GUIDELINES FOR DOCUMENTATION OF A DISABILITY Grays Harbor College DISABILITY SUPPORT SERVICES (DSS) 1620 Edward P. Smith Dr. Aberdeen, WA 98520-7599 Phone: 360.538.4068 (FAX) 360.538.4293 (TDD) 360.538.4223 In order to fully evaluate requests for academic accommodations or auxiliary aids, documentation of a student's disability is used in addition to the student’s self-report to understand the impact of the disability as it relates to the accommodation request. Additionally, in order to be eligible for protection from discrimination, under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, a student will need to establish his/her status as a person with a disability. Please see the individual disability documentation guidelines for further information. (NOTE: A diagnosis of a disorder/condition/syndrome in and of itself does not automatically qualify an individual for accommodations under the ADA, Section 504 or Washington State Law.). Some accommodations may require some time to arrange. Depending on the nature of the accommodations, requests for accommodations should be received by the college between three months to two weeks prior to the beginning of the quarter for which the request is made, when possible. Lack of advance notice may delay the availability of an accommodation. All contact information and documentation received is kept in separate confidential files within DSS to evaluate requests for academic accommodations or auxiliary aids. The evaluation process includes a review of the documentation itself and in the context of documentation on the fundamental goals and essential standards of the program, course, service, or benefit in question. The evaluation process will generate a list of potentially reasonable accommodations that will then be reviewed based on potential effectiveness, preferences of the requester, maximum level of integration, and the potential for an undue financial or administrative burden. The guidelines below were developed to assist you in working with your treating professional(s) to prepare the information needed to evaluate your request. If, after reading these guidelines and the accompanying documents regarding specific disabilities, you have any questions, please call the Disability Support Services at 360.538.4068; TDD at 360.538.4223. K-12 Transition: For individuals who have recently been receiving services from a public school system, the information requested would most likely be contained in the PsychoEducational Evaluation report from your most recent triennial review. Some of the information may also be contained in historical documents such as an IEP, 504 Plan, or Transition Plan. You should check the information against the guidelines below. DVR or Other Agency Transition: For individuals who are or have been recently receiving services from a state rehabilitation agency (e.g. Division of Vocational Rehabilitation), much of the requested information will be contained in your most recent eligibility evaluation and/or your individualized vocational plan. You should check the information against the guidelines below. (Please see other side) Updated 7.22.13 College Transfer Student: For individuals transferring from another college; information related to your disability will not be sent with a transcript request. You must request that information separately. Additionally, the information Grays Harbor College is requesting may or may not have been a part of your previous college's evaluation process. You should check the information against the guidelines below. AS APPROPRIATE TO THE DISABILITY, DOCUMENTATION SHOULD BE WRITTEN ON LETTERHEAD PAPER OF THE PROFESSIONAL AND INCLUDE: 1. A diagnostic statement identifying the disability, diagnostic evaluation, and the date of the original diagnosis. 2. A description of the diagnostic criteria and or diagnostic test used. This description should include the specific results of diagnostic procedures, diagnostic tests utilized, and when administered. If available, both summary and specific test scores should be reported as standard scores and the norming population identified. When standard scores are not available, the mean, standard deviation, and the standard error of measurement are requested as appropriate to the construction of the test. Diagnostic methods used should be congruent with the disability and professional practices within the field. Informal or non-standardized evaluations should be described in enough detail that a professional colleague could understand their role and significance in the diagnostic process. If you need more information please request the individual category disability guidelines for specifics on the following areas: (1) attention disabilities, (2) health and physical disabilities; (3) hearing disabilities, (4) learning disabilities, (5) psychiatric disabilities, and/or (6) vision disabilities. 3. A description of the functional impact of the disability on this specific student. The functional impact on physical, perceptual, cognitive, and behavioral abilities should be described either explicitly or through the provision of specific results from the diagnostic procedures. 4. A description of treatments, medications, assistive devices, accommodations and/or assistive services in use (or a recommendation for use) with this specific student and their estimated effectiveness in ameliorating the impact of the disability. Significant side effects that may impact physical, perceptual, behavioral or cognitive performance should also be noted. 5. A description of the expected progression or stability of the impact of the disability over time with this specific student should be included. This description should provide an estimate of the change in the functional limitations of the disability over time and/or recommendations concerning the predictable needs for reevaluation. 6. The credentials address and contact information of the diagnosing professional(s). Information describing the certification, licensure, and/or the professional training of individuals conducting the evaluation should be provided. Recommendations from professionals with a history of working with the individual provide valuable information for the review process. They will be considered in the evaluation of requests for accommodation and/or auxiliary aids. Where such recommendations are congruent with the programs, services, and benefits offered by Grays Harbor College, they will be given deference. When recommendations go beyond services and benefits that can be provided by Grays Harbor College, they may be used to suggest potential referrals to area service providers beyond Grays Harbor College. (Please see other side) Updated 7.22.13