www.ijecs.in International Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science ISSN:2319-7242

International Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science ISSN:2319-7242
Volume – 4 Issue - 12 December, 2015 Page No. 15258-15261
A New Approach For Text Detection In Natural Scene Images
Sonia Jenifer Rayen
Assistant Professor, Jeppiaar Institute of Technology,Chennai, India.
Email: soniya@jeppiaarinstitute.org
Abstract— Text detection in natural scene pictures is a very important requirement for
several content-based image analysis tasks. Text data facilitate to perceive a picture, scanned
document analysis, electricity meters, reading of street name, automobile vehicle plate reading,
detection and translation of sign, mobile text characters recognition by image processing. This paper
tend to propose associate correct and study methodology for police investigation texts in natural
scene pictures. a quick and effective pruning algorithmic program is intended to extract Maximally
Stable Extremal Regions (MSERs) as character candidates exploitation the strategy of
minimizing regular variations. Character candidates square measure classified into text candidates by
the single-link bunch algorithmic program which is used here, wherever distance weights
and bunch threshold square measure learned mechanically by a unique self-training distance metric
learning algorithmic program.
Index Terms—MSER, Text Candidate, Threshold, Distance metric algorithm.
Text in photos contains valuable data and is
exploited in many content-based image and video
applications, like content-based internet image
search, video data retrieval, and mobile primarily
based text analysis and recognition. As a results
of sophisticated background, and variations of
font, size, color and orientation, text in natural
scene photos must be robustly detected before
being recognized and retrieved. Existing ways for
scene text detection can roughly be classified into
three groups: window primarily based ways,
connected part primarily based ways, and hybrid
ways. Window primarily based ways, in addition
said as region-based ways, use a window to
appear for potential texts inside the image thus
use machine learning techniques to identify text.
These ways area unit slow as a result of the
image must be processed in a very multiple
scales of the method. In text extraction stage the
text components in photos area unit segmental
from background. After, the extracted text photos
are going to be regenerate into plain text
victimization OCR technology. Through Text
detection and recognition in photos, that coupling
of text-+based trying technologies and optical
character recognition (OCR), is presently
recognized as a key part that area unit gift inside
the photographs.
As delineate on top of, MSER-based strategies
performance in several real comes. However,
current MSER-based strategies still have some
key limitations, i.e., they'll suffer from police
work of continuance elements and additionally
algorithms. the most advantage of MSER-based
strategies over ancient connected element based
mostly strategies roots within the usage of the
MSERs algorithmic program for character
extraction – the MSERs algorithmic program is
ready to notice most characters even once the
image is in caliber (low resolution, robust noises,
low distinction, etc.). However, one severe
however not thus obvious pitfall of the MSERs
algorithmic program is that almost all of the
detected MSERs ar if truth be told continuance
with one another. continuance MSERs ar
problematic for the latter character candidates
grouping algorithmic program, therefore most of
the continuance MSERs, with the exception of
the MSERs that almost all possible correspond to
character, got to be removed before being fed to
Sonia Jenifer Rayen,IJECS Volume 04 Issue 12 December 2015,Page No.15258-15261
Page 15258
DOI: 10.18535/Ijecs/v4i12.30
the character grouping algorithmic program. The
MSERs pruning downside has been studied by
Carlos the Jackal et al. and John von Neumann
and Matas. Carlos the Jackal et al. conferred a
MSERs pruning algorithmic program that
contains 2 steps: reduction of linear segments by
maximising the border energy function; and (2)
stratified filtering with a cascade of filters. John
von Neumann and Matas planned a MSER++
based mostly text detection technique, that
exploits rather difficult options, e.g., higher-order
properties of text and uses complete hunt for
pruning. Later, John von Neumann and Matas
conferred a two-stage algorithmic program for
Extremal Regions (ERs) pruning with the
complete search strategy. within the first stage, a
classifier trained from incrementally estimable
descriptors (area, bounding box, perimeter, Euler
range and horizontal crossing) is employed to
estimate the class-conditional chances of ERs;
ERs like native most of chances within the ER
inclusion relation ar selected . within the second
stage, ERs passed the first stage ar classified as
characters and non-characters victimization a lot
of complicated options. The on top of strategies
all explore the data structure of MSERs, however
have used totally different strategies for
estimating the chances of MSERs like characters.
To touch upon the big range of continuance
MSERs, they need used relevant options
(cascading filters and incrementally estimable
descriptors) in pruning. Another downside with
MSER-based strategies, or a lot of typically,
connected element based mostly strategies and
hybrid strategies, is that the absence of an
efficient text candidates construction algorithmic
program. the prevailing strategies for text
candidate construction fall under 2 general
approaches: rule-based and clustering-based
strategies. John von Neumann and Matas
classified character candidates by meanings of
the text line constrain. Their self-evident truth is
that characters during a word is fitted by one or a
lot of high and bottom lines. The text line
constrain is sort of elaborate, however it’s too
restrictive for contaminated text, written text and
alternative language model. Carlos the Jackal et
al. made a totally connected graph over character
candidates, filtered edges by running a collection
of tests (edge angle, relative position and size
distinction of adjacent character candidates) and
used the remaining connected sub graphs as text
candidates. Chen et al. combine wised character
candidates as clusters with constrains on stroke
dimension and height distinction, and exploited a
line to fit the centroids of clusters. They declared
a line as text candidate if it connected 3 or a lot
of character candidates. The clustering-based
technique conferred by Pan et al. clusters
character candidates into a tree victimization the
minimum spanning tree algorithmic program
with a learned distance metric; text candidates ar
made by taking off between-text edges with
associate energy step-down model. The on top of
rule based mostly strategies typically need handtuned parameters, whereas the clustering-based
technique is difficult by the incorporating of the
post-processing stage, wherever one needs to
specify a rather difficult energy model.
By incorporating many key enhancements
over ancient MSER-based strategies, we tend to
propose a unique MSER-based scene text
detection methodology. The structure of the
planned system, likewise because the sample
results of every stage is conferred here. The
planned scene text detection methodology
includes the subsequent stages:
1) Character candidate extraction. Character
candidates area unit extracted mistreatment the
MSERs formula; most of the repetition parts area
unit removed by the planned MSERs pruning
algorithm by minimizing regularised variations.
2) Text candidate construction. Distance
weights and cluster threshold area unit learned at
the same time mistreatment the planned metric
learning formula; character candidates area unit
clustered into text candidates by the single-link
cluster algorithm mistreatment the learned
3) Text candidate elimination. The posterior
possibilities of text candidates comparable to
non-texts area unit calculable mistreatment the
character classifier and text candidates with high
non-text possibilities area unit removed.
4) Text candidate classification. Text
candidates comparable to true texts area unit
identified by the text classifier. Associate in
Nursing AdaBoost classifier is trained to come to
a decision whether or not Associate in Nursing
text candidate comparable to actuality text or not.
Sonia Jenifer Rayen, IJECS Volume 04 Issue 12 December 2015,Page No.15258-15261
Page 15259
DOI: 10.18535/Ijecs/v4i12.30
Pruning formula summary
Repeating parts is that the major pitfall once
the MSER formula is applied as a personality
segmentation formula. Considering the MSERs
tree. The data structure of MSERs is kind of
helpful for planning a pruning formula. As
characters cannot “contain” or be “contained” by
alternative characters in globe, it's safe to get rid
of kids once the parent is understood to be a
personality, and contrariwise. If the MSERs tree
is cropped by applying this type of parentchildren elimination operation recursively, we
tend to area unit still “safe” and every one
characters area unit preserved once the
elimination. As Associate in Nursing example, a
collection of disconnected nodes containing all
the specified characters is extracted by applying
this formula to the MSERs tree. However, it is
computationally valuable to spot characters, that
typically entails the computations of complicated
Fortunately, instead of distinguishing the
character, we will merely select the one that's
additional doubtless to be characters in an
Claimed that such pairwise relationships might
not be sufficient to eliminate non-character
MSERs, and pruning ought to exploit some
difficult higher-order properties of text. as an
alternative, our empirical study indicates that this
chance is quick calculable mistreatment our
regularised variation theme with affordable
accuracy. As there area unit totally different
things (one kid and multiple-children) in MSERs
trees, we tend to style 2 algorithms supported the
particularly the linear reduction and tree
accumulation formula. The linear reduction
formula is employed take away|to get rid of} line
segments within the MSERs tree at first and also
the accumulation formula is then wont to
additional remove perennial characters.
clustering, every datum is ab initio treated as
oneton cluster and clusters area unit in turn
integrated till all points are integrated into a
single remaining cluster. within the case of
single-link cluster, {the 2|the 2} clusters whose
two nighest members have the littlest distance
area unit integrated in every step. A distance
threshold is specified such the cluster method is
terminated once the gap between nearest clusters
exceeds the edge. The ensuing clusters of singlelink formula kind a hierarchal cluster tree or
cluster forest if termination threshold is specified.
In our application of the single-link formula,
every datum represents a personality candidate
and high level clusters within the final cluster
tree (forest) correspond to text candidates.
Using the text candidates construction
algorithm proposed, our experiment in ICDAR
2011 training database shows that only 9% of the
text candidates correspond to true texts. As it is
hard to train an effective text classifier using such
an unbalanced database, most of the non-text
candidates need to be removed before training
the classifier. We propose to use a character
classifier to estimate the posterior probabilities of
text candidates corresponding to non-text and
remove text candidates with high non-text
probabilities. The following features are used to
train the character classifier: text region height,
width and aspect ratio, smoothness (defined as
the average difference of adjacent boundary
pixels’ gradient directions) and stroke width
features (including mean and variance of
character stroke widths). Characters with small
aspect ratios such as “i”, “j” and “l” are labeled
as negative samples, as it is very uncommon that
some words comprise many small aspect ratio
Text candidates area unit created by cluster
character candidates mistreatment single-link
cluster. Intuitively, single-link cluster produces
clusters that area unit elongated and therefore is
especially appropriate for the text candidate
construction task. Single-link cluster belongs to
the family of hierarchal cluster; in hierarchal
Evaluation supported calculable range of
characters. Ideally a text detection methodology
as an area of a text extraction system shouldn't be
evaluated on the scale of detected areas nor the
quantity of detected boxes however on the
quantity of the detected characters. sadly, the
quantity of characters in an exceedingly
bounding box cannot be outlined by the
Sonia Jenifer Rayen, IJECS Volume 04 Issue 12 December 2015,Page No.15258-15261
Page 15260
DOI: 10.18535/Ijecs/v4i12.30
algorithmic rule however it will be approximated
by the quantitative relation width/height of the
box, if we tend to assume that this quantitative
relation is constant for each character, the areas
between totally different words in an exceedingly
text line square measure proportional to its height
and every text line contains characters of
constant size. therein approach, the analysis are
supported the recall and exactness of the world
coverage, normalized by the approximation of
the quantity of characters for each box .The
overall metric are the weighted mean value of
exactness and recall conjointly referred because
the F-measure wherever GBi is that the ground
truth bounding box range i and hgi is its height,
whereas GBi is that the detected bounding box
range i and hdi is its height. N is that the range of
ground truth bounding boxes and M is that the
range of detected bounding boxes and GDI, DGI
square measure the corresponding intersections.
This system offers a way of retrieving the
text from natural scene pictures. Previous ways
are either simply locates the text within the
pictures or it fails to figure in distractive
backgrounds and handle multiple orientations
and totally different fonts .This technique can
facilitate in heap ways in which like retrieving
the small print from variety plate, retrieving the
road name in an exceedingly board, to save lots
of the small print like range from a card or board.
One notable advantage of this project is it
works even in some distractive backgrounds still
as multiple orientations of the image. The
accuracy of the text detected from a image
exceeds the previous ways developed for doing
an equivalent.
This paper can be improved in many ways.
The options like text prediction will be integrated
with this project in order that unclear text in
image (due to distractive backgrounds) will be
foreseen simply.
Developing a mobile application for this
project will lead to the addition of portability to
this project.
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