Spanish Ch. 2A Test Study Guide: Reflexive Verbs & More

Study Guide for Ch. 2A Test:
A. Answer the following questions or complete the sentence:
Rank Level 2 gets a Spanish word bank. Rank Level 1 does not.
1. Para arreglarme el pelo necesito el gel/el cepillo/el peine.
2. Después de ducharme, necesito la toalla para secarme el cuerpo.
3. El vestido negro y largo es muy elegante para la cena especial.
4. Después de levantarme, yo me ducho en la ducha.
B. Ser o estar? Rank Level 2 gets a Spanish word bank. Rank Level 1 does not.
Explain WHY you used ser (DOCTOR) or estar (LACE)
Las joyas de mamá son de plata. Description, Origin, Characteristic
¿Cómo estás hoy? Condition or Emotion
Creo que Pablo está nervioso por el examen. Condition or Emotion.
Mis amigos son de California. Origin
Mi familia está en la playa hoy. Location
C. Possessive Adjectives: Write the possessive adjective that best completes
the conversations. Both Ranks are the same.
-Mamá: Vas a usar el coche esta noche? Necesitas el coche (tuyo/tuya) o el
-Juana: No gracias. Mis amigos y yo vamos en el coche de un amigo (míos/mío)
D. Read the following statements from an online survey about people’s daily
routines. Write L for lógico and I for ilógico. Both ranks are the same. MAKE
1. Por la mañana, me seco el pelo después de ducharme. L
2. Por la mañana, me visto y luego me ducho. I- You don’t get dressed and then
shower afterwards
3. Generalmente, me cepillo los dientes antes de acostarme. L
4. Antes de bañarme, me pongo el maquillage. I- You don’t put on make-up before
taking a bath
5. Después de ponerme el desodorate, me ducho. I You don’t shower after putting on
6. Antes de lavarme el pelo, me seco con una toalla. I- You don’t dry your hair with a
towel before washing your hair.
7. Antes de arreglarme el pelo, me ducho. L
F. Listening section. This is the same for both ranks.
Open up your etext and go to p. 97.
Tap on the play triangle on the top right of your screen.
Listen to the track.
Write “fin de semana” is the person is describing a weekend and write “de lunes a
viernes” if the person is describing a weekday. Make sure you can explain WHY you
circled your choice.
1. Fin de semana- This person wakes up between 10-10:30 and wakes up slowly
2. De lunes a viernes- This person wakes up early and gets ready for school
3. De lunes a viernes- This person does homework and goes to bed early
4. Fin de semana- This person goes to the movies and a party at night and goes to
bed late.
G. Writing section. Handwrite what you would say for prompt #1 of the speaking
quiz according to your rank level. Make sure it is a little different from the examples
I gave you on my website. Make it your own. Both ranks should be prepared to write
at least 5-7 sentences.
Answers will vary