Recommendations of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine regarding the Impact of Implementing the 2004 Task Group 43 Report on Dose Specification for 103Pd and 125I Interstitial Brachytherapy Jeffrey F. Williamsona兲 Chair, Photon-Emitting Brachytherapy Dosimetry Subcommittee of the Radiation Therapy Committee, Department of Radiation Oncology, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia 23298 Wayne Butler Schiffler Cancer Center, Wheeling Hospital, Wheeling, West Virginia, 26003 Larry A. DeWerd Accredited Dosimetry and Calibration Laboratory, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, 53706 M. Saiful Huq Department of Radiation Oncology, University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 15232 Geoffrey S. Ibbott Radiological Physics Center, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas, 77030 Zuofeng Li Department of Radiation Oncology, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri, 63110 Michael G. Mitch Ionizing Radiation Division, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, Maryland, 20899 Ravinder Nath Department of Therapeutic Radiology, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, 06510 Mark J. Rivard Department of Radiation Oncology, Tufts-New England Medical Center, Boston, Massachusetts, 02111 Dorin Todor Consultant, Photon-Emitting Brachytherapy Dosimetry Subcommittee, Department of Radiation Oncology, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia, 23298 共Received 23 November 2004; revised 14 February 2005; accepted for publication 14 February 2005; published 27 April 2005兲 In March 2004, the recommendations of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine 共AAPM兲 on the interstitial brachytherapy dosimetry using 125I and 103Pd were reported in Medical Physics 关TG-43 Update: Rivard et al., 31, 633–674 共2004兲兴. These recommendations include some minor changes in the dose-calculation formalism and a major update of the dosimetry parameters for eight widely used interstitial brachytherapy sources. A full implementation of these recommendations could result in unintended changes in delivered dose without corresponding revisions in the prescribed dose. Because most published clinical experience with permanent brachytherapy is based upon two widely used source models, the 125I Model 6711 and 103Pd Model 200 sources, in this report we present an analysis of the dosimetric impact of the 2004 TG-43 dosimetry parameters on the history of dose delivery for these two source models. Our analysis indicates that the currently recommended prescribed dose of 125 Gy for Model 200 103Pd implants planned using previously recommended dosimetry parameters 关AAPM 103Pd dose prescription: Williamson et al., Med. Phys. 27, 634–642 共2000兲兴 results in a delivered dose of 120 Gy according to dose calculations based on the 2004 TG-43 update. Further, delivered doses prior to October 1997 varied from 113 to 119 Gy for a prescribed dose of 115 Gy compared to 124 Gy estimated by the AAPM 2000 report. For 125I implants using Model 6711 seeds, there are no significant changes 共less than 2%兲. Practicing physicians should take these results into account when selecting the clinically appropriate prescribed dose for 103Pd interstitial implant patients following implementation of the 2004 TG-43 update dose-calculation recommendations. The AAPM recommends that the radiation oncology community review this report and consider whether the currently recommended dose level 共125 Gy兲 needs to be revised. © 2005 American Association of Physicists in Medicine. 关DOI: 10.1118/1.1884925兴 Key words: 1424 103 Pd, 125I, permanent interstitial brachytherapy, air-kerma strength, dose prescriptions Med. Phys. 32 „5…, May 2005 0094-2405/2005/32„5…/1424/16/$22.50 © 2005 Am. Assoc. Phys. Med. 1424 1425 Williamson et al.: Dose specification for 103 Pd and 125 I interstitial brachytherapy I. INTRODUCTION In April 2000,1 the American Association of Physicists in Medicine 共AAPM兲 published recommended administered-toprescribed dose ratios, 共DTx / DRx兲t, for 103Pd permanent seed implants. These ratios, which are a function of time period t, describe the systematic impact of changes in source-strength standards and single-source dosimetry parameters on clinical dose specification. The originally published 共DTx / DRx兲t ratios related prescribed doses, DRx t , calculated in time periods t ranging from 1988 to 1999 using contemporaneous 共ca. 1999兲 source strength standards and dosimetry paramTx , based upon an updated eters, to administered doses, D99 dose-rate constant and the National Institute of Standards and Technology 共NIST兲 primary air-kerma strength standard, SK,N99, using the wide-angle free-air chamber 共WAFAC兲2 which had been implemented on 1 January, 1999. The updated dose-rate constant for the Model 200 103Pd seed 共TheraSeed®兲 was obtained by averaging a TLD measurement3 with a value derived from Monte Carlo simulation.4 The AAPM 2000 report concluded that for doses of 115 Gy prescribed in the periods 1988–1997 and 1997– 1999, the corresponding administered doses were 124 and 135 Gy, respectively. Based on the AAPM 2000 recommendations, the American Brachytherapy Society5 recommended that the standard prescribed dose of 115 Gy for definitive treatment of prostate cancer using 103Pd brachytherapy alone be adjusted to 125 Gy. This report presents updated guidance from the AAPM on the issue of 103Pd and 125I brachytherapy dose reconstruction, and was prepared by the AAPM Photon-Emitting Brachytherapy Dosimetry 共PEBD兲 Subcommittee 共Chair, J. Williamson兲 and approved by the AAPM Radiation Therapy Committee and Science Council. Because several unanticipated developments occurring after the publication of the 2000 recommendations1 impacted its recommended dose ratios by more than 5%, PEBD believed that the issue of prescribed dose selection for 103Pd brachytherapy needed to be revisited. These developments include: • Identifying and correcting a 5.3% error in NIST SK,N99 calibration measurements performed in 1999 for the Model 200 source. • Subsequent revisions of dosimetry parameters, most notably the one-dimensional 共1D兲 anisotropy function. • Recent revisions in the 1D dose-calculation formalism recommended by AAPM,6 resulting in replacement of the anisotropy constant by the 1D anisotropy function. • Publication4,7 of reference-quality Monte Carlo single-source dosimetry parameters that distinguish between the “heavy” seed 共low specific-activity reactor-produced radioactive palladium兲 and “light” seed 共higher specific-activity accelerator-produced radioactive palladium兲 versions of the Model 200 source. These publications indicated a small change 共1.2%兲 in the dose-rate constant and a 2.3% change in the anisotropy constant. Medical Physics, Vol. 32, No. 5, May 2005 1425 • An improved formalism for estimating 共DTx / DRx兲t ratios. In contrast to 103Pd brachytherapy, no significant changes were anticipated for 125I implant dosimetry. AAPM guidance last addressed the issue of dose prescription for 125I implants in 1998.8 The AAPM recommended that clinics reduce the prescribed dose for 125I implant monotherapy from 160 to 144 Gy upon simultaneously adopting dosimetric parameters recommended by the 1995 TG-43 report9 and implementing the NIST 1999 SK primary standard. Since implementation of this standard in 1999, no significant shifts in source strength for this source model have occurred. In particular, the vendor’s source strength calibration procedures for the Model 6711 source were not affected by the NIST measurement anomalies of 1999. The revised TG-43 dose-calculation formalism and Model 6711 dosimetry parameters published in 20046 did not significantly alter the single-seed dose-rate distribution for this source. However, because of the 2004 changes in 125I recommended dose-calculation practice and the modified methodology for estimating 共DTx / DRx兲t ratios presented in this report, PEBD believed it was necessary to reevaluate dose ratios for 125I as well as 103Pd brachytherapy. II. METHODS AND MATERIALS A. Brief history of 103 Pd brachytherapy dosimetry The history of 103Pd brachytherapy dosimetry is intimately related to that of the first 103Pd interstitial source product, Theragenics Corporation’s Model 200 TheraSeed®, introduced to the market in 1987. The early evaluated clinical experience, published by Prestidge et al.10 in 1997, was based upon patients treated with the Model 200 source during the period 1988–1994. Later in 2000, Sharkey et al.11 reported the clinical experience with 1048 patients with 103Pd implants treated from 1991 to 1999. Thus for clinicians practicing today who wish to reproduce the doses prescribed by these investigators, knowing the equivalent dose to deliver, based upon currently recommended dose-computation and calibration practices, is essential, regardless of what commercial 103Pd seed product they choose to use. Hence the dosimetric history of 103Pd brachytherapy is equivalent to that of the Model 200 commercial product. In the following sections, important events in the history of the Model 200 source dosimetry and development of airkerma strength 共SK兲 standard are reviewed. 1. Theragenics™ calibration standard „1988–1997… Prior to the implementation of the 1999 NIST WAFAC standard, a primary SK standard was not available for 103Pd or any other low-energy interstitial seed with the exceptions of the 3M 共now Amersham Health兲 125I seeds, Models 6701, 6702, and 6711.12 Thus, Theragenics™ developed a method for measuring apparent activity using a NaI共Tl兲 scintillation detector, which compared Model 200 103Pd seed photon emission rate with the 22 keV emission line 共the average energy of the 103Pd seed emission spectrum兲 from a 109Cd Era 1993⬍ t 艋 present Radial dose function Reference dosimetry data Anisotropy function Comments ⌳02D,N99S = 0.694 gL,02D共r兲 Monroe and Williamson 2002 an,04D共r兲 ¯ an,04D = 0.884 Monroe–Williamson 2002 Heavy seed era No updated TG-43 report recommendations ⌳04D,N99S = 0.686 2004 TG-43 report recommendation Average of Nath and Monroe gL,04D共r兲 Monroe and Williamson 2002 as recommended by TG-43 2004 an,04D共r兲 ¯ an,04D = 0.862 Monroe-Williamson data per 2004 TG-43 recommendation Light seed era Equation 共6兲 used Prescription dosimetry data Equation 共11兲 assumed 3 / 00⬍ t 艋 3 / 01, 00D dosimetry AAPM 2000 Report recommendations ⌳00D,N99S = 0.665 g P,95D共r兲 ¯ an,95D = 0.90 Equation 共11兲 assumed ⌳00D,N99S based on CY 1999 SK,N99 calibrations. Continued use of TG 43 1995 relative dose functions recommended 3 / 01艋 t 艋 present Theragenics implements corrected WAFAC standard ⌳01D,N99S = 0.68 g P,95D共r兲 ¯ an,95D = 0.90 Unchanged from above except that measured ⌳00D,N99Sadjusted by 5%. t ⬎ tTG43U1 , 04D dosimetry, TG-43 2004 ¯ an,04D andgL,04D Report data but using ⌳04D,N99S = 0.686 g P,04D共r兲 G P共r兲 ¯ an,04D = 0.862 Equation 共11兲 assumed t ⬎ tTG43U1 , 04D dosimetry, TG-43 2004 Report data but an,04D共r兲 and gL,04D ⌳04D,N99S = 0.686 gL,04D共r兲 GL共r兲 an,04D共r兲 Equation 共6兲 assumed I interstitial brachytherapy ¯ an,95D = 0.90 125 g P,95D共r兲 Pd and ⌳95D,T88S = 0.74 103 1988⬍ t 艋 3 / 00, 95D dosimetry TG-43 1995 report recommendations Williamson et al.: Dose specification for 1988⬍ t 艋 1993 Dose-rate constant Pd Source. tTG43U1⬎ March 2004 denotes the date on which the revised TG-43 recommendations were implemented. 103 1426 Medical Physics, Vol. 32, No. 5, May 2005 TABLE I. Prescription and reference dose calculation parameters for the model 200 1426 1427 Williamson et al.: Dose specification for 103 Pd and 125 I interstitial brachytherapy 1427 Medical Physics, Vol. 32, No. 5, May 2005 1.000 0.975 0.957 0.979 1.000 1.000 t ⬎ tTG43U1 04D dosimetry parameters and recommended 1D formalism Equation 共6兲 1.000 0.980 1.000 t ⬎ tTG43U1 04D dosimetry parameters 1995 TG-43 1D formalism Equation 共11兲 0.996 0.957 0.966 3 / 01⬍ t 艋 tTG43U1 ⌳ adjusted for 2000 WAFAC correction 0.953 0.979 0.987 3 / 00⬍ t 艋 3 / 01 AAPM 2000 dosimetry parameters 0.974 0.880 0.887 0.876 0.911 D90 0.907 1993⬍ t 艋 3 / 00 Light seed era 95D dosimetry parameters where the exposure-rate constant for 103Pd, 共⌫␦兲x, and mean energy expended per ion pair created, 共W / e兲, take the numerical values recommended by the AAPM.13 Because of the 463.3 day half life of 109Cd,14 four successive calibration sources were used during the period 1988– 1997. Pairwise sequential intercomparisons between the old and replacement standards permitted changes in SK,Tnn relative to SK,N99 to be reconstructed.1 Prior to implementing the T97 calibration source in October 1997, these variations were less than 2%. 0.921 共1兲 1988⬍ t 艋 1993 Heavy seed era 95D dosimetry parameters SK,Tnn = Aapp,Tnn · 共⌫␦兲x · 共W/e兲 Era calibration standard, which had a NIST-traceable activity calibration with an assigned uncertainty of ⫾ 5%. More details are given in the 2000 report.1 The resultant apparent activity, Aapp,T88, denotes the quantity measured by Theragenics™ assay, where the “T” of the subscript “Tnn” denotes Theragenics™ and “nn” denotes the year that the 109Cd standard, to which the measurement is traceable, e.g., 1992 for the “T92” 109Cd standard, was implemented. Note that Aapp,Tnn is fundamentally different from apparent activity as defined by the AAPM,13 Aapp,N99, which is a quantity derived from NIST’s 1999 standard, SK,N99. The vendor’s apparent activity assay can be related to the vendor’s air-kerma strength by = Aapp,Tnn · 1.293 Gy · m2 · h−1 · mCi−1 , 0.880 D60 Clinical implant averaging “Dummy” radial dose function, g⬘(r) 0.986 1.014 1.338 1.347 1.520 1.525 1.502 1.502 1.403 1.412 1.288 1.284 1.229 1.228 1.143 1.143 1.107 1.114 1.000 1.000 0.762 0.761 0.572 0.571 0.426 0.426 0.318 0.316 0.235 0.235 0.174 0.173 0.095 9 0.094 4 0.052 9 0.051 8 0.033 0 0.028 4 0.023 1 0.022 3 0.007 35 0.006 70 G共r兲- weighted single-seed approximation 0.686 0.855 RDF equivalence approximation 0.694 0.875 Averaging approximation Distance (cm) 0.10 0.15 0.25 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.75 0.80 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 7.50 10.00 Light seed TABLE III. Prescription and reference dose calculation parameters. tTG43U1⬎ March 2004 denotes the date on which the revised TG-43 recommendations were implemented. ⌳ ¯⬘ “Dummy” an Heavy seed 0.912 TABLE II. Dummy TG-43 dose calculation parameters for the Model 200 Pd-103 source. 1428 Williamson et al.: Dose specification for 103 Pd and 125 I interstitial brachytherapy 4. Shift in vendor calibration „Fall 1997… 2. Early single-source dosimetry parameters „1990–1995… During the 1988–1990 time period, both Meigooni et al.15 and Chiu-Tsao et al.16 used TLD dosimetry to measure the dose-rate constant and relative two dimensional 共2D兲 dose distribution parameters. These investigators measured the absolute dose rate at 1 cm on the transverse axis, and normalized this measurement to the SK,T88 inferred from the vendor’s Aapp,T88 value to obtain an estimate of the dose-rate constant. The dose-rate constant recommended by the 1995 AAPM TG-43 report9 took the average of these two measurements and applied a multiplicative correction 共1.048兲 to convert from Solid Water® measurement medium to a liquid water reference phantom, ⌳95D,T88S = D95D共r = 1 cm, = /2兲 SK,T88 = 0.74 cGy · h−1 · U−1 . 共2兲 The first subscript of ⌳95D,T88S, 95D, refers to the date of the publication documenting the measured dose rate at 1 cm, D95D共r = 1 cm, = / 2兲, 共in this case, the 1995 TG-43 report兲, while the second subscript, terminating in an “S” for “strength,” refers to the source calibration standard, to which the dose rate is assumed to be normalized. Thus, it is assumed that clinical investigators, whose subsequent reports define the clinical experience supporting 103Pd prostate brachytherapy, utilized dose-calculation parameters equivalent to those tabulated in the 1995 TG-43 report. 3. Transition from “heavy” to “light” seed design „1992–1993… The above-described TLD measurements were performed using seeds containing low specific activity reactor-produced 103 Pd. These seeds, called “heavy seeds,” were gradually replaced with “light seeds,” containing higher specific-activity, accelerator-produced 103Pd, over a one-year period ending in early 1993. Each Model 200 seed contains two graphite pellets with palladium metal coatings within which the radioactivity is uniformly distributed. Monroe and Williamson7 approximated the effect of the heavy-to-light seed manufacturing process modification on seed geometry by reducing the thickness of this metal coating from 10.5 µm 共260 µg Pd/pellet兲 to 2.2 µm 共57 µg Pd/pellet兲 in their simulations. Using Monte Carlo techniques, these authors found that the dose-rate constant 共when normalized to the WAFAC standard兲 and radial dose function were not significantly affected ¯ an 关based by this change. However, the anisotropy constant on an inverse-square law weighted average of an共r兲 over the 1 to 5 cm distance range兴 was found to be 0.884 and 0.862 for the “heavy” and “light” seed designs, respectively. Monroe and Williamson7 provided a preliminary evaluation of this effect on 共DTx / DRx兲t ratio using the results of their Monte Carlo analysis of the Model 200 seed. Medical Physics, Vol. 32, No. 5, May 2005 1428 In contrast to previous 109Cd standard replacements, the replacement implemented by Theragenics Corporation in fall, 1997 resulted in a 9.7% decrease in apparent activity assays relative to SK,T94 共column 4, rows 3 and 4 of Table IV兲, corresponding to the decrease in Aapp initially observed by several physicists in 1997. The apparent activities and nominal air-kerma strengths traceable to this standard are denoted by Aapp,T97 and SK,T97, respectively. Relative to the time-weighted 1988–1997 average of the four prior SK,Tnn standards, S̄K,T88–94, SK,T97 calibration values are 9% smaller: SK,T97 / S̄K,T88–94 = 0.911. These data indicate that the Theragenics™ assay was essentially constant from 1988 until Fall 1997. In 2000, Theragenics amended their calibration procedure to ensure that their Aapp calibration will be maintained within ⫾ 2% of its post-1997 level following future 109Cd source standard replacements. 5. Implementation of the NIST WAFAC 1999 standard Based on measurements performed in 1998 and 1999, a new SK standard for Model 200 source air-kerma strength, SK,N99, was established by NIST in 1999 based upon the WAFAC.2 A difference of more than 23% between Theragenics’ SK,T97 assay and the NIST WAFAC SK,N99 values was noted. The conversion factor relating the two definitions was determined to be: SK,vendor SK,T97 = = 0.767 ± 0.006. SK,NIST SK,N99 The 共DTx / DRx兲t ratios recommended by the AAPM 2000 report were based upon this value. Theragenics began to issue calibration certificates traceable to SK,N99 on 20 March, 2000. 6. Revised dosimetry parameters and AAPM 2000 dose-specification guidance „1999–2000… In preparation for implementing the SK,N99 standard, Theragenics commissioned two dose-rate constant determinations for the Model 200 source. Using TLD dosimeters in a solid water phantom, Nath et al.3 reported a dose-rate constant, ⌳00D,N99S, value of 0.65± 0.05 cGy h−1 U−1. Williamson4 reported a value of 0.68± 0.02 cGy h−1 U−1 using Monte Carlo simulation techniques. Both values were traceable to the WAFAC standard as implemented in calendar year 1999. The AAPM 2000 guidance document recommended using an equally weighted average of these two values yielding ⌳00D,N99S = 0.665± 0.03 cGy h−1 U−1. That report recommended that the relative dosimetry parameters, i.e., radial dose function and anisotropy constant, given in the 1995 TG-43 report continue to be used. These parameters are designated by the subscript “00D.” 7. Discovery and correction of calendar year 1999 WAFAC measurement errors „March 2001… Due to an unresolved anomaly, WAFAC calibrations performed at NIST in calendar year 共CY兲 1999 were systemati- Initiating event SK,t Ⲑ SK,N99 Ⲑ 具D共r៝兲典xref 具D共r៝兲典xRx Tx 共Dt兲Rx 5/88–3/90 Heavy seed production 共Cd source #1兲 95D, T88S 0.877 4/90–3/93 Heavy seed production 共Cd source #2兲 95D, T90S 0.890 1.024 共1.048兲a 关1.064兴 4/93–11/93 End of heavy seed era: light seed production begins 共Cd source #2兲 95D, T90S 0.890 0.989 共1.010兲a 关1.064兴b 12/93–6/94 Light seed production 共Cd source #3兲 95D, T93S 0.861 7/94–9/22/97 Light seed production 共Cd source #4兲 95D, T94S 0.894 9/22/97–3/19/00 SK,T97 standard shifts by 9.7%, 共Cd source #5兲 95D, T97S 0.807 0.880 关0.899兴 3/20/00–3/4/01 Theragenics replaces SK,T97 with SK,N99 and AAPM 2000 dose parameters 00D, N99S accepted 00D, N99S 1.053 3/5/01–tTG43U1 Corrected SK,N99 standard implemented and DRC revised 01D, N99S ⬎tTG43U1 04D, N99S parameters ⬎tTG43U1 04D, N99S parameters 1.022 共1.010兲a 关1.099兴b Tx 共Dt兲Rx = 1.029 DxTx = 118 Gy 其 Tx 共Dt兲Rx = 0.990 DxTx = 114 Gy 119.4 115 117.7 115 113.7 115 117.5 115 113.2 115 b 125 115 0.979 关1.000兴b 0.930 共0.940兲a 关1.000兴b 116 125 1.00 0.957 0.957 共0.990兲a 120 125 125 0.984 共1.010兲a 关1.059兴b 其 Pd and 04D, N99S 共approved 1D formalism兲 1.00 1.000 1.000 共1.000兲a 125 125 04D, N99S 共old 1D formalism兲 1.00 0.980 共1.000兲a 0.980 共1.000兲 122 125 b 1.090 共1.102兲 关1.172兴 a I interstitial brachytherapy Ratios from original Monroe and Williamson paper. Ratios from AAPM 2000 Guidance. b 0.880 关0.899兴b 1.039 共1.048兲a 关1.079兴b DxRx 共Gy兲 103 a 0.911 关0.899兴b DxTx 共Gy兲 Williamson et al.: Dose specification for Time period 共t兲 Prescription parameters kkD, yyS assumed by DRx t 1429 Medical Physics, Vol. 32, No. 5, May 2005 Tx TABLE IV. Ratios of administered-to-prescribed dose, 共Dt兲Rx , as a function of year t and dosimetry data tD for 103Pd Implants. Bold indicates current analysis, using CIA D90 values. tTG43U1⬎ March 2004 denotes the date on which the revised TG-43 recommendations were implemented. 1429 1430 Williamson et al.: Dose specification for 103 Pd and 125 I interstitial brachytherapy cally elevated by seed model-dependent factors of up to 7%, relative to measurements performed before and after this period. Many models of 125I and 103Pd sources were unfortunately affected by this anomaly. For the Model 200 source, the SK,N99 measurements were elevated by 5.3% during this period 共see Appendix A, Sec. 6, and Appendix B, Sec. 2.3 of the TG-43 2004 update6兲. Unfortunately, the AAPM 20001 recommendations were based upon these erroneous measurements. This measurement error was corrected by NIST in the first quarter of 2000. As with other seed models, PEBD coordinated the transition to the corrected WAFAC standard with NIST, Theragenics, and the ADCLs on 5 March, 2001. Since each such transition was vendor- and model-specific, no AAPM report was published to advise the community and vendors were responsible for communicating the relevant action plan to their clients. For the Model 200 source, the corrected WAFAC standard was implemented simultaneously by the vendor, NIST, and ADCLs on 5 March, 2001 共Appendix A, Sec. 6 of the TG-43 2004 update6兲. As part of this process, the measured dose-rate constant of Nath et al.,3 which was normalized to erroneous WAFAC measurements, was increased by 5.3% to compensate for the correction. This led to a new revised average dose-rate constant ⌳01D,N99S = 0.68 cGy h−1 · U−1. At that time, AAPM advised the community to continue using the 2000 administered-to-prescribed dose ratios and guidance derived therefrom until further notice. It is assumed that these recommendations remain operative up to the present time. 8. Revised dosimetry parameters and the updated TG-43 protocol „March 2004… Since implementation of the 2000 AAPM guidance report,1 the Model 200 dosimetry parameters have been further refined. A comprehensive Monte Carlo-based study7 was published by Monroe and Williamson, which contained TG-43 dosimetry parameters for both the “light” and “heavy” seed designs. In addition, Yue and Nath17 published measured light-seed 2D anisotropy functions which were in excellent agreement with Monroe’s calculations. Both studies confirmed that the 1995 TG-439 anisotropy functions, ¯ an,95D = 0.90, significantly overestimated the yielding a source isotropy compared to more recent publications, which ¯ an,04D = 0.862. imply In March 2004, a major update of the TG-43 protocol was published.6 It contained revised data, designated by the subscript “04D,” for the Model 200 seed. The recommended ⌳04D,N99S is nearly identical to ⌳01D,N99S. New radial dose functions, 1D anisotropy functions, and 2D anisotropy functions 共based on Monroe’s simulations7兲 were recommended for clinical use. In addition, the dose-calculation formalism itself was modified. The revised formalism requires use of the 1D anisotropy function rather than the anisotropy con¯ an,04D and specifies a new method of calculating doses stant, at small distances. It also advises users to adopt the linesource geometry function over the point-source function. Both the new relative “04D” dosimetry parameters and reMedical Physics, Vol. 32, No. 5, May 2005 1430 vised dose-calculation formalism are used in the analysis to follow as “reference dosimetry parameters,” i.e., used to estimate “administered dose.” The dose ratios recommended in the AAPM 2000 report1 take into account the developments described in Secs. II A 1, II A 2, II A 4, II A 5, and II A 6 above. The revised analysis, presented in the following, takes into account the remaining phenomena: heavy- versus light-seed design 共Sec. II A 3兲, 1999 WAFAC errors 共Sec. II A 7兲, and dosimetry parameters and formalism revised as described by the new TG-43 protocol 共Sec. II A 8兲. B. Generalized formalism for evaluation of administered-to-prescribed dose ratios To evaluate the ratio of administered dose, DTx, to prescribed dose, DRx, the methodology described by Monroe and Williamson7 has been adopted. Their analysis accounts for changes in the dose-rate constant used for treatment planning and time-dependent discrepancies between vendor and NIST source-strength specifications as does the original AAPM 2000 analysis. In addition, Monroe and Williamson7 accounted for the dosimetric effect of Model 200 seed internal geometry changes caused by the transition from the heavy seed to the light seed production process, the NIST 1999 WAFAC anomaly, and the dose-parameter revisions published in the 2004 TG43 protocol, none of which were anticipated by the AAPM 2000 Report.1 The influence of seed manufacturing process changes on the DTx / DRx ratio was incorporated into the analysis by introducing separate time-dependent reference dosimetry parameters for the light and heavy seeds. The current report adapts the Monroe– Williamson analysis with the addition of more sophisticated dose-averaging techniques. In addition, this report consistently uses the 1D dose-calculation formalism recommended by the 2004 AAPM report6 in contrast to the Monroe– Williamson analysis which used the old TG43 dosecalculation formalism.9 Tx The mean administered-to-prescribed dose ratio, 共Dt兲Rx , is given by Tx = 共Dt兲Rx 冋冓 冔册 冋 ៝兲 Dref t 共r Rx Dt 共r៝兲 · 册 SK,N99 t⬘ ⬎ 3/01 , SK,t 共3兲 where t and t⬘ refer to the past time in question and current Tx time, respectively; 共Dt兲Rx denotes the administered-toprescribed dose ratio for time t, and D共r៝兲 denotes the calculated dose at position r៝ in an implant. The bracketed quantity, 具X典, denotes the result of spatially averaging the indicated quantity over the appropriate region within the planning target volume 共PTV兲 of a typical implant. Various approaches to spatial averaging are discussed in the following. The quan៝兲 denotes the administered dose at location r៝, or tity Dref t 共r dose actually delivered, during the period t as approximated by the selected reference dosimetry parameters. Reference parameters are those considered, based upon current knowledge, to provide the most accurate and physically rigorous method of retrospectively and prospectively calculating dose ៝兲 denotes the corresponding in an implant. The quantity DRx t 共r 1431 Williamson et al.: Dose specification for 103 125 Pd and I interstitial brachytherapy prescribed dose derived from the dosimetry parameters in use at time t. The last factor on the right of Eq. 共3兲 is the ratio of “true” air-kerma strength 共SK,N99 as implemented by Theragenics after March 2001 or as implemented in January 1999 for Model 6711 sources兲 to the source-strength standard, SK,t, accepted as definitive during the time period t for seeds of identical physical construction emitting identical quantities of radiation. Assuming that the new TG-43 report was implemented at time tTG43U1 ⬎ 3 / 04, Eq. 共3兲 can be used to derive the prescribed dose, DtRx , for use with the reference ⬘⬎tTG43U1 dosimetry parameters and the current air-kerma strength standard that ensures that patients will continue to receive the same delivered dose 共as estimated by retrospective application of reference dosimetry parameters兲 as otherwise identical patients planned with “t-era” dose distributions, source strength standards, and prescribed doses: Tx Rx ៝ 共r៝ 兩 SK,N99 , 04D , DtRx 兲 = D 共r 兩 S , tD , D DtTx⬘⬎t K,t t t 兲. ⬘⬎tTG43U1 TG43U1 Hence Rx Dt⬘⬎t TG43U1 Tx = 共Dt兲Rx · DRx t , 共4兲 where DRx t is the prescribed dose 共in units of Gy兲 and the arguments to the right of the vertical line indicate the dosimetric data and SK standard used for treatment planning used at time t. Generally, the clinical goal is to reproduce the clinical outcomes of a previously treated group of patients in the face of significant dose-calculation and source-strength standard revisions. Obviously, it is necessary to carefully match the prescribed dose, dose-calculation formalism and parameters, and SK standardization procedures to the clinical experience one is trying to duplicate. In the sections to follow, each factor of Eq. 共3兲, along with its method of evaluation, will be defined. C. Air-kerma strength standard revisions The air-kerma strength ratios, SK,t / SK,N99, used in the analysis of 103Pd seed dosimetry are given by SK,t SK,N99 D. Reference dosimetry parameters For the currently available “light” seed, the parameters recommended by the TG-43 2004 update6 were used. The radial dose function, gL,04D共r兲, recommended therein was derived from the Monte Carlo study by Monroe and Williamson.7 The function gL,04D共r兲 was defined over the distance range 0.1–10 cm and the 1D anisotropy function, an,04D共r兲, over the distance range 0.25 to 10 cm. The recommended dose rate constant, ⌳04D,N99S, was obtained by averaging the measured value3 共corrected for the 1999 anomaly in SK,N99兲 with the corresponding Monte Carlo estimate.7 These data are summarized in Table I. For the “heavy” seed, the 2004 TG-43 report makes no recommendations regarding dosimetry parameters. The relative Monte Carlo data by Monroe and Williamson7 are assumed, an approach consistent with the AAPM consensus data-formation methodology. This methodology offers two choices for estimating the consensus heavy seed dose-rate constant: 共i兲 average the Monroe–Williamson Monte Carlo MC value 共⌳02D,N99S = 0.694兲 with the average of the Chiu–Tsao16 15 ¯ TLD and Meigooni measurements 共⌳ 90D,N99S = 0.650兲 or 共ii兲 reject the experimental measurements as candidate data sets and use the Monte Carlo value without modification: MC = 0.694. Because the Chiu–Tsao and ⌳04D,N99S = ⌳02D,N99S Meigooni measurements were normalized to source-strength measurements that are not traceable to the current NIST SK standard and because these pioneering works do not adhere to modern standards of experimental dosimetry,6 the AAPM believes that using the unmodified Monte Carlo dose-rate constant, i.e., option 共ii兲, provides the least uncertain estimate of the heavy seed reference dose-rate constant consistent with the AAPM consensus-formation methodology. Reference administered doses were calculated according to the 1D dose calculation formalism recommended by the 2004 TG-43 report 共Eq. 共11兲兲兴.6 For a single seed, the refer៝兲, is given by ence dose rate, Ḋref t 共r ៝兲 Ḋref t 共r = SK,N99 · ⌳04D,N99S · = 冦 0.886, t 艋 9/97, 1.053, 3/00 ⬍ t 艋 3/01, SK,t = SK,N99 in 1999 SK,t = SK,N99 in 2000 共5兲 These values were based on the ratios given in the AAPM 2000 report1 corrected by the magnitude 共1.053兲 of the 1999 WAFAC measurement anomaly, which resulted in elevated Model 200 seed calibrations by Theragenics and the ADCLs during the period 3 / 00⬍ t 艋 3 / 01. For the period 1988 to September 1997, our analysis uses the SK,t / SK,N99 ratio specific to each cadmium calibration source actually used 共see Table IV兲, not the average ratio, S̄K.T88–94 / SK,N99, indicated by Eq. 共5兲. Medical Physics, Vol. 32, No. 5, May 2005 GL共r, 0兲 · gL,04D共r兲 · an,04D共r兲. GL共r0, 0兲 共6兲 SK,t = S̄K,T88–94 0.807, 9/97 ⬍ t 艋 3/00, SK,t = SK,T97 1.000, t ⬎ 3/01, 1431 Equation 共6兲 was implemented on a commercial treatment planning system 共VariSeed Planning Workstaion, Version 7.1, Varian Medical Corporation, Inc., Palo Alto, CA兲 for permanent seed implants. However, this treatment planning system, like many others, does not support the implementation of Eq. 共6兲 since it allows only the point-source geometry function to be used in its implementation of the 1D TG43 formalism. PEBD notes that this planning system, as well as many other commercial systems, would have supported implementation of the allowed but not recommended 1D formalism 关Eq. 共10兲 of the 2004 TG-43 protocol, using G P共r兲 rather than GL共r , 0兲兴. This option closely approximates Eq. 共6兲 although it is less accurate at small distances, e.g., r ⬍ 1 cm. To implement Eq. 共6兲, it was necessary to “fool” the 1432 103 Williamson et al.: Dose specification for Pd and 125 I interstitial brachytherapy planning system’s algorithm into performing the new calculations using the older point-source approximation by using dummy parameters. Essentially, the anisotropy constant can be folded into the radial dose function, creating a dummy radial dose function, g⬘共r兲. This was accomplished as follows: ៝兲 = SK,N99 · ⌳04D,N99S · Ḋref t 共r 冉冊 r0 r 2 ¯⬘ , · g⬘共r兲 · an 共7兲 where the primed quantities denote dummy parameters, listed in Table II, designed to reproduce the dose rates predicted by Eq. 共6兲 down to distances of 0.1 cm using the point-source geometry function and the now-forbidden anisotropy constant. Letting rmin be the smallest distance for which an,04D共r兲 is tabulated, these ratios are selected so as to force Eq. 共7兲 to agree with the currently recommended model, Eq. 共6兲, for each of the tabulated data entries. For the case r 艌 rmin, this leads to the following equivalences: g⬘共r兩r 艌 rmin兲 = 冉冊 GL共r, 0兲 an,04D共r兲 r · GL共r0, 0兲 an,04D共r0兲 r0 2 · gL,04D共r兲, ¯ ⬘ = an,04D共r0兲 an 共8兲 ៝兲 = SK,t · ⌳tD,XtS · ḊRx t 共r 1432 冉冊 r0 r 2 ¯⬘ . · gtD共r兲 · an,tD 共11兲 In the case of the future era t 艌 tTG43U1, ḊRx t 共r兲 was evaluated using Eq. 共7兲, using both the dummy parameters given by Eqs. 共8兲 and 共10兲, 关the equivalent 1D dose calculation formula, Eq. 共6兲, preferred by the 2004 TG-43 report兴, and the following parameters: ⌳tD,XtS = ⌳04D,N99S, gtD共r兲 = gL,04D共r兲 7 ¯ ⬘ = ¯ an,04D, where ¯⬘ and an,tD an,04D = 0.862. The latter option is equivalent to using the anisotropy constant-based 1D formalism given by Eq. D1 of the 2004 TG-43 report, a formalism widely used in the past but no longer endorsed by the AAPM. The dosimetric parameters assumed for various eras are summarized in Table I. This report assumes that 1995 TG-43 compatible parameters were used throughout the era 1988–2000 even though the TG-43 report was published in 1995, the same assumption made by the AAPM 2000 report.1 The 1995 TG-43 report recommendations were based upon averaging the two measured dose-rate constants published at that time.15,16 Those readers who wish to duplicate a particular institutional implant experience based on pre-1995 implants should confirm that the prescription parameters assumed by this report are reasonable approximations to the institution’s dose-calculation procedures. In the case of r ⬍ rmin, we set Eq. 共6兲 to the short-distance extrapolation formula found in Appendix C of the 2004 TG-43 report: Ḋ共r៝兲 = SK · ⌳ · 冉 冊 rmin r 2 · GL共rmin, 0兲 · gL共r兲 · an共rmin兲. GL共r0, 0兲 F. Dose-averaging procedures 共9兲 This leads to the following dummy parameter definition for r ⬍ rmin: g⬘共r兩r ⬍ rmin兲 = 冉 冊 GL共rmin, 0兲 rmin · GL共r0, 0兲 r0 2 · gL,04D共r兲 · an,04D共rmin兲 , an,04D共r0兲 ¯ ⬘ = an,04D共r0兲. an 共10兲 To evaluate the dummy quantities defined by Eqs. 共8兲 and 共10兲, the tabulated 1D anisotropy functions6,7 were interpolated onto the finer radial dose function grid by applying linear interpolation to the quantity r2 · GL共r , 0兲 · an,04D共r兲 and then converting the result back to an,04D共r兲. This proce¯ an dure is based upon Williamson’s approximation18 ⬇ r2 · GL共r , 0兲 · an,04D共r兲. The resultant values of g⬘共r兲 and ¯ ⬘ are given in Table II. an E. Prescription dosimetry parameters ៝兲, ḊRx t 共r The prescribed dose-rate distribution, for all times other than t 艌 tTG43U1, was assumed to have been derived from the original TG43 point-source dose-calculation formalism: Medical Physics, Vol. 32, No. 5, May 2005 ៝兲典 and Three different approaches to evaluating 具DRx t 共r were investigated by this report. In ascending order of complexity, these approaches are called “radial dose function equivalence approximation 共RDA兲,” “geometry function-weighted single-seed approximation 共GFSA兲,” and “clinical implant averaging 共CIA兲.” Each of these approaches will be described in turn. ៝兲典 具Dref t 共r 1. Radial dose function equivalence approximation „RDA… The RDA approach has been used by most administeredto-prescribed dose ratio analyses published to date, including the AAPM 2000 Report1 and the Monroe–Williamson article.7 RDA assumes that Eqs. 共6兲 and 共11兲 yield equivalent dose-rate predictions and that gt共r兲 ⬇ g95D共r兲. In addition, it ignores other subtleties such as errors arising from mixing G P共r兲 and gL共r兲 data in the same equation. Given these assumptions, mean dose ratio assumes a very simple form: 冓 冔 ៝兲 Dref t 共r Rx Dt 共r៝兲 = 共⌳04D,N99S · ¯ an,04D兲ref . 共⌳tD,XtS · ¯ an,t兲Rx 共12兲 For the Model 200 seed, using the data from Table I we obtain 1433 Williamson et al.: Dose specification for 103 Pd and 125 I interstitial brachytherapy ៝兲典 具DRx t 共r N 具f典G共r兲 = ¯ an兲Rx = 共⌳ · t = 冦 ៝兲典 具Dref t 共r ¯ an兲95D,T88S , t 艋 3/00 0.74 · 0.90 = 共⌳ · ¯ an兲00D,N99S , 3/00 ⬍ t 艋 3/01 0.665 · 0.90 = 共⌳ · ¯ an兲01D,N99S , 3/01 ⬍ t 艋 tTG43U1 0.68 · 0.90 = 共⌳ · ri艌1 cm 冓 冔 ៝兲 Dref t 共r Rx Dt 共r៝兲 0.694 · 0.884 heavy seed, t 艋 1993 0.686 · 0.862 light seed, t ⬎ 1993. 共13兲 2. Geometry-function weighted single-seed approximation „GFSA… The simple RDA approximation is not consistent with the 2004 TG-43 report guidance, which recommends using the 1D anisotropy function over the anisotropy constant. Nor does it account for the differences between g95D共r兲 and g04D共r兲 data recommended by the new report. To accommodate these changes, a generalized single-seed averaging procedure was explored, defined by ¯ an,t具gt共r兲典共r−2兲 = = ⌳tD,XtS · = = ¯ an兲Ref = 共⌳ · t 再 冦 ri艌1 cm G共ri兲, ៝兲典 具Dref t 共r Rx 具Dt 共r៝兲典 ⌳04D,N99S具an,04D共r兲 · gL,04D共r兲典GL共r兲 ¯ an,t具gt共r兲典共r−2兲 ⌳tD,XtS · = 再 共15兲 0.694 · 0.6554 = 0.4548 heavy seed, t 艋 1993 0.686 · 0.6399 = 0.4390 light seed, t ⬎ 1993. 共16兲 Since the prescribed dose distribution is calculated by Eq. ៝兲典 becomes 共11兲, then 具DRx t 共r 95D, t 艋 3/00 3/00 ⬍ t 艋 3/01 0.68 · 0.90 · 0.7529 = 0.4608, 01D, 3/01 ⬍ t 艋 tTG43U1 0.686 · 0.862 · 7483 = 0.4425, 04Dg P,04D共r兲, t ⬎ tTG43U1 0.686 · 0.862 · 7455 = 0.4408, 04DgL,04D共r兲, t ⬎ tTG43U1 , The most accurate and appropriate approach to dose averaging is to implement reference and prescription dosecalculation models on a brachytherapy treatment planning system using the geometry from typical clinical implants to assess the change in typical prescription parameters.19 This method is referred to as clinical implant averaging 共CIA兲. To implement CIA, the seed geometry from four typical clinical 103 Pd implants was used. The implants consisted of prostate target volumes ranging from 22 to 46 cm3, prescribed D90 doses ranging from 76 to 130 Gy, and 40–72 Model 200 . ៝兲典 = ⌳04D,N99S具an,04D共r兲 · gL,04D共r兲典G 共r兲 具Dref t 共r L 0.665 · 0.90 · 0.7529 = 0.4506, 00D, 3. Clinical implant averaging 共14兲 This approach is identical to that recommended in 2004 TG-43 report for estimating the now-forbidden anisotropy constant. It was found that 具f典G共r兲 was quite sensitive to the N grid assumed. Hence all averages, both for planned 兵ri其i=1 N and reference doses, were based on the choice 兵ri其i=1 = 兵1 , 1.5, 2 , 2.5, 3 , 3.5, 4 , 5 cm其. For the reference dose calculations, GFSA yields the following: 0.74 · 0.90 · 0.7529 = 0.5014, where tTG43U1 艌 3 / 04 denotes the date on which the 2004 TG43 recommendations were implemented. Medical Physics, Vol. 32, No. 5, May 2005 冒兺 N f共ri兲 · G共ri兲 N where 兵ri其i=1 denotes the set of radial distances 艌1 cm for which g共r兲 and an共r兲 are specified; G共ri兲 is the inverse square-law weighting factor; and f共r兲 is the function to be averaged. The mean-dose ratio is then given by ¯ an兲04D,N99S , t ⬎ tTG43U1 , 0.686 · 0.862 = 共⌳ · = ៝兲典 具DRx t 共r 兺 1433 共17兲 Pd seeds implanted with a modified peripheral loading.20 Source positions and the prostate CTV contours were derived from x-ray CT examinations obtained 30 days following the implant. The planning system 共VariSeed Planning Workstation, Version 7.1, Varian Medical Corporation, Inc., Palo Alto, CA兲 calculated dose on a 共2 ⫻ 2 ⫻ 3兲 mm3 grid using the “constant 共point model兲” with the option “anisotropic correction” selected. The dose calculation was repeated using different dosimetric parameters for the various prescription and reference dose eras specified above. The source strength per seed was held constant for each simulation, using the Sk,N99/seed value assumed for the clinical treatment plan. Dose calculations were performed using the vendor’s dosecalculation algorithm described by Eqs. 共7兲 and 共11兲. In the 103 1434 Williamson et al.: Dose specification for 103 Pd and 125 I interstitial brachytherapy 1434 ៝兲 / DRx ៝兲典 and corresponding standard deviation as a function of reference dose in units of D90 for sample clinical FIG. 1. Plots of mean dose ratios, 具Dref t 共r t 共r implant No. 1. The means and standard deviations are averages of the calculation-point dose ratios falling in dose bins with widths of approximately 12 Gy. The right upper and lower left graphs compare the 95D prescription dose parameters and formalism 关Eq. 共11兲兴 to the heavy and light seed reference 共04D兲 dose parameters, respectively. The upper left graph compares the anisotropy constant prescription formalism 共D1 of 2004 TG-43兲 to the Eq. 共11兲 reference dose formalism using 04D parameters in both cases. case of the reference dosimetry calculations, the dummy parameters summarized in Table II were used, which yields doses equivalent to Eq. 共6兲. As our results 共see Sec. III below兲 show that the mean dose ratio is constant within 1% for doses ranging from 0.25D90 to 1.8D90, D90 and D60 were extracted from the resultant prostate DVHs for the four patients to derive the mean dose ratios recommended by this report: 冓 冔 ៝兲 Dref t 共r Rx Dt 共r៝兲 4 1 共DXX,i兲ref,t = , 4 i=1 共DXX,i兲Rx,t 兺 共18兲 where XX denotes either 90% or 60% of the prostate volume, and DXX,i represents the corresponding DVH statistic from the ith sample implant. III. RESULTS A. Reference-to-prescription dose ratios for brachytherapy 103 Pd Figure 1 illustrates the dependence of mean dose ratio, as Medical Physics, Vol. 32, No. 5, May 2005 evaluated by CIA, on the dose in multiples of D90 for the implant having the largest volume. For all three primary comparisons of reference and prescription dosimetry parameters 共the others can be obtained by scaling the graphs by the appropriate dose-rate constant ratio兲, the mean dose ratio is virtually constant between 0.5D90 and 2D90, which includes the peripheral layers of the target most relevant to clinical dose prescription. Figure 2 shows the dependence of the dose ratio on spatial position in the transverse bisecting plane of the implant. As illustrated by Figs. 1 and 2, at doses below 0.25D90, the mean dose ratio increases. As the commercial planning system exports dose values as 16 bit integers scaled from zero to the maximum dose, this behavior arises from integer truncation. The uncertainty introduced by discretization of doses is less than 0.2% in the therapeutic dose range. Very near the seeds, Figs. 1 and 2 indicate that the dose ratios are much larger and more variable. The 共DXX,i兲ref,t / 共DXX,i兲Rx,t ratios were found to be nearly independent of the implant geometry, i, showing a maximum range of 0.001 over the four implants for both D60 and D90. 1435 Williamson et al.: Dose specification for 103 Pd and 125 I interstitial brachytherapy 1435 ៝兲 / DRx ៝兲 as a function of position in the transverse 共top兲 and sagittal 共bottom兲 planes bisecting the center of the implanted FIG. 2. Plots of the dose ratio, Dref t 共r t 共r volume for sample clinical implant No. 1. The 95D prescription dose parameters and formalism 关Eq. 共11兲兴 are compared to the light seed reference 共04D兲 dose parameters. Medical Physics, Vol. 32, No. 5, May 2005 1436 Williamson et al.: Dose specification for 103 Pd and 125 I interstitial brachytherapy 1436 FIG. 3. Plot illustrating the variation of the delivered dose for prescribed doses of 115 and 125 Gy as a function of time for the Model 200 103Pd source. After 2000, delivered doses are plotted for prescribed doses of 115 Gy 共solid line兲 and 125 Gy 共broken line兲. For illustration only, we have assumed tTG43U1 = 7 / 05. For post-tTG43U1 implants, the plot assumes that the AAPM preferred 1D dose-calculation model is used 关Eq. 共6兲兴. Table III compares the mean reference-to-prescribed dose ratios for the RDA, GFSA, and CIA averaging methods. ¯ an- and With the exception of one case 共comparison of an共r兲-based formalisms using 04D data兲, all estimates agree within 1.5%. Generally, the RDF approximation overesti៝兲 / DRx ៝兲典 value by about 1% while mates the CIA 具Dref t 共r t 共r GFSA results in a 0.5% underestimate. For all cases, the D90 and D60 specification parameters produce virtually identical ¯ an vs an共r兲 formalism CIA estimates. However, in the comparison case, the CIA dose-ratio estimate is 1.6% and 2% smaller than the RDA and GFSA estimates, respectively. Since the same dosimetry data are used by all three methods, the difference between GFSA and CIA must arise from the different formalisms, Eqs. 共6兲 and 共11兲, used in the denominator and numerator, respectively, of these two methods. The discrepancy suggests that the r−2 weighting scheme for r 艌 1 cm gives a biased estimate of the average single-seed calculation distance characteristic of clinical implants. In the 1988–present comparisons, this effect could have been masked by differences in radial dose function in the prescription versus reference eras. While the discrepancies among these three methods are small in relation to the overall unMedical Physics, Vol. 32, No. 5, May 2005 certainty of clinical dose calculation, it is prudent to recommend the clinical implant averaging technique for performing future assessments of this type. B. Administered-to-prescribed dose ratios Tx The final 共Dt兲Rx ratios recommended in this report, as estimated by the CIA technique, are listed in Table IV and plotted in Fig. 3, along with the corresponding values from the 2000 AAPM report1 and the Monroe paper.7 In addition, Tx the time-weighted average 共Dt兲Rx ratios for the heavy seed 共1988–1993兲 and pre-9/97 light seed 共1993–1997兲 eras are tabulated. Compared to the 2000 AAPM report, the revised ratios for the heavy seed and pre-9/97 light seed eras are 3.8% and 7.1% smaller, respectively. Thus, a dose of 115 Gy prescribed in the periods 1988–1993 and 1993–1997 yields administered doses of 118 and 114 Gy, respectively, in contrast to the average administered dose of 124 Gy estimated by AAPM in 2000.1 The revised 9 / 97 to 3 / 00 dose ratio is 7% smaller than that recommended by the 2000 Report, resulting in an administered dose of 124 Gy compared to 135 Gy. Using the revised dose ratios recommended by this re- 1437 Williamson et al.: Dose specification for 103 Pd and 125 I interstitial brachytherapy port, a prescribed dose of 125 Gy5 delivered during the 3 / 00 to 3 / 01 era 共following WAFAC implementation by Theragenics but preceding correction for the 1999 NIST measurement anomalies兲, corresponds to a delivered dose of 116 Gy, which is 7% lower than the 2000 Report estimate. Following Theragenics’ implementation of the corrected SK,N99 standard and the associated dose-rate constant adjustment in 3 / 01, this difference was reduced to a 4% underdose, i.e., 125 Gy prescribed corresponds to a delivery of 120 Gy. The major causes of these revised ratios are the 5.3% error caused by the 1999 NIST WAFAC anomaly for the Model 200 source 共which was partially mitigated by the revision of the doserate constant from 0.665 to 0.68兲 and the adoption of revised 2D anisotropy functions, which resulted in a change in anisotropy constant from 0.90 to 0.862. These two changes were first evaluated by Monroe and Williamson7 in 2002, but neither was anticipated by the 2000 report. For institutions that implement the revised TG43 formalism, Eq. 共6兲, and associated dosimetry parameters6 共next-to-last line, Table IV兲 without adjusting the prescribed dose, the delivered dose will increase by 4%, from 120 to 125 Gy. For those who implement the revised dosimetry parameters using the old TG43 1-D formalism, Eq. 共11兲, the administered dose will increase by 1.7%, from 120 to 122 Gy 共last line, Table IV兲. C. 125 I Model 6711 source As is the case with palladium, the history of iodine seed dosimetry is closely related to the history of a single seed model, the Amersham Model 6711 seed. It is well understood that the original prescribed dose of 160 Gy, used from 1985 until 1995, was based on dosimetry parameters21 that were changed by the publication of the 1995 TG-43 report. The result was to change the prescribed dose to 144 Gy,8 and from 1995 to the present, most institutions have followed this change. The manufacturer of the 6711 seed did not adopt the NIST 1999 air-kerma standard through the transfer of a calibrated source, but instead mathematically implemented an adjustment of 0.897. Consequently, the NIST measurement anomaly 共⫹5.1% for the Model 6711 seed兲 of 1999 that affected the vendor calibrations of the Model 200 and many other source types did not influence Amersham calibrations of the Model 6711 seed. Therefore, only one transition was made in the determination of air-kerma strength of this seed; that of the introduction of the NIST 1999 standard. It is recognized that the incorrect NIST 1999 standard was disseminated to the ADCLs, who may have passed it along to customers, who may then have adjusted the strengths of seeds delivered to them by the manufacturer, but this is not known with any certainty. Thus, this possibility is ignored for this analysis. For the 6711 seed, an,04D共r兲 is almost constant from 1 to ¯ an,04D, 0.943, was 5 cm, so that the anisotropy constant, used in a comparison of delivered doses via the RDA method. This value is slightly different from the value of 0.93 recommended by the 1995 TG-43 report.9 The differences among the 83D, 95D, and 04D radial dose functions Medical Physics, Vol. 32, No. 5, May 2005 1437 are not large. The comparison of the RDA and GFSA doserate analyses in Table V shows that these errors influence the administered-to-prescribed dose ratios by at most 1%. The 1995 TG-43 report recommended a dose rate constant of 0.88, which was mathematically modified to 0.98 in 1999, to accommodate implementation of the 1999 NIST standard.8 The 2004 TG-43 report further revises this value to 0.965, which almost exactly compensates for the changes ¯ an from 1995 to 2004. As a result, the changes in delivin ered dose from the introduction of the Model 6711 seed to the present have been less than 0.5% and can safely be ignored. These data are summarized in Table V. IV. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS The methodology for analyzing the impact of the implementation of new dose calculation parameters, formalism, and changes in source strength calibration standards, presented here, was developed originally by Dr. Williamson and Dr. Todor at Virginia Commonwealth University. Later, it was reviewed, reformulated, and incorporated into this report by the AAPM PEBD subcommittee. This document was reviewed and approved by the AAPM PEBD Subcommittee, Radiation Therapy Committee, and Science Council. Hence this report represents the official position of the AAPM on the recommendations for the impact of the implementation of 2004 TG-43 update on the dose delivered by interstitial brachytherapy sources. For this analysis, we selected four typical prostate implants because the most popular application of interstitial brachytherapy continues to be organ-confined early stage prostate cancer. That the doses used in the actual treatment of the four patients differ from the commonly prescribed monotherapy dose of 125 Gy for 103Pd prostate implants does not impact this analysis, since absolute source strength and dose do not influence the estimated dose ratios. Of the eight sources presented in the 2004 TG-43 update, our analysis considered only the 125I Model 6711 source and 103Pd Model 200 source because the vast majority of papers documenting the clinical efficacy of permanent prostate brachytherapy, representing decades of clinical experience, are based upon these sources. Brachytherapy of prostate cancer has become the treatment of choice for selected patients because of excellent rates of local control with minimal treatment related toxicity. With such a successful therapeutic option, it is critical that any changes in dose delivery techniques, including changes in dose calculation parameters and formalism, as well as procedures used in establishing source strength, should be analyzed critically in order not to compromise the therapeutic implant in potentially curable patient populations. This is the motivation behind this rather densely written and complex analysis. As mentioned earlier, the 1999 NIST anomaly affected many interstitial brachytherapy sources, some by up to 7%. Although dose calculations for several source models were affected by 1999 WAFAC measurement anomalies comparable to or greater than those affecting the Model 200 seed, these sources are not considered by our analysis. Because 1.000 共1.000兲 1.000 共1.000兲 145 145 Pd and 1.000 Current analysis, using RDA method. 04D,N99S parameters ⬎ Present Medical Physics, Vol. 32, No. 5, May 2005 103 ¯ an,04D共r兲 共old 04D,N99S, g P04D共r兲, ⌳04D,N99S = 0.965, 1D formalism兲 145 145 1.000 共1.000兲 1.000 共1.000兲 1.000 ¯ an,04D = 0.943 04D, N99S, gL04D共r兲, ⌳04D,N99S = 0.965, 共approved 1D formalism兲 04D,N99S, parameters ⬎ Present 145 0.987 共0.998兲 1.000 1999 WAFAC measurement anomaly corrected 2000–present ¯ an,95D = 0.93 95D, N99S, g95D共r兲, ⌳95D,N99S = 0.98, 0.987 共0.998兲 143.0 共144.7兲 145 0.987 共0.998兲 1.000 1995 TG-43, 95D parameters and WAFAC SK,N99 standard implemented 1999–2000 ¯ an,95D = 0.93 95D, N99S, g95D共r兲, ⌳95D,N99S = 0.98, 0.987 共0.998兲 143.0 共144.7兲 160 144.4 共144.5兲 1.115 Pre-TG-43 dosimetry era, Loftus SK,N85 standard 1985–1999 ¯ an,83D = 0.87 83D, N85S, g83D共r兲, ⌳83D,N85S = 1.039, 0.902 共0.903兲a Ⲑ Time period, 共t兲 Initiating event SK,t / SK,N99 1.006 共1.007兲 Tx 共Dt兲Rx 具D共r៝兲典xRx 具D共r៝兲典xref Prescription parameters kkD,yyS assumed by DRx t Tx TABLE V. Ratios of administered-to-prescribed dose, 共Dt兲Rx , as a function of year t and dosimetry data tD for 125 I implants. Bold indicates current analysis, using GFSA method. DxTx 共Gy兲 DxRx 共Gy兲 Williamson et al.: Dose specification for a 1438 125 I interstitial brachytherapy 1438 these source models were relatively new products, any dosedelivery errors associated with their use are irrelevant to the interpretation and duplication of the published and evaluated clinical experience. As discussed in more detail in Sec. III C Model 6711 125I vendor calibrations were not affected by the 1999 SK,N99 measurement anomaly. Three different methods for evaluating the impact of dosimetry changes on prostate implants were employed. The RDA method is the simplest and the most clear intuitively in that the delivered doses will scale proportionally with the product of dose rate constant and the anisotropy constant provided the radial dose function is unchanged. Like the RDA method, the GFSA is also a single source method and uses inverse square-law 共approximately兲 to weight the dose contributions at different distances. The most comprehensive method is the CIA method, which uses typical implant geometries for averaging the dose contributions from different distances and from many different sources. The next level calculational techniques, which can further enhance the evaluation of dosimetric impact, would be to use theoretical models of radiation induced cell killing 共for example, Yue et al.17兲. At this stage we feel that the CIA model is quite adequate for the analysis presented considering the lack of sensitivity of these calculation results to the method used. Even the simplest RDA method using the product of dose rate constant and anisotropy constant gives results within 2% of the results from CIA method. Thus, the analysis presented here is relatively insensitive to the choice of calculational technique. Our analysis indicates that the full implementation of 2004 TG-43 report recommendations will have no significant impact on the 125I dose prescriptions and dose delivered 共less than 2%兲. However, for 103Pd sources, there will be a systematic escalation of dose delivered by about 4.2% compared to current practice unless the prescribed doses are revised downward from 125 Gy. The radiation oncologist has three choices: 共1兲 stay with the current dose prescription of 125 Gy and accept a 4% dose escalation; 共2兲 decrease the prescribed dose to a round number of 120 Gy which will deliver doses very close to the current practice; or 共3兲 decrease the prescribed dose to 115 Gy, which will restore future delivered doses to levels characteristic of pre-1997 delivery practices. Of course, radiation oncologists should also consider their own clinical techniques and experiences in terms of disease control and toxicity, which depend upon many procedural and technical details such as the choice of margins around the tumor volume, the loading pattern, number of needles used and patient selection for brachytherapy. For the sake of consistency at the national level, the AAPM recommends that the radiation oncology physician community review this report and make recommendations regarding the need for prescribed dose revision, if any, similar to the American Brachytherapy Society recommendations5 published in response to the AAPM 2000 guidance.1 Although we have focused on the dose prescription for prostate cancer only, the methods described here are applicable for implants at any other site. However, caution should ជ兲 / DRx ជ兲典 ratios to be exercised in extrapolating the 具Dref t 共r t 共r 1439 Williamson et al.: Dose specification for 103 Pd and 125 I interstitial brachytherapy implants that differ significantly from the geometry of typical prostate volume implants, e.g., planar implants or eye plaques. In such cases, it may be prudent to re-evaluate the ជ兲 / DRx ជ兲典 ratio for the specific implant geometry in 具Dref t 共r t 共r question. Finally, it should be emphasized that the impact of the adoption of the 2004 AAPM TG-43 report recommendations is a systematic change that would affect all patients under treatment if adopted uniformly. Therefore, such systematic changes, even though they may appear small for an individual patient, especially considering the dose inhomogeneity within a tumor volume, can have a profound effect on the efficacy of a treatment regimen. Thus, a careful consideration of all clinical factors is necessary before making systematic changes in dose prescription and dose delivered by a thoughtless adoption of a new dosimetry protocol. WHOM TO CONTACT FOR FURTHER ASSISTANCE If you have questions regarding the recommendations of this report or implementing them in your clinic, please contact the Radiological Physics Center 共RPC兲 at MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX at 共713兲 792-3226. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors would like to thank Dr. Ty Robin, Dr. Mary Napolitano, and Joe Rodgers of Theragenics Corporation for their exceptionally detailed and helpful comments. Certain commercial equipment, instruments, or materials are identified in this paper to foster understanding. 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