Dosimetry of Interstitial Brachytherapy Sources AAPM REPORT NO. 51 Published for the

Dosimetry of Interstitial Brachytherapy Sources
Published for the
American Association of Physicists in Medicine
by the American institute of Physics
Dosimetry of Interstitial Brachytherapy Sources
Ravinder Nath
Lowell L. Anderson
Gary Luxton
Keith A. Weaver
Jeffrey F. Williamson
Ali S. Meigooni
Reprinted from MEDICAL PHYSICS, Vol. 22, Issue 2, February 1995
March 1995
Published for the
American Association of Physicists in Medicine
by the American Institute of Physics
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Dosimetry of interstitial brachytherapy sources: Recommendations
of the AAPM Radiation Therapy Committee Task Group No. 43
Ravinder Nath
Department of Therapeutic Radiology, Yale University School
of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut 06510
Lowell L. Anderson
Department of Medical Physics, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York 10021
Gary Luxton
Department of Radiation Oncology, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California 90033
Keith A. Weaver
Department of Radiation Oncology, University of California, San Francisco, California 94143
Jeffrey F. Williamson
of Radiation Oncology, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri 63110
Ali S. Meigooni
Department of Radiation Medicine, Universlty of Kentucky, A. B. Chandler Medical Center, Lexington,
Kentucky 40536
(Received 13 April 1994; accepted for publication 7 November 1994)
KERMA STRENGTH. . . . . . . . . . . . .
A. Radial dose distribution quantities. . . . . . . . . . . .
1. Energy absorption buildup factor: B (µ r) . .
2. Tissue attenuation factor: T(r). . . . . . . . . . . .
3. The older (Dale’s) radial dose function:
4. Relationship between dose rate constant
and traditional dosimetric quantities. . . . . . .
5. Implementation of point source model on
a commercial treatment planning computer.
B. Two-dimensional dose distribution and the
Sievert’s integral model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A. Iridium-192 sources. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
B. Iodine-125 sources. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
C. Palladium-103 sources. . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . .
AND UNITS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I. INTRODUCTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
II. DESCRIPTION OF SOURCES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A. Iridium-192 sources. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
B. Iodine-135 sources. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
C. Palladium-l03 sources. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
FORMALISM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A. General formalism for two-dimensional case...
1. Reference point for dose calculations. . . . . .
2. Air kerma strength, Sk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3. Dose rate constant, ^. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4. Geometry factor, G(r, θ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5. Radial dose function, g(r). . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6. Anisotropy function, F(r, θ). . . . . . . . . . . . . .
B. Point Isotropic Source Approximation. . . . . . . .
1. Anisotropy factor, φ an(r). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2. Anisotropy constant, φ an . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
PARAMETERS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A. Dose rate constant, ^. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
B. Radial dose function, g(r). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
C. Anisotropy parameters, F(r. θ), φ an(r), and
φ an.......................................................................
φ an .
D. Point source approximation data. . . . . . . . . . . . .
VI. DISCUSSION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A. Choice of dose rate constants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
B. Impact of NIST standards for source strength
on the recommended protocol. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
C. Uncertainty estimate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
D. Implementation of the recommended dosimetry
protocol. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
E. Clinical impact of recommendations. . . . . . . . . .
F. Impact of recommendations on radiobiological
studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Med. Phys. 22 (2), February 1995
The dosimetry of sources used in interstitial brachytherapy
has been the subject of considerable research in recent years.
A number of articles have appeared (Appendix C) introducing revised calibration standards, source strength specification quantities, and dose calculation formalisms. Some of
©1995 Am. Assoc. Phys, Med.
Nath et al.: Dosimetry of interstitial brachytherapy sources
these articles advocate revision of basic dosimetry data, in-
T ABLE I. Physical characteristics of
Ir radionuclide.
cluding dose rate constants, radial dose functions, and anisotropy functions for
I, and
Pd sources. In particu-
lar, the Interstitial Collaborative Working Group (ICWG),
Decay modes (Ref. 1):
β− decay to excited states of 192Pt (95.6%)
Electron capture to excited states of 192O S (4.4%)
which was sponsored by the National Cancer Institute, has
completed its final report.’ With all these reports appearing
in the literature, the medical physics community is faced
Energy of major gamma rays-MeV (number of photons per decay) (Ref.
0.29 (.291), 0.308 (.298), 0.317 (.831), 0.468 (.476), 0.608 (.133)
with a confusing situation regarding the selection of dosimetry data. Therefore, the Radiation Therapy Committee of the
Average number of gamma rays per decay (Ref. 1): 2.2
American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) in
Half life of ground state (Ref. 2):
73.83 days
1988 formed Task Group No. 43 to review the recent publications on the dosimetry of interstitial brachytherapy sources
and recommend a dosimetry protocol which would include a
formalism for dose calculations and a data set for the values
of dosimetry parameters. In this final report of the task
group, which has been approved by the AAPM Radiation
Exposure rate and air kerma rate constants for ideal point source (Ref. 3):
( Γδ ) χ = 4 . 6 9 R c m2 m C i - 1h - 1
( Γδ ) κ = 0 . 1 1 1 µ G y m 2 M B q- 1h - 1
=4.11 cGy cm2 m C i -1 h - 1
= 1.00 cGy cm2 U -1 h -l
Therapy Committee and the AAPM Science Council, we
present a formalism that clearly defines the necessary physical quantities, some of which have been introduced recently,
physicist should carefully assess the implications of this re-
for example, air kerma strength, radial dose function, anisot-
port for clinical dose prescription, and review these findings
ropy function, dose rate constant, etc. All the equations re-
with the responsible radiation oncologist before implement-
quired for the calculation of dose from a single source using
ing this protocol. The recommended formalism can be ap-
these quantities are also presented. A detailed review of pre-
plied to both high and low dose rate remotely afterloaded
Pd is
brachytherapy as well as the manually afterloading sources
presented as an appendix to this report (Appendix C). Rela-
covered by this report. However, no data is included in the
tionship of the recommended dose calculation formalism to
text because consensus data on the dosimetry of remotely
source strength quantities other than air kerma strength is
afterloadable brachytherapy sources are not available yet.
vious studies on the dosimetry of
Ir, and
explained in Appendix A. Also, the relationships between the
recommended formalism and other formalisms are briefly
described in Appendix B. A glossary of definitions and units
is presented in Appendix D. Many readers who may not be
Traditionally, interstitial implants were performed with
Ra needles. Due to radiation safety considerations, how-
experts in brachytherapy physics would find that reading the
appendices first makes it easier to follow the recommenda-
clides and will not be discussed further. Today the vast ma-
tions presented in the main body of the text.
jority of interstitial brachytherapy treatments in North
America are done using either 1 9 2Ir or 1 2 5I s o u r c e s . R e c e n t l y
Because dose estimates are often made on the basis of
exposure calculated from activity, the exposure rate constant
Ra has largely been replaced with other radionu-
Pd sources have also become available for permanent im125
I , a n d 1 0 3P d i n t e r s t i t i a l
has continued to be a matter of interest, although it will be of
plants. A description of
much less interest when source strengths are routinely speci-
sources is given in the following sections. Source strengths
fied as air kerma strength. Prior to 1978, exposure rate con-
are stated in units of air kerma strength, which is defined in
stants reported for
1 9 2
Sec. III A, and is denoted in this report by the symbol U.
R c m2 m C i - 1h - 1, p r o v i d i n g a g o o d e x a m p l e o f w h y i t i s
poor practice to specify source strength as activity, since the
A. Iridium-192 sources
activity might be inferred by the manufacturer using one
value of the constant and the dose might be calculated by the
Ir is produced when stable
Ir (37% abundance) ab-
user from a different value. In part, because of these reasons,
sorbs a neutron. It decays with a 73.83 day half life to several
Os, which emit gamma rays
e x c i t e d s t a t e s o f 1 9 2P t a n d
the recommendations in this report include a new dose cal-
with a range of energies (see Table I). The average energy of
culation formalism for the dosimetry of interstitial brachy-
the emitted photons from an unencapsulated source is about
therapy sources. Several new quantities have been intro-
370 keV (Attix and Goetch argue that the appropriate mean
duced, which differ conceptually from the quantities
energy for ion chamber calibration factor interpolation and
currently in use. For example, gamma ray constant, exposure
other dosimetric purposes is the energy-fluence weighted av-
rate constant, tissue attenuation factors, apparent activity, and
erage with suppression of the very low energy components
exposure-to-dose conversion factors are not needed in the
that are absorbed by the source and its encapsulation; for
new formalism. Instead, only quantities directly derived from
dose rates in water medium near the actual source are used.
Ir, they recommend a value of 400 keV).
In the United States 1 9 2 Ir used for interstitial radiotherapy
Some of these quantities are dose rate constant, radial dose
is usually in the form of small cylindrical sources or
function, anisotropy function, anisotropy factor, and geom-
“seeds.” These are 3 mm long and 0.5 mm in diameter. Two
etry factor. Recommended values of dosimetry constants
seed styles are commercially available: one (manufactured
would result in changes of up to 17% in the dosimetry of
by Best Industries, Springfield, VA) has a 0.1 mm diameter
interstitial brachytherapy sources. A qualified brachytherapy
core of 30%Ir-70%Pt surrounded by a 0.2 mm thick clad-
Medical Physics, Vol. 22, No. 2, February 1995
Nath et al.: Dosimetry of interstitial brachytherapy sources
T ABLE II. Physical characteristics of
recently, are now marketed by the Medi-Physics Division
I radionuclide.
(Arlington Heights, IL) of Amersham. Both of these seeds
Decay modes (Ref. 1):
Electron capture to first excited state of 125T e
De-excitation via gamma emission (7%) and internal conversion (93%)
Fluorescent x rays following electron capture and internal conversion
are 4.5 mm long, 0.8 mm in diameter, and have a 0.05 mm
thick titanium wall, sealed by end welds. Internally, one
model (6711) contains a silver wire of about 3 mm length
with the active material as silver iodide on the surface. This
Energy of emitted photons-keV (number of photons per decay) (Ref. 1):
27.4 (1.15), 31.4 (0.25), 35.5 (0.067)
model is available in air kerma strengths up to 6.3 U (equiva-
Average number of photons per decay (Ref. 1): 1.4
(6702) contains the radioisotope absorbed in 3-5 tiny resin
lent to an apparent activity of 5 mCi). The other model
spheres, and is available with strengths up to 51 U (equiva-
Half life (Ref. 4): 59.4 days
lent to an apparent activity of 40 mCi). Model 6711 seed also
Exposure rate and air kerma rate constants for ideal point source:”
( Γδ ) χ = 1 . 5 1 R c m2 m C i - 1h - 1
( Γδ )χ = 0.0358 µGy m2M B q-1h -1
=1.32cGy cm2 m C i - 1h - 1
=1.00 cGy cm2U - 1h - 1
emits silver characteristic x rays with energies of 22.1 and
25.5 keV. For this seed the average photon energy is about
27.4 keV, whereas model 6702 emits photons with an average energy of 28.5 keV. Both seed models are available as
‘Derived from Ref. 5 using an updated value of ( W/e )=0.876 cGy R . in
interpreting vendor calibration certificates, the ( Γδ ) χ value of 1.45
R cm2 mCi -1 h -1 is used by convention.
loose seeds: additionally the low activity model is also available as strands of 10 seeds spaced 1 cm apart in absorbable
In this report, no data are presented on the newly intro125
I model 2300 source now marketed
duced double-walled
ding of stainless steel. The other (manufactured by Alpha-
by Best Industries.
Omega, Bellflower, CA) has a 0.3 mm diameter core of 10%
Ir-90% Pt surrounded by a 0.1 mm thick cladding of Pt. The
seeds are supplied inside strands of nylon of 0.8 mm outside
C. Palladium-103 sources
diameter. While the normal center-to-center source spacing is
decays via electron capture, mostly to the first and second
Pd is formed when stable
Pd absorbs a neutron. It
1 cm, custom spacings are also available. The maximum ac-
excited states of
tive strand length is about 18 cm. Air kerma strengths rang-
excitation is almost totally via internal conversion, leading to
Rh, with a 17.0 day half life. De-
i n g f r o m 1 . 4 - 7 . 2 U ( e q u i v a l e n t t o a n M eq v a l u e o f 0 . 2 - 1 . 0
the production of characteristic x rays. Average photon en-
mgRaEq; units of U are defined in Sec. III A 2) are com-
ergy is about 21 keV. Table III summarizes the decay prop-
monly available, and some suppliers can provide strengths
Pd sources are similar in size and encapsulation to
u p t o 7 2 U ( e q u i v a l e n t t o a n Me q v a l u e o f 1 0 m g R a E q ) .
Dosimetry data presented in this report applies to the
Ir sources only, because similar qual-
ity data are not currently available for the platinumencapsulated
I sources, being 4.5 mm long and 0.8 mm in diameter.
Pd is encapsulated in a 0.05 mm thick titanium tube
that is laser welded on the ends. The active material is coated
Ir seeds.
Ir is most commonly used in the form of
onto two graphite pellets 0.9 mm long and 0.6 mm in diam-
wire. Typically the wires are made from a 25% Ir-75% Pt
that provides good source visibility on radiographs. Air
core surrounded by a 0.1 mm thick Pt cladding. Outside
kerma strengths up to 2.6 U (equivalent to an apparent ac-
diameters of 0.3 mm and about 0.55 mm are available. The
tivity of 2 mCi) are normally available.
In Europe
eter. Between the active pellets is a 1 mm long lead marker
thicker wire can be inserted directly into tissue, while the
thinner wire, encased in a plastic covering, is afterloaded in
implanted catheters. Also, several manufacturers market high
dose rate interstitial afterloaders that employ a single 192Ir
The recommended protocol is based on measured (or
source of air kerma strength 29 000-41 000 U (7-10 Ci).
measurable) quantities and decouples a number of interre-
Dosimetry of
Ir wire and high activity sources for remote
lated quantities. It also allows calculations of two-
afterloaders is beyond the scope of this report and recom-
dimensional dose distributions around interstitial sources.
mendations about this modality are not presented here.
The dosimetry data endorsed by this report results in absolute dose rate changes as large as 17% relative to conventionally used treatment planning data.1,6-10 T h e r e f o r e , c a r e f u l
B. Iodine-125 sources
I is produced when
decays via electron capture.
Xe absorbs a neutron, and then
I itself decays with a half life
of 59.4 days, by electron capture to the first excited state of
Te, which undergoes internal conversion 93% of the time
and otherwise emits a 35.5 keV gamma ray. The electron
capture and internal conversion processes give rise to characteristic x rays, listed in Table II.
I for interstitial implants is available commercially in
the form of small “seed” sources. Three models are available. Two of these seed types, manufactured by 3M until
Medical Physics, Vol. 22, No. 2, February 1995
attention should be paid to the clinical impact of these recommendations.
The dose calculation formalism proposed here, in contrast
to traditional methods using exposure rate constants and tissue attenuation factors, requires input data consisting of dose
rates from an actual source in a tissue equivalent phantom.
Traditionally, dose rate D(r) at a distance r from an interstitial brachytherapy source is calculated using the point-source
Nath et al.: Dosimetry of interstitial brachytherapy sources
T ABLE III. Physical characteristics of
Pd radionuclide.
Decay modes (Ref. 1):
Electron capture to excited states of 103Rh
De-excitation via gamma emission and internal conversion
Fluorescent x rays following electron capture and internal conversion
Energy of principal emitted photons-keV (number of photons per decay) (Ref. 1):
20.1 (.656), 23.0 (.125)
Average number of photons per decay (Ref. 1): 0.8
Half life (Ref. 11): 16.97 days
Exposure rate and air kerma rate constants for ideal point source (Ref. 12): 1.14 Rcm 2h-1U-1
( Γδ ) χ = 1.48 R cm2 m C i -1h -1
( Γδ ) χ = 0.0350 µ G y m2M B q- 1h - 1
= 1.296 cGy cm2mCi -1h -1
= 1 . 0 0 c G y c m 2 U- 1h - 1
anisotropy constant, φ
where A app is the apparent activity of the source;
ƒ med is the exposure-to-dose conversion factor;
→ anisotropy function, F(r, θ )
[for 2-D calculations only].
( Γδ ) χ is the exposure rate constant for the radionuclide in
The recommended protocol allows for two-dimensional
the source;
T(r) is the tissue attenuation factor as defined by Eq. (B5)
dose calculations around cylindrically symmetric sources
whereas the old protocol could handle one-dimensional,
in Appendix B;
point isotropic sources only. In order to address full 2-D
calculations, two new functions of r a n d θ a r e i n t r o d u c e d :
t h e r e c o m m e n d a t i o n o f t h e I C W G ( C h a p . 3 )1 In the recom-
the geometry factor, G ( r , θ), accounts for the dependence of
mended protocol each of the quantities used to calculate ab-
photon fluence around a source in free space; and the anisot-
sorbed dose rate is measured or calculated for the specific
ropy function, F(r, θ), accounts for anisotropy of dose dis-
type of source in question and therefore depends on source
tribution produced by a source in a scattering medium.
construction and geometry in addition to the primary photon
Whereas the radial dose function, g(r), accounts for the
spectrum and medium. In contrast, much of the input data to
depth dependence of dose in a scattering medium along the
the older semianalytical models, including exposure rate
transverse axis of the source, the anisotropy function,
constants and buildup factors, are fundamental properties of
F(r, θ), accounts for anisotropy of dose relative to dose on
the radionuclide.
the transverse axis. We chose to decouple various physical
One of the fundamental problems with the older protocols
factors by introducing radial dose function g(r) and anisot-
is that they are based upon photon fluence around the source
r o p y f u n c t i o n F ( r , θ ) ; both of which are relative quantities.
in free space, whereas clinical applications require dose dis-
Because of their relative nature, the uncertainties in their
tributions in a scattering medium such as a patient. Determi-
determinations are reduced. The only quantity in the new
nation of two-dimensional dose distributions in a scattering
formalism retaining units of absolute dose rate is the dose
medium from a knowledge of the two-dimensional distribu-
rate constant A. Another advantage of this decoupling is that
tion of photon fluence in free space is easily accomplished
when more accurate values for anisotropy function F(r, θ) o r
only for a point isotropic source. An actual brachytherapy
radial dose function g(r) become available from better mea-
source exhibits considerable anisotropy and for such sources
surements or future calculations, they can be easily accom-
it is all but impossible to determine accurately dose distribu-
modated in a revision of the protocol.
tions in a scattering medium from distributions of photon
fluence in free space. The recommended formalism solves
this fundamental problem by a direct use of measured or
measurable dose distributions produced by a source in a water equivalent medium.
A. General formalism for two-dimensional case
We restrict consideration to cylindrically symmetric
sources, such as that illustrated in Fig. 1. For such sources,
The recommended protocol introduces or utilizes a num-
the dose distribution is two-dimensional and can be de-
ber of new quantities such as the anisotropy function,
scribed in terms of a polar coordinate system with its origin
F(r, θ); dose rate constant, A; geometry factor, G(r, θ); r a -
at the source center where r is the distance to the point of
dial dose function, g(r); and air kerma strength, S k . All of
interest and θ is the angle with respect to the long axis of the
these quantities are properly defined in Section III A. These
source (Fig. 1). The dose rate, D ( r , θ ) , at point (r, θ ) c a n b e
quantities replace the following familiar quantities:
written as
apparent activity, Aapp → air kerma strength, Sk ,
exposure rate constant, ( Γδ ) χ → dose rate constant, A,
inverse square distance, (1/r2) → geometry factor, G(r, θ )
[for 2-D calculations only],
tissue attenuation factor, T(r) → r a d i a l d o s e f u n c t i o n ,
Medical Physics, Vol. 22, No. 2, February 1995
w h e r e Sk =air kerma strength of the source (defined in Sec.
III A 2);
^=dose rate constant (defined in Sec. III A 3 in units of
c G y h - 1U
- 1
) ;
Nath et al.: Dosimetry of interstitial brachytherapy sources
try calibration laboratories, ADCLs in the USA and the National Research Council of Canada). However, it is the responsibility of the user to verify the accuracy of source
strength provided by the vendor. Typically, the user has a
well-type ionization chamber that has a calibration traceable
to the national standards for each type of brachytherapy
If kerma, time, and distance are assigned units of µGy, h,
a n d m , r e s p e c t i v e l y , Sk w i l l h a v e u n i t s µ G y m2 h - 1 a s r e c o m m e n d e d b y t h e T G - 3 2 r e p o r t .13 In this report, this unit is
denoted by the symbol U, that is,
1 U=l unit of air kerma strength
The conversion factors needed to renormalize Eq. (1) for
alternative source strength specifications are discussed in Appendix A and are summarized in Table IV. The geometric
relationship between the point of output determination and
an arbitrary filtered source and other details have been deFIG. 1. Illustration of geometry assumed in the dose calculation formalism.
Angle β is that subtended by the active length at point P. The reference
p o i n t i s r e p r e s e n t e d b y P ( r0 , θ 0 ) .
scribed previously by Williamson and Nath. 1 4
3. Dose rate constant, A
The dose rate constant is defined as the dose rate to water
G(r, θ) = geometry factor (defined in Sec. III A 4);
at a distance of 1 cm on the tranverse axis of a unit air kerma
g(r) = radial dose function (defined in Sec. III A 5);
strength source in a water phantom. It should be noted that
F(r, θ) = anisotropy function (defined in Sec. III A 6); and
is an absolute quantity, unlike others that follow in this sec-
each of these quantities or functions and the reference point
tion, which are normalized (relative) quantities. For specifi-
( r0 , θ , ) a r e d e s c r i b e d b e l o w .
cation of the dose rate constant as well as relative dose distribution parameters, this report recommends that liquid
1. Reference point for dose calculations
water be accepted as the reference medium. In determining
T h e r e f e r e n c e p o i n t ( ro , θ 0 ) i s c h o s e n i n t h i s r e p o r t t o l i e t h e v a l u e o f ^ , t h e 1 c m d i s t a n c e i s s p e c i f i e d a l o n g t h e
transverse axis of the actual source (rather than an idealized
on the transverse bisector of the source at a distance of 1 cm
point source) relative to its geometric center. Mathematically,
from its center, i.e., r o = 1 c m a n d θ 0 = π / 2 . T h i s c h o i c e o f
reference point for dose calculation in a medium is consistent
the dose rate constant, ^, is
with the traditional practice of using a distance of 1 cm from
the source as a reference point.
The constant includes the effects of source geometry, the
spatial distribution of radioactivity within the source, encap-
2 . A i r k e r m a s t r e n g t h , Sk
sulation, and self-filtration within the source and scattering in
Air kerma strength is a measure of brachytherapy source
water surrounding the source. The numerical value of this
strength, which is specified in terms of air kerma rate at the
quantity also depends on the standardization measurements
point along the transverse axis of the source in free space. It
to which the air kerma strength calibration of the source is
is defined” as the product of air kerma rate at a calibration
traceable; in other words, if the air kerma strength standard
d i s t a n c e , d , in free space, k ( d ) , m e a s u r e d a l o n g t h e t r a n s -
for a given source provided by NIST is changed in the future,
verse bisector of the source, and the square of the distance, d
The calibration distance d must be large enough that the
the value of
will also change. The relationship of
related quantities such as exposure rate constant is discussed
in Appendix B.
source may be treated as a mathematical point. In actual
practice, air kerma rate standardization measurements are
4. Geometry factor, G(r, q )
performed in air and corrections for air attenuation are applied if needed. Whereas the measurements for source
The geometry factor accounts for the variation of relative
dose due only to the spatial distribution of activity within the
strength calibration may be performed at any large distance,
source, ignoring photon absorption and scattering in the
d, it is customary to specify the air kerma strength in terms
source structure. It is defined as
of a reference calibration distance, d o , which is usually chosen to be 1 m. It should be noted that the user typically does
not perform the in-air calibration, which is primarily performed by the standardization laboratories (National Institute
w h e r e p(r’) represents the density of radioactivity at the
of Standards and Technology, NIST, and accredited dosime-
point p(r’)=p(x’,y’,z’) within the source and V denotes
Medical Physics, Vol. 22, No. 2, February 1995
Nath et al.: Dosimetry of interstitial brachytherapy sources
T ABLE IV. Source strength conversion factors for interstitial brachytherapy sources a
Source strength
Exposure rate
constant (Γδ)χ or
exposure rate
constant for
filtration (Γδ)χ,1
R c m2 m C i- 1h - 1
Air kerma strength
conversion factor
Equivalent mass of
7.227 U mgRaEq-1
Reference exposure
m R m2 h - 1
8.760 U/mR m2 h-1
n R m2 s - 1
C k g -1 m 2 s - 1
U/nR m2 s-1
1.222x10 11
U / C k g- 1m 2 s - 1
Apparent activity
4.030 U mci-1
Apparent activity
4.80 b
4.205 U mCi-1
Apparent activity
Apparent activity
1.270 U mCi-1
1.293 U mCi-1
Ir seed
t=0.2 mm Fe
lr seed
t=0.05 mm PtIr
I seeds
Pd seeds
Data from Williamson and Nath (Ref. 14).
See the explanation for using 4.80 vs 4.60 in Ref. 14. Briefly. the manufacturer uses 4.80 in calibrating their
sources, therefore the user must also use the same number.
integration over the source core. d V ’ i s a v o l u m e e l e m e n t
verse axis due to absorption and scattering in the medium. It
located at r’ in the source. Because the three-dimensional
can also be influenced by filtration of photons by the encap-
distribution of p(r) is uncertain for many sources such as
sulation and source materials.
I and because the choice of G ( r , θ ) i n f l u e n c e s o n l y t h e
The function g(r) is similar to a normalized transverse-
accuracy of interpolation (as explained further in Sec.
axis tissue-attenuation factor or absorbed dose to kerma in
III A6), the line source approximation to G ( r , θ ) h a s b e e n
free space ratio, as explained in Appendix B. It should be
selected for use in this report. When the distribution of ra-
noted that the above definition of radial dose function is
dioactivity can be approximated by a point source or by a
different from the older (Dale’s) 1 5 - 1 7 definition, as explained
line source of length, L, t h e n G ( r , θ) r e d u c e s t o
in Appendix B3.
6. Anisotropy function, F(r, q )
The anisotropy function accounts for the anisotropy of
w h e r e L is the active length of the source, and β is the angle
dose distribution around the source, including the effects of
absorption and scatter in the medium. It is defined as
subtended by the active source with respect to the point
(r, θ ) (see Fig. 1); i.e., β = θ2 − θ1 . G ( r , θ ) r e p r e s e n t s t h e h y pothetical relative dose distribution due only to the spatial
distribution of radioactivity and ignores the effects of absorption and scattering in the source or the surrounding medium.
This two-dimensional function gives the angular variation of
dose rate about the source at each distance due to selffiltration, oblique filtration of primary photons through the
Values of G(r, θ) for a 3 mm line source are given in Table
T ABLE V. Example of the geometry factor, G(r, θ) times r 2, for a seed
approximated by 3.0 mm line source as calculated with Eq. (7).
5. Radial dose function, g(r)
The radial dose function, g(r), accounts for the effects of
absorption and scatter in the medium along the transverse
axis of the source. It is defined as
The radial dose function applies only to transverse axis, i.e.,
only for points with an angle of θ 0 , which is equal to π / 2 .
This function defines the falloff of dose rate along the transMedical Physics, Vol. 22, No. 2, February 1995
θ (deg)
r=0.5 cm
r=1.0 cm
r=2.0 cm
r=5.0 cm
Nath et al.: Dosimetry of interstitial brachytherapy sources
encapsulating material, and scattering of photons in the medium. The role of the geometry factor in Eq. (8) is to suppress the influence of inverse square law on the dose distribution around the source.
Due to the large dose rate gradients encountered near interstitial sources, it is difficult to measure dose rates accurately at distances less than 5 mm from the source. In addition, the large dose rate variation arising from inverse square
law makes accurate interpolation of intermediate dose rate
values difficult without an excessively large table of measured data. By suppressing inverse square law effects, extrapolation to small distances from dose rate profiles measured at distances of 5 and 10 mm as well as interpolation
Data from Williamson (Ref. 18).
Data from Meigooni, Sabnis, and Nath (Ref. 12) and Chiu-Tsao and Anderson (Ref. 19) were averaged and then multiplied by 1.048 (Ref. 18). a
correction factor for converting Solid Water data to water, as calculated by
Williamson using Monte Carlo simulation (Ref. 18).
between sparsely distributed measured values is usually
more accurate.
constant φ
B. Point isotropic source approximation
without a significant loss in accuracy. It should
be noted that point source approximation [i.e., Eq. (12) or
Some clinical treatment planning systems for interstitial
brachytherapy utilize the one-dimensional isotropic pointsource model to compute interstitial source dose distributions. In this approximation, dose depends only on the radial
distance from the source. If a large number of seeds are
randomly oriented, or the degree of dose anisotropy around
single sources is limited, the dose rate contribution to tissue
from each seed can be well approximated by the average
radial dose rate as estimated by integrating the single anisotropic seed source with respect to solid angle.
w h e r e d Ω = 2 π sin θ d θ for a cylindrically symmetric dose
1. Anisotropy factor, φ
Substituting Eq. (2) into Eq. (10) and rearranging, leads to
w h e r e φ a n(r) is the anisotropy factor
The factor φ
(r) is the ratio of the dose rate at distance r ,
averaged with respect to solid angle, to dose rate on the
transverse axis at the same distance. For the sources considered in this report, φ (r) is less than 1, having values ranging
from 0.91 to 0.97 depending upon the source (for detailed
data, see the next section). For distances greater than the
source active length, the equation for dose around a source
using point-source approximation can be simplified to
2. Anisotropy constant, φ
a n
For the sources considered in this report, the anisotropy
φ (r),
i n d e p e n d e n t c o n s t a n t , φ a n, which we call the anisotropy constant, which usually takes a value less than 1.00. Thus, the
anisotropy factor, φ
(r), i n E q . ( 1 3 ) c a n b e r e p l a c e d b y a
Medical Physics, Vol. 22, No. 2, February 1995
(13)] gives a dose rate at the reference point in the medium
on the transverse bisector at a distance of 1 cm from the
source, equal to
(r) for a unit air kerma strength
source. Thus, dose rate on the transverse axis in the medium
is somewhat lower using the point-source approximation
than the actual dose rate by 3% to 9% for the sources considered in this report.
Nath et al.: Dosimetry of interstitial brachytherapy sources
FIG. 2. Radial dose functions in a Solid Water medium for
Ir sources.
I, and
Monte Carlo photon transport calculations. For
Pd, a
similar Monte Carlo study has not yet been satisfactorily
Recommended values of dose rate constants in the water
medium are given in Table VI. Dose rate constants for
w h i c h c o m p a r e s t h e I C W G ( C h a p . 3 )1 m e a s u r e d d a t a t o
A. Dose rate constant,
FIG. 4. Anisotropy function, F(r, θ). in a Solid Water medium for
I, and 192Ir sources [reprinted with permission (Ref. 20)].
Ir were taken from a recent study by Williamson,
completed; the simulations have not been able to reproduce
t h e m e a s u r e d S o l i d W a t e r T M dose rate constant. However, a
relative correction factor for conversion from Solid Water to
liquid water has been calculated with good accuracy. Therefore, the dose rate constants measured in Solid Water by
M e i g o o n i e t a l .1 2 a n d C h i u - T s a o e t a l . 1 9 w e r e a v e r a g e d , a n d
this average value was then multiplied by 1.048, a correction
factor obtained from Williamson’* for converting data in
Solid Water to data in water.
B. Radial dose function, g(r)
I and
Ir, the radial dose functions in a Solid
W a t e r m e d i u m w e r e t a k e n f r o m t h e I C W G ( C h a p . 3 )1 F o r
Pd the radial dose function in a Solid Water medium
from Meigooni et al.
and Chiu-Tsao et al.19 w e r e a v e r a g e d .
The radial dose functions in a Solid Water medium were
fitted to a polynomial series expansion
g ( r ) = a 0 + a1 r 2 + a2 r 2 + a3 r 3 + · · ·
T ABLE VIII. Calculated anisotropy function, F(r, θ), for a 103Pd Model 200
FIG. 3. The isodose curves produced by 125I models 6711 and 6702, 103Pd
and 192Ir sources with air kerma strength of 100 U. The dose rates for the
isodose curves starting from the outside were 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, and 200
Medical Physics,Vol.22, No.2, February 1995
θ (deg)
70.0 80.0 90.0
Nath et al.: Dosimetry of interstitial brachytherapy sources
T ABLE IX. Calculated anisotropy function, F(r, θ). for a 125I Model 6711
θ (deg)
T ABLE XI. Calculated anisotropy function, F(r, θ). for an
θ (deg)
r(cm) 0.0
10.0 20.0
Ir source.
30.0 40.0 50.0
60.0 70.0
80.0 90.0
1.03 1.03
0.953 0.989
0.977 1.03
1.04 1.01
1.03 1.01
0.954 0.996
1.01 1.02
0.970 0.983
1.01 1.02
1.02 1.00
0.991 1.00
1.03 1.00
1.01 1.00
1.02 1.00
0.997 1.00
0.979 1.00
0.994 1.00
0.987 1.00
0.350 0.423 0.628 0.826 0.953 1.00 1.03 1.04 1.02
0.439 0.549 0.690 0.816 0.903 0.954 1.00 1.06 1.04
0.452 0.529 0.612 0.754 0.888 0.795 0.877 1.07 1.07
0.521 0.582 0.688 0.798 0.842 0.866 0.935 0.969 0.998
0.573 0.600 0.681 0.793 0.888 0.903 0.922 0.915 0.985
0.581 0.621 0.718 0.803 0.826 0.891 0.912 0.953 0.962
0.603 0.660 0.758 0.829 0.861 0.922 0.932 0.978 0.972
Values of fitted parameters and radial dose functions are
shown in Table VII and the radial dose functions are shown
in Fig. 2. The overall accuracy of the fit was excellent, the
mean deviation from the average of measured data was less
than 2%.
Eq. (2) and based on the use of air kerma strength should be
used for interstitial brachytherapy dosimetry.
(2) Liquid water should be the reference medium for describing dose rate distributions around brachytherapy
C . A n i s o t r o p y p a r a m e t e r s , F ( r , q),
fa n( r ) , a n d f
(3) The data sets given by Tables IV to XII should be the
The anisotropy function, F(r, θ). i n a S o l i d W a t e r m e d i u m
was calculated from measured two-dimensional dose distributions in Solid Water (Fig. 3) using ICWG methodology
and are shown in Fig. 4. Numerical values of the anisotropy
functions in polar coordinates are given in Tables VIII to
X I .2 0 F r o m t h i s d a t a , t h e a n i s o t r o p y f a c t o r s , φ
basis of the dosimetry for
Ir, and
Pd sources.
(4) Treatment planning software vendors should include
a data entry option that allows single-source treatment planning data to be entered in tabular form consistent with the
methodology presented in this report.
(r), were
calculated and are given in Table XII. As shown in Table XII,
the anisotropy factor, φ a n(r), hardly changes with radial dis-
tance. The anisotropy constants, φ a n, are also given in Table
A. Choice of dose rate constants
I and
Ir sources, we had the choice of using
m e a s u r e d v a l u e s o f d o s e r a t e c o n s t a n t s f r o m I C W G1 o r
D. Point source approximation data
Monte Carlo simulation values from Williamson.” We chose
The average dose rate times distance squared for a source
with an air kerma strength of 1 U were calculated using the
point-source approximation [Eq. (13)] and the recommended
parameters are given in Table XIII for distances ranging from
1 to 8 cm. As previously noted the average dose rates at 1 cm
are less than the dose rate constants by 3% to 9% depending
to recommend Monte Carlo values because the measured
values are for dose to water in a Solid Water medium; this
requires a calculated correction factor to convert it to dose to
water in a water medium. The Monte Carlo analysis of
W i l l i a m s o n1 8 h a d m a d e a d e t a i l e d c o m p a r i s o n o f m e a s u r e d
and calculated values in a Solid Water medium to validate
upon the source. This reduction is due to the anisotropy of
dose distributions around the source.
T ABLE XII. Anisotropy factors, φ an(r), and anisotropy constants, φ an, for
interstitial sources.
Anisotropy factors, φ an(r)
We recommend that
(1) The ICWG dose calculation formalism embodied in
T ABLE X. Calculated anisotropy function, F(r, θ), for a
θ (deg)
r(cm) 0.0
I Model 6702
0.549 0.753 0.895 0.993 1.03 1.04 1.04 1.02
0.656 0.766 0.832 0.924 0.945 0.939 1.02 1.02
0.783 0.744 0.814 0.908 0.787 0.840 1.02 1.05
0.610 0.690 0.885 0.955 0.960 1.01 1.03 1.03
0.719 0.822 0.964 0.981 0.990 0.980 1.00 1.05
0.582 0.669 0.799 0.889 0.887 0.893 0.976 1.02
0.708 0.793 0.815 0.839 0.891 0.983 1.01 0.961
Medical Physics, Vol. 22, No. 2, February 1995
Distance, r
φ an
model 6711
model 6702
Nath et al.: Dosimetry of interstitial brachytherapy sources
T ABLE XIII. Average dose rate times distance squared for a source with an
air kerma strength of 1 U using the point source approximation.
activity is unknown. Similarly, the accuracy with which the
conversion factor in Table IV yields air kerma strength is
axis (cm)
procedure realizes the definitions of contained or apparent
Dose rate×r
(cGy h- 1c m2)
unknown. Because the physical status of the vendor’s calibration is unknown, the average of the two published dose
I model
I model
rate measurements at 1 cm was normalized to the vendor’s
activity calibration to give the dose rate constant.
In the cases of
Pd and
1, the recommended dosim-
etry data are based upon a critical comparison of Monte
C a r l o c a l c u l a t i o n s a n d m e a s u r e d d o s e r a t e d i s t r i b u t i o n s .1 8
The measured and Monte Carlo dose rate data is normalized
to the NIST source strength standard established in 1985.
The Monte Carlo calculations include corrections for the low
energy contaminant photons included in the standard as described above. The absolute dose rate per unit activity for
Pd is based upon an average of the two experimental data
sets available as of 1992 and normalized to the vendormaintained calibration standard in use at that time. The continued accuracy of both the measured and Monte Carlo data
require that the vendors consistently apply the calibration
procedures and standards current at the time the measurements and calculations were made. An important consequence of this analysis is that when the
Pd and
I source
strength standards are revised, the data in this report will
have to be updated. This logical relationship between the
the accuracy of the simulations. Therefore. the task group
recommends the dose rate constants taken directly from the
Monte Carlo simulations of Williamson.‘”
source strength standards and accuracy of dose calculations
should be kept in mind. Should the standards underlying
vendor calibration of these sources change, the dose rate con-
The same procedure was not possible for
Pd sources
stants recommended by this report must be corrected by the
because the Monte Carlo simulations of Williamson’” did not
ratio of air kerma strength defined by the old standard to air
accurately reproduce the measured dose rate constant for
kerma defined by the new standard for the same seed
Pd sources in a Solid Water medium. For
Pd sources
we used data from measurements in a Solid Water medium
and used a conversion factor calculated by Monte Carlo
s i m u l a t i o n s o f W i l l i a m s o n18 to obtain the dose rate constant
in a water medium.
The absolute dose rate measurements upon which this report
are based utilized LiF thermoluminescent dosimeter (TLD)
measurements. As TLD detectors are secondary dosimeters,
B. Impact of NIST standards for source strength on
the recommended protocol
their sensitivity to dose is determined by measuring their
response to a known dose delivered by a calibrated reference
Ir has a NIST primary
beam. Since reference beam calibrations are traceable to
source strength standard that rigorously agrees with the defi-
N I S T 6 0Co and x-ray beam air kerma standards, the absolute
Of the sources discussed, only
I seeds, there is
dose rate measurements endorsed by this report are subject to
g o o d e v i d e n c e18 that the NIST exposure standard established
change should the underlying air kerma standards be revised.
in 1985 was contaminated by nonpenetrating low energy
This qualification applies only to the
photons. Briefly, the in-air kerma measurements performed
value as the Monte Carlo dose rate constant values used for
nition of air kerma strength. In the case of
by NIST along the transverse axis of sample
I seeds were
I and
Pd dose rate constant
Ir do not depend on primary dosimetric stan-
contaminated by 4.5 keV titanium characteristic x rays,
dards. Any future revisions of the air kerma standards are
which have significant penetration in air but penetrate only
expected to be small in relation to. the overall uncertainty of
≈0.1 mm in condensed matter. The effect of this contamina-
the reported measurements.
tion is to increase the air kerma strength per contained millicurie by 7%-10% without affecting the dose rate in con-
C. Uncertainty estimate
densed medium at 1 cm. Consequently, the dose rate constant
for both the 6702 and 6711 seed models is depressed by
The recommended formalism for the dosimetry of inter-
7%-10%. This conclusion is accepted by NIST and it is
stitial brachytherapy sources requires a knowledge of the following quantities:
currently revising the
I source strength standard and plan
to suppress the contaminant low energy photons. No trace-
air kerma strength, S k
able source strength standard of any type is available for
Pd. The vendor calibrates the seeds in terms of activity:
dose rate constant,
however, the accuracy with which the vendor’s calibration
anisotropy function, F(r, θ )
Medical Physics, Vol. 22, No. 2, February 1995
geometry factor, G(r, θ )
Nath et al.: Dosimetry of interstitial brachytherapy sources
be 160×0.83=139 Gy. Thus, to deliver the same dose, the
radial dose function, g(r).
Air kerma strength is usually provided by the manufacturer for a batch of sources. It is the responsibility of the
medical physicist to ensure that actual air kerma strength is
in agreement with the manufacturer’s values. Uncertainty in
the determination of air kerma strength is estimated to be
5%. Dose rate constant, A, also has a measurement uncertainty of about 5%; about 3% in the dose determination and
about 3% in the determination of air kerma strength of the
sources used in the determination of dose rate constant. The
physician should prescribe 139 Gy if the new dosimetry is
adopted. Adoption of these recommendations will affect the
I implants by up to 17%; therefore, the
dosimetry of
medical physicist and radiation oncologist should carefully
compare their current dose calculation practice to the recommended protocol. Additionally, they should evaluate the differences between the current protocol and older dosimetry
methods assumed by clinical studies cited in support of dose
prescription practice.
anisotropy function, F(r, θ) is a ratio of two dose rates each
having a measurement uncertainty of about 3%; therefore the
uncertainty in its determination is also about 5%. Similarly,
F. Impact of recommendations on radiobiological
radial dose function, g(r), is a ratio of two dose rates, and
The new dosimetry may also affect values used for the
has a measurement uncertainty of 5%. The geometry factor is
relative biological effectiveness (RBE) of
a mathematical quantity with minimal uncertainty.
Adding these uncertainties in quadrature, the overall un-
other radionuclides Changes may be necessary if the bio-
certainty in determination of dose rate at a point (r, θ )
determine the dose to cells and tissues in experiments. On
I relative to
logical studies relied upon the old dosimetry parameters to
around a source using the recommended protocol is esti-
the other hand, if the dosimetry was performed using inde-
mated to be about 10%.
pendent means such as Fricke dosimetry, the RBE values
need not change.
It should be noted that the current values of dose rate
D. Implementation of recommended dosimetry
constant for model 6702 and 6711
Since use of the dose rate distributions endorsed by this
protocol can result in differences of up to 17% in the actual
dose delivered to a target volume for some of the brachytherapy sources, it is important that a qualified medical
physicist develop a careful plan to implement these recommendations for clinical use. Different commercial treatment
planning systems employ different algorithms and require
different types of input data. One should clearly understand
the specific dose calculation algorithm in one’s treatment
planning system and then derive the necessary input data
I seeds are the same
(for those who have not adopted the ICWG data presented in
C h a p . 3 )1 a n d t h e y d i f f e r f r o m t h e n e w v a l u e s b y v a r y i n g
amounts, i.e., 10% and 17%, respectively. Therefore, the dosimetry in current use results in a larger dose to the tumor by
7% in the case of 6702 compared to 6711 seeds. This, in
effect, can be misinterpreted as an RBE of 1.06. Clearly, it is
essential to use the best available values for dosimetry in
radiation oncology and biology. Otherwise quantitative conclusions about the relative efficacy and RBEs of different
isotopes may not be valid.
from the basic dosimetry parameters provided in this report.
To check the validity of the correct implementation of the
recommended protocol, the physicist should calculate the
dose rates at various points along the transverse axis using
the point-source approximation and compare his/her results
with those given in Table XIII.
Historically, the strength of sealed brachytherapy sources
E. Clinical impact of recommendations
has been specified using a variety of physical quantities and
Appendix C of this report presents an historical review of
previous interstitial brachytherapy dose measurements and
R a s u b s t i t u t e s , s u c h a s 1 3 7C s a n d
Ir, have usually been specified in terms of equivalent
units. Sources utilizing
dose calculation practices. In the perspective of this histori-
m a s s o f r a d i u m ( Me q) while the quantity “apparent” or “ef-
cal review a dosimetry calculation formalism and the associ-
f e c t i v e ” a c t i v i t y ( Aa p p) h a s b e e n u s e d i n
ated numerical data for the dosimetry parameters are recom-
simetry. The TG-43 formalism has been developed around
mended. A reduction of the dose rate constants by up to 17%
is recommended for
necessary for
I and
Au do-
the source strength quantity, air kerma strength, in agreement
I sources. No numerical change is
with the worldwide trend to replace the often bewildering
Ir sources. The dosimetry assumed by pre-
array of historical quantities with a single explicit output
viously published clinical studies using
I sources needs to
quantity defined in terms of SI-compatible quantities and
be reevaluated in light of recent dosimetry advances upon
u n i t s . 13 Recognizing that the older quantities still retain wide
which this report is based. The purpose of this evaluation is
to determine the value of
currency in clinical practice, equations relating the dose cal-
I dose rate constants upon which
culation formalism to these quantities are developed. For a
one’s current dose prescriptions are based. For example, if
more complete discussion of source strength quantities and
dose to full decay in a permanent implant using
I model
units, and more extensive unit conversion tables, the reader
6711 had been prescribed to be 160 Gy using older dosime-
is directed to Williamson and Nath.14 To reduce the length of
t r y b a s e d u p o n L = 1 . 3 2 c G y h- lm C i - 1 ( e x c l u d i n g a n i s o t -
the equations, the relative dose distribution, S(r, θ), i s d e -
ropy), then the actual dose according to the new data would
fined as follows:
Medical Physics, Vol. 22, No. 2, February 1995
Nath et al.: Dosimetry of interstitial brachytherapy sources
In terms of the distribution S(r, θ), the absorbed dose rate for
sources specified in terms of equivalent mass of radium, apparent activity, and reference exposure rate (R,) are
An exhaustive review of the great variety of dosimetric
The conversion factors are given by
ratios used in the brachytherapy dosimetry literature is beyond the scope of this report. A few of the more influential
quantities likely to be used by current treatment planning
software will be discussed. The purpose of this review is to
(i) aid physicists in converting published dose distribution
data to the formalism endorsed and (ii) facilitate entry of the
recommended data into commercial treatment planning sys-
where [W/e] is the average energy to produce an ion pair in
tems not using the TG-43 formalism.
d r y a i r a n d h a s t h e v a l u e 3 3 . 9 7 J / C = 0 . 8 7 6 c G y / R .2 1
( Γδ ) χ , R a , t i s t h e e x p o s u r e r a t e c o n s t a n t f o r
Ra filtered by
the thickness, t, of platinum and has the value (Ref. 22) 8.25
A. Radial dose distribution quantities
R c m2 m g- 1h - 1 w h e n t = 0 . 5 m m P t . ( Γδ ) χ i s t h e a s s u m e d
Many quantities have been used to describe the dosimetric
exposure rate for an unfiltered point source of the given ra-
interplay between attenuation of primary photons and
d i o n u c l i d e a n d u s u a l l y h a s u n i t s o f R c m 2 m C i- 1 h - 1 . I n
buildup of scattered photons in the medium. These quantities
evaluating Eq. (A6), care must be taken to assume the same
have been used to describe both theoretical dose distributions
( Γδ ) χ v a l u e a s a s s u m e d b y t h e v e n d o r i n c a l c u l a t i n g A a p p
around point sources and measurements and/or Monte Carlo
f r o m t h e m e a s u r e d S k. S o u r c e - s t r e n g t h c o n v e r s i o n f a c t o r s
calculations around actual sources. In addition, these quanti-
for the sources covered in this report are given in Table IV.
ties are used to implement the point-source dose computation
Alternatively, the dose rate constants may be renormalized.
model on clinical treatment systems. Radial dose functions
derived from the theoretical point-source dose model cannot
be related rigorously to the quantities g(r) and F(r, θ ) r e c ommended by this report because the latter are derived from
dose distributions around actual two-dimensional sources.
The corresponding equations for reference exposure rate and
equivalent mass of radium can be easily derived.‘” When
equivalent mass of radium is used, the dose rate is given by
1. Energy-absorption buildup factor: B ( µ r )
This quantity is generally used to tabulate theoretical
point-source dose distributions. The build up factor is de-
fined as
w h e r e µ is the total linear attenuation coefficient of the pri-
bution around actual interstitial sources. For an ideal point
mary spectrum. The most commonly cited source of buildup
factors is the classic article by Berger which is based upon
source, dose rate b(r) at distance r, air kerma strength, and
B(µr) are related by
a semianalytic solution of the Boltzmann transport equation.
B u r n s a n d R a e s i d e2 4 u s e d t h i s f o r m a l i s m t o p r e s e n t M o n t e
Carlo estimates of dose rate around
I sources. Meisberger
e t a l .2 5 were the first to suggest that these theoretical data
could be used to approximate the transverse axis dose distriMedical Physics, Vol. 22, No. 2, February 1995
For a real source, theoretical values of B(µr) are approximately related to the actual radial dose function, g(r), by
Nath et al.: Dosimetry of interstitial brachytherapy sources
This approximation is valid only if filtration and selfabsorption do not alter the primary photon spectrum or the
balance between buildup of scattered photons and attenua-
2. Tissue attenuation factor: T(r)
tion of primary photons in the transverse plane of the source.
That is, the only factor causing the actual dose distribution to
The tissue attenuation factor, T(r), is the most frequently
deviate from that of a theoretical point source is the spatial
used data format for representing the radial dose falloff
distribution of radioactivity in the extended source. This ap-
around brachytherapy sources in computerized treatment
proximation has been confirmed only for lightly filtered
planning systems, which generally request the data in the
sources with photon energies above 300 keV, e.g.,
Cs and
form of a polynomial fit or a table. T(r) has been used to
describe both measured dose distributions” around actual
Pd is not recommended. Assuming that Eq. (B3) is
sources and theoretical point-source dose distributions. 28 It is
Ir Use of Eq. (B3) for low energy sources such as
valid, dose rates very near the source can be estimated by
defined as
Experimental determination of T(r) involves direct measure-
used to denote this quantity so as to distinguish it from the
ment of both dose in medium and kerma in free space along
the transverse axis of an extended source. To satisfy the defi-
g’(r) is defined as
identically named quantity, g(r), endorsed by this report.
nition in Eq. (B5), the measured dose and kerma rates must
be corrected for finite source size. The most frequently cited
T(r) data is that of Meisberger et al..” who reviewed both
measured and transverse axis dose distributions for
6 0
Co, and
Au and recommended an aver-
aged data set for clinical use.
Regardless of whether kerma-to-dose conversion factors
are derived from measured data corrected for source geom-
w h e r e n o r m a l l y r0 = 1 cm and θ 0 = π/2. The function g’(r) is
identical to the recommended g(r) except that a point-source
geometry distribution is assumed. When g’(r) is derived
from measurements or Monte Carlo calculations about an
actual source, g’(r) and g(r) are related by
etry or theoretical point-source calculations, T(r) is related
to the radial dose function, g(r), endorsed in this report by
g’(r) very closely approximates g(r) for distances r greater
than the maximum dimension of the active source. However,
For measured data, the accuracy of the approximation de-
at distances less than 5 mm from interstitial seeds, the two
pends on the adequacy of the experimentalist’s source geom-
quantities may differ significantly.
etry corrections to account for differences in source construc-
Absolute dose rates cannot be calculated from g’(r) un-
tion between the source used for measurement and the source
less the relationship between dose rate at 1 cm and source
to which the data is to be applied. For T(r) data derived
strength is known. For radium substitute isotopes (energy
from point-source theoretical calculations, the conditions
>300 keV), the dose rate in medium at 1 cm can be closely
outlined above must be met. For low energy sources, only
approximated by the water kerma rate in free space at the
measured or Monte Carlo data derived from sources of the
same point. Then, assuming g’(r) is based upon measured
same design as the actual sources should be used clinically.
Subject to these conditions, the dose rate on the transverse
axis is given by.
When g’(r) is used to denote theoretical point-source
dose distribution, then, subject to the conditions described
3. The older (Dale’s) radial dose function: g’(r)
The radial dose function, g’(r), is widely used to describe
above we have
g(r) ≅ g’(r).
d o s e d i s t r i b u t i o n s m e a s u r e d a r o u n d a c t u a l s o u r c e s ( L i n g ,6
S c h e l l ,7 M e i g o o n i2 6), Monte Carlo estimates of dose around
Then dose rate in water medium can be estimated by
t w o - d i m e n s i o n a l s o u r c e s ( W i l l i a m s o n2 7) , a n d t h e o r e t i c a l
p o i n t - s o u r c e d i s t r i b u t i o n s ( D a l e1 5 - 1 7 ) . T h e s y m b o l g ’ ( r ) i s
Medical Physics, Vol. 22, No. 2, February 1995
Nath et al.: Dosimetry of interstitial brachytherapy sources
4. Relationship between dose rate constant and
traditional dosimetric quantities
This section reviews the relationships between dose rate
c o n s t a n t ( A ) , b u i l d u p f a c t o r [ B ( µ r0 ) ] , d o s e - t o - k e r m a f a c tors [T(r)], exposure rate constants (G d ) c , and exposure-tod o s e c o n v e r s i o n s ( ƒ m e d) . T h e t w o f o l d p u r p o s e i s t o a s s i s t
physicists in reformatting published data into the recom-
B. Two-dimensional dose distribution and the Sievert
integral model
mended formalism and in implementing the recommended
Since every commercial treatment planning system does
dose calculation formalism on treatment planning systems
not permit tabular entry of two-dimensional brachytherapy
that use traditional quantities. The reader is warned that pub-
data, incorporation of the two-dimensional dose distribution
l i s h e d v a l u e s o f B , T , G , a n d ƒmed d e r i v e d f r o m i d e a l i z e d
data contained in this report may be difficult or impractical
point-source calculations ignore essential properties of the
for many users. Nearly all currently available treatment plan-
actual source including source geometry, encapsulation, and
ning systems make use of the Sievert model to generate two-
calibration procedures. For low energy sources, such as
dimensional dose rate arrays for filtered line sources. In
Pd and
I, this approach gives rise to significant errors
in dose administered to the patient.
terms of air kerma strength, the Sievert model is given by 2 8
Consider an extended source and assume the transverse
a x i s T ( r ) a n d B ( µ r0 ) a r e d e r i v e d f r o m t h e o r e t i c a l p o i n t source calculations. Then the dose rate constant, ^, is given
and the other variables are defined by Fig. 1.
where ^ has units of cGyh U
is the ratio of mass energy absorption coeffi-
cients averaged over the primary photon spectrum in free
space with respect to energy fluence. In terms of Γ a n d ƒm e d,
the dose rate constants A and A,, with units of
c G y h- 1U
cGymCi - 1h - 1,
The radial thickness of the filter is denoted by t a n d µ´ i s
or equivalently, cm-‘,
the effective attenuation coefficient of the filter material. Notice that the angle θ i s m e a s u r e d r e l a t i v e t o t h e t r a n s v e r s e
bisector rather than the longitudinal axis of the source.
Equating the general expression (1) for 2-D dose rate distribution with Eq. (B19)
Duplication of the two-dimensional data recommended by
this report by the Sievert model requires that µ´ be treated as
a parameter of best fit, chosen to minimize the deviations
5. Implementation of point source model on a
from Eq. (B21) when the recommended data are used to
commercial treatment planning computer
evaluate the left side. Diffey et al2 9 a n d W i l l i a m s o n2 8 h a v e
Treatment planning systems that approximate interstitial
successfully used this approach to “fit” the Sievert model to
seed dose distributions by the isotropic point-source model
measured and Monte Carlo-generated dose distributions for
generally use one of the following equations, which express
d o s e r a t e a s a f u n c t i o n o f ( Γδ ) χ , ƒ m e d , a n d T o r g ’ ( r ) :
Cs intracavitary sources. Because the effect of filtration is
assumed to be independent of distance (µ´ is a constant), the
Sievert model as described probably cannot accurately model
sources for which the scatter-to-total-dose ratio varies significantly with distance. For
I , L a r k e3 0 s h o w s t h a t t h e
one-parameter best-fit model of Eq. (B19) gives rise to dose
calculation errors as large as 25%.
Using the data and calculation formalism recommended by
this report
Assuming the dose calculation formalism of the planning
This section is an historical review of the dosimetry of
interstitial brachytherapy sources of
Ir (Sec. A),
I (Sec.
computer is described by the first equation of (B16) and that
B), and
the recommended dosimetric data are entered according to
literature on this subject in the last two decades, this appen-
Pd (Sec. C). Because of the extensive amount of
the following identifications, Eq. (B17) can be implemented
dix is rather lengthy. However, the reader is advised that the
by the following transformations:
material presented in this appendix is not essential for using
Medical Physics, Vol. 22, No. 2, February 1995
Nath et al.: Dosimetry of interstitial brachytherapy sources
the recommendations of the task group, but is useful for a
quently used the same nuclear data to calculate exposure rate
better and deeper understanding of the associated issues.
constants for two types of
Ir sources: one encapsulated in
We have decided to present an historical review using the
stainless steel and the other in platinum. These results would
quantities and units that were in use at the time of writing of
allow one to estimate the actual activity in a source from a
the specific reports, because it is easier for the reader to
measurement of exposure rate but have no practical applica-
relate to the earlier work in terms of its own quantities and
tion in brachytherapy dosimetry.
units. Also, in this historical review, we have used terms like
1 9 7 9 : W e b b a n d F o x33 used Monte Carlo methods to cal-
excellent agreement, good agreement, and fair/reasonable
culate the dose rate as a function of distance from an unen-
agreement to be roughly equivalent to an agreement within
capsulated point source of
3%, 5%, and 10%, respectively.
c G y h - 1m C i - 1,
A. Iridium-192 sources
Ir at the center of a 25 cm
cannot conveniently be referenced to a
source strength given in terms of exposure rate, since they
2966: Among the earliest reported dosimetry data for
did not report using the same code to calculate exposure rate.
I r w e r e t h o s e o f M e r e d i t h et al.,3 1 w h o h a d u s e d a c y l i n -
However, they did present results normalized at 1 cm and
drical perspex ion chamber (6mmX6mm internal dimen-
noted that “if the data in Fig. 4 of Meisberger e t a l2 5 c a n b e
sions) to measure exposure in air and in water separately at 1
interpreted as representing the radial falloff in dose rate with
or 2 cm intervals in the range 2-10 cm from a 1.5 cm long
the inverse square law removed,” their results duplicated al-
Ir source. At each distance they formed the ratio of expo-
most exactly Meisberger’s “selected average” of experimen-
sure in water to exposure in air from measurement data un-
tal and calculated data. It is not clear that, in making this
corrected for source size or detector size, acknowledging that
comparison, the authors have taken into account the fact that
such corrections are not exactly the same in water as in air.
Meisberger’s plot was inherently normalized at zero distance
The resulting ratios were within experimental uncertainty
while Webb and Fox data were normalized at 1.0 cm; Meis-
(about 2.5%) equal to 1.0 from 2-6 cm, dropping to 0.94 at
berger’s polynomial, if normalized at 1.0 cm, gives 0.910 at
10 cm, whereas Webb and Fox’s normalized data have a
8 cm and 0.90 at 10 cm.
1 9 6 8 : M e i s b e r g e r e t a l2 5 m e a s u r e d t h e w a t e r / a i r r a t i o
value of about 0.945 at 10 cm. In a short note two years later,
(without moving the detector) at distances from 1 to 10 cm
K o r n e l s e n a n d Y o u n g34 suggested that the data of Webb and
from a cluster of seeds (3 mm length×0.5 mm diameter
F o x3 3 c o u l d b e r e p r e s e n t e d b y e - µ rB / r 2 w h e r e µ i s a l i n e a r
each, steel walls 0.2 mm) using a 3 mm×3 mm anthracene
attenuation coefficient and B is a buildup factor of the form
scintillator with a Lucite light pipe to a photomultiplier. They
mention making source size corrections but did not say how
they were made. They also calculated the ratio of exposure in
a n d k a a n d k b a r e c o n s t a n t s . W i t h a v a l u e o f 0 . 1 1 3 c m -1 f o r
water to exposure in air, using (as yet unpublished) Berger
µ , l e a s t - s q u a r e s f i t t i n g r e s u l t e d i n k a= 1 . 5 9 a n d k b= 1 . 3 6
buildup coefficients. The calculated results diverged from the
for the
Ir data.
measured for increasing distance and were about 7% larger
1 9 8 1 : B o y e r e t a l .3 5 h a v e m e a s u r e d e x p o s u r e r a t e c o n -
than measured data at 10 cm. They averaged their data with
stants for the 0.2 mm stainless steel-clad and the 0.1 mm
those of Meredith et al.31 and then further averaged the com-
platinum clad
bined experimental data with their calculated data. The re-
4% uncertainty. By offering calibrations of brachytherapy
sulting curve was fitted with a third degree polynomial for
sources only in terms of exposure rate at a given distance,
which the constant term was 1.01 (versus an expected value
NIST has exerted a positive influence toward avoiding errors
of 1.00) and the value at 10 cm was about 0.93. They rec-
associated with uncertainties in exposure rate constant. Hav-
ommended this curve for clinical calculations.
ing introduced a calibration procedure for
I r s o u r c e t o b e 4 . 6 R c m 2 h - 1m C i - 1 w i t h a
Cs intracavitary
1979: Because dose estimates are often made on the basis
sources in 1969, the National Bureau of Standards (NBS)
of exposure calculated from activity, the exposure rate con-
subsequently reported a similar methodology for the calibra-
stant has continued to be a matter of interest, although it will
tion of
be of much less interest when source strengths are routinely
were used to measure the exposure rate at either 50 or 100
specified as air kerma strength. Prior to 1978, exposure rate
cm from planar arrays of closely spaced seeds, either plati-
I r s e e d s .3 6 S p h e r i c a l a i r f i l l e d g r a p h i t e c h a m b e r s
Ir ranged from 3.9 to 5.0
num encapsulated or stainless-steel encapsulated. About 50
c m2 m C i - 1 h - 1 , p r o v i d i n g a g o o d e x a m p l e o f w h y i t i s
seeds of nominal activity 1.5 mCi each were required in an
poor practice to specify source strength as activity, since the
array in order to produce a satisfactory ion current in the
constants reported for
activity might be inferred by the manufacturer using one
(nominally 50 cc) chamber. The seeds were then placed in-
value of the constant and the dose might be calculated by the
dividually at the center of a re-entrant air filled spherical ion
user from a different value. Glasgow and Dillman3 a t t e m p t e d
chamber having aluminum walls of 20.3 cm diameter, and its
to reconcile the disparate values of exposure rate constants
calibration factor for each seed type was determined as the
and reported their own calculated value, 4.69±0.05
ratio of the product of dose and distance squared for the
R c m2 m C i- 1h
- 1
, based on the then latest spectroscopy data
array to the sum of the measured ion currents for the seeds.
from the Evaluated Nuclear Structure Data File at Oak Ridge
This factor was 3% higher for the platinum encapsulated
National Laboratory. Although, strictly speaking, the expo-
seed than for the stainless-steel-encapsulated seed.
sure rate constant is defined (except in the case of radium)
o n l y f o r a n u n e n c a p s u l a t e d p o i n t s o u r c e , G l a s g o w3 2 s u b s e Medical Physics, Vol. 22, No. 2, February 1995
It should be noted that Rogers pointed out at a symposium
at NIST that for
Ir, a small (<2%) discrepancy may exist
Nath et al.: Dosimetry of interstitial brachytherapy sources
between the free-air chamber and cavity chamber standards
primary photons. He reports the results of Monte Carlo cal-
at intermediate energy photons. Attix made similar com-
culations (of exposure rate in air) to determine how much
ments. The NRC and NIST are investigating the issue.
error is involved in these assumptions. For a platinum fil-
1982: The following year, in an article describing Monte
Carlo calculations of dose rate versus distance for point
Ir seed (0.5 mm diameter and 3 mm long), he found
that for angles greater than 50 deg relative to the source axis,
I as well as
the agreement of Monte Carlo with Sievert integral was
Ir, in water and other body tissues, Dale” pointed out that
within 2%; within a cone of less than 50 deg, the Sievert
the sampling method used by Webb and Fox 33 did not accu-
integral overestimates the dose in air by up to 16.6% at 2 cm
rately represent the actual distribution of scattering events on
on the seed axis. He used the same data to depict the (fluence
sources of several radionuclides, including
Ir photon en-
or exposure) anisotropy of the platinum seed, obtaining a
ergies are sufficiently high so that only minor differences
ratio between doses on the longitudinal axis and transverse
scattering angle, especially at low energies.
among tissues were noted in the calculated dose rate constant
axis of 0.60 by Monte Carlo versus 0.70 by Sievert integral.
(SDC in Dale’s terminology), which ranged from 3.96
The Monte Carlo result shows that a point source calculation
c G y h- 1m C i - 1 i n
would be in error by 5% at an angle of 50° from the source
cGyh - 1m C i-1 in
fat. Similarly, the radial dose functions show only a few per-
axis. Integrated over 4π, the anisotropy produces a reduction
cent variation with tissue type. The radial dose function re-
in “effective activity” of 4% by Monte Carla, 2.9% by
p o r t e d b y D a l e1 5 f o r
Sievert integral. The error made by using the Sievert integral
Ir in water is about 0.98 at 10 cm,
significantly higher than the corresponding values of either
is reduced slightly for an
Ir seed if exposure rate (rather
W e b b a n d F o x o r M e i s b e r g e r . The decay scheme used by
than activity) calibration is used. Finally, Williamson dem-
Dale in these calculations was challenged in a letter to the
onstrates that the calculated anisotropy corrections are insen-
e d i t o r f r o m M a y l e s a n d T u r n e r ,3 7 w h o s u g g e s t e d t h a t t h e
sitive to uncertainties in the underlying spectroscopic data
correct decay scheme would lead to SDC values higher by a
when seed strength is specified by exposure rate rather than
factor of 1.089. In a later publication dealing with the same
i s s u e s , D a l e1 6 adjusted the SDC values by a factor of 1.09
but did not change the coefficients of the quadratic function
1 9 8 3 : L i n g et al.4 0 h a v e d e t e r m i n e d t h a t t h e r e i s s o m e
anisotropy in photon emission associated even with the
that had previously been the result of a least-squares tit to the
Monte Carlo calculated radial dose function. Presumably. an
sodium iodide crystal 90-150 cm from a seed (in lightweight
increase in the dose rate constant would be accompanied by
mounting) to measure, for four seeds, the relative 250-750
a more rapid falloff in the radial dose function. which might
keV photon fluence as a function of angle in the plane of the
bring his results into better agreement with the Webb and
seed axis. Although the fluence on the axis was found to be
F o x3 3 d a t a a n d t h e M e i s b e r g e r d a t a . I n t h i s s a m e a r t i c l e ,
only 78% of that on the transverse axis, the value was greater
Ir seed. They had used a 3 in. diameter
than 95% at 20° from the axis. The average over 4 π s o l i d
the average spectral photon energy falls off significantly with
angle was only 1% different from unity, and they concluded
distance, to about 60% at 10 cm. He also shows the percent-
that the observed anisotropy was not significant clinically.
Dale observed that, for medium-energy nuclides like
age of dose due to scattered photons, which is still increasing
1 9 8 5 : Kneschaurek and Lindner 41 used a small ionization
at 15 cm, where it reaches a value in water of about 76%
chamber (0.3 cc PTW) to measure separately dose in air and
(possibly still based on calculation with the incorrect decay
dose in polystyrene as a function of distance from 2-10 cm
scheme, however).
along the transverse axis of a Gamma Med remote after-
1983: For
Ir seeds or wire encapsulated in platinum,
Ir source 1 mm in diameter and 2 mm long. They
oblique filtration has a significant effect on the dose near the
fitted Meisberger polynomial coefficients for the water/air
source. An example of how the Sievert integral is used to
exposure ratio to the polystyrene/air dose ratio, obtaining an
estimate this effect in clinical dose calculations for
Ir wire
attenuation curve that, relative to the Meisberger “selected”
is afforded in an article by Welsh et al. 3 8 d e a l i n g w i t h h o w
water/air ratio, was 1% lower at 2.0 and 3.6% lower at 10
their 1966 algorithm (at Churchill Hospital, Oxford) was re-
evaluated in 1981. Pertinent to the dosimetry of such sources
is their decision to retain 4.3 cm-1 as the attenuation coefficient for
1988: A similar, though more extensive, study of
photon attenuation in phantom was undertaken by Meli, Mei-
Ir photons in platinum and their model of the
gooni, and Nath et al.42 for Lucite, Solid Water, and water, in
actual source as a line source on the axis of a cylinder of
addition to polystyrene. They used a Gamma Med source of
platinum. For the two wire diameters in use, 0.3 and 0.6 mm,
active dimensions 0.6 mm diameter by 5.5 mm long and
the corresponding products of radius and attenuation coeffi-
made measurements on the transverse axis at distances from
cient are 0.0645 and 0.129. Of possible relevance, as well, is
l-10 cm with a 0.1 cc (Physikalisch Technische Bundesan-
their choice of attenuation coefficient; for the most extreme
stalt, PTW) ion chamber. They also performed Monte Carlo
case shown, 8 cm distance on the transverse axis of a 10 cm
calculations of dose versus distance from a point
wire, the effect of the choice of attenuation coefficient was
in these materials and of spectral distribution on photon en-
less than 6%.
ergy at various distances from both a bare and a 0.1 mm
Ir source
1 9 8 3 : I t w a s p o i n t e d o u t b y W i l l i a m s o n e t a l .3 9 t h a t
stainless-steel-encapsulated source, using the updated source
Sievert integral calculations (such as the aforementioned)
spectrum that Mayles and Turner 37 had earlier recommended
implicitly assume any photons scattered by the source cap-
to Dale.‘” In the calculated spectral results, no effect of en-
sule are attenuated by the same factor as the unattenuated
capsulation was seen, and the expected shift toward low en-
Medical Physics, Vol. 22, No. 2, February 1995
Nath et al.: Dosimetry of interstitial brachytherapy sources
ergies at greater distances was observed, more so for Lucite,
to the effect of scattering in the source as determined by
which is denser. For all the materials, the ƒ factor derived
Williamson.“’ Since the Sievert integral method starts from
from the calculated spectra decreased by 3% from 1 to 5 cm
actual rather than apparent activity, multiplication of the ex-
and held constant at 10 cm. Relative depth versus distance
posure rate constant by the factor 1.07, in this instance, was
data were within uncertainty limits for both measurements
required to correct for self-absorption during the exposure
and calculations for all materials, and the water/air dose ratio
rate calibration of the source.
1988: In an investigation of the use of platinum encapsu-
agreed with Meisberger’s selected values within 1.5%. The
authors concluded that the solid phantom materials investi-
gated, including Lucite (for which increased absorption was
plaques, Luxton et al.45 p e r f o r m e d T L D m e a s u r e m e n t s a t 2 2
Ir seeds (3 mm diameter by 0.5 mm long) in eye
compensated by backscattering in full phantom), were all
locations in the region 1.9-10.2 mm from the axis and O-12
suitable substitutes for water in experimental measurements.
mm along the axis of a single seed in acrylic phantom, using
1988: In an article related to the above studies, Meigooni,
LiF cylindrical rods 1 mm in diameter and 3 mm long. Mea-
M e l i , a n d N a t h e t a l .4 3 d e t e r m i n e d t h e e f f e c t o f s p e c t r a l
surements were found to agree (within 95% confidence lim-
change with distance on the sensitivity (thermoluminescent
its) with calculations, based upon the isotropic point-source
response per unit dose) of LiF (TLD) chips. Using the same
model modified by the line geometry function, everywhere
Ir source and the polystyrene phantom, they placed five
except for the point at 1.9 mm from and 12 mm along the
chips on the perimeter of a 1.5 cm radius circle within a
seed axis, where the measured dose was 9.5% greater if an-
phantom slab, together with a 0.3 cc PTW ion chamber at the
gular anisotropy based on the Sievert integral was used in the
center of the circle. The flat energy response of the chamber
calculation and 22% greater if Monte Carlo-based anisotropy
was verified experimentally with 60, 80, 100, and 250 keV
w a s a s s u m e d , u s i n g d a t a f r o m W i l l i a m s o n e t a l .39 i n b o t h
and 4 MV x rays to be within 2% over the energy spectrum
cases. Calculation and measurement were also compared
Ir photons. Other slabs were used to vary the phantom
along the axis of a gold plaque incorporating four radially
Ir seeds and mounted on an epoxy-resin hemi-
thickness between the plane of the detector array and the
source, although the total intervening space included a 10 cm
spherical eye phantom, which was in turn affixed to an
air gap adjacent to the phantom surface in which the source
acrylic block. These data also showed agreement within the
was embedded. The air gap served to make negligible the
95% confidence limits of the measurements and indicated,
difference in distance from the source between the TLD cen-
further, no significant difference between the axial dose dis-
ters and the chamber center. Introducing the air gap was
tribution seen with or without the gold plaque in place.
found to change the ratio of TLD response to chamber re-
1989: TLD measurements along the transverse axis were
sponse at 10 cm depth in phantom by no more than the 1.7%
performed for both platinum and stainless-steel encapsulated
that would have been expected from the different geometry if
responses varied as the inverse square of distance to the
mm×l mm×6 mm. With the rods’ long dimension perpen-
source, indicating no significant effect of the gap on photon
dicular to the transverse axis, data were taken from 1 to 12
spectrum. The relative sensitivity of the TLD’s was measured
cm from the seed center in a Solid Water slab immersed in
at five phantom depths (1.36, 3.34, 5.32, 7.27, and 10.27 cm)
water. Tabulated correction factors applied to near-source
and also calculated using Monte Carlo simulations at three
data are identified as the ratio of the average dose over the
(1.0, 5.0, and 10.0 cm). Calculations were performed by
detector volume to the dose at the center of the detector,
weighing sensitivities taken from an experimentally deter-
although the factors given are greater than 1 (e.g., 1.028 at 1
mined response versus energy curve by the Monte Carlo cal-
cm). Results are presented in the form of a relative dose
culated spectra at these depths. Measurements and calcula-
factor (RDF), defined as the product of distance squared and
tions taken together indicate that the LiF sensitivity increases
the ratio of measured dose to dose in air at 1 cm, with dose
roughly linearly with depth up to about 8% at 10 cm depth.
in air at 1 cm having been obtained from the effective expo-
1 9 8 8 : G i l l i n et al. h a v e r e p o r t e d T L D m e a s u r e m e n t s i n
Solid Water phantom with LiF cubes 1 mm on an edge, in the
I r s e e d s b y T h o m a s o n a n d H i g g i n s ,4 6 u s i n g L i F r o d s 1
sure rate constants calculated by Glasgow.“’ The possible
need to correct for an increasing LiF sensitivity with distance
Ir wire 0.3 mm in
was evaluated by convolving Monte Carlo-calculated spectra
diameter and 5 cm away from the wire and to 4 cm (from
(Meli et al.4 7) at 1, 5, and 10 cm distances in a phantom with
center) along the wire, plus a few points on the source axis,
LiF energy absorption coefficients and stopping power ratios
to 4.5 cm from center. They compare their results with cal-
to water; since the energy dependence found was less than
vicinity of a platinum encapsulated
culations that employed a variation of the Sievert integral
l%, no correction was made. The RDF’s were compared to
method and Meisberger scattering and attenuation correc-
the water/air exposure ratio of Meisberger et al. 25 and to the
tions. Calculated data are substantially smaller than mea-
R D F o f D a l e ,1 5 whose data were normalized at 1.0 cm. For
sured data at 0.25 and 0.5 cm away but there is good agree-
both seed types, the RDF’s from this work were 2%-3% less
ment at greater distances. As expected, the Sievert integral
than 1.0 at 1 cm, increased to 1.0 at 3-4 cm and gradually
severely underestimates observed doses along the axis, since
decreased to 0.96-0.97 at 12 cm, a relative variation very
it does not account for dose from radiation scattered in the
close to that of Dale’s Monte Carlo point-source data, which
phantom. The fact that the calculated values are smaller than
had been obtained with an incorrect spectrum. The Meis-
measured values at 0.25 and 0.5 cm is probably attributable
berger selected data, on the other hand, held constant at
to the same effect. The effect of scattering in the phantom on
about 1.02 at l-3 cm and then fell off gradually to 0.925 at
the accuracy of the Sievert integral method is thus opposite
10 cm. For both the Meisberger data and the data from this
Medical Physics, Vol. 22, No. 2, February 1995
Nath et al.: Dosimetry of interstitial brachytherapy sources
work, there is an implied normalization to 1.0 at the source
mended values by Meisberger et al.25 T h e y , h o w e v e r , r e p o r t
center, where point-source doses in water and in air approach
a significant discrepancy between their values for the radial
equality. If such normalization is taken into account, the
RDF here would seem to have an unlikely variation with
dose function and Dale’s,” whose Monte Carlo calculated
v a l u e s f o r 1 9 2I r a r e c o n s i s t e n t l y h i g h e r t h a n o t h e r d a t a b y
distance, first decreasing, then increasing and finally decreas-
about 10% at a distance of 10 cm.
ing again. The dose rate constants in water inferred from this
cGyh m C i and
cGyh m C i ,
1990: Similar to the
I data, the ICWG also recom-
mended a new set of values for the dose rate constant and
radial dose function for the stainless steel-class
spectively, for the platinum and stainless-steel seeds.
Ir source
1989: The issues of comparing with Dale’s differently de-
(Chap. 3). This data set was an average of the data obtained
fined RDF and LiF sensitivity variation with depth in the
by the three participating institutions. Unlike the case of
above article were raised in a letter to the editor from Meli
et al. I n a j u x t a p o s e d r e s p o n s e , T h o m a s o n a n d H i g g i n s
cite as yet unpublished Monte Carlo dose versus distance
I data, the ICWG found that the dose rate constant of 4.55
c G y m C i - 1h -1 for
I r was in agreement (within 2%) with
values in current use. The radial dose function was obtained
data that do agree with their uncorrected measured data and
similarly by averaging the three data sets and was found to
suggest that the air gap in the measurements of Meigooni
be in reasonable agreement (within 2%) with Meisberger’s
e t a 1 .4 3 may have artificially hardened the 1 9 2Ir spectrum at
shallow depths to produce the observed sensitivity variation
d a t a . 25 A s b e f o r e , t h e a n i s o t r o p y c o n s t a n t w a s f o u n d t o b e
1.00 within experimental uncertainty of 33%.
and that Meigooni’s Monte Carlo calculations omitted pho-
1 9 9 1 : R e c e n t l y , T h o m a s o n e t a l .d 8 h a v e r e p o r t e d a m e a -
tons below 200 keV, which make up 7.8% of the primary
surement of dose distributions in water using LiF thermolu-
spectrum. The omission of these photons may have also
minescent dosimeters for
hardened the shallow-depth spectrum.
1 9 2
Ir seed sources with stainless
steel and with platinum encapsulation to determine the effect
1989: Weaver et al.8 h a v e r e p o r t e d t r a n s v e r s e - a x i s T L D
of differing encapsulation. In addition, dose distributions sur-
measurements in Solid Water phantom at distances 0.5-8 cm
rounding these sources have been calculated using the EGS4
Ir seed, using LiF
Monte Carlo code and have been compared to the measured
Co beam. On the basis of EGS4
Monte Carlo calculations of photon spectrum at depth, to-
data. The two methods are in good agreement (within 2.5%).
gether with the mass absorption coefficient relative to water,
rounding each source as a function of distance and angle. In
a correction factor was determined to account for increasing
addition, specific dose constants have been determined from
from a stainless-steel encapsulated
powder calibrated in a
sensitivity of LIF with depth; this factor was 0.95 at 8 cm. A
cGycm 2 m C i - 1h -1 was
Tables are given which describe the dose distribution sur-
results of Monte Carlo simulation. This work has confirmed
the utility of the EGS4 Monte Carlo code in modeling
Since the dose factor as defined is equal to the dose rate
seed sources to obtain brachytherapy dose distributions. In
constant divided by the (3 mm line source) geometry factor
a n a c c o m p a n y i n g a r t i c l e , T h o m a s o n e t a l .4 9 a l s o p r e s e n t a n
at 1 cm, the corresponding value of the dose rate constant is
investigation of the effect of source encapsulation on the
( 0 . 9 9 2 6 ) ( 4 . 5 5 ) = 4 . 5 2 c G y m C i - 1h - 1. T h e a u t h o r s c o m p a r e
energy spectra of
their dose factor with the analogous value for a point source
with platinum encapsulation using Monte Carlo simulation.
in air, i.e., the product of the ƒ factor (0.973 cGy/R) and the
The fractional scatter dose around these sources has also
Rcm 2 m C i - 1h - l),
Ir sources, both with stainless steel and
been determined from Monte Carlo simulation. The
4 . 5 6 c G y m C i - 1h - 1. T h e r a d i a l d o s e f a c t o r , w h i c h , b e c a u s e
it incorporates the line source geometry factor in the denomi-
ation of the primary spectrum and, consistent with this
nator [incorrectly shown in Eq. (6) of this article], should
greater attenuation, exhibited more scattered radiation.
Ir source exhibited greater attenu-
approximate the product of normalized dose and distance
squared for a point source. This factor was seen by these
B. Iodine-125 sources
authors to be 0.98 at 0.5 cm, 0.97 at 5 cm, and 0.86 at 8 cm
with estimated uncertainties of l%-2%. In contrast, Meis-
Because of the relatively low energy of 1 9 2I photons, significant absorption occurs in the titanium encapsulation of
berger’s polynomial fit (normalized to 1.0 at 1 cm) gives
interstitial seeds, especially in the end welds, and in any
0.99 at 5 and 0.95 at 8 cm.
x-ray marker contained in the capsule. This absorption, to-
1990: Another set of measurements of the transverse-axis
dose rate in Solid Water phantom for the stainless-steel encapsulated
Ir seed was that of Nath, Meigooni, and Meli,
who used LiF chips calibrated in air, with an
Ir source,
gether with the unavoidable position uncertainty associated
with markers and with the
I-bearing resin beads, has made
difficult both calculations and measurements of the dose dis-
tribution in water at distances closer than 1 cm to the seed. It
against an NBS-calibrated Spokas ion chamber. They applied
is not surprising, therefore, that earlier dose determinations
the depth dependent LiF sensitivity correction determined
were often normalized to the value of dose rate per unit
earlier by Meigooni et a1.4 3 obtained with the high-strength
remote afterloader source, and with the Integrated Tigers Se-
activity at 1 cm on the transverse axis. The “activity” refer-
ries (ITS) Monte Carlo calculation results also reported in
point source that would result in the transverse-axis exposure
this article. Their radial dose function for the
Ir source is
enced in this quantity was the activity of an unencapsulated
rate actually measured for the seed at a distance large enough
in good agreement (within 2%) with their own Monte Carlo
for the inverse square law to be valid.
calculated values, and with both their earlier data 42 f o r h i g h
1 9 6 0 s : A n h i s t o r i c a l r e v i e w o f 1 2 5I d o s i m e t r y i n d i c a t e s
that dose rate data for this isotope has undergone a nearly
Ir sources of a remote afterloader and recom-
Medical Physics, Vol. 22, No. 2, February 1995
Nath et al.: Dosimetry of interstitial brachytherapy sources
factor-of-2 revision since its introduction in the late 1960s.
porated, multiplied by the relative data, in a computer lookup
Some of the early dose rate distributions were derived from
table for use in clinical dose calculations at Memorial Hos-
the simple dose calculation formalism that is suitable only
pital. Although the reasons why this determination of the
for higher energy photon emitters. For radium and radium
dose rate constant produced such a high value remain ob-
substitutes, absorption of primary photons by the medium
scure, one may note that, taken together with an exposure
and buildup of scatter photons almost exactly compensate for
one another for distances up to about 10 cm, allowing dose
very large buildup peak.
cm 2 m C i - 1h - 1,
rate per mCi at 1 cm on the transverse axis to be approxi-
197.5: It was soon recognized52 at Memorial Hospital that
mated by the product of the exposure rate constant and the
Holt’s early data were unrealistic, and a point-source calcu-
exposure-to-dose conversion factor (the ƒ factor). However,
lation based on absorbed fraction data by Berger produced a
it is now known that for
I photons this model significantly
overestimates absorbed dose even at 1 cm, since buildup of
scatter photons fails to compensate for photon attenuation at
1 cm. Secondly,
curve of distance squared times dose rate with a maximum
cm 2 m C i - 1h -1 at
0.7 cm. Subsequent
I seed measurements using a hemi-
I calibration standards have been revised
spherical ion chamber of conductive tissue equivalent plastic
several times and only in 1985 was a NIST primary standard
developed that was based upon exposure.’ Only when cali-
led ultimately to a reported value at 1 cm of 1.03
cm2 m C i - 1h -1 f o r d i s t ance squared times rinse rate av-
bration is based upon a well-defined quantity, such as refer-
eraged (inherently, in the measurement) over 4 π s o l i d
ence exposure rate or air kerma strength, can dose rates de-
a n g l e . 53 Also reported was a transverse axis value at 1 cm, as
rived from Monte Carlo calculations and other theoretical
a result of TLD measurements in the same tissue equivalent
methods be properly normalized. A third reason for the large
p l a s t i c , o f 1 . 1 8 r a d c m 2 m C i- 1 h - 1 , w i t h a n i m p l i e d a n i s o t -
investigator-to-investigator variability in measured dose rates
r o p y f a c t o r o f 0 . 8 7 .5 4 T h e s e v a l u e s w o u l d h a v e b e e n a b o u t
is the wide variety of phantom materials used in the experi-
4% lower had they been corrected to water.
ments, including mix-D, Lucite, liquid water, and Solid Wa-
1978: Dose measurements and calculations for the model
ter. It is now known that because of dominance of photoelec-
6701 seed were also performed by Krishnaswamy. 55 H e u s e d
tric effect at low photon energies, even small variations in
1 mm by 6 mm lithium fluoride (Teflon) TLD’s to measure
atomic-number of the measurements medium can lead to
dose at 1 cm intervals along the transverse axis and at se-
significant changes in apparent penetration of
I photons.
lected other points within a distance of 5 cm in a polymeth-
1 9 7 2 : The expectation of a buildup-related peak may have
ylmethacrylate (PMMA) phantom. These measurements, to-
been fostered by calculations performed by Loevinger of the
gether with relative dose measurements using photographic
ratio of dose in water to exposure in air as a function of
film, were used to supplement point-source calculations
distance from a point source of monoenergetic photons.“”
b a s e d o n b u i l d u p f a c t o r s b y B e r g e r23 a n d c o m p o s e a t w o -
These calculations, which were based on buildup factors cal-
dimensional table of dose to muscle tissue, extending to 5 cm
c u l a t e d b y B e r g e r ,2 3 s h o w e d i n c r e a s i n g l y m o r e p r o m i n e n t
in both axial and transverse directions in one quadrant of a
and more distant buildup peaks as photon energy increased
plane through the seed axis. The calculated value of distance
from 30 to 80 keV The curve for 30 keV peaked at about 1
squared times dose at 1 cm on the transverse axis was 1.32
cm and an additional curve for 20 keV showed only expo-
nential attenuation (with no peak). It was reasonable to sup-
higher. The author pointed out that his relative (normalized
pose that a comparable plot for
I photons, with an average
energy of 28.5 keV, might peak at a distance less than 1 cm.
1975: The earliest measurements of the
I seed dose
cm2 m C i- 1h -1 and
to 1 cm) dose values on the transverse axis agreed to within
10% with those by Holt.
1979: The angular distribution of photon fluence in air
distribution were those conducted by Holt using lithium fluo-
from model 6701
I s e e d s w a s m e a s u r e d b y L i n g e t a l .5 6
ride (LiF) (Teflon) thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLD’s) in
for each of the three most abundant spectral lines, using a
mix-D phantom.” The TLD rods, each parallel to the source,
l i t h i u m - d r i f t e d s i l i c o n d e t e c t o r 5 m m t h i c k .5 7 F o r t h e 2 7 . 4
were arranged, with their centers in the central transverse
keV photon energy (the most abundant line), the fluence
plane of the source, in two spirals extending from 0.2 to 4.0
along the seed axis was only 15% of the fluence along the
cm from source center. At that time, the source (now called
transverse axis. The fluence averaged over 4 π w a s f o u n d t o
the model 6701) used the same encapsulation as current seed
be 14% less than on the transverse axis. A worst case analy-
models, but inside the capsule there was a central gold
sis of the effect of this anisotropy on dose distribution in
marker ball that separated two radioactive resin beads. The
idealized implants, using a two-dimensional lookup table
apparent activity (in mCi) was deduced from an exposure
that assumed the same anisotropy in tissue as in air, sug-
rate constant calculated to be 1.4 R cm 2 m C i- 1h - 1. The rela-
gested using treatment margins tighter by 2-3 mm in the
tive dose rate versus distance data, normalized to 1 cm, were
direction of seed axes.
fitted by a sum of exponentials and integrated over all space.
1980: A further assessment of the effect of
I seed pho-
The dose rate per unit activity at 1 cm was then determined
ton emission anisotropy was found in another determination
as the factor by which the integral must be multiplied to
a t Y a l e .5 8 U s i n g a s o d i u m i o d i n e s c i n t i l l a t i o n d e t e c t o r t o
yield a product equal to a total power output of 8640
measure the photon emission rate from the (model 6701)
e r g m C i - 1h - 1, c o r r e s p o n d i n g t o a p h o t o n e n e r g y o u t p u t o f
seed, these investigators found a 4 π a v e r a g e e x p o s u r e r a t e
40.47 keV per disintegration. The factor so determined, 1.68
rad mCi h
- 1
, was rounded to 1.7 rad mCi h and incor-
Medical Physics, Vol. 22, No. 2, February 1995
Rcm 2 m C i- 1h -1 on
They compared the latter value to a calculated 1.284
Nath et al.: Dosimetry of interstitial brachytherapy sources
R c m 2 m C i - 1h - 1 t r a n s v e r s e a x i s v a l u e o f t h e e x p o s u r e r a t e
1983: Shortly after the introduction of the model 6711
constant with respect to the contained activity in the seed. An
seed in 1983, its dose distribution characteristics were com-
anisotropy factor of 0.83 is implied by the measured values.
pared with those of model 6701 by Ling et al. 60 T h e p h o t o n
1982436: Early Monte Carlo dose calculations involving
spectrum from the newer seeds, observed with an intrinsic
I w e r e t h o s e r e p o r t e d b y D a l e .1 5 H e e v a l u a t e d d o s e a s a
germanium detector, was found to contain a significant com-
function of distance (1 to 15 cm data shown) from a point
ponent of silver fluorescence x ray (22.1 and 25.2 keV). Cal-
source in water and various body tissues. In particular, he
culations by the Berger method were performed using the
found the dose rate per- unit activity at 1 cm in water (a
newly measured spectrum for a line source model of the
quantity called the “specific dose constant” or SDC) to be
model 6711 and the previously measured spectrum for a two
point model of the model 6701. Also, a silicon diode detector
agrees closely with the value obtained experimentally by
cm m C i h and
was used to measure relative dose distribution along the
K r i s h n a s w a m y5 5 for an actual seed. Monte Carlo values of
transverse axis for each type of seed at distances from 0.3 to
the specific dose constant for adipose tissue and body fat
6.0 cm. Both calculated and measured data were normalized,
were 66% and 54%, respectively, of the value of SDC for
at a distance of 1.0 cm, to 1.14 rad cm 2 m C i- 1h - 1, a value
water. In his data for water, the relative dose rate normalized
obtained as the product of the exposure rate constant (1.45
to the value at 1.0 cm (a quantity called the “radial dose
R - 1), and the anisot-
function” or RDF) drops to 0.32 at 6.0 cm, whereas the
ropy factor (0.87). Normalized in rhis fashion, the dose rate
comparable figure from Ling’s data is 0.28. In a subsequent
for model 6711 at 6.0 cm was about 17% lower than that for
communication in 1983, Dale’” emphasizes the dependence
model 6701.
on tissue effective atomic number of both the SDC and the
1983: Another TLD study of the model 6701 dose distri-
RDF, i.e., lower-Z tissues have lower SDC’s but their RDF’s
bution, this time in Mix D, was that of Hartmann et al.61
decrease less rapidly with distance. He points out that the
They used lithium fluoride TLD’s to measure the angular
I integral dose within a specified radius increases little
distribution of dose at various distances, both in Mix D and
beyond 10 cm for water but continues its rise (proportional
in air. Since they observed no systematic differences among
to distance) to about 15 cm for adipose tissue. His Monte
the results at different distances, they averaged the Mix D
Carlo-derived spectral histograms show minimal change
data at each angle over distances from 0.5 cm to 5 cm and
I, with a maximum decrease (at 5 cm) in
determined a best-fit quadratic function of angle, normalized
mean spectral energy of only about 2%: the mean spectral
at the transverse axis: they formulated a two-dimensional
with distance for
energy of
Au, for comparison, has decreased at 10 cm to
expression for dose by multiplying this angular distribution
less than 60% of its original value. Further. the dose contri-
by the results of their transverse-axis TLD data in Mix D,
bution of scattered radiation becomes important much closer
which they multiplied by distance squared and least-squares
to the source for
I than for higher energv radionuclides,
e.g., contributing 50% at 1.8 cm for
I as opposed to 6.4
fitted with a version of Berger’s buildup equation. using the
dose value at the origin as the scaling factor. From their
A u . I n a f u r t h e r c o m m u n i c a t i o n 1 9 8 6 , D a l e17 o f -
article, it appears that the experimental data used in the fit
fers revised coefficients for the polynomial tit to his data:
were taken at distances from about 1.1 to 5.5 cm. Thus, the
with the revised coefficients, the RDF at 6 cm in water is still
variation of dose with distance in the region less than 1 cm
cm for
higher, about 0.37. Other early Monte Carlo studies of
from the seed is determined entirely by the calculation, and
were those of Burns and Raeside,” who calculated specific
the good agreement (differences of l%-2%) they report with
absorbed fractions as a function of distance from a point
Krishnaswamy’s results is not surprising. For the TLD’s used
source in water for individual photon energies. Their values.
(type not specifically identified), the response per unit dose
were 2% and 1% higher, respectively, for 27.4 keV and for
in tissue relative to the
Co response was determined (simu-
all other energies than values calculated from data by
B e r g e r . 2 3 B u r n s a n d R a e s i d e l a t e r e x p a n d e d5 9 t h i s s t u d y t o
added filtration) to be 1.40 (±2.8%).
calculations for not only point sources but 6701 and 6702
I radiation by 40kV x rays with 2 mm aluminum
1983: Late in 1983, at about the same time as the intro125
seeds, as well, evaluating dose at 56 points extending from
duction of the model 6711
0.5 to 5 cm radially from the seed axis and from the O-5 cm
National Bureau of Standards (NBS), now the National In-
in the axial direction. Their point-source dose data in relation
stitute for Standards and Technology (NIST), made available
to those of Dale1 5- 1 7 were 3% lower at 1 cm and 10% lower
a standard for seed strength calibrationing terms of exposure
at 5 cm. They found that the relative dose distribution de-
rate at 1 m on the transverse axis.” For all three seed types
I seed by the 3M Company, the
creases more rapidly with distance for model 6711 compared
(models 6701, 6702, and 6711), the exposure rate at dis-
to the model 6702 source. To make the latter comparison,
tances of 25 and 50 cm from an array of four to six closely
they multiplied Krishnaswamy’s results by 1.19, the ratio
spaced seeds was measured with a standard free-air chamber
(from their work) of the dose at 1 cm on the transverse axis
and the seeds were then introduced, one at a time, into a
of a model 6701 seed having the same contained activity.
standard position in the center of a 20.3 cm diameter spheri-
Defined this way, “apparent activity” would appear to differ
cal aluminum re-entrant ion chamber. In this way, an ion
from the conventionally defined apparent activity by the ra-
chamber calibration factor was determined for each type of
tio, at 1 cm on the transverse axis, of dose to the product of
seed, by dividing the total measured ionization current from
exposure and the ƒ factor; it would have the effect of making
seeds in an array by the measured exposure rate at 1 m.
their results larger by that ratio.
Overall uncertainty in the calibration (95% confidence inter-
Medical Physics, Vol. 22, No. 2, February 1995
Nath et al.: Dosimetry of interstitial brachytherapy sources
val) was estimated at 5%, 3%, and 4% for model 6701, 6702,
source at a value about 5% higher than the value at zero
and 6711 seeds, respectively. A user of the service would
typically measure the response of a local re-entrant chamber
1987: A study very similar to the above work by Ling
to a selected seed before and after sending it to NBS (now
et al.6 was reported by Schell et al.7 for the model 6702 seed.
NIST) for calibration in their spherical re-entrant chamber.
Their measurements were made only in water with a silicon
1984: For TLD’s of lithium fluoride powder in throwaway
diode, extending to a 9 cm distance instead of 6 cm, as in the
c a p s u l e s , W e a v e r 6 2 has used radiation from multiple model
previous study, but the angles used and the method of data
6702 seeds to measure the response relative to that for
analysis were the same. In their discussion of the transverse
axis data (normalized to 1.0 at 1 cm), they call attention to
Co at 1.39±0.03 (for dose to water) and 1.32±0.03 (for
the agreement of their data with buildup factor calculations
dose to muscle).
1985: Following the introduction of seed-strength stan-
by the method of Berger and the fact that Monte Carlo data
d a r d i z a t i o n b y N B S , L i n g e t a l .1 6 u n d e r t o o k a t w o -
b y D a l e1 5 - 1 7 a r e i n c r e a s i n g l y g r e a t e r a s a f u n c t i o n o f d i s -
dimensional dosimetric study of the model 6711 seed similar,
tance, i.e., about 60% greater at 9 cm.
in some respects, to that by Hartmann et al. 6 1 f o r t h e m o d e l
1 9 8 7 : B u m s a n d R a e s i d e6 5 i n 1 9 8 7 , u s i n g t h e i r M o n t e
6701. They measured the relative dose distribution as a func-
Carlo code to study the model 6711 seed, obtained two-
t i o n o f a n g l e b e t w e e n 0 ° a n d 9 0° f r o m t h e s e e d a x i s a n d
dimensional relative dose rate data very similar to that ob-
distances between 1 and 6 cm, both with a silicon diode
t a i n e d b y W i l l i a m s o n a n d Q u i n t e r o .2 7 A s i n t h e i r e a r l i e r
detector in a water phantom and with 1 mm cube lithium
study of the model 6702 seed, they calculated the dose rate
fluoride TLD’s in a Lucite phantom. When the TLD data
in water per unit contained activity and suggested that the
were corrected for density and radiation absorption differ-
reader convert to dose rate per unit apparent activity by mul-
ences, using the Berger formalism, good agreement with the
tiplying their data by the ratio of the dose rate at 1 cm from
diode data was obtained. In contrast to the finding of Hart61
mann et al. for the model 6701 seed, Ling et al. found a
variation in the radial distance dependence as a function of
angle, with less angular dependence at greater distances. To
accommodate this variation, they developed a “matrix fit” to
their data, consisting of the product of a distance-dependent
exponential with an angle-dependent extinction coefficient
and a distance-dependent quadratic having angle-dependent
coefficients, all divided by the square of the distance. A matrix of values tabulated for the four angle-dependent parameters includes data for angles of 0°, 60°, 70°, 80°, and 90°
from the seed axis.
1 9 8 5 : K u b o63 has called attention to the fact that 4.5 keV
titanium K x rays emitted as fluorescent radiation from the
capsule of
I seeds can introduce error in strength (appar-
ent activity) measurements using thin-window mammography ion chambers. Although these photons make no significant contribution to dose in water beyond about 1 mm from
the seed, they are shown to contribute to exposure in air at 30
cm from the seed by about 4%. However, comparison performed at NBS resulted in differences of only 0.2% for a
an encapsulated point source in water to the dose rate at 1 cm
on the transverse axis of the seed; in this case, their value for
that ratio was 2.0. Following their suggestion, and adjusting
to earlier units for comparison, their value of the specific
cm2 m C i- 1h - 1,
m e n d e d b y W i l l i a m s o n i n 1 9 8 8 ,6 6 w h o h a d r e f e r e n c e d h i s
value to his own estimate of the NIST evaluation of air
kerma strength, which explains 7% of the difference.
1988: A specific dose constant in water of 1.24
cm2 m C i - 1h -1 for
neous water phantom resulted from Monte Carlo calculations
b y W i l l i a m s o n .66 This work also included specific dose constants and relative dose factors along the transverse axis for
realistic models of models 6701, 6702, and 6711
I seeds.
The computer code permitted calculation, also, of the air
kerma strength per unit contained activity for each seed type
which, in turn, allowed the calculation of dose per unit air
kerma strength rather than per unit contained activity. Specific dose constants determined were 1.21, 1.22, and 1.15
c G y c m 2 m C i - 1h - 1, f o r t h e 6 7 0 1 , 6 7 0 2 , a n d 6 7 1 1 s e e d s , r e spectively, where the dose rate per unit air kerma strength
model 6711 seed and of 5% for a model 6702. Equatorial
asymmetry (variation in exposure at different viewing angles
comparison with values given previously in those units.
in the transverse plane) was checked at 90° intervals and
These values include the influence of titanium K-shell x rays
found to exhibit maximum differences of 8% for the model
on the air kerma strength in Loftus’ free-air chamber mea-
6711 and 3% for the model 6702 seed.
surements of exposure rate,’ which are simulated in these
1986: In a study that compared Monte Carlo calculated
I with
cm 2 m C i - 1h -1 to
calculations; the effect is to reduce the calculated dose per
Co dose distributions in eye phantoms, Chiu-Tsao
et al.64 found a specific dose constant (Dale’s definition 1 5) in
unit air kerma strength by about 7%. Relative to the commonly
value 53 of
cm 2 m C i - 1h -1 f o r
cm m C i h at a point 1 cm toward the
muscle (1.28 cGy cm m C i h for water), the above val-
surface from a point source 2.5 cm inside a cylindrical head
ues are lower by 5.8%, 4.9%, and 11.3%, respectively, for
phantom. However, a subsequent recalculation using im-
the 6701, 6702, and 6711 seeds. In a subsequent report, 27 t h i s
proved coherent scattering cross sections resulted in a lower
study was expanded to produce complete two-dimensional
v a l u e o f 1 . 1 9 c G y c m2 m C i - lh - 1 ( p r i v a t e c o m m u n i c a t i o n
dose distributions for seed models 6711 and 6702. Compari-
from Chiu-Tsao). Relative transverse-axis dose times the
son with the experimental values of Ling et al.6 f o r m o d e l
square of the distance along a phantom radius between
6711 and of Schell et al7 for model 6702 shows fairly good
source and surface displayed a peak at 0.8 cm from the
agreement (within 5%) except for very close to the source
Medical Physics, Vol. 22, No. 2, February 1995
Nath et al.: Dosimetry of interstitial brachytherapy sources
and in the direction of the longitudinal axis, where differ-
1989: A combined TLD measurement and Monte Carlo
ences of 10%-30% were observed. As for other Monte Carlo
calculation program has been carried out by Weaver et al 8
c a l c u l a t i o n s ( f o r e x a m p l e , b y D a l e ,1 5 B u r n s , 5 9 a n d
with respect to model 6702
I seeds, with measurements
C h i u - T s a o ), the relative dose increasingly exceeds mea-
having been made, as well, for the model 6711 seed. In Solid
sured results as the distance from the source is increased, a
Water phantom, a 5 mm×2.2mm capsule of lithium fluoride
fact which the authors recognize but were unable to explain
powder was placed at the center of a semicircular array of
completely. Williamson’s has shown that the explanation is a
seeds having, in six successive measurements, radii ranging
combination of replying on inaccurate photon cross-section
from 0.5 to 8.0 cm. The TLD material was calibrated against
libraries and the fact that Solid Water has significantly dif-
a thin-walled ion chamber of NIST-traceable calibration by
ferent radiological properties than liquid water.
1988: Herbolt et al67 reported results of Monte Carlo calculations of buildup factors in water in the photon energy
range of 15 to 100 keV with special reference to
I seed
1 9 8 8 : P i e r m a t t e i e t a l .6 8 h a v e r e p o r t e d t h e i r t w o dimensional measurements in water, perspex, and three tissue substitute materials (muscle, adipose, and breast) for the
model 6711 seed, using Harshaw lithium fluoride TLD chips
(3.1 X3.1 X0.89 mm) and Kodak X-Omat V film. The TLD’s
irradiating each at the center of a 5 cm diameter ring of
I seeds. The Monte Carlo calculations (for water) of rela-
tive dose rate versus distance are about 15% higher than
m e a s u r e d r e s u l t s b y M e i g o o n i e t a l .2 6 O n e m i g h t e x p e c t
near-perfect agreement if the calculation had assumed a
Solid Water phantom. Relative measured data (normalized to
1.0 at 1 cm) for the model 6711 seed appear to show a value
about 25% less at 8 cm than for the model 6702. Measured
“dose factors” in Solid Water phantom (same as specific
were calibrated with x-ray beams of 27 and 34 keV effective
d o s e c o n s t a n t ) w e r e 1 . 1 8 a n d 1 . 0 6 c G y c m 2 m C i - 1h - 1, r e -
energy and a response per unit exposure 1.27 times that for a
spectively, for the 6702 and 6711 model seeds.
Co beam was observed at each energy. Transverse axis
1990: Luxton et al.7 1 elected to use a PMMA phantom for
data were acquired with TLD’s placed parallel to the seed
their transverse-axis TLD measurements to determine the
axis with their centers in two spirals extending from 1 to 8
specific dose constant in water of a model 6711 seed; they
cm out from the seed in the central transverse plane of the
corrected the data to what would have been obtained in water
seed. The film was used to get off-axis dose rate data. The
by an adaptation of Berger’s formalism. Measurements with
authors found their relative dose rate data. both on and off
3mm×1mm TLD-100 rods were performed at distances of
the transverse axis. to not be significantly different from the
0.3, 0.5, and 1.0 cm from the seed. The specific dose con-
data of Ling et al.6 The specific dose constant found for both
water and muscle substitute was 1.19 cGy cm m C i h .
cm 2 m C i - 1h -1 in
4.6% less than that found in PMMA. A “scatter-attenuation”
1988: Recently, Hashemi et al.69 have determined an ex-
factor was defined to represent transverse axis dose rate with
posure rate constant for the model 6711 seed. The photon
the effect of geometrical attenuation removed (a line source
fluence rate on the transverse axis was evaluated using a
geometry factor was used with a 3 mm line length, which
collimated sodium iodide scintillation counter for a source of
was not explicitly specified in their article). To the extent that
measured source strength, and photon energies and abun-
the geometry factor was realistic, the variation with distance
dances were assigned using the data of Ling. 6 0 T h e y d e t e r -
of this scatter-attenuation factor should be comparable to that
mined an anisotropy factor in air of 0.88 and an effective
of a water/air dose ratio for a point source. The value of the
e x p o s u r e r a t e c o n s t a n t o f 1 . 3 6 1 R c m 2 m C i - 1h - 1.
factor at 0.3 cm was 1.075 times the value at 1.0 cm.
1 9 8 8 : A n i n v e s t i g a t i o n b y M e i g o o n i e t a l . 2 6 of the suitability of three solid phantom materials for
I dose distri-
bution measurements has shown that Solid Water results in a
depth dose curve that is much closer to that calculated for
pure liquid water medium than dose to water measured in
PMMA or polystyrene phantoms. Polymethylmethacrylate
(PMMA) results in a significantly slower dose falloff with
distance and polystyrene produces a still slower falloff. They
have shown that differences in dose falloff are not proportional to the density of the material and that the atomic composition of the phantom material is important. LiF TLD’s
1990: Transverse axis dose rates from 1.0 to 8.0 cm were
m e a s u r e d b y N a t h e t a l .9 i n a S o l i d W a t e r p h a n t o m , u s i n g
lithium fluoride TLD chips, for both the model 6711 and the
model 6702 seeds. Monte Carlo calculations using ITS
c o d e7 0 were performed, as well, in Solid Water. The “dose
rate constant,” numerically equal to the specific dose constant but omitting the intrinsic distance squared factor, is
defined as the dose rate per unit source strength at 1 cm
distance on the transverse axis of the seed. Results obtained
for the dose rate constants in a Solid Water phantom are
(Harshaw lithium fluoride chips) were used for depth dose
1 . 0 8 ± 0 . 0 3 a n d 1 . 1 4 ± 0 . 0 3 c G y m C i - 1h - 1 f o r t h e 6 7 1 1 a n d
determinations in solid phantom materials, and the compari-
6702 seeds, respectively, again using the older “apparent ac-
son was made on the basis of measurements in solid phan-
tivity” mCi units for source strength to facilitate comparison
toms only and Monte Carlo calculations (using ITS code 7 0)
with earlier results. In this work, the Monte Carlo calcula-
in solid phantoms as well as in water. Slower falloff is asso-
tions do agree with the measured dose rates throughout the
ciated with greater photon energy degradation, as shown by
range of distances considered.
Monte Carlo-generated energy histograms at 1, 5, and 10 cm
1990: Measurements using both silicon diodes and
depth. The conclusion is that Solid Water is a more suitable
lithium fluoride TLD’s and calculations by the Monte Carlo
solid phantom material for dosimetry of
two materials.
Medical Physics, Vol. 22, No. 2, February 1995
I than the other
method have been performed by Chiu-Tsao et al. 10 to determine dose rate distributions around
I sources. The diode
Nath et al.: Dosimetry of interstitial brachytherapy sources
measurements were of water/air dose ratios as a function of
parison of the ICWG-measured dosimetry data for
distance on the transverse axis; they were made by lifting a
Solid Water with his Monte Carlo simulations in water as
water environment into place around the otherwise unper-
well as in Solid Water. This photon transport code allows
turbed detector and source in between two in-air readings.
realistic geometric simulation of the complex internal seed
The ratios, inherently free of the geometry factor, clearly
extrapolate to 1.0 at the seed center, where the dose rate (per
unit source strength) divided by the geometry factor is expected to approach the product of the exposure rate constant
cm 2 m C i- 1h - 1. At 1 cm,
however, the ratios were 0.87 and 0.91, respectively, for the
6711 and 6702 seeds, indicating that the dose rate constants
and ICWG dose measurement setups. When the appropriate
measurement medium and geometry were assumed, agreement between theory and measurement was excellent, within
3% at 1 cm and averaging 3% at larger distances. However,
the data do not support the water equivalence of Solid Water
I energies, indicating that Solid Water measurements
plied by these factors. TLD’s, in the form of 1 mm cubes for
3.1×3.1×0.89mm chips
tances, were calibrated in air with radiation from an array of
I in
structure, NIST air kerma strength standardization geometry,
were approximately equal to the zero distance value multi3
I specific dose rate constants in water by
4.3%. Because of its higher ratio of absorption to scatter,
I dose distributions measured in Solid Water are less pen-
calibrated model 6702 seeds 7-20 cm distant. TLD data
etrating (by 35% at 10 cm) than those measured in liquid
were acquired in two dimensions, at 10° intervals as a func-
water. For model 6711 and model 6702 seeds, Monte Carlo
tion of angle with respect to the source axis and at distances
calculations yielded specific dose rate constants (assuming
up to 10 cm. Transverse axis relative dose measurements in
l i q u i d w a t e r m e d i u m ) o f 0 . 8 7 7 a n d 0 . 9 3 2 c G y c m2h -1 p e r
the range 2-8 cm had a maximum disparity of about 17% at
unit air kerma strength, respectively. For
6 cm distance for the 6711 seed compared to the Monte
cepted values are 18% and 11% larger than values reported
Carlo calculations for water. There was good agreement
by Williamson’s for the two seed models. We recommend the
(within -5%) between calculations and measurements at
adoption of these values from Williamson” in this document.
distances less than 2 cm. A two-dimensional table based on
calculated data for distances less than 2 cm were given for
each of the two models of seed.
1 9 9 0 : I n 1 9 9 0 , t h e I C W G ( C h a p . 3 )1 considered in detail
I dosimetry data generated by the three participating
institutions, namely,
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer
Center,” the University of California at San Francisco,* and
Yale University.’ It found Excellent agreement (within 3%)
among the three and recommended an average of the three
data sets for clinical use.’ The ICWG recommended dose
rate constants in Solid Water for
I models 6702 and 6711
s o u r c e s w e r e 1 . 1 6 a n d 1 . 0 7 c G y m C i - 1h - 1, r e s p e c t i v e l y .
The ICWG also noted that the value of 1.30 cGy mCi h
in current use for both models of
I sources is too high and
I currently ac-
1993: Recently, the anisotropy of dose distributions
I has been reexamined by Nath et al. 2 0 D o s e r a t e s
I model 6702 and 6731 sources were measured
using LiF TLD’s in a Solid Water phantom.” From these
measured data, isodose rate contours were determined using
a bivariate interpolation and smooth surface fitting algorithm. Also, 4 π - averaged anisotropy factors, φ a n(r), for use
in a point-source approximation were calculated at radial dis103
tances varying from 1 to 10 cm for
I, and
sources. The anisotropy factors increased slightly (less than
2%) with radial distance and had average values of 0.90,
0.94, 0.96, and 0.98 for
6702, and
I model 6711,
I model
Ir, respectively. The anisotropy factors deter-
needs to be revised. The ICWG noted that the radial dose
mined from dose measurements in phantom are observed to
function for the model 6711 source falls off slightly more
be closer to unity than from those determined previously
rapidly than that for the model 6702 source, because of the
f r o m i n - a i r m e a s u r e m e n t s . 57,58,69 This can be attributed to the
presence of low-energy silver characteristic x rays in the
smoothing of two-dimensional dose distributions due to the
spectrum of the model 6711 source. The anisotropy constants
presence of more scattered photons in the phantom measure-
recommended for models 6702 and 6711 were 0.961 and
ments compared to in-air measurements. Because in-
0.937, respectively. The radial dose function and anisotropy
phantom measurements simulate more closely the brachy-
constants were also obtained by averaging the data from the
therapy patient, data from these experiments are
three participating institutions.
recommended for a more accurate determination of dose dis-
1990: Cygler et al.72 d e m o n s t r a t e d u s i n g d i o d e d o s i m e t r y
and Monte Carlo simulations using the EGS4 code 73 that the
presence of gold or silver backing near an
I seed modifies
the dose rate on the side away from the backing material.
There is a small increase close to the gold, but a decrease of
about 10% further away. Prior to this study several contra-
tributions around clinical brachytherapy implants.
1 9 9 4 : V e r y r e c e n t l y , L u x t o n8 0 r e p o r t e d c a l c u l a t i o n s o f
dose rates around point sources of
I and
Pd in water
and several water equivalent media using the EGS4 Monte
C a r l o c o d e .7 3 C o r r e c t i o n f a c t o r s t o c a l c u l a t e d o s e i n w a t e r
d i c t o r y s t u d i e s h a v e b e e n p u b l i s h e d .7 4 - 7 8 M o r e r e c e n t l y ,
medium were obtained for PMMA, Solid Water, and a ma-
M e l i a n d M o t a k a b b i r79 have investigated whether the L-shell
terial optimized for low-energy dosimetry (RW-1). For Solid
characteristic x rays from the gold contribute to the increase
Water, these correction factors are in good agreement with
in dose close to the gold backing material. Their results in-
t h o s e r e p o r t e d e a r l i e r b y W i l l i a m s o n .1 8 F o r t h e
dicate that these soft x rays do not contribute significantly to
6711 source, the dose rate constant calculated by Luxton is
the dose.
0 . 8 8 c G y h- 1U - 1, w h i c h i s i n e x a c t a g r e e m e n t w i t h t h e ’
1 9 9 1 : R e c e n t l y , W i l l i a m s o n has reported a detailed comMedical Physics, Vol. 22, No. 2, February 1995
value recommended by this task group.
I model
Nath et al.: Dosimetry of interstitial brachytherapy sources
C. Palladium-103 sources
1 9 9 1 : D o s e m e a s u r e m e n t s u s i n g LiF TLD’s h a v e a l s o
1990: Meigooni, Sabnis, and Nath12 measured dose distri-
been performed by Chiu-Tsao and Anderson” for single
butions around
P d s o u r c e s u s i n g LiF TLD’s i n a S o l i d
Water phantom. Measurements were performed for both
Pd seeds (model 200) at the center of a Solid Water phan-
tom. They used TLD cubes 1 mm on an edge for measure-
Pd source
ments from 1 mm to 1 cm at 1 mm intervals. The cubes were
design (model 100) about 30% of the dose at a distance of 5
centered along transverse and longitudinal axes and along
cm was from high-energy and longer-lived radioisotopes cre-
radial lines from seed center at 10° increments. TLD chips of
ated by activation of trace elements in the source materials
3.1×3.1× 0.89
model 100 and 200 sources. For the earlier
and the encapsulation when the source assembly was irradi-
2.5, 3, and 4 cm at 15° angular intervals. They presented the
ated in a nuclear reactor. To address this problem, the manu-
product of distance squared and dose rate per unit source
facturer developed the model 200 source, which is fabricated
strength, plotted versus distance and angle. At 1 cm from
by irradiating
Pd with thermal neutrons, followed by
chemical purification and coating of the
seed center along the transverse axis this product was found
Pd on graphite
to be 0.88 cGy c m2 m C i - 1h - 1, w h i c h i s 8 % s m a l l e r t h a n t h e
cylinders, which are then hot loaded into titanium capsules.
d a t a p r e s e n t e d b y M e i g o o n i e t a l .1 2 O n e o f t h e r e a s o n s f o r
Meigooni et al. showed that the new design source (model
this discrepancy may he that Chiu-Tsao and Anderson” used
200) does not suffer from the problems of trace elements.
homemade Solid Water, which may have had a slightly dif-
The dosimetry measurements were made in a twodimensional Cartesian grid with a spacing of 0.5 cm for distances less than 3 cm and 1 cm for distances greater than 3
cm. The sensitivity of LiF TLD for
the same as that for
Pd was assumed to be
I photons. The measured dose rate
data were fitted to analytical expressions, and twodimensional tables in both Cartesian and polar coordinates
were generated. Dose rate constant in a Solid Water phantom
for the
Pd model 200 source was determined to be 0.735
ferent composition than the commercial material used in
Meigooni et al.'s work.12 So far, the exact composition of the
phantom material has not been specified.
1991: Results from the work of Chiu-Tsao and
Anderson” were in good agreement (within 5%) with previous data of Meigooni et al. 12 for distances greater than 2 cm.
The dose rate constant reported, however, was 7% smaller
than that by Meigooni et al. Therefore, the task group chose
± 0 . 0 3 c G y h U , which is equivalent to 0.95±0.04
cGy h- 1m C i - 1. The anisotropy constant in Solid Water was
to average these two data sets. Since both of these experi-
observed to have a value of 0.90. Radial dose function was
data to liquid water was calculated using Monte Carlo simu-
also extracted from the measured data and fitted to an ana-
lation by Williamson.‘” He determined that the Solid Water
lytical expression.
needed to be multiplied by a factor of 1.048.
- 1
- 1
Medical Physics, Vol. 22, No. 2, February 1995
ments used Solid Water, a correction for conversion of these
Nath et al.: Dosimetry of interstitial brachytherapy sources
The authors thank Anjali Nath and Deanna Jacobs for
preparing this document and Anthony Melillo for the analysis of some of the data presented in this document. We would
also like to thank Stuart Smolen for a careful reading of the
manuscript and his suggestions.
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