ADVANCED BEGINNER MIDTERM REVIEW Week of January 12 Friday January 16

Week of January 12: Spoken Assessment - 18 Points
Friday January 16: Written Assessment - 42 Points
Tuesday January 20: Multiple Choice (Including Reading and Listening) - 40 Points
5A- Una fiesta de cumpleaños (p.221)
o Describe families, talk about celebrations and parties (p.244)
o Ask and tell ages using the verb “tener” (p.228)
o Express possession using possessive adjectives. (p.232)
5B- Vamos a un restaurant (p.247)
o Talk about family celebrations, Describe family members and friends. (p.268)
o Use the verbs:
o venir (p.256)
o ser, estar (p.258)
6A- En mi dormitorio (p. 271)
o Talk about your bedroom, describe bedroom items and electronic equipment (p.294)
o The o-ue stem-changing verbs “poder” and “dormir” (p.284)
o Make comparisons (más/menos + adj + que and irregulars) (p.278)
o Make superlatives (el,la,los,las + noun + más/menos + adj and irregulars) (p.280)
6B- ¿Cómo es tu casa? (p. 297)
o Identify rooms in a house, name household chores, tell where you live (p.318)
o the present progressive (p.308)
o tú commands (p.305)
7A- ¿Cuánto cuesta? (p. 321)
o Talk about clothes, shopping, and prices. (p.342)
o The e-ie stem-changing verbs pensar, querer, and preferir (p.330)
Spoken Assessment
With a partner or in a small group, you will be asked to talk about a topic covered in the
first half of the year. With a neighbor, come up with two topics that you might be asked
to discuss:
Ex: 5A: Do you like birthday parties? Why or why not?
Talk about parties or celebrations you have with your family
and friends. How do you prepare? (decorations, food, etc)
Who comes to the party?
● celebrar
○ (cantar) feliz cumpleaños
○ la fiesta
○ bailar
○ comer
● decorar
○ la piñata
○ los globos
● Preparar
○ el pastel
○ beber
○ refrescos
○ cocinar
● venir
○ la familia, los amigos, los abuelos, los tíos, los primos, los hermanos
● How many siblings do you have? What are they like? How old are they?
○ Tener (siblings)
○ Ser- es/son (personality traits and appearance)
○ Tener # años
● Does your family have birthday parties? Where? Who goes? What do you do
○ fiestas de cumpleaños
○ celebrar
○ venir- to come, ir- to go
○ bailar, romper la piñata, comer un pastel
● Does you family have parties frequently? What does everyone bring to the
○ Traer- to bring
You are at a restaurant, waiting for your favorite family member to join your
birthday party celebration. Tell the waiter what he/she looks like and some items
you are missing at the table.
● El camarero
● traer
○ Por favor ¿me trae….?
● me falta- missing 1 thing
● me faltan- missing more than 1 thing
○ plato
○ servilleta
○ menú
○ sal y pimienta
○ cubiertos
■ tenedor
■ cuchillo
■ cuchara
● La persona
○ Alto
○ bajo
○ feo
○ bonito/lindo/guapo
○ joven
○ viejo
■ pelo
● largo
● corto
● rubio
● canoso
● negro
● castaño
● pelirrojo
● What foods or drinks does your family order when they go out to eat?
○ pedir (e-i)
● What is your favorite restaurant? What do you order there? With whom do you
typically eat?
○ Pedir (e-i)
● Do you have a favorite family member? Who? What are they like?
Describe in detail your bedroom (ideal or real). Talk about all of
the furniture and where it’s located. (Make sure to include
colors in your description.)
Compare two items in your bedroom.
● Mi dormitorio
● tiene…
○ la pared
○ la ventana
○ el armario
○ la alfombra
● los muebles (furniture)
○ la cama
○ la mesita
○ la silla
○ el espejo
○ la cómoda
○ el escritorio
○ la lámpara
○ el televisor
● Location
○ a la derecha de
○ a la izquierda de
○ encima de
○ detrás de
○ al lado de
○ debajo de
○ cerca de
○ lejos de
● Más/menos + ADJ + que
○ azul
○ amarillo
○ blanco
○ pequeño
○ grande
○ mediano
● What is your bedroom like? What color? How big? What furniture do you have?
● Compare your bedroom to a family member’s room.
● Compare your bedroom to your dream bedroom. (El dormitorio de mis sueños)
Talk to your partner about the rooms in your house and the
chores you have to do in each of them.
I have to…
Tengo que + infinitive
I need to...
Necesito + infinitive
● el dormitorio
○ hacer la cama
○ arreglar el cuarto
○ quitar el polvo
○ pasar la aspiradora
la cocina
○ lavar los platos
○ cocinar
○ sacar la basura
○ poner la mesa
○ dar de comer al perro
el comedor
○ poner la mesa
○ quitar el polvo
○ pasar la aspiradora
el baño
○ sacar la basura
○ limpiar el baño
la sala
○ pasar la aspiradora
○ quitar el polvo
○ arreglar el cuarto
el garaje
○ lavar el coche
○ sacar la basura
el sótano
○ lavar la ropa
What are some of your friends doing right now? Talk about
three friends, and discuss what they are doing. Use different
activities for each.
● Estar + -ando/-iendo (present progressive)
○ Mi amiga, Tere, está…
○ Mis amigos, Juan y Javier, están...
■ practicando deportes
■ estudiando
■ jugando videojuegos
■ hablando
■ comiendo
■ trabajando
escuchando a la profesora
viendo la televisión
bebiendo agua
● What chores do you have to do? Which chores do you like and dislike?
● Tell your partner to do chores using commands. Come up with an excuse in the
present progressive.
○ IE: ¡haz la cama en el dormitorio! -> no puedo ahora, estoy poniendo la
Think about all the seasons of the year and what kind of
clothing you wear in each season. Describe to your partner
what you prefer to wear in those seasons.
● En ______________ Prefiero llevar…..
○ El verano
■ la camiseta
■ los pantalones cortos
■ la gorra
■ los anteojos de sol
■ el traje de baño
■ las sandalias
○ La primavera
■ la camiseta
■ los pantalones cortos
■ la chaqueta
■ los jeans
■ la gorra
■ los anteojos de sol
○ El invierno
■ el abrigo
■ los pantalones
■ las botas
■ los calcetines
■ los guantes
○ El otoño
■ la chaqueta
■ los pantalones
■ los jeans
■ los zapatos
■ los calcetines
● Where do you prefer to shop? What do you buy there?
● What do you prefer to wear? Color? Fit? Brand? Style?
You will be having a conversation with another person. One of the things you should do
is ask questions about what they are saying. With your partner, write at least 5 question
words in Spanish, and their definitions:
1.¿Qué? What?
2.¿Cómo? How?
3.¿Cuándo? When?
4.¿Dónde? Where?
5.¿Quién? Who?
6. ¿Por qué? Why?
Written Assessment
The written assessment includes 2 short answer questions, the verb poder, the present
progressive, commands, comparisons, and superlatives.
Short Answer:
Answer the following questions in Spanish:
1. Write about a friend. What does he/she look like? What is his/her personality like?
When is his/her birthday?
Describe families, talk about celebrations and parties (p.244)
Ask and tell ages using the verb “tener” (p.228)
Describe family members and friends. (p.268)
Family description project: p.241
2. What clothes do you like to wear? What clothes do you prefer not to wear? What
colors do you tend to wear most?
Poder (p.284)
What things are these people able to do? What are you unable to do? Follow the
model, and complete each sentence:
Ex: Mis amigos y yo podemos cantar bien.
Ex: Mis amigos y yo no podemos cantar bien.
Mis amigos pueden nadar bien.
Yo puedo hablar en español.
Mi madre puede sacar la basura.
Present Progressive (p.308)
Write which chore the following people are completing according to their location. Do
not repeat any chores. Follow the model.
Tú (el garaje)
Tú estás lavando el coche.
Mis padres (el comedor)
están poniendo la mesa en el comedor.
Mi hermano (la cocina)
está lavando los platos/cocinando en la cocina.
Yo (el baño)
estoy limpiando el baño.
Commands (p.305)
Your friend keeps complaining to you. Tell them what to do to improve the situation by
filling in the blank with a command. There is more than one correct answer for each of
the following questions.
Example: --La alfombra tiene mucho pelo de gato.
--Pasa la aspiradora.
—La cama está desordenada
—_¡Haz la cama!
_ Vamos a comer, pero no hay platos en la mesa.
--_¡Pon la mesa!
--El baño está sucio.
--_¡Limpia el baño!
Comparisons (p.278) and Superlatives (p.280)
Using the picture below, compare the person named in each question to one of the
others. (p.278)
Example: Monica / alta
Mónica es más alta que Sr. Camacho.
Sr. Camacho / viejo
Sr. Camacho es mayor que Monica y Felipe
Felipe / artístico
Felipe es menos artístico que Sr. Camacho
Sr. Camacho /alto
Sr. Camacho es menos alto que Monica.
Sr. Camacho es más alto que Felipe.
Monica / sociable
Monica es más sociable que Felipe y Sr. Camacho.
Using the same picture, make a superlative statement about the person named in each
question (p.280)
Example: Mónica / alta
Sr. Camacho / artístico
Mónica es la persona más alta.
Sr. Camacho es la persona más artística.
Felipe / viejo
Pablo es la persona menor.
Felipe / alto
Felipe es la persona menos alta.
Mónica / estudiosa
Monica es la persona menos estudiosa.
Multiple Choice Assessment
The multiple choice section includes listening, reading, and multiple-choice questions
designed to test your knowledge of the vocabulary we have studied. You should use
the on-line flashcards or make your own to review the vocabulary. We will do additional