SOUTHEAST/EAST ASIA COUNTRY PROFILE Name __________________________________________ Pd________

Name __________________________________________
Directions: Complete the following culture questions to collect information about your country. Feel
free to include extra information as well!
HISTORY: Describe an important holiday in your country.
ART/ACHITECTURE: What are some famous buildings or art or forms of artistic expression in your
country? (Provide at least 3)
RELIGION: What are the top 2 or 3 religions in your country? Which one is the main one?
DAILY LIFE: Describe some of the common clothing and what the housing is like in your country?
LANGUAGE: What are the most commonly spoken language(s) in your country? (Include some
statistics – how many people speak those languages)
ECONOMY: What is the GDP of your country? What is their currency called?
GOVERNMENT: What type of government do they practice? Who is the head of their government?
SOCIAL GROUPS: What are schools like in your country? What are some of the important social
groups to people?
INTERESTING FACT: Something interesting that you learned about your country
Southeast/East Asia
Country Profile Project
(60 points)
Directions: Research to find information about the geographic and cultural elements of the country you
have selected. You should use the internet sources below to obtain this information. You will have time
in the IMC to complete the research for the project. All work is due by ____________________________.
Sites to use: You must use to create an MLA formatted
works cited page of your sources that were used. You must have at least 2
sources. (10 points)
The CIA World Factbook
The CultureGrams Database (
IMC Website---Databases----CultureGrams
Username: pennfield
Password: culture
Books! The IMC has some great books on countries!
After gathering your information, choose one of the following forms to present your information. Be prepared
to share your presentation with the class: (50 points)
Option 1: Poster Board –
 Standard poster board size
 Title – name of your country
 Neatly and creativity present your country’s information from the 9 categories and pictures of
your country
 Include at least 8 pictures (one per culture category), your country’s flag, and a map
showing the geographic location of your country
Option 2: Power Point Presentation –
 Presentation must include at least 10 slides (Title slide and at least one per category on info
 Neatly and creativity present your country’s information from the 9 categories and pictures of
your country
 Include at least 8 pictures (one per culture category), your country’s flag, and a map
showing the geographic location of your country