Name _______________________________________ Period _________________ Hi 85 Test #1 Intro Chapter Quiz 1 (3085) MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the best answer for each question and bubble in the correct letter on the scan sheet. _____ 1. Your teacher hands out a copy of a laboratory experiment. What is the first thing you should do to conduct the experiment safely? A. Open any materials described in the experiment. B. Read the directions, ask questions and begin. C. Mix your materials with those of another group to save time. D. Create your own experiment ______2. The smallest unit of an element that retains the properties of that element is called a(n) A. B. C. D. Molecule Element Compound Atom _____3. A substance composed of a single kind of atom is called a A. B. C. D. Molecule Element Compound Atom ._____4. A substance in which two or more elements are chemically joined is called a(n) A. B. C. D. Intro test #1 - 85 Mixture Element Compound Atom Page 1 Name _______________________________________ Period _________________ _____5. Two or more substances that are not chemically combined (physically combined) and are easily separated physically are called a(n) A. B. C. D. Mixture Element Compound Atom _____ 6. Anything that has mass and takes up space is classified as a(n) A. Atom B. Element C. Compound D. Matter _____ 7. Which of the examples below is a mixture? A. Water (H20) B. Trail mix (peanuts, pretzels and candy) C. Oxygen (O) D. Salt (NaCl) Matching: Choose the best word in Box A for questions 10-13 Box A _____ 8. The basic unit of length A. Volume _____ 9. The amount of space an object takes up B. Grams _____ 10. The basic unit of volume C. Liter _____ 11. The basic unit for mass D. Meter Intro test #1 - 85 Page 2 Name _______________________________________ Period _________________ Matching: Choose the best word in Box B for questions 14-17 Box B ______ 12. The instrument used to measure liquid volume _____ 13. The curve of a liquid _____ 14. The instrument used to measure length A. Balance B. Meniscus C. Graduated Cylinder D. Metric Ruler _____ 15. The instrument used to measure mass. Intro test #1 - 85 Page 3 Name _______________________________________ Period _________________ Use the Periodic Table below to answer questions 16-19. 16. Which element has two protons, two neutrons and two electrons? A.H (Hydrogen) B. O (Oxygen) C. He (Helium) D. N (Nitrogen) 17. How many protons does Oxygen (O) have? A. 5 B. 8 C. 1 D. 17 18. How many electrons does Calcium (Ca) have? A. 4 B. 7 C. 17 D. 20 19. How many neutrons does Lithium (Li) have? A. 2 B. 4 C.10 D. 6 Intro test #1 - 85 Page 4 Name _______________________________________ Period _________________ 20. What is an example of compound? A. He (Helium) B. Oxygen plus nitrogen (O + N) C. Na (sodium) D. NaCl (salt) 21. What is the center of an atom called? A. Proton B. Electron C. Nucleus D. Neutron 22. What two subatomic particles are contained in the nucleus? A. Protons and neutrons B. Protons and electrons C. Electrons and neutrons D. Protons and croutons 23. There are two kinds of mixtures. Which picture below shows a heterogeneous mixture? A. Picture A B. Picture B Picture A Picture B 24. There are two types of mixtures. Which picture above shows a homogeneous mixture? A. Picture A B. Picture B Intro test #1 - 85 Page 5 Name _______________________________________ Period _________________ 25. Determine the volume of the graduated cylinder below. A. 32 ml B. 35 ml C. 33 ml D. 34 ml 26. Determine the mass below. A. 45.2 g B. 545.2g C. 545g D. 540g Intro test #1 - 85 Page 6 Name _______________________________________ Period _________________ 27. To find the volume of an irregular object you would need to: 1. Fill the graduated cylinder with water and record the volume 2. Gently drop the object in 3. Read and record the new volume of the water 4. Subtract the two volumes What is the process described above called? A. Water movement B. Water displacement C. Water and volume D. Water cycle 28. Determine the volume of the fish in the pictures below. A. 6 ml B. 5 ml C. 38 ml D. 10 ml Intro test #1 - 85 Page 7 Name _______________________________________ Period _________________ 29. What is the correct measurement for the arrow below? A. 3 cm B. 3.5 cm C. 3.6 cm D. 3.7cm 30. What is the volume of the cube? Each side is 3cm long. A. 3 cm3 B. 6 cm3 C. 9 cm3 D. 27cm3 Intro test #1 - 85 Page 8