Inventor Survey on Innovation (US-Japan Comparative Tables, by Organization) イノベーションに関する発明者調査(日米比較表、組織類型別) Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI) 経済産業研究所 October 2009 Explanation: The following tables provide comparisons of the results of the inventor survey in Japan and the US by organaizational affiliation of inventors. The survey in Japan was conducted by RIETI (Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry) between January and May in 2007. It collected information on 3,658 triadic patents, with priority years from 1995 to 2001. The survey in the US was conducted by the Georgina Institute of Technology between June and November 2007, in collaboration with RIETI, and collected information on 1,919 patents, with 2000-2003 priority years. Interested persons are invited to refer to RIETI discussion papers for the analysis of the innovation process based on the survey results. For details on the survey methodology, please refer to Appendix 1 of the discussion papers, "The R&D process in the US and Japan: Major findings from the RIETI-Georgia Tech inventor survey" or "Commercialization and other use of patents in Japan and the US: Major findings from the RIETI-Georgia Tech inventor survey". Contents: There are 6 sections: A: DEMOGRAPHY, B: EDUCATION, C: EMPLOYMENT AND MOBILITY, D: PURPOSE & PROCESS OF THE INVENTION, E: INVENTORS’ MOTIVATIONS and F: USE OF THE INVENTION AND PATENING REASONS. Contributors These tables are prepared by Sadao Nagaoka (RIETI and Institute of innovation Research of Hitotsubashi University), John P. Walsh (School of Public Policy, Georgia Institute of Technology), Naotoshi Tsukada (Hitotsubashi University), Wang Tingting (Hitotsubashi University), Tsai Yung-yun (Hitotsubashi University), Hsin-I Huang (Georgia Institute of Technology), Taehyun Jung (Georgia Institute of Technology) and Yeonji No (Georgia Institute of Technology). <1> Notes on the tables: 1.The Japanese data is on the left-hand side and the US data is on the righthand side for most equivalent questions. The corresponding question number in the Japanese questionaire or in the US questionaire in indicated is each page. 2. Organizations are categorized into seven categories, based on the respondent’s answer to the quest ion “Which of the following best describes the type of the organization where you worked when you invented this patent? ” The seven categories of the organation are as follows: 1) Large firm (cut point: 500 employees) 2) Medium firm (cut points: 250 employees and 500 employees) 3) Small firm (cut points: 100 employees and 250 employees) 4) Very small firm (cut point:100 employees) 5) University or college 6) Other (including national, state/prefecture or local government research institute, hospital (including university hospitals), non-profit research institute, etc.) 7) Unknown/missing (the respondent did not answer the question) There are slight differences in the three cut points for firm size in the two countries: very small firm: (JP: 100 or less; US: less than 100), small firm: (JP: 101250; US: 100-250), medium firm (JP: 251-500; US: 250-500), and large firm: (JP: 501 or more; US: 501 or more). 3. In general, we report cell counts for all the answer categories for each question, including missing/no-response, and don’t know, except for skipped (for questions with skip logic). We also report percent distributions across answer categories. These percentages are calculated on valid responses, excluding missing/no-response, don’t know, and skipped from the denominator. 4. In addition to cell counts, for interval variables, we report means, standard deviations (s.d.), median (the middle value), p90 (the 90 th percentile value, i.e., the value for which 90% of respondents have a lower score), and the interquartile range (the difference between the value of the 75 th percentile and the 25th percentile). 5. In order to protect respondent confidentiality, we report only aggregated figures. For some questions, the number of valid responses in the US was so few (less than four) that disclosing the answers would violate this confidentiality. This is especially likely when dividing the answers by organization type and when there are skip logics. Therefore, in cases where there were fewer than four answers in any row of a table, we masked all the answers with "XX". Because the rows sum to the All totals, we always masked at least two rows. If only one row had insufficient responses, we chose Unknown/missing, or Others (if Unknown was the sparse row), as the second row to mask. Fortunately, for the Japanese data, due to the larger sample size, there were no cases of rows with less than 4 respondents. <2> This page is intentionally left blank. <3> TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION A: DEMOGRAPHY Question 1-1 Age at patent application(出願時の年齢) p2 JP (日本) p3 US (米国) Reference: Country of Birth only in the US survey (参考:誕生国、米国の質問票のみ) p5 US(米国) (Home v.s. Foreign Birth 年齢、誕生国が自国対外国 ) Question 1-3 Gender(性別) p6 JP (日本) p7 US (米国) SECTION B: EDUCATION Question 2-1 Highest degree at the time of the research (当該発明につながる研究実施当時の最終学歴) p8 JP (日本) p9 US (米国) Reference: Experience and Inventive activeties only in the US survey (参考:発明活動、米国の質問票のみ p11,13,15 US(米国) SECTION C: EMPLOYMENT AND MOBILITY Question 3-1 Employment at the time of invention (当該発明当時の雇用・勤務形態) p16 JP (日本) Question 3-3 Is the organization one of the applicants? (その組織は、当該特許の出願人でしたか) p18 JP (日本) p19 US (米国) Question 3-4 In which year did you join this organization or start your business if selfemployed?(その組織に採用された年、もしくは自営業の創業年) p20 JP (日本) p21 US (米国) Question 3-5 Type of unit at the time of the invention (勤務していた部署の主要機能) p22 JP (日本) p23 US (米国) Question 3-6 Within 5 prior years, did you work for another employer? (当該発明前、5年以内 の他企業等での常勤経験) p24 JP (日本) p25 US (米国) Question 3-7 If “Yes” above, did the experience in any of the above organizations play an important role in your invention? (その経験は当該発明にとって重要な役割を果たしましたか) p26 JP (日本) Question 3-7(2) If “Yes”, how did your experience in the most relevant other organization contribute to your invention? You can check all relevant boxes.(「はい」の場合の理由、重複回 答あり) p28 JP (日本) Question 3-8 For how long did you work in the above previous organization which contributed importantly to your invention?(雇用あるいは派遣・出向期間) p30 JP (日本) Question 3-9 Previous organization if moved(前組織の類型) p32 JP (日本) p33 US (米国) <4> SECTION D: PURPOSE & PROCESS OF THE INVENTION Question 4-1 What would best describe the business objective of your research leading to this invention? (当該発明につながる研究の事業上の目的) p34 JP (日本) p35 US (米国) Question 4-1 (2) What would best describe the type of the innovation your research was expected to realize? (それは、どの類型の技術革新であったか) P36 JP (日本) p37 US (米国) Question 4-2 What is the scope of your research leading to the invention? You can check all relevant boxes. (当該発明につながった研究の範囲(重複回答あり)) p38 JP (日本) Question 4-3 What was the main motivation of your research leading to the invention? You can check all relevant boxes. (当該発明につながる研究の主たる動機(重複回答あり)) p40 JP (日本) Question 4-4 How many months of the research led up to this patent application? (研究開始 から特許出願までに経過した時間) p42 JP (日本) p43 US (米国) Question 4-5 Which of the following scenarios best describes the creative process that led to your invention? (当該発明の創造プロセス) p44 JP (日本) p45 US (米国) Question 4-6 What would best describe the type of the invention? (当該発明は「もの」「方法」 どちらの発明であったか) p46 JP (日本) p47 US (米国) Question 4-7 Did the invention build in a substantial way on any prior patent that you were aware of? (当該発明は、先行特許を基礎として生み出されたものか) p48 JP (日本) Question 4-8 Has this invention led to any improvement inventions afterwards? (当該発明 は、その後の改良発明につながったか) p50 JP (日本) Question 4-9 Please indicate whether the co-inventor exists, according to the type of the following organizations. You can check all relevant boxes. (当該発明の共同発明者の類型(複 回答あり)) p52 JP (日本) p53 US (米国) Question 4-9 (2) # of inventors, sole-invention, any external co-invention and multipleassignee(発明者数、単独発明、外部共同発明、共同出願) p54 JP (日本) p55 US (米国) Question 4-10 Was there any (formal or informal) collaboration between your employer and other partners (excluding co-inventors)? You can check all relevant boxes. (当該発明につな がる研究の外部組織との協力がある場合(但し共同発明者を除く)、協力相手の類型、重複回答 あり) p56 JP (日本) <5> p57 US (米国) Question 4-11 Were the interactions (discussions, meetings, sources of ideas, etc.) with the following types of people (apart from co-inventors) important during the research that led to the patented invention? (1 = not important, 5 = very important)(交流先重要性の評価) p58,60 JP (日本) Question 4-12 Excluding co-inventors, how important were the following sources of knowledge for suggesting the research that led to the patented invention? (1 = not important, 5 = very important) (研究の着想に有用であった知識源の重要度) p62,64,66,68,70,72,74,76 JP (日本) p63,65,67,69,71,73,75,77 US (米国) Question 4-13 Excluding co-inventors, how important were the following sources of knowledge for contributing to the completion of the research that led to the patented invention? (1 = not important, 5 = very important) (研究を実施するために使用した知識の重要度) p78,80,82,84,86,88,90,92 JP (日本) p79,81,83,85,87,89,91,93 US (米国) Question 4-14 What was the relative importance of the following sources of knowledge of foreign countries compared to those in Japan for your research that led to the patented invention as a whole? (-2 = much less important, 0= equal, 2 = much more import)(外国の知 識源は国内のものと比較してどの程度重要であったか) p94,96,98,100,102,104,106 JP (日本) Question 4-15 Including this patent, how many domestic patent grants do you expect your research would generate directly for your firm, including those with joint ownership? (当該研 究は何件の国内特許登録をもたらしますか?) p108 JP (日本) Question 4-16 How many man-months did the research leading to the patent require, including those of co-inventors? (当該発明の研究の開始から特許出願までの研究期間) p110 JP (日本) p111 US (米国) Question 4-17 Funding sources (Incidence and % in shares) You can check all relevant boxes. (当該研究のための費用の資金源(重複回答あり)) p112 JP (日本) p113 US (米国) Question 4-18 Did the availability of funds constrain the research leading to the invention? You can check all relevant boxes. (リスク資金の利用可能性が制約となったか(重複回答あり)) p114 JP (日本) SECTION E: INVENTORS’ MOTIVATIONS Question 5-1 How important were the following motivations for your invention? (1 = not important, 5 = very important) (当該特許につながる発明への動機の重要度) p116,118,120,122,124,126,128 JP (日本) p117. US (米国) SECTION F: USE OF THE INVENTION AND PATENTING REASONS Question 6-1 Economic value of the patent(当該発明の経済的価値の同時期の技術開発成 果全体における地位) p130 JP (日本) p131,133 US (米国) <6> Question6-2 How important were the following reasons for patenting this invention? (1 = not important, 5 = very important)?(特許化の理由としての重要度) p134,136,138,140,142,144 JP (日本) p135,137,139,141,145 US (米国) Question6-3 Internal commercialization. Has the applicant/owner ever used this patent for its product or for its production?(当該発明は出願者によって製品などに利用されたか) p146 JP (日本) p147 US (米国) Refefence:While many innovations involve a combination of products, processes, and services, would you characterize the commercial application of the focal patent as primarily involving a new product, process, or service? (参考:当該特許の応用先は新製品、新生産過程あるいは サービスの中のどれか) p149 US (米国) Question 6-4. How long did it take from the application to the use of the invention? (出願から 利用開始までの時間) p150 JP (日本) Question 6-5 How many domestic patents (including the other firms’ patents) are jointly used in the commercial application of the invention? (当該特許の商業的利用において約何件の特 許が利用されたか) p152 JP (日本) p153 US (米国) Question 6-6 Has this patent been licensed by (one of ) the patent-holder(s) ? (当該特許は、 特許保有者によってライセンスされたか) p154 JP (日本) p155 US (米国) Question 6-6(2) If Yes, does it include cross-license? (それはクロスライセンスを含むか ) p156 JP (日本) p157 US (米国) Question 6-6(3) How many licensees have got the license? (また、それは複数の企業にライセ ンスされたか) p158 JP (日本) p159 US (米国) Reference: Did the licensing contracts include exclusivity clauses? (参考:ライセンス契約に排 他条項があるか) p161 US (米国) Question 6-7 Has this patent been exploited commercially by yourself or any of your coinventors for starting a new company? (発明者は新会社設立によって当該特許を利用したか) p162 JP (日本) p163 US (米国) Question 6-3,6,7 Summary (1) Any commercialization either through internal (or in-house) use, license or startup (発明は商 用化、ライセンス、新会社の設立などで利用されたか) p164 JP (日本) p165 US (米国) Question 6-3,6,7 Summary (2) Pure in house or not (発明は自社のみ使用かどうか) p166 JP (日本) p167 US (米国) Question 6-8 If this patent is used neither internally within the applicant firm, licensing nor for <7> starting a new company, what are the important reasons for that? You can check all relevant boxes. (自社内、ライセンス等によって利用されていない理由(重複回答あり)) p168 JP (日本) p169 US (米国) Question 6-9 Did you publish a scientific/technical paper describing this invention? (当該発 明の内容を科学技術論文として公表したか) p170 JP (日本) Reference: In the three years prior to the focal patent, how many articles did you publish in scientific journals? (参考:当該特許の前の三年間に何本の論文を公表したか) p171 US (米国) Question 6-10 In your opinion, how important are the following corporate strategies for the successful commercialization of this invention? (1 = not important, 5 = very important)(当該 発明の商業的成功のための企業戦略としての重要度) p172,174,176,178,180 JP (日本) p173,175,177,179,181 US (米国) Question 6-10 Summary p182 JP (日本) p183 US (米国) Reference: From the commercial launch of your product/process/service, approximately how long was it until another firm introduced a competing alternative? (参考:当該特許が商業化さ れてから、別の企業が競争的な代替手段(製品、生産過程あるいはサービス)を導入するのに 要した時間) p185 US (米国) <8> This page is intentionally left blank. 1 Japan Question 1-1 Age at patent application(出願時の年齢) All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown All 20-24 years old 25-29 years old 30-34 years old 35-39 years old 40-44 years old 45-49 years old 50-54 years old 55-59 years old 60-64 years old 65-69 years old 70-74 years old 75-79 years old No response 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 20 18 1 1 0 0 0 0 429 370 26 14 10 2 2 5 787 704 32 14 17 5 9 6 780 694 28 21 19 6 6 6 602 496 35 30 19 4 7 11 478 358 33 22 30 13 5 17 271 164 26 12 37 14 4 14 128 55 13 5 20 23 3 9 59 19 2 1 17 8 1 11 25 3 5 4 7 3 2 1 13 1 0 1 5 3 1 2 5 2 0 2 0 0 1 0 61 48 0 3 1 1 1 7 N 20-24 years old 25-29 years old 30-34 years old 35-39 years old 40-44 years old 45-49 years old 50-54 years old 55-59 years old 60-64 years old 65-69 years old 70-74 years old 75-79 years old Total 3597 2884 201 127 181 81 41 82 0.56 0.62 0.5 0.79 0 0 0 0 11.93 12.83 12.94 11.02 5.52 2.47 4.88 6.1 21.88 24.41 15.92 11.02 9.39 6.17 21.95 7.32 21.68 24.06 13.93 16.54 10.5 7.41 14.63 7.32 16.74 17.2 17.41 23.62 10.5 4.94 17.07 13.41 13.29 12.41 16.42 17.32 16.57 16.05 12.2 20.73 7.53 5.69 12.94 9.45 20.44 17.28 9.76 17.07 3.56 1.91 6.47 3.94 11.05 28.4 7.32 10.98 1.64 0.66 1 0.79 9.39 9.88 2.44 13.41 0.7 0.1 2.49 3.15 3.87 3.7 4.88 1.22 0.36 0.03 0 0.79 2.76 3.7 2.44 2.44 0.14 0.07 0 1.57 0 0 2.44 0 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 N Mean S.D Median P90 Iqr No response 3597 2884 201 127 181 81 41 82 39.45 37.99 41.67 42.24 47.95 51.46 44.49 47.88 9.09 7.80 10.16 10.70 11.27 10.52 12.49 10.61 38 37 42 41 49 52 43 48 52 49 54 57 63 64 61 61 13 11 16 13 16 11 17 15 61 48 0 3 1 1 1 7 2 US (1/2) Question 1-1 Age at patent application(出願時の年齢) All 20-24 years old 25-29 years old 30-34 years old 35-39 years old 40-44 years old 45-49 years old 50-54 years old 55-59 years old 60-64 years old 65-69 years old 70-74 years old 75-81 years old 80 or older Missing All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (250-500) Small firm (100-250) Very small firm (<100) University Hospital/Government/Oth Missing 1919 1389 74 60 216 42 20 118 3 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 35 29 3 1 2 0 0 0 131 106 4 4 9 4 0 4 232 175 9 9 22 6 1 10 385 315 16 12 25 4 3 10 357 264 17 12 48 6 2 8 250 189 9 6 31 6 2 7 211 145 6 5 34 3 4 14 132 80 5 7 20 5 5 10 59 32 3 4 13 2 2 3 20 10 0 0 6 2 0 2 11 7 0 0 2 2 0 0 3 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 90 35 1 0 2 1 1 50 % N 20-24 years old 25-29 years old 30-34 years old 35-39 years old 40-44 years old 45-49 years old 50-54 years old 55-59 years old 60-64 years old 65-69 years old 70-74 years old 75-81 years old 80 or older Total All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (250-500) Small firm (100-250) Very small firm (<100) University Hospital/Government/Oth Missing 1829 1354 73 60 214 41 19 68 0.16 0.15 0 0 0 2.44 0 0 1.91 2.14 4.11 1.67 0.93 0 0 0 7.16 7.83 5.48 6.67 4.21 9.76 0 5.88 12.68 12.92 12.33 15 10.28 14.63 5.26 14.71 21.05 23.26 21.92 20 11.68 9.76 15.79 14.71 19.52 19.5 23.29 20 22.43 14.63 10.53 11.76 13.67 13.96 12.33 10 14.49 14.63 10.53 10.29 11.54 10.71 8.22 8.33 15.89 7.32 21.05 20.59 7.22 5.91 6.85 11.67 9.35 12.2 26.32 14.71 3.23 2.36 4.11 6.67 6.07 4.88 10.53 4.41 1.09 0.74 0 0 2.8 4.88 0 2.94 0.6 0.52 0 0 0.93 4.88 0 0 0.16 0 1.37 0 0.93 0 0 0 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 N mean(age) S.D median p90 Interquartile Missing 1829 1354 73 60 214 41 19 68 47.22 46.30 47.03 47.40 50.82 49.90 54.63 50.57 9.98 9.49 10.16 10.28 10.66 13.39 8.83 10.66 46 45 46 45.5 50 49 56 51 61 59 60 62.5 66 68 66 63 14 13 11 16 14 21 15 16.5 90 35 1 0 2 1 1 50 D12 age Age at time of application (from D12 Year of birth) All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (250-500) Small firm (100-250) Very small firm (<100) university Other unknown 3 This page is intentionally left blank. 4 US (2/2) Reference: Country of Birth (参考:生誕国) D13 Country of Birth All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (250-500) Small firm (100-250) Very small firm (<100) University Hospital/Government/Other Missing % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (250-500) Small firm (100-250) Very small firm (<100) University Hospital/Government/Ot Missing All 1,919 1,389 74 60 216 42 20 118 US Foreign missing 1,325 973 57 43 160 30 16 46 520 394 16 17 54 12 4 23 74 22 1 0 2 0 0 49 N US(%) Foreign(%) Total 1845 1367 73 60 214 42 20 69 71.82 71.18 78.08 71.67 74.77 71.43 80.00 66.67 28.18 28.82 21.92 28.33 25.23 28.57 20.00 33.33 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 5 Japan Question 1-3 Gender(性別) All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown All All 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 男性 Male 3593 2886 194 127 181 81 41 83 女性 Female 54 41 7 3 0 1 0 2 無回答 No response 11 5 0 0 1 0 1 4 % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown N 3647 2927 201 130 181 82 41 85 Male 98.52 98.6 96.52 97.69 100 98.78 100 97.65 Female 1.48 1.4 3.48 2.31 0 1.22 0 2.35 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 6 US Question 1-3 Gender(性別) D14 Gender All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (250-500) Small firm (100-250) Very small firm (<100) University Hospital/Government/Other Missing % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (250-500) Small firm (100-250) Very small firm (<100) university Other unknown All 1,919 1389 74 60 216 42 20 118 Male 1,754 1305 69 56 208 38 18 60 Female 100 68 4 4 8 4 2 10 Missing 65 16 1 0 0 0 0 48 N 1,854 1373 73 60 216 42 20 70 Male 94.61 95.05 94.52 93.33 96.30 90.48 90.00 85.71 Female 5.39 4.95 5.48 6.67 3.7 9.52 10 14.29 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 7 Japan Question 2-1 Highest degree at the time of resarch (当該発明につながる研究実施当時の最終学歴) All All All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 N 3628 2914 200 128 181 81 41 83 高校 高専・短大 学士 High school Tech college or University or lower junior college 305 198 23 22 40 0 2 20 204 159 13 13 11 0 0 8 1554 1249 111 74 84 2 5 29 High school Tech college or University or lower junior college 修士 Master 博士 Ph.D. 無回答 No response 1115 1023 37 6 29 5 6 9 450 285 16 13 17 74 28 17 30 18 1 2 1 1 1 6 Master Ph.D. Total 8.41 6.79 11.5 17.19 22.1 0 4.88 24.1 5.62 5.46 6.5 10.16 6.08 0 0 9.64 42.83 42.86 55.5 57.81 46.41 2.47 12.2 34.94 30.73 35.11 18.5 4.69 16.02 6.17 14.63 10.84 12.4 9.78 8 10.16 9.39 91.36 68.29 20.48 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 mean(year) S.D Median p90 Interquartile Range No response 8.67 7.76 10.2 10.13 12.05 10.14 10.99 11.3 1986 1986 1983 1983 1977 1976 1989 1978 1995 1995 1996 1995 1994 1994 1996 1992.5 11 11 15 14 17 15 12 17 611 421 41 40 60 5 5 39 The year in which this degree was earned N All 3047 1984.96 2511 1985.9 Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (250-500) 160 1982.14 Small firm (100-250) 90 1982.13 122 1977.84 Very small firm (<100) 77 1977.81 university Other 37 1986.54 unknown 50 1979.08 Note: We dropped records if year of degree < birth year + 21 8 US (1/4) Question 2-1 Highest degree at the time of the research (当該発明につながる研究実施当時の最終学歴) All High school or lower Technical college or Junior college University or college Bachelor's University Master's J.D Ph.D, M.D. or equivalent other Missing 1,919 1389 74 60 216 42 20 118 39 23 1 1 12 0 0 2 78 55 3 4 14 0 1 1 420 322 23 16 51 2 3 3 451 373 12 15 46 1 4 0 4 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 817 612 35 21 93 39 12 5 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 109 1 0 1 0 0 0 107 N High school or lower Technical college or Junior college University or college Bachelor's University Master's J.D Ph.D, M.D. or equivalent other Total 1810 1388 74 59 216 42 20 11 2.15 1.66 1.35 1.69 5.56 0 0 18.18 4.31 3.96 4.05 6.78 6.48 0 5 9.09 23.2 23.2 31.08 27.12 23.61 4.76 15 27.27 24.92 26.87 16.22 25.42 21.3 2.38 20 0 0.22 0.14 0 3.39 0 0 0 0 45.14 44.09 47.3 35.59 43.06 92.86 60 45.45 0.06 0.07 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 N mean(age) S.D Median p90 Interquartile Missing 1741 1345 73 56 198 41 20 8 1982.06 1982.75 1981.93 1983.20 1978.23 1979.63 1976.50 1981.50 10.56 10.14 11.12 11.03 11.19 13.99 10.50 12.20 1983 1983 1983 1986 1979 1980 1975 1984 1996 1996 1995 1997 1994 1999 1992 1995 15 15 16 18.5 16 18 15.5 21.5 178 44 1 4 18 1 0 110 D1A Highest degree All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (250-500) Small firm (100-250) Very small firm (<100) University Hospital/Government/Othe Missing % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (250-500) Small firm (100-250) Very small firm (<100) University Hospital/Government/Othe Missing The year in which this degree was earned D1B The year in which this degree was earned All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (250-500) Small firm (100-250) Very small firm (<100) University Hospital/Government/Othe Missing 9 This page is intentionally left blank. 10 US (2/4) Reference: Years of your first patent application? (参考:最初の特許出願の年) D2 Years of your first patent application? mean(year) S.D N Median p90 Interquartile Range Missing All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (250-500) Small firm (100-250) Very small firm (<100) University Hospital/Government/Other Missing 1989.30 1989.27 1989.54 1991.07 1988.73 1989.14 1991.21 1990.70 10.36 9.96 10.88 11.00 11.85 12.06 12.14 12.39 1,755 1343 72 58 211 42 19 10 1991 1991 1993 1995.5 1992 1991 1995 1997 2001 2000 2000 2002 2001 2001 2002 2003 15 14 14.5 15 19 19 20 18 164 46 2 2 5 0 1 108 11 This page is intentionally left blank. 12 US (3/4) Reference: How many years had you worked in the technical field of the patent? (参考:経験) D3 How many years had you worked in the technical field of the patent? All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (250-500) Small firm (100-250) Very small firm (<100) University Hospital/Government/Other Missing mean(years) S.D N Median p90 Interquartile Range Missing 12.98 12.82 12.55 13.30 13.95 13.38 15.75 7.13 10.49 10.29 9.63 10.34 11.66 10.89 13.32 10.27 1,780 1371 73 57 209 42 20 8 10 10 10 12 12 12 15 4 28 28 25 30 30 28 37.5 31 16 16 16 16 16 13 16.5 7 139 18 1 3 7 0 0 110 13 This page is intentionally left blank. 14 US (4/4) Reference: # of invention disclosures made by you to your firm? (参考:発明届出数) D4A. # of invention disclosures made by you to your firm? # mean S.D All 9.36 13.79 10.09 14.73 Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (250-500) 5.96 6.35 Small firm (100-250) 5.41 6.99 7.12 10.79 Very small firm (<100) 6.19 5.12 University 7.81 7.03 Hospital/Government/Other 22.56 20.86 Missing note: cases reporting over 100 converted to 100 N Median p90 Interquartile Range Missing 1,769 1361 72 58 211 42 16 9 5 5 4 4 5 5 6.5 18 20 22 15 10 12 12 20 50 8 10 6.5 6 6 5 7 39 150 28 2 2 5 0 4 109 % of invention disclosures were applied for patent? (特許出願の割合) D4B. % of invention disclosures were applied for patent? All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (250-500) Small firm (100-250) Very small firm (<100) University Hospital/Government/Other Missing % mean S.D N Median p90 Interquartile Range Missing 67.85 66.99 68.33 64.44 73.10 69.44 67.46 85.86 32.89 32.54 34.76 37.29 33.21 33.01 36.47 19.92 1447 1119 59 45 168 36 13 7 80 75 80 75 90 77.5 80 95 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 50 60 50 50 50 34 472 270 15 15 48 6 7 111 15 Japan Question 3-1 Employment at the time of invention (当該発明当時の雇用・勤務形態) All All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown 組織(企業など)に雇 自営業者であった われており、その組織 の部署に勤務していた 学生であった 企業から大学への 研究派遣など、1 -3以外の場合 無回答 Other cases, such as the secondment from a firm to a university 19 8 0 0 2 7 2 0 No response Other cases, such as the secondment from a firm to a university 0.52 0.27 0 0 1.1 8.54 4.76 0 Total All Employed by a firm Self-employed Student 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 3541 2922 200 129 140 73 35 42 70 2 1 1 40 0 5 21 4 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 N Employed by a firm Self-employed Student 3634 2932 201 130 182 82 42 65 97.44 99.66 99.5 99.23 76.92 89.02 83.33 64.62 1.93 0.07 0.5 0.77 21.98 0 11.9 32.31 0.11 0 0 0 0 2.44 0 3.08 16 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 This page is intentionally left blank. 17 Japan Question 3-3 Is the organization one of the applicants? (その組織は、当該特許の出願人でしたか) All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown All All はい yes いいえ No 3634 2932 201 130 182 82 42 65 3344 2830 180 109 141 14 33 37 250 93 20 19 33 66 9 10 40 9 1 2 8 2 0 18 N yes no Total 3594 2923 200 128 174 80 42 47 93.04 96.82 90 85.16 81.03 17.5 78.57 78.72 6.96 3.18 10 14.84 18.97 82.5 21.43 21.28 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 18 無回答 No response US Question 3-3 Is the organization one of the applicants? (その組織は、当該特許の出願人でしたか) D.8 Is the organization one of the applicants? All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (250-500) Small firm (100-250) Very small firm (<100) University Hospital/Government/Other Missing All Yes No Missing 1,919 1389 74 60 216 42 20 118 1,433 1160 57 46 133 27 7 3 346 213 15 11 78 15 13 1 140 16 2 3 5 0 0 114 % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (250-500) Small firm (100-250) Very small firm (<100) University Hospital/Government/Other Missing N 1,779 1,373 72 57 211 42 20 4 Yes(%) 80.55 84.49 79.17 80.70 63.03 64.29 35.00 75.00 No(%) 19.45 15.51 20.83 19.30 36.97 35.71 65.00 25.00 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 19 Japan Question 3-4 In which year did you join this organization or start your business if self-employed?(その組織に 採用された年、もしくは自営業の創業年) mean(year) Sd N Median All 1985.04 8.54 3415 1986 1985.25 8.10 2822 1986 Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) 1984.49 9.89 194 1985.5 Small firm (101-250) 1983.84 9.40 122 1985 1985.22 11.15 127 1988 Very small firm (<101) 1981.63 11.35 78 1981 university Other 1986.94 10.33 35 1989 unknown 1980.22 9.12 37 1980 Note: Self-employeds are dropped. And records are dropped if the year joining P90 Iqr No response 1995 11 137 1995 11 52 1996 15 5 1995 14 5 1997 17 47 1996 21 0 1998 16 6 1992 15 22 this organization < birth year + 18 Tenure (number of years at the organization at the time of application) (特許出願時の勤続年数) mean(year) All 12.97 12.73 Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) 13.89 Small firm (101-250) 14.17 12.84 Very small firm (<101) 16.45 university Other 11.23 unknown 17.7 Note: We dropped records if the year joining Sd N Median 8.41 3415 12 7.96 2822 12 9.85 194 12 9.29 122 14 11.14 127 9 11.08 78 17 10.09 35 7 9.02 37 16 this organization < birth year + 18, 20 P90 Iqr No response 25 12 137 24 10 52 27 15 5 27 14 5 30 17 47 32 20 0 28 16 6 30 14 22 and self-employed. US Question 3-4 In which year did you join this organization or start your business if self-employed?(その組織に採用された 年、もしくは自営業の創業年) D10 In which year did you join this organization All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (250-500) Small firm (100-250) Very small firm (<100) University Hospital/Government/Other Missing mean(year) S.D N Median p90 1988.04 1987 1989.57 1990.83 1993.89 1986.98 1989.9 1986.69 10.18 10.04 9.95 9.94 8.16 13.05 9.87 10.65 1843 1373 74 59 212 41 20 64 1990 1988 1993 1995 1997 1990 1992 1989 1999 1999 2000 2000 2000 1999 2000.5 1999 Interquartile Missing 16 16 13 11 9 15 13.5 14.5 76 16 0 1 4 1 0 54 Tenure (number of years at the organization at the time of application) (特許出願時の勤続年数) All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (250-500) Small firm (100-250) Very small firm (<100) University Hospital/Government/Other Missing mean(year) S.D N Median p90 13.28 14.29 11.76 10.49 7.47 14.51 11.65 14.84 10.14 10 9.81 9.74 8.08 13.22 9.58 11.02 1843 1373 74 59 212 41 20 64 11 13 8.5 6 5 11 10 13 28 28 29 29 19 34 27 34 21 Interquartile Missing 15 16 13 10 8 15 12 16.5 76 16 0 1 4 1 0 54 Japan Question 3-5 Type of unit at the time of the invention (勤務していた部署の主要機能) All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown All All 研究開発 R&D 製造 Manufacturing ソフトウェア開発 Software development その他 Other 無回答 No response 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 3041 2547 173 98 108 37 39 39 217 150 13 12 31 1 0 10 91 77 4 3 7 0 0 0 268 156 10 16 32 39 3 12 41 2 1 1 4 5 0 28 N R&D Manufacturing Software development Other Total 3617 2930 200 129 178 77 42 61 84.08 86.93 86.5 75.97 60.67 48.05 92.86 63.93 6 5.12 6.5 9.3 17.42 1.3 0 16.39 2.52 2.63 2 2.33 3.93 0 0 0 7.41 5.32 5 12.4 17.98 50.65 7.14 19.67 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 If R&D are selected (選択肢1 研究開発) All All All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown 独立した研究開発 製造など研究開 部門 発を主たる目的と していない部署に 付属 R&D - sub-unit R&D independent attached to a research and unit with focus development unit on non-R&D 無回答 no response 3041 2547 173 98 108 37 39 39 2469 2074 148 76 77 32 35 27 508 430 20 18 29 2 1 8 64 43 5 4 2 3 3 4 N R&D independent research and development unit R&D - sub-unit attached to a unit with focus on non-R&D Total 2977 2504 168 94 106 34 36 35 82.94 82.83 88.1 80.85 72.64 94.12 97.22 77.14 17.06 17.17 11.9 19.15 27.36 5.88 2.78 22.86 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 22 US Question 3-5 Type of unit at the time of the invention (勤務していた部署の主要機能) All D11 Type of unit at the time of the invention All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (250-500) Small firm (100-250) Very small firm (<100) University Hospital/Government/Other Missing % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (250-500) Small firm (100-250) Very small firm (<100) University Hospital/Government/Other Missing 1,919 1389 74 60 216 42 20 118 N 1857 1381 74 60 213 42 20 67 R&D - independent R&D - sub-unit research and attached to a development unit unit with focus on non-R&D 1200 911 49 34 118 32 8 48 325 282 13 6 12 1 0 11 R&D - independent R&D - sub-unit research and attached to a development unit unit with focus on non-R&D 64.62 65.97 66.22 56.67 55.4 76.19 40 71.64 17.5 20.42 17.57 10 5.63 2.38 0 16.42 23 Manufacturing Software development Other Missing 154 107 9 15 18 0 1 4 56 36 1 1 18 0 0 0 122 45 2 4 47 9 11 4 62 8 0 0 3 0 0 51 Manufacturing Software development Other Total 8.29 7.75 12.16 25 8.45 0 5 5.97 3.02 2.61 1.35 1.67 8.45 0 0 0 6.57 3.26 2.7 6.67 22.07 21.43 55 5.97 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Japan Question 3-6 Within 5 prior years, did you work for another employer? (当該発明前、5年以内 の他企業等での常勤経験) All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown All 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 Yes 383 270 28 14 35 11 10 15 No 3245 2652 170 115 145 68 32 63 No response 30 10 3 1 2 3 0 11 % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown N 3628 2922 198 129 180 79 42 78 Yes 10.56 9.24 14.14 10.85 19.44 13.92 23.81 19.23 No 89.44 90.76 85.86 89.15 80.56 86.08 76.19 80.77 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 If "yes" are selected(選択肢2 はい) All All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown 他の組織に雇用さ 他の組織に派遣・出 れていた 向 Worked in the On loan (or other organization seconded) to the other organization 無回答 No response 383 270 28 14 35 11 10 15 162 79 19 11 26 8 8 11 211 186 7 3 8 3 2 2 10 5 2 0 1 0 0 2 N Worked in the other organization On loan (or seconded) to the other organization Total 373 265 26 14 34 11 10 13 43.43 29.81 73.08 78.57 76.47 72.73 80 84.62 56.57 70.19 26.92 21.43 23.53 27.27 20 15.38 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 24 US Question 3-6 Within 5 prior years, did you work for another employer? (当該発明前、5年以内の他企業等での常勤経験) D5 Within 5 prior years, did you work for another employer? All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (250-500) Small firm (100-250) Very small firm (<100) University Hospital/Government/Other Missing All Yes No Missing Yes(%) No(%) Total 1919 1389 74 60 216 42 20 118 462 294 22 24 96 14 9 3 1341 1089 52 35 119 28 11 7 116 6 0 1 1 0 0 108 25.62 21.26 29.73 40.68 44.65 33.33 45.00 30.00 74.38 78.74 70.27 59.32 55.35 66.67 55.00 70.00 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 N Yes No Missing Yes(%) No(%) Total 1,919 1389 74 60 216 42 20 118 94 35 3 1 52 2 0 1 1699 1347 71 58 160 40 20 3 126 7 0 1 4 0 0 114 5.24 2.53 4.05 1.69 24.53 4.76 0 25 94.76 97.47 95.95 98.31 75.47 95.24 100 75 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Is your current organization less than 5 D.9 Is your current organization less than 5 years? All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (250-500) Small firm (100-250) Very small firm (<100) University Hospital/Government/Other Missing 25 Japan Question 3-7 If “Yes” above, did the experience in any of the above organizations play an important role in your invention? (その経験は当該発明にとって重要な役割を 果たしましたか) All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown All yes no 383 270 28 14 35 11 10 15 233 152 18 9 27 8 9 10 150 118 10 5 8 3 1 5 N yes no Total 383 270 28 14 35 11 10 15 60.84 56.3 64.29 64.29 77.14 72.73 90 66.67 39.16 43.7 35.71 35.71 22.86 27.27 10 33.33 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 26 This page is intentionally left blank. 27 Japan Question 3-7(2) If “Yes”, how did your experience in the most relevant other organization contribute to your invention? You can check all relevant boxes. (「はい」の場合の理由、重複回答あり) All All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown 研究開発の企画あるい 当該発明に重要な具体 当該発明へのニーズ 以前の組織と現在の組 は実施に重要な先端的 的な技術シーズを獲得 を把握することができ 織との間の共同開発が な知識などの習得 することができた た 行いやすくなった その他 無回答 All acquire the advanced knowledge useful for the planning and implementation of the research acquire the specific technology seeds for the invention. clarify the needs for the invention. It facilitated the collaboration between the firm and the previous organization Other No response 233 152 18 9 27 8 9 10 141 93 10 4 16 8 7 3 105 64 8 5 17 3 2 6 60 37 2 2 11 2 4 2 21 13 1 2 3 1 1 0 8 7 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 N acquire the advanced knowledge useful for the planning and implementation of the research acquire the specific technology seeds for the invention. clarify the needs for the invention. It facilitated the collaboration between the firm and the previous organization Other Total 230 149 18 9 27 8 9 10 61.3 62.42 55.56 44.44 59.26 100 77.78 30 45.65 42.95 44.44 55.56 62.96 37.5 22.22 60 26.09 24.83 11.11 22.22 40.74 25 44.44 20 9.13 8.72 5.56 22.22 11.11 12.5 11.11 0 3.48 4.7 0 0 0 0 0 10 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 28 This page is intentionally left blank. 29 Japan Question 3-8 For how long did you work in the above previous organization which contributed importantly to your invention?(雇用あるいは派遣・出向期間) All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown All 1 year 2 years 3 years 233 152 18 9 27 8 9 10 32 28 1 0 2 0 1 0 49 41 2 2 2 0 1 1 31 24 3 1 2 1 0 0 N 1 year 2 years 3 years 224 148 17 9 25 8 9 8 14.29 18.92 5.88 0 8 0 11.11 0 21.88 27.7 11.76 22.22 8 0 11.11 12.5 13.84 16.22 17.65 11.11 8 12.5 0 0 30 4-6 years 7-9 years 34 20 3 2 5 1 2 1 18 11 1 2 1 1 1 1 4-6 years 7-9 years 15.18 13.51 17.65 22.22 20 12.5 22.22 12.5 8.04 7.43 5.88 22.22 4 12.5 11.11 12.5 10-19 years more than No 20 years response 30 16 2 1 4 2 2 3 30 8 5 1 9 3 2 2 9 4 1 0 2 0 0 2 10-19 years more than 20 years Total 13.39 10.81 11.76 11.11 16 25 22.22 37.5 13.39 5.41 29.41 11.11 36 37.5 22.22 25 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 This page is intentionally left blank. 31 Japan Question 3-9 Previous organization if moved(前組織の類型) All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown 顧客・製品 設備、材料、部 競争企業 ユーザー 品、ソフトウェ ア等のサプラ イヤー企業 Customers Suppliers Competitor or users 国立研究機関 地方公共団体 の研究機関 財団法人、民間 病院、民間非営 利研究機関 All 大学など高 等教育機関 (付属研究 所を含む) University National government research organization Local government research organization Foundation, hospital, or private research organization 233 152 18 9 27 8 9 10 62 47 2 1 4 3 3 2 8 7 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 9 4 2 0 0 2 0 1 20 17 0 0 2 0 0 1 22 11 2 2 4 0 0 3 N University National government research organization Local government research organization Foundation, hospital, or private research organization Customers or users 231 151 18 8 27 8 9 10 26.84 31.13 11.11 12.5 14.81 37.5 33.33 20 3.46 4.64 0 12.5 0 0 0 0 0.87 0.66 0 0 3.7 0 0 0 3.9 2.65 11.11 0 0 25 0 10 8.66 11.26 0 0 7.41 0 0 10 All 32 直接競合して いないが同じ 産業内の他企 業 Noncompetitor within the same industry その他 無回答 Other No response 9 5 0 0 2 1 0 1 43 19 9 1 11 0 2 1 56 40 3 3 3 2 4 1 2 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 Suppliers Competitor Noncompetitor within the same industry Other Total 9.52 7.28 11.11 25 14.81 0 0 30 3.9 3.31 0 0 7.41 12.5 0 10 18.61 12.58 50 12.5 40.74 0 22.22 10 24.24 26.49 16.67 37.5 11.11 25 44.44 10 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 US Question 3-9 Previous organization if moved(前組織の類型) All University Federal Gov research organization Suppliers Customers Competitor Non-competitors Hospital Other Missing 579 301 22 25 97 14 XX XX 98 65 3 3 14 9 XX XX 19 15 1 0 3 0 XX XX 16 11 0 1 4 0 XX XX 11 8 0 0 3 0 XX XX 53 42 2 3 5 0 XX XX 150 88 8 10 42 1 XX XX 11 3 0 1 3 1 XX XX 85 50 5 7 18 2 XX XX 136 19 3 0 5 1 XX XX N University Federal Gov research organization Suppliers Customers Competitor Non-competitors Hospital Other Total 443 282 19 25 92 13 XX XX 22.12 23.05 15.79 12 15.22 69.23 XX XX 4.29 5.32 5.26 0 3.26 0 XX XX 3.61 3.9 0 4 4.35 0 XX XX 2.48 2.84 0 0 3.26 0 XX XX 11.96 14.89 10.53 12 5.43 0 XX XX 33.86 31.21 42.11 40 45.65 7.69 XX XX 2.48 1.06 0 4 3.26 7.69 XX XX 19.19 17.73 26.32 28 19.57 15.38 XX XX 100 100 100 100 100 100 XX XX D6 Previous organization if moved All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (250-500) Small firm (100-250) Very small firm (<100) University Hospital/Government/Other Missing % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (250-500) Small firm (100-250) Very small firm (<100) University Hospital/Government/Other Missing 33 Japan Question 4-1 What would best describe the business objective of your research leading to this invention? (当該発明につな がる研究の事業上の目的) All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown 全体 新規事業立ち 上げ 既存事業の強化 その他 無回答 Enhancement of existing business line 当面の事業とは直結 しない、企業の技術 基盤の強化 Enhancement of the technology base of the firm All Creating a new business line* other no response 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 828 690 39 17 54 11 8 9 2405 1999 144 92 102 7 10 51 286 187 15 16 14 26 19 9 94 27 3 5 10 33 5 11 45 29 0 0 2 5 0 9 N Creating a new business line* Enhancement of existing business line Enhancement of the technology base of the firm other Total 3613 2903 201 130 180 77 42 80 22.92 23.77 19.4 13.08 30 14.29 19.05 11.25 66.57 68.86 71.64 70.77 56.67 9.09 23.81 63.75 7.92 6.44 7.46 12.31 7.78 33.77 45.24 11.25 2.6 0.93 1.49 3.85 5.56 42.86 11.9 13.75 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 When ""Enhancement of existing business line"" are chosen (選択肢2 既存事業の強化) 全体 All All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (250-500) Small firm (100-250) Very small firm (<100) university Other unknown % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (250-500) Small firm (100-250) Very small firm (<100) university Other unknown 企業のコア事業 非コア事業が対象 が対象 directed to the directed to the “non-core “core business” business” わからない 無回答 don't know no response 87 62 3 6 8 1 1 6 2405 1999 144 92 102 7 10 51 1748 1448 113 68 76 4 7 32 492 426 27 14 14 1 1 9 78 63 1 4 4 1 1 4 All directed to the “core business” directed to the “non-core business” Total 2240 1874 140 82 90 5 8 41 78.04 77.27 80.71 82.93 84.44 80 87.5 78.05 21.96 22.73 19.29 17.07 15.56 20 12.5 21.95 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 34 US Question 4-1 What would best describe the business objective of your research leading to this invention? (当該発明につなが る研究の事業上の目的) A.1 What would best describe the purpose of your research leading to this invention, in relation to the business objective of your firm? All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (250-500) Small firm (100-250) Very small firm (<100) University Hospital/Government/Other Missing % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (250-500) Small firm (100-250) Very small firm (<100) University Hospital/Government/Other Missing all Creating a new business line* 1919 1389 74 60 216 42 20 118 450 297 14 10 97 5 5 22 N Creating a new business line* 1898 1385 74 60 216 41 20 102 23.71 21.44 18.92 16.67 44.91 12.2 25 21.57 Enhancement of Enhancement of the existing technology base of business line the firm 925 723 40 34 61 8 6 53 Enhancement of Enhancement of the existing technology base of business line the firm 48.74 52.2 54.05 56.67 28.24 19.51 30 51.96 35 455 334 19 13 44 17 4 24 23.97 24.12 25.68 21.67 20.37 41.46 20 23.53 other Missing 68 31 1 3 14 11 5 3 21 4 0 0 0 1 0 16 other Total 3.58 2.24 1.35 5 6.48 26.83 25 2.94 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Japan Question 4-1(2) What would best describe the type of the innovation your research was expected to realize? (それは、どの類型の技術革 新であったか) All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown All All 新生産技術の開発 Creating a new process 既存生産技術の改 Improvement of an existing process 新製品の開発 Creating a new product 既存製品の改良 Improvement of an existing product その他 other 無回答 no response 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 351 261 16 14 21 21 12 6 290 217 23 13 19 5 4 9 2142 1771 110 64 103 30 13 51 698 573 40 34 31 5 5 10 63 31 5 2 3 14 5 3 114 79 7 3 5 7 3 10 N Creating a new process Improvement of an existing process Creating a new product Improvement of an existing product other Total 3544 2853 194 127 177 75 39 79 9.9 9.15 8.25 11.02 11.86 28 30.77 7.59 8.18 7.61 11.86 10.24 10.73 6.67 10.26 11.39 60.44 62.08 56.7 50.39 58.19 40 33.33 64.56 19.7 20.08 20.62 26.77 17.51 6.67 12.82 12.66 1.78 1.09 2.58 1.57 1.69 18.67 12.82 3.8 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 36 US Question 4-1 (2) What would best describe the type of the innovation your research was expected to realize? (それは、どの類型の技術革新で あったか) A.2 What would best describe the type of innovation your research was expected to realize? All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (250-500) Small firm (100-250) Very small firm (<100) University Hospital/Government/Other Missing % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (250-500) Small firm (100-250) Very small firm (<100) University Hospital/Government/Other Missing all Creating a new process Improvement of an existing process Creating a new product Improvement of an existing product other Missing 1919 1389 74 60 216 42 20 118 240 162 8 6 29 12 4 19 263 198 14 9 20 7 2 13 849 612 24 29 119 13 6 46 513 392 27 15 46 7 6 20 34 22 1 1 2 2 2 4 20 3 0 0 0 1 0 16 N Creating a new process Improvement of an existing process Creating a new product Improvement of an existing product other Total 1899 1386 74 60 216 41 20 102 12.64 11.69 10.81 10 13.43 29.27 20 18.63 13.85 14.29 18.92 15 9.26 17.07 10 12.75 44.71 44.16 32.43 48.33 55.09 31.71 30 45.1 27.01 28.28 36.49 25 21.3 17.07 30 19.61 1.79 1.59 1.35 1.67 0.93 4.88 10 3.92 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 37 Japan Question 4-2 What is the scope of your research leading to the invention? You can check all relevant boxes. (当該発明につながった研究の範囲 (重複回答あり)) All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown All All 基礎研究 Basic Research 応用研究 Applied Research 開発 Development 技術サービス technical support(quality control, manufacturing process design or product experiments) その他 other 無回答 No response 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 816 599 44 24 42 55 30 22 1389 1092 84 44 79 33 18 39 2406 2007 133 81 113 16 14 42 311 230 26 21 21 0 1 12 58 41 1 4 6 2 2 2 18 12 0 0 0 1 0 5 N Basic Research Applied Research Development technical support(quality control, manufacturing process design or product experiments) other 3640 2920 201 130 182 81 42 84 22.42 20.51 21.89 18.46 23.08 67.90 71.43 26.19 38.16 37.40 41.79 33.85 43.41 40.74 42.86 46.43 66.10 68.73 66.17 62.31 62.09 19.75 33.33 50.00 8.54 7.88 12.94 16.15 11.54 0.00 2.38 14.29 1.59 1.40 0.50 3.08 3.30 2.47 4.76 2.38 38 This page is intentionally left blank. 39 Japan Question 4-3 What was the main motivation of your research leading to the invention? You can check all relevant boxes. (当該発明につながる研究の主 たる動機(重複回答あり)) All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown All Solving technological issues for existing (or new) business of the firm (“needs”-oriented) Commercialization of a scientific or technological discovery with potential for practical application (“seeds”-oriented) Exploration of new technical seeds other no response 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 2736 2257 154 90 131 29 25 50 812 607 52 30 46 44 15 18 386 280 24 15 25 18 6 18 53 29 5 2 2 8 3 4 29 20 0 1 1 1 0 6 N Solving technological issues for existing (or new) business of the firm (“needs”-oriented) Commercialization of a scientific or technological discovery with potential for matical application (“seeds”-oriented) Exploration of new technical seeds other 3629 2912 201 129 181 81 42 83 75.39 77.51 76.62 69.77 72.38 35.8 59.52 60.24 22.38 20.84 25.87 23.26 25.41 54.32 35.71 21.69 10.64 9.62 11.94 11.63 13.81 22.22 14.29 21.69 1.46 1 2.49 1.55 1.1 9.88 7.14 4.82 40 This page is intentionally left blank. 41 Japan Question 4-4 How many months of the research led up to this patent application? (研究開始から特許出願までに経過した時間) All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown All 0.5 year 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years 6 years 7 years 8 years Over 8 years No response 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 232 192 14 10 11 1 2 2 450 376 20 16 23 5 3 7 1319 1111 75 44 45 10 6 28 798 625 50 37 47 17 8 14 365 286 20 12 16 15 8 8 89 68 2 3 7 6 1 2 134 88 9 4 13 10 3 7 24 18 2 0 1 0 1 2 19 13 1 1 3 1 0 0 76 44 4 1 8 6 8 5 152 111 4 2 8 11 2 14 N 0.5 year 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years 6 years 7 years 8 years Over 8 years Total 3506 2821 197 128 174 71 40 75 6.62 6.81 7.11 7.81 6.32 1.41 5 2.67 12.84 13.33 10.15 12.5 13.22 7.04 7.5 9.33 37.62 39.38 38.07 34.38 25.86 14.08 15 37.33 22.76 22.16 25.38 28.91 27.01 23.94 20 18.67 10.41 10.14 10.15 9.38 9.2 21.13 20 10.67 2.54 2.41 1.02 2.34 4.02 8.45 2.5 2.67 3.82 3.12 4.57 3.13 7.47 14.08 7.5 9.33 0.68 0.64 1.02 0 0.57 0 2.5 2.67 0.54 0.46 0.51 0.78 1.72 1.41 0 0 2.17 1.56 2.03 0.78 4.6 8.45 20 6.67 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Mean (month) Std. Dev. N Median P90 Iqr No response 23.69 21.77 25.43 21.23 30.64 43.28 65.2 38.88 26.43 19.83 36.07 16.91 34.29 39.36 88.84 63.07 3506 2821 197 128 174 71 40 75 18 18 18 18 24 36 36 24 42 36 42 36 60 60 198 66 12 12 12 14.5 24 25 43 24 152 111 4 2 8 11 2 14 42 US Question 4-4 How many months of the research led up to this patent application? (研究開始から特許出願までに経過した時間) A.3 How many months did the research leading to this patent last until its application? (month) All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (250-500) Small firm (100-250) Very small firm (<100) University Hospital/Government/Other Missing % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (250-500) Small firm (100-250) Very small firm (<100) University Hospital/Government/Other Missing Org type All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (250-500) Small firm (100-250) Very small firm (<100) University Hospital/Government/Other Missing all 1,919 1389 74 60 216 42 20 118 N within 1 year 2 year 3 year 0.5 year 480 364 11 21 46 4 2 32 476 342 27 18 43 8 4 34 524 397 26 9 60 9 3 20 209 151 6 2 30 8 3 9 within 1 year 2 year 3 year 0.5 year 1867 1364 72 58 212 40 20 101 25.71 26.69 15.28 36.21 21.7 10 10 31.68 25.5 25.07 37.5 31.03 20.28 20 20 33.66 28.07 29.11 36.11 15.52 28.3 22.5 15 19.8 11.19 11.07 8.33 3.45 14.15 20 15 8.91 mean (month) sd N Median p90 20.55 18.99 17.63 16.22 27.69 37.43 51.85 18.28 24.37 18.19 16.26 15.06 40.45 44.66 57.69 30.27 1867 1364 72 58 212 40 20 101 21 12 12 12 21 24 33 12 36 36 27 42 48 60 114 36 43 4 year 75 47 0 5 15 5 2 1 4 year 4.02 3.45 0 8.62 7.08 12.5 10 0.99 5 year 6 year 7 year 8 year 9 year Missing or more 53 32 0 3 10 3 1 4 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 4 0 0 0 1 1 0 27 11 1 0 8 2 4 1 5 year 6 year 7 year 8 year 9 year or more 2.84 2.35 0 5.17 4.72 7.5 5 3.96 Interquartile Missing 18 18 12 18 24 36 66 18 12 11 1 0 0 0 0 0 52 25 2 2 4 2 0 17 0.64 0.81 1.39 0 0 0 0 0 0.27 0.37 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.32 0.29 0 0 0 2.5 5 0 1.45 0.81 1.39 0 3.77 5 20 0.99 52 25 2 2 4 2 0 17 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Japan Question 4-5 Which of the following scenarios best describes the creative process that led to your invention? (当該発明の創造プロセス) All All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown 研究プロジェクト 研究プロジェクト 研究プロジェクト アイデアを通常 アイデアを研究 の主要目標 の主要目標では の主要目標とは 業務で着想し、 開発費をかける ないが予想でき 関係なく予想もし 研究プロジェクト ことなく直接特許 化した の中で発展 ていない副産物 た副産物 All targeted achievement expected byproduct unexpected by product 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 1798 1477 109 48 72 39 21 32 804 684 36 29 25 15 7 8 123 90 1 6 9 10 4 3 N targeted achievement expected byproduct unexpected by product 3613 2902 199 130 180 81 40 81 49.76 50.9 54.77 36.92 40 48.15 52.5 39.51 22.25 23.57 18.09 22.31 13.89 18.52 17.5 9.88 3.4 3.1 0.5 4.62 5 12.35 10 3.7 44 related to your no R&D involved normal job 414 310 25 26 36 4 1 12 430 315 25 20 32 10 7 21 related to your no R&D involved normal job 11.46 10.68 12.56 20 20 4.94 2.5 14.81 11.9 10.85 12.56 15.38 17.78 12.35 17.5 25.93 その他 無回答 other no response 44 26 3 1 6 3 0 5 45 30 2 0 2 1 2 8 other Total 1.22 0.9 1.51 0.77 3.33 3.7 0 6.17 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 US Question 4-5 Which of the following scenarios best describes the creative process that led to your invention? (当該発 明の創造プロセス) A.4 Which of the following scenarios best describes the creative process that led to your invention? All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (250-500) Small firm (100-250) Very small firm (<100) University Hospital/Government/Other Missing % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (250-500) Small firm (100-250) Very small firm (<100) University Hospital/Government/Other Missing all targeted achievement expected byproduct unexpected by product related to your normal job no R&D involved other Missing 1919 1389 74 60 216 42 20 118 974 697 39 35 122 17 8 56 207 160 8 5 18 7 1 8 220 163 10 2 25 7 2 11 212 155 9 9 23 2 3 11 270 200 8 9 27 7 6 13 14 9 0 0 1 0 0 4 22 5 0 0 0 2 0 15 N targeted achievement expected byproduct unexpected by product related to your normal job no R&D involved other Total 1897 1384 74 60 216 40 20 103 51.34 50.36 52.7 58.33 56.48 42.5 40 54.37 10.91 11.56 10.81 8.33 8.33 17.5 5 7.77 11.6 11.78 13.51 3.33 11.57 17.5 10 10.68 11.18 11.2 12.16 15 10.65 5 15 10.68 14.23 14.45 10.81 15 12.5 17.5 30 12.62 0.74 0.65 0 0 0.46 0 0 3.88 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 45 Japan Question 4-6 What would best describe the type of the invention? (当該発明は「もの」「方法」どちらの発明であったか) All All 「もの」の発明 Product 「方法」の発明 Process 上記の両方 both 無回答 no response All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 1638 1339 89 59 70 30 15 36 1127 878 63 49 62 26 18 31 879 707 49 22 49 25 9 18 14 8 0 0 1 1 0 4 % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown N 3644 2924 201 130 181 81 42 85 Product 44.95 45.79 44.28 45.38 38.67 37.04 35.71 42.35 Process 30.93 30.03 31.34 37.69 34.25 32.1 42.86 36.47 both 24.12 24.18 24.38 16.92 27.07 30.86 21.43 21.18 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 46 US Question 4-6 What would best describe the type of the invention? (当該発明は「もの」「方法」どちらの発明であったか) A.5 Which of the following would best describe the type of the invention in the focal patent? All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (250-500) Small firm (100-250) Very small firm (<100) University Hospital/Government/Other Missing % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (250-500) Small firm (100-250) Very small firm (<100) University Hospital/Government/Other Missing all Product Process both Missing 1919 1389 74 60 216 42 20 118 899 658 33 25 114 16 8 45 378 291 16 10 31 8 2 20 529 376 17 18 60 18 9 31 113 64 8 7 11 0 1 22 N Product Process both Total 1806 1235 66 53 205 42 19 96 49.78 49.66 50 47.17 55.61 38.1 42.11 46.88 20.93 21.96 24.24 18.87 15.12 19.05 10.53 20.83 29.29 28.38 25.76 33.96 29.27 42.86 47.37 32.29 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 47 Japan Question 4-7 Did the invention build in a substantial way on any prior patent that you were awave of? (当該発 明は、先行特許を基礎として生み出されたものか) All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown All yes no no response 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 1848 1525 110 51 76 31 14 41 1776 1382 91 79 104 50 28 42 34 25 0 0 2 1 0 6 N yes no Total 3624 2907 201 130 180 81 42 83 50.99 52.46 54.73 39.23 42.22 38.27 33.33 49.4 49.01 47.54 45.27 60.77 57.78 61.73 66.67 50.6 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 If "yes", had the inventions of these prior patents been made in the firm (including the affiliated firms) firms as you belonged to? (当該発明の先行特許は所属企業内で生み出されたものか) All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown All yes no no response 1848 1525 110 51 76 31 14 41 1131 933 72 28 49 16 6 27 701 580 36 23 26 14 8 14 16 12 2 0 1 1 0 0 N yes no Total 1832 1513 108 51 75 30 14 41 61.74 61.67 66.67 54.9 65.33 53.33 42.86 65.85 38.26 38.33 33.33 45.1 34.67 46.67 57.14 34.15 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 48 This page is intentionally left blank. 49 Japan Question 4-8 Has this invention led to any improvement inventions afterwards? (当該発明は、その後の改良発明に つながったか) All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown All 1848 1525 110 51 76 31 14 41 yes 1192 974 67 31 58 20 11 31 no 647 544 43 20 18 10 3 9 no response 9 7 0 0 0 1 0 1 % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown N 1839 1518 110 51 76 30 14 40 yes 64.82 64.16 60.91 60.78 76.32 66.67 78.57 77.5 no 35.18 35.84 39.09 39.22 23.68 33.33 21.43 22.5 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 If YES, which type of the firms accounted for these improvement patents? (改良発明を行った組織の割合) All All All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown 1192 974 67 31 58 20 11 31 N 1182 965 67 31 57 20 11 31 自社 この研究で 提携関係に ある他社 Your firm, Firms in including alliance related such as cofirms applicants 1150 950 64 29 56 15 8 28 顧客・製品 ユーザー サプライ ヤー企業 その他 無回答 The other competitor Customers and product users Suppliers others no response 141 126 5 6 2 0 0 2 55 37 5 4 6 0 1 2 26 23 0 0 2 0 0 1 14 7 0 0 0 3 3 1 10 9 0 0 1 0 0 0 The other competitor Customers and product users Suppliers others Total 11.93 13.06 7.46 19.35 3.51 0 0 6.45 4.65 3.83 7.46 12.9 10.53 0 9.09 6.45 2.2 2.38 0 0 3.51 0 0 3.23 1.18 0.73 0 0 0 15 27.27 3.23 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 143 96 9 6 11 10 4 7 Your firm, Firms in including alliance related such as cofirms applicants 97.29 98.45 95.52 93.55 98.25 75 72.73 90.32 競争企業 12.1 9.95 13.43 19.35 19.3 50 36.36 22.58 50 This page is intentionally left blank. 51 Japan Question 4-9 Please indicate whether the co-inventor exists, according to the type of the following organizations. You can check all relevant boxes. (当該発明の共同発明者の類型(複回答あり)) All 自社 All Your firm 外部組織の 設備、材料、部品、ソ 顧客・製品 発明者がい フトウェア等のサプラ ユーザー る場合 イヤー企業 any external Suppliers for parts, co-inventor materials, equipments, software etc. (including contract manufactures) Customers and product users 競争企業 Competitor All 3658 2417 477 124 147 2932 2037 249 71 85 Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) 201 139 39 10 18 Small firm (101-250) 130 86 40 4 19 182 88 46 16 16 Very small firm (<101) 82 13 57 15 1 university Other 42 17 22 2 0 unknown 89 37 24 6 8 Note1: There are cases that respondent's answer of Question 4-9 discords with the number of inventors in Note2: Any external co-inventor is 1 if there are co-inventor outside thier own firm. Otherwise it is 0. % N Your firm any external Suppliers for parts, co-inventor materials, equipments, software etc. (including contract manufactures) Customers and product users 直接競合して 上記以外の 大学など高等教 国立研究機 地方公共団体 財団法人、民 その他の政 いないが同じ 企業 育機関(付属研 関 の研究機関 間病院、民間 府機関 産業内の他企 究所を含む) 非営利研究 業 機関 NonOther firm(s) University and Government Local Hospital, Other competitor(s) education Research Government Foundation, government within the Organization Research or Private organizaition same industry Organization Research Organization 16 37 9 22 1 4 2 3 2 4 0 2 2 0 0 2 the patent bibliographic Competitor All 3603 67.48 13.32 3.46 4.1 0.45 Large firm (> 500) 2889 70.9 8.67 2.47 2.96 0.31 Medium firm (251-500) 200 69.62 19.53 5.01 9.02 0.5 Small firm (101-250) 130 66.15 30.77 3.08 14.62 1.54 176 51.06 26.69 9.28 9.28 1.16 Very small firm (<101) 80 16.4 71.91 18.92 1.26 0 university Other 41 41.74 54.02 4.91 0 4.91 unknown 87 43.11 27.97 6.99 9.32 0 Note: For example, the incidence of co-invention with suppliers is given by Prob(coinvention with suppliers) = Prob(coinvention with suppliers | coinvention) * Prob(coinventions) 69 29 6 5 8 13 4 4 86 31 3 6 6 29 5 6 NonOther firm(s) University and competitor(s) education within the same industry 1.03 0.77 2 2.31 2.32 2.52 0 2.33 52 1.93 1.01 3.01 3.85 4.64 16.4 9.82 4.66 2.4 1.08 1.5 4.62 3.48 36.59 12.28 6.99 18 5 3 1 0 2 6 1 6 0 0 1 0 0 5 0 Government Research Organization Local Government Research Organization 0.5 0.17 1.5 0.77 0 2.52 14.73 1.17 0.17 0 0 0.77 0 0 12.28 0 5 1 0 0 1 2 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Other Hospital, Foundation, government or Private organizaition Research Organization 0.14 0.03 0 0 0.58 2.52 2.46 0 0.03 0 0 0 0 0 2.46 0 その他 無回答 other no response 41 19 2 3 3 4 5 5 55 43 1 0 6 2 1 2 other 1.14 0.66 1 2.31 1.74 5.05 12.28 5.83 US (1/2) Question 4-9 Please indicate whether the co-inventor exists, according to the type of the following organizations. You can check all relevant boxes. (当該発明の共同発明者の類型(複回答あり)) all Your firm Any External Co-inventor Suppliers for parts, materials, equipments, software etc. (including contract manufactures) Customers and product users Competitor Noncompetitor( s) within the same industry Other firm(s) University 1919 1389 74 60 216 42 20 118 1196 922 45 37 113 29 7 43 218 135 8 6 36 20 5 8 95 66 1 3 14 5 0 6 72 47 3 2 11 2 1 6 24 17 0 1 2 0 0 4 22 15 1 0 2 1 0 3 36 22 2 0 9 2 0 1 47 21 2 3 5 15 1 0 N Your firm Any External Co-inventor Suppliers for parts, materials, equipments, software etc. (including contract manufactures) Customers and product users Competitor Noncompetitor( s) within the same industry Other firm(s) University 1759 1288 67 52 204 40 20 88 67.99 71.58 67.16 71.15 55.39 72.5 35 48.86 12.39 10.48 11.94 11.54 17.65 50 25 9.09 5.4 5.12 1.49 5.77 6.86 12.5 0 6.82 4.09 3.65 4.48 3.85 5.39 5 5 6.82 1.36 1.32 0 1.92 0.98 0 0 4.55 1.25 1.16 1.49 0 0.98 2.5 0 3.41 2.05 1.71 2.99 0 4.41 5 0 1.14 2.67 1.63 2.99 5.77 2.45 37.5 5 0 A.6A Including yourself, please indicate whether the co-inventor exists as well as its number, according to the type of the following organizations All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (250-500) Small firm (100-250) Very small firm (<100) University Hospital/Government/Other Missing % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (250-500) Small firm (100-250) Very small firm (<100) University Hospital/Government/Other Missing 53 Government Hospital, Research Foundation, Organizatio or Private Research n Organizatio n 11 7 0 0 2 1 1 0 8 3 0 0 3 1 1 0 Government Hospital, Research Foundation, Organizatio or Private Research n Organizatio n 0.63 0.54 0 0 0.98 2.5 5 0 0.45 0.23 0 0 1.47 2.5 5 0 Other Missing 9 2 0 1 4 0 1 1 160 101 7 8 12 2 0 30 Other 0.51 0.16 0 1.92 1.96 0 5 1.14 Japan Question 4-9 (2) # of inventors, sole-invention, any external co-invention and multiple-assignee(発明者数、単独発 明、外部共同発明、共同出願) All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown all # of inventors median p90 sole inventor sole inventor (%) 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 2.76 2.78 2.82 2.68 2.35 2.83 3.05 2.63 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 5 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 1020 799 51 37 69 22 9 33 27.88 27.25 25.37 28.46 37.91 26.83 21.43 37.08 Multipleassignee Multipleassignee (%) 375 222 33 34 37 20 15 14 10.25 7.57 16.42 26.15 20.33 24.39 35.71 15.73 Any external co-inventor All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown 477 249 39 40 46 57 22 24 Any external No response co-inventor (%) 13.32 8.67 19.53 30.77 26.69 71.91 54.02 27.97 54 55 43 1 0 6 2 1 2 US (2/2) Question 4-9 (2) # of inventors, sole-invention, any external co-invention and multiple-assignee(発明者数、単独 発明、外部共同発明、共同出願) Based on patent applications All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (250-500) Small firm (100-250) Very small firm (<100) University Hospital/Government/Other Missing All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (250-500) Small firm (100-250) Very small firm (<100) University Hospital/Government/Other Missing all # of inventors median p90 sole inventors sole inventior (%) 1919 1389 74 60 216 42 20 118 2.71 2.79 2.66 2.60 2.44 2.74 1.95 2.45 2 2 2 2 2 2.5 1.5 2 5 5 5 4 5 4 4 4 525 353 19 15 80 5 10 43 27.36 25.41 25.68 25 37.04 11.9 50 36.44 Any External Co-inventor Any External Coinventor (%) 12.39 10.48 11.94 11.54 17.65 50 25 9.09 Missing Multipleassignee Multiple-assignee (%) 160 101 7 8 12 2 0 30 34 20 1 2 6 2 0 3 1.77 1.44 1.35 3.33 2.78 4.76 0 2.54 218 135 8 6 36 20 5 8 55 Japan Question 4-10 Was there any (formal or informal) collaboration between your employer and other partners (excluding co-inventors)? You can check all relevant boxes. (当該発明につながる研究の外部組織との協力がある場合(但し共同発明者 を除く)、協力相手の類型、重複回答あり) All 設備、材料、部 品、ソフトウェア等 のサプライヤー企 業 顧客・製品 ユーザー 競争企業 直接競合していな 上記以外の企 大学など高 いが同じ産業内 業 等教育機関 の他企業 (付属研究 所を含む) All Supplier(s), which provides parts, materials, or equipments Customers or product users Competitor(s) Noncompetitor(s) within the industry Other firm(s) All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 536 428 37 25 24 7 6 9 289 226 18 12 22 0 1 10 27 23 3 0 0 1 0 0 65 46 4 2 5 1 3 4 % N Supplier(s), which provides parts, materials, or equipments Customers or product users Competitor(s) Noncompetitor(s) within the industry All 3655 14.66 7.91 0.74 1.78 2930 14.61 7.71 0.78 1.57 Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) 200 18.5 9 1.5 2 Small firm (101-250) 130 19.23 9.23 0 1.54 182 13.19 12.09 0 2.75 Very small firm (<101) 82 8.54 0 1.22 1.22 university Other 42 14.29 2.38 0 7.14 unknown 89 10.11 11.24 0 4.49 Note: For example, the incidence of co-invention with suppliers is given by ... Prob(coinvention with suppliers) = Prob(coinvention with suppliers | coinvention) * Prob(coinventions) 国立研究機関 地方公共団体の研 財団法人、民間病 その他の政府 究機関 院、民間非営利研究 機関 機関 その他 外部組織の発 明者がいる場 合 無回答 University and education Government Research Organization Local government research organization Hospital, Foundation, or Private Research Organization Other Government Institution others any collaboration no response 72 50 6 3 6 2 2 3 154 110 5 5 16 8 4 6 45 27 4 1 5 4 1 3 14 3 2 2 3 1 1 2 25 18 0 1 3 3 0 0 10 6 0 1 0 1 1 1 38 28 5 1 1 2 0 1 1041 804 67 47 61 22 14 26 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 Other firm(s) University and education Government Research Organization Local government research organization Hospital, Foundation, or Private Research Organization Other Government Institution others any collaboration 1.97 1.71 3 2.31 3.3 2.44 4.76 3.37 4.21 3.75 2.5 3.85 8.79 9.76 9.52 6.74 1.23 0.92 2 0.77 2.75 4.88 2.38 3.37 0.38 0.1 1 1.54 1.65 1.22 2.38 2.25 0.68 0.61 0 0.77 1.65 3.66 0 0 0.27 0.2 0 0.77 0 1.22 2.38 1.12 1.04 0.96 2.5 0.77 0.55 2.44 0 1.12 28.48 27.44 33.5 36.15 33.52 26.83 33.33 29.21 56 US Question 4-10 Was there any (formal or informal) collaboration between your employer and other partners (excluding co-inventors)? You can check all relevant boxes. (当該発明につながる研究の外部組織との協力がある場合(但し共同発明 者を除く)、協力相手の類型、重複回答あり) all Your firm Suppliers for parts, materials, equipments, software etc. (including contract manufactures) 1919 1389 74 60 216 42 20 118 426 333 18 8 39 12 1 15 191 144 4 4 32 1 2 4 N Your firm Suppliers for parts, materials, equipments, software etc. (including contract manufactures) 1717 1278 64 47 198 42 19 69 24.81 26.06 28.13 17.02 19.7 28.57 5.26 21.74 11.12 12.27 6.25 8.51 16.16 2.38 10.53 5.8 A.6B Was there any (formal or informal) collaboration between your employer and other partners (excluding coinventors) All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (250-500) Small firm (100-250) Very small firm (<100) University Hospital/Government/Other Missing % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (250-500) Small firm (100-250) Very small firm (<100) University Hospital/Government/Other Missing Customers and Competitor Nonproduct users competitor(s) within the same industry 160 122 9 5 20 1 2 1 12 11 0 0 1 0 0 0 20 14 1 0 3 0 0 2 Customers and Competitor Nonproduct users competitor(s) within the same industry 9.32 9.55 14.06 10.64 10.1 2.38 10.53 1.47 0.7 0.86 0 0 0.51 0 0 0 1.16 1.1 1.56 0 1.52 0 0 2.9 57 Other firm(s) University Government Research Organization Hospital, Foundation, or Private Research Organization Other Any External Collaborator Missing 54 35 4 1 10 3 0 1 72 46 4 3 11 7 0 1 30 19 2 1 7 0 1 0 18 12 1 0 4 0 1 0 10 6 0 0 2 0 2 0 390 275 15 12 60 12 8 8 202 111 10 13 18 0 1 49 Other firm(s) University Government Research Organization Hospital, Foundation, or Private Research Organization Other Any External Collaborator 3.15 2.74 6.25 2.13 5.05 7.14 0 1.45 4.19 3.6 6.25 6.38 5.56 16.67 0 1.47 1.75 1.49 3.13 2.13 3.54 0 5.26 0 1.05 0.94 1.56 0 2.02 0 5.26 0 0.58 0.47 0 0 1.01 0 10.53 0 22.71 21.52 23.44 25.53 30.3 28.57 42.11 11.59 Japan Question 4-11 Were the interactions (discussions, meetings, sources of ideas, etc.) with the following types of people (apart from co-inventors) important during the research that led to the patented invention? (1 = not important, 5 = very important)(交流先重要性の評価) People belong to the same firm (including affiliates), typically took less than one hour to reach his/her office or location.(同一組織内で移動時間が1時間以内) All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown 全く重要で 重要ではな どちらでも 重要であ 非常に重 い ない る 要である はない 1 2 3 4 5 All 交流なし 無回答 All no interaction 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 693 551 45 19 41 17 8 12 127 91 7 8 12 6 1 2 138 114 6 6 3 2 0 7 325 254 17 13 21 8 3 9 969 821 49 32 29 14 8 16 933 808 42 25 29 6 11 12 473 293 35 27 47 29 11 31 N no interaction 1 2 3 4 5 Total 3185 2639 166 103 135 53 31 58 21.76 20.88 27.11 18.45 30.37 32.08 25.81 20.69 3.99 3.45 4.22 7.77 8.89 11.32 3.23 3.45 4.33 4.32 3.61 5.83 2.22 3.77 0 12.07 10.2 9.62 10.24 12.62 15.56 15.09 9.68 15.52 30.42 31.11 29.52 31.07 21.48 26.42 25.81 27.59 29.29 30.62 25.3 24.27 21.48 11.32 35.48 20.69 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 no response People belong to the same firm (including affiliates), typically took more than one hour to reach his/her office or location.(同一組織内で移動時間が1時間超) All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown All 交流なし 全く重要で 重要ではな どちらでも 重要であ 非常に重 はない い ない る 要である 1 2 3 4 5 All no interaction 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 1105 909 56 31 52 26 14 17 196 152 10 8 12 8 3 3 236 191 16 11 5 3 0 10 507 416 25 17 27 6 4 12 709 607 35 26 26 5 5 5 279 245 14 5 9 0 3 3 626 412 45 32 51 34 13 39 N no interaction 1 2 3 4 5 Total 3032 2520 156 98 131 48 29 50 36.44 36.07 35.9 31.63 39.69 54.17 48.28 34 6.46 6.03 6.41 8.16 9.16 16.67 10.34 6 7.78 7.58 10.26 11.22 3.82 6.25 0 20 16.72 16.51 16.03 17.35 20.61 12.5 13.79 24 23.38 24.09 22.44 26.53 19.85 10.42 17.24 10 9.2 9.72 8.97 5.1 6.87 0 10.34 6 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 58 無回答 no response This page is intentionally left blank. 59 Japan Question 4-11 Were the interactions (discussions, meetings, sources of ideas, etc.) with the following types of people (apart from co-inventors) important during the research that led to the patented invention? (1 = not important, 5 = very important)(交流先重要性の評価) People belong to other organization(unaffiliated), typically took less than one hour to reach his/her office or location(組織外で移動時間が1時間以内) All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown All 交流なし 全く重要で 重要では どちらで 重要であ 非常に重 はない ない もない る 要である 1 2 3 4 5 無回答 All no interaction 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 1385 1150 73 39 65 24 12 22 196 162 8 7 7 7 1 4 245 199 11 15 11 2 0 7 501 413 24 18 24 8 6 8 493 408 27 17 20 6 7 8 178 148 8 4 6 6 3 3 660 452 50 30 49 29 13 37 N no interaction 1 2 3 4 5 Total 2998 2480 151 100 133 53 29 52 46.2 46.37 48.34 39 48.87 45.28 41.38 42.31 6.54 6.53 5.3 7 5.26 13.21 3.45 7.69 8.17 8.02 7.28 15 8.27 3.77 0 13.46 16.71 16.65 15.89 18 18.05 15.09 20.69 15.38 16.44 16.45 17.88 17 15.04 11.32 24.14 15.38 5.94 5.97 5.3 4 4.51 11.32 10.34 5.77 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 no response People belong to other organization (unaffiliated), typically took more than one hour to reach his/her office or location(組織外で移動時間が1時間超) All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown All 交流なし 全く重要で 重要では どちらで 重要であ 非常に重 はない ない もない る 要である 1 2 3 4 5 All no interaction 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 1150 966 58 34 52 12 7 21 188 151 8 4 10 9 2 4 277 224 16 15 9 5 1 7 541 429 32 22 29 12 6 11 665 540 30 26 32 16 12 9 340 276 21 7 14 9 7 6 497 346 36 22 36 19 7 31 N no interaction 1 2 3 4 5 Total 3161 2586 165 108 146 63 35 58 36.38 37.35 35.15 31.48 35.62 19.05 20 36.21 5.95 5.84 4.85 3.7 6.85 14.29 5.71 6.9 8.76 8.66 9.7 13.89 6.16 7.94 2.86 12.07 17.11 16.59 19.39 20.37 19.86 19.05 17.14 18.97 21.04 20.88 18.18 24.07 21.92 25.4 34.29 15.52 10.76 10.67 12.73 6.48 9.59 14.29 20 10.34 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 60 無回答 no response This page is intentionally left blank. 61 Japan Question 4-12 Excluding co-inventors, how important were the following sources of knowledge for suggesting the research that led to the patented invention? (1 = not important, 5 = very important) (研究の着想に有用であった知 識源の重要度) Scientific and Technical Literature(科学技術文献 ) All 使っていな 全く重要で 重要でな どちらでも い ない い ない 重要であ 非常に重要 る である 無回答 All I did not use 1 2 3 4 5 no response All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 653 532 33 28 40 4 1 15 126 87 6 14 13 2 1 3 260 220 13 5 7 4 1 10 484 400 34 17 21 4 2 6 1378 1116 82 43 68 30 14 25 618 492 24 15 17 33 20 17 139 85 9 8 16 5 3 13 % N I did not use 1 2 3 4 5 Total All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown 3519 2847 192 122 166 77 39 76 18.56 18.69 17.19 22.95 24.1 5.19 2.56 19.74 3.58 3.06 3.13 11.48 7.83 2.6 2.56 3.95 7.39 7.73 6.77 4.1 4.22 5.19 2.56 13.16 13.75 14.05 17.71 13.93 12.65 5.19 5.13 7.89 39.16 39.2 42.71 35.25 40.96 38.96 35.9 32.89 17.56 17.28 12.5 12.3 10.24 42.86 51.28 22.37 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Patent Literature(特許文献) All 使っていな 全く重要で 重要でな どちらでも い ない い ない 重要であ 非常に重要 る である 無回答 All I did not use 1 2 3 4 5 no response All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 504 396 21 17 36 12 8 14 116 80 3 9 12 6 2 4 210 171 8 12 7 4 1 7 451 348 34 16 22 18 4 9 1460 1196 86 55 64 22 8 29 796 668 44 15 28 11 14 16 121 73 5 6 13 9 5 10 % N 1 2 3 4 5 Total All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown 3537 2859 196 124 169 73 37 79 I did not use 14.25 13.85 10.71 13.71 21.3 16.44 21.62 17.72 3.28 2.8 1.53 7.26 7.1 8.22 5.41 5.06 5.94 5.98 4.08 9.68 4.14 5.48 2.7 8.86 12.75 12.17 17.35 12.9 13.02 24.66 10.81 11.39 41.28 41.83 43.88 44.35 37.87 30.14 21.62 36.71 22.5 23.36 22.45 12.1 16.57 15.07 37.84 20.25 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 62 US (1/7) Question 4-12 Excluding co-inventors, how important were the following sources of knowledge for suggesting the research that led to the patented invention? (1 = not important, 5 = very important) (研究の着想に有用であった知識 源の重要度) Scientific and Technical Literature(科学技術文献 ) A7_a Scientific and Technical Literature All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (250-500) Small firm (100-250) Very small firm (<100) University Hospital/Government/Other Missing % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (250-500) Small firm (100-250) Very small firm (<100) University Hospital/Government/Other Missing all I did not use 1 2 3 4 5 Missing %4 or 5 1,919 1389 74 60 216 42 20 118 460 339 15 14 64 5 3 20 110 89 5 5 7 1 0 3 182 143 10 4 17 1 0 7 331 242 15 12 41 6 2 13 330 255 14 6 30 9 5 11 355 243 7 11 46 19 9 20 151 78 8 8 11 1 1 44 685 498 21 17 76 28 14 31 N I did not use 26.02 25.86 22.73 26.92 31.22 12.2 15.79 27.03 1 2 3 4 5 Total %4 or 5 6.22 6.79 7.58 9.62 3.41 2.44 0 4.05 10.29 10.91 15.15 7.69 8.29 2.44 0 9.46 18.72 18.46 22.73 23.08 20 14.63 10.53 17.57 18.67 19.45 21.21 11.54 14.63 21.95 26.32 14.86 20.08 18.54 10.61 21.15 22.44 46.34 47.37 27.03 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 38.74 37.99 31.82 32.69 37.07 68.29 73.68 41.89 1768 1311 66 52 205 41 19 74 Patent Literature(特許文献) A7_b patent literature All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (250-500) Small firm (100-250) Very small firm (<100) University Hospital/Government/Other Missing % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (250-500) Small firm (100-250) Very small firm (<100) University Hospital/Government/Other Missing all I did not use 1 2 3 4 5 Missing %4 or 5 1919 1389 74 60 216 42 20 118 615 447 22 16 82 13 10 25 179 137 6 5 22 4 1 4 198 154 12 5 14 4 0 9 263 205 8 5 25 5 3 12 241 181 8 9 23 5 3 12 258 178 9 11 37 9 2 12 165 87 9 9 13 2 1 44 499 359 17 20 60 14 5 24 N I did not use 1 2 3 4 5 Total %4 or 5 1754 1302 65 51 203 40 19 74 35.06 34.33 33.85 31.37 40.39 32.5 52.63 33.78 10.21 10.52 9.23 9.8 10.84 10 5.26 5.41 11.29 11.83 18.46 9.8 6.9 10 0 12.16 14.99 15.75 12.31 9.8 12.32 12.5 15.79 16.22 13.74 13.9 12.31 17.65 11.33 12.5 15.79 16.22 14.71 13.67 13.85 21.57 18.23 22.5 10.53 16.22 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 28.45 27.57 26.16 39.22 29.56 35 26.32 32.44 63 Japan Question 4-12 Excluding co-inventors, how important were the following sources of knowledge for suggesting the research that led to the patented invention? (1 = not important, 5 = very important) (研究の着想に有用であった知識 源の重要度) Trade Fair or Exhibition(見本市、展示会) All All 使っていな 全く重要で い ない I did not 1 use 重要でな どちらでも 重要であ 非常に重要 い ない る である 2 3 4 5 無回答 no response All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 1160 957 64 32 50 25 14 18 355 270 14 21 19 15 10 6 472 398 18 19 13 10 1 13 729 598 35 28 33 13 7 15 658 526 44 18 39 6 4 21 104 76 13 3 9 2 0 1 180 107 13 9 19 11 6 15 % N 1 2 3 4 5 Total All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown 3478 2825 188 121 163 71 36 74 I did not use 33.35 33.88 34.04 26.45 30.67 35.21 38.89 24.32 10.21 9.56 7.45 17.36 11.66 21.13 27.78 8.11 13.57 14.09 9.57 15.7 7.98 14.08 2.78 17.57 20.96 21.17 18.62 23.14 20.25 18.31 19.44 20.27 18.92 18.62 23.4 14.88 23.93 8.45 11.11 28.38 2.99 2.69 6.91 2.48 5.52 2.82 0 1.35 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Technical conferences and workshops(技術的なコンファレンス・ワークショップ) All All 使っていな 全く重要で い ない I did not 1 use 重要でな どちらでも 重要であ 非常に重要 い ない る である 2 3 4 5 無回答 no response All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 1187 975 65 38 61 22 7 19 278 214 15 17 19 4 3 6 364 297 19 13 15 8 1 11 800 647 48 27 32 18 8 20 717 593 29 20 32 10 15 18 117 92 8 2 3 9 2 1 195 114 17 13 20 11 6 14 % N I did not use 1 2 3 4 5 Total All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown 3463 2818 184 117 162 71 36 75 34.28 34.6 35.33 32.48 37.65 30.99 19.44 25.33 8.03 7.59 8.15 14.53 11.73 5.63 8.33 8 10.51 10.54 10.33 11.11 9.26 11.27 2.78 14.67 23.1 22.96 26.09 23.08 19.75 25.35 22.22 26.67 20.7 21.04 15.76 17.09 19.75 14.08 41.67 24 3.38 3.26 4.35 1.71 1.85 12.68 5.56 1.33 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 64 US (2/7) Question 4-12 Excluding co-inventors, how important were the following sources of knowledge for suggesting the research that led to the patented invention? (1 = not important, 5 = very important) (研究の着想に有用で あった知識源の重要度) Trade Fair or Exhibition(見本市、展示会) A7_c Fair or exhibition all All 1,919 Large firm ( >=501) 1389 Medium SMEs 74 Small firms (100-250) 60 Very small firm (< 100) 216 University 42 Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe 20 Missing 118 % N All 1725 Large firm ( >=501) 1283 Medium SMEs 64 Small firms (100-250) 50 Very small firm (< 100) 199 University 39 Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe 18 Missing 72 I did not use 1 2 3 4 5 Missing %4 or 5 1269 957 51 32 135 30 14 50 228 166 5 10 32 4 1 10 108 75 2 3 13 2 3 10 78 55 3 4 12 2 0 2 26 22 0 0 4 0 0 0 16 8 3 1 3 1 0 0 194 106 10 10 17 3 2 46 42 30 3 1 7 1 0 0 I did not use 73.57 74.59 79.69 64 67.84 76.92 77.78 69.44 1 2 3 4 5 Total %4 or 5 13.22 12.94 7.81 20 16.08 10.26 5.56 13.89 6.26 5.85 3.13 6 6.53 5.13 16.67 13.89 4.52 4.29 4.69 8 6.03 5.13 0 2.78 1.51 1.71 0 0 2.01 0 0 0 0.93 0.62 4.69 2 1.51 2.56 0 0 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 2.44 2.33 4.69 2 3.52 2.56 0 0 Technical conferences and workshops(技術的なコンファレンス・ワークショップ) A7_d Technical conferences and workshops all All 1919 Large firm ( >=501) 1389 Medium SMEs 74 Small firms (100-250) 60 Very small firm (< 100) 216 University 42 Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe 20 Missing 118 % N All 1746 Large firm ( >=501) 1298 Medium SMEs 65 Small firms (100-250) 52 Very small firm (< 100) 199 University 40 Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe 19 Missing 73 I did not use 1 2 3 4 5 Missing %4 or 5 948 703 35 27 117 18 9 39 201 143 12 8 27 1 0 10 204 165 6 4 13 8 3 5 211 148 6 9 28 6 4 10 126 94 6 4 11 2 3 6 56 45 0 0 3 5 0 3 173 91 9 8 17 2 1 45 182 139 6 4 14 7 3 I did not use 1 2 3 4 5 Total %4 or 5 54.3 54.16 53.85 51.92 58.79 45 47.37 53.42 11.51 11.02 18.46 15.38 13.57 2.5 0 13.7 11.68 12.71 9.23 7.69 6.53 20 15.79 6.85 12.08 11.4 9.23 17.31 14.07 15 21.05 13.7 7.22 7.24 9.23 7.69 5.53 5 15.79 8.22 3.21 3.47 0 0 1.51 12.5 0 4.11 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 10.43 10.71 9.23 7.69 7.04 17.5 15.79 12.33 65 Japan Question 4-12 Excluding co-inventors, how important were the following sources of knowledge for suggesting the research that led to the patented invention? (1 = not important, 5 = very important) (研究の着想に有用で あった知識源の重要度) Standard documents, such as those from ISO (standards, contributions)(ISOなどの標準関連文書) All 使っていな 全く重要で 重要でな どちらでも 重要であ い ない い ない る 非常に重 要である 無回答 All I did not use 1 2 3 4 5 no response All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 1411 1159 78 42 65 29 15 23 582 466 27 25 27 15 8 14 573 473 30 24 23 10 2 11 592 469 35 21 30 13 6 18 246 202 9 7 14 4 3 7 56 49 3 0 1 0 2 1 198 114 19 11 22 11 6 15 % N I did not use 1 2 3 4 5 Total All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown 3460 2818 182 119 160 71 36 74 40.78 41.13 42.86 35.29 40.63 40.85 41.67 31.08 16.82 16.54 14.84 21.01 16.88 21.13 22.22 18.92 16.56 16.78 16.48 20.17 14.37 14.08 5.56 14.86 17.11 16.64 19.23 17.65 18.75 18.31 16.67 24.32 7.11 7.17 4.95 5.88 8.75 5.63 8.33 9.46 1.62 1.74 1.65 0 0.63 0 5.56 1.35 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 非常に重 要である 無回答 Your firm excluding co-inventors (組織内) All 使っていな 全く重要で 重要でな どちらでも 重要であ い ない い ない る All I did not use 1 2 3 4 5 no response All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 388 291 22 11 28 17 7 12 148 100 5 12 15 8 2 6 208 165 15 9 4 10 1 4 593 481 32 21 27 12 4 16 1530 1278 79 52 63 16 18 24 630 533 33 14 26 8 4 12 161 84 15 11 19 11 6 15 % N I did not use 1 2 3 4 5 Total All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown 3497 2848 186 119 163 71 36 74 11.1 10.22 11.83 9.24 17.18 23.94 19.44 16.22 4.23 3.51 2.69 10.08 9.2 11.27 5.56 8.11 5.95 5.79 8.06 7.56 2.45 14.08 2.78 5.41 16.96 16.89 17.2 17.65 16.56 16.9 11.11 21.62 43.75 44.87 42.47 43.7 38.65 22.54 50 32.43 18.02 18.71 17.74 11.76 15.95 11.27 11.11 16.22 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 66 US (3/7) Question 4-12 Excluding co-inventors, how important were the following sources of knowledge for suggesting the research that led to the patented invention? (1 = not important, 5 = very important) (研 究の着想に有用であった知識源の重要度) Standard documents, such as those from ISO (standards, contributions)(ISOなどの標準関連文書) A7_e Standard documents, such as from ISO (standards, contributions) all All 1,919 1389 Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs 74 Small firms (100-250) 60 Very small firm (< 100) 216 University 42 Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe 20 Missing 118 % N All 1736 Large firm ( >=501) 1288 Medium SMEs 65 Small firms (100-250) 51 Very small firm (< 100) 201 University 40 Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe 18 Missing 73 I did not use 1224 913 46 35 136 30 12 52 1 2 222 112 157 86 8 4 8 1 34 12 5 2 1 2 9 5 3 4 5 Missing %4 or 5 94 68 3 5 10 2 2 4 48 37 2 1 5 1 1 1 36 27 2 1 4 0 0 2 183 101 9 9 15 2 2 45 84 64 4 2 9 1 1 3 I did not use 1 2 3 4 5 Total %4 or 5 70.51 70.89 70.77 68.63 67.66 75 66.67 71.23 12.8 12.2 12.3 15.7 16.9 12.5 5.56 12.3 6.45 6.68 6.15 1.96 5.97 5 11.1 6.85 5.41 5.28 4.62 9.8 4.98 5 11.1 5.48 2.76 2.87 3.08 1.96 2.49 2.5 5.56 1.37 2.07 2.1 3.08 1.96 1.99 0 0 2.74 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 4.83 4.97 6.16 3.92 4.48 2.5 5.56 4.11 I did not use 1 2 3 4 5 Missing %4 or 5 346 273 16 13 25 3 2 14 321 247 10 9 38 2 1 14 163 85 8 9 14 2 1 44 667 520 26 22 63 5 3 28 Your firm excluding co-inventors (組織内) A7_F Your firm, excluding coinventors all All 1919 Large firm ( >=501) 1389 Medium SMEs 74 Small firms (100-250) 60 Very small firm (< 100) 216 University 42 Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe 20 Missing 118 % N All 1756 Large firm ( >=501) 1304 Medium SMEs 66 Small firms (100-250) 51 Very small firm (< 100) 202 University 40 Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe 19 Missing 74 355 233 6 7 61 21 11 16 124 233 377 87 171 293 4 14 16 7 5 10 20 25 33 3 3 8 0 2 3 3 13 14 I did not use 1 2 3 4 5 Total %4 or 5 20.22 17.87 9.09 13.73 30.2 52.5 57.89 21.62 7.06 6.67 6.06 13.7 9.9 7.5 0 4.05 13.3 13.1 21.2 9.8 12.4 7.5 10.5 17.6 21.5 22.5 24.2 19.6 16.3 20 15.8 18.9 19.7 20.9 24.2 25.5 12.4 7.5 10.5 18.9 18.28 18.94 15.15 17.65 18.81 5 5.26 18.92 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 37.98 39.88 39.39 43.14 31.19 12.5 15.79 37.84 67 Japan Question 4-12 Excluding co-inventors, how important were the following sources of knowledge for suggesting the research that led to the patented invention? (1 = not important, 5 = very important) (研究の着想に有用であった知 識源の重要度) University and Education(大学など高等教育機関) All All 使っていな 全く重要で 重要でな どちらでも 重要である 非常に重 い ない い ない 要である I did not use 1528 1283 83 46 72 13 10 21 無回答 1 2 3 4 5 352 279 21 21 17 3 1 10 415 347 21 15 14 5 3 10 672 545 42 23 30 14 7 11 423 315 17 9 28 22 14 18 95 59 1 7 2 19 3 4 no response 173 104 16 9 19 6 4 15 All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 % N I did not use 1 2 3 4 5 Total All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown 3485 2828 185 121 163 76 38 74 43.85 45.37 44.86 38.02 44.17 17.11 26.32 28.38 10.1 9.87 11.35 17.36 10.43 3.95 2.63 13.51 11.91 12.27 11.35 12.4 8.59 6.58 7.89 13.51 19.28 19.27 22.7 19.01 18.4 18.42 18.42 14.86 12.14 11.14 9.19 7.44 17.18 28.95 36.84 24.32 2.73 2.09 0.54 5.79 1.23 25 7.89 5.41 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Non-University Public Research Organization(大学以外の公的研究機関) All All 使っていな 全く重要で 重要でな どちらでも 重要である 非常に重 い ない い ない 要である I did not use 1600 1346 84 42 75 22 12 19 無回答 1 2 3 4 5 368 287 19 23 18 7 2 12 425 361 16 17 14 5 1 11 689 549 41 21 35 18 10 15 341 249 24 13 19 14 9 13 49 27 4 4 2 6 2 4 no response 186 113 13 10 19 10 6 15 1 2 3 4 5 Total All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 % N All 3472 46.08 10.6 12.24 19.84 9.82 1.41 100 Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown 2819 188 120 163 72 36 74 47.75 44.68 35 46.01 30.56 33.33 25.68 10.18 10.11 19.17 11.04 9.72 5.56 16.22 12.81 8.51 14.17 8.59 6.94 2.78 14.86 19.47 21.81 17.5 21.47 25 27.78 20.27 8.83 12.77 10.83 11.66 19.44 25 17.57 0.96 2.13 3.33 1.23 8.33 5.56 5.41 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 I did not use 68 US (4/7) Question 4-12 Excluding co-inventors, how important were the following sources of knowledge for suggesting the research that led to the patented invention? (1 = not important, 5 = very important) (研究の着想に有用であった知識源の重要度) University and Education(大学など高等教育機関) all A7_G Universities All 1,919 Large firm ( >=501) 1389 Medium SMEs 74 Small firms (100-250) 60 Very small firm (< 100) 216 University 42 Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe 20 Missing 118 % N All 1731 Large firm ( >=501) 1287 Medium SMEs 65 Small firms (100-250) 50 Very small firm (< 100) 198 University 40 Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe 19 Missing 72 I did not use 1180 904 45 33 126 11 13 48 1 2 3 204 122 120 149 94 78 6 4 5 7 3 6 28 9 19 2 6 6 0 3 1 12 3 5 4 5 Missing %4 or 5 67 40 3 1 14 6 1 2 38 22 2 0 2 9 1 2 188 102 9 10 18 2 1 46 105 62 5 1 16 15 2 4 I did not use 1 2 3 4 5 Total %4 or 5 68.17 70.24 69.23 66 63.64 27.5 68.42 66.67 11.8 11.6 9.23 14 14.1 5 0 16.7 7.05 7.3 6.15 6 4.55 15 15.8 4.17 6.93 6.06 7.69 12 9.6 15 5.26 6.94 3.87 3.11 4.62 2 7.07 15 5.26 2.78 2.2 1.71 3.08 0 1.01 22.5 5.26 2.78 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 6.07 4.82 7.7 2 8.08 37.5 10.52 5.56 Non-University Public Research Organization(大学以外の公的研究機関) A7_H Governments research organization all All 1919 Large firm ( >=501) 1389 Medium SMEs 74 Small firms (100-250) 60 Very small firm (< 100) 216 University 42 Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe 20 Missing 118 % N All 1736 Large firm ( >=501) 1288 Medium SMEs 66 Small firms (100-250) 51 Very small firm (< 100) 199 University 40 Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe 19 Missing 73 I did not use 1 2 3 4 5 1371 1036 54 40 143 32 14 52 173 118 6 8 29 3 0 9 91 66 3 2 11 1 2 6 58 39 2 1 12 2 1 1 28 21 1 0 2 2 0 2 15 8 0 0 2 0 2 3 183 101 8 9 17 2 1 45 43 29 1 0 4 2 2 5 I did not use 1 2 3 4 5 Total %4 or 5 78.97 80.43 81.82 78.43 71.86 80 73.68 71.23 9.97 9.16 9.09 15.7 14.6 7.5 0 12.3 5.24 5.12 4.55 3.92 5.53 2.5 10.5 8.22 3.34 3.03 3.03 1.96 6.03 5 5.26 1.37 1.61 1.63 1.52 0 1.01 5 0 2.74 0.86 0.62 0 0 1.01 0 10.53 4.11 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 2.47 2.25 1.52 0 2.02 5 10.53 6.85 69 Missing %4 or 5 Japan Question 4-12 Excluding co-inventors, how important were the following sources of knowledge for suggesting the research that led to the patented invention? (1 = not important, 5 = very important) (研究の着想に有用であった知 識源の重要度) Customers or Product users (顧客・製品ユーザー) All All 使っていな 全く重要で 重要でな どちらでも 重要である 非常に重 い ない い ない 要である I did not 1 2 3 4 5 use 無回答 no response All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 830 684 39 18 38 29 11 11 157 120 4 8 7 7 4 7 198 169 10 5 2 5 2 5 433 354 21 13 16 17 5 7 1199 978 66 48 61 9 11 26 694 549 49 28 40 4 5 19 147 78 12 10 18 11 4 14 % N I did not use 1 2 3 4 5 Total All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown 3511 2854 189 120 164 71 38 75 23.64 23.97 20.63 15 23.17 40.85 28.95 14.67 4.47 4.2 2.12 6.67 4.27 9.86 10.53 9.33 5.64 5.92 5.29 4.17 1.22 7.04 5.26 6.67 12.33 12.4 11.11 10.83 9.76 23.94 13.16 9.33 34.15 34.27 34.92 40 37.2 12.68 28.95 34.67 19.77 19.24 25.93 23.33 24.39 5.63 13.16 25.33 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Suppliers(サプライヤー) All All 使っていな 全く重要で 重要でな どちらでも 重要である 非常に重 い ない い ない 要である I did not 1 2 3 4 5 use 無回答 no response All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 1108 914 56 31 52 27 11 17 269 212 8 15 11 9 6 8 359 301 16 8 14 8 3 9 742 580 41 34 43 17 9 18 761 625 53 27 29 6 7 14 233 194 13 3 11 5 0 7 186 106 14 12 22 10 6 16 % N I did not use 1 2 3 4 5 Total All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown 3472 2826 187 118 160 72 36 73 31.91 32.34 29.95 26.27 32.5 37.5 30.56 23.29 7.75 7.5 4.28 12.71 6.88 12.5 16.67 10.96 10.34 10.65 8.56 6.78 8.75 11.11 8.33 12.33 21.37 20.52 21.93 28.81 26.88 23.61 25 24.66 21.92 22.12 28.34 22.88 18.13 8.33 19.44 19.18 6.71 6.86 6.95 2.54 6.88 6.94 0 9.59 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 70 US (5/7) Question 4-12 Excluding co-inventors, how important were the following sources of knowledge for suggesting the research that led to the patented invention? (1 = not important, 5 = very important) (研究の着想に有用で あった知識源の重要度) Customers or Product users (顧客・製品ユーザー) A7_I Customers or product users all All 1,919 Large firm ( >=501) 1389 Medium SMEs 74 Small firms (100-250) 60 Very small firm (< 100) 216 University 42 Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe 20 Missing 118 % N All 1746 Large firm ( >=501) 1293 Medium SMEs 65 Small firms (100-250) 52 Very small firm (< 100) 202 University 41 Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe 19 Missing 74 I did not use 1 2 3 4 5 Missing %4 or 5 756 554 26 22 81 26 13 34 136 108 6 1 13 3 1 4 141 110 2 6 15 1 2 5 244 179 13 6 27 7 2 10 261 193 8 6 34 3 1 16 208 149 10 11 32 1 0 5 173 96 9 8 14 1 1 44 469 342 18 17 66 4 1 21 I did not use 43.3 42.85 40 42.31 40.1 63.41 68.42 45.95 1 2 3 4 5 Total %4 or 5 7.79 8.35 9.23 1.92 6.44 7.32 5.26 5.41 8.08 8.51 3.08 11.54 7.43 2.44 10.53 6.76 13.97 13.84 20 11.54 13.37 17.07 10.53 13.51 14.95 14.93 12.31 11.54 16.83 7.32 5.26 21.62 11.91 11.52 15.38 21.15 15.84 2.44 0 6.76 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 26.86 26.45 27.69 32.69 32.67 9.76 5.26 28.38 1 2 3 4 5 Missing %4 or 5 223 161 6 8 29 3 0 16 141 107 7 4 17 0 2 4 142 109 4 5 18 1 1 4 92 65 4 6 12 0 1 4 42 38 0 0 2 2 0 0 181 98 9 9 16 2 2 45 134 103 4 6 14 2 1 4 1 2 3 4 5 Total %4 or 5 12.83 12.47 9.23 15.69 14.5 7.5 0 21.92 8.11 8.29 10.77 7.84 8.5 0 11.11 5.48 8.17 8.44 6.15 9.8 9 2.5 5.56 5.48 5.29 5.03 6.15 11.76 6 0 5.56 5.48 2.42 2.94 0 0 1 5 0 0 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 7.71 7.97 6.15 11.76 7 5 5.56 5.48 Suppliers(サプライヤー) A7_J Suppliers all All 1919 Large firm ( >=501) 1389 Medium SMEs 74 Small firms (100-250) 60 Very small firm (< 100) 216 University 42 Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe 20 Missing 118 % N All 1738 Large firm ( >=501) 1291 Medium SMEs 65 Small firms (100-250) 51 Very small firm (< 100) 200 University 40 Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe 18 Missing 73 I did not use 1098 811 44 28 122 34 14 45 I did not use 63.18 62.82 67.69 54.9 61 85 77.78 61.64 71 Japan Question 4-12 Excluding co-inventors, how important were the following sources of knowledge for suggesting the research that led to the patented invention? (1 = not important, 5 = very important) (研究の着想に有用であった知識源の重要度) Competitors (e.g. knowledge from its products) (競争相手) All 使っていない 全く重要で 重要でな どちらでも 重要であ ない い ない る 非常に重 要である 無回答 All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown All 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 I did not use 818 662 40 23 46 23 8 16 1 179 127 11 11 14 8 3 5 2 175 125 14 11 9 7 0 9 3 538 420 31 13 31 21 10 12 4 1305 1099 62 46 53 11 13 21 5 483 413 28 17 10 2 2 11 no response 160 86 15 9 19 10 6 15 % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown N 3498 2846 186 121 163 72 36 74 I did not use 23.38 23.26 21.51 19.01 28.22 31.94 22.22 21.62 1 5.12 4.46 5.91 9.09 8.59 11.11 8.33 6.76 2 5 4.39 7.53 9.09 5.52 9.72 0 12.16 3 15.38 14.76 16.67 10.74 19.02 29.17 27.78 16.22 4 37.31 38.62 33.33 38.02 32.52 15.28 36.11 28.38 5 13.81 14.51 15.05 14.05 6.13 2.78 5.56 14.86 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 非常に重 要である 無回答 Consulting or contract R&D firms (コンサルティング企業・R&D請負企業) All 使っていない 全く重要で 重要でな どちらでも 重要であ ない い ない る All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (250-500) Small firm (100-250) Very small firm (<100) university Other unknown 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 I did not use 1803 1501 103 50 80 30 18 21 % N 3459 2817 183 119 161 72 36 71 I did not use 52.12 53.28 56.28 42.02 49.69 41.67 50 29.58 All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (250-500) Small firm (100-250) Very small firm (<100) university Other unknown 1 526 419 21 28 26 14 6 12 2 485 396 28 17 21 8 2 13 3 519 408 25 18 26 15 9 18 4 108 81 3 6 7 5 1 5 5 18 12 3 0 1 0 0 2 no response 199 115 18 11 21 10 6 18 1 15.21 14.87 11.48 23.53 16.15 19.44 16.67 16.9 2 14.02 14.06 15.3 14.29 13.04 11.11 5.56 18.31 3 15 14.48 13.66 15.13 16.15 20.83 25 25.35 4 3.12 2.88 1.64 5.04 4.35 6.94 2.78 7.04 5 0.52 0.43 1.64 0 0.62 0 0 2.82 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 72 US (6/7) Question 4-12 Excluding co-inventors, how important were the following sources of knowledge for suggesting the research that led to the patented invention? (1 = not important, 5 = very important) (研究の着想に有用であった知識 源の重要度) Competitors (e.g. knowledge from its products) (競争相手) A7_K competitors all All 1,919 Large firm ( >=501) 1389 Medium SMEs 74 Small firms (100-250) 60 Very small firm (< 100) 216 University 42 Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ oth 20 Missing 118 I did not use 1154 847 44 35 131 34 14 49 1 195 154 3 5 22 2 1 8 2 134 96 10 3 15 2 1 7 3 135 108 4 1 16 2 0 4 4 85 61 2 5 9 0 3 5 5 41 26 2 3 9 0 0 1 % N All 1744 Large firm ( >=501) 1292 Medium SMEs 65 Small firms (100-250) 52 Very small firm (< 100) 202 University 40 Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ oth 19 Missing 74 I did not use 66.17 65.56 67.69 67.31 64.85 85 73.68 66.22 1 11.18 11.92 4.62 9.62 10.89 5 5.26 10.81 2 7.68 7.43 15.38 5.77 7.43 5 5.26 9.46 3 7.74 8.36 6.15 1.92 7.92 5 0 5.41 4 4.87 4.72 3.08 9.62 4.46 0 15.79 6.76 5 2.35 2.01 3.08 5.77 4.46 0 0 1.35 73 Missing %4 or 5 175 126 97 87 9 4 8 8 14 18 2 0 1 3 44 6 Total 99.99 100 100 100.01 100.01 100 99.99 100.01 %4 or 5 7.22 6.73 6.16 15.39 8.92 0 15.79 8.11 Japan Question 4-12 Excluding co-inventors, how important were the following sources of knowledge for suggesting the research that led to the patented invention? (1 = not important, 5 = very important) (研究の着想に有用であった知識源の重要度) others All 使っていな 全く重要で 重要でな い ない い どちらでもない 重要であ る 非常に重 要である 無回答 All I did not use 1 2 3 4 5 no response All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 3212 2593 177 117 153 64 34 74 142 110 8 7 11 3 1 2 58 48 3 0 2 3 1 1 133 112 5 1 6 4 3 2 26 18 2 2 1 1 1 1 44 26 4 3 3 6 1 1 43 25 2 0 6 1 1 8 % N I did not use 1 2 3 4 5 Total All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown 3615 2907 199 130 176 81 41 81 88.85 89.2 88.94 90 86.93 79.01 82.93 91.36 3.93 3.78 4.02 5.38 6.25 3.7 2.44 2.47 1.6 1.65 1.51 0 1.14 3.7 2.44 1.23 3.68 3.85 2.51 0.77 3.41 4.94 7.32 2.47 0.72 0.62 1.01 1.54 0.57 1.23 2.44 1.23 1.22 0.89 2.01 2.31 1.7 7.41 2.44 1.23 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 74 US (6/7)_2 Question 4-12 Excluding co-inventors, how important were the following sources of knowledge for suggesting the research that led to the patented invention? (1 = not important, 5 = very important) (研究の着想に有用であった知識源の重要度) Others all I did not use 1 2 3 4 5 Missing %4 or 5 1,919 1389 74 60 216 42 20 118 1158 864 51 32 138 22 13 38 40 32 1 0 6 0 1 0 3 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 7 0 0 4 0 0 5 688 470 22 28 67 20 6 75 24 15 0 0 4 0 0 5 N I did not use 1 2 3 4 5 Total %4 or 5 1231 919 52 32 149 22 14 43 94.07 94.02 98.08 100 92.62 100 92.86 88.37 3.25 3.48 1.92 0 4.03 0 7.14 0 0.24 0.22 0 0 0.67 0 0 0 0.49 0.65 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.65 0.87 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.3 0.76 0 0 2.68 0 0 11.63 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 1.95 1.63 0 0 2.68 0 0 11.63 A7_L Others All Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs Small firms (100-250) Very small firm (< 100) University Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe Missing % All Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs Small firms (100-250) Very small firm (< 100) University Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe Missing 75 Japan Question 4-12 Excluding co-inventors, how important were the following sources of knowledge for suggesting the research that led to the patented invention? (1 = not important, 5 = very important) (研究の着想に有用であった知識源の重要度) 4 or 5 % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown Standard Patent Trade Fair technical Scientific documents, conferenc Literature or and such as those es and Exhibition Technical from ISO workshops Literature (standards, contributions) 56.72 56.48 55.21 47.54 51.20 81.82 87.18 55.26 63.78 65.20 66.33 56.45 54.44 45.21 59.46 56.96 21.91 21.31 30.32 17.36 29.45 11.27 11.11 29.73 24.08 24.31 20.11 18.80 21.60 26.76 47.22 25.33 8.73 8.91 6.59 5.88 9.38 5.63 13.89 10.81 Your firm University and excluding Education coinventors 61.77 63.59 60.22 55.46 54.60 33.80 61.11 48.65 76 14.86 13.22 9.73 13.22 18.40 53.95 44.74 29.73 Customers Suppliers Competito Consulting Nonor rs (e.g. University or Product knowledge contract users Public from its R&D firms Research products) Organization 11.23 9.79 14.89 14.17 12.88 27.78 30.56 22.97 53.92 53.50 60.85 63.33 61.59 18.31 42.11 60.00 28.63 28.98 35.29 25.42 25.00 15.28 19.44 28.77 51.11 53.13 48.39 52.07 38.65 18.06 41.67 43.24 3.64 3.30 3.28 5.04 4.97 6.94 2.78 9.86 US (7/7) Question 4-12 Excluding co-inventors, how important were the following sources of knowledge for suggesting the research that led to the patented invention? (1 = not important, 5 = very important) (研究の着想に有用であった知識源の重要度) 4 or 5 A7. % All Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs Small firms (100-250) Very small firm (< 100) University Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe Missing Standard Patent Trade Fair technical Scientific documents, conferenc Literature or and such as those es and Exhibition Technical from ISO workshops Literature (standards, contributions) 38.74 37.99 31.82 32.69 37.07 68.29 73.68 41.89 28.45 27.57 26.15 39.22 29.56 35 26.32 32.43 2.43 2.34 4.69 2 3.52 2.56 0 0 10.42 10.71 9.23 7.69 7.04 17.5 15.79 12.33 4.84 4.97 6.15 3.92 4.48 2.5 5.56 4.11 77 Your firm University and excluding Education coinventors 37.98 39.88 39.39 43.14 31.19 12.5 15.79 37.84 6.07 4.82 7.69 2 8.08 37.5 10.53 5.56 Customers Suppliers Competito Nonrs (e.g. University or Product knowledge users Public from its Research products) Organization 2.48 2.25 1.52 0 2.01 5 10.53 6.85 26.86 26.45 27.69 32.69 32.67 9.76 5.26 28.38 7.71 7.98 6.15 11.76 7 5 5.56 5.48 7.22 6.73 6.15 15.38 8.91 0 15.79 8.11 Japan Question 4-13 Excluding co-inventors, how important were the following sources of knowledge for contributing to the completion of the research that led to the patented invention? (1 = not important, 5 = very important) (研究を実施するために使用した知識の重要度) Scientific and Technical Literature(科学技術文献 ) All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown All 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 使っていない 全く重要で 重要でな どちらでも 重要であ ない い ない る I did not use 1 2 3 4 794 147 270 543 1190 646 111 228 449 963 48 5 14 31 64 28 13 12 18 36 49 13 9 20 56 5 2 2 5 30 3 1 0 3 16 15 2 5 17 25 % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown N 3514 2845 189 121 167 76 40 76 I did not use 22.6 22.71 25.4 23.14 29.34 6.58 7.5 19.74 All 1 4.18 3.9 2.65 10.74 7.78 2.63 2.5 2.63 2 7.68 8.01 7.41 9.92 5.39 2.63 0 6.58 3 15.45 15.78 16.4 14.88 11.98 6.58 7.5 22.37 4 33.86 33.85 33.86 29.75 33.53 39.47 40 32.89 非常に重 要である 5 570 448 27 14 20 32 17 12 無回答 no response 144 87 12 9 15 6 2 13 5 16.22 15.75 14.29 11.57 11.98 42.11 42.5 15.79 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 非常に重 要である 5 721 591 45 15 28 12 13 17 無回答 no response 140 85 7 8 15 11 3 11 5 20.49 20.76 23.2 12.3 16.77 16.9 33.33 21.79 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Patent Literature(特許文献) All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 使っていない 全く重要で 重要でな どちらでも 重要であ ない い ない る I did not use 1 2 3 4 626 112 234 503 1322 508 81 198 391 1078 29 3 13 29 75 18 7 8 24 50 37 8 10 24 60 14 6 2 14 23 9 2 0 2 13 11 5 3 19 23 % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown N 3518 2847 194 122 167 71 39 78 I did not use 17.79 17.84 14.95 14.75 22.16 19.72 23.08 14.1 All 1 3.18 2.85 1.55 5.74 4.79 8.45 5.13 6.41 2 6.65 6.95 6.7 6.56 5.99 2.82 0 3.85 78 3 14.3 13.73 14.95 19.67 14.37 19.72 5.13 24.36 4 37.58 37.86 38.66 40.98 35.93 32.39 33.33 29.49 US (1/7) Question 4-13 Excluding co-inventors, how important were the following sources of knowledge for contributing to the completion of the research that led to the patented invention? (1 = not important, 5 = very important) (研究を実施するため に使用した知識の重要度) Scientific and Technical Literature(科学技術文献 ) all I did not 1 2 3 A8_a Scientific and Technical use Literature All 1,919 459 138 224 348 Large firm ( >=501) 1389 345 110 169 268 Medium SMEs 74 13 6 10 16 Small firms (100-250) 60 14 4 6 8 Very small firm (< 100) 216 54 10 27 35 University 42 2 2 5 6 Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe 20 4 0 0 2 Missing 118 27 6 7 13 % N All 1763 Large firm ( >=501) 1307 Medium SMEs 66 Small firms (100-250) 51 Very small firm (< 100) 204 University 41 Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe 19 Missing 75 4 5 Missing %4 or 5 281 210 11 5 35 6 4 10 313 205 10 14 43 20 9 12 156 82 8 9 12 1 1 43 594 415 21 19 78 26 13 22 I did not use 1 2 3 4 5 Total %4 or 5 26.04 26.4 19.7 27.45 26.47 4.88 21.05 36 7.83 8.42 9.09 7.84 4.9 4.88 0 8 12.7 12.9 15.2 11.8 13.2 12.2 0 9.33 19.7 20.5 24.2 15.7 17.2 14.6 10.5 17.3 15.9 16.1 16.7 9.8 17.2 14.6 21.1 13.3 17.75 15.68 15.15 27.45 21.08 48.78 47.37 16 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 33.69 31.75 31.82 37.25 38.24 63.41 68.42 29.33 I did not use 1 2 3 4 5 Missing %4 or 5 217 160 7 7 24 7 3 9 218 143 11 12 33 8 3 8 174 95 9 9 14 2 1 44 435 303 18 19 57 15 6 17 Patent Literature(特許文献) A8_b patent literature all All 1919 Large firm ( >=501) 1389 Medium SMEs 74 Small firms (100-250) 60 Very small firm (< 100) 216 University 42 Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe 20 Missing 118 % N All 1745 Large firm ( >=501) 1294 Medium SMEs 65 Small firms (100-250) 51 Very small firm (< 100) 202 University 40 Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe 19 Missing 74 617 453 24 15 77 10 8 30 192 221 280 152 168 218 7 8 8 7 3 7 16 28 24 5 4 6 1 1 3 4 9 14 I did not use 1 2 3 4 5 Total %4 or 5 35.36 35.01 36.92 29.41 38.12 25 42.11 40.54 11 11.8 10.8 13.7 7.92 12.5 5.26 5.41 12.7 13 12.3 5.88 13.9 10 5.26 12.2 16.1 16.9 12.3 13.7 11.9 15 15.8 18.9 12.4 12.4 10.8 13.7 11.9 17.5 15.8 12.2 12.49 11.05 16.92 23.53 16.34 20 15.79 10.81 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 24.93 23.41 27.69 37.26 28.22 37.5 31.58 22.97 79 Japan Question 4-13 Excluding co-inventors, how important were the following sources of knowledge for contributing to the completion of the research that led to the patented invention? (1 = not important, 5 = very important) (研究を実施するために使用した知識の重要度) Trade Fair or Exhibition(見本市、展示会) All All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown All 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 使っていない 全く重要で 重要でない どちらでも 重要である 非常に重 ない ない 要である I did not use 1 2 3 4 5 1305 357 442 686 591 86 1073 297 368 549 471 61 77 14 20 34 34 9 32 16 16 30 21 4 61 11 12 32 37 7 29 7 10 10 9 2 14 6 3 10 5 0 19 6 13 21 14 3 % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown N 3467 2819 188 119 160 67 38 76 I did not use 37.64 38.06 40.96 26.89 38.13 43.28 36.84 25 1 10.3 10.54 7.45 13.45 6.88 10.45 15.79 7.89 2 12.75 13.05 10.64 13.45 7.5 14.93 7.89 17.11 3 19.79 19.47 18.09 25.21 20 14.93 26.32 27.63 4 17.05 16.71 18.09 17.65 23.13 13.43 13.16 18.42 5 2.48 2.16 4.79 3.36 4.38 2.99 0 3.95 無回答 no response 191 113 13 11 22 15 4 13 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Technical conferences and workshops(技術的なコンファレンス・ワークショップ) All All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown All 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 使っていない 全く重要で 重要でない どちらでも 重要である 非常に重 要である ない ない I did not use 1 2 3 4 5 1320 303 401 743 601 90 1095 243 327 587 490 73 78 12 25 44 22 4 34 18 16 30 18 2 64 15 16 40 24 3 24 3 7 14 15 6 7 5 0 9 16 0 18 7 10 19 16 2 % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown N 3458 2815 185 118 162 69 37 72 I did not use 38.17 38.9 42.16 28.81 39.51 34.78 18.92 25 1 8.76 8.63 6.49 15.25 9.26 4.35 13.51 9.72 2 11.6 11.62 13.51 13.56 9.88 10.14 0 13.89 80 3 21.49 20.85 23.78 25.42 24.69 20.29 24.32 26.39 4 17.38 17.41 11.89 15.25 14.81 21.74 43.24 22.22 5 2.6 2.59 2.16 1.69 1.85 8.7 0 2.78 無回答 no response 200 117 16 12 20 13 5 17 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 US (2/7) Question 4-13 Excluding co-inventors, how important were the following sources of knowledge for contributing to the completion of the research that led to the patented invention? (1 = not important, 5 = very important) (研究を実施するために使用した知識の重要度) Trade Fair or Exhibition(見本市、展示会) A8_c Fair or exhibition All Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs Small firms (100-250) Very small firm (< 100) University Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ oth Missing % All Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs Small firms (100-250) Very small firm (< 100) University Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ oth Missing all 1,919 1389 74 60 216 42 20 118 N 1726 1280 65 50 199 40 19 73 I did not use 1329 996 52 34 144 33 14 56 I did not use 77 77.81 80 68 72.36 82.5 73.68 76.71 1 2 3 4 5 Missing %4 or 5 197 138 3 12 31 3 0 10 106 81 5 2 8 2 4 4 60 41 4 1 8 2 1 3 22 16 0 1 5 0 0 0 12 8 1 0 3 0 0 0 193 109 9 10 17 2 1 45 34 24 1 1 8 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 Total %4 or 5 11.41 10.78 4.62 24 15.58 7.5 0 13.7 6.14 6.33 7.69 4 4.02 5 21.05 5.48 3.48 3.2 6.15 2 4.02 5 5.26 4.11 1.27 1.25 0 2 2.51 0 0 0 0.7 0.63 1.54 0 1.51 0 0 0 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 1.97 1.88 1.54 2 4.02 0 0 0 Technical conferences and workshops(技術的なコンファレンス・ワークショップ) A8_d Technical conferences and workshops All Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs Small firms (100-250) Very small firm (< 100) University Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ oth Missing % All Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs Small firms (100-250) Very small firm (< 100) University Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ oth Missing all I did not use 1 2 3 4 5 Missing %4 or 5 1919 1389 74 60 216 42 20 118 1074 803 42 30 127 20 9 43 211 161 6 7 24 4 2 7 169 122 11 6 19 5 2 4 145 104 2 5 14 5 3 12 95 66 4 2 12 3 2 6 40 31 0 0 4 3 1 1 185 102 9 10 16 2 1 45 135 97 4 2 16 6 3 7 N I did not use 1 2 3 4 5 Total %4 or 5 1734 1287 65 50 200 40 19 73 61.94 62.39 64.62 60 63.5 50 47.37 58.9 12.17 12.51 9.23 14 12 10 10.53 9.59 9.75 9.48 16.92 12 9.5 12.5 10.53 5.48 8.36 8.08 3.08 10 7 12.5 15.79 16.44 5.48 5.13 6.15 4 6 7.5 10.53 8.22 2.31 2.41 0 0 2 7.5 5.26 1.37 100.01 100 100 100 100 100 100.01 100 7.79 7.54 6.15 4 8 15 15.79 9.59 81 Japan Question 4-13 Excluding co-inventors, how important were the following sources of knowledge for contributing to the completion of the research that led to the patented invention? (1 = not important, 5 = very important) (研 究を実施するために使用した知識の重要度) Standard documents, such as those from ISO (standards, contributions)(ISOなどの標準関連文書) 全く重要で 重要でな どちらでも 重要であ ない い ない る 1 2 3 4 非常に重 要である 5 無回答 All 使っていない All I did not use All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 1478 1215 80 40 73 32 17 21 511 410 23 27 20 8 8 15 463 377 25 18 20 8 3 12 625 504 31 26 29 13 5 17 293 240 18 7 17 4 1 6 81 67 7 0 1 1 3 2 207 119 17 12 22 16 5 16 % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown N 3451 2813 184 118 160 66 37 73 I did not use 42.83 43.19 43.48 33.9 45.63 48.48 45.95 28.77 1 14.81 14.58 12.5 22.88 12.5 12.12 21.62 20.55 2 13.42 13.4 13.59 15.25 12.5 12.12 8.11 16.44 3 18.11 17.92 16.85 22.03 18.13 19.7 13.51 23.29 4 8.49 8.53 9.78 5.93 10.63 6.06 2.7 8.22 5 2.35 2.38 3.8 0 0.63 1.52 8.11 2.74 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 非常に重 要である 5 無回答 no response Your firm excluding co-inventors(組織内) All 使っていない 全く重要で 重要でな どちらでも 重要であ ない い ない る 1 2 3 4 All I did not use All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 428 320 22 15 35 20 5 11 140 96 5 13 10 7 4 5 167 126 12 10 7 6 0 6 540 428 33 13 32 14 7 13 1404 1185 67 51 51 13 15 22 807 688 47 16 27 9 5 15 172 89 15 12 20 13 6 17 % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown N 3486 2843 186 118 162 69 36 72 I did not use 12.28 11.26 11.83 12.71 21.6 28.99 13.89 15.28 1 4.02 3.38 2.69 11.02 6.17 10.14 11.11 6.94 2 4.79 4.43 6.45 8.47 4.32 8.7 0 8.33 3 15.49 15.05 17.74 11.02 19.75 20.29 19.44 18.06 4 40.28 41.68 36.02 43.22 31.48 18.84 41.67 30.56 5 23.15 24.2 25.27 13.56 16.67 13.04 13.89 20.83 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 82 no response US (3/7) Question 4-13 Excluding co-inventors, how important were the following sources of knowledge for contributing to the completion of the research that led to the patented invention? (1 = not important, 5 = very important) (研究を実施するため に使用した知識の重要度) Standard documents, such as those from ISO (standards, contributions)(ISOなどの標準関連文書) A8_e Standard documents, such as from ISO (standards, contributions) all All 1,919 Large firm ( >=501) 1389 Medium SMEs 74 Small firms (100-250) 60 Very small firm (< 100) 216 University 42 Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe 20 Missing 118 % N All 1721 Large firm ( >=501) 1274 Medium SMEs 65 Small firms (100-250) 51 Very small firm (< 100) 200 University 40 Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe 19 Missing 72 I did not use 1220 906 45 36 137 32 11 53 I did not use 70.89 71.11 69.23 70.59 68.5 80 57.89 73.61 1 2 3 191 109 110 143 75 79 6 4 5 7 4 2 23 17 14 4 0 3 1 2 4 7 7 3 4 5 Missing %4 or 5 56 46 2 1 4 0 1 2 35 25 3 1 5 1 0 0 198 115 9 9 16 2 1 46 91 71 5 2 9 1 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 Total %4 or 5 11.1 11.2 9.23 13.7 11.5 10 5.26 9.72 6.33 5.89 6.15 7.84 8.5 0 10.5 9.72 6.39 6.2 7.69 3.92 7 7.5 21.1 4.17 3.25 3.61 3.08 1.96 2 0 5.26 2.78 2.03 1.96 4.62 1.96 2.5 2.5 0 0 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 5.28 5.57 7.7 3.92 4.5 2.5 5.26 2.78 1 2 3 4 5 Missing %4 or 5 350 272 10 11 32 3 2 20 359 280 13 13 37 5 0 11 167 91 8 8 14 2 1 43 709 552 23 24 69 8 2 31 Your firm excluding co-inventors(組織内) A8_F Your firm, excluding coinventors all All 1919 Large firm ( >=501) 1389 Medium SMEs 74 Small firms (100-250) 60 Very small firm (< 100) 216 University 42 Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe 20 Missing 118 % N All 1752 Large firm ( >=501) 1298 Medium SMEs 66 Small firms (100-250) 52 Very small firm (< 100) 202 University 40 Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe 19 Missing 75 I did not use 394 269 9 11 57 20 11 17 I did not use 22.49 20.72 13.64 21.15 28.22 50 57.89 22.67 104 220 325 68 166 243 7 13 14 4 4 9 19 25 32 4 2 6 0 2 4 2 8 17 1 2 3 4 5 Total %4 or 5 5.94 5.24 10.6 7.69 9.41 10 0 2.67 12.6 12.8 19.7 7.69 12.4 5 10.5 10.7 18.6 18.7 21.2 17.3 15.8 15 21.1 22.7 20 21 15.2 21.2 15.8 7.5 10.5 26.7 20.49 21.57 19.7 25 18.32 12.5 0 14.67 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 40.47 42.53 34.85 46.15 34.16 20 10.53 41.34 83 Japan Question 4-13 Excluding co-inventors, how important were the following sources of knowledge for contributing to the completion of the research that led to the patented invention? (1 = not important, 5 = very important) (研究を実施するために使用した知識の重要度) University and Education(大学など高等教育機関) All All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown All 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 使っていない 全く重要で 重要でな どちらでも 重要であ ない い ない る I did not use 1 2 3 4 1643 402 399 597 341 1383 335 330 475 244 92 16 24 36 17 45 22 16 20 13 76 17 11 29 26 16 1 3 12 18 11 1 4 9 11 20 10 11 16 12 % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown N 3465 2817 185 120 160 70 39 74 I did not use 47.42 49.09 49.73 37.5 47.5 22.86 28.21 27.03 1 11.6 11.89 8.65 18.33 10.63 1.43 2.56 13.51 2 11.52 11.71 12.97 13.33 6.88 4.29 10.26 14.86 3 17.23 16.86 19.46 16.67 18.13 17.14 23.08 21.62 4 9.84 8.66 9.19 10.83 16.25 25.71 28.21 16.22 非常に重 要である 5 83 50 0 4 1 20 3 5 無回答 no response 193 115 16 10 22 12 3 15 5 2.4 1.77 0 3.33 0.63 28.57 7.69 6.76 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 非常に重 要である 5 48 31 3 2 2 7 1 2 無回答 no response 206 123 15 11 22 13 5 17 5 1.39 1.1 1.61 1.68 1.25 10.14 2.7 2.78 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Non-University Public Research Organization(大学以外の公的研究機関) All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown All 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 使っていない 全く重要で 重要でな どちらでも 重要であ ない い ない る I did not use 1 2 3 4 1711 403 416 603 271 1440 333 349 479 177 92 13 24 32 22 42 24 14 21 16 83 16 10 30 19 21 3 5 19 14 12 3 2 10 9 21 11 12 12 14 % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown N 3452 2809 186 119 160 69 37 72 I did not use 49.57 51.26 49.46 35.29 51.88 30.43 32.43 29.17 All 1 11.67 11.85 6.99 20.17 10 4.35 8.11 15.28 2 12.05 12.42 12.9 11.76 6.25 7.25 5.41 16.67 84 3 17.47 17.05 17.2 17.65 18.75 27.54 27.03 16.67 4 7.85 6.3 11.83 13.45 11.88 20.29 24.32 19.44 US (4/7) Question 4-13 Excluding co-inventors, how important were the following sources of knowledge for contributing to the completion of the research that led to the patented invention? (1 = not important, 5 = very important) (研究を実施するため に使用した知識の重要度) University and Education(大学など高等教育機関) I did not 1 2 use All 1,919 1253 175 121 Large firm ( >=501) 1389 958 130 88 Medium SMEs 74 49 2 3 Small firms (100-250) 60 33 8 3 Very small firm (< 100) 216 131 25 17 University 42 13 3 2 Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe 20 13 1 3 Missing 118 56 6 5 3 4 5 Missing %4 or 5 90 51 6 6 16 5 1 5 50 32 4 1 6 7 0 0 36 17 1 0 5 11 1 1 194 113 9 9 16 1 1 45 86 49 5 1 11 18 1 1 % A8_G Universities all N I did not use All 1725 72.64 Large firm ( >=501) 1276 75.08 Medium SMEs 65 75.38 Small firms (100-250) 51 64.71 Very small firm (< 100) 200 65.5 University 41 31.71 Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe 19 68.42 Missing 73 76.71 1 2 3 4 5 Total %4 or 5 10.1 10.2 3.08 15.7 12.5 7.32 5.26 8.22 7.01 6.9 4.62 5.88 8.5 4.88 15.8 6.85 5.22 4 9.23 11.8 8 12.2 5.26 6.85 2.9 2.51 6.15 1.96 3 17.1 0 0 2.09 1.33 1.54 0 2.5 26.83 5.26 1.37 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 4.99 3.84 7.69 1.96 5.5 43.9 5.26 1.37 Governments research organization I did not 1 use All 1919 1388 168 Large firm ( >=501) 1389 1043 117 Medium SMEs 74 57 3 Very small firm (< 100) 60 36 9 University 216 154 23 Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe 42 30 2 Other 20 11 3 Missing 118 57 11 2 3 4 5 Missing %4 or 5 81 65 1 4 6 3 1 1 52 32 3 1 9 4 1 2 21 11 1 1 4 2 1 1 12 8 0 0 2 0 2 0 197 113 9 9 18 1 1 46 33 19 1 1 6 2 3 1 % 1 2 3 4 5 Total %4 or 5 9.76 9.17 4.62 17.7 11.6 4.88 15.8 15.3 4.7 5.09 1.54 7.84 3.03 7.32 5.26 1.39 3.02 2.51 4.62 1.96 4.55 9.76 5.26 2.78 1.22 0.86 1.54 1.96 2.02 4.88 5.26 1.39 0.7 0.63 0 0 1.01 0 10.53 0 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 1.92 1.49 1.54 1.96 3.03 4.88 15.79 1.39 A8_H Governments research organization all N I did not use All 1722 80.6 Large firm ( >=501) 1276 81.74 Medium SMEs 65 87.69 Small firms (100-250) 51 70.59 Very small firm (< 100) 198 77.78 University 41 73.17 Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe 19 57.89 Missing 72 79.17 85 Japan Question 4-13 Excluding co-inventors, how important were the following sources of knowledge for contributing to the completion of the research that led to the patented invention? (1 = not important, 5 = very important) (研究を実施するために使用した知識の重要度) Customers or Product users (顧客・製品ユーザー) All All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown All 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 使っていない 全く重要で 重要でな どちらでも 重要であ ない い ない る I did not use 1 2 3 4 996 207 244 484 977 822 168 197 382 801 50 6 11 31 53 22 7 12 21 37 48 6 9 17 50 29 7 8 11 9 11 7 1 9 7 14 6 6 13 20 % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown N 3493 2839 194 119 162 67 39 73 I did not use 28.51 28.95 25.77 18.49 29.63 43.28 28.21 19.18 1 5.93 5.92 3.09 5.88 3.7 10.45 17.95 8.22 2 6.99 6.94 5.67 10.08 5.56 11.94 2.56 8.22 3 13.86 13.46 15.98 17.65 10.49 16.42 23.08 17.81 4 27.97 28.21 27.32 31.09 30.86 13.43 17.95 27.4 非常に重 要である 5 585 469 43 20 32 3 4 14 無回答 no response 165 93 7 11 20 15 3 16 5 16.75 16.52 22.16 16.81 19.75 4.48 10.26 19.18 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 非常に重 要である 5 279 237 17 8 10 3 1 3 無回答 no response 198 111 15 12 23 15 5 17 5 8.06 8.4 9.14 6.78 6.29 4.48 2.7 4.17 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Suppliers(サプライヤー) All All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown All 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 使っていない 全く重要で 重要でな どちらでも 重要であ ない い ない る I did not use 1 2 3 4 1141 286 320 646 788 934 229 259 507 655 65 8 13 39 44 25 16 14 32 23 60 9 15 29 36 28 9 8 12 7 12 7 1 9 7 17 8 10 18 16 % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown N 3460 2821 186 118 159 67 37 72 I did not use 32.98 33.11 34.95 21.19 37.74 41.79 32.43 23.61 1 8.27 8.12 4.3 13.56 5.66 13.43 18.92 11.11 2 9.25 9.18 6.99 11.86 9.43 11.94 2.7 13.89 86 3 18.67 17.97 20.97 27.12 18.24 17.91 24.32 25 4 22.77 23.22 23.66 19.49 22.64 10.45 18.92 22.22 US (5/7) Question 4-13 Excluding co-inventors, how important were the following sources of knowledge for contributing to the completion of the research that led to the patented invention? (1 = not important, 5 = very important) (研究を実施するため に使用した知識の重要度) Customers or Product users(顧客・製品ユーザー) I did not 1 2 3 use All 1,919 905 156 156 169 Large firm ( >=501) 1389 681 120 116 113 Medium SMEs 74 33 3 5 12 Small firms (100-250) 60 21 7 6 3 Very small firm (< 100) 216 87 17 18 31 University 42 29 4 3 1 Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe 20 13 0 3 0 Missing 118 41 5 5 9 A8_I Customers or product users % all N I did not use All 1729 52.34 Large firm ( >=501) 1279 53.24 Medium SMEs 65 50.77 Small firms (100-250) 51 41.18 Very small firm (< 100) 201 43.28 University 40 72.5 Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe 19 68.42 Missing 74 55.41 4 5 Missing %4 or 5 186 135 7 7 25 3 3 6 157 114 5 7 23 0 0 8 190 110 9 9 15 2 1 44 343 249 12 14 48 3 3 14 1 2 3 4 5 Total %4 or 5 9.02 9.38 4.62 13.7 8.46 10 0 6.76 9.02 9.07 7.69 11.8 8.96 7.5 15.8 6.76 9.77 8.84 18.5 5.88 15.4 2.5 0 12.2 10.8 10.6 10.8 13.7 12.4 7.5 15.8 8.11 9.08 8.91 7.69 13.73 11.44 0 0 10.81 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 19.84 19.47 18.46 27.46 23.88 7.5 15.79 18.92 4 5 Missing %4 or 5 106 118 6 7 28 1 1 4 57 81 3 5 12 1 2 2 191 44 3 0 6 1 0 3 163 199 9 12 40 2 3 6 4 5 Total %4 or 5 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 9.43 9.77 9.24 9.8 9 5 10.53 6.85 Suppliers(サプライヤー) I did not 1 2 3 use All 1919 1073 176 151 165 Large firm ( >=501) 1389 109 797 127 113 Medium SMEs 74 9 41 4 8 Small firms (100-250) 60 9 26 10 3 Very small firm (< 100) 216 16 110 22 22 University 42 2 35 2 0 Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe 20 1 14 1 1 Missing 118 45 50 10 4 A8_J Suppliers % all N I did not use All 1728 62.09 Large firm ( >=501) 1280 62.27 Medium SMEs 65 63.08 Small firms (100-250) 51 50.98 Very small firm (< 100) 200 55 University 40 87.5 Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe 19 73.68 Missing 73 68.49 1 2 3 10.2 9.92 6.15 19.6 11 5 5.26 13.7 8.74 8.83 12.3 5.88 11 0 5.26 5.48 9.55 9.22 9.23 13.7 14 2.5 5.26 5.48 87 6.13 3.3 6.33 3.44 4.62 4.62 9.8 0 6 3 2.5 2.5 10.5 0 2.74 4.11 Japan Question 4-13 Excluding co-inventors, how important were the following sources of knowledge for contributing to the completion of the research that led to the patented invention? (1 = not important, 5 = very important) (研究を実施するために使用した知識の重要度) Competitors (e.g. knowledge from its products) (競争相手) All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown All 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 使っていない 全く重要で 重要でな どちらでも 重要であ ない い ない る I did not use 1 2 3 4 1100 246 260 641 917 894 186 205 525 758 62 15 17 29 47 27 12 16 18 35 60 14 10 30 38 27 6 5 17 11 11 3 1 8 12 19 10 6 14 16 % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown N 3462 2819 187 119 160 68 37 72 I did not use 31.77 31.71 33.16 22.69 37.5 39.71 29.73 26.39 All 1 7.11 6.6 8.02 10.08 8.75 8.82 8.11 13.89 2 7.51 7.27 9.09 13.45 6.25 7.35 2.7 8.33 3 18.52 18.62 15.51 15.13 18.75 25 21.62 19.44 4 26.49 26.89 25.13 29.41 23.75 16.18 32.43 22.22 非常に重 要である 5 298 251 17 11 8 2 2 7 無回答 no response 196 113 14 11 22 14 5 17 5 8.61 8.9 9.09 9.24 5 2.94 5.41 9.72 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 非常に重 要である 5 21 17 1 0 0 0 1 2 無回答 no response 209 122 16 14 22 14 5 16 5 0.61 0.6 0.54 0 0 0 2.7 2.74 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Consulting or contract R&D firms(コンサルティング企業・R&D請負企業) All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 使っていない 全く重要で 重要でな どちらでも 重要であ ない い ない る I did not use 1 2 3 4 1912 508 430 494 84 1595 407 345 384 62 107 19 29 26 3 48 30 15 20 3 91 24 16 24 5 32 10 6 16 4 16 7 4 7 2 23 11 15 17 5 % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown N 3449 2810 185 116 160 68 37 73 I did not use 55.44 56.76 57.84 41.38 56.88 47.06 43.24 31.51 All 1 14.73 14.48 10.27 25.86 15 14.71 18.92 15.07 2 12.47 12.28 15.68 12.93 10 8.82 10.81 20.55 88 3 14.32 13.67 14.05 17.24 15 23.53 18.92 23.29 4 2.44 2.21 1.62 2.59 3.13 5.88 5.41 6.85 US (6/7) Question 4-13 Excluding co-inventors, how important were the following sources of knowledge for contributing to the completion of the research that led to the patented invention? (1 = not important, 5 = very important) (研究を実施するため に使用した知識の重要度) Competitors (e.g. knowledge from its products) (競争相手) I did not use All 1,919 1259 Large firm ( >=501) 1389 942 Medium SMEs 74 46 Small firms (100-250) 60 33 Very small firm (< 100) 216 136 University 42 35 Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe 20 14 Missing 118 53 A8_K competitors % all N I did not use All 1726 72.94 Large firm ( >=501) 1277 73.77 Medium SMEs 65 70.77 Small firms (100-250) 51 64.71 Very small firm (< 100) 201 67.66 University 40 87.5 Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe 19 73.68 Missing 73 72.6 1 2 160 127 121 90 4 8 8 3 21 15 1 2 1 1 4 8 3 4 5 Missing %4 or 5 97 68 4 3 15 2 0 5 47 34 1 3 5 0 2 2 36 22 2 1 9 0 1 1 193 112 9 9 15 2 1 45 83 56 3 4 14 0 3 3 1 2 3 4 5 Total %4 or 5 9.27 9.48 6.15 15.7 10.5 2.5 5.26 5.48 7.36 7.05 12.3 5.88 7.46 5 5.26 11 5.62 5.32 6.15 5.88 7.46 5 0 6.85 2.72 2.66 1.54 5.88 2.49 0 10.5 2.74 2.09 1.72 3.08 1.96 4.48 0 5.26 1.37 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 4.81 4.38 4.62 7.84 6.97 0 15.79 4.11 89 Japan Question 4-13 Excluding co-inventors, how important were the following sources of knowledge for contributing to the completion of the research that led to the patented invention? (1 = not important, 5 = very important) (研究を 実施するために使用した知識の重要度) others All All 使っていない 全く重要で 重要でない どちらでもない 重要であ ない る I did not use 1 2 3 4 非常に重 要である 5 無回答 no response All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 3172 2552 179 114 154 69 33 71 155 123 5 9 12 3 1 2 72 60 6 1 1 2 0 2 156 131 7 1 6 3 5 3 20 15 0 3 0 0 1 1 21 12 2 2 1 2 1 1 62 39 2 0 8 3 1 9 % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown N 3596 2893 199 130 174 79 41 80 I did not use 88.21 88.21 89.95 87.69 88.51 87.34 80.49 88.75 1 4.31 4.25 2.51 6.92 6.9 3.8 2.44 2.5 2 2 2.07 3.02 0.77 0.57 2.53 0 2.5 3 4.34 4.53 3.52 0.77 3.45 3.8 12.2 3.75 4 0.56 0.52 0 2.31 0 0 2.44 1.25 5 0.58 0.41 1.01 1.54 0.57 2.53 2.44 1.25 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 90 US (6/7)_2 Question 4-13 Excluding co-inventors, how important were the following sources of knowledge for contributing to the completion of the research that led to the patented invention? (1 = not important, 5 = very important) (研究を実施する ために使用した知識の重要度) Other All Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs Small firms (100-250) Very small firm (< 100) University Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ other Missing all 1,919 1389 74 60 216 42 20 118 I did not use 1157 861 51 29 139 24 14 39 1 43 34 0 2 6 0 1 0 2 4 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 8 5 0 1 2 0 0 0 4 7 6 0 0 0 0 0 1 5 9 8 0 0 1 0 0 0 Missing 691 472 23 28 67 18 5 78 %4 or 5 15 11 0 1 2 0 0 1 % All Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs Small firms (100-250) Very small firm (< 100) University Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ other Missing N 1228 917 51 32 149 24 15 40 I did not use 94.22 93.89 100 90.63 93.29 100 93.33 97.5 1 3.5 3.71 0 6.25 4.03 0 6.67 0 2 0.33 0.33 0 0 0.67 0 0 0 3 0.65 0.55 0 3.13 1.34 0 0 0 4 0.57 0.65 0 0 0 0 0 2.5 5 0.73 0.87 0 0 0.67 0 0 0 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 %4 or 5 1.3 1.52 0 0 0.67 0 0 2.5 A8_L Other 91 Japan Question 4-13 Excluding co-inventors, how important were the following sources of knowledge for contributing to the completion of the research that led to the patented invention? (1 = not important, 5 = very important) (研究を実施するために使用した知識の重要度) 4 or 5 % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown Scientific and Technical Literature 50.09 49.60 48.15 41.32 45.51 81.58 82.50 48.68 Standard Patent Trade Fair technical conferences documents, Literature or and such as those Exhibition workshops from ISO (standards, contributions) 58.07 58.62 61.86 53.28 52.69 49.30 66.67 51.28 19.53 18.87 22.87 21.01 27.50 16.42 13.16 22.37 19.98 20.00 14.05 16.95 16.67 30.43 43.24 25.00 10.84 10.91 13.59 5.93 11.25 7.58 10.81 10.96 Your firm University and excluding coEducation inventors 63.43 65.88 61.29 56.78 48.15 31.88 55.56 51.39 92 12.24 10.44 9.19 14.17 16.88 54.29 35.90 22.97 NonUniversity Public Research Organization Customer s or Product users Suppliers Competitors (e.g. knowledge from its products) Consulting or contract R&D firms 9.24 7.40 13.44 15.13 13.13 30.43 27.03 22.22 44.72 44.73 49.48 47.90 50.62 17.91 28.21 46.58 30.84 31.62 32.80 26.27 28.93 14.93 21.62 26.39 35.10 35.79 34.22 38.66 28.75 19.12 37.84 31.94 3.04 2.81 2.16 2.59 3.13 5.88 8.11 9.59 US (7/7) Question 4-13 Excluding co-inventors, how important were the following sources of knowledge for contributing to the completion of the research that led to the patented invention? (1 = not important, 5 = very important) (研究を実施する ために使用した知識の重要度) 4 or 5 A8. % All Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs Small firms (100-250) Very small firm (< 100) University Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ ot Missing Scientific and Technical Literature 33.69 31.75 31.82 37.25 38.24 63.41 68.42 29.33 Customer Suppliers NonYour firm University Standard Patent Trade Fair technical s or University and conferences documents, excluding Literature or Product Public Education cosuch as those and Exhibition users Research inventors from ISO workshops Organization (standards, contributions) 24.93 23.42 27.69 37.25 28.22 37.5 31.58 22.97 1.97 1.88 1.54 2 4.02 0 0 0 7.79 7.54 6.15 4 8 15 15.79 9.59 5.29 5.57 7.69 3.92 4.5 2.5 5.26 2.78 93 40.47 42.53 34.85 46.15 34.16 20 10.53 41.33 4.99 3.84 7.69 1.96 5.5 43.9 5.26 1.37 1.92 1.49 1.54 1.96 3.03 4.88 15.79 1.39 19.84 19.47 18.46 27.45 23.88 7.5 15.79 18.92 9.43 9.77 9.23 9.8 9 5 10.53 6.85 Competitors (e.g. knowledge from its products) 4.81 4.39 4.62 7.84 6.97 0 15.79 4.11 Japan Question 4-14 What was the relative importance of the following sources of knowledge of foreign countries compared to those in Japan for your research that led to the patented invention as a whole? (-2 = much less important, 0= equal, 2 = much more import)(外国の知識源は国内のものと比較してどの程度重要であったか) Scientific and Technical Literature(科学技術文献 ) All 使っていない 重要性で 重要性で 大きく劣る 上回る -2 -1 同等 All I did not use All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 1089 885 66 43 67 5 3 20 122 91 10 10 4 1 0 6 275 217 18 8 16 5 4 7 1174 980 59 41 38 23 12 21 526 411 29 12 30 21 11 12 298 234 9 7 11 19 9 9 no response 174 114 10 9 16 8 3 14 % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown N 3484 2818 191 121 166 74 39 75 I did not use 31.26 31.41 34.55 35.54 40.36 6.76 7.69 26.67 -2 3.5 3.23 5.24 8.26 2.41 1.35 0 8 -1 7.89 7.7 9.42 6.61 9.64 6.76 10.26 9.33 0 33.7 34.78 30.89 33.88 22.89 31.08 30.77 28 1 15.1 14.58 15.18 9.92 18.07 28.38 28.21 16 2 8.55 8.3 4.71 5.79 6.63 25.68 23.08 12 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 0 重要性で 重要性で大きく 上回る 上回る 1 2 無回答 Patent Literature(特許文献) All 使っていない 重要性で 重要性で 大きく劣る 上回る -2 -1 All I did not use All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 895 703 52 36 54 17 14 19 139 107 6 11 7 2 0 6 314 262 18 9 12 4 3 6 1370 1138 74 44 53 25 10 26 524 409 33 17 32 18 6 9 260 212 14 2 11 5 5 11 156 101 4 11 13 11 4 12 % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown N 3502 2831 197 119 169 71 38 77 I did not use 25.56 24.83 26.4 30.25 31.95 23.94 36.84 24.68 -2 3.97 3.78 3.05 9.24 4.14 2.82 0 7.79 -1 8.97 9.25 9.14 7.56 7.1 5.63 7.89 7.79 0 39.12 40.2 37.56 36.97 31.36 35.21 26.32 33.77 1 14.96 14.45 16.75 14.29 18.93 25.35 15.79 11.69 2 7.42 7.49 7.11 1.68 6.51 7.04 13.16 14.29 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 94 同等 0 重要性で 重要性で大きく 上回る 上回る 1 2 無回答 no response This page is intentionally left blank. 95 Japan Question 4-14 What was the relative importance of the following sources of knowledge of foreign countries compared to those in Japan for your research that led to the patented invention as a whole? (-2 = much less important, 0= equal, 2 = much more import)(外国の知識源は国内のものと比較してどの程度重要であったか) Trade Fair or Exhibition(見本市、展示会) All 使っていない 重要性で 重要性で 大きく劣る 上回る 同等 重要性で 重要性で大き 上回る く上回る 無回答 All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown All 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 I did not use 1721 1420 98 48 76 30 23 26 -2 187 146 10 11 8 5 0 7 -1 295 245 14 14 9 5 3 5 0 889 725 46 31 43 16 7 21 1 259 201 16 11 15 5 2 9 2 71 53 4 1 8 2 0 3 no response 236 142 13 14 23 19 7 18 % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown N 3422 2790 188 116 159 63 35 71 I did not use 50.29 50.9 52.13 41.38 47.8 47.62 65.71 36.62 -2 5.46 5.23 5.32 9.48 5.03 7.94 0 9.86 -1 8.62 8.78 7.45 12.07 5.66 7.94 8.57 7.04 0 25.98 25.99 24.47 26.72 27.04 25.4 20 29.58 1 7.57 7.2 8.51 9.48 9.43 7.94 5.71 12.68 2 2.07 1.9 2.13 0.86 5.03 3.17 0 4.23 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Technical conferences and workshops(技術的なコンファレンス・ワークショップ) All 使っていない 重要性で 重要性で 大きく劣る 上回る All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown All 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 I did not use 1701 1412 94 51 80 24 11 29 -2 172 136 9 12 10 3 0 2 -1 281 222 21 14 8 5 3 8 0 899 725 51 31 45 11 11 25 1 268 220 9 6 11 14 4 4 2 95 68 3 1 5 9 6 3 no response 242 149 14 15 23 16 7 18 % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown N 3416 2783 187 115 159 66 35 71 I did not use 49.8 50.74 50.27 44.35 50.31 36.36 31.43 40.85 -2 5.04 4.89 4.81 10.43 6.29 4.55 0 2.82 -1 8.23 7.98 11.23 12.17 5.03 7.58 8.57 11.27 0 26.32 26.05 27.27 26.96 28.3 16.67 31.43 35.21 1 7.85 7.91 4.81 5.22 6.92 21.21 11.43 5.63 2 2.78 2.44 1.6 0.87 3.14 13.64 17.14 4.23 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 96 同等 重要性で 重要性で大き 上回る く上回る 無回答 This page is intentionally left blank. 97 Japan Question 4-14 What was the relative importance of the following sources of knowledge of foreign countries compared to those in Japan for your research that led to the patented invention as a whole? (-2 = much less important, 0= equal, 2 = much more import)(外国の知識源は国内のものと比較してどの程度重要であったか) Standard documents, such as those from ISO (standards, contributions)(ISOなどの標準関連文書) All 使っていない All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown All 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 I did not use 1889 1549 105 54 87 35 27 32 % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown N 3419 2784 188 116 160 65 36 70 I did not use 55.25 55.64 55.85 46.55 54.38 53.85 75 45.71 重要性で 重要性で 大きく劣る 上回る -2 -1 224 243 176 189 13 16 15 14 11 10 4 7 0 3 5 4 -2 6.55 6.32 6.91 12.93 6.88 6.15 0 7.14 -1 7.11 6.79 8.51 12.07 6.25 10.77 8.33 5.71 同等 0 870 705 47 27 48 13 5 25 0 25.45 25.32 25 23.28 30 20 13.89 35.71 重要性で 重要性で大きく 上回る 上回る 1 2 141 52 120 45 5 2 6 0 4 0 5 1 0 1 1 3 1 4.12 4.31 2.66 5.17 2.5 7.69 0 1.43 2 1.52 1.62 1.06 0 0 1.54 2.78 4.29 無回答 no response 239 148 13 14 22 17 6 19 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Your firm excluding co-inventors(組織内) All 使っていない 重要性で 重要性で 大きく劣る 上回る All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown All 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 I did not use 1482 1224 77 43 67 27 18 26 -2 190 150 10 12 9 6 0 3 -1 285 230 22 8 10 3 5 7 0 1165 956 59 44 47 24 9 26 1 202 162 11 5 13 4 3 4 2 83 63 3 2 9 1 1 4 no response 251 147 19 16 27 17 6 19 % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown N 3407 2785 182 114 155 65 36 70 I did not use 43.5 43.95 42.31 37.72 43.23 41.54 50 37.14 -2 5.58 5.39 5.49 10.53 5.81 9.23 0 4.29 -1 8.37 8.26 12.09 7.02 6.45 4.62 13.89 10 0 34.19 34.33 32.42 38.6 30.32 36.92 25 37.14 1 5.93 5.82 6.04 4.39 8.39 6.15 8.33 5.71 2 2.44 2.26 1.65 1.75 5.81 1.54 2.78 5.71 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 98 同等 重要性で 重要性で大きく 上回る 上回る 無回答 This page is intentionally left blank. 99 Japan Question 4-14 What was the relative importance of the following sources of knowledge of foreign countries compared to those in Japan for your research that led to the patented invention as a whole? (-2 = much less important, 0= equal, 2 = much more import)(外国の知識源は国内のものと比較してどの程度重要であったか) University and Education(大学など高等教育機関) All 使っていない All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown All 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 I did not use 2006 1673 114 56 96 19 17 31 % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown N 3429 2791 187 115 158 70 36 72 I did not use 58.5 59.94 60.96 48.7 60.76 27.14 47.22 43.06 重要性で 重要性で 大きく劣る 上回る -2 -1 197 256 155 203 10 20 15 13 9 7 3 2 0 4 5 7 -2 5.75 5.55 5.35 13.04 5.7 4.29 0 6.94 -1 7.47 7.27 10.7 11.3 4.43 2.86 11.11 9.72 同等 0 753 597 36 25 35 28 8 24 0 21.96 21.39 19.25 21.74 22.15 40 22.22 33.33 重要性で 重要性で大き 上回る く上回る 1 2 162 55 123 40 6 1 4 2 9 2 10 8 6 1 4 1 1 4.72 4.41 3.21 3.48 5.7 14.29 16.67 5.56 2 1.6 1.43 0.53 1.74 1.27 11.43 2.78 1.39 無回答 no response 229 141 14 15 24 12 6 17 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Non-University Public Research Organization(大学以外の公的研究機関) All 使っていない 重要性で 重要性で 大きく劣る 上回る All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown All 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 I did not use 2066 1721 114 55 99 29 16 32 -2 204 158 12 15 10 4 0 5 -1 239 187 18 12 5 6 3 8 0 752 603 38 27 37 17 9 21 1 123 95 4 4 4 6 7 3 2 36 26 1 1 1 4 1 2 no response 238 142 14 16 26 16 6 18 % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown N 3420 2790 187 114 156 66 36 71 I did not use 60.41 61.68 60.96 48.25 63.46 43.94 44.44 45.07 -2 5.96 5.66 6.42 13.16 6.41 6.06 0 7.04 -1 6.99 6.7 9.63 10.53 3.21 9.09 8.33 11.27 0 21.99 21.61 20.32 23.68 23.72 25.76 25 29.58 1 3.6 3.41 2.14 3.51 2.56 9.09 19.44 4.23 2 1.05 0.93 0.53 0.88 0.64 6.06 2.78 2.82 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 同等 重要性で 重要性で大き 上回る く上回る 無回答 This page is intentionally left blank. 101 Japan Question 4-14 What was the relative importance of the following sources of knowledge of foreign countries compared to those in Japan for your research that led to the patented invention as a whole? (-2 = much less important, 0= equal, 2 = much more import)(外国の知識源は国内のものと比較してどの程度重要であったか) Customers or Product users(顧客・製品ユーザー) All 使っていない All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown All 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 I did not use 1500 1238 75 40 66 33 20 28 % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown N 3442 2804 192 114 158 65 38 71 I did not use 43.58 44.15 39.06 35.09 41.77 50.77 52.63 39.44 All 使っていない All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown All 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 I did not use 1698 1402 92 46 79 31 20 28 % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown N 3415 2789 185 114 156 65 36 70 I did not use 49.72 50.27 49.73 40.35 50.64 47.69 55.56 40 重要性で 重要性で 大きく劣る 上回る -2 -1 150 250 110 205 10 18 13 6 8 11 5 3 0 4 4 3 -2 4.36 3.92 5.21 11.4 5.06 7.69 0 5.63 -1 7.26 7.31 9.38 5.26 6.96 4.62 10.53 4.23 同等 0 978 810 50 36 40 14 10 18 0 28.41 28.89 26.04 31.58 25.32 21.54 26.32 25.35 重要性で 重要性で大き 上回る く上回る 1 2 384 180 301 140 29 10 13 6 19 14 6 4 3 1 13 5 1 11.16 10.73 15.1 11.4 12.03 9.23 7.89 18.31 2 5.23 4.99 5.21 5.26 8.86 6.15 2.63 7.04 無回答 no response 216 128 9 16 24 17 4 18 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Suppliers(サプライヤー) 重要性で 重要性で 大きく劣る 上回る -2 -1 183 297 139 243 8 19 13 13 9 9 6 4 3 3 5 6 -2 5.36 4.98 4.32 11.4 5.77 9.23 8.33 7.14 -1 8.7 8.71 10.27 11.4 5.77 6.15 8.33 8.57 102 同等 0 907 752 49 32 36 13 6 19 0 26.56 26.96 26.49 28.07 23.08 20 16.67 27.14 重要性で 重要性で大き 上回る く上回る 1 2 235 95 180 73 12 5 8 2 17 6 6 5 3 1 9 3 1 6.88 6.45 6.49 7.02 10.9 9.23 8.33 12.86 2 2.78 2.62 2.7 1.75 3.85 7.69 2.78 4.29 無回答 no response 243 143 16 16 26 17 6 19 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 This page is intentionally left blank. 103 Japan Question 4-14 What was the relative importance of the following sources of knowledge of foreign countries compared to those in Japan for your research that led to the patented invention as a whole? (-2 = much less important, 0= equal, 2 = much more import)(外国の知識源は国内のものと比較してどの程度重要であったか) Competitors (e.g. knowledge from its products) (競争相手) All 使っていない All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown All 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 I did not use 1389 1128 76 38 73 27 18 29 % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown N 3434 2801 188 115 158 67 36 69 I did not use 40.45 40.27 40.43 33.04 46.2 40.3 50 42.03 重要性で 重要性で 大きく劣る 上回る -2 -1 139 228 99 184 14 14 9 11 7 8 7 3 0 3 3 5 1 4.05 3.53 7.45 7.83 4.43 10.45 0 4.35 2 6.64 6.57 7.45 9.57 5.06 4.48 8.33 7.25 同等 0 1004 836 47 38 41 15 8 19 3 29.24 29.85 25 33.04 25.95 22.39 22.22 27.54 重要性で 重要性で大き 上回る く上回る 1 2 452 222 365 189 24 13 15 4 22 7 12 3 5 2 9 4 4 13.16 13.03 12.77 13.04 13.92 17.91 13.89 13.04 5 6.46 6.75 6.91 3.48 4.43 4.48 5.56 5.8 無回答 no response 224 131 13 15 24 15 6 20 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Consulting or contract R&D firms(コンサルティング企業・R&D請負企業) 重要性で 重要性で 大きく劣る 上回る 同等 重要性で 重要性で大き 上回る く上回る 無回答 All 使っていない All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown All 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 I did not use 2222 1844 123 60 102 34 27 32 -2 217 173 10 14 7 8 0 5 -1 239 188 16 11 12 3 1 8 0 650 515 33 22 34 17 7 22 1 65 49 2 6 2 2 1 3 2 22 19 1 1 0 0 0 1 no response 243 144 16 16 25 18 6 18 % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown N 3415 2788 185 114 157 64 36 71 I did not use 65.07 66.14 66.49 52.63 64.97 53.13 75 45.07 1 6.35 6.21 5.41 12.28 4.46 12.5 0 7.04 2 7 6.74 8.65 9.65 7.64 4.69 2.78 11.27 3 19.03 18.47 17.84 19.3 21.66 26.56 19.44 30.99 4 1.9 1.76 1.08 5.26 1.27 3.13 2.78 4.23 5 0.64 0.68 0.54 0.88 0 0 0 1.41 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 104 This page is intentionally left blank. 105 Japan Question 4-14 What was the relative importance of the following sources of knowledge of foreign countries compared to those in Japan for your research that led to the patented invention as a whole? (-2 = much less important, 0= equal, 2 = much more import)(外国の知識源は国内のものと比較してどの程度重要であったか) other All 使っていない All 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 I did not use 3199 2576 178 111 158 70 35 71 % N I did not use 1 2 3 All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown 3557 2860 199 126 175 79 40 78 89.94 90.07 89.45 88.1 90.29 88.61 87.5 91.03 2.33 2.2 2.01 6.35 2.86 3.8 0 0 1.01 0.91 1.51 1.59 1.71 1.27 0 1.28 6.44 6.5 7.04 3.97 5.14 6.33 10 7.69 All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown 重要性で 重要性で 大きく劣る 上回る -2 83 63 4 8 5 3 0 0 -1 36 26 3 2 3 1 0 1 106 同等 重要性で 上回る 重要性で大 きく上回る 無回答 0 229 186 14 5 9 5 4 6 1 5 4 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 no response 101 72 2 4 7 3 2 11 4 5 Total 0.14 0.14 0 0 0 0 2.5 0 0.14 0.17 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 This page is intentionally left blank. 107 Japan Question 4-15 Including this patent, how many domestic patent grants do you expect your research would generate directly for your firm, including those with joint ownership? (当該研究は何件の国内特許登録をもたらしますか?) All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown All 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 1 616 481 38 31 32 17 7 10 2-5 1813 1412 124 80 95 43 22 37 6-10 581 485 19 14 25 12 8 18 11-50 420 366 15 3 22 3 4 7 51-100 89 76 1 1 3 3 1 4 10151 45 1 0 3 2 0 0 no response 88 67 3 1 2 2 0 13 N 1 2-5 6-10 11-50 51-100 101- Total 3570 2865 198 129 180 80 42 76 17.25 16.79 19.19 24.03 17.78 21.25 16.67 13.16 50.78 49.28 62.63 62.02 52.78 53.75 52.38 48.68 16.27 16.93 9.6 10.85 13.89 15 19.05 23.68 11.76 12.77 7.58 2.33 12.22 3.75 9.52 9.21 2.49 2.65 0.51 0.78 1.67 3.75 2.38 5.26 1.43 1.57 0.51 0 1.67 2.5 0 0 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 108 This page is intentionally left blank. 109 Japan Question 4-16 How many man-months did the research leading to the patent require, including those of co-inventors? (当該発明の研究の開始から特許出願までの研究 期間) All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university ` unknown All less than 3 man-months 4-6 manmonths 7-12 manmonths 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 682 536 34 37 36 16 7 16 570 469 35 19 15 14 5 13 599 498 31 18 29 7 3 13 N less than 3 man-months 4-6 manmonths 7-12 manmonths 3564 2866 198 130 175 79 41 75 19.14 18.7 17.17 28.46 20.57 20.25 17.07 21.33 15.99 16.36 17.68 14.62 8.57 17.72 12.2 17.33 16.81 17.38 15.66 13.85 16.57 8.86 7.32 17.33 13-24 man- 25-48 manmonths months 715 564 45 27 38 20 10 11 49-72 manmonths 73-96 manmonths 201 159 9 6 12 6 4 5 64 53 4 3 2 1 0 1 49-72 manmonths 73-96 manmonths 14.39 13.85 16.16 12.31 20 12.66 24.39 17.33 5.64 5.55 4.55 4.62 6.86 7.59 9.76 6.67 1.8 1.85 2.02 2.31 1.14 1.27 0 1.33 Iqr 31.5 31.5 31.5 17 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 No response 94 66 3 0 7 3 1 14 513 397 32 16 35 10 10 13 13-24 man- 25-48 manmonths months 20.06 19.68 22.73 20.77 21.71 25.32 24.39 14.67 S.D N Median p90 mean(month) All 25.41 35.1 3564 9.5 60.5 25.85 35.99 2866 9.5 60.5 Large firm (> 500) 22.97 30.43 198 9.5 60.5 Medium firm (250-500) 19.95 28.69 130 9.5 48.5 Small firm (100-250) 25.28 31.5 175 18.5 60.5 Very small firm (<100) 26.05 35.61 79 18.5 60.5 university Other 27.85 31.97 41 18.5 60.5 unknown 22.75 30.88 75 9.5 60.5 Note: As to choice (1)-(7) of Question 4-16, we use mean values of each range as scale scores. As to choice (8), we calculated the scale score supposing log normanl distribution. 110 97 manmonths or more 220 190 8 4 8 5 2 3 No response 97 manmonths or more 6.17 6.63 4.04 3.08 4.57 6.33 4.88 4 Total 94 66 3 0 7 3 1 14 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 US Question 4-16 How many man-months did the research leading to the patent require, including those of co-inventors? (当該発明の研究の開始から特許出願までの研究期間) A9 How many man-months did the research leading to the patent require, including those of co-inventors? All Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs Small firms (100-250) Very small firm (< 100) University Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ other Missing % All Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs Small firms (100-250) Very small firm (< 100) University ` Missing Man-month All Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs Small firms (100-250) Very small firm (< 100) University Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ other Missing All less than 1 manmonths 129 99 4 6 9 2 3 6 1-3 man- 4-6 manmonths months N less than 1 manmonths 1-3 man- 4-6 manmonths months 1774 1315 67 54 211 37 19 71 7.27 7.53 5.97 11.11 4.27 5.41 15.79 8.45 13.7 14.07 13.43 7.41 14.22 8.11 0 16.9 mean(month) S.D 19.09 18.23 16.99 14.18 23.34 33.00 35.21 16.69 23.09 22.56 19.78 17.21 25.15 27.92 34.92 21.78 1919 1389 74 60 216 42 20 118 7-12 manmonths 341 256 9 16 39 7 3 11 13-24 manmonths 7-12 manmonths 18.21 18.94 22.39 22.22 12.8 2.7 5.26 25.35 N 1774 1315 67 54 211 37 19 71 243 185 9 4 30 3 0 12 25-48 manmonths 234 163 9 7 34 9 2 10 49-72 manmonths 81 51 2 1 17 5 2 3 73-96 manmonths 26 16 0 0 5 3 1 1 97 manmonths or more 73 53 2 1 10 2 3 2 Don't Know Missing 10 6 1 0 1 1 0 1 135 68 6 6 4 4 1 46 13-24 manmonths 25-48 manmonths 49-72 manmonths 73-96 manmonths 97 manmonths or more Total 19.22 19.47 13.43 29.63 18.48 18.92 15.79 15.49 18.26 18.48 25.37 12.96 18.96 13.51 21.05 11.27 13.19 12.4 13.43 12.96 16.11 24.32 10.53 14.08 4.57 3.88 2.99 1.85 8.06 13.51 10.53 4.23 1.47 1.22 0 0 2.37 8.11 5.26 1.41 4.11 4.03 2.99 1.85 4.74 5.41 15.79 2.82 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Median p90 Interquartile Range Missing 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50 18.50 36.50 18.50 5.00 60.50 36.50 36.50 36.50 60.50 75.00 97.00 37 13.5 13.5 13.5 13.5 31.5 51 51 16.5 145 74 7 6 5 5 1 47 323 249 15 12 27 1 1 18 111 324 243 17 7 40 5 4 8 Japan Question 4-17 Funding sources (Incidence and % in shares). You can check all relevant boxes. (当該研究のための費用の資金源(重複回答あり)) All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown %yes All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown Mean Share All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown Mean Share weighted by man-month All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown All 発明者所属企業の内 部資金 政府からの資金 発明者所属企業 クライアントまた 設備、材料、部 ベンチャーキャ 以外の企業から は顧客からの資 品、ソフトウェア等 ピトル、エンジェ の資金 金 サプライヤー企業 ルなどからの投 資資金 All Internal funds Government funds Other companies Customers or product users Suppliers 3,658 2,932 201 130 182 82 42 89 3,488 2,841 196 122 167 57 38 67 161 67 4 2 20 40 14 14 109 55 4 1 14 23 5 7 139 84 12 13 15 3 3 9 N Internal funds Government funds Other companies 3577 2871 199 127 180 81 42 77 97.51 98.96 98.49 96.06 92.78 70.37 90.48 87.01 4.50 2.33 2.01 1.57 11.11 49.38 33.33 18.18 N Internal funds 3,562 2,865 198 127 176 79 42 75 その他 無回答 Venture capital or angels other no response 103 76 9 4 4 6 0 4 10 4 0 1 3 0 0 2 53 19 0 1 9 11 7 6 81 61 2 3 2 1 0 12 Customers or product users Suppliers Venture capital or angels other 3.05 1.92 2.01 0.79 7.78 28.40 11.90 9.09 3.89 2.93 6.03 10.24 8.33 3.70 7.14 11.69 2.88 2.65 4.52 3.15 2.22 7.41 0.00 5.19 0.28 0.14 0.00 0.79 1.67 0.00 0.00 2.60 1.48 0.66 0.00 0.79 5.00 13.58 16.67 7.79 Government funds Other companies Customers or product users Suppliers Venture capital or angels other no response 93.73 96.37 94.31 92.76 85.64 44.11 69.76 77.73 1.87 0.86 0.86 1.18 2.89 26.08 17.38 7.87 1.32 0.85 0.83 0.59 2.66 15.06 2.26 3.33 1.33 0.85 3.18 4.41 3.92 0.76 2.38 3.6 0.56 0.49 0.81 0.2 0.51 3.48 0 0.73 0.06 0.02 0 0.08 0.68 0 0 0.33 1.12 0.55 0 0.79 3.69 10.51 8.21 6.4 96 67 3 3 6 3 0 14 N Internal funds Government funds Other companies Customers or product users Suppliers Venture capital or angels other no response 3,525 2,840 196 127 171 77 41 73 92.81 95.46 96.2 87.57 87.22 47.84 49.91 73.5 2.5 1.26 0.81 2.48 3.95 23.57 27.56 14.89 1.15 0.55 0.24 0.55 1.41 18.89 3.61 6.99 1.5 1.16 2.14 8.91 2.23 0.26 3.34 1.58 0.81 0.81 0.6 0.36 0.43 3.29 0 0.52 0.17 0.14 0 0.07 0.89 0 0 0.9 1.06 0.62 0 0.06 3.88 6.15 15.58 1.62 133 92 5 3 11 5 1 16 112 US Question 4-17 Funding sources (Incidence and % in shares) You can check all relevant boxes. (当該研究のための費用の資金源(重複回答あり)) All Internal funds Government funds Other companies Customers or product users Suppliers Venture capital or angels other Missing All Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs Small firms (100-250) Very small firm (< 100) University Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ other Missing 1919 1389 74 60 216 42 20 118 1678 1284 68 49 173 25 16 63 103 49 7 4 13 23 5 2 92 61 5 3 15 1 4 3 45 33 0 0 12 0 0 0 55 5 0 1 43 3 0 3 32 15 0 2 8 6 0 1 10 4 0 1 3 1 1 0 140 72 4 6 4 3 1 50 %yes N Internal funds Government funds Other companies Customers or product users Suppliers Venture capital or angels other All Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs Small firms (100-250) Very small firm (< 100) University Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ other Missing 1779 1317 70 54 212 39 19 68 94.32 97.49 97.14 90.74 81.6 64.1 84.21 92.65 5.79 3.72 10 7.41 6.13 58.97 26.32 2.94 5.17 4.63 7.14 5.56 7.08 2.56 21.05 4.41 2.53 2.51 0 0 5.66 0 0 0 3.09 0.38 0 1.85 20.28 7.69 0 4.41 1.8 1.14 0 3.7 3.77 15.38 0 1.47 0.56 0.30 0.00 1.85 1.42 2.56 5.26 0 N Internal funds Government funds Other companies Customers or product users Suppliers Venture capital or angels Other All Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs Small firms (100-250) Very small firm (< 100) University Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ other Missing 1779 1317 70 54 212 39 19 68 89.91 94.46 90.86 87.78 72.3 45.51 65.53 89.71 3.29 1.96 5.14 3.52 3.14 40.64 16.58 2.21 0.81 0.32 0 2.04 2.24 8.72 0 1.47 2.51 2.02 4 3.15 3.87 1.03 15.79 2.94 0.52 0.49 0 0 1.33 0 0 0 2.36 0.19 0 1.67 16.57 2.82 0 3.68 0.35 0.24 0 1.85 0.57 1.28 2.11 0 A10 Funding sources (% mean) weight by A9 man-month All Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs Small firms (100-250) Very small firm (< 100) University Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ other Missing N Internal funds Government funds Other companies Customers or product users Suppliers Venture capital or angels Other 1753 1297 67 54 211 37 19 68 86.19 93.85 90.81 88.52 64.92 30.14 67.88 83.27 5.51 2.87 4.66 5.89 4.79 54.48 13.2 7.32 1.35 0.46 0 0.78 4.67 8.8 0 0.17 2.87 1.8 4.53 3.64 6.1 0.61 16.74 3.19 0.52 0.54 0 0 0.94 0 0 0 3.29 0.26 0 1.12 18.15 5.97 0 6.05 0.25 0.2 0 0.07 0.42 0 2.18 0 A10. Funding source A10 Funding sources (% mean) 113 Japan Question 4-18 Did the availability of funds constrain the research leading to the invention? You can check all relevant boxes. (リスク資金の利用可能性が制約となった か(重複回答あり)) リスク資金不足のため リスク資金不足のため リスク資金が制約にならな リスク資金は研究開発に に望んでいた研究の範 に研究開始・完了が実 かったが、事業化への投資 も事業化への投資にも制 約にならなかった が制約された 質的に遅れた 囲を実質的に縮小した その他 無回答 All The scope of the research was significantly narrowed Either the startup or the completion of the research was significantly delayed Research was not constrained but the follow-up investment for its commercialization was constrained Not constrained either in its research or in the follow-up investment for commercialization Other no response All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown 3,658 2,932 201 130 182 82 42 89 263 189 9 9 26 11 7 12 196 135 11 4 29 6 3 8 855 693 45 23 45 16 10 23 2,203 1,808 129 86 89 36 16 39 92 56 7 6 5 9 6 3 130 96 4 4 7 5 1 13 % N The scope of the research was significantly narrowed Either the startup or the completion of the research was significantly delayed Research was not constrained but the follow-up investment for its commercialization was constrained Not constrained either in its research or in the follow-up investment for commercialization Other All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown 3528 2836 197 126 175 77 41 76 7.45 6.66 4.57 7.14 14.86 14.29 17.07 15.79 5.56 4.76 5.58 3.17 16.57 7.79 7.32 10.53 24.23 24.44 22.84 18.25 25.71 20.78 24.39 30.26 62.44 63.75 65.48 68.25 50.86 46.75 39.02 51.32 2.61 1.97 3.55 4.76 2.86 11.69 14.63 3.95 114 This page is intentionally left blank. 115 Japan (1/4) Question 5-1 How important were the following motivations for your invention? (1 = not important, 5 = very important) (当該特許につながる発明への動機の重要度) Satisfaction from the contribution to the progress of science and technology (科学技術の進歩への貢献による 満足度) All All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown All 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown N 3567 2881 196 123 170 80 40 77 全く重要で 重要でな どちらでも 重要である 非常に重 要である ない い ない 1 2 3 4 5 194 297 881 1526 669 155 245 716 1271 494 10 21 66 71 28 7 12 41 46 17 13 14 38 65 40 1 0 3 28 48 1 2 0 14 23 7 3 17 31 19 1 5.44 5.38 5.1 5.69 7.65 1.25 2.5 9.09 2 8.33 8.5 10.71 9.76 8.24 0 5 3.9 3 24.7 24.85 33.67 33.33 22.35 3.75 0 22.08 4 42.78 44.12 36.22 37.4 38.24 35 35 40.26 無回答 no response 91 51 5 7 12 2 2 12 5 18.76 17.15 14.29 13.82 23.53 60 57.5 24.68 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Satisfaction from solving technical problems (チャレンジングな技術課題を解決すること自体への興味) All All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown All 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown N 3599 2902 199 129 172 78 40 79 全く重要で 重要でな どちらでも 重要である 非常に重 ない い ない 要である 1 2 3 4 5 50 61 231 1749 1508 40 52 176 1402 1232 1 5 15 106 72 0 1 17 62 49 5 2 11 94 60 0 0 7 34 37 1 0 1 10 28 3 1 4 41 30 1 1.39 1.38 0.5 0 2.91 0 2.5 3.8 2 1.69 1.79 2.51 0.78 1.16 0 0 1.27 116 3 6.42 6.06 7.54 13.18 6.4 8.97 2.5 5.06 4 48.6 48.31 53.27 48.06 54.65 43.59 25 51.9 5 41.9 42.45 36.18 37.98 34.88 47.44 70 37.97 無回答 no response 59 30 2 1 10 4 2 10 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 US (1/7) Question 5-1 How important were the following motivations for your invention? (1 = not important, 5 = very important) (当該特許につながる発明への動機の重要度) Satisfaction from the contribution to the progress of science and technology (科学技術の進歩への貢献に よる満足度) all C.5_B Satisfaction from contributing to the progress of science and technology All 1919 1389 Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs 74 Small firms (100-250) 60 Very small firm (< 100) 216 University 42 Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe 20 Missing 118 1 2 3 4 5 Missing %4 or 5 110 81 6 3 16 0 2 2 179 140 9 5 17 1 0 7 390 304 12 11 42 2 6 13 517 392 16 20 59 9 7 14 598 423 31 19 69 27 4 25 125 49 0 2 13 3 1 57 1115 815 47 39 128 36 11 39 % N All 1794 Large firm ( >=501) 1340 Medium SMEs 74 Small firms (100-250) 58 Very small firm (< 100) 203 University 39 Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe 19 Missing 61 1 6.13 6.04 8.11 5.17 7.88 0 10.53 3.28 2 9.98 10.45 12.16 8.62 8.37 2.56 0 11.48 3 21.74 22.69 16.22 18.97 20.69 5.13 31.58 21.31 4 28.82 29.25 21.62 34.48 29.06 23.08 36.84 22.95 5 33.33 31.57 41.89 32.76 33.99 69.23 21.05 40.98 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 %4 or 5 62.15 60.82 63.51 67.24 63.05 92.31 57.89 63.93 Satisfaction from solving technical problems (チャレンジングな技術課題を解決すること自体への興味) C.5_A Satisfaction from solving technical problems All Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs Small firms (100-250) Very small firm (< 100) University Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe Missing all 1 2 3 4 5 Missing %4 or 5 1,919 1389 74 60 216 42 20 118 25 16 3 1 4 0 1 0 44 29 3 2 7 1 0 2 180 131 4 8 25 3 5 4 577 435 21 14 69 9 6 23 983 737 43 33 101 26 8 35 110 41 0 2 10 3 0 54 1560 1172 64 47 170 35 14 58 1 1.38 1.19 4.05 1.72 1.94 0 5 0 2 2.43 2.15 4.05 3.45 3.4 2.56 0 3.13 3 9.95 9.72 5.41 13.79 12.14 7.69 25 6.25 4 31.9 32.27 28.38 24.14 33.5 23.08 30 35.94 5 54.34 54.67 58.11 56.9 49.03 66.67 40 54.69 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 %4 or 5 86.24 86.94 86.49 81.04 82.53 89.75 70 90.63 % N All 1809 Large firm ( >=501) 1348 Medium SMEs 74 Small firms (100-250) 58 Very small firm (< 100) 206 University 39 Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe 20 Missing 64 117 Japan (2/4) Question 5-1 How important were the following motivations for your invention? (1 = not important, 5 = very important) (当該特許につながる発明への動機の重要度) Improvement of the performance of the organization I work for (所属組織のパフォーマンス向上) All All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown All 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown N 3555 2886 195 122 165 74 38 75 全く重要で 重要でな どちらでも 重要である 非常に重 要である ない い ない 1 2 3 4 5 173 227 865 1817 473 125 172 690 1498 401 6 9 43 113 24 3 9 33 64 13 18 17 47 65 18 10 9 24 27 4 4 5 10 14 5 7 6 18 36 8 1 4.87 4.33 3.08 2.46 10.91 13.51 10.53 9.33 2 6.39 5.96 4.62 7.38 10.3 12.16 13.16 8 3 24.33 23.91 22.05 27.05 28.48 32.43 26.32 24 4 51.11 51.91 57.95 52.46 39.39 36.49 36.84 48 無回答 no response 103 46 6 8 17 8 4 14 5 13.31 13.89 12.31 10.66 10.91 5.41 13.16 10.67 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Career advances and opportunities for new/better jobs (キャリア向上、より良い仕事に就く機会拡大) All All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown All 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown N 3542 2876 197 122 164 74 38 71 全く重要で 重要でな どちらでも 重要である 非常に重 要である ない い ない 1 2 3 4 5 499 710 1306 867 160 379 580 1084 707 126 25 44 63 53 12 21 23 44 30 4 30 34 57 37 6 26 10 26 10 2 7 9 10 9 3 11 10 22 21 7 1 14.09 13.18 12.69 17.21 18.29 35.14 18.42 15.49 2 20.05 20.17 22.34 18.85 20.73 13.51 23.68 14.08 118 3 36.87 37.69 31.98 36.07 34.76 35.14 26.32 30.99 4 24.48 24.58 26.9 24.59 22.56 13.51 23.68 29.58 5 4.52 4.38 6.09 3.28 3.66 2.7 7.89 9.86 無回答 no response 116 56 4 8 18 8 4 18 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 US (2/7) Question 5-1 How important were the following motivations for your invention? (1 = not important, 5 = very important) (当該特許につながる発明への動機の重要度) Generating value for my firm/improving my firm's performance 1 2 All 1919 Large firm ( >=501) 1389 Medium SMEs 74 Small firms (100-250) 60 Very small firm (< 100) 216 University 42 Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe 20 Missing 118 63 29 1 3 11 12 5 2 69 52 3 0 4 8 2 0 % N All 1807 Large firm ( >=501) 1349 Medium SMEs 74 Small firms (100-250) 58 Very small firm (< 100) 206 University 39 Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe 18 Missing 63 1 3.49 2.15 1.35 5.17 5.34 30.8 27.8 3.17 2 3.82 3.85 4.05 0 1.94 20.5 11.1 0 C.5_D Generating value for my firm/improving my firm's performance all 3 4 5 Missing %4 or 5 263 633 201 496 7 32 10 19 24 56 7 11 3 4 11 15 779 571 31 26 111 1 4 35 112 40 0 2 10 3 2 55 1412 1067 63 45 167 12 8 50 3 14.6 14.9 9.46 17.2 11.7 18 16.7 17.5 5 43.1 42.3 41.9 44.8 53.9 2.56 22.2 55.6 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 %4 or 5 78.14 79.1 85.13 77.59 81.06 30.77 44.44 79.37 4 35 36.8 43.2 32.8 27.2 28.2 22.2 23.8 Career advances and opportunities for new/better jobs (キャリア向上、より良い仕事に就く機会拡大) 5 Missing %4 or 5 All 1,919 327 361 506 398 Large firm ( >=501) 1389 193 260 406 320 Medium SMEs 74 13 14 20 16 Small firms (100-250) 60 17 11 12 13 Very small firm (< 100) 216 74 46 38 28 University 42 13 10 7 8 Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe 20 8 5 2 3 Missing 118 9 15 21 10 196 160 10 4 15 1 0 6 131 50 1 3 15 3 2 57 594 480 26 17 43 9 3 16 % N All 1788 Large firm ( >=501) 1339 Medium SMEs 73 Small firms (100-250) 57 Very small firm (< 100) 201 University 39 Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe 18 Missing 61 5 11 12 13.7 7.02 7.46 2.56 0 9.84 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 %4 or 5 33.22 35.85 35.62 29.83 21.39 23.07 16.67 26.23 C.5_E Career advances and opportunities for new/better jobs all 1 1 18.3 14.4 17.8 29.8 36.8 33.3 44.4 14.8 2 2 20.2 19.4 19.2 19.3 22.9 25.6 27.8 24.6 3 3 28.3 30.3 27.4 21.1 18.9 18 11.1 34.4 119 4 4 22.3 23.9 21.9 22.8 13.9 20.5 16.7 16.4 Japan (3/4) Question 5-1 How important were the following motivations for your invention? (1 = not important, 5 = very important) (当該特許につながる発明への動機の重要度) Prestige/reputation (名声・評判) All All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown All 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown N 3537 2874 192 122 163 74 38 74 全く重要で 重要でな どちらでも 重要であ ない い ない る 1 2 3 4 649 831 1366 600 527 696 1103 479 35 53 77 22 26 27 51 14 28 30 73 27 15 7 28 21 3 7 10 17 15 11 24 20 1 18.35 18.34 18.23 21.31 17.18 20.27 7.89 20.27 2 23.49 24.22 27.6 22.13 18.4 9.46 18.42 14.86 3 38.62 38.38 40.1 41.8 44.79 37.84 26.32 32.43 4 16.96 16.67 11.46 11.48 16.56 28.38 44.74 27.03 非常に重 要である 5 91 69 5 4 5 3 1 4 無回答 no response 121 58 9 8 19 8 4 15 5 2.57 2.4 2.6 3.28 3.07 4.05 2.63 5.41 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Benefits in terms of working condition as a reward by the employer such as research budget available (研究予 算の拡大など研究条件での便益) All All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown All 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown N 3540 2871 193 122 165 77 38 74 全く重要で 重要でな どちらでも 重要であ ない い ない る 1 2 3 4 661 750 1369 679 538 631 1109 535 38 42 75 35 30 25 50 15 36 31 74 21 7 6 21 34 2 6 8 19 10 9 32 20 1 18.67 18.74 19.69 24.59 21.82 9.09 5.26 13.51 2 21.19 21.98 21.76 20.49 18.79 7.79 15.79 12.16 120 3 38.67 38.63 38.86 40.98 44.85 27.27 21.05 43.24 4 19.18 18.63 18.13 12.3 12.73 44.16 50 27.03 非常に重 要である 5 81 58 3 2 3 9 3 3 無回答 no response 118 61 8 8 17 5 4 15 5 2.29 2.02 1.55 1.64 1.82 11.69 7.89 4.05 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 US (3/7) Question 5-1 How important were the following motivations for your invention? (1 = not important, 5 = very important) (当該特許につながる発明への動機の重要 度) Prestige/reputation (名声・評判) C.5_F Prestige / reputation all 1 2 3 4 5 Missing %4 or 5 All 1919 Large firm ( >=501) 1389 Medium SMEs 74 Small firms (100-250) 60 Very small firm (< 100) 216 University 42 Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe 20 Missing 118 266 341 534 430 170 265 403 333 13 9 21 20 9 10 14 13 58 37 49 43 3 9 12 10 4 3 8 1 9 8 27 10 227 172 11 12 17 5 2 8 121 46 0 2 12 3 2 56 657 505 31 25 60 15 3 18 % All Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs Very small firm (< 100) University Hospital, foundation, etc. Other Missing 1 14.8 12.7 17.6 15.5 28.4 7.69 22.2 14.5 5 12.6 12.8 14.9 20.7 8.33 12.8 11.1 12.9 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 %4 or 5 36.55 37.61 41.89 43.1 29.41 38.46 16.67 29.03 N 1798 1343 74 58 204 39 18 62 2 19 19.7 12.2 17.2 18.1 23.1 16.7 12.9 3 29.7 30 28.4 24.1 24 30.8 44.4 43.6 4 23.9 24.8 27 22.4 21.1 25.6 5.56 16.1 Benefits in terms of working condition as a reward by the employer such as research budget available (研究予算の拡大など研究条件での便益) C.5_I Beneficial working conditions from my company (e.g., increased research budget) all 1 2 3 4 All 1,919 647 415 418 214 Large firm ( >=501) 1389 447 317 337 171 Medium SMEs 74 26 19 15 8 Small firms (100-250) 60 21 10 13 10 Very small firm (< 100) 216 102 39 30 16 University 42 17 10 6 4 Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe 20 9 4 5 0 Missing 118 25 16 12 5 % N All 1780 Large firm ( >=501) 1332 Medium SMEs 74 Small firms (100-250) 58 Very small firm (< 100) 198 University 39 Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe 18 Missing 61 1 36.4 33.6 35.1 36.2 51.5 43.6 50 41 2 23.3 23.8 25.7 17.2 19.7 25.6 22.2 26.2 3 23.5 25.3 20.3 22.4 15.2 15.4 27.8 19.7 121 4 12 12.8 10.8 17.2 8.08 10.3 0 8.2 5 Missing %4 or 5 86 60 6 4 11 2 0 3 139 57 0 2 18 3 2 57 300 231 14 14 27 6 0 8 5 4.83 4.5 8.11 6.9 5.56 5.13 0 4.92 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 %4 or 5 16.85 17.34 18.92 24.14 13.64 15.39 0 13.12 Japan (4/4) Question 5-1 How important were the following motivations for your invention? (1 = not important, 5 = very important) (当該特許につながる発明への動機の重要度) Monetary rewards (金銭的報酬) All 全く重要で 重要でな どちらでも 重要である 非常に重 要である ない い ない 1 2 3 4 5 557 773 1390 706 117 421 631 1138 591 96 41 43 83 21 4 30 26 48 17 2 30 31 59 39 5 19 18 23 13 1 8 6 16 8 2 8 18 23 17 7 All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown All 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown N 3543 2877 192 123 164 74 40 73 1 15.72 14.63 21.35 24.39 18.29 25.68 20 10.96 2 21.82 21.93 22.4 21.14 18.9 24.32 15 24.66 All 無回答 All 非常に重 要である 5 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 3 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 3655 2931 201 130 182 81 42 88 N 3 1 1 1 5 100 100 100 100 Total 100 100 100 100 others All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown % All Large firm (> 500) university unknown no response 122 3 39.23 39.56 43.23 39.02 35.98 31.08 40 31.51 4 19.93 20.54 10.94 13.82 23.78 17.57 20 23.29 5 3.3 3.34 2.08 1.63 3.05 1.35 5 9.59 無回答 no response 115 55 9 7 18 8 2 16 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 US (4/7) Question 5-1 How important were the following motivations for your invention? (1 = not important, 5 = very important) (当該特許につながる発明への動機の重要 度) Monetary rewards (金銭的報酬) all 1 2 3 4 5 Missing %4 or 5 C.5_J Monetary rewards All 1919 1389 Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs 74 Small firms (100-250) 60 Very small firm (< 100) 216 University 42 Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe 20 Missing 118 569 430 408 239 422 356 316 157 31 18 13 7 22 10 8 8 60 25 41 42 11 4 12 12 4 3 4 5 19 14 14 8 150 90 4 10 36 0 2 8 123 48 1 2 12 3 2 55 389 247 11 18 78 12 7 16 % all All 1796 Large firm ( >=501) 1341 Medium SMEs 73 Small firms (100-250) 58 Very small firm (< 100) 204 University 39 Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe 18 Missing 63 1 31.7 31.5 42.5 37.9 29.4 28.2 22.2 30.2 5 8.35 6.71 5.48 17.2 17.7 0 11.1 12.7 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 %4 or 5 21.66 18.42 15.07 31.03 38.24 30.77 38.89 25.4 2 23.9 26.6 24.7 17.2 12.3 10.3 16.7 22.2 3 22.7 23.6 17.8 13.8 20.1 30.8 22.2 22.2 123 4 13.3 11.7 9.59 13.8 20.6 30.8 27.8 12.7 This page is intentionally left blank. 124 US (5/7) Question 5-1 How important were the following motivations for your invention? (1 = not important, 5 = very important) (当該特許につながる発明への動機の重要度) Recognition from co-workers 5 Missing %4 or 5 All 1,919 365 378 559 356 Large firm ( >=501) 1389 220 294 431 285 Medium SMEs 74 19 12 21 16 Small firms (100-250) 60 16 7 17 15 Very small firm (< 100) 216 83 37 49 26 University 42 8 9 12 8 Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe 20 6 7 5 0 Missing 118 13 12 24 6 140 114 6 3 9 2 0 6 121 45 0 2 12 3 2 57 496 399 22 18 35 10 0 12 % N All 1798 Large firm ( >=501) 1344 Medium SMEs 74 Small firms (100-250) 58 Very small firm (< 100) 204 University 39 Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe 18 Missing 61 5 7.79 8.48 8.11 5.17 4.41 5.13 0 9.84 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 %4 or 5 27.59 29.69 29.73 31.03 17.16 25.64 0 19.68 5 Missing %4 or 5 C.5_G Recognition from co-workers all 1 1 20.3 16.4 25.7 27.6 40.7 20.5 33.3 21.3 2 2 21 21.9 16.2 12.1 18.1 23.1 38.9 19.7 3 3 31.1 32.1 28.4 29.3 24 30.8 27.8 39.3 4 4 19.8 21.2 21.6 25.9 12.8 20.5 0 9.84 Recognition from others in the same profession (outside the firm) C.5_H Recognition from others in the same profession (outside the firm) all 1 2 3 4 All 1919 Large firm ( >=501) 1389 Medium SMEs 74 Small firms (100-250) 60 Very small firm (< 100) 216 University 42 Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe 20 Missing 118 475 410 449 320 342 321 349 227 16 19 18 13 21 8 10 15 72 38 37 44 4 8 8 12 5 3 6 2 15 13 21 7 134 98 8 4 12 6 1 5 131 52 0 2 13 4 3 57 454 325 21 19 56 18 3 12 % all All 1788 Large firm ( >=501) 1337 Medium SMEs 74 Small firms (100-250) 58 Very small firm (< 100) 203 University 38 Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe 17 Missing 61 1 26.6 25.6 21.6 36.2 35.5 10.5 29.4 24.6 5 7.49 7.33 10.8 6.9 5.91 15.8 5.88 8.2 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 %4 or 5 25.39 24.31 28.38 32.76 27.58 47.37 17.64 19.68 2 22.9 24 25.7 13.8 18.7 21.1 17.7 21.3 3 25.1 26.1 24.3 17.2 18.2 21.1 35.3 34.4 125 4 17.9 17 17.6 25.9 21.7 31.6 11.8 11.5 This page is intentionally left blank. 126 US (6/7) Question 5-1 How important were the following motivations for your invention? (1 = not important, 5 = very important) (当該特許につながる発明への動機の重要度) For societal good C5_K For societal good all All 1,919 Large firm ( >=501) 1389 Medium SMEs 74 Small firms (100-250) 60 Very small firm (< 100) 216 University 42 Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe 20 Missing 118 % N All 1789 Large firm ( >=501) 1333 Medium SMEs 73 Small firms (100-250) 58 Very small firm (< 100) 204 University 39 Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe 19 Missing 63 1 2 3 4 5 Missing %4 or 5 514 407 18 16 48 1 3 21 376 302 20 8 32 5 1 8 405 314 17 11 37 8 3 15 284 187 10 12 49 12 4 10 210 123 8 11 38 13 8 9 130 56 1 2 12 3 1 55 494 310 18 23 87 25 12 19 1 2 3 4 5 Total %4 or 5 28.73 30.53 24.66 27.59 23.53 2.56 15.79 33.33 21.02 22.66 27.4 13.79 15.69 12.82 5.26 12.7 22.64 23.56 23.29 18.97 18.14 20.51 15.79 23.81 15.87 14.03 13.7 20.69 24.02 30.77 21.05 15.87 11.74 9.23 10.96 18.97 18.63 33.33 42.11 14.29 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 27.61 23.26 24.66 39.66 42.65 64.1 63.16 30.16 127 Japan Question 5-1 How important were the following motivations for your invention? (1 = not important, 5 = very important) (当該特許につながる発明への動機の重要度) 4 or 5 % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown Satisfaction from the contribution to the progress of science and technology Satisfaction from solving technical problems Improvement of the performance of the organization I work for Career advances and opportunities for new/better jobs Prestige/reputation Benefits in terms of working condition as a reward by the employer such as research budget available Monetary rewards 61.54 61.26 50.51 51.22 61.76 95.00 92.50 64.94 90.50 90.76 89.45 86.05 89.53 91.03 95.00 89.87 64.42 65.80 70.26 63.11 50.30 41.89 50.00 58.67 28.99 28.96 32.99 27.87 26.22 16.22 31.58 39.44 19.54 19.07 14.06 14.75 19.63 32.43 47.37 32.43 21.47 20.65 19.69 13.93 14.55 55.84 57.89 31.08 23.23 23.88 13.02 15.45 26.83 18.92 25.00 32.88 128 US (7/7) Question 5-1 How important were the following motivations for your invention? (1 = not important, 5 = very important) (当該特許につながる発 明への動機の重要度) 4 or 5 C5 (4 or 5) % All Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs Small firms (100-250) Very small firm (< 100) University Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ other Missing All Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs Small firms (100-250) Very small firm (< 100) University Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ other Missing B Satidfaction from contributing to the progress of science and technology A Satisfaction from solving technical problems D Generating value for my firm/improving my firm's performance 62.15 60.82 63.51 67.24 63.05 92.31 57.89 63.93 86.24 86.94 86.49 81.04 82.53 89.75 70 90.63 78.14 79.1 85.13 77.59 81.06 30.77 44.44 79.37 33.22 35.85 35.62 29.83 21.39 23.07 16.67 26.23 C It's my job to invent G Recognition from coworkers H Recognition from others in the same profession (outside the firm) K For societal good 48.13 50.33 41.89 41.38 42.65 17.95 26.32 57.81 27.59 29.69 29.73 31.03 17.16 25.64 0 19.68 25.39 24.31 28.38 32.76 27.58 47.37 17.64 19.68 27.61 23.26 24.66 39.66 42.65 64.1 63.16 30.16 129 E Career F Prestige I Beneficial J Monetary advances and / reputation working rewards opportunities for conditions from new/better jobs my company (e.g., increased research budget) 36.55 37.61 41.89 43.1 29.41 38.46 16.67 29.03 16.85 17.34 18.92 24.14 13.64 15.39 0 13.12 21.66 18.42 15.07 31.03 38.24 30.77 38.89 25.4 Japan Question 6-1 Economic value of the patent(当該発明の経済的価値は同時期の技術開発成果全体に おける地位) Economic value in Japan (当該発明の経済的価値(国内)) All All 最上位10% 上位25% Top 10% Top25%, but not top 10% 中位 Top half, but not top 25% 下位50% Bottom half 不明 Don't know 無回答 no response 73 52 0 1 6 1 1 12 All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 288 209 13 13 30 6 9 8 671 532 27 22 38 25 8 19 1045 847 65 32 49 21 6 25 675 578 34 23 13 12 4 11 906 714 62 39 46 17 14 14 % N Top 10% Top25%, but not top 10% Top half, but not top 25% Bottom half Total All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown 2679 2166 139 90 130 64 27 63 10.75 9.65 9.35 14.44 23.08 9.38 33.33 12.7 25.05 24.56 19.42 24.44 29.23 39.06 29.63 30.16 39.01 39.1 46.76 35.56 37.69 32.81 22.22 39.68 25.2 26.69 24.46 25.56 10 18.75 14.81 17.46 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 中位 Top half, but not top 25% 下位50% Bottom half 不明 Don't know 無回答 no response 95 66 0 7 8 1 0 13 Economic value in the world (当該発明の経済的価値(世界)) All All 最上位10% 上位25% Top 10% Top25%, but not top 10% All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (250-500) Small firm (100-250) Very small firm (<100) university Other unknown 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 223 157 11 10 23 5 8 9 617 496 18 15 40 24 8 16 961 769 64 26 45 24 8 25 659 570 32 23 13 9 2 10 1103 874 76 49 53 19 16 16 % N Top 10% Top25%, but not top 10% Top half, but not top 25% Bottom half Total All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (250-500) Small firm (100-250) Very small firm (<100) university Other unknown 2460 1992 125 74 121 62 26 60 9.07 7.88 8.8 13.51 19.01 8.06 30.77 15 25.08 24.9 14.4 20.27 33.06 38.71 30.77 26.67 39.07 38.6 51.2 35.14 37.19 38.71 30.77 41.67 26.79 28.61 25.6 31.08 10.74 14.52 7.69 16.67 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 130 US (1/2) Question 6-1 Economic value of the patent(当該発明の経済的価値は同時期の技術開発成果全体における地位) Economic value in the US B.2 All Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs Small firms (100-250) Very small firm (< 100) University Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ other Missing % All Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs Small firms (100-250) Very small firm (< 100) University Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ other Missing all Top 10% Top25%, but not top 10% Top half, but not top 25% Bottom half Don't know Missing 1919 1389 74 60 216 42 20 118 183 115 3 5 38 8 6 8 256 193 11 8 30 5 1 8 383 272 18 17 59 6 3 8 643 519 20 15 50 8 4 27 309 224 17 9 33 10 5 11 145 66 5 6 6 5 1 56 N Top 10% Top25%, but not top 10% Top half, but not top 25% Bottom half Total 1465 1099 52 45 177 27 14 51 12.49 10.46 5.77 11.11 21.47 29.63 42.86 15.69 17.47 17.56 21.15 17.78 16.95 18.52 7.14 15.69 26.14 24.75 34.62 37.78 33.33 22.22 21.43 15.69 43.89 47.22 38.46 33.33 28.25 29.63 28.57 52.94 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 all Top 10% Top25%, but not top 10% Top half, but not top 25% Bottom half Don't know Missing 1919 1389 74 60 216 42 20 118 159 98 4 5 31 9 6 6 220 167 12 5 24 5 1 6 335 243 14 17 45 6 2 8 621 497 20 12 53 7 4 28 389 283 18 13 49 11 4 11 195 101 6 8 14 4 3 59 N Top 10% Top25%, but not top 10% Top half, but not top 25% Bottom half Total 1335 1005 50 39 153 27 13 48 11.91 9.75 8 12.82 20.26 33.33 46.15 12.5 16.49 16.62 24 12.82 15.69 18.52 7.69 12.5 25.09 24.18 28 43.59 29.41 22.22 15.38 16.67 46.52 49.45 40 30.77 34.64 25.93 30.77 58.33 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Economic value - in the World Wide B.2 All Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs Small firms (100-250) Very small firm (< 100) University Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ other Missing % All Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs Small firms (100-250) Very small firm (< 100) University Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ other Missing 131 This page is intentionally left blank. 132 US (2/2) Question 6-1 Economic value of the patent(当該発明の経済的価値は同時期の技術開発成果全体における地位) Technical significance in the US B.1 All Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs Small firms (100-250) Very small firm (< 100) University Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ other Missing % All Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs Small firms (100-250) Very small firm (< 100) University Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ other Missing all Top 10% Top25%, but not top 10% Top half, but not top 25% Bottom half Don't know Missing 1919 1389 74 60 216 42 20 118 218 128 5 10 47 13 5 10 296 210 15 8 43 10 2 8 387 320 12 7 30 2 4 12 489 401 15 17 36 3 1 16 340 235 22 10 45 10 5 13 189 95 5 8 15 4 3 59 N Top 10% Top25%, but not top 10% Top half, but not top 25% Bottom half Total 1390 1059 47 42 156 28 12 46 15.68 12.09 10.64 23.81 30.13 46.43 41.67 21.74 21.29 19.83 31.91 19.05 27.56 35.71 16.67 17.39 27.84 30.22 25.53 16.67 19.23 7.14 33.33 26.09 35.18 37.87 31.91 40.48 23.08 10.71 8.33 34.78 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 all Top 10% Top25%, but not top 10% Top half, but not top 25% Bottom half Don't know Missing 1919 1389 74 60 216 42 20 118 183 115 3 5 38 8 6 8 256 193 11 8 30 5 1 8 383 272 18 17 59 6 3 8 643 519 20 15 50 8 4 27 309 224 17 9 33 10 5 11 145 66 5 6 6 5 1 56 N Top 10% Top25%, but not top 10% Top half, but not top 25% Bottom half Total 1465 1099 52 45 177 27 14 51 12.49 10.46 5.77 11.11 21.47 29.63 42.86 15.69 17.47 17.56 21.15 17.78 16.95 18.52 7.14 15.69 26.14 24.75 34.62 37.78 33.33 22.22 21.43 15.69 43.89 47.22 38.46 33.33 28.25 29.63 28.57 52.94 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Technical significance - in the World Wide B.1 All Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs Small firms (100-250) Very small firm (< 100) University Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ other Missing % All Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs Small firms (100-250) Very small firm (< 100) University Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ other Missing 133 (1/6) Japan Question6-2 How important were the following reasons for patenting this invention? ( important, 5 = very important )?(特許化の理由としての重要度) 1 = not Commercial exploitation (自社製品・自社製造工程での排他的な利用) All All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown All 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 全く重要で ない 1 46 31 0 1 4 4 5 1 N 2863 2309 162 104 143 59 32 54 1 1.61 1.34 0 0.96 2.8 6.78 15.63 1.85 All All 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 全く重要で ない 1 153 114 11 9 12 3 2 2 N 2828 2281 157 100 140 63 33 54 1 5.41 5 7.01 9 8.57 4.76 6.06 3.7 重要でな どちらでも 重要である 非常に重 要である い ない 2 3 4 5 97 252 1209 1259 77 193 951 1057 4 9 88 61 5 9 48 41 2 16 59 62 4 11 23 17 3 8 8 8 2 6 32 13 2 3.39 3.33 2.47 4.81 1.4 6.78 9.38 3.7 3 8.8 8.36 5.56 8.65 11.19 18.64 25 11.11 4 42.23 41.19 54.32 46.15 41.26 38.98 25 59.26 5 43.97 45.78 37.65 39.42 43.36 28.81 25 24.07 無回答 no response 795 623 39 26 39 23 10 35 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Licensing (ライセシング) All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown 重要でな どちらでも 重要である 非常に重 要である い ない 2 3 4 5 377 722 1114 462 304 564 930 369 31 53 47 15 20 34 29 8 13 40 41 34 5 10 32 13 0 5 14 12 4 16 21 11 2 13.33 13.33 19.75 20 9.29 7.94 0 7.41 134 3 25.53 24.73 33.76 34 28.57 15.87 15.15 29.63 4 39.39 40.77 29.94 29 29.29 50.79 42.42 38.89 5 16.34 16.18 9.55 8 24.29 20.63 36.36 20.37 無回答 no response 830 651 44 30 42 19 9 35 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 US (1/5) Question6-2 How important were the following reasons for patenting this invention? (1 = not important, 5 = very important)?(特許化の理由としての重要度) Commercial exploitation (自社製品・自社製造工程での排他的な利用) all B3_a Commercial exploitation All 1,919 Large firm ( >=501) 1389 Medium SMEs 74 Small firms (100-250) 60 Very small firm (< 100) 216 University 42 Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe 20 Missing 118 1 97 80 3 2 5 4 3 0 2 73 55 4 1 5 3 0 5 3 154 113 5 3 15 6 4 8 4 386 300 17 10 35 8 4 12 5 1067 777 41 38 149 17 8 37 Missing 142 64 4 6 7 4 1 56 %4 or 5 1453 1077 58 48 184 25 12 49 % N All 1777 Large firm ( >=501) 1325 Medium SMEs 70 Small firms (100-250) 54 Very small firm (< 100) 209 University 38 Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe 19 Missing 62 1 5.46 6.04 4.29 3.7 2.39 10.53 15.79 0 2 4.11 4.15 5.71 1.85 2.39 7.89 0 8.06 3 8.67 8.53 7.14 5.56 7.18 15.79 21.05 12.9 4 21.72 22.64 24.29 18.52 16.75 21.05 21.05 19.35 5 60.05 58.64 58.57 70.37 71.29 44.74 42.11 59.68 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 %4 or 5 81.77 81.28 82.86 88.89 88.04 65.79 63.16 79.03 all B3_b Licensing All 1919 1389 Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs 74 Small firms (100-250) 60 Very small firm (< 100) 216 University 42 Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe 20 Missing 118 1 658 522 31 26 51 3 4 21 2 262 207 13 5 27 2 2 6 3 282 219 8 9 29 5 3 9 4 254 182 12 4 33 9 4 10 5 276 162 5 10 64 17 5 13 Missing 187 97 5 6 12 6 2 59 %4 or 5 530 344 17 14 97 26 9 23 % N All 1732 Large firm ( >=501) 1292 Medium SMEs 69 Small firms (100-250) 54 Very small firm (< 100) 204 University 36 Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe 18 Missing 59 1 37.99 40.4 44.93 48.15 25 8.33 22.22 35.59 2 15.13 16.02 18.84 9.26 13.24 5.56 11.11 10.17 3 16.28 16.95 11.59 16.67 14.22 13.89 16.67 15.25 4 14.67 14.09 17.39 7.41 16.18 25 22.22 16.95 5 15.94 12.54 7.25 18.52 31.37 47.22 27.78 22.03 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 %4 or 5 30.61 26.63 24.64 25.93 47.55 72.22 50 38.98 Licensing (ライセシング) 135 Japan (2/6) Question6-2 How important were the following reasons for patenting this invention? (1 = not important, 5 = very important)?(特許化の理由としての重要度) Cross-licensing (クロスライセシング) All All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown All 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 全く重要で ない 1 182 117 11 10 15 15 8 6 % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown N 2813 2282 156 101 135 58 31 50 1 6.47 5.13 7.05 9.9 11.11 25.86 25.81 12 重要でな どちらでも 重要である 非常に重 い ない 要である 2 3 4 5 341 762 1140 388 245 582 982 356 40 59 40 6 25 36 23 7 16 53 41 10 4 10 25 4 5 9 6 3 6 13 23 2 2 12.12 10.74 25.64 24.75 11.85 6.9 16.13 12 3 27.09 25.5 37.82 35.64 39.26 17.24 29.03 26 4 40.53 43.03 25.64 22.77 30.37 43.1 19.35 46 5 13.79 15.6 3.85 6.93 7.41 6.9 9.68 4 無回答 no response 845 650 45 29 47 24 11 39 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Pure defense (純粋的な防衛) All All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown All 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 全く重要で ない 1 134 97 2 6 5 13 9 2 % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown N 2829 2290 157 102 139 60 32 49 1 4.74 4.24 1.27 5.88 3.6 21.67 28.13 4.08 重要でな どちらでも 重要である 非常に重 い ない 要である 2 3 4 5 239 552 1338 566 189 440 1113 451 14 25 85 31 11 20 40 25 12 32 54 36 7 15 17 8 4 6 6 7 2 14 23 8 2 8.45 8.25 8.92 10.78 8.63 11.67 12.5 4.08 136 3 19.51 19.21 15.92 19.61 23.02 25 18.75 28.57 4 47.3 48.6 54.14 39.22 38.85 28.33 18.75 46.94 5 20.01 19.69 19.75 24.51 25.9 13.33 21.88 16.33 無回答 no response 829 642 44 28 43 22 10 40 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 US (2/5) Question6-2 How important were the following reasons for patenting this invention? (1 = not important, 5 = very important)?(特許化の理由としての重要度) Cross-licensing (クロスライセシング) all 1 2 3 4 B3_c Cross-licensing All 1,919 762 256 284 233 1389 542 181 220 199 Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs 74 37 16 6 6 Small firms (100-250) 60 28 8 13 2 Very small firm (< 100) 216 100 33 30 13 University 42 23 5 3 3 Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe 20 7 2 2 4 Missing 118 25 11 10 6 5 187 148 3 3 23 2 2 6 Missing 197 99 6 6 17 6 3 60 %4 or 5 420 347 9 5 36 5 6 12 % N All 1722 Large firm ( >=501) 1290 Medium SMEs 68 Small firms (100-250) 54 Very small firm (< 100) 199 University 36 Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe 17 Missing 52 4 13.5 15.4 8.82 3.7 6.53 8.33 23.5 10.3 5 10.9 11.5 4.41 5.56 11.6 5.56 11.8 10.3 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 %4 or 5 24.39 26.9 13.23 9.26 18.09 13.89 35.29 20.68 all B3_d Pure defense All 1919 Large firm ( >=501) 1389 Medium SMEs 74 Small firms (100-250) 60 Very small firm (< 100) 216 University 42 Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe 20 Missing 118 1 2 3 4 398 211 358 389 271 157 282 301 22 9 7 22 13 10 7 11 54 25 44 32 19 2 4 7 7 4 3 0 12 4 11 16 5 384 291 9 13 45 6 4 16 Missing 179 87 5 6 16 4 2 59 %4 or 5 773 592 31 24 77 13 4 32 % N All 1740 Large firm ( >=501) 1302 Medium SMEs 69 Small firms (100-250) 54 Very small firm (< 100) 200 University 38 Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe 18 Missing 59 1 22.9 20.8 31.9 24.1 27 50 38.9 20.3 5 22.1 22.4 13 24.1 22.5 15.8 22.2 27.1 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 %4 or 5 44.43 45.47 44.92 44.44 38.5 34.21 22.22 54.24 1 44.3 42 54.4 51.9 50.3 63.9 41.2 43.1 2 14.9 14 23.5 14.8 16.6 13.9 11.8 19 3 16.5 17.1 8.82 24.1 15.1 8.33 11.8 17.2 Pure defense (純粋的な防衛) 2 12.1 12.1 13 18.5 12.5 5.26 22.2 6.78 3 20.6 21.7 10.1 13 22 10.5 16.7 18.6 137 4 22.4 23.1 31.9 20.4 16 18.4 0 27.1 Japan (3/6) Question6-2 How important were the following reasons for patenting this invention? (1 = not important, 5 = very important)?(特許化の理由としての重要度) Blocking patents (ブロッキング特許) All All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown All 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 全く重要で ない 1 121 87 1 4 5 12 11 1 % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown N 2829 2288 158 104 139 59 32 49 1 4.28 3.8 0.63 3.85 3.6 20.34 34.38 2.04 重要でな どちらでも 重要であ い ない る 2 3 4 202 508 1428 162 414 1165 11 21 94 5 18 48 5 24 73 8 11 21 6 5 5 5 15 22 2 7.14 7.08 6.96 4.81 3.6 13.56 18.75 10.2 3 17.96 18.09 13.29 17.31 17.27 18.64 15.63 30.61 4 50.48 50.92 59.49 46.15 52.52 35.59 15.63 44.9 非常に重 要である 5 570 460 31 29 32 7 5 6 無回答 no response 829 644 43 26 43 23 10 40 5 20.15 20.1 19.62 27.88 23.02 11.86 15.63 12.24 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 非常に重 要である 5 218 171 10 10 16 4 3 4 無回答 no response 853 659 45 29 47 24 9 40 5 7.77 7.52 6.41 9.9 11.85 6.9 9.09 8.16 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Prevention of inventing-around (迂回の防止) All All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown All 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 全く重要で ない 1 187 141 4 8 7 15 9 3 % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown N 2805 2273 156 101 135 58 33 49 1 6.67 6.2 2.56 7.92 5.19 25.86 27.27 6.12 重要でな どちらでも 重要であ い ない る 2 3 4 383 1017 1000 321 838 802 24 57 61 8 37 38 10 43 59 6 17 16 7 6 8 7 19 16 2 13.65 14.12 15.38 7.92 7.41 10.34 21.21 14.29 138 3 36.26 36.87 36.54 36.63 31.85 29.31 18.18 38.78 4 35.65 35.28 39.1 37.62 43.7 27.59 24.24 32.65 US (3/5) Question6-2 How important were the following reasons for patenting this invention? (1 = not important, 5 = very important)?(特許化の理由としての重要度) Blocking patents (ブロッキング特許) all 1 2 3 4 B3_e Blocking patents All 1,919 365 200 374 419 Large firm ( >=501) 1389 257 149 291 314 Medium SMEs 74 15 4 12 23 Small firms (100-250) 60 10 8 11 14 Very small firm (< 100) 216 46 27 43 39 University 42 18 1 5 10 Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe 20 6 5 1 0 Missing 118 13 6 11 19 5 376 288 15 11 45 3 5 9 Missing 185 90 5 6 16 5 3 60 %4 or 5 795 602 38 25 84 13 5 28 % N All 1734 Large firm ( >=501) 1299 Medium SMEs 69 Small firms (100-250) 54 Very small firm (< 100) 200 University 37 Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe 17 Missing 58 1 21.1 19.8 21.7 18.5 23 48.7 35.3 22.4 2 11.5 11.5 5.8 14.8 13.5 2.7 29.4 10.3 3 21.6 22.4 17.4 20.4 21.5 13.5 5.88 19 4 24.2 24.2 33.3 25.9 19.5 27 0 32.8 5 21.7 22.2 21.7 20.4 22.5 8.11 29.4 15.5 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 %4 or 5 45.84 46.34 55.07 46.3 42 35.14 29.41 48.28 2 3 4 5 Missing %4 or 5 818 282 258 214 585 216 209 172 32 11 10 8 29 7 6 3 109 34 18 20 26 2 5 2 10 2 2 1 27 10 8 8 148 105 8 8 19 2 2 4 199 102 5 7 16 5 3 61 362 277 16 11 39 4 3 12 1 47.6 45.5 46.4 54.7 54.5 70.3 58.8 47.4 5 8.6 8.16 11.6 15.1 9.5 5.41 11.8 7.02 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 %4 or 5 21.04 21.52 23.18 20.75 19.5 10.82 17.64 21.06 Prevention of inventing-around (迂回の防止) B3_f Preventing inventing-around other key patents of your firm All Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs Small firms (100-250) Very small firm (< 100) University Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe Missing all 1919 1389 74 60 216 42 20 118 % N All 1720 Large firm ( >=501) 1287 Medium SMEs 69 Small firms (100-250) 53 Very small firm (< 100) 200 University 37 Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe 17 Missing 57 1 2 16.4 16.8 15.9 13.2 17 5.41 11.8 17.5 3 15 16.2 14.5 11.3 9 13.5 11.8 14 139 4 12.4 13.4 11.6 5.66 10 5.41 5.88 14 Japan (4/6) Question6-2 How important were the following reasons for patenting this invention? (1 = not important, 5 = very important)?(特許化の理由としての重要度) Inventor's reputation (発明者の評判) All All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown All 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 全く重要で ない 1 646 541 31 22 31 10 5 6 % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown N 2812 2275 154 100 137 61 33 52 1 22.97 23.78 20.13 22 22.63 16.39 15.15 11.54 重要でな どちらでも 重要である 非常に重 要である い ない 2 3 4 5 780 1051 286 49 654 854 196 30 49 56 16 2 28 43 7 0 25 54 22 5 8 16 23 4 3 8 12 5 13 20 10 3 2 27.74 28.75 31.82 28 18.25 13.11 9.09 25 3 37.38 37.54 36.36 43 39.42 26.23 24.24 38.46 4 10.17 8.62 10.39 7 16.06 37.7 36.36 19.23 5 1.74 1.32 1.3 0 3.65 6.56 15.15 5.77 無回答 no response 846 657 47 30 45 21 9 37 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Corporation's reputation (Patenting enhances the technological reputation of the firm) (企業の評判) All 全く重要で ない 重要でな どちらでも 重要である 非常に重 い ない 要である All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown All 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 1 319 279 14 6 7 7 3 3 2 451 397 19 12 9 4 3 7 3 887 745 42 27 40 14 7 12 4 980 745 69 43 62 29 9 23 5 189 117 15 13 21 5 9 9 no response 832 649 42 29 43 23 11 35 % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown N 2826 2283 159 101 139 59 31 54 1 11.29 12.22 8.81 5.94 5.04 11.86 9.68 5.56 2 15.96 17.39 11.95 11.88 6.47 6.78 9.68 12.96 3 31.39 32.63 26.42 26.73 28.78 23.73 22.58 22.22 4 34.68 32.63 43.4 42.57 44.6 49.15 29.03 42.59 5 6.69 5.12 9.43 12.87 15.11 8.47 29.03 16.67 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 140 無回答 US (4/5) Question6-2 How important were the following reasons for patenting this invention? (1 = not important, 5 = very important)?(特許化の理由としての重要度) Inventor's reputation all B3_g Inventor's reputation All 1,919 Large firm ( >=501) 1389 Medium SMEs 74 Small firms (100-250) 60 Very small firm (< 100) 216 University 42 Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe 20 Missing 118 1 2 3 4 5 Missing %4 or 5 911 671 36 29 129 11 9 26 295 230 14 6 24 5 3 13 261 205 10 11 20 6 1 8 169 124 5 5 16 8 3 8 95 66 4 3 10 7 0 5 188 93 5 6 17 5 4 58 264 190 9 8 26 15 3 13 % N All 1731 Large firm ( >=501) 1296 Medium SMEs 69 Small firms (100-250) 54 Very small firm (< 100) 199 University 37 Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe 16 Missing 60 1 52.63 51.77 52.17 53.7 64.82 29.73 56.25 43.33 2 17.04 17.75 20.29 11.11 12.06 13.51 18.75 21.67 3 15.08 15.82 14.49 20.37 10.05 16.22 6.25 13.33 4 9.76 9.57 7.25 9.26 8.04 21.62 18.75 13.33 5 5.49 5.09 5.8 5.56 5.03 18.92 0 8.33 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 %4 or 5 15.25 14.66 13.05 14.82 13.07 40.54 18.75 21.66 Firm's reputation all B3_h Firm's reputation All 1919 Large firm ( >=501) 1389 Medium SMEs 74 Small firms (100-250) 60 Very small firm (< 100) 216 University 42 Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe 20 Missing 118 1 2 3 4 5 Missing %4 or 5 499 360 17 16 70 13 7 16 273 224 3 5 16 5 5 15 447 349 24 14 42 6 2 10 337 245 14 10 44 9 3 12 191 127 11 9 33 5 0 6 172 84 5 6 11 4 3 59 528 372 25 19 77 14 3 18 % N All 1747 Large firm ( >=501) 1305 Medium SMEs 69 Small firms (100-250) 54 Very small firm (< 100) 205 University 38 Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe 17 Missing 59 1 28.56 27.59 24.64 29.63 34.15 34.21 41.18 27.12 2 15.63 17.16 4.35 9.26 7.8 13.16 29.41 25.42 3 25.59 26.74 34.78 25.93 20.49 15.79 11.76 16.95 4 19.29 18.77 20.29 18.52 21.46 23.68 17.65 20.34 5 10.93 9.73 15.94 16.67 16.1 13.16 0 10.17 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 %4 or 5 30.22 28.5 36.23 35.19 37.56 36.84 17.65 30.51 141 Japan (5/6) Question6-2 How important were the following reasons for patenting this invention? (1 = not important, 5 = very important)?(特許化の理由とし ての重要度) others All All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown All 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) N 2 1 1 どちらでもな 非常に重要 い である other 5 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 other 50 100 0 5 50 0 100 無回答 no response 3656 2931 201 130 182 81 42 89 Total 100 100 100 142 This page is intentionally left blank. 143 Japan (6/6) Question6-2 How important were the following reasons for patenting this invention? (1 = not important, 5 = very important)?(特許化の理由とし ての重要度) 4 or 5 % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (250-500) Small firm (100-250) Very small firm (<100) university Other unknown Commercial exploitation Licensing Cross-licensing Pure defense Blocking patents Prevention of inventing-around Inventors’ reputation Corporations’ reputation (Patenting enhances the technological reputation of the firm) 43.97 45.78 37.65 39.42 43.36 28.81 25.00 24.07 16.34 16.18 9.55 8.00 24.29 20.63 36.36 20.37 13.79 15.60 3.85 6.93 7.41 6.90 9.68 4.00 20.01 19.69 19.75 24.51 25.90 13.33 21.88 16.33 20.15 20.10 19.62 27.88 23.02 11.86 15.63 12.24 7.77 7.52 6.41 9.90 11.85 6.90 9.09 8.16 1.74 1.32 1.30 0.00 3.65 6.56 15.15 5.77 6.69 5.12 9.43 12.87 15.11 8.47 29.03 16.67 144 US (5/5) Question6-2 How important were the following reasons for patenting this invention? (1 = not important, 5 = very important)?(特許化の理由としての重要度) 4 or 5 B.3 % All Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs Small firms (100-250) Very small firm (< 100) University Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe Missing A Commercial B exploitation of the Licensing patented (obtain technology in exclusive your own rights to product/process license the in an exclusive invention in manner( including order to its future generate possibility) licensing revenues) 81.77 81.28 82.86 88.89 88.04 65.79 63.16 79.03 30.61 26.63 24.64 25.93 47.55 72.22 50 38.98 C Crosslicensing (improve your bargaining position in the Trading of your own patent rights in exchange for other firms’ patent rights) 24.39 26.9 13.23 9.26 18.09 13.89 35.29 20.68 D Pure E Blocking defense (to patents (avoid ensure that that others the use of own commercialize technology not similar be blocked by inventions) others) 44.43 45.47 44.92 44.44 38.5 34.21 22.22 54.24 145 45.84 46.34 55.07 46.3 42 35.14 29.41 48.28 F Prevention of inventing-around (avoid that others invent around the patent of the own firm) G Inventors’ reputation H Firm's reputation (Patenting enhances the technological reputation of the firm) 21.04 21.52 23.18 20.75 19.5 10.82 17.64 21.06 15.25 14.66 13.05 14.82 13.07 40.54 18.75 21.66 30.22 28.5 36.23 35.19 37.56 36.84 17.65 30.51 Japan Question 6-3 Internal commercialization. Has the applicant/owner ever used this patent for its product or for its production?(当該発明は出願者によって製品などに利用された か) 未利用だが使用 無回答 可能性を検討中 Not yet, but still no investigating the response possibilities All はい いいえ All yes No. All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 1998 1584 119 82 129 27 14 43 1026 846 51 31 34 31 16 17 547 432 29 15 18 23 12 18 87 70 2 2 1 1 0 11 % N yes no Not yet, but still investigating the possibilities Total All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown 3571 2862 199 128 181 81 42 78 55.95 55.35 59.8 64.06 71.27 33.33 33.33 55.13 28.73 29.56 25.63 24.22 18.78 38.27 38.1 21.79 15.32 15.09 14.57 11.72 9.94 28.4 28.57 23.08 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 If Yes, did the inventions require co-development or co-production with another firm to bring it to the market? (他社との共同開発や共同生産が必要であったか) All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (250-500) Small firm (100-250) Very small firm (<100) university Other unknown All All 1998 1584 119 82 129 27 14 43 はい Yes 450 319 30 20 44 14 5 18 いいえ No. 1525 1250 87 60 82 13 9 24 無回答 no response 23 15 2 2 3 0 0 1 % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (250-500) Small firm (100-250) Very small firm (<100) university Other unknown N 1975 1569 117 80 126 27 14 42 yes 22.78 20.33 25.64 25 34.92 51.85 35.71 42.86 no 77.22 79.67 74.36 75 65.08 48.15 64.29 57.14 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 146 US (1/2) Question 6-3 Internal commercialization. Has the applicant/owner ever used this patent for its product or for its production?(当該発明は出願者によって製品などに利用されたか) all yes no Not yet, but still investigating the possibilities Don't know Missing 1919 1389 74 60 216 42 20 118 866 610 37 38 125 20 5 31 359 284 19 9 19 1 8 19 491 360 15 11 62 20 6 17 135 118 1 1 8 0 1 6 68 17 2 1 2 1 0 45 all yes no Not yet, but still investigating the possibilities Total 1716 1254 71 58 206 41 19 67 50.47 48.64 52.11 65.52 60.68 48.78 26.32 46.27 20.92 22.65 26.76 15.52 9.22 2.44 42.11 28.36 28.61 28.71 21.13 18.97 30.1 48.78 31.58 25.37 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 B4 Commercialization All Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs Small firms (100-250) Very small firm (< 100) University Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ other Missing % All Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs Small firms (100-250) Very small firm (< 100) University Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ other Missing 147 This page is intentionally left blank. 148 US (2/2) Refefence:While many innovations involve a combination of products, processes, and services, would you characterize the commercial application of the focal patent as primarily involving a new product, process, or service? (参考:当該特許の応用先は新製品、新生産過程あるいはサービスの中のどれか) all Product Process Service Don't know Missing All Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs Small firms (100-250) Very small firm (< 100) University Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ other Missing 948 635 40 40 128 23 5 77 678 476 29 31 101 17 2 22 177 124 10 7 20 5 2 9 14 12 0 0 2 0 0 0 6 3 0 0 2 0 1 0 73 20 1 2 3 1 0 46 % All Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs Small firms (100-250) Very small firm (< 100) University Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ other Missing N 869 612 39 38 123 22 4 31 Product 78.02 77.78 74.36 81.58 82.11 77.27 50 70.97 Process 20.37 20.26 25.64 18.42 16.26 22.73 50 29.03 Service 1.61 1.96 0 0 1.63 0 0 0 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 B5 While many innovations involve a combination of products, processes, and services, would you characterize the commercial application of the focal patent as primarily involving a new product, process, or service? 149 Japan Question 6-4. How long did it take from the application to the use of the invention? (出願から利用開 始までの時間) All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown All 1年未満 All less than one year 1年以上、 2年以上、 3年以上、 4年以上、 5年以上、 6年以上、 7年以上、 8年以上、 9年以上、 10年以 2年未満 3年未満 4年未満 5年未満 6年未満 7年未満 8年未満 9年未満 10年未満 上、15年 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years 6 years 7 years 8 years 9 years 1014years 1998 1584 119 82 129 27 14 43 605 504 35 28 29 2 1 6 605 481 40 27 34 5 3 15 261 207 18 9 17 6 1 3 175 127 6 4 21 7 3 7 63 52 1 3 4 2 1 0 54 40 6 2 3 3 0 0 15 13 0 0 1 0 0 1 18 13 0 0 3 1 1 0 6 5 0 0 0 0 0 1 7 6 0 0 0 0 1 0 N less than one year 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years 6 years 7 years 8 years 1823 1457 106 73 116 26 12 33 33.19 34.59 33.02 38.36 25 7.69 8.33 18.18 33.19 33.01 37.74 36.99 29.31 19.23 25 45.45 14.32 14.21 16.98 12.33 14.66 23.08 8.33 9.09 9.6 8.72 5.66 5.48 18.1 26.92 25 21.21 3.46 3.57 0.94 4.11 3.45 7.69 8.33 0 2.96 2.75 5.66 2.74 2.59 11.54 0 0 0.82 0.89 0 0 0.86 0 0 3.03 0.99 0.89 0 0 2.59 3.85 8.33 0 0.33 0.34 0 0 0 0 0 3.03 150 15年以 上、20年 15-19 years 20年以上 無回答 20 years or more no response 12 8 0 0 4 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 175 127 13 9 13 1 2 10 9 years 1014years 15-19 years 20 years or more Total 0.38 0.41 0 0 0 0 8.33 0 0.66 0.55 0 0 3.45 0 0 0 0.05 0 0 0 0 0 8.33 0 0.05 0.07 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 This page is intentionally left blank. 151 Japan Question 6-5 how many domestic patents (including the other firms’ patents) are jointly used in the commercial application of the invention? (当該特許の商業的利用において約何件の特許が利用されたか) All 1 domestic patent (your patent covers all patented technologies of the product/the process) 2 to 5 6 to 10 11-50 51-100 101-500 All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown 1998 1584 119 82 129 27 14 43 434 301 37 28 46 9 2 11 865 671 62 44 50 9 7 22 284 256 10 3 9 4 1 1 248 216 7 2 16 3 2 2 58 53 1 1 1 0 0 2 27 26 0 0 1 0 0 0 % N 1 domestic patent (your patent covers all patented technologies of the product/the process) 2 to 5 6 to 10 11-50 51-100 101-500 All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown 1925 1532 117 78 123 25 12 38 22.55 19.65 31.62 35.9 37.4 36 16.67 28.95 44.94 43.8 52.99 56.41 40.65 36 58.33 57.89 14.75 16.71 8.55 3.85 7.32 16 8.33 2.63 12.88 14.1 5.98 2.56 13.01 12 16.67 5.26 3.01 3.46 0.85 1.28 0.81 0 0 5.26 1.4 1.7 0 0 0.81 0 0 0 152 501-1000 more than no 1001 response 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 501-1000 more than 1001 0.36 0.46 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0.13 0 0 0 0 0 0 73 52 2 4 6 2 2 5 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 US Question 6-5 How many domestic patents (including the other firms’ patents) are jointly used in the commercial application of the invention? (当該特許の商業的利用において約何件の特許が利用された か) B.6 Roughly speaking, how many domestic patents (including the other firms’ patents) are jointly used, together with your patent in the commercial application of the invention? All Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs Small firms (100-250) Very small firm (< 100) University Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ other Missing % All Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs Small firms (100-250) Very small firm (< 100) University Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ other Missing all 1 domestic patent 2 to 5 6 to 10 11-50 51-100 101500 5011000 more than 1001 Don't know Missing 947 634 40 40 128 23 5 77 163 96 8 14 33 2 0 10 385 267 22 17 56 11 2 10 124 81 6 4 23 3 1 6 96 80 0 1 10 2 2 1 15 13 1 0 1 0 0 0 14 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 78 61 2 3 4 3 0 5 68 18 1 1 1 2 0 45 N 1 domestic patent 2 to 5 6 to 10 11-50 51-100 101500 5011000 more than 1001 Total 801 555 37 36 123 18 5 27 20.35 17.3 21.62 38.89 26.83 11.11 0 37.04 48.06 48.11 59.46 47.22 45.53 61.11 40 37.04 15.48 14.59 16.22 11.11 18.7 16.67 20 22.22 11.99 14.41 0 2.78 8.13 11.11 40 3.7 1.87 2.34 2.7 0 0.81 0 0 0 1.75 2.52 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.37 0.54 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.12 0.18 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 153 Japan Question 6-6 Has this patent been licensed by (one of ) the patent-holder(s) ? (当該特許は、特許保有者 によってライセンスされたか) All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown All yes no Not yet, but willing to license no response 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 796 593 42 39 54 27 16 25 2006 1645 118 77 92 27 12 35 684 555 34 11 34 24 12 14 172 139 7 3 2 4 2 15 N yes no Not yet, but willing to license Total 3486 2793 194 127 180 78 40 74 22.83 21.23 21.65 30.71 30 34.62 40 33.78 57.54 58.9 60.82 60.63 51.11 34.62 30 47.3 19.62 19.87 17.53 8.66 18.89 30.77 30 18.92 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 154 US (1/4) Question 6-6 Has this patent been licensed by (one of ) the patent-holder(s) to an independent party? (当該特許は、特許 保有者によって第三者にライセンスされたか) B9 licensing All Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs Small firms (100-250) Very small firm (< 100) University Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ other Missing % All Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs Small firms (100-250) Very small firm (< 100) University Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ other Missing all yes no No, but willing to license Don't know Missing 1919 1389 74 60 216 42 20 118 194 105 5 7 47 20 3 7 1019 771 45 40 104 9 11 39 259 174 10 5 44 9 4 13 382 324 13 7 20 3 2 13 65 15 1 1 1 1 0 46 N yes no No, but willing to license Total 1472 1050 60 52 195 38 18 59 13.18 10 8.33 13.46 24.1 52.63 16.67 11.86 69.23 73.43 75 76.92 53.33 23.68 61.11 66.1 17.6 16.57 16.67 9.62 22.56 23.68 22.22 22.03 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 155 Japan Question 6-6(2) If Yes, does it include cross-license? (それはクロスライセンスを含むか ) All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown All yes no Don't know No response 796 593 42 39 54 27 16 25 150 121 5 7 9 5 1 2 417 303 21 24 33 11 10 15 215 160 15 7 11 11 5 6 14 9 1 1 1 0 0 2 N yes no Total 567 424 26 31 42 16 11 17 26.46 28.54 19.23 22.58 21.43 31.25 9.09 11.76 73.54 71.46 80.77 77.42 78.57 68.75 90.91 88.24 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 non conditional cross license (クロスライセンスされた特許の割合) All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown All yes no unknown 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 150 121 5 7 9 5 1 2 3107 2503 173 112 159 62 34 64 401 308 23 11 14 15 7 23 N yes no Total 3257 2624 178 119 168 67 35 66 4.61 4.61 2.81 5.88 5.36 7.46 2.86 3.03 95.39 95.39 97.19 94.12 94.64 92.54 97.14 96.97 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 156 US (2/4) Question 6-6(2) If Yes, does it include cross-license? (それはクロスライセンスを含むか ) B10 Cross licensing All Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs Small firms (100-250) Very small firm (< 100) University Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ other Missing % All Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs Small firms (100-250) Very small firm (< 100) University Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ other Missing all 277 131 6 9 52 22 XX XX yes 42 27 1 1 7 3 XX XX no 143 70 4 4 40 17 XX XX Don't know 28 19 0 3 4 1 XX XX N yes no Total 185 97 5 5 47 20 XX XX 22.7 27.84 20 20 14.89 15 XX XX 77.3 72.16 80 80 85.11 85 XX XX 100 100 100 100 100 100 XX XX all yes no Missing (including Don't Know on License or Cross-license) 1919 1389 74 60 216 42 XX XX 42 27 1 1 7 3 XX XX 1433 1024 59 51 188 36 XX XX 444 338 14 8 21 3 XX XX N yes no Total 1475 1051 60 52 195 39 XX XX 2.85 2.57 1.67 1.92 3.59 7.69 XX XX 97.15 97.43 98.33 98.08 96.41 92.31 XX XX 100 100 100 100 100 100 XX XX Unconditional All Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs Small firms (100-250) Very small firm (< 100) University Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ other Missing % All Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs Small firms (100-250) Very small firm (< 100) University Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ other Missing 157 Missing 64 15 1 1 1 1 XX XX Japan Question 6-6(3) How many licensees have got the license? (また、それは複数の企業にライセンスされたか) All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown All only one 796 593 42 39 54 27 16 25 338 241 20 18 27 14 7 11 N only one 481 339 24 27 42 19 13 17 70.27 71.09 83.33 66.67 64.29 73.68 53.85 64.71 2-4 firms 5-10 firms 107 73 2 9 11 4 5 3 16 11 2 0 1 1 0 1 2-4 firms 5-10 firms 22.25 21.53 8.33 33.33 26.19 21.05 38.46 17.65 158 3.33 3.24 8.33 0 2.38 5.26 0 5.88 10 or don't know no more firms response 20 14 0 0 3 0 1 2 248 199 15 10 9 7 3 5 10 or more firms Total 4.16 4.13 0 0 7.14 0 7.69 11.76 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 67 55 3 2 3 1 0 3 US (3/4) Question 6-6(3) How many licensees have got the license? (また、それは複数の企業にライセンスされたか) B.11 How many licensees have got the license? All Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs Small firms (100-250) Very small firm (< 100) University Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ other Missing % All Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs Small firms (100-250) Very small firm (< 100) University Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ other Missing all only one 2-4 firms 5-10 firms 11-50 firms 270 126 6 9 50 22 XX XX 108 51 1 5 27 16 XX XX 46 24 3 1 14 2 XX XX 6 4 0 0 2 0 XX XX 3 3 0 0 0 0 XX XX N only one 2-4 firms 5-10 more than firms 10 firms 167 86 4 6 43 18 XX XX 64.67 59.3 25 83.33 62.79 88.89 XX XX 27.54 27.91 75 16.67 32.56 11.11 XX XX 3.59 4.65 0 0 4.65 0 XX XX 159 4.19 8.14 0 0 0 0 XX XX 51100 firms 2 2 0 0 0 0 XX XX Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 XX XX more than 100 Don't know Missing 2 2 0 0 0 0 XX XX 40 26 1 2 6 3 XX XX 63 14 1 1 1 1 XX XX This page is intentionally left blank. 160 US (4/4) Reference: Did the licensing contracts include exclusivity clauses? (参考:ライセ ンス契約に排他条項があるか) all yes no Don't know Missing 270 127 XX 9 49 22 XX XX 108 42 XX 4 35 18 XX XX 33 22 XX 1 7 0 XX XX 65 48 XX 3 6 3 XX XX 64 15 XX 1 1 1 XX XX N yes no Total 141 64 XX 5 42 18 XX XX 76.6 65.63 XX 80 83.33 100 XX XX 23.4 34.38 XX 20 16.67 0 XX XX 100 100.01 XX 100 100 100 XX XX B12 exclusive licensing All Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs Small firms (100-250) Very small firm (< 100) University Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ other Missing % All Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs Small firms (100-250) Very small firm (< 100) University Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ other Missing 161 Japan Question 6-7 Has this patent been exploited commercially by yourself or any of your co-inventors for starting a new company? (発明者は新会社設立によって当該特許を利用したか) All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown All 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 yes 134 82 9 3 19 5 7 9 no 3199 2602 173 116 150 68 32 58 No response 325 248 19 11 13 9 3 22 N yes no Total 3333 2684 182 119 169 73 39 67 4.02 3.06 4.95 2.52 11.24 6.85 17.95 13.43 95.98 96.94 95.05 97.48 88.76 93.15 82.05 86.57 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 162 US Question 6-7 Has this patent been exploited commercially by yourself or any of your co-inventors for starting a new company? (発明者は新会社設立によって当該特許を利用したか) B13 Start-ups All Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs Small firms (100-250) Very small firm (< 100) University Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe Missing % All Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs Small firms (100-250) Very small firm (< 100) University Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe Missing all yes no Don't know Missing 1919 1389 74 60 216 42 20 118 127 41 2 3 60 14 4 3 1594 1231 67 53 142 25 14 62 116 92 4 2 11 1 1 5 82 25 1 2 3 2 1 48 N yes no Total 1721 1272 69 56 202 39 18 65 7.38 3.22 2.9 5.36 29.7 35.9 22.22 4.62 92.62 96.78 97.1 94.64 70.3 64.1 77.78 95.38 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 163 Japan Question 6-3,6,7 Summary (1) Any commercialization either through internal (in-house) commercialization, license or startup (発明は商用化、ライセンス、新会社の設立などで利用され たか) 全て「いいえ」 All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown それ以外 All all "no" いずれかが 「はい」 any "yes" 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 1265 1053 65 31 40 33 20 23 2185 1714 127 97 137 41 20 49 208 165 9 2 5 8 2 17 N all "no" any "yes" Total 3450 2767 192 128 177 74 40 72 36.67 38.06 33.85 24.22 22.6 44.59 50 31.94 63.33 61.94 66.15 75.78 77.4 55.41 50 68.06 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 164 other US Question 6-3,6,7 Summary (1) Any commercialization either through internal (in-house) commercialization, license or startup (発明は商用化、ライセンス、新会社の設立などで利用されたか) All Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs Small firms (100-250) Very small firm (< 100) University Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ oth Missing % All Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs Small firms (100-250) Very small firm (< 100) University Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ oth Missing all all "no" any "yes" Missing 1919 1389 74 60 216 42 20 118 587 453 24 14 52 9 10 25 971 669 40 41 149 29 8 35 361 267 10 5 15 4 2 58 N all "no" any "yes" Total 1558 1122 64 55 201 38 18 60 37.68 40.37 37.5 25.45 25.87 23.68 55.56 41.67 62.32 59.63 62.5 74.55 74.13 76.32 44.44 58.33 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 165 Japan Question 6-3,6,7 Summary (2) Pure in house or not (発明は自社のみ使用かどうか) All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown All 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 Yes 1198 979 69 49 69 12 2 18 No 2248 1788 119 70 107 69 39 56 no response 212 165 13 11 6 1 1 15 % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown N 3446 2767 188 119 176 81 41 74 Yes 34.76 35.38 36.7 41.18 39.2 14.81 4.88 24.32 No 65.24 64.62 63.3 58.82 60.8 85.19 95.12 75.68 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 166 US Question 6-3,6,7 Summary (2) Pure in house or not (発明は自社のみ使用かどうか) All Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs Small firms (100-250) Very small firm (< 100) University Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ oth Missing % All Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs Small firms (100-250) Very small firm (< 100) University Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ oth Missing all yes no Missing 1919 1389 74 60 216 42 20 118 687 531 33 32 59 6 2 24 1029 723 38 26 147 35 17 43 203 135 3 2 10 1 1 51 N yes no Total 1716 1254 71 58 206 41 19 67 40.03 42.34 46.48 55.17 28.64 14.63 10.53 35.82 59.97 57.66 53.52 44.83 71.36 85.37 89.47 64.18 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 167 Japan Question 6-8 If this patent is used neither internally within the applicant firm, licensing nor for starting a new company, what are the important reasons for that? You can check all relevant boxes. (自社 内、ライセンス等によって利用されていない理由(重複回答あり)) All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown All 他社が類似技 特許は他社によ 技術・市場動向 発明の技術 基礎的な発明 発明の利用を 発明の利用を 当該発明の実施に必 発明を実施する わからない 術を特許化する る迂回防止に有 が発明の有用 水準が高く でありその応用 予定していた 予定していた 要な他分野の技術開 上で上記以外 技術を発展さ 自社事業が整 自社新事業が 発が遅れているから のボトルネック 性を低下させる なったから 用だから ことをブロックす が存在したから せることが出来 理・縮小された 不成功に終 方向に変化した るため わったから から なかった から All The patent is Technology or The patent is market used or was used or was environment used for used for blocking other preventing the has changed in the direction inventingfirms patent around by other for reducing similar the value of firms inventions. this invention 1,265 1,053 65 31 40 33 20 23 N 1,133 952 55 30 31 31 16 18 450 383 27 13 12 6 1 8 202 172 12 6 6 0 2 4 234 213 5 3 6 5 2 0 The patent is The patent is Technology or used or was market used or was used for environment used for blocking other preventing the has changed in the direction inventingfirms patent around by other for reducing similar the value of firms inventions. this invention 39.72 40.23 49.09 43.33 38.71 19.35 6.25 44.44 17.83 18.07 21.82 20 19.35 0 12.5 22.22 20.65 22.37 9.09 10 19.35 16.13 12.5 0 Low technical level of the invention 113 92 11 4 3 2 0 1 Low technical level of the invention 9.97 9.66 20 13.33 9.68 6.45 0 5.56 The firm has The business not been able of the firm for which the to develop the invention was application aimed at has technologies been for this basic downsized invention. 218 161 10 6 9 16 11 5 259 232 6 4 4 5 3 5 The firm has The business not been able of the firm for which the to develop the invention was application aimed at has technologies been for this basic downsized invention. 19.24 16.91 18.18 20 29.03 51.61 68.75 27.78 168 22.86 24.37 10.91 13.33 12.9 16.13 18.75 27.78 無回答 The new business of the firm for which the invention was aimed at has not been successful The development of the complementary technology in other technology fields is delayed Other bottlenecks have existed don't know no response 152 138 3 4 3 0 1 3 151 129 5 4 4 3 3 3 92 71 6 2 3 6 0 4 59 47 5 1 3 1 2 0 73 54 5 0 6 1 2 5 The new business of the firm for which the invention was aimed at has not been successful The development of the complementary technology in other technology fields is delayed Other bottlenecks have existed 13.42 14.5 5.45 13.33 9.68 0 6.25 16.67 13.33 13.55 9.09 13.33 12.9 9.68 18.75 16.67 8.12 7.46 10.91 6.67 9.68 19.35 0 22.22 US Question 6-8 If this patent is used neither internally within the applicant firm, licensing nor for starting a new company, what are the important reasons for that? You can check all relevant boxes. (自社内、ライセンス等によって利用されていない理由(重複回答あり)) all B14 If this patent is used neither internally within the applicant firm, licensing nor for starting a new company, what are the important reasons for that? You can check all relevant boxes. All 1919 Large firm ( >=501) 1389 Medium SMEs 74 60 Small firms (100-250) 216 Very small firm (< 100) 42 University Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ other 20 118 Missing % All Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs Small firms (100-250) Very small firm (< 100) University Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ other Missing N 852 671 37 16 64 16 12 36 f. Low c. The patent is d. The patent e. Technology technical or market used or was is used or was environment level of the used for used for blocking other preventing the has changed in invention the direction inventingfirms patent for reducing around by similar the value of other firms inventions. this invention 295 252 9 5 12 3 3 11 201 167 8 3 10 1 3 9 234 199 12 1 12 1 2 7 56 45 2 2 4 2 0 1 f. Low c. The patent is d. The patent e. Technology technical or market used or was is used or was environment level of the used for used for blocking other preventing the has changed in invention the direction inventingfirms patent for reducing around by similar the value of other firms inventions. this invention 34.62 37.56 24.32 31.25 18.75 18.75 25 30.56 23.59 24.89 21.62 18.75 15.63 6.25 25 25 27.46 29.66 32.43 6.25 18.75 6.25 16.67 19.44 6.57 6.71 5.41 12.5 6.25 12.5 0 2.78 h. Lack of g. Lack of b. The a. We are still capital for technology is interest from actively starting a potential exploring the used internally new firm licenses as a research commercial based on the possibilities of tool to develop technology other this invention commercial technologies All Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs Small firms (100-250) Very small firm (< 100) University Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ other Missing % All Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs Small firms (100-250) Very small firm (< 100) University Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ other Missing 381 281 14 7 37 13 10 19 159 124 6 3 9 7 0 10 72 44 3 2 13 3 1 6 53 21 2 2 20 1 4 3 h. Lack of g. Lack of b. The a. We are still capital for technology is interest from actively starting a potential exploring the used internally new firm licenses as a research commercial based on the possibilities of tool to develop technology other this invention commercial technologies 44.72 41.88 37.84 43.75 57.81 81.25 83.33 52.78 18.66 18.48 16.22 18.75 14.06 43.75 0 27.78 8.45 6.56 8.11 12.5 20.31 18.75 8.33 16.67 169 6.22 3.13 5.41 12.5 31.25 6.25 33.33 8.33 l. The k. The new j. The i. The firm has development of line of business of not been able the business to develop the the firm for based on the complementary which the application technologies invention was invention has technology in other technology not been for this basic aimed at has successful fields is delayed been invention. downsized 101 74 10 2 7 2 1 5 178 151 5 3 11 2 1 5 63 50 0 2 8 1 0 2 77 61 4 2 4 0 1 5 l. The k. The new j. The i. The firm has development of line of business of not been able the business to develop the the firm for based on the complementary which the application technologies invention was invention has technology in other technology not been for this basic aimed at has successful fields is delayed been invention. downsized 11.85 11.03 27.03 12.5 10.94 12.5 8.33 13.89 20.89 22.5 13.51 18.75 17.19 12.5 8.33 13.89 7.39 7.45 0 12.5 12.5 6.25 0 5.56 9.04 9.09 10.81 12.5 6.25 0 8.33 13.89 m. other n. Don't know Missing Skipped 63 47 1 3 7 0 2 3 81 64 3 1 10 0 0 3 117 54 2 6 5 1 0 49 869 600 32 37 137 25 8 30 m. other 7.39 7 2.7 18.75 10.94 0 16.67 8.33 Japan Question 6-9 Did you publish a scientific/technical paper describing this invention? (当該発明の内容を科学技術論文として公表したか) All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown All 3658 2932 201 130 182 82 42 89 yes 704 509 26 17 36 66 27 23 no 2872 2361 173 111 143 15 14 55 no response 82 62 2 2 3 1 1 11 % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown N 3576 2870 199 128 179 81 41 78 yes 19.69 17.74 13.07 13.28 20.11 81.48 65.85 29.49 no 80.31 82.26 86.93 86.72 79.89 18.52 34.15 70.51 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 If Yes, which of the following choices apply to the relationship between the patent application of your invention and the publication of your scientific/technical paper ? You can check all relevant boxes. ( 国内特許出願と当該論文公表 の関係について、重複回答あり) All All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown 704 509 26 17 36 66 27 23 N 695 504 26 17 33 65 27 23 論文公表の前に関連 論文公表の結果、他 特許出願手続きのた 特許出願と論 発明の特許出願義務 社による自社技術使 めに当該論文公表 文公表は無関 係であった が遅れた の規則があり、それに 用防止のため出願し た 該当した 無回答 The timing of The patent The patent The patent the patent application application before application of the the publication of procedure led to the application inventions was had no effect delay of you your paper was mandatory prior to on the timing publication necessary to prevent the publication of because of the the free use of the publications. technology of your internal rule of the firm as disclosed in employer. your publication no response 418 351 10 10 8 20 12 7 190 130 8 4 14 18 6 10 87 49 3 3 5 16 6 5 119 68 7 4 11 19 6 4 The timing of The patent The patent The patent the patent application application before application of the the publication of procedure led to the application inventions was had no effect delay of you your paper was mandatory prior to on the timing publication necessary to prevent the publication of because of the the free use of the publications. technology of your internal rule of the firm as disclosed in employer. your publication 60.14 69.64 38.46 58.82 24.24 30.77 44.44 30.43 27.34 25.79 30.77 23.53 42.42 27.69 22.22 43.48 170 12.52 9.72 11.54 17.65 15.15 24.62 22.22 21.74 17.12 13.49 26.92 23.53 33.33 29.23 22.22 17.39 9 5 0 0 3 1 0 0 US Reference: In the three years prior to the focal patent, how many articles did you publish in scientific journals? (参考:当該 特許の前の三年間に何本の論文を公表したか) all yes no Missing All Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs Small firms (100-250) Very small firm (< 100) University Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ other Missing 1919 1389 74 60 216 42 20 118 884 648 41 25 90 36 15 29 910 689 32 30 117 3 5 34 125 52 1 5 9 3 0 55 C4 (% dummy) All Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs Small firms (100-250) Very small firm (< 100) University Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ other Missing N 1794 1337 73 55 207 39 20 63 yes 49.28 48.47 56.16 45.45 43.48 92.31 75.00 46.03 no 50.72 51.53 43.84 54.55 56.52 7.69 25 53.97 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 mean(article) S.D N median p90 Interquartile Range Missing 3.28 2.90 2.66 2.05 2.97 16.77 15.05 2.21 9.05 7.55 4.62 3.89 7.94 14.22 43.92 3.90 1794 1337 73 55 207 39 20 63 0 0 1 0 0 12 5 0 9 8 6 5 5 35 18.5 10 3 3 3 3 3 25 7.5 3 125 52 1 5 9 3 0 55 C4 Any article published in the three years prior to the focal patent? (dummy) C.4 (article mean) All Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs Small firms (100-250) Very small firm (< 100) University Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ other Missing 171 Japan (1/6) Question 6-10 In your opinion, how important are the following corporate strategies for the successful commercialization of this invention? (1 = not important, 5 = very important)(当該発明の商業的成功のための 企業戦略としての重要度) First mover’s advantage in the development of complementary technologies and the patent portfolio (当該発 明を補完・補強する技術開発、特許網構築における先行優位) All 全く重要で 重要でな どちらでも 重要であ ない い ない る All 1 2 3 4 All 1998 25 54 214 1046 1584 20 42 165 843 Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) 119 2 3 16 62 Small firm (101-250) 82 1 3 14 39 129 2 3 11 65 Very small firm (<101) 27 0 1 3 12 university Other 14 0 0 2 4 unknown 43 0 2 3 21 Note: When the answer of Question 6-3 is 1 (The invention are used by applicants) % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown N 1945 1555 117 76 123 25 11 38 1 1.29 1.29 1.71 1.32 1.63 0 0 0 2 2.78 2.7 2.56 3.95 2.44 4 0 5.26 3 11 10.61 13.68 18.42 8.94 12 18.18 7.89 4 53.78 54.21 52.99 51.32 52.85 48 36.36 55.26 非常に重 要である 5 606 485 34 19 42 9 5 12 無回答 no response 53 29 2 6 6 2 3 5 5 31.16 31.19 29.06 25 34.15 36 45.45 31.58 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 First mover’s advantage in commercialization (short lead-time between the patenting and its exploitation in the market) (市場投入における先行優位) 全く重要で 重要でな どちらでも 重要であ ない い ない る All 1 2 3 4 All 1998 21 38 245 1076 1584 20 30 191 868 Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) 119 0 2 13 62 Small firm (101-250) 82 1 1 10 45 129 0 2 14 67 Very small firm (<101) 27 0 0 6 9 university Other 14 0 0 5 4 unknown 43 0 3 6 21 Note: When the answer of Question 6-3 is 1 (The invention are used by applicants) All % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown N 1946 1559 117 76 119 25 12 38 1 1.08 1.28 0 1.32 0 0 0 0 2 1.95 1.92 1.71 1.32 1.68 0 0 7.89 172 3 12.59 12.25 11.11 13.16 11.76 24 41.67 15.79 4 55.29 55.68 52.99 59.21 56.3 36 33.33 55.26 非常に重 要である 5 566 450 40 19 36 10 3 8 無回答 no response 52 25 2 6 10 2 2 5 5 29.09 28.86 34.19 25 30.25 40 25 21.05 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 US (1/5) Question 6-10 In your opinion, how important are the following corporate strategies for the successful commercialization of this invention? (1 = not important, 5 = very important)(当該発明の商業的成功のた めの企業戦略としての重要度) all 1 2 3 4 5 Don't know %4 or 5 Missing All Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs Small firms (100-250) Very small firm (< 100) University Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ ot Missing 946 633 40 40 128 23 XX XX 49 33 2 4 7 1 XX XX 62 43 5 6 7 0 XX XX 158 115 7 1 27 1 XX XX 246 181 11 12 29 4 XX XX 288 195 12 13 46 12 XX XX 55 41 1 0 7 3 XX XX 534 376 23 25 75 16 XX XX 88 25 2 4 5 2 XX XX % All Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs Small firms (100-250) Very small firm (< 100) University Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ ot Missing N 803 567 37 36 116 18 XX XX 5 35.87 34.39 32.43 36.11 39.66 66.67 XX XX Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 XX XX %4 or 5 66.51 66.31 62.16 69.44 64.66 88.89 XX XX B7A First mover’s advantage in the development of complementary technologies and the patent portfolio 1 2 3 4 6.1 7.72 19.68 30.64 5.82 7.58 20.28 31.92 5.41 13.51 18.92 29.73 11.11 16.67 2.78 33.33 6.03 6.03 23.28 25 5.56 0 5.56 22.22 XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX all 1 2 3 4 5 Don't know %4 or 5 Missing All Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs Small firms (100-250) Very small firm (< 100) University Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ ot Missing 946 633 40 40 128 23 XX XX 38 30 2 1 3 1 XX XX 46 34 0 1 8 1 XX XX 132 96 11 0 18 2 XX XX 235 165 11 16 30 6 XX XX 359 245 13 18 59 9 XX XX 48 35 1 2 6 2 XX XX 594 410 24 34 89 15 XX XX 88 28 2 2 4 2 XX XX % All Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs Small firms (100-250) Very small firm (< 100) University Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ ot Missing N 810 570 37 36 118 19 XX XX 1 4.69 5.26 5.41 2.78 2.54 5.26 XX XX 2 5.68 5.96 0 2.78 6.78 5.26 XX XX 3 16.3 16.84 29.73 0 15.25 10.53 XX XX 4 29.01 28.95 29.73 44.44 25.42 31.58 XX XX 5 44.32 42.98 35.14 50 50 47.37 XX XX Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 XX XX %4 or 5 73.33 71.93 64.87 94.44 75.42 78.95 XX XX B7B First mover’s advantage in commercialization 173 (2/6) Japan Question 6-10 In your opinion, how important are the following corporate strategies for the successful commercialization of this invention? (1 = not important, 5 = very important)(当該発明の商業的成功のための 企業戦略としての重要度) Complementary manufacturing capability (事業化に必要な優れた製造能力) 全く重要で 重要でな ない い All どちらでも 非常に重 重要である ない 要である All 1 2 3 4 All 1998 45 83 396 959 Large firm (> 500) 1584 43 64 321 771 Medium firm (251-500) 119 0 4 19 68 Small firm (101-250) 82 1 3 18 37 Very small firm (<101) 129 0 6 25 55 university 27 1 0 2 9 Other 14 0 2 4 3 unknown 43 0 4 7 16 Note: When the answer of Question 6-3 is 1 (The invention are used by applicants) % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown N 1944 1555 117 76 120 26 11 39 1 2.31 2.77 0 1.32 0 3.85 0 0 2 4.27 4.12 3.42 3.95 5 0 18.18 10.26 3 20.37 20.64 16.24 23.68 20.83 7.69 36.36 17.95 4 49.33 49.58 58.12 48.68 45.83 34.62 27.27 41.03 5 461 356 26 17 34 14 2 12 no response 54 29 2 6 9 1 3 4 5 23.71 22.89 22.22 22.37 28.33 53.85 18.18 30.77 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Complementary sales/service capability (事業化に必要なすぐれた販売・サービス能力) All 全く重要で 重要でな どちらでも 重要である 非常に重 ない い ない 要である All 1 2 3 4 All 1998 66 116 558 841 Large firm (> 500) 1584 58 95 467 668 Medium firm (251-500) 119 2 9 27 56 Small firm (101-250) 82 2 7 19 31 Very small firm (<101) 129 0 2 29 61 university 27 0 0 3 11 Other 14 2 1 3 2 unknown 43 2 2 10 12 Note: When the answer of Question 6-3 is 1 (The invention are used by applicants) % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown N 1932 1547 114 74 122 25 11 39 1 3.42 3.75 1.75 2.7 0 0 18.18 5.13 2 6 6.14 7.89 9.46 1.64 0 9.09 5.13 174 3 28.88 30.19 23.68 25.68 23.77 12 27.27 25.64 4 43.53 43.18 49.12 41.89 50 44 18.18 30.77 無回答 無回答 5 351 259 20 15 30 11 3 13 no response 66 37 5 8 7 2 3 4 5 18.17 16.74 17.54 20.27 24.59 44 27.27 33.33 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 US (2/5) Question 6-10 In your opinion, how important are the following corporate strategies for the successful commercialization of this invention? (1 = not important, 5 = very important)(当該発明の商業的成功のための企 業戦略としての重要度) all 1 2 3 4 5 All Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs Small firms (100-250) Very samll firm (< 100) University Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ other Missing 945 632 40 40 128 23 XX XX 157 116 6 5 24 5 XX XX 106 78 4 2 17 2 XX XX 171 118 9 9 23 3 XX XX 180 130 6 7 26 3 XX XX % All Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs Small firms (100-250) Very small firm (< 100) University Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ other Missing N 743 530 29 35 106 14 XX XX 1 21.13 21.89 20.69 14.29 22.64 35.71 XX XX 2 14.27 14.72 13.79 5.71 16.04 14.29 XX XX 3 23.01 22.26 31.03 25.71 21.7 21.43 XX XX all 1 2 All Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs Small firms (100-250) Very small firm (< 100) University Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ other Missing 945 632 40 40 128 23 XX XX 152 111 7 5 19 6 XX XX % All Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs Small firms (100-250) Very small firm (< 100) University Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ other Missing N 735 521 32 36 103 14 XX XX 1 20.68 21.31 21.88 13.89 18.45 42.86 XX XX B7C Complementary manufacturing capability B7D Complementary sales/service capability %4 or 5 Missing 129 88 4 12 16 1 XX XX Don't know 110 74 9 3 15 6 XX XX 309 218 10 19 42 4 XX XX 92 28 2 2 7 3 XX XX 4 24.23 24.53 20.69 20 24.53 21.43 XX XX 5 17.36 16.6 13.79 34.29 15.09 7.14 XX XX Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 XX XX %4 or 5 41.59 41.13 34.48 54.29 39.62 28.57 XX XX 3 4 5 Don't know %4 or 5 Missing 104 83 7 4 6 1 XX XX 157 110 7 8 26 2 XX XX 197 142 5 7 29 4 XX XX 125 75 6 12 23 1 XX XX 106 76 5 2 14 6 XX XX 322 217 11 19 52 5 XX XX 104 35 3 2 11 3 XX XX 2 14.15 15.93 21.88 11.11 5.83 7.14 XX XX 3 21.36 21.11 21.88 22.22 25.24 14.29 XX XX 4 26.8 27.26 15.63 19.44 28.16 28.57 XX XX 5 17.01 14.4 18.75 33.33 22.33 7.14 XX XX Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 XX XX %4 or 5 43.81 41.66 34.38 52.77 50.49 35.71 XX XX 175 Japan (3/6) Question 6-10 In your opinion, how important are the following corporate strategies for the successful commercialization of this invention? (1 = not important, 5 = very important)(当該発明の商業的成功のための 企業戦略としての重要度) Enforcement of the patents domestically and internationally (その特許権の内外におけるエンフォースメント) 全く重要で 重要でな どちらでも 重要であ 非常に重 ない い ない る 要である All 1 2 3 4 5 All 1998 36 119 684 928 156 1584 32 92 557 743 123 Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) 119 1 8 41 60 4 Small firm (101-250) 82 1 4 24 39 5 129 0 9 39 57 14 Very small firm (<101) 27 0 4 6 10 2 university Other 14 1 1 4 2 3 unknown 43 1 1 13 17 5 Note: When the answer of Question 6-3 is 1 (The invention are used by applicants) All % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown N 1923 1547 114 73 119 22 11 37 1 1.87 2.07 0.88 1.37 0 0 9.09 2.7 2 6.19 5.95 7.02 5.48 7.56 18.18 9.09 2.7 3 35.57 36.01 35.96 32.88 32.77 27.27 36.36 35.14 4 48.26 48.03 52.63 53.42 47.9 45.45 18.18 45.95 5 8.11 7.95 3.51 6.85 11.76 9.09 27.27 13.51 無回答 no response 75 37 5 9 10 5 3 6 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Secrecy (such as manufacturing know-how) (企業機密) 全く重要で 重要でな どちらでも 重要であ 非常に重 ない い ない る 要である All 1 2 3 4 5 All 1998 58 128 529 881 333 1584 53 95 438 713 252 Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) 119 0 8 30 60 17 Small firm (101-250) 82 1 7 19 33 14 129 3 9 26 53 27 Very small firm (<101) 27 0 1 6 6 10 university Other 14 0 2 2 4 3 unknown 43 1 6 8 12 10 Note: When the answer of Question 6-3 is 1 (The invention are used by applicants) All % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown N 1929 1551 115 74 118 23 11 37 1 3.01 3.42 0 1.35 2.54 0 0 2.7 2 6.64 6.13 6.96 9.46 7.63 4.35 18.18 16.22 176 3 27.42 28.24 26.09 25.68 22.03 26.09 18.18 21.62 4 45.67 45.97 52.17 44.59 44.92 26.09 36.36 32.43 5 17.26 16.25 14.78 18.92 22.88 43.48 27.27 27.03 無回答 no response 69 33 4 8 11 4 3 6 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 US (3/5) Question 6-10 In your opinion, how important are the following corporate strategies for the successful commercialization of this invention? (1 = not important, 5 = very important)(当該発明の商業的成功のための企 業戦略としての重要度) all 1 2 3 4 5 All Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs Small firms (100-250) Very small firm (< 100) University Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ other Missing 945 632 40 40 128 23 XX XX 49 36 3 3 4 2 XX XX 78 52 2 5 16 1 XX XX 169 128 8 4 19 1 XX XX 238 175 12 8 29 6 XX XX % All Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs Small firms (100-250) Very small firm (< 100) University Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ other Missing N 810 577 35 36 114 17 XX XX 1 6.05 6.24 8.57 8.33 3.51 11.76 XX XX 2 9.63 9.01 5.71 13.89 14.04 5.88 XX XX 3 20.86 22.18 22.86 11.11 16.67 5.88 XX XX all 1 2 All Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs Small firms (100-250) Very small firm (< 100) University Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ other Missing 945 632 40 40 128 42 XX XX 145 102 4 9 20 5 XX XX % All Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs Small firms (100-250) Very small firm (< 100) University Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ other Missing N 756 541 29 37 107 14 XX XX 1 19.18 18.85 13.79 24.32 18.69 35.71 XX XX B7E Patents %4 or 5 Missing 276 186 10 16 46 7 XX XX Don't know 48 30 3 2 9 3 XX XX 514 361 22 24 75 13 XX XX 87 25 2 2 5 3 XX XX 4 29.38 30.33 34.29 22.22 25.44 35.29 XX XX 5 34.07 32.24 28.57 44.44 40.35 41.18 XX XX Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 XX XX %4 or 5 63.45 62.57 62.86 66.66 65.79 76.47 XX XX 3 4 5 %4 or 5 Missing 136 98 5 5 24 2 XX XX 161 111 6 7 29 1 XX XX 173 131 10 5 17 6 XX XX 141 99 4 11 17 0 XX XX Don't know 88 57 8 1 14 5 XX XX 314 230 14 16 34 6 XX XX 101 34 3 2 7 4 XX XX 2 17.99 18.11 17.24 13.51 22.43 14.29 XX XX 3 21.3 20.52 20.69 18.92 27.1 7.14 XX XX 4 22.88 24.21 34.48 13.51 15.89 42.86 XX XX 5 18.65 18.3 13.79 29.73 15.89 0 XX XX Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 XX XX %4 or 5 41.53 42.51 48.27 43.24 31.78 42.86 XX XX Secrecy B7F Secrecy 177 Japan (4/6) Question 6-10 In your opinion, how important are the following corporate strategies for the successful commercialization of this invention? (1 = not important, 5 = very important)(当該発明の商業的成功のための 企業戦略としての重要度) Product/process complexity (製品および生産プロセスの複雑性) All 全く重要で 重要でな どちらでも 重要である 非常に重 ない い ない 要である All 1 2 3 4 All 1998 121 302 966 449 Large firm (> 500) 1584 105 237 794 348 Medium firm (251-500) 119 6 20 55 24 Small firm (101-250) 82 1 11 35 22 Very small firm (<101) 129 5 19 54 37 university 27 1 3 7 10 Other 14 1 2 6 0 unknown 43 2 10 15 8 Note: When the answer of Question 6-3 is 1 (The invention are used by applicants) % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown N 1913 1537 115 73 116 23 11 38 1 6.33 6.83 5.22 1.37 4.31 4.35 9.09 5.26 2 15.79 15.42 17.39 15.07 16.38 13.04 18.18 26.32 3 50.5 51.66 47.83 47.95 46.55 30.43 54.55 39.47 4 23.47 22.64 20.87 30.14 31.9 43.48 0 21.05 無回答 5 75 53 10 4 1 2 2 3 no response 85 47 4 9 13 4 3 5 5 3.92 3.45 8.7 5.48 0.86 8.7 18.18 7.89 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Collaboration with the firms with complementary technologies (補完的な技術を有する企業との協力) All 全く重要で 重要でな どちらでも 重要である 非常に重 ない い ない 要である All 1 2 3 4 All 1998 141 264 824 578 Large firm (> 500) 1584 112 216 672 459 Medium firm (251-500) 119 8 15 57 25 Small firm (101-250) 82 6 9 37 17 Very small firm (<101) 129 7 17 36 51 university 27 3 0 6 10 Other 14 0 1 3 5 unknown 43 5 6 13 11 Note: When the answer of Question 6-3 is 1 (The invention are used by applicants) % All Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) Small firm (101-250) Very small firm (<101) university Other unknown N 1923 1544 115 72 119 24 10 39 1 7.33 7.25 6.96 8.33 5.88 12.5 0 12.82 2 13.73 13.99 13.04 12.5 14.29 0 10 15.38 178 3 42.85 43.52 49.57 51.39 30.25 25 30 33.33 4 30.06 29.73 21.74 23.61 42.86 41.67 50 28.21 無回答 5 116 85 10 3 8 5 1 4 no response 75 40 4 10 10 3 4 4 5 6.03 5.51 8.7 4.17 6.72 20.83 10 10.26 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 US (4/5) Question 6-10 In your opinion, how important are the following corporate strategies for the successful commercialization of this invention? (1 = not important, 5 = very important)(当該発明の商業的成功のための企業 戦略としての重要度) all 1 2 3 4 5 Don't know %4 or 5 Missing All Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs Small firms (100-250) Very small firm (< 100) University Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe Missing 945 632 40 40 128 23 XX XX 126 83 5 8 22 5 XX XX 133 94 5 4 24 2 XX XX 190 134 12 6 23 5 XX XX 207 139 9 16 31 4 XX XX 114 93 2 3 11 0 XX XX 79 57 4 1 11 4 XX XX 321 232 11 19 42 4 XX XX 96 32 3 2 6 3 XX XX % All Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs Small firms (100-250) Very small firm (< 100) University Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe Missing N 770 243 33 37 111 16 XX XX 1 16.36 15.29 15.15 21.62 19.82 31.25 XX XX 2 17.27 17.31 15.15 10.81 21.62 12.5 XX XX 3 24.68 24.68 36.36 16.22 20.72 31.25 XX XX 4 26.88 25.6 27.27 43.24 27.93 25 XX XX 5 14.81 17.13 6.06 8.11 9.91 0 XX XX Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 XX XX %4 or 5 41.69 42.73 33.33 51.35 37.84 25 XX XX B7G Product/Process complexity Collaboration with the firms with complementary technologies (補完的な技術を有する企業との協力) all 1 2 3 4 5 Don't know %4 or 5 Missing All Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs Small firms (100-250) Very small firm (< 100) University Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe Missing 945 632 40 40 128 23 XX XX 387 287 16 19 42 10 XX XX 141 91 9 6 26 3 XX XX 90 68 4 4 9 1 XX XX 79 53 2 3 15 3 XX XX 42 21 0 3 15 1 XX XX 111 82 6 2 16 2 XX XX 121 74 2 6 30 4 XX XX 95 30 3 3 5 3 XX XX % All Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs Small firms (100-250) Very small firm (< 100) University Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ othe Missing N 739 520 31 35 107 18 XX XX 1 52.37 55.19 51.61 54.29 39.25 55.56 XX XX 2 19.08 17.5 29.03 17.14 24.3 16.67 XX XX 3 12.18 13.08 12.9 11.43 8.41 5.56 XX XX 4 10.69 10.19 6.45 8.57 14.02 16.67 XX XX 5 5.68 4.04 0 8.57 14.02 5.56 XX XX Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 XX XX %4 or 5 16.37 14.23 6.45 17.14 28.04 22.23 XX XX B7H Collaboration with the firms with complementary technologies 179 Japan (5/6) Question 6-10 In your opinion, how important are the following corporate strategies for the successful commercialization of this invention? (1 = not important, 5 = very important)(当該発明の商業的成功のための企業戦略としての重要度) others(その他) 全く重要でない 重要である 1 4 非常に重要であ る 5 no response 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1995 1583 119 82 128 27 13 43 4 33.33 0 100 0 5 33.33 0 0 100 Total 100 100 100 100 All 1998 1 Large firm (> 500) 1584 1 Medium firm (251-500) 119 0 Small firm (101-250) 82 0 129 0 Very small firm (<101) 27 0 university Other 14 0 unknown 43 0 Note: When the answer of Question 6-3 is 1 (The invention are used by applicants) % All Large firm (> 500) Very small firm (<101) Other 無回答 All All N 3 1 1 1 1 33.33 100 0 0 180 This page is intentionally left blank. 181 Japan (6/6) Question 6-10 Summary 4 or 5 % First mover’s advantage in the development of complementary technologies and the patent portfolio First mover’s advantage in commercialization (short lead-time between the patenting and its exploitation in the market) All 84.94 85.4 Large firm (> 500) Medium firm (251-500) 82.05 Small firm (101-250) 76.32 Very small firm (<101) 86.99 university 84 Other 81.82 unknown 86.84 Note: When the answer of Question 6-3 is 1 (The invention Complementary manufacturing capability 84.38 84.54 87.18 84.21 86.55 76 58.33 76.32 are used by applicants) Complementary sales/service capability Enforcement of the patents domestically and internationally Secrecy (such as manufacturing know-how) Product/proces s complexity Collaboration with the firms with complementary technologies 61.7 59.92 66.67 62.16 74.59 88 45.45 64.1 56.37 55.98 56.14 60.27 59.66 54.55 45.45 59.46 62.93 62.22 66.96 63.51 67.8 69.57 63.64 59.46 27.39 26.09 29.57 35.62 32.76 52.17 18.18 28.95 36.09 35.23 30.43 27.78 49.58 62.5 60 38.46 73.05 72.48 80.34 71.05 74.17 88.46 45.45 71.79 182 US (5/5) Question 6-10 Summary 4 or 5 B7 (4 or 5) % All Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs Small firms (100-250) Very small firm (< 100) University Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ Missing A First mover’ B First mover’s C D s advantage in advantage in Complementar Complement the y ary commercializati development of on manufacturing sales/servic complementary capability e capability technologies and the patent portfolio 66.51 66.31 62.16 69.44 64.66 88.89 XX XX 73.33 71.93 64.87 94.44 75.42 78.95 XX XX 41.59 41.13 34.48 54.29 39.62 28.57 XX XX 43.81 41.66 34.38 52.77 50.49 35.71 XX XX 183 E Patents F Secrecy 63.45 62.57 62.86 66.66 65.79 76.47 XX XX 41.53 42.51 48.27 43.24 31.78 42.86 XX XX G H Collaboration Product/Proces with the firms s complexity with complementary technologies 41.69 42.73 33.33 51.35 37.84 25 XX XX 16.37 14.23 6.45 17.14 28.04 22.23 XX XX This page is intentionally left blank. 184 US (6/6) Reference: From the commercial launch of your product/process/service, approximately how long was it until another firm introduced a competing alternative? (参考:当該特許が商業化されてから、別の企業が競 争的な代替手段(製品、生産過程あるいはサービス)を導入するのに要した時間) B8 From the commercial launch of your product/process/service, approximately how long was it until another firm introduced a competing alternative? All Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs Small firms (100-250) Very small firm (< 100) University Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ other Missing % All Large firm ( >=501) Medium SMEs Small firms (100-250) Very small firm (< 100) University Hospital, foundation, etc. /gov/ other Missing all 945 632 40 40 128 23 XX XX N 443 307 20 24 69 8 XX XX Less 6 than 6 months months - 1.5 years 65 51 1 4 7 2 XX XX 87 61 3 5 13 0 XX XX Less 6 than 6 months months - 1.5 years 14.67 16.61 5 16.67 10.14 25 XX XX 19.64 19.87 15 20.83 18.84 0 XX XX 185 1.5-3 years 3-5 years More than Don't know Missing 110 71 10 3 21 2 XX XX 65 45 1 4 14 0 XX XX 116 79 5 8 14 4 XX XX 419 301 18 14 54 13 XX XX 83 24 2 2 5 2 XX XX 1.5-3 years 3-5 years More than Total 24.83 23.13 50 12.5 30.43 25 XX XX 14.67 14.66 5 16.67 20.29 0 XX XX 26.19 25.73 25 33.33 20.29 50 XX XX 100 100 100 100 100 100 XX XX