ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: Arts and Sciences, Applied Sciences Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) Elithorp, James Associate Professor F Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours GEOM207: GEODESY & GEODETIC COORDNATS I(UT)-3 GEOM306: MEASUREMENT SCIENCE I(UT)-3 Academic Degrees Earned Other Qualifications or Experience Doctorate Geomatics Engineering - PURDUE GSH: 52 EGSC111: ENGINEERING GRAPHICS WITH CAD(UT)-2 GEOM104: GEOMATICS SERVICE LEARNING(UT)-0 GEOM111: GEOMATICS METHODS I(UT)-3 Masters Civil Engineering - PURDUE Masters Public Administration - CALIFORNIA ST UNIV Bachelor Political Science (Economics) - SACREMENTO STATE COLLEGE Bachelor Surveying - OREGON INSTITUTE OF TECH Associate Degree Social Science - SAN JOAQUIN DELTA JR COLLEGE Bachelor FINANCE - Completed 15 hours in Civil Engineering and Surveying to satisfy PLS exam requirements - UNO GEOM205: PROBLEMS IN GEOMATICS(UT)-3 RAMACHANDRAN, BALAJI Associate Professor F 4 GEOM401: SUBDIVISION DSIGN & PLATTING(UT)-3 GEOM405: GEODETIC POSITIONING SYSTEMS(UT)-3 Flynn, Stephen Instructor F 3 08-Sep-15 GEOM209: GEOGPHC INFO SYSTMS THRY & APP(UT)-3 GEOM218: PHOTOGRAMMERTY I(UT)-2 GEOM418: REMOTE SENSING(UT)-3 - State of Louisiana Registered Professional Land Surveyor (PLS) - No. 4668 - State of Mississippi Registered Professional Land Surveyor (PLS) - No. 2989 -Louisianan Society of Professional Surveyors (LPS) - LSPS District Chairman - 2011-2012 President of LSPS - Member of the National Society of Professional Surveyors - Member of the Mississippi Association of Professional Surveyors - Owned and operated Riverlands Surveying Company since 1991 - Oversees approximately 10 field and office personnel - 24 Years of industry experience in various capacities (office research, field calculations, preparation of plats, adjustment of traverses and levles, Subdivision Boundary, Unit and Route surveys) Doctorate CIVIL ENGINEERING - MINOR-COMPUTER INFORMATION SCIENCE & ENGINEERING MINOR-URBAN & REGIONAL PLANNING - U OF FL GSH: 42 Master Degree ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING & SCIENCES - U OF FL GSH: 32 Bachelor Degree CIVIL ENGINEERING - B'LORE INST OF TECH, INDIA Page 1 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: Arts and Sciences, Art Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) BROWN, JEFF Associate Professor F Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours ART110: ART APPRECIATION(UT)-3 ART231: BEGINNING CERAMICS(UT)-3 3 Academic Degrees Earned 08-Sep-15 4 Other Qualifications or Experience MFA FINE ARTS - OH U GSH: 79-CERAMICS ART331: INTERMEDIATE CERAMICS I(UT)-3 ART332: INTERMEDIATE CERAMICS II(UT)-3 ART333: INTERMEDIATE CERAMICS WRKSHP(UT)-3 ART433: ADVANCED CERAMICS WORKSHOP(UT)-3 BFA FINE ARTS - U OF FL Associate Degree ARTS - DAYTONA BEACH COMM COL ART497: SENIOR ART STUDIO CAPSTONE(UT)-3 Chancey, Jill Assistant Professor F ART111: HONORS ART APPRECIATION(UT)-3 ART480: CONTEMPORARY ART(UT)-3 ART491: INDEP STUDY IN ART HISTORY(UT)-3 ART496: SENIOR SEMINAR(UT)-3 ART498: SENIOR ART HISTORY CAPSTONE(UT)-3 FNAR301: FINE ARTS SURVEY(UT)-3 CIBELLI, DEBORAH Professor F ART280: ART HISTORY: ANCIENT ART(UT)-3 ART282: ART HISTORY: ITALIAN RNSNC ART(UT)-3 Doctorate Art History - UNIV OF KANSAS GSH: 41 - Art History 43 - Dissertation Masters Art History - TULANE UNIV GSH: 27 Bachelor Art History - TRINITY UNIV Doctorate PHILOSOPHY - BINGHAMTON ST U OF NY GSH: 50- ART HISTORY ART392: READINGS IN ART HISTORY(UT)-3 ART393: HNRS READINGS IN ART HISTORY(UT)-3 ART491: INDEP STUDY IN ART HISTORY(UT)-3 HUMA111: THE HONORS FORUM(UT)-1 Master Degree ARTS - BINGHAMTON ST U OF NY GSH: 76- ART HISTORY Bachelor Degree ARTS - ST U COLLEGE - GENESEO NY XART110: ART APPRECIATION(UT)-3 DIKET, CHRISTOPHER Adjunct P ART110: ART APPRECIATION(UT)-3 MFA FINE ARTS - U OF AZ GSH: 24- PAINTING 15 DRAWING 12- ART HISTORY + 30 Hours Bachelor Degree ARTS; Certified in Education - NICHOLLS ST U Page 2 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: Arts and Sciences, Art Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) DONEGAN, JEAN Professor F Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours ART251: BEGINNING DESIGN(UT)-3 ART304: ART & DESIGN ELEM/SEC CLSRM(UT)-3 3 Academic Degrees Earned 08-Sep-15 4 Other Qualifications or Experience MFA FINE ARTS - +30 - LA ST U GSH: 30 - CERAMICS ART331: INTERMEDIATE CERAMICS I(UT)-3 ART431: ADVANCED CERAMICS I(UT)-3 Bachelor Degree ARTS - NICHOLLS ST U ART432: ADVANCED CERAMICS II(UT)-3 ART497: SENIOR ART STUDIO CAPSTONE(UT)-3 Grassman, Jeremy Visiting Assistant Professor F ART355: GRAPHIC DESIGN II(UT)-3 ART357: GRAPHIC WORKSHOP(UT)-3 ART452: GRAPHIC DESIGN IV(UT)-3 ART454: NEW MEDIA DESIGN(UT)-3 HOLSAPPLE, JOSEPH Assistant Professor F MFA Fine Arts Studio - Graphic Design - LSU GSH: 60 ART211: BEGINNING PAINTING(UT)-3 ART251: BEGINNING DESIGN(UT)-3 Bachelor Degree BFA - Graphic Design - LSU MFA Painting - INDIANA UNIVERSITY GSH: 53 ART311: INTERMEDIATE PAINTING(UT)-3 ART313: INTERMEDIATE PAINTING WRKSHP(UT)-3 BFA Painting - MEMPHIS COLLEGE OF ART ART411: ADVANCED PAINTING(UT)-3 ART413: ADVANCED PAINTING WORKSHOP(UT)-3 JAHNKE, ROSS Professor F ART221: BEGINNING PRINTMAKING(UT)-3 ART252: COLOR DESIGN(UT)-3 ART325: RELIEF PRINTING(UT)-3 ART326: INTAGLIO(UT)-3 ART327: SCREEN PRINTING(UT)-3 MFA FINE ARTS - LA ST U GSH: 48- PAINTING 18- PRINTMAKING BFA FINE ARTS - U OF WI AT MILWAUKEE ART328: LITHOGRAPHY(UT)-3 ART424: ADVANCED PRINTMAKING I(UT)-3 ART497: SENIOR ART STUDIO CAPSTONE(UT)-3 LILLIE, DEBORAH Associate Professor F ART261: BEGINNING PHOTOGRAPHY(UT)-3 ART361: INTERMEDIATE PHOTOGRAPHY(UT)-3 ART362: INTERMEDIATE PHOTOGRAPHY(UT)-3 ART461: ADVANCED FILM PHOTOGRAPHY(UT)-3 ART462: ADVANCED DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY(UT)-3 MFA FINE ARTS - LA ST U GSH: 45- PHOTOGRAPHY 34-SCULPTURE 9 - ART HISTORY BFA FINE ARTS - CO ST U ART497: SENIOR ART STUDIO CAPSTONE(UT)-3 Page 3 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: Arts and Sciences, Art Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) POPE, GAITHER Associate Professor F Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours ART201: BEGINNING DRAWING(UT)-3 ART301: INTERMEDIATE DRAWING(UT)-3 3 Academic Degrees Earned 08-Sep-15 4 Other Qualifications or Experience MFA FINE ARTS - LA ST U GSH: 42 - PAINTING ART302: FIGURE DRAWING(UT)-3 ART303: INTERMEDIATE DRAWING WRKSHOP(UT)-3 Bachelor Degree ART - TOUGALOO COLLEGE ART401: ADVANCED DRAWING(UT)-3 ART402: ADVNCD DRAWNG (LIFE DRAWING)(UT)-3 ART403: ADVANCED DRAWING WORKSHOP(UT)-3 RABALAIS, TRISHA Assistant Professor F ART254: GRAPHIC DESIGN I(UT)-3 ART359: TYPOGRAPHY I(UT)-3 MFA GRAPHIC COMMUNICATION - U OF HOUSTON GSH: 42 - GRAPHIC COMMUNICATION ART450: TYPOGRAPHY II(UT)-3 ART455: GRAPHIC SYMBOLS(UT)-3 Bachelor Degree ART - NICHOLLS ST U ART457: INTERNSHIP(UT)-3 ART497: SENIOR ART STUDIO CAPSTONE(UT)-3 RHODES, JOHN D. Adjunct Instructor P ART201: BEGINNING DRAWING(UT)-3 MFA ILLUSTRATION/DRAWING - ACADEMY OF ART USF GSH: 45 Bachelor Degree ART - NICHOLLS ST U WILLIAMS, MICHAEL Assistant Professor F ART240: SCULPTURAL&THREE-DIM DESIGN(UT)-3 MFA SCULPTURE - LA ST U GSH: 51 ART342: INTERMEDIATE SCULPTURE II(UT)-3 ART441: ADVANCED SCULPTURE I(UT)-3 ART442: ADVANCED SCULPTURE II(UT)-3 BFA SCULPTURE - UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA Page 4 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: Arts and Sciences, Biological Sciences Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) Bonvillain, Christopher Instructor F Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours BIOL105: BASIC BIOLOGY I-PRIN OF BIOL(UT)-3 BIOL106: BASIC BIOLOGY II-DIVRSTY LIF(UT)-3 3 Academic Degrees Earned 08-Sep-15 4 Other Qualifications or Experience Doctorate WILDLIFE AND FISHERIES SCIENCE - LSU GSH: 72 BIOL500: TEACHING INTERNSHIP(G)-1 Master MARINE AND ENVIRONMENTAL BIOLOGY NICHOLLS ST U Bachelor BIOLOGY - NICHOLLS ST U BOOPATHY, RAMARAJ Professor F BIOL204: GENERAL MICROBIOLOGY LAB(UT)-1 Doctorate ENVIRONMENTAL BIOLOGY - U OF MADRAS, INDIA GSH: 12 Master Degree ENVIRONMENTAL BIOLOGY - TAMIL NADU U, INDIA GSH: 24 Bachelor Degree ZOOLOGY - UOF MADRAS, INDIA Carlson, Jane Assistant Professor F BIOL155: GENERAL BIOLOGY I(UT)-4 Doctorate Biological Sciences - LOUISIANA STATE UNIV GSH: 154 Bachelor Degree Natural Resources - CORNELL UNIV CORBIN, ANGIE Assistant Professor F BIOL117: HUMAN ANATOMY & PHYS LAB II(UT)-1 BIOL204: GENERAL MICROBIOLOGY LAB(UT)-1 BIOL205: MICROBIOLOGY(UT)-3 BIOL477: INTERNSHIP FOR PRE-PROF HLTHCA(UT)-2 Darnell, Michael Assistant Professor F BIOL283: INTRO TO MARINE BIOLOGY(UT)-3 BIOL284: INTRO TO MARINE BIOLOGY LAB(UT)-1 Master Degree MARINE AND ENVIRONMENTAL BIOLOGY NICHOLLS ST U GSH: 39 Bachelor Degree MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY - NICHOLLS ST U - Has taught the anatomy and physiology lab course for 18 years. Student and supervisor evaluations, including the University standard SIR evaluation instrument, indicate that overall teaching evaluations regularly fall in the "outstanding" performance category - 1979-1989 Section head of microbiology, Department of Pathology, Thibodaux Regional Medical Center - 1974-1979, Medical technologist, Department of Pathology, Thibodaux Regional Medical center - 1973-1974, Medical Technologist, Department of Pathology, St. Ann General Hospital Doctorate ECOLOGY - DUKE UNIV GSH: 48 BIOL551: MARINE & ENVIRONMNTL BIOLOGY(G)-3 Bachelor BIOLOGY - VANDERBILT UNIV Page 5 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: Arts and Sciences, Biological Sciences Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours 3 Academic Degrees Earned DOUCET, JOHN Professor F BIOL471: SPECIAL TOPICS(UT)-1 Doctorate BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY MINOR- NEUROSCIENCE GSH: 60 - BIOCHEMISTRY Post Graduate Certificate PUBLIC HEALTH GENETICS & GENOMICS SARAH LAWRENCE COLLEGE Bachelor Degree CHEMISTRY - OPTION PRE-MEDICINE NICHOLLS ST U FERRARA, ALLYSE Associate Professor F BIOL156: GENERAL BIOLOGY II(UT)-4 Doctorate FISHERIES - AUBURN U GSH: 50 BIOL567: MARINE CONSERVATION AND MNGT(G)-3 4 Other Qualifications or Experience BIOL571: INDUSTRY INTERNSHIP(G)-2 XBIOL106: BASIC BIOLOGY II-DIVRSTY LIF(UT)-3 FONTENOT, QUENTON Associate Professor F 08-Sep-15 BIOL171: INTRODUCTORY LABORATORY TOPICS(UT)-1 BIOL404: ECOLOGY(UT)-4 BIOL472: SPECIAL TOPICS(UT)-2 BIOL473: STATISTICAL PROGRAMMING(UT)-3 BIOL473: SPECIAL TOPICS(UT)-3 BIOL478: LABORATORY INTERNSHIP(UT)-2 Master Degree BIOLOGY - TN TECH U Bachelor Degree BIOLOGY - HIRAM COLLEGE Doctorate FISHERY SCIENCE - CLEMSON U GSH: 39 - BIOLOGY 23 - EXPERIMENTAL STATISTICS Master Degree FISHERIES - LA ST U Bachelor Degree FISHERIES & WILDLIFE - LA ST U XBIOL105: BASIC BIOLOGY I-PRIN OF BIOL(UT)-3 GOMEZ PEREZ, MARLA Instructor F BIOL105: BASIC BIOLOGY I-PRIN OF BIOL(UT)-3 BIOL106: BASIC BIOLOGY II-DIVRSTY LIF(UT)-3 Master Degree BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES - PURDUE U GSH: 27 BIOL441: MOLECULAR BIOLOGY OF CELL LAB(UT)-1 Bachelor Degree BIOLOGY - UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICOMAYAGUEZ GRAHAM, SEAN Assistant Professor F BIOL105: BASIC BIOLOGY I-PRIN OF BIOL(UT)-3 Doctorate OCEANOGRAPHY AND COASTAL SCIENCES LSU GSH: 36 (29 in Biology) Master Degree ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES - INDIANA UN GSH: 49 Bachelor Degree ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES - UNIV OF TN Page 6 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: Arts and Sciences, Biological Sciences Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) KRZYCKI, JILL Assistant Professor F Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours BIOL115: HUMAN ANATOMY & PHYS LAB I(UT)-1 3 Academic Degrees Earned 08-Sep-15 4 Other Qualifications or Experience Doctorate VETERINARY MEDICINE - KS STATE U GSH: 155 (62 in Biology) Bachelor Degree BIOLOGY - U OF KS LAFLEUR, GARY Associate Professor F BIOL326: GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY(UT)-4 Landry, Christie Instructor F BIOL114: HUMAN ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY I(UT)-3 BIOL406: HONORS COLLOQUIUM IN BIOL SCNC(UT)-1 BIOL115: HUMAN ANATOMY & PHYS LAB I(UT)-1 Doctorate MEDICAL SCIENCE CELL AND DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY - U OF FL COLLEGE OF MEDICINE GSH: 193 Master Degree BIOLOGY - TX A&M CORPUS CHRISTI Bachelor Degree ZOOLOGY - LA ST U Associate Degree BIOLOGY - LA ST U - EUNICE Master Biological Sciences - SOUTHEASTERN LA UNIV GSH: 43 BIOL203: GENERAL MICROBIOLOGY(UT)-3 BIOL475: RESEARCH PROBLEMS(UT)-2 Bachelor Biological Sciences - NICHOLLS STATE XBIOL114: HUMAN ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY I(UT)-3 XBIOL116: HUMAN ANATOMY & PHYSIOLGY II(UT)-3 NATHANIEL, RAJKUMAR Associate Professor F BIOL117: HUMAN ANATOMY & PHYS LAB II(UT)-1 BIOL460: VIROLOGY(UT)-3 Doctorate MICROBIOLOGY - U OF FL GSH: 146 BIOL535: MARINE/ESTUARINE INVERT IMMUNO(G)-3 Master Degree MOLECULAR BIOLOGY - U OF CENTRAL FL Bachelor Degree MICROBIOLOGY - BANGALORE U (INDIA) PIERCE, AARON Assistant Professor F BIOL301: ENVIRONMENTAL BIOLOGY(UT)-3 BIOL570: BOTTOMLAND HARDWOOD ECOLOGY(G)-3 BIOL591: THESIS RESEARCH(G)-1 BIOL592: THESIS RESEARCH(G)-2 BIOL593: THESIS RESEARCH(G)-3 BIOL594: THESIS RESEARCH(G)-4 Doctorate NATURAL RESOURCES - WETLAND ECOLOGY - U OF TN GSH: 42 Master Degree ECOLOGY - PURDUE Bachelor Degree BIOLOGY - HARTWICK COLLEGE BIOL599: THESIS(G)-1 Page 7 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: Arts and Sciences, Biological Sciences Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) ROBICHAUX, S. MICHELE Associate Professor F Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours BIOL116: HUMAN ANATOMY & PHYSIOLGY II(UT)-3 BIOL371: ADVANCED ANATOMY(UT)-4 Academic Degrees Earned 4 Other Qualifications or Experience Doctorate DENTISTRY - LA ST U GSH: 72 in Biological Sciences BIOL472: NEUROANATOMY(UT)-2 BIOL472: ADVANCED MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY(UT)-2 SCHULTZ, DAVID Associate Professor F 3 08-Sep-15 BIOL155: GENERAL BIOLOGY I(UT)-4 BIOL370: EVOLUTION AND ECOLOGY(UT)-3 Bachelor Degree BIOLOGY - NICHOLLS ST U Doctorate BIOLOGY - U OF MI GSH: 32 BIOL500: TEACHING INTERNSHIP(G)-1 Master Degree BIOLOGY - U OF MI Bachelor Degree NATURAL SCIENCE - U OF SOUTH FL Thiaville, Michelle Assistant Professor F BIOL320: GENETICS(UT)-4 BIOL440: MOLECULAR BIOLOGY OF THE CELL(UT)-3 Doctorate Degree Biochemistry and Molecular Biology - UNIV OF FL GSH: 148 Bachelor Degree Biochemistry - CENTENARY COLLEGE OF LA ZOU, ENMIN Professor F BIOL115: HUMAN ANATOMY & PHYS LAB I(UT)-1 BIOL401: SEMINAR(UT)-1 BIOL501: GRADUATE SEMINAR(G)-1 BIOL585: AQUATIC TOXICOLOGY(G)-3 Doctorate ECOLOGY, EVOLUTION, & ORGANISMAL BIOLOGY - TULANE U GSH: 48 Bachelor Degree BIOLOGY - EAST CHINA NORMAL U Page 8 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: Arts and Sciences, Government and Social Science Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) BUTLER, JAMES Associate Professor F Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours SOCI151: INTRODUCTORY SOCIOLOGY(UT)-3 SOCI201: SOCIAL PROBLEMS(UT)-3 3 Academic Degrees Earned 08-Sep-15 4 Other Qualifications or Experience Doctorate SOCIOLOGY - LA ST U GSH: 69 SOCI324: SOCIAL STRATIFICATION(UT)-3 SOCI372: SOCIAL DISORGANIZATION THEORY(UT)-3 SOCI403: SENIOR INTERNSHIP(UT)-6 XSOCI151: INTRODUCTORY SOCIOLOGY(UT)-3 Master Degree SOCIOLOGY - TX A&M Bachelor Degree HISTORY/SOCIOLOGY - U OF SOUTHWESTERN LA XSOCI201: SOCIAL PROBLEMS(UT)-3 CARUSO, MICHELE Assistant Professor P SOCI372: SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY(UT)-3 Doctorate COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH COUNSELING MS ST U GSH: 68 Master Degree HUMAN SERVICES COUNSELING - U OF NEW ORLEANS GSH: 51 Bachelor Degree PSYCHOLOGY - U OF NEW ORLEANS Gilley, James Adjunct P GOVT416: COMPARATIVE GOVERNMENT(UT)-3 Masters/ABD Political Science (Government) - LSU GSH: 121 - Political Science and Government - Dean of Student Services - Chief Assessment Officer of Student Affairs - Head of University Crisis Team Bachelor International Studies - LSU Granger, Tina Instructor F SOCI151: INTRODUCTORY SOCIOLOGY(UT)-3 SOCI205: SOCIAL RESEARCH I(UT)-3 MASTER Social Work - TULANE UNIVERSITY GSH: 60 SOCI372: RELIGION-A SOCIAL FORCE(UT)-3 SOCI372: INTRO TO SOCIAL SERVICES(UT)-3 XSOCI151: INTRODUCTORY SOCIOLOGY(UT)-3 XSOCI300: SOCIAL SERVICE INSTITUTIONS(UT)-3 BACHELOR Sociology - NICHOLLS STATE UNIV Certificate Disasters - Mental Health GSH: 18 XSOCI302: SOCIOLOGY OF AGING(UT)-3 XSOCI304: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT(UT)-3 Page 9 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: Arts and Sciences, Government and Social Science Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) MOORHEAD, DEBORAH Instructor F Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours SOCI151: INTRODUCTORY SOCIOLOGY(UT)-3 SOCI204: CULTURAL DIVERSITY IN AM SOCIE(UT)-3 3 Academic Degrees Earned 08-Sep-15 4 Other Qualifications or Experience Master Sociology - UNIV OF ARKANSAS SOCI386: SOCIOLOGY OF DEVIANT BEHAVIOR(UT)-3 SOCI395: RACIAL AND CULTURAL MINORITIES(UT)-3 Bachelor Social Work - UL MONROE SOCI404: SOCIAL AND CULTURAL CHANGE(UT)-3 XSOCI395: RACIAL AND CULTURAL MINORITIES(UT)-3 XSOCI404: SOCIAL AND CULTURAL CHANGE(UT)-3 SIMPSON, MARTIN Professor F SOCI385: CRIMINOLOGY(UT)-3 XSOCI385: CRIMINOLOGY(UT)-3 Doctorate SOCIOLOGY - TULANE U GSH: 60 Bachelor Degree ANTHROPOLOGY/SOCIOLOGY - MCGILL U THYSELL, JOSEPH Professor F GOVT101: AMERICAN NATIONAL GOVERNMENT(UT)-3 Whitney, David Assistant Professor F GOVT252: STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT(UT)-3 GOVT399: CIVIL LIBERTIES(UT)-3 GOVT457: THE AMERICAN CONGRESS(UT)-3 GOVT355: POLITICAL THEORY(UT)-3 Doctorate POLITICAL SCIENCE/HISTORY - NORTHERN AZ U GSH: 90 Master Degree POLITICAL SCIENCE - OK ST U Bachelor Degree POLITICAL SCIENCE - U OF SD DOCTORATE Political Science - LSU GSH: 118 GOVT499: SCIENCE AND POLITICS(UT)-3 MASTER Political Science - LSU BACHELOR Political Science - UNIV OF TENNESSEE Page 10 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: Arts and Sciences, History and Geography Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) BARNIDGE, JAMES Adjunct P Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours HIST102: HISTORY OF WESTERN CIVILIZAT(UT)-3 HIST256: AMERICAN HISTORY(UT)-3 3 Academic Degrees Earned 08-Sep-15 4 Other Qualifications or Experience Master Degree HISTORY - LA ST U GSH: 31 Bachelor Degree PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT - LA ST U DUGAS, KATHY Instructor F HIST101: HISTORY OF WESTERN CIVILIZAT(UT)-3 HIST102: HISTORY OF WESTERN CIVILIZAT(UT)-3 Master Degree HISTORY - U OF NEW ORLEANS GSH: 27 HIST105: HONORS WESTERN CIVILIZATION(UT)-3 HIST371: HISTORY OF LOUISIANA(UT)-3 Bachelor Degree HISTORY - NICHOLLS ST U XHIST102: HISTORY OF WESTERN CIVILIZAT(UT)-3 LESLIE, J Adjunct P HIST371: HISTORY OF LOUISIANA(UT)-3 MICHOT, STEPHEN Associate Professor F HIST150: WORLD HISTORY(UT)-3 HIST490: THE BAYOU REGION(UT)-3 HIST497: HISTORY INTERNSHIP(UT)-6 HIST255: AMERICAN HISTORY(UT)-3 Doctorate HISTORY - U OF MO - COLUMBIA GSH: 95 - AM HISTORY 21 - LATIN AM HISTORY Master Degree POLITICAL SCIENCES/HISTORY - U OF MO COLUMBIA GSH: 25 - LATIN AM HISTORY 36 Bachelor Degree POLITICAL SCIENCE/HISTORY - U OF MO COLUMBIA Doctorate HISTORY - MS ST U GSH: 74 HIST451: WORLD MILITARY HISTORY II(UT)-3 HIST490: TOPICS IN WORLD MILITARY HIST(UT)-3 Master Degree HISTORY - SOUTHEASTERN LA U GSH: 24 Master Degree MILITARY STUDIES - AMERICAN MILITARY U GSH: 21 Master Degree POLITICAL SCIENCE - MS ST U GSH: 33 Bachelor Degree GOVERNMENT - NICHOLLS ST U Page 11 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: Arts and Sciences, History and Geography Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) PHIPPS, SCOTT Instructor F Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours HIST150: WORLD HISTORY(UT)-3 HIST151: WORLD HISTORY(UT)-3 3 Academic Degrees Earned 08-Sep-15 4 Other Qualifications or Experience Master Degree HISTORY - U OF LA AT LAFAYETTE GSH: 39 Bachelor Degree HISTORY - U OF MI Associate Degree LIBERAL ARTS - MOTT COMMUNITY COLLEGE STIEGLER, KURT Assistant Professor F HIST150: WORLD HISTORY(UT)-3 HIST160: HONORS WORLD HISTORY I(UT)-3 HIST307: MODERN EAST ASIA(UT)-3 HIST336: EUROPE SINCE 1945(UT)-3 XHIST336: EUROPE SINCE 1945(UT)-3 Watts, Paul Assistant Professor F GEOG103: PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY(UT)-3 GEOG104: WORLD REGIONAL GEOGRAPHY(UT)-3 Master Degree HISTORY - U OF SOUTHWESTERN LA GSH: 36 Bachelor Degree HISTORY - U OF SOUTHWESTERN LA Doctorate GEOGRAPHY - LSU GSH: 129 GEOG325: ENVIRONMENTAL GEOGRAPHY(UT)-3 GEOG340: CULTURAL GEOGRAPHY(UT)-3 XGEOG104: WORLD REGIONAL GEOGRAPHY(UT)-3 Wells, Jared Adjunct Instructor P Doctorate HISTORY - TX A&M U GSH: 151 HIST255: AMERICAN HISTORY(UT)-3 Master GEOGRAPHY - LSU GSH: 58 Bachelor GEOGRAPHY - CAL STATE UNIVERSITY Master Degree HISTORY - SOUTHEASTERN LA UNIV GSH: 36 Bachelor Degree HISTORY - NICHOLLS STATE UNIV WILLIAMS, JENNIFER Instructor F HIST151: WORLD HISTORY(UT)-3 HIST256: AMERICAN HISTORY(UT)-3 Master HISTORY - UNIV OF SOUTHERN MS GSH: 34 XHIST150: ONLINE WORLD HISTORY(UT)-3 Bachelor HISTORY - UNIV OF SOUTHERN MS Page 12 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: Arts and Sciences, History and Geography Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) WILSON, PAUL Associate Professor F Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours HIST101: HISTORY OF WESTERN CIVILIZAT(UT)-3 HIST416: AMERICA SINCE 1917(UT)-3 Academic Degrees Earned 4 Other Qualifications or Experience Doctorate HISTORY - MS ST U GSH: 42 HIST490: MUSEUM INTERNSHIP(UT)-3 HIST491: SEMINAR IN HISTORY(UT)-3 XHIST290: TOPIC: HISTORY OF OIL(UT)-3 XHIST335: EUROPE 1914-1945(UT)-3 YODIS, ELAINE Associate Professor F 3 08-Sep-15 GEOG103: PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY(UT)-3 GEOG104: WORLD REGIONAL GEOGRAPHY(UT)-3 Master Degree HISTORY - MS ST U GSH: 30 Bachelor Degree HISTORY - NICHOLLS ST U Doctorate GEOGRAPHY - LA ST U GSH: 50 GEOG375: GEOGRAPHY OF LOUISIANA(UT)-3 XGEOG375: GEOGRAPHY OF LOUISIANA(UT)-3 Master Degree GEOGRAPHY - ST U OF NY AT ALBANY GSH: 36 Bachelor Degree GEOGRAPHY - ST U OF NY AT ALBANY Page 13 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: Arts and Sciences, Languages and Literature Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) Allen, Gabrielle Adjunct Instructor P Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours ENGL255: SHORT STORIES AND NOVELS(UT)-3 XENGL255: SHORT STORIES AND NOVELS(UT)-3 3 Academic Degrees Earned 08-Sep-15 4 Other Qualifications or Experience Masters ENGLISH - LSU Bachelor ENGLISH - NICHOLLS ST U ALLEN, KELLY Adjunct Instructor P ENGL101: ENGLISH COMPOSITION I(UT)-3 ENGL102: ENGLISH COMPOSITION II(UT)-3 Master Degree ENGLISH - UNIV of MASSACHUSETS - BOSTON Bachelor Degree ENGLISH - AZUSA PACIFIC UNIV BANVILLE, SCOTT Assistant Professor F ENGL101: ENGLISH COMPOSITION I(UT)-3 ENGL300: INDEPENDENT STUDY(UT)-1 ENGL301: INDEPENDENT STUDY(UT)-1 ENGL302: INDEPENDENT STUDY(UT)-1 ENGL467: DIGTL RHTRCS THRY PRCT PBLSHNG(UT)-3 ENGL468: TECH WRITING FOR SCIENCES(UT)-3 XENGL315: SURVEY OF BRITISH LITERATURE I(UT)-3 XENGL316: SURVEY OF BRITSH LITERATURE II(UT)-3 Doctorate ENGLISH - 19th CENTURY BRITISH LITERATURE - THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY GSH: 50 Master Degree ENGLISH - GENERALIST - THE FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY GSH: 44 Bachelor Degree INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS - THE GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY XENGL460: LATE 19TH CENTURY LITERATURE(UT)-3 XENGL468: TECH WRITING FOR SCIENCES(UT)-3 BARKER, E. ELLEN Professor F ENGL255: SHORT STORIES AND NOVELS(UT)-3 Doctorate ENGLISH COMPOSITION AND RHETORIC GEORGIA ST U GSH: 60 Master Degree MODERN AND CONTEMPORARY LITERATURE UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI - COLUMBIA GSH: 30 Bachelor Degree ENGLISH EDUCATION - BALL ST U BERNARD, MARLA Instructor F ENGL101: ENGLISH COMPOSITION I(UT)-3 Master Degree ENGLISH - U OF AL ENGL210: LIT THEME: HARRY POTTER(UT)-3 ENGL240: INTRODUCTION TO FILM(UT)-3 Bachelor Degree ENGLISH - NICHOLLS ST U Page 14 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: Arts and Sciences, Languages and Literature Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) CAGLE, MADELINE Instructor F Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours ENGL101: ENGLISH COMPOSITION I(UT)-3 ENGL212: CHILDREN'S AND YOUNG ADULT LIT(UT)-3 3 Academic Degrees Earned 08-Sep-15 4 Other Qualifications or Experience Master Degree ENGLISH - U OF LA GSH: 42 Bachelor Degree ENGLISH EDUCATION - NICHOLLS ST U CHARPENTIER, LOUIE Adjunct Instructor P ENGL101: ENGLISH COMPOSITION I(UT)-3 ENGL102: ENGLISH COMPOSITION II(UT)-3 Master Degree ENGLISH - UNO Bachelor Degree ENGLISH - NICHOLLS STATE UNIV CHAUVIN, ELLEN Visiting Instructor F ENGL101: ENGLISH COMPOSITION I(UT)-3 ENGL111: HONORS ENGLISH COMPOSITION I(UT)-3 Post Masters Work ENGLISH - UNIVERISTY OF LA GSH: 36 ENGL315: SURVEY OF BRITISH LITERATURE I(UT)-3 Master Degree ENGLISH - LOUISIANA STATE UNI GSH: 45 Bachelor Degree ENGLISH EDUCATION - NICHOLLS ST U CONNER, KATHERINE Assistant Professor F ENGL265: CREATIVE WRITING THREE GENRES(UT)-3 ENGL300: INDEPENDENT STUDY(UT)-1 ENGL424: SOUTHERN LITERATURE(UT)-3 ENGL432: PUBLISHING PRACTICUM(UT)-3 ENGL467: DIGTL RHTRCS THRY PRCT PBLSHNG(UT)-3 XENGL102: ENGLISH COMPOSITION II(UT)-3 COOPER, TOM Instructor P XENGL101: ENGLISH COMPOSITION I(UT)-3 XENGL332: DRAMA(UT)-3 Doctorate ENGLISH - CREATIVE WRITING - FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY GSH: 132 Master Degree ENGLISH - UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN MS GSH: 37 Bachelor Degree ENGLISH - UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN MS Doctorate ENGLISH - FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY GSH: 132 XENGL420: MULTICULTURAL VOICES(UT)-3 Master Degree ENGLISH - UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH FLORIDA GSH: 37 DUET, TIFFANY Instructor F ENGL101: ENGLISH COMPOSITION I(UT)-3 ENGL368: TECHNCL & PROFESSIONAL WRITING(UT)-3 Master Degree ENGLISH - NC ST U GSH: 54 ENGL368: TECH/PROF WRTNG: CULINARY SPEC(UT)-3 Bachelor Degree ENGLISH - NICHOLLS ST U Page 15 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: Arts and Sciences, Languages and Literature Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) DUROCHER, DENNIS Associate Professor F Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours FREN101: ELEMENTARY FRENCH I(UT)-3 FREN102: ELEMENTARY FRENCH II(UT)-3 3 Academic Degrees Earned 08-Sep-15 4 Other Qualifications or Experience Doctorate FRENCH - TULANE U Master Degree FRENCH - TULANE U Bachelor Degree ENGLISH - SOUTH IL U AT CARBONDALE Eustis, Richmond Assistant Professor F ENGL102: ENGLISH COMPOSITION II(UT)-3 ENGL112: HONORS ENGLISH COMPOSITN II(UT)-3 ENGL210: LIT THEME: SHERLOCK HOLMES(UT)-3 ENGL320: WRLD LIT TOPIC: EARLY PERIOD(UT)-3 GORMAN, CAROLYN Adjunct Instructor P Doctorate Comparitive Literature - LSU ENGL101: ENGLISH COMPOSITION I(UT)-3 Master Comparitiva Literature - LSU Master Journalism - UNIV OF GEORGIA Bachelor BOSTON UNIV Master Degree ENGLISH - U OF NEW ORLEANS GSH: 9 Bachelor Degree JOURNALISM - MINOR: ENGLISH - LOYOLA U ILLIDGE, MABEL Instructor F SPAN101: ELEMENTARY SPANISH I(UT)-3 SPAN102: ELEMENTARY SPANISH II(UT)-3 SPAN202: INTERMEDIATE SPANISH II(UT)-3 SPAN318: ADVANCED COMPOSITION(UT)-3 SPAN404: TOPICS: MEDICAL SPANISH(UT)-3 KENNEDY, TODD Assistant Professor F ENGL102: ENGLISH COMPOSITION II(UT)-3 ENGL300: INDEPENDENT STUDY(UT)-1 ENGL301: INDEPENDENT STUDY(UT)-1 ENGL302: INDEPENDENT STUDY(UT)-1 ENGL340: FILM GENRES: THE WESTERN(UT)-3 ENGL440: FLM TPIC:FRENCH & U.S. CINEMA(UT)-3 XENGL102: ENGLISH COMPOSITION II(UT)-3 XENGL368: TECHNCL & PROFESSIONAL WRITING(UT)-3 Master Degree SPANISH AMERICAN LITERATURE - 45 GSH: Post Masters work, Spanish - LA ST U - LA ST U GSH: 18 - FRENCH Bachelor Degree SPANISH - INTER AMERICAN U LA ST U GSH: 3 - FRENCH 6 - PORTUGUESE 3 - ITALIAN Doctorate ENGLISH - American Literature Concentration with a minor in Film Studies - UNIVERSTIY OF SOUTH CAROLINA GSH: 56 Master Degree ENGLISH - American Literature Concentration NEW YORK UNIVERSITY GSH: 36 Bachelor Degree ENGLISH - VIRGINIA MILIATARY INSTITUTE Page 16 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: Arts and Sciences, Languages and Literature Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) LaPLANTE, LANCE Visiting Assistant Professor F Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours ENGL210: LIT THEME:HARLEM RENAISSANCE(UT)-3 ENGL368: TECHNCL & PROFESSIONAL WRITING(UT)-3 3 Academic Degrees Earned 08-Sep-15 4 Other Qualifications or Experience Doctorate ENGLISH - U OF LA ENGL368: TECH/PROF WRTNG:PETROLEUM SCI(UT)-3 XENGL368: TECHNCL & PROFESSIONAL WRITING(UT)-3 LEBLANC, REBECCA Instructor F ENGL101: ENGLISH COMPOSITION I(UT)-3 Mainieri, Nicholas Visiting Assistant Professor P ENGL312: CREATIVE WRITNG SEMNR: FICTION(UT)-3 ENGL255: SHORT STORIES AND NOVELS(UT)-3 ENGL316: SURVEY OF BRITSH LITERATURE II(UT)-3 Master Degree ENGLISH - MISS ST U Master Degree ENGLISH - U OF NEW ORLEANS GSH: 48 - ENGLISH 12 - EDUCATION Bachelor Degree ENGLISH - NICHOLLS ST U Master English/Creative Writing - UNO GSH: 156 ENGL366: ACADEMIC/PROFESSIONAL WRITNG(UT)-3 Bachelor UNIV OF NOTRE DAME Malik, Sabrina Adjunct Instructor P ENGL101: ENGLISH COMPOSITION I(UT)-3 ENGL210: LIT THEME: MIDDLE EASTERN LIT.(UT)-3 Master Degree ENGLISH - UNO ENGL368: TECHNCL & PROFESSIONAL WRITING(UT)-3 Bachelor Degree ENGLISH - UNO Nolting, Leeandra Adjunct Instructor P ENGL100: ENGLISH COMP I: INTNSVE WRITNG(UT)-3 ENGL100L: ENGLSH CMP I:INTNSVE WRTNG LAB(UT)-2 Master MFA: ENGLISH/CREATIVE WRITING - UNO ENGL101: ENGLISH COMPOSITION I(UT)-3 ENGL210: LIT THEME:REVRANCE & REBELLION(UT)-3 Bachelor ART - UNIV OF EVANSVILLE ENGL210: LIT THEME:DYSTOPIAN LITERATURE(UT)-3 PARKER, DAVID Adjunct P ENGL102: ENGLISH COMPOSITION II(UT)-3 Master of Fine Arts FILM&THEATRE ARTS/CREATIVE WRITING UNO GSH: 75 - Creative Writing Bachelor Degree ENGLISH - HAMPDEN - SYDNEY COLLEGE Percle, Kristin Instructor P ENGL101: ENGLISH COMPOSITION I(UT)-3 Master Education - NICHOLLS ST U GSH: 18 - English Bachelor General Studies - NICHOLLS ST U Page 17 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: Arts and Sciences, Languages and Literature Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) PERKINS, JAY PATRICK Associate Professor F Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours ENGL102: ENGLISH COMPOSITION II(UT)-3 ENGL256: POETRY AND DRAMA(UT)-3 3 Academic Degrees Earned 08-Sep-15 4 Other Qualifications or Experience Doctorate ENGLISH - U OF AL GSH: 111-ENGLISH ENGL405: CAPSTONE COURSE IN ENGLISH(UT)-3 Master Degree ENGLISH - U OF GA Bachelor Degree ENGLISH - MOUNT ST. MARY'S COLLEGE PORTIER, JENNA Instructor F ENGL101: ENGLISH COMPOSITION I(UT)-3 ENGL210: LIT THEME: SCIENCE FICTION(UT)-3 Master Degree ENGLISH - NORTHWESTERN ST U ENGL256: POETRY AND DRAMA(UT)-3 XENGL256: POETRY AND DRAMA(UT)-3 Bachelor Degree ENGLISH - NICHOLLS ST U REMARK, MELISSA Adjunct P ENGL101: ENGLISH COMPOSITION I(UT)-3 Master of Fine Arts FILM&THEATRE ARTS/CREATIVE WRITING UNO GSH: 56 - Creative Writing Bachelor Degree ENGLISH LITERATURE - TRENT UNIVERSITY Diploma FILM PRODUCTION - HUMBER COLLEGE Roques, Beatriz Adjunct Instructor P SPAN101: ELEMENTARY SPANISH I(UT)-3 Master Degree Spainsh - LSU SPAN102: ELEMENTARY SPANISH II(UT)-3 XSPAN101: ELEMENTARY SPANISH I(UT)-3 Bachelor Degree Education - UNIV OF LA LAFAYETTE SCHERER, ABIGAIL Associate Professor F ENGL102: ENGLISH COMPOSITION II(UT)-3 ENGL256: POETRY AND DRAMA(UT)-3 Doctorate ENGLISH LITERATURE - U OF AL ENGL482: LITERATURE OF THE MIDDLE AGES(UT)-3 Bachelor Degree ENGLISH LITERATURE - SARAH LAWRENCE COLLEGE Schmidt, Elka Adjunct P ENGL100: ENGLISH COMP I: INTNSVE WRITNG(UT)-3 ENGL100L: ENGLSH CMP I:INTNSVE WRTNG LAB(UT)-2 Master Degree English - UNO GSH: 30 ENGL101: ENGLISH COMPOSITION I(UT)-3 ENGL210: LIT THEME: AUSTENLAND:AUSTEN H(UT)-3 Bachelor Degree English - UNO Page 18 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: Arts and Sciences, Languages and Literature Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) SIROIS, CONNIE Instructor F Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours ENGL101: ENGLISH COMPOSITION I(UT)-3 ENGL310: BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONS(UT)-3 3 Academic Degrees Earned 08-Sep-15 4 Other Qualifications or Experience Master Degree ENGLISH - U OF LA Bachelor Degree MASS COMMUNICATION - NICHOLLS ST U Post Masters Coursework ENGLISH - U OF LA GSH: 21 - ENGLISH SMITH, JAMES BRYANT Assistant Professor F SPAN101: ELEMENTARY SPANISH I(UT)-3 SPAN201: INTERMEDIATE SPANISH I(UT)-3 SPAN312: ADVANCED SPANISH GRAMMAR(UT)-3 SPAN324: ADVANCED SPANISH CONVERSATION(UT)-3 XSPAN102: ELEMENTARY SPANISH II(UT)-3 SPENCER, DIANNE Instructor F Doctorate LINGUISTICS - LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY GSH: 65 ENGL101: ENGLISH COMPOSITION I(UT)-3 ENGL102: ENGL COMP II:AFICN AMER ISSUES(UT)-3 Master Degree SPANISH - LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY GSH: 39 Bachelor Degree UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN MISSISSIPPI Master Degree ENGLISH - LA ST U GSH: 36 Bachelor Degree SOCIAL STUDIES EDUCATION - NICHOLLS ST U STACOM, MARGARET Instructor F ENGL255: SHORT STORIES AND NOVELS(UT)-3 ENGL310: BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONS(UT)-3 Master Degree ENGLISH - U OF NEW ORLEANS GSH: 27 - ENGLISH Bachelor Degree SECONDARY EDUCATION - CONCENTRATION IN ENGLISH - NICHOLLS ST U STANGA, LINDA Instructor F ENGL101: ENGLISH COMPOSITION I(UT)-3 ENGL255: SHORT STORIES AND NOVELS(UT)-3 Master Degree Curriculum and Instruction - NICHOLLS ST U GSH: 18 Hours in English ENGL264: ADVANCED GRAMMAR(UT)-3 Bachelor Degree ENGLISH - NICHOLLS ST U THERIOT, MICHELE Associate Professor F ENGL321: SURVEY OF AMERICAN LITERATR I(UT)-3 ENGL322: SURVEY OF AMERICAN LITERATR II(UT)-3 Doctorate ENGLISH - U OF LA ENGL365: RHET/WRITING TOPICS: WOMEN(UT)-3 Master Degree ENGLISH - U OF LA Bachelor Degree ENGLISH - NICHOLLS ST U Page 19 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: Arts and Sciences, Languages and Literature Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) TUMAN, MYRON Professor F Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours ENGL210: LIT THEME: SPORTS LITERATURE(UT)-3 ENGL366: ACADEMIC/PROFESSIONAL WRITNG(UT)-3 3 Academic Degrees Earned 08-Sep-15 4 Other Qualifications or Experience Doctorate ENGLISH - TULANE U Master Degree U OF NEW ORLEANS Bachelor Degree ENGLISH - U OF PA TURNER, KERI Assistant Professor F ENGL101: ENGLISH COMPOSITION I(UT)-3 ENGL368: TECHNCL & PROFESSIONAL WRITING(UT)-3 Doctorate ENGLISH - U OF LA AT LAFAYETTE GSH: 92-ENGLISH ENGL468: TECH WRITING FOR SCIENCES(UT)-3 XENGL101: ENGLISH COMPOSITION I(UT)-3 XENGL366: ACADEMIC/PROFESSIONAL WRITNG(UT)-3 Udall, James Instructor F ENGL101: ENGLISH COMPOSITION I(UT)-3 Vitale, Sarah Adjunct Instructor P SPAN101: ELEMENTARY SPANISH I(UT)-3 ENGL220: INTRO WRTNG&RESRCH IN DISCPLNE(UT)-3 ENGL430: THE WRITER'S WORKSHOP(UT)-3 XSPAN101: ELEMENTARY SPANISH I(UT)-3 Master Degree ENGLISH - U OF LA AT LAFAYETTE Bachelor Degree SECONDARY ENGLISH EDUCATION - U OF LA AT LAFAYETTE Master AMERICAN LITERATURE - GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIV GSH: 93 Master CREATIVE WRITING/POETRY - NEW ENGLAND COLLEGE GSH: 64 Bachelor AMERICAN LITERATURE - GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIV Master HISPANIC STUDIES - LSU GSH: 120 Bachelor SPANISH - SOUTHEASTERN UNIV Page 20 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: Arts and Sciences, Languages and Literature Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) WALTON, SHANA Assistant Professor F 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours ENGL368: TECHNCL & PROFESSIONAL WRITING(UT)-3 ENGL468: TECH WRITING FOR SCIENCES(UT)-3 3 Academic Degrees Earned Doctorate LINGUISTICS, FOLKLORE, ANTHROPOLOGY TULANE ENGL489: SENIOR INTERNSHIP(UT)-3 ENGL498: GRANT WRITING(UT)-3 WHITE, ROBIN Visiting Assistant Professor F Date Form Completed: ENGL101: ENGLISH COMPOSITION I(UT)-3 FREN102: ELEMENTARY FRENCH II(UT)-3 FREN202: INTERMEDIATE FRENCH II(UT)-3 Master Degree LINGUISTICS, FOLKLORE, ANTHROPOLOGY TULANE Bachelor JOURNALISM - LOUISIANA TECH 08-Sep-15 4 Other Qualifications or Experience - 1989 Grant Award for Feature writing for Council of Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) - District III Grant Award for scientific writing (CASE) - Special award for feature writing (CASE) - Achievement award for general feature writing (CASE) - Achievement award for interpretive writing (CASE) - Second place award for organizational writing, New Orleans Press Club - Outstanding achievement, investigative reporting, United Press International (UPI) - Journalist for CASE 2 years, - Investigative reporter for the United Press International, 1984 - Seven years as an instructor of university English, where teaching evaluations indicate success in the classroom. Student and supervisor evaluations indicate overall teaching consistantly falling in the "High Performance" cateogry -received multiple grant awards Doctorate FRENCH LITERATURE - MINORS: COMPARATIVE LITERATURE & ANTHROPOLOGY - LA ST U GSH: 100 - FRENCH (Masters & PhD level) Master Degree FRENCH LITERATURE - LA ST U Bachelor Degree FRENCH LITERATURE - THE EVERGREEN STATE COLLEGE Page 21 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: Arts and Sciences, Mass Communication Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) ARNOLD, LANCE Assistant Professor F Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours MACO101: SURVEY OF MASS COMMUNICATION(UT)-3 MACO401: BROADCAST JOURNALISM(UT)-3 3 Academic Degrees Earned 08-Sep-15 4 Other Qualifications or Experience Toward Doctorate Degree MASS COMMUNICATION - U OF SOUTHERN MS GSH: 87 XMACO101: SURVEY OF MASS COMMUNICATION(UT)-3 Master Degree COMMUNICATION - U OF NEW ORLEANS Bachelor Degree COMMUNICATION - SOUTHERN LA U Broussard, Anna Instructor F SPCH101: FUNDAMENTALS OF PUBLIC SPEAK(UT)-3 SPCH133: THEATER WORKSHOP(UT)-1 Master Degree COMMUNICATION STUDIES - LSU GSH: 51 (18 of which are in theater) SPCH300: THEATRE APPRECIATION(UT)-3 Bachelor ARTS/ENGLISH AND THEATER - LSU Butterfield, Rya Assistant Professor F SPCH101: FUNDAMENTALS OF PUBLIC SPEAK(UT)-3 Doctorate Communication Studies - LSU GSH: 52 Masters Corporate and Public Communication MONMOUTH UNIV Bachelor Communication Arts - RAMAPO COLLEGE NJ Chamberlain, Ann Instructor F MACO321: INFRMTN TECHNLGY FOR MASS COMM(UT)-3 MACO322: PUBLICATION DESN FOR MASS COMM(UT)-3 MACO350: WEB DESIGN FOR MASS COMMUNICTN(UT)-3 MACO390: INTERNSHIP(UT)-3 MACO397: INDEPENDENT STUDY(UT)-1 Master ARTS/MAGAZINE, NEWSPAPER & ONLINE JOURNALISM - SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY GSH: 36 Bachelor ARTS/PRING JOUNALISM - SOUTHERN ADVENTIST UNIVERSITY MACO398: INDEPENDENT STUDY(UT)-1 MACO399: INDEPENDENT STUDY(UT)-1 CHIASSON, LLOYD Professor F MACO251: NEWS WRITING(UT)-3 MACO455: PUBLIC AFFAIRS REPORTING(UT)-3 Doctorate JOURNALISM - SOUTHERN IL GSH: 60 Master Degree JOURNALISM - U OF AZ GSH: 30 Bachelor Degree JOURNALISM - LA ST U Page 22 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: Arts and Sciences, Mass Communication Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) CLARK, FARREN Instructor F Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours SPCH101: FUNDAMENTALS OF PUBLIC SPEAK(UT)-3 SPCH104: SPEAKING THROUGH TECHNOLOGY(UT)-3 3 Academic Degrees Earned 08-Sep-15 4 Other Qualifications or Experience Master Degree COMMUNICATION - U OF NORTHERN IOWA GSH: 18 Bachelor Degree MASS COMMUNICATION - NICHOLLS ST U DUROCHER, BILL Adjunct P SPCH101: FUNDAMENTALS OF PUBLIC SPEAK(UT)-3 Master Degree BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION - NICHOLLS ST U Bachelor Degree BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION - NICHOLLS ST U Gorbach, Julien Assistant Professor F MACO101: SURVEY OF MASS COMMUNICATION(UT)-3 MACO230: VISUAL COMMUNICATION(UT)-3 Doctorate JOURNALISM - UNIV OF MISSOURI-COLUMBIA GSH: 42 MACO252: REPORTING(UT)-3 MACO321: INFRMTN TECHNLGY FOR MASS COMM(UT)-3 HARRY, FELICIA Assistant Professor F - Mr. Durocher began teaching SPCH 101 under the direction of Mr. Aaron O'Neal, who had more than 30 years of speech teaching experience, as an MBA student in 1990. He has continued to teach the course since that time. His student evaluations and supervisor observations have consistently been exemplary. Mr. Durocher has a master's degree in Business Administration and presently serves as chief administrative officer for the Heart Centers of Lafourche and Terrebonne. His work as a marketing professional requires that his own public speaking skills remain sharp. In addition, he has a vast experience in public relations and has served as director of marketing for Assumption General Hospital and as promotions coordinator for Fitzgerald Advertising. MACO317: PUBLIC RELATIONS WRITING(UT)-3 MACO330: PUBLIC RELATIONS(UT)-3 MACO430: PUBLIC REL PRAC AND CASE STUDI(UT)-3 MACO452: WOMEN AND MINORITIES IN MEDIA(UT)-3 Master Degree PRINT JOURNALISM - NEW YORK UNIVERSITY GSH: 36 Bachelor Degree LITERATURE - SARAH LAWRENCE COLLEGE Toward Doctorate Degree PUBLIC POLICY/MASS COMMUNICATIONS SOUTHERN U GSH: 51 Master Degree JOURNALISM - LA ST U GSH: 42 Bachelor Degree JOURNALISM - LA ST U Page 23 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: Arts and Sciences, Mass Communication Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours JEFFRESS, MICHAEL Assistant Professor F SPCH101: FUNDAMENTALS OF PUBLIC SPEAK(UT)-3 SIMONCELLI, ANDREW Assoicate Professor F MACO361: TELEVISION PRODUCTION(UT)-3 STEWART, JAMES Professor F MACO230: VISUAL COMMUNICATION(UT)-3 SPCH302: PERSUASIVE COMMUNICATION(UT)-3 XSPCH104: SPEAKING THROUGH TECHNOLOGY(UT)-3 MACO362: BROADCAST MEDIA WORKSHOP(UT)-3 XMACO499: SEMINAR IN CONTEMPORARY MACO(UT)-3 MACO370: LAW AND ETHICS OF MASS COMM(UT)-3 3 Academic Degrees Earned 08-Sep-15 4 Other Qualifications or Experience Doctorate COMMUNICATION STUDIES - REGENT UNIVERSITY GSH: 41 Master Degree DIVINITY - B.M.A. THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Master Degree Master of Arts - HARDING UNIVERSITY Bachelor Degree MINISTRY - HARDING UNIVERSITY Doctorate EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP AND RESEARCH LA ST U GSH: 94 Master Degree EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY NORTHWESTERN U GSH: 33 Bachelor Degree MASS COMMUNICATION - NICHOLLS ST U Doctorate COMMUNICATION - U OF SOUTHERN MS GSH: 63 Master Degree MASS COMMMUNICATION - U OF SOUTHERN MS GSH: 30 Bachelor Degree COMMUNICATON ARTS - NICHOLLS ST U Page 24 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: Arts and Sciences, Mathematics Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) Authement, Danny Instructor F Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours MATH106: CALCULUS WITH BSAD&ECON APPL(UT)-3 MATH116: CONTMPRY MATH QUANT ANLSYS ALG(UT)-3 Academic Degrees Earned 4 Other Qualifications or Experience Master Degree MATHEMATICS - NICHOLLS ST U GSH: 34 MATH116L: CONTMPRY MATH QUANT ANLSYS LAB(UT)-2 MATH117: CNTMPORARY MATH&QUANT ANLYSS(UT)-3 Bergeron, Allison Instructor F 3 08-Sep-15 MATH116: CONTMPRY MATH QUANT ANLSYS ALG(UT)-3 MATH116L: CONTMPRY MATH QUANT ANLSYS LAB(UT)-2 Bachelor Degree MATHEMATICS - NICHOLLS ST U Master Degree Mathematics - NICHOLLS ST U GSH: 34 Bachelor Degree Mathematics - NICHOLLS ST U BESLIN, SCOTT Professor F MATH500: PREP GRADUATE ASSISTNTSHP MATH(G)-1 MATH595: MASTERS COMPREHENSIVE EXAM(G)-0 Doctorate MATHEMATICS - U OF SOUTHWESTERN LA GSH: 42 Master Degree MATHEMATICS - U OF SOUTHWESTERN LA GSH: 39 Bachelor Degree MATH EDUCATION - U OF SOUTHWESTERN LA BOUDREAUX, LAURIE Instructor F MATH100: COLLEGE ALGEBRA(5 HR FORMAT)(UT)-5 MATH101: COLLEGE ALGEBRA(UT)-3 Master Degree MATHEMATICS - NICHOLLS ST U GSH: 33 MATH165: CALCULUS I(UT)-5 Bachelor Degree MATH EDUCATION - NICHOLLS ST U BOURGEOIS, BEAU Adjunct Instructor P MATH102: TRIGONOMETRY(UT)-3 Masters Degree MATHEMATICS - TULANE UNIV GSH: 45 Bachelor Degree COMPUTER SCIENCE - MINOR MATHEMATICS NICHOLLS ST U BOURGEOIS, JEREMY Instructor F MATH100: COLLEGE ALGEBRA(5 HR FORMAT)(UT)-5 MATH101: COLLEGE ALGEBRA(UT)-3 MATH102: TRIGONOMETRY(UT)-3 MATH108: PRECALCULUS(UT)-4 MATH214: INTRODUCTORY STATISTICS(UT)-3 Master Degree COMMUNITY/TECHNICAL COLLEGE MATHEMATICS - NICHOLLS ST U GSH: 33 Bachelor Degree MATHEMATICS - NICHOLLS ST U Page 25 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: Arts and Sciences, Mathematics Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) CHAPMAN, JAMES Instructor F Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours MATH106: CALCULUS WITH BSAD&ECON APPL(UT)-3 MATH214: INTRODUCTORY STATISTICS(UT)-3 3 Academic Degrees Earned 08-Sep-15 4 Other Qualifications or Experience Master Degree MATHEMATICS - NICHOLLS ST U GSH: 33 MATH301: ELEMENTARY STATISTICAL METHODS(UT)-3 Bachelor Degree MATHEMATICS - NICHOLLS ST U CHIASSON, ANDREA Instructor F MATH100: COLLEGE ALGEBRA(5 HR FORMAT)(UT)-5 MATH101: COLLEGE ALGEBRA(UT)-3 MATH117: CNTMPORARY MATH&QUANT ANLYSS(UT)-3 XMATH117: CNTMPORARY MATH&QUANT ANLYSS(UT)-3 CLEMENT, ERIN Instructor F Master Degree BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION - NICHOLLS ST U GSH: 33 - Business MATH100: COLLEGE ALGEBRA(5 HR FORMAT)(UT)-5 MATH101: COLLEGE ALGEBRA(UT)-3 Bachelor Degree BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION - NICHOLLS ST U Toward Master Degree COMMUNITY AND TECHNICAL COLLEGE MATHEMATICS - NICHOLLS ST U GSH: 19 Master Degree MATHEMATICS - NICHOLLS ST U GSH: 39 MATH106: CALCULUS WITH BSAD&ECON APPL(UT)-3 Bachelor Degree COMA - NICHOLLS ST U DUPREE, SHERILL Instructor F MATH101: COLLEGE ALGEBRA(UT)-3 MATH116L: CONTMPRY MATH QUANT ANLSYS LAB(UT)-2 Master Degree MATHEMATICS - NICHOLLS ST U GSH: 30 MATH165: CALCULUS I(UT)-5 XMATH100: COLLEGE ALGEBRA(5 HR FORMAT)(UT)-5 Bachelor Degree COMPUTER SCIENCE - NICHOLLS ST U XMATH101: COLLEGE ALGEBRA(UT)-3 Gamel, Heather Instructor F MATH110: MATHMTCS FOR ELEM TCHRS I(UT)-3 MATH166: CALCULUS II(UT)-4 Doctorate Mathematics - UNIV OF SOUTH CAROLINA GSH: 67 MATH210: MATH FOR ELEMEN TEACHERS II(UT)-3 Bachelor Mathematics - PRESBYTERIAN COLLEGE Gamel, Matthew Assisstant Professor F MATH360: LINEAR ALGEBRA(UT)-3 MATH407: MATHMTCL PROBABILITY AND STATS(UT)-3 Doctorate Mathematics - UNIV OF SOUTH CAROLINA GSH: 72 MATH558: APPLIED ANALYSIS II(G)-3 Master Mathematics - TEXAS A&M Bachelor Mathematics and Computer Science - TEXAS TECH Page 26 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: Arts and Sciences, Mathematics Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) HECK, BRIAN Associate Professor F Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours MATH165: CALCULUS I(UT)-5 MATH471: ELEMENTARY TOPOLOGY(UT)-3 3 Academic Degrees Earned 08-Sep-15 4 Other Qualifications or Experience Doctorate MATHEMATICS - LA ST U GSH: 87 MATH540: APPLIED MATRIX ANALYSIS(G)-3 Master Degree MATHEMATICS - LA ST U Bachelor Degree MATHEMATICS - MCMURRY U HUBBELL, COURTNEY Instructor F MATH100: COLLEGE ALGEBRA(5 HR FORMAT)(UT)-5 MATH102: TRIGONOMETRY(UT)-3 Master Degree MATHEMATICS - NICHOLLS ST U GSH: 33 MATH214: INTRODUCTORY STATISTICS(UT)-3 XMATH214: INTRODUCTORY STATISTICS(UT)-3 Bachelor Degree MATHEMATICS - NICHOLLS ST U Irwin, Heather Adjunct Instructor P MATH101: COLLEGE ALGEBRA(UT)-3 Master Community/Technical College Mathematics NICHOLLS STATE U GSH: 27 Bachelor Mathematics - NICHOLLS STATE U LASSEIGNE, DONALD Instructor F MATH100: COLLEGE ALGEBRA(5 HR FORMAT)(UT)-5 Master Degree MATHEMATICS - NICHOLLS ST U GSH: 39 MATH101: COLLEGE ALGEBRA(UT)-3 MATH117: CNTMPORARY MATH&QUANT ANLYSS(UT)-3 Bachelor Degree MATHEMATICS - NICHOLLS ST U LOWRIMORE, NOELLE Adjunct Instructor P MATH101: COLLEGE ALGEBRA(UT)-3 Master EDUCATION- CURRICULUM & INSTRUCTION with a Concetnration in SECONDARY EDUCATION - NICHOLLS STATE UNIV GSH: 34 Toward Master Degree MATHEMATICS - NICHOLLS STATE UNIV GSH: 24 Bachelor MATHEMATICS EDUCATION - NICHOLLS STATE UNIV MA, VAN Instructor F MATH106: CALCULUS WITH BSAD&ECON APPL(UT)-3 Master Degree MATHEMATICS - LA ST U GSH: 51 MATH117: CNTMPORARY MATH&QUANT ANLYSS(UT)-3 MATH265: CALCULUS III(UT)-4 Bachelor Degree MATHEMATICS - NICHOLLS ST U Page 27 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: Arts and Sciences, Mathematics Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours PLAISANCE, DESLEY Associate Professor F MATH578: RESEARCH IN MATH EDUCATION(G)-3 Portier, Chrystal Visiting Instructor F MATH100: COLLEGE ALGEBRA(5 HR FORMAT)(UT)-5 SMITH, SHAWN Instructor F MATH100: COLLEGE ALGEBRA(5 HR FORMAT)(UT)-5 XMATH106: CALCULUS WITH BSAD&ECON APPL(UT)-3 MATH116: CONTMPRY MATH QUANT ANLSYS ALG(UT)-3 MATH116L: CONTMPRY MATH QUANT ANLSYS LAB(UT)-2 MATH101: COLLEGE ALGEBRA(UT)-3 3 Academic Degrees Earned 08-Sep-15 4 Other Qualifications or Experience Doctorate MATHEMATICS AND SCIENCE EDUCATION SOUTHERN U GSH: 45 - MATH Master Degree MATHEMATICS - NICHOLLS ST U GSH: 33 - MATH Bachelor Degree MATHEMATICS EDUCATION - NICHOLLS ST U Master Degree COMMUNITY TECHNICAL COLLEGE MATHEMATICS - NICHOLLS ST U GSH: 46 - Mathematics 9 - Education Bachelor Degree MATHEMATICS EDUCATION - NICHOLLS ST U Associate Degree GENERAL STUDIES - NICHOLLS ST U Master Degree APPLIED MATHEMATICS - NICHOLLS ST U GSH: 37-TOTAL MATH110: MATHMTCS FOR ELEM TCHRS I(UT)-3 MATH116: CONTMPRY MATH QUANT ANLSYS ALG(UT)-3 Bachelor Degree GENERAL STUDIES - NICHOLLS ST U MATH116L: CONTMPRY MATH QUANT ANLSYS LAB(UT)-2 MATH214: INTRODUCTORY STATISTICS(UT)-3 VERDIN, ANASTASIA Adjunct Instructor P MATH101: COLLEGE ALGEBRA(UT)-3 Toward Master Degree MATHEMATICS - NICHOLLS STATE UNIVERSITY GSH: 21 Bachelor Degree MATHEMATICS EDUCATION - NICHOLLS STATE UNIVERSITY WEST, IANNA Associate Professor F MATH108: PRECALCULUS(UT)-4 MATH405: NUMERICAL ANALYSIS I(UT)-3 Doctorate MATHEMATICS - U OF LA AT LAFAYETTE MATH584: TECHNOLOGY AND COMM IN MATH ED(G)-3 Master Degree MATHEMATICS - U OF LA AT LAFAYETTE GSH: 57 Bachelor Degree MATH EDUCATION - NICHOLLS ST U Page 28 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: Arts and Sciences, Mathematics Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) XING, CONG-CONG Professor F Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours MATH106: CALCULUS WITH BSAD&ECON APPL(UT)-3 3 Academic Degrees Earned 08-Sep-15 4 Other Qualifications or Experience Doctorate COMPUTER SCIENCE - TULANE U GSH: 28 - MATHEMATICS 39 - COMPUTER SCIENCE Master Degree COMPUTER SCIENCE - TULANE U Bachelor Degree COMPUTER SCIENCE - BEIJING INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Page 29 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: Arts and Sciences, Music Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) ALEXANDER, JAMES Adjunct P Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours MUS171: PERFORMANCE COURSE(UT)-2 MUS282: STRING ENSEMBLE(UT)-1 3 Academic Degrees Earned Bachelor Degree MUSIC - LA ST U MUS371: PERFORMANCE COURSE(UT)-2 MUS372: PERFORMANCE COURSE(UT)-2 MUS382: STRING ENSEMBLE(UT)-1 Concert Recital Diploma (Premiere Prix) - GUILDHALL SCHOOL OF MUSIC AND DRAMA, LONDON ENGLAND MUS471: PERFORMANCE COURSE(UT)-2 MUS489: STRING PEDAGOGY(UT)-3 Bartnik, Michael Assistant Professor F MUS105: GENERAL MUSIC APPRECIATION(UT)-3 MUS162: PERFORMANCE COURSE(UT)-1 08-Sep-15 4 Other Qualifications or Experience - 1998 -2007 Louisiana State University, Professionalin-Residence, Violin - Music for Violin and Piano by Lidding Pitombeira, Centaur Records, 2012 - 2004 - Present, Master Classes in Brazil, Universities at Fortaleza, Recife, Porto Allegre, Salvador, Joao Pessoa, Minas Gerais, Rio Grande do Norte, Campina Grande, Goiania - 2013-2015 Faculty member at FEMUSC, International Music Festival of Santa Catarina, Brazil - 2011 32nd International Music Festival Civegra, Brasilia, Brazil - 201, Masterclasses at Music Conservatory in Feldkirche Austria - 2010, 1st International Festival of Music of Campina Grande, Paraiba, Brazil - 1989 - 2007 Taught Masterclasses at Dinu Lipati School of Music, George Enescu School, Bucharaest Romania - 2005 - present Co-Founder and Director of the Pelican State Chamber Series, New Roads, LA - 2005 - present, member of the Alexander-Soares Duo performin in USA, Brazil, and Europe - 2008, 2nd International Festival of Chamber Music of Ico, Ceara, Brazil - 2004-2007, Member of Burle Marx Trio, performed in Brazil and USA Doctorate Musical Arts - UNIV OF TEXAS - AUSTIN GSH: 45 MUS171: PERFORMANCE COURSE(UT)-2 MUS320: HISTORY OF ROCK AND ROLL(UT)-3 MUS371: PERFORMANCE COURSE(UT)-2 MUS407: WORLD MUSIC(UT)-3 Master Music - UNIV OF CINCINNATI GSH: 37 Bachelor Music Education - NORTHWESTERN ST UNIV MUS471: PERFORMANCE COURSE(UT)-2 XMUS320: HISTORY OF ROCK AND ROLL(UT)-3 BRITT, CAROL Associate Professor F MUS100: RECITAL(UT)-0 MUS120: ELEMENTARY THEORY(UT)-4 Doctor of Musical Arts ORGAN PERFORMANCE - U OF AL GSH: 52 MUS212: THEORY(UT)-3 MUS218: SOLFEGE-EAR TRAINING(UT)-1 MUS300: RECITAL(UT)-0 MUS400: SENIOR PROJECT(UT)-1 Master Degree MUSIC - ORGAN PERFORMANCE - U OF EVANSVILLE GSH: 35 Bachelor Degree EDUCATION - SOUTHERN IL U Page 30 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: Arts and Sciences, Music Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) FRANCIS, VALERIE ANNE Instructor F Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours MUED384: MTHDS & MATERIALS VOCAL MUSI(UT)-3 MUED478: VOCAL PEDAGOGY(UT)-2 3 Academic Degrees Earned 08-Sep-15 4 Other Qualifications or Experience Doctorate MUSIC - UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA GSH: 61 MUS109: ENGLISH AND ITALIAN DICTION(UT)-1 MUS161: PERFORMANCE COURSE(UT)-1 MUS171: PERFORMANCE COURSE(UT)-2 MUS172: PERFORMANCE COURSE(UT)-2 MUS193: CHORUS(UT)-1 MUS196: GOSPEL CHOIR(UT)-1 Master Degree VOCAL PERFORMANCE - UNIVERSITY OF NEW ORLEANS GSH: 51 Bachelor Degree VOCAL MUSIC EDUCATION - DILLARD UNIVERSITY MUS272: PERFORMANCE COURSE(UT)-2 MUS371: PERFORMANCE COURSE(UT)-2 MUS372: PERFORMANCE COURSE(UT)-2 MUS386: GOSPEL CHOIR(UT)-1 MUS393: CHORUS(UT)-1 MUS472: PERFORMANCE COURSE(UT)-2 Hollenbeck, Joshua Instructor F MUS171: PERFORMANCE COURSE(UT)-2 MUS172: PERFORMANCE COURSE(UT)-2 Master Music - UNIV OF SOUTH FL GSH: 33 MUS191: MARCHING BAND(UT)-1 MUS272: PERFORMANCE COURSE(UT)-2 Bachelor Music Education - FLORIDA STATE UNIV MUS292: INSTRUMENTAL ENSEMBLE(UT)-1 MUS296: JAZZ BAND(UT)-1 MUS359: INSTRUMENT REPAIR(UT)-1 MUS391: MARCHING BAND(UT)-1 MUS396: JAZZ BAND(UT)-1 Page 31 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: Arts and Sciences, Music Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) Jefferson, Matthew Adjunct Instructor P Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours MUED223: CLASS BRASSES(UT)-1 MUS105: GENERAL MUSIC APPRECIATION(UT)-3 3 Academic Degrees Earned 08-Sep-15 4 Other Qualifications or Experience Master Music - UNIV OF NORTH TEXAS GSH: 32 MUS161: PERFORMANCE COURSE(UT)-1 MUS171: PERFORMANCE COURSE(UT)-2 Bachelor Music - UNIV OF NORTH TEXAS MUS201: COMPUTNG TECH FOR MUSIC MJRS(UT)-2 MUS272: PERFORMANCE COURSE(UT)-2 MUS292: INSTRUMENTAL ENSEMBLE(UT)-1 MUS371: PERFORMANCE COURSE(UT)-2 MUS400: SENIOR PROJECT(UT)-1 MUS471: PERFORMANCE COURSE(UT)-2 KLAUS, KENNETH Professor F MUED229: CLASS VOICE(UT)-1 MUS161: PERFORMANCE COURSE(UT)-1 Doctorate VOICE/CHORAL MUSIC - LA ST U GSH: 90 MUS171: PERFORMANCE COURSE(UT)-2 MUS172: PERFORMANCE COURSE(UT)-2 MUS193: CHORUS(UT)-1 MUS298: CHAMBER CHOIR ENSEMBLE(UT)-1 Master Degree MUSIC (VOICE) - LA ST U GSH: 54 Bachelor Degree MUSIC (VOICE) - LA ST U MUS340: MUSIC HISTORY: C. 400 - 1800(UT)-3 MUS350: INDEPENDENT STUDY(UT)-1 MUS371: PERFORMANCE COURSE(UT)-2 MUS393: CHORUS(UT)-1 MUS398: CHAMBER CHOIR ENSEMBLE(UT)-1 MUS400: SENIOR PROJECT(UT)-1 MUS433: CHORAL ARRANGING(UT)-1 Miller, Scott Instructor P MUS105: GENERAL MUSIC APPRECIATION(UT)-3 MUS110: FUNDAMENTALS OF MUSIC(UT)-2 Doctorate Musical Arts - LSU GSH: 78 MUS372: PERFORMANCE COURSE(UT)-2 Master Music - UNIV OF OREGON GSH: 60 Bachelor Music - FL STATE U Page 32 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: Arts and Sciences, Music Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) Parker, Dennis Instructor P Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours MUS371: PERFORMANCE COURSE(UT)-2 3 Academic Degrees Earned 08-Sep-15 4 Other Qualifications or Experience Master Music - YALE UNIV GSH: 74 Bachelor Music - INDIANA UNIV SAMMARCO, DONNA Instructor F MUS101: BASIC PIANO(UT)-3 MUS105: GENERAL MUSIC APPRECIATION(UT)-3 MUS170: CLASS PIANO(UT)-1 MUS270: CLASS PIANO(UT)-1 SOARES, LUCIANA Assistant Professor F MUS161: PERFORMANCE COURSE(UT)-1 MUS171: PERFORMANCE COURSE(UT)-2 Master Degree PIANO PERFORMANCE - PEDAGOGY - U OF NEW ORLEANS GSH: 33 Bachelor Degree MUSIC - NICHOLLS ST U Doctorate (DMA) PIANO PERFORMANCE - U OF SOUTHERN MS GSH: 101 MUS172: PERFORMANCE COURSE(UT)-2 MUS271: PERFORMANCE COURSE(UT)-2 MUS400: SENIOR PROJECT(UT)-1 MUS471: PERFORMANCE COURSE(UT)-2 Master Degree MUSIC - AZ ST U Bachelor Degree MUSIC - FEDERAL U OF GOIAS, BRAZIL XMUS105: GENERAL MUSIC APPRECIATION(UT)-3 TORRES, GREGORY Instructor F MUED383: PLANNING FOR TEACHING MUSIC(UT)-3 MUED385: MTHDS & MATERIALS INSTR MUSI(UT)-2 Master Degree MUSIC EDUCATION - U OF OK - Nicholls State University Director of Bands MUED386: MARCHING BAND TECHNIQUES(UT)-1 MUS105: GENERAL MUSIC APPRECIATION(UT)-3 MUS171: PERFORMANCE COURSE(UT)-2 MUS272: PERFORMANCE COURSE(UT)-2 Bachelor Degree FINE ARTS IN MUSIC - LA TECH U Toward Doctarate Degree MUSIC EDUCATION - U OF SOUTHERN MS GSH: 30 MUS301: BASIC CONDUCTING(UT)-2 MUS391: MARCHING BAND(UT)-1 MUS400: SENIOR PROJECT(UT)-1 Page 33 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: Arts and Sciences, Physical Sciences Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) Beyer, Adam Instructor F Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours GEOL101: PHYSICAL GEOLOGY(UT)-3 3 Academic Degrees Earned 08-Sep-15 4 Other Qualifications or Experience Master Geology - SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIV GSH: 32 Bachelor Geology - UNIV OF ILLINOIS - CHAMPAGNE Cortez, Mallory Assistant Professor F CHEM221: ORGANIC CHEMISTRY I(UT)-3 CHEM226: ORGANIC CHEMISTRY LAB(UT)-2 CHEM327: INTERMEDIATE ORGANIC CHEMISTRY(UT)-2 CHEM451: RESEARCH PROBLEMS(UT)-2 DOU, YUSHENG Associate Professor F Doctorate Organic/Polymar Chemistry - TULANE UNIV GSH: 57 CHEM106: INTRODUCTORY CHEMISTRY II(UT)-3 CHEM110: INTRODUCTORY CHEMISTRY LAB(UT)-2 Bachelor Chemistry - NICHOLLS ST U Doctorate CHEMISTRY - OXFORD U GSH: 80 CHEM412: INORGANIC CHEMISTRY(UT)-3 CHEM413: INORGANIC PREPARATIONS(UT)-1 Bachelor Degree CHEMISTRY - NORTHWEST U (PR CHINA) CHEM481: LABORATORY INTERNSHIP(UT)-3 GIANNAMORE, VINCENT Associate Professor F CHEM105: INTRODUCTORY CHEMISTRY I(UT)-3 CHEM109: GNRL ORGNC BIOLGCL CHEM NURSNG(UT)-3 CHEM222: ORGANIC CHEMISTRY II(UT)-3 CHEM450: SENIOR SEMINAR(UT)-1 LO, GLENN Professor F CHEM105: INTRODUCTORY CHEMISTRY I(UT)-3 CHEM110: INTRODUCTORY CHEMISTRY LAB(UT)-2 CHEM303: PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY I(UT)-3 CHEM305: PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LAB I(UT)-1 Marlow, Matthew Assistant Professor F Doctorate CHEMISTRY - OHIO U GSH: 206 - CHEMISTRY CHEM101: GENERAL CHEMISTRY I(UT)-3 CHEM105: INTRODUCTORY CHEMISTRY I(UT)-3 Master Degree CHEMISTRY - ST. JOSEPH'S U GSH: 45 - CHEMISTRY Bachelor Degree CHEMISTRY - FRANCISCAN U Doctorate CHEMISTRY - PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY AND CHEMICAL PHYSICS - KS ST U GSH: 74 Bachelor Degree CHEMISTRY - U OF THE PHILIPPINES Doctorate Analytical Chemistry - UNIV OF WYOMING PHSC101: INTRO PHYSICAL SCIENCE I(UT)-3 PHSC102: INTRO PHYSICAL SCIENCE II(UT)-3 Masters Degree Analytical/Inorganic Chemistry - UNIV OF WYOMING GSH: 33 Bachelor Degree Chemistry - LOURDES COLLEGE Page 34 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: Arts and Sciences, Physical Sciences Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) MOLONEY, MARGUERITE M. Assistant Professor F Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours GEOL102: HISTORICAL GEOLOGY(UT)-3 GEOL300: OCEANOGRAPHY(UT)-3 PHSC103: INTRO PHYSICAL SCIENCE III(UT)-3 XGEOL102: HISTORICAL GEOLOGY(UT)-3 SMITH, DUANE Associate Professor F CHEM109: GNRL ORGNC BIOLGCL CHEM NURSNG(UT)-3 CHEM435: BIOCHEMISTRY I(UT)-3 3 Academic Degrees Earned Master Degree GEOLOGY - Specializing in GeoPhysics SOUTHERN IL U - CARBONDALE GSH: 30 - GEOLOGY 08-Sep-15 4 Other Qualifications or Experience - Introductory Physical Science III combines Earth science (meaning Geology) with some space science. Bachelor Degree BIOLOGY - SOUTHERN IL U - CARBONDALE Doctorate BIOCHEMISTRY - LOYOLA U MEDICAL CENTER GSH: 30 CHEM437: BIOCHEMISTRY LABORATORY(UT)-1 Bachelor Degree BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES - IL ST U WAYMENT, DARCEY Assistant Professor F CHEM113: INTRO CHEMISTRY LABORATORY I(UT)-1 CHEM300: QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS(UT)-3 Doctorate CHEMISTRY - TEXAS TECH UNIV CHEM302: QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS LAB(UT)-2 CHEM452: RESEARCH PROBLEMS(UT)-4 Wayment, Xuehui Adjunct P CHEM109: GNRL ORGNC BIOLGCL CHEM NURSNG(UT)-3 YOUNG, CHADWICK Associate Professor F PHYS101: BASIC PHYSICS(UT)-3 CHEM226: ORGANIC CHEMISTRY LAB(UT)-2 PHYS103: BASIC PHYSICS LABORATORY(UT)-1 Bachelor Degree CHEMISTRY - BRIGHAM YOUNG UNV Masters Degree Chemistry - TEXAS TECH Doctorate ASTRONOMY - U OF TX (AUSTIN) GSH: 64 - PHYSICS PHYS201: GENERAL PHYSICS(UT)-3 Master Degree ASTRONOMY - U OF TX (AUSTIN) Bachelor Degree PHYSICS - MS STATE U YOUNG, KAISA Adjunct P ASTR101: ASTRONOMY OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM(UT)-3 PHYS103: BASIC PHYSICS LABORATORY(UT)-1 Doctorate ASTRONOMY - U OF TX AT AUSTIN GSH: 73 - physics PHYS203: GENERAL PHYSICS LABORATORY(UT)-1 Bachelor Degree PHYSICS - U OF MO - COLUMBIA Page 35 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: Business Administration, Accountng,Finance,Info Systems Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) BREAUX, KEVIN Associate Professor F Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours ACCT205: INTRO TO FINANCIAL ACCOUNTNG(UT)-3 ACCT322: INTERMED FINANCIAL ACCT II(UT)-3 3 Academic Degrees Earned 08-Sep-15 4 Other Qualifications or Experience Doctorate ACCOUNTING - LA ST U GSH: 24 - ACCOUNTING ACCT500: MANAGERIAL DECISION SUPPORT(G)-3 XACCT206: INTRO TO MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTING(UT)-3 CHIASSON, MICHAEL Professor F ACCT321: INTERMED FINANCIAL ACCOUNTNG I(UT)-3 Chu, Xiaoyan Assistant Professor F ACCT206: INTRO TO MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTING(UT)-3 ACCT401: ADVANCED ACCOUNTING(UT)-3 ACCT407: INCOME TAX ACCOUNTING(UT)-3 Master Degree BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION - NICHOLLS ST U GSH: 33 Bachelor Degree ACCOUNTING - NICHOLLS ST U Doctorate BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION - ACCOUNTING CONCENTRATION - LA TECH U GSH: 42 Master Degree BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION - NICHOLLS ST U GSH: 33 Bachelor Degree ACCOUNTING - NICHOLLS ST U Doctorate Accounting - LOUISIANA TECH UNIV GSH: 57 ACCT408: ADVANCED INCOME TAX ACCT(UT)-3 Master Accounting - MISS STATE UNIV GSH: 24 Master Statistics - MISS STATE UNIV GSH: 54 Bachelor Machine Design and Manufacturing - SHANGHAI FISHERIES UNIV DIAZ-FUGETTA, MARGARET Instructor F ACCT205: INTRO TO FINANCIAL ACCOUNTNG(UT)-3 ACCT403: AUDITING(UT)-3 Master Degree ACCOUNTING - UNO GSH: 33 - Licensed CPA Bachelor Degree FINANCE - NICHOLLS STATE UNIVERSITY Page 36 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: Business Administration, Accountng,Finance,Info Systems Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) Evans, Terry Instructor F Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours CIS150: VISUAL COMP PRGMMING FOR BUSI(UT)-3 CIS355: ADVNCD PROG & DATA STRCTURES(UT)-3 Academic Degrees Earned Masters BANKING ASSET/LIABILITY MNGT - RUTGERS UNIV OIS200: COMPUTERS IN THE OFFICE(UT)-2 QBA282: BUSINESS STATISTICS I(UT)-3 FANGUY, RONNIE Associate Professor F 3 CIS320: APPLIED DATABASE DEVELOPMENT(UT)-3 CIS455: INTEGRATD WEB DEV & E-BUSINS(UT)-3 Masters BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION - NICHOLLS STATE UNIV GSH: 33 Bachelor COMPUTER SCIENCE - NICHOLLS STATE UNIV 08-Sep-15 4 Other Qualifications or Experience - Certified Professional in Health Information Management Systems which required 60 hours of continuing professional education for each three year reporting period. - Continuing education certification in: Project Requirements, Risk Manangement, Quality Assurance, Configuration Management - Computer Certifications in : Project Scheduling, Startup and Planning, Execution & Close Down, System Life Cycle, PC Repairs, Introductory & Advanced Database Design, Novel Networks - TMMEC, LLC. A Software Company, Owner - 10 Years as Chief Information Officer at Thibodaux Regional Medical Center Doctorate COMPUTER SCIENCE - U OF LA AT LAFAYETTE GSH: 76 CIS501: INFORMATION SYSTMS FOR MNGRS(G)-3 Master Degree COMPUTER SCIENCE - U OF SOUTHWESTERN LA GSH: 48 Bachelor Degree COMPUTER SCIENCE - MINOR - GENERAL BUSINESS - NICHOLLS ST U Gouaux, Eugene Instructor F BSAD221: LEGAL ENVIRONMNT OF BUSINESS(UT)-3 BSAD324: COMMERCIAL LAW(UT)-3 Juris Doctorate SOUTHERN UNIV LAW CENTER GSH: 20 XBSAD221: LEGAL ENVIRONMNT OF BUSINESS(UT)-3 Master Accounting - LOUISIANA STATE UNIV GSH: 12 Bachelor Accounting - UNIV OF SOUTHERN MISS GUIDRY, KRISANDRA Associate Professor F FINC302: FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT(UT)-3 FINC310: FINANCIAL MARKETS & INSTITUTIO(UT)-3 Doctorate FINANCE - LA ST U GSH: 33 Master Degree FINANCE - NICHOLLS ST U GSH: 3 Page 37 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: Business Administration, Accountng,Finance,Info Systems Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) Helluin, Stella Instructor F Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours ACCT205: INTRO TO FINANCIAL ACCOUNTNG(UT)-3 ACCT323: INTERMED FINANCIAL ACCT III(UT)-3 Academic Degrees Earned Master Business Administration - UNIV OF HOUSTON GSH: 39 4 Other Qualifications or Experience - Licensed CPA ACCT351: ACCOUNTNG INFORMATION SYSTMS(UT)-3 ACCT402: ACCOUNTING INTERNSHIP(UT)-3 KLEEN, BETTY Adjunct Instructor P 3 08-Sep-15 CIS231: MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTM(UT)-3 CIS400: INTERNSHIP COMPUTR INFO SYST(UT)-3 Bachelor Accounting - LSU GSH: 3 Doctorate BUSINESS EDUCATION - U OF KY GSH: 53 Post Doctoral MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS - UNIV OF MN and INDIANA UNIV GSH: Total of 24 Master Degree BUSINESS EDUCATION - WESTERN IL U GSH: 30 Bachelor Degree BUSINESS EDUCATION - WESTERN IL U LAJAUNIE, JOHN Professor F FINC403: INTERM FINC MNGT(UT)-3 FINC460: FINANCE INTERSHIP(UT)-3 FINC515: PERFORMANCE AND PLANNING(G)-3 FINC520: VALUE-BASED MANAGEMENT(G)-3 LAWRENCE, SHARI Assoicate Professor F FINC356: INVESTMENTS(UT)-3 FINC405: FINANCIAL STATEMENT ANALYSIS(UT)-3 FINC460: FINANCE INTERSHIP(UT)-3 QBA282: BUSINESS STATISTICS I(UT)-3 LEJEUNE, STACY Adjunct Instructor P Doctorate FINANCIAL ECONOMICS - U OF NEW ORLEANS GSH: 78 ACCT315: GOVRNMNT & NOT-FR-PROFT ACCT(UT)-3 Master Degree ECONOMICS - U OF NEW ORLEANS Doctorate FINANCIAL ECONOMICS - U OF NEW ORLEANS GSH: 41 - FINANCE 24 - ECONOMICS 12 - QBA Master Degree ECONOMICS - U OF NEW ORLEANS Master Degree MANAGEMENT - TROY ST U Bachelor Degree BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION - SAN DIEGO ST U Master Degree BUSINESS ADMINISRATION - NICHOLLS ST U GSH: 33 - Internal Auditor for Nicholls State University - Licensed CPA Bachelor Degree ACCOUNTING - MINOR - COMPUTER SCIENCE - NICHOLLS ST U Page 38 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: Business Administration, Accountng,Finance,Info Systems Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours MAO, EN Associate Professor F CIS231: MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTM(UT)-3 Noman, Abdullah Assistant Professor F FINC302: FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT(UT)-3 CIS420: INTEGRATIVE PROJECT MANAGEMENT(UT)-3 OIS200: COMPUTERS IN THE OFFICE(UT)-2 QBA282: BUSINESS STATISTICS I(UT)-3 3 Academic Degrees Earned 08-Sep-15 4 Other Qualifications or Experience Doctorate MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS - U OF MEMPHIS GSH: 105 Master Degree BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION - AK STATE U GSH: 45 Bachelor Degree COMPUTER INFORMATION SYSTEMS SOUTHERN AK U Doctorate Financial Economics and Investment - UNO GSH: 18 - Statistics Masters Economics - INTL UNIV ISLAMABAD Masters Finance - UNIV OF BRISTOL UK GSH: 15 Masters Financial Economics and Investment - UNO GSH: 24 Bachelor Economics - INTL UNIV ISLAMABAD PITRE, KRISTEN Adjunct Instructor P OIS200: COMPUTERS IN THE OFFICE(UT)-2 Master MBA - NICHOLLS ST U GSH: 33 Bachelor COMPUTER INFORMATION SYSTEMS NICHOLLS ST U - Verticalive (August 2013 - present) -- Software Project Coordinator - Superior Energy Services - North America Services (March 2009-August 2013) -- Senior Systems Analyst, Software Consultant - Allis Chalmers Energy (March 2006 - March 2009) -System Analyst, Security Administrator - RPC, INC. (October 2001 - February 2006) -- System Analyst, Security Administrator - Chand, LLC (January 2001 - May 2001) -- Web Developer/Intern - Expertise in: Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Outlook), MarineCFO, UA Business Software, Microsoft SQL Server -Enterprise Manager, SQL Query Analyzer, Rental Tool Management Systems (RTMS and TrakQuip), Crystal Reports and Business Objects, MAS90/200 Application, Microsoft Dynamics Great Plains Application, Microsoft Navision Application Page 39 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: Business Administration, Accountng,Finance,Info Systems Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) RODRIGUE, SHERRY Instructor F Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours OIS200: COMPUTERS IN THE OFFICE(UT)-2 QBA283: BUSINESS STATISTICS II(UT)-3 3 Academic Degrees Earned Master Degree BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION - NICHOLLS ST U GSH: 33 XOIS200: COMPUTERS IN THE OFFICE(UT)-2 XQBA282: BUSINESS STATISTICS I(UT)-3 RYKER, RANDY Professor F CIS231: MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTM(UT)-3 Zhang, Yu Assistant Professor F ACCT206: INTRO TO MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTING(UT)-3 CIS310: DATA COMMUNICATIONS(UT)-3 ACCT306: COST ACCOUNTING(UT)-3 Bachelor Degree QUANTITATIVE BUSINESS ANALYSIS WITH COMPUTER SCIENCE OPTION - LA ST U 08-Sep-15 4 Other Qualifications or Experience - Microsoft Office User Specialist Certified (MOUS Certified) - PC Potential (1996-2000), Professional Technology Trainer, Windows, Internet, Microsoft Office Programs - Computer Specialist (2000 - 2010), Nicholls State University, supporting various computer labs and classroom technology as well as assisting students and faculty with Internet, Email, Computer issues and Microsoft Office issues Doctorate MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS - U OF MEMPHIS GSH: 75 Master Degree COMPUTER SCIENCE - U OF MEMPHIS GSH: 33 Master Degree SOCIOLOGY - U OF MEMPHIS GSH: 30 Bachelor Degree PSYCHOLOGY - MINOR-SOCIOLOGY - U OF MEMPHIS Doctorate ACCOUNTING - UNIV OF TEXAS AT ARLINGTON GSH: 30 ACCT321: INTERMED FINANCIAL ACCOUNTNG I(UT)-3 Master Degree PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTING - UNIV OF TEXAS AT ARLINGTON GSH: 48 Bachelor Degree BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION - EAST CHINA UNIV OF SCIENCE AND TECH Page 40 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: Business Administration, Managemnt,Marketng,Busns Admin Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) Boudreaux, Melanie Instructor F Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours MNGT301: MNGT OF ORGANIZATNS & BEHAV PR(UT)-3 MNGT367: HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT(UT)-3 3 Academic Degrees Earned Masters Business Administration - NICHOLLS ST U GSH: 33 MNGT370: HUMAN RELATIONS(UT)-3 Bachelor Management - NICHOLLS ST U CASHEN, LUKE Associate Professor F BSAD490: STRATEGICALLY MANAGING ORGS(UT)-3 BSAD505: DIRECTED STUDY IN BUSINESS(G)-3 BSAD525: MNG STRAT RES FOR CMP ADVNTG(G)-3 XMNGT301: MNGT OF ORGANIZATNS & BEHAV PR(UT)-3 CHADWICK, KENNETH Professor, Dept. Head F BSAD490: STRATEGICALLY MANAGING ORGS(UT)-3 08-Sep-15 4 Other Qualifications or Experience - Society for Human Resource Management (SHRMCP) Certified - Professional in Human Resources (PHR) through the Society of Human Resource Management - Member of the National Society for Human Resource Management - Member of the local Bayou Society for Human Resource Management - Member of Beta Gamma Sigma - Over seven years of Human Resource Management experience in the Oil and Gas Industry - Faculty Advisor to Nicholls State University's SHRM Chapter which was recognized as the Outstanding Chapter in the United States Doctorate BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (MANAGEMENT) MINOR-RESEARCH METHODS - LA ST U GSH: 64 Master Degree BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION - LA ST U GSH: 54 Bachelor Degree ECONOMICS - LA ST U Doctorate MANAGEMENT - LA TECH U GSH: 42 Master Degree BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION - NICHOLLS ST U GSH: 33 Bachelor Degree ECONOMICS - NICHOLLS ST U COATS, R Professor F ECON211: PRINCIPLES OF MICROECONOMICS(UT)-3 ECON212: PRINCIPLES OF MACROECONOMICS(UT)-3 Doctorate ECONOMICS - VA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE & ST U GSH: 138 - ECONOMICS Master Degree ECONOMICS - VA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE & ST U GSH: 96 Page 41 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: Business Administration, Managemnt,Marketng,Busns Admin Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) Coogan, Laura Assistant Professor F Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours ECON211: PRINCIPLES OF MICROECONOMICS(UT)-3 ECON325: LABOR ECONOMICS(UT)-3 3 Academic Degrees Earned 08-Sep-15 4 Other Qualifications or Experience Doctorate Economics - UNIV OF KENTUCKY GSH: 64 Master Business Administration - UNIV OF NORTH FL GSH: 42 Master Economics - UNIV OF KENTUCKY Bachelor NEW COLLEGE OF FL Bachelor U.S. MERCHANT MARINE ACAD DAVIS, EARL H. Assistant Professor F ECON212: PRINCIPLES OF MACROECONOMICS(UT)-3 ECON435: PRIN OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE(UT)-3 Doctorate ECONOMICS - COLLEGE OF CHARLESTON GSH: 143 XECON212: PRINCIPLES OF MACROECONOMICS(UT)-3 Master Degree ECONOMICS - CLEMSON UNIVERSITY Bachelor Degree ECONOMICS - COLLEGE OF CHARLESTON DIAZ-FUGETTA, MARGARET Instructor F BSAD101: INTRO TO AMERICAN BUSINESS(UT)-3 Master Degree ACCOUNTING - UNO GSH: 33 Bachelor Degree FINANCE - NICHOLLS STATE UNIVERSITY FIELD, J ROBERT Assistant Professor F MKTG300: MARKETING(UT)-3 MKTG360: CUSTOMER BEHAVIOR(UT)-3 MKTG485: MARKETING RESEARCH(UT)-3 Doctorate BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION / MARKETING MINOR - PSYCHOLOGY - MS ST U GSH: 24 - MARKETING 18 - PSYCHOLOGY 42 - OTHER 87 - DISSERTATION Master Degree BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION - NICHOLLS ST U GSH: 33 Bachelor Degree ACCOUNTING - NICHOLLS ST U Page 42 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: Business Administration, Managemnt,Marketng,Busns Admin Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) Gouaux, Eugene Instructor F Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours BSAD101: INTRO TO AMERICAN BUSINESS(UT)-3 3 Academic Degrees Earned 08-Sep-15 4 Other Qualifications or Experience Juris Doctorate SOUTHERN UNIV LAW CENTER GSH: 20 Master Accounting - LOUISIANA STATE UNIV GSH: 12 Bachelor Accounting - UNIV OF SOUTHERN MISS GUIDRY, KRISANDRA Associate Professor F ECON317: ECON OF MONEY AND BANKING(UT)-3 Doctorate FINANCE - LA ST U GSH: 33 Master Degree FINANCE - NICHOLLS ST U GSH: 3 Haynie, Jeffrey Assistant Professor F MNGT301: MNGT OF ORGANIZATNS & BEHAV PR(UT)-3 MNGT305: ENTREPRENEURSHIP(UT)-3 MNGT420: MULTINATIONAL MANAGEMENT(UT)-3 MNGT469: MANAGEMENT INTERNSHIP(UT)-3 LI, XUN Assistant Professor F Doctorate Management - AUBURN UNIV GSH: 85 MNGT368: OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT(UT)-3 MNGT469: MANAGEMENT INTERNSHIP(UT)-3 Master Degree Business Administration - UNO GSH: 33 Bachelor Degree Microbiology - LSU Doctorate DECISION SCIENCES & INFORMATION SYSTEMS - COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS - UNIV OF KENTUCKY GSH: 36 MBA BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION - UNIV OF DAYTON, DAYTON, OH GSH: 9 Bachelor CHINESE LITERATURE & LANGUAGE - UNIV OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS, BEJING Page 43 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: Business Administration, Managemnt,Marketng,Busns Admin Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours MACIK-FREY, MARILYN Associate Professor F BSAD507: LDRSHP ETHICS & ACCNTABILITY(G)-3 Neese, William Assistant Professor F MKTG350: RETAILING(UT)-3 MNGT470: ORGAN STRUCTURE & BEHAVIOR(UT)-3 MKTG481: SALES MANAGEMENT(UT)-3 3 Academic Degrees Earned 08-Sep-15 4 Other Qualifications or Experience Doctorate BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION / MANAGEMENT MINOR - PSYCHOLOGY - U OF TX AT ARLINGTON GSH: 69 - BUSINESS ADMIN / MANAGEMENT Master Degree BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION - TX A&M U GSH: 66 - BUSINESS ADMIN Master Degree COMMUNICATIVE DISORDERS - U OF AK GSH: 42 - COMMUNICATIVE DISORDERS Bachelor Degree PSYCHOLOGY/SPEECH PATHOLOGY STEPHEN F. AUSTIN ST U Doctorate Business Administration - Marketing - MISS STATE GSH: 51 MKTG490: MARKETING STRATEGY(UT)-3 Master Business Administration - UNIV OF NORTH AL GSH: 30 Master Juridical Studies - WASHINGTON UNIV - ST. LOUIS GSH: 25 Bachelor History/P.R. - UNIV OF AL - TUSCALOOSA Noman, Abdullah Assistant Professor F BSAD501: BUSINESS STATISTICS(G)-3 Doctorate Financial Economics and Investment - UNO GSH: 18 - Statistics Masters Economics - INTL UNIV ISLAMABAD Masters Finance - UNIV OF BRISTOL UK GSH: 15 Masters Financial Economics and Investment - UNO GSH: 24 Bachelor Economics - INTL UNIV ISLAMABAD Page 44 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: Business Administration, Managemnt,Marketng,Busns Admin Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) Orgeron, Joseph Adjunct Instructor P Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours MNGT330: MARTIME MANAGEMENT(UT)-3 3 Academic Degrees Earned Doctoarate Physics - UNIV OF TEXAS AT DALLAS Master High Energy Particle Physics and Detectors - UNIV OF TEXAS AT DALLAS Bachelor Physics, minor in Mathematics - NICHOLLS ST U Riviere, William Adjunct Instructor P BSAD325: ADMIRALTY LAW(UT)-3 08-Sep-15 4 Other Qualifications or Experience - Montco Offshore (Minority Owner), an oilfield company founded in 1948 that services offshore industries with crew boats, ocean-going tugs, deck barges, and supply boats. Today, Montco specializes in liftboats providing the best quality and safety of service for customers requiring versatile elevated vessels/work-platforms. - Montco Offshore, Chief Technology Officer, 2002 present - 13 years experience dealing with various aspects of the industry including energy exploration, safety, technology, etc. - Chairman, Offshore Marine Services Association Lifeboat Committee (2005 - present) - Member of America's Wind Energy Association (Montco's ships are uniquely equipped to install and maintain offshore wind turbines) Juris Doctorate Law - GEORGETOWN UNIV LAW CENTER GSH: 86 Bachelor Finance - NICHOLLS ST U Page 45 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: Business Administration, Managemnt,Marketng,Busns Admin Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) VALENTI, LAURA LOTT Instructor F Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours MKTG300: MARKETING(UT)-3 MKTG450: ADVERTISING(UT)-3 MKTG460: MARKETING INTERNSHIP(UT)-3 MKTG470: SERVICES MARKETING(UT)-3 3 Academic Degrees Earned Master Degree BUSINESS ADMININSTRATION - UNIVERSITY OF NEW ORLEANS GSH: 35 Bachelor Degree PSYCHOLOGY - UNIVERISTY OF NEW ORLEANS 08-Sep-15 4 Other Qualifications or Experience - Nominated for Teaching and Service Awards in the College of Business each year since beginning in Fall 2010 - Chair of the Internal Relations Committee (and hosts the Biannual Business Career Seminar) - Director of the University's Free Enterprise program - Nominated for the university's Apple Award in Mentorship - 2013 receipient of the John C. Daigle Endowed Professorship in the College of Business - Earned the 2012 McGraw Hill Distinguished Paper Award in the Association for Business Communication Southwest Division - Was elected as the Association for Business Communication Board's as Proceedings Editor, then as Historian and Treasurer - She has been accepted into the University of Liverpool's DBA Program - Franchise Marketing Manger and Website Director for Planet Beach Franchising Corporation - Director of Recruitment for Northwestern Mutual of Louisiana - Owned a clothing boutique - Owns a non-profit SHE-Selling: Selling Her Everyday which holds workshops around the community that focuses on personal selling capabilities of women beginning careers - Guest speaker for: American Business Women's Association, Louisiana Council on Aging, Women's Business Alliance, Kiwanis, Rotary, etc. - Beginning in 2013, she worked with two authors on an up-and coming marketing principles textbook for McGraw Hill. She evaluated and provided examples/insights for each of the 14 chapters, created learning activities, and solely wrote the text's Instructor's Manual - She serves as the elected Board President for the YP, a young professionals networking group in Terrebonne and Lafourche Parishes, that advance young professionals, their businesses and the community Page 46 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: Business Administration, Managemnt,Marketng,Busns Admin Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) Varma, Virajanand Assistant Professor F Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours MNGT450: STAFFING,TRAINING AND DEVELOPM(UT)-3 MNGT475: PERFORMANCE & COMPNSTN MNGT(UT)-3 3 Academic Degrees Earned 08-Sep-15 4 Other Qualifications or Experience Doctorate Management - AUBURN UNIV GSH: 56 MNGT502: MANAGING HUMAN CAPITAL(G)-3 Masters Business Administration - General Management INDIAN INST OF TECH, INDIA GSH: 28 Masters Human Resource Management - AUBURN UNIV GSH: 30 Bachelor Mechanical Engineering - JADAVPUR UNIV, INDIA VIOSCA, R. CHARLES Associate Professor F MKTG300: MARKETING(UT)-3 MKTG420: SEMINAR IN ADVANCED PROF SELLI(UT)-3 MKTG460: MARKETING INTERNSHIP(UT)-3 MKTG501: MARKETING THEORY & PRACTICE(G)-3 Doctorate MARKETING - MINOR - RESEARCH/ STATS & PSYCHOLOGY - U OF AL GSH: 87 9-PSYCHOLOGY Master Degree BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION - NICHOLLS ST U GSH: 33 Bachelor Degree ADVERTISING - MARKETING - LOYOLA U Page 47 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: Education, Psychology Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) BOUDREAUX, DWIGHT Associate Professor F Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours PSYC101: GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY(UT)-3 PSYC205: APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY(UT)-3 3 Academic Degrees Earned Master Degree STUDENT PERSONNEL SERVICES NORTHWESTERN ST U GSH: 45 (18 in Counseling, Guidance and Psychology) Bachelor Degree INDUSTRIAL BUSINESS EDUCATION NORTHWESTERN ST U 08-Sep-15 4 Other Qualifications or Experience - In 1980, this discipline (Student Personnel Services), changed to Counseling in order to correctly reflect the nature of the discipline. - Psychology Minor - Graduate Course Work: Counseling, Psychology and Student Personnel - Publications: --- Rosenthal, G.T., Boudreaux, M., Boudreaux, D.L., Soignier, R.D., Folse, E., Frias, T. & Soper, B. (2014). The Student Storm Survey©: College students’ thoughts on their University’s response to a natural disaster. Journal of Academic Administration in Higher Education, (in press). --- Mead, T.P., Broussard, C.D., Rosenthal, G.T., Boudreaux, D.L., Cooley, A.M. & Hammerli, W.W. (2007). On-task distractors associated with totball baseball games: A preliminary study. The Journal of Perceptual and Motor Skills, 105, 204-206. --- Rosenthal, G.T., Folse, E.J., Alleman, N.W., Boudreaux, D.L., Soper, B. & Von Bergen, C. (2000). The One-to-one survey: Traditional versus nontraditional stusatisfaction with profess during one-toone contacts. College Student Journal, 34(2), 315-320. - Presentations: --- Rosenthal, G.T., Boudreaux, M., Soignier, R.D, Boudreaux, D. & Soper, B. (2014). The Spot the Monkey Survey©: Individual differences in Inattentional and Change Blindness. Presented at the Thirty-fifth National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology, St. Petersburg Beach, Florida, January 3rd-6th --- Rosenthal, G.T., Monique Boudreaux, M., Boudreaux, D.L.& Soignier, D. (2013). The Student Storm Survey II©: College students’ thoughts on their University’s response to Hurricane Isaac. Presented at the Thirty-fifth National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology, St. Petersburg Beach, Florida, January 3rd6th --- Rosenthal, G.T., Price, A.W., Boudreaux, M., Boudreaux, D. Quick, T. & Soper, B. (2. Being There: Do Pop Qizzes Affect Student Attendance at SubseqLectures? Presented at the Thirty-third National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology, St.ersburg Beach, Florida, January 3rd-6th. --- McKnight, R.R., Rosenthal, G.T., Price, A.W., Boudreaux, D. Campbell, J., & Soper, B.(2010). The True/False erceptions of Professional Psychology Scale © Presented at the Thsecond National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology, St. Petersburg Beach, Florida, January 3rd-6th. --- Rosenthal, G.T., Soper, B., Boudreaux, D.L., Welsh, J.S., Boudreaux, M. & Frias, T. (2009). The Student Storm Survey©: College Students’ Thoughts on Their University’s Response to a Natural Disaster. Page 48 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: Education, Psychology Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours 3 Academic Degrees Earned 08-Sep-15 4 Other Qualifications or Experience Presented at the Thirty-first National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology, St. Petersburg Beach, Florida, January 3rd-6th. BOUDREAUX, MONIQUE Associate Professor F PSYC204: PSYCHOLOGY OF PERSONALITY(UT)-3 BROUSSARD, CARMEN Professor F COUN505: ANALYSIS OF THE INDIVIDUAL(G)-3 PSYC206: CHILD PSYCHOLOGY(UT)-3 PSYC401: SENIOR RESEARCH SEMINAR(UT)-3 PSYC532: SCHOOL PSYCHOLGY INTRNSHP I(G)-6 Doctorate PSYCHOLOGY - FORENSIC PSYCHOLOGY; PERSONALITY - U OF CA AT LA GSH: 162 C Phil PSYCHOLOGY - U OF CA AT LA Master Degree EDUCATION - HARVARD U Master Degree PSYCHOLOGY - U OF CA AT LA Bachelor Degree PSYCHOLOGY - U OF CA AT LA Doctorate PSYCHOLOGY - LA ST U GSH: 118 Master Degree PSYCHOLOGY - LA ST U GSH: 45 Bachelor Degree PSYCHOLOGY - U OF SOUTHWESTERN LA CARUSO, MICHELE Assistant Professor P COUN520: COUNSELING PRACTICUM I(G)-3 Ellender, Ernest Adjunct Instructor P COUN550: SPECIAL TOPICS IN COUNSELING(G)-3 COUN521: COUNSELING PRACTICUM II(G)-3 Doctorate COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH COUNSELING MS ST U GSH: 68 Master Degree HUMAN SERVICES COUNSELING - U OF NEW ORLEANS GSH: 51 Bachelor Degree PSYCHOLOGY - U OF NEW ORLEANS - Dean of Student Services - Chief Assessment Officer of Student Affairs - Head of University Crisis Team Doctorate Psychology-Clinical Psychology - PACIFIC GRADUATE SCHOOL OF PSYCHOLOGY (Palo Alto, CA) GSH: 155 Bachelor English Literature Psychology - NICHOLLS ST U Page 49 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: Education, Psychology Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) FANGUY, JESSICA Assistant Professor F Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours COUN500: BASIC FACILITATVIE SKILLS(G)-3 COUN520: COUNSELING PRACTICUM I(G)-3 COUN521: COUNSELING PRACTICUM II(G)-3 COUN596: MSTR CLNCL MNTL HLTH COMP EXAM(G)-0 FACS461: FAMILIES IN CRISIS(UT)-3 XFACS334: CHANGING HOME AND FAMILY(UT)-3 XFACS461: FAMILIES IN CRISIS(UT)-3 FOLSE, EARL Professor F COUN510: THEORY PROCEDURES GROUP CNSLNG(G)-3 COUN511: THEORY CNSELNG & PSYCHOTHERAPY(G)-3 Academic Degrees Earned 4 Other Qualifications or Experience Doctorate COUNSELOR EDUCATION - U OF NEW ORLEANS GSH: 116 Master Degree COUNSELOR EDUCATION - NICHOLLS STATE U GSH: 36 Bachelor SCIENCE EDUCATION - MINOR IN SOCIAL STUDIES EDUCATION - NICHOLLS STATE U Associate Degree LEGAL ASSISTANT STUDIES - NICHOLLS STATE U Doctorate PSYCHOLOGY AND COUNSELING - U OF MS GSH: 72 COUN545: COUNSELING INTERNSHIP I(G)-3 COUN546: COUNSELING INTERNSHIP II(G)-3 PSYC210: ADOLESCENT AND ADULT DEVELOPME(UT)-3 FONTANA, ANNETTE Adjunct Instructor P 3 08-Sep-15 FACS400: THE FAMILY AND LAW(UT)-3 Master Degree PSYCHOLOGY - U OF NEW ORLEANS GSH: 36 Juris Doctorate SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY LAW CENTER Bachelor SPECIAL EDUCATION MILD/MODERATE NICHOLLS STATE UNIVERSTIY GAUTREAUX, GRANT Associate Professor F PSYC506: APPLIED BEHAVIOR ANALYSIS(G)-3 Doctorate APPLIED BEHAVIOR ANALYSIS - COLUMBIA U TEACHERS COLLEGE GSH: 69 - SPECIAL ED AND APPLIED BEHAVIOR ANALYSIS Master Degree BEHAVIOR DISORDERS - COLUMBIA U TEACHERS COLLEGE Bachelor Degree BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION - NICHOLLS ST U Page 50 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: Education, Psychology Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) Hillman, Stephany Adjunct Instructor P Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours PSYC206: CHILD PSYCHOLOGY(UT)-3 PSYC210: ADOLESCENT AND ADULT DEVELOPME(UT)-3 3 Academic Degrees Earned 08-Sep-15 4 Other Qualifications or Experience Doctorate Degree Counseling Psychology - UNIV OF HOUSTON GSH: 90 Master Degree Community Agency Counseling - AUBURN UNIV GSH: 56 Bachelor Degree Social and Rehabilition Services - UNIV OF SOUTHERN MS Knight, Brian Assistant Professor F COUN502: INTRO CLNCL MNTL HLTH COUNSLNG(G)-3 COUN512: COGNITIVE-BEHAVR THRY APPLCTNS(G)-3 COUN521: COUNSELING PRACTICUM II(G)-3 COUN550: SPECIAL TOPICS IN COUNSELING(G)-3 Doctorate Degree Conselor Education and Supervision - UNIV OF NEW ORLEANS GSH: 63 Master Degree Clinical Community Counseling - UNIV OF LA MONROE GSH: 54 Bachelor Degree Social Work - UNIV OF LA - MONROE Licalzi, James Adjunct Instructor P COUN546: COUNSELING INTERNSHIP II(G)-3 Master Degree Psychological Counseling - NICHOLLS STATE UNIV GSH: 24 Bachelor Degree History - minor in Psychology - NICHOLLS STATE UNIV Medley, Meagan Assistant Professor F COUN504: ADLT&CHLD PSYCHOPTHLGY DGNOSIS(G)-3 Doctorate Degree Educational Psychology, Concentration in School Psychology - MISS ST UNIV GSH: 68 Master Degree Psychometry - MISS ST UNIV GSH: 36 Bachelor Degree Special Education, Psychology minor - MISS ST UNIV PSYC311: EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY(UT)-3 PSYC514: PRACTICUM IN DIAGNOSTIC TESTG(G)-3 PSYC530: SCHOOL PSYCHOLGY EXTRNSHP I(G)-3 - Licensed Professional Counselor -Louisiana Examiner Board Supervisor -Administrator of the Lafourche Parish Juvenile Justice Facility (2009 -present) Page 51 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: Education, Psychology Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) MITCHELL, ARIEL Adjunct Instructor P Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours COUN504: ADLT&CHLD PSYCHOPTHLGY DGNOSIS(G)-3 3 Academic Degrees Earned Doctorate Counselor Education - UNO 08-Sep-15 4 Other Qualifications or Experience - Military Family Life Counselor (2013 - present) Master Marriage and Family Therapy - OUR LADY OF HOLY CROSS GSH: 60 Bachelor Psychology - UNO Park, Candace Adjunct Instructor P PSYC211: SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY(UT)-3 Master Counseling - EAST TN STATE U GSH: 60 - Assistant Director of the Counseling Center at Nicholls State Unviersity Bachelor Psychology - UNO RACHAL, K. CHRIS Associate Professor F COUN513: APPLD PSYCHOPHRM MNTL HLT CNSL(G)-3 REYNOLDS, KIMBERLY Assistant Professor F FACS131: HELPING INDIVIDUALS AND FAMILI(UT)-3 PSYC101: GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY(UT)-3 XPSYC101: GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY(UT)-3 FACS448: AP FAMILY RES MNG(UT)-3 Doctorate PSYCHOLOGY - COUNSELING & NEUROPSYCHOLOGY - BALL STATE U GSH: 117 Master Degree PSYCHOLOGICAL COUNSELING COUNSELING - NICHOLLS ST U GSH: 45 Bachelor Degree PSYCHOLOGY - NICHOLLS ST U Doctorate GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY - NORTH CENTRAL U GSH: 45 FACS464: PROFESSIONAL PRACT IN FAM SERV(UT)-3 FACS493: CHILD FMLY SOCL SRVCS INTRN I(UT)-6 FACS494: CHILD FMLY SOCL SRVCS INTRN II(UT)-6 XFACS131: HELPING INDIVIDUALS AND FAMILI(UT)-3 XFACS400: THE FAMILY AND LAW(UT)-3 Master Degree COUNSELOR EDUCATION - NICHOLLS ST U GSH: 43 Bachelor Degree GENERAL FACS - CHILD, FAMILY & SOCIAL SERVICE - NICHOLLS ST U XFACS460: PARENTING(UT)-3 XFACS464: PROFESSIONAL PRACT IN FAM SERV(UT)-3 XFACS493: CHILD FMLY SOCL SRVCS INTRN I(UT)-6 Page 52 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: Education, Psychology Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) ROSENTHAL, GARY Professor F Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours COUN519: ADVNCD LIFESPAN DVLPMNTL PSYCH(G)-3 PSYC207: ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY(UT)-3 PSYC212: LIFE-SPAN DEVLPMNTL PSYCHLGY(UT)-3 PSYC399: CAREER PLANG FOR PSYCHOLOGY MA(UT)-1 XPSYC207: ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY(UT)-3 SOIGNIER, RODNEY Assistant Professor F FACS471: FAMILIES AND ADDICTION(UT)-3 PSYC208: STATISTICS(UT)-3 3 Academic Degrees Earned 08-Sep-15 4 Other Qualifications or Experience Doctorate EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY DEVELOPMENTAL, LEARNING, MOTIVATION, AND EMOTION, COMPARATIVE - LA ST U GSH: 89 - PSYCHOLOGY Master Degree GENERAL EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY - 1/2 MINOR EXPERIMENTAL STATISTICS, ANTHROPOLOGY - LA ST U GSH: 39 Doctorate EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY - U OF NEW ORLEANS PSYC209: RESEARCH DESIGNS AND METHODS(UT)-3 PSYC219: RESEARCH DESIGNS & METHODS LAB(UT)-1 PSYC305: PHYSIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY(UT)-3 Master Degree EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY - U OF NEW ORLEANS PSYC313: HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY(UT)-3 PSYC406: RESEARCH IN PSYCHOLOGY(UT)-3 PSYC407: SPECIAL TOPICS IN PSYCHOLOGY(UT)-3 XPSYC203: PERSONAL AND SOCIAL ADJUSTMENT(UT)-3 ST PIERRE, BETSY K. Instructor F FACS332: CUR EL FOR INTERGENER CENTERS(UT)-3 FACS477: COMMUNITY HEALTH AND WELLNESS(UT)-3 FACS480: MULTICULTURAL CONCEPTS(UT)-3 PSYC208: STATISTICS(UT)-3 XFACS480: MULTICULTURAL CONCEPTS(UT)-3 XFACS494: CHILD FMLY SOCL SRVCS INTRN II(UT)-6 XPSYC301: ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY(UT)-3 Doctorate COUNSELOR EDUCATION - U OF NEW ORLEANS GSH: 135 Master Degree PSYCHOLOGICAL COUNSELING - NICHOLLS ST U GSH: 51 Bachelor Degree PSYCHOLOGY - NICHOLLS ST U XPSYC407: SPECIAL TOPICS IN PSYCHOLOGY(UT)-3 STOUT, LARRY Associate Professor F PSYC301: ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY(UT)-3 PSYC302: PSYCHOLOGICAL MEASUREMENT(UT)-3 PSYC303: HISTORY OF PSYCHOLOGY(UT)-3 PSYC529: INSTRUCTIONA CONSULTA STRATEGI(G)-3 Doctorate EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY - U OF HOUSTON GSH: 123 Bachelor Degree PSYCHOLOGY - TX A&M U Page 53 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: Education, Psychology Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) TANNER, ZOE Associate Professor F Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours COUN501: INTRODCTN TO SCHOOL COUNSELING(G)-3 COUN523: SCHOOL COUNSELING PRACTICUM I(G)-3 Academic Degrees Earned 4 Other Qualifications or Experience Doctorate COUNSELOR EDUCATION - MS ST U GSH: 118 COUN534: SCHOOL COUNSELING INTRNSHIP I(G)-3 COUN535: SCHOOL COUNSELING INTRNSHIP II(G)-3 COUN595: MSTR SCHOOL CNSELNG COMP EXAM(G)-0 Thompson, Kim Adjunct P 3 08-Sep-15 FACS334: CHANGING HOME AND FAMILY(UT)-3 FACS460: PARENTING(UT)-3 Master Degree COUNSELOR EDUCATION - NICHOLLS ST U Bachelor Degree PSYCHOLOGY - U OF NEW ORLEANS Master Degree Social Work - TULANE UNIVERSITY GSH: 58 FACS470: APPLIED PERSPECTVES ON AGING(UT)-3 Bachelor Degree Marketing - NICHOLLS ST U Continuing Education Units: - 6 Hours Ethics Training by National Association of Social Work - Since 2006 180 hours covering the following topics; Dreamwork, ADD & ADHD, Bullying, Child Abuse, Parenting, Family Treatment -760 Hours of post graduate supervised practice (required for licensure) - 120 Hours direct supervisory consults Page 54 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: Education, Teacher Education Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) BHATTACHARYYA, SUMITA Associate Professor F Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours EDCI581: ADV MTHDS TCHNG ELED SCNC/SOCI(G)-3 EDCI586: ADV METH TEACH SEC EDUC SUBJ(G)-3 EDUC376: MTHDS FOR SCNC/SS/ARTS ELEM(UT)-6 EDCI570: SMNR IN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUC(G)-3 FCED130: ORNTATN FMLY CNSMR SCINCS EDUC(UT)-1 FCED437: BRTH TO 5 STRG WRK COM DVRS FM(UT)-3 FCED497: FMLY & CNSMR SCIENCES INTRNSHP(UT)-4 Doctorate SCIENCE EDUCATION - SOUTHERN IL U Master Degree EDUCATION - JADAVPUR U Master Degree SCIENCE & ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION SOUTHERN IL U Bachelor Degree CHEMISTRY - U OF GAUHATI Bachelor Degree EDUCATION - JADAVPUR U Doctorate HUMAN ECOLOGY - LA ST U GSH: 38 EDUC380: KINDERGARTEN EDUCATION(UT)-3 Master Degree MATERNAL & CHILD HEALTH/EDUCATION TULANE U GSH: 21 Bachelor Degree PSYCHOLOGY - VANDERBILT U Master Educational Leadership - NICHOLLS ST U GSH: 36 Bachelor Birth to Five Early Intervention - NICHOLLS ST U Associate Child Development/Pre-School Management NICHOLLS ST U Boulton, Bonnie Adjunct P Other Qualifications or Experience FCED135: CREATIVE ACTIV FOR PRESCHOOLER(UT)-3 FCED232: APPROACHES TO PRESCHOOL CURRIC(UT)-3 Bonvillain, Beth Adjunct P Academic Degrees Earned 4 EDCI588: ADV METH INSTR SECND SCH SCIEN(G)-3 EDUC309: MET OF INSTR FOR SECONDARY SUB(UT)-3 BLOCK, ELIZABETH Associate Professor F 3 08-Sep-15 EDCI554: PREC ASSESS & DIAG/PRESC STRAT(G)-3 - Beth Bonvillain has teaching experiences as a preschool teacher, Kindergarten Inclusion Teacher, and Lead Teacher at Lafourche Head Start. Her responsibilities as a Kindergarten Inclusion Teacher include: creating lesson plans; teaching hands-on content; completing assessments; observing students; and participating in school and district professional learning communities. The job-embedded responsibilities are aligned with the course goals. Doctorate Education - Curriculum & Instruction - LSU GSH: 93 Masters Curriculum & Instruction - NICHOLLS ST U GSH: 51 Bachelor Elementary Education 1-8 - NICHOLLS ST U Page 55 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: Education, Teacher Education Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) BREAUD, MARY Assistant Professor F Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours EDUC211: PSYCH & EDUC OF EXCEPT CHILD(UT)-3 EDUC368: METHODS FOR TCHNG DIVERSE LRNS(UT)-3 EDUC374: MTHDS FOR TCHNG MATH FOR ELEM(UT)-6 EDUC451: INTERNSHIP IN TEACHING(UT)-3 EDUC452: INTERNSHIP IN TEACHING(UT)-3 CROCHET, FRANCES Associate Professor F EDCI560: TEACHNG OF READNG DEVELOPMENTL(G)-3 EDUC365: THE TCH OF READ & LAN ART EL S(UT)-6 EDUC402: RDNG INSTR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL(UT)-4 EDUC403: CLIN ANALYS RDNG DIFFCLTIES(UT)-2 DIAL, EUGENE JR Associate Professor P HEAD585: PRACTICUM IN HIGHER EDUCATION(G)-3 3 Academic Degrees Earned 08-Sep-15 4 Other Qualifications or Experience Doctorate EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP SOUTHEASTERN LA U GSH: 60 - Educational Leadership Master Degree ADMINISTRATION & SUPERVISION - NICHOLLS ST U GSH: 54 Post Masters Coursework PLUS 30 IN EDUCATION - NICHOLLS ST U GSH: 18 - SPECIAL ED/INTERVENTION Bachelor Degree ELEMENTARY EDUCATION - NICHOLLS ST U Certification SPECIAL EDUCATION SUPERVISOR - U OF NEW ORLEANS GSH: 6 - SPECIAL ED/INTERVENTION Doctorate CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION/READING LA ST U GSH: 75 Master Degree CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION - NICHOLLS ST U Bachelor Degree ELEMENTARY EDUCATION - NICHOLLS ST U Associate Degree APP MERCH - NICHOLLS ST U Certification SPECIAL EDUCATION - NICHOLLS ST U Doctorate HIGHER EDUCATION - FL ST U GSH: 68 - Vice President of Student Affairs Master Degree EDUCATION - ADMIN AND SUPERVISION - U OF SOUTHWESTERN LA GSH: 45 Bachelor Degree HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION - U OF SOUTHWESTERN LA Page 56 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: Education, Teacher Education Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) GAUTREAUX, GRANT Associate Professor F Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours EDCI557: BEHAVIOR INTERVENTION STRATEGI(G)-3 EDCI599: FIELD-BASED RESEARCH SEMINAR(G)-3 EDFR501: EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH(G)-3 EDUC382: TCHNG AS APPLIED BHVR ANALYSIS(UT)-3 GUILLOT, DENNIS Assistant Professor F EDCI514: SCIENCE OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION(G)-3 HPED223: RECREATIONAL SPORTS(UT)-2 Academic Degrees Earned 4 Other Qualifications or Experience Doctorate APPLIED BEHAVIOR ANALYSIS - COLUMBIA U TEACHERS COLLEGE GSH: 69 - SPECIAL ED AND APPLIED BEHAVIOR ANALYSIS Master Degree BEHAVIOR DISORDERS - COLUMBIA U TEACHERS COLLEGE Bachelor Degree BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION - NICHOLLS ST U Doctorate KINESIOLOGY - LA ST U GSH: 85 - KINESIOLOGY HPED246: PERSONAL FITNESS(UT)-3 HPED280: TECHNICAL SKILLS TEAM SPORTS(UT)-3 HPED340: MOTOR LEARNING(UT)-3 HPED360: EXERCISE PHYSIOLOGY(UT)-3 HPED390: TEACHING SECONDARY PHYS EDUC(UT)-3 HPED499: PROBLEMS IN HEALTH AND P.E.(UT)-3 HAMMERLI, ANGELA Distinguished Professor F 3 08-Sep-15 HPED270: FIRST AID(UT)-2 Master Degree KINESIOLOGY/ADULT FITNESS/CARDIOPULMONARY REHABILITATION - LA ST U GSH: 55 - KINESIOLOGY Bachelor Degree GENERAL STUDIES - APPLIED SCIENCE - U OF SOUTHWESTERN LA Associate Degree RESPIRATORY THERAPY TECHNOLOGY NICHOLLS ST U M.A. Degree PHYSICAL EDUCATION - U OF MO GSH: 36 - EDUCATION Bachelor Degree FINE ARTS - DANCE - STEPHENS COLLEGE Page 57 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: Education, Teacher Education Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) Hebert, Angelle Assistant Professor F Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours EDCI582: ADV METHOD INST ELEM SCH LA AR(G)-3 EDCI590: ADV MTHDS OF INSTR IN SEC ENGL(G)-3 3 Academic Degrees Earned 08-Sep-15 4 Other Qualifications or Experience Doctorate Curriculum and Instruction - LSU GSH: 54 EDUC421: CURRNT PRAC & STRAT IN TCHNG(UT)-3 EDUC456: STUDENT TCHNG IN PRIMARY-KINDE(UT)-11 EDUC457: STUDNT TCHNG ELEM SCHLS(1-5)(UT)-11 EDUC458: STUDENT TCHNG IN MIDDLE SCHLS(UT)-11 Master Administration and Supervision - NICHOLLS ST U GSH: 51 Bachelor History - NICHOLLS ST U EDUC461: STUDNT TCHNG BRTH-5/ERLY INT(UT)-11 EDUC463: STUDENT TEACHING SEMINAR(UT)-1 EDUC465: STUDENT TEACHING IN SEC SCH(UT)-11 EDUC467: STDNT TCHNG ARTS&SCIENCES CONC(UT)-9 EDUC483: STUDENT TEACHING IN SPED/ELEM(UT)-9 JONES, LESLIE Professor F EDLE508: PRC SCHL LDRSHP SCHL IMPRVMT(G)-3 Doctorate ADMIN AND SUPERVISION - LA ST U GSH: 95 Master Degree CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION - NICHOLLS ST U Bachelor Degree MATHEMATICS EDUCATION - NICHOLLS ST U JUNOT, MARY Associate Professor F FCED262: DEMONSTRATIONS(UT)-3 FCED344: SHELTER AND DESIGN(UT)-3 FCED348: FAMILY RESOURCE MANAGEMENT(UT)-3 FCED446: FAMILY IN A CONSUMER SOCIETY(UT)-3 FCED457: PROBLEMS IN CLOTHING(UT)-3 Doctorate HIGHER EDUCATION - NOVA SOUTHEASTERN U GSH: 61 - HIGHER EDUCATION Master Degree EDUCATION - HOME ECONOMICS - U OF SOUTHWESTERN LA GSH: 27 Bachelor Degree HOME ECONOMICS EDUCATION - U OF SOUTHWESTERN LA Page 58 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: Education, Teacher Education Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours KEOHANE, DOLLEEN-DAY Adjunct P EDCI534: PRAC I TCHNG APLD BHVR ANLYS(G)-3 MARTIN, ARRIANNA S. Assistant Professor F HPED141: PERSNL & COMMUNITY HLTH PROB(UT)-3 EDCI549: PRC III TCHG APLD BHVR ANLYS(G)-3 HPED252: INTROD TO HEALTH & PHYS EDUC(UT)-3 Academic Degrees Earned 4 Other Qualifications or Experience Doctorate Special Education - Applied Behavior - COLUMBIA UNIVERSTIY GRADUATE SCHOOL GSH: 86 Masters English - NEW YORK UNIVERSITY Masters Instructional Practices - COLUMBIA UNIVERSTIY TEACHERS COLLEGE Masters Special Education - COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY TEACHERS COLLEGE Bachelor English Literature - PACE UNIVERSITY Doctorate EDUCATIONAL ADMINISTRATION - U OF NEW ORLEANS HPED320: COACHING OF TEAM SPORTS(UT)-3 HPED340: MOTOR LEARNING(UT)-3 HPED412: PSYCHOSOCL ASPCT PHYS ACTVTY(UT)-3 XHPED190: HEALTH SCIENCE(UT)-3 NORRIS, NORMAN Associate Professor F 3 08-Sep-15 EDLE590: MNGT OF SCHL OPERATIONS & FACI(G)-3 EDUC250: INTRO TO ELEM AND SEC EDU(UT)-3 EDUC313: INTRODCTION TO CLSSRM MNGMNT(UT)-3 Post Masters Coursework +30 CERTIFICATION - EDUCATION ADMINISTRATION - U OF NEW ORLEANS Master Degree HUMAN PERFORMANCE AND HEALTH PROMOTION - U OF NEW ORLEANS GSH: 27 - H&PE Bachelor Degree GENERAL STUDIES - CONCENTRATION: SOCIAL SCIENCE & PHYSICAL EDUCATION NICHOLLS ST U Doctorate SCHOOL MANAGEMENT INSTRUCTIONAL LEADERSHIP - NOVA SOUTHEASTERN U GSH: 111 Master Degree EDUCATION - SUPERVISION - SUL ROSS ST U Bachelor Degree MUSIC - VOCAL MUSIC EDUCATION/ELEMENTARY EDUCATION - SUL ROSS ST U Page 59 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: Education, Teacher Education Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) PAPA, TIFFANY Associate Professor F Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours EDCI570: SMNR IN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUC(G)-3 FCED239: PRESCHOOL PRACTICUM(UT)-6 FCED330: DEVP DISABILITIES BIRTH TO FIV(UT)-3 FCED333: BIRTH TO FIVE:MATH SCIENCE TEC(UT)-3 FCED430: ASSESSMNT MNGT EVAL BIRTH TO 5(UT)-3 FCED459: TRENDS AND ISSUES IN FAM&CONS(UT)-2 PIPER, JOHN-PAUL Instructor P HPED207: BASKETBALL(UT)-2 3 Academic Degrees Earned Master Degree LIBERAL ARTS - LA ST U Santiago, Angel Adjunct P HPED227: SOFTBALL(UT)-2 Bachelor Physical Education K-12 - SOUTHERN ILLINOIS EDWARDSVILLE Shanman, Derek Assistant Professor F EDCI506: FOUNDTNS OF EDCTNL ASSESSMNT(G)-3 Doctorate Applied Behavior Analysis - TEACHER'S COLLEGE COLUMBIA UNIV GSH: 77 Masters Applied Behavior Analysis - TEACHER'S COLLEGE COLUMBIA UNIV Bachelor Psychology - UNIV OF WASHINGTON EDUC422: VOCTNL TRNSTNL EDCTN SVC LFSPN(UT)-3 EDUC487: APRCH TO MANG MI/MO EXCPT SP E(UT)-3 STALL, GREGG Associate Professor F EDFR501: EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH(G)-3 EDLE582: FINC AND LEGAL IMP FOR EDUC LD(G)-3 4 Other Qualifications or Experience Doctorate CHILD & YOUTH STUDIES - SPECIALIZATION IN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION - NOVA SOUTHEASTERN GSH: 66 Master Degree CURRICULUM & INSTRUCTION IN EARLY CHILHOOD EDUCATION - NICHOLLS ST U GSH: 66 Bachelor Degree GENERAL STUDIES - PSYCHOLOGY MINOR NICHOLLS ST U Associate Degree LEGAL ASSISTANT STUDIES - NICHOLLS ST U Bachelor Degree KINESIOLOGY - SOUTHEASTERN U EDUC392: ME TE STUD WI LEARN & BEHAV PR(UT)-3 08-Sep-15 -Coached basketball 15 years -Attended clinics to gain additional knowledge in the area of coaching basketball -1998 Class A Coach of the Year and 1999 Head Coach of the LHSAA East All-Star Team - Nicholls State University Head Men's Basketball Coach - Head Softball Coach at Nicholls State University Doctorate EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP/ADMIN. - U OF NEW ORLEANS EDLE594: CPSTONE:INTRNSHP SCHL LDRSHP(G)-3 Master Degree EDUCATIONAL ADMIN. - NICHOLLS ST U Bachelor Degree SECONDARY EDUCATION - LA ST U Page 60 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: Education, Teacher Education Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) THERIOT, ALYSON Assistant Professor F Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours EDUC312: PLANNING TCHNG MLTICLTRL CLSRM(UT)-3 EDUC321: READING IN THE SECONDARY SCHL(UT)-3 EDUC339: ELEMENTARY METHDS ART MUSIC PE(UT)-3 EDUC365: THE TCH OF READ & LAN ART EL S(UT)-6 TRICHE, STEPHEN Associate Professor F EDCI503: SEMINAR IN K-12 CURRICULUM STU(G)-3 EDFR504: HIST AND PHIL OF AMERICAN EDUC(G)-3 Academic Degrees Earned 4 Other Qualifications or Experience Master Degree CURRICULUM & INSTRUCTION - READING ED - - Additonal 18 GSH in C & I Reading from UNO - NICHOLLS ST U GSH: 39 Bachelor Degree ELEMENTARY EDUCATION - NICHOLLS ST U Doctorate CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION - LA ST U GSH: 90 EDFR594: MASTERS COMPREHENSIVE PORTFOLI(G)-0 EDUC250: INTRO TO ELEM AND SEC EDU(UT)-3 EDUC441: MULTICULTURAL EDUC FOR TEACHER(UT)-3 XEDCI503: SEMINAR IN K-12 CURRICULUM STU(G)-3 VAVASSEUR, CYNTHIA Associate Professor F 3 08-Sep-15 EDTL501: DSGN & DEV MLTMEDIA INST UNT(G)-3 EDTL511: ADVANCD TELECOMM & DIST LRNG(G)-3 Master Degree RUSSIAN HISTORY - LA ST U Bachelor Degree RUSSIAN AREA STUDIES - LA ST U Doctorate EDUC LEADERSHIP/RESEARCH - LA ST U GSH: 80 Curriculum; Tech Media; Res. EDUC251: INTRO TECHNLGY INTGRTN TCHRS(UT)-3 XEDLE594: CPSTONE:INTRNSHP SCHL LDRSHP(G)-3 XEDTL501: DSGN & DEV MLTMEDIA INST UNT(G)-3 XEDTL511: ADVANCD TELECOMM & DIST LRNG(G)-3 Master Degree EDUCATION CURRICULUM & INSTRUCTION LA ST U Bachelor Degree ELEMENTARY EDUCATION - LA ST U Page 61 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: Nursing and Allied Health, Allied Health Sciences Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) ADAMS, WENDY Adjunct Instructor P Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours COMD390: INTRODUCTION TO AUDIOLOGY(UT)-3 3 Academic Degrees Earned 08-Sep-15 4 Other Qualifications or Experience Doctorate AUDIOLOGY - FLORIDA UNIV GSH: 45 Master Degree COMMUNICATIVE DISORDERS - AUDIOLOGY LA ST U HEALTH SCIENCES CTR GSH: 51 - AUDIOLOGY Bachelor Degree COMMUNICATIVE DISORDERS - NICHOLLS ST Berthelot, Cary Instructor F ATTR220: ACUTE CARE IN SPORT & EXERCISE(UT)-3 ATTR222: FOUNDATIONS OF ATHLTC TRAINING(UT)-3 ATTR250: PSYCHOSOCL ISSUES SPRT EXRCISE(UT)-2 ATTR380: PRIMARY CARE OF THE ATHLETE(UT)-3 ATTR391: CLINICAL CONCEPTS I(UT)-3 ATTR491: PRACTICUM ATHLETIC TRAINING I(UT)-3 Blake, Barbara Instructor F COMD279: NORMAL LANGUAGE ACQUISITION(UT)-3 BOURGEOIS, CLAIRE Assistant Professor F COMD380: ANATOMY OF THE SPCH & HEAR MEC(UT)-3 Bourque, Tammy Instructor F DIET111: FOOD AND NUTRITION(UT)-3 COMD330: ORIENTATION TO CLINICAL PRACTI(UT)-3 COMD386: ASSEMNT & MNGT OF FLUENCY DISO(UT)-3 COMD430: PRACTCM IN SPEECH AND LANG II(UT)-3 DIET200: APPLIED NUTRITION(UT)-3 Master's Degree Health and Kinesiology - SOUTHEASTERN LA UNIV GSH: 27 Bachelor Degree Kinesiology - SOUTHEASTERN LA UNIV GSH: 12 Associate Degree General Studies - CROWDER COLLEGE - Certified Athletic Trainer with the Board of Certification for the Athletic Trainer -Licensed Athletic Trainer with the Louisiana State Board of Medical Examiners in Athletic Training Masters SPEECH PATHOLOGY & AUDIOLOGY - UNIV OF LA AT LAFAYETTE GSH: 51 Bachelor SPEECH, LANGUAGE - NICHOLLS ST U - Certified COC-SLP with the American SpeechLanguage-Hearing Association - Licensed Speech Language Pathologist with the Louisiana board of Examiners for Speech Language Pathology and Audiology Master Degree COMMUNICATION DISORDERS - LA ST U MED CENTER GSH: 38 Bachelor Degree COMMUNICATIVE DISORDERS - NICHOLLS ST Toward Doctorate SPEECH LANGUAGE PATHOLOGY - NOVA SOUTHEASTERN U GSH: 31 - Certified COC-SLP with the American SpeechLanguage-Hearing Association - Licensed Speech Language Pathologist with the Louisiana board of Examiners for Speech Language Pathology and Audiology Certificate CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION DIETETIC INTERNSHIP - TEXAS WOMEN'S UNIV - Certified Registered Dietetian/Nutritionist with Commission on Dietetic Registration - Licensed Dietetian (LDN) with Louisiana Board of Examiners in Dietetics and Nutrion DIET215: MEAL MANAGEMENT(UT)-3 DIET404: QUANTITY FOOD PRODUCTION(UT)-3 Masters Degree HUMAN NUTRITION - TEXAS WOMEN'S UNIV GSH: 36 Bachelor Degree DIETETICS - UL AT LAFAYETTE Page 62 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: Nursing and Allied Health, Allied Health Sciences Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours Fitzgerald-DeJean, Donna Assoicate Professor F COMD399: NEUROSCIENCES SPCH LANG HEARNG(UT)-3 GARVEY, DIANE Adjunct P AHSC425: SPECIAL TOPICS IN ALLIED HLTH(UT)-3 GREMILLION, SUZANNE Assistant Professor F COMD278: INTR T SPCH-LANG PATHO & AUDIO(UT)-3 GUIDRY, BRIDGET Associate Professor F AHSC221: PHARMACOLOGY(UT)-3 COMD400: AURAL REHABILITATION(UT)-3 AHSC440: INTEGRTD HLTH PROFSN PRCT I(UT)-3 COMD340: PRACTICUM IN SPEECH AND LANGUA(UT)-3 COMD384: ARTICULATN & PHONLGCL DSRDRS(UT)-3 3 Academic Degrees Earned 08-Sep-15 4 Other Qualifications or Experience Doctorate COMMUNICATION SCIENCES AND DISORDERS - LSU GSH: 39 Master Degree SPEECH PATHOLOGY - LSU GSH: 47 Bachelor Degree SPEECH THERAPY - LSU - Certified COC-SLP with the American SpeechLanguage-Hearing Association - Licensed Speech Language Pathologist with the Louisiana board of Examiners for Speech Language Pathology and Audiology Doctorate Degree LEADERSHIP FOR HIGHER EDUCATION CAPELLA UNIVERSITY GSH: 32 Master Degree COUNSELING EDUCATION - ST LAWRENCE U GSH: 39 - COUNSELING Bachelor Degree SOCIOLOGY & APPLIED SOCIAL RELATION EASTERN CT STATE U - 18 years of professional experience in Healthcare and Disability Services Administration - Served as Director of University Health Services and Disability Services at Nicholls State University - Currently serves as Associate Director of Disability Resources at Arizona State University - Graduate Hours in the following courses: The Management Challenge of Delivering Value in HealthCare: Gloabal and U.S. Perspectives, Leadership and Management : A Framework for Action, Organization Design and Coordination, Motivating People, Teams and Team Effectiveness in Health Services Organizations, Communication, Power, Politics, and Conflict Management, Complexity, Learning, and Innovation, Improving Quality in Health Care Organizations, Strategic Thinking and Achieving Competive Advantage, Managing Strategic Alliances, Health Policy and Regualation, Health Information Systems and Strategy, Consumerism and Ethics, Globalization and Health Master Degree SPEECH - EDUCATION MINOR - LA ST U GSH: 57- SPEECH 6- EDUCATION Bachelor Degree SPEECH - LA ST U -Certificate of Clinical Competence, Speech Language Pathology from ASHA -LA license in Speech-Language Pathology -Experience in public school setting, private practice, home health setting and in-patient and out-patient rehab centers -Member of Louisiana Speech, Language, and Hearing Association Doctorate DOCTOR OF NURSING PRACTICE - U OF SOUTH AL GSH: 49 Master Degree NURSING - U OF SOUTH AL GSH: 42 Bachelor Degree NURSING - NICHOLLS ST U Associate Degree BUSINESS - NICHOLLS ST U Family/Emergency Nurse Practitioner - Board Certified Women's Health Nurse Practioner (WHNP) DNP/Nurse Educator Specialist Critical Care RN - Certified (CCRN) Page 63 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: Nursing and Allied Health, Allied Health Sciences Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours 3 Academic Degrees Earned Jackson, Mary Adjunct P AHSC221: PHARMACOLOGY(UT)-3 Doctorate Medicine - TULANE UNIV GSH: 169 - Pathology 148 - Medical Foundations 181 - Pharmacology Certificate of Residency Medicine - Completion of Pediatric Residence UNIV OF TEXAS SOUTHWESTERN Bachelor Degree BIOLOGY - NEWCOMB COLLEGE OF TULANE U Plaisance, Jennifer Instructor F AHSC220: PATHOPHYSIOLOGY(UT)-3 Master Degree Physical Therapy - TEXAS WOMEN'S U GSH: 83 ATTR230: MSCULOSKLTL ANATMY & PALPATION(UT)-3 ATTR325: EVALUATION UPPER BODY INJURIES(UT)-3 ATTR422: REHABLTATN MUSCLSKLTL INJRS I(UT)-2 SCOTT, BRIGETT Assistant Professor F DIET404: QUANTITY FOOD PRODUCTION(UT)-3 Sloan, Elizabeth Assistant Professor F DIET120: ORIENTATN TO DIETCS PROFESSN(UT)-1 DIET450: SPECIAL TOPICS(UT)-1 DIET451: SPECIAL TOPICS(UT)-2 DIET300: NUTRITION EDUCATION & COUNSLNG(UT)-3 Bachelor Degree KINESIOLOGY - LSU DIET459: SENIOR SEMINAR(UT)-2 4 Other Qualifications or Experience - 11 years working in the field of Physical Therapy - Certified Physical Therapist with the American Physical Therapy Association - Licensed Physical Therapist from Louisiana Physical Therapy Association - 11 years working in the field of Physical Therapy - Certified Physical Therapist with the American Physical Therapy Association - Licensed Physical Therapist from Louisiana Physical Therapy Association Doctorate NUTRITION & FOOD SYSTEMS - SOUTHERN MS U GSH: 78 Master Degree NUTRITION - SOUTHERN MS U GSH: 36-MNGT/NUTRITION Bachelor Degree FAMILY AND CONSUMER SCIENCES DIETETICS EMPHASIS - NICHOLLS ST U Master Degree Nutrition - TEXAS WOMEN'S UNIV GSH: 34 DIET305: NUTRITION THROUGH THE LIFE CYC(UT)-3 DIET390: COMMUNITY NUTRITION(UT)-3 08-Sep-15 Bachelor Degree Dietetics - LSU - Dietetic Internship (1990) - Verification Certificate of Completion Alternative Teaching Certificate Education - OUR LADY OF HOLY CROSS - Certified Registered Dietetian/Nutritionist with Commission on Dietetic Registration - Licensed Dietetian (LDN) with Louisiana Board of Examiners in Dietetics and Nutrion Page 64 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: Nursing and Allied Health, Allied Health Sciences Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) Smith, Sherry Instructor F Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours DIET200: APPLIED NUTRITION(UT)-3 DIET201: APPLIED NUTRITION LABORATORY(UT)-1 Academic Degrees Earned Masters NUTRITION AND DIETETICS - LA TECH UNIV GSH: 36 DIET416: MEDICAL NUTRITION THERAPY I(UT)-3 XDIET200: APPLIED NUTRITION(UT)-3 WHITE, GERARD Assistant Professor F 3 ATTR291: CLINICAL EXPERIENCES I(UT)-2 ATTR391: CLINICAL CONCEPTS I(UT)-3 ATTR480: ATHLETIC TRAINING ADMINISTRATN(UT)-3 ATTR491: PRACTICUM ATHLETIC TRAINING I(UT)-3 ATTR498: SENIOR SMNR ATHLTC TRAINING I(UT)-2 Bachelor DIETETICS - NICHOLLS ST U - Dietetic Internship - Verification Certificate of Completion Master Degree HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION - MINOR GUIDANCE COUNSELOR - NORTHEAST LA U GSH: 30 Bachelor Degree HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION - MINOR MATHEMATICS - NORTHEAST LOUISIANA UNIV 08-Sep-15 4 Other Qualifications or Experience - Certified Registered Dietetian/Nutritionist with Commission on Dietetic Registration - Licensed Dietetian (LDN) with Louisiana Board of Examiners in Dietetics and Nutrion - Certified Athletic Trainer with the Board of Certification for the Athletic Trainer -Licensed Athletic Trainer with the Louisiana State Board of Medical Examiners in Athletic Training Page 65 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: Nursing and Allied Health, Nursing Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours ALLEMAND, ANGELIQUE Associate Professor F NURS504: ISSUES ADVNCD PRACTICE NURSING(G)-3 BARRILLEAUX, GWEN Associate Professor F NURS352: PERSPECTIVES ON DEATH & DYING(UT)-3 NURS518: PATHOPHYSIOLOGY ADV PRCT NRSNG(G)-3 NURS583: ADV PRCTICE NRSNG FMLY HLTH II(G)-5 NURS428: PRECPTORSHP EXP IN PROF NURS(UT)-4 3 Academic Degrees Earned Doctorate DOCTOR OF NURSING PRACTICE - UNIV OF SOUTH ALABAMA GSH: 66 Master Degree NURSING - U OF SOUTHERN MS GSH: 39 Bachelor Degree NURSING - NICHOLLS ST U 08-Sep-15 4 Other Qualifications or Experience Acute Care NP - Board Certified Family Nurse Practitioner - Certified Clinical Nurse Specialist - Cardiovascular Master Degree NURSING - LA ST U MED CENTER GSH: 39 Bachelor Degree NURSING - U AT SOUTHWEST LA Baskett, Callie Instructor P NURS225: BASIC NURSING PROCESS(UT)-5 Master Degree Nursing - UNIV OF SOUTH AL GSH: 45 Bachelor Degree Nursing - NICHOLLS ST U Bergeron, Alison Instructor F NURS255: NURSING AND THE ADULT I(UT)-7 Master Degree PRIMARY CARE FAMILY NURSE PRACTIONER LSUHSC GSH: 48 Bachelor Degree NURSING - NICHOLLS ST U Blake, Daniel Instructor F NURS255: NURSING AND THE ADULT I(UT)-7 Master Degree NURSING - LOYOLA UNIVERSITY NO GSH: 36 NURS311: GENERAL MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY(UT)-1 - Family Nurse Practioner - Board Certified Bachelor Degree NURSING - NICHOLLS ST U Carlisle, William Instructor F NURS307: DRUG ABUSE(UT)-3 NURS355: NURSING AND THE ADULT II(UT)-8 Doctorate Nurse Practioner - LOYOLA UNIV NEW ORLEANS GSH: 51 Masters Nursing - LOYOLA UNIV NEW ORLEANS Bachelor William Carey College DAIGLE, ALAINA Visiting Instructor F NURS225: BASIC NURSING PROCESS(UT)-5 NURS226: HLTH ASSESSMENT & THE ADULT CL(UT)-3 Bachelor NURSING - NICHOLL ST U BLS, ACLS Certified; Has over 9 years experience in acute care to include ICU, outpatient surgical; experience aligns with course SLOs; enrolled in MSN program. Page 66 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: Nursing and Allied Health, Nursing Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) DAVIS, ANGELE Assistant Professor F Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours NURS427: NURSING LEADERSHIP/MANAGEMNT(UT)-3 NURS428: PRECPTORSHP EXP IN PROF NURS(UT)-4 3 Academic Degrees Earned Master Degree NURSING - U OF PHEONIX GSH: 39 08-Sep-15 4 Other Qualifications or Experience - Doctorate of Nursing earned in May 2015 Bachelor Degree NURSING - LA ST U MED CENTER DOZAR, KIMBERLY Assistant Professor F NURS360: HUMAN SEXUALITY(UT)-3 NURS381: NURS AND THE CHILDREARING FAMI(UT)-5 Master Degree NURSING - U OF PHOENIX Bachelor Degree NURSING - NICHOLLS ST U Ewing, Amber Instructor F NURS355: NURSING AND THE ADULT II(UT)-8 NURS360: HUMAN SEXUALITY(UT)-3 Master Degree NURSING - MCNEESE ST U GSH: 34 Bachelor NURSING - MCNEESE ST U EYMARD, AMANDA Associate Professor F NURS228: GERONTIC NURSING CARE CONCEPTS(UT)-2 NURS400: MENTAL HEALTH NURSING(UT)-5 NURS506: HLTH ASSESSMNT DGNSTC RSNG PRC(G)-1 NURS516: HLTH ASSMNT DGNSTC RSNG ADV PR(G)-3 NURS517: PHARMACOTHERAPTCS ADV PRACTICE(G)-3 NURS582: ADV PRCTICE NRSNG FMLY HLTH I(G)-5 HAMNER, JEANNE Assistant Professor F Certified Nurse Educator NURS500: THEORTICL FNDTNS ADVNCD NURSNG(G)-3 XNURS228: GERONTIC NURSING CARE CONCEPTS(UT)-2 GUIDRY, BRIDGET Associate Professor F Doctorate Doctor of Nursing Science - LSUHSC GSH: 36 NURS355: NURSING AND THE ADULT II(UT)-8 Master Degree NURSING - LOYOLA U GSH: 36 Bachelor Degree NURSING - NICHOLLS ST U Doctorate DOCTOR OF NURSING PRACTICE - U OF SOUTH AL GSH: 49 Master Degree NURSING - U OF SOUTH AL GSH: 42 Bachelor Degree NURSING - NICHOLLS ST U Associate Degree BUSINESS - NICHOLLS ST U Family/Emergency Nurse Practitioner - Board Certified Women's Health Nurse Practioner (WHNP) DNP/Nurse Educator Specialist Critical Care RN - Certified (CCRN) Master Degree NURSING - UNIVERSITY OF PHOENIX GSH: 35 Bachelor Degree NURSING - NICHOLLS ST U Page 67 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: Nursing and Allied Health, Nursing Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) HESSION, CAROL Assistant Professor F Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours NURS315: GERONTOLOGY(UT)-3 NURS420: COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING(UT)-5 3 Academic Degrees Earned 08-Sep-15 4 Other Qualifications or Experience Master Degree NURSING - SOUTHEASTERN ST U GSH: 30 XNURS420: COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING(UT)-5 Bachelor Degree NURSING - NICHOLLS ST U Associate Degree NURSING - NICHOLLS ST U KELLER, TODD Associate Professor F NURS226: HLTH ASSESSMENT & THE ADULT CL(UT)-3 XNURS226: HLTH ASSESSMENT & THE ADULT CL(UT)-3 Doctorate DOCTOR OF NURSING SCIENCE - LSUHSC GSH: 72 - Certified Nurse Educator Master Degree NURSING - U OF PHOENIX GSH: 39 Bachelor Degree NURSING - NICHOLLS ST U Landry, Tommie Instructor F NURS255: NURSING AND THE ADULT I(UT)-7 NURS307: DRUG ABUSE(UT)-3 Masters Nursing - SOUTHEASTERN LA UNIV Bachelor Nursing - NICHOLLS STATE UNIV LEWIS, TRAVIS Professor F NURS307: DRUG ABUSE(UT)-3 NURS381: NURS AND THE CHILDREARING FAMI(UT)-5 Doctorate EDUCATION - U OF SOUTHERN MS GSH: 48 Master Degree NURSING - MEDICAL COLLEGE OF GA GSH: 45 Bachelor Degree BIOLOGY - MOBILE COLLEGE LEWIS-TRABEAUX, SHIRLEEN Associate Professor F NURS420: COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING(UT)-5 NURS509: POPULATION BASED PRIMARY CARE(G)-3 Doctorate NURSING - SOUTHERN U GSH: 54 Master Degree NURSING - LA ST U MED CENTER GSH: 27 Bachelor Degree NURSING - NICHOLLS ST U Page 68 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: Nursing and Allied Health, Nursing Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) LYONS, REBECCA Assistant Professor F Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours NURS352: PERSPECTIVES ON DEATH & DYING(UT)-3 XNURS352: PERSPECTIVES ON DEATH & DYING(UT)-3 3 Academic Degrees Earned 08-Sep-15 4 Other Qualifications or Experience Master Degree NURSING - U OF PHOENIX GSH: 42 XNURS417: PROFESSIONAL NURSING PRACTICE(UT)-5 Bachelor Degree NURSING - NICHOLLS ST U MABRY, LYNN Assistant Professor F NURS420: COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING(UT)-5 NURS582: ADV PRCTICE NRSNG FMLY HLTH I(G)-5 Master Degree NURSING - LSUHSC GSH: 43 Bachelor Degree NURSING - UNIV OF SOUTH AL MANFRIN-LEDET, LINDA Professor F NURS400: MENTAL HEALTH NURSING(UT)-5 NURS422: NURSNG RSRCH EVDNCE BEST PRCTC(UT)-3 - Adult Psychiatric - Mental Health Clinical Nurse Specialist - Board Certified NURS502: GENRTNG EVDNCE NURSNG PRACTICE(G)-3 NURS595: FOCUSED SCHOLARLY PROJECT(G)-3 XNURS422: NURSNG RSRCH EVDNCE BEST PRCTC(UT)-3 Naquin, Rebecca Instructor F Doctorate NURSING SCIENCE - LA ST U MED CENTER GSH: 39 - Family Nurse Practioner - Certified - Lynn holds the Masters degree (MN) and is certified as a Family Nurse Practitioner and is qualified to oversee/coordinate the clinical rotation schedule/conduct site visits for FNP students' practicum experiences in accordance with the National Task Force on Quality Nurse Practitioner Education/CCNE. Dr. Bridget Guidry is the Teacher of Record for this course, NURS 500, ADV Practice Nursing, Family Health I. Additionally, Lynn must maintain her license and related hours of practice to remain credentialed as an FNP in order to function in the role and assist in the course. NURS255: NURSING AND THE ADULT I(UT)-7 NURS340: INRPRFSNL CNCPTS CNTMPRY NRSNG(UT)-3 Master Degree NURSING - LA ST U MED CENTER GSH: 39 Bachelor Degree NURSING - LA ST U MED CENTER Master Degree NURSING - UNIVERSTIY OF PHOENIX GSH: 42 Bachelor Degree NURSING - NICHOLLS ST U PATTERSON, MICHELLE Assistant Professor F NURS311: GENERAL MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY(UT)-1 NURS371: NURS AND THE CHILDBEARING FAMI(UT)-5 Master Degree NURSING SCIENCE - U OF SOUTH AL GSH: 42 XNURS311: GENERAL MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY(UT)-1 Bachelor Degree NURSING - NORTHEAST LA U Page 69 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: Nursing and Allied Health, Nursing Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) RICHARD, HELENA Assistant Professor F Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours NURS228: GERONTIC NURSING CARE CONCEPTS(UT)-2 NURS400: MENTAL HEALTH NURSING(UT)-5 3 Academic Degrees Earned Master Degree NURSING - UNIV OF SOUTH ALABAMA GSH: 45 08-Sep-15 4 Other Qualifications or Experience Family Psych Mental Health Nurse Practitioner - Board Certified Bachelor NURSING - NICHOLLS STATE UNIV Associate Degree NURSING - NICHOLLS STATE UNIV Robichaux, Shane Instructor F NURS225: BASIC NURSING PROCESS(UT)-5 NURS226: HLTH ASSESSMENT & THE ADULT CL(UT)-3 Masters Nursing - LSU HEALTH SCIENCES CENTER GSH: 32 Associate Degree Nursing - DELGADO COMMUNITY COLLEGE Rodrigue, Shannon Instructor F NURS225: BASIC NURSING PROCESS(UT)-5 NURS226: HLTH ASSESSMENT & THE ADULT CL(UT)-3 Master Nursing - JACKSONVILLE UNIV GSH: 33 NURS340: INRPRFSNL CNCPTS CNTMPRY NRSNG(UT)-3 Bachelor Nursing - ARKANSAS STATE UNIV SCHREIBER, TANYA Associate Professor F NURS502: GENRTNG EVDNCE NURSNG PRACTICE(G)-3 SMITH, CHARLENE Associate Professor F NURS371: NURS AND THE CHILDBEARING FAMI(UT)-5 NURS534: NURSG EDCTN ROLE ISSUE FNDATNS(G)-3 NURS595: FOCUSED SCHOLARLY PROJECT(G)-3 NURS422: NURSNG RSRCH EVDNCE BEST PRCTC(UT)-3 Doctorate DOCTOR OF NURSING SCIENCE - LSU Heath Sciences Center GSH: 84 Master Degree NURSING - SOUTHEASTERN LA U GSH: 38 Bachelor Degree NURSING - LOYOLA U Associate Degree NURSING - NICHOLLS ST U Public Health Clinical Nurse Specialist - Board Certified Advanced Certified Hospice Palliative Care Nurse Doctorate NURSING - SOUTHERN GSH: 39 NURS460: CHILD ABUSE(UT)-3 Master Degree NURSING - LA ST U MED CENTER GSH: 39 Bachelor Degree NURSING - DILLARD U Page 70 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: Nursing and Allied Health, Nursing Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) WILLIAMS-JONES, PAMELA Associate Professor F Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours NURS371: NURS AND THE CHILDBEARING FAMI(UT)-5 NURS499: BIOETHICS FOR HEALTH CARE PROF(UT)-3 3 Academic Degrees Earned 08-Sep-15 4 Other Qualifications or Experience Master Degree NURSING - LA ST U GSH: 39 Bachelor Degree NURSING - SOUTHEASTERN LA U Page 71 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: University College, Interdisciplinary Studies Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) ALEXANDER, ROBERT Professor F Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours PHIL203: INTRODUCTION TO PHILOSOPHY(UT)-3 PHIL400: TOPIC: EXISTENTIALISM(UT)-3 XPHIL400: TOPIC: EXISTENTIALISM(UT)-3 IDST305: INTERNSHIP(UT)-3 IDST410: SENIOR SEMINAR(UT)-3 IDST420: TOPIC: LEADERSHIP IN CONTEXT(UT)-3 UNIV101: UNIVERSITY PREP(UT)-1 XIDST305: INTERNSHIP(UT)-3 Badeaux, Margo Adjunct Instructor P Academic Degrees Earned VANDERBILT U GSH: 24 - RELIGION UNIV101: UNIVERSITY PREP(UT)-1 XPHIL203: INTRODUCTION TO PHILOSOPHY(UT)-3 ALLEMAND, KRISTINA Assistant Professor F 3 UNIV101: UNIVERSITY PREP(UT)-1 Doctorate ENGLISH - FL ST U GSH: 56 Master Degree ENGLISH - U OF NC Bachelor Degree ENGLISH AND PHILOSOPHY - MIDDLE TN ST U 08-Sep-15 4 Other Qualifications or Experience - Published author of the following publications with Philosophical/Philosophy of Religion Themes: --"Being in the Workshop: Thinking Ontologically about our Clientele." (The Mentor,2012) -- "Spirituality" (Greenwood Press, 2003) -- "The Fourth Face: The Image of God in Toni Morrison's 'The Bluest Eye'. (African American Review, 1998) - Recent Presentations: -- "Big Brother Shattered and Scattered: Emerging Information Technology and the Diminishment of the Dystopian Nightmare", 87th Annual Meeting of the Louisiana Academy of Sciences, co-presenter (2013) -- "To Pass a Good Time: Being in Louisiana", Louisiana Studies Confernece (2012) Doctorate INSTRUCTIONAL AND CURRICULUM LEADERSHIP - NORTHCENTRAL UNIV GSH: 51 Master Degree CURRICULUM & INSTRUCTION - U OF NEW ORLEANS GSH: 27 Bachelor Degree ELEMENTARY EDUCATION - U OF NEW ORLEANS Master Degree Business Administration - NICHOLLS STATE U GSH: 33 Bachelor Degree Management - NICHOLLS STATE U Associate Degree General Business - NICHOLLS STATE U BENOIT, TRACY Instructor F UNIV101: UNIVERSITY PREP(UT)-1 Toward Master EDUCATION (SCHOOL COUNSELING) NICHOLLS ST U GSH: 45 Bachelor EDUCATION - NICHOLLS ST U -Professional Advisor (Nicholls State University) - holds a valid Louisiana State Department of Education Teaching Certificate Page 72 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: University College, Interdisciplinary Studies Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) Bouzigard, Cambria Instructor F Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours UNIV101: UNIVERSITY PREP(UT)-1 XUNIV101: UNIVERSITY PREP(UT)-1 3 Academic Degrees Earned 08-Sep-15 4 Other Qualifications or Experience Master School Counseling - NICHOLLS STATE U GSH: 48 Bachelor Elementary Education 1-5 - NICHOLLS STATE U DOUCET, JOHN Professor F HONR321: HONORS SERVICE(UT)-1 HONR401: HONORS PROSPECTUS(UT)-1 HONR402: HONORS THESIS(UT)-3 HUMA111: THE HONORS FORUM(UT)-1 Fontenot, Rebecca Instructor F UNIV101: UNIVERSITY PREP(UT)-1 XUNIV101: UNIVERSITY PREP(UT)-1 Doctorate BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY MINOR- NEUROSCIENCE GSH: 60 - BIOCHEMISTRY Post Graduate Certificate PUBLIC HEALTH GENETICS & GENOMICS SARAH LAWRENCE COLLEGE Bachelor Degree CHEMISTRY - OPTION PRE-MEDICINE NICHOLLS ST U Toward Doctorate Education - UNIV OF LA at MONROE GSH: 42 Master Social Work - LSU GSH: 60 Bachelor Family and Consumer Science - NICHOLLS STATE GIGUETTE, RAY Associate Professor F CMPS107: CMPTR LITRCY CNCPT WRD PROCSNG(UT)-1 CMPS108: COMPUTER LITERACY SPREADSHEETS(UT)-1 CMPS109: COMPTR LITERACY PRSNTTN SFTWRE(UT)-1 CMPS130: INTRO TO COMPUTER SCIENCE I(UT)-3 Guenard, Jaime Instructor F UNIV101: UNIVERSITY PREP(UT)-1 Doctorate COMPUTER SCIENCE - TULANE U GSH: 18- COMPUTER SCIENCE 24- DISSERTATION Master Degree COMPUTER SCIENCE - U OF SOUTH AL Bachelor Degree COMPUTER SCIENCE - U OF SOUTH AL Master Degree Student Affairs Administration - INDIANA UNIVERSITY Bachelor Degree English & Secondary Education - LYNCHBURG COLLEGE Page 73 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: University College, Interdisciplinary Studies Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours 3 Academic Degrees Earned HEBERT, AMY Instructor F UNIV101: UNIVERSITY PREP(UT)-1 Doctorate HUMAN RESOURCE ED. & WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT - LSU GSH: 57 Master Degree HIGHER ED ADMIN & SUP - NICHOLLS ST U GSH: 36 Bachelor Degree NICHOLLS ST U MELANCON, LACEY Adjunct Instructor F UNIV101: UNIVERSITY PREP(UT)-1 Master Degree COUNSELOR EDUCATON - NICHOLLS ST U GSH: 18 - PSYC 15 - GUID Bachelor Degree GENERAL FAMILY & CONSUMER SCIENCE CHILD, FAMILY & SOCIAL SERVICES NICHOLLS ST U Associate Degree PRESCHOOL MANAGEMENT & CHILD DEVELOPMENT - NICHOLLS ST U Ponson, Tommy Adjunct Instructor P UNIV101: UNIVERSITY PREP(UT)-1 Doctorate Sacred Studies - CHRISTIAN LIFE SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY GSH: 216 UNITS Masters Degree Theology - CHRISTIAN LIFE SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY GSH: 171 UNITS Bachelor Degree Criminal Justice - UNIV OF SOUTHWESTERN LA Bachelor Degree Theology - CHRISTIAN LIFE SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY Associate Degree UNIV OF SOUTHWESTERN LA 08-Sep-15 4 Other Qualifications or Experience - Director of Judicial Affairs/Student Life Coordinator at Nicholls State University, 17 years - Job duties include: student grievances and the presence and function of greek life at Nicholls State University Page 74 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: University College, Interdisciplinary Studies Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) RICHARD, CATHLEEN Assistant Professor F Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours IDST410: SENIOR SEMINAR(UT)-3 IDST420: TOPIC: INSPIRATION(UT)-3 UNIV101: UNIVERSITY PREP(UT)-1 XIDST410: SENIOR SEMINAR(UT)-3 XIDST420: TOPIC: INSPIRATION(UT)-3 Richard, Lori Instructor F UNIV101: UNIVERSITY PREP(UT)-1 3 Academic Degrees Earned Doctorate EDUCATION (E-Learning and Teaching Online) NORTH CENTRAL UNIV GSH: 51 Master Degree CURRICULUM & INSTRUCTION - NICHOLLS ST U GSH: 36 Bachelor Degree BUSINESS EDUCATION - MINOR- ENGLISH NICHOLLS ST U Associate Degree OFFICE ADMINISTRATION - NICHOLLS ST U 08-Sep-15 4 Other Qualifications or Experience - Presidential Award for Teaching Excellence Nomination (Fall 2014) - Presidential Award for Teaching Excellence Nomination (Fall 2013) - Nicholls State UniversityWoman of Achievement Award Nominee (2013) -Certificate of Appreciation for 15 years of service to Nicholls State University - Natioanal Dean's List, 4.0 in Doctoral Program (2010) -Excellence in Academic Advising Award (2009) - Member of Kappa Delta Pi Honor Society in Education (2008 - present) - Over the past 19 years Dr. Richard has advanced through all academic ranks starting with Adjunct Instructor to Assistant Professor to now Associate Professer at Nicholls State University - Expertise in Business Education, English, Curriculum and Instruction , E-Learning and Teaching Online Doctorate Human Resource Ed & Workforce Development LSU Master Human Resource Ed and Workforce Development - LSU Bachelor Vocational Education - LSU Rounds, Reshenda Adjunct Instructor P UNIV101: UNIVERSITY PREP(UT)-1 Master's Degree Counselor Education - NICHOLLS STATE GSH: 48 Bachelor Degree General Studies - NICHOLLS STATE Associate Degree General Studies - NICHOLLS STATE SOULE, LORI Assistant Professor F CMPS107: CMPTR LITRCY CNCPT WRD PROCSNG(UT)-1 CMPS108: COMPUTER LITERACY SPREADSHEETS(UT)-1 CMPS109: COMPTR LITERACY PRSNTTN SFTWRE(UT)-1 XCMPS107: CMPTR LITRCY CNCPT WRD PROCSNG(UT)-1 XCMPS108: COMPUTER LITERACY SPREADSHEETS(UT)-1 XCMPS109: COMPTR LITERACY PRSNTTN SFTWRE(UT)-1 Doctorate EDUCATION TECHNOLOGY - LA ST U GSH: 49-EDUC TECH 18-GSH Educational Research Master Degree BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION - NICHOLLS ST U GSH: 12-COMPUTER INFO SYS 6-COMPUTER SCI 27-BUSINESS 3-PSYCHOLOGY Bachelor Degree COMPUTER SCIENCE - NICHOLLS ST U Page 75 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: University College, Interdisciplinary Studies Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) WHITE, KENT Professor F Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours CMPS108: COMPUTER LITERACY SPREADSHEETS(UT)-1 CMPS125: INTRODUCTION TO WEBSITE DESIGN(UT)-3 CMPS200: COMPUTING TECHNO FOR SCIENCE M(UT)-3 CMPS208: CMPTR LITRCY ADVNCD SPREADSHTS(UT)-1 XCMPS200: COMPUTING TECHNO FOR SCIENCE M(UT)-3 XING, CONG-CONG Professor F CMPS410: SPECIAL TOPICS(UT)-3 CMPS418: ARTFCL INTLLGNC SIMULATN TCHNQ(UT)-3 3 Academic Degrees Earned 08-Sep-15 4 Other Qualifications or Experience Doctorate COMPUTER SCIENCE - U OF SOUTHWESTERN LA GSH: 60 - COMPUTER SCIENCE 24 - COMPUTER SCIENCE DISSERTATION Master Degree COMPUTER SCIENCE - U OF SOUTHWESTERN LA GSH: 30 - COMPUTER SCIENCE Bachelor Degree COMPUTER SCIENCE - NICHOLLS ST U Bachelor Degree EDUCATION - NICHOLLS ST U Doctorate COMPUTER SCIENCE - TULANE U GSH: 28 - MATHEMATICS 39 - COMPUTER SCIENCE Master Degree COMPUTER SCIENCE - TULANE U Bachelor Degree COMPUTER SCIENCE - BEIJING INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Page 76 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: University College, John Folse Culinary Institute Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) BENOIT, AMELIE Instructor F Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours CULA101: CULINARY HISTORY & DEVELPMNT(UT)-3 CULA222: STOCKS, SAUCES AND SOUPS(UT)-2 3 Academic Degrees Earned Masters Hospitality & Tourism - UNO GSH: 30 CULA351: BEVERAGE OPERATIONS(UT)-3 Bachelor Culinary Arts - Minor: Business Administration NICHOLLS STATE UNIV Bienvenu, Marcelle Instructor F CULA101: CULINARY HISTORY & DEVELPMNT(UT)-3 CULA221: FRUITS,VGTBLS,FRNCEOUS PRDCT(UT)-2 CULA401: CULINARY HISTORY OF THE SOUTH(UT)-3 XCULA401: CULINARY HISTORY OF THE SOUTH(UT)-3 Bachelor LIBERAL ARTS - UNIVERSITY OF LA LAFAYETTE 08-Sep-15 4 Other Qualifications or Experience -Over 10 years experience in food service industry - Louisiana Alcohol Seller/Server Certification - ServSafe Certified - ACF Advisor -Certified Food Service Educator - Commander's Palace Hot line cook, expertise in sause making, plating, hot food preparation, 2006-2007 - Culinary Community Education Instructor for St. Charles Parish teaching courses in hot food preparation, regional cuisines, hors d'oeuvres, etc. 2007-2009 - Sous Chef at Rommel's Catering, large food production manager, off site catering production, sauce production and food preparation, 2008 - Westchester Country Club Internship, Hot line cook, sauce making and preparation, 2006 - Williams-Sonoma, New Orleans, Coordinator of Sales & Services, taught in-store culinary lessons, 2007-2009 - Upon graduation from USL in Lafayette (currently ULL) Marcelle was a feature writer for the Times Picayune - In 1971 she began work as a researcher and consultant for Time-Life Books where she contributed to Foods of The World, American Cooking: Creole and Acadian and The American Wilderness: The Bayous - She worked on special projects for Paul Prudhomme - Assistant Manager of Brennan's of Houston - owned Chez Marcelle near Lafayette from 1981-1984 - Editor the Picayune's Creole Cookbook in 1987 - Published her book "Who's Your Mama, Are You Catholic and Can You Make a Roux?" in 1991 with a sequel in 1998 - Co-authored or contributed to no less than eight projects with Chef Lagasse including recipe development for his television shows, website, and retail products - The Picou/Bellsouth Endowed Professorship in Culinary Arts (#2) Page 77 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: University College, John Folse Culinary Institute Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours CHERAMIE, RANDOLPH Executive Director F CULA111: CULINARY FOUNDATIONS(UT)-2 CURTIS, RICHARD Adjunct Instructor P CULA490: WORLD CUISINE(UT)-3 CULA241: CULINARY ARTS EXTERNSHIP(UT)-2 3 Academic Degrees Earned CULA490: LOUISIANA SEAFOOD(UT)-3 CULA492: SPCL TPCS CULINARY OPERATNS(UT)-3 Other Qualifications or Experience -Over 17 years experience in food service industry -Former owner of Randolph's Restaurant in Golden Meadow, LA -Extensive participation in ACF Student Hot Food Cooking Competitions; teams won various medals - Four time south central region San Pelligrino Almost Famous Chef competition coach -Teaches Serv-Safe and National Restaurant Association Sanitation Courses to industry professionals on a monthly basis -Participated in sensory evaluations and comparisons of hydrostatic high pressure oysters -Membership in American Culinary Federation -Earned Certified Food Service Educator certification (CFSE) with Food Service Educators Learning Community -Extensive knowledge of industry requirements -The Bellsouth/BCMT Endowed Professorship in Culinary Arts Bachelor ORGANIZATIONAL MANAGEMENT - ASHFORD UNIV -90 hour certificate from The Culinary Training Center -He holds professional certifications as an Executive Chef, Dietary Manager, Food Protection Professional and ServSafe Instructor. -From personal instruction classes to various postsecondary institutions Richard has taught a number of different classes for 14 years. Classes include: Introduction to Hospitality, Culinary Math, Purchasing, Management by Menu, Table Service, Sauces, Sanitation, Nutritional Food Science, Meat Fabrication, Garde Manger, American Regional Cuisine and Introduction to Baking. CULA495: CULINARY SENIOR EXTERNSHIP(UT)-3 CULA321: A LA CARTE I(UT)-3 4 Bachelor Degree THEATRE - NICHOLLS ST U AOS CULINARY - THE CULINARY INSTITUTE OF AMERICA DAIGLE, JEAN PIERRE Instructor F 08-Sep-15 Bachelor Degree VOCAL MUSIC EDUCATION - LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY - ServSafe Certification in Sanitation - Aqua Knox, Dallas, TX 2001-2002, Seafood butcher, garde manager, pastry cook, lead cook - Commander's Palace, New Orleans, 2001-2004, Pastry cook, Garde Manager, lead cook, butcher, pastry chef - Café Adelaide, New Orleans, 2004-2005, Lead cook, Sous Chef - Brigtsen's New Orleans, Lead cook, 2005-2006 and Summer 2008 - Sno's Seafood Restaurant, Gonzales, LA 2006-2007, Executive Chef, Seafood Purchasing - Bernadette's at the Cabin, Gonzales, LA 2007-2008, Executive Chef, Seafood purchaser - Commander's Palace, New Orleans, 2001-2002, Banquet events of up to 200 guest Page 78 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: University College, John Folse Culinary Institute Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) FOLSE, JOHN Adjunct P Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours CULA319: CAJUN AND CREOLE CUISINE(UT)-3 3 Academic Degrees Earned Honorary Doctorate COMMERCE - NICHOLLS ST U Honorary Doctorate CULINARY ARTS & HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT - BALTIMORE INT'L CULINARY COLLEGE Honorary Doctorate CULINARY ARTS & HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT - JOHNSON & WALES U Hunt, Shannon Instructor F CULA250: BAKING(UT)-2 CULA355: BAKNG & PASTRIES - THE SOUTH(UT)-3 Master's HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT - UNO GSH: 30 Bachelor's CULINARY ARTS - NICHOLLS STATE U 08-Sep-15 4 Other Qualifications or Experience -Certified Executive Chef -Named "Louisiana's Culinary Ambassador to the World" by the Louisiana Legislature -1987 La. Restaurateur of the Year -1990 National Chef of the Year by the ACF -1994 National President of American Culinary Federation -1999 Inducted in to -ACF Chef’s Hall of Fame -2003 DiRôna Hall of Fame -1998 Silver Spoon Award -1999 Pioneers in Culinology award from the Research Chefs -1999 Louisiana Chef’s Hall of Fame from the Acadiana Chapter of the American Culinary Federation -2000 received the Antonin Careme Medal -Owner of various restaurants, such as Lafitte’s Landing Restaurant at Bittersweet, White Oak Plantation, Chef John Folse & Company Manufacturing, Stirrin’ It Up radio cooking/talk show, Exceptional Endings, and Bittersweet Plantation Dairy -Published 7 books on Cajun & Creole cuisine and has top rated Public Broadcasting system cooking show, "Taste of Louisiana" -Former President and Chairman of Board of the American Culinary Federation - CJFCI Student Executive Chef for Bite of the Arts, 2008 - CJFCI Student Executive Chef for Classical French Dinner, 2008 - Edison Chouest Offshore, 2006-2007 and 2009. Created menu and prepared all food for family getaways, corporate dinners up to 100 guests, and business meetings. - La Patisserie Chouquette, St. Louis, Missouri, 2013. Pastry chef to assist Ritz-Carlton Pastry Chef Simone Faure opening a new pastry kitchen. - Ritz-Carlton New Orleans, 2008-2009. Chef de Partie for Bistro Kitchen preparing all food items for service in fine dining, high volume restaurant. - ServSafe certification in Sanitation - The Ritz-Carlton New Orleans, 2008-2009. Assistant Pastry Chef - high volume pastry production and service - Vin, Houston, Texas, 2007. Internship, hot line cook, fabricate and saute meats Page 79 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: University College, John Folse Culinary Institute Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) KASLOW, GEORGE Associate Professor F Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours CULA219: MEAT IDENTIFCATN & FABRICATN(UT)-2 CULA382: FOOD SERV FACLTY LAYOUT DSGN(UT)-3 3 Academic Degrees Earned Master Degree HOTEL AND FOOD MANAGEMENT - FL INT'L U GSH: 42 Bachelor Degree HOSPITALITY MGMT - FL INT'L U Associate Degree BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Toward Doctorate NUTRITION AND FOOD SERVICE SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT - SOUTHERN MS U GSH: 21 KASTEN, DONALD Assistant Professor CORD of Rest,Retail & STDN Ac F CULA305: PROFESSIONAL DINING ROOM OPER(UT)-3 CULA320: PRIN OF FOOD & BEVERAGE SERV(UT)-3 CULA353: INTRODUCTION TO WINE(UT)-3 Master HOSPITALITY & TOURISM MANAGEMENT - U OF NEW ORLEANS GSH: 30 CULA492: SPCL TPCS CULINARY OPERATNS(UT)-3 Bachelor Degree CULINARY ARTS - NICHOLLS ST U Associate Degree CULINARY ARTS - GRAND RAPIDS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Associate Degree CULINARY MANAGEMENT - GRAND RAPIDS COMMUNITY COLLEGE KOZAR, JOHN Assistant Professor Department Chair F CULA105: SANITATION AND FOOD SAFETY(UT)-1 CULA231: FOOD/BEVRAGE/LABR COST CNTRL(UT)-3 CULA338: FOOD SERVICE INVNTORY SELCTN(UT)-3 CULA499: INDPNDNT STUDY CULA/OPERATNS(UT)-3 Master BUSINESS OPERATIONAL EXCELLENCE - THE OHIO STATE U GSH: 30 Bachelor Degree APPLIED MATH - CARNEGIE - MELLON U Associate Degree SPECIALIZED TECHNOLOGY - PA INSTITUTE OF CULINARY ARTS Towards Master HOSPITALITY & TOURISM MANAGEMENT - UNO 08-Sep-15 4 Other Qualifications or Experience -ServSafe Sanitation Certification by National Restaurant Association -Responsible Beverage Manager Certification by National Restaurant Association -American Culinary Federation Member -International Council of Hotel, Restaurant, & Institutional Education - Unfortunately Mr. Kaslow passed away shortly after the Fall 2014 Semester -Extensive industry experience as dining room manager and on-site/off-site banquet and catering manager -Participation in Italian Culinary Institute for Foreigners, Prof. Food & Wine program -Membership in American Culinary Federation -Provides expertise in food & beverage service -ServSafe Sanitation Certification -Coached Knowledge Bowl (2005 - 2009) -Academic Council Salutes - March 2008 -Attended 4 day service conference in Pittsburg June 2008 -ACF Baron Galand Knowledge Bowl 2001-2002 National Competition -Silver Medal; Regional - Gold Medal -Court of Master Sommeliers Introductory Course, June 2009 -Certified Specialist of Wine, December 2011 -Extensive industry experience in baking, pastries, banquet production, in-house and off-site catering, and kitchen management -Named Outstanding Faculty Member by NSU Academic Council in Jan 2004 -Italian Culinary Institute for Foreigners & Professional Italian Food & Wine program participant -Sanitation manager certification -Certified Instructor and proctor ServSafe -Participated in a 3-day course (Summer 2007 by Jacquy Pfeiffer of the French Pastry School in Chicago) where he studied chocolate, candy-making, ice creams and plated dessert theory; these concepts are part of the CULA 350 course -NSU Alumni Federation Honorary Alumnus 2009 - FELC Membership - RCA Membership -The Goldring Family Foundation Endowed Professorship in Culinary Arts Page 80 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: University College, John Folse Culinary Institute Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours LAROUSSE, MONICA Assistant Professor F CULA230: GARDE MANGER(UT)-2 Richard, Nathan Adjunct P CULA475: REGIONAL CUISINE-ITALIAN(UT)-3 THIBODEAUX, WILLIAM Associate Professor F CULA101: CULINARY HISTORY & DEVELPMNT(UT)-3 CULA485: PRODUCT DEVELPMNT & EVALUATN(UT)-3 CULA429: SEMINAR RESTAURANT OPERATNS(UT)-3 3 Academic Degrees Earned Masters Hospitality & Tourism Management - UNIVERSITY OF NEW ORLEANS GSH: 45 Bachelor Culinary Arts - NICHOLLS STATE UNIV 08-Sep-15 4 Other Qualifications or Experience -Extensive industry experience as Executive Chef, Kitchen Manager, Front-of-the-House or Restaurant Mangager, line cook, grill, cook, fry cook and saute' cook. -Extensive industry experience in catering, country club, fine dining and fast-casual restaurant - Culinary training at Paul Bocous Institute -Teach a one-week seminar class of basic cooking techniques and how to read a recipe to adult foodservice workers employed by the state public education school systems - Had an extensive culinary career that includes working and studying around the world. He worked at Commander's Place, New Orleans as pastry chef, sous chef, and butcher for more than five years before moving on to cook in the U.S. and British Virgin Islands. He studied charcuterie in France and Italy under the supervision of some of the best butchers in Europe. With international experience in hand he returned stateside to work at Fig, McCrady's, Husk, and High Cotte in South Carolina. There he became wellknown for his inventive bourbaon, bacon, and lard desserts. Chef Richard's experience makes him uniquely qulified to teach Advanced Garde Management which is a class that deals extensively with butchering meats, especially pork, and preserving them through smoking, curing, and the various cooking methods associated with charcuterie. Doctorate URBAN STUDIES - UNIVERSITY OF NEW ORLEANS CULA442: MENU DESGN,INTEGRATN,PROMOTN(UT)-3 Master Degree HIGHER EDUCATION ADMIN & SUPERVISION NICHOLLS ST U GSH: 42-TOTAL 12-HIGHER ED ADMIN 3-TEACH HIGHER ED 6-PROGRAM EVAL 15-HIGHER ED MGMT 6-CURRICULUM DEV Bachelor Degree CULINARY ARTS - NICHOLLS ST U -Over 20 years restaurant experience including marketing, ownership, and multi-unit national chain store development -Extensive background in facility layout and design -ServSave Sanitation Certifed by National Restaurant Association -Certified Beverage Manager by National Restaurant Association -Published 15 peer reviewed research papers in applied culinary education and curriculum -Excellent knowledge of food service management -Certified in responsible beverage service and as a food service manager of sanitation by the National Restaurant Association -Memberships in International Council on Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Educators (I-CHRIE) and American Culinary Federation -NSU Outstanding Faculty Jan. 2006 -The George & Shirley Picou/Bellsouth Endowed Professorship in Culinary Arts Page 81 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: University College, Petroleum Engineering Technology and Safe Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) AUTIN, TERRY Adjunct Instructor P Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours PSET241: OIL PRODUCTION(UT)-3 3 Academic Degrees Earned Bachelor PETROLEUM SERVICES TECHNOLOGY NICHOLLS STATE UNIV Associate Degree PETROLEUM SAFETY TECHNOLOGY NICHOLLS STATE UNIV Associate Degree PETROLEUM SERVICES TECHNOLOGY NICHOLLS STATE UNIV Clausen, Brian Adjunct Instructor P SATC350: INDUSTRIAL SAFETY(UT)-3 Bachelor General Studies - NICHOLLS ST U 08-Sep-15 4 Other Qualifications or Experience 34-years of experience in Oil and Gas Industry -Certified Occupational Safety Specialist, Safety Council of LA Capital Area (#26124384) -Certified NORM Radiation Safety Officer, ARS International -Certified NORM Surveying and Control; ARS International -Certified Marine Fire Fighter, Unites States Coast Guard Approved; TEEX, Texas A&M Univ System -Certified Medical First Responder, State of LA -Certified Medical Care Provider, United States Coast Guard -CPR Certified; American Heart Association Health Care Provider -Certified TTF-Train the Trainer Facilitator - Incident Injury Free; JMJ & Associates -Hazwoper Certified Technician (Level 3) & On-Scene Incident Commander (Level 5); Chevron - University Safety Director, 10+ years in the capacity as safety personnel. Associate Degree General Business - NICHOLLS ST U Daniel, Kent Adjunct Instructor P SATC295: SAFETY SEMINAR CAPSTONE(UT)-3 Master Adult Education - NEW ORLEANS BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Master Educational Administration - COLUMBIA INTL UNIV Associate Degree Applied Science in Petroleum Technology LINCOLN TRAIL COLLEGE Associate Degree Petroleum Safety Technology - NICHOLLS ST U Dardar, Michael Adjunct Instructor P PSET310: SAFETY AND CONTROL SYSTEMS(UT)-3 SATC101: GOVRNMNT REGULATORY AGENCIES(UT)-3 Associate Degree Petroleum Services Technology - NICHOLLS ST U - Member of the American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) - Member of the Board of Certified Safety Professionals (BCSP) - 15 years experience in Production in the Gulf of Mexico - Currently works for Chevron as a Deepwater Exploration and Production (DWEP) Health Safety and Environmental (HSE) training coordinator - Board Certified Occupational Health and Safety Technician - Over 6 years experience in exploration (Drilling) - Over 13 years Health, Safety, Environment (HSE) and Oil & Gas Production experience in the Gulf of Mexico - Currently employeed by Blackhawk Specialty Tools - Also the Global Health and Safety Manger for a well construction and well -bore cementing products company located in Houston, TX - Current Past President of the American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) Bayou Chapter - Deepwater Production Operator with experience as a safety manager in drilling and production in the gulf of Mexico Page 82 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: University College, Petroleum Engineering Technology and Safe Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours 3 Academic Degrees Earned Durham, Tamarris Instructor PSET301: HUMAN RESOURCE UTIL PETROL IND(UT)-3 Master Business Administration - NICHOLLS ST U GSH: 30 Bachelor Petroleum Services - NICHOLLS ST U Associate Petroleum Services - NICHOLLS ST U Edrisi, Ali Reza Associate Professor F PSET290: SPECIAL PROBLEMS(UT)-3 Doctorate Petroleum Engineering - LSU PSET371: DRILLING FLUIDS(UT)-3 08-Sep-15 4 Other Qualifications or Experience - This course is a pricipals of management and communication of human resources within the petroleum industry - Over 15 years in Leadership of Oil and Gas Operations and Productions - Currently the deep water regualtory Specialist for Shell Exploration and Production - Production Services Operator: Conducted timely reporting of production totals for "Production Services, INC." - Lead offshore OFF lease operator: conducted timely reporting of production totals for production management industries, Grasso Production Management, Shamrock Management - Health Safety and Environmental (HSE) Coordinator for Chevron - 2012 Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Delta Section Board Member - Member of the American Association of Drilling Engineers (AADE) - Member of Chevron Gulf of Mexico Diversity Council PSET452: SENIOR SEMINAR & RESRCH METHDS(UT)-3 Master Petroleum Reservoir Engineering - UNIV OF TEHRAN, IRAN Bachelor Petroleum Production Engineering - PETROLEUM UNIV OF TECHNOLOGY Page 83 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: University College, Petroleum Engineering Technology and Safe Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) FOUST, JR., HENRY Adjunct Instructor P Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours PSET121: PETROLEUM COMPUTATIONAL METHOD(UT)-3 PSET231: GAS PRODUCTION(UT)-3 Academic Degrees Earned Bachelor Degree PETROLEUM ENGINEERING - U OF LA LAFAYETTE PSET305: ECONOMICS OF PETROLEUM INDUSTR(UT)-3 XPSET171: WELL DRILLING(UT)-3 GAUTREAUX, MICHAEL Assistant Professor F 3 PSET401: COOPERATIVE WORK EXPERIENCE(UT)-3 SATC420: MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS(UT)-3 Toward Doctorate LOYOLA LAW SCHOOL GSH: 24 Juris Doctorate Master Degree INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY - TX A&M XSATC101: GOVRNMNT REGULATORY AGENCIES(UT)-3 XSATC220: SAFETY, HLTH & ENVRNMNTL TRAIN(UT)-3 XSATC295: SAFETY SEMINAR CAPSTONE(UT)-3 Bachelor Degree INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY - U OF LA AT LAFAYETTE 08-Sep-15 4 Other Qualifications or Experience - Over 20 years of experience in drilling production and research & development in field operations - Worked for Texaco, INC. as a drilling engineer, reservoir engineer, and facility engineer both on and off shore - Chief engineer for Fluor Drilling Company - President of TAC, a research and development corporation that successfully developed serveral patents. One of the patents was a device to clean drilling wastes - Production Superintendent for Exchange Oil and Gas, a division of Georgia-Pacific, with supervisory duties over all aspects of engineers and field personnel - After the sale of Exchange, became involved in water treatment, during which time he developed equipment for the treatment of hazardous waste, including drilling wast and effluents - Member of the American Association of Drilling Engineers (AADE) - Member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) -Received advanced safety training from the Liberty Mutual Group and the Research Center for Safety and Health located in Hopkinton, MA -Has 20 years of occupational safety consulting and training experience and is a professional safety and health speaker providing guest lectures for universities, international safety conferences and fortune 500 companies. -Member of SPE International, section director for the New Orleans Delta Chapter -Qualified FSR (Field Safety Representative) authorized to conduct causality insurance inspections for the AK and TX worker's comp commissions -Qualifed expert witness in Louisiana state courts in the field of safety -Nationally board Certified Safety Professional (CSP) and active member of American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) -Served the 119 members of Bayou Chapter of ASSE as Treasurer, Vice President, and President between 2002 and 2005 -Authorized OSHA Construction and General Industry Outreach Trainer, OSHA Authorized Disaster Site Worker Trainer, and Certified Instructor for the Mine Safety and Health Administration Page 84 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: University College, Petroleum Engineering Technology and Safe Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) GRIFFIN, JOHN Associate Professor F Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours PSET171: WELL DRILLING(UT)-3 PSET402: COOPERATIVE WORK EXPERIENCE(UT)-3 3 Academic Degrees Earned 08-Sep-15 4 Other Qualifications or Experience Doctorate PETROLEUM ENGINEERING - LA ST U XPSET290: SPECIAL PROBLEMS(UT)-3 Master Degree MINERAL ENGINEERING - U OF AL Bachelor Degree GEOLOGY - EMORY U Ledet, Jeffrey Adjunct Instructor P SATC112: LOSS CONTROL(UT)-3 Bachelor COMMUNITY HEALTH - LSU Associate Degree SAFETY TECHNOLOGY - NICHOLLS ST U POSKEY, WESLEY F. Adjunct Instructor F SATC230: DRUG ABUSE IN INDUSTRY(UT)-3 SATC385: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT(UT)-3 XPSET121: PETROLEUM COMPUTATIONAL METHOD(UT)-3 XSATC230: DRUG ABUSE IN INDUSTRY(UT)-3 Saidu, Milton Assistant Professor F Bachelor Degree BAS PETROLEUM SERVICES - NICHOLLS ST U SATC101: GOVRNMNT REGULATORY AGENCIES(UT)-3 SATC290: SPECIAL PROBLEMS(UT)-3 Associate Degree AAS SAFETY TECHNOLOGY - NICHOLLS ST U - 5+ years as HSE (Health Safety and Environmental Personnel), Oil and Gas, currently with Oil States - 5 years experience as a Safety Specialist and Training Manager for a crane and winch manufactoring and service company - Subject matter expertise in American Petroleum Institute (API) monogramed pedestal mounted hydraulic offshore cranes, one of the leading causes of catastrophic injury in the offshore enviornment - Subject matter expertise in Fatality Prevention, Behavior Based Safety, and industry regulations such as Safety Environmental Management Systems (SEMS), Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), U.S. Coast Guard and API recommended practices - Past President of the Bayou Chapter of the American Society of Safety Engineers - Regretably, Mr. Poskey passed away during the Spring 2015 semester - 36 years of experience working in the oil and gas industry (completions, sand control, fracking, well intervention, using slick line, coiled tubing plus snubbing) - Member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers -Member of the American Society of Safety Engineers - Approved by TEEX as a BP MC 252-Post Emergency Response Trainer (Card #: PEC600005498) - Experience legal consultant for oil and gas liability cases - Authorized as a 40 Hour HAZWOPER instructor Doctorate Engineering Science - LSU SATC440: ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY(UT)-3 XSATC290: SPECIAL PROBLEMS(UT)-3 Masters Industrial Engineering - LSU Bachelor Physics - USL Page 85 of 86 ROSTER OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Nicholls State University Academic Department / School: University College, Petroleum Engineering Technology and Safe Academic Term: Fall 2014 1 Name, Rank, and Status (F, P) Santiny, Heath Adjunct Instructor P Date Form Completed: 2 Courses Taught Course Number Title, (UT) or (G) and Credit Hours XSATC240: MARINE ACCIDENT PREVENTION(UT)-3 3 Academic Degrees Earned Bachelor Petroleum Safety Technology Associate Degree Petroleum Safety Technology - West, Noah Adjunct Instructor P PSET301: HUMAN RESOURCE UTIL PETROL IND(UT)-3 Master SAFETY MANAGEMENT - Graduate Course Work included courses in the following: Legal Enviornment of Business, Personell Management, Focal Points of Career Starting, Planning and Coordinating of safety programs, Safety and Loss Control Management - WEST VIRGINIA U Bachelor BUSINESS MANAGEMENT - WEST VIRGINIA U 08-Sep-15 4 Other Qualifications or Experience Louisiana Dept of Health and Hospitals Certified Emergency Medical First Responder Tap Root Certified USCG Licensed AB/OS/LB/Ballast Control Operator Fall Protection and Fall Rescue Trained/Certified 17 Years Oilfield Experience, including - 3 Years in Environmental Cleaning - 2 Years Oilfield Construction - 12+ Years of Oilfield Production - 2 Years-Land - 12 Years Offshore - 7 Yrs Shelf - 5 Yrs Deepwater TLP Competent in: - ISNetworlld - SAP - Honeywell Operator Interface - This course is a pricipals of management and communication of human resources within the petroleum industry - Over 25 years experience in safety and management - Executive Director: Flexible T (Non-violent Patient Restraint) - Vice President of Astra Safety Training - Engaged in OSHA Policies (Occupational Safety Health Administration) - Hazwoper training (Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response Standard Program developed by OSHA) - Disaster and emergency preparedness training - Member of the American Society for Industrial Security - Charter Member of the Louisiana HazMat Alliance - Member of the Louisiana Public Risk Management Association - Member of the American Society of Traning and Development Page 86 of 86