K. Langmuir, and B. W. Wessels, “Experimental radioimmunotherapy,” Med. Phys. 20, 551-567 ( 1993). 12 B. W. Wessels, “Current status of animal radioimmunotherapy,” Cancer Res. (Suppl.) 50, 970s-973s (1990). 13 P. K. Leichner, K. F. Koral, R. J. Jaszczak, A. J. Green, G. T. Y. Chen, and J. C. Roeske, “An overview of imaging techniques and physical aspects of treatment planning in radioimmunotherapy,” Med. Phys. 20, 569-577 (1993). 14 J. A. Siegel, D. M. Goldenberg, and C. C. Badger, “Radioimmunotherapy dose estimation in patients with B-cell lymphoma,” Med. Phys. 20, 579-582 (1993). 15 R. F. Meredith, T. K. Johnson, G. Plott, D. J. Macey, R. L. Vessella, L. A. Wilson, H. B. Breitz, and L. E. Williams, “Dosimetry of solid tumors,” Med. Phys. 20, 583-592 (1993). 16 J. C. Roeske, G. T. Y. Chen, M. Reese, and A. B. Brill, “Dosimetry of intraperitoncally administered radiolabeled antibodies,” Med. Phys. 20, 593-600 (1993). 17 V. K. Langmuir, J. F. Fowler, S. J. Knox, B. W. Wessels, R. M. Sutherland, and J. Y. C. Wong, “Radiobiology and radiolabeled antibody therapy as applied to tumor dosimetry,” Med. Phys. 20, 601-610 (1993). Selection of radionuclides for radioimmunotherapy Leonard F. Mausner and Suresh C. Srivastava Medical Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton. New York I I973 (Received 18 March 1992; accepted 6 October 1992) I. INTRODUCTION The potential of utilizing monoclonal antibodies (MoAb) as carriers of radionuclides for the selective destruction of tumors (radioimmunotherapy, RIT) has stimulated much research activity. The approach should be specially beneficial for treatment of tumors not easily amenable to surgical control, for treatment of early recurrence and of distant metastases. However, from dosimetric and other considerations, the choice of radiolabel is an important factor that needs to be optimized for maximum effectiveness of RIT. Most therapeutic trials to date have utilized 131 I, largely due to its ready availability at moderate cost, the ease of halogenation techniques for proteins, and its long history of use in treating thyroid malignancy, rather than any careful analysis of its suitability for RIT. This paper briefly reviews the present and future radionuclides that are considered particularly suitable for RIT. II. SELECTION CRITERIA The selection criteria must be based on the physical data about the radionuclide, its production and chemistry and the biological variables governing its use. The important physical variables to consider include the radionuclide half-life, the type, energy, and branching ratio of particulate radiation and the gamma-ray energies and abundances. It is important to match the physical half-life with the antibody in vivo pharmacokinetics. If the half-life is too short, most decay will have occurred before the MoAb has reached maximum tumor/background ratio. Conversely, considerations of tumor radiobiology and low radionuclide/antibody specific activity may also limit the use of long-lived radionuclides. For equal radioactivity concentrations in the target, radionuclides with long half lives will produce a lower absorbed dose rate than those with short lifetimes. If the maximum absorbed dose rate from beta particles is much lower than that typical in brachytherapy (40-64 cGy/h), cell kill per cGy is decreased.1,2 The theoretical low specific activity of longer lived radionuclides would thus require a large mass of radionuclide, ligand, and antibody to achieve adequate dose rate. This can make the use of long-lived radiolabels less desirable. However, if a two or three-stage therapy approach is utilized,3 it becomes useful to consider the use of long-lived beta emitters, e.g., 3 2P and others. To some extent the problem of low target dose rate may be counteracted by a number of factors including high nonpenetrating equilibrium dose constant, high target to nontarget ratio, high carrier labeling efficiency, and the ability to administer a large protein mass (tumor saturation effect). The type of particulate emission also must be considered. The potent lethality of Auger and low-energy conver503 Med. Phys. 20 (2). Pt. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 sion electrons has been demonstrated. 4-8 This effect can best be realized with intranuclear localization of the radionuclide, which does not generally occur with radiolabeled MoAb. Of course, a particles have a high linear energy transfer (LET) effective in cell killing and a range of several cell diameters, 40-80 µm. The short ranges will accentuate inhomogeneous absorbed dose particularly when the MoAb deposition is inhomogeneous. Beta particles are less densely ionizing and have a range longer than a’s so that the distribution requirements are less restrictive for RIT of bulky disease. On the other hand, for micrometastases, the absorbed fraction for higher energy beta particles (range > tumor size) is decreased, leading to a less favorable tumor absorbed dose. The gamma-ray energies and abundances are also important physical properties, because the presence of gamma rays offers the possibility of external imaging but also adds to the whole body dose. These physical properties alone can be used to calculate radiation absorbed dose at the cellular level. This approach has been used by Jungerman et al. 9 to estimate delivered doses for RIT. An approach which explicitly includes biodistribution and kinetic data by using an idealized time-dependent averaged target-to-nontarget uptake ratio is that of Wessels and Rogus.1 0 Although the quantitative dose ratios are highly dependent on the input biodistribution data, a comparison of the relative effectiveness of the radiolabels was demonstrated. This relative efficacy was approximately constant for reasonable variation of model parameters in accordance with observed biological data. A similar approach was used recently by Yorke et al. 11 Also, Humm1 2 has considered the effect on MoAb dosimetry of varying tumor size and of cold regions. These papers underscore the importance for therapy of a high ratio of nonpenetrating to penetrating (γ) radiations. The complex relationship between tumor curability with different radionuclides and tumor size has been reviewed by Wheldon and O’Donoghue. 13 The main chemical variables to be considered in choosing a radionuclide for therapy with monoclonal antibodies are the radionuclide specific activity achievable, metal-ion contamination, the number of labels per MoAb molecule obtainable without loss of immunological activity, and the stability of the radionuclide-protein attachment. The specific activity, or amount of activity per mass of the element in question (MBq/mg), depends primarily on the method of production. Simple neutron absorption reactions (e.g., n ,γ) generally give low specific activity since the radionuclide cannot be chemically separated from a target of the same element. Accelerator-based proton, deuteron, or alpha-induced reactions are intrinsically no-carrier-added (NCA) methods that do allow chemical separation of 0094-2405/93/020503-08$01.20 © 1993 Am. Assoc. Phys. Med. 503 504 L F. Mausner and S. C. Srivastava: Radionuclides for radioimmunotherapy product from the target. This can also be achieved at reactors by neutron absorption reactions leading to an intermediate product with a beta decay to the desired final product, or by fast neutron reactions such as (n,p). The achievable specific activity of these NCA methods then largely depends on the impurity levels of the product element in the target or in various reagents used in processing. An often overlooked source of carrier is due to the direct production of stable isotopes of the product element. Although this effect is often negligible compared to carrier introduced with the target, it can become significant with very pure targets and high bombarding energies. With increasing energy, the typical peaks in nuclear excitation functions broaden, usually reaching a plateau at approximately 150-200 MeV and reaction cross sections for neighboring isotopes become comparable over large energy ranges. Some of these issues have been reviewed recently for therapeutic radionuclides.1 4 The presence of metal ions other than the product is a concern as they can compete for binding sites on chelateMoAb conjugates. It is largely controlled by the selectivity of the chemical separation scheme, but this process is not perfect. For example, a normally adequate separation factor of 10-7 on a 10 g target still leaves 1 µg of target in the product which may be of concern when labeling at low protein concentrations. Indeed, measurement of these stable species at low concentration in radioactive solutions is often a very difficult practical problem. Although various analytical procedures exist for detecting ions at subpart per million levels, for example atomic absorption, emission spectroscopy, and x-ray fluorescence, these techniques often take time, utilize expensive instrumentation, and may require a large fraction of the final product solution for the measurement. Generally, the sooner the radionuclide is used the better, because its specific activity is highest, and this need competes with the desire to measure the specific activity and the impurity levels. Also, it is typical for many research groups that the expensive analytical apparatus is not wholly owned. Instead, access is through a shared-use facility whose operators are very reluctant to introduce radioactive material into their equipment. Thus the fastest, albeit indirect method, of determining carrier levels may simply be by titration with chelate during labeling. The convenience, efficiency, and gentleness of various radiolabeling procedures as well as the stability of the radionuclide attachment to the antibody are all very important factors which are being actively investigated by many groups. They will not be considered further here as these topics are beyond the scope of this paper and have been reviewed several times.15-18 While recognizing the difficulties in designing new conjugation schemes, at this point, it is simply assumed that adequate radiolabeling techniques either exist or will become available for use with radionuclides to be discussed.18 However, another practical aspect to be considered is that of radionuclide production-the routine availability, at reasonable cost, of quantities of radioactivity suitable for therapy. At present, only 131 I truly meets all of these production criteria. However, this situMedical Physics, Vol. 20, No. 2, Pt. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 504 ation is changing for several other attractive radionuclides to be discussed below. These physical and chemical factors must then be viewed in light of available biological information. There is substantial variation in antibody uptake, macro- and micro-distribution, kinetics and processing (metabolism/ catabolism) depending on the particular antibody, antibody dose, the variability of antigenic expression in the tumor, its size and stage, etc. Limitations due to normal tissue radiotoxicity are not entirely the function of radionuclide emissions but are largely governed by the pharmacokinetics of the antibody. For many of the MoAbs and MoAb fragments currently being investigated for immunotherapy some generalities emerge. It is generally believed that one-half to three days is usually required to reach maximum tumor uptake19-22 although optimum contrast with whole MoAbs may take longer. Despite the presence of numerous antigen sites on cancer cells, evidence from tumor implanted microthermoluminescent dosimeter 25 p r o b e s 2 3 , 2 4 and autoradiography indicates a nonuniform cellular distribution of the MoAb in most cases. This may be due to cell type heterogeneity, 26 heterogeneity of antigenic expression,27 poor delivery, and spatial inaccessibility. These factors considerably reduce the attractiveness of short-ranged alpha-emitting radionuclides for radioimmunotherapy. A role for alpha emitters may be feasible in specific cases such as for micrometastases or intracavitary administration for some types of cancers, such as peritoneal injection for ovarian carcinoma. 28,29 The longer range of beta particles can still permit uniform tumor irradiation despite a marked heterogeneity of distribution of radioactivity within the tumor. It appears desirable to deliver ionizing radiation with a range of one to several millimeters in tissue, as from intermediate to high-energy beta particles. Ill. CANDIDATE RADIONUCLIDES Relatively few alpha emitting radionuclides have been considered for RIT. Bismuth-212 (t1/2= 60.5 min, E α = 7.8 MeV) and 2 1 1At ( t1/2 = 7.2 h, E α = 6.8 MeV) are the two nuclides that have been most studied. 30-36 The 212 Bi can be available via a 2 2 4Ra generator system,37 while 2 1 1At is accelerator produced.38,39 The short half-life of 2 1 2 Bi is not well matched to MoAb uptake kinetics but it might be possible to conjugate its parent 212 Pb, with a 10.6 h halflife, to a MoAb or MoAb fragment and thus generate the alpha emitter in vivo. The feasibility of this approach is 212 under investigation.4 0 Nevertheless, the peak of B i growth occurs at 3.8 h which is probably still too short for the peak in tumor uptake. The short life time of 211 At and limited availability may impede its use except in very special situations.4 1 It has been suggested 28 that the 20.1 h half-life of 255 F m is more appropriate for RIT. Unfortunately this nuclide and similar alpha emitting heavy radionuclides (atomic number > 82) are the parents or members of long decay chains involving both alpha and beta emission. Because the nuclear recoil from the alpha (and some of the beta) decays are considerably more energetic than chemical bond strengths, these transitions are capable of rupturing the 505 L. F. Mausner and S. C. Srivastava: Radionuclides for radioimmunotherapy 505 199 radionuclide-ligand bond. Unless the daughter half-life is less than a few minutes it will be free to diffuse away from the tumor. Worse still, most of these heavy elements tend to irreversibly lodge in bone. Beta emitters offer a much wider choice of candidates with a selection of particle ranges and chemical properties. The use of radionuclides with some gamma emission would allow diagnostic low-dose experiments to determine biodistribution prior to administering a therapeutic dose of the exact same preparation. This is a real advantage because it has been observed 42,43 that the biodistribution can be influenced by the choice of radionuclide alone, even with the same chelate-antibody complex. It is possible that these differences reflect the redistribution of the radioactivity following catabolism of the antibody after localization. Clinically it may be necessary to image each patient prior to therapy in order to assess antigenic status and to calculate tumor and sensitive tissue doses from the observed biodistribution. The disadvantage of this choice is that, because of the penetrating nature of the gamma radiation, a less than optimum target/nontarget dose ratio may result. Preferably, the g energy should be below 300 keV and the g abundance sufficient for visualization in vivo A number of attractive radionuclides and their properties are listed in Table I.44 Of these, 6 7 Cu has been previously identified as possessing attractive physical properties for RIT,10 and is being actively investigated by several groups. 45-47 Another advantage is that 67Cu, upon eventual dissociation from its ligand in vivo, does not preferentially localize in bone, kidney, or liver, in contrast to many other radiometals. Al153 though the pharmaceutical Sm-ethylenediaminetetramethylenephosphonic acid (EDTMP) shows potential as a bone cancer agent,48,49 very little has been reported on the use of 1 5 3 Sm as an antibody label. 50 However, as can be seen from Table I its physical properties fulfill many criteria discussed above. Similarly, 1 0 5Rh has received some attention,” and more recently 4 7S C (Refs. 52,53) and Medical Physics, Vol. 20, No. 2, Pt. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 Au.54,55 Iodine-131 is in the therapeutic class but clearly its long half-life and high abundance of 364 keV photons make for less attractive tumor/nontarget dose ratios than the other candidates. Nevertheless, due to its ready availability, ease of labeling, and more rapid clearance from kidney and liver than most metal chelates particularly when using methods that produce negligible dehalogenation in vivo,56-59 it has been widely used for RIT (e.g., Refs. 60 and 61). When radionuclides with little or no γ emission that produce better target/nontarget dose ratios are used, preliminary biodistribution studies must often be performed with other diagnostic radionuclides, and these studies are often radionuclide dependent. Alternatives which can be investigated include bremsstrahlung imaging or substituting a better y-emitting isotope of the same element. Unfortunately, scintigraphic resolution from bremsstrahlung may be poor, making quantitation for dosimetry difficult. Because of its high-energy beta particle, suitable half-life, good chelation properties and availability, several groups are currently studying the use of 9 0Y as a RIT labe1.62-64 Since 9 0Y is unsuitable for quantitative imaging, many 111 groups are utilizing In biodistribution data to predict 90 dose from Y administrations. However, even though there are similarities in tumor uptake, blood clearance, and other tissue uptakes, often there are substantial differences in retention and clearance from kidney and the reticuloendothelial system. For example, it was recently shown that although intravascular kinetics in patients are similar for 90 Y and 111 In labeled T101 antibody using isothiocyanatobenzyl DTPA, the two preparations differ in their tissue biodistribution. 65 Yttrium-88 is a suitable stand-in for studies in animals but it is not widely available and cannot be used in humans because of undesirable decay properties. Even though imaging photons in 186 Re can be used particularly at therapeutic dose levels 66,67 the “matched pair” 186 approach using 9 9 m Tc and Re, the former for imaging and the latter for therapy is a very attractive option. 6 7 These can both be attached to antibodies via similar c h e m i s t r y6 7 , 6 9 and generally produce similar biodistributions. Additionally, 109 Pd (Ref. 70) has also been investigated for immunotherapy. Although 1 0 9 Pd, 1 4 2 Pr, and 159 Gd all have half-lives of somewhat less than one day, they could be useful for MoAb or MoAb fragment systems that demonstrate a more rapid tumor uptake. Genetic engineering of antibodies with functionalities for binding of 99m gamma emitters (e.g., Tc) inserted into their structure may allow imaging with the same preparations prior to therapeutic administration of the beta emitter. 3 IV. RADIONUCLIDE PRODUCTION The criteria for the isotopes listed in Table I were the match between the radionuclide physical properties and the biological model used. Obviously, the possible production techniques and resultant specific activity must also be considered. In a reactor, uranium fission, radiative neutron capture and fast-neutron reactions can be employed. In accelerators, a wide range of particles (p,d,a, etc.) of varying energy is available. Table II gives recommended pro- 506 L. F. Mausner and S. C. Srivastrva: Radionuclides for radioimmunotherapy duction routes for the various radionuclides of Table I. The nuclear reactions have acceptable cross sections for producing therapeutic quantities. There is a large range in the total activity and specific activity achievable for these radionuclides. For therapy, it is reasonable to assume that a minimum of 1.8 GBq will be required per treatment. It is more difficult to place a lower limit on the required specific activity. This depends on the chemical sensitivity of the particular antibody system to labeling conditions and on protein concentration requirements due to the presence of carrier. The availability and cost of the antibody becomes a factor, since larger amounts of antibody are required to bind enough radioactivity as well as the chemically identical cold atoms. This concern has become less critical recently as production techniques have improved and since many clinical protocols already use large (>50mg) amounts of antibody. A specific activity of approximately 100 GBq/mg will nonetheless be a highly desirable goal. Adequate quantity and quality of 131I are available commercially. Copper-67 is produced by high energy spallation reactions in the Brookhaven Linac Isotope Producer (BLIP) at Brookhaven National Laboratory” and the Los Alamos Meson Physics Facility (LAMPF) at Los Alamos National Laboratory and is available from these institutions most of the year. Although this is intrinsically a nocarrier-added method, ubiquitous trace Cu impurities limit achievable specific a c t i v i t y t o a p p r o x i m a t e l y 2 5 0 G B q / m g . 71,72 The fast neutron reaction on enriched 6 7Z n can be used to fill in the gaps in the operating schedules of the large accelerators. Large quantities of 1 5 3Sm can be produced very simply by thermal neutron activation because of its large cross section (σ= 208 barns) and epitherma1 resonance integral (3000 barns).73 A similar situation exists for 1 7 7Lu (σ=2100 barns). Nevertheless, adequate specific activity can probably only be achieved at nuclear reactors with neutron fluxes of greater than 3 x 10 14 n/cm2 s [e.g., the High Flux Beam Reactor (HFBR) at Medical Physics, Vol. 20, No. 2, Pt. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 506 Brookhaven National Laboratory, High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and U. Missouri Research Reactor]. With a neutron capture crosssection of 111 barns, 194 Ir production is not as attractive as 153 Sm and 1 7 7 Lu but still feasible at the above reactors. Samarium and lutetium are rare earth elements which can be readily chelated for linkage to antibodies. However, the in vivo stability of these preparations will need to be carefully investigated due to the high affinity of these metals for bone and the well-known tendency of rare earth elements to form colloids in vivo and thence concentrate in the reticuloendothelial system including bone marrow. There are two possible routes for the production of 199 Au. The double neutron capture reaction on natural gold leads to high yield because of the enormous cross section of 198 Au (26000 barns), but the specific activity is inadequate for RIT. Thus the indirect reaction on 198Pt f o l l o w e d b y β d e c a y t o 1 9 9A u h a s r e c e n t l y b e e n investigated 54,74 and appears to be practical. A similar method for 1 0 5 Rh can be used. For both these radionuclides, production at a high flux reactor will be advantageous. Rhenium-188 is especially interesting because it can be prepared in high specific activity from a convenient 188 W /1 8 8 R e g e n e r a t o r s y s t e m . T h e 1 8 8 W /1 8 8 R e s y s t e m could be considered a therapeutic analog to the 99 M o /9 9 m Tc generator since the chemistry of rhenium in many ways is similar to that of technetium. 68,69 Unfortunately the 188W parent can only be produced in low specific activity by a double neutron capture reaction, which limits the total activity of 188 W that can be loaded on an alumina column.” A gel-type generator partially overcomes this limitation. 7 6 One of the most widely used radionuclides is actually produced via a generator system, i.e., 90Sr/90Y. This allows repeated use of the 9 0Y for a lifetime since the half-life of 90 Sr is 29 years; a great convenience. The 9 0Sr/9 0Y generator (e.g., Refs. 77 and 78), is not available commercially as a system but 90Y alone can be purchased commercially. Without any gamma emissions, in vivo biodistribution studies remain a problem. Also, the in vivo stability of earlier DTPA-based chelates for use with 9 0Y is not o p t i m u m . 7 9 , 8 0 Recent studies with macrocyclic ligands 81-83 and certain carbon backbone substituted DTPA ligands, 8 4 however, show enhanced stability in serum and improved biodistribution. The safety of research personnel is a concern with 90Sr because of its high toxicity. The high energy beta emission, long life, and propensity to concentrate in bone make the maximum permissible body burden of 9 0S r only 2 µCi. Further, contamination monitoring for 9 0S r and 9 0Y are complicated due to the lack of gamma emissions. Rhenium-186 is an attractive alternative but requires a high flux reactor to achieve adequate specific activity. Therapeutic quantities of “As may be quite difficult to produce because of the instability of selenide targets at high beam current. Various alloy targets have been developed 85 but can be used only up to 20 µA. Additionally, existing chelation methods are not suitable for attaching arsenic to MoAbs. The production of large quantities 507 L F. Mausner and S. C. Srivastava: Radionuclides for radioimmunotherapy o f 1 0 9Pd is straightforward, but with a specific activity at the lower end of this compilation. Since this may not be a serious problem in the future, its ease of production and favorable labeling chemistry” make it a possible candidate for RIT. The remaining entries in Table II are rare earth elements and would be expected to have chemical behavior similar to 153Sm. There are two possible reactions to make 142 Pr, offering either high yield or high specific activity, a situation analogous to 199 Au. Promethium-149, 166 Ho, and 159 Gd could be produced in adequate yield and high specific activity and so are also reasonable candidates. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We would like to acknowledge the valuable discussions and critical review contributed by E. D. Yorke and B. W. Wessels. The comments of D. J. Buchsbaum, K. E. Britton, J. Humm, and W. A. Volkert were also helpful in the preparation of this manuscript. This work was supported by the Office of Health and Environmental Research, U.S. Department of Energy, under Contract No. DE-AC0276CH00016. Thanks are due to Ms. S. Cataldo for help with the preparation of this manuscript. 1 J. F. Fowler, “Radiobiological aspects of low dose rates in radioimmunotherapy,” Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 18, 1261-1269 (1991). 2 R. G. Dale, “The application of the linearquadratic dose-effect equation to fractionated and protracted radiotherapy,” Br. J. Radiol. 58, 515-528 (1985). 3 K. E. Britton, S. J. Mather, and M. Granowska, “Radiolabelled monoclonal antibodies in oncology III. Radioimmunotherapy,” Nucl. Med. Commun. 12, 333-347 ( 1991). 4 E. W. Bradley, P. C. Chan, and S. J. Adelstein, “The radiotoxicity of I-125 in mammalian cells. I. Effects on the survival curve of radioiodine incorporated into DNA,” Radiat. 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The MIRD Primer 1 gives a complete explanation of the schema which is a series of general equations adaptable for use with either simple or complex anatomical and kinetic models. By definition, the absorbed dose is the energy absorbed from ionizing radiation per unit mass of tissue. Because absorbed dose from internally distributed radionuclides is never completely uniform,’ the MIRD equations give the average, or mean, absorbed dose to a volume of tissue. The schema is useful for estimating absorbed dose to volumes as small as a cluster of cells or as large as the total body. Microdosimetric techniques that account for statistical aspects of particle track structures and energy distribution patterns in microscopic volumes can be used to express energy deposition in tissues from materials labeled with alpha-particle or Auger-electron emitters, particularly those incorporated within cells. The equation for calculating the absorbed dose may be written in various forms depending on available information. An example is shown in Eq. (1): where D(rk ← r h ) is the mean absorbed dose in-a target region r k from activity in a source region r h , Ah is the cumulated activity (time integral of activity over the time interval of interest) in the source, ∆ ι is the mean energy emitted by a radionuclide per nuclear transition, φ i ( rk ← rh) is the absorbed fraction (fraction of energy emitted in region rh that is absorbed in region r k ), and mk is the mass of the target r k . The absorbed fraction divided by the mass may be represented by Φ (rk ← r h ), the specific absorbed fraction. The total mean absorbed dose in a target region is calculated by summing the doses from all source regions to the target. Equation ( 1) can be divided into two types of parameters-physical and biological. I. PHYSICAL PARAMETERS A. Mean energy emitted per transition (A) The most readily obtainable and the most accurate values required for dose calculation are probably those related to the energy emitted from a radioactive source. Each type of radiation emitted by a radionuclide is characterized by its own mean energy per particle E i and its own intensity or number of particles emitted per transition n i. The mean 511 Med. Phys. 20 (2). pt. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 energy emitted per transition ∆ i is equal to k ni E i where k is a constant that depends on the units used for the terms in Eq. (1). The Brookhaven National Laboratory maintains a file of decay information that can be used to determine the intensities and energies of the different emissions associated with the transformation of any known radionuclide. In 1989, the MIRD Committee published this information on 242 radionuclides in a form that can be easily used for dose calculation.* In addition to intensities and energies, delta (A) values are given in both traditional (rad g/µCi h) and SI (Gy kg/Bq s) units. Diagrammatic decay schemes are provided along with the physical halflives, daughter products, and other related data. B. Absorbed fraction (φ) The absorbed fraction varies with the type and energy of the radiation, the type of material through which the radiation passes, and the geometric configuration and the composition of the source and the target. Its value cannot be less than 0 or greater than 1. For convenience in estimating absorbed fractions, radiation types are sometimes classified as penetrating and nonpenetrating. If the amount of energy imparted to any target other than the source is so insignificant as to have little effect on the absorbed dose, the radiation is considered to be nonpenetrating. The absorbed fraction in the source is equal to one, and absorbed fractions for all other targets are zero. The classification of radiation as penetrating or nonpenetrating is determined by the absorption properties of the radiation, the nature of the model describing the source and target, and the type of calculation. Radiations may be considered nonpenetrating in the calculation of mean absorbed dose to a source volume but penetrating when the spatial distribution of absorbed dose is required, such as in tumor dosimetry. Several techniques have been used to calculate absorbed fractions, such as Monte Carlo and buildup factor methods. 3-8 Software for determining energy deposition in tissue include the ALGAMP code which has been used to calculate absorbed fractions for humans at various ages and the Electron Gamma Shower package, commonly called EGS4, which is particularly useful for calculating the spatial distribution of absorbed dose from electrons and beta particles. In some instances, the reciprocity principle’ has been applied when absorbed fractions could not be calculated to the desired level of accuracy by other techniques. Symbolically, the reciprocity relationship can be illustrated as follows: 0094-2405/93/020511-04$01.20 © 1993 Am. Assoc. Phys. Med. 511 512 512 Watson, Stabin, and Siegel: MIRD formulation Frequently specific absorbed fractions Φ ( rk ← r h ), or φ ( rk ← r h)/m k, are calculated rather than absorbed fractions. By reciprocity, Absorbed fractions and specific absorbed fractions for photons in organs of a 70-kg Reference Man have been published by the MIRD Committee. 3,4 The committee has also provided absorbed fractions for photons in spheres, cylinders, and ellipsoids from one gram to 200 kg in mass. 5,6 In MIRD Pamphlet No. 7,8 Berger provided information on absorbed dose distributions around point sources that can be used in calculating specific absorbed fractions from beta particles and electrons. Leichner et al.9 developed a generalized, empirical point-source function for calculating absorbed doses in tumors from beta particles based on Berger’s tabulated absorbed-dose distributions. 8 C. Mean dose per unit cumulated activity (S) The product of ∆ and Φ is a constant for a given radionuclide and a given source-target combination, a value designated by the MIRD Committee as the S value. The mean absorbed dose equation can thus be written as (3) where S(rk ← r h ) = Σ ι∆ ιΦ ι ( rk + rh ). Values Of S have been published in MIRD Pamphlet No. 11 10 for a mathematical model representing an adult male (Reference Man) with most of the important organs. Absorbed fractions and specific absorbed fractions for other mathematical models can be used to calculate S values as needed. Cristy and Eckerman11 have developed models and calculated specific absorbed fractions from internal photon sources for Reference Woman (also used to represent a 15-yr-old male) as well as a 10-yr-old, a 5-yr-old, a 1-yr-old, and a newborn child. Mathematical descriptions of organs and regions of the body have been designed to supplement or improve those included in the original models. Of particular interest for monoclonal antibody dosimetry are models of the blood vessels12,13 and the peritoneal cavity. 1 4 Absorbed fractions and S values have also been calculated for small or irregularly shaped structures in the b o d y ? ‘ * Johnson et al. determined the radiation dose from 1 6 6 H o , 1 8 6 Re and 1 5 3 Sm at a bone-to-marrow interface using the EGS4 code and including the contribution of backscattered radiation to the marrow dose. 15 H u m m1 6 calculated absorbed fractions and dose rates for solid tumors with “cold-regions” surrounded by uniform distribution of radiolabeled monoclonal antibodies to illustrate the absorbed dose-rate profile for different radionuclides. Howell et al. 17 published dose-rate profiles for 3 2P, 6 7Cu. 9 0Y , 111 AG, 1 3 1I, 1 8 8Re, and 1 9 3 mPt in spherical “tumors” with radii of 0.05 and 0.5 cm. Akabani et al. have published beta absorbed fractions for a large number of radionuclides in spheres with radii ranging from 0.1-2.0 cm (Ref. 18). Most absorbed dose calculations are based on the assumption that the absorbed fractions and the mass of the target remain constant during the time of irradiation. This Medical Physics. Vol. 20, No. 2, Pt. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 is not always the situation. Howell et al. have studied changes in absorbed dose for rapidly growing tumors.” In radionuclide therapy, the volumes of the tumors may change greatly during the period over which the dose is delivered. Folding the tumor masses into the calculation may result in more accurate doses and a more meaningful determination of the dose-response relationships. Several investigators have calculated absorbed fractions for cellular configurations.20-22 A few examples will suffice to illustrate this. Kassis et al. determined absorbed fractions and absorbed dose rates to cells for nuclear transitions occurring inside the cell, in other cells, and in the extracellular medium.20 Makrigiorgos et al. 21 used this technique to calculate absorbed doses for cell clusters with different cellular diameters and different fractions of the cell volume that are labeled. Bardies and Myers have presented a model for cellular and cell cluster dosimetry for use in targeted radionuclide therapy. 22 Some of these models have been proposed as evidence of the limitations of the MIRD technique; however, the components of the calculations are the same as those in the MIRD schema. For example, the absorbed dose may be given as a function of distance along a defined axis, but the calculation is based on absorbed fractions or specific absorbed fractions defined as a function of distance along the axis. II. BIOLOGICAL PARAMETERS A. Cumulated activity (A) The cumulated activity A h represents the total number of nuclear transformations occurring during the time of interest in the source region r h and may be expressed in units of microcurie hours, Becquerel seconds, or an appropriate multiple of these units. A compilation of cumulated activities for various radionuclides or radioactive compounds has not been published by the MIRD Committee because the source regions differ for each radiolabeled material, and the source regions and their cumulated activities often change as new research results become available. The residence time τ of a radionuclide in a source region is equal to the cumulated activity in the source divided by the administered activity; that is (4) Although activity can sometimes be measured directly by external measurements with a scintillation camera in either the planar or SPECT modes, cumulated activities and residence times are not always available because of difficulties in directly measuring the activity in organs or regions of the body. Frequently, these values are determined indirectly through measurements that can be made, such as total body retention, excretion, blood clearance, etc., and the use of compartmental analysis techniques. 23 Computer software has been developed that permits the application of compartmental analysis to the development of models that will yield residence times in the organs or regions of interest. One such program is the Simulation, Analysis, and Modeling (SAAM) program.24 This software is available without cost from the Resource Facility for Kinetic Anal- 513 513 Watson, Stabin, and Siegel: MIRD formulation ysis, Center for Bioengineering, FL-20, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195. Versions of the software are available for use on several computers such as the VAX, IBM-compatible personal computers, and many others. Although data collected in humans are always preferable, data collected in animals may sometimes be extrapolated to give estimates of the time-activity behavior of a radionuclide in humans.2 5 No single technique for such extrapolation has been generally accepted; however, great care must be taken in collecting the data and in performing the extrapolation to assure that these extrapolations are performed as accurately as possible. 26 Data should be presented in a manner that will allow other investigators to make use of the information and possibly recalculate if better extrapolation techniques are determined. The MIRD Committee has published 15 dose estimate reports 1,27-29 for nuclear medicine radiopharmaceuticals. Each report includes the biological models used for calculating cumulated activities needed for the dose estimate. These models can sometimes be adapted for other situations and other radionuclides. They also can be useful in determining how models may be developed and how data should be collected. III. EXTENSION OF MIRD SCHEMA TO MONOCLONAL ANTIBODY DOSIMETRY The MIRD schema is accepted as a useful technique for estimating the radiation dose from radioactive material within the human body. With respect to the dosimetry of radiolabeled antibodies, the MIRD Committee has provided a description of the ingredients that produce an absorbed dose estimate. The basic equations are applicable to tissues of various sizes and shapes and in different geometric relationships with each other. The committee has published data for calculating the mean absorbed dose in targets from activity that can be considered to be uniformly distributed in source organs or in small spheres and ellipsoids. 3-7 Absorbed fractions or specific absorbed fractions for nonuniform activity distributions or for nonstandard geometries will need to be calculated for some situations. Investigators have already generated absorbed fractions and specific absorbed fractions of energy from alpha and beta particles and electrons for some spherical tumors at the macroscopic or millimeter level 16-18 and for nonuniform distribution within cell clusters. 20-22 Such values are not usually required for photon radiations. Autoradiographic studies have clearly shown nonuniform distribution of radiolabeled monoclonal antibodies in tumors. The MIRD schema can be used to estimate absorbed doses for nonuniform distributions if the necessary data are obtained. The limitation is in the lack of an adequate model rather than in the schema. As the volume for which the absorbed dose is calculated becomes smaller, the nonuniformity of dose within that volume also becomes smaller. From the standpoint of absorbed dose, localization of activity in individual structures of a cell or in parts of a Medical Physics. Vol. 20, No. 2, Pt. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 tumor mass is analogous to localization of activity in organs of the body. The greatest obstacles to estimating absorbed doses for radiotherapy agents are the measurement of activity distributions over time and the assessment of geometric relationships among sources and targets within the tissue. Calculating residence times or cumulated activities is not difficult if necessary biological data are obtained, and computer software is available to calculate absorbed fractions of energy if the tissue volumes of interest are defined. A possible technique for circumventing these problems may be to calculate a range of doses as well as a mean absorbed dose for a region as presented by Roberson et al. 30 for radiolabeled microsphere therapy. This gives an estimate of the variations in absorbed dose that exist in regions where the activity distributions are significantly nonuniform. IV. SUMMARY The MIRD schema is not restricted to calculating mean absorbed doses in organs but can be extended to any tissue for which distribution and retention data can be obtained and for which a reasonably accurate mathematical description of the source and target tissues can be determined. The development of more accurate absorbed dose estimates and the correlation of these estimates with radiation effects will lead to a better understanding of the results from radiotherapeutic agents such as radiolabeled monoclonal antibodies. Therefore, radiobiologists and internal dosimetrists need to combine their efforts and work toward the common goal of improving the treatment of malignant diseases. 1 R. Loevinger, T. F. Budinger, and E. E. Watson, MIRD Primer for Absorbed Dose Calculations (Society of Nuclear Medicine, New York, NY, 1988). 2 D. A. Weber, K. F. Eckerman, L. T. Dillman, and J. C. Ryman, MIRD: Radionuclide Data and Decay Schemes (Society of Nuclear Medicine, New York, NY, 1989). 3 W. S. Snyder, M. R. Ford, G. G. Warner, and H. L. Fisher, Jr., ‘Estimates of absorbed fractions for monoenergetic photon sources uniformly distributed in various organs of a heterogeneous phantom, MIRD Pamphlet No. 5,” J. Nucl. Med. 10, Suppl. 3 (1969). 4 W. S. Snyder, M. R. Ford, and G. G. Warner, Estimates of Specific Absorbed Fractions for Photon Sources Uniformly Distributed in Various Organs of a Heterogeneous Phantom, MIRD Pamphlet No. 5, Revised (Society of Nuclear Medicine, New York, NY, 1978). 5 G. L. Brownell, W. H. Ellett, and A. R. Reddy, “Absorbed fractions for photon dosimetry, MIRD Pamphlet No. 3,” J. Nucl. Med. 9, Suppl. No. 1, 27-39 (1968). 6 W. H. Ellett and R. M. Humes, “Absorbed fractions for small volumes containing photon-emitting radioactivity, MIRD Pamphlet No. 8,” J. Nucl. Med. 12, Suppl. No. 5, 25-32 ( 1971). 7 M. J. Berger, “Energy deposition in water by photons from point isotropic sources, MIRD Pamphlet No. 2,” J. Nucl. Med. 9, Suppl. No. 1, 15-25 (1968). 8 M. J. Berger, “Distribution of absorbed dose around point sources of electrons and beta particles in water and other media, MIRD Pamphlet No. 7,” J. Nucl. Med. 12, Suppl. No. 5, 1-23 (1971). 9 P. K. Leichner, W. G. Hawkins, and N.-C. Yang, “A generalized, empirical point-source function for beta-particle dosimetry,” Antib. Immunoconjug. Radiopharm. 2, 125-144 (1989). 514 Watson, Stabin, and Siegel: MIRD formulation 10 W. S. Snyder, M. R. Ford, G. G. Warner, and S. B. Watson, "S" Absorbed Dose Per Unit Cumulated Activity for Selected Radionuclides and Organs, MIRD Pamphlet No. 11 (Society of Nuclear Medicine, New York, NY, 1975). 11 M. Cristy and K. F. Eckerman, “Specific absorbed fractions of energy at various ages from internal photon sources,” ORNL/TM-8381, Vols. 1-7 (1987). 12 G. Akabani and J. W. Poston, Sr., “Absorbed dose calculations to blood and blood vessels for internally deposited radionuclides,” J. Nucl. Med. 32, 830-834 (1991). 13 R. E. Faw and J. K. Shultis, “Dosimetry calculations for concentric cylindrical source and target regions with application to blood vessels,” Health Phys. 62, 344-350 (1992). 14 E. Watson, M. G. Stabin, J. L. Davis, and K. F. Eckerman, “A model of the peritoneal cavity for use in internal dosimetry,” J. Nucl. Med. 30, 2002-2011 (1989). 15 J. C. Johnson, S. M. Langhorst, S. K. Loyalka, W. A. Volkert. and A. R. Ketring, “Calculation of radiation dose at a bone-to-marrow interface using Monte Carlo modeling techniques (EGS4),” J. Nucl. Med. 33, 623-628 (1992). 16 J. L. Humm, “Dosimetric aspects of radiolabeled antibodies for tumor therapy,” J. Nucl. Med. 27, 1490-1497 (1986). 17 R.W. Howell, D. V. Rao, and K. S. R. Sastry, “Macroscopic dosimetry for radioimmunotherapy: Nonuniform activity distributions in solid tumors,” Med. Phys. 16, 66-74 (1989). 18 G. Akabani, J. W. Poston, Sr., and W. E. Belch, “Estimates of beta absorbed fractions in small tissue volumes for selected radionuchdes.” J. Nucl. Med. 32, 835-839 (1991). 19 R. W. Howell, V. R. Narra, and D. V. Rao, “Absorbed dose calculations for rapidly growing tumors,” J. Nucl. Med. 33, 277-281 (1992). 20 A. I. Kassis, S. J. Adelstein, C. Haydock, and K. S. R. Sastry, “Thallium-201: An experimental and a theoretical radiobiological approach to dosimetry,” J. Nucl. Med. 24, 1164-1175 (1983). 21 G. M. Makrigiorgos, S. J. Adelstein, and A. I. Kassis, “Limitations of conventional internal dosimetry at the cellular level,” J. Nucl. Med. 30, 1856-1864 (1989). 22 M. Bardies and M. J. Myers, “Development and validation of a simple Medical Physics, Vol. 20, No. 2, Pt. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 514 model for cellular and ceil cluster dosimetry with practical application in targeted radionuclide therapy," in Fifth International Radiopharmaceutical Dosimetry Symposium, CONF-910529. edited by E. E. Watson and A. T. Schlafke-Stelson (Oak Ridge Associated Universities, Oak Ridge, TN, 1992), pp. 531-543. 23 M. Berman, Kinetic Models for Absorbed Dose Calculalions. MIRD Pamphlet No. 12 (Society of Nuclear Medicine, New York, NY, 1977). 24 M. Berman and M. F. Weiss, SAAM Manual (U.S. DHEW Publication No. (NIH) 78-108, US. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, 1978). 25 H. D. Roedler, “Accuracy of internal dose calculations with special consideration of radiopharmaceutical biokinetics,” in Third International Radiopharmaceutical Dosimetry Symposium, edited by E. E. Watson, A. T. Schlafke-Stelson, J. L. Coffey, and R. J. Cloutier (Oak Ridge Associated Universities, Oak Ridge, TN, 1981), pp. I-20. 26 K.A. Lathrop,” Collection and presentation of animal data relating to internally distributed radionuclides,” Third International Radiopharmaceutical Dosimetry Symposium, edited by E. E. Watson, A. T. Schlafke-Stelson, J. L. Coffey, and R. J. Cloutier (Oak Ridge Associated Universities, Oak Ridge, TN, 1981). pp. 198-203. 27 D. A. Weber, P. Todd Makler, Jr., E. E. Watson, J. L. Coffey, S. R. Thomas, and J. London, “MIRD Dose Estimate Report No. 13. Radiation absorbed dose from technetium-99m-labeled bone imaging agents,” J. Nucl. Med. 30, 1117-I 122 (1989). 28 H. L. Atkins, S. R. Thomas, U. Buddemeyer, and L. R. Chervu, “MIRD Dose Estimate Report No. 14. Radiation absorbed dose from technetium-99 m-labeled red blood cells,” J. Nucl. Med. 31, 378-380 (1990). 29 J.S. Robertson, M. D. Exekowitz, M. K. Dewanjee, M. G. Lotter, and E. E. Watson, “MIRD Dose Estimate Report No. 15. Radiation absorbed dose for radioindium-labeled autologous platelets,” J. Nucl. Med. 33, 777-780 (1992). 30 P. L. Roberson, R. K. Ten Haken, D. L. McShan, P. E. McKeever, and W. D. Ensminger, “Threedimensional tumor dosimetry for hepatic yttrium-90-microsphere therapy,” J. Nucl. Med. 33, 735-738 (1992). Pharmacokinetic modeling Sven-Erik Strand Department of Radiation Physics, Lund University, University Hospital, S-221 85, Lund, Sweden Pat Zanzonico Division of Nuclear Medicine. New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center, New York. New York Timothy K. Johnson Department of Radiology. University of Colorado, Denver, Colorado (Received 18 March 1992; accepted for publication 27 November 1992) For radiation dosimetry calculations of radiolabeled monoclonal antibodies, (MAb), pharmacokinetics are critical. Specifically, pharmacokinetic modeling is a useful component of estimation of cumulated activity in various source organs in the body. It is thus important to formulate general methods of pharmacokinetic modeling and of pharmacokinetic data reduction, leading to cumulated activities. In this paper different types of models are characterized as “empirical,” “analytical,” and “compartmental” pharmacokinetic models. There remains a pressing need for quantitative studies in man for a proper understanding of the pharmacokinetics of MAb. Pharmacokinetic modeling of radiolabeled MAb in vivo has relied on relatively limited studies in man and complementary detailed measurements in animals. In either case, any model chosen for analysis of such data is inevitably based on measurements of limited accuracy and precision as well as assumptions regarding human physiology. Very few macroscopic compartmental pharmacokinetic models for MAb, have been tested over a range of conditions to determine their predictive ability. Extracorporeal immunoadsorption represents one approach for drastically altering the biokinetics of antibody distribution, and may serve to validate a given pharmacokinetic model. In addition to macroscopic modeling, the microscopic evaluation of the timedependent distribution of radiolabeled MAb in tissues is of utmost importance for a proper understanding of the kinetics and radiobiologic effect. Many tumors do not exhibit homogeneous uptake. A mathematical understanding of that distribution is thus essential for accurate tumor dosimetry estimates. This review summarizes methodologies for pharmacokinetic modeling, critically reviews specific pharmacokinetic models and demonstrates the capability of modeling for predictive calculations of altered pharmacokinetics, emphasizing its use in dosimetric calculations. 1. INTRODUCTION Epitomizing Ehrlich’s century-old conceptualization of the “magic bullet,” radiolabeled monoclonal antibodies (MAb) against tumor-specific and/or associated antigens have spurred an unprecedented worldwide effort in nuclear medicine research. A sound quantitative understanding of the pharmacokinetics and thus a systematic approach to the radiation dosimetry of these target tissue-specific radiopharmaceuticals has largely remained elusive, however. Indeed, the general difficulties inherent in generating reasonably accurate and precise cumulated activity and absorbed dose estimates for internal radionuclides are exacerbated for radiolabeled MAb because of the marked qualitative as well as quantitative differences in their pharmacokinetics among different species, different individuals, different antibodies, different radionuclides, different modes of administration, and different administered amounts. Accordingly, radiation dosimetry of sufficient accuracy and precision for therapeutic application of radiolabeled MAb, as dictated by the generally marginal therapeutic index (i.e., the tumor-to-critical normal tissue absorbed dose ratio), must be performed on an individualized basis. Thus the general treatment planning paradigm used, for 515 Med. Phys. 20 (2). ft. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 example, in radioiodine treatment of metastatic thyroid cancer’ should be considered for radioimmunotherapy: a low-activity tracer administration, kinetic studies consisting of serial measurements of tissue activities, absorbed dose estimation and projection to the maximum “safe” and the minimum “therapeutically effective” administered activities, and a high-activity therapy administration (with additional kinetic studies for verification of the actual therapeutic absorbed doses). Nonetheless, practical quantitative radionuclide imaging methods including planar, single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), and positron emission tomography (PET), as well as probe-based organ and total. body activity measurements and ex vivo blood activity concentration measurements have been developed and published in detail; 1-36 the reader is referred to the pertinent contributions in this volume for additional information. II. PRACTICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF PHARMACOKINETIC MODELING Pharmacokinetic modeling is a useful component of estimation of cumulated activities (i.e., the number of nuclear transformations) in the various source regions of the body. Although a general concept in internal radionuclide 0094-2405/93/020515-14501.20 © 1993 Am. Assoc. Phys. Med. 515 516 Strand, Zanzonico, and Johnson: Pharmacokinetic modeling radiation dosimetry, the precise meaning of “cumulated activity” will be illustrated using the formalism promulgated by the Medical Internal Radiation Dosimetry (MIRD) Committee, the International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements (ICRU), and the International Commission on Radiological Protection ( I C R P ) . 3 8 - 5 1 The mean absorbed dose, D(r k ← r h ), to a target region, r k, from a radionuclide in a source region, r h, is given by the following equations: (1) and (2) where Ah is the cumulated activity (e.g., in Bq-h) in source region rh , Ah (t) is the radioactive decay-uncorrected activity (e.g., in Bq) in source region r h at time t p o s t administration (e.g., in h), and S(rk ← r h) is the “S factor” (e.g., in Gy/Bq-h) for target region r k and source region r h , that is, the absorbed dose to target region r k per unit cumulated activity in source region r h . Since there are generally multiple source regions, r h, for an internally distributed radionuclide, the total absorbed dose to the target region, r k , is given by the summation of the expression on the right side of Eq. ( 1) over all of the source regions, r h: (3) The S factor, S ( rk ← r h ), is a physical quantity related to the nuclear properties (i.e., the number, type, and energy of nuclear radiations and related emissions accompanying radioactive decay) of a particular radionuclide, the geometric orientation of and distance between the target region, r k , and the source region, r h , and the electron and mass densities, elemental composition, and effective atomic number of the target region, r k , the source region, r h , and the intervening tissues.” For specific anthropomorphic anatomic models (e.g., “Standard Man” 42,48 ), the values of S factors, S ( r k ← r h ), for many radionuclides and target region-source region pairs are tabulated and published. On the other hand, knowing the physical half-life of a radionuclide, the cumulated activities, A h , are biological quantities related to the pharmacokinetics of a particular radioactive material. In view of the practically infinite number of combinations of materials, radionuclides, physiological and pathological conditions, and amounts and modes of administration, it is obviously impractical to usefully tabulate pharmacokinetic parameters and/or cumulated activities of radioactive materials. It is therefore essential to formulate general methods of pharmacokinetic modeling and of pharmacokinetic data reduction leading to cumulated activities. III. TYPES OF PHARMACOKINETIC MODELS In the broadest sense, a pharmacokinetic model is simply a mathematical description of the distribution of some material over time. Although the following distinctions are Medical Physics, Vol. 20, No. 2. Pt. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 516 neither rigorous nor standardized, it is didactically useful to separately consider the various types of pharmacokinetic models and their advantages and disadvantages. In radiation dosimetry practice, at least three general types of pharmacokinetic models can be identified: “empirical,” “analytic,” and “compartmental.” Whatever approach to pharmacokinetic modeling one adopts, the insightful admonition of Dr. Robert Loevinger should be borne very much in mind. 5 2 “It is never possible to calculate the dose to a patient; one can only calculate the dose to a model. The model, of course, is the totality of the assumptions necessary to make the calculation; these assumptions define a class of patients, and the dose applies to this class. How well a given patient fits the model is only conjectural...For internally distributed radionuclides, the models are crude, and the difference between the patient and model is vast...” A. Empirical pharmacokinetic models In applying radiotracer methodology, serial measurements of the amount or concentration of the radiotracer in one or more tissues are typically graphed as a function of time post-administration. (It is implicitly assumed that tissues of interest, including the target and/or critical organs, are, in fact, “measurable.“) The resulting time-activity curve itself may be characterized as an “empirical” pharmacokinetic model in that it is a mathematical description of the distribution of the radiotracer incorporating information derived only by direct measurement. If the activity measurements are not corrected for radioactive decay, then the area under the time-activity curve represents the timeintegral of the activity, that is, the cumulated activity [Eq. (2)]. The area under the time-activity curve may be evaluated by planimetry or some method of numeric integration (e.g., the trapezoidal rule, Simpson’s rule, etc.). However, the accuracy of such integration is highly dependent on judicious timing and adequate frequency of the measured data. An important advantage of empirical pharmacokinetic models is that no simplifying assumptions are introduced regarding the analytic form of the time-activity data or the biology of the radiotracer distribution. While it is difficult to measure the “zero-time” activity (in percent of administered activity) in a given tissue, one can reasonably equate this parameter with the percent of the total body volume of distribution of the radiotracer (e.g., plasma volume, extracellular water volume, etc.) contained in that tissue. It is also impossible to measure the activity or activity concentration indefinitely. It is therefore desirable but often impractical to include a sufficiently “late” final measurement (e.g., after five physical halflives, after the total body activity has decreased to less than 10% of the administered activity, etc.), to sufficiently minimize this source of error. Accordingly, one must generally assume that after the final measurement in a given tissue, its time-activity curve simply parallels that of the total body or there is no biological elimination (i.e., there is elimination only by radioactive decay in situ); this latter approach, which is used for blood and for the total body in 517 Strand, Zanzonico, and Johnson: Pharmacokinetic modeling the kinetic analysis of the low-activity tracer administration for planning radioiodine treatment of metastatic thyroid cancer,’ may result in overestimation of cumulated activities. 517 function parameters [i.e., (Ah)j and (λ h )j ], related to the deviation of the measured time-activity curve from the fitted distribution function, q h (t). Incorporating the distribution function notation into the expression for the cumulated activity, A h , Eq. (3) can be reformulated as follows: B. Analytic pharmacokinetic models In part to overcome the inability of empirical pharmacokinetic models to reasonably extrapolate beyond the generally limited time-activity data, one may fit these data to an analytic function (sometimes referred to as a “distribution function”). Implicit in such an “analytic” pharmacokinetic model is the assumption that the time-activity curve follows the fitted time-dependent function before the first measurement as well as after the final measurement. Since biological processes (such as the exchange of material among tissues) are generally assumed to follow first-order kinetics, time-activity curves are generally fit to a sum of exponentials (“by eye,” by exponential "curve stripping,” or, more commonly, by a computerized “least-squares” fitting algorithm5 3): where q h (t) is the distribution function for source region r h, that is, the radioactive decay-corrected activity (e.g., in Bq) in source region r h at time t post-administration (e.g., in h) of the radiotracer, (Ah ) j is the activity (e.g., in Bq) for the jth exponential component in source region r h , at time t=0, and (λ h )j is the biological disappearance constant (e.g., in h-1) of the jth exponential component of the time-activity curve in source region r h, that is, the fraction of activity eliminated per unit time for the jth exponential component of the time-activity curve for source region r h . Time-activity data are generally plotted in semilogarithmic graphs, that is, the activity or activity concentration is plotted on a logarithmic ordinate scale versus the time on an arithmetic abscissa scale. In this way, each exponential component of the distribution function, q h (t), appears as a linear segment of the time-activity curve, and the number of exponential components corresponds to the identifiable number of linear segments. (If the “slopes” of the linear segments are not widely different, however, the resolution of the time-activity curve into distinct exponential components may be problematic). If the empirical time-activity curve is monotonically decreasing, the biological disappearance constants, (λ h)j, are negative (See Appendix I). In this case, the generally rising initial portion (i.e., the so-called “uptake phase”) of the time-activity curve has not been sampled and will not be accurately represented by the resulting distribution function, q h (t). If the empirical time-activity curve is more complex, consisting of both increasing and decreasing segments, the respective biological disappearance constants, (λ h), are positive and negative. Note that, in addition to the experimental error, or uncertainty, associated with each activity measurement, fitting the time-activity curve to an analytic function introduces an error in the estimated values of the Medical Physics, Vol. 20, No. 2, pt. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 where λ is the physical decay constant (e.g., in h - 1) of the radionuclide in the radiotracer, that is, the fraction of activity eliminated per unit time by radioactive decay. Substituting the expression for the distribution function, ( qh (t), in Eq. (4) into the expression for the cumulated activity, à h, in Eq. (5) and evaluating the resulting definite integral yields the following expression: C. Compartmental pharmacokinetic models 1. General aspects An alternative, “physiological” approach to the determination of cumulated activities is based upon compartmental analysis,4 9 , 5 4 - 5 6 wherein a biological system is treated as an assortment of interconnected compartments each consisting of an ensemble of identical chemical or physical units. Each such ensemble is somehow localized in an identifiable anatomic entity (e.g., an organ such as the liver), an identifiable functional entity (e.g., the reticuloendothelial system), or an identifiable physical entity (e.g., the extracellular water space). Any such anatomically, functionally, or physically localized ensemble constitutes a “compartment.” Such an ensemble may not, however, actually be localized in any such identifiable entity and its existence as a discrete compartment is then purely conceptual. Normally, compartments tend to remain constant in terms of the size of the ensemble (i.e., the number of chemical or physical units), while undergoing continual turnover, by the net rate of input equaling the net rate of output. The existence of such a dynamic equilibrium, or “steady state,” the identifiability of specific compartments and the detectability of the flux of a non-perturbing tracer through various such compartments are implicit assumptions of compartmental analysis. A compartmental model is thus characterized by the number of compartments and by transition probabilities, or “exchange rates,” between compartments and may be represented mathematically by a set of coupled ordinary differential equations: where dF(i,t)/dt is the flux of the tracer (e.g., in Bq/h through compartment i, that is, the net amount of tracer per unit time traversing compartment i, F(i,t),F(j,t) i s the amount of tracer (e.g., in Bq) in compartments i and j, respectively, at time t post-administration (e.g., in h), L(i,j,t),L(j,i,t) are the fractional exchange rates (e.g., in 518 Strand, Zanzonico, and Johnson: Pharmacokinetic modeling h -l) of the amount of tracer to compartment i from compartment j and to compartment j from compartment i, respectively, and n is the number of compartments in the model. The exchange rates, L(i,j,t) and L(j,i,t), are generally constant with time (i.e., time-invariant) and the flux of the tracer, dF(i,t)/dt, is generally a linear (i.e., first-order) function of the compartmental tracer contents, F(i,t) a n d F(j,t), yielding a set of coupled linear differential equations (i.e., a=b=1) and a so-called linear model. When solved, the time-dependent amount of tracer in compartment i, F(i,t), is represented by a sum of exponentials. 2. MAb nonlinear compartment models In a compartmental model of systemically administered antibody, the finite antigen concentration and the resulting saturability of antigenic binding sites requires a non-linear compartmental model (i.e., a set of coupled differential equations including at least one non-linear differential equation), since the rates of association of the antigen and antibody and of dissociation of the antigen-antibody complex are not constant but dependent on the instantaneous concentrations of antigen, antibody, and antibody-antigen c o m p l e x .57,58 If “Ag,” “Ab,” and “AgAb” represent antigen, antibody, and antibody-antigen complex, respectively, then the antigen-antibody interaction can be represented by the following chemical reaction, characteristic of reversible bimolecular binding reactions: w h e r e k+ 1 is the association rate constant (e.g., in h - 1 M -1), that is, the fractional amount of antibody binding to antigen per unit time per unit concentration of antigen and k -1 is the dissociation rate constant (e.g., in h - 1), that is, the fractional amount of antibody-antigen complex dissociating into free antigen and antibody per unit time. Accordingly, the gross rate of antibody binding to antigen to form the antibody-antigen complex and the gross rate of dissociation of the antibody-antigen complex to yield free antibody and antigen are given by Eqs. (10) and (11), respectively. (It is important to note that Eqs. (10) and (11) represent the gross, not the net [as is usually presented], binding and dissociation rates, respectively and presented to demonstrate the mathematical relationship between conventional antigen-antibody binding parameters and compartmental model exchange rates.): Medical Physics, Vol. 20, No. 2, Pt. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 518 where [Ab] is the concentration (e.g., in M) of free antibody, [Ag] is the concentration (e.g., in M) of free antigen, and [AbAg] is the concentration (e.g., in M) of antibodyantigen complex. Equations (10) and (11) can be re-arranged to yield Eqs. (12) and (13), respectively, giving the fractional rates of antibody binding to antigen and of dissociation of the antibody-antigen complex: If one now identifies a free antibody compartment and a bound antibody (i.e., an antibody-antigen complex) compartment, then the free antibody-to-bound antibody and the bound antibody-to-free antibody exchange rates are given, by definition, by Eqs. (12) and (13), respectively. Because the free antigen concentration is not constant, the free antibody-to-bound antibody exchange rate is not constant [Eq. (12)] and a nonlinearity is thereby introduced. Nonetheless, Eq. (11) can be reformulated entirely in terms of evaluable quantities to yield a time-varying expression for the gross free antibody-to-bound antibody exchange rate: where [Ag] 0 is the total antigen concentration (e.g., in M) in the antigen-positive tissue, F[AbAg,t] is the amount of antibody (e.g., in mole) in the bound antibody compartment, and V d is the volume of distribution (e.g., in l) of the antibody in the antigen-positive tissue. (This may be approximated by the total volume or, preferably, the extracellular water volume of the antigen-positive tissue.) Note that if the amount of administered antibody is sufficiently small, the total concentration of antigen, [Ag] 0, will greatly exceed the concentration of antibody-antigen complex, [AbAg] = F(AbAg,t)/V d. It is mathematically obvious that the gross exchange rate of antibody binding to antigen is thus essentially constant and the overall compartmental model is thereby linearized. 3. Compartment model solution To “solve” a compartmental model, that is, to derive a compartmental model for which discrete values of the calculated compartmental contents, F(i,t), agree with the corresponding experimental data, within the respective uncertainty of each datum, the number of compartments and the values of the exchange rates, L(i,j,t), must be determined. There is actually no unique solution for a given set of experimental data since any compartmental model can be enlarged beyond the “resolution” possible from the data 519 Strand, Zanzonico, and Johnson: Pharmacokinetic modeling by the introduction of additional compartments (i.e., degrees of freedom). In practice, the ambiguity, or “nonuniqueness,” of compartmental model solutions is highly problematic because of the generally limited experimental data available in terms of both number of compartments sampled and the number and timing of data for each compartment. One generally adopts the compartmental model having the minimum number of compartments and consistent with the known relevant “biology,” subject to the following criteria: the “sum of squares” deviation between the calculated compartmental contents, F(i,t), and the corresponding experimental data should be minimized; the calculated compartmental contents, F(i,t), should be randomly, not systematically, dispersed about the corresponding experimental data; and the standard error of the parameter estimates should be reasonably small. 55,56 It is important to recognize, however, that the existence of compartmental model solution satisfying these criteria does not in itself constitute a “validation,” or proof, of a model. While difficult to define rigorously, validation of a compartmental model is related to its ability to qualitatively and quantitatively predict the biodistribution of a tracer in the system being modeled (i.e., yield calculated compartmental contents equal to the corresponding experimental data with the respective uncertainty of each datum) in response to a quantifiable perturbation of the system. An elegant example of such a quantifiable perturbation is extracorporeal immunoadsorption; its use in the validation of compartmental models of MAb is discussed below. The mathematical formalism for solving compartmental models, whether analytic or numeric (i.e., iterative), is formidable and, even for relatively simple models, outside the scope of this chapter; the reader is referred to Ref. 54-56. CONSAAM , an interactive, or “conversational,” version of Berman’s SAAM (simulation, analysis, and modeling) program is an extremely powerful, widely used, and fully supported compartmental modeling program. 5 7 The compartmental modeling-based calculation of cumulated activities can be performed by any number of methods. Solving the series of differential equations that define the model yield the model’s parameters (i.e., the amplitude and decay constant for each exponential term). Substitution of these parameters back into the defining differential equations, and integration from t=O to infinity, yield the cumulative activity specific to each source organ. Zanzonico et al.,58,59 have adapted the CONSAAM program to calculate the cumulated activity in source region r h , Ah , by introducing "virtual" compartments. For internal radionuclide dosimetry for MAb, Johnson has published a computer program, MABDOS .60 IV. PHYSIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF MAb Antibody molecules are complex molecular structures, grouped into five distinct classes, IgG, IgA, IgM, IgE, and IgD. An IgG molecule has two long and two short amino acid chains called heavy and light chains, respectively. The molecular weight of MAb lies between 150000 and 900000 kDa for the intact antibody and between 50000 Medical Physics, Vol. 20, No. 2, Pt. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 519 and 100000 kDa for the various fragments. The size is approximately 5-20 nm for intact antibody and l-3 nm for fragments. 61 To alter the biokinetics of the antibodies, the antibody molecule can be fragmented into Fab or F(ab’) 2 fragments. Many experimental and clinical reports have demonstrated low neoplastic-to-normal tissue activity uptake ratios. This may be due to the formation of antibody-antigen complexes, antibody metabolism in the reticuloendothelial system (RES), variability of antigen expression and limited access of antibodies to the tumor tissue. 62-66 Moreover complexes formed from the injected antibodies and host antibodies or circulating antigen will accumulate in the RES and the kidneys, although some reduction in circulating antigen can be obtained by plasmapheresis. 6 7 Many methods have been suggested to accelerate the clearance of residual circulating antibodies from the blood, including administration of second antibodies that will form complexes and be cleared by the RES. 68 A second approach is a two-stage method in which radiolabeled avidin is administered following the injection of a biotinylated administration of avidin-antibody a n t i b o d y6 9 o r conjugates. 7 0 - 7 2 V. TRANSPORT OF MACROMOLECULES INTO TISSUE The transport of antibody molecules into a tissue is governed by perfusion, microvascular permeability, interstitial transport, cell membrane permeability, concentration gradients, antigen concentration and antibody-antigen binding affinity. A summary of these factors and their implementation in pharmacokinetic modeling is given by Zanzonico et al.58 and Eger et al. 7 3 The Mab are transported via the blood stream or the lymph to tissues where they can cross the capillary endothelium to reach the interstitial fluid and thus to bind to cell-surface antigens. Capillary filtration depends not only upon the hydrostatic and colloid osmotic pressure, but on the endothelial wall porosity as well. The difference in capillary protein permeability approximately parallels the difference in filtration coefficient. The results from Ingvar et a1.74-76 confirm that so called “nonspecific binding” in organs is, to some extent, the result of capillary protein permeability and not to any active binding mechanism. This step is probably the most important factor in explaining why monoclonal antibodies do not achieve the high uptake ratios projected from in vitro experiments, Because of the size of the MAb and closed basement membrane of capillary endothelium in most normal tissues, penetration from the blood is very slow. The antibodies, however, have good access to liver (Kupffer cells), spleen and bone marrow because of fenestration of the basement membrane. The mean penetration time into extravascular space occurs with a half-life of the order of 10-50 h in normal tissue, whereas in solid tumors it is of the order of 10-20 h. The permeability, coupled with the possible expression of antigens on normal tissue, may limit tumor-tonormal tissue concentration ratios in vivo. However, Jain 77 noted that the neoplastic endothelium is much less struc- 520 Strand, Zanzonico, and Johnson: Pharmacokinetic modeling tured and has a higher probability of being more permeable to macromolecules than normal tissue endothelia. In the study of Covell et al. the transcapillary movement of antibodies was greatest in the lung, liver and spleen with the values 0.53, 0.35 and 0.20 ml min -1 g - 1, respectively. For other organs, the values are: kidney, 0.09, gut, 0.006, and carcass (skin, bone and muscle), 0.0003 m l m i n- 1 g - 1. A comparison was also made with other d a t a79 in which the transport of Dextrans with different molecular weights (equivalent Stoke’s radii for whole IgG and fragments) had been measured: Dextran (110000), 0.0023 ml/min and IgG, 0.0036 ml/min; Dextran (20000)) 0.0061 ml/min and F(ab’) 2, 0.0041 ml/min; and Dextran (10000), 0.029 ml/min and Fab’, 0.050 ml/min. The red bone marrow is characterized by large pores (<100nm) and allows free flow of plasma through the marrow parenchyma and rapid (i.e., within minutes after i.v. injection) equilibration of large molecules. It was found that there is rapid, high uptake of labeled antibodies in the bone marrow. 80-82 These considerations were incorporated into a wholebody compartmental model of systemically administered radioiodinated MAb, where Zanzonico et al. 58 postulated a “rapidly exchanging tissue” (most visceral tissue) with an exchange rate constant from the vascular space to the extravascular space of the order of 0.07 h - 1. For a “slowly exchanging tissue” (most nonvisceral tissue), a rate constant of 0.02 h-1 was assumed. Plasma and reticuloendothelial tissue (bone marrow, lymph nodes, and spleen) were combined into one compartment due to the rapid equilibration of plasma-borne antibodies with these tissues; for clarification, the reader is referred to the definition of a “compartment” presented above. VI. TUMOR MAb UPTAKE Human tumors and cultured human cells express antigenic heterogeneity, perhaps related to cell size, cell function, stage of cell cycle, invasiveness, etc. This will result in a very uneven antibody distribution. 8 3 Ingvar et al.8 4 showed that in 58 metastases from 27 patients with malignant melanoma, evaluated by immunohistochemistry and three different MAb’s, all of the metastases were positive for at least one of the three antibodies. In 15 patients where more than one metastases was removed, four patients showed both positive and negative staining for two of the antibodies, in different metastases. In autoradiographic studies large variations in the activity distribution within tumors has been observed. 85-89 In a number of studies, it has been shown that there exists an inverse relationship between the specific tumor antibody uptake and tumor mass. 90-96 Data from the Lund g r o u p9 6 for different labeling methods show such an inverse relationship for specific antibodies, whereas for unspecific antibodies, uptake is unrelated to the tumor size. These results are in accordance with Cheung et al. 92 I n contrast, however, Williams et al. 93 showed such a relationship for unspecific antibodies. An explanation for these observations may be related to tumor surface area,91 geometry of tumor blood flow, 93 o r Medical Physics, Vol. 20, No. 2, Pt. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 520 surface vascularization of tumor.94 Although all of these data have been obtained in animals, there is evidence for the same phenomenon occurring in man. VII. MICROSCOPIC PHARMACOKINETIC MODELS The principal factor affecting a favorable diffusion of antibodies into tumors is the concentration gradient. 9 7 Theoretical studies of MAb penetration into tumors have been undertaken by Weinstein et al. 97-99 They have developed a mathematical model incorporating capillary transport, tumor interstitial diffusion and antigen-antibody interaction. The time varying plasma concentration of MAb is also modeled. The results have been evaluated as total and free MAb distribution profiles, average total MAb concentration, and an index of nonuniformity of MAb distribution. They have found a “binding-site barrier” causing a heterogeneous MAb distribution within the tumor nodule because of retarding of the free MAb entering the nodule. They also observed that a high affinity gives a high MAb concentration close to the capillaries but with no increase in the average concentration. Also, decreasing the antibody-antigen binding affinity will result in a small decrease in average concentration, but will improve the percolation for a given MAb concentration. In addition by increasing the MAb concentration in plasma the “bindingsite barrier” could by overcome at the expense of lower uptake ratios between tumor and normal tissues. As pointed out by the authors this is strictly a theoretical model with no experimental verification. However, it suggests possible investigations on the micropharmacological level are necessary for a better understanding of MAb behavior and therapeutic results. Combined with dosimetric calculations, such a mathematical model may lead to absorbed dose profiles within tumors. VIII. MACROSCOPIC PHARMACOKINETIC MODELS A. Human models As noted, a whole-body compartmental model for systemically administered radioiodinated antibody has been developed by Zanzonico et a1.58 based on theoretical physiological considerations and literature data (Fig. 1). It comprises a MAb-nonspecific part with “rapid” and “slowly” exchangeable tissue compartments, and a “humped” compartment of plasma and RES with a liver compartment responsible for the rapid uptake of damaged antibodies. The model also includes a MAb-specific binding part with nonlinear exchange rates dependent on the Ag concentration. Thus compartments for tumor and normal tissue with free and bound Ab are included. Tumor is represented as a rapidly exchanging tissue. Additionally a compartment with lumped plasma and RES to model circulating antigen-antibody complexes is included. Finally catabolism and deiodination were treated in a coupled linear compartment model for iodine kinetics. With this model (see Fig. 1) the influence of administered amount of antibody and size of tumor on the distribution of Ab-Ag complexes in plasma, normal tissue and tumor were investigated. The theoretical model was then simplified (exclud- 521 Strand, Zanzonico, and Johnson: Pharmacokinetic modeling FIG. 1. (a) A proposed whole-body compartmental model for systemically administered radioiodinated “anti-tumor” antibody 58 (b) The radioactive decay-corrected percent administered activity of radioiodinated "anti-tumor” antibody at “equilibrium” (i.e., 100 h post-administration) as antigen-antibody complex per gram of antigen-positive tissue as a function of the amount58 of administered antibody for “Standard Man” bearing a 100-g tumor, calculated using the compartmental model in (a) and the hypothetical [but realistic for anticarcinoembryonic antigen (CEA)] IgG parameters tabulated below. Medical Physics, Vol. 20. No. 2, Pt. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 521 ing antigen-positive tissue and “rapidly exchanging tissue”) and used in colorectal cancer patient studies with 131 I-antiCEA MAb. The measured and the model-derived percent administered activities in blood, liver, thyroid, and urine were in reasonable agreement (typically within 10%), For a 2GBq administered activity dose, the modelderived absorbed doses to bone marrow, liver, thyroid, and total body were 1.7, 2.0, 2.2, and 0.58 Gy, respectively. It is noteworthy that the compartmental model-derived and analytically (i.e., exponential curve fitting) derived cumulated activities and resulting absorbed doses were nearly identical, demonstrating that, in general, any pharmacokinetic modeling approach can reliably be used for calculation of cumulated activities. In another study linear and nonlinear parameters were tested in different models for optimal fitting to observed patient data (i.e., time-dependent amounts of intravascular free intact antibody, iodine, and immunocomplex) of in123 100 jected 1-Lym-1 MAb. The final nonlinear model has some resemblance to the Zanzonico model, although the former tries to include more details and consequently has a larger number of compartments. An important observation was that published data for human immunoglobulin kinetics was not applicable, because of the foreign nature of murine-MAb in man, causing an increased accumulation in the liver. The nonlinear model could be treated as linear when the amount of MAb was small compared to the number of receptors. The model was then used for calculating blood time-activity curves for different plasma concentrations of MAb. The time-activity curves fit well with observed clinical data. A nonlinear compartment model was developed for 111 In-9.2.27 MAb in patients by Eger et al. 101 M e a s u r e ments were performed in blood and urine and were supplemented with scintillation camera images over spleen and liver. A minimum number of compartments was used: one for labeled antibody containing saturable and unsaturable binding together with a plasma component and one for labeled low-molecular weight components from antibody fragmentation. After fitting the experimental data to the model, the rate constants were derived and the kinetics at different MAb concentrations calculated. In the three human studies above, kinetic measurements of blood/plasma and urine activity with several scintillation camera measurements of, for example, liver and/or spleen activity were successfully used to solve compartmental models, and, in the case of Zanzonico et al., 58 t o perform dosimetric calculations. These studies demonstrate not only the practicality of compartmental modeling-based radiation dosimetry, but, more importantly, the predictive capability of compartmental models in potentially optimizing radioimmunotherapy through simulations of systemic variation of, for example, the amount of administered antibody (see Fig. 1.). Modeling of the pharmacokinetics in man of 111 In antiCEA MAb has also been reported by Rescigno et al. 102 In addition to external measurements they analyzed blood and urine samples for multiple radiolabeled forms. The SAAM derived compartment model revealed that immuno- 522 Strand, Zanzonico, and Johnson: Pharmacokinetic modeling 522 complexes were formed in the blood and that the rate of uptake in the liver depends on the blood antibody concentration. absorbed dose calculations, including therapeutic index, and for prediction after hypothetical modifications of the pharmacokinetics. B. Animal models IX. COMPARTMENTAL MODELING OF EXTRACORPOREAL IMMUNO-ADSORPTION (ECIA) A pharmacological linear compartment model for IgG and its fragments has been developed by Cove11 et al. 77 The model was used to investigate the kinetics of MAb in a system with no known antigen binding sites. The model was fitted to experimental data from 131 I-labeled MAb. It was a theoretical model with almost all parameters taken from the literature. It included MAb extraction from plasma with known plasma flow and plasma MAb concentration, with each organ having one interstitial and one cell-associated compartment. The model (derived) and the experimental data agreed well. Results showed that largest levels of antibody cycling through the interstitial space were in organs with the highest plasma flow and the largest permeability-surface area product. Organs with the highest capillary permeability (e.g., liver, spleen, kidney) had the most rapid distribution of MAb into nonplasma spaces whereas organs with lower capillary permeability (e.g., gut and carcass) had a slower distribution. The Lund group has evaluated rate constants for several organs in a nude rat model. 103 The model was a linear multicompartment model with exchange of MAb between blood and different tissues including tumor. Rate constants were derived by fitting the model to experimental data. Activity was injected as a bolus into blood and distributed to all organs. The model assumes back flow of activity from the organs to the blood. The organs used in the model were lymph nodes, lung, liver, spleen, bone marrow, kidney, heart, tumors (subcutaneous and intramuscular), muscle, remainder (tissues not dissected), and excretion (injected activity minus whole body content measured by scintillation camera). There is good agreement between the curves calculated in the model and the measured data. This rigorous model was used for analysis of image contrast, for Medical Physics, Vol. 20, No. 2, Pt. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 When examining the rationale for radioimmunotherapy, Bigler et al.1 0 4 considered metastatic spread via the hematological system, with isolated metastatic tumor cells in bone marrow (the dose-limiting organ). They evaluated a “new” strategy based on calculation from a twocompartment nonlinear model for the plasma plus marrow extracellular space and the MAb-Ag tumor cell binding with a nearly instant equilibration of circulating MAb between plasma and marrow extracellular space and rapid tumor cell binding of MAb. To theoretically simulate the effect of ECIA on the distribution of MAb and the resulting tumor and marrow radiation dosimetry, an instant removal of 90% of the unbound MAb at 0.5 h postadministration was postulated; using Berman’s S A A M program, such an instantaneous change in the contents of a compartment can be effected mathematically using the “time-interrupt” function (i.e., without altering any parameters of the model). As demonstrated in Table I, the model demonstrated that much lower bone marrow doses and greatly increased therapeutic indices were achieved with ECIA. They projected using this strategy in combination with conventional localized cancer therapy, such as surgery, for elimination of bulk tumor. The use of extracorporeal immunoadsorption, was suggested by Strand et al. 105 for reducing the blood activity in radioimmunodiagnosis and radioimmunotherapy. This would result in the decrease of background and whole body absorbed dose, and enhance contrast and therapeutic ratios. ECIA is a well-established method in autoimmune diseases, wherein circulating antibodies are removed from the blood.106-108 Norrgren et al.103 used a linear multicompartment model to calculate contrast enhancement and ab- 523 Strand, Zanzonico, and Johnson: Pharmacokinetic modeling 523 FIG. 2. Linear multicompartment model with exchange between blood and different tissues. The calculated time-activity curves in the different tissues after simulated single ECIA at 50 h p.i. are given. Note the rapid activity build up in the blood after ECIA (confirmed later experimentally in vivo). sorbed dose reduction to critical organs after ECIA. ECIA was assumed to start at a certain time after the injection of labeled antibodies, and to instantaneously remove circulating antibodies from the blood. New time-activity curves were then calculated, using the previously derived rate constants (Fig. 2). After a single ECIA, there was a slow increase of blood activity until a steady state was reached. This accurately simulates the in vivo situation where extravascular antibodies are not removed by the ECIA and the antibodies can diffuse back from the tissues to the blood. It can be seen that the ECIA results in an increased outflow of activity from all organs. For the lung, liver, kidney and heart the decrease was considerable, while for the tumors, muscle and lymph nodes it was less pronounced. Absorbed dose calculations were performed and therapeutic indices evaluated. It was then shown that the tumor/whole body and tumor/bone marrow absorbed dose ratios differed most for short-lived radionuclides where the initial uptake in bone marrow is the critical factor. X. IN VIVO VALIDATION OF COMPARTMENT MODELLING OF ECIA Pharmacokinetic modeling of ECIA has been validated in a rat model using 125 I-labeled anti-OV albumin MAb.109 After the injection, the circulating antibody was adsorbed on an affinity column. About 90%-95% of the antibodies in the plasma were eliminated by the extracorporeal treatment. The activity is then redistributed, with the activity in the organs equilibrating with the plasma activity, resulting Medical Physics. Vol. 20, No. 2. Pt. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 in an increase in the plasma activity 24 h after the ECIA as compared to directly after the treatment. The whole-body activity was reduced by 40%-50%. These experimental results in vivo are thus consistent with the previous theoretical prediction of the MAb pharmacokinetics after ECIA. Experimental studies with tumor-bearing nude rats show similar results 110 as predicted by the model. Xl. COMPARTMENT MODELING OF ECIA IN HUMANS ECIA to remove excess antibodies in the blood, as postulated by Bigler et al. and Strand et a1., 104,105 has been performed by the Denver group. Patients with carcinomas in the lung and breast were injected with 1 1 1 In-labeled K C - 4 G 3 M A b .111-113 In nine patients at different times post injection, immunoadsorption was performed with a goat anti-mouse antibody treated column. 112 About 80% of the circulating MAb could be removed,113 somewhat lower than the theoretical and experimental predictions of the Lund group.1 0 3 Also a 20%-40% whole-body absorbed dose reduction was calculated by Johnson et al. 111 Importantly there was no alteration in the tumor kinetics. Thus this procedure might enhance the therapeutic index as predicted by Norrgren et al. 1 0 3 Based on their patient studies, the Denver group has developed a linear two compartment pharmacokinetic model for ECIA and evaluated the effect of onset and duration of treatment.114 Numeric integration of the differential equations was performed, and patient data from 524 Strand, Zanzonico, and Johnson: Pharmacokinetic modelling plasma and adsorption column were fit to the model to obtain the unknown model parameters. The model was then used to simulate plasma and ECIA-column data. Validation of the model was performed by adding noise to simulated time-activity curves and compared to patient data for goodness of fit. Statistical analysis indicated that the model was reliable. Their model predicted the observed redistribution of activity after ECIA. No data for tumor was evaluated. These results illustrate the usefulness of pharmacokinetic modeling for predictive calculations and for further use in dosimetric calculations. 524 activity measurements of blood and/or plasma, solid tumors, one or more major organs, and the total body can be performed in patients. Together with the in vitro measurement of the antigen-antibody binding parameters (which should be part of the preclinical evaluation of all MAb undergoing clinical testing), the necessary input data for solution of a compartmental model should be available. Compartmental modeling software and the necessary computer hardware are now almost universally available in academic medical centers. Thus, as discussed above, compartmental analysis-based pharmacokinetic modeling and cumulated activity distribution are a practical reality. XII. SUMMARY In general, any pharmacokinetic modeling approach can reliably be used for reduction of kinetic data to cumulated activities. However, among the many potential advantages of compartmental analysis-based pharmacokinetic modeling and cumulated activity calculation are the following. Available biological data (e.g., independently determined antibody-antigen binding parameters in the case of radiolabeled MAb) may be incorporated into a compartmental model, constraining the model (i.e., minimizing the degrees of freedom), and thereby improving the overall “goodness of fit” compared to curve fitting. “Conservation of mass” is implicitly incorporated into a compartmental model, also constraining the model, and thereby likewise improving the overall “goodness of fit.” Otherwise indeterminable cumulated activities in nonsampled microscopic source regions (e.g., extracellular space, cell surface, cytoplasm, and nucleoplasm) can be deduced. It is now clear that the activity, cumulated activity, and absorbed dose distributions of systemically administered radiolabeled MAb in tissue, particularly antigenpositive tissue such as tumor, is microscopically as well as macroscopically nonuniform.116-122 And, perhaps most importantly, parameters of validated compartment models can be systematically varied to elucidate the magnitude of the effect of such variations on the pharmacokinetics of the tracer and to determine optimum model parameter values (e.g., to maximize the tumor-to-normal tissue activity concentration ratios in the case of radioimmunotherapy) 5 8’ 115 and optimum timing and frequency of data acquisition. Simulated “parameter variation” studies can thus assist in prioritizing research efforts (by identifying which model parameters most dramatically affect the radiotracer tissue distribution) and predicting the effects of various pathologies and other conditions on the outcome of future studies. In practice (especially clinical practice), however, compartmental analysis-based pharmacokinetic modeling and cumulated activity calculation is problematic. Besides being computer- and effort-intensive, a compartmental model must be formulated and validated. In addition, for compartmental models as large and complex as those for systemically administered radiolabeled MAb 58,100 and for the generally sparse kinetic data available in clinical studies, the uncertainty of the model parameters and therefore of any model-derived quantities (e.g., cumulated activities) may be prohibitively large. Nonetheless, absolute timeMedical Physics, Vol. 20, No. 2, Pt. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 XIII. CONCLUSION In concert with continuing efforts to find more tumorspecific MAb, more reliable and predictive modeling techniques and specific models of both microscopic and macroscopic pharmacokinetics must be pursued. Some of the research areas to be addressed are more accurate and precise data on macroscopic and microscopic activity distributions measured in vivo, absolute quantitation of kinetic data in clinical trials, and for the purpose of compartmental models, kinetic measurements under quantifiably perturbated conditions in vivo. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This study has been supported by grants from John and Augusta Perssons Foundation for Medical Research, Lund, Swedish National Cancer Society, Grant No. 2353B91-05XAB, Swedish National Board for Technical Development, Grant No. 90-01878P, Mrs. Berta Kamprad’s Foundation, Lund, Sweden, Nilssons’ Foundation, Helsingborg, Sweden and U.S. National Cancer Institute, Contract N01-CM37565. 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Omaha, Nebraska 68198-1045 Cheuk S. Kwok Hamilton Regional Cancer Centre, Ontario Cancer Treatment and Research Foundation and McMaster University, Hamilton. Ontario, Canada (Received 18 March 1992; accepted for publication 23 October 1992) Calculational methods of beta-particle dosimetry in radioimmunotherapy (RIT) are reviewed for clinical and experimental studies and computer modeling of tumors. In clinical studies, absorbed-dose estimates are usually based on the in-vivo quantitation of the activity in tumors from gamma camera images. Because of the limited spatial resolution of gamma cameras, clinical dosimetry is necessarily limited to the macroscopic level (macrodosimetry ) and the MIRD formalism for absorbed-dose calculations is appropriate. In experimental RIT, tumor dimensions are often comparable to or smaller than the beta-particle range of commonly used 188 90 radionuclides (for example, 1 3 1I, 6 7Cu, 1 8 6R e , Re, Y) and deviations from the equilibrium dose must be taken into account in absorbed-dose calculations. Additionally, if small tumors are growing rapidly at the time of RIT, the effects of tumor growth will need to be included in absorbed-dose estimates. In computer modeling of absorbed-dose distributions, analytical, numerical, and Monte Carlo methods have been used to investigate the consequences of uniform and nonuniform activity distributions and the effects of inhomogeneous media. Measurements and calculations of the local absorbed dose at the multicellular level have shown that variations in this dose are large. Knowledge of the absorbed dose is essential for any form of radiotherapy. Therefore, it is important that clinical, experimental, and theoretical investigations continue to provide information on tumor dosimetry that is necessary for a better understanding of the radiobiological effects of RIT. human and experimental tumors and tumor modeling studies. I. INTRODUCTION There is an increasing body of clinical evidence which shows that antibodies labeled with beta-emitting radionuelides have resulted in tumor remissions in some patients with certain cancers. In experimental RIT, several investigators have reported complete remissions of tumor xenografts following the administration of radiolabeled antibodies. In clinical and experimental RIT, absorbed-dose calculations are essential to gain an understanding of the dose-response relationship for different cancers and varieties of antibodies labeled with beta emitters, evaluation of normal-tissue toxicity, and treatment planning. Tumor dosimetry of radiolabeled antibodies poses difficult problems, and a number of sophisticated models has been developed to address these problems. As discussed by Loevinger, 1 absorbed-dose estimates for administered radionuclides by their very nature are made for mathematical models rather than patients. This is true of the models included in this review. However, they resemble the actual biological situation as much as possible so that the results provide meaningful information for clinical and experimental RIT. The purpose of this article is to summarize some of the recently published techniques for tumor dosimetry in RIT with beta-particle emitting radionuclides. These include image-based dosimetry (macrodosimetry) often used in clinical trials, and numerical, analytical and Monte Carlo methods which have been employed for the dosimetry of 529 Med. Phys. 20 (2), Pt. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 II. CALCULATIONAL METHODS A. Macrodosimetry In clinical studies, absorbed-dose estimates are based on the in-vivo quantitation of the activity of radiolabeled antibodies in tumors from planar gamma camera images, single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), positron emission tomography (PET), or a combination of planar imaging and SPECT. Because of the limited spatial resolution of gamma cameras, clinical dosimetry is necessarily limited to the macroscopic level (macrodosimetry). Macrodosimetry is nonstochastic and due to the lack of sufficiently detailed information about source distributions, the MIRD schema for absorbed-dose calculations are used. A dosimetry model for clinical RIT was developed by Leichner et al.2,3 based on the MIRD formalism. 4 In this formulation of radiolabeled antibody dosimetry, tumor volumes were obtained from patients’ CT examinations.’ Thus, although the MIRD schema for formulating doserate equations was adopted, different tumor volumes were taken into account for each patient. The basic dose-rate equations’ were subsequently confirmed by Wessels and Rogus 6 in a radionuclide model calculation which demonstrated that methods of calculation for clinical dosimetry and computer modeling were in agreement to within 4%. In clinical or macrodosimetry, the beta radiations were 0094-2405/93/0205294%3s01.20 © 1993 Am. Assoc. Phys. Med. 529 530 P. K. Leichner and C. S. Kwok: Tumor dosimetry In radioimmunotherapy treated as nonpenetrating radiations because the tumor and normal organ volumes were large compared with the range of 131I or 9 0Y beta particles.“’ Tumor and normal organ activities were quantitated from planar gamma camera images so that, due to a lack of more detailed information, the assumption of a uniform distribution of activity was invoked in absorbed-dose calculations. The justification for this was that tumor volumes were large enough so that only a small fraction of the beta-particle energy escaped from the tumors.2 Under this circumstance, the dose from a uniform distribution equals the mean dose from a nonuniform distribution.’ Consequently, dose calculations provided a mean absorbed dose but provided no information about the range of absorbed doses. A further difficulty with this approach to macrodosimetry was that tumor volumes computed from CT scans were not necessarily the same as the volumes in which radiolabeled antibodies localized (localization volumes) because the physiological uptake of radiolabeled antibodies may not have corresponded exactly to the anatomical configuration of an organ or tumor. These difficulties can potentially be overcome with quantitative SPECT and PET which provide localization volumes and distributions of activity directly from radionuclide images.8 However, even with quantitative SPECT or PET clinical dosimetry will remain macrodosimetry. 6. Numerical and analytical methods These methods have been used to calculate absorbeddose distributions in tumors and normal tissues resulting from uniform and nonuniform distributions of beta emitters. In general, point-source functions or tabulated pointsource data were used to make numerical or analytical calculations of the absorbed dose. An empirical pointsource function developed by Loevinger et al. 9 was employed by Kwok et al. 1 0 to compute absorbed-dose distributions resulting from radially symmetric activity concentrations of 1 3 1I and 3 2P beta particles in soft tissue. The same function was also used by Griffith et al. 11 t o calculate the absorbed dose for 131 I and 9 0Y beta particles for activity distributions obtained from quantitative autoradiography. In the latter investigation, measurements were obtained with miniaturized thermoluminescent devices (TLD’s) and compared with calculations. The variation in measured absorbed dose throughout an experimental tumor was approximately 400%. Both studies showed that the absorbed-dose distributions depended strongly on the activity distributions and that for the assumed” and measured” distributions and volumes, the higher energy beta particles resulted in larger absorbed doses. Additionally, the variation in absorbed dose was greater for 1 3 1 I than for 9 0Y beta particles due to the higher energy of the latter. The measurements by Cross 12 and theoretical work by Berger 13 and Cross et al.14 showed that Loevinger's point. source was inaccurate at small and large distances from a point source. Additionally, this function breaks down for low-energy beta emitters.15 Several authors have therefore utilized the tabulated data 13,14 to develop more general analytic representations for absorbed dose distributions Medical Physics, Vol. 20, No. 2, Pt. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 530 around point sources or used these data directly in numerical calculations. For example, using tabulated values of monoenergetic electron point kernels in water calculated by Berger,13 Kwok et al.1 6 have developed analytical and numerical methods to derive dose point kernels in water for radionuclides with allowed beta transitions. The advantage of analytical representations and solutions is that they simplify calculations significantly. These authors also investigated the effects of tissue heterogeneity on absorbeddose distributions. A polystyrene (PST)-aluminum interface was used to simulate a soft tissue-bone interface and dose measurements were made at distances ranging from 0 to 314 mg/cm2 , with a 3 2P point source placed at the interface. A maximum increase of 12% in the absorbed dose was measured at approximately 30 mg/cm 2 from the interface. The implication of this study is that there may be an increase in the absorbed dose at marrow-bone interfaces resulting from backscattered radiation. In contrast, there was a decrease in absorbed dose when a PST-air interface was used to simulate a soft tissue-air interface. For lowenergy electrons, the exact positions of the point sources and the dose scoring region have an important effect on the dose enhancement.” Langmuir and Sutherland18 have investigated the effect of tumor size on absorbed-dose distributions from beta emitters when radiolabeled antibodies are not uniformly distributed in tumors. Two theoretical dosimetry models were considered; one for vascularized tumors and one for micrometastases without vasculature. In dose calculations, it was assumed that there was no penetration of radiolabeled antibodies into the tumors. These were compared to calculations based on uniform activity distributions within tumors. Absorbed-dose rates for 131 I and 9 0Y beta particles were calculated by numerical integration and the use of Berger’s point source data. 13 The results showed that for small lesions (1 mm or less in diameter) a given concentration of 1 3 1I resulted in a higher dose rate than that obtained from an equal concentration of 9 0Y beta particles, due to the lower absorbed fraction of the latter. On the other hand, for vascularized tumors, ?-labeled antibodies yielded higher absorbed dose rates and more uniform dose distributions within tumors because of overlapping contributions from multiple sources. Similar conclusions were reached by Howell et al. 1 9 who made numerical calculations of absorbed-dose distributions for several beta emitters (3 2P , 6 7C u , 9 0Y , 1 1 1A g , 1 3 1I, 1 8 8Re) and for a lowenergy electron emitter, 1 9 3 mP t . I n t h e i r m o d e l calculations, activity distributions were spherically symmetric and depended linearly and exponentially on the radial coordinate. The results demonstrated that for larger tumors (1 cm or greater in diameter) high-energy beta emitters, such as 3 2P or 9 0Y, would be most effective, whereas for smaller tumors (~1 mm in diameter) medium-energy beta particles (e.g., 131 I, 6 7Cu) were better suited. To treat micrometastases, these authors suggested the use of 1 9 3 m P t . A generalized empirical point-source function for betaparticle dosimetry was developed by Leichner et al. 20 from Berger’s tabulated absorbed-dose distributions for point 531 P. K. Leichner and C. S. Kwok: Tumor dosimetry in radioimmunotherapy sources in water.1 3 Absorbed-dose distributions for eight r a d i o n u c l i d e s (3 H, 1 4C, 3 5S, 1 3 1 I, 1 1 1 Ag, 3 2P, 9 0Y, 1 0 6 R h ) with average beta-particle energies ranging from 5.7 keV ( 3 H) to 1.43 MeV ( 106 Rh) were computed from this pointsource function. The results demonstrated agreement with tabulated data over the entire energy range and for a wide range of distances from point sources. Analytical solutions in terms of absorbed fractions were derived for two source geometries, a thin source of infinite extent and a plane source of finite thickness and infinite extent. Beta-particle dose calculations for a plane source of finite thickness were carried out for 1 3 1 I- and v-labeled antiferritin deposited in experimental tumor lines and determined to be in agreement with measurements.2 1’ 22 These calculations showed that even for uniform distributions of activity, the absorbed dose was nonuniform when tumor dimensions were comparable to or smaller than twice the distance r 9 0. The distance r9 0 is a useful parameter that indicates the distance from a point source within which 90% of the energy is absorbed. 13 Second, the absorbed dose in small tumors is significantly less than the absorbed dose for complete absorption of energy. Consequently, in experimental RIT where tumors tend to be small, absorbed-dose calculations should take tumor dimensions into consideration to determine tumor dose-response relationships. An investigation of the multicellular dosimetry of 131 I-labeled antibody in follicular lymphoma was carried out by Hui et al. 23 In this work, photomicrographs of a lymph node specimen were analyzed to determine the mean value and statistical variation of the radii of follicles, interfollicular distances, and number densities of follicles. These measurements were used to construct two geometric models, a cubic lattice model and a randomized distribution model. The cubic lattice model assumed no variation in follicular radii and interfollicular distance. In the randomized distribution model, Monte Carlo methods were used to simulate the distribution of follicular radii, interfollicular distances, and the number density of follicles. The 1 3 1I-labeled antibodies were considered to be point sources, and absorbed-dose calculations were performed using Berger’s tabulated values for point sources of beta particles in water.13 From the granular density in photomicrographs, it was determined that the activity ratio of radiolabeled antibody for follicular-to-interfollicular areas was approximately 10:1, and the spatial distribution of localized absorbed dose was calculated for an average tumor dose of 40 Gy. It was assumed that the activity distribution was fairly uniform within the follicles and uniform in the interfollicular space. Based on these data and assumptions, calculations of the local absorbed dose were made. These calculations showed that the local dose varied from 20 to 90 Gy. Additionally, 70% to 80% of the tissue (by volume) had an absorbed dose that was lower than the average dose. In this study, no significant difference was found for calculations based on the cubic lattice model and the randomized distribution model, demonstrating that in some cases a relatively simple geometric model can be a valid starting point for a difficult dosimetric problem. Simple, analytic representations for dose-rate distribuMedical Physics, Vol. 20, No. 2, Pt. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 531 tions due to regions containing beta-particle sources were developed by Werner using the energy-averaged transport m o d e l . 2 4 - 2 8 Solutions of the model were presented for planar and spherical symmetry, and for random and nonuniform source distributions. The effects of tumor size on energy absorbed fractions and antibody binding heterogeneity were further discussed by Humm.29 Absorbed fractions for-beta sources were calculated using a computer code developed specifically for that purpose. For solid tumors, a spherical model was adopted to investigate the effects of tumor size on absorbed dose. Two cases were considered, a spherical volume containing a uniform distribution of activity (“hot sphere”) and a “cold sphere” containing no activity but surrounded by a uniform distribution of activity. For “hot spheres” of radii 100 and 500 µm, absorbed fractions were computed for 2 1 1 At, 9 0Y, 7 7As, 1 3 1 Au, and 1 3 1 I. For such small tumor spheres, At and low-energy beta emitters ( 7 7As, 1 9 9Au) had the largest absorbed fractions (highest energy deposition). For “cold spheres,” dose profiles were generated for radii 0.5, 1, 2, and 4 mm. These showed that high-energy beta emitters, such as 90Y, resulted in the highest absorbed dose in “cold regions” resulting from the surrounding activity. The dosimetry of radiolabeled antibodies for nonsolid tumors; that is, isolated tumor cells as is the case for circulating leukemia cells was also considered by Humm. For assumed cellular and nuclear diameters of 20 and 10 µm, respectively, it was calculated that only one in 16 particles emitted on a cell surface membrane would traverse the nucleus. It was, therefore, suggested that for this type of RIT, radionuclides that emit large numbers of low-energy electrons, e.g., 119 Sb might be optimal, as previously mentioned by Sastry et al. 3 0 These dosimetric considerations were developed further by Humm and Cobb31 in calculations of the energy deposition at the cellular level. One tumor model consisted of a random distribution of cells, and absorbed-dose calculations were made for two different source distributions: a uniform distribution of sources and sources geometrically placed on cell membranes. For a uniform distribution of sources, the MIRD schema for absorbed dose calculations was valid if the tumor was large enough so that boundary effects could be ignored. For cell-surface bound antibodies the energy deposited in cell nuclei was expressed as the sum of two components: the energy deposition in the cell nucleus from sources bound to the membrane of that cell and the energy deposition to neighboring cell nuclei to which the source was not bound. The energy deposited per cell nucleus per decay was calculated for 211 At, 199 Au, 131 I, and 90Y with internuclear distances ranging from 10 to 100 µm. The results showed that of the three beta emitters, 90Y deposited the largest amount of energy per nucleus per decay for both source distributions and all internuclear distances considered. Additionally, 90Y required the smallest number of decays per cell membrane for 99% cell inactivation. We note, however, that in this model 211 At was superior to the three beta emitters in energy deposition and number of decays required for cell inactivation. In all of the models discussed, calculations of the ab- 532 P. K. Leichner and C. S. Kwok: Tumor dosimetry in radioimmunotherapy sorbed dose for tumors were made for constant tumor mass. This assumption is justified in many experimental and clinical trials in RIT because tumors are either no longer growing or are growing at a slow rate. However, small tumors and micrometastases may be growing rapidly at the time of antibody administration so that tumor mass and the absorbed fraction can change significantly during treatment. This dosimetric problem was investigated by Howell et al.33 who generalized the MIRD Schema to include the time dependence of tumor mass and absorbed fractions in absorbed-dose calculations. The modified MIRD equations were applied to an in-vitro model (multicellular V79 spheroids) and an in-vivo tumor (myeloma). The results of this work show that tumor growth can be a significant factor in tumor dosimetry and that in rapidly growing tumors the absorbed dose will be overestimated if such growth is not taken into account in calculations. III. MONTE CARLO METHODS The widely used tables of beta-particle dose kernels by Berger 13 and Cross14 are based on Spencer’s 33,34 numerical solution of the transport equation of primary electrons in a uniform unbounded medium in the continuous slowingdown approximation (csda). Calculations based on Spencer’s theory agreed well with measurements 12 and this provided a sound basis for beta-particle dosimetry. An important advance has been the development of Monte Carlo methods for the simulation of electron transport. By dividing the electron path into small segments, Berger 3 5 took into account multiple scattering and energy loss fluctuations. Departures from csda due to delta-ray and bremsstrahlung production were also incorporated and resulted in improved point kernels for monoenergetic electrons in w a t e r . 36 T h e s e r e s u l t s w e r e s p e c t r a l l y w e i g h t e d b y Prestwich et al.37 to calculate beta dose point kernels for 32 P, 6 7C u , 9 0Y, 1 3 1 I, 1 8 6 Re, and 1 8 8 Re. Additionally, the authors provided an analytic representation of the point kernels. A different approach was taken by Simpkin and Mackie 38 who employed the EGS4 Monte Carlo computer code to generate point kernels in water for 3 2P, 6 7Cu, 9 0Y , 105 Rh, 1 3 1I, 1 5 3Sm, 1 8 6Re, and 1 8 8Re beta particles. Originally developed for high-energy physics, the EGS4 code has become very useful in medical physics and can be obtained from Oak Ridge National Laboratory. 39 Simpkin and Mackie compared their results with those published by Berger 36 and Prestwich et al.33 and concluded that for radionuclides of interest in RIT, the agreement in point kernels obtained by different authors was remarkably good. The EGS4 Monte Carlo code was also used by Johnson et al.4 0 to calculate the radiation-absorbed dose at a boneto-marrow interface for 1 5 3Sm, 1 8 6Re, and 1 8 6Ho. These radionuclides were chosen because they are of current interest as radiotherapeutic agents for metastatic bone cancers and for marrow ablation. In this calculation, activity was taken to be distributed uniformly at midplane in the endosteum which was modeled as a 10-µm-thick slab between marrow and cortical bone. The calculated absorbed dose distributions included contributions from atomic elecMedical Physics, Vol. 20, No. 2, Pt. 2. Mar/Apr 1993 532 trons, beta particles, and photons. An important result of this investigation was that the backscatter contribution to the absorbed dose in the marrow increased from 3% to 4% at the source to 6% to 8% at a marrow depth of 100 µm. These results are consistent with those obtained by Kwok et al.1 7 Humm41 has described a Monte Carlo computer model to calculate energy deposition in tumor cell nuclei following the administration of “‘At-labeled antibodies. This approach to the dosimetry of radiolabeled antibodies was subsequently extended by Humm and Cobb 31 to simulate the tubular structure of differentiated colon carcinoma. Cells of 10-µm radii containing 5-µm spherical nuclei were assumed to be packed along cylinders which were separated by a variable distance. The sources ( 2 1 1 At or 1 3 1 I ) were placed on the outer surfaces of the cylinders. For 131I, a constant LET (0.2 keV/µm) model was used with straight line tracks of range 487 µm. The energy deposition per cell nucleus per decay was calculated for a uniform distribution of sources throughout the tumor volume and for sources bound to the outer surface of the cylinders with an outer radius of 50 µm and an inner radius of 30 µm. The cell nuclei were centered at 40 µm from the cylinder axis. A geometric enhancement factor was computed by dividing the energy deposition resulting from bound sources by the energy deposition from uniformly distributed (unbound) sources. These calculations were made for distances between cylinders ranging from 0 to 200 µm. The geometric enhancement factor was greater than one at all intercylinder distances showing that the energy deposited per cell nucleus per decay was greater for sources bound uniformly to the outer surfaces than for sources distributed uniformly throughout the tumor. This theoretical tumor model demonstrated that the geometric enhancement factor, and hence the absorbed dose, depended strongly on the spatial source-to-nuclei relationship at the micrometer level. IV. DISCUSSION In this article, we have summarized some of the calculational methods for tumor dosimetry in RIT, with emphasis on beta particles. There are several reasons for this. As stated in the Introduction, antibodies conjugated to betaparticle emitting radionuclides have resulted in tumor remissions. Second, currently used radiolabels in clinical RIT, such as 1 3 1 I, 6 7Cu, 1 8 6 Re, 1 8 8 Re, and 9 0Y emit beta particles that span a wide range of energies and it was, therefore, important to review methods used and results obtained by different authors in the computation of pointsource kernels. In general, Monte Carlo calculations have resulted in improved beta and electron point-dose kemels 35-38 as compared to those based on electron transport theory. 3 3 , 3 4 However, for beta emitters of interest in RIT, differences in point-source kernels obtained by different methods were determined to be small. 38 For these beta emitters it is, therefore, appropriate to use tabulated values12,13 of absorbed-dose distributions in analytical or numerical dose calculations. For completeness, we note that in all references cited, bremsstrahlung has not been 533 P. K. Leichner and C. S. Kwok: Tumor dosimetry In radioimmunotherapy included in tumor dose calculations because in soft tissue less than 1% of the beta-particle energy is converted to bremsstrahlung. 42,43 The type of information needed for tumor dosimetry in RIT is under most circumstances no different than that needed for other biologically distributed radionuclides: physical data for the decay of the radionuclide, the distribution of absorbed energy of the emitted radiations, and cumulated activities or residence times in the tumor. An added difficulty, not usually encountered in normal-tissue dosimetry, may occur if a tumor is rapidly growing. In this case, the time dependence of tumor mass and absorbed fractions will need to be included in dose calculations. 3 2 Activity distributions as a function of time and cumulated activities in tumors are difficult to obtain. This is especially true in clinical studies and to a lesser extent in experimental RIT where serial necropsies can provide the necessary information. The shortcomings of image-based macrodosimetry are well-understood: limited spatial resolution and difficulties associated with the extraction of quantitative information from planar gamma camera or emission-tomographic images. Although for most tumors that can be imaged a mean value of activity and hence absorbed dose can be determined, this information is not sufficient to unravel the radiobiological effects of RIT. Therefore, macrodosimetry will need to be augmented by dosimetry on the cellular or multicellular level. For example, the dosimetry of 131 I-labeled antibodies in follicular lymphoma 23 has shown that calculations of the local absorbed dose can be used to make improved estimates of the cell killing efficiency of radiolabeled antibodies. Knowledge of the absorbed dose is central to radiation oncology and for gaining an understanding of dose-response relationships in RIT. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS One of the authors (PKL) gratefully acknowledges port under DOE Grant No. DE-FG02-91ER61195. other author (CSK) acknowledges support by Natural ences and Engineering Research Council of Canada U.S. NC1 Grant No. CA50872. 1 supThe Sciand R. Loevinger, “Distributed radionuclide sources,” in Radiation Dosimetry, edited by F. H. Attix and E. Tochilin (Academic, NY, 1969) Volume III. 2 P. K. Leichner, J. L. Klein, J. B. Garrison, R. E. Jenkins, E. L. Nickoloff, D. S. Ettinger, and S. E. Order, “Dosimetry of 131I-labeled antiferritin in hepatoma: A model for radioimmunoglobulin dosimetry,” Intl. J. Rad. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 7, 323-333 (1981). 3 P. K. Leichner, J. L. Klein, S. S. Siegelman, D. S. Ettinger, and S. E. Order, “Dosimetry of “‘I-labeled antiferritin hepatoma,” Cancer Treat. Rep. 67, 647-658 (1983). 4 R. J. Cloutier, E. E. Watson, R. 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Maryland Avenue, Box 440, Chicago, Illinois 60637 (Received 18 March 1992; accepted for publication 15 September 1992) In microdosimetry particular emphasis is placed on the stochastic fluctuation of dose in small target volumes such as individual cell nuclei or chromatin fiber, and their relevance to radiobiologic toxicity. Thus microdosimetry is intimately associated with models of radiation action. There are three principal areas where microdosimetry has been applied: (1) radiation protection, (2) high LET radiotherapy, e.g., neutron therapy, and (3) incorporated radionuclides, and in this latter category the importance of microdosimetry to the radiobiology of radiolabeled antibodies is becoming increasingly recognized. The objective of microdosimetry is the complete characterization of energy deposition within all target volumes throughout the tissue of interest, The importance and relevance of this pursuit will depend upon the properties of the radionuclide emissions and the spatial distribution of the radionuclide relative to the target volumes. If the distribution of internal emitters within both malignant and normal tissue is uniform, the application of microdosimetry to radioimmunotherapy (RIT) is limited to a-emitters and Auger emitters. Under such circumstances the traditional MIRD formalism for the evaluation of tumor and tissue doses from the commonly used P-emitters is entirely adequate. This, however, is rarely the case. When the distribution of radiolabeled antibody is nonuniform, techniques of dose averaging over volumes greater in size than the individual target volumes can become inadequate predictors of the biological effect. The concepts, methods, and realm of applicability of microdosimetry within the field of radioimmunotherapy are emphasized in this paper. Key words: microdosimetry, radiolabeled antibodies, energy deposition, alpha emitters, beta emitters I. CONCEPTS IN MICRODOSIMETRY A. Introduction Radiation dosimetry is the study of the physical properties of radiation energy deposition in tissue. Radiation dose in conventional dosimetry is a macroscopic concept.’ Target volumes are many orders of magnitude greater than the individual cellular entities which make up tissue. The dose to a macroscopic multicellular volume is obtained by the summation of the total energy deposited by multiple radiation tracks over the volume divided by the mass of that volume. Microdosimetry is the study of radiation energy deposition within microscopic volumes, where “microscopic” encompasses sensitive target volumes ranging from the diameter of a cell (typically 20 µm) down to the diameter of the DNA molecule (2 nm). Although microdosimetry is concerned with the same concept of energy deposition per unit mass as dosimetry, the difference in size of the target volume of interest introduces stochastic effects which are negligible in conventional dosimetry. The mag535 Med. Phys. 20 (2), Pt. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 nitude and importance of stochastic fluctuations in the target volumes depend greatly on the target diameter, on the energy and linear energy transfer (LET) of the particles, and on the relative number of particles, i.e., the magnitude of the radition dose. For example, bulk tissue receiving an absorbed dose of 1 cGy of γ− rays, results in an average number of electron track traversals of approximately 50 per cell, with a standard deviation of 7 hits. The same 1 cGy absorbed dose of a-particles would result in a spectrum of individual cell doses ranging from 0-30 cGy, with a mean number of α− particle hits per cell of only 0.1, and with 90% of the cells experiencing zero hits. 2 B. The sensitive target Several radiobiological studies point to the nucleus 3 and more specifically the DNA as the primary sensitive target for cellular inactivation.- The evidence that DNA is the principal target for radiation cell sterilization comes from studies with radionuclides which result in a dense 0094-2405/93/020535-0-08$01.20 © 1993 Am. Assoc. Phys. Med. 535 536 Humm et al.: Microdosimetric concepts in radioimmunotherapy cluster of ionizations within 2 nm of the decay site. These radionuclides exhibit extreme positional effects, i.e., if directly incorporated into the DNA they may be many fold more radiotoxic than when appended to other cellular structures. Recent debates at the radiation research conference (March 1992) at Salt Lake City alluded to the variation of DNA radiosensitivity with organizational structure, i.e., the degree of supercoiling. This topic is, however, beyond the scope of the current article. If the genome is the relevant target for cell sterilization, and the genome is assumed to be randomly distributed throughout the cell nucleus, then the magnitude of energy deposition within the cell nucleus appears to be an appropriate choice for the target dimensions with which to relate cell toxicity. If some physical parameter of dose to the cell nucleus can be related to the probability of cell death, and this parameter obtained for all cells within the tissue of interest, then a method should exist to calculate the fraction of cell survivors within a tumor following treatment by a radiolabeled antibody. This is the goal of microdosimetry in RIT. Although the use of energy deposition in the cell nucleus as the correlate for cell inactivation should be feasible for a- and P-particle emitters, it may be inappropriate for radionuclides which decay by electron capture or internal conversion, e.g., iodine-125 These isotopes decay by the induction of an inner shell vacancy in the atom. The process of electronic de-excitation of the atom results in the emission of electrons, referred to as “Auger electrons” after their discoverer, Pierre Auger.’ Since filling one vacancy by an Auger process, results in two further vacancies, a cascade of Auger transitions ensues which persists until all the vacancies have risen to the outermost atomic orbitals. Therefore, an atom which decays by electron capture or internal conversion gives rise to several low energy electrons (corresponding to the differences between the orbital electron binding energies). Such local clusters of low energy Auger electrons at the decay site have been shown to exhibit high LET-like toxicity, if the source decays within 1 or 2 nm of the DNA molecule, but low LET radiotoxicity at greater distances from the DNA target. 4,5 Under such circumstances radiation dose to the cell nucleus may be inadequate as a predictor of radiation toxicity, and determination of the energy deposition to the DNA molecule may be necessary. Although studies have been performed with 125I-radiolabeled antibody,’ this class of radionuclide will not be discussed further in this paper. The interested reader is referred to the literature.’ C. Criteria for the applicability of microdosimetry The basic criterion for determining the necessity of microdosimetry w a s e s t a b l i s h e d b y K e l l e r e r a n d Chmelevsky. 1 0This principle states that the stochastic nature of energy deposition within the target should be taken into account when the relative deviations of the local dose from the mean in the target exceeds 20%. For a uniform distribution of a long range β− source such as 90Y within the tumor, even at doses as low as 1 cGy, the average number of &particle traversals per cell nucleus is so great that the Medical Physics, Vol. 20, No. 2, Pt. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 536 concept of absorbed dose is entirely adequate. However, as Kellerer noted, the requirement of microdosimetric techniques for α− particles is almost always necessary. For example, a spherical target of diameter 5 µm requires an average dose of > 100 Gy for the use of the average dose to be sanctioned. When the distribution of sources is nonuniform, as in radioimmunotherapy, microdosimetric analysis may also be required for P-particle sources, if the fluctuation of target cell doses exceeds 20%. D. Microdosimetric quantities The most fundamental parameter in microdosimetry is the energy deposition ε1 from a single event (track intersection) with a target volume. Given a specific irradiation geometry, target size and shape and particle type, the entire probability distribution of energy deposits ƒ ( ε1) within the target volume from single traversals is referred to as a single event energy deposition spectrum. A more commonly used quantity is the single event specific energy z 1 . The quantity z 1 is the energy deposition ε1 divided by the mass of the target volume m. The quantity z 1 has been calculated and also measured, using a Rossi proportional counter, for a number of radiations.” For high dose radiation fields, of concern for therapy, one is primarily interested in multiple event spectra, where the stochastics of individual target hits is convoluted with the hit probability distribution. The microdosimetric quantity, specific energy z, used to denote the stochastic energy deposition per unit mass from multiple track traversals is the microdosimetric analog of absorbed dose. Indeed the frequency mean (z F ) of a multiple event specific energy spectrum f(z) is under most circumstances equal to the absorbed dose. However, identical zF’s resulting from differing specific energy spectra do not imply equitoxicity. This notion is of immense importance for radioimmunotherapy, since microdosimetry can predict widely differing tissue toxicities resulting from identical average tissue doses. E. The scope of microdosimetry Although traditional microdosimetry from its inception by Rossi and colleagues places emphasis on the stochastics of energy deposition primarily at low doses, in this paper a broader usage of the term has been employed to cover all studies which investigate the deposition of energy within small target, in particular cell nuclear volumes. II. METHODS There are multiple factors which influence the distribution of energy deposition within the sensitive target of the tumor cells: the energy and type of emission, the geometric relation between the source and target distributions, the kinetics of the radiolabeled antibody uptake, redistribution and clearance from the tumor tissue. For example, radiolabeled antibody may be distributed within the interstitial fluid surrounding the cell; on the surface of the cell; or taken up and retained within the cytoplasm or nucleus following antibody internalization. The full threedimensional distribution of activity as a function of time is 537 Humm et al.: Microdosimetric concepts In radioimmunotherapy required for the exact evaluation of a microdosimetric spectrum. Such spectra have been calculated from theoretical distributions.12-15 The theory of Rossi and colleagues1 has been used for the analytical determination of microdosimetric spectra for several external radiation fields. The technique involves obtaining the single event spectrum for the type of radiation in the target volume. The advantage of this method is that the single event spectrum needs only to be calculated once. The two event spectrum is the convolution of two single event spectra. The three event spectrum is given by the convolution of a two event spectrum and a single event spectrum, and so on. By summation of these multiple convolutions the multiple event energy deposition spectrum is obtained. Roesch expanded this theory to internal emitters, and obtained analytical solutions for a number of nonuniform distributions of 239Pu particles in tissue.16 Single event spectra for 2 3 9Pu a-particles were determined by Monte Carlo methods, and from proportional counter measurements.” Using Fourier or Laplace transform methods to combine single event spectra, specific energy spectra can be evaluated for several geometries very rapidly. Fisher applied the work of Roesch to evaluate microdosimetric spectra for a-emitting radiolabeled antibodies over a broad class of irradiation geometries. 1 2 An alternative approach is the point dose summation methods by Monte Carlo or other methods. A distribution of sources (which may be located extracellular, on the cell surface, or intracellular) may be simulated, or obtained from digitized images of autoradiographs. 18,19 Each source decay is simulated, an energy and direction of the emission chosen. For a-particles the tracks are assumed to be straight. If the line intersects a biological target, the specific energy z deposited is determined by where m is the target mass, dE/dx the energy deposited per unit track length, t l and t2 are the entrance and exit coordinates of the track through the target. If the track ends in the target, t2 is the coordinate of the end of range of the particle. If a track begins in the target, t 1 is zero. The total distribution of specific energy f(z) for the cellular targets represents a complete description of the physical dose deposition throughout the target volume. These physical data can be combined with a biological cell inactivation model to estimate the fraction of cell survivors. Such inactivation models evaluate the fraction of cell survivors within each energy deposition bin and then perform a weighted sum of these surviving fractions over the cell populations. 13-15,20 The acquisition of such data from tissue specimens is severely limited in practice. For the treatment of malignant ascites, where the targeted disease may consist of individual free floating cells within the peritoneal cavity, such data may be obtainable by in-vitro assay. Small biopsy samples may be retrievable, for example from colorectal malignancies by sigmoidoscopy. Autoradiographic analysis from histological sections prepared from biopsies enables Medical Physics, Vol. 20, No. 2, Pt. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 537 the investigator to obtain a detailed picture of a piece of the tumor microcosmos. The usefulness of such data will depend upon how representative the specimen proves to be of the tumor bulk left remaining. A major limitation of the autoradiographic technique is the loss of temporal information. An autoradiograph is a “freeze frame” of the activity distribution in a slice of tissue at the time of specimen fixation. Techniques to adjust autoradiographic grain density data for the redistribution of radiolabeled antibody as a function of time have been proposed by Griffith et al 21 In this method micro-thermoluminescent dosimeters (200 ×400×5000 µm3 ) are inserted into the tumor tissue to obtain cumulative dose data within a small tumor volume which enables the normalization of grain densities across each section. This technique may be of considerable power when considering doses averaged over voxels of several hundred to thousand micrometer dimensions. It encounters problems when the requirements of source and target resolution approach those of cellular dimensions, since the TLD integrates indiscriminately the energy deposition from all sources within range of the crystal (for P-sources, possibly several millimeters). Thus the fluctuation of dose to individual cells within each voxel over time cannot be dealt with by this approach. The existence of a time variant nonuniform source distribution gives rise to a formidable microdosimetric problem. Success of the therapy depends upon tumor eradication. Tumor eradication depends upon the sterilization of most or possibly all clonogenic tumor cells, which necessitates the adequate deposition of dose to each and every clonogenic tumor cell. Nonuniformity of radiolabeled antibody distribution can lead to two sets of opposing consequences. Penetration of the antibody into tumor tissue may result in antibody collecting in pools as a result of heterogeneity of antigen expression and interstitial fluid flow gradients. The patchy appearance of radiolabeled antibody distribution (apparent from autoradiographs) results in a continual undulation of dose through the tumor. The magnitudes of the dose maxima and minima depend upon the spatial separation of the sources and the range of the radionuclide emissions. The mean dose can be quite different from the actual dose deposited to the individual tumor cell nuclei, and therefore not a good predictor of biological response. For example, partial radiolabeled antibody localization in the tumor results in split tumor doses, some regions receiving radiation doses greater than the average tumor dose, and others less. Normalized to the same energy deposition in the tumor, heterogeneity of radiolabel distribution commonly results in lower cellular toxicity than when the radiolabels are uniformly distributed.2 2 Certain conditions of nonuniformity of source distribution can result in a higher level of cell killing than a uniform distribution. If the sources carried by the antibody selectively localize on cell surface antigens of some or all tumor cells, then these cells can receive much higher doses than the average tissue dose. The antigen expressing tumor cells act to concentrate the radioactivity at the target sites. The magnitude of the dose to cell nuclei from radiolabeled Humm et al.: Microdosimetric concepts in radioimmunotherapy FIG. 1. Schematic diagram of a two source distributions within tissue (a) a uniform distribution of sources, and (b) a uniform distribution of sources on the cell membrane. Although the average tissue doses resulting from these two source distributions can be identical, the mean dose (specific energy) to the cell nuclei can b-e very different. sources bound to cell surface antigen relative to the average tissue dose depends on two factors: ( 1) the average range of the prevalent dose contributing emission, and (2) the intercellular spacing between the cells. The first factor is determined by the choice of radionuclide. The second depends on the tumor histology. If tumor cell inactivation is plotted against average tumor dose, then the effect of radiolabeled antibody binding to cell surface antigen is to steepen the cell survival curve. This phenomenon has been observed with in-vitro systems for both α− emitters 2 3’ 24 and β− emitters. 25 This enhanced cell kill will persist over the range of the survival curve governed by the fraction of tumor cells expressing accessible antigen. For example, if a radiolabeled antibody binds to the cell surface antigen of 75% of the tumor cell population, then enhanced tumor cell killing results with dose levels necessary to reduce the fraction of tumor cell survivors to 0.25. At this level of survival, a sharp decrease in the survival slope occurs, as if the cell population consisted of two cell lines of differing radiation sensitivities. Another example illustrating the effect of source distribution on biological response curves is given in Humm 13 where theoretical survival curves are compared for a uniform distribution of 2 1 1At in a tumor versus a distribution restricted to the blood capillaries. A source distribution restricted to the capillaries results in a concave survival curve when surviving fraction is plotted against average tumor absorbed dose. This is due to the gradient of cell inactivation rate as a function of distance from the capillary wall, which with escalating radiation dose, produces an “overkill” to the cells aligning the capillary wall and inadequate energy deposition for the sterilization of cells distant from the capillary. The ratio of a mean cell nuclear specific energy resulting from source decays on the target cell surface membrane, z bound , relative to a uniform distribution of source decays, z uniform (see Fig. 1) will determine the magnitude of the enhanced cell killing. The ratio z b o u n d/ zu n i f o r m h a s b e e n Medical Physics, Vol. 20, No. 2, Pt. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 538 called a “geometric enhancement factor G. ,,26,27 Calculated values for the geometric enhancement ratio are given for four sources proposed for RIT: 2 1 1 At, 1 9 9 Au, 1 3 1 I, and 90 Y under random (lymphoma-like) and tubular (colon carcinoma-like) cell arrangements.” For an a-emitter such as 2 1 1At, under random cell packing conditions, the value of G can be enormous, ranging from approx. 1 when the cells are in contact to 70 for a mean inter-nuclear distance between adjacent cells of 100 µm. For the long range β− source 9 0Y (mean range 3960 µm), the geometric enhancement values for mean inter-nuclear distances of: 10, 20, 50, and 100 µm, are 1.00, 1.034, 1.16, and 2.26. This means, a sparsely populated tumor mass (100-µm mean cell separation) to which an q-labeled antibody binds 100% to cell surface antigen of all cells deposits a dose to the tumor cell nuclei which is 2.26 times greater than if the same activity of q-labeled antibody is uniformly distributed. These theoretical estimates of G depend on ideal conditions of 100% uniform binding of the antibody across the entire cell population. The magnitude of killing enhancement from antibody binding is unlikely to be so great with in-vivo studies. Actual experimental data estimates of the magnitude of G for given cell separations and antibody binding fractions are not yet available, although enhancements of cell killing efficacy resulting from antibody binding for in-vitro studies have been reported. 23-25 Radiation dose calculations have been performed for a number of several low energy electron emitting radionuclides appropriate for RIT by Jungermann et al. 28 at cellular dimensions, using the electron point kernels of Berger. Similar calculations have been performed by Sastry et al. 29 who concluded, in agreement with Jungermann, that soft electron sources of energies 20-30 keV, with ranges just sufficient to traverse the cell, e.g., 119Sb, deliver the optimal tumor cell dose per decay relative to nontumor cells. Howell30 has performed extensive calculations of the dose rate for several electron energies and P-sources within volumes from individual cells to multicellular clusters of varying sizes for source distributions: on the cell surface, in the cytoplasm, in the nucleus and uniform within the entire cell. He concludes, that a detailed analysis of subcellular distribution of dose is required for electron energies < 50 keV. For electron energies > 50 keV, the effect of subcellular source localization is diminished due to the diffusion of energy over the multicellular matrix. Whether the optimal sources for RIT (a- and low energy B-emitters) discussed above can be of clinical utility will depend on the ability to design targeting molecules which are sufficiently uniform to irradiate the entire tumor cell population. Microdosimetric models for the calculation of dose gradients around nonuniform source distributions have been developed by several groups. These studies take some nonuniform distribution of sources, e.g., a diffusion gradient of activity from an initial spherical radioactive seed of radius r, and show absorbed dose as a function of position relative to the activity distribution. 31 These are distributions of absorbed dose and not of the fluctuation of dose (specific energy) at the cellular level. Therefore, although such 539 Humm et al.: Microdosimetric concepts in radioimmunotherapy studies do not belong to the traditional realm of microdosimetry, which is concerned with stochastic fluctuations in dose, they can be considered to belong to the broader classification of microdosimetry. Roeske et al. 32 have modeled the dose to tumor from an intraperitoneal administration of therapeutic levels of 9 0Y, 1 3 1 I, and 2 1 1 At labeled antibody. Isodose contours are calculated for assumed rectangular and hemispherical lesions in and on the peritoneal wall and also to small biopsy specimens of ovarian metastases. Activity is assumed to localize on the tumor surface, to diffuse into the peritoneal wall setting up an exponential activity gradient or to be uniformly distributed through the tumor. Further works which have concentrated on the evaluation of dose distribution through tumor from non-uniform deposition of P-sources are: Kwok et al.,31 Langmuir and Sutherland,33 and Howell et al.3 4 III. MICRODOSIMETRIC SPECTRA Two methods are currently employed for the calculation of microdosimetric spectra for internal radionuclides: the Fourier convolution technique developed by Roesch 16 and applied to problems with radiolabeled antibodies by Fisher, 12 and the application of full Monte Carlo simulation by Humm13 and by Roeske.14 Examples of specific energy spectra calculated by both methods are illustrated in Figs. 2 and 3. Figure 2 is a specific energy spectrum calculated by the Fourier convolution method for a population of tightly packed cells, diameter 8 µm, nuclear diameter 5 µm, uniformly labeled on the cell surface, after the complete decay of 3.7×104 Bq/g of 2 1 1 At with 2 1 1 Po daughter. The mean specific energy to the nucleus is 158 cGy, and the fraction of cell nuclei receiving zero dose (delta) is 0.17. Figure 3 is an a-particle hit and specific energy spectrum calculated by the Monte Carlo method for a uniform 7 . 4 × 1 04 Bq/g extra-cellular distribution of 2 1 1At labeled antibody with 25 radiolabeled antibodies bound per cell surface. The cell and cell nuclear diameters are 10 µm and 7.5 µm, respectively. These are only two examples of many different types of calculations that are possible, and are presented here to show the level of information that can be obtained from microdosimetric assessments. It is important to reemphasize that the shape of microdosimetric spectra depends on a number of parameters: the shape and size of the target volume, the geometry of the source distribution relative to the targets, the energy emission spectrum of the radionuclide, etc. For example, for a-particle sources appended to the cell membrane in which the cells are far apart, the Bragg peak does not contribute to the specific energy spectrum (the target nucleus is always traversed by the initial portion of the a-track). If the cells are in close proximity, large energy deposition events resulting from the ends of a-particle track falling over adjacent cell nuclei increase the breadth of the specific energy spectrum. Medical Physics, Vol. 20, No. 2, Pt. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 539 540 Humm et al.: Microdosimetric concepts in radioimmunotherapy IV. CONCLUSIONS The application of microdosimetry to RIT is the pursuit of the accurate determination of the distribution of dose to individual tumor cell nuclei comprising the viable tumor mass. These data form the basis for a more accurate evaluation of tumor toxicity. Radiation toxicity which is estimated on the basis of a single average dose is practical, but perhaps only a first approximation to the true assessment of tissue toxicity. How accurate tumor response relations can be based on average tumor radiation doses is not known. The usefulness of average radiation doses to predict the level of tumor cell inactivation will most certainly depend on the antibody/tumor model investigated. However, one may ask whether microdosimetry offers true advantages over traditional dosimetric methods? If the question is “does microdosimetry assist our understanding of the radiobiology of antibody targeted therapy, and will it lead to improved dose-response relations,” the answer is most definitely in the affirmative. If the question refers to the clinical utility of microdosimetry, then the answer is a reserved yes. Information on the spatial distribution of radionuclide in tumor biopsy samples will assist the clinician to make judgements on how well and how uniform his radiolabeled antibody is localizing in tumor tissue. The disadvantage of microdosimetry, at the cellular level, is the size of specimen and the amount of data which can be measured and analyzed. In practice one is limited to the evaluation of a few tissue sections from a biopsy specimen which may be far less than 1% of the tumor mass. The fulfillment of the objective of determining the energy deposition for all viable tumor cells in a patient belongs to the very distant future. One compromise between microdosimetry and macrodosimetry, is the evaluation of radiation doses within tissue voxels one or more orders of magnitude greater than individual cellular dimensions.*’ This technique evaluates the response to cell clusters. If only the activity levels vary between voxels, and not the spatial relationship of the sources to cells, then the evaluation of cell kill on a voxel by voxel basis is an elegant method of data reduction. The accuracy in predicting dose-response between this method and a full microdosimetric method is not known. Certainly, if the greater accuracy of microdosimetry for β− sources proves superfluous, then its necessity in the field might be restricted to α− and Auger-emitting radionuclides only. But until this is proven, study of the microdosimetry of all radionuclides of possible application in RIT needs to be rigorously investigated. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS One of the authors (J. L. Humm) was supported by NCI Grant No. lR03 CA50886. Many thanks to Virginia Langmuir from SRI International, Menlo Park, California, and Ken Kase from the University of Massachusetts Medical Center for their useful remarks and critical appraisal of the manuscript. 1 H. H. Rossi, “Microscopic energy distributions in irradiated matter,” in Radiation Dosimetry, edited by F. H. Attix, W. C. Roesch, and E. Medical Physics, Vol. 20, No. 2. Pt. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 540 Tochlin (Academic, New York, 1968), Vol. I, pp. 43-92. D.T. Goodhead, “Relationship of microdosimetric techniques to applications in biological systems, ” in The Dosimetry of Ionizing Radiation. edited by K. R. Kase, B. E. Bjarngard, and F. H. Attix (Academic, Orlando, 1987), Vol. II, pp. l-89. 3 T. R. Munro, “The relative radiosensitivity of the nucleus and cytoplasm of the chinese hamster fibroblasts,” Radiat. Res. 42, 451-470 (1970). 4 A. I. Kassis, R. W. Howell, K. S. R. Sastry, and S. J. 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Haydock, “Dosimetry techniques for therapeutic applications of incorporated radionuclides,” in Dosimetry 26 Medical Physics, Vol. 20, No. 2, Pt. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 541 of Administered Radionuclides, edited by S. J. Adelstein, A. I. Kassis, and R. W. Burt (The American College of Nuclear Physicians, U. S. Department of Energy, 1990), pp. 215-252. “C. S. Kwok. W. V. Prestwich. and B. C. Wilson, “Calculation of radiation doses for nonuniformly distributed β and γ radionuciides in soft tissue,” Med. Phys. 12, 405-414 (1985). 32 J. C. Roeske, G. T. Y. Chen, R. A. Atcher. C. Pelizzari, J. Rotmensch, D. Haraf, A. Montag, and R. Weichselbaum, “Modeling of dose to tumor and normal tissue from intraperitoneal radioimmunotherapy with alpha and beta emitters,” Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 19, 1539-1548 (1990). 33 V. K. Langmuir and R. M. Sutherland, “Dosimetry models for radioimmunotherapy,” Med. Phys. 15, 867-873 (1988). 34 R. W. Howell, D. V. Rao, and K. S. R. Sastry, “Macroscopic dosimetry for radioimmunotherapy: Nonuniform activity distributions in solid tumors,” Med. Phys. 16, 66-74 ( 1989). Multicellular dosimetry for beta-emitting radionuclides: Autoradiography, thermoluminescent dosimetry and three-dimensional dose calculations E. D. Yorke George Washington University Medical Center, Washington. DC 20037 L. E. Williams and A. J. Demidecki City of Hope Medical Center, Duarte, California 91010 D. B. Heidorn and P. L. Roberson University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 B. W. Wessels George Washington University Medical Center, Washington, DC 20037 (Received 18 March 1992; accepted for publication 23 November 1992) Inhomogeneities in activity distributions over distances from 10 to 10 4µm are observed in many tumors treated with radiolabeled antibodies. Resulting nonuniformities in absorbed dose may have consequences for the efficacy of radioimmunotherapy. Activity variations may be directly studied with quantitative autoradiography (ARG). Converting these data to absorbed dose distributions requires additional information about pharmacokinetics, the use of a point source function and consideration of the complete three-dimensional activity distribution, as obtained from sequential autoradiographic slices. Thermoluminescent dosimetry with specially prepared C a S O 4 :Dy dosimeters implanted into tissue can directly measure absorbed dose in selected regions. The conditions under which thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLD) are used differ markedly from “normal” use conditions in external beam radiotherapy. Therefore special calibration and quality assurance precautions are needed to assure the precision of this technique. Procedures and pitfalls in the use of both techniques in radioimmunotherapy are described. I. INTRODUCTION A major concern of external beam radiotherapy is the design of beam configurations which produce a uniform dose distribution over the tumor volume. In radioimmunotherapy, (RIT) as with other radiopharmaceutical therapies, the activity distribution is determined by biological factors with large associated uncertainty. Nonuniform distributions of activity and of absorbed dose may result. The technique of autoradiography (ARG) is well known.’ For over a decade ARG has been used to demonstrate activity heterogeneity on the multicellular size scale ( 1 0 - 1 0 4 µm) for conventional radiopharmaceuticals?” and more recently for radiolabeled antibodies 5-7 The film density may be calibrated with standard activity samples, leading to quantitative measurements of activity of distributions with submillimeter spatial resolution in the plane of the tissue section. Calculations of absorbed dose distributions for idealized activity distributions of beta particle emitters demonstrate that when the absorbed dose is delivered primarily by particulate radiation of short range, heterogeneous activity distributions will lead to doses which are nonuniform on approximately the same distance scale. 8-11 Autoradiography frequently reveals irregular activity distributions in tumors. In such situations, calculations based upon geometrically simple shapes are of limited utility. Quantitative ARG can provide the spatial activity distribution needed to calculate instantaneous dose rate distributions. But this 543 Med. Phys. 20 (2), Pt. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 technique cannot yield total absorbed dose distributions without further assumptions. This is because absorbed dose distributions are as much determined by pharmacokinetics of antibody uptake and clearance as by the geometric distribution of activity. Autoradiography, however, shows only a “freeze frame” of the activity distribution at the time the tumor was resected and frozen. Direct in vivo measurements of cumulative doses to tissues during RIT can be made using thermoluminescent dosimeter(s) (TLD). This technique is well established in medical and health physics.12,13 TLD materials used for RIT beta dosimetry must meet some special criteria. The physical size of the dosimeter should be small compared to the average beta range (e.g., 0.4 mm for I-131) in order that the dosimeter not perturb the dose distribution in its vicinity. Small size is also necessary to assure good spatial resolution and to avoid disruption of the tissues into which they are implanted. The light output per unit absorbed dose must be large enough to produce a useful signal despite the small volume of material. Additionally, since the absorbed dose is delivered by a spectrum of beta particles, it is necessary to choose a material whose thermoluminescent response is insensitive to beta energy for the radionuclide of interest. Using TLD that meet these criteria, large variations in absorbed dose in association with autoradiographs which show strong activity heterogeneity have been directly measured.’ ARG and thermoluminescent dosimetry are complementary techniques. ARG provides a wealth of “geo- 0094-2405/93/020543-08$01.20 © 1993 Am. Assoc. Phys. Med. 543 544 Yorke et al.: Multicellular dosimetry for beta-emitting radionuclides FIG. 1. Section autoradiographs from subcutaneous xenografts in athymic nude mice taken one day post injection with I-131 labeled monoclonal antibody. (a) LS174T human colon cancer with 300 µCi 17-1A monoclonal antibody; (b) Raji human Burkitt lymphoma xenograft with 100 µCi anti-B-1 pan-B-cell monoclonal antibody. graphic” data relating to the activity distribution at a single instant of time. To proceed from a set of autoradiographs to a dose distribution requires a pharmacokinetic model as well as an algorithm for adding the contributions to the dose at a chosen point from all the activity within range of that point. More than one tissue slice must be considered even if the dose distribution in only one slice is desired. The TLD crystal is an integrating dosimeter. It performs the necessary spatial and temporal integrations, but only within the very limited volume that it occupies. Methods and questions relating to both these techniques, as well as possible fruitful ways to combine them are discussed in the following sections. II. AUTORADIOGRAPHY Autoradiography (ARG) is a unique method for the graphical display of activity heterogeneity on the multicellular size scale of particular interest in RIT with medium to high energy beta particles. Although detectors other than film are being investigated, 14,15 the discussion below is limited to film ARG. Typically, the tissue sample of interest is frozen in liquid nitrogen and divided into sections of known thickness with a microtome. The frozen sections are mounted, air dried and then either placed in contact with the emulsion side of the film or separated from it by a thin cover or dipped into emulsion so that the specimen is covered with a thin emulsion layer. Exposure times must be chosen to avoid either underexposing or saturating the film and thus will depend on the sample activity, the radionuclide and the film used. Times from 1 h to approximately a week have been used. Example autoradiographs are shown in Fig. 1. Although homogenous activity distributions are seen in many tissue samples, they are not universally observed. Numerous workers have reported heterogeneous uptake of radiolabeled antibody in tumors.5-7,16,17 Some patterns of uptake commonly seen include concentration of activity near the periphery of the tumor and near tumor vasculature. Medical Physics. Vol. 20, No. 2, Pt. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 544 T O use ARG to quantitate activity distributions, it is necessary to choose film that will be sensitive to beta particles of medium to high energy. Intensifying screens will degrade resolution and may cause reciprocity failure’ but may be necessary with some films. They were not used in Refs. 7 and 16 (LKB “Ultrofilm”) but were used in Ref. 17 (X-OMAT XTL-2). The exposure time for each autoradiograph should be recorded. Conversion of optical density to activity requires calibration of the film using gel wafers of known thickness and known uniform activity. The calibration curve depends on radionuclide, section thickness, exposure conditions, film development conditions, and (if reciprocity failure is present) exposure rate. An independent calibration check should be performed for each group of autoradiographs. The calibration gels are left in contact with film for known times under the same exposure conditions as used for the tissue samples. Development conditions should be the same for calibration and autoradiographic films. A calibration curve of optical density as a function of cumulated specific activity of the gel is thus generated. The curve can be used to find the average cumulated specific activity for a small volume of interest of the autoradiographic tissue sample. If the calibration gels and the tissue slices are of different thickness, a correction factor should be applied.’ The correction factor may be measured using gel samples of different thicknesses. Since the autoradiograph exposure time is known and physical decay of the radionuclide is the only process causing activity changes during autoradiography, the specific activity at the beginning of autoradiography can be determined. With an optical density scan of the film, a map of the specific activity distribution over a grid of voxels can be generated. The densitometer readout resolution (spot size) should be small to help minimize the change in optical density over the aperture. Because the optical density varies with the logarithm of the light transmittance, the densitometer reading will not reflect the average optical density if there is a large gradient over the spot size diameter.” Automated approaches to grain density determination techniques with higher spatial resolution are being explored. 1 9 The volume of a voxel is determined by the readout grid spacing and the slice thickness. The twodimensional section images are stacked to yield a threedimensional activity density matrix and can also be used to form a surface description. Video digitization or laser densitometry techniques are useful in dealing in a quantitative fashion with the abundant data provided by ARG. For example, with 100-µm resolution of the densitometer and 50-µm-thick adjacent tissue slices, a set of autoradiographs of a 5×5×5 mm tumor provides information on the specific activity in 2.5×10 5 voxels. The specific activity distribution can be used to calculate a three dimensional absorbed dose rate distribution. An example is shown in Fig. 2. Using the activity per voxel to calculate dose rate distributions is computationally intensive. The dose rate at a point is the sum of contributions from all the voxels lying within the maximum beta range. Yorke et al.: Multicellular dosimetry for beta-emitting radionuclides FIG. 2. Three-dimensional dose rate distributions for tumor xenografts from Fig. 1. The color scale is black, dark blue, light blue, pink, light green, dark green, light peach, dark peach, dark red, red, orange in equal ascending dose-rate intervals. Higher dose rate regions cycle back to black, dark blue, etc. (a) LS174T human colon cancer with 17-1A monoclonal antibody, dose-rate interval 2.5 cGy/h, mean dose rate 7.6 cGy/h; (b) Raji human Burkitt lymphoma xenograft with anti-B-1 pan-B-cell monoclonal antibody, dose-rate interval 0.4 cGy/h, mean dose rate 2.4 cGy/h. This includes voxels both in and out of the autoradiographic slice containing the point of interest. A suitable point source function must be used to provide the distance dependence appropriate to the radionuclide. 20-23 Roberson et al.17 adapted brachytherapy software to perform this task. A “voxel dose rate distribution” per unit activity was generated using up to 500 equally spaced point sources distributed over a voxel and the dose point kernel of Ref. 21. This voxel dose rate calculation was carried out beyond the range of the beta particles. Each of 5000 to 8000 voxel positions (0.5-mm voxel spacing for I-131) were assigned the voxel dose rate distribution, weighted by the specific activity in that voxel. The source distributions were then summed in three dimensions. The calculation time investment (100-200 h on a VAX 8800) limited the number of source positions which could be used. Based on the mean beta range, the optimal voxel size for I-131 is approximately 100 µm, which increases the number of source Medical Physics, Vol. 20, No. 2, Pt. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 545 points by a factor of 125. To reduce the calculation time, Fourier transforms could be used. 9 In general, activity distributions which vary over distances comparable to the beta particle range will produce dose-rate distributions which vary strongly over the same length scale. Smaller scale (less than beta range) activity heterogeneities will produce less dramatic dose rate variations, since the dose at a point is delivered by beta particles from both “hot” and “cold” portions of the tissue. 7-11,17,24 Thus computational effort to produce three-dimensional dose or dose rate distributions depends on the range of the beta particles and the tumor size. Conversion of the activity distributions obtained by ARG to the cumulative absorbed dose distribution produced during the administration of RIT-that is, during the time that the tissue was in a living host-is not straightforward. The dose distribution depends on the individualized pharmacokinetics of the radiolabeled antibody in vivo. The autoradiograph provides only a “freeze frame” view of the activity distribution at the time of tumor resection. At best ARG gives indirect information about the time dependence of the biological processes of uptake and clearance of the antibody during the RIT. To provide the necessary missing kinetic information, it might be possible to model the pharmacokinetics. Diffusion model equations have been applied to dosimetry calculations for multicellular spheroids 25 and simulated tumor nodules.26 It may be possible to extend such models to tumors in vivo to provide kinetic input to cumulated dose distribution calculations. In an alternative approach many groups have measured average specific activity as a function of time for tumors and various organs by noninvasive imaging techniques in humans and by serial sacrifice in small animal models for a variety of antibody carrier/radionuclide combinations. 27-30 Assumptions must then be made as to how small scale heterogeneities vary with time (e.g., do “hot” and “cold” regions remain in the same ratio to the average throughout RIT?). The resulting time dependence must be combined with the radionuclide’s physical decay to obtain a model cumulated activity distribution based on the autoradiographic information. While several groups have discussed such a program, it has not yet been carried out. Griffith, et al.7 used purely physical decay to generate dose distributions from autoradiographs. Recently Roberson, et al. 17,24 generated three-dimensional dose rate distributions characteristic of discrete times of sacrifice and recommended sampling the dose rate distributions at a minimum of four to six time points. 24 For tumors which were approximately matched in size, the variability in dose per volume element was observed to be small compared to the variability at different time points. Thus it might be possible to sum dose rate calculations from different tumors, resected at different time points, by identifying areas of similar composition (e.g., similar vascularization and/or proximity to the periphery). Further work is needed to develop and validate models of antibody carrier pharmacokinetics on the multicellular size scale in order to reliably translate the activity distributions visualized with 546 Yorks et al.: Multicellular dosimetry for beta-emitting radionuclides quantitative autoradiography into absorbed dose distributions. III. THERMOLUMINESCENT DOSIMETRY Studies done with thermoluminescent dosimetry give information which is complementary to that provided by ARG. TLD materials are crystalline solids in which ionizing radiation can excite electrons into metastable trapped states. The number of such electrons is proportional to the absorbed dose received. The electrons can be released from these states by heating. Thereupon they recombine with holes, giving off excess energy in the form of thermoluminescent photons, which can be counted with a photoelectric tube. The light output is proportional to the absorbed dose received by the TLD but also depends on material properties, irradiation conditions, heating conditions, and the electronics of the TLD reader. Therefore, if thermoluminescent dosimeters are to be used for absorbed dose measurements, they must be calibrated. Appropriately calibrated TLD implanted directly into tissue yields the total dose absorbed by the TLD material during its time in situ. The TLD automatically integrates over the spatial and temporal distribution of all the activity within the beta particle range of its location (and, of course, also accounts for the absorbed dose contributed by penetrating radiation from distant sites). However, the dose in only a small volume is recorded, as opposed to the global activity distribution information provided by ARG. The conditions under which TLD are used in RIT dosimetry differ markedly from those in health physics or radiation therapy. This leads to special requirements in the fabrication and calibration of the dosimeters. As noted in the Introduction, the TLD must be of small cross section compared to the beta particle range. Wessels and coworkers found that CaSO4 :Dy met the dual requirements of high sensitivity (light output gm -1 c G y- 1) and weak energy dependence for I-131 and higher energy beta emitters. 31 They and others7,27,32-39 have fabricated TLDs of dimensions 0.2×0.4×5 mm or less, implanted them into animals or tumor model systems receiving RIT and performed in vivo absorbed dose measurements. Techniques of fabrication, quality assurance, calibration and in vivo use of these TLDs were developed by Wessels and Griffith. 7,31 Similar procedures have been adopted at approximately 15 institutions including those involved in Refs. 32-39. In the following discussion, CaSO 4:Dy dosimeters are emphasized because of their extensive application in RIT dosimetry. The starting materials are 400-µm-thick 1.2-cmdiameter CaS04 :Dy impregnated teflon disks (Teledyne, Inc.). The disks are imbedded in a 2x2 cm paraffin block and sliced with a well-sharpened tissue section microtome to a thickness of 200 µm and a length of 500 µm, yielding dosimeters of final dimensions 0.2x0.4x5 mm. These dosimeters conveniently fit inside a 20-gauge needle. Each dosimeter is measured (by micrometer) to insure geometric batch uniformity (±3%). For initial studies 31 the dosimeters were also weighed using a microgram balance. Medical Physics, Vol. 20, No. 2. Pt. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 546 After being cut, the excess paraffin is removed and the TLD are annealed. External beam calibration may be performed using a calibrated low megavoltage (4 MV or Co60) beam with full buildup. The dosimeters are then read in a commercial TLD reader under dry nitrogen. Different groups have used slightly different heat cycle settings (e.g., Ref. 7 uses a 5-s preheat at 115° followed by glow peak integration over 50 s from 115°C to 275°C with temperature ramping at 3.6°C/s). Batches of “mini-TLD” with response uniformity better than ±10% are readily obtained. Linearity of light output (LO) versus dose should be measured with external beam over the entire range of absorbed doses expected in RIT (5 to 5000 cGy). Deviation of a log-log plot of LO versus absorbed dose from a 45° line indicates supralinearity or saturation. Supralinearity has been reported above 500 cGy by some workers 36,40 but not seen up to 1000 cGy by others. 29 This effect may depend on the batch of material or on preparation techniques. Supralinearity can be appreciable. Demidecki and co-workers have seen an increase by a factor of 1.7 of the LO per cGy or calibration factor as absorbed dose is increased from 50 to 3000 cGy. 40,41 Therefore it is essential to use a measured dose-response curve and not to assume that the calibration factor is independent of dose. External beam exposures are of short (minutes) duration, after which the TLD material is stored in air at room temperature and usually read out within 1-2 days. In RIT applications, the TLD is imbedded in tissue at mammalian body temperature and physiological pH. The tissue contains an activity distribution of beta-emitting radionuclide, exposing the TLD to low dose rate (approximately 10 cGy/hr) beta and gamma radiation for times ranging from a few days to two weeks. Upon removal, the TLD must be cleaned of residual tissue before being read. The TLD is a relative dosimeter; absorbed dose in an investigational situation is determined by the ratio of the LO to the output from a similar (or the same) TLD given a known dose. Additional calibration should therefore be performed under conditions which closely resemble the conditions of actual use, as the calibration factor may well depend on these conditions. For this purpose the TLD are cross calibrated with uniform activity distributions of the radionuclide of interest. The dosimeters are immersed for times ranging from minutes to 2 weeks in gels (e.g., Knox Gelatin) prepared with known uniform activity. After removal from the gel, each dosimeter must be thoroughly washed and then read on the TLD reader. The calibration medium is large compared to the beta range so the absorbed dose to the medium can be calculated via the beta particle equilibrium dose constant and an absorbed fraction of one. If the TLD are to be used under conditions where the penetrating radiation dose is expected to be important, calibration in a larger phantom or with an added external x-ray irradiation might be advisable to obtain a combined calibration factor. The radionuclide calibration factor may well be different from the standard external x-ray beam factor. Reference 31 reports the same (15%) factor for 4 MV as for 547 Yorke et al.: Multicellular dosimetry for beta-emitting radionuclides I-131, Y-90 and P-32 gels. However, in later work from the same laboratory, I-131 calibration factors as low as 60% of the 4-MV factor were measured and a calibration factor of approximately 70% was measured for a smaller (0.1 X0.14 X2.5 mm) set of TLD.39 Heidorn observed a similar (approximately 40%) discrepancy between Co-60 and I-131. 42 Stewart et al.43 saw similar differences between 4-Mev electrons and I-131 solutions using 6×1×1 mm Lif rods while Y-90 solution data coincided with 4-Mev electrons. There are at least three reasons for expecting a difference in calibration factor between external megavoltage x-rays and beta particle irradiation in solution or gel. ( 1) The LO of the TLD may have intrinsic energy dependence. This may be checked using external irradiation at different nominal electron beam energies or with beta sources. At least part of this effect is due to the thickness of the TLD relative to the beta particle range in TLD material. 4 4 Demidecki, et al. find that for Y-90, the energy dependence is within 10% for mini-TLD. 4 1 (2) In radioactive gel or solution, the finite size of the TLD excludes radioactive material from points within its volume. Demidecki, et al. have called this the “void volume” effect.20,41 The absence of radioactivity reduces the absorbed dose to the TLD. Demidecki et al. have performed calculations of this effect for Y-90 and I-131. The dose reduction depends on the TLD density as well as its size (i.e., on the beta particle range versus TLD size). Calculations 41 indicate that especially for I-131, the predicted decrease in calibration factor relative to 4-MV x-rays is substantial. (3) The LO of the TLD also varies with time in the medium. When the TLD are irradiated with external beam and stored in air at room temperature, they show less than 5% fading per month. However, for irradiation in medium over days to weeks, the fading properties depend upon the medium (e.g., temperature and pH) as well as the time in the medium and the total dose. The surface to volume ratio of the TLD material probably plays a role; the effect may also depend on the batch of material purchased from the vendor. Experiments performed by Wessels and co-workers from 1984 to 1988 with one group of TLD material showed no fading for TLD irradiated in aqueous media 31 at room temperature. However, experiments with newer material by Demidecki and collaborators,41 and Svenberg45 s h o w fading by a factor of up to 50% in 20 days for mini-TLD irradiated in Y-90 gel for 20 days. The effect is larger for geometries with a larger surface to volume ratio. For a 6-mm diameter, 20-µm-thick CaSO 4 :Dy disk, Demidecki et al40,41 report an approximately exponential decrease in LO with time by a factor of five over 20 days in cell medium and by a factor of 10 for the same time in gel. This fading appears to be irreversible. After the TLD has been cleaned, read, and annealed it does not regain its initial sensitivity. Since it is not presently possible to theoretically account for these effects, it is necessary to calibrate the dosimeters for in vivo RIT dosimetry using conditions as close as possible to those under which they are used. This will miniMedical Physics, Vol. 20, No. 2, Pt. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 547 mize the impact of pH, temperature and the “void volume” effect and will help account for possible interplay between supralinearity and fading. The mini-TLD can be implanted into animal models undergoing RIT and left in place for days to several weeks. They can also be implanted into animals receiving external beam (e.g., 4 MV) irradiation to a known dose as a check on the effect of biological conditions on the thermoluminescent response. A recent study reports fading under these circumstances.4 6 Mini-TLD have also been extensively checked for signs of degradation due to biological conditions.’ None were seen. Before reading a TLD which has been implanted in tissue it is important that it be carefully cleaned and dried. In RIT, the mini-TLD yield an average (over the length of the dosimeter) dose to the nearby surrounding tissue. Agreement with average doses calculated from organ or tumor-average cumulated activities obtained by serial sacrifice of similarly treated animal models is generally good. 27,33,34 These calculations have incorporated boundary corrections as necessary for organs or tumors which are small compared to the beta particle range. Activity heterogeneity within the tissue is not included. In this work, possible fading due to time in aqueous medium, pH, temperature and “void volume” effects have been corrected for, at least in part, by appropriate calibration. The mini-TLD have good spatial resolution for dose gradients along their thin (0.2 and 0.4 mm) dimensions. However the LO depends on the summed dose along the long (5 mm) axis. Steep dose gradients were measured in cylindrical phantoms containing I-131, Y-90, and P-32. 3 1 The spatial resolution along the 5-mm axis can be extracted by slicing the dosimeter. This is the technique which was applied in conjunction with autoradiography.’ The tissue sample containing the TLD was quickly frozen in liquid nitrogen. The frozen tissue was then microtomed into sections (e.g., 20-50 µm) appropriate for autoradiography, with the slices being approximately perpendicular to the long TLD axis. The resulting micro-TLD chips were removed, cleaned, air dried, and read in the same reader and with the same heat cycle as is used for the mini-TLD. The uniformity of response of the micro-TLD was investigated by Wessels and Griffith 31 and by Heidorn et al..47 and by Langmuir et al..3 9 Mini-TLD were exposed to calibrated external beams under standard conditions. The dosimeters were then imbedded in suitable solid medium and microtomed as described above. Micro-TLD were selected at random from these samples and read. A standard deviation of 10% was observed in Ref. 31 while a standard deviation ranging from 22% to 32% was reported in the study Ref. 47, and a standard deviation of 29% (for 50-µm sections) and 50% for 30-µm sections was reported in Ref. 39. The reason for the very different dispersions measured by different investigators is not, at present, understood but may be related to differences in TLD grain size. Heidom 4 7 using a dissection microscope at 50X magnification, observed differences in grain size distribution between microTLD batches. Some micro-TLD contained large CaS0 4:Dy crystals, some had large voids due to crystals pulled from 540 Yorke et al.: Multicellular dosimetry for beta-emitting radionuclides the Teflon matrix by the microtome knife and some had a uniform distribution of small crystals. In general, slice thickness must be carefully regulated to improve light output uniformity. There is no predictive index to determine the uniformity of response of a group of micro-TLD. However precision can be optimized by individually calibrating each microTLD as described by Heidorn, et al. 47 Through use of individual calibration factors, standard deviations of 12% were achieved in measurement of a known external beam dose gradient. IV. COMBINATION OF TECHNIQUES When absorbed doses measured with micro-TLD extracted from autoradiographs were considered in the context of the optical density in the region from which the TLD had been removed, qualitative agreement was observed between high absorbed dose and high optical density for tumors7 ’ 34 and spheroids.39 Good agreement was found between micro-TLD measurements and calculated dose gradients in a spheroid model 39 where physical decay of I-131 provided the only time dependence. While such agreement is self evident in situations where physical decay provides the only time dependence, it is not assured in tumors with more complex pharmacokinetics. Additionally, the micro-TLD provide the magnitude of the absorbed dose. The combined use of ARG and thermoluminescent dosimetry demonstrated quantitatively that large absorbed dose gradients can be found in tumors treated with RIT. In one sample’ a 200% dose variation was measured within a single slice and a 400% variation was observed between slices which were only 500 µm apart. Since the micro-TLD integrate absorbed dose over time, no biokinetic model is needed to calculate the dose at the site of the TLD. Wessels et al. 48 have suggested that the micro-TLD be used to calibrate the optical density of the autoradiographs. That is, rather than associate optical density with specific activity, one could make a direct relationship between OD and absorbed dose via the micro-TLD. Ideally, there should be several micro-TLD at sites in a slice with different OD’s allowing an individualized calibration curve (OD versus dose measured by the TLD) to be generated for a particular tissue sample. Since the TLD integrates over the spatial as well as the temporal activity distribution, there is also no need to use a point source function or to correlate the activity distribution in different slices. Instead, the OD would be translated directly to absorbed dose through the calibration curve. The accuracy of this technique (which estimates the absorbed dose via interpolation between micro-TLD readings at two or three points per slice) versus the pharmacokinetic modeling approach discussed previously requires further investigation. The use of electronic probes such as MOSFET detectors 49 may be helpful in providing in vivo measurements of dose versus time at a few locations in tissue. Theoretically, both approaches have potential drawbacks and possible advantages. Autoradiography, by defiMedical Physics, Vol. 20, No. 2, Pt. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 548 nition, is a destructive process in relation to unique tumor architecture. Modeling approaches used to correct autoradiographic information for time varying concentrations are constrained to use average bulk tumor biodistribution data or repetitive activity distribution phenomena (e.g., timevarying but predictable tumor rim enhancement) to correct for antibody pharmacokinetics and gross tumor heterogeneity. The combination TLD/ARG methods do include a directly measured time integration factor in the absorbed dose along with a dose distribution which is based on ARC. However, some uncertainty is entered into this method by assuming that the “local” assignment of an absorbed dose value to a particular optical density value applies universally throughout the tumor. Perhaps a safe starting point or working hypothesis for both methods is that any correction for time dependence of antibody pharmacokinetics is superior to simply using physical decay to derive a cumulated activity distribution from autoradiography patterns. V. DISCUSSION The goal of the dosimetric studies presented above is to help relate the therapy technique of RIT to the outcome (e.g., tumor regression). ARG demonstrates that tumors often exhibit activity distributions which are inhomogeneous on a distance scale of 10 - 10 4 µm. Both calculations and in vivo TLD measurements show that these spatial activity variations are associated with large dosimetric variations on the same distance scales. The validity of approximating the tumor dose distribution by a single average absorbed dose may therefore be questioned. In addition to spatial dosimetric inhomogeneities, other factors may alter the biological effectiveness of the absorbed dose. Among these are the variation of the dose rate with time and the possible relationship of cell viability to local activity deposition. 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Buchsbauma ) Department of Radiation Oncology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, Alabama 35233 Virginia K. Langmuir Life Sciences Division, SRI International, Menlo Park, California 94025 Barry W. Wessels Department of Radiology, George Washington University Medical Center, Washington, DC 20037 (Received 18 March 1992; accepted for publication 20 October 1992) Radiolabeled monoclonal antibodies have been used for radioimmunotherapy studies with human tumor spheroids and murine and human tumor xenografts in experimental animals. This paper reviews the work that has been performed in these models with different types of cancer, and highlights those papers that have presented dosimetry estimates and attempts to correlate the findings. Radioimmunotherapy studies in multicell spheroids, as a model for micrometastases, have been performed in human neuroblastoma, colon cancer, and melanoma cell lines using 1 3 1 I-, 1 2 5 I-, 1 8 6 Re-, and 212Bi-labeled antibodies. The uniform geometry of the spheroid has allowed radiation dose estimates to be made. Up to three logs of cell kill have been achieved with 131 1- and 186 Re-specific antibody with minimal toxicity from labeled nonspecific antibody, but 212 Bi-antibody had little effect because of its short half-life as shown by Langmuir. It appears that the two most important factors for therapeutic efficacy in this model are good penetration of the radiolabeled antibody and an adequate radionuclide half-life to allow penetration of the immunoconjugate prior to significant radionuclide decay. Radioimmunotherapy studies in animals bearing transplants of colon cancer, leukemia, lymphoma, hepatoma, renal cell carcinoma, neuroblastoma, glioma, mammary carcinoma, small cell lung carcinoma, cervical carcinoma, ovarian carcinoma, and bladder cancer have been performed with 1 3 1I, 9 0Y, 1 8 6Re, 1 5 3Sm, and 177 Lu beta emitting, and 212Bi alpha emitting radionuclides conjugated to monoclonal antibodies. A few studies compared different radionuclides in the same model system. The approaches that have been used in these studies to estimate tumor dosimetry include the MIRD approach, thermoluminescent dosimetry, autoradiography, and comparison to external irradiation. The majority of investigators have estimated the dose to tumor and normal organs using MIRDbased calculations (time-activity curve and equilibrium dose constant method). The range of tumor doses has been between 17 and 11 171 mGy/MBq of administered radioactivity. The effectiveness of radiolabeled monoclonal antibody therapy depends on a number of factors relating to the antibody such as specificity, affinity, and immunoreactivity. The density, location, and heterogeneity of expression of tumor-associated antigen within tumors will affect the localization and therapeutic efficacy of radiolabeled antibodies, as will physiological factors such as the tumor vascularity, blood flow, and permeability. These factors are discussed and examples are presented. In the future, it is recommended that investigators make comparisons of different radionuclides in the same system, which should include an analysis of the relative toxicity. It is also recommended that comparisons to external beam radiation be made for both tumor and normal tissue damage. It is also recommended that investigators look at radiation dose heterogeneity using thermoluminescent dosimeters and autoradiography, so that the range of tumor radiation dose and dose-rate is reported. It is hoped that an answer to how heterogeneity in radiolabeled antibody deposition in experimental tumors and spheroids affects absorbed dose distribution and the radiobiological consequences will be understood. It is also hoped that a definitive answer will be obtained for what radionuclides and forms of antibody are optimum for radioimmunotherapy of leukemias, micrometastases, and solid tumors, and most importantly how best to apply these techniques and information to the treatment of cancer clinically. I. INTRODUCTION Radiolabeled monoclonal antibodies (MoAbs) have been used for radioimmunotherapy (RIT) of spheroids in vitro and in a variety of murine syngeneic tumors and human tumor xenografts in vivo A recent review of the animal RIT literature by Wessels 1 will be updated and expanded upon in this review. Those papers that have presented dosimetry estimates in experimental RIT studies are dis551 Med. Phys. 20 (2), Pt. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 cussed, and the presentation is organized by tumor type. The majority of the work has been with 131I- or 90Y-labeled MoAbs and human tumor xenografts. There are a few manuscripts available describing 1 8 6 Re-, 1 7 7 Lu-, and 153 Sm-labeled MoAb therapy in experimental animals. In addition to these studies with beta emitting radionuclides, alpha emitters ( 2 1 2Bi or 2 1 1 At) and the Auger emitter 1 2 5 I have been investigated in experimental RIT studies. A dis- 0094-2405/93/020551-18$01.20 © 1993 Am. Assoc. Phys. Med. 551 552 Buchsbaum, Langmuir, and Wessels: Experimental radioimmunotherapy cussion of the physical and chemical properties of these radionuclides is presented in another manuscript in this special issue.2 The approaches that have been taken to estimate tumor dosimetry include the MIRD approach, thermoluminescent dosimetry, autoradiography, and comparison to external irradiation. Most authors have used MIRD infinite media/equilibrium dose constant calculations, 3 but calculations for long range beta emitters (e.g., 9 0Y) in small tumors (less than l-cm diameter) should use point source calculations. 4 The comparison to the external irradiation approach is reviewed in another section of this report by Langmuir et al.5 It is hoped that these studies in experimental animal models and with spheroids will provide information useful to clinical RIT trials, such that better therapeutic results with less toxicity will ultimately be obtained. II. RESULTS OF PUBLISHED STUDIES A. The multicell spheroid as a three-dimensional model for RIT dosimetry research Multicell spheroids have been used by several investigators to assess the efficacy of radiolabeled antibody therapy. 6 - 1 5 Multicell spheroids are clusters of tumor cells grown in vitro in spinner flasks which can grow to diameters of 1 mm or more. The cells become differentiated and produce extracellular matrix. Gradients of oxygen and nutrient concentrations develop, thus mimicking what occurs in vivo. The spheroid is therefore a useful in vitro threedimensional (3D) tumor model. Autoradiography of spheroid sections can be used to evaluate the distribution of radiolabeled compounds. Clonogenic assay of dissociated spheroid cells can be used to evaluate the toxicity of various treatments. Because of the simple spherical geometry, more accurate dose estimates can be made than are possible with in vivo tumors. 16-19 Because of the importance of delayed antibody penetration and radionuclide cross-fire in RIT, an in vitro 3D tumor model can be very useful, particularly as a model for tumor microregions and for studies of radiobiological and dosimetric aspects of RIT. Comparisons between different radionuclides can be made as well as between different extents of radiolabeled antibody penetration. 14,15 This model does not allow evaluation of the roles of normal host cells, the vasculature, or pharmacokinetics. The main problem in determining the dose-response relationship in RIT is the heterogeneity of radiolabeled antibody deposition. Because of this, tumor doses are generally reported as average doses over the whole tumor volume, without differentiating between necrotic and viable regions. The response of the spheroid can be measured using either clonogenic assay of cells from dissociated spheroids or regrowth assays of intact spheroids. The average dose to the region of viable cells can be calculated separately from the dose to the necrotic center resulting in more meaningful dose estimates to the potentially viable cell population. 10 In general, it is possible to reach higher radiation doseMedical Physics, Vol. 20, No. 2, Pt. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 552 rates and doses than are presently achievable with RIT in vivo and a complete dose-response curve can be constructed using a uniform population of spheroids. End points used have included regrowth delay, 7,9 proportion of spheroids sterilized,’ and clonogenic assay of dissociated spheroid cells.9-11 Using 131I-labeled anticarcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) or 131I-labeled NR-LU-10, it has been possible to achieve up to 99.9% to 99.99% (3 to 4 log) cell kill in 0.8 to 1.0 mm diameter LS174T human colon cancer spheroids. 10,14,15 Calculated absorbed doses to the outer 0.2 mm of the spheroids, which contains the viable cells in untreated spheroids, were 30 to 40 Gy at this level of cell kill. Approximately 10% of the dose was from 1 3 1I in the incubating medium. When 1 3 1I was compared with 1 8 6R e , similar doses produced similar toxicity. 14 For 1 3 1I, it was shown that a more even distribution of radionuclide produced a higher absorbed dose and more cell kill. 15 Studies using 212Bi-labeled NR-LU-10, which has a half-life of only 1 h, produced little cell kill in spheroids despite substantial cell kill in monolayer cells.” This occurred because the 212 Bi decayed before there was significant penetration of the immunoconjugate into the spheroids. Pretargeting with a bifunctional antibody followed by administration of chelated 212 Bi may get around this problem, as well as the use of longer half-life alpha emitters such as 2 1 2 Pb or 2 1 1 At. Both of these solutions would allow higher tumor/normal tissue (T/NT) ratios to be reached prior to full decay of the radionuclide. Alpha emitters have the advantage of high linear energy transfer (LET) which results in more killing for a given radiation dose. However, normal tissues would also receive this high LET radiation which once again emphasizes the importance of high T/NT ratios when alpha emitters are used. Bardies et al. 18 have predicted doses of up to 417 Gy with 153 Sm and 135 Gy with 9 in 0.2-mm-diam ovarian cancer spheroids based on uptake data using “‘In-labeled OC125 F(ab’) 2 fragments. B. Radioimmunotherapy of human colon cancer in animal models Goldenberg et al.2 0 evaluated RIT of GW-39 human colonic carcinoma xenografts in the hamster cheek pouch following administration of 131 I-labeled goat anticarcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) polyclonal antibody. With a single injection of 37 MBq 131 I-labeled antibody, there was marked tumor growth inhibition and an increase in animal survival time compared to an equivalent radionuclide dose of normal goat IgG. Radiation dose estimates to the tumor using biodistribution data and the MIRD technique were 13 250 mGy to the tumor over a 20-day period from the specific antibody, and 4111 mGy for the normal IgG, following the administration of 37 MBq of 131 I-labeled antibody. A summary of these and other results presented below are shown in Fig. 1 and Table I. Sharkey et al. 2 1 investigated the therapeutic efficacy of a single injection of 131 I-labeled NP-4 MoAb against CEA in hamsters bearing the GW-39 tumor in the cheek pouch. A dose of 18.5 MBq of 131 I-labeled NP-4 was able to reduce the growth rate of 4-day-old GW-39 tumors by 84% on day 14 after treatment compared to untreated controls. Thirty-seven MBq 553 Buchsbaum, Langmuir, and Wessels: Experimental radioimmunotherapy of 1 3 1 I-labeled NP-4 had about the same percentage of growth inhibition on day 14. At day 21, the percentage growth inhibition of 4-day-old tumors compared to untreated controls produced by 18.5 MBq and 37 MBq of 131 I-labeled NP-4 was 92% and 79%, respectively. The reason that the higher quantity of 131 I did not improve the effect was that the control tumors grew to twice the size in the higher dose experiment than in the lower dose experiment. The radiation dose to the tumor calculated using the MIRD formalism was 11 960 mGy for 18.5 MBq 131 I-labeled NP-4 over a 14-day period. Esteban et al.22 administered 11.1 MBq 1 3 1 I-labeled B72.3 to nude mice bearing LS174T tumor xenografts. They found no visible toxic effect in the mice with 11.1 M B q o f 1311-labeled B72.3, although 18.5 MBq of 131 I-labeled B72.3 showed greater inhibition of tumor growth and produced toxic effects in the mice, including early death. Zalcberg et al. 23 found that 37 MBq of 131 I-labeled 250-30.6 MoAb directed against an antigen present on human colonic secretory epithelium inhibited the growth of COLO 205 colon carcinoma xenografts in nude mice, whereas a similar quantity of 131 I-labeled control MoAb or unlabeled specific antibody did not. They calculated using the MIRD technique a radiation dose of 7000 mGy to the tumor following administration of 37 MBq of 131I-labeled 250-30.6 MoAb. In the above described studies, some of the preparations may have dehalogenated faster than others, especially if they formed immune complexes with circulating antigen in the vascular compartment, so that one must be careful about the dose estimates reported. One approach to dealing with the potential complexities of decaying low dose rate irradiation in RIT, which was suggested by Wessels and co-workers, 1,24,25 is to attempt to express the effect on tumor growth of radiolabeled antibody treatment compared to external beam irradiation. Buchsbaum et al. performed such a study comparing 6 0C o irradiation to 131 I-labeled 17-1A treatment of LS174T human colon cancer xenografts in nude mice. 26 There was a prolonged inhibition of growth produced by one or three injections with 11.1 MBq 131 I-labeled 17-1A as compared to untreated control animals and animals that received unlabeled 17-1A. The response that was achieved by the administration of 11.1 MBq of the 1 3 1I-labeled 17-1A antibody was similar to that produced by 6000 mGy 6 0C o irradiation. A calibration curve was constructed which plotted doubling time as a function of 60Co dose. Based on this curve, three injections of 11.1 MBq of 1 3 1 I-labeled 17-1A was equal to 9200 mGy of 60Co irradiation and one injection of 11.1 MBq of 131 I-labeled 17-1A was equal to 5000 mGy of 60Co irradiation. Finally, MIRD calculations suggest that the dose to tumor following a single injection of 131I-labeled 17-1A would be 19 060 mGy and all normal tissue doses were less than 6500 mGy. This difference of 19 060 mGy and 9200 mGy 60Co irradiation results at least partially from the low-dose rate effect, as described in the manuscript on “Radiobiology of radiolabeled antibody therapy as applied to tumor dosimetry” contained in this report. 5 In another study, Buchsbaum et al. found that Medical Physics, Vol. 20, No. 2, Pt. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 131 553 I-labeled chimeric IgG1 17-1A MoAb, following a single i.p. injection of 11.1 MBq, produced tumor growth inhibition comparable to that of multiple doses of 1 3 1I-labeled murine 17-1A.27 Neacy et al. compared the LS174T tumor volume doubling time in athymic nude mice treated with 131 I-labeled B72.3 MoAb and single fraction 4-MV external x-ray radiation and found the therapeutic efficacy of both types of irradiation to be similar with a relative efficacy factor of 0.8-1.0.28 Griffith et al29 compared theoretical absorbed dose calculations to measured micro-TLD values in LS 174T tumors growing in athymic nude mice injected with 7.4 MBq 131 I-labeled B72.3. There was good agreement between the two methods, 8100 mGy measured to 8240 mGy calculated per 7.4 MBq injected. Three-dimensional dose distributions have been developed for LS174T human colon cancer xenografts in athymic nude mice injected with 131 I-labeled 17-1A MoAb.30,31 The activity distributions were determined using autoradiographs of serial sections. Tumors removed one and four days postinjection were analyzed. The dosimetry calculations used a point dose kernel for 1 3 1 I, modified for the finite extent of the activity-distribution voxels. The 3D dose distributions were obtained by summing the contribu- 554 Buchsbaum, Langmuir, and Wessels: Experimental radioimmunotherapy Medical Physics, Vol. 20, No. 2, Pt. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 554 555 Buchsbaum, Langmuir, and Wessels: Experimental radioimmunotherapy tions from each voxel. Dose rates at one day postinjection of 11.1 MBq of 1 3 1I-labeled 17-1A MoAb were 50-150 mGy/h at the surface of the tumor, decreasing to nearly zero in the interior. At four days postinjection, the surface dose ranged between 40-100 mGy/h and was approximately half of this dose in the interior. Additional information is reported elsewhere. 30,31 An important issue in maximizing the effectiveness of 131 I-labeled MoAb therapy concerns the relative benefit of intact antibodies versus F(ab’)2 fragments. This issue has been addressed by Buchegger et al. 32 using a cocktail of four 131 I-labeled antibodies reactive with distinct epitopes of CEA. Although both forms of MoAbs had efficacy, fragments were more effective at producing growth delay of T380 human colon carcinoma xenografts than intact MoAbs. In addition, only fragments appeared to produce long term tumor remission. Compared to fragments, intact MoAb caused more toxicity, such as weight loss and depression of peripheral white blood cells. This was true despite the fact that a much higher dose of radioactivity was given with fragments (92.5 MBq administered in 3 injections) than with intact MoAb (18.5 MBq administered in 2 injections). These findings were consistent with the MIRD calculations which showed that, for the same dose delivered to the tumor, fragments delivered less dose to most normal tissues, with the exception of kidneys, stomach, and intestine. The radiation dose to kidney was 26% higher with fragments as compared to intact antibodies. Most importantly the whole-body dose with F(ab’) 2 fragments was 4400 mGy, compared to 6600 mGy with the use of intact MoAb. Based on these results, and others that were previously published, 33,34 these investigators feel that fragments will have a lower uptake in marrow and liver, and will lead to a higher T/NT ratio, and therefore a better therapeutic index. Other investigators have reported that the use of antibody fragments has resulted in higher T/NT ratios and greater therapeutic efficacy than intact MoAbs. 33,35 T h e rationale for the use of antibody fragments [F(ab’) 2 , Fab, or Fv3 6] is that the smaller antibody molecule has more rapid penetration through the tumor vasculature into the Medical Physics, Vol. 20, No. 2, Pt. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 555 extravascular space where ‘it can bind to tumor cells with a more homogeneous distribution, and more rapid catabolism from both blood and normal tissues than intact antibody. These differences would produce a higher T/NT ratio than intact MoAbs. However, most preparations of antibody fragments have a lower affinity than the corresponding intact MoAbs, and in both preclinical and clinical studies, MoAb fragments have had a shorter biological half-life in tumor than intact MoAbs and a higher relative uptake in kidneys, which could result in renal toxicity. In studies of dose fractionation with 131 I-labeled intact MoAbs, multiple administrations have been found to produce prolonged tumor growth inhibition and less toxicity than single administrations.26,27 ’ 3 7 Although 1 3 1I-labeled MoAbs have produced regressions and potential cures in colon cancer xenograft models, several findings suggest that there may be advantages to employing a radionuclide with more energetic emissions. First, not all cells synthesize antigen. In addition, all tumor sites do not have adequate vascularization. The experimental findings clearly demonstrate nonuniform binding. The best studied example of a radionuclide that has been utilized for this purpose is 9 0Y. It is a pure beta emitter with a 64-h half-life and an intermediate beta energy (2.3-MeV maximum). The results using v-labeled MoAbs for treatment are presented below. In these studies, 90Y labeling has been accomplished with different chelates, resulting in different stabilities of the radiolabeled antibodies. These differences are important, because they affect the uptake and retention of 9 0Y in the tumor and the bone, since this radionuclide is a bone-seeker. Thus, with the use of less stable chelates there would be a greater loss of 9 0Y from the antibody resulting in a lower radiation dose to the tumor with increased toxicity to the host. In addition, the molar substitution ratio of chelate to antibody has been shown to be an important parameter affecting both immunoreactivity of the antibody and uptake in tumor and normal organs. Thus the results presented need to be interpreted with caution, and one must be very careful in drawing conclusions. Washburn and others have used 90Y-labeled 17-1A pre- 556 Buchsbaum, Langmuir, and Wessels: Experimental radioimmunotherapy pared with cyclic DTPA as the chelate or the more stable p - N H2 -Bz-DTPA chelate to treat nude mice bearing SW948 human colon cancer xenografts. 38 After injection with unlabeled 17-IA, the tumors continually increased in size. In animals receiving 7.4 MBq 90Y-labeled 17-1A prepared with cyclic DTPA, tumor volume was unchanged from base line. As the quantity of v-labeled 17-1A increased from 3.7 to 7.4 MBq, the rate of tumor growth decreased, but all experimental animals died between 14 and 21 days after treatment. In contrast, 7.4 MBq 90 Y-labeled 17-1A prepared with p-NH2 -Bz-DTPA produced a maximum tumor volume reduction of 87% by day 15, and no deaths were noted for 71 days after treatment. Dose-response curves again showed increased tumoricidal effects with increased quantities of 90Y-labeled 17-IA. Using the MIRD approach, a radiation dose to tumor of 33 400 or 41 600 mGy was calculated for 7.4 MBq 90 Y-labeled 17-1A administered with each of these chelates, respectively. 39 In another study, 40 groups of athymic nude mice bearing SW 948 xenografts were injected with 5.55 or 7.4 MBq 9 0Y-labeled 17-1A MoAb prepared with the stable p-NH2 -Bz-Mx-DTPA chelate. At 49 and 125 days after the first injection, the treatment group receiving 7.4 MBq was reinjected with 5.55 MBq of 90Y-labeled 171A. There were no deaths from treatment in this group. The reduction in the initial tumor size reached nadirs of 96% at 39 days, 88% at 74 days, and 44% at 147 days. The treatment group receiving 5.55 MBq was reinjected with 7.4 MBq 9 0Y-labeled 17-1A at 49 days after the first injection. There was a maximum reduction in the initial tumor size of 85% at 21 days, but all the animals in this group died within 17 to 21 days after reinjection at 49 days, probably due to hematopoietic death. Sharkey et al.4 1 reported that 1.85 MBq of 9 0Y-labeled NP-2 anti-CEA MoAb conjugated with cyclic DTPA inhibited growth of the GW-39 tumor in athymic mice by 77% as compared to control animals given 1.85 MBq v-labeled irrelevant MoAb at 21 days after injection. The estimated radiation dose to the tumor using the MIRD formulation was 16 030 mGy after 1.85 MBq 9 0Y-labeled NP-2 administration over a 14-day period. Doses to lungs, kidneys, and liver were 5730, 5960, and 7420 mGy, respectively. Buras and colleagues have performed a similar study with s.c. LS174T solid tumor xenografts of colon cancer. 42 As was the case with 17-1A and NP-2, while unlabeled antibody had no affect on tumor growth, y-labeled ZCE025 (anti-CEA antibody conjugated with a proprietary bifunctional chelating agent) arrested tumors for 2 to 3 weeks. They performed a series of MIRD calculations to estimate the dose to the tumor and normal tissues produced by specific and nonspecific MoAbs. There was no correction for the small tumor volume and the deposition of a fraction of the beta particle energy outside the tumor. The tumor was calculated to receive 34 000 mGy with the administration of 4.44 MBq 9 0Y-labeled anti-CEA antibody as compared to 14 000 mGy with the nonspecific antibody. However, some normal tissues received potentially significant doses as well. For instance, the liver dose was calculated to be 37 000 mGy compared Medical Physics, Vol. 20, No. 2, Pt. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 556 to 18000 mGy with a control antibody against melanoma. With regard to spleen, they calculated similar degrees of dose of 29 000 mGy with the specific antibody, 27000 mGy with the nonspecific antibody, and the dose to kidney was similar with 17000 mGy with the specific antibody and 16000 mGy with the nonspecific antibody. In a more recent study, Buras et al. corrected for the loss of beta particle energy outside the tumor and normal organs and estimated that the tumor dose from a single 4.44 MBq administration of 9 0Y-labeled ZCE025 was 17500 mGy. 4 3 In another study by the same group of investigators it was shown that interferon increased the amount of CEA expression in tumors by a factor of 6.9. In animals treated with interferon, there was enhanced localization of 90 Y-labeled ZCE025 (using a stable benzyl DTPA chelate) in WiDr human colon cancer xenografts by a factor of 2.4. 4 4 T h e d o s e t o t u m o r p r o d u c e d b y 4 . 4 4 M B q 90 Y-labeled ZCE025 increased from 12 170 mGy in animals treated without interferon to 24 770 mGy in animals treated with interferon.4 4 Another therapeutic approach that has been studied in a nude mouse xenograft system has been to give multiple administrations of low quantities (between 1.48 and 5.55 MBq) of 9 0Y-labeled antibody prepared using the GYKDTPA chelate. However, tumors regrow as soon as the injections are stopped. 4 5 In a preliminary experiment on 9 0Y-labeled 17-1A tumor growth inhibition, groups of 8 mice each were injected i.p. with 0, 5.55, 9.25, 12.95, and 16.65 MBq of 90Y-labeled 17-1A prepared using the p-NH2 - M x - D T P A s t a b l e chelate. 4 6 There was tumor growth inhibition produced which was proportional to the quantity of 9 0Y - l a b e l e d 17-1A administered. The toxicity (decrease in peripheral white blood cells and death of animals) of the q-labeled antibody treatments was proportional to dose. The results of a comparison of the tumor growth inhibition produced by 131 I- and 9 0Y-labeled 17-1A indicate that similar tumor growth inhibition was produced by 9.25 MBq 9 0Y- and 5.55 MBq 1 3 1 I-labeled 17-1A. In this study, 9.25 MBq 90 Y-labeled 17-1A MoAb was estimated to deliver 17 900 mGy to the tumor based on MIRD calculations. However, 9.25 MBq 90Y-labeled 17-1A showed considerably greater toxicity in terms of decreased peripheral white blood cells and animal deaths than 5.55 MBq 1 3 1I-labeled 17-1A MoAb, which was estimated to deliver 9530 mGy to the tumor by MIRD calculations. Higher doses of 131 I-labeled 17-1A (14.8 and 18.5 MBq) produced greater tumor growth inhibition without toxicity. The differences in tumor growth inhibition were in part due to a lower degree of tumor localization of the 9 0Y-labeled antibody, and because about 25% of the 90Y dose was deposited outside the tumor as determined by 3D dose distributions calculated using autoradiography data. Sharkey et a1.47 conducted biodistribution studies with 131 I- and 9 0Y-labeled (using the ITC-Bz-Mx-DTPA stable chelate) intact NP-4 anti-CEA MoAb and fragments in nude mice bearing human colonic tumor xenografts. Radiation dose estimates derived from these studies suggest that the maximum tolerated dose of 1 3 1I-labeled intact MoAb 557 Buchsbaum, Langmuir, and Wessels: Experimental radioimmunotherapy would deliver a greater dose to a small tumor than v-labeled intact antibody, principally due to the increased toxicity of ?-labeled antibody brought on by the higher and prolonged retention of 9 0Y in the normal organs, especially bone. It was concluded that 9 0Y-labeled MoAb fragments would not be useful due to the higher doses to the kidneys than to the tumor, but that “‘I-labeled fragments administered in a fractionated regimen might have an advantage over multiple treatments with 131 I-labeled intact antibody due to less bone marrow toxicity. One of the chief stumbling blocks in achieving cures using radiolabeled MoAb therapy is that hematologic toxicity limits the dose that can be delivered. Two potential methods of increasing the dose of labeled antibody that can be delivered are through the use of autologous bone marrow transplantation (ABMT) and colony stimulating factors. 48-51 The potential role of ABMT in colon cancer was assessed by Morton and colleagues. 48 In their studies using nude mouse xenografts, they found that 4.44 MBq of 90 Y-labeled anti-CEA antibody (prepared with a proprietary bifunctional chelating agent) alone produced a median survival of 45 days. This represented an increase from 31 or 35 days, which was observed in the control group and in those receiving nonspecific antibody, respectively. Higher doses of antibody could be tolerated only if ABMT was performed. This allowed administration of up to 8.325 MBq of anti-CEA antibody, which increased median survival to 63 days. An alternative to bone marrow transplantation which may allow dose escalation of RIT includes the use of radioprotective agents. Interleukin-1 (IL-1) is the most studied hematopoietic growth factor with regard to radioprotection. It, as well as other hematopoietic stimulatory factors, has a radioprotective effect on bone marrow progenitor cells in vitro when given before, during, or shortly after acute external radiation exposure. 51,52 In mice, the protective effect has been greater when given 24 h prior to as opposed to after sublethal or lethal doses of radiation. 53-57 IL-1 stimulates growth of pluripotent hematopoietic cells.58 In mice, survival was increased most by administering 100-1000 ng 20 h before lethal radiation compared to 4 or 45 h prior to radiation. 53,54 Some radioprotective effect resulted from l-5 µg doses given up to 3 h after radiation but not at longer time intervals 54-57 Initial testing of IL-l in conjunction with RIT has been carried o u t b y B l u m e n t h a l e t a l5 0 T h e y s h o w e d t h a t t h e 131 I-labeled antibody induced decline in circulating white blood cells in hamsters could be prevented by a single injection of IL-l 20 h prior to radiolabeled antibody injection, or reversed by IL-l injection 7 days after “‘I-labeled antibody administration. Thrombocytopenia has been the dose limiting toxicity in most clinical RIT trials. IL-l has not been shown to be effective in stimulating the growth of megakaryocytes. The adjunctive use of IL-l and other growth factors that stimulate megakaryocyte proliferation may allow the use of higher doses of radiolabeled MoAbs due to their protective effect on bone marrow stem cells or the accelerated proliferation of cells surviving RIT. Medical Physics, Vol. 20, No. 2, Pt. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 557 Another approach to enhancing the efficacy of RIT is to target cells not well targeted by the antibody. Hypoxic cells are in this category as they are generally at a distance from blood vessels. Hypoxic cells are also relatively radioresistant decreasing even further the effectiveness of RIT. Misonidazole, an hypoxic cell radiosensitizer, has been evaluated in combination with 1 3 1 I - l a b e l e d a n t i - C E A i n LS174T human colon cancer xenografts. 59 They found that the addition of misonidazole resulted in significant prolongation of tumor growth inhibition as compared to the radiolabeled antibody alone. SR 4233, a benzotriazine hypoxic cytotoxin, has been used in the same tumor model in combination with 1311-labeled NR-LU-10 and tumor growth delay was significantly prolonged. 60 It was estimated that the combined treatment produced 10 times more cell kill than radiolabeled antibody alone. The application of hypoxic cell sensitizers in clinical studies with external beam radiation has been disappointing, which has been attributed largely to the fact that doses were limited to inadequate levels because of toxicity. New sensitizers have been synthesized that are less toxic, and these are being evaluated in clinical trials. C. Radioimmunotherapy of leukemias and lymphomas in animal models MoAbs labeled with 1 3 1 I have been used for RIT of leukemia and lymphoma in experimental animal models. A feature of many lymphomas and leukemias is that they are more radiosensitive than carcinomas.6 1 RIT of Rauscher murine erythroleukemia was studied with 1 3 1I-labeled 103A MoAb reactive with the envelope glycoprotein expressed on Rauscher murine erythroleukemia cells 62 Dose-response studies showed that about 90% reduction in spleen size occurred at 2.96 MBq injected per animal. Similar results were obtained with an irrelevant MoAb, indicating that RIT with 1 3 1 I was not antibody specific in this system. Using the MIRD formulation, the calculated mean absorbed doses to the spleen and whole body of a mouse treated with 5.92 MBq of 131 I-polyclonal bovine IgG were 18000 and 1650 mGy, respectively. RIT using 90Y-labeled 103A MoAb prepared with cyclic DTPA was also studied.63 Doses of 0.999 to 1.85 MBq 90Y-labeled 103A antibody resulted in complete remission with no microscopic evidence of tumor foci in either spleen or liver, whereas a dose of 1.85 MBq of control bovine IgG had areas of abnormal erythropoiesis suggestive of tumor foci in lymphoid tissue. The specific radiation dose delivered to the tumor or whole body was not calculated. However, analysis of the MBq/g present in tumor and normal tissues over 9 days, indicated that over 20-fold greater radiation doses were delivered to the tumor than to any other organ examined. Gansow et al.64 labeled the 103A MoAb with 2 1 2Bi and treated mice bearing Rauscher erythroleukemia cells. With whole body doses of 1270 mGy, tumor foci in spleens of leukemic mice were mostly eliminated without substantive toxicity. M a c k l i s e t a l .6 5 , 6 6 p e r f o r m e d R I T s t u d i e s w i t h 212 Bi-labeled anti-Thy 1.2 IgM MoAb for the treatment of 558 Buchsbaum, Langmuir, and Wessels: Experimental radioimmunotherapy EL4 (Thy1.2+) leukemic T-cells injected i.p. in mice. Mice inoculated i.p. with 5.55 or 8.51 MBq of 212Bi-labeled antibody in 2 to 4 injections 24 h after EL4 injection were often cured (80% survival) of their ascites. Animals treated with 1.48 to 3.7 MBq of 2 1 2Bi-labeled antibody given i.p. over 4 to 8 h showed significant prolongation in survival. Nonspecific IgM labeled with 212 Bi did not prolong survival at the same doses. No attempts were made to estimate the absorbed radiation dose to the tumor cells. The high LET (about 100 keV/µ) and S-7 cell-diameter path length of the alpha particle ejected from the 2 1 2 B i nucleus make it a potentially useful radionuclide for the RIT of ascites, leukemia, and micrometastases. The short half-life (60.55 min) may be advantageous in limiting normal tissue doses if there is good tumor localization at early time points after injection; however, the short half-life creates logistical problems with regard to shipping the radionuclide or even if a cyclotron is nearby. Badger et al.67 evaluated the use of 131 I-labeled anti-Thy 1.1 differentiation antigen MoAb (31E6.4) to deliver radiotherapy to established AKR/J SL2 (Thy 1.1+) murine T-cell lymphoma nodules of 0.5 to 1.0 cm in diameter growing s.c. in congenic AKR/Cum (Thy 1.2+) mice. Based on kinetic biodistribution data and the MIRD formulation, the mean calculated dose to tumor was 16000 mGy following injection of 18.5 MBq of 131 I-labeled antiThy 1.1 antibody which led to regression of the tumor in 44% of animals. Mice treated with more than 18.5 MBq 131 I-labeled anti-Thy 1.1 antibody died of bone marrow aplasia. In comparison, 18.5 MBq 131 I-labeled irrelevant antibody was calculated to deliver a mean dose of 3800 mGy to tumor and had an effect on tumor growth in 6% of animals. Nourigat et al. 6 8 using the same model demonstrated that 55.5-62.9 MBq 1 3 1I-labeled anti-Thy 1.1 MoAb produced 92% complete regression of SL2 lymphoma nodules containing 0.3% to 1% variant lymphoma cells that do not express the Thy 1.1 antigen. This study demonstrated that emitted radiation from radiolabeled antibody bound to antigen-positive tumor cells killed adjacent tumor cells that do not express the target antigen. All animals treated with radiolabeled antibody died by day 12 from anticipated bone marrow aplasia. Badger et a1. 69 also examined RIT with 131 I-labeled MoAb against Thy 1.1 for treating solid SL2 tumor masses in syngeneic AKR/J (Thy 1.1+) mice, where the antibody also reacts with normal T-cells. The results demonstrated that it was possible to cause regressions of lymphoma in spite of reactivity with normal cells. RIT of AKR/J mice bearing established s.c. lymphoma nodules with 55.5 MBq of 131I-labeled anti-Thy 1.1 MoAb 24 h after infusion of 1mg of unlabeled anti-Thy 1.1 resulted in complete regression of the tumors in 71% of animals and had a greater cure rate than 27.75 MBq of 131 I-labeled irrelevant antibody (23% complete regression, p<0.00l), which delivered equivalent radiation doses to normal organs except for bone marrow. All animals treated with 55.5 MBq 131 I-labeled anti-Thy 1.1 antibody died of bone marrow aplasia. Radiation doses to tumor and various tissues were calculated from the biodistribution data using the MIRD formulation assuming uniform disMedical Physics, Vol. 20, No. 2, Pt. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 558 tribution of the radiolabeled antibody within individual organs. The dose to tumor following treatment with 55.5 MBq 131 I-labeled anti-Thy 1.1 after 1 mg unlabeled antibody was estimated to be 16000 mGy. Adams et al.7 0 successfully treated Raji Burkitt lymphoma xenografts in athymic nude mice with a single injection of 11.47-14.54 MBq of 1 3 1 I-labeled Lym-1 pan B-cell MoAb reactive with this tumor. In 3 mice treated with 1 3 1 I-labeled Lym-1, 4 of 6 tumors regressed completely and did not recur. Griffith et a1.29 performed quantitative autoradiography on Raji tumors with implanted mini-TLDs from animals injected with 131I-labeled Lym-1. A maximum radiation dose to tumor of 17400 mGy was measured (range of 3920-17 400 over all TLD sections) per 24.27 MBq 131I-labeled Lym-1 injected. Schmidberger et al.7 1 radiolabeled the Ly1 anti-T-cell MoAb, the murine homologue of human CD5, with 9 0Y . When tested in an aggressive model of T-cell lymphoma, a single 5.18 MBq i.p. dose of 90Y-anti-Ly1, given 1 day after i.v. injection of a lethal dose of 10 4 E L 4 m o u s e T-lymphoma cells, resulted in significant, but transient improvement in survival. Protection was selective since a 90 Y-labeled irrelevant control antibody did not prolong survival. Comparison with external whole-body irradiation studies indicated that the partially protective effect of 5.18 MBq 9 0Y-anti-Lyl was equivalent to external radiation of 1000-2000 mGy. D. Radioimmunotherapy of hepatoma in animal models Tumor doses of 4500 mGy were calculated by Rostock et al.72 using the MIRD formulation following injection of 18.5 MBq of 131 I-labeled anti-ferritin polyclonal antibody in the H-4-11-E syngeneic rat hepatoma model. The dose deposited in tumor was calculated to be 1550 mGy following injection of 18.5 MBq of 131I-labeled normal IgG. Klein et al.73 performed RIT studies with 1 3 1 I- and 9 0Y-labeled (prepared using a proprietary bifunctional chelating agent) anti-ferritin MoAbs in athymic nude mice bearing HepG2 human hepatoma s.c. xenografts of 2 to 3 mm in diameter. Animals injected with a single dose of 14.8 MBq of 131 I-labeled anti-ferritin MoAb QCI054 showed inhibition of tumor growth and significantly prolonged survival compared to untreated controls, but there were no longterm survivors, whereas 7.4 or 11.1 MBq of 1 3 1I-labeled antibody did not inhibit tumor growth nor produce increased survival compared to controls. Animals treated with 3.7, 7.4, or 11.1 MBq of 9 0Y-labeled anti-ferritin MoAb had inhibition of tumor growth and significantly prolonged survival compared to untreated control animals. Miniature TLDs were implanted into some of the tumors for radiation dose measurements. Tumor absorbed dose calculations were performed using biodistribution data and the MIRD formulation. Tumor doses of 10000 to 15000 mGy produced an inhibition of tumor growth and an extension in survival, but no regressions. Tumor doses of 20000 to 50000 mGy produced greater tumor growth inhibition and a more pronounced increase in survival. At the highest tumor doses, 75000 to 124000 mGy, obtained 559 Buchsbaum, Langmuir, and Wessls: Experimental radioimmunotherapy with 7.4 and 11.1 MBq of 9 0Y-labeled MoAb, there was considerable tumor regression and increased survival. Those animals showing a significant increase in survival received up to 124000 mGy to the center of the tumor. The radiation doses to tumors measured with implanted TLDs were in good agreement with the calculated tumor doses. It was estimated that v-labeled anti-ferritin MoAb deposited approximately 7 times the dose deposited to tumor as equivalent levels of 131I-labeled anti-ferritin MoAb, which is higher than that expected based on the relative energy deposited by each radionuclide under equilibrium conditions, and may be a result of higher nonspecific tumor uptake or retention of 9 0Y-labeled MoAbs. E. Radioimmunotherapy of renal cell carcinoma in animal models Renal cell carcinoma is relatively resistant to external beam radiation. Tumor localization studies have demonstrated a high uptake (greater than 50% ID/g) of 131 I-labeled A6H MoAb reactive with human renal cell carcinoma in tumor xenografts weighing 100 mg. Vessella et al.74 treated athymic nude mice bearing established s.c. TK-82 human renal cell carcinomas weighing about 50 mg with 3.7 MBq of 1 3 1I-labeled A6H MoAb reactive with human renal carcinoma cells at day 0 and day 20. There was tumor regression to about 20% of initial size, and tumor growth was inhibited for at least 90 days. Control mice treated with 1 3 1 I-labeled irrelevant MoAb showed progressive increase in tumor size. Dosimetry calculations using the MIRD formulation and external imaging indicated that the tumors received up to 50000 mGy from each of the 3.7 MBq 1 3 1 I-labeled MoAb doses, whereas normal tissues and organs received less than 2500 mGy. Chiou et al.75 carried out dosimetry studies with 1.37 to 6.55 MBq 131 I-labeled A6H MoAb in athymic nude mice bearing TK-82 or TK-177G renal cell carcinoma xenografts. Using quantitative imaging and the MIRD formulation, the median radiation dose delivered to TK-177G tumors was 10 260 mGy/MBq 1311-labeled A6H administered in a single dose, and the median dose to TK-82 tumors was 15 930 mGy/MBq. Normal mouse tissues received a mean dose of 243 mGy/MBq administered. Two doses of 1311-labeled A6H MoAb (4.07 to 4.81 MBq/dose) arrested the tumor growth or caused regression of both renal cell carcinoma xenografts. Similar doses of 131 I-labeled irrelevant MoAb did not inhibit tumor growth. Using TLDs and autoradiography, Vessella et al. 76 reported a measured tumor dose of 7000 to 24 000 mGy for a 5.55 MBq injected dose of 131I-labeled A6H MoAb in the TK-82 renal cell carcinoma xenograft. In another study, Wessels et al.25 reported TLD average doses to TK-82 xenografts of 3410, 3830, 8860, and 10 340 mGy following a single administration of 3.7, 7.4, 14.8, and 22.2 MBq of 131 I-labeled A6H antibody, respectively. The range of absorbed doses was estimated to be 300% based on autoradiography density data. Wessels et al. 25 found that MIRD calculations for tumors were usually higher than TLD measurements by up to 50%, which is thought to be a result of the peripheral deposition of radiolabeled antibody Medical Physics, Vol. 20, No. 2, Pt. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 559 in contrast to the centrally located TLD. Comparisons to external beam radiation were reported in this study, 25 a s were discussed above for colon cancer models, and they are discussed in more detail in the radiobiology section of this report.5 F. Radioimmunotherapy of human neuroblastoma in animal models 131 I-labeled UJ13A MoAb reactive with neuroblastoma cells was administered to athymic nude mice with TR14 human neuroblastoma xenografts.77 Tumors of approximately 1 cm3 regressed to 10% of their original volume over a 21-day period following administration of 5.55 MBq 131 I-labeled UJ13A antibody. Repeated injection caused tumors to disappear, but regrowth at the original site always 123 occurred. 1 2 5 1- and -I-labeled UJ13A antibody at the same radionuclide level had no effect on tumor growth. Cheung et al. 7a treated athymic nude mice bearing neuroblastoma xenografts with 4.63 to 37 MBq of 131I-labeled 3F8 anti-GD2 MoAb present on neuroblastoma cells. There was a dose dependent inhibition of tumor growth. Complete tumor ablation was achieved with 18.5 to 37 MBq of 1 3 1I-labeled 3F8. The dose to tumor was greater than 42 000 mGy using the MIRD technique. It should be emphasized that neuroblastoma is a highly radiosensitive tumor. G. Radioimmunotherapy of human glioma and leptomeningeal tumors in animal models Lee et al.7 9 evaluated the therapeutic efficacy of I-labeled MoAb 81C6 of the IgG2b subclass, reactive with an epitope of the glioma-associated extracellular matrix protein tenascin, in athymic nude mice bearing s.c. human D-54 MG glioma xenografts of 100-500 mm 3. Specific tumor growth inhibition was noted with 9.25 and 18.5 131 MBq i.v. administered I-labeled 81C6 antibody. The percentage of animals with tumor regression progressively increased with increasing doses of radiolabeled MoAb. Statistically significant tumor regression was seen at doses of 18.5 and 37 MBq 131I-labeled 81C6. The estimated dose to tumor over an 11-day period using biodistribution data and the MIRD formalism was 97 190 mGy following administration of 37 MBq 131I-labeled 81C6, whereas the dose with an equivalent quantity of irrelevant MoAb of the same isotype was 23 460 mGy. Doses to other organs ranged from 1350 mGy for brain to 24 150 mGy for lung. An important finding in this study was that tumor radiation dosimetry based on prior 1251-labeled 81C6 localization data underestimated the dose to tumor by 35%-52% due to differences in tumor growth in the localization and therapy studies. This has important implications for comparing the results obtained by various investigators with different tumor systems. Lee et al.8 0 evaluated the therapeutic efficacy of 131 I-labeled 81C6 in athymic rats bearing intracranial D-54 MG xenografts. For animals with an average intracranial tumor volume of 16 to 20 mm 3 , a statistically significant increase in animal survival was found for animals treated 131 560 Etuchsbaum, Langmuir, and Wessels: Experlmental radioimmunotherapy with 46.25 or 92.5 MBq 131I-labeled 81C6. The estimated radiation dose to intracranial tumors of about 3.4 mm in diameter using the MIRD technique following the i.v. ad131 ministration of 46.25 MBq I-labeled MoAb was 15 850 mGy over a 12-day period for 81C6 and 1680 mGy for the control antibody. Doses to the other organs ranged from 310 mGy to the brain to 7340 mGy to the bone marrow. These data were similar to the radiation doses predicted from localization studies. Schuster et al.81 compared the growth delay of s.c. D-54 MG tumors produced by 1 3 1I-labeled 81C6 MoAb prepared using Iodogen (IOD) to that prepared using N-succinimidyl-3-(tri-n-butylstannyl) benzoate (ATE). Growth delay with 81C6 ATE was significantly longer than with 81C6 IOD. Biodistribution data gave estimated radiation doses to tumors of 150 mm 3 initial tumor volume of 77 230 and 52 000 mGy for 18.5 MBq of 1 3 1I-labeled 81C6 ATE or 81C6 IOD, respectively. It was previously shown that labeling of 81C6 using ATE increased tumor uptake and T/NT ratios and decreased deiodination compared with labeling using IOD,a2 which explains the difference in tumor growth delay produced by the two radioiodinated MoAbs. Colapinto et al.8 3 evaluated the efficacy of 131 I-labeled F(ab’) 2 fragments of MoAb Mel-14, an Ig2a reactive with a chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan antigen expressed on gliomas, in prolonging survival of athymic nude mice bearing intracerebral D-54 MG human glioma xenografts. Intravenous injection of 55.5 or 74 MBq of 1 3 1 I-labeled Mel-14 F(ab’)2 6-7 days after tumor implantation resulted in a significant increase in animal survival over control untreated animals or animals treated with 131I-labeled nonspecific antibody. The injection of 111 MBq of 131I-labeled Mel-14 F(ab’)2 in two doses of 55.5 MBq, 48 h apart, significantly increased animal survival over untreated control animals. A single injection of 111 MBq of 131I-labeled Mel-14 did not improve survival over controls which was probably due to hematologic toxicity. The estimated radiation dose to tumor was 9150 mGy after the two 55.5 MBq administrations using the MIRD formulation, which was a higher dose than that delivered to normal organs. The only normal tissue to receive a substantial dose was kidney (7490 mGy), which is expected with F(ab’) 2 fragments. A single dose of 55.5 MBq 1 3 1 I-labeled Mel-14 F(ab’) 2 w a s estimated to deliver 3900 mGy to tumor and 3790 mGy to kidney. No cures were reported in any of the above RIT studies with glioma, which is known to be relatively radioresistant. Williams et al.84 evaluated the tumor dosimetry of 90 Y-labeled P96.5 MoAb of the IgG2a subclass, reactive with P97, a cell surface glycoprotein expressed on glioma, administered to athymic nude mice bearing s.c. U-251 human glioma xenografts 0.3-0.4 g in weight. Miniature TLDs were implanted into tumors and normal tissues. Seven days after administration of 3.7 MBq of 90Y-labeled 96.5, average absorbed doses of 37 700, 9800, and 3530 mGy were measured in tumor, liver, and contralateral s.c. tissue. Zalutsky et al.85 demonstrated that 2 1 1At-labeled 81C6 Medical Physics, Vol. 20, No. 2, Pt. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 560 MoAb injected intrathecally into athymic nude rats 8 days after intrathecal injection of 5×10 5 TE-671 human rhabdomyosarcoma cells improved survival. 211At-labeled 81C6 at a dose of 0.44 MBq increased survival by 113% compared to saline treated animals (median survival of 22.5 days) and produced 3 apparent cures at 6 months, while 6 out of 10 rats receiving 0.67 MBq of 211 At-labeled 81C6 were alive with no evidence of disease at 6 months. Bender et al.86 reported that 5.55 MBq 125 I-labeled 425 F(ab’) 2 fragments reactive with the epidermal growth factor receptor administered at 4 and 11 days after tumor cell inoculation exhibited greater anti-tumor effects than 5.55 MBq 131 I-labeled F(ab’), fragments in athymic nude mice bearing U-87MG human glioma xenografts. These differences may be due to enhanced nuclear damage caused by the high LET Auger electrons emitted by 1 2 5I following 125 internalization of the I-labeled antibody fragments into the glioma cells. The radiation dose to tumor using the standard MIRD procedure was 190 mGy/11.1 MBq of 125 I-labeled F(ab’)2 fragments and 1590 mGy/11.1 MBq of 1 3 1I-labeled F(ab’), fragments. The radiation dose delivered to normal organs for 125I-labeled fragments was 3 to 60 mGy/11.1 MBq as compared to 26 to 400 mGy/11.1 MBq with 31I-labeled fragments. No effort was made to use microdosimetry to calculate the dose to tumor and normal tissues. 8 7 H. Radioimmunotherapy of human mammary carcinoma in animal models Ceriani et al.88 conducted experimental RIT studies with 4 MoAbs, raised against human milk fat globule membrane glycoproteins also present on normal breast epithelial cells, in athymic nude mice bearing MX-1 human breast cancer xenografts. 1311-labeled MoAbs injected as a mixture (“cocktail”) inhibited growth of the tumor in a dose dependent fashion. A single injection of 18.5 MBq of “‘I-labeled cocktail inhibited growth for 30 days while a similar dose of 1 3 1I-labeled control IgG had no effect. A second administration of 18.5 MBq of 131I-labeled cocktail injected at an appropriate interval inhibited tumor growth for another 20 days. No estimate of radiation dose to tumors was made in this study. Ceriani et al. 89 gave single i.p. injections of 1 3 1I- or 9 0Y-labeled Mc5 or BrE-1 antibreast MoAbs to athymic nude mice bearing MX-1 s.c. xenografts. The maximum tolerated dose for McS was 55.5 M B q f o r t h e 1 3 1 I-conjugate and 9.25 MBq for the q-conjugate. For the BrE-1 MoAb, the maximum tolerated doses for these radionuclides were 40.7 and 5.55 MBq, respectively. Dose dependent growth inhibition of MX-1 tumors was observed with each of the radiolabeled MoAbs. The highest tumoricidal effectiveness was ob131 tained with I-labeled Mc5. A second injection of 55.5 131 MBq of I-labeled Mc5 at 20 days after the first injection produced prolonged inhibition of tumor growth. Senekowitsch and colleague?’ investigated the therapeutic efficacy of 1 3 1I-labeled BW 495/36 MoAb against human mammary carcinoma xenografts. Two injections of 7.4 MBq 131 I-labeled BW 495/36 1 week apart resulted in a mean reduction of tumor volume of 88% within 42 days 561 Buchsbaum, Langmuir, and Wessels: Experimental radioimmunotherapy post injection. 1 3 1I-labeled nonspecific antibody caused slight inhibition of tumor growth. The estimated radiation dose to tumor using scintigraphic imaging and the MIRD formulation was 77 000 mGy within 38 days. I. Radioimmunotherapy of human small cell lung carcinoma in animal models Small cell lung cancer cells are relatively radiosensitive. Yoneda et a1.91 evaluated RIT of human small cell lung cancer xenografts of 0.5-1 cm in diameter in athymic nude mice using 131 I-labeled TFS-4 MoAb reactive with human small cell lung cancer cells. Administration of 7.4 MBq of 131 I-labeled TFS-4 inhibited tumor growth when compared with 131 I-labeled control MoAb. The tumor growth inhibition was dose dependent. A radiation dose to tumor of 10 380 mGy was estimated by scintigraphy and the MIRD formulation following the administration of 11.1-18.5 MBq 1 3 1I-labeled TFS-4. Two injections of 18.5 MBq of 131 I-labeled TFS-4 at a 5 week interval inhibited tumor growth for about 60 days. B e a u m i e r a n d c o l l e a g u e s9 2 e v a l u a t e d t h e u s e o f 186 Re-labeled MoAb NR-LU-10 reactive with small cell lung carcinoma cells in athymic nude mice bearing s.c. SHT-1 small cell lung carcinoma xenografts. A multiple dose regimen of 18.13 MBq 186 Re-labeled NR-LU-10 divided into 4 doses over 10 days was less toxic than a single dose of 15.91 MBq 186Re-labeled NR-LU-10. Several dose regimens were evaluated. Radiation doses to tumor were estimated by biodistribution data and the MIRD formulation with an infinite volume boundary correction factor of 0.75 to account for the size of tumors used in this study. Two doses of 7.88 MBq on day 0 and 10.32 MBq on day 7 (18.2 MBq total) were estimated to deliver 20 120 mGy to tumor. Four doses of 8.07 MBq on day 0,2.22 MBq on day 3, 10.36 MBq on day 7, and 1.67 MBq on day 10 (22.31 MBq total) were estimated to deliver 26 710 mGy to tumor. This dose produced a 53 day mean growth delay that was statistically greater than equal doses of 186 Re-labeled irrelevant antibody, with a few complete remissions, but most tumors recurred. J. Radioimmunotherapy of human cervical and ovarian carcinoma in animal models Human cervical carcinoma has a moderate radiosensitivity. Chen and collaborators93 performed RIT studies with 131 I-labeled TNT-1 IgG2a MoAb, with specificity for nuclear histones, against ME-180 human cervical carcinoma s.c. xenografts of approximately 0.5 cm 3 in athymic nude mice. The 131I-labeled antibody was administered i.v. on days 1, 8, and 15. Tumor radiation dosimetry was estimated using tissue counting and imaging data and the MIRD formalism. The administration of 11.1 MBq 131 I-labeled TNT-l antibody for three successive weekly doses, produced significant inhibition of tumor growth compared to 131 I-labeled irrelevant antibody, with regressions in 88% of treated animals and complete regressions in 25% of the mice. After the first week of treatment with 11.1 MBq 131I-labeled TNT-1 antibody, the mean radiation Medical Physical, Vol. 20, No. 2, Pt. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 567 dose delivered to tumor was 10 660 mGy. In the second and third weeks of therapy with 11.1 MBq 1 3 1 I-labeled antibody, the mean tumor doses were 20 460 and 24 760 mGy, respectively. Molthoff et al. tested the therapeutic efficacy of 131 I-labeled 139H2 anti-episialin IgG1 MoAb in the NIH:OVCAR-3 human ovarian cancer s.c. xenograft model. 94 The radiation dose to the tumor after a single i.v. 131 injection of 18.5 MBq I-labeled 139H2 MoAb was estimated to be 13 000 mGy over a 7-day period calculated from the biodistribution of the radiolabeled MoAb, and assuming uniform distribution within the tumor and organs, using the MIRD formalism. Well vascularized organs such as the liver, spleen, heart, lungs, and kidneys received between 4000 and 8000 mGy. K. Radioimmunotherapy of human bladder cancer in an animal model Lightfoot et al.9 5 evaluated the RIT of UCRU-BL17CL human bladder cancer s.c. xenografts in athymic nude mice following a single i.p. injection of 153Sm-labeled BLCA-38 murine MoAb reactive with human bladder cancers. Tumors in mice that received 9.25 MBq 153Sm-labeled BLCA-38 had a tumor doubling time of 8.4 days, whereas tumors in mice injected with 9.25 MBq 153Sm-labeled control antibody had a tumor doubling time of 5.7 days. This difference became significant from day 21 onward. The radiation dose to tumor and normal organs from 153 Sm-labeled BLCA-38 was estimated using biodistribution studies and the MIRD technique. For an injection of 153 37 MBq of Sm-labeled BLCA-38, the dose to tumor was estimated to be 19 000 mGy, whereas the kidneys and liver would receive a dose of 21 900 and 52 300 mGy, respectively. All other normal tissues would receive a lower dose than tumor, but the whole-body dose was estimated to be 8500 mGy. This radiolabeling was performed using the cyclic anhydride of DTPA, and the use of a more stable chelate might result in a lower dose to normal organs. III. DISCUSSION The use of the spheroid model has demonstrated the importance of adequate antibody penetration prior to radionuclide decay in micrometastases. Theoretical dosimetry modeling using the spheroid model has shown that, although high energy beta emitters are likely best for the treatment of solid tumors, this may not be the case in micrometastases, and in fact, lower energy emitters may be more efficacious because a smaller proportion of the radiation dose is lost outside of the target volume, particularly when there is poor penetration. 1 6 The results presented above indicate that RIT with 131 I, 153 212 90 Y, 1 8 6Re, and Sm beta emitting, and Bi alpha emitting radionuclides attached to MoAbs has been effective against a variety of tumor types transplanted in animals including leukemia and lymphoma, colon cancer, hepatoma, renal cell carcinoma, neuroblastoma, glioma, breast cancer, lung cancer, cervical carcinoma, ovarian carcinoma, and bladder cancer. The majority of investiga- 562 Buchsbaum, Langmuir, and Wessels: Experimental radioimmunotherapy tors have estimated the dose to tumor and normal organs using MIRD-based calculations (time-activity curve and equilibrium dose constant method).3* 4 A few investigators have estimated the dose to tumor and normal organs using TLDs and autoradiography. A summary of the results reported is shown in Table I. Recently, RIT studies have been conducted with the beta emitting radionuclide 177 L u ,96 although no dosimetry estimates were made. A single injection of 7.4 or 12.95 MBq of 177Lu-labeled CC49 reactive with human colon cancer was shown to produce complete regression of established LS174T tumor xenografts. The effectiveness of radiolabeled MoAb therapy depends on such factors as antibody specificity, immunoreactivity and affinity; antigen density, availability, shedding, and heterogeneity; stability of the radiolabeled antibody; tumor vascularity, blood flow, and permeability. 8 0’ 9 7 , 9 8 Each of these factors will be discussed in some detail. Monoclonal antibodies have great specificity for recognizing and selectively binding to antigens on tumor cells, and cell surface antigenic targets such as B-cell immunoglobulin idiotypes, growth factor receptors, and other tumor-associated, accessible, high density antigens have been defined for effective MoAb action.99 In principle, the more specific the antibody for a particular tumor type, the greater the opportunity for the MoAb to show selective uptake in the tumor. A quantitative increase of an antigenic substance on tumor cells or in the milieu of a tumor can suffice for targeting MoAbs to this site. 100 Radiolabeled MoAbs offer potential advantages over conventional therapeutic procedures by providing greater specificity as a result of preferential binding of the antibodies to tumor cells. The immunoreactivity of radiolabeled MoAb preparations has been shown to affect the localization in tumor and n o r m a l t i s s u e s .101-104 Yokoyama et al.101 p r e p a r e d t w o high performance liquid chromatography fractions of 125 I-labeled Fab 96.5 MoAb reactive with human melanoma. One fraction had relatively low immunoreactivity (25%-38%) and the second fraction had high immunoreactivity (70%-81%). The two fractions had similar affinity constants. In biodistribution studies in athymic nude mice bearing FEMX-11 human melanoma xenografts, the high immunoreactivity preparation rapidly cleared from the blood and normal organs while retention of radioactivity in the tumor was prolonged. The low immunoreactivity preparation had slower blood and normal organ clearance but faster tumor clearance than the high immunoreactivity fraction. Thus highly immunoreactive antibody gave higher tumor to normal tissue ratios. Koizumi et al.102 compared the uptake in human osteogenic sarcoma xenografts of three 7 5Se-, 1 1 1In-, and 1 2 5I-labeled MoAbs reactive with human osteogenic sarcoma, and correlated the results to their immunoreactivity. For “‘In-labeled MoAbs, increasing immunoreactivity resulted in higher tumor uptake, whereas with 7 5Se- and 1 2 5I-labeled MoAbs, there was not a direct correlation between increasing immunoreactivity and increased tumor uptake. Sakahara et al.103 found that as the molar ratio of cyclic DTPA conjugated to a MoAb reactive with human α− fetoprotein inMedical Physics, Vol. 20, No. 2, Pt. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 562 creased from 1.0 to 5.5, the immunoreactivity of the antibody decreased and the uptake in an α− fetoproteinproducing human testicular tumor was lower by 35% but the liver uptake was 71% higher. Similarly, Matzku et al.104 reported that as the level of 1 2 5 I substitution was increased in the M.2.9.4 MoAb reactive with human melanoma, the immunoreactivity decreased and the specificity index of tumor localization decreased. A potential method to increase the uptake and retention of radiolabeled MoAbs in tumor and increase their therapeutic efficacy is the use of MoAbs with greater affinity. However, if circulating tumor-associated antigen is present, then the higher affinity may result in greater nontumor binding and less tumor localization than if a lower affinity MoAb was used. Muraro et al. 105 produced a series of MoAbs with different affinities for the TAG-72 antigen expressed in human carcinomas. A direct correlation was found between the affinity of these six 125 I-labeled MoAbs (range of 3.6 to 27.7×10 9 M - 1) and the uptake in LS174T human colon cancer xenografts. 106 The effect of MoAb affinity on LS174T anti-tumor efficacy was studied with three of the 1 3 1I-labeled MoAbs (range of 2.5 to 27.7×10 9 M - 1) reactive with the TAG-72 antigen.“’ The results of these studies demonstrated a substantial therapeutic advantage of the two higher affinity antibodies versus the lower affinity antibody at five radionuclide dose levels. Greater anti-tumor effects were seen using 2.5- to 3-fold less of the higher affinity antibodies. Andrew et al. 108 correlated the in vitro binding characteristics of four MoAbs reactive with the murine Ly-2.1 or Ly-3.1 antigen with their in vivo tumor localization characteristics. The ranking of the antibodies by affinity (range of 2.1 to 2 8 . 4 × 1 0 5 M - 1) agreed with the ranking in terms of their localization in tumors, but the immunoreactivity of the antibodies did not correlate with their tumor localization. In contrast, McCready et al. 109 did not find that the in vitro binding characteristics of two MoAbs reactive with human melanoma correlated with their localization in three human melanoma xenografts. There is no good experimental data yet in humans to support the hypothesis that increased MoAb affinity results in better tumor localization. Langmuir et al. have shown that a lower affinity antibody produced a more even radionuclide distribution in multicell spheroids. When equivalent amounts of activity bound were compared, the lower affinity antibody (3-fold lower) labeled with 125 I produced significantly more cell killing, presumably because the range of 125 I is so small.1 3 In regard to antigen density, Philben et al. 110 found that human colon cancer xenografts that had a higher CEA content (ng/g of tumor) had a higher tumor uptake of 111 In-labeled anti-CEA MoAb. Several other investigators have demonstrated a relationship between tumor antigen content in human tumor xenografts and uptake of radiolalabeled antibody. 100,111-113 It has also been shown in a number of tumor systems that interferon enhances the expression of tumor-associated antigens on tumor cells both in vitro and in vivo, which results in increased localization of radiolabeled MoAbs in tumors in animal models 44,114-116 and patients,1 1 7 and has produced greater therapeutic 563 Buchsbaum, Langmuir, ad Wessels: Experimental radioimmunotherapy results. 4 4 This approach may also result in higher levels of circulating tumor-associated antigen, which may interfere with the localization of radiolabeled antibody in tumor. In regard to tumor antigen availability, it is not possible to generalize regarding the best location of antigen. Whether the tumor-associated antigen needs to be on the tumor cell membrane, in the extracellular milieu, or accessible intracellularly may vary for each tumor type, site of growth, and radionuclide.100 Blumenthal et al.118 evaluated the localization of 131I-labeled NP-4 anti-CEA antibody in four size-matched human colon cancer xenografts (L174T, GW-39, GS-2, and Moser) grown s.c. in athymic nude mice. Intratumoral distribution of antigen, and intracellular accessibility of antigen affected localization. Tumorassociated antigens shed into the serum have been found to complex with injected radiolabeled MoAbs, 100,118 and these complexes may accumulate in reticulonedothelial tissues, resulting in radiation toxicity to these tissues. A concern in the use of radiolabeled MoAbs has been the degree of heterogeneity of binding to target cells within a tumor, due to the inability of antibody to penetrate uniformly in a solid tumor mass and bind to all cells, 119-122 a s well as whether or not all cells within the tumor express antigen. 123,124 It has been postulated that low affinity antibodies or antibody fragments would penetrate tumors better. 112,114 Andrew et al. 123 found that a cocktail of two or three MoAbs reactive with different antigens expressed by human colon cancer showed a 2- to 3-fold higher % ID/g in the L1M1899 human colon cancer xenograft than did single antibodies. Blumenthal et al. 124 reported that hamsters bearing GW-39 human colon cancer xenografts given a mixture of 1 3 1I-labeled NP4 anti-CEA antibody and Mu-9 anti-colon-specific antigen-p showed better tumor growth inhibition of tumor masses less than 0.5 cm 3 in size than was produced by either antibody alone at an equal radionuclide dose. Interestingly, the radiation dose delivered to tumor by the antibody mixture was estimated by the MIRD procedure to be 35 980 mGy/37 MBq, whereas the dose for the individual antibodies was estimated to be 11 500 mGy/37 MBq for NP-4 alone and 41 370 mGy/37 MBq for Mu-9 alone. Thus, the enhanced therapeutic efficacy of the antibody cocktail cannot be explained by the radiation dose delivered, but it may be a result of targeting a greater number of tumor cells or a change in the microdistribution of the antibodies with the antibody mixture. Tumor vascularity, blood flow, and permeability are factors that affect the localization and distribution of radiolabeled MoAbs in tumors and influence their therapeutic effectiveness. 100,121,122,125 As discussed above, the permeability of antibody fragments is greater than intact antibody, and this may explain their greater therapeutic e f f e c t i v e n e s s .3 2 - 3 5 , 1 0 0 , 1 1 1 , 1 2 1 , 1 2 2 B l u m e n t h a l e t a l .1 1 2 i m planted the GW-39 human colon tumor in the cheek pouch, muscle, subcutaneously, or in the liver of hamsters or nude mice. They found that the tumors with a higher blood flow rate, vascular volume, and/or vascular permeability had a higher tumor uptake of 1 3 1 I-labeled NP-4 anti-CEA antibody. Blumenthal et al. 126 reported that 5.55 Medical Physics, Vol. 20, No. 2, Pt. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 563 MBq 1 3 1I-labeled Mu-9 antibody reduced the number of blood vessels in GW-39 xenografts in athymic nude mice by 60% to 70%, reduced the vascular volume by 75%, the blood flow rate by 65%, and the vascular permeability to an IgG by 60% at 7 to 14 days after injection. These functional changes in tumor blood vessels reduced the tumor uptake of a second dose of radiolabeled antibody by 90%. Cope et al.1 2 7 found an enhanced localization of both specific and control F(ab’)2 fragments in human glioma xenografts over a limited time period following local hyperthermia which is known to increase tumor blood flow. It must be kept in mind, however, that there are limitations of spheroid and animal models in mimicking what occurs in the clinical situation. 1,97 The limitations of the spheroid model are that it does not allow for an evaluation of the role of normal host cells, the vasculature, blood flow, vascular permeability, or pharmacokinetics on the dose to tumor. The limitations of the animal models in predicting what will occur in humans are their smaller size and therefore smaller volume of radiolabeled antibody distribution, differences in tumor cell cycle and volume doubling times which influence radioresponsiveness, the difference in plasma half-life of radiolabeled MoAbs in animals as compared to humans, lack of cross-reactive antigens in animals, and the differences in bone marrow radiosensitivity and repopulation kinetics following RIT. These differences make it difficult to design studies in animals that will predict what will occur in the clinical situation. The greater use of disseminated tumor models in animals would come closer to the clinical situation than a simple subcutaneous tumor model, and more effort should be paid experimentally to regional therapy models such as intracerebral or intraperitoneal that should allow for a greater tumor dose. A few studies attempted to compare different radionuclides in the same model system. 46,47,73 It is recommended that in the future more investigators make such comparisons which should include an analysis of the relative toxicity including comparisons for both tumor and normal tissue damage to external beam therapy (see radiobiology section 5). Alpha emitters and Auger electron emitters have the potential advantage of high LET and radiobiological effectiveness (RBE) which produces greater tumor cell killing per quantity of radioactivity administered than low and medium LET gamma ray and beta emitters. 5 T h e r e would be an advantage for alpha emitters if the radiolabeled MoAbs were uniformly distributed in tumors. However, for bone marrow or other tissues more radiosensitive than tumor, alpha emitters conjugated to MoAbs would have less toxicity than beta emitters for an equivalent tumor cell kill. For normal tissues less radiosensitive than tumor, beta emitters would produce less toxicity. 5 It is also recommended that more investigators look at radiation dose heterogeneity using TLDs and autoradiography, so that the range of tumor radiation dose and dose rate is reported. It is hoped that in the future, an answer to how heterogeneity in antibody deposition affects absorbed dose distribution and the radiobiological consequences will be understood for the various radionuclides and tumor types studied in experimental RIT. It is hoped that a de- 564 Buchsbaum, Langmuir, and Wessels: Experimental radioimmunotherapy finitive answer will be obtained for forms of antibody are optimum for crometastases, and solid tumors, how best to apply these techniques treatment of tumors clinically. what radionuclides and RIT of leukemias, miand most importantly and information to the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank Dr. Michael Zalutsky for his helpful comments and Renee Kite and Done11 Berry for typing the manuscript. Supported by NIH Grant CA44173. a) Correspondence should be sent to: Donald J. Buchsbaum, Ph.D., Department of Radiation Oncology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, 619 South 19th Street, Birmingham, AL 35233. 1 B. W. 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An overview of imaging techniques and physical aspects of treatment planning in radioimmunotherapy Peter K. Leichner University of Nebraska Medical Center, Department of Radiology, Omaha. Nebraska 68198-1045 Kenneth F. Koral The University of Michigan Medical School, Department of Internal Medicine, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 Ronald J. Jaszczak Duke University Medical Center, Department of Radiology, Durham, North Carolina 27710 Alan J. Green The Department of Clinical Oncology, The Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine, London, NW3 2PF United Kingdom George T. Y. Chen and John C. Roeske Michael Reese/University of Chicago, Center for Radiation Therapy, Chicago, Illinois 60637 (Received 18 March 1992; accepted for publication 15 December 1992) Planar and tomographic imaging techniques and methods of treatment planning in clinical radioimmunotherapy are reviewed. In clinical trials, the data needed for dosimetry and treatment planning are, in most cases, obtained from noninvasive imaging procedures. The required data include tumor and normal organ volumes, the activity of radiolabeled antibodies taken up in these volumes, and the pharmacokinetics of the administered activity of radiolabeled antibodies. Therefore, the topics addressed in this review include: ( 1) Volume determinations of tumors and normal organs from x-ray-computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, (2) quantitation of the activity of radiolabeled antibodies in tumors and normal organs from planar gamma camera views, (3) quantitative single-photon emission computed tomography and positron emission tomography, (4) correlative image analysis, and (5) treatment planning in clinical radioimmunotherapy. 1. INTRODUCTION Knowledge of the absorbed dose in tumors and normal tissues in clinical and experimental radioimmunotherapy (RIT) is essential for an understanding of the underlying radiobiological principles of tumor dose-response relationships and normal-tissue toxicity. In clinical RIT, the dose is calculated rather than measured, and calculations are usually based on noninvasive imaging procedures. To develop a treatment plan for an individual patient, prospective dose estimates can be made by using a tracer activity of radiolabeled antibody to obtain phamacokinetic information prior to the administration of a larger therapeutic activity. As the pharmacokinetics depend in part on the mass of antibody administered, the mass used for treatment planning purposes should be nearly the same as that used for the therapeutic administration. Additionally, dose calculations often require that tumor and normal organ masses be estimated. This can be done by using one or more of the tomographic methods discussed in this review. Currently, it is impractical to determine the mass of every organ that can be imaged for every patient. However, it is often feasible to compute the mass of those tumors that can be imaged, the mass of the tumor-bearing organ and the masses of those organs that demonstrate a significant uptake of radiolabeled antibody. The dose to other organs can be approximated by making a class dose estimate which can, for example, be based on tabulated values of "S" 589 Med. Phys. 20 (2), Pt. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 factors. 1 This is particularly important for radionuclides that emit high-energy photons (e.g., 1 3 1I) which irradiate the whole body. For beta-particle dosimetry, knowledge of tumor and normal organ volumes is not essential as long as the source volumes are large enough so that only a negligible fraction of the energy of the contained activity escapes. For diagnostically detectable tumors this condition is usually met. For calculations of the mean dose only the mean value of the concentration of activity and kinetic information are required. However, for calculations of the variation in local dose, knowledge of the distribution of activity in the source volume is necessary. The quantitation of activity distributions in tumors is an area of considerable current research interest. Even after all methods of quantitation have been used, the information about the spatial distribution and temporal activity of radiolabeled antibodies in patients is rather limited. It is, therefore, necessary to interpolate and extrapolate the available information and construct a model so that dose calculations can be carried out. In this sense, the dose is calculated for a model rather than the patient. 2 The overall effort in RIT dosimetry and treatment planning is to make the model resemble the patient as much as possible. In the past decade, much work has been done to develop methodology, computer algorithms and software for quantitative imaging and image analysis to generate the information required for dosimetry in RIT and the development 0094-2405/93/020569-l0$01.20 © 1993 Am. Assoc. Phys. Med. 569 570 Leichner et al.: imaging techniques and treatment planning in radioimmunotherapy of better models. The principal purpose of this review is to summarize these developments so that they will become more readily accessible to those who have an interest in or are entering the field of radioimmunotherapy. The body of this review is organized into five sections: (1) volume determinations from computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR) scans, (2) activity quantitation from planar gamma camera views, (3) quantitative singlephoton emission computed tomography (SPECT) and positron emission tomography (PET) of radiolabeled antibodies, (4) correlative image analysis, and (5) treatment planning in RIT. The presentation of this material is intended for the nonspecialist and is intentionally nonmathematical. For an in-depth understanding of any of the topics covered, the reader is referred to the literature cited. A. Volume determinations from CT and MR scans In the context of RIT, tumor and normal organ volume computations are used for two purposes: dosimetry and followup studies of patients to assess tumor response to therapy. Although normal-organ volume computations had been carried out by several investigators, 3-5 hepatic tumor volume determinations from CT scans were developed independently by Moss et al. 6 and Leichner et al.7 Similar volume determinations for pheochromocytoma tumors were later made by Koral et al. 8 These methods were labor intensive and slow because regions of interest (ROIs) corresponding to tumor and normal tissues were generated manually. Volume computations were automated to some extent by Yang et al.9 who have described interactive computer software for generating ROIs in transverse CT slices of patients with primary hepatic cancers. This method required an operator to specify lower and upper CT numbers for boundary pixels of the liver and define a “seed pixel” within the liver for a computer search of the first boundary pixel. After the first boundary pixel was located, nearest neighboring pixels were analyzed by the computer software for the same boundary condition. In this manner, a connecting vector was specified for the first and second pixels. This process was repeated until a complete ROI was traced and displayed on a computer graphics work station. If the computer went astray, the operator eliminated the incorrect portion of the ROI interactively. Discrimination between normal liver and tumor was achieved using a histogram method. Histograms of CT number distributions within each ROI were obtained. However, individual histograms did not contain sufficient statistical information to distinguish between tumor and normal liver. Global histograms were, therefore, generated by summing over individual histograms. The global histograms were analyzed by fitting them to the sum of three Gaussian distribution functions. Threshold CT numbers for assigning volume elements (voxels) to either tumor or normal tissues were determined in this manner. Tumor and normal liver volumes were computed by summing over the corresponding voxels. Although the computer software was initially developed for volume computations from CT examinations of patients with primary hepatic cancers, it has been generalized Medical Physics, Vol. 20, No. 2, Pt. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 570 to include MR scans and applied to volumetric analyses of diverse cancers and benign lesions. 10,11 Comparison of CTbased volume computations of liver tumors and normal liver with autopsy data for four patients demonstrated that computations were accurate to within 2.0%-6.4%.1 2 As discussed by Udupa, 1 3 volume determinations from transverse CT and MR slices represent only one aspect of image segmentation in the field of three-dimensional (3D) imaging in medicine. It is anticipated that 3D imaging will play an important future role in improving dosimetry and treatment planning in clinical RIT. B. Activity quantitation from planar gamma camera views The most widely used methods for quantitating tumor and normal organ uptake of radiolabeled antibodies are based on conjugate (180-deg opposed) gamma camera views. Two methods have been and are used in clinical RIT. One of these was introduced by Sorenson 14 and further developed by Thomas et al. 15,16 It requires the acquisition of a transmission scan and conjugate-view count rates for the quantitation of activity. This approach was adopted by Leichner et al. 7 to estimate the activity of 131 I-labeled antiferritin in the tumor and liver of patients with hepatoma. In view of the large tumor and liver volumes and the variation of body thickness over these volumes, a pixel-by-pixel attenuation correction was included in a computer program for activity calculations. For smaller tumors in locations where body thickness does not vary greatly, regional attenuation correction should be satisfactory. The same method was used by Hammond et al. 17 to quantitate the distribution of 1 3 1I-labeled F (ab’)2 fragments of monoclonal antibody in humans. These authors evaluated the validity of this method in phantom studies using a fillable, tissue-equivalent organ-scanning phantom with tumors and organs of various sizes. Less than 10% error was found in quantitating 1 3 1I activities in a 4-cmdiam lesion. However, in a 2-cm tumor the error was greater than 21%. Similar results were obtained by Eary et al.18 in a study using phantoms and dogs. A variation of the conjugate-view method was developed by Wu and Siegel. 1 9 This technique also requires count rates for opposing gamma camera views, but the need for a transmission scan is obviated by measuring the buildup factor. The buildup factor results from the increase in transmission under broad-beam conditions in clinical nuclear medicine. It depends on photon energy, source geometry, collimator, and other measurable parameters. By making careful measurements of the buildup factor, these authors demonstrated improved accuracy in quantitating 99m Tc activities, as compared to the transmission method. More recently, Siegel et al. 2 0 have used the buildup factor method to quantitate the pharmacokinetics of 131 I-labeled monoclonal antibodies in patients with B-cell lymphomas. Although the results obtained in phantom studies have demonstrated the validity of the conjugate-view approach, the errors in patient measurements are likely to be significantly greater than phantom results indicate. In part, this is due to the fact that intravenous administrations of cur- 571 Leichner et al.: lmaging techniques and treatment planning in radioimmunotherapy rently available radiolabeled antibodies result in a systemic distribution, with blood pool and liver activities that can persist for days post injection. Consequently, there is a superposition of activities that is difficult to resolve in planar images. On the other hand, if the tumor-to-blood and tumor-to-normal tissue ratios are sufficiently high, measurement errors will be reduced. There are, however, two additional problems associated with planar imaging that can best be resolved with emission tomographic methods. As stated previously, planar gamma camera images do not provide the volumetric information needed for dosimetry. Volumes obtained from CT and MR scans are in most cases used in radiation absorbed-dose calculations. However, CT- and MR-derived volumes need not necessarily be the same as the volumes in which radiolabeled antibodies localize (localization volumes) because the physiological uptake of antibodies may not correspond exactly to the anatomical configuration of an organ or tumor. The second problem is that planar images do not provide sufficient information about the distribution of activity within an organ or tumor. Therefore, only the mean value of the absorbed dose can be calculated. This may be an overestimate in hypoxic or necrotic regions at the core of a tumor and an underestimate at the periphery where the dose may be significantly higher than the mean. To improve dosimetry in clinical RIT, it is important that improvements in quantitative emission tomography continue to be pursued. C. Quantitative SPECT and PET imaging of radiolabeled antibodies The long-term goals of quantitative emission-computed tomography (ECT) include: (1) the determination of localization volumes corresponding to tumors and normal organs, (2) measurements of the distribution and range of radiolabeled antibody activities within large tumors, and (3) the measurement of activity concentration within as small an anatomic ROI as possible. The achievement of these goals is to a large extent governed by the physical characteristics of the imaging system, the emission characteristics of radionuclides, the reconstruction algorithm employed, and the method of data analysis (e.g., definition of ROIs). Physical factors that affect quantitative SPECT have been discussed by Jaszczak et al. 21 and perhaps the most important of these are: (1) scatter and attenuation corrections, (2) limited spatial and energy resolutions of gamma cameras, (3) septral penetration within conventional collimators by high-energy photons (e.g., 1 3 1I), and (4) statistical noise resulting from low count densities. For SPECT, the spatial resolution is primarily determined by the collimator selected and the radius of rotation used. The collimator also determines the geometric sensitivity or the number of gamma photons that will be detected and, hence, the statistical fluctuations (“noise”) that will result in the reconstructed image. The intrinsic resolution of a NaI scintillation crystal is about 3.5 mm; however, at a distance of 15 cm from the camera surface, the geometric resolution of a high-resolution collimator is approximately 8 mm. Therefore, the resulting system resMedical Physics, Vol. 20, No. 2, Pt. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 571 olution is about 9 mm. In general, the full-width-at-halfmaximum (FWHM) of SPECT devices ranges from about 7-18 mm. For PET systems, the spatial resolution ranges from about 6-13 mm. As a result, activity quantitation of small tumors, such as metastatic lesions, by ECT methods may be subject to large errors. One approach to correct for Compton scattering in SPECT is based on the method proposed by Jaszczak et a1.22 This approach requires the acquisition of two planar projection data sets, one in the photopeak of the radionuclide and the other suitably windowed to image Compton scattered photons. A fraction (ƒ) of the scatter image is then subtracted from the photopeak image to compensate for Compton scatter and improve quantitation. In their original work, Jaszczak et al. 22 imaged a 9 9 m Tc line source in air and water, and from the reconstructed photopeak and scatter images determined a value of ƒ=0.5. 23,24 demonstrated in phantom Subsequently, Koral et al. 99m 131 studies with Tc and I as imaging agents that the value off depends on a number of parameters. Using 9 9 mTc and a particular algorithm and ROI, ƒ was independent of source location and background activity. The Compton scatter subtraction method was employed by Green et al. 2 5 in phantom and clinical studies with 131 I-labeled monoclonal anti-CEA. Energy windows were set at 364 keV±10% for the photopeak and 277 keV ± 18% for the scatter window. With these window settings, the count rates for the photopeak and scatter images were the same. The gamma camera employed by Green et al. was equipped with a 400-keV high-resolution collimator, and the system was calibrated in a series of phantom studies. The reconstruction algorithm included an attenuation correction using the method of Chang. 26 F o r their gamma camera system and reconstruction algorithm used, Green et al. determined that ƒ=0.54, was optimal for 1 3 1I which is quite close to that obtained by Jaszczak et al.22 for 9 9 m Tc. In clinical studies with 1 3 1I anti-CEA, Green et al. validated scatter-corrected SPECT by estimating the activity concentration in the heart obtained from ROIs and comparing it to the activity in blood samples. This yielded a correlation coefficient of 0.96. Additionally, scatter-corrected SPECT was compared with the transmission conjugate-view method by measuring the activity in the liver and spleen. Planar imaging resulted in significantly higher values than SPECT for the spleen but showed no significant difference for the liver. This is consistent with the statements made earlier that the activity in a small tumor or organ is likely to be overestimated if it is surrounded by underlying and overlying activity. 131 SPECT quantitation of I has also been reported by 27 Israel et a1. who used filtered backprojection to generate tomographic slices. SPECT studies were validated in a series of phantom measurements and in patients by measuring bladder urine concentrations. A different approach to quantitative SPECT was adopted by Denardo et al. 28 who used an empirical method of scatter correction for 123 I and 111 In. These authors generated a post reconstruction matrix using a linear attenuation coefficient that varied with the distance of pixels from the boundary. This removed 572 Leichner et al.: Imaging techniques and treatment planning in radioimmunotherapy scattered photons and image counts in transverse slices were related to the counts from an equivalent source in air. There is considerable interest in developing special image processing techniques for quantitative imaging of radiolabeled antibodies29-31 and improved reconstruction algorithms to more accurately compensate for scatter, attenuation, and collimator blur.32-34 An analysis of four intrinsic attenuation correction methods by Glick et al. 3 5 has shown that of the methods studied, those developed by Bellini et a1.33 and Hawkins et al. 34 have the least nonstationary 3D modulation transfer functions and 3D pointspread function with minimal noise amplification. For a uniform attenuation medium, these two algorithms are good choices when post-reconstruction filtering is considered. Furthermore, the intrinsic reconstruction algorithm described by Hawkins et al. 34 has been validated in phantom studies36 with nonuniform activity distributions of 99m Tc and 1 1 1In and for 1 1 1In-labeled antibodies in the livers of beagle dogs.37 Preliminary data obtained for patients who were administered 1 1 1 In- or 1 3 1 I-labeled antibodies have shown that this algorithm yields activity concentrations (Bq/ml) that are the same as those in patients’ tissue samples. 38 Much interest is also being shown in maximum likelihood-expectation maximization (ML-EM) reconstruction algorithms.39,40 Recent work has demonstrated that these techniques can result in smaller relative noise magnitude as compared to filtered back projection 3 0’ 31 and produce fewer artifacts.4 1’ 4 3 Additionally, there are ongoing efforts in image reconstruction to use a priori information concerning the source. 44,45 These approaches have the potential of significantly improving quantitative SPECT in clinical studies. Although the emphasis in this review is on recent developments in imaging related to clinical RIT and radioimmunodiagnosis (RAID), quantitative SPECT has been studied by many investigators, 46-54 and it is, in part, their work that has provided the foundation for the ongoing efforts discussed above. In addition to the development of improved reconstruction algorithms, progress has been made in developing better imaging systems. The resolution and sensitivity of SPECT devices can be improved simultaneously by using specially designed collimators55-59 and SPECT systems having larger detector areas. 60-65 The common denominator of all the quantitative SPECT studies cited is careful validation of the methodology used to extract quantitative information from reconstructed images. Validation is absolutely essential because different SPECT devices and reconstruction algorithms have a profound effect on the quality of reconstructed images. The use of PET devices in oncologic imaging has been limited in the past but there is growing interest in the application of positron emitters in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. As is the case for SPECT devices, there is a variety of PET systems. Positron instrumentation has been described in reviews by Brownell et al. 66 a n d Ter-Pogossian. 67 PET reconstruction algorithms have, for example, been reported by Phelps et al. 68,69 The advantages Medical Physics, Vol. 20, No. 2, Pt. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 572 of PET over SPECT imaging are increased spatial resolution, as discussed, and attenuation correction with a high degree of precision. The resulting image quality is superior to that achieved with SPECT. The growing interest in oncologic PET imaging is, in part, related to the increasing number of whole-body devices and the fact that PET studies have the potential to provide the physiological information for the diagnosis of cancer based on altered tissue metabolism and to monitor the effects of therapy on metabolism. A detailed description of the applications of PET in oncologic imaging has recently been given by Strauss and Conti.70 In the field of clinical RIT, Larson et al. 71 and Pentlow et al.72 have reported PET scanning of 124 I-labeled 3F8 monoclonal antibody as a method of tumor dosimetry and treatment planning prior to the administration of 131 I-3F8 for the therapy of neuroblastoma. These authors conclude that this technique shows promise for determining the radiation-absorbed dose for 131 I-3F8 RIT. D. Correlative image analysis Three-dimensional (3D) representations of 2D tomographic data and correlative analysis of CT, MR, PET, and SPECT scans have become increasingly important in medicine. Work in 3D rendering of bony structures carried out by Hemmy et al.73 and Herman et al.74 was based on CT scans and proved clinically useful in craniofacial surgery and orthopedics. In this early work only bony surfaces were visualized and soft-tissue information was lost or not used in the process of reformatting the CT data. However, subsequent investigations by Goldwasser et al., 75 Jackel, 7 6 Lenz et al.,7 7 and Hoehne et al.78 have addressed the software and hardware problems of 3D displays that preserve the gray-scale information of the original data. These efforts have produced display systems that are generally applicable to diagnostic radiology and surgical planning. In the past few years, computer systems for 3D displays of medical images have become commercially available. Three-dimensional correlative imaging has been employed by several authors in the treatment of brain tumors and neurological disorders. For example, Schad et al. 7 9 have used 3D correlative imaging in radiotherapy treatment planning of brain tumors. Their technique required a stereotactic head holder made of wood to precisely and reproducibly localize the target volume during CT, MR, and PET imaging and radiotherapy. Magnetic resonance scans were obtained in addition to CT because of MRs superior s o f t t i s s u e c o n t r a s t . F o r P E T i m a g i n g , ( 1 8F)-2-deoxyglucose (FDG) and H 2 1 5O tracers were used to assess the rate of glucose utilization and perfusion of brain tumors. The target volume was defined by manually drawing ROIs in tomographic slices and subsequently generating 3D displays of this volume and the patients’ head contour. Others, for example, Vannier and Gayou, 80 have advocated computer solutions for automated registration of multimodality images because these are noninvasive and can be applied retrospectively. One such approach has been described by Pelizzari et al81 who generated surface models of the head based on CT, PET, and MR scans to derive the coordinate transfor- 573 Leichner et al.: Imaging techniques and treatment planning In radioimmunotherapy mations required for 3D congruence of these models. After the transformations were determined, volume information could be transferred between scans and displayed three dimensionally or in tomographic slices. As the work of Levin et al.82 has shown, this technique can result in striking 3D and 2D representations of MR and PET images that are of clinical importance in planning brain surgery. Although correlative imaging has not yet been employed in the RIT of malignant brain tumors, it is quite possible that MR and PET imaging would be useful in assessing tumor response to therapy. For example, FDG and H 2 1 5O PET studies following RIT could be used to monitor changes in glucose utilization and perfusion and related to possible anatomic changes in MR images. Correlative CT-SPECT imaging was used by Kramer et al.83 to identify anatomic sites corresponding to uptake of 1 1 1In-labeled monoclonal anti-CEA ( 1 1 1In-MAb) in patients with colorectal adenocarcinoma. SPECT and CT studies of the abdomen were acquired for each patient. In the initial studies, 5 7Co point sources were placed at anatomic landmarks to provide coordinate information for subsequent matching of CT and SPECT data sets. In later studies, flexible 57Co line sources were used because these yielded information about the shape and location of the body surface in SPECT scans and permitted matching with the body surface in CT scans. For this reason, separate SPECT acquisitions were made for 1 1 1 In-MAb and the 57 Co markers. Transaxial CT and SPECT slices were reformatted into a common matrix size. Initial matching of pairs of CT and SPECT slices was achieved by identifying coordinates belonging to anatomic landmarks (CT) and markers (SPECT). If necessary, CT slices were translated and rotated until superposition of anatomic landmarks and the corresponding 57Co markers was achieved in a “fused” image. Once the CT and SPECT studies had been matched, ROIs in SPECT slices representing tissue uptake of 1 1 1In-MAb were transferred to CT slices. Correlative CT-SPECT imaging enabled identification of anatomic sites of tumor uptake of 1 1 1 In-MAb as well as nonspecific tissue accumulation and confirmed a small lesion detected by CT. Although the work of Kramer et al. was qualitative in that quantitation of the activity of 1 1 1In-MAb was not the goal of their investigation, it opens up the possibility of relating quantitative SPECT to anatomical imaging modalities (CT and MRI) for dosimetry and treatment planning in clinical RIT. In preliminary work, Koral et a. 84 u s e d five point markers for superimposing SPECT and CT images of a lymphoma RIT patient. Patient dosimetry was based on volumes of interest transferred from CT to SPECT after superposition had been achieved. E. Treatment planning Treatment planning relies on quantitative imaging, radiation absorbed-dose estimates, and biological input parameters for the development of treatment strategies. An example of a biological input parameter is hematopoietic toxicity, often the dose-limiting toxicity in clinical RIT. The development of clinical protocols for the treatment of Medical Physics, Vol. 20, No. 2, Pt. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 573 hepatoma with 131 I- and 9 0Y-labeled polyclonal antiferritin IgG is an example of how dosimetric and medical considerations can be used in clinical RIT. 85,86 In a Phase I-II Trial, administered activities of “‘I-labeled antiferritin ranged from 1.18 to 5.81 GBq. It was determined that an administered activity of 1.11 GBq “saturated” most hepatomas and that larger activities did not result in increased tumor uptake. Additionally, an evaluation of the hematopoietic toxicity associated with the intravenous injection of 1 3 1I antiferritin IgG demonstrated that an activity of 1.85 GBq was well tolerated by most patients. 8 7 These considerations led to a treatment regimen of administering 1.11 GBq on Day 0 and 0.74 GBq on Day 5. The time interval between administrations was approximately equal to the effective half-life of 131 I antiferritin IgG in the hepatoma. The second injection, therefore, “re-saturated” or maximized the activity and dose rate in the tumor and led to an increase in the integrated absorbed dose. Bone marrow toxicity has remained a limiting factor in RIT. In a effort to alleviate marrow suppression, Meredith et al. 8 8 used fractionation in the administration of radiolabeled antibodies in patients with metastatice colon cancer. Up to three weekly fractions were used to administer a total activity of 1.33 GBq of 131I-labeled antibodies. These authors reported only a minimal reduction in bone marrow toxicity for this fractionation schedule and the antibody and radiolabel used. To date, the most promising responses to RIT have been achieved by Press et al. 89 through the use of large a d m i n i s t e r e d a c t i v i t i e s ( 8 . 5 8 - 2 2 . 5 G B q ) o f 131 I-labeled antibodies and autologous bone marrow transplantation in the treatment of refractory non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. 90 The development9 0 of Y-labeled antiferritin IgG was based on the fact that, due to their higher energy, 9 0Y beta particles would produce a higher absorbed-dose rate and a more uniform absorbed-dose distribution than 1 3 1I beta particles. Vriesendorp et al. 91 have compared two groups of patients with refractory non-Hodgkin’s disease who were treated with 131 I- and 9 0Y-labeled antiferritin IgG and shown that the frequency and duration of tumor response was significantly greater in those patients who were administered y-labeled antiferritin. An obvious disadvantage is that 90Y cannot be imaged quantitatively and that a second radionuclide, 111 In, has to be conjugated to the same antibody for imaging and dosimetry. A review of imaging, dosimetry, and treatment planning for 131 I-labeled antiferritin and anti-AFP in hepatoma, 131 I-labeled anti-CEA in intrahepatic biliary cancer, and 111 In-labeled antiferritin in hepatoma and Hodgkin’s disease has been given by Leichner et al.1 0 The general requirements for treatment planning is clinical RIT have been discussed by DeNardo et al. 92 A computer program and imaging methodology, specifically developed for this purpose, have been described by Macey et al.93 In this approach, a whole-body transmission image is acquired, using a line source containing 131 I, prior to the administration of 131 I-labeled antibodies. Following intravenous infusion of 131I-labeled MoAb, serial conjugate images of the whole-body, brain, chest, abdomen, and pelvis 574 Leichner et al.: Imaging techniques and treatment planning In radioimmunotherapy are acquired. The activity in a tumor or normal organ is calculated from these data by the transmission conjugateview method, previously described. Radiation absorbeddose calculations are made according to the MIRD schema. A computer simulation for treatment planning, applicable to RIT, has been reported by Sgouros et al. 94 In this calculational method, it is assumed that tumor and normal organ uptake of nonuniformly distributed radionuclides is accurately known and that this information can be transferred readily to CT images. Radiation absorbed-dose calculations are based on independently determined cumulated activities, the corresponding CT volumes, and a convolution of the source volume cumulated activity with a point-source kernel. The electron-gamma shower (EGS) Monte Carlo code, discussed elsewhere in this volume, is used to generate point-source kernels in the form of lookup tables. The results of absorbed-dose calculations are stored in a two-dimensional dose matrix which is converted into a set of color-coded isodose contours. The contours are then displayed superimposed on CT images corresponding to the target plane. As the point-source kernels are generated for an infinite medium of uniform composition, tissue inhomogeneities and boundary effects, such as soft-tissue bone interfaces, are not taken into account. However, methods for including these effects in absorbed-dose calculations are presented in another section of this volume. The commonality in the various approaches to treatment planning is that radiation absorbed-dose calculations for tumors and normal tissues are made as accurately as possible within the limitations of available imaging devices and reconstruction algorithms for quantitative ECT. Accurate dosimetry is essential for gaining a better understanding of tumor dose-response relationships and assessments of the toxicity associated with the administration of radiolabeled antibodies. It is anticipated that with continued progress in biotechnology, immunochemistry, quantitative imaging and dosimetry, treatment planning in clinical RIT will play an increasingly important role. To maximize the radiation absorbed dose in tumors and reduce normal-tissue toxicity, treatment planning may include the route of administration (e.g., intravenous, intraarterial, intraperitoneal, intrapleural, etc.) a choice of antibodies or fragments of antibodies, and a choice of radionuclides (e.g., low-energy electron or alpha emitters for micrometastases and high-energy beta emitters for large tumors). To optimize the therapy of primary and metastatic lesions it may, in fact, be advantageous to administer combinations of antibodies labeled with different radionuclides. The number of permutations is potentially very large, and it will be the objective of treatment planning to optimize RIT for each individual patient. II. SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION In this overview of imaging techniques and treatment planning in RIT, we have described the physical aspects of these methods based principally on the recent literature. A summary of the steps involved in quantitative imaging and treatment planning for macroscopic tumors that can be Medical Physics, Vol. 20, No. 2, Pt. 2. Mar/Apr 1993 574 imaged using CT, MR, or ECT is given below. We recognize that these methods are not applicable to micrometastases or circulating leukemia cells. However, there are many ongoing clinical trials in RIT for which quantitative imaging and treatment planning provide important information about tumor targeting, radiation-absorbed doses in tumors and normal organs, and an assessment of response to treatment. A. Data acquisition and calculations prior to therapy Radiolabeled antibody imaging using a tracer activity before the administration of a therapeutic activity is essential to determine tumor and normal organ uptake and provide a rationale for therapy. In general, at least one and preferably two or more SPECT or PET studies should be acquired in addition to planar views to reliably determine clearance rates and cumulated activities for tumors and normal organs. The mass of antibody used in the imaging studies should be nearly the same as that for the therapeutic administration to avoid differences in pharmacokinetics due to differences in administered antibody masses. In addition to ECT studies, CT or MR scans in conjunction with correlative image analysis are important for volume determinations and a definitive identification of anatomical structures that show uptake of radiolabeled antibodies. As hematopoietic toxicity is a limiting factor in RIT, information about the marrow dose is necessary for gaining a better understanding of the relationship between marrow dose and toxicity in patients who may have had prior treatment with chemotherapy, radiotherapy, or a combination of both. Activity in bone marrow can be estimated from serial gamma camera images using a method described by Siegel. 95 This should be compared with the activity in serial blood samples to estimate the fraction of blood in the marrow for use in absorbed-dose calculations. As the spatial resolution of imaging devices is limited, image-based dosimetry provides macroscopic information about absorbed-dose distributions. Additionally, the errors in quantitating tumor and normal organ uptake of radiolabeled antibodies depend on the radiolabel used, the volume, and the imaging device. In a SPECT study of 111 In-labeled antibodies in the livers of beagle dogs, 37 absolute values of percent differences between autopsy data and computed activities ranged from 2.3% to 7.5%. However, these were relatively large volumes (in the range of 400 ml) and from the discussion of the FWHM of SPECT devices it follows that for smaller volumes the percent differences will be larger. Similarly, from the discussion of PET devices it follows that PET imaging will provide more accurate data than SPECT imaging of radiolabeled antibodies. 71,72 With SPECT or PET, activity distributions can be determined in sufficiently large tumors.” Nevertheless, the local absorbed dose on the multicellular level will need to be determined from autoradiographs or histologic measurements of tumor biopsies. As shown by Hui et al. 96 in a study of absorbed-dose distributions in follicular lymphoma, the local absorbed dose may vary from the average dose by a factor of two and 70% to 80% of the tissue may receive less than the average dose. These data are indicative 575 Leichner et al.: lmaging techniques and treatment planning in radioimmunotherapy of the variations in absorbed dose to be expected in clinical RIT. For photon-emitting radionuclides (e.g., 1 3 1I) “S” values for tumors and tumor-bearing organs can be estimated by at least two methods. A computer program developed by Johnson9 7 accounts for the presence of tumors using Monte Carlo calculations. These calculations were made for spherical tumors only, and organ distortion due to the presence of a tumor was not taken into account. A more general approach to tumor geometry was adopted by Stinchcomb et al.98 who calculated “S” values for tumors and host organs on the basis of tabulated values of the specific absorbed fractions calculated by Berger. 9 9’ 100 This had the advantage of making calculations faster than those based on the Monte Carlo approach. Additionally, the tumor was modeled as a rectangular solid with three shape parameters which made this method more flexible, and organ distortion was taken into account in the computations. By interfacing their computations with a computer program 1 0 1 available for implementing the MIRD system, Stinchcomb et al.98 were thus able to compute the dose to tumors and normal organs, including the tumor-bearing organ. After all available methods of quantitation have been employed and dose calculations made, medical and radiobiological considerations enter into the treatment decision. For example, in a study of v-labeled antiferritin in patients with hepatoma,8 6 treatment was based on achieving a calculated minimum initial tumor dose rate of 10 cGy/h. If calculations indicated that this minimum dose rate was not achievable at a given level of administered activity, patients were entered into other protocols. In other studies, administered activities were fractionated because of limited tumor uptake85 or in an effort to reduce marrow toxicity.” If marrow toxicity is circumvented by autologous bone marrow transplantation, second-organ toxicity may become the constraint in administered activity. 8 9 B. Data acquisition and calculations following the therapeutic administration The radionuclide imaging that is feasible after the administration of a therapeutic activity of radiolabeled antibodies depends on the radiolabel used and the administered activity itself. Although it has been suggested by Clarke et al.102 that quantitative bremsstrahlung imaging is feasible for therapeutic activities of 90Y-labeled antibodies, this is an as yet untried method. A difficulty is that if “‘In-labeled antibodies are used for treatment planning, a large fraction of the bremsstrahlung spectrum will be obscured by the photopeaks and Compton scattered photons of 111 In. For radionuclides that emit beta particles and also have photopeaks (e.g., 1 3 1I, 6 7Cu, 1 8 6Re, 1 8 8Re) imaging is constrained only by dead time considerations of gamma cameras. This problem is more severe for 131 I than for the other radionuclides mentioned because of the relatively large abundance of the 364-keV photons (0.82/dis) of 131I. For most commercially available large-field-of-view gamma cameras, a total-body activity of approximately 1.11-1.85 GBq of 1 3 1 I appears to be the upper limit for Medical Physics, Vol. 20, No. 2, Pt. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 575 imaging. The importance of imaging therapeutic activities lies in monitoring therapy and testing whether scaling from the tracer to the therapeutic activity introduced changes in the pharmacokinetics and hence the absorbed dose. In addition to imaging, blood and urine samples are obtained to determine clearance rates and test for immune complexes, anti-antibodies and metabolites. Followup CT or MR scans to assess tumor response to therapy are currently employed by most investigators as an objective means of determining this important parameter. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS One of the authors (PKL) acknowledges support under DOE Grant No. DE-FG02-91ER61195. Co-author KFK acknowledges support of PHS Grant No. RO1-CA38790 awarded by the National Cancer Institute. Co-author RJJ acknowledges support of DOE Grant No. DE-GF0591ER60894 and PHS Grant No. RO1-CA33541 awarded by the National Cancer Institute. 1 W. S. Snyder, M. R. Ford, G. G. Warner, and S. B. 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Goldenberg The Garden State Cancer Center at the Center for Molecular Medicine and Immunology, Newark, New Jersey 07103 C. C. Badger The Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, Washington 98104 (Received 18 March 1992; accepted for publication 28 October 1992) Trials of radiolabeled antibody therapy in patients with B-cell lymphoma have been the most promising of any in radioimmunotherapy. Response rates of greater than 90% with many complete remissions have been reported by several groups using either low ( 185-370 MBq) or high (8.6-22.5 GBq) doses of I-13 l-labeled antibodies against B-cell antigens. Estimated doses delivered to normal organs have ranged from 0.2 to 2.2 mGy/MBq and have shown similar interpatient variation in all series, despite differences in antibody specificity and dosimetric techniques. Tumor doses have ranged from 0.5 to 5.4 mGy/MBq. There has been little correlation of tumor response with estimated tumor dose. Toxicity has been limited to bone marrow suppression which has been greater with the higher amounts of I-131. An advantage for a particular antibody specificity or for high dose compared to multiple low doses has yet to be demonstrated. Key words: lymphoma, radioimmunotherapy, dosimetry 1. INTRODUCTION Although long-term survival is in the 40%-50% range for patients with high grade lymphomas who have received aggressive third generation chemotherapy regimens, patients who relapse following initial therapy and those with low grade lymphomas are incurable with standard chemotherapy.’ Because the non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas are relatively radiosensitive, they are particularly attractive targets for treatment with radiolabeled antibodies. In patients with low grade lymphomas, remission but not cure can occur following doses of 100-250 cGy of total body irradiation.’ In patients with advanced disease, complete remission and long term survival can be achieved, at the expense of substantial toxicity and cost, in up to 40% of patients following 10-1575 cGy of total body irradiation and chemotherapy in combination with bone marrow transplantation (BMT).3 Thus a modest increase in radiation dose delivered to tumor, relative to normal tissues, could potentially result in improving long term survival in patients with low grade lymphomas without the need for bone marrow transplantation. Similarly, in patients with advanced lymphoma, radiolabeled antibodies used in conjunction with bone marrow support have the potential to increase cure rates. An additional advantage for the treatment of lymphoma with radiolabeled antibodies is the observation that unlabeled antibodies can have significant antitumor effects. Unmodified antibodies can cure experimental animals with lymphoma 4 - 6 a n d c a n i n d u c e r e m i s s i o n i n t r e a t e d patients. 7-11 Although frequent, these responses have usually been transient with the exception of a few patients treated with anti-idiotype antibodies. The causes of the 579 Med. Phys. 20 (2), Pt. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 limited effect of unmodified antibody include antigenic modulation, the emergence of antigen negative variants, and the requirement for a host effector system. 6,12-14 Radiation delivered by radiolabeled antibodies can overcome these limitations of unmodified antibodies while the intrinsic antitumor activity of the antibody is maintained, potentially resulting in a synergistic antitumor effect. II. THERAPY OF LYMPHOMA WITH RADIOLABELED ANTIBODIES Radiolabeled antibodies have been demonstrated to have significant antitumor effects both in experimental animals and in patients with lymphoma. Cure of mouse lymphoma using either radioiodinated polyclonal or monoclonal antibodies has been reported. 15,16 Response rates in clinical trials in patients with lymphoma are the most encouraging of any radioimmunotherapy trials. High dose (8.6-22.5 GBq) I-131-labeled antibodies against the CD37 or CD20 antigens in combination with bone marrow support has resulted in responses in 5/5 patients with 4 complete responses.17,18 Complete and partial responses to both Y-90 and I-131-labeled anti-idiotype antibodies have also been observed.19,20 The use of high dose therapy is not required for response, since tumor regression has occurred in patients receiving 185-370 MBq of I-131-labeled Lym-1, LL2, MBl, and 1F5 antibodies. 21-24 Because lymphomas can respond to infusion of unlabeled antibody, the responses seen with small, as well as large, amounts of radionuclide may be due to deposited radiation, antitumor effects of the antibody itself, or a combination of effects. 0094-2405/93/0205794$01.20 © 1993 Am. Assoc. Phys. Med. 579 590 Siegel, Goldenberg, and Badger: Radioimmunotherapy dose estimation In B-cell lymphoma 580 III. RADIATION DOSIMETRY IN PATIENTS WITH LYMPHOMA Similar significant responses have been observed following radiolabeled antibody therapy in patients with T-cell lymphoma 25 and Hodgkin’s disease.25-28 Toxicity in all studies has been limited to bone marrow suppression which, as expected, has been more severe with larger doses of I-131. Transient reductions in circulating B-lymphocytes have also been observed, 17,29 in part due to nonspecific radiation from circulating radionuclide. 2 9 Whether repetitive treatment with low, nontoxic amounts of labeled antibody24,30-31 or with a single maximally tolerated dose requiring bone marrow support19-20 will yield the best long term results remains to be determined. A single treatment course will minimize problems resulting from human antimouse antibody (HAMA) in immunocompetent patients. However, HAMA has occurred infrequently in patients with lymphoma, even with multiple courses of murine antibodies, presumably because patients with lymphoma are immunosuppressed as a result of their disease. 32 Thus HAMA has not limited the delivery of multiple infusions in most patients with lymphoma to the same extent it has in the treatment of other tumors. Medical Physics, Vol. 20, No. 2, Pt. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 Clinical radiation dosimetry in patients with lymphoma has been obtained according to the MIRD schema, which requires accurate determination of the time-dependent amount of radioactivity in situ. Source region activity data have been collected by whole body counting, tissue and fluid sampling, and gamma camera imaging (Table I). Organ and tumor absolute activity measurements have usually been performed with conjugate view planar scintillation camera imaging, and several methods have been used to account for attenuation.3 3’ 34 Single-photon emission computed tomographic (SPECT) imaging has also been used to normalize time-activity data from planar imaging in lymphoma patients,3 5 and has been used in a number of different radiolabeled antibody studies of solid tumors. 3 6’ 3 7 The addition of SPECT to planar imaging may increase the accuracy of the planar data, 35 however the ability of SPECT to perform quantitative studies remains controversial. Organ and tumor volumetrics, which are also necessary for absorbed dose estimation, have been obtained by computed tomography, SPECT, or by simply using the published values of the MIRD committee. Dose estimates for tumor and normal organs have varied widely among patients in all reported series (Table II). Estimated doses to lymphoma masses have ranged from 0.5 to 2.5 mGy/MBq. These estimates must be regarded as approximations because of the difficulty in quantitating activity in small, irregular masses by external gamma imaging. In addition, lymphoma masses have not been visualized in all patients, 1 8 and absorbed doses to nonvisualized tumors are presumably less than those reported. Of interest, the range of estimated doses is similar in all series, in spite of the use of different antibodies and different techniques for computing estimated dose. The variation in estimated absorbed doses in all series suggests that interpatient differences in antibody behavior will be important in determining toxicity as well as tumor response, regardless of which antibody and radionuclide are used for therapy. Thus determination of dosimetry in individual patients appears to be a necessary component of clinical studies. Microdosimetric considerations have not been taken 581 Siegel, Goldenberg, and Badger: Radioimmunotherapy dose estimation In B-cell lymphoma into account in clinical trials of the treatment of lymphoma. However, nonuniformity of antibody deposition can result in substantial variation in radiation dose within lymphomatous masses. In patients with follicular lymphoma, preferential anti-B-cell antibody binding to cells in malignant follicles resulted in estimated absorbed doses to follicles (30% of tissue) that were up to twofold higher than the mean dose, while interfollicular areas (70% of tissue) received up to twofold less than the mean. 4 0 Whether such variation is of clinical significance is unknown. Further uncertainty in tumor and marrow radiation doses following treatment of patients with lymphoma results from the fact that tumor and hematopoietic responses are seen as early as 24 h after infusion of labeled antibody.” In experimental animals, high dose radiation from either external beam or from radiolabeled antibodies themselves can alter subsequent uptake of radiolabeled antibody. 4 1 , 4 2 Similar changes in antibody uptake, and therefore dose to tumor and marrow, may occur in patients following radiolabeled antibody therapy. However, direct determination of estimated absorbed doses, and the possibility that these differ from doses extrapolated from trace labeled antibody, has been limited by the difficulty in imaging large amounts of activity. 4 3 IV. CONCLUSIONS In summary, significant responses have been observed in patients with lymphoma treated with several radiolabeled antibodies. Current dosimetric techniques appear to be adequate to conduct phase I-II trials. In trials to date, a definite dose-response relationship has not been shown, although complete response is more frequent in patients receiving large doses of radiolabeled antibody requiring bone marrow support. Because of the rapid response to radiation, direct determination of radiation doses delivered to tumor by therapeutic infusions will be particularly important in defining dose-response relationships in patients with lymphoma. The optimal antibody specificity and radionuclide for treatment of these patients, whether microdosimetric considerations are of importance, and whether doses requiring bone marrow transplantation will be needed for cure remain to be determined. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This work was supported in part by USPHS Grants CA 39841 and CA44991 from the NIH. 1 V. T. DeVita, E. S. Jaffe, P. Mauch, and D. L. Longo, “Lymphocytic lymphomas” in Cancer Principals and Practice of Oncology, edited by V. T. DeVita, S. Hellman, and S. A. Rosenberg (J. B. Lippincott. 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Breitz Nuclear Medicine Section, Department of Radiology, Virginia Mason Medical Center, Seattle, Washington Lawrence E. Williams Division of Radiation Oncology, City of Hope Medical Center, Duarte, California (Received 18 March 1992; accepted for publication 24 July 1992) Dosimetry data arising from a decade of radioimmunotherapy are summarized along with techniques utilized to arrive at the reported dose estimates. Generality of the MIRD methodology allows it to serve as a vehicle for the calculation of solid tumor dosimetry although several limitations exist. Nonstandard geometries of solid tumors will ultimately necessitate determination of absorbed fractions for the individual tumors. Several approaches currently under investigation are described. For reasons of practicality, solid tumor dosimetry estimates continue to use the assumption of homogeneous activity distribution in a source organ, accounting for either all radiation or only nonpenetrating radiation. As computation tools become available for incorporating inhomogeneous cellular level data, the currently used “average dose” as an index of tumor sterilization will likely be replaced with a statistical distribution based on the number of viable cells in the tumor volume. Estimates of a tumor control dose would be based upon a linear extension of dose coupled with a threshold dose for cell sterilization. Key words: radioimmunotherapy, tumor dose, clinical dosimetry I. INTRODUCTION In the preceding decade, over 100 clinical trials have utilized radiolabeled antibodies against tumors.’ A variety of tumors have been treated including hepatoma, neuroblastoma, melanoma, cancer of the ovary, breast, kidney, lung, colon, lymphoma, and other malignancies. Doses reported have varied widely. Some of the most recent trials reviewed by Langmuir report a tumor dose range from 2 Gy for a hepatoma patient to greater than 120 Gy fractionated delivery for non-Hodgkins lymphoma. Dose variations are noted among different tumor types, individual patients given similar treatment for the same type of malignancy and even among multiple lesions of the same patient. Lymphoma dosimetry has been separately reviewed by Siegel and Goldenberg. The MIRD methodology4 serves as the framework for most solid tumor dosimetry calculations. Organ and tumor specific radioactivity is quantitated, time-activity curves are constructed and integrated, and cumulated activities 583 Med. Phys. 20 (2), Pt. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 are multiplied by the absorbed dose constant and specific absorbed fraction to yield estimated dose. Targeting of radioactivity in a nonstandard volume positioned in a nonstandard geometry, however, creates several problems distinct from those encountered in normal organ dosimetry. Because published "S" tables make provision only for standard organ systems as sources/targets of radiation, the frequently used MIRD Pamphlet No. 11 5 is not easily applied to solid tumor dose estimates. For nonpenetrating radiation, the contribution to tumor dose may be computed assuming an absorbed fraction of unity. Determining the absorbed fractions for penetrating radiation is not so simple. MIRD Pamphlets No. 3 and No. 8 provide a partial solution with tables of absorbed fractions for spherical and ellipsoidal volumes that contain uniform distributions of photon emitters.6 ’ 7 Such tables allow the calculation of dose to tumor from activity in the tumor, but fail to provide estimates for other source organs that may contribute appreciably to tumor dose. The following deals with major 0094-2405/93/020583-10$01.20 © 1993 Am. Assoc. Phys. Med. 583 584 Meredith et al.: Dosimetry of solid tumors aspects of the MIRD formalism as applied to solid tumor dosimetry, including calculation of dose per unit cumulated activity and limitations of current methodologies for estimating tumor dose. Therapeutic interventions and the type of circulating protein that may impact tumor kinetics and dose are also discussed. 584 radioimmunotherapy.’ The difficulty in determining a dose/response relationship is compounded by multiple factors. These include the variance of responsiveness among multiple lesions and between individual patients, the degree of dose heterogeneity within tumor masses at the cellular level and the limited dosimetry information reported from most clinical trials. II. CLINICAL DOSE ESTIMATES A summary of clinical dose estimates for administration of radioimmunoconjugates is presented in Table 1. 8-37 The most outstanding feature of this compilation is the wide variation of doses even when the range of administered activity is taken into account. Doses have generally been calculated by indirect quantitation since direct measurement of activity from biopsy specimens is uncommon and even when available usually represents only a single time point during the several days of radiation delivery via radioimmunoconjugates. Although most dose estimates to date have utilized the MIRD formalism with activity quantitation by means of planar scintigraphy, the details for implementing these methodologies varied substantially. Despite this, most of the variance in tumor dose undoubtedly results from real differences in biological and physical factors. This is suggested by the fact that significant dose differences are reported for multiple lesions in the same patient when identical calculation techniques, assumptions, and the same time periods for quantitative measurements are used. (Table II compares the dose variation between multiple lesions noted by four groups.) Tumor dose estimates presented in Tables I and II were derived from intravenous or intra-arterial administration of radioimmunoconjugates (with the exception of intralesional injection to 7 patients 3 5). Radioimmunoconjugate therapy by other routes of infusion including intrapleural, intrapericardial, intraperitoneal or intrathecal have generally been used for tumor deposits too small to be quantitated by techniques currently used. Thus dose estimates have not always been reported for those studies. Studies in this category that have reported dosimetry aspects include 131 intrathecal I-antibody t r e a t m e n t o f neoplastic 38 meningitis, and intraperitoneal dosimetry using thermoluminescent dosimeters and biopsy quantitation in conjunction with gamma camera imaging methods. 39 In some other studies, the choice of radionuclide precluded quantitative dosimetry for measurable tumors. For example, the gamma component of 125 I emissions is not sufficiently energetic to allow quantitation by gamma camera imaging.@ Various substitute radionuclides have been used for pretherapy imaging studies to determine localization. No definite dose/response relationship has been established to date from the results of clinical trials. Overall, the most extensive patient experience and greatest success in clinical use of radioimmunotherapy of solid tumors has been with the relatively radioresponsive lymphomas. Although responses vary considerably among lymphoma patients, a dose/response relationship is suggested by the fact that some of the best response rates have resulted from such marrow toxic levels of 1 3 1I-MB-l antibody that marrow transplantation may be necessary for recovery from Medical Physics, Vol. 20, No. 2, Pt. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 Ill. CALCULATION OF TUMOR-ABSORBED DOSE After time-activity curves for organ specific radioactivity have been constructed and integrated as has been detailed by Leichner and Kwok41 the resulting cumulated activities must be multiplied by appropriate absorbed dose constants and specific absorbed fractions. The degree of sophistication applied to this portion of the problem varies within the medical physics community. Three general methods found or alluded to in the literature are outlined below for dealing with the second portion of the tumor dosimetry equation. A. Method No. 1: Homogeneous distribution of radioactivity throughout the tumor volume, only nonpenetrating radiations contribute to tumor dose In this approach, the distribution of radioactivity is assumed to be uniform in the tumor and the range of the radiation emitted is less than the tumor dimensions. The assumption of a homogeneous distribution of activity throughout the tumor is a gross oversimplification at the cellular leve1.42,43 However, since noninvasive techniques with sufficient resolution to characterize the microscopic radioactivity distribution are not available, the assumption of a uniform distribution is accepted as a first approximation. This approach can be modified at a later time pending pattern analysis of the nonuniform antibody deposition. Two assumptions may be made about the deposition of nonpenetrating radiation in the tumor: (1) all of the nonpenetrating radiation is deposited within the tumor volume [φ (np) = 1], or (2) a fraction of the nonpenetrating radiation is deposited within the tumor [φ (np) < 1]. For small tumors, the assumption of np = 1 would clearly be an overestimation. Because of the finite range of the beta radiation and the resultant escape of some particles, the edge of the tumor will receive a lower dose than other locations within the lesion. If one assumes spherical tumors, a simple correction can be made using two geometrical corrections. 44 The corrections involve two factors which, when multiplied together, give the average spherical lesion dose relative to that calculated via assuming an infinitely large medium containing the beta source. 44 Using a 9 0Y source, the resultant calculations are summarized in Table III. For example, if a 1.0-cm 3 lesion were to be treated with a uniform deposition of 90Y, the actual average dose within that volume would only be 68% of that estimated using standard methods which neglect edge effects. For very small tumors, the correction factor is 0.36; i.e., only about one-third of the estimated dose would be, on the average, found in the smallest volume. Corrections are not as dra- 585 Meredith et al.: Dosimetry of solid tumors matic for lower energy radionuclides such as 1 3 1 I or 67 Cu. Low energy sources, however, offer reduced crossfire capability so as to make them less effective for the irradiation of tumor cells located at some distance from where the antibody molecule has come to rest in the tumor. 4 5’ 46 The latter problem, essentially one of differential tumor perfusion, is of great importance in radiation therapy using monoclonal antibodies. Medical Physics, Vol. 20, No. 2, Pt. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 585 The assumption of dose contributions arising only from nonpenetrating radiations is, if one neglects braking radiation, exactly true for pure beta emitters such as 90Y. Without an imaging photon, however, it is difficult to determine kinetics in patients, which are necessary for the determination of the cumulated activity. Since some animal studies 47 have shown similar biodistribution for 1 1 1In and 90 Y, the biodistribution of “‘In-antibody conjugates has 566 Meredith et al.: Dosimetry of solid tumors been utilized to calculate the dose that would be achieved for 9 0Y-labeled antibodies.” Alternatively, one may add a small amount of “‘In-labeled antibody to the q-labeled antibody to trace its movement in vivo. In addition to corrections due to the finite range of beta radiation, there is a second correction to tumor and other organ radiation dose estimates in the case of pure beta emission. High-energy beta emitters, while being stopped in a medium, cause the production of a wide spectrum of secondary photon emissions called braking radiation or Bremsstrahlung. 4 8 It should be noted that attempts have been made to measure the Bremsstrahlung x-rays following 90 Y administration.49 The dosimetry of braking radiation associated with 90Y has been measured in an anthropomorphic phantom and analyzed with two mathematical forms.5 0’ 51 The first analysis was based on an analogy with the MIRD framework and permits organ-to-organ dose estimates. A second strategy51 utilized a multi-exponential function to provide the dose at a distance from a point Medical Physics, Vol. 20, No. 2. Pt. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 586 source. These two methods were found to agree with each other within the accuracy of the computations. There was, however, a 20% discrepancy between both analyses and the measurements at short distances (<5 cm) from a point source in the humanoid phantom. Here the measured braking radiation doses were lower than those predicted by the two computational methods. It is likely that the photon spectrum may have to be corrected at these short distances to account for local attenuation. Measured braking radiation doses were on the order of 0.1 mGy/MBq for 9 0Y at distances of 3 cm from a point source. B. Method No. 2: Homogeneous distribution of radioactivity throughout the tumor volume, all radiations accounted for Both penetrating and nonpenetrating radiations are accounted for in this approach. The difficulty in calculating absorbed fractions for penetrating radiations has resulted 587 Meredith et al.: Dosimetry of solid tumors in them often being ignored. Three methods exist to include the energy deposition from penetrating radiations along with that from nonpenetrating radiations. The simplest of these strategies relies on interpolating existing S values for standard organs as found in MIRD tabulations. Interpolations are based on knowing actual tumor volume(s). Knowledge of individual organ or tumor volumes or masses is an essential parameter for calculation of radiation doses in radioimmunotherapy. The volume of a particular organ in the human shows a broad distribution that cannot be adequately predicted from the height and weight of a patient. In some disease states, significant changes can occur that affect the size, shape and location of organs in the body. Usually these variations result in a uniform change in size with little distortion in shape. In lymphoma patients, for example, the spleen can be enlarged by a factor of two or three with minimal distortion of its shape. These changes in the dimensions and locations of tumors and organs in the body can result in over-or underestimations in radiation absorbed dose compared with the values derived using the MIRD model for standard man. Morphometric volumes of organs and tumor sites can be provided from CT and MRI. Functioning volumes can be provided by SPECT. If no information on the volumes can be provided by imaging modalities, we must resort to scaling the volume from the total body weight or height of the patient. This is done in the same way as the administered radioactivity was prescribed in nuclear medicine; e.g., depending on the total body weight, body area, or even patient height. To estimate the dose to target organs from activity in the rest of the body, the MIRD table S values show little change with organ mass and the S values for the whole body as source for each target organ or site in the body may be considered adequate for the dosimetry estimates required in RIT. Let us consider the S value for a situation where the source and target organ are identical so that nonpenetrating (np) radiation becomes significant. In the MIRD tables, 52 S can be written as: where S is the tabulated MIRD S factor for any source as Medical Physics, Vol. 20, No. 2, Pt. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 587 target organ. S np is the nonpenetrating component of S and S p is the penetrating component, which is required. Dividing Eq. (1) by S yields: Figure 1 shows the variation in the ratio S p /S versus mass, based on four contiguous-volume organs of the MIRD phantom, for five commonly used radionuclides. It is clear from this figure that a doubling of organ mass from 20 to 40 g results in a change in S p /S of less than 5% for each of these radionuclides. For paired organs with noncontiguous volume components (e.g., adrenals, ovaries and kidneys), the S p /S’ ratios are even less sensitive to organ mass. It is therefore reasonable to separate S factors from the MIRD tables into penetrating and nonpenetrating components and to estimate S p for a tumor by interpolating the MIRD S p values. This estimate of the penetrating component could be combined with S np, calculated directly from the known radiations emitted by the radionuclide involved, to obtain an S factor for the tumor. The volumes of tumors and organs should be determined as accurately as possible to minimize errors in the calculation of the nonpenetrating component of the dose where source and target are the same volume. Table IV contains the numerical values used in constructing Fig. 1. 588 Meredith et al.: Dosimetry of solid tumors A second dose estimation strategy, which is somewhat more intensive computationally, uses convolution techniques. This is exemplified by the software program of Sgouros et al.53 Briefly, a dose-distance function (i.e., the point source kernel) is stored in a table. The two sources of code for generating point source kernels are the EGS c o d e5 4,55 and the ETRAN code. 56 Alternatively, a simple, empirical function can be solved to provide dose as a function of distance.57 Lookup tables appropriate to a given radionuclide’s decay spectrum are fashioned to account for all prominent radiations. Each voxel of a source organ has an associated discrete amount of activity, the integral of which represents that voxel’s cumulated activity. For a defined target organ voxel, the distance separating it from each source organ voxel is calculated. This distance serves as an offset into the point source kernel lookup table, and the dose per unit cumulated activity is obtained. Absorbed dose to a target organ voxel is obtained by summing the contributions from all source organ voxels. In this manner, a nonuniform activity distribution can be taken into account at the macroscopic level. A third strategy by which penetrating radiation contribution to dose can be estimated is via a Monte Carlo simulation similar to the original code that generated the data found in MIRD Pamphlets No. 5 and No. 11. An example can be seen in the software program of Johnson and Vessella termed MABDOS, an acronym for Monoclonal AntiBody DOSimetry. 58,59 The MABDOS code allows the operator to enter up to five tumor foci acting as sources of and targets for radiation in the Standard Man Model. Initial simulations for 131I indicate the possibility that photons originating in the liver, spleen and whole body may contribute more than 20% of the tumor’s dose, depending on the amount of tumor specific uptake. The MABDOS program initiates a dosimetry session by taking interactive input from the user. The user identifies each source organ to be included in the dosimetry calculation, and enters a series of time/activity data points associated with that source organ. The question of source organ identification and selection will be specific to a given radiopharmaceutical, and dependent on its biodistribution properties in the human body. If an organ system can be resolved on a nuclear medicine scintigram, the assumption is made that the organ system localizes activity to a degree greater than that of radioisotope distributed throughout the whole body. This qualifies it by definition as a source organ. MABDOS is completely flexible in that it allows a dosimetry treatment of any radioisotope/ radiopharmaceutical complex. A graph mode (linear, semilog, or logit) is selected which initiates a display of the individual time activity curves. Methodology (curve peeling, trapezoidal integration or mathematical modeling) to fit the time/activity data points is chosen to achieve an estimate of cumulated activity for each source organ. If a tumor has been identified as a source organ, the coronal projection of Standard Man then appears on the graphics screen. Identifying the height of the tumor center Medical Physics, Vol. 20, No. 2, Pt. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 588 in the Standard Man reference frame with a mouse initiates the drawing of the corresponding transverse slice of Standard Man. The tumor center is next defined on the transverse slice, thereby positioning the tumor center with coordinates in x, y, and z. The tumor is approximated as a sphere, and the tumor radius is entered. This identifies the tumor in three dimensions; the entered radius subsequently declares a volume of space in the Standard Man as representing a tumor. The source organ information, tumor geometry information (x/y/z location of center, and radius)) and selected isotope are uploaded to a CRAY. Beta radiation is assumed to be locally absorbed as in MIRD 11. A simulation of photon transport is carried out to estimate penetrating radiation absorbed fractions. The output consists of an S table having an additional row and column for each identified tumor. The "S" table is downloaded to the microcomputer host where it is combined with the cumulated activity and generates a dose table similar to those presented in the MIRD 11 tables. There are drawbacks to both the convolution and the Monte Carlo simulation approaches. The convolution technique requires that anatomic boundaries be defined for source and target organs. Invariably this means that a sequence of CT or MRI slices be placed on a viewing screen and borders traced. The amount of time required is substantial. Although this shortcoming could be addressed with automated edge detection by a computer, the variation of human anatomy from patient to patient virtually precludes current algorithms from consistently working correctly. This would necessitate review by a human observer, with subsequent interventional correction of anatomic boundaries. A second shortcoming of the convolution technique is the use of a point dose kernel. The kernels are derived for homogeneous media, typically water. The makeup of the human body, however, is exceedingly complex. An inhomogeneous mixture of bone and soft tissue predominates throughout the body. Recent work by Kwok et al. indicates that tissue dose at a bone interface is underestimated by 20%-40% because of the backscatter of low-energy electrons. 6 0 A solution would be to derive a point dose kernel for each voxel in the human body or Standard Man Model. The point dose kernel derivation being based on a Monte Carlo simulation leads back to the implementation of a Monte Carlo solution. The backscatter phenomena reported by Kwok et al. at a bone interface represents an additional error that can only be replicated by Monte Carlo simulation.60 The use of convolutions are derived for homogeneous media, and do not allow the inclusion of different media. The shortcomings of the Monte Carlo approach are principally ones of computation time economy, and the use of a model rather than the patient’s own anatomy. Under the assumption of homogeneous activity deposition, model applicability to an individual is reasonable since small changes in organ shape should not appreciably alter the absorbed fraction.‘* With regard to the computation time, Monte Carlo solutions are by nature time-consuming, be- 589 Meredith et al.: Dosimetry of solid tumors ing a statistical answer requiring numerous histories to reliably estimate absorbed fractions. The MABDOS code currently executes in a “reasonable” amount of time on a CRAY supercomputer.61 The issues of access and expense make this technique unattractive to many institutions. The Monte Carlo simulation code is currently being ported to an array of INMOS transputers housed on a microcomputer expansion card. This will hopefully obviate the need for access to a CRAY supercomputer. A complete dosimetry session would be conducted from within the microcomputer. 6 2 This could potentially deal with the problem of execution time by using multiple processors to linearly speed up the calculation. The cost of such a machine with a modest number of transputers would be less than $50000. C. Method No. 3: Inhomogeneous distribution of radioactivity throughout the tumor volume, all radiations accounted for While SPECT has improved the quantitation of nonuniform distribution of radioactivity at the macroscopic level, it is difficult to measure the microscopic inhomogeneity that is known to exist. Microdetectors offer a method for determining energy deposition at a point, albeit not in an imaging format.6 3’ 6 4 However, the procedure is invasive and requires that tumors be accessible for placement of these measuring devices. Furthermore, multiple detectors would be required for mapping the dose distributions. With these limitations microdetectors appear inpractical for widespread clinical use. Inclusion of inhomogeneous distribution information in dose calculations will therefore rely mainly on animal studies, cell culture models 65 and sequential autoradiographs. Extrapolation from these systems is also fraught with inaccuracies but may allow estimates that are useful in directing clinical trials. IV. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS IN TUMOR DOSIMETRY To date, human tumor uptake and clearance of radioimmunoconjugates have not been modeled with confidence. Thus activity versus time measurements are essential for estimating cumulated radiation delivered to tumors in this manner. Numerous proposals for altering tumor uptake and washout kinetics such as extracorporeal immunoadsorption 66,67 and chimeric or engineered antibody fragments further complicate the situation. Most tumor dosimetry from clinical studies has involved administration of xenogeneic antibodies which have a relatively short circulating half-life. With the construction of chimeric antibodies (using a xenogeneic variable region linked to a human constant region), the effective half-life of the administered antibody has increased several f o l d .6 8 E a r l y r e s u l t s f r o m a d m i n i s t r a t i o n o f 131 I-mouse/human chimeric B72.3 have demonstrated localization of activity to tumor sites persisting for longer than 20 days.69 Since it is impractical to scan daily for the entire period of detectable localization as may be done for Medical Physics, Vol. 20, No. 2, Pt. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 589 patients receiving xenogeneic antibody, assumptions must be made for cumulated radioactivity in tumors for the intervals between relatively wide-spaced scanning times. Initial dosimetry in these cases has been performed assuming linear accumulation in the site of localization when the count rate increases with time, and an exponential decrease of 1 3 1I concentration when the count rate drops between measurements. 21 Although it may seem less accurate to have intervals of several days between measurements for long-lived antibodies, dose estimates have not been determined to be less precise than for antibodies that circulate for a shorter period of time where a large portion of the total cumulated activity may be accrued quickly. The interval between measurements may not be as important as the total number of measurements obtained over the period of high initial activity. Another source of potential inaccuracy in tumor dosimetry is the uncertainty as to when the radionuclide concentration in the tumor exceeds background. To minimize the chance of missing the peak by a considerable period of time, frequent early scans are recommended even if technical innovations are required in order to protect personnel from undue radiation exposure. To alleviate the problem of early scanning of patients with therapeutic doses of radiolabeled antibodies, a tracer dose is often used with linear extrapolation of results to larger doses delivered at a later time. 8,11 Although this technique will be accurate if the distribution and kinetics of the two doses coincide, errors of dosimetry can be large if these parameters are not similar for all administrations. 11,70 In using this technique a verification method should be used to confirm the linear scaling from tracer dose to therapeutic dose. As a minimum, whole body disappearance curves should be generated with a GM counter for the therapeutic dose, a procedure analogous to measurements made for release of patients undergoing 1 3 1I therapy for thyroid disease. Alternative methods such as analysis of plasma clearance or other parameters 71 may prove to be more reliable in predicting whole body and region of interest half-life of radiolabeled antibody than following the kinetics of a small preliminary dose of the same agent. However, such techniques have not been well documented in the literature to date. Limited information has been reported comparing the relative biologic effectiveness of radiation delivered as fractionated high dose rate external beam therapy, low dose rate brachytherapy and at an exponentially decreasing dose rate characteristic of radioimmunotherapy. 72-77 Not only is it difficult to compare radioimmunotherapy with other techniques of radiation exposure because of the many variables with radioimmunoconjugate therapy, it is also difficult to compare the results within radioimmunotherapy trials. As in external beam radiation where reporting of a total dose must be clarified by dose/fraction description, radioimmunotherapy dose reporting should provide details. Specifics should include the radioimmunoconjugate, amount administered, injection route, dose rate information, times of activity measurement, calculation methods 590 Meredith et al.: Dosimetry of solid tumors including assumptions used for calculations, and an estimate of total cumulated dose. These factors may assist in furthering the field of solid tumor dosimetry and quantitating the probability of tumor control by various doses of radioimmunoconjugate therapy. V. SUMMARY A broad range of absorbed dose estimates to solid tumors is reported in the literature. Most of this dose variation can be traced to differences in injected activity levels, patient size, biologic behavior of the immunoconjugate and other real factors. Nevertheless, some portion of the reported dose range undoubtedly results from the diversity of approaches currently used for quantifying tumor dose. Dosimetry for parenterally administered radionuclides is currently based primarily on the MIRD formalism, with quantitation of local uptake and clearance by means of planar imaging computational techniques. This approach to solid tumor dosimetry presents difficulties that are being dealt with in various ways. Some of the problems associated with the use of planar imaging for tumor activity quantitation, such as the inability to accurately measure volumes or to eliminate contributions from overlying and underlying tissue, may be alleviated by new developments in the area of SPECT imaging. Although well suited for dosimetry of normal organs, the existing MIRD formalism cannot easily deal with the arbitrary geometries of solid tumors and their spatial relationship to other sites of localized activity. Convolution techniques and Monte Carlo simulations which are under investigation may accommodate nonstandard tumor masses for MIRD calculations. Alternatively, one may use the method outlined above for determining S factors for arbitrary soft tissue masses. The resolution limits of existing nuclear imaging devices precludes mapping of uptake heterogeneity, which is known to exist at the cellular level. In light of this heterogeneity, specification of the dose to a tumor is of questionable value. As measurement and computation techniques are advanced to the point where nonuniform deposition of activity can be quantitated and incorporated into dose estimates, the effect of radioimmunotherapy on solid tumors might be more effectively represented as statistical distributions of dose to populations of tumor cells. Accurate models for the kinetics of immunoconjugates in solid tumors can only be developed from extensive serial sampling of uptake and clearance using measurement techniques that are reasonably accurate and uniformly applied. Further definition of dose/response relationships for radioimmunotherapy of solid tumors should further stimulate development of techniques needed to achieve therapeutic efficacy. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors wish to thank Dr. Peter Leichner, Dr. Barry Wessels, Dr. Jeffry Siegel, Dr. Virginia Langmuir, and Dr. Donald Buchsbaum for discussion and suggestions, and Charm Pate and Tracy Blevins for preparation Medical Physics, Vol. 20. No. 2, Pt. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 of the manuscript. This work was supported in part by grants from the National Institutes of Health NC1 NO1 CM-97611, PO1 CA43904 and 5P30 CA33572. 1 S. M. Larson, “Radioimmunology: Imaging and therapy,” Cancer 67, Suppl., 1253-1260 (1991). 2 V. K. 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Bertrand Brill University of Massachusetts, Worcester, Massachusetts (Received 18 March 1992; accepted for publication 24 December 1992) Intraperitoneal and intracavitary radioimmunotherapy differ from other approaches of radioimmunotherapy in that high activity and dose gradients exist near the solution/tumor interface. Dose to tumor and normal tissue at the interface is a function of depth and is due to three major components: (1) the activity concentration of the administered radiolabeled antibody solution as a function of time within the compartment; (2) the spatial distribution of antibody/ radionuclide complex as a function of depth and time as the biomolecules bind to and permeate tumor/normal tissues; and (3) the physical characteristics of the radionuclide in relation to depth of antibody penetration. In this review, the biological and physical aspects of intraperitoneally administered radiolabeled antibodies are discussed, and the state of experimental and calculational studies for this site is described. Areas requiring future investigation are examined, and recommendations are made regarding the type of measurements and calculations which are required for accurate dosimetry. Key words: intraperitoneal radioimmunotherapy, dosimetry, models, alpha and beta emitters 1. INTRODUCTION Regional administration of radiolabeled antibodies for therapeutic intent is advantageous because this approach delivers relatively high concentrations of biologically specific molecules directly to the site of the disease, thus providing a high tumor-to-normal tissue (T/NT) dose ratio. Possible anatomic sites include the peritoneum for ovarian 1-12 and colorectal carcinomas,13-14 the cerebral spinal fluid for leptomeningeal disease, 15,16 the thoracic cavity for the treatment of pleural/pericardial effusions, 17,18 a n d within the tumor itself in the therapy of cystic brain tumors.” In recent years, pilot studies in humans have shown partial or complete responses to intraperitoneal radioimmunotherapy (IPRIT), spurring additional interest in this technique. The dose to tumor and normal tissues is difficult to quantify, yet an understanding of the dosimetry of radiolabeled antibodies is important in interpreting clinical results and in defining directions to make this type of treatment more effective. In this review, we discuss (a) the clinical rationale for IPRIT, (b) those biological and physical parameters which most strongly affect the dose distribution to tumor, (c) the current status of dose measurement and calculations for IPRIT, and (d) research goals and future directions for IPRIT dosimetry. We focus on intraperitoneal radioimmunotherapy in the treatment of ovarian tumors spread to this site. However, the dosimetric analysis discussed may be applied, with appropriate modification, to other regions treated with a similar methodology. Ovarian cancer is one of highest causes of mortality among gynecologic cancers in the western world. The American Cancer Society has estimated approximately 19 000 new cases were diagnosed in 1986, of which 60% of 593 Med. Phys. 20 (2). Pt. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 these will eventually die due to complications from the disease. 20 The malignancy originates in the ovaries and is generally detected during Stage III or IV of the disease, when it has metastasized to the surface of the peritoneum. At this stage, only a 10%-20% 5-year survival is predicted. 2 0 Conventional treatment of this disease involves surgical debulking of the primary tumor, followed by a regimen of chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy2 1’ 2 2 to the regions at risk for spread. Because of the diffuse nature of peritoneal disease, treatment of the entire abdomen to 2500 cGy is prescribed with external beam radiation therapy. 22 This dose is inadequate for gross disease, but is limited by normal tissue tolerance of critical abdominal and pelvic organs. In order to augment the external beam dose, Au-198 colloids 23 and radioactive chromic phosphate (P-32 colloids) 24-26 have been administered directly into the peritoneal cavity for the treatment of ovarian metastases. However, with lack of specificity, there is no tumor-to-normal tissue dose advantage. 23-26 Thus a modality is required in which a high dose of radiation is delivered to tumor while limiting the dose to normal tissues. This is the goal of intraperitoneal radioimmunotherapy. II. A CONCEPTUAL MODEL FOR IPRIT DOSIMETRY In principle, the dose to tumor and normal tissues may be calculated if the concentration of radioactivity is known in each volume element of the body as a function of time. In practice, such detailed knowledge is impossible to obtain. Nevertheless, the formulation of a simplified model aids in identifying those factors which most significantly influence the dose distribution and parameters which need to be measured to reliably estimate the dose. 0094-2405/93/020593-08$01.20 © 1993 Am. Assoc. Phys. Med. 593 594 Roeske et al.: Dosimetry of radiolabeled antibodies To conceptualize the biological distribution of activity, consider the following sequence of “events.” Initially, a therapeutic quantity of radiolabeled antibody is injected into a cavity of the body which contains the targeted malignancy (i.e, peritoneal cavity). Antibody removal from the compartment and redistribution occurs through lymphatic and blood circulatory systems. 27-29 A fraction of the administered antibodies will bind to antigens expressed on the surface of tumor cells, and to a lesser degree, antigens expressed on the surface of normal tissue cells. Because of the high affinity the antibody has for the antigen, penetration within bulk disease may be limited to several cell layers. 2 9 At later times, activity which escapes from the peritoneal cavity into the blood may also accumulate within tumor through vascularization. The therapeutic effect of the treatment will depend on the total dose to tumor as a function of depth, dose rate, and relative biological effectiveness of the radiation. A. Tumor and normal tissue geometry Geometrical aspects of both tumor and normal tissue, such as size and shape, influence the dose to these tissues. There are two principle reasons why the tumor size and geometry are important for accurate dosimetry. First, antibody uptake per gram of tumor is inversely proportional to the tumor mass. Typically, the tumor to normal tissue ratios for the accumulation of activity range from 0.1-8.5 for large tumors, and from 2-8700 for small tumors. 4 ’ 6 ’ 7 Second, similar to external beam therapy, it is expected the shape of isodose curves within tumor will conform to the shape of the tumor. If the activity is uniformly distributed within tumor, the geometry will not be as critical. However, for cases of nonuniform activity confined to the tumor periphery, as observed on tumor autoradiographs, the tumor geometry may significantly affect the degree to which the tumor may be treated (see Sec. III C). Additionally, the size of the tumor, in relation to the maximum range of particulate radiation, will influence the degree of dose uniformity. Individual tumor cells or clusters of tumor cells in suspension in ascites define one geometrical condition. However, in IPRIT of colorectal and ovarian carcinoma, the targets are small metastases from 1 mm to 1 cm in diameter on the surface of the peritoneum. Lesions greater than 2 cm are not considered since these are significantly more difficult to control.8,9,11 Unlike external beam radiation therapy, the geometry and the size distribution of the target volumes are generally not well specified. Chatal et al. 30 and Thedrez et al. 31 have demonstrated small ovarian tumor nodules (<5 mm diameter) are nearly spherical However, visual inspection of biopsy samples of peritoneal tumor metastases shows the geometry may vary from the idealized spherical form.32 Laparoscopy may be performed prior to radioimmunotherapy to assess the volume of the residual disease to be treated. 8’ 9,11 This method may also be used to provide some insight into the tumor geometry. Medical Physics, Vol. 20, No. 2, Pt. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 594 F I G. 1. Schematic diagram of the initial source distribution following injection of radiolabeled antibody solution into peritoneal cavity. The peritoneum is represented as a plane, and tumor extends both above and into the peritoneal surface. Immediately following the infusion, the solution is confined to the peritoneal cavity. B. Dose components Dose to individual tumor cells is due to radionuclides which decay within the maximum range of particulate emissions (alphas, betas, and Auger electrons), and potentially from all radionuclides which emit photon radiation. The three dose components to an arbitrary point in tumor or normal tissue include: (a) dose from solution activity, (b) dose from the radionuclide/antibody complex specifically bound to the tissues, and (c) dose from activity accumulating in other parts of the body after escape from the peritoneal cavity. C. Solution activity The dependence of dose from nuclear decays in the IP administered solution as a function of tissue depth can be understood through a simple model. Consider the peritoneal cavity as semi-infinite plane, above which resides a uniform solution of radiolabeled antibodies (Fig. 1). This approximation is valid when the maximum range (R m a x) of the particulate radiation (for example, Y-90-R m a x=1.1 cm) is much smaller than the radius of curvature of the solution/tissue interface. Initially after infusion into the peritoneal cavity, most of the activity will be confined to the peritoneal solution. Cells on the surface of the cavity receive dose from those sources of particulate radiation which decay within R m a x of the point of calculation. Therefore, these cells are irradiated from sources which decay within a hemisphere of radius R max as shown in Fig. 2. Cells deeper in the peritoneal tissue will receive a dose from a spherical segment which diminishes in volume with increasing depth. Those cells which are at depths deeper than Rm a x will not receive dose from the peritoneal source distribution. The total dose which tumor and normal tissues receive from the solution activity will be proportional to the number of decays within the spherical segment above the peritoneal surface. Hence, the critical parameter in calculating the peritoneal source component to the tumor dose will be the activity concentration in the peritoneal solution as a function of time. The total quantity of radioisotope administered and the infusion volume are parameters which are often specified in the literature to describe the characteristics of the irradiating solution.1 - 1 2 For IPRIT, typical initial quantities of 595 Roeske et al.: Dosimetry of radiolabeled antibodies F IG. 2. Diagram of the contribution of the solution activity to peritoneal tumors/tissues. For cells located near the surface, the dose from solution is due to sources which decay within a hemisphere of radius R max Cells located deeper within the peritoneal surface receive dose from those sources which decay within a spherical segment. The volume of the spherical segment decreases with depth such that at a depth equal to the maximum range, there is no contribution of dose from the solution activity. activity range from 100 to 157 mCi for I-131, and from 5 to 20 mCi for Y-90 in 1.5 liters of normal saline. 11 However, in addition to the infusion volume, the total volume of fluid within the peritoneal cavity is crucial to provide an accurate estimate of the dose from the initial solution activity. The solution activity as a function of time is a parameter which is potentially measurable. In theory, the peritoneal fluid may be periodically sampled during therapy through the Tenckoff catheter. Additionally, the fluid activity may also be quantitated through serial conjugate views obtained from a gamma camera. However, activity within surrounding organs may obfuscate the peritoneal source distribution. Another approach which is useful in determining the cumulated activity in the peritoneal fluid is through TLD measurements. Thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs) placed within the peritoneal cavity may provide a direct dose measurement of the contribution of the peritoneal source distribution (see Sec. III A). D. Tumor activity gradients Radiolabeled antibodies accumulate preferentially in tumor (Fig. 3), and can also cross react to antigens in normal tissue (nonspecific binding). Specific binding of radiolabeled antibodies provides the major component of the dose to the tumor cells. A critical parameter for dose estimation is the activity as a function of time and depth associated with the tumor. When single cells in solution are 595 the targets, the activity as a function of time may be estimated through an in vivo assay. An aliquot of cells within the radiolabeled antibody solution is taken, spun down, and separated from the solution at various times and counted. The production of a time activity curve may be utilized in calculating the dose to the nucleus due to the activity on an individual cell, and if the emission has a long range, due to the ensemble of activity from other cells within the volume. The activity distributed in a solid tumor is nonuniform due to the high affinity of the antibody, and the heterogeneous expression of antigen. 3 3’ 34 Studies by Dedrick and Flessner35 with radiolabeled serum albumin suggest that biological macromolecules diffuse into the parietal and visceral tissues of the peritoneum to different depths, and its concentration versus depth is a function of both tissue type and molecular weight. Experiments with colon carcinoma spheroids, irradiated in a solution of radiolabeled antibodies specific for carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), show activity gradients are a maximum at the tumor surface with penetration limited to l-3 cell layers. 3 6 Tumor activity is often quantitated through gross biopsy samples. Tumor and normal tissue samples obtained after sufficient antibody localization have been counted intact in a well counter in numerous biodistribution studies. A quantity often quoted is the percent injected dose per gram of tumor (% I.D./g), which represents the percent of the injected activity which accumulates per gram of tumor. The percent injected dose per gram of tumor for intraperitoneally administered radiolabeled antibodies may vary from 0.001% to 0.1%, or greater. 6 ’ 7 This uptake is a function of the size of the antibody (IgG, Fab’2, Fab), antibody affinity or avidity, and the mass of the tumor. 3 7,3 8 While the percent injected dose/g is useful for comparison of therapeutic effectiveness to indicate relative uptake, it provides little information on the spatial or temporal distribution of activity, which is essential for accurate tumor dosimetry. Assumptions concerning the distribution of activity within the gross tissue samples must therefore be made to utilize these data for dosimetry. Animal experiments and tumor autoradiography may provide the spatial and temporal data on tumor and normal tissue activity needed to calculate dose. However, as with all animal experiments, extrapolation to man is difficult and complex. Pharmacokinetic modeling, such as work performed by Fujimori et al. 39-41 and Baxter and Jain, 4 2 has elucidated the distribution of activity within tumor models for intravenous administrations. These models will be useful in assessing the dose from activity which escapes into the blood and accumulates in the tumor through this pathway. Modifications to these calculations may also result in the ability to provide detailed models of the percolation of activity from the intraperitoneal solution into the tumor. E. Physical characteristics of radionuclides F I G. 3. Schematic diagram of the distribution of activity at time following infusion. A fraction of the activity which was originally in the intraperitoneal solution has penetrated and bound to peritoneal tissues. Medical Physics, Vol. 20, No. 2, Pt. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 The physical characteristics of the radionuclide which influence the dose distribution include the half-life, energy of emissions and type of radiation. The physical 596 596 Roeske et al.: Dosimetry of radiolabeled antibodies half-life in relation to the biological half-life of antibody removal from the cavity will determine the fraction of dose received from the injectate solution. If the physical half-life is long with respect to the rate of egress, the dose from the solution may be minimal. However, if the physical half-life is short compared to the biological half-life, a large fraction of the dose to the tumor will be from the radionuclides in solution. Additionally, these sources will irradiate normal structures within the cavity, and thus may provide a dose limiting criterion. The distribution of antibody within tumor is due to multiple processes.33,34 Consider a simple example in which diffusion is the dominating process. The time for an antibody to uniformly infiltrate a tumor to a death of 1 mm is approximately 3 days, while the time to reach a depth of 2.5 mm is 18 days. 3 4 Thus radionuclides with short half lives will decay near the periphery of the tumor, and the dose to deeper portions of the tumor from these emissions may be small. Longer lived radionuclides may provide a more uniform dose to tumor because a fraction of these will penetrate into the tumor before decaying. However, the use of a longer lived radionuclide also results in increased normal tissue dose. It is also important to examine the depth of penetration of antibody/radionuclide complex in relation to the range of the particulate radiation. For example, the depth dose curve from energetic beta particles of Y-90 (R m a x= 1 . 1 cm) is insensitive to antibody convection and diffusion on the order of several hundred microns. The reason the depth dose curve does not vary significantly is because the depth of penetration represents a small fraction of the maximum range (see Sec. III C). However, the microscopic depth dose distribution for alpha emitters (R m a x<100µm) will be strongly influenced by a penetration depth of several hundred microns because this distance is much greater than the maximum range. F. Activity throughout the body In principle, the dose to tumor from the remainder of the body is negligible. For particulate emissions, only those normal tissues within the maximum particulate range will contribute dose to the tumor. In the case of beta/gamma emitters such as I-131, the dose to tumor from the gamma emissions will most likely result in a constant background dose. Estimates of the dose contribution from gamma emissions may be determined by using MIRD or image based treatment planning. G. Summary of conceptual model To summarize, the important parameters in estimating the dose to tumor are ( 1) the antibody/radionuclide solution activity as a function of time; (2) the concentration of activity associated with the tumor as a function of time; and (3) the relative rate and depth of antibody penetration with respect to the half-life and range of particulate radiation. The following section describes the estimation of Medical Physics, Vol. 20, No. 2, Pt. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 dose to tumor for both clinical situations and based on theoretical tumor architectures and antibody source configurations. III. CURRENT STATUS: MEASUREMENT AND CALCULATION OF TUMOR DOSE In the previous section, a conceptual model described the target specification and the distribution of radiolabeled antibody with respect to this target. This section will report the measurements and calculations of dose to tumor. The role of each of these methods within the framework of the proposed model will be discussed. A. Dose measurements Measurements of dose to peritoneal tissues has been explored principally through two methodologies. Direct measurement of dose with thermoluminescent dosimeters has been investigated,8,11 where TLD chips are placed in a tube which is passed into the peritoneal cavity. The advantage of this technique is the cumulated dose is measured directly. However, spatial resolution is limited as well as areas of access within the patient. Stewart et al. 8,11 r e ported inserting 20-35 LiF TLD catheters into patients with ovarian cancer at laparoscopy, prior to radioimmunotherapy. The average nonspecific dose to the peritoneal wall was estimated from these TLD readings at 374 cGy (or 2.88 cGy/mCi of I-131) for human antimouse antibody (HAMA) negative patients, and 200 cGy (or 1.94 cGy/mCi of I-131) were measured in HAMA positive patients. These findings suggest that there may be increased absorption of I-131 in HAMA positive patients due to antibody dehalogenation. Y-90 labeled antibodies resulted in an average surface dose of 21.7 cGy/mCi of injected activity.” The variations in the absorbed dose per mCi of injected activity for I-131 and Y-90 are due to differences in the effective half-life within the cavity and the energies of the beta emissions. Within the previously discussed model, the TLD measurements provide a direct dose from the solution component at the peritoneal surface. However, no information regarding the contribution of the solution activity to the dose as a function of tissue depth is provided. There are several technical difficulties associated with the use of TLDs. Dose measurements as described above provide an average dose estimate and cannot differentiate easily between dose to tumor or normal tissue. If the TLD is near the tumor mass, a high concentration of radiolabeled antibody (relative to the solution activity) on or within the tumor will increase the measured dose signal. Furthermore, since the peritoneal surface is convoluted, regions where the radius of curvature is of the same order of magnitude as the maximum range of the particulate emissions may result in a measured dose which differs from the average dose received by the surface. Additional information relating TLD position to the peritoneal source geometry may be obtained by a CT scan. Visualization and extraction of peritoneal contours can be used to study the variation of measured dose from the solution. 597 Roeske et al.: Dosimetry of radiolabeled antibodies B. Activity measurements Measurement of activity distributions within the patient as a function of time provides input information into the MIRD formalism to permit calculation of dose. 5,8-12,43,44 Dose to tumor can be calculated from the quantitation of % ID/g in gross biopsy samples previously discussed. The assumption that the activity is uniformly distributed throughout the tumor mass is frequently made. For example, Hnatowich et al. 1 0 estimated the absorbed dose from an Y-90 labeled antibody to several peritoneal tissues based on activity measurements of tissue biopsies. Assuming the tumor associated activity decayed in place from the time of administration, these calculations yielded dose estimates of 48 cGy/mCi for tumor. Since these measurements are based on a 1 mCi administration of the radiolabeled antibody, the activity required to deliver a therapeutic dose (~50Gy) is approximately 100 mCi. There are several limitations with this type of tumor dose estimate. First, as Hnatowich et al. 10 discuss, the assumption of instantaneous uptake in the tumor results in an overestimate of the cumulated activity, and hence overestimates the absorbed dose. This assumption results in an underestimate of the therapeutic quantities of isotope needed for therapy, as in the above example. Second, activity measurements are made and normalized to the mass of tissue sampled. If an average value of the percent injected dose per gram is used, tumors smaller or larger than the average tumor size will have larger and smaller values of the percent injected dose per gram, respectively. Thus the dose estimates will also be inaccurate. Third, the most significant limitation of these dose studies is the assumption that activity within the tumor is uniform. If the activity is located primarily near the periphery of the tumor, the outer portions of the tumor will receive a higher dose than the central portions. However, while these types of calculations are inaccurate, they are simple to perform and the biological data (tumor activity) are readily available. Additionally, since these calculations provide an upper tumor dose limit, they are useful in determining if the administered quantities of radiolabeled antibody provide doses which are within therapeutic ranges. C. Calculation/dose modeling IPRIT dose modeling on the multicellular scale has been applied by several groups45-48 to study the distribution of dose within tumor and normal tissues. Unlike external photon beam treatment planning and modeling (where parameters of the model yield relatively accurate dose distributions), lack of detailed knowledge of the spatial distribution of activity on a very small geometric scale prevents accurate calculation of dose in the peritoneum. However, modeling permits the examination of those parameters which affect the isodose distribution and provides an understanding of how these parameters should be altered to improve the dose distribution. The scale of dose modeling is chosen to be of the same order of magnitude of the maximum range of particulate radiation from the radionuclide decay. Thus distance scales Medical Physics, Vol. 20, No. 2, Pt. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 597 range from 50 µm for alpha particle dose calculations to 1 cm for beta emissions. The source distribution is divided into voxels of uniform activity, and the contribution of each volume element to the calculation point is computed by multiplying the number of decays in the volume element by the appropriate value of the dose point kemel. 45-50 T h e dose point kernel represents the distribution of dose as a function of radial position from a point source emitter. Details of the dose point kernel will be discussed in a separate paper in this issue. Dose calculations are performed through a superposition process and the computation time may be reduced by realizing the dose computation process is a convolution process when the medium is homogeneous. This realization allows for the use of fast Fourier convolution. 4 8 Bardies et al.45,46 modeled ovarian carcinomas as small spherical nodules with a high uptake of radiolabeled antibody on the surface. Both the average dose to the sphere and the dose as a function of radial position were computed for a number of beta emitters considered useful for radioimmunotherapy. Comparison of the average dose and dose distribution as a function of radial position showed that the mean absorbed dose rate within a tumor is a misleading quantity, since the dose rate varies as a function of distance within the tumor. Bardies extended the calculations to alpha emitting radionuclides to spheroids of radii of 5-200 µm. 4 6 The results of these calculations showed that tumor dose is highly nonuniform. The calculations also showed that the optimal alpha particle energy for small spherical cells (5 µm radius) is 2-3 MeV, while the optimal energy for 200 µm spheres is more than 10 MeV. Watson et al.47 presented a method for calculating the dose as a function of depth to the peritoneal surface for the planar geometry. Dose calculations for the planar geometry can be traced to Loevinger et al. 49 who originally presented methods for calculating the dose as a function of depth to a planar surface from an infinite planar source. Berger 5 0 extended the work of Loevinger and tabulated information of the energy dissipation of electrons and common beta emitters in various media. Watson et a1. 47 developed a program which uses the work of Berger 49 in MIRD Pamphlet No. 7 for the case when the source is uniformly distributed over the surface in a thin layer. For volumetric activity distributions above the plane, the contribution of infinitely thin layers is integrated according to the method of Loevinger et a1.,49 and the attenuation of the emissions within the source distribution is taken into account. Tables were produced for activity confined to a semi-infinite plane (intraperitoneal solution) and for activity localized on the surface of a plane (peritoneal surface). By using the appropriate combination of cumulated volumetric and surface activities, the dose as a function of depth to a planar tumor may be calculated. For each of these dose components, the dose is a maximum at the peritoneal surface, and decreases rapidly with depth. Typically, the dose decreases to 50% of the maximum surface dose within 0.1-0.3 R max. Absolute (versus relative) dose calculations for intraperitoneal administration of radiolabeled ‘antibodies 598 598 Roeske et al.: Dosimetry of radiolabeled antibodies were performed by Roeske et al. 48 using data based on the therapeutic quantities of radionuclides administered. A model for the diffusion and convection of antibodies in both tumor and normal tissues was used based on measurements of the distribution of human serum albumin in the peritoneal tissues of mice. 29 Using reported values for the percent injected dose per gram of tumor, isodose distributions were estimated to geometrical tumors consisting of planes and hemispheres, representing the two extrema in the peritoneum, as well as biopsy samples obtained from second-look surgery. As an example of the type of dose gradients which may exist in IPRIT, consider a calculation based on the methodology of Roeske et al.48 The peritoneum is modeled as a planar surface, above which lies a uniform solution of radiolabeled antibodies (see Fig. 1). Tumor extends below and lateral to the solution/tissue interface. The depths of tumors are chosen to be comparable to the range of the particulate radiation. Tumor depths utilized in these calculations are 0.5, 0.1, and 0.03 cm, for Y-90 (beta emitter), I-131 (beta/gamma emitter), and At-211 (alpha emitter), respectively. The therapeutic activities used in this calculation for Y-90, I-131, and At-211 are 15, 120, and 6 mCi, respectively. These activities are administered in approximately 1500 ml of saline solution. Values of the percent injected dose per gram of tumor are chosen as 0.01% ID/g for all isotopes. Furthermore, tumor uptake is assumed instantaneous with all sources decaying in place. This assumption represents a best case scenario, and will result in an estimate of the maximum dose distribution tumor will receive. Since the exact biodistribution within tumor is difficult to know in vivo, three scenarios for the microscopic biodistribution of activity in tumor are considered. En the first situation, the tumor activity is limited to the surface exposed to the peritoneal fluid. This is the worst case where there is no penetration of the antibody into the tumor. In the second case, the most favorable situation is considered in which the radiolabeled antibody is distributed uniformly throughout the tumor. These biodistributions bracket the extremes for both activity and dose. A third, more realistic situation is simulated in which an exponential diffusion model is used with a half value depth of penetration equal to approximately 50 µm. The results of the dose calculations for the tumor depth dose along the vertical axis are presented in Fig. 4. These calculations reveal that: (1) when the tumor activity is confined to the surface, the dose is a maximum at the surface and falls off rapidly with depth, reaching a 50% value within 0.1-0.3 R m a x, (2) when the activity is distributed uniformly throughout the tumor, all three radionuclides exhibit depth dose curves which are uniform except toward the distal portions, and (3) except for At-211, the effects of diffusion to a half value depth of 50 µm are similar to the case of activity confined to the surface. Dose modeling may be used to elucidate the dosimetric relationship between the physical characteristics of the radionuclide and the biological source distribution within tumor. Important findings of the dose modeling on the mulMedical Physics, Vol. 20, No. 2, Pt. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 F I G. 4. Central axis depth dose curves for (a) Y-90, (b) I-131, and (c) At-211. For each radionuclide, three possible tumor activity distributions are simulated-activity limited to the tumor surface, activity uniformly distributed within tumor, and activity diffused within tumor based on an exponential activity gradient. ticellular scale include: (a) the tumor is nonuniformly irradiated over the range of particulate emission; (b) the depth which receives therapeutic doses is often less than the maximum particulate range; (c) the functional form of the dose gradient is dependent upon the tumor source distribution; and (d) no single dose value accurately describes the range of doses in IPRIT. IV. SUMMARY AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS We have developed a conceptual model which may be used for determining those parameters which are required for the accurate calculation of tumor dose for IPRIT. 599 Roeske et al.: Dosimetry of radiolabeled antibodies Based on this model and the work of those in the field, there are certain parameters which are required to provide a crude dose estimate. The first quantity which is important is the concentration of antibody solution within the cavity as a function of time. This quantity is necessary not only for tumor dosimetry, but is also the major component in normal tissue dosimetry within the peritoneum. The solution activity as a function of time may be quantitated by sampling the peritoneal fluid periodically, or the dose component may be measured directly through the insertion of TLDs. However, certain caveats must be considered in the interpretation of TLD measurements. The use of CT to define the patient specific geometry in relation to the TLD catheter may be useful in this interpretation of dose measurements. A second important parameter is the dose from activity associated with tumor. At present, this quantity is often estimated by measuring the activity per gram of tumor at a given time, and assuming the activity is due to the physical decay of isotope from t=O. This tumor dose calculation will provide an overestimate because of the assumption of instantaneous uptake. Biodistribution data, such as the tumor activity as a function of mass and time, may be obtained from animal studies. However, this dose calculation is ultimately limited by the assumption of uniform activity throughout the tumor. Nevertheless, this measurement provides a relative measurement of dose and may be useful in assessing if the tumor dose is within the therapeutic range. The above recommendations represent minimum dosimetric requirements. However, the role of dosimetry in IPRIT is ultimately (1) to aid in the rational interpretation of the therapeutic response (i.e., why one patient responds favorably and another does not for the same injected activity) and (2) to suggest methods for optimization. This type of detailed analysis will require the more advanced dose calculation tools developed for external beam radiation therapy such as 3-D dose calculations and dose volume histograms. Using dose point kernels, three-dimensional dose distribution may be calculated for any specified tumor geometry and source configuration. The methods of Fujimori et al. 39-41 may be applied to IP therapy with proper modification to yield more accurate activity gradients within tumor. These biological models may also be used in conjunction with measured data, such as the percent injected dose per gram of tumor, to provide verification of the models. Dose verification on the multicellular scale may be performed through microthin T L D s .51 Originally applied to quantify autoradiographs, these TLD rods are sectioned to have dimensions of 20 ×200×400 µm. The careful implantation of these TLD catheters into areas of tumor and normal tissue may provide an in vivo verification of the dose as a function of distance from the solution/tissue interface. Methods of optimization required to make therapy more effective may be elucidated from the depth dose curves presented in Fig. 4. Therapy will be effective only if a uniform dose can be delivered to the tumor. This uniformity will not result from the proper selection of radionuMedical Physics, Vol. 20, No. 2, Pt. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 599 clide energies, but will be brought about by uniform antibody permeation throughout the tumor. Biologists and immunologists will need to develop antibodies which have a high specificity, yet retain the ability to penetrate tumor. Since this request may be unreasonable, novel approaches to delivery will need to be developed. These methods include the use of dose fractionation and the use of antibody “cocktails” in which a variety of antibodies and radionuclides are used to provide a more uniform dose. The challenge of dosimetry will be to develop methods to accurately calculate and verify dose distributions for these complex source configurations. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS John C. Roeske gratefully acknowledges the support of UPSHS Grant T32 CA09649. George T. Y. Chen and John C. Roeske wish to acknowledge the generosity of the Rice Foundation, Chicago, IL and the Center for Radiation Therapy, Chicago, IL. 1 J. Malamitsi, D. Skarlos, S. Fotiou, P. Papakostas, G. Aravantinos, D. Vassilarou, J. Taylor-Papadimitriou, K. Koutoulidis, G. Hooker, D. Snook, and A. Epenetos, “Intracavity use of two tumor associated monoclonal antibodies,” J. Nucl. Med. 29, 1910-1915 (1988). 2 G. Rowlinson, D. Snook, A. Busza, and A. 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Fowler Departments of Human Oncology and Medical Physics, University of Wisconsin Clinical Cancer Center, 600 Highland Avenue, Madison, Wisconsin 53792 S. J. Knox Department of Radiation Therapy, Stanford University Hospital, Stanford, California 94305 B. W. Wessels Division of Radiation Oncology and Biophysics, George Washington University Medical Center, 901 23rd Street, N. W. Washington, DC 20037 R. M. Sutherland Life Sciences Division, SRI International, 333 Ravenswood Avenue, Menlo Park, California 94025 J. Y. C. Wong Division of Radiation Oncologv. City of Hope National Medical Center, 1500 East Duarte Road, Duarte, California 91010 (Received 18 March 1992; accepted for publication 24 July 1992) This paper reviews the radiobiological aspects of radioimmunotherapy (RIT) with radiolabeled antibodies, including comparisons between RIT and external beam irradiation. The effectiveness of cell killing by radiation decreases with the dose rate and the rate of decrease is determined by the size of the shoulder on the radiation survival curve. Tumors with poor repair capabilities exhibit less of a dose rate effect than tumors with good repair capabilities. Continued tumor cell proliferation during treatment occurs at very low dose rates and can contribute to the reduced effectiveness of low dose rate radiation. Toxicity to normal tissues will determine the total dose of radiolabeled antibody that can be given and this will be influenced by the choice of both the radionuclide and the antibody. The reported enhanced effectiveness of RIT may be due to multiple factors including selective targeting of cells responsible for tumor volume doubling, tumor surface binding rather than homogeneous binding throughout the tumor volume, targeting of the tumor vasculature, or block of cell cycle progression in G 2. During RIT, there is less time for reoxygenation of hypoxic tumor cells than during a course of conventional external beam radiotherapy. It has not yet been determined whether this will have a detrimental effect on RIT. Probably the most important factor in the success of RIT is dose heterogeneity. Any viable portion of a tumor that is not targeted and does not receive a significant radiation dose will potentially lead to treatment failure, no matter how high the dose received by the remainder of the tumor. Comparisons between RIT and external beam radiation have shown a wide range of relative efficacy. Tumors most likely to respond to RIT are tumors with poor repair capabilities, tumors that are susceptible to blockage in radiosensitive phases of the cell cycle, tumors that reoxygenate rapidly, and tumors that express the relevant antigen homogeneously. From a radiobiological perspective, it appears that RIT alone is unlikely to cure many tumors and that combination with other treatment modalities will be essential. I. INTRODUCTION Most of the predictions of the radiobiological aspects of radiolabeled antibody therapy are based on studies of continuous low dose rate (LDR) or fractionated irradiation given by external beam. A majority of these studies were done at dose rates that are higher than the dose rates achieved during radioimmunotherapy (RIT) and the dose rates were constant rather than exponentially decreasing, as is the case in RIT. This section will discuss what is known about the radiobiology of LDR irradiation and RIT as applied to tumor dosimetry and discuss comparisons between the two. Normal tissue radiobiology, although 601 Med. Phys. 20 (2), Pt. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 very important, will only be peripherally addressed here for continuity. More complete discussions can be found in Refs. 1-5. II. REPAIR OF RADIATION DAMAGE In general, the effectiveness of cell killing by radiation decreases with decreasing dose rate 6 (see Fig. 1). In vitro, the dose rate effect appears to correlate best with the initial portion of the acute radiation survival curve (single fraction high dose rate). As the initial slope decreases, or as the shoulder widens, the dose rate effect increases. From the linear-quadratic model, this would imply that as single- 0094-2405/93/020601-10$01.20 © 1993 Am. Assoc. Phys. Med. 601 602 Langmuir et al.: Radiobiology and radiolabeled antibody therapy FIG. 1. As dose rate decreases, the cell survival curves become less steep and straighter: more time is available for repair of sublethal damage as the duration of exposure exceeds the half-time of repair. Ultimately, at very low dose rates, cell survival tends toward the (irreparable) initial slope of the high-dose-rate survival curve. Reprinted with Permission from International Journal of Radiation, Oncology, Biology, and Physics, J. A. Stitt et al. High Dose Rate Brachytherapy for Carcinoma of the Cervix: The Madison System I. Clinical and Radiobiological Considerations, copyright (1992), Pergamon Press plc. hit killing becomes more dominant (and two-hit or potentially reparable killing becomes less so) the dose rate effect decreases. As a result, cell lines which have a small shoulder such as lymphomas show a much smaller dose rate effect than lines with a large shoulder.6,7 Thus it should be possible to predict which tumors are most likely to respond to radiolabeled antibody therapy. Tumors with a large shoulder on the radiation survival curve would be predicted to be less responsive than those with small shoulders. In vitro studies confirm these predictions. 8 Figure 2 shows dose survival curves for two cell lines with different radiosensitivities and SLD (sublethal damage) repair ca- F I G. 2. Survival curves for two human colon adenocarcinoma cell lines possessing different radiosensitivities and SLD repair capacities. Cell lines were exposed to either high dose-rate 60cobalt external beam irradiation or exponentially decreasing low dose-rate 90Y irradiation. WiDr was more radioresistant (α/β =8) compared to LS174T (α/β =25). For a survival fraction of 0.1, 90Y low dose-rate irradiation was less effective than external beam irradiation by a factor of 2.4 for LS174T and by 3.2 for WiDr [factor= (Dose 90Y)/(Dose external beam)]. Reprinted with permission from International Journal of Radiation, Oncology, Biology, and Physics Volume 20, Wong et al., Radiobiologic Studies Comparing Yttrium-96 Irradiation and External Beam Irradiation in Vitro, copyright (1991), Pergamon Press, plc. Medical Physics, Vol. 24 No. 2, Pt. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 602 pabilities exposed to either high dose-rate external beam irradiation or yttrium exponentially decreasing low dose rate irradiation (initial dose rates 2.25 to 29 cGy/h). Both cell lines were more resistant to low dose-rate irradiation. In addition, the more radioresistant cell line (WiDr) with a large shoulder demonstrated more of a dose rate effect and less responsiveness to 9 9Y irradiation than the more sensitive LS174T cell line. These data indicate that tumors which are most sensitive to conventional external beam irradiation would also be most sensitive to RIT. Several survival curve parameters have been shown to correlate with clinical radioresponsiveness of tumors to conventional radiotherapy. 9,10 It is likely that indicators of shoulder size such as survival at 2 Gy or the initial slope may predict responsiveness to RIT. From this it would be predicted that lymphomas should be the most responsive, followed by small cell lung cancer, adenocarcinomas and squamous cell carcinomas, and melanomas, gliomas and sarcomas. It must be remembered that these are average sensitivities for large numbers of tumors and any one tumor may be more or less radioresponsive than the average for its category. Individual testing of radiosensitivity may be useful in patient selection, when more reliable tests are developed. III. COMPARISONS OF ALPHA AND BETA EMITTERS The repair capacity increases as dose rate decreases but there is a dose rate beyond which there is no further improvement in survival, presumably because some component of the damage is irreparable. 11,12 If high linear energy transfer (LET) radiation is used, where most radiation damage is due to direct effects, there is much less capacity to repair and there is little if any dose rate effect. This gives an apparent advantage of alpha emitters over beta emitters in RIT of tumors if an even distribution of radionuclide can be attained.13 Because of the short range of alphaparticles, toxicity to normal tissues within and adjacent to the tumor would be less than with beta-particles although this is unlikely to be an important problem in either case. Toxicity to normal tissues receiving a dose of radiation, because of nonspecific uptake or as an “innocent bystander” such as the bone marrow, would depend on the radiation sensitivity of the normal tissue relative to the tumor and to the dose absorbed by the normal tissue relative to the tumor. Consider the examples in Fig. 3. Figure 3 (a) represents a tumor that is more resistant than a normal tissue. Representative survival curves are shown. The absolute values of dose and survival are unimportant for this discussion. If a surviving fraction of 0.01 in the tumor is chosen, the surviving fraction for normal tissue is taken from the graph assuming either that the normal tissue dose (D n t) equals the tumor dose (D t) or that D nt is one fifth D t. Figure 3 (b) and (c) show calculations for the circumstances where the normal tissue (nt) is less sensitive than the tumor and where it is of equivalent radiosensitivity. It can be seen that, for bone marrow or other tissues more sensitive than tumor, alpha-particles will actually have less effect on that 603 Langmuir et al.: Radiobiology and radiolabeled antibody therapy 603 F I G. 3. Plots of surviving fraction vs. dose for the following situations: (a) Normal tissue (dashed line) more radiosensitive than tumor (solid line); (b) Normal tissue and tumor of equivalent radiosensitivity; (c) Normal tissue less radiosensitive than tumor. The upper panels are for alpha-emitter-labeled antibody, the lower panels beta-emitter-labeled antibody. The surviving fraction for tumor is 0.01 in every plot. Point A is the surviving fraction for normal tissue if the normal tissue and the tumor received equal absorbed doses. Point B is the surviving fraction for normal tissue if it received one-fifth the tumor dose. Medical Physics, Vol. 20, No. 2, Pt. 2. Mar/Apr 1993 604 Langmuir et al.: Radiobiology and radiolabeled antibody therapy normal tissue than beta-particles for an equivalent tumor surviving fraction. This advantage for alpha-particles is reduced as the ratio of tumor dose to normal tissue dose ( Dt/ Dnt) increases. For normal tissues less radiosensitive than tumor (or with a lower α/β ratio from the linear quadratic cell survival model), there is an advantage for beta particles but this advantage also decreases as D t/ Dnt increases. For tumor and normal tissue of equivalent radiosensitivity, there is no advantage of either form of therapy if the doses are equal but there is some improved sparing of normal tissues by beta-emitters as D t/ Dnt increases. Assuming that D t/ Dnt is always greater than unity, normal tissues will always have better survival than tumor if they are less radiosensitive (lower α/β ratio) than tumor and even normal tissues that are more sensitive may have better survival if D t/ Dnt is high enough. It appears that, under the usual circumstances of RIT where D t/ Dnt is greater than unity, beta-emitters will generally spare normal tissues better than alpha-emitters. However, at least on theoretical grounds, the use of a-emitters for RIT should not result in enhanced bone marrow toxicity relative to P-emitters. More radioresistant normal tissues are at a disadvantage with a-emitters, but this may be offset by the short treatment time for RIT, before proliferation of late-responding tissues begins. 14 The main constraint with a-emitters is adequate tumor localization prior to physical decay of the radionuclide. This problem could perhaps be alleviated by the improvement of antibody labeling methods for more long-lived alphaemitters or by pretargeting with bifunctional antibody. 1 5 IV. DOSE RATE COMPARISONS A useful way to express dose rate effects is by the relative effectiveness (RE) which is the ratio of log kill at a specified dose rate to that at an extremely low dose rate.1,2,16 Figure 4 shows the decrease in effectiveness as dose rate decreases, calculated for a total dose of 1000 cGy. The series of curves illustrates how the critical dose rateswhere the change is steepest-depend inversely on the halftime of repair. It also illustrates how the magnitude of the change in RE depends on the shape of the intrinsic cell survival curve as defined by the ratio α/β. In general tumor cells tend to have high α/β ratios but there are exceptions. There is some evidence that repair half-times are decreased during continuous LDR irradiation 16-18 possibly because of lack of saturation of repair mechanisms. For RIT applications, only the left-hand part of Fig. 4 is relevant, at dose rates below 20-30 cGy/h where the RE is approaching its lowest value of 1.0. At RE=1.0, the rate of log cell kill per Gy is the same as along the initial slope of the standard single-dose (high dose rate) cell survival curve. Traditional brachytherapy at 40-60 cGy/h and conventional radiotherapy using fractions of 200 cGy utilize a large proportion of the repair capacity already, so their RE values are as low as about 1.2. (This factor does depend on assuming the linear quadratic model, with α/β = 10 Gy for tumors and monoexponential repair of T l/2= 1.5 h.) So RIT is not more than 20% less efficient than conventional radiotherapy (provided that all cells receive the stated Medical Physics, Vol. 20, No. 2, Pt. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 604 F I G. 4. The relative effectiveness (RE) calculated for cells with three shapes of high dose-rate cell survival curve (α/β =5, 10 and 20 Gy) and six different half-times of repair. The log, cell kill is obtained by multiplying the total dose (in Gy) by the RE and dividing by the initial slope (a). The effectiveness of an irradiation is therefore proportional to RE. Reprinted with permission from International Journal of Radiation, Oncology, Biology, and Physics Volume 18, J. F. Fowler, Radiobiological Aspects of Low Dose Rates in Radioimmunotherapy, copyright (1990), Pergamon Press, plc. dose). If a tumor required 7000 cGy to sterilize it using conventional fractionated external beam therapy, it could be sterilized with 8400 cGy (1.2X7000) at very low dose rates. The conclusion remains broadly true over a range of reasonable values of the parameters. There is little evidence of departures from this principle. IV. CELL CYCLE REDISTRIBUTION Redistribution within the cell cycle can influence the effect of radiation. It has been suggested that at certain dose rates, G2 block can be induced leading to an accumulation of cells in this phase of the cell cycle resulting in greater radiation-induced cell killing, the so-called inverse dose rate effect.1 9 - 2 1 It is illustrated schematically by the dotted lines in Fig. 5. It is thought to be due to the delay of mitosis by irradiation, so that cells accumulate in the G 2 phase, which is generally more radiosensitive than the average over the whole cycle. When it occurs, it could increase the RE by 20% or 30% so that a better effect is obtained than would be predicted given the total dose. G 2 block has been seen in some cell lines but not in others, and over limited ranges of dose rate. It should also be noted that not all tumors are more radiosensitive in this phase of the cell cycle. It has also been reported that this block can be produced by exponentially decreasing dose rate irradiation. 22 If predictable cell cycle redistributions do occur during RIT, a second dose of RIT or some chemotherapeutic agent may be timed to coincide with when most tumor cells are in a particular sensitive phase of the cell cycle. However, this effect may be difficult to predict espe- 605 Langmuir et al.: Radiobiology and radiolabeled antibody therapy F I G. 5. The full lines are the curves for T1/2= 1.5 h reproduced from Fig.4 from each of the three panels. The dotted lines show schematically the possible increase of RE at dose rates around the critical levels where progression through the cell cycle can occur but cell division is delayed. Reprinted with permission from International Journal of Radiation, Oncology, Biology, and Physics Volume 18, J. F. Fowler, Radiobiological Aspects of Low Dose Rates in Radioimmunotherapy, copyright (1990), Pergamon Press, plc. cially in heterogeneous populations such as tumors of more than a few millimeters in diameter, which often have large numbers of noncycling cells. V. TUMOR CELL PROLIFERATION At very low dose rates, cell division can continue leading to repopulation of the tumor during treatment. 23 Even if the rate of cell death is greater than the rate of cell birth, this would still lead to a reduction in the cell killing effect of a given total dose.24 However, in RIT the distribution of radiolabeled antibody is often heterogeneous and this may result in “overkill” of some cells and very low dose rates (and total doses) to other cells leading to continued cell division or recruitment of noncycling cells into the cell cycle resulting in treatment failure. 13 The contribution to the dose rate effect by cell proliferation may be less in vivo than is predicted by in vitro studies because a smaller proportion of cells may be cycling. The tumor size also contributes to the absorbed dose distribution heterogeneity. With decreasing tumor size below the radionuclide range, there is less benefit from cross-fire and an increasing percentage of the absorbed dose is lost outside of the tumor. This effect may be counteracted by using radionuclides with a shorter range. There is also evidence that smaller tumors show increased uptake and less heterogeneity of antibody deposition.*’ 605 toward rapid reoxygenation even during continuous irradiation. 28 The oxygen enhancement ratio (OER) has been shown to be reduced at low dose rates and with fractionation. 29-33 This might mean that hypoxic cells may not be radiobiologically as much of a problem as during high dose rate irradiation. However, the cells most likely to be hypoxic are also the cells most likely to receive a low radiation dose from RIT because of their location at a distance from blood vessels and the slow diffusion of antibody molecules. Therefore hypoxic cell sensitizers may have a role in RIT. Radiosensitization by hypoxic cell sensitizers such as the nitroimidazoles has been demonstrated at conventional brachytherapy dose rates with enhancement ratios of 1.06-2.7 34-36 and one study has been published demonstrating prolonged growth inhibition in a human colon cancer xenograft when misonidazole was added to RIT.3 7 VI. RADIOSENSITIZATION BY HALOGENATED PYRIMIDINES Radiosensitization by halogenated pyrimidines is a contrasting type of radiosensitization that could be particularly effective at low dose rates because it works by steepening the slope of survival curves. Significant steepening is observed for modest proportions of thymidine replacement in DNA. Dose enhancement ratios of 1.5 were found for 5% and 13% replacement of thymidine in two different cell lines derived from human colon cancer (E. L. Miller, personal communication).38 The steepening of initial slope is particularly important at low dose rates, because cell survival is then very close to the initial slope itself. Recently published results at dose rates between 17 and 73 cGy/h showed enhancement ratios exceeding 2 for three energies of gamma rays irradiating Chinese hamster lung cell lines exposed to 10 - 5µ M o f i o d o d e o x y u r i d i n e (IUdR). 39 Approximately the same enhancement would be expected for beta particle irradiation. Further, and even more relevant, IUdR has been reported to enhance the effectiveness of RIT using 131 I conjugated to a monoclonal antibody against human milk fat globule, MC5, in nude mice transplanted with a human mammary tumor, MX-1. Inhibitors of thymidine biosynthesis were also administered. The biological endpoint was tumor regrowth delay and the result was highly statistically significant.4 0 However, other investigators using a human colon cancer xenograft and 131I-anticarcinoembryonic antigen showed reduced effectiveness when IUdR was used.3 7 V. HYPOXIA AND REOXYGENATION It is generally held that reoxygenation of hypoxic cells between treatment fractions is one of the factors that leads to the success of conventional fractionated radiotherapy given over several weeks. 26 Because RIT is continuous and complete within approximately 2 weeks, it may be that there is incomplete reoxygenation of initially hypoxic cells during RIT leading to an increased likelihood of treatment failure.27 However, LDR brachytherapy given continuously over 3-7 days has been very successful which points Medical Physics, Vol. 20, No. 2. Pt 2, Mar/Apr 1993 V. THE EFFECT OF DOSE HETEROGENEITY Most in vivo studies have calculated tumor doses with the assumption that the radionuclide is evenly distributed in the tumor. Both direct measurements with TLDs 41 a n d theoretical dose calculations taking into account the heterogeneity (determined by autoradiography) 4 1 - 4 4 h a v e shown that this is inaccurate. Therefore the dose to some areas of tumor is being underestimated and to others it is being overestimated. Assuming that the viable cells are 606 Langmuir et al.: Radiobiology and radiolabeled antibody therapy most likely to be targeted by RIT because of their proximity to blood vessels, the dose to these cells is most likely being underestimated. However many viable cells may not be targeted at all. If half of the cells in a tumor (or metastatic cluster) receive no dose, they will survive and the radiobiological effect is approximately the same as if only one single fraction of 200 cGy has been given. This is because each fraction of 200 cGy sterilizes about half the cells present. This is true no matter how great the dose delivered to those cells which do receive dose. If one quarter of the cells receive no dose, the effect is the same as two fractions of 200 cGy and so on. Any region of viable tumor cells that receives no dose will potentially contain enough cells (one or more) to regrow the tumor. The question of dose heterogeneity is therefore vitally important. Groups of cells which receive rather low doses are also dangerous if the cells remain clonogenic. To overcome the problem of dose heterogeneity in RIT, additional effective treatment is necessary, possibly by using external beam radiotherapy. 2,45 If, for example, 90% of the cells in a tumor containing 10 10 cells received an effective dose from RIT but 10% of the cells received no dose, only one out of the ten logs of cells could have been eliminated by RIT (assuming at least 8400 cGy to that 90%). We would then need to add 90% of a full dose of external beam radiotherapy in addition to RIT. If 99% of the tumor cells received a full dose, but 1% received no dose, then two logs could have been eliminated by RIT (assuming 8400 cGy to them), leaving eight logs to kill. We would then need to add 80% of a full dose of external beam radiotherapy. 4 6 This picture emphasizes the real limitations of RIT. Dose heterogeneity is probably the largest unknown variable in both clinical and experimental tumor work with RIT. But it also demonstrates that effective RIT can provide a useful boost dose. If it were possible to reduce external beam doses by only 10% or 20%, many of the complications of radiotherapy could potentially be alleviated. It is necessary to emphasize that even one log of cell kill is likely to lead to massive tumor shrinkage; possibly to one tenth of its original volume. Two logs of cell kill could cause a tumor to disappear clinically (down to 1%), which is complete remission clinically. But there would still be eight logs of cells remaining to be dealt with or else the tumor would inevitably recur. It is also clear from the above discussion that the size of tumor is important. The larger the tumor, the more logs of cell kill that are required to control it. Micrometastases may be well targeted by RIT using radionuclides of appropriate energy. Wheldon et al. 46 have made theoretical calculations of optimal tumor sizes for therapy with various radionuclides and for 1 3 1I it is between 10 5 and 106 cells. This represents a nodule of less than l-mm diameter. A lower radiation dose would of course be required to sterilize a micrometastasis than a tumor containing 10 10 cells. Medical Physics, Vol. 20, No. 2, Pt. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 606 VI. EXPERIMENTAL BEAM VERSUS RIT STUDIES A final question is whether the response to exponentially decreasing LDR irradiation is the same as the response to constant LDR. Very few studies have addressed this question. Differences in response may be due to the heterogeneous distribution of radionuclide in tumors with RIT or to the nature of exponentially decreasing low dose rate radiation itself. There is some evidence that, in some animal models, exponentially decreasing low dose rate radiation may be at least as effective as fractionated t h e r a p y . 4 , 4 7 - 5 1 This could be due to ( 1) the measured average dose being lower than the dose that the viable tumor cells actually received, (2) a dose rate effect leading to accumulation of cells in sensitive phases of the cell cycle, (3) a geometric effect dependent on the location of the radionuclide in the cell and the range of the radionuclide, or (4) interference with the blood supply to the tumor due to irradiation of the endothelium leading to a tumor bed effect. 47 Several experiments have been performed using different experimental models to study the radiobiology of RIT, and to compare the relative efficacy of RIT with dose equivalent external beam radiation. The results of these studies will be briefly summarized and compared here, and have been discussed in more detail in a recent review paper.5 2 Recently, five studies [Refs. 47-50 and J. A. Williams (personal communication)] have compared the efficacy of RIT to high dose rate external beam irradiation. Although these studies differed considerably in terms of the experimental model, design, and methodology employed, several important comparisons can be made. Tables I and II summarize and compare these studies. The general features of the tumors and radioimmunoconjugates are shown in Table I and the modes or irradiation and fractionation schedules are shown in Table II. In all studies, RIT was compared to external beam irradiation, given either as a single fraction (SF) or in multiple fractions (MF). In all but one study, RIT was compared to local irradiation of the tumor. Knox et al.48 utilized whole body external beam irradiation because of a relatively large contribution of whole body irradiation to the overall effect of RIT in the murine B-cell lymphoma model studied. There were also important differences in the methods that were used to analyze the tumor response data and these have been summarized in detail in Table II. In order to compare the results of the above studies, a relative efficacy factor was calculated for each study which represented the relative efficacy of RIT compared to external beam irradiation. Relative efficacy factors were calculated by using reported data for radiobiological endpoints or parameters measured as well as dosimetric data. The actual equations used for the different studies as well as the calculated relative efficacy factors are shown in Table II. As can be seen, the relative efficacy of RIT varied considerably from study to study. In a renal cell xenograft model, equivalent doses of RIT were 2.5 times more effective than MF external beam irradiation for the inhibition of tumor growth, while less enhancement of efficacy was seen with SF irradiation (relative efficacy factor 1.5-1.7). 47 Simi- 607 Langmuir et al: Radiobiology and radiolabeled antibody therapy T ABLE I. Comparison of tumors and monoclonal 607 antibodies studied. 1 VDT=Volume doubling time. Slow VDT > 4 days. 3 Moderate VDT=3-4 days. 4 Rapid VDT < 3 days. 5 SDT: Size (product of 2 tumor dimensions) doubling time. 2 larly, in the 38C13 murine B-cell lymphoma model, RIT was 3.25 times more effective (p < 0.001) than dose equivalent MF250 kV X-irradiation, and was 1.99 times more effective (p < 0.001) than continuous exponentially decreasing LDR external irradiation using a 1 3 7 Cs source (same effective T1/2 as the radiolabeled MAb). 48 In contrast, relative efficacy factors of 0.33 and 0.32 have been obtained for the high grade glioma U-251 and LS174T, respectively (Williams et al., personal communication 4 9). More recently, a relative efficacy factor of 1.0 was obtained for LS174T (Buras et al., personal communication). Interestingly, a relative efficacy factor of 0.5 was obtained for the more radioresistant colorectal cancer xenograft WiDr. With increasing frequency the question is being raised as to whether or not 1 cGy of RIT is equivalent to 1 cGy external beam irradiation in overall effect. If the answer is no, it is important to know what kind of correction or calibration factor must be used in order to predict the relative efficacy and toxicity of RIT compared with conventionally fractionated external beam irradiation. The results obtained thus far from the studies described above are heterogeneous and fail to answer these questions. Once again, in attempting to compare these studies, it is important to recognize the differences that exist between the experimental models, designs, and methodologies used to measure the antitumor effects. It is also important to point out that these studies differed in terms of the methods that were used to measure and/or calculate tumor absorbed doses. S o m e47,50 used TLDs and others calculated absorbed dose using retention or biodistribution data and MIRD formulas. 48,49 Both of these approaches have inherent limMedical Physics, Vol. 20, No. 2, Pt. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 itations such as sampling error with TLDs and the assumption of the MIRD method that there is an even distribution of radionuclide in tumor. In spite of these differences, several important patterns are evident. There tended to be a significant dose rate effect for those tumors with a large shoulder (small α/β ratio). This effect was generally considerably less for tumors characterized by a small shoulder (large α/β ratio). It is likely that, for some tumors, the observed dose rate effect may be further modified by the tumor doubling time. These preliminary results and observations are therefore consistent with Fowler’s predictions that the size of the survival curve shoulder (α/β ratio) and tumor doubling time are important determinants of the magnitude of the dose rate effect. 2 It is possible that when this effect is minimal, other factors such as redistribution of cells within the cell cycle with arrest of cells in G 2 , reoxygenation, and/or selective targeting of tumor by antibody may explain in part the increased efficacy of RIT compared with external beam irradiation in some systems.47’ 48 Clearly these issues need to be addressed by future studies in order to better delineate the nature of the relationship between the above radiobiological parameters and possible dose rate effects. In addition, future studies should be designed to elucidate the relationship between tumor control and selective targeting of tumors by radiolabeled antibodies, which results in significant dose heterogeneity. More tumor types, that vary in terms of repair capacity and proliferative rate, must be studied in order to determine whether or not the proposed relationships between radiobiological characteristics and dose rate effects is valid. In the future, experiments should 606 Langmuir et al.: Radiobiology and radiolabeled antibody therapy 606 TABLE II. Comparison of external beam irradiation schemata and relative tumor responses observed following dose equivalent RIT and external beam irradiation. be designed in such a way that external beam fractionation schedules are clinically relevant and the effect of only one variable is studied at a time. More tumor control experiments are needed and the use of clonogenicity and DNA damage assays may be helpful since these endpoints are more meaningful in terms of the extent of cell killing than growth delay assays. As discussed in the section entitled “The Effect of Dose Heterogeneity,” elimination of only two logs of tumor cells can lead to tumor disappearance, and thus is not a sensitive measure of therapeutic efficacy. some of these problems by modifying the repair mechanisms by repair inhibitors or hyperthermia 53 or by targeting the cells that are not well targeted with RIT with some other modality such as hypoxic cell toxins or biological response modifiers. By using RIT to provide a substantial proportion of the treatment to a defined volume, a modest reduction in external beam total dose could lead to significantly less complications. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS VI. SUMMARY Based on the above observations, tumors most likely to respond to RIT would be tumors that are inherently radiosensitive, tumors with a poor capacity to repair radiation damage or long repair half-times, tumors that are susceptible to block in sensitive phases of the cell cycle, tumors that reoxygenate rapidly, and tumors that express the relevant antigen homogeneously. Beta-emitters will generally spare normal tissues more effectively than alpha emitters. However, for tissues such as bone marrow, that are more radiosensitive than the tumor, alpha-emitters may actually produce better sparing. It may be possible to get around Medical Physics, Vol. 20, No. 2, Pt. 2, Mar/Apr 1993 We would like to acknowledge the careful review and helpful comments made by Jerry Williams and Larry Dillehay. This work is supported in part by Grant No. CA52285 from the National Cancer Institute. a) To whom requests for reprints should be addressed. 1 T. E. Wheldon and J. A. 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